The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 06, 1866, Image 1

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•ER tl E " K
r .% I 414 2
itibintolt (gazette.
At a meeting or the nevi - weep
Executive cenetiCommittee,at
Headquarters. on SaOltday, it
was, on motion of JobUhl. Stew
art,'Esq, '
HESOLVED, That we urge upon
our . • Weal friettattln the cities
Ittshurgh and
throughout the countir, , to devote
the'combig week exclasively to
the perfecting of their party or
ganizatiolas,,thbapPaintment of
mock and Vigilance Committees
in every Ward. Itorbugh,'Toivn .
ship and Election Precinct, the
appointment of Challettgers at
polls, and such other inattersiof
detail -as Will Insure an over
whelMing Helinhlican triumph%
Let every patriotic citizen, at
this critical hens , _ at Whatever
personal satrilletslitie'orie'Week
of labor to the final preparations
for the great' stritkilti "MOO so
closely,atHand. . . .
Headquarters open at all hours
for distribution of tickets. posters
for the polls. &c., Jae.
Chairman County Committee,
T. M. BAYNE, Secretary.
The act of assembly disfranchlzing de
serters is the law of the State, and is sal
obligatory upon the officers of the election
boards as any other law under which they
act. Its constitutionality it not a question
for them to decide, nor for any authority
other than the Surreme Court, where the
Constitution has placed all such decisions.
Of the moral lustice of the law, divest
ing men who have deserted the bag of their
cotuitry in time of war and imminent pub
lic danger, there can be but one opinion
amongst loyal men. The taw in question
c t
operates alike pan men of all parties, and
only upon tb se whose conduct has been
',ltch as Wren er them nalther worthy riot
safe depositories of political power.
If the law operates more severely upon
the democratic than upon the republican
party, it cannot be helped. And if the
democrats make a fuss about it, and es - en
counsel its forcible resistance, in so
doing they confess that their party
embraces and monopolizes the most disre
putable materials that - are to be fountrued In
the community, which is probably
But our object is to call attention to the
two following secret circulars issued by
it.LIAM A WALLACE, Clllll=3lol of the
Democratic State Contmittee. hlr. \VAL.
LACE is a member of the State Senate from
the Clearfield district. Of the first missive
—which Is only 'remarkable for the inso
leuce of Its tone----wu have nothiugt9„San,
but the oilier ire neon. itiocias document,
inavmuch as it counsels and encourages
election officers to perjure themselves,_ to
violate law, and to usurp the prerogatives
of the only tribinal competent to decide
upon the validity and constitutionality of I I
the law. It is seditious and revolutionary I
to the last extreme, and is based upon a
principle which, If carried into practice, \
would break down all late and inaugurate
a reign of anarchy, violence and terror.
September 10th, 1866. )
T. J. B. &slalom, Chairman County Com
mittee of Indiana County:
DEAD Stn;—But one month now TV
mains of the canvass. Tour county has
received dull books und blank registry of
votes. The Constitution of the Club re
quires n return of lists to this office before
October let.
lip to his time returns have been re
ceived f t rom your county from two (2) dis
This work must be attended to, a count
and a
he rote is each district by Ode men,
complete list of Democratic, Opposition and
Doubtful Voters must be ma e. Until this
done your work is entirely superficial;
IlEt; IT IS DONS your lists fattish you a
guide on election day, enable our friends
to see that every vote is polled, directs
their efforts to the convertion of the
Doubtful, and shows us plainly where
work Is to be done. If you will not do this
I must have it done. The original list
when made, is to be kept for use in the
district,and the NAMES OF TDB OPPOSITION
AND DOUBTFUL TOTEMS, with their I'. 0.,
together with the number of Democratic
Voters, actfi O to be returned to this office at
once. A rnate of the vote t ßy DISTRICTS
must mpany the list.
lint will probably call on yhi ou In a
few y days to learn how you progress in this
''COUNT liosEs," sycuatize your labor,
get out your vote, and ail is well.
Let prompt attention bo given to this or
Very respectfully yours,
WOO WALNUT ST., Pllff-Anra. l9oLA,
IMO. )
September 12th,
To J. B. Sanson; Chairman
of county
Committee of Indiana County:
Dern Stn,-The subject of the deserters
lists requires prompt and thorough atten
tion. 'fliese lists are being furnished by
the Adjutant Genets! to the several Clerks
of QUarter tielnions, and it will be attempt
ed to reject the votes of sit those whose
names tire !bond upon them.
The case ot Bober vs. Reilly settled the
eineStiOn -in this Suite, unless a mail
bean Conrk ted If Desertion and Failure to
darn to SeeDtes or to oePort to a Provost cneotine stietwairs•
...ruarslial, he r ts entitkd to vote. This is the
deed opinion of the Supreme Court, and
gy by it. - Teeti,earearatoreepeie,e,se., ir , e .
e tt t n i. ii a ras tee •
e a , n a il . other prom
(keg:V:lE4'o-14 eidellee o.l4eDerliOno_ is as Res,.. lIIVIIBI
card of Conotrlions. . Act i tel
known as I • MoCouttugnir law Ty Bel
ock of I
'Rid at regards an other canes, and I de:
ells to impress it upon ypil std. o ar friend Dressed
that th e law is Willi sil in f n e n
ai , _um: stor, onlY 1
that we will be sustained in Y ell !sus. use Shoe Su
VOUS in eel ease, AND TO
iaJosT i ..--••••••---
TIPIED L RESORTING _____,.., - ~,E , I No Anstement
.fie president
o rtree_ . to
.1 .._,O
None of the penalties -Reposed by e thatu we have been ro- - _....--------
leaf ea ever be enforced; 1 have rho if Yogis, OM. 5.-The Conmercial_ say ~ A V °l° or Itu'n -5.- 1 - thuniis of a num- • ° non of the Trirece• of -Drawn , , ---
" h one having the antra toil.
deCiali el „,. t° Y d A ll ',„,„ i . n ,:, , L iea rizei rn thr°a , tfas remittent tonics ts ot the A Stare selection
IMI IniP"ChZa i-. .. o .to f thiievrovistlyvt flotor Albrini...._s, Vi_allets,-Oola Pens.
griested to return the near t
... e . , it „,,,All,heny
bor . of Pittsburgh and Brin i Zl . ;-t ui V„TI,..„4„ CimPrlt , 1.t....a mt lemon ha vises appelatsda
hltel,:illtvaoutiwrmadefileefe°4 effort to Dump.° .....-
o ___ Fiton via l co t 0v„,,,,,,, intends to hnecat,h htm of Boots and Shoes, at the Otters House Shoe Men and Gentlemen ‘ 1 0: 0.
v ' llich occasion the Bev. • The fulostdos o tatTris ter MeV:luso V1A... ,
r b enlerUalemi ':,;Pl'ilnviirte
of dwelt:tar. Arepart of the N1041.1.111C,,VA„ _,
Of 2111Sembli directly before the Courti but er t ae next session. Vigilance rl rataittee.
tlp to this tirn
e have
alaceed . win e Paris on trie nth of this mon s
Ca I The Peg says: The report that OcuteraltuDif \ SW"
vrou. ____— ....
faimo, l t'' '. --e " - the thanes of the redeflug wore *tendered to
_ to r , L _,,,, tor ,
shall nOt, relax My efforts in th .tiontudttee wee duly redeive.a. niter 'Welt
Tr... L ..' .--
uscOnnleftletwc - r ,
premature. elt
at " Iran- - - -.°L° The entleman:s hosur will D*o- , the opem it au .. Ethos store, ""'e".•
z"l°°:' and iii saliva "lb" to mak ' *Do ve v kindle lent Glum the belt free of to
2,,.1„;11,,,wie . j . e „,, ~d.,,
other direction. . th e a r, I a n n i c e ri. n t a t ili e t :b r o:: 1 i 'r e u b oje r i:be k
.3 ins • a r :•,, t
h . aloes
r. o .r t „
, i. ti t s ,,.. r
cane ° Ol
t ;
... ----- st es - euee Mess 13 ;° 13 ,,r ni e7,, 1 ,V t YID'S re:4OMM .1111 0 .11b 6 , r.: m. 50 s Yhe proceeds of the meeting went i: . muno. 1,11.3.10, tpi.„,„„tr,,,,.
--erva....c.T. .._..4.2.,„2,1
In the necessity for immaliate action I gate, the ohieet- being In A void ria cod late:r i m 1
mew embark on the .hip i only so mutt_
_..______t Dlr. J. W. Riddle red
the County Coutmlttee. .I,firt.
ember that would be e uro,_ __,e _
...... , w., , irtend:Lk
Optra Douse Shoe • ward ores held last een
dint t,hurch. ,,, ___---
brae to give the following directions. I w e *ten.
Mita AD 0 OlCallient ° uS de'D ----------we- ------- ii A trill turn C. Web. Cutter:AM:go
trust you will see them snot c • W nobb, Esc., Pies • .., .1 eeed by
y ...• ..-- I on , 75e,,,,,,117...",""bata1di5i ll°. 1'
Siore Inielnettniusejnett-101-10TAIReillbilegarrie 4,ll.tritOoetrthe .0.,...... --„0-1.1„,...ctoionnw.eet„. wi , tho tw „ 6,0 , ,.
d our Placa in 24" 71....----ans- ---------
ded te, an d theses/on. Uluisberooptarrtmwears
senoot Bootee * - Ica*"
D'ue.- il the peteta tter,
defrai tite'exensee of balldlug auew netts c o l,
. . a i" l° u'l drulunn no f e -• 7- Surety of the Pence.-Arnee 4 Tavine j,j ec ond ,
reeteeeir., ,
sow Myer% Jr,
al use all other means that yon an
.4 el .° of 41"1°""a /I°"°"°s”, Ont Is expected 'al s o
so in the emergencies. latest teems Calitromita. a At , ritteck,„:________..„......, J e w. Is. stratistrugzrUil we.. ;fib in at- tettlay, Ind : tztr
-.- &lam p rEdnard D,Lectoof.t,ouarinnc„lic.iEut,elloconi
a.m . to the 0 s.
r,.d . .
h of surety . 0* muss meeting at. EastLtbeity. A
‘ lipeailli o trA ~t r h 1 ,... 1 .,, tntarletilarattr ,
fri ri ls -Caa
week furnish you with hex num:moo. oetober s-Tbo ETA H. °eery Photos P I . SL Annie Well. The Panic.' free ot- etinnso, *rill ii*L„Prsv„'-..no4attentl. Y,;,,hintitettlinen: 41-WW,ta ' n .g ..... ..... ••• •• ..rms• Co St,
- kali
a w e are ed deserters Convention la Nevada, bared r . l, Ashley for Az Plthock,s enthualsarn laith Wald to the fum y .
ll •of a lady on Pulton ~,,,....bere re urgeldiS .- .- l ' - ' host* not ~ m ., Mcaloser , h, vuongs CoB, e
complete listel of lel rho •II _ . ... _
~ar.roroo. political tallads and tam Much utrlx alleges Au. ---
Til ' C '''' ' ' ' aT''''''r "T''' School David itntleirs• ii, 9 4fA l =g l ;
g drafted men so far at I ,„„las_osalo
.10.... • th e o fd Str"st.'"6"). at r ho
Prc.“' I 1a is einble Til""& tt g lease return then to Ise
,„,,,aw , ~,,.„, ~,,,„,;,ba, ii..s.h.ser
0,4 .
them,an d a l / audn ninistoooratio Convention have D .
.. . t
- ' 't'vl'iled
"4 Fran
aeelarad that
; ben Totng , wi Pi.,,„(1.„th,,,.„„, A,. j.„.",,..„.
14terod"thaneeCn,Miedru Ancor:re . ed some , f libt 11131114 the peace sie e
hare betrl able t o et -1511 W 11"":111. '.
'Ortrill Win do its mu ditty On T 0 opportantty to kth theprepossessing ra a Immo, the p: t,
------vw.- --- 1 - she Would U 0 it. A warrant, Was Issued for the IIRENT,,
it oho motlstt.theto to•you.„ One RiatchiPisubntorn. w e g greu tersr . or 430Ternon an ° Is s ” & 5......._....--------
. others w i- - be punished to You anien er 1 era Iheetrenelesetst Concert .-We
____., 01 , Aooto. and Moore el! :..LtL,____,.„,..._mne
V f this list will
♦ °"lrede"t"in Della.
• Den gold call the attention of all lovers ot music e**. _____ sea --*---',4IIIIIOIIIIIFACTIVRIETIS.
31,, too or 13". to . t the seand X- ' k iNta .y101%1102 "ROuni; .N, --
. 11 , 23.0 . 37 ,..
° P " o ec'eu, distr i c t -'l4:lTervn'ed'il It.w seioig--2.401•11` m l F t. .
fil" (""A't3.lC'' Oct.C" 5 -ii is reP"teatisuEng- trying fact that Miss Lent scribe a: : Vija: , spa 80.-W a wish t;otarethelistna all
htehmegoonsej - et ( the uy* In. Bluotitv
t„,. n ,
r, ,
.... ~,.. , lima
h col:federation consists O. n a.: ~,,i0 ii , a , en the ISih inst. 0 ,,..,,,,, Aso en the lb ult , ,lion to ,ll eg _ c....mhtee , , _,,_ . .
_, ,
R t aTettel ' h ° '"'"' Alillbrll othindenee et ~__,‘ 1--i: -'-' ''o,lsaNhult* nt-,,F*9 0 , 4 r -- _,„,., , • mas hito. nrreaunu'e,
~ ilw 0
fat ,„ose elleh el
t The law Makes the cert i fica t e it T ag, October L-The . w
c ra aid:
d on 1 e dcfras tho ea
. .13"....--V--- o f Qtlittier tifessbmi the
t h a t come cold and indy, and fl o
e iil ig. ..
. cur has b._ angoollanybority that UM delegation, lu: , ~, tato to ow . 0 , o , ,ooro t i owaid ' F t ftt, se9CIMO'C IaCk. Of UtotigoondWitd• 4 9""7:-, , , . Orl;
. 47 : 1 40 1, - •
of put Clerk efourwilii that was received at he n
Cana* -- ^-• '', la tti vart In in • P.P ....-- see of building It Church lu Allegneny, the V1111 , t.. , . CO to ntine:l, lo Orttti ce .V. Gel_ ~..... ,„ .. 1. 4 ,„.., ...,,-. , _, 0 ),,,,A,,. t„ av ~ ..1„' ___ .. _ ,
ni7 Card °C
I.°PWkrni °rtrirer Usnad6. genth3P” 1 * lib ' & V l ' are"/"" tbe' ft
, al V 9,l°r Ibe P 4Cittc Pnrac " 3 al ' s° r"lu" - ' ' '" 11-l '' - 'C'',l-.'''';','• " , i-. • fr, ,, fia`" - --,-• 's i:;',. , c,?;', '' :, A .,
on. dit is probable that to have b een affaarreretnreeeorusa yisterMay. monahkanet Ye1mee_ 1 2°,,,,1%.„„,,,,,,ret5ed, it mad- Me. T u,klier3 „., i ou r
Dog W. r. o to wart„ . ~
~ 5,,,0 n, --,( -.*.,,......k„.,,,„„Li.x....,..,,,,.,,,,j,,, 4 _,.,,.., .; ,
43 ,, nce- .".„,,,, °1 dellerti :A I iftoidostousegaing tw,c24l1 Meth permits tor two cholas dela Were IhrettoL to 'Tir e ; of for w y tml or eerie ,
to r t , t : "liff, ___.7,..,,,,,5a„ . pug , _ las,
~ inset _ ► 3s _,.
v na''''' V etw* a°
imtwalieettihelllaTilielillnidOlAlTUPP•.-. 1, ' • 7774 .'" . , . - .
'...j"*."--- 7 - - ' i ,;:f-l••• 1 .. .''' t-..1,7tr..-:,:4,,4:'. ,rz7:`',-,*.,';'' '-....,-_• - j-;, -- 4.,,a
~ - voostair their 91 "tkidri -• - - „ „ ~ . , '-- ,-1 ,- ;•,,, , % - ; =,. - ,/-,. - '4„4" - t -, -; - - -
... ~.- --..,. -"',, ' z, ~- .y 4.,...- ..,-," • ,
. f , - . .,-V• % t - 4-,*,-,' *1 1 - - , , ''''',',,- .'"- •-•‘', :.,, ,„: ,t- . - •-..-"tr."'1..D..--...5......0.....m.,. t',.-' ,, _ V ,2.1.
• ti: I" .e..ige.4.{^,;"'''''''r-- t.----i•?....
... ,
_, , ... n , „I _,- .: ---`. " - -_,_-:4,.,.0.,_. -- '. - - - i - "I - . -,.," -" - --..*,-- -', .. t ~,..,-,--et.- , ,„?,-_,-..... ..., f. 2.. - -4,
• ............,t , ....,:_;...;":144.J.'„
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- ,- 1 , - , -- ~.."',:*:;',":1 .5,1-....f,e, ...t.,.....a...,.,_,.. -
' - -ez• ;W. , -=-.- ~•:.,.,;- -' ~,,,:,,,,,,-, ,t*,*„:,,., ~,,,,,,1,,_, -„c,.„,,,,,,, ,„
.""4"A'':---• -" ‘-::.,4-:.--i.-4-4-vti,-...... et. t
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....-- ...v&V .5. :3 - ' - ''''''' ? ft."' e,14..1:4.:6-7.vr...,5tiL.K.....t.,..: ...,:,v,............V.,. :-..-
AP.,,t-5-4.1.,,Ve•-eittv-m. - .
- .
. . learn which of thew men are atm on, crry_rus. l'r, terra; :Lean a few days stncs..l
and be provided with the weapon against
\-- 1 Criminal Courts
rdny morning tti ----------- e Court opened at the CliTnsloerra..-reFreterir
I. Cat h na rear e I fleirriblirentki.-t. rAlliginot=ghleein r t 1 ITEIOrriVER,3„
timid hour, with Judges Mellon and Brown on ls not a predisposing cause. Especially b thisSEATII & 1..11.,
them, if it be eessary. Get 0 °e. -yloN ‘,,Thecbtid.3 mother 1113 I:Mahn Ear nt IX laritil \ IF"
1 true sha regard to cholera. It likes to seize kettle, wbMIX,WeS taken from the nrs
Ghentane 4
The first thing to be done is to keep our ifilk Biscuit at klarrinP." Four th etf"tl . I ili t e e k'""° , ". „ti ti - It Bet on the floor. Tne child was rplaytng
etection officers futly ttp to the mark, and • , of on enert ate.l and n rationed cOnStitutiOnatfor
----- ------------ ' ieL cave
e e'
• ee
ail ' • and 11 backwards intoriniffertnirff soap. „e
siwtain titan in receiving these ot. Ind- item: ref T"tb' 1
F OUR 0' Ot, 00 K,A . M . south Pittsburgh, tried on Thursday for MIS- a con.titution in full vigor, and perfor ming anti surface /meld lldhs bOdy watillWera o9
vise that a circular signed by the District If there Is one thins '' ' m''" than any , demeanor in oflice, the Jury returned u verdict all tee functions of health. is usually proof cook before be taken out.
Attorney and the Democratic members of ' oth r" . Uty and ordered the count) to pay a ll
any disetrie, especially one of a mala
er f ro m,. redy.,, aptielriall'A perlloo 9 i , : _,, :--,, : --'__--__;__-__..---------------- ------------- 0ut,.%0-,,z„...„ , For.. we,... n 0,,,„ 10 aloe.-tine nova
the bar, distinctly pointing out their duty rial, mimulatte or endemic character. thole- in ill eof the FOUrLtt vfard, Allegheny, hold
appearause, ft i s the of good, perfect r
under the law, and giving the point de. I set of teeth. A toe er e lik e °M t Of n YERY LITEVI TEL In the Med Or Edward M array, charged with rII, In the air, It is carried on the winds i their Anal campaign mecting this evenig, at
• attempting to enter the dwelling of June :liar- and streak constitutions 'lmbibe it, and w lit 1 the Manila Rook ntlg.adder fitor, on_th_e
cidml In Huber vs. Reilly, and fissuring , captain Cuttles, a 0 organ with an end I shell With afelontous intent.tbe Jury returned ander it, as does Um turbid plant under the ; corn rof Anderson an s ..9.!•
them that the penalties in the act of As- • like the dome of fitt ers, a B air of man ' „.„,_, fa in -,.. ~ a. verdict of not amity, and ordered thee:nutty , blast of the bort mune not the fearless and ‘ Slag' , Esq , and T. T. verett, Elide on
lth .
sembly CaltliOT and SHALL NOT be en_ I moth ears rising at e e h ? eY rad r all I t"'ia' al siblaigton-Secretary Sew- top.) the cow.. • heaithy oonatipition will a ithstarat the shock t dres the meeting. All attendance of the
s title Conditio TIM
the Appoint- wiithon Johnston, the To whO was tried ar,rl follll . lill 91,Ure i nto Its Infection, as does , mem ni and the Irian of the OrganthatiOn
foroqd against them, be placed in ol io), of ' like two mirged ni.ip , ......=., 1 ..- „,,„,„,..„,„„ p( t h e p ub li c _ -,,b,_ and,ft.Clituhrtrit.rer.:rl2s., t i ls , e ,, gsn.n.rled„.a4ty,
.11 , , , 1 0 tr , 1 , 11? ‘ 0i.,,,i...1r1 t i le p fe y re . s . t ; is requeste_d.
thew hands. - 'undergrowth, ~,,,,, le, verb:a • , a T ti t.. .n .
The Wend raid Itikt Vaal IItatIOSHIIM., Ad.. titu ‘r gl e it iota Court for sentence. One ' o'f the . .limo, ) our Mood pure; he calm, 1
A circular frofa yourself, accompanied by , ugly set of decay{ u ti e r ' m e r r ' or i ek 4 , mire' Dahlgren-lutenist Revenue Lleci•• iedletments charges hi m a Ith stealing 11 a etch anti ton to one
the list, should also go to. the Vigilance whom eaters ties ,
• o time in al°ll' from a man named John bOrdon. The other escape cholera, but man , . other morbid 1
Yon will " l ' only I ANISFustaN-taehtennte Ith, ISM. On Anderion's
plantation, totar Austin. tun.. Capt. Ether- UT S.
Committee, or the most reliable Democrats ones. should thei le ll:ze
.. 1 wAnninninn, ovnbir s.....neminvinpntnet Ilamrilmi. holm.mer:thret mt,1,,,,,f1,:r0.k..
ket of a gen. in 11 uenei . `sea a e cont. to the noun. Dr.
t Is; tk ,ht Veal , Bloc. 'sear,. her is rim beet medicine i nt. ~,, ' •
I AA DE ow , . t, metro( 5I •. Jae. J• Turin. of
In each election district, for private use by procuring an artl 4 a
~ Thi, goof eases tit clicilera have occurred in this eitY and fifty dollars, at the corner 1.1 ?inn and 111 . 00. a , %0r161
w in ctearne.,t,in.lnltitlgui.annti.keep tt t ;teen Oreenel le p pers pleasetopr• 1
them. , eer'e. No. 21° "'me-. - within the past few days.
tic. Clair streets, on the night ot the I thank.... 1,, .011. It 111 ot, •_ll • II e meh and i JD NY.s -. in Friday. toe th lett., Gi be maiden.
the reputataon of re pion . Mod le it to dig., IL. toms , It will give tone as s , t,,,,,,.„,,. 0 , 01 , 0 ,..„.. 3 , A ,..,,i(g. 0 410 o f
I also wish to furnish to every election 1 tleome lam gal
Dentista lu the UAL. SeunaarY Benne& l ihn 11" taken 111 last • i : Jobreloie tasted that he woe only fifteen nod corm to the boa %la ullll .1101 n alimentary Isaac ilium, aged= i
Of a copy of the decision of the Supreme being
v al ot patieo„oit and night 'With I heralll Of bis late attack, the re- years of age, and came from New York cite, e . OllOl ,I . t
5,!5,1.,11,.,,t,t011ti.e.511i,d nlin ,, tt . l i tlnt that , fn- Ft fet. of the famtiy ar cordilaly Malted to a,
Cond. Forward me their names and Pont - tad States by lon lapse being occasioned by over-exertion in wh ra ere his parentxreside, on., ushers time la:
lidionni expertenc profession . [ le has fora this occurred, that tte •rt. the son ,r, It it
• . . 'll','"-.l','-tts.tin'lt 111,1,1'..111,ti0! /111;-41001.Ll0 Vlt von) tend hi r Mee ral from har i fsther's residence, West
office addresses. ,,rgb, abore W ood"& t itell log .11111, oo liallitaTil
/ fitted up his large elegant establishment th . °rasp!
. al, oOf me official duties, While lea vee tehle rents, who nod num.' hint proper- alcoholic di Ink , . It in s safe and pure remedy,
Where we have the President Judge, the titillated condition, was this everting con-
. ly D l b ; the war he war ..gssed ..inan . tin •Ii mar Ito taken with safety by all l anitarati, at 10 clerk, ta proceed to the Methodist
with it the ap plies Science has given to oe
District Attorney - and reliable Juries, the aidered to be improving in health.
papaya in the Second COrpe, Artily of the 1.19 . aml coedit ket. of Mho • D , Reaser'a in 00Li 1 lillryitizt roan i
std : o k ti,,,, e on of artificial troth, thattomac Since that , i Imo 11. had fallen In wit h , Set/tear, will pt event eltoltra If taxon in about Cahli-w t hair past onti o Cock thts morning. at
CIMO to e t very plain one. The votes MUST a t,, 0
1. Gott • „,, ,„ Ones,. cannot be excelled The President to-day mule the following „,,
ba.. com p any, who had led 1111 . lido this Mills otta- ( oursh the %own tio.e. We do not att) this Ina reattiene.e.,,,... it %diamond tweet, J uoski
BE POLLED, and you UST 'fIIREAT- lln
tut it t ' e it the Do eufr e a ero nieter; 1 grailitutians of tfilwine'realgear' c44ln.akel.-Mukt, all"Y IF., ulso produced
ter true , l t .111 74 1 . a, t,...,,,;:,...t
tstitil:Lfro,,r,,l:rN.c,lTl,erka„,,mwelitliatAtei,,,lanklettey: CASE, In 7 .
‘„ tt i a ii ea b. r eq s bt . i . :ge w .
EN th Republican officers and FULFIL yi,. ' r t . la to
o t i n ‘,. agen lin doing away with \of lowa, Register of the Lill Office at Sioux T u t? l'km‘tir'is'll'itt7iii It: e l 'i n CLet7rt, Y o rk here e ro Y inarl....!:l ee ' r'+ ' Blood an t eon
la on. w e the greatest
YOUR THREATS. This will dispose of
a y' " P to removiet o„neth,laugh- C1L1,,.. Aloo t hw im me r O ng ,• eosteee3iore-40- that he remembered seeing Johnaton selling proph) lanes eve, dimovernti, no t, on ly ~,
.............______ slim trends •
the matter in Democratic counties. In i i' .. o e ' a •
a'a' ,.. l ~,w hai their teeth eltraeled re,-,7,),)
Hoorn, at-Daytori,Ao4.); J. J. Li sle , papers, t hos elatillruting that port of Ida SUM.- 11i01,11zzt: ,:bolero, but es against any Infectious
those Counties in which the Republicans ,
,te,g„,---' in, . h i Cull on Dr. bpeucer, and noeka 11l Indfanal
blin Atlas tieatthrday, f e h i iPilir e . bitneeen't. it'eVVekeembeed'suoitemitl)'lL:o.'..n'tt'univirl'N'l"oll7C ~ 1 1 L e. C ' : l‘ ,, I A ZI. very little to try ita virtues, anal
have the Judge, Juries and District /nor- I,
~, ,:;"" 4- n.
o dor having it dcrne to their Its, Ohlet Edward Van Derveer, et Bett ie bitterly. , lrtal ant eons-ince any one of its 00901 orni•
ney, we must be specially active in su.stain- Creak , Itiegelgan; .tralteti Barnhart. at Inds. The Court then sentenced him as (mime,. On Trout, ear... Live usul purifying geantied It 19 a
enter c ; BM lira 0 I tirm ila B. Dedifei at Coia, 1,0 - tint charge of king, to undergo one al mph. and ealnable compound of 501110 Of lAIO
Ow and upho/ding our election officers, I Er,/,,dwnnwon:tniJamelTruoto
-,---ww-------- - n. fit eelem.t-ieee rear Ittiorlsonuteni, tool far atealing the s. t at h tered .11010.01110 and Valuta/1e too. tind herbs
and if we can succeed in getting 1 i
whore ideate a Flair Plotter*. 51artIll UMADMILIIC, at Canton, ()MO; Isaac 2 1. 0 %e we, making In all full three vents In lei, o. n tr. medical .letenee The hroulreds of
them right, the whole trouble i nryent, at Barlyille, OW; John 11. Dunham, at It Iv r. made to Pittsburgh alone stamp
8 re- I Ti Pit b excels in tarning 00t heavy the tVesturn Penitenti.ry Ile atm rem. , ed caret, i I 1
dared to Republican Districasintheir court - 1
guns, "“ i'
"elating. and beaVy meces ot at in, Ininois.
Ke.keiree, Liii iMie t efiti . Ethre trd 8 . " illietnib to that institution during the afternoon Dr . Kea st
ien ry Lme' a ithoellister, "
trial•l,lllm in ,1, II el medical compound of rt. „ oont itif of
ties- He re the nets agai n become uncial , lan d iTCCI •dr for the purposes of the comp arison of . the deptenther with the ,
hotichester, s 0.14 the" place! ua l.ll zt O, lino } ,1,1 00‘11% it orb
t for Dr
. d . eparr .o r
o n t o not
and I advise that our ends change the eoter
1 indult MI art menet he denied. But there ?iCtOheroTttwlneonott
454.ibaenpdttbalftobdireabt.eILMI, charge Of federdretot.,,,es, Nt; hi 1 irt,t0,N,re,1.,1,0:TC,,,,,,,arz ~i• ~1,,ruetry111,7,1.,
.I.i...l4,llett.ttry,:t.t,v.taotr,ertno.blc,. re fling
(If it Ora be done) into a Democratic Dis- is atietrae. 'bi t s:, which we lead our coutern- It ac u r ow betng 2,513, Y dia1.01.4. The amount creole oPnakocr"isii'op InmsVaun c1,?7, P ILL, ' on ‘6 2 lnslf of '' or. het a% r's 01,0 01 Smirch., hi, cured thone
Viet over 10 days belbre the election, and 1 - t , that , I . to noo af00h00 ,,,, of in the Treasury b everbightl.six nalllione, or widen he "tiered to Nethercoat tor act 1 t tin en .s of CaSes Oft 110 10, lllNCLtiertofroit,lntel
also provide 'hemscives with certificates to '• tle '‘iY °" aa. 1 phio The really beautiful e ee bier y heimi'fdneargortaiMaricilleontl'eafAttnril . a t t ie fl ew of
t ie rci i t eei 'ir""`",f,tho Lat. nu ,0,, 1 0:, 1 ,1,,1 .1 , I.r,','„u,:''.';L' , .; - . 0 , 0 „t„t "ir..'„!:: ri. .... .0%,
etrika their men In return. If we am car - !`"
art phot4.
of sa.atjtneh ' of the fine arts which mllilmm'e, there:D.oloh Ot both Coin and elirrent" watch was tales ' ll. ' l ' l i I"ur'ntru'e. 3 The pi es, i. ..11•Ir 1,, ,I 1 isi, it II It 101 looks or obstructions for di •
Ty title Out we will neutralize their great 1 firma -
,too at cy being over one hundred aud eight tulillons. failed to establish the charge; add the Jell it, .. .....• t. gene, ate dr 0. velop itself.
r 'f . o t e m e , t , te
game, and whip ithetn with their own are upon exh
Dabb's Palatial rocens laformatiOn ilea lIMI reeedve.l here tt a n t f turne ion verdict ; of "not gnilt^,"
! thit
''''''''''' l '" • ,‘. :':.lralirtmni'4l',UoViteT„Dgv„L",'s&nii:eitink;
weapons. st_s ret wi l l fully
.v.indowo - - Clair I. a • es err reil.nY Mid ress_ Company _oe the ddant ta pdyithas cost St iron 'I bottle, all bet.
assert-lon The •specimens Chicago s prees to transport to estm n ouertnge M i c h a el netts ra 08 boll pincen on t rlil ro on:. I- -tn. t 0 pet
Please require our friends to keep art il b " e "" t 3: r . fmr ,,,,,, ~,,,,r,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Etna collections for thatreat Paris Fate toga., ...atilt a mt butte, ) on Wt. •N 11,e1 7t 1 •• ,I , t• - tot fa
rata lists of all voters who may be rejected , -Te n eer th V ••1 . k tree oteipens. he COmmtaelorter for tuudant 1.13010. 00 ettotze 11,111 in II, • I 311 I, II de ,II eat, td. loot sot. got Dr Keyeerift
on election day. , t,uteknnst, R uth. , who have eater:dished a lUlasoart says crineago Flu be the headgear- n e r d 0,, the n t_ht o f .a. id, n on r tit ..t lio It ... ia. ar, Hole, alde to the IMMOrt ...I he
national rep u pon th e ir execution o f sere for the NOrtllWaieft nd everything should pt ..,,,,t0r, aholo tt Vl.llOO ofliz t,,, tte II 0 1 , ~ sltl.s' it I It It) 01.111-00.1
COurnge, firmness and clear instructions ,
Oil l ' r • .,„ tm . f1tede ,,,,... , id r Dabl.'•
Ku 0 Mott centre for the Mame to au en,l to a to. in ;trout t•-0+ 1.. I
duly and we will easilY win the fi ght ' 1, thoreug hi; ierstanda everT dePertment of omnenetshirtr;'lrinLVattthil'eriliresetmni&''. klitkr.saktaTed 104,;iiii'jri",e,,1i;;1re1",,?„",,.‘:,1,.,r t ",,,.', " , ' , ' ,..f °
.t.""° I nforteiatinti fur the IMidlee,
. respectfully, yours, 1 he 1 1111101. Ms 'UMW 00 ' , teen once observed
\ his businegand takes especial : are that that the public Inter...tin that at <Lie n la M neh and 1111.1 ti. lt 1 ..1.. 11.-01 t, t,..1 10 pa, .tl t
'WILLIAM A. WaLLscv., ' of 30 I , , L1,1r.,,,-nin,,,,,,i the reputation of tires
every pier s•hien !eaves his house shrtu ""‘
lin",,r'ana,l'uti.l'ilrirglit2ranbilt>el.n ordered 10
Chairman , , Tilly P at, wet next ;dared ea itid for %tt Ito dt 1 ttild het IP, than any other lady In
bear the trill( Of su periority and sustain take passage Iron) New Tort on tn. le m false land , t t-es, nu .. t't II 1 shell z. It • ,-, ~,, , , ~,,,,,,, ~,, ,„ ,tons , th e 0.,,,t
IMs Mich Otation as an er4lst If any of DicirlOtterito take command of the Booth re' alleged U 1 it lee 1,11111,11. MO •11 U. 10111, lit '
11011 0 011 10 0 i to, t Mot and fet Welt MI 11,, • e, ri ,r• -1 lt it It) glancing at a woman. dresa
I our lrlvadt. "' lron ' of .o"tnining n p n°to 66%."rto'annt'rterl're hundre4 Oi the quarterly re - material to. the tam tit 4,7,, Abler no •' " 111 • •e• , Ml , l 1.1 1 I eat abet "Or , or rt '" ,1 "." , aha
graph of f Sire or etTle, 71 e eria efacir re - ports id tuitional hardssi pat Of Mabee. lion - i detiou e t the Jet, I Ile deletel tut present. 61 ttt a,- a , 11,. I trilued or )IP car . Thlit. aha
commend/am to fiver this establishment tired and e 1 . ,/ now
hwv. teen_ r o Owt s I' d the prosecutor 0 nut purperted t . be .. , tot. . linos e. 1011 a twit, 11 . 11 111. texture of the
w ith , col 1 , 3 No. 511 St Clair street it) the Comptroller of currncy. tile). mow for the niete rmis ~,,a, in I.lllld tug tin n ~,,, . it „, . , much ,to ti,. At e t rooprintenese lc,
-sr- the Matte tO be in ...V etruttition, The 1., n nd on 1. , u, tot emit it It tiles.. the motto , Mot at vt to c ompletion tool lite place. In tine we I _
ports an, remarkably blot, mid exhitat a lee , e ti ,„ fe n e„,„,,,,, „f 4.,,, Alters ~,,, „i,.
~,..,,, s, , n ~,, ~,,,,, in,
~,,,,,,,,,, look,0„.
Tom Olsen's. lea good IStriert , a'. TY gceerel eemniienee WILO In. rr.venen' oalil to 110 for Med,' mot mate, il 6no 0 trt 1,1 tit to 1 0 1 . 0 14.11 0 11.111111011) 210111100 r rubes o'..N.l2Vir Oir ELIA a
Tie h e , and inereasang pattonage ...card - ... 1 0. taititdriral,,mtr r
itoyen,,, , 1,,, , , betiding t he house , were preeented id Moo' t:- ti eott her per.e.. a hen the fading vegt•tatlon,
,ed this hfe ia swine/v . ' M ete ' . °f ite gr°'" dee=l°l‘.ll's"t
&Oa %cud shoes are sub- nT1t4°,,,re1;:,`,',,i7T.,)0r,..,.,,./..,1 i tee rase ee" el l - i a HlOl t. 0 $ 1.1. t 20. 110t1r) .• a the
I.:t . . ‘‘ l i t l ' tp roatit ot a inlet Whitt flowers
I superieriand popularity. By strict atten- ln-i to a ton of live Mtn ...La . iarilo ia " °,f Ma inlet t .... 1,0,, aum 6.6,1 ot he • sot,. r• li.• o r t.O l'o , 1,11‘.. , ri1.1e a orld, women are TUE ENGL SU OPERA SELSON,
FROM NEW ORLEINS. •10. to e'Y ord er for murk a nt, .steel 10 ,he a ear tng a pparel maeuraoturmil or produce. tp, oof the mon oho .1.1 , 11W arind Mono, ,tall ,„ ; 1 t ~,,,,,,,,t ~,,11) , ~,,,i when the 0 01.1 bleak
for sale (tem India I . ÜbbOX. TOO tllol, Olt hoots
I ; l ouse tlaroprietor has sureeeded in Obtains placed tut li tat tor the lament 111 011•111p1, do,. ep t do e 9 our It, 11 ... r. h`dlnt Id' AIOIOtInCCTSIGUI (4 the LAST NV iltalf ef toe •
___., _ _ sue. manufactured Of leather is only two „„,.., Tr ..„,„ me .„„ ,„.„„„, r . , ti ,, „ .t, r , to t0 f,,,,1 ~, l e , ho w., g artueta, that while 0 1 .9 Manny aureessint
Secret Rebel Societies In lb. South- 1 ine an eiable reputation as a first class me- p e r cent. the NI .111 surd Ile it It- tostel got," ,iti 1., 9- ~,,li h. tt t Mel t o Mt> 0111 111,0 ben some font 3
".'".*ra' I.2.""ann C.44enlntllnU" HI• chant, .1 demriptiona ot plumbing, gas tit- ten , dto otte lea , s 1010T1. 1 ' ..m. " ' w U "' 'lthi "r p•oi e nom tonalnat the foo4lolitti of ElCHllifirS GLIB'S OPERA TROUPE.
Treepu-The lat. Riot at Denham, t y„. ~..... firtiog, de.. is properly attended Ibt7Folr a. - 11.43.114. Fennentiar) it .V• ...tiller. 01 e term ot, 1201.01 IA ill 111 0 1f 0-
rwita.-Lester from tic.. 141serldwo. I -*, •"I sr Imum, October ha-Tbe, number at the antivina. hull z pies I ...its t. Ise ..mrgc. a.. a • ... -.du ., .1 to Iso ileum 11V. fall and Wte. I n se•s i rel et h•A thnsN.betn ehos.rers.te,
NS. TOIIO, Gel,ollor 5 -The Trltb..e. New t° and a.°l It 0 erreettal to prov e service - Fair to.dae w. measanstuy lean than Se of illegal tato,. ael,n6_, Iml s ii• tell...led s 111,1 tlO tit 1, • - kl . there 01.0 1.011 motet. t lard ay •• so ity I misled • re r
. sfr ., f , r , ~_
. osp wit e satisfaction. Country people
Orleans special says . ti.ime important ills , eh- - y
• ery lair". 1 Ile Maio feature In f o r s ont,dir a .... ........ ~ a , e d..... to .• ~I et II des S. liens, i i..11110%[. and the most PM lest , t H s u t
'r e I•al ad wealth{ Met see seen lisietneled ta my
f h IMO° Of li ' e w the elblbltlon of thorough Benton, Ciao..., , h tret dw 19 1. , 1 0: 9,9 ' No ' 1 ' , I 9 "L'-'`' ' b wi.fw l'“'""'" Ing n " ''. s' " °n n ut i L Vitllbtlo Is in Wan, e on hs
closures will mon be officially made online In can n 'rialto better Colm o tmeostpnrc
mmbi.. Lmea:ri,e,n th e
r e , s , .
i g Yorldaillotuellve years and et a 0111011 lwo, 11 11l .. 11,4,, t v. us it t. 1 ahe t and , 111,0,, 11, 111111.11,1,ii ~.,...„....oatt,n,e32,,t. tr,.;,....„..„‘71;1? 1',..,',.„..,, „ ,t,„,. „ run . ~,,,,.,,,,,,
reference to secret rebel sOeletics which per- I
anti ' er r nt ' qn . a y ~ ,
siob,c3, oms‘eur,,ohnsigt,ititottioexr,
~.tee.t.he test p ti t T e y o u r , 1 . 15 , ,
r T;‘ , l
p t , i , i . t . i s ..i t i ,,, t , t , t l 7:t . ;tyl , , s :,..
~,,,......t.:tl: .1:,,,1.,;..,..5.f.,...,....„-,.i,t.:1,,t,r::::0...ift
,g:.,,,....!...'„A:1011.; l z.,..,.‘.....,..t.,,,17„7,...a..r. egew ,f
.. ...,I t rltt e l
f re o de . zit ,, e g eg
MI ehOest ot isles. i,ss
Meath the enure South. These organiratienis a
pemine de., on hand In large assortments. - o and over litendeser h e got, the a u t. 1., t asi he ira• .i aol. , I .1.. t,e i.11,11111/1/1111 tr. t ..n. 'of Normand) to the I, asr
barn branch circles in New York cite and the took nea t Ipet%2-13fattiliarisrani, si;cond prise, children act...tont oleo , ....... ...el t ind he , ..,, .., ~,. ee l .., a , lii fiiii,,. k t rend, together t MO 0 DAY 1f. ,, •; t o IRO,
n t l7l..oj'e . r o ll , t o tt . the , firdiAr
west. That. In New York M mid to numberbronze medal. SO'rellllls3lo Mtge Of thot Quail would nes eL In the world an 00)1h in a dr, a „„„,, A , , , A „ , , dr , ~,,
Caine toemtAl Saloon. ' ''" i'''''')Ujl"6 ' O 7, , I;ls"r(UV.a.rllLLL....fim then te k irdl i nt or •
fifty thousand, principally comprcitat of nom . ~,, .. ~, , ,,e , ~.,e, „ In bred mares were eahlrped, the pterniums be- again lie a .... hugely 61,1110 int .1 al., 1 . s 0-, ..,,,,,, ~ s eoie s t tesetete , oid l for 1. l e m I YAREW tad, oat , XVI i ,
'l.'"erved I . th e re hei er m Y Eeeh eirele " ea ""- " --. - a is refe'rtmli to '''' nig divided between {Monti and hentoekY. senien , oto four wont, to ihe ic tat t ,st, t ,,, ~, , t.,, ~ t , a nt . t , ,
hale dillerextttneme. Some are known as the o ar re it, it becomes a matter of Importance D. T. tiarria .t. Co ,ca liprinetleid. Max., tout tbuntrai the court heartily -er- th„;.t.tVZ:..Ppreme.."...e!
'r oe saws Of lima South. ° When WI 111. I tr, nerobalatlng boarders where they ob. t a
he _rst premium tor bent, drill prime. Tugs. odiett.ll3n, to. , 0 led on TIO ro,lny , Thr llon•e of 11 4 hlld• .1 10 ohm Bade's greed open of
oilyight of Arldi add an are woU armed I ' 'CI. ' steeling a hmae Irma JI 1 Woes marl A L 1.1,
th the mOstitoproved weapons ready. at a tale eft meals in coca style and with cleft 1 ,,,,„ , L , ) ,„ ,t , „. „, t „,„,,,,„ tt , tan ~, .. g .., „ t i o e 1 , t th, • nitettLten of our Tendert lathe .r 1,,,,, 33,,,a,„„„„i.„,,,,,. 43.1'16
Georgia mitigator.
oment's nutter., should a favorable emporia- stirred MX. W o kno w of no % ell "' lila lrlg j i , on zr 111 , rel,ll 1 1 . tr.l , • f I • 1 Leos h and estee- 1, it hoof.
e " lin g n e. ' . 'mP".4"'"" 01
i'"" I"
pa Tt - FsDAT ET ZNI SO, October ath, .111 bv
%arise, to renew tan ea:mint: for the lost
i rooms the Slam than the Continental as- 1, eet7,er.-„,ethar..?,eatoaqt.. °Zrg' ib f . . e ,, n „, of limy 101 l '''' 11 ' 50 " 1 ill'''. If. " "l" , ' t .„'" o " premnosi for first tune try nit. tr.. Pout-
C'''''''. oleo[
ri e' 'bk. or- loon, at door to the Custom Mouse on Fifth rent...nation. it Ls tbnagligthst an effort will ) .„, n .„ , ..,..,,,....„. .1, rit app 110 In another rotund , rani arm seta's besonMi beets of
gantaaltune, now in prison. is sold to hat e 1 n.
made important ellsures. ' n the meeting of the Legtslatere Ps
, streetuder Miner's i The beet and most be or ate o . .
1.3. Tu 4 rta., a - rrut,
„porn .," u.t . f.. . tfu , o.u . r. I t 1 1 ,11 mot% teem ,
mommteil as a leading one In I:lora P'isailaciras.alsb.
sinners Sheridan is concentrating troops in , ...,,,,,,50 rwilf.ffii., deiced, , ee d t„bete harelnber. te ',ft. , . 0 PtoP/ m 1,1.111 0 flt 1/11/41141,1.1, att6l have done much
title ally
IMpOrtant purposes, which will - a- merit tit ciirtaiii debit. contracted prior sitsi .„.„. „„ b p „,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,, ~,,..,,, 0 ., ,:,,,„.„ , t t lrst
ar la ,t rum In Okla ch.) a class of triltie WgtilillSOAT EVENllffi,oo._ll4l6 Os awl
be WWI Made apparent. I a te tea fecal nre served up st very moter- de ,,, O n e i e r e war Thefe.a.u.rged,:r the n ‘ '; ‘ ,..,, i „,,,,,, the t „,„ 1 ,,,,,,,,. o i e o r i e l. , . ° ,7,, ~'.,..e ., ,', ,`,,,,...,„,,,, „,,,,,- i eett drive. to ratie.l Mete Tenor of America, 1fx.11111.1.1A1l CAM
TIM following exPlaina 'than Nilo Orieeon , I ate peg Just try this saloon OPO time and repo ,1 1 Of IA Iv. awe . , Tbs. wia tamest his vlstrusatlr •FAIILWB.I.O
September %n lasi. To his Eleelency,lituv. I
twe wignarantite that yo t w ill he sit laded, f The a mount or mg loon on )turret atria •t for ,as Mt nllll . ,i i , f ,i,ii.,„ ,i, ,i 0 ,,,,, They Itav,• ~ Iromen.,,„ ..._,... __ „,, .. _
bi.... 10.
I. ta....
Mese of ha , a r ... Ir a. 1 4 ° ,
ernor Throckmorton-1 hare Pat received , rtY aviom oil in the Mon y• it tLei OrOdm i, 5 sent min ~95 of 1,..1, att0r.5.unr,1,L5:,,Lit..,1,t0,5,.‘...rt.,,
,‘. . r , L ,
of wi
Colonel Mason the repOrt on the affair . and lime a regattas' castorast, Bute for nee is ~ TUX, in he.,_lo 0... M .. 66. ri c h , ..„ R „,„ „t„, ~„,, , ,,t , t, ,, ~,,,. t „,, , i z, .. L 1 16.. „, , ,t a ); ur m w „ ,
~.. •,....,,,
„... 1
which Occurred id Benham exas, on the 70, 1 1/ We 1111.5 10 1.110 MAU, X over lindlitice.x... NeTCS , ICOLSWITCA.COs
rich, .• • hen tbe latter, le Olmet ned ro•o• a 1 .•,,. 1.1 t me., w i t , tt u mm than f a vorably
Instant and hare direct& him to noufy t Prepare, far litliiter.
Brevet'llajeor Onsith, that he mlist not premdt Aumn is here alth (mot and eltllling • ansiller.. , in. ,nn,,,t ad. An
don hawser, or m's a mos difllsulvt, a, 1 It, onto' '6 .I 1 h tar II• ,cos .• I, , THURSDAY TVItNI,IO. Mt. it. L. kay TIMM
himself stereo" , or Ida Meri to be arrested. ..e,o , . 1 rilotaing lonise , o f r...,t. re ~turn. .0,,,,,,,,ty ,to. V, .1)....,. torawg opora. dr
ra Maly 1ra ,,,,
• ,
r respectfully request of )oar Excellency lo
df chores end eight d Oahu this city a "°- thee and i, nockleg Mel 11110.11. .Lllll,, Xt. 0,0,, ,r r, ~,,
wort . 11 0 ,i 0 rifielf ffrl,orrx
.1.1.1 i Ai.,l ttooo Old ti tater will COMO with filaltraltit LMIOOIir ft:rant. Sera UM rases DIM terrible blew in Ila fair. roe 94 9 • r , ~ „, „,, ~, , ~,,,,.., dr „ ,„,„,,,, ~,,, , vs
ccasitiwwww ,
do all 2n your power to allay the excitement slmitOni snows arid fr..'... Al rulitlf heti , Y , r , ~,,,, 1 ..,. ~,, era s f ...a.
'Attires...a" 1,....M..a1l In my loivrtr to,nittafT booms° nee...sal) to comfort 00. la the ,
.„..,,,,,,...„._ ." CticarellinrauTtall,':llent‘rndlr;lAT It'Vrtt'll'lt',./.6'... ::71 ' ; ' ,.. ?tat I,tust with the ladivid - oat of the most deeded meresses of the 011 EAT
1... firm 001 cue mifely and ithiii 1-11 UCH . i 0,1311 . ANT•
iturtmei-Igtl'tPt-001,1"10r4rAMIrat0Airrt,r,',e, trisratarl Om Piers' re relT enf "e t J . -3-7ff°- l deaths from choler .. zWituin the last tw.utv- hen or ensural ttesi %duel
. I , e• ,i,,,,,,r411,3,,,,,,133,e, i ",. ~,, , ,,e, ~, ~
~ I
which coutpels our edam-sand soldiers to re- humor CO l, 1.1 IlmUct 9treet,
dOor to i fon, hoar. la I,bl. oily, IN , 1 11, dewilfe i "" l' l ' ele ` ° '". ° ''' °' l ''”°°.' '..fl' 0 . I. tell that. tar to , ilit..o).....itaiLlN a till. ' SOP. Fire% ttats
, ret t, t, Sloss ist•1•1•91 to it thr e le , le iit „,t , or., ,t lot 1.0 to Ihzll i lz. zZ 1-0.... t.
Ol e , Inside of the defences thrown around Bark s dry coral , store The) base every- , war.•••••,........".'"...., "of half.. Orand Opera of tho
;thewan .., trilling la it , 1.-I ,l + l o w• I° Ca' °°‘-a I I a t Tholl 1101140 10 lorsook at No 1.4 a casl street. 1 ,
their ...-r- i ''lik here " 'thnii'n "a
thingree.seary to toe complete outfit of gen
thorough ovestigation of this affair, If possii . Crry AND suatrgBAN.
,tiatr,isi.i•rhitl,,.l,i,i..ii.,.‘llt.:l Mt
0,.. 111 1,110/11.1..1111t 111 the, lett li/o,l,itly 111111 1a.C1E3113. or Clia.sstl l, B.
Ole, to rite
ll any mlitiers were guilty of {lame ladies ta isms and ehloiren. Th t ool . . . 10 , trr 1,. Otdr • r. , fll lima. Mills ..,,per 11
____ i fro ',"' •
,r,,,,,,1,, ‘ ,1 1,!, toe lett ten, vie, t001...100 ,t 0 0 0 1.0.0•100“. to ton 1,043 Isaltlltif, trine. p ......,,...tu b „,.. .5.4. ort,,,TuaDLy I
-dearly of the tm- t Is lan and varied, and seireted specially for
fiDDITIoNaL LOCAL NEWS ON TRIED recto 1 elf n • Itithot im m,llotett lit tests...l to 10, ~, ,„4 „ i ~,,„ , oi ,„ t ~,„..„,,, 5.. , so., ,L,.„, se moms
the No.. el Dm. sta Ma
Le let eArio-lace atterset la tie ••• •• will .06,1 1, at to = t hey prices
_ - ... t% miltly to ht• case.lan.l Milo. 0 0,1 1001, „... THE LAST OPERA Of THE SEASON.
Ward odic 10.1,00Upt.. 1,1.0 hoard ..•,,,,,o ttneline•s NOM 4 s•.
-fee,..1111 l• nao isle of resin - ea mitts fir the Sim. Oper•wi
ta ..teas %Inc , dationa of the last co. noises
ThfittE will he an eclipseof tbe sun nest
Monday, visible in New England, and on
Tuesday there will be an eclipse of Cop
perheadism in Pennsylvania., Ohio, Indiana
and lowa, visible all over the United States,
and especially at the White Mouse at Waeli-
tith affair; but Coi. 11,4-on is el.arly a.. . __,
pression that those designated for arrest are I this . 0 . mark., 0,,,,a,,,,,,,,,taa. ~
Respectfully your obeolent servant, I 'Let ueet.
Pao. IL Snettiosii I '
Dolor General .S. '. To (set the Best Denat•try
The More New ',ricer. special sate: A ' Be mefol to go to 948 Penn street. They give
large number of J ureic. In different parish , . I the ist Nitrous Oxide or laughing L.., They
have sent cert admires , to iienerui S het idiom that
they are unable to esthete the lase protect- i adoeister It Oita more skill than si t e y olli b e e r
leg freedmen in collecting 0 ages for the past : perm toned in this section of coon ry. 'I 1
aY'plrl'erte"-Joi'',ofrentid'enrs,'n"an6itr"tt.*y'VrtTrialr'restb'hel i' friebether artificial teeth and cotter fits than
sad held in military conemeinent. cawe bad in VI ester'. ronos - y I van Ir. They
' gth m.ild end silver plates, if dealred, aleo
Appointment of Assistant Secretory of ' vunialte, cheaper than - In any other place
euate-Stathstees of ratbile Debt. ' Btarefol you go to Do Penn atreet-c. 0111
Wastithocoa, October 5.-Assistant Stereo , 1 ~a t i E. Gu i ee ple.
rir of State V. A. Seward has been appointed _-....-
Secretary of Stale red fan-rim, owing to the Country Tleraltusets.
sickness of Ids father,
,s, ho, without malting
to recover fully from Sta pretlons attack, de• I .4 ,-- entry Merchants
voted himself too closely, and Tor many boors I country Merchant.
a day, to his °Metal duties. The appointment I Cann try xere b a eb,
of his eon .thus relieving him front business I
cares, will afford lIIM abetter apportnniey le I Country Merchants
recover tds health. • I remember tact M'Ciarran a 111.0ennan ion
The following ts a statement ot the public ' Ong Patent Medicines and Perfumery low
debt of rte Dotted States on theist of OMts
par, 1050. , or than any other honse, S Market street, cor•
MDT SLIMING COIN 1311228.15 T. ear Diamond. near Fifth street..
Fiveper cent. bond. ............. .$ 198.09 1 , 0, 00 1 _______- -41.----- -----
Six per cent. bonds of iroVeri.-... Id • sait,ost to 1 landsnyT• Stored Ressettet.
SIX per cent. bonds of Mil ...... - 253.7 - Mlne 0 0 , Lindsay's Mood Searcher.
Six per cent.S.ff, bonds.. ......... - 7"71,1ff/,'Dcl: ' Lindsay's Blood Searcher.
Navy pension fund ................ 11,-MO,OOO Lindsay's Mood searcher.
Total ............................ $1A10,063, 411 W The gounino article. sold wholesale find re
DO D ' , B"3° c".....cY "rrg...... tall, low, at klMlarran & SPltennan's
Six. per that. bonds ................ . 11 MAO tO i Drug .Store , SS Market garnet, corner Diamond,
uOO al ,
I:m9°r‘rYpol'ran-ta--" ............... I ts t ye 0) near Fifth etreet.
Three war c yrarl l ll o d note ts s mst
. 7.. "' ...... .. .. , • 994,050 M , ---------...--7------
If You Wout
Total Js. ........................... 49309, 30 , 100 00 To buy liostetter's Bitters, Drake' Bitters.
Natlattal debt not presenthd for Itotrack's Bitters. or any othe.' chef of hitters,
Payrn*". .......................... $ '• 3o2 '" r" 14 ,go to Ftratiso's Drug Store, No. ea Market et.,
DEA MIDI ft so orrsaray. ' where you will get the gencine Tresti article,
United States notes ................ 4.99 16 . 5 ,Tg 00 '
Fracrtional currency 5,1029.= gt tor less money than nt•any other place in the
Geld certificates of deposit ...... .. lipas,r4o 00 1 city. Remember lids, and too place to get
..... s ,,r -- . ..e l.tielli-S4 Market,streot. „
._, _ _
...................... 0,701,4ar,70; V . Any et One iterate's
•soctiT 1/1 xXixituaT• Who want a fine article of Table Ofi will find a
.......................e Eir5 221 . 909 91 superb article at Fletning'S Dreg Store, No.
............................ 41,953,058 ;it at Market street. We IlliXti tried Oils Oil, 51 01
Total ................ . ........ , ... aiIIMILI.7O '.13 speak know inch, find It can no IMO at a rea
affl'i•aflow canh in Trrat'YaOsS73ll,o.9ll 09 I tenable price. Remember Ftemso's esisb
'The foregoing is a correct statement of the I lishment" when you want anything in the Drag
public debt, as appears Dorn the books and I _,,, e,,,,,...._.r, li.o.
and Treasurer's roternsin the Department on ' "'' '`' ''•"-' l'____ ..........---
the lot of October, Van.
(Blamed), B. Idellettocn, Wonted
Seeretary ot. the Treasury. With immediate possession. If possible. a
-------vo---- Dwelling Route to either Allegheny city or
The !Sexless Iltaddle-Illapoleen 601.115 1 Pittsburgh, but mutt be pleasantly ettuated.
Ss-Rattle If.
• i A liberal rent and good security given. Al-
New Tots, Ocular part. letter of the 19th , dress or apply to F. M. G., at the Nov Cloak
alt, says: In consegnence of some rmil .b. 1
LI 110050, No. 49 Fifth street.
Resentcived Dont Menico on the law o
month, the Emperor of France, woo I •
nad already dis pat ched Gem De Castheitt, , Eventog Clause s
Ida altionarnp. tO Mailmilign, Sent blur an or , I i. .8001,..K.4,10,,g , r.‘,,,r,,,,,,,b,p, rai,,,,,,,,,,,.
derwherbeY btatsernAtubettploTsmar° eba6lito beWreybLiseCril°6l' and Phonograph, at the Iron City College,
modified. Marshall Bandon, the Minister 1 corner of Penn and Sr. Clair streets. Students
War, wall present at this interview, which I I
ton essurstlrat" of the Stan ttiltiOrtrt Chat , i C.. enter 01. W°/' time .
rioter, according to version geuerauy thee . lA. I men ' s Floe French Coif.
ed, based I rlderstarid, notint:gcoupirs,.,. IT 1
not cOndition of aff i Rand sewed, enstom toads Boots, for al. They
go Opon thellreiness of altitude rerselLtly wt . _ \ me beyond competition and are really a good
tooted by the Cabinet at Weshingtegl. Tile m " article. Opera Rouse Shoe Store.
tension Of the French Ge.vernMent fa to ,
b ri ar, a bout a owed/ . aiSpettittidt Of the
as soon m I -----see------
On Tuesday
Ild'peilea' 'l'l°3l°p:roe' Re
WiFtt:l.o 110110111110 Call at Pittock's and see his new stock of An
ril anbi"nOohyalolooce. To - lialthisinOb eat stive....fl,znent
r :f ' tiap , vs steteptewia ,teira 0.11 1...„...i..
Us/ut's W lll al Urea ' " a '-'d--- -' ' I
Also the new lot of Photographs.
for the purpose 6f embarking an bringing .
back to France the first instelinent of trOop,i, .
Is .to be largely increased so as to be caper: ,
.4:d earning the whole of the French coutrat
Eland thevactude Mesloo oil et ones.
lit will remain of the French army will be a '
garthion to each of the harbors where
the Custom Moose duties oonceded to France
ItaxiMillian are to be collet:de& Buell are,
lam assnred,the tneaanrcs Just adopted In
cabinet collect]. in refereneetO liegiCO. • / Twist
say, however, that the Parts Pi:trete allot aite
' of that opinlOn, Mid 'Molls on the coury
that Gen. De CairUlnar's mission has notifor
its Otdent to put immediately an end to the Rs
terrention of FrainnilmYrialee..
Total ••
Total debt
Colo .• •
rite invisible,
Vrang America, Harry Kay, Photos.
to Pittock.a large Mock of rbOlOgrapbS.
Ladies. Olt DressOO 0111 morals.
Inapervlons to wittor, only only to bp had
st Opore. House Shoo Store.
Gs.d Its11;.10 the First try tan ,
A large and eat hastastic mortise of Union ~,, •. ~,, ,„,„,,, not ~,,,,. •,,,,,,,...
gepoolleaes, took plate at the footot Marton ad Itted to lAtil la vain toe int ....t on oeY i Nut o-1! ilia oh ,
-emis, YIPS% ward, al leghenT, last evening, erl•tral Onto Asia ILttleton In supetfrt -I 1 ,, , rte.`" ;cue , ear ntercLatne haute. have felt line
O woo la mantra di-itnct loci to Last nt t. •It ,
the Venerable General tr Mime Itohloson, Jr., ; . f... ut , c.,,,, z..„. c ,,, „,,,co.c., , c. ~...., j tltt , an II nos or It 4 , 1 , , ton greater or lees ea ,
pr ea Idea, dill by the fotlowing • i d the Abate Inns, who entleartnast to • r, r.,, ', 1,11. .p[lte have het, Ural, the necessity nf
1-,ev Prestdcms-Jrfatiati King, John 13., log- . 1 .! e
,5h.,:r:::::,..,‘ ttfblet,llik.efirwirit:;,;*. trta-,litt..a;;:t.;':,,,:i tat rtn tl tn 4 11•••tt n 1 pn [trice, in order mat their
ham Wilitam Liegaloy, C. Yeager, J. T. Logan,i '' , u,,,,,,,,,..., h •,,....1 0.. secur•el nn a safe tests.
s. L.,,,,,..1 s. B. t.hare, Joseph ti ',.‘
ter 1:0r•!,:,..,'ir.:L.,,,, ,T . , ,, , -,,,,•:. ~-.
~, -;,".,,.. : ,„,,.., u,," ,„..... , Im id in their spec o latimm,
gclinight, W. h. Cata.ell. Jwa. W. [toner a.l , fr. r . ; , 1 „ ~, ', ',, ~ - T',,,,,',',.,,,',..., 1 1,..,, n colni. , • tt, tra,le, allttle others stlil,
,111. Itorelan •, Samuel tie ., L. W • honer. et at 'en,,,,,,'".%," I: `b"'„,':.,:,,,,,',,. ~.' ~..,P , :;,,. „., ..,, 1 hat e and crtendfai their operations,
Yfffeer•Wriae-Cltlitalo h. Lt. i'eheYeir. LI role
c trek ~ ~,,,,,c, c i , tce little ..,,,,,, ~,,,_,,, ~ , ntl. s. F i t Iran.. have snecceded.
11.1"'''k(„“an•dilicat,. 1- ',„ Ent.;;., A. e'rc'ent`r* w . p '' ..utor l ' ar held. fa cogrorly until iii, .i
I eras 1 Z',:..",_,(20 1.,,,*--.•,,,,,,,!..'....,1.....,.Trru,ic,).:„','"', • _a_t _ the .
General P.obuniou on trk.lng the elm., made •• Id procure halt. This set the little a' • , ".` . • ''' 'n't. ...".• * " ~"... ‘.
~,,.,,, . ~.,_ V. , tie. tellul 1.. y shrewd t-wt he has in
some bile( remarks touching we great pees- 5 ' .°I., and. hie„ ilind‘t, "L ' ,... " ~a ~,.„ ' , r ,' . , erea..ol Ids Nutt ••, , i sy able I lie last eve yea..
tears Slow eSinitting the ynteie nand in the " "i __,erii“'''' ."" -'"- `'''' •-.' -"' I rent fold, hay lug 'ln one of the largest and
• rattan us. OK fir nelet-, the lair to a' -
preseilt ealtersea. . ot•ot et tends,' racoon tomes in the United
tMotain C• W. Veilenry, one of the true t it ficj yeeifimt,"ll 1.. ' "). ‘" he"'" '', l e" '•'. ', 'tate, Mr htt-Cleit..n.On peculiar scowses tuts
_.,. nt, and the c1ef...0011 demanding b,•A ltur ant
eltoys la Blue.”deltwerlta vary neat mldre • ~,,,,,....• 0 ,, 0 . , taut
in wlideh he pyesen 1. a la.laie betWeetti the ---- -. • i- ct.`"te` A' r ' --- lat seen los rates An to enab Idol tti dispose
•.1111/ polley..,` man t i d the lora Po.Ple• and °e." he"" out "U''''''' h're• " "'roe '''t
. ot them to the Toddle tit rices that have
showed,very conclusively that Andrew Joan- e•it etisted wit,c Cr tiara a.`er ace" t",‘te-c4 L i
1.A.1....i oor retail Mercantil.. t o stare in amaze.
isCin had
ail claims of respect by the tore. ,_ _ ~ , ~,,, .. men, 'r lie o thee;
••tty el,e.,p IMOt", bones,
loyal portiou of tile Countrj, and, instead of at Wulf,. etocer t.•• tict• antra,. i t . • , a: 1 g..„,„. ~,,,,,,,.,,,,,,. „cc.. mccnc, lice...,
malting fftreashe odionseas tot had expressed 5 ' thsfriten,hilf r, te..,e' to " : o ''' V.,.'"„5,,,..tut,t- E stet, in fac, everything In the style of
it when first elected to the Vice Presidency, dth".l be. ....--- i •-0 -,--, - --- are,. :;•.0•11. and art te1..11.11 ens
oral is at
lie sae now doing,all In nu power to foster eede d in %fringing eel.. i n e r.aanin'• nor ' " ' 1 Nital.let.ttar/t,:5,51 55 and 5: Flith street, under
the designs of traitors, and defeat the great 4.01 ehtmer before bit. atitn• tint,: altlirnsi- . ~,,,,c„,.... it".
°Went In the suppression of the rebellion. Meting to Oder. In the lull t t•ha h t min lit .-- .11.•-- -_- -- _
At the envie Id
address Jeddah King ,gall. *hoot, Alderman I.jorat imi zed the noT•ort 11111. I,h roe ger124,04.. '-
pre,,,ldirl during the remainder of the meet- tT te notify Sioso toat the woehl retire
.eat ,
leg. to enter into hoods t•• the alit'n it tof Vino for %ra In, oln - aas etVen lty the P.lcitingt
itnn Thotims Williarns then took the Stand, tl'a apirannlono at itte °glee to-daY• • a hen a Trbo tat laSt ere. Mg nt. the Opera gouge to
re for a soot t [lmo eleqUently illecUised ease will to
had in the VI, t All 1111111 ell CO 11.11,,m-1, The pc rforrnariCer
penile ytkupopea hy the loyal portion of Com. I • It rare excellence
K before the States lately to rebellion Repnbtle.l3l Nel.t log tr. the Seventh ; t•i °Vt'n't s'"' 1°,0.'1 nY
COldd he 101101tItal to itattal 10 Longrewa The • Wised. 1 lat bin i'••• tt 'ring fre,l vaaitiern, Whfle the
holteretile geotieoi so's re.ord in In . Po*, hi. The ..1,11,1,,...., lite:Seventh ward. nv,... I 3 . " ,': l'''''' ''''' e"'„"P. 4 " I" ev'''' d'telh
Ina, all thst Ina eetddlluents will semi
of 1 „.r „
00 T1,,,,.5.1.1
~,•,.,,I.n: the ()too's. wit limed Sun.". and
heck by a tremendous majority as a token oil o ge• aa.• • ht.•t•,llc• ha , lost reason to be prond of
their apprOttation 01 Ole etterao. I cording to previous aneconer tore, Quite A l l he ,•,,tonatty.
the pourer or the meeting the Glee ! ~,.rge .„,.,,„,,,,e. nf ~,0 5.,,,,,r, 0 , till , ~..,,, ~,,,,,, hi. aneronnn there will be a grarol nisi of
Glob, muter the direction of Yea
Slack, I at th A Itnette, at winch tfeeaftlou the hsrlas
~,,,,,.....cgc ~,,,, 4 ..., cifcc, c„,l vier,
moth .elet to Lie 01,00i013. , ley electing lion. J. 11. Moorhead, VI. shield; I (,Not ltozitt tile tioestre wits r aft'
in every
Quite tilittlber of the -fair once" were pre. lion .
,w .c. ~,,,,,, 8 ~,..,‘,,, 8 , ~,,,,,. ,•,., ' pant, t,I 'l , iI It I •,. Itl t, prtainetlon of three erne
sent to gore countenance. '-''' ' ' • :or lame, in ahich Mr. and rs. St. J. Flo-
The member* of the Elope Stearn I:nritle J.,arnee r.1. 1,0 1fA• A. Moore. Csi•l et. W iii•so re 8,, sole:sr...l. tinting tile evening they
Mays Janie.. remote, A. J. ,trtalteh. Le' tlt e re erected Ice round later tithed Of tty.
V , ro ,;",,,P..Y nVo`,"°"'Y e • ' 5..4 ", Ito' U antet•ly IV .51.•Citenenn Jowl `t.•11 . . . . u...... t' o .la la Itt• that their ellorta tO
c,"'L p''''vet'l '''''' I . ; "' ‘n"
'''' "..r' a"
' 11. It.ohe,-W. M. Artim..., •1••ito Waiolle•• ••• ol I it:'n't Ise ' „ '.'re'lftil; am4reelated. '
ti"le';fer...dess"iant.tre'r Outeell'angr''d "c""'''
David rt,."..,,,,,, ‘',,, 1,-0- ,,, -• ~, ,, I II . I.'. ~, ',. 11l be "IL III'ILLIOttA At this bongo this
• .. __ ( P. Ford, N. W. Mill and V., V. lie.. •••• ~ • eet • e - rt... .• ni, at .11101 the, Florenee'S will
The meeting wen tot•iree.ed h. t.. te „,,..,..„,.
.t h e', 0.0.• who .lu e strong sod coos:l,3"M, I r, tm.,1(.. a caria i ie. Is still !litho fall tides Of
t aruitietit, Clearly V111,11..1.1 ton itrlactpit, ttt 1 1:1,i_ii23,241. Th cot. titildetalt 011ete•1 by he
Ito ellarteho after w Melt ti•e rcteorntal cant- i„,,,,,,,,,,.,, 1. ,a.ple,„ „, , ,u, tau..
~,ic gc ,
n PWter• 4 . 5t • PoPe• ge '.o•l' trill," soma, ahol 1. as
.•I 1 .M. Lll L. LCO the small lend[ rid
- eetwre musical kick., lien. I. JI. 1:11 It pat , ice ru,,.„,,„„.
a then followed Iti els itsttal imply Odle. lint 1
• address woe one of L•hirits !ter," On nest
Tuesday tile SifVelltll Will roll nil nliepnluiran
majority of- two to one. It 11 tdiener.d 0...r
-imed's bnine, anti a ,rata Is always heel en
dorser% when endorsed by his n••igitoo rt. ,1
Important work Abend.
That there her oricen'numerous fraudnlet
mince entered npon the amessor's boo
•Itr the various wards tar the opposition, it
sensible pertain can longer doubt. But the
to a weir to balk the game and to prevent y
descriptain Of Illegal voting, and at the ea a
time o bviate the difganitytykdich undoelate
ttr ty
Will be experlenced it ttio polls in deterui
tog who ore entitled to vote. The di rent ,
wards should at once be mirrectly mots Sed
a,,ilotrieclitebolso.,tt r e rnona ttr.ritZt to
c v e ic:
the polls. ,tarceral or the wards have It ntly
InauguraSed thin plan lthd wo trust them
may follo the good imarnple. There s yet
much tunes e for the work: if the war s and
norongbi be divided all luio small bloc is and
a sufficient nundieeintelligent citizens _ en
gagod.tO cane., an etrecturd manilla* May..
soon h e °blamed. By emelt enrollment. Ils.
Justice Cab be practiced Wan either pa ir at
haelentinn, nod. ncrl' .ninlY. no honest a lien
w ill e np•et to any effort made upon eith slide
to preserve the purity of toe henot.ocer...,
Illseltatzed. 1
"8.. T. Martin," the man arrested at. re Mo.
norigahala Horse, on la Charge of atte K iting
to steal a voidable diamond pin frem Mr.
Brook, of Chneinnati, OA ali before
Mayor DUCartliy, yesterdsy "Born n, and
Iran tliSchargod, there being no evld co suf
ficient, to warrant his being held. Be ho hon
est ores hootherwise, this man le on of the
seal that our authorities have had to
I t
for some intle time. Ile ...Anew' .
edges that he hos not the remotest rineotion
with any newspaper in Qv , land, finds tt a
most convenient. "dodge" to Mill blulself a
newspaper Wag
. He avows, also Itat "liar
tin,' ik no Mare his name th tti Chang
Choir. Ile. rhea •an hone d name,
and no TUAtter w bat „deviltry he mar ,have
committed he has alwalsdetialt Or _some
name not hie own. He has
al ostevery .
think, he soya ,that, any room at .do to I/o
UMW:MiI over to Steal, and tl at he never
did and never will do. Yet with al these can
did arewals he bailed all efforts gain any
definite Information conCerning h suself. Ile
would talk with the utmost freed ecraccni.
111°113st:cis hlrstqUeggoeltakftivgla W O
!Int be had
lizr , g0!,...wg laterite tit illgrii
the City itamsatsteiy.
Come I oroarti and(Anita • -
The Maven 1. .xpr v n s Company yesP,day
brining delivered at the Mayorb office a
email box with the following Ittc ri pit on won.
Lon thereon . 4 5. 0 Derry, Mllltary Pri
New 1 ork In cure of Captain Lewis,
Pittsburgh, Pa " Some persou tecelptod tot
tZbAkPe i i r m":l l Vgfrtfln U n t ie L ttu in n ,L o c t 7 tt i:A '‘l ii wa ei.
he did not know the per•on to whom the hoe
was directed or anytidng about the Matter.
Fearing that it cOntained an infernal machine,
it was. handled very cautiously. Some OM!
mustered up enothelt e .urage ui open the box,
and Judge of 'their surprise when they beheld
a lot of btekorynuts, luactoua grape,., onions,
preserves, Jellies, de., which, no doeht,in m.
th'u p, . : 'hl.,l_'‘,leersisa.tterArb".n'•'.'"ontfutiorl t'lllit'YY
wwrisyonwateu'ss toe right. and Oath the bex
D 1 ****** ing *evident
On Friday lent a terribly dletresslng accial
ent occurred at what in known au the Joint
School bone, on the Morris and East Finity
Line, font miles South of Prosperity. Several
of the scholars ware amusing themselves out
side the budding about twelve ..clock, and
while some of them were on a large, heavy ----..--
10g. %prop Was removed, and tin log rolled \ rm., Romer .— it pas 1.60
from its position, passing n".' a g" named , portud thronehout. tau cite for the past two.
Jean 01cl-crime of liaat. Finley, Inuisina idol
l Mit a, that oar esteemed V Dow citizen, James
otherwise in firma . ihl , log bur an nadlY Hutt, Montooth, hag of the Telt warn. Lad Med
portied about elm on 0 , c10c , 11 on Friday night . ~ 0 . the ,10040. we . 0 ry,134.0 to
,ltr:ilide Ito"l,streasintt erT1111)1....,‘':.r, r;.,v,rse 41 "
tlmt Mr ] toutouth, in it the enloylucut Of tin,
nfaul ozditererrdr. Moken bile a
we aged about 1 Z i V e t t i :,V ',,`o. nag not '' o l l, - a‘ , .",: l n il ce i, .. n ‘ h , v e potp il i tell
ev'rento.n 3 ea ra . %.' d W as a 7 "" g lady of I know Iw o tOanenont. foftna riditiliCllollllllotr
i Vi Melt has gaintit so much headway, relative
V to thagtrethroth'el death.
IA ii.L.DA...
. • he.utlthl "Oau ~_,
V.174,:'!4,t1=71,,:171,1=4.,,, aid,
''''"' " " I, 4" ' sb,' 'orr l :' ortc',,,,Pall,Ll:TV. k Atir
S'i,', - ,;_3:
LTN -DE. r33..ERS
No: 196 SW i field St, car. Ith,
( Nat , Knee fro Sevencb !Street's)
I ..V.X.11"1313 'liar 35t. P. 116.,
AND 133:3_ . Otrt_a„MriEar ,
ALEN.. AIME ,' ,
17 ND u - T.,M.Xf01311%.,
ho. 1.. Your.. .trestptsig(l4l.s. WY YOH of
.11.10 d., CKA VIM ti V1173,..1 ever. d.seriptlos
of ratter/LI Fat - nasal tloone mnstl.S.s.
N.. 1.7 .sd tdtht. ant and Carr.... tars...
Ito. ettzscits—Herz David Sen . MD— Ltsv. ll
1 W. J•coons, MIL, Thomas ong. Itba.. Jacob Id
a. , .
i_ 2 _.,______- , _.. _4
1.14:1% i 4 Venrd.
I Est evening a Mega and enthusiastic meet
in x assembled t fhool noose. tbe
Eighth ward. 11. Presto n ESQ., MOS chosen
President, and .T. St. Killen Secretary, The
elmientan stated tbat the object of the mee
ing w to prepare for the great right on next
'Tuesday. A V iglinnee Committee was appoint
-011 will lot found in rinidnor colniun.
After Lb., transaction of atfnie °Mast business
Sir. Ott, tieing . milled on. deliVercd a SPIT .
tied and patriotic riddres, Col. Armor att.
nnunond that there would he a/meeting of the
'toys hi Blue in 'that-Torn:b. on TiexiAdonday
event na, nod extended cordial' Invitation •io•
t ' the citizens of the ward to be present. lie al
-1 no stated that there would be a grand mt.
by at East Liberty t hie (Bata [day) even to ft. and
hoped as many asp a:Piety could, would attend.
' Mr. Killen Mena milled on addressed the meet-
rmthlydnalla eeing.—A mane meeting
Nva , f held ...lay or two Your... Vet Pllll3l Ureek
Chumlt Plum township, whielt hostile largest
gutbereeir of it political character ever Uesern
bled lo that neighliorhoali ThOrnaw Arm*
etrogig, prei.tlud,stottniftglOtio aple,
itildree,.e. were delivery! lry lion. Joint
liedM. Kirkpatrick and C. NV. itobb,Esrl. 'The dar
Inceling adjourned ugol again asaonibleil in the
evening at the school house, at Nevi Jig.lexan
dria• The night ultettTs( was fully an large
it 4 that held during the day, Till met
W. ahly goldrgestied, by Much Tho en Ewing,
and Capt. Cho, W. Mclienry
tlin3litem prevailed ntlrOth 131c01.4110.
li . T. IV ELT* & CO.,
sisuchuster. ood'a Run uudeldnitY•
0m... 01 Elbe d and CbartUrn Wa.
U Ilkrsr erg turrdshe
- n r iousE.
This Morning, at
No. St Wood Street.
The r.lio.iw , g.. ll .ne‘
viol LA 11 , 1 ,- . c , ..qoarrrl._
w AND. rltubargh:
Dsvla Hutchinson. • Jabal It- Wllson,
John.) Soo., ', W. W . hiculellood.
Jacob Ket bier. I Ilan.' I..todereoSh.
...Joe. Meerhhat.V. 1 M r .Z• lie".b•.
John L . 31U
I. i ti ,,..t 4:: ,, k ..,,,.,
11, or, • intrielt.
Thom. a also., Ussaal si;1111,
.a. Utlherldge, . CbrirlOS resat.
Anw boat. J. P. Astlth
John A. harecant, Philip 2.0rt0..
Neon E. Thom.. Etvaptattet barb.,
Joseph Fts.oo, dol. Ittchardsoo.
Jaaoh Miller, J. R.. T. Nob..
11-11413 McMaster. John Feat.. .
li. z. Morrow, 1111h:ri'Vet.O.
Ihte Id taercett,
John Hanlon. William J. Tann,
J. R. Relate). Willtank Castel, ,
lb-nets 1,..... 0. 11. Mut. .
J oho blase. FL•reliki flub* ,
.% 41...0.1, Edward- Presser,
BoNrrt. P.:Mier, \ Ja mb Padita.
10k. NV. Morrow. Mimi! Evirrson,
John J. Zelttionr. yz Wi4trient, 3,.
J. M. ICltteo.
John . ett , .1 .; 17 ,,, vr_4 .1..
Ise. tereer,
J., ...laud Jon...
Robert IV alter.
The . taszinittetAfoe.tVglyjlllollllll..lo
151!:1' I!".=t'btctr',..rst the day of etcellOtt. tobriblt
..°. •..-.- --- - -.1.e olocks as
st-eeeirMatoo rotes a -47;a ittptetive 0....._
srly as poostbl. and to Sttend the 1 aria amOng this large 11.... .
Tia.".fet Is TieLIErMIEMNek. "Mein*,hiell hisPrvess has PrOve d ini*
Oa the ocnstrary, he can refer to numatki
OF '.I ILE BOYS IN BLIDIE, hpkingunta who elalm to have been
In renewed health. lie extracts humbell
On .Oanday Evening, it liy thii new Mthigolene or Vapor" plO,
and gives pure Laughing Cies to lb*
AL THE ANN STREET SCHOOL RUM desire it, without calaxge• in mar)
'c ii h= oOrlttgo r i a re e l
UiMWt lg . wh en
ten will addreutheauettei • dTO o xdcrea2l set: on..
O t rIi1111"4oli o tats:
t o
.Priddy Ele,el; Ucte)Atir,Sth.
a. &Mint. Will adoleget• the mettles,
TAltittiTCH—Col D. 1.. tI BQTH, lasSoe A. IL
BUOVI N and Capt• Z. A. td.ol4TOOTli..ilill *A
dvise the meeting.
Esq., wilt address the meeting.
R zsratvie Tr., AT LUTZ & WALTZ'S — WA .
A. IV. Tornio:lSE, ot orthearottna, at& STEZa ,
EN 1.1. OCT, Zvi.. orttl address th e meeting.
MaILIEEFIrORT—Iion. Jet auur.rimaitLe ct
,oa O. Y.OIIB, lisp., addrat
CVLA,I7.B amfotbers wIO sadrtgifthe nitattui.
ErFaVi 4.ICF.
Ch.trerian Com. ma Meeting' a nd SpesArs,
E. A.
wzikusignairs AND aura
tint sditlas la Corwarasd 'mast gal se
sesisses spousal" as fall sus.
14askita corms.
211117175 errirjr:.
se ruts). orare.4,-(.:
}lava )ors recetTed a pow stock of
`''',4ll.6lllllllCAN VITATegj.,?
In Coin Sliver Cases.
/LW:MILTS. ,I7i;
AT :,.;.,
igurTS-sX-0 .r..v0113r-amurt:i
1 e • WYLI,II BT.. NEAR IFITTIi. ;-',.!
Time RegiSterillßA
35L.A.sszairrr- di, 0 4 (1
Dealers OptlealGoods,
93 1.9 StaltelleliLlj
This Instrument Is very gene teassbnatanen:rally oserd by ,
and Me Merchant, as well as
blues a Clock. Barometer an Then
Inmog siC
au be be Jeoended lona
for andlcatf
I :itlX
ZlLlttlVlttlggiZt 7=l,
Made from rare Spring %ester, end fronste
tie end long experienve in the buninelik
.• ;:ielgantoa 4170;e WrtUhlolts;Ultit to 5:1:11,
465 Rebecca Sti
4;r4a,VIZZ ft xti trri 13R*
--I<r44.d :0.
Boy's 113ocots'il,
n Calf. lip and Grid(
Balmorals and Polish II
lii'holesaLe and
10 the Citizens of &Repent
The ,
ail:tett et mmlttee of Allegheny' C;!
ZelliaittlZgll:ha:e IV:sWe 'f ftI i NIZIA
ages of Ow cholera which noir threldinKl
per tit / . Some of the leadialPhlei r l ehnln A o
kat. • Oren conaulted, and thee reoommenn.
.r chloride of
Dian Ilbaral nantitle:,,.ell
of 0011.1111 V: 0411011{1. 'ILI day. slid at
imd. aTs evPrrar v Rowel 11::1
all doteriotlons, to lay pore and decor.
Itotgd., :tlizr LtArztg,..:
vz.-ay.4,,,ILT° re7,257.41T112:1
....,,, be lilted es once, aa ...AM.( ettillthn
tiatirdr V-n.,l°._°ll,Tatemui
eate"ty,l b .. not yet visited a ...sue la
grub 0* whether anyof Irstakosamastats
or to" Delay is fatal: if we do not adep
Ova measures now It will he too lace when .
ease bag eettled Wm.( In our midst. Pistol
end sanitaxe measure. will thee De useless ,
Fr to w on Veit. he belted
rt al—rrt= 4
. •Ttue city authorities will do all ii
fi1.,re..4 I,7dV.lfobriiihee ggel":‘,lrallirg 1
r;.1.10. 1 : . ;gr r r,d;r:.7:e:xv.r.: , d o ittl
renovate, cicala. said pacjifeuthroVis
J s tifili A. bliti ll 4,
.f in: VA: El,
0.1._ J-'_
9 O'Cluck
Get the Best—They AllwlaPhtial"4
Every,wook, Dr. Quincy Scott
upon to Insert Art:UMW Teeth in meet
Other dentists hoes tried, bent yak*, andl
and In every =se his work gives enUri
faction. Is quite an artist In his
business, and has merely to examine a et,
know hoer to articulate the teeth so thit
will present a handsome and naturalkS
ance,and mastheito the food tisoro
city. w
[Gran than thew cif any
to pe s city, and he will guaranies his wore
inriai. So It would better for any
readensarho axe In want of teeth. to sial
their the moat plane, and Mesabi
thelrUme and money. We would also t
those persons whom - el suffering with di{
and unsightly teeth that they can Itsee r 's,
oxtraided without any pain wharrwr, hi
upon pr, Scott. He has extracted for Ma
thousand persons within the last Gwen ti
its large number there la
cur: o3 AND suozs.
IS9 Martel Start, Plitsivragb,;
OrOtholarcsolithea bailee beano:ft` lotto_
trethcateire dna:: Ir.orVi.....thttVatrli,
rg;l:e4 t irp eell Immo
harem= not:c.00l. ab i a milt. ell ,
41.11*torealgue our ether. of NO•til4, loth
gulled ARM rumbas* *bat you $
go, pros the pat bthrteLetarl...
BlinkßlP A SALE Alm Lift
tiiiieltreet, above smitisti
, n. gs TAB 31031ONGAIIEL• 110VIld.
. twilit' added to these stock wiw. care4y
wishes and Hoses*: also toms or she s 4
sad Dads, liorses, Melts those tbst grant
;V t e q ..rj:4tl:4ll
'• Os • sat Livery. "
, . ~.. . ..
. Alan CLOS & CO,
. Fiiit.. Furniture lianufactii
wiii-e_____nusovinua, r