Zhc Vittsbutqlt 6a,zctit Pllll.ll4llseD Penniman, Reed & Co Fe. B. pczeNuraN T. P. lIOUNTON. JOSIAH KING. I Kum . , P . Hump 81.113•1111 "tans e grs. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1866 IJMON ItEPIJiILICAN NOMINATIONS. E=Zil MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. GEARY, =3 CONGRESS YiIITT6IOOPD DISTRICT HON. J. K. 311.XMOKKAD. viravrr, en." °tor 6101%1 HON. THOMAS tV ILLIAMS IBAIIIIISL,B. ci.m..ir. City CLINE 07 COUNT. JOHN G. 13.114114211, Hampton Tp ccrax or ORPRAIN coma: AMMAN DES HILAFDS, City 111.0101 , 11: SMART IBRIVELY, City.' - 111.015T1R: JOSEPH 11. GRAY. Plum Ty, co.xissioviza: tizoncis ilAnnurom, city DULIZTOR O► POOH; JOHN IP, DELANO, Malin Tp JULSZICHLT: JOHN P. GLANS, City. DEOII4IC WILNON, Pitt Tp. eiSIVILBE Y. NeKIEC, North Fayette Tp SAMUEL CHADWICK. ColLtrui Tp. WILLLILM psalm, }toss lg. A. A. OCILVILIs. City. WE Invite attention to a communication, inserted on the third page, from the Rev. Dr. Panama relative to the endowment of the Pittsburgh Female College. The subject is of special importance to the peo pie of Allegheny county, and the facts and arguments presented are entitled to a full and patient consideration. I= We give elsewhere a communication challenging the correctness of a statement by us, a week ago, to the effect that Mr. CHAMBERLIN received his appointment as President Judge of the _7th District upon the understanding that if be did n..,t prove acceptable to the people of both counties he should not press for a nomination this fall. It is claimed by our correspondent that the Judge was nelthrr party nor privy to such arrangement. All that it ix need - -fill for us to say is that we made the state. ment on the highest authority,' ad have no doubt of its correctness. COMPELLING THE VO I L.S OF PLACE:MEN AND LAMORERS. Some months ago the administration en tered upon a system of removals designed to terrify the incumbents of public offices into voting against their principles. The success attained did not make it u paying investment. In the general, the men put into office under President Lis- Cour possessed sterling characters, and were not in market. With few exception, they voluntarily relinquished the honors and emoliments they enjoyed, rather than compromise their convictions of right and ditty. Measured by their bearing in the trial to which they Ire been subjected, the Republican party has reason to be proud of its representative men. If the Administration could have de tackedthis class of men—selected original. ly for their conspicuity and .influence— from the Republican interest, it would have made a great accession of power. Falling to do this, it adopted the only remaining alternatise, which was to create vacancies, and then fill them with a grade of men who were eager to sell their own votes for preferment or even for wages. And this It did. But the Administration did not s'op here. It has descended a step lower still. An un usual number of national vessels have beet, ordered to Philadelphia for repairs, wheth er repairs were needed upon them or not, and several thousands of men have been added to the working force of the Navy Yard. So far an residents 01 Philadelphia have been employed to d this extra labor, they have been com pelled to agree to vote for the democratic candidates. It is surely bad enough to re fuse industriotis mechanics employment unless they consent to vote against their cherished convictions; but there is even a lower depth than this, and the administra tion, by specific gravity, sinks to it. By its procurement large numbers of men have been imported from New Jersey and New York to work upon these ships, and the names of three thousand or more of them have been placed on the assessment preparatory for having them vote for the democratic candidates next Tuesday. The elections in those States occurring a month later, it Is fair to presume the design is to bare them back at their own legal residence to vote again In November. Tis corrupt interference of the Ad ministration in the election a; these efforts by Executive Departments to debauch the ballot-boxes, so as to make them express, not the will or the people, but the behests of rulers eager to perpetuate their own power; is so dangerous to the rights and liberties of the people, as to call for prompt and signal rebuke. WEIL/. the Northern Democrats were pretty generally opposing the war and helping tius rebels, they were told, on all tides" by be Republicans, that the day Weed comp when they would deny com plicity or sympathy with the rebellion as a taint upon their characters as citizens. Tha fact was adduced in illustration, that no avowed desceidant Of a tort' Of the rev olution could be found well; the prediction is already almost literally retitled From Cznatit, up and down, the Democrats now all protest they were for the vigorous prosecution of the, war all throngh. Even IT/LIMLNDO WOOD has announced haw( •cendidate. for Congress, and solicits an election distinctly "as a poptdar rebuke $ 0 0 1 ;41 1, ;rho Wu, the malicious falsehood that during the war I was a rebel eympa _Auer and disunCouist." Not long ago the Democratic and Con. servatkve journals labored industriously to create the impression that General Grant WY on their aide. A counterblast from him WU too much even fin. their impu. dente, and they desisted. 'lib*, they are trying to convince their readers that the allteral is neutral. = Why dOn't they print his declaration that it is an insult to ask a soldier to vote for Clymer? Tait= is reason to believe that a large number of fraudulent certificates of natur ali►ation have been Issued within the last four weeks, to swindle General Geary out of the election, if possible. We have no ;. leas that this desperate expedient will be successful; but we urge the members of • Republican Vigilance Committees to guard thispoint with special care. • , Tai President's appointees begin to on des-Itartd that they are between the upper sad author millstones, and are likely, let Iluem do:what they will, to be effectually ground out. It they -do otot follow ytie gastdeut, he will cut 144 c iicit 4 a off; if Sthilif do, the chart ea the: Benito will pimblOtier ~ AN IMPOSITION. NEW ADVEII.TISEINIENPS. i NEW ADVERTISENEV TS. ' ~...._—.. A. man called NlAnAis, who a rtt.. M:. , ~ r , f - 'lnN'l' 112. i PT W JA.BES T. BRADY & C 0.,. , before his name, and pro:e,ses t • • It•ol it .,,, -- iat• • • • t . •. ; • o,.!: •• r r t i ).! i i ii :_ `" 2., - 7,.. •Outcossora to S. Jon.. It C 0..) MaSgsehusttt4, is making li.i•CFliu- ila ! ,I , •u F , , 0, I• r , • ~ t ,,„ ~', ~1 , ~ -,,i , • K ,,,,,,p . ... .”Zt3,l' ~.wat y in th, i1e,..5., ot ,i,,,wr,, . ~,,,., ~,..-.... ~,. :Aid .., . • • ~-, . ~,. ~,,, ~;;;,,..i Corner Fourth and Wood Sta., 7.ER, and sometime , iu Iti , c,ottps.ty T,.i. 1', 8 2,: ' , T ,;, ' ,, ;1:',',1',,,,•,,‘,1L.,,,•,',.•••,...tj.c, w. BANKERS 8c BROKERS, MAE( AN palms hillir.•il Off S° 3 10•1. , .... , nn. __,,,.... . . . C I NIVERSALIST CHURCH, DEALERS 05 ALL 01.3133 OF claims to have been up in Mr CON ODE 3 3---- , , , .!, 1. I< ..F VILA] district makinc speeche bir him, but say. r i ".',;",',.A.",, A .,, 8 ,'-' 7 , E . n.M . A N ,.. , V ~ ,, ,,, .3 , , Lt 3EV r ST Government Securities, ..3ft , ;., „ : , :t r 1 . 5) A 3 . .e.., LL, ~.p. are intltedL " ... ' ot v e ' Foreign Exchange, lie is constrained to oppiu3e General sloott rf tom orruw r„ut as oor. r 7. 1.,,x, o 3 Gold, Silver, and Coupons. READ because the General is opposed to ~u .IF, • , the beat illtereat at the working cla9,e, • , ..,.., ii Lo. '. " ' w .. thli interest '""dH i n al; () Lo u d. e e d n' 07 . Time Now, we have to say of 'MAHAN that lie C - ." — TIII: GLORIOUS APPEAR- , 11:13 made no speeches in behalf of Mr. Cu • .„,,,,„;, ' N " '''' h '",.." .. C''' '' ,3) t) ~...) our r -10. lu ',unity. t 1,3r3..tur1, it, mool retult3. ' -.- VOIIK ; that he is not a Republican, and :t . i . . 1i...,.......t., , t 0... .„. _LANii.\ Ifl.. uUN DA). .. NION REPUBLICAN MEETING i ,,,,,,,,„.,,',':1 5 ,,,‘,i.',',,, L ':' 0 ' ' . ;„:;',1 1 !,:? i h ,L a ii. l . ... ' L at NIA.NCIt EsTB.H, I:4.'11)1).13AT EVENINti. never was; that he is a Democrat, and , Ott. MIL at ; I tl i e t l i ock. . . . always has been ; and that this trick of r . ..4 : • ,, t: -- suNDAlit EvE),ING SERMONS I I t i ;e ' n " .l4lE9: 9-, P11 1 11.1! ""c'E' i epresenting himself to be what he is not, ",„, or T. ,' i . Y r! ' l' ,s' u G 1 E N7H ; ; ! .ll : ' . ''''s " Y.!-mut'ul!-- 1 ,'..), I tget til‘t'n'gflaK,ol i lr , K , paltICK , . A Bram Band yr 11 Ins ' e i r r::tt l t!n • tta l a r eT ' l ' l . l is equally disgraceful to himself and to * ,. ° ,,',. " ,t,',;',,,'",,', ' :. : Vi',, : '.", ' :' 7 `, ' '' ' , , ;_',i,',`l,,, : z . ;: v. ' '' ' ,i:;: n i ,:', "s '' ,7 , !orlistij 13V1Urd to .t.teaa. ~ ws•to General SWEITZER, who, by his presence, ." 7 '. ''''''''' k • - - . ;336 . Gives it his sanction. rgir FIAIST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ALL E.IIK.N l' A I I l', EX, Y.L3l‘7li HALL! llitgs O'Ratta.t. editor of the New " i 7 . i r iVi , " . ‘l .. r etr . :Ve L , " :.• ° .l 7 ` ,7fFii : s rtry "` A ` ; York Citizen, is noted both for the keen ta n" ) : L•Vij s t. "'' rr''''''l"""" W '''''' r''''" la nt7,,, u•riock. - edge of his weapon and the weight of it. , 11,3 or , 1171333“0/1. r Take a temple, and judge : 1 . 11,51. 1,11 Uctutour Stts ROG ( IVOTICE.--Itt accordance • • • "Powerful and wealthy Radicals are re - ' 1.• Ito Act rego Mt tng soul., st o.uersihlret 4 t 4 n i g t h moved from offices in which they would at t iPl,i, ' , '"'"'''"'"""""' "1" '''' '''d "` `1 YIP ~5A . 1 ., ..t 0. a r, . . i i . u a l i ll l ti i: , ~I ,, V ', .T A U . K . 3 UA 1 lil Lli day ) least have been held quiet, to make room ii.u. 21.051:131)1t0, for played-out politicians of the Conserv+, ! .ei 3.641,tvr r Caabier. tire Republican and Democratic stripe, • : COW STRAYED Olt STOLEN.— which appointments area positive injury— , v.. WC 91111 I.IILIAIU.. fellows who do not command a corporal's guard of votes in their own districts, and 1 BLACK AND WHITE COW, whose promotion repels young and umbi- , allot in 0 ion try...) ve. osa.log from the farm tious men from the party that commits the T,.',"';'.;;,"r,1 1 :it., -. V.:,,'''! • ; . '• ,-- i'.>"'' , 8, " 08• g her a ill Im sa , tanly folly of their elevation. In Pennsylvania i''''' r. " 7 .14 ' 10 .. ''''ln''''''' u 65.01 we are rushing to certain and overwhelm - i A GENTS WAITED E g y TINE E tug defeat under the Copperhead liattle• deg 2-1- OLE, 31. Vo IS ri Al, II I 3 E r•UNIFA K r IU : of iliester Clymer. The men who made the ",;",. u '''` 3.w * 43 "C." 'k • ,% ) rt s fr•!ut tirst mistake of his nomination have since • all ' :.r.L,l ' .;: , , "' „•% ' ,V,dir, , , r t:-T,,.7. `' e..T-Za7, " s . repented of it in sackcloth and ashrs; but 1 1 , " • '."""- '''' "'" "`"" '"'.""' (""` ""..... .Imtirt Lo. aodre.. t m to.ng ..).,.. neither prayers nor reproaches , - neither ar• : a t) A LI. a C. L, guments nor ridicule have sufllced to in-' OS Fl.lO Street ))..,ou.) Flo 1- l'lttenuegn, t a. duce Mr. Clymer's withdrawal. tic was implored to retire in favor ot Geuera:. David Gregg or Samuel W. Crawford, either of whom could have beaten General Geary easily; but Clymer sticks to it that tie will be chosen Governor of Pennsylva aia by fifty thousand majority, and train this delusive dream nothing but a count al the votes can aroase his vaulty." A i y.,,,1,,,, ~.pri EDITORS YITTSIDIRO 11 I;ARZETTi: : —ln s A. 1.0 A T A ,Doncer. your leading article of last Saturday, re- I F. (erring to the controversy respecting the I , CENTS WANTED FOR A NEW Judgship of the ti J _District, L trip o. O 140.0.01. you have done J udge Chamberlin very great , WONIEN OF THE WAR. injustice. You there state, no doubt on what you a t FR 0S a Mtell , :e. null., ••rh, Reba loa supposed to be reliable authority, that when ludge C. was appointed by Governor Cur. 1 I y, un, it was understood between Lint and Yrn , the Governor, and also with the friends of Mr. Acheson, that if the appointment W.. co , - . • -a•• porirsn.. not satisfactory to the people of the t, iil '." ""' ""I' or Judge C. would not press for a nomination this fall , I have authority from Judge Chamberlin to say, that this is wholly erroneous, that !te never had Buy understanding ot ucj kind, either with the Governor. or Mr. Acdi eson or his friends, nor did he at any tine authorize any person for him to elite, int. any atrangement crhaferer. liad the al, ,ointment been conditional, in 0,11 wlar, directly or by implication, be would have refused it, as would any honorable Tbat any lawyer of even fair standitiF, 'Could agree or consent to go 1;11 the IR . r i/ snt a lir marala' trial, it simply absurd and nests only to be stored to snow is Utter impossibility so fur as Le is vonyerurd NEW BRIGHTON Uct. 4, 1`,.,.0; —ln the famitic districts in India, t`, natives are reduced to fees on r rats uri mango stones, whirls they grind inn, a kiwi of flour. This miserable sustenance is w b.dly msufficient to keep a large number of then, trom starving, and the !ennui spectac!ii is preseutcd of numerous corpses lying on tf highways. They remain unburied, and, probably as a consequence, cholera has broken out, and is carrying off large auto berg of persons. In their utter distress mothers are offering their children for sale n order to buy bread. —Ht Berglum and Holland linen is pre pared beautifully, because the umber women use relined borax, instead of soda, as a washing powder. One large handlut of borax is used to every ten galtuos ot boiling waiter, and the saving in soap i, mid to be one-half. For laces and cumb ries an extra quantity is used. Borax diss nut injure the linen, and it softens the Laid est water. A teaspoonful of borax added to an ordinry sized kettle of hard water, in which it Is allowed to boil, wilt effectually soften the water. BROWN'S WEIIMIFIEGE COM -I,ITs. 4.H WttKX I,ZIE.SILIE.6.—Mui.Ik .1..1.n. un• 41ouut.eilly, with chi,lren sod adult., ctt, ILul.d to other Can.. Is oreaaloned by w. 1 1.. • f/ 6 It- 1111ruu CiialfiTit.'•althou,rti orms lo de,troy • 101 WORCS. COO do 60 positive lOW, to the musi delicate child. This rideable combination bast...ea sec....fully nerd by physicians, and found to be sat* and sure In eraillestina worms. so Lei-trill to children. etilleren baying worm. renotre Immediate alien than, so neglect of the trutable often cane. prislon g ad manes.. Srmido os of worms In children axe often over looked. Worms In the Mann eel and bowel. cause rrltstlon which can he removed only by the usc of a sure setnedy. The combination of ingredients used in making HitliW ••V Lk/dirt!" t. FITS•• I..ucn as to give the best posslol blivet with safety. gold wholesale and retail In Pittsburgh, at V1.F.11- ikki% Drug and Patent aleillclue urpot, So 04 Market •treet. ova s A Beautiful Head of Hair! • Lowing •• The great •• lint, Color ltectorrr • Longo, •• • •Ilat r Color Restorer Loutiou• • Luxury of "Ifair Color Restorer •Loitilon" '•ltsir Color od'Low •• the Dreaming '•ltalr Color IP storm , eo•• • flair Color kestoret •London•• IL•ow. Color Restoter I. It will restore army hair to its original Color. 7. It will Matte the halt [row on bald heeds. X. It will sexton the lateral secretions. 4 . it .111 remove all dandruff sad I,llloom. 6. It will meee the near eisat. glossy and flexible IL It wlll pr serve the ortgluel col r w old age. 7. 11 w.II prevent we Was from fading off. I. It will curs all dimmers of tee scalp. qa 'Threats a bottle; .Ia bottle.. Id. "old at In' 3W. V DIX•rl, 330 North Sixth .treat, abov. Vln« and al/l.hAlna denaglata and dcalera In toilet at k/old by iIcCLARRAN A KoRICENAN, 85 Mar ket ett. 1., and (IVA A. YELLY. 37 Wood .tn it.tAbargo.. ao27:tto:mwr WOODS OF VITAL LIITEUI. ST.- Will Um thousand* who read columns of frivolous verbiage glare day devote YIP, wtstrres to the pu mmel of a few facts which concern them nearly: our mit is 11Z4LTSI• and we will pot our commentary Into a notehell. Vir-axaasa Is Indirectly tPc relive of ell sir:knew for if natant be strong enough to re els/ the morbid Ingilences which produce iliness, of v'our“ they are powerless. beet strength, there ore. lovigorste and regulate the .).tam. When the quicksilver reign from note 90 degrees In the monde, the most altiletleare enfeebled, and the weak ore prostrated it I. akaneh listen that such an In ligorator se iIOSTETTICIVSICITIJIIACH BIT VII . urgently needed. What are the erect. of this bare Veserable 9.mlei Would that all who have known Its befietits could condense LoPir ei pert en cc law Oils owsgraph. They would tell the healthy to urotect their beelth they totpd uw thin great info' gourd against the debilitating Induct:cep. They would eilaurt the seat to diec•id all untnetlicetvd and initiore skim:Pants auk cling this wbuirsonvi and no alling Soule and &nerve. ea the shipwreck ed mar :die would cling to a raft In a sturtnr era. Mei would, of dyspeptic penile relieved, of appe tite restored, of oh tteropinervea rw-struog, or ticarleched cured,of disordered I ninth.. 're/elided. 111.poongouri•disalpated, of triloimlc dliresse• ber d, of feVer and Niue cured. of liver compisinte ar revted. al heat. privation and toll defiled. of hope mentmetml, and eireerfulnes• reotc.red, buil, are the effect* of 111.PSTIGTTgit'S tliTTEkte. og2 VAIn: 111 1 151:ini fzi pl ei I *VI: WM. lIIIVOILAM, Jr., Adams Express Office, hi Fifth &reef, le an authorised ALlenl to rem.. Advertisements for the GAZETTE, and all OLAR papers throughout the United Mate. and She qmodos. - 50 LAPIS CELEttIiAI'ED CHAIt— TIM VAX LEAD roc. ived sod for nal. by 4.4 !LOW] •. If. 1.11.1" • DAL. oeo Wholos ode DruogioU, W Wood etrt.td. 30 CAiIE9 EIIAINICTON PURE LEAD r.ashrd and far male Of to, UZUke•E A. kk.I.LY C".. Wtodoode Druo boo. 3 . 7 Wood OttetLl• r.13„.132.,8,....r4,0,11ati1) LINSEED OIL ‘..ult•&, kA. ft LI.Y dCO , pa- • CV tmlessie Oro; Oa, nIA 00. l at0.t.1.. 5 BBL& JAPAN DRYER received sad for este OT oW _ ralwlrss -- a. a. KELLY a Cu.. Wholesale Drags , .la, sr Woo. '4,11. t IHREDOLATEI CHOCOLATE!! 6 Dose• U•ker's NAM. Nu. 1 Chimed.", :• do do Norfolk do do a do do Premium 80 du do Family du 61 do • do tla.ularla to 6 do. do Brows sod Coto.. Jost reef fed sod for male by NET 61Elt t Wm.., ace No. 12d sod I. 11,...1.1-ert kIiMOVAL.—TRIE UN DEB Muni - OD have reemeLl Lha onloe of the BONE till. Womb from 33 Market etntet, Mt. he ren. heir Works on I.lA.llaole SLIMEr LS roarroauwe, when V a *enameller be found. Pod.. Mai Address WM PUtitnDiAll. 1021118 - ‘ : DUNCAN h WILJ 'AMA SIMAIIISJust rt. Layerig's C Yellow and WOO; al.o: Coke*. and floe Yatvertsed r o d Crothao Loaf Su w re, tor mare at U.* to west prim, 1., the bistrsl 4r at rai U, I/W INC; /k.: CENSUS W. 40i5 °Omar Liberty sad Wind ebrneta. A LEGGATE, 139 Ft decal 61 , BOOTS ANL/ LqI4IF.A, AIAN'A 4 1.,,r ti su, I 1.1/ I I. CASH/hi EILE:=, 1, I • W1,.1e a nil Culored JALLLI,LA. ••11,0EN'' = I= I=ll cl.ol'll ANDI ELI' ET sACQUES iarious St)les and Qualities, WHITE, ORR & CO., t2G nal 8 trout VE 411111'.. Ira. Il rifth 5l reef Latiir.' Porlivonnaies, Morocco Fc.cket Cooks, Fits fa Leather ti Fine Morocco Wallets, Morocco Card Cases, Morocco Letter Eases, II!-.- Ladies' Morocco Salcheli, Traveling Bags. Gent's Railroad Bag-, Bugle Chains, Black & %bile Mixed Chains Plain While Chains, Main Black Chains, Jl'•l' F:I , kl, UY 11. EATON, 11 l'ititi Street =EI I..:I..EGANT Ft ItAiIAIIED .131fELLING FOR RENT OR SALE, No. 3:1 , Ferry Street, Pittsburgh. Immediate l`o sssss lots. I= 174. NATcicaci 1131 root. Gr - is 14. . • UTLEIIT COM , . A VA,. -v ,ou > 1 waul of rita . E.llloll It W7l/L". N. C1143,3=11112.7, .Voe. 67 and 69 Fifth Street They are merit Neter. Crum the driest PI ttsbur.,ll :reel. lf you sic In unlit of ria elite Aoki HOLLOW GitoUlll RAZORS, the place to gei It to t 1 2 M. N. litt 1/EN'S, [Agent for the 1 - Ittaiurgh Cutlery (2.1191. T. GB sad 00 r,rrn uf trEET, ilOal•ATC11 111211.D1N04 out 18 6 6. FALL TRADE. 1 8 66. HATS, CAPS AND FLU, . `Wholesale and Retail. M'CORD & Co., 131 WOOD STREET. Invite special atteutlou to their large Mock of Hata, &c., &c., for Fall Salm Now full sod romidete—every varlet, to suit all lasies. Also PURS of art ry derierlptlon to Ault the LADIES. a 50 GREAT ESTERN PLANING MILL, Corner of larbory Sind cod Doquesue Ray, PITTSEICIII/11, PA. Sash Boors, Blinds and Mouldings MADE Ti) 00011111. OoAulabrA work lepot lo dry house cod thilabed when Laken out. Palings. Flooring, Weather Boarding. Laths riot, hbloglee ettant y on band. Clawing, re-cowing and terull - swing Jane with dikpatch. Bose. or Made made to order. ruin 15 JOHN HEATH. COLUMBIA OIL COMPANY. PITTMIUTIGII, October I, INC THE STATED MONTHLY MEET . 151.4 OP TIL E HOARD OP DI RECTORS or tol• COOlosny +ld be bold at Ore °Mee In PlOthorgh the ok:CoN WED". sir AY, 10,11 day of Ottobar, At o'clock. 'I he Teah.fer Book, of lhe Compatly will he cloa k,/ from risturdzy. the nth. in Monday. the 15th of (o:atrium Lot onlor of this Pour, 05,151 E. W ItoT KUVE LT, Uceratary, IRON CITY MILLS. —• ROGERS Sr, BURCHFIELD, Menu fir eta rel. of REPINED, Cll A 111205 IA JUNIATA d POLISHED 11123313.113 Pr IRON. Orricx 01,0 WAVIER/UM/. No. 20 II All ST. o MULES FOR SALE. TWO SPAN FINE MULES, one I of theta large. Ciao he seen at HARP. - 2 f A 111.105. Irdirmalre of JOHN B. 1311EBIPT. octilet No. Marti% street. 8. S. TOODA RT would In form her t usinmars that hi. Jest returned from lb. East with . bandanna •e.ortm.nt of MILLINERY GOODS. Having removed Co the REFUND VI 01.111.. No. 40 FramitAt. STIIELT, ALL IC(ILIENT CITY. awl US MONEY LOAN OFFICE. NO. 1714 tr t. :2l r lj 4 ll ILLD biILECT, comer of Walla alone? Loaned on Kva Elates, Dons, Manta, thantoods, Jewelry Lion% awl ISII• Cioadaa. , lnd •aluatje rUcl au( aer;. , af . P odal• cannot be ' dalirtre.l%lll..t a n tl i ett Nob ancoontabne In rasa oi wid or runner ) , 'bowler of ever, d elption (or eat lo eat orient. Deli, cninl HAI N U al. DO MeV NOUNTIITT [RESIDENCE FOR tIA —"Men will purchase A COUNTRY REANDENCE Coat slain{ 105 c terve, oa which there is the tee t vitro, !louse. situated ea the 1 1 WC Ailed auf Valley liatirobd. up a ° te. S' ?rrry. 006 /NO. Le et. Clair street. HO! FOR EAST LIBERTY. A SPECIAL TRAIN WILL LEAVE Lik. roil EAST LIB Ell Y, rn Saturday Evening, at 7 o'clock, From Penna. Central Depot All Union Republicans see Invited to attend octioto LAST GRAND RALLY. ___ UNION REPUBLICAN MEETING AT 33.11.03 T On Saturday, October 6tb; , AT 14 O'CLOCK, For Llber , i. CoClue, Peebles and Wilkins Tps. P. C. SHANNON, Esq., THOS. M. MARSHALL, Esq., W. C. MORELAND, Esq., WM address the Meeting. JOHN H. STEWART. Chro'n Corn. of Meeting. and Speakers. K. A MONTOOTII, bocretary. ue.3 KEYSTONE IRON WORKS. HUTCHISON, GLASS & CO., lionufactoren or Ma Otaervot aim or Bound, Square, Flat and Horse-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boiler-Plale, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, &c., Ox. work, PITT TOW IV Ski Ir, on Monongahela river 001ce end Warehouse: No. 140 Water Street. IlC4:141 (fIEATEMT INVENTION OF rHc Webster's Patent "Ordinary Wrench," FOR CUTTINti orr Bolts, Hound Soda, Steam, Cat, Bran and Lead Pipe ii ME=Miln The Apollaoec• need In ttP• Mkt Neil for Cutting off ono Up cauebe curbed In My bocket. obviating the napes.. mod border , of tbra grru .r i ght "I,lls I fterV, gi!&'",',7,1:7( 4 °"" 4 Just on to wanted by veer) to rEA.MI arol CIAO ri PrP.e., P 1.1111114.24 E.ls 41 I. USK, )1 C Ile !ST. uLA.cKtwirtt...o., ap4 oAttlilAt34. I:MILL/- Eke, tun uo attar I n B* , A T 3, WWI - !IVES, Ac.. and In every 1,4141101 b I:XPAItt. 4 , ., ••ery aTe.k4 od 11. N‘ Al' Eh ANfltiP AUK US ED. The..are made to the .."1 thvr tg.b m•uaer. are ov.r 1 ,1.1 per rout. , cbeitte r the. tool• to the .•use work. A...1Y In. *react, will cut .0 and were up pipe ta u. iv to. diem...ter A A In. 11 rounta .laal wed ...rt..' tap pipe lucks diameter. An , 11 inch la re cb ot .t 1 art•l or•ev• on pipe tv to I Itterve• Memel. r. • 11; In IV/each will eel od o sod ens up pip. 1, I.: a Inch" diameter. Ito - vale 4) M. McSTEEN & CO., . 3 1 a So. 34 Water street, near Liberty- w. J. t,ittt. W .c. A. t . ), .Ilt NI TERS, HOPPER 6i. CO., Muer ****** to H. R. Bolger.) No. 45 Smithfield St., llsoufact u rrrs and LJvalcra la aLl.l.lpds of F93 - I=LIVVIECTMLIEC Parlor, Chamber", and Dining Room Sets, OFFICE AN3 SCHOOL FURNITURE, Tutetber with • full ••••urtanest of Pittsburgh Manufactured Furniture, CU. Nnlil ea bezel aaJ Cer.le at the X...7 1 11/41.115* CI ES IPirlocomp. arm, . 1866. We see Dow et 1.11• P Ina for YALE, TIL•PIt. the Most ...naive .twit or goods S. have table had the pleasure of uttering to oar patrol.. English Brussels and Tapestries, BICH WILTOI ASD VELlitt cAaPers EGGS. 1.311311011/ELIIED 3%3183 1.4418 CUISTAINS, New mei Elewewt Main oldwenieel, Side & Centre Tassels, Loops & Bands, Choi. Styles NoilloreCurt . Wns. N'SILRLAND & COLLIN& Nos. It and 7 rtrTH nrxr.rr, N eat house to U. N. Custom 'Musa an{ Yost Ofams, === poorly MALT nouscm. W. H. GAREA.ED & CO., Halslers, Grain & Hop Dealers, No. VI Water S i osad Nos. 5 and 1 Penn 1n....1t, PITTSBURGH. PA. utt.rr. hiltrttigluPit g d r " ) 5;74.1. S. W. LOU Know JOHNSTON & SCOTT, MULLES 1N Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. Nl4 1.111/611TYITIZZT, Malt tisliaimirsl2., Portxuni. aiir Part!aular mAteotlon Alyea to . Clocld ktad Jewtary. mem vraiaa MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Vaults, Fountains, Statuary, -Vases, UZI DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T. BROOME, N.. DO Penn target W M. L. SANFORD, General Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN DRAIN, EIVII.B.ICICIIITIIECEIe 02aio. Hulett complete arraegemeols for /Mellish by *num. ICO then or %lore •er day, awl lao Umbels of Corn Meal, espeetrully sullen* punnets* All orders promptly Intended to at Um lowest rates. I=l EI3MEEME2I nom Ifl2, Chtllcothe, t hto arm - BANK EIELIANidE • RESTA.I.TRA.Nt, H. BCII ILD, Proprietor. Jr0.,90 Third St., Pittsburgh. TLBII Itki i DLNINO *WY& All the lu:tutee of the Imo. Cholas Liquors. tiegari! e to. Private Dining room op attn. pitsics & BRO" Engine _Bead- MRS AND auLtannusrs. manaticnorar• or e m e 5. , "." ito d s:ro, kalioys, Oil &aglow or Ad' mai, wilt er ,iihboat. Valium yalves., Bcitlerio VOA. Ri7p a pt r” " l,4% . lB6 s rilll:l7l33r . A>iin e ln ITusr.r.DS. c ,rlDsbUrsh. Ps. m i ta = a sad putfleir op nmehNierre,piglif ViIIPETH--FALLOFIS6O.--Nosv optsog aL Foicrth Street, iLsuperti suortemint .tretirrthteg thiCallPiLT LINK, timbtootair Velvet, / apettrlet. 'F****.erft .ogratod; wectell espetl4lll , rot Oa market. " 4 *UI ba avid at ttuo LOWOO*Orketll• anarkarwth Nf altOkLIA111:1110011174118. RUOFIMI INATED44I4I, Cease 41 3 artsillhos it Iliaired Wok' . ir . ditielifits . house to i gA g er s bn try, by , La aZila _ BANE NOTICE NEW KEN TS. H. CHINS & co ., (~r, izn•olt a WHOLESAIWILERS IN all I BOOTS; HOES, " *.•.. . . ICEI SOLE LETBER„ No. 13:3 Wca street, PITTSBURII, PA To MORT TIME and CASTi;ee t we oder fe l:Wrier Inducement., S. our 104. fur be ying are unsurpassed by •NT bout° EasW v et. ru tog directly from 1 1 11 IST 110.1eDfli t ely •ur CAO/1, we are enabled to WI So low as ite L eiere Jobbing Bence. iilltileklANTB are luelted IA end examine uur stock •nd note our prices ,re purchasing elsewhere. Orebro - a - is lit HOPE MLLS Superior Cotton rns, SEAMLESS GRAIVAGsi, Batting, Twin, COTTON AND (MEN CAIIPItIRIN. et , c 3., dki 0., Will be Promptly Fbd at FACTORY PRICE WA orders by mall will rarely., nimble and careful atteulloa. H. CHILDS & D DR. .11:17KING IM=l DJ O. 104. X' X - E.M. 31Er JEC Opposite the Cathedral, Where be -lobes to creative his frlancif nod pan. t who are to need CI the services of on ea perteol IKU ItO 11. Oct. 1,61 , 66. Nett, and 81113 Discounted a1,5r26, ^ J30 7:1 DENTAL PELAI;TiTIONEI 1 u•-"uud"'P"`"''"'" — `" - • • outatlon . . ... 10, WU CO 1 C. o. Komi. deposited tc secure Dr -2.0,103 IV ?.special attention 10111 be given 11l the preset- I 7 nOOllO 114110 m tioni of the natural teeth by skillfully 01;lt.g Mu I L • •,. ''''...° ,0.0“ r" 110 tore with the ...select material, mind lry ,Iling tin 1 "....0 ,10 and " oth. , l•a rhl M 0 . ,/ oCher proper treatment. Mu. pre •errit.g ti,ent 7 C .r. " 101.1. 0 '''' °.'. or N o ' .. " "" k. L' .° l ' u ° Uses ns and ro.ofert In a ripe lid age. I ItetaltGauces tad otlrci 1 aah 1,1113.... 1., , 1 Z. .20 'l2 10 Irregularity of lb. l- ells of young ',croons eh- lice hy Kauko.. ..... . . fully atteaded to and ecrer tee. Kral kettle ...... 02 ,401 of t. 1 4 -1 3.1 I Thu. beautiful life-tike artinelal teeth. rktel.el . 70x" and ~..I,**o','• --- an comebrtable and use., 1 , 1 the inaale of toe 11. tor'. rash:bantam. snit he weds remit' for all sa . _ Allorder th em. All reeent altrecoverree of a Coe to ,r , rtoe reC '.,, , Wk'd 3 .''''' ,„ ~ 1~b1,091 le from pain to the e[traeklun of teeth, wt. M. §Il \atl.rrai 1''' .. ..." .. • • em, Ou 00 folly adlnlol§tere4 to Moe, who mar dew,. them. ' 01010 .. 16,440 00 006ee hoar§ mom 9A v. t.. •r. BA set.,ll kod , 'dual l)et~"III• . . oda. , .56 1 lio ted Mlatc§ 1,p0a11.... . ... 1 4,, rl DAY, MeABOY & SPANG ! 0.-"'"'"`!! 03,173 64 1 1L•rdlog• . LS;Y• 41 --- 11.3...t.1nt 1.3 • . - IRON CITY [(AWE WORKS. I cent! , that the e 1 • true abetract tbe Stattmeut made to the t 'omptrutler I: urrenzy. uc2.11 M. I.: PALA Y. Castile, OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Nos. 45 Wood and 102 and 104 Third St, lIIIPORTEIti OP ASO DEA LEN/I IN j i D. RAIVIALEY 7 Saddlery Hardware and .Trimming, 336 Liberty Street, And Sanufactiuvre of all rsrletles of PICALLII IN Superior Wood and iron Harnes,FlNE CLOTHING, Wrought Peat Rita. land Rite. eYa.me. • Brand...Lc or litilawel Baia, Ma/le n et.., Sc.. Sc. Keep also on band a full and complete usurlineut of good. In NEW YORK MANUFACTURE abate lie, all uf *bleb they offer at as fair Pelee.. and at, as good term... 'are offered by auy how. It • S 11 the trade It AAT oft %V K$ I% mete,. J our CROFT, RE.III. ESTATE 4O lE.V7'. Omer. No. 139 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, 1866 Ham tor sale the following Beet %state A bratitlnil new Frame i)wellimr, bighi• entailed, en•ta-nlitg Moms and wide hall, parlo , it u r feet, with two Ore place. sad magele mantle.. I oat of building, 4d,ZO: will I 4 aid In connection alto I orf serri of around. Partite buying the entire acrea, Including the nom, emu bare thecrop, which amidst of looms. p.datoes, au a tine .Wilk cow. Prtce hilLuln: one thi,d down: balance In Ilia _years.aecurr.l by bond and mortgage. Vito. abe et idge•romi elation, 7 mile. out on tbr Penna. lintiroad. Trains passing to sal Irani thin Italian every hoer of the day. up to II o'clock Y.ll. Pue aeltalon Immediately. Also, • few more At :It g LI ITS, at $1.400 each: one thin/ •üb, the balance In tl•e year.: •110.1 e, t {be above elation. The plan of these lota , and lb . •Ine mans and house above Mentioned can be peen at Lula cake. A new Frame Hense..l room., ilnlabed garret ardi wide hall: lot ie by ed feet; situate on Jefferzon et.. Allegheny. Large Brick tionat of In room., with wide bath, hut and add water and gee throughout the house, on Cl:putout otrert,Alba, heny. &leo, • large amount of other city property for Sale. bosn [Torn 3 to 11 ♦. N., 1 to 3 r. u., &ad 7 to wth the ormolus. .t 2.5 p APER! PAPER!! PITTSBURCH PAPER MINEFACTURING CO., Warehouse, SS Third Street, Keep const.tly on baud, •ad for ule. et lowest markeerates, NEWS, TACK, MANILLA, HARDWARE, Rooting, Felt and WRAPPING PAPERS 10,000 blla. warted now Iv Warehoose Clinton 11111112 I.4ll4 . ea vr b u el .i r g lLlL..o . h r io . . Xfahiot. DI4SOLIITtO OF PARTNERSHIP TRE FIRM OF JOSIIVA RHODES t CU. L. tbla day dlosolred by mutual consent. Etter or the p.m. , . will slen Use name of the If Int to gritting up the old business at the attic. of the titteburnb Brewery. flaying diepesad of our entire Itreerlug, Malting an! Ilya linefuem to Plea re. CAOhl, PAULI AU TON & CO, ere would mit from mut Mends a eon upon of the lo ng o liberally bestowed upon in. se from their experience bathe bu siness, we feel tatialled that they will maintain the e”ellenee of our Ale. JOULIU• RHODES & CO. Referring to the above, we would Inform the pub lic that an will leave o thine undone to merit • continuance of the liberal imtrouarie enjoyed by the lota Arm of JOSHUA itHißiliti Co. and from our regievtleodwg'i:V:::z4e.l,, , „t*,g to tEow who may favor se With their Orden. ae3 •CAIteUS, UA KU /AM/if A Co. MERCY HOSPITAL, In Charge of the Sisters of Mercy, Valli THE TREATMENT OF ALL All el Dl asse• of CZAhatp requiring medical or surgical aid. uitted. Irreapm of areal or emor. C.patients lergy o n of all detiomism tire tlons permitted to Matt patients of their own ermti. Pa tients too poor to pay are admitted tree of ona•ife, on application to any of the al tendln g ph) .t n. or All regular ptiyalciaus feuding Pity Pt , Urals to private Moon mop have lull charge of toe mat. anspetent nurses, combined with the p•rsnnat attention of the stators, in•ltes this institution 10- prelim to any In the State ror those suite ed 71411 illanue. Una phealelon and snrgeon In doll) at tendance. • • Medtem sand and months of dolly altendanont 1 0 . hidltgAL, Jlt. M. D. sat) iintni..street, Uo lobar. bovembo. Dece mber. • . . THUS-J. OALLAH6O, 01. D., 149 Smithfield IDS Third street, July, 41195 t and ilepo•mber. N. J. Li.4lltritELi a llLl.l4., 107 llois•treet, Jan °la F rntatlLL,V, ';orner Sixth and itrant titreetta, So eon, is dal' attendance: •u 24311 SF. mUSSMANN, JP4lth Street, bet evens Tunnel and l'Addhans Streets, • RUNSAIITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE Aral etas. goodm of all desellyslouu always on aud aides:dd.% the lowest palace ksapalrlog Jon eansfally 011 t EW PAPER HANGINGI4. iron PAGLORS—Pregob Deggna with Gold Bor. der. PUB LlBlLLElEB—P . conpelatt PIGA: v on Grange ground YOU GALLS—lion Urefk Patturlis On Red Mr gr"na. lLS—L ad X irjE, clfggß . G see a mita ranger daragrounai. To _ 3H A 16,„ nal. try, A.a EV n r all Bouer — jut ° a..d y f e 0r 1 7.1.1 11 P., 41 . 1 " JP4O. B. cial tir. 141=6 At Plrot 40'00. A kI. Capital ,tork .... elti ai I.•tt DtVos , ." • " " }tank. nu.l Isekttkr , burp.. Cuud and en.. The 11.11. ~ L.lll•ll, 4 •Fit la be" of 10) Looveltdge ou I 1.,11cf. .1. C. I. UltlCl'. Ca.bler eel • QUARTERLY STATEMENT FlIt5Y NATIONAL. 13ANIC iF ALLk.tiIIENY Lost" and DI-.•oun,. I 5T.2:33 01, U.S. BOIlliS and ~.seurliles ..... ..... :.1...1 %Al Dun from Hanks and lisnl...s• .... ......, 6 , Specie and lxisul 'Cruder :tuts,. ..... Ino I m 0, . , National Currency.... . to Natss of ol•ent 'qt.,. Banks.. .. 5, - .10 s - , Cllaill Items. &r 1. 4 . 1 .10 77.. Heal Estate u.i IT Expenses owl Ts.ses - . 701 'II -- Capital Mork I udirldu. 11 Imattors..•.• Du Treaaurer :sta te, ue to It3n it* nod IS•okers. I v Meads tau pnl.l Do. Seerrlary of the Tr,n.ury Coultuduut Yuud and 1 lier,by certify that Lh• foregoing It a true al ,- atraet of he Quarterly Report to the Comptroller of the Currency toca-M STATEMENT OF TUE tlE1:01 1. Al 1(.1 , AI. 11A OY A I.I.EUIi Y sOf ef and Dl4 , rtu ntA ....... . Unltt.lntateo I egsl Tend,s and 0114, cask Items Real Vstals • I n,fr..en aud Banker. k.sprn..r• T•s.es.. ..... . • Id Idviii.er Dividend , . unpaid. ... 1,1,,ent OtAIITERLY REPORT OF TIIIF `46 NATI , INAI. Nit VITTS GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Agrot fo, ORG. GRANT'S rnue SIEGAL And .PRILISION't ST AR OtH irr, Jemember the N K W lIION FROPer. y c street. 1.,271e2P4.1" J. D. RAMALEY, FASHIONABLE HATTER 734.T0 AND FOR ILI, BOYS AND CIIILDBEY. The Newest Styles always on Stand avid at Abe Lowest Prices. Loot eutpr the POUR LAIW WINDOW'S op PO.l. Wape street. p:27:e.32:rin J. D. RAIVIALEY, 334 Liberty Street, Dealer In all tlnds of Boots and Shoesc. Always no hand a large and rolled assortment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's CUSTOM MADE SHOES AHD GAITERS, VI the finest New Tort Manufacture, And at Lowet Prices than Down Town .to ß xe.7r.tmr."" ~nSl TA " JUSHUA ILHOOVS. 1 . . W. H. LAT4H • W JACull •NLYEItitAN. Wlll. W. 8.411CC8 0160. 8. WULFF. BARCUS & GRAFF, 96 Liberty Street, DEALERS IN GROCERIES & PRODUCE, AT LOWEST clout rater.s Octr otm to to keep * First-Class Family Grocery, And mikke It • 8•11Sr•LTION to •LL Who map faro, 114 wltti , thelr patronaan. In QUALITY. 1.111c6 and IDEA LING, 90 Llberrt street, corner of Ferry scil,lol3:?Ts C. C. .a..Z.siZirMiCk, DEALER DI FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, feIaTeCTEINL X/PBWILZI, French Clocks, &c. tattooist latent oo given to the riarAntrsti 01. FIN IS wATUHE9. s eT OMNIBUS AND LIVERY STABLE JAMES K. DAIN, Propridor, IT Omnibuses and carriages r ii•brd for all trans.. Abu., Carriages for luid Parties, at short tiOttsli and reasosuitdeggsm lea Day-and; Nigtit. jvatepwr.roa, , . 1 4 1 111111A.W: OAT kintmenOat RearanderitCjula rinateid And tor Gala, wholtiala and istall.dt Ha Vanity Wo sow, Of JOHN A. RENSHA W, Wass LLbuly and Hand' meta. MIN EMEI lETIONIO q ;; ,I. i. , 11. I I. l. i ME= CEEB lEEE= rtto 4 • I I 4 21 0 X, P. 173 CEMEII ItMle== I= MEM 1 11 4 110 42 vw :0 .".,o ii iii I I 5,4 CZ= MIMI= thll N. u ~,.u, 0 .p.. 1.1 1 .. M. 7,, WI . 1.7 =MEI 11111=== 13=211 I==liliill =I 334 Liberty Street, And Dealer In ❑1 k inds of Fresh and Choice Arndt's, 11.41WUS 1S GlivtlrFx ECM ay. 22 Fifth Street X*. 410 Pens gfreeL MEDICAL' DEAFNESS, 0> -1 NOISES I\ 111 E 11E111, .• Discharges from the Ear, cx.rAnnu, NEURALGIA, RHEtIiATINII .ASTIENIA, SCROFULA, ;3;ironchial Affections, Throat Difficulties, Diseased Eyes, Loss of Hair, ilyspepala, Enlargement of the Liver, lit till Nell of the 'Kidneys, Constipation, Gravel, Plies, Insanity, Fits, Para lyala, Inn& of Blood to the Bead, Leblilty In livery Form, CONSUMPTION, all arta every I•eue which Infests the bamati body, cured tit ecdualty by MRS. M. C. BROWN'S METAPHYSICAL DISCOVERY, Price. $4,00. Offices—ilo Arch St., Philadelphia, ;t1 Bond t treet, New York. borlng with Imartimeate Nu louwlog the e•rd. Ao dnuding op the modrils or Icarbdablog No ponrlot medicines down the !bract. The .IdhTl YO•CAL DIS• OVKIIIi will reach every Joot lb. drugs and Instruments will roach. an , ' thousand , of ;oared besides. Truth Is [night, and meet prevail:error is preg bated with death— onseouently must boot, or later sink lot.. °ldly lon. 12 E You PREJUDICED? In C 0 .Iq, • nee f the prelioilre existing sgaln s Y 11 o ntl tonnes. tla + car extdesire that to f l eysys. - d 'with patent mutat:lnes of the atis.7 ion ask toe 15111 , answer. bc,ause 111 teici4t4fic tillfrring 11..7,1,11.1.t0n tendencies and teoulto. al/ r letnetlle• and prepparatlous whlylt bare ever gone befire It. And forth,. be the h 1.., .1 I,torrry It the re at Inherited pow rr to trio... egrets to tiller first cause; therefore let It I.r. ithderyt-od that the iletapayol cal Disco, t ry Is uot only the test of leherited power, but 5. BO resuly of a life of are philosophical re carob, and that too. In en unbeaten trrea. Eyes, and They See Not. ye slumbering world and behold yon , an 1 your childrend In the vrl.wn house or tilt a..., front the o the grave, betake your self.. t. thought—Wag nod Ilvt . The worht tenth. in clic and pumas into untimely graves. Mark, learn, that yttor friends ale through el p.,1- meet I og Every effect fir, vim it • death blow to Ito: ph, sisal .ystt or., never met au ludivld osl who wm tr, ated for anything but effect. There are malty voutrlng ons, sorrowful hotmes anti gratiy grog. Lo-ough lieu. of Instruments whit It tort. e. and rolnielues which destroy I he'syste.o. The 111, If ery cont.. of tate° distinct prepare- Liu., w h eh past Into the system by absorption through ltte byes Mart and nesils. ti t I t packed In ne at wooden cafe, and wilt be mn IS star address In the world, on rerelpt of the .4001, price, CERTIFICATES OF CURES. I, .r. I 12.Lre, of Caruhrldgrort, dn cer tify that I have been tr •nnleti p 'lelLn a bad catarrh fur upwards at thirty bears. untamed lira. DI. rt•Vri, Yletatcly steal Discovery, and In lea min s alter unltqy it Wend relief. 1 have uaed the mudside fa•thlully, and believe It wen. to the rout of nor rli• I teel aa If rat arth NIAd er.sdleated (ruin 'den, the foul meets 01 the sad disease havlng fly wife alai bay been scliertna from a • i,ltrallun of dhsea,as. on using the Dls curerv..rioste blood anal rastir rushed from ner rhe tuund Immediate relief, nod ha, teen trulalnt nen'. veer al•ice. e hearth, recommend the 31ctaid, al., 51 I.l>cuvery Lu all uhu sutler. CURE OF CA TARRH, Ab'THMI, Mrs. Chaes er, t esldlng ett No. Allen Ztrsel, Boston, Mass. says: ••l bare been trouble , ' for yeses will Ilium., estsrrh. •nd sure • br0.... I suf fered from cunt , null pion and dizziness lousy bead, cold feet. A,: for elant sears could&tot attend to my bousohold duties, .02.1 bad despaired of ever be ing care , . 1 . 10, identla 17 leafrong of Mrs. M. IJ. It e •4 Mei apbrateal lsiseorer , . t obtained It. lie lazuli is, I ,oe eat.r.cy eared, aod descrullued to keep a boo of 11 ninny. tny VEX. Li EU 11 , ili VAUGHN N CRIITIFI , 4TE, .11ALDE.V Tbla le to rer tl fy that I have suffered for trig rear, from ilyagetvia, catarrh, and acomplication ad rur it.. pa•t year I have burn restless, ans.' soubi not sleet at night. no cabs tied bad I become, that 10,11 stable to do my household datiee Ihe aloe so cold Lit. it rtented linporal ilm to keep warm For sometime my eyes were very umeh diseased. sod my hearing dull. Myself and f, mods eonsi.lered me la Censumpthiu. la this st de I went to Yirs. It. 0. ktrown and obtained tha MetaphysicalU have used one hem faithfully, and CIO Ip.ogisage can tell the helmet re ceives' 'rum it. illywcyes hay• become clear and strosg. Sly dyspepsia It entirely gun.. I can now du my sore work, aud feel altogether a new Whig. My iricno.. say am galuing deal.. I kilter as ia as I the tot have lured. lean grateful tu God for the benstit tieve - gt.litlvral. I recommeuil Mr.. 11. 0. Brown idol her mode of treatment to all who suf fer La I have done. CATARRH CUR.D.—MR. JERuM MASS'COS .VI.III. uLD CA MBM11:01i. This Is to rut - Iffy that I bash been troubled with a bad c•tatrit I r the last the pears. This winter IL ocestne unususily troublesome. I was obliged to rise at night, owing to the mums, which would have ruffocatett me. 1 obtained Mrs. 11. ti. ktroltro•s Metraphyslcsl liricovery solar weeks bark. used It fa•thfutly, and thy catarrh began to give way at n, I bort consider myself a cured young man, beteg . co Dryly delivi Ind trout Ills terrible disease al catarrh. My sister has lieu then diseased In her head stud eyes iron. cilgldbuoll, to much so that the fatally {lll/14111, she could tot live. In Ihe use of the Discos el y sue has rec e eived equat irenelit with my self. W corAhtly reommeuti the Metaphysical Discovery. 111.88 E. LOGAN 8 CAIRTIFICATE I, Emmet Logan, do hereby tea ify that I have had rc that, for six years; would cough end raise for e three hours at • tithe; otteu 1 could not lie down at night; going up stairs, say work would exhaust 1 have been .sting mei/Mut/and doctoring alt flus-thue, hot was n.III gettlimy worse. Providen tially a frieu t procured Mean Si, lirown't Meta -0170.l inaCOVell. have Iliad it One Week. sad At/pc/the. is nu irll gone- 1 have w go l rld or ti,thioess in any thrust. I can notat. a lung breath, which 1 could not do before. I aim go up and down stairs without heeling any fatigue. 1 /eei disease Is /sit leaving Inv system, No. rz4 Hanover street, boson, Mass. = carsof lhs most type,./ A C!!!roato Sr. Evoo of 210enty -fres ;;;.ii . Jtaaptty•kai Di•covery. Elise U. Jed/lee, do certify that I have been more/lug for twenty-ave year. wit. diseased eye., taken from measles whoa aehild. I gannet describe toe cola re at all my euderloca, but will state that my eyes ran corraptioa and water all the lame. Sly masses also urulte out clown to my ehlo. end Um matter train Mob eyes end Mee e•pt constantly ciropol aon my ...eds. All the doctors appl I Oto felled to rencles me relief, sod l deepalreci It 11,111 kart:log of the arooderrul cure, made oy .11ra. St. Brown. when hope ecitered,cuy kruast. I at. to nec her, and brought home WILL Ina the Meta poi so: Diecovery. owed it aceordier to dl redden, mol nos mutt usiamoly cute tbaklail7 de clare, that tarettga the blessigg (Sod s ad the one of Sirs. M. es. Brosru.• teedieluee / mI cured we man.EklZA IS- JY.FI , ..Ea. if oinacalnarg, fa. FIVE NEW CASES or DEAFEEBS IN AN! AROUND PHILADELPHIA. • Noises In he /lead. linunlng of the Ears, Btlll Seck. end Sere 'I bre .t cured bi Anna /.U. Elven, tae Area street, Aletabusettal Phyvlclan, Prolessor ins the k. ye, cxr, hr." sad [kale. - The fo.totrlng parsons barn been eared of tlat etcere dl. eves. through the Yee cl.may..aletaylltyal cal Illacouery: r! yeby. neb e cess Wa1.011,131.. rani Street. Exankford, cored or cc-steels and hadsuelts the R 044. Cllll 0001 4Clar tllO claldree called by thute ;senses 4s th• neat uouse. . \Vltflam Klesseehlt r, 1.1411 North frout airett, a lad of •takat kb loan, 'WY vary deaf[ coII pqw hear he autos ult Unfitly un the piano. Could not hew sound Otiose. Ills wbOto system 11 bonolltted, Oil was au lavialtd. Deterhell), .00 Smith Pecoud street, wu quite deaf an one ear, /sad partially so la Dia other, has Wei the unsrla.. or both welt. nate! liemphreya, I Darby tOwriabtp, 'had a seeded and nitrates. for elgtii years; Ueda not .1 aro bay bend wilbOut turning wana tab wbote body; hod also n I srge lump, else 01 a but. and bird. an• r.bb. clan, eo, tuteeeer. Both lases dlealdwarcd -Lb Aelt l tii " DritalialalrimtVlMl ' arditeri. Delaware, haa Wen cured of dearest. este mulled bribe ova, of 15 yeses star:laird. (Teat Larose., armoury ot, oltreatat remedied; Mold dad Do Dept. prochred any Metaphysical Descarery. width Lumediately carne him. C.Esl ,l ' , C.4TE FROM nil RE . V. Y.B. RSNSO.Y, PART UP 2151 CHU M R R H . PAIDATRM.ERIIRAF • LlEttatgembn ?attired to ay - tight eye atom a boy,. alatallatouratloa Op. brew predated, to wasp,- see or ...kb I suffered noerirraord. arary teepee!, my waking Ilia ass etitottirttd, sad t was troluewo., ustalge to steeps; ,abgt. A vette ty of reped Le. baf bee resOrted oalsoecest, mid i entertaleml the Panama.: Si • LW t saving one Noll oaten eat el the .seetet. In the a. either audios , rritsf. Itat aittatisie. toted Dior. Ideutlelly, saliva! oat dal it.a•ahop .whaloy o bottle of roots it Itatartir I EYE. had Der of In oeurre., satt,,E deterounal to try it, ant wise the Mimi ilellgbLeellitelts. ho • Cow It fur sue Asysthel.pauout irritation seal :reasoned. I 'crowd 00,0 , „ 0 .„„,,,,et nab?, mad' went teeth as it were to the Noy aorta Dianna Met I.adw kr.p, turtle 0 , I. vo toe hotte,,aral trial_ eye Steals at all ..l.reirdletettm.7a,"arar'sn ' at Tells oaa. sod not , ast tattboat IPoWe OteASIOW to gay Earthy, to o t py wife tmed to spree leveret. at UM. from rotracted Na la , nod Ott? bet atm met she has Poved, V.or itiensarar Ey. ttr.t.t., soterelaa , flee In her owed, airing tier Merest lemmas selle r. earatelial to Cod nor tee beneel I hare perle.eefi, 1 eannet. batcommend 4.b• propelstk. moot cordially to thole wbo hare mattered ilk. my self. I!, e. 21BritaJes, Pasteeet the Breadth. Baptist Church we repine etles4lllolledetoblw. The Celebrated Poor Ridiazys Eye Wate, per bottle: • Large lase, - - - - $l,OO Second 211,0% • • GO 8 4e? : ••! .21:k bik Dg#9.: ' es*.* • f r t., prorsinuolikLy sawn the mums 0- ties of ber arriTil - I CI \V ANTED *lrian GILMOIi W N KW ANTIS t• cap,. tl tra , rt ptrt of =MUM 11!ERM MEN Vl' .4 N TO A( F.:llber p•rtnatient I prlent er.ga‘e I Apply in per•op Cl= MyLra 10 Good ADO,. n.r try AII.I tlch,-Ste 121283 WFA II I: r ) ; CLAlth.'n eA 11.11 , 1 Wad, Ibr•hl a, ..I eta # . 40. Staknog th.; warranted for the ah..ve age., t, that amountreal% No. ILA t r , advertlartnenl r Bar.ing Martrlr Et!T l A'Ell V fur Ladle , . evel) .. . Sense fechr.t. Il wir and einhrof ,sr tug the claallr lbree ) ear,. We. ullaAdon,Lulu w. made. 11 •3 0111 cu 50.115:. n. All litters anaar Lerma. PLUMBIN WY VII 1.".x..1 GAS AND for. Sixtl Cor. Beaver All kln.ls of Vl, statitly „n )1,1.1. pLumBINI. GIS IND Ifydrar SHEE7' LEA SHEET WATER CLO TOM 1 GS flood MI, 1111 o, I Wo)( A111.1;14. of Iron Meet Zln., Le.a Closet, fl n 1,1; Waren/van, Corner sivh All 1.11,1 A All or.lei ”L BAILIFF PLUMBERS,CIA No. 55 Fel 6/1 P(.11111 \WATER ASII hand. Hons., at t UII Ned!. rle• must nieptur,..l,t)L Agitators. Tek , 41. new pruerst. e It it We keep roultan SIM rr 1/. 1,1 VOCKS. H , t'K And la %1 . ; dork to Jo tr our II t ent we coo rave material, w Irrtrnon! ES Private Fa I= HYDRANT At übontat notice, JOHN; Noe. 9.27 a. 4, PI 1 I = WELDOL PLIA Gas and AND a A 14 Chandeliers Pipe, Pump ALWAI IGI Wood WY ncncrisy. .... lIEULE Si Plambe4p , Gaal FlB7 'H NT Ev i = 4.10 All orders by ♦lf3 D romptly atten ttl, A Nil line of Unit t; Closets. blues, Coate libades, for sale at tley Orders from counott tended to. ins; Broth of eV.," me ( 4 1 31 r i g : 070 l A I the BerOVNII of boor' to Allegheny river. SECTION I. Br It oreil ggitt, ' lnaTirisY;:eA nom That the ntellon with Ole/Ere-I • Itheolly authorised He inelespropos tor HI/ mash Street, to the It Stotler Street to the, tenet therefor to the 1/ .. • - SIC. 2.. That for the penseeof DOV , ng .. 1 sod there Is hereto mostly assessed ups abutting on sail sl front tlaereon. and abuttlr aforesaid Sac.a Oat Po sacs, laid i rovement I the duty of the Boron portion the same auto lug property on said above indicated, And of to the owner or fOr neSpectlyely, or to tit ofstielaomners, and and OPpoctiontoeftf.. SRC, 4. That it shol r=ettlef ' O t e ur ila t e o efrif Treasoretfor malted pan: One-fourth 'tart the completion oft al of to four months a lts fourth part thereof In,. pietton thereof, and tPI. I the Completion of tnt , assessment afortesatd. or owner. of lots 10.3 said, upon the pare, . Botomsh of the amuse' said, the said Tresso r.. of dee per melons aforesaid. and in ram payment thereof, to to., Someatent or the santet Ordained and etmett,, October, A. D., IMO UMIS=M7 TO C.LA. THE SUBS completed tbeir Orr Ituntrowdon aaad Hoe - alba a aril quality of ered to CARLO/11) re %, reduced rlite bags, or be dellyer orla b.gt.t 9.A9 per baAaatlb. 10000 pace .basultSitand,adapted 'abate easidltlons. at 4 4: 44102 JarwatWat i AfatAl t al l t ke ktil iltlabargh, will bb 1