, pit. 4• I * - ,------'."-* _ _ DRYCi• r• o r: I.eva3AL : ?caw , 410010 . 1. -: , • ;_ • i k. .o4llNr&Oit-Villmr , ax , ;: ~-:',•:. -;.:,.,-**''r*ll*iiet;',:':•::,.7.',: 6 1 '9 tulf o o 4 j444 6 *rimi l i*l aid obiek of,LN. Ipanin of Aripmr deseriptine, \ • 11,EAt.Per ' • j „, s , in k i kWrElri tiondld ri g - rm. LiIICO lokirM.iistsralkatipl FIR kit: Leo- all aro and ottnetloo stvles; • . colaplttanalirtnnia_t; , Otimps.vds.ll.llnl24o VIISTS sad TAMa, nTE . •A:Bilirllptezdld styles • 13G a I aD kararis. 141/7.1N11 roolo• • - • • TIOIIII742:SI4ILITorsoarLRE T atr .4ll . e°l .. °r. • , 3441 U% AIIT/CLM.AIa 1i0.1.0n5. • Marclanta and Widen will dad It to thole *dam ' taiga wall Ltd ISTORtat oar proneat , a eW .aired leatint a t 0n . r400 . 4 . : prep.'s d as d and tulle a& /Ow 'prices 'az any. East ant Jobbtag 031,014 ' 11.110.ttlk & itiIIUBLE., NH .19 rirra trrnune. cLoas! FINE - TRIMMINGS.' , BITES & BELL WELL OPTS ON Thursday, 20th initanti 4361% , ELEGANT STOCK 1 PATTERN MANTLES. NEW GOODS. MAORTIII, CLYDE & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers, Nos. IS and SO Market St., Hate received N O VELT IES elect. Including the LATEST of the season In LA MEV DR EMS TRIMMINGS to every style: VELVET RIBBONS lo Bla-k sod Colon: do dowith white ed..: NEW !STYLE BELT 111/CNA/ES. BeMoe. Fancy Tuck Cenibs, new and pretty 'llan Bonnet so.' Sett Ifibbena, Ilandkerehleh—emtrroidered. pain or hem-etttehed: 110.11. SMUTS Or the belt make. in the coni/U7, 11,A7PAr r7 41:111, 7 EYTIg h L.A br ULs ° incmo, tiAltfiknTS, et., eke , aido ORNTLIIIIEN.I4 FURNISHING SO /1)0. a ENV nt LE NECK-TIES: FINE 61111110, of which we keep only the beat, and wlll dive satldfantion; UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, In Silk, Gan. Merino Shetland or 'Wool. white or eoloted; LVNEN and PAVED. COLLARS; taiiriVUOkb, eta. surrtemocrs are mental, melted to glee us a sll b efore Pere:mina' elsewhere, ea we are co:M eer. we eon glee utletection In p. lees as well as In quality agent goods. Our Assortment Cannot be Surpassed. yeti FALL FASHIONS. J. _W. BRADLEY'S 313 , IT - 3P L 333 2C. 3MUILIE`3`.I 4 O (minous= *rano) Oiri,4..- -71. So WILL miortnctmor , IRr &X Ilke the &Ingle Springs, VIVANA - V ore % i. , 111CT.111.21 : their PEI ; e , 54: 0 T &on rr _ Skirts A 1 5 1 2, b l!or r. aL6s. 17.7; WE tontfort. durability and 1.00110. T, rat ELlAlll;nrit of1511Arl: which has mean the •Durusx. ELL1r110" the sTAAraunD •SKIHT OF TIIFSMONABLI WORLD. A t Mottsatstri all tie leadleg Mamas this cat?. rori,ia . ?r ;in arst.o.. imam. 1. 8111RAINVIt'ERY 9 .BULL OW9I/11.3 431THIGLIkkileBIT AND ZSAILL'• mkisuroTtntracs. Ilii k. ass sad w 12470 NEW GOOD!! JUST. ftlEtElliMb _ SOB. 'HORNE 46 CO lap usoTtismat of o.r.riera 4 .rlP n T • . Milks Wenn ran Styles. . •• 261.11152ieger" : CI , CLAN.. Crimes sad Ihrsitese . .Parle l'asey ri d Colored eat Telma to Melt deidtabse steam leaser" Boo ' M a rg. ellnVdetSrenb=l*.r.i.r. "leaTkeZ! i. a Seised Carr. Ila Mr 3MSIIL col , X Xs 30 =EVES. tWatisaatted.) . C lear , Mbrterfledsbers,llwles, Palen , drZsgrardlPi d lle sr i n...rule . • • r.,,..„ Caltst ai lde. — leas4 -- I. lo esod se . -- it, easels Dalt Telsiestur a sad 0 LI; mat Friss.. Clamp met Briddr; • Oro* TrisontaSit, Buslorrames. ' ...1 - • ' V r ar rl C GO° Ist rtf7l4".. ""k'' of 4160 et*, Cianbrit.s. • ou p o n a gefs, Plats. I.see t .lleßs.stltehed. I tem . E S 7 l ry ,4 tv ild a. o7ge X t ' gr I =. , ta11i.,.... 0 1 . , a'aell, AO ()CAM thirteterear. .. . - -''' inlirialiSitiosir GI .- - teloPedllord slid OI loOy l d riss 1 a lly Thwoosig k m. 1,4 7 ,14,, ~. im n - I = . r u e ra s n t 4 u t t . ..t! ,6 4'= 6 11, Tn 7 ",' ' '"' ' AtCP* C°l a" r "A °T , t triers se Pm se ISeters.JOSSIIII I *, - ~..,:c -, -.; • .r•- , . t"' . e, --, t .."--.. No:. .'l"r H1T"10,21a , " ~ iiiits., , KM FAI.4. GO. O/L " - U - Nalirzi orP` 4 1 47 1% :,,T 4 !?: h. , 4)11• 14 . 611t, mca it. p 4,4 Ar-1.4014 . 41117,0111 v.-31g.07EXON ' t - ~ ..):FY Cl:! ~ } - ~~i~ +Cyr Att444/ ' l epkt. .fi:,•ia:A 7 . 'I "'-; ,41-,..` • ylii;W, . W . -.~=~c~~~=-- CITI AND. SUBIBEAN. CADD4IOiIIL 76X10:31"198 o 3 YIBBI PAGE.) The Fran IlloatingUla Illlegbany—Bew, Illeare—Beeaber. -k.llkitlitatzwrwas At the' Derallerratio meeting Wit niklit inliregheiny there appeared on the platform as one of the speakers the Rev, Mr. Moore. I confess I was not a little surprised . . to pie theiltaViirend gentleman make a speech ingavor of the Copper-Johnson part v. True, the• nobleelleeeher wrote a letter apparently favoring that pettily... Alia mistake of his me— but which he soon saw placed him in a false attitude, and. which he soon corrected by an ' explanatory , letter. Beecher la to-day a Re- publican, and will vote the Republican ticket. Beecher mounts he Clymer roe , rum in support I .of.a man who bpasts of never voting a man or I *dollar for the prosecution of the war against rebellion and traitors. It is reserved to the • Rev. Moore to distinguish himself by [vireo.. : ring a cause which his Church, no doubt, like ' that ortir. Beecher's, would blush to counte- nance; unless, indeed, the Reverend gentle- lsn's church, unlike most others in the land, a Copperhead church, The gentleman may bo, after all, but reflect ing the political sins and prey mikes of his congtegatlon, which I inn sorry to my has I been too common a thing among clergymen. not only South but North; and what are they but wolves In rheep'a clothing; preachers ol a spurious 'Gospel and a emirious Christ. There are not many chtireliess la the North having a clearer political record than the Presbyterian chard', and ye; thiS erratic divine sets himself up as a champion of '-my polloy"—which ve toed the Freedmen's Bureau Bill—the Civil .Rights" BUJ—widen entrairaged the murder of Union men Ina lawful convention in Now Or leans; having for, one object. the elevation of the black race—a race of whom multitudes are members in :regular standing in the Pres byterian elturch,of 'which church the Revel-. end gentleman is an ordained minister—a race Of whom multithdes are chnstlans, and whom doubtless the. Reverend gentleman would admit, have their names written in the book of Eternal Life, and as dear to tic great heart of Christ aerie can bc, and yet he would leave these Protestants—these Christians— these black loyallttk, that never forsook our Imys In blue In the • darkest tout Or rebellion—he would leave them to the hat red and merciless cruelties of their life long 1 enemies. Good enough are they to go to hea ven, but not good enough to testify under ath in attetirt of justice. Bond ereumn to fight our battles. but not to vote. If this 1.4 11, ' latform the Rev. U. Moore Stands on before his eOngregation, and at the same time asserts that Jesus Ctirlst, Ills Mosier. Is in close and intimate sympathy with these his oppressed little ones, he mantis on a political platform which la anti Christian, imd which Christ will certainly upset. It Would be well if the Rev. gentleman would carry a little more Christian 4letnnera. ey Into his politics. We have had entirely too mush of the gentleman's effete politics In the pulpit, both North and South. during tliu past hundred )earn. The her. gentleman's poli ties would be more suitable for the dark ages. They are a stench in Oils day of light and glory and progress. ' 11. Lavritgacsvitia, Oct. 20. During the mouth of September. the folto ug imsluesS wuA trausaeted at the orrice of tho Register ot thit , pity Decedent. liceector Rohl.. Maelardy...tabu U. Bickelvy, Jas. S. Morrison. Boy a, Eboneser McKnight .ndrear Johnston. W. IL. Johnston, Chostertletlltobb ...tu3oo Lotly By barntv Martha Grnhata.Cituries Brush, John Don ylo Uoranna snit Aar). tmluann - WIJIIntu P. Ih•ch _Alex. 11. &l idler Thom. bitaltell.. Chrlatopinr Munch. John PI tigel. Henry SA° John Tha w•• • • ...... Willie Thew, Dlocrie.9 4. Clerk amt William M. Hersh. 38,000 .John Err v. Lierbor. Michael Fry William Krauston—. C. Sch.:value...Jolla. Ann and Joshua Robinson John Cook LETTERS OW A.D1U51111,...1 . 10 • .Y 0 lit.A.:Crti, Decedent ..Adftlitli4,o.or. I. Edatr. Allen Stackdaie....James Beet $ 1.000 Elizabgt Itobinson.Joslam Robinson... 5,0 A) Wm. Graham Martha Reilly 100 Elizabeth Semple.. John Irwin, I'r Same Gen. John Nool....lLobert Morrow leaps) James Snodgrass.. Wm. J. Snodgrass... 20,00 Ullbert Wilsdh Martha A. Wilson... Loto John F. Nottaon....ll. A. Sampson o.uoo Henry Meyer Charles Moyer 4,40) Richard Beatty....Ann [lenity ..... ..... 0,000 Edward &dadiu....liary Saladin l'sV Daniel Armstrong. John McKelvy 50,m0 Jonathan I'. Eons.. Mary P. Ross 'Auto Lewis P. Carna....Samuel Gaston 40 , 3 James M. Wilson ...David H. W I [son 1,00 Ruth Morris Margaret. Hanoi,. . 1,000 Robert G. Curry.... W. J. Snodgrass s.OO Golfed Musgitler...Martha 11' Musgiller 5. Thos. 11. II olves....Dawld M. Evans 00,000 C. C. F. Schmidt —Emanuel Henry 2,000 Jacob Ada Calhoun Ada......... taw U. D. McCarthy... : .Gharlos SuUl wan.— kw.° Grand Elnoquet to the Ladles. On bloriday afternoon the Resident Commit tee of the Soldiers Gad Sailors, of Allegheny County, met at at', Ital.l, General George li. Gallup.] to the Chair. and Sergeant J. R. Kerr and Captain N. a Smith ofticiating as Secre taries. Theprincimil business trrusacted was the . rm a nt m c ,,,t -the rOnOWirkg committee to make arrangements for a grand supper to be given In !tenor of the Ladles who decorated City lien for the Convention, and ascertain from the President of the Lt.! Ms' Committee the ladies composing It: General J., M. Salmon. maker, Dr. K. S. Umbetretter and-Colonel M. Bayne. A committee of three, consisting of General S. L. Pearson, Captain N. St. Smith and Se, geant John IL Kerr were appointed I o revise the list of members composing the Resident Committee for publication In the pamPhict writsming the proceedings of the national Convention. TbeCeihmltteo adjourned to meet again On Saturday morning at eleven o'clock. We desire to call your attention to n now and valuable Improvement to the ordinary, Wrench, which, upon examination, we aro confident will recommend li self to the la , or ' able notice of your renders. It Is Intended to furnish a tool which er 111. at a greateavtag of labor and expense, cut on' all lungs of lead, bras.' or iron Woe, eteem, axe -Or water pipe, round rods or bolts. It will not ICSSeb the ill:tractor of the bore of impipeois le the case with cutters acting by pressure. Ily a slight Change, it can he allapt• ed to screw up pipe of ail deacriptions, hat lag taunter grip titan any other,thol In existence, mid Witholit the danger of swathing or split- Mpg amain°. It will hold a-round roil, shill SCrevninguir a nut that haa been en to strust ed on a bolt as to resist all e- rf orts remove Lit with another tool. Thus it serves all the purposes of the ripe Tongs and Pipe Cutters now In 0., bcetaea being the mnstpowerful Wrench mode. They bare most flattering testimonials of the uselnlnesstmil efficiency of this tool, from pracUcal engineers and mechlnista, who !Peak from personal experience, hewing need Axis Wrench and folly tasted its ability to do 'all that Is claimed for it. These Wren Ches are made of the best mate rials' and In the most thorou ST gh manner, and can be obtained at retail or thorou g h can't, at Mr. hie Steen d Co., No, SI Water Street. The Meese Way 10 Cook Tomatoes Mr , • Sapper. t, Poe a family of half a dozen parsons, take ' sir:egga, boll-four Of them hard. dissolve the yolks- with Vinegar sufficient, add about three teaspoons 'of mustard and mash no mon a., possible; than add rho two remaining egis, craw ) yolk to m ake and white, altogether stir well;sau thacen sant. add oil dent to cover the tomatoes well; add plenty of salt and cayenne pepper, and beat thortrughly until it froths. Ilk in anti rut the tomatoes a full !mirth of an Inch Mica, and potir.the sauce over, and you have a dish tit for President. • • - Though a little troublesome to prepare, yet ./f once eaten .by people who are blessed with palates to enjoy good things, they will be pro nounced to be Inc onperlor to any other mode or preparation. We use ottonst antly in this Way for tinge meals, -'them For dinner they are the best stewed, but, they should always be strained before sending to the table. We are alai to be able to state that Mr. Bab. art Sate, who was injured on Thursday last by the premature explosion of a cannon, is doing *MIL Me is attended by Dr. Walter Uro, of Ohio street, under whose care ids wound. arta:R*ll*R finely. - Mr. Pilo, its a member of .Hampton's Battery, participated in twen ty!seven different engagements. among the chief of which were - the second Bull Ilan, north Mountain, Antietam, Chancellors , ' BM. Mine Meth Gettysburg, Wineheater, Cedar Artak,wltlzont being „wounded. Thu Union 12secutiviiCommitteoef this county aro inter esting tbentseives in his case, and we are very glad - e t IV' , • I :13341* lad =WIZ , tar.... Wool Mors . meta tilspuo tillarted.—Tho sheet rolls of . skirersolis, 4trriiiitonlsiron. l . l . l Lis, at Pipatovre, .stepped oa Monday, Wearier the catchers cru vlayed-altheaa struck for higher Wage. The VlVPdetari 7etust4 mare ito required .1- =TA; thaV-oPer.o4obs' ceased as Stated. 11.0rifferer, matters waft sattsfacto• skajtuatu god prextons were illstlused tiotreet. lierjarteglOttest siltaillread.—An Injection has he.• placed. Upon the Reaty Oil Creek and Vittiele'ridlrOid:: bp the 'Marmara. railroad, and the tralhabetiveea Bea* Itermerille have ttoppedrannillay 'Many or their penrw.lio Mos. heretofore made rants- Quarters at - nolo, hare removed to oil City land to, MEE II I • - • ... outer ancruoliti out Ylftlt,7 l33l t4Sigli= ti - AlliglVin"' fr ,,,,,ateegiirillAiliisting the curdriage #44ltrezatw,i7A immosingvieTere,tvrtriiithi SOssld• .• - OU „ crti . IP lo t A" Litt-. m a i ms that „ .., ... ------;4l,4iitApida,4 wb* Was e ;(legidniMitr•s=4. ti,,,be 04 01411 WWII" bJae lgt " liaL biZii how able, t,nadgrbigUll""(AnallOT:l lo P o6 , ???° s!')!' I‘l - wiudir tom- f i e ---., - - -. f i 11 bat;_in.ll 1131""k a; .. niathi t ',. w.. ofige-_W3144..., itt . ' ateptkag .--- 4111, i!Ir;;T,, 47- f.: t :rot: 11kW17. ' • ..46, -,pijapjwia76o63ll-. ilM i llgobtit= l ;*??' ;tidAIT L . ; : e44... • , • ' . : 14.....M1141.4 . I 3 Woos: 1 41 4 14* °- pilliatytars6or. Regisleen ltiaslnes. I= MEM= ff2ME:=I nolaw Well EARLY TELEGRAMS. . . . .. . ~ . ... tigr'llfentrrafaff,iritEVUNlP ll. .• • ... • • -,• • - •.• .• I•-• . .i,..iii-,i . ,: , , , • . TniCcrirEMtor ;."'.• • •'.. . 1 • --.---- . - . . ~... . .- -- Alarm Among the Politletomi—Soutbern ! HAIFI RESTORER S! Papers Adroerstrue the Amendment- , • Naar Yana, October 2..—The Herald's Now Orleans special Sept. Prominent Southerners MRS. WLIIIIIAMPIS t,tj IVIN Raill THESTOUER Just from the North report that the popular to QUEEN. net only In taugg„ buttn.vinTetit. • continent le entirely with Congress, and this hate - nest Hair Restorer ever oiffered to creates much chum atuoug the politicians. the Public. The Picayune has changed Its editors, and it' Au inianib i e nniviii . fled rm ., is underetand that It will in future advocate 1 ~, the unnedhate adoption of the Constitutional Role • - " —a.l .P 1,4 0- Amendinen f.. It is no Hair Dye. The Bee (gives the Amendment a tacit sup* I It sets directlyapon the meteor the OM Maar port. Icy grey het rto do orlionallife color. arresting Die -. • mature Jena, and Pilling oat 'or the he et eta Robbery at Poughkeepsie. i log scurf and dandruff; and raring all humors of the Yeti Youa, October 2—The Herald's rough. I . 9P.:,,. ch .. g ., fri iud , orybarto oft ., l u uu , keepnle special Or the ISt nays ; A lietlVY rota . mast tresses. berg ac s Peri> , • .'. l u i Col.' Spring, New , It imparts a delleht fol Rerun re to the hair. Torii, ye4te rat, Inornl .; I . • I . o.l•veN ••1.• In 'nom If v.", wish to • we pairlistr..'as la tered the store ul one t.....•.m y. it.1.,1 , olt, shel v e- venal, and -.1.1a 1,. ihre..oli Ille. use from large quantitiee nt ellkS, Vt iVut, ri,. am.IIIISL4W'S QUEEN lIAIR RESTORM bons, ittc., to the amount of al,OOO. 311. leieleY Mtn olik•red a rewaid of 4200 for the al runt mid I Price al per bottle. Said by ell Ontelti. COrIVICLIOII of the .ondrels. The liiiiisou river at the present time is in- R. E, SELLERS & CO., fantod with gangs of thieves from New York ! to Albany. The pirates nacenti the river in . -- Wholesale Agent'. small milling crafts, unit noprealatiiiiir ore being committed all an tee banks. Staf ford, recinitty elite at oino t h e while attempt- Mg to ,cape, was one of the loaders of the Rang, From up lire river reports reach us of h0r11e.59, silver cure and clothing of every de scriptlon being earritar away Irotri different points, unit in almost every instauce strange looking vessels been see. in the local ch iles where the rOirberlell were perpetrated the day province to the the( t FROM NEW ORLEANS. Soulhnnd Cent rtkl Amor lea—No Thong - hit of Peace to earn. quake. Sew Yonz. Oct. Hurold•s South America corrt,pmltlenckr says: Titer hien of Making peace with Spain Is not entertained for a moment among the Cidlt..o.. They are anxious to carry the war into the enemy's dountry, and demand that their navy shall ap pear heft. c Cads t. From evntrai America the news is anima°, tat.t. The beat of Governnient of Honduras wan about being removed to Grunts. A heavy esrthotothe visited the city of San Salvador 011 theYoth Of august. No damage was done. The realms and Canada NE, Yong, OM 2.—Tho Herald's special Nays: At the Toronto, Canada, As 2.12. yeater day, the pritoners warn served with enptes of the indictment., against 111015. Tim LT irteenth Royal Li tuatsrs have arrived trout England. It Is now hollered that the Fentans will at inch ttrnadn along the frontier of 14 issionni anal Il unttog.l.m. The litres of regulars Is now about 11,0(s) own, and about folly-two cannon. Them are on the rolls about thirty four thousand militia. lint not morn than twenty-11v° thousand arc considered effective. Manta Ann• Negotiating for x Loan Nsw Tonic, October 2 —The Heraldsnys that General Santa Anna is now negotiating a loan of $50,61.0,00in for the purpose of carrying out his plan of recoindruct ion In Sissies, and is assured of MUCCPSS In the negotiation in a few Save. A windier of ii.,Fedcral otuxra called upon him yesterday to offer their nerd-- sea In his new campaign it 19 bPIIOV64I by those high In e uthority in Canada, that Secre tary Seward has used his diplomacy to bring about the league between Santa Anna and the Fantails. Mysterious Murder Sew lona, tel :—Yesterday, Robert Walk er, well known us a trotting trainer, who kept a hotel adjoining the Cent revl Ile Course, long Island, was loud dead on the track of the Course with a hole In his head mails 12, a pis tol ball. No person hod Leen seen in the neigh borhood. The ullair Is wrapped In mystery. He 1r5.3 vitro: Bing a horse at the time. From Arlauna—A Train Attacked by IMEM pm) D=2!ES N car YOCK. OCT.. 2.—The Beeerd'i Waehingt on special Nay, The Slll/. rillterldent Of Indian MIMI, of Arizona Terrttury rrporta that II team near Prescott was attacked In Anattra last by a party 01 ono hundred and litty I nal. ans. One white was lolled and one wounded. and that thirty-three Indians bad born kllled. -,54 0 .10 Norm!anted for Conzross NEW luau., October Cl)Menden trim nominated for het h the 'Lott and long term of Congreat by the Third Utstrtet Republican LleleelittOtt of R.ooltlyn, I nch ereutug. BOOTS AND SHOE& 92 FEDERAL sTriEET. TO TOE PUBLIC 1 have ht. mt., i.rd Th. larv, anoi nt,st assortxtv DI 2.11 e.•, • awl etal Are , Cools. Shark. Gsitm. acsl Gtmi, AJ.,thetur eltr. El 1..• rourol , ,,uperl.” ,rsl,n..J at 1.• loose uotal. ly ottured. animal eto,ol, .0. or lower I,nn traoh tnn 1 , , got A. esimmin,lon t•r.srevtlelly W. K. MaLISTOCK, 1)1 GIREAT U I.6I:AINN Mil BOOTS & SHOES T®•DI~Y, Ina J. .1. 110IMSON S. CO.'S, GI :11.titi:E'f STREET. .a 77 TIGHT -ROPE WALKING I= TERRIBLE WAS ME FALL OF Boots and Shoes, At No. 57 Market ;Areet, Yesterday. WEI IS TiilS 1;q:112 LS AVAN(ING The nro,rirt..r Nn. (7 NI .•krl •freet 1.41re due...11.14 p lees T OVhSTY ('(ltst t 7. for thirty slays, In orrier 1., .e.l..et Inzeoedlst. l•rge .14,2 of etontner l inodt reore for Vail Root W 3 ter (1... k. "lir AT t; ARV "yr, HEI, rut THITT It A In. in, sto , k 1 , later. All eau ha antted. Crowd., a., c•naneg alreaelr. ••otn• Lona and *at barrawa.. A large tot Llen . • non .alt Loots tf.ling very 10, We a1..0 log to ar.pLalnt Ihe ponll that wr manu facture Gent, tint el.. • en• t to order one dollar and $ll, eente r MIT ono, house In the city. tVe at... nte• Io of sh• feet by pirogue a hoopou the tort • • , “ne Cu the feet. Thla La the One< Butane,. trout,. getting a nt. for tae waer•ut pt fleet and at the Sa-me Illy , perfectly comfort: 111 e. Ladles' lanithrs. Ilaineol., notate •na flipper. Or A utter ton quality, 11:14 410 . , to order: ~st.earl•t• Panca aszpp.r. b0tt0....t • nd made to order. aOl6 W. U. MAILAYYM. Msrket at. A LARGE ANDERE:SR ARRIVAL srmap:ll BOOTS, SHOES, GIITE RS alga Bat HI orabt, Just r•rel•ed, and =III be sold at the VERY ...OW zwr PRICES, either Wholesale or Retail. litYL Ve • CALL Ittrunt I'UITAMASINO {L. • J. 11. & W. C. BORLAND, No. ke Market street, 2d door from Ylf My Iv VOlll GENT. 24 FINIL CALF IIURY2, 2110V.M. and IT NItM. FOIL LADIE4—VINE IIA I. aI.•ItAL and 1.. , 1C1t1;621i AITKItB. Moire RID BOOTS and 21.11 . 1'ERN. flock largo and en•trd. manor...dared proissly jar city Daley. of hest material, bolted to all feet mad every taste. Castoznert oramptly and ttalnely eery ed at No 22 Market aa2 J. W. CARNAHAN CO. worm, . JOH N I 61. [I INO ( 1 FIELDING .84 DUO, hlanaraeturers-nuJ Dirol•rs 11l CPULAISItC)XXL IVEarkcila BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 140 Ohio St., Allegheny. Hermlrlng promptly eircutrd on We shortcut 00-• 1e7m52 N EW BOOT AND SHOE STORE Jib. 24 St. Clair Street A large and srull selected gunk of LADLE'S'. UENT'S and .I.3ll.l)ftr.wd trAITEItA, BALM°. tl? 111 IrOlth .111 reel at lbe I.I,WEOT (ao2Palmeall PAPER! PAPER!! PITTSBURGH PIPER MANUFACTURING CO., Warehouse, 62 Thltil Street, Keg! conttantl7 on bug4lll7o We, at lowest NEWS, TACK MANILLA, HARDWARE, Roonixtc;:i"eit and WRAPPING,,,P.A.PERS. -10,000 Odle. ansimlnd now In Wantons.. Clinton Mills id Stenbarrille.lrlito. res.V.IPUZILW,Azi,3ffiI!V llFlEhtola. ro. ,MAANIFIOOD;rmow - Loot floe Ritfroltat).—"O 1.144/atecf. saskda 11 , 4141.i* Peer, OX CMG/. AL - Ledettni rTreat.' Only 9r 1 310 33 . 341 ` Vrtiemtnal Wobiess, lalolautunstululoa naltkcbltity.so4 - Ontredjmenta to Imlay, yen " r i la i rarr reidVA l reintrAAteirta:, OrA t i l agZift.igsratf , :te r"'" k irdrri=l, l 2% 4 4 • alsret s : r ttite 11" tamaks rity l SOPMSO." - RFVUMFFW IF .10 =OM WHIR. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON womms, Nos. 20, 22, 24 and 26 Penn Bt. Having secured • large Tara, and furnished It wlth the most approved machinery, we are prepared to maiinfeetUra every description or Balers. In the hest manner, sod warranted equal to any made In Ice country. Chimneys., Breeching. Vire tteds, Steam Noes. toicomoUve Boilers. Condensers; Belt Pans, Tanks, ill! r'""' Boller Iron, Bridges, !mate Pans; and sole manu facturers of BARN/ULLA raT/CtIT BOlLgan. BePalrhig done on the shortest ttollee. Jeatell RriAistt•killton COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS. PITTNRUSGH PARK, McCUBDY & CO., Mann fantnrers of Bbesthing, Brasiers' and Belt Confer. Prenssst Conner Bottoms, Batted 111111 Bot toms, goalie, Solder. AI.. Importers and deal. es In Metals, Tin Plate. Sheet Iron, Wire, de. Con stantly on hand I Moe"' Machines and Toos Ill'orebonse, No, 140 Mgr and 1265[coNtittrataTa. Pittsburgh. Nperial orders of Copper not to isnY desired poster], mytsmllltddarT PITTSBURGIO SAW WORKS_ roro or P.MMlNlPcitAltiftr:r.`;;p9: rd CAST STEEL SAWN., of r very description. M IS, lnleyy Cro.s-Cut Gang, and all other varieties. All kinds of MNIVES and tiPn IN 08 made from Sheet Cast Steel; Extra relined itkArEit and MOW ING KNIVES. &e. . • . /SirWarrhouse and Worka, corner WATVS and Moro, Pittsburgh. Particular attention paid to re-toot/ling. gum ofngand straightening tdrettiar Saar; alto, repair. all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at tea aonable rater, JeStrall — ROBENSON. REA & CO., (Sue yeast.. to HOIILNBOX. AMISS BLILLCA..) WASHINIUON WORKS, Founder. & Rlnehinists. Pittsburgh, Manufacturers of Beal and Stationary Steam En gines, Mast Engines, Mill Machu:ler?, • Gemini Shafting Castings e l all descriptions; OM Tanks and 511111. Moller and nheet Iron Work.. . . , /fir Agents feu . OI PPA.ItIt•S PATENT EN.IECTOIS for feedtng bolters. f':"JOH111 COCIIIR&N & BHP., Manufacturers of Iron Vaults sad Vaal Doors, Iran Balling. Window Shatters, Window kissed, Re. Nos. VI Second and re Third betereet Wo.tat and Market, bate on band a carle ly of pattern., fancy and plain, suitable for all urposes. 4.lPartleular attention paid In enclatlSlS Lots. Jonolug done at short solace. 1330,My NEW ELIOT HE FOE THE HANDEFMCHIEF Night llleaguing (sere... 131MECIMI Pt igbi Blooming Civrecks.'. I 11=1 Nimbi nlo.suing memma Photos`. ••night Illosalsing C.eresza." Nigh: Mftemmahag Ceram."' 1:1113223 A mot esqn , •ite. 401 , :aV0. Joni Frnot Perfume from the rare and bosollfol tet flower from oho h It takes oe porno I= PIIIALON & SOM. New Work !IMAM: OF COL: NTEAFETT3. ASR YOH PIIALON'g--3 AKE NO OTREIL NEWS FOil TUE EN.• ."`". TUKTO ATF. sELL'S SP ECIFIC REMEDIES Art. tea rrantrot to al eases. for theaptemlt and 1..' momot etre or ml axle., from atonal t-S• res .... or YOUTHFUL trIniIIETION. :Seminal Nl,gltor liototalona and nenauat Dream.. lien -1 and Nerrone Impotence, ~ l eet, Sexual Otst.aelt, •r. rt:0316 4lt i)v.t. kV The,. eon Ire toed addl. •••tt detectlonn and never fat! to effect a cum. If and accordt nit to Inotructlons. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, Price one dabs,. per bos.,or six boxes roe One dol lars; also, lorne b.•see, cobletnlse lour erle• thne doltan. r, ors four to• ail Dour. •ro gonerally roqulre4 to eon.. oolloar• «ay...of:N.llll . mi Woofing.. awl LIM*. *lons, thousl: bcucfit 1. clortacd from ualug • ataglo Ota • la clironte r'sseo, and FartleedarlY when ItePeh 14-nital Del LILT with n. rrou• Prostrz tion has strecuql the ay•laat. BELL', Toll IC PILLS A re re •smoh..-n.led as tha MOO e:MV•tlipifn•lnat in an I Arlaora , lna n-ready le the world. du!taar• prt•h• It. .todisra, lad a Mouths au goacraby BM!M!== • . . Rell'l4 External Remedy, ['flea Lao dollar, sralleent fu & month. can Oo uord to r0. , 1 ad•antaita. CLL• It niara strcuath orpoo., sod with ttce oIU restore them to th tr norm a l coaritthro. cAVTION.—Tbe above Remedies ha, now been rwf••••• t.e pehilc many roar, sad their great .00- 1.1 the •Ilevlatere nt hornets misery, JlteleePed th • cupidity of ...mat parties, who nee the name “derclile ' fop% my lane!, elretuara Mel ed. r efs, aernett era word for word, and put op le that dla.ppotat ,ho teat •a•• 1:1. ',lions Of the perchaw,• If you cannot puerto.. lictlsNnetlflettraandles of your D. - outlet. take no other, bat tend the Inoue, Otreet to DIM. /AMEX BRYAN, Cmondslnn Miamian, No. el p clroadicay. Crew York. And yr.o receive therm, by return of mall , pott pal,. and free Iron obacrcation. JOSICTII Urnsitt•t„ Corner Matitet end Diamond. Abet, anN:19,4,1 wT r. LADIEX.-11 you require a reit lade Mined, to tes•onejn o and eenlo Irerrolsrltlss etstreettons. WHY . NUT Ora lii ti BRUT. Every lady known tbe.aagAtut Y,qt nisrlt. of nature It likely to uring On tinauaetro, tii&diness. I.ow Sydrits. Painting. Ittututlek oyet live u,. lotuorn 01 twatth Jude. the opposite ..thrr symptom. mere ettstreSel , gentn&M.oo. ss Weakness. Spins. (nyrn R. yt . lsint, the Whites, Ver.. '..111 &c Ste. A A 5.Y1,11-I , AILIAG HEIM gut A U1 1 ; 1 31:1;t1 0010 P14 1, 11 M1 3 1. they gate nOtqnsula mattering ottatrectiona ' and Irrego!sch lea, no matter from what cause they 'limy... sans and was In every cake. Lip , s s t r of oo are r „ id , h a i t: m u ua . I i f v o . and a. eom om- pu.o what tbay their atardimencoted lode. Sold to bones contemning laxly 174114. Price ono dollar. Male ttntINNY PILJAS is a remedy Ewe . degree. stronger than the abort, and Intended for special eases pitons *tau din:. I rim nye dot ter. per boo. It you cannot purchase the Pills at se cu re ruggist, they will be sent by umil, port paid. trout ob. serration, nu rmulpt of the money. hy. Dr. JAMilli BRYAN, Csamattlug ehyuletan. A o. 010 Broadway; firw Yurt. JOSEPH 'LEHI CO, [knight, corn... Market aud Diamond, Agt for Pittsburgh attn:Mersnart gutsyCELIBACY', an of Warning and Inatrnetton tot Young Men. Also. Literate. and Abe.., which pro.. trate the vital powers, srll.ll omens ogjors seller Sent tree of charge In sea et' letter etiVartinoll. Ad. di , s.. ill. J. KILIAN UOUtiIiTUAL, Howard Al i...elation, PtilladriPitiut Pa. sunitilOiDara ht EitCHA NI" TAILORS. Fitt - WOOLENSi 3p4coxt FALL AND WINTMI WEIR. RAVE A COMPLIF:77, STOCK OF uut MS for WEAR. for which I Invite an examination by lay customer. and the vane. liar lax secured tor nervier. or a irlitle -CLAM CUTTER, atm madeer eh arningeuteataln elatlefar- Wrier Department as will 'wadi" me to guarantee patine. Hon to all whom.? favor me with their pal, roamer. 2V6Vign.11514 Merchant Tailor, 79 littleraLtit.. QM HENRY G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Northweet Corner of Pena At Sr.; I:1111HW. Deal rent° rceurn SOUS tilinsiiiUSiino tub.' lb fort no Moo? pus (Avon, and rupeettuity SOM.. Ito &share of their Moro Soarunugl* MS Would be eleuseoe lute. these exambitatilt • •• • . Large and -Carefully _Selected Stoat: _ • Fine Woolen GeOdit . • -•-• Ur -- CA alallUS SUR Its ,TAI4.-,,,ANk.-111571L FALL GOODS. NOVI and , • JO I ALLOUT GE el pg.; to? Walk 191173115. sad omununt, 41112 - IMMILMAOII47i MCI& =11771 rZ 5. ' ' • . _ MEOU2Mvig 9CISKI. MILROY, 19=1 DICKSON 154 "viErcmDcl SE t., FIX 'l' 'l' S I3l:Tit CklEI . DRY GOODS ima W HOLESA LE. MILEC)ISW.LVV", OCTOBER FIRST, 1*66. CARR, M'CANDLESS & CO, 94 WOOD STREET, PITTSBU RGH, WHOLESALE DEALERS XXV Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, Announce that they have just received and are now opening an, lINIISTIALLY LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK of all articles in the DRY GOODS LINE, Which they offer to the trade at the lowest market rates. Dealers will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine their Stook, comprising a hand some assortment of many Scarce & Desirable Goods, kogether aciffi q Auperior Styles of all the beef makes of Prints, American Delaines, Standard Sheetings, Bleached and Biown, Tickings, Ginghams, Canton Flanneli, Apron Checks, Shirting Checks, Col'rd Drills, &c. FLANNELS, Plain White, Starlet, MLied, Red and Gray Twilled, Bob Roy, Miners, Shaker and Shirting. White and Colored BED BLANKETS, RAT MORAL SKITS. CIT-sakairbiEN :Clt El 10 0., deo., slba. FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH YAW DRESS GOODS. Our Stock will embraccalreat vari andall too latest Novelly& l• NOTIONS, A. Full and Coniplete AIIIL°I ''CI DLES :& to.. Yl3l4Wo!cha Ritz-eat. 1010140Sii& DRY OOHS' u:.'&455c141101 1 1 . 0 0., No. 115 WWII stteinfitiOnfgh, lOUs Bunn to oalliavtixsistainkeirZAßW 1 I ffitt.,'COMISIiL m IinTIONS; I • ***OKl* -' 014114, I lA 9: eno, Fon ga:t.. 2 7. - *jr.i. s . Firm of 4o* 46 I. m .t1 11 /Mg . : 4"tf triZIZT4Z"`: 34litarlitatatins. and agmlice from the city. The' iMpralremouti are. Finn. a er-sitm stone dwell itigwith intern ceilt MOMS: lrtooe olfilli re tne g ega i rgag: trat eorn able addlrt I , and the heat of walei:at thedier. econd.. a huge frene h ours, 7 roona ands kitche; , st mice stone sor st bap oven, corn crib, wagon hed hate hewed log hart, sPhlrd, lb (MAIO Paco rut ItOmm, bdiAlt cow ...e. Fourth, a wstory bliwed log tuella. and barn. The fencing iaaancrally good,lariVnead owe. of the best timothy and: clever; an abundance or limestone and coat upod the •fertat ac res ng and old apple orchard at esch ktO ac Clear ed; the residue In good timber, gachaS,White. red. !rack and rock oak sugar, beech,' pop's: sii. 4l theasi The soil Is good Ondneion be 6. all klads Cantu:Woud mast a blai-1 ster.lr ann. and will be sold low. Possession on the Ant day of October, MS. No. Farm of 63 acres, situated in Mutters t. 777 15a111, Allegheny county, it., abollt VA ogles from the elty, neer the line of the bt. nth:mettle it. 11,1HW within oh of mile of a station; Merges of • the test ..f creek bottom laud. and In a lOgh state of cultivation; 1,1 acres of wood isod bedroom. The W;llTlVlASlttr=l.di. The soil ['or! wishing tumulus - It 1.-. the business . erlit ‘ call at one% and secure • good bargain, thla a rare chance. No. S. Furth of 04 acrna, Waste In Elleabeth tewnehim Allegheny county. Pa., On Ma • MOM.- &Mail river, alimit due mile from the Borough of .117 anoth. she 401 Is Grille best qoality. The prevent- nta are • farm house with ate room.. Stood barn and ether out buildings; immlns good; about so acres of coal. uhurshes, echo .6 and mills .very POloidati No. 4. also. the Me Mat Farm I% Elizabeth township, coutetnius about 00 Ser., lying on the Monongs hole river Immediately below Lock no. un which Is erected a large Me-story brick dwelling. one log and one Irene ban corn crib, waken shed, trla hones, s =nary. work shop. do.; about macros or • no above is slrstqua ricer bottom; the balaace being ilumetone laud, anti miderbeid with coal, and &built Al acree Or Ilir.itotie. Thre are two Orchards ol apple trees, la go .01 bearin gcondi tlou peace pear,mum trees awl grape vines. Ac. Too land is well adapted 10r garduriing purposes, befog a ahort dlatance from Mg Blaring borough of gulabeth, cresting a market in home tor ail the products. The property will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. & CO., • • No. 6. A Form of 166 acres In Elizabeth township Allegheny aunty, Pa., near the Youdhlegbersy rev• er. The Improvementsare a hewed log lio.e.a barn, stable and otuer out-buildings; feocing sr:t ensity goon; well watered; lld acres cleared: Cetus o Ilne.tone, the under vein about bid thick ; feet thick; me upper rein •botlt SM feet very couvenmut thn river. It Is well timber ed wltti the best white oak and black willow. timber. Price IMO per were. Na S. A Perin of MIA acres, situate in Plum tO•nship. Allegheny county, Pa. The Improve ment. are a two story frame house. with nix rooms and kitchen; a large hank barn, 80 by fdi, and other outottildings; good orchard; 170 acres cleared awl In a good stale of cultivation. The land is of best quality, adapted tor grain or Mock, and Is all underlaid with coil; a very huge amount of loom! timber. Pos.uston given immediately. COuVer, 1.66 to churches. schools. mulles &e. No. 7. rang of ISO wares. sttuated In Elisabeth town.,ltlp, Allegheny mmuty, Pa., about on. mile from Loca No. 3, o a Ilongsugsite/a Aver . Improve ments are one frame house, with five rooms. barn, spring [loose end talfer vutbullolugs. The land Is of the best quality. Tuff above Will be told at very low figures. re San, wanting any of the above Heal Estate will please call uu 11. TOWN.H. se1:10, heal Est to Agetit. 164 Fourth Waal. COAL WORMS FOR SALE. TUINDAT. the 24 day of October, 1362,1 o'cloct r w.II he'sold by order of the- /gaits` onrt. IM the premises, in Westmoreland eoun•y. till the rigid.. Mlle and Interest of CHAlrLfib oireensed, In the Coal Works, situate lit Mos tray r townsbi.. Westmoreland county, on the blonongabela river, four mites above Monongahela lily, and oue-fourth mite below Webster. knowti the Union Coal Works. •.• . . The alinre Coal Works are among the beat and most productive In the country, being now In Intl operation. Attached to them are a number of 11. ailing notaries. 'there are sou.. forty cora, with asse s. Lc., used In working Ilse lunar, and fume II coal dots. Tim decedent. owned le.l4tho of the works. and the remaining 4.lrits can also he purchased if desired. Fur par ilenlars. enquire at JiiSEPII SEIBERT, uIIiiISTIAN SIEBERT. Administrate.. = MMMIiiMil 10RE1ISSIONEWA El A LE.-111y vir tue of a decree of the Crittenden Count( Court, rendered at It. July gall term. IMO In toe vmsolltia. led toll. of Lerl IX cue and others, ph.lnitet4 against Cook, Le.r Is Co., nod °toma, tleteudants, ou MONDA Y , the lath nay of Norealber next. I t betng the let Islay to the t leech court for nom - Men Cu.. and the dent day got the term, sell. to the highest bidder, at the Coon Doti.. dour in town of Marlon. hn a credit of th IS and 24 months. the f valuable proper.)', situate on the Twhaue rCs r o i f t T en r en a attearl I M n i t n h e e s, c o g un n ty• a f l o y c k s naoltw nelm as • 'rook • .11lnew — embracing :Mont 2.0 soros of land. togetner w.th all mining twirl eget, Improve ments, natures. and twrwsonllty belonging to the awe, consisting in par: as follows: tine Steam En. ous. one ei Enain do, on. mem Po up, one Coal 11611. nue n oue lid or Rat:road Iron. one lot or Cara, outi lot of tar lc lien n and dotes. two Hover , one yoke or os.o. Sc'.. to. For further particular. Inquire or the Undersigned Come:l6,lon atblonde haw lug the (nee and elect of silo tmads law. w.ll be reitittred of the purer...ter, with a). proved seedrlly. ttettukisi R. WAGAR. Com'r. WEST END RESIDENCE Ml= dostb:r tso•elnry thick Dwelling of tyn room.. h stable and enerisge bens., tsecupyintr. a hand some', located lot r.S.. The lot abounds in allude and fruit tree.. lid snrel.eery, and tl e neigh. lsorboosi 1. one of the meat desirable In the two cities. • Apply to ri 8. nIIYAN. Ift Arr In St-nvt-muil 114.1 Lan.. auk 67 Yon rl4 rt.. (ilurka'• 1tu1141111114 FOR SALE, A First-Class Business Stand. The minek, rirture.. Good Wilt, scare ttoaea 11.vefling anti I.rge Lot In .rewletley. L:ash Ia.OLIU t toooto. I lon given lintnedintely. • . . •w6ll Mouxs and Lots,very cheap. 'several Lots a; Edgeworth Station, from owe t five acres to each. Apply to JAMES T. SAMPLE, Real Estate Broker and Insurance Agent, FOR SALE, Militate near Johnston Stettin., on the Allegheny • .11, Ball roast. 10 Clef froin the city. The M arne. tuenta •rr a tie...duty nratue isweiling of sin trireme, a outtne. an extellsnt well of water. tnas *opted Veer en trailed, frith, and there L. also so extruslre moue quarry en the plate with sin font vein of site lwet build/an anise. ni.er being success fully ad peolitalny worked. F,,, term, apply at the Real Estale and Insurance Mice ofi DATES, mail nutter street. Lawrenceville. SPLENDID RIVER FARM FOR de.Lls,—Contains Matra, to of *bleb la river bottom. rite buildings are a large Dseelliug, built hoatone anal fame. van Largo barn, two sheep uses sad steer out-bondage, One apriors, two orchsrtis et sholue fault: llamas oppoatte Port }ter mer, can Use Pi taburgh mot Ibbtlellug Hann:tad, Om miles below W•liartlia. Tilts to tom of tile boat at -eit farms now stfered for sale. Yor particulars., con on Al. .SieLA IS at Co., au .3 I'D Fourth otreet. rOll SALE- 1 1 acres of Grouod, wen tlmbvred .ttl nalerrd on tnottrrel 11111, ten minutes' walk Mom Ps* runt r t.)tlon at Shady Lase, Fourth Ottt•et Road. Ale act, at Noma • wood ntadon; and a ratrrr rams Well located to Wstitttiontland and Alto. Item, coo nth), Ain./ Coal Crop.rty, Itott•t.l and Lot* In toe Olt? end ',shorts. Putt [antler patio Mars Cl:Ulnae of WARD, Opposite the I . athedrnt, ) sett No. Int tiroda street. FOR SALE, ONE HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS, in feet fro* by IS lUCt !Inches drop, corner Franklin and sods...flak t• reels. Stanchest sr. Alto one HOLilit contalutua run.; ...of woo else and sillotniny. For price - Sad tcrms, app . ? to 41 , Z2d1±41_ . _ premise.._ SIMALL HOUSE FOR SALE—Five eiu.to, rdstris; lot 24 by :24 i'ect, fronting on linvinept., to sumps un LW' reunsyivatils Railroad, or•r kwalt .treet. and ore minutes' salt to Lilt l'itnicna• I . 444cnit or RstittaY: fscnitins fur ...china elk) vet," great; tare on rail issy Are cents, street cars all until* tr. rip stop Close to the hon. nearly n , cry hour, Apply Tilit sAd orl3 E t . o tale Broker, GU :111.1[110 0d s;. A T OAIf.L.ANLI, near Craft'r Are .MioleteLot of trround of two ocrea4SDO-81) pereimme: a trololloa no. used by tenant.. a 'neeer. fat log well of good water, One forest toad., the., ohs obbery. aplentll,l 'clew of the flyer sadear roundlnQ cc out, t. Also 0.1,41 Della log Lots front hfa, oo UtarICIOCIF. vreet 0 feet, 14 Ito feet to So Alter, Sob. - A. ttnct Iluildlog and three lots IMMO. ocL 8. etTlrlitllttlT. hUrsd. 151 Market at. JOHN D. BAILEY, Etsok and Real Estate Broker. o Fl ° or il y oa l3 jo iti gg oto n ot i k U n eb b ast lo t ertro e o city. sail:10ov /pod ran ofetutom. Immediate "" "Zra n D. trAliTiv, No. 102 Fourth stroot. 034 7 /T.. 0, IiICI7O. ant No. 60111•. Block, [Mit SALE-83 acres. Coat and Burlier., ultimo on I.lutapbell's Bun. 7 Macs rrom rittsboruh, and midway hempen diansda'd and the biro Iva* tile turnpike. The surface 1. under good goal cultivation, except, 3 acres of timber. Frame lion.. and Los Barn.. • Joni; usitcr, • Bloch and Beat Estate Broker, - 1112 Fourth iitrect. 1 4 , 0 R SALE.-1 13 acres Tar good tillable land, au ;c vel mid under. cadets oda:est inilliraflOni (*acres cleared alid cab ha werkedlig, 'trig 1 4t gin h e l tti. la t r a,ll:4l= lr giVaTtl. i frog. 'be place LI Weil Willerco, vrAtli never falling alpines. tlooltaeell at the &ale.' Bloaste bhe mile. from NI eve ttetetstooohtioltalot ,thep o eungh Moe Of rallatowha The non la 00.1.110141 .yIIIII. &U. feet Thu bf good hltenonong coal; undid . which tka TOW of Oaf Ore Way: from 10 to - ll• feel, Intuiting, en Sid lied., raver. • , ,• Neg;101 rentrth 0.0.117111TWE , 1111: •-• tatintrrolv Pm{ liA.ll%—crset, ,airstre of ground. on arida Is a Puma Cottaget ;loom, eon , fat:darn gnome cellar and a - wide. nailin k. wood art.l coal borne, stable u{ Modes ottb bank collar r,r cow amble, and thicken hooter largo ell term at house, slim at - MblorritomdllObll %Melt note/. Vol:doing . len Mum lb td• 'sleet of atee Tbo go „, rargiateggigVlorgigitTeliV T _TlVis' streets. , Ttor !nudit looter 14 s ot st pada It , IllodAed braltnt In there duty 721,011.111 a main"' walk or,the city PM alto, l'omessloof•lt: 'required: eOuld be/iven st *bar kotke. - ho ya• tend lotOreon net us t4lgny lan on and.llernm Itiokboiro - liotOato, • • 40 1 14 D.‘ 11 .4 11, E • ' . • Spell mot Real Sotoos No. Vourth SC &recommit CITY 0.01 10 . 00 . WEE arre3rP o l, S. C. Ott & 'CO A*(51116044; iIFI,II/1.!.115-* • - I„'"lnrigi'ia.'Di..dirs " 21/03.0ix.r.r..;r054 BiIT IEOIIII NorioNgr„ 4.,:C.4:_latateivirariatrbtore.A. -s r l ..--,•., ~ .., tag.w, FOR . XP CPR. EJAL3LaMI, MU =EM!Q=I SIX ACRES OF LAND, o~~v4a~a~~' oiLwoilto. BUFFO! Kew& co., MANthrecrruszivi OW TUC CELEBRATED SPIXIM LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. Sperm. Lard and Whale Oils, MB LWIIZ MESS OIL MUHL GOBI ALA% Standatd White Burning oil, No. 83 Market Street, PITTSBURGH,. PA. FORAszsxn CIIIWITLATL encSS LUBRICATING OILS. TWIN CITY Oth COMM Office, 204 Pen:Street, F. A. SIIIITII, Secretar y. MAIMILLartiIIF Head staler apri..../. ,n ¢ o • er. ta . , loon ir; 4.1Z111 1.10 Mill it QI)§11114 I ii-k 4 OIMM I 4.IMMr. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. djaity WATT,. President. nrssilLY H. LONG, nee'y uid Tress's WORKS IN TEMPERANCEVILLE Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, BusponsionTtEdgo.) ILLIMPACTUREBE or ELME WHITE 131: 1- 1 : 1:Nr1V431" orr.A• Brand—"Luoifor." 712:25 WARING & KING, COMMON 111B.CHASTS AND moms 13 Petroleum and its Products, 4 DUQIJES.VE Tiir.ll3 I.TX"3•I93ErCrIFI.4O-3E6, = WARING. KINC Zt CO.. El====Z = &MEMOS OIL ENGINES. We ere constructing, and srll keep on bald. realer style or 4131XXa 3SEAT4ol,3=ecrinsi WITH UM A COUON ON MLR 1411 A to l a h Vgnpar n ".”..l*VrazlNllM STICX.E'TS. ne IrA ar sc antAhArrila rmil. s co. WARDEN ili - TCRELDER, BROEMBS IN CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM] WHALE OIL. ROSIN, sentiTs TtricrrNT IEE, Nb&TR tudioLLIA TAR, Ad., - at Maws era e Way dr. Eiauedek EU, Pettabeiregkie_PL. Repreiant WARDEN, Eli Walnut el Pod, Philadelphia. 103 W. wIDLITMAN a. D. ADD= DO EAGLE OIL WORM, MialarrasamoasrLl.2p. INICHtMAN & ANDERSON, Rein/erg and Dealers In PETROLEUM. OFFICE. SECOND STORY, DOMED DAN - CE WT. AND IMMUNE WAX. asn6nl3ll. WISP- * EASOFACTUREas Or OIL Of VITRIOL AND AQUA ANINIONLL crtsae,xBThLraxixeot at PROB. PA. B. F. BROWN, EMI Local Claim Agent.. U. S. SAN. C 031., Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, • =comp rwuno Pittsburgh, Pdo Pensions, Bounties, and Arrimr of MY Promptly conceit/L. No elms. semis anti] ashes art settled. and theft but a mods. ale fee. la EU WO T s. ILINDBAY, Office, 63 Boyle Street, Allegheny Special attention 'teen to drawing dead., Laura. and att. r legal deoamen ts. All collactiona lotrosted to kiln wen recelvcoasn, ana • rompt altJntl 41. e• 3 tf JOUN W. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, my 720.51 PUT 511113517311. FA DIL E. DONSELLY, Office. Sixth and Grant Streets, PPITSBURGII, PA aid - Special attention !Ivan to all eases relnirini SurKlcal operations. jed6:iles U,MAUXR dri mceo c ih vo i x :, . ATTORNEYS 8 COUNSELLORS:AT LAW, No_, 69 Grant Street, wrrentruciuPA 2 • mom= JOHN A. STRAIN. .A.xessarcrimmaaig,,. Ex-Offitio,',4o4•Ote of 'lize 'Peace. Mvii poi.igt.:ll.AUlerrp.s..rzo Oillee,ll2.MOM. "pponlia Cathedral. • i• PA. • Deedi, BeddsJitortitigsh Act nowlelements, IV.ltlonks red all Lual /*ulnae exFouted wills uroutptmear aaddbipatet. • myI9:ISIE Lipley NOT RI( w I.l7lll,lll,Jusysct m or wiI , I,VICADN, S AND WEAL VSTATE AGENT. °Mee, career of metier and Draver drugs, Lawrenceville. f ra i llga t ir Nat :1 6 it h i:f fit Car pre par n aglad . ACAUDWIC4OIII. or all Mensal" /.agal 7 tPILLIAM.JJXCEY oat! ce Of the Peace and Notary rubuc. EIJSTACE S. 210/11tOW • ALDERMAN AND. CONVEYANCER, EPennsylvaniai‘enue. , Toot of le Exteissitol Ina %Mita CIAO &pt. MILITARY, PENSIONS 'oWm BOUNTIES, , B&CA L UMW"' Vita of trery deadliptioneolteneati,iberabfort r, thir fblicartnig rates, wits ...Pasalon!....iior 11 4 0, W. C. C. TAYLOR., ATM. lb Dlimond strytu OtOot te duo Awl Dos. • N. L..No thiis,Atelisso• atm' .Iraceted. , sa4 all Information CUAMIKAIKT.**IIPO.4,!'' • Ne . 0 9 viil 4 6 1 4 ti", Piro ,. fa • iii;ithitoitseilth , rilkadolser Bum.— - Mani - b y r iwiari,u364l.violiqo . 4.o3l4 tiom.h.ruu.b.mq, ;; ; .1311 ' • ii7o3EteW 4.311 ELA3r .7. ". oAlFratitiONElC'Altill•gt*S4'. '... • -::? •igiglt r attastizttstnitgb "Witt and Orilaeitnitalltni iitervy anctipuon. . . s.w ' q1441$ ot Os tris Of XtoWp irStO,llol. rs t ',t4, I Aki6iliiiriliiiiiiii , 4 . ; flt...i i44.i4;iiii...'it MEE i_~ .MnNV , t tgrlv v maim& dirtoesE. r C.- D. 1111;34.4 ,' ..--••• =- " r.. , - Brltllailiumcesa if the Itiohings 'English Opera TrauPe s . tech artist 'ar" plaus•tir • brilllsolly crotrcled.and.e•thttliila— e 4- Mie.oIVESDAY EVIINo. Oot. sel.,4lll:be-Dre• rented Datfeh cliszpslng ()roomer the '• 110111E1111AN GML. • Coosa Arabella. Ltr. S. O. Campbett;'.iioitm.. W. Qum: berinieedcider or Uto.TrlOser....log;O;;; Viorestinc, B. ' Vertle; Criptaltt' at the thaarti,l. Aetna.. lab oCarolthe !had. MIND ortho tamers Itiselnaboi Arnold. LNZFIT or .111S5N1t..1;11-NO0 !tote” - e:lisesta fo r mle at Ifollor•a Mush; Sto r i MOo.l . au..e , et, sod at the box 012101! of the era . g ' 77 .xl e t F . Vr e altirt e'e gr 25 A tt ee rt2lt leered bress Circle Chair. e tr . "./leheta-- , trrhe rtra Chairs. 10),50: ref n-obrztioot bre•aelrria, tialerY. at the ()lice of the opera Mellen . • LxSIZZAaxi &Lug aar.,WM. 112NDLESoN The AND T lti ffin n:. 1 r li r r " LoissiCEe ' The celeb rated Comedian., whose artistia toned has secured world wide reputation try their truthful representations of Irtab and )Araree It to. THIS (Wedim..l. , T) EVeNtNli, the adnilred drama, • • tnoTy tone Cower, dunned NUNN TO t. 091) LOCK; Cm. 11111111NANdl • 1 1 / I tTUIC. Psitleonfnitaferty.-. ...... -ler. W. J. Inatome. goncludo with the retie. Farce, written by W. J. Yldrenee. entitled xuscinsytous A.NNIII. Mrs. norance in Ate eh...teeters, intnidaCtim my eral *emir. and celebrated dance La Zingarells. Tim Soon. • Mr. J-Jrlorehae. Wiissome nALL, • .111.08115173 BUCCEYS OF THE SPAULDING BROTHERS, Swiss Bell Ringers, • THE PREMIER TROUPE OF THE WORLD. . • . The gr A ri'L z l ira virotrD,s,AL tlftu elongltrees. a KnTE Louis "THAT 111.110.11t0V3 ir , ‘TBOX,"" r with the entire econnator EVEItY NIGHT THIS TIME- • admlado• 33 rents. lieserred 'tra p 00 canto. Chlldrou 23 cents. r . 3. B.—Procure your ticket., during the - day at the Mask Sto^es of C. u. Mellor. Eicher &Brat., C•tsrlotto Blom. and Wameank & Barr, and avold the crowd at the Matt door In the ovenina,„ • 0r.2:1i3 ECM /led Torethe garTIIIRIBLE.'B VARIETIES. —.Boca LseSri ..M.ANAGM W. 0. KIIITTIIE FILED. A IMS... Monday Evening and dutiog the week will ke pro doted the most magnificent Fairy Spectacle ever rkraluced, HE ICE. WITCH; Ur, THE KNltitiT OF TUE FLIOZLN IldNit, with .eatlro new and beantlrolsceno , v, elaborate coeh t men, de., la addition to the Inimitable oet .ELT,N. arPROF. BROOK* , FASIEHOIVA BLE DANCI ACADENT. rtimunect. rlttilbUrrli, Is nor open day sad