The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 03, 1866, Image 1

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    THE.7 - 40aUY'LGAZETTE.
. irldfranittifti?Reed' - '& Co.,
as w Immo mate, irriosairaaa.
0.1 01111.11filitalrirciumarre.7rit
.tbeliffobi4h *antic
ocrosun- 8,1866
At arneeting of the Republican
Executive County committee, at
Headquarters.on Saturday. it
was, on motion of intim 11. Stew
art, Esq.,
RESOLVED; Thatwe urge upon
anipotitiCal friends lit the cities
of Pittsburgitand Allegheny, and
througliant.the cortatv, to devote
the Cassia; week exclusively to
the perfecting of. Melt, partY or
ganization., the appointutent qt
Binds tuitilfiglltilice Committees
lit every-Ward:, Borough, Town •
ship and Election Precinct, the
appointment ne challengers et
polls, and such oilier Matters of
detail as will insure an over
wlietnillaig Republican triumph.
Let every patriotic citizen, at
this Critical hour, at whatever
personal sacrifice; give one week
of labor to the final preparations
for the great struggle now so
clailety at hand. '
lifeadquartersogren at anhours
ter distribution of tickets. Potters
l l ' fir the lOUs. Ar.C., dm. .
• Chairman CoUntr Committee.
nt. "UTNE. Secretary.
Borne chanp,es baring occurred in the
Senatorial candidates, It has become neces
sary to repeat the list. It now stands :
flew:micas. Democratic.
1. Jeremiah Nichols, W. 111cUmalleta,
6. W. Worthinguni, J4.16e0 SUL
8. Nicholas Bunter, .1. 'Money fltrris,
le. Cbarlototi 'Burnett,
114 - „Co1: ' lint. Jacksdn,
It:. U. Ihtw,,oc tloletriamiere. Hoffman,.
IL E. Utlllogrelt, Abraham Gel Ins,
T. W. Fislier, W. Hues fir .-43 r.
ID -aim N'tatantan, B. E. Meyers,
ti,* J. W. Ilettrorn Thos. 1 Bearight,
A.,l4'..Tertor. J. B. %Petah,
151. J 65. C. Drown, Jotifi W. Irwin.
In the 10th District Mr. C. F. Ilocnwz.m.
was nominated by the Reimiblicans, but he
peremptorily declined. It is not probible
the Reptiblibaos will bring for Ward *moth
ernnus„as the district is hopelessly Demo
!dittos 24th District, the Diniocrats nom
inated Mr. Sasrusa. BIGGER; but Mr. J. B.
WELEIII announcing himself as an inde
pendent candidate, Mr. Iltuogn • withdrew
in his favor. M. WELRTI has hitherto
acted with'theßepublicans, and held seats
in the last two Legislature! by their favor.
It is possible he may haul off, bat his run
ning perils only himself.
In view of the : changes in candidates we
think 1 t beet to give it perfected list. No
further alterations ant to bo apprehended.
Diet. Republicans. Daimlers
I. Charles Glhhons. S. J. Ilvadall.
1. Charles - - JOS. 1 1. 1111 .•
2. Leonard Noyes.. Chat Iluckwulter.
4. W. D. Kelley. .JOl.O Welsh.
6. C. N. Taylor. Is.,iloss.
6. David Thomas. ' ; 11.14. Uoror.
. J. 11.11rooundl. , Naothanlal Pratt.
B. IL J. Lincoln, G. 1.. Mete.
9. Thaddetas Stereos. IS:Arßesuolds'
Idenryl. Cake. t
IL Wet. jAlly. W. K. Venaaken.
It James drebeWd. Chas:Dennalson.
M. 11. !demur. Wet. Elwell.
IL (leo. F. Miler. Than. !lowers.
U. 8.. 11:11enderson.,. A. U. Olossbropuor.
J. M 4 ILlCoontz. ,J. taupe.
IL IL J. IlorralL E. L. Johnson.
18. 13.1 P. Wilson. T. P. Wright..
19. O.IW. Seerdleld. W. I.:Scott.
Ye. D. A. Finny. A. IL lleCalmon.l..
M. John (..lrende. It. P. Wler-
M. ./.
Will lahos K. Moorhead. .
I IL I G. Chid e.
T. wss.
2L G. V.. Lawman!. Wan. Alcuatuolllell.
We Are glad - to see that this gentleman
hap. been apilointed gonsut,Oenerel for the
Braiik Provinces, to resider at Montreal.
Our . , 'terminal, knowledge oi the General
ensiblea - tii 'that 4io bitter -appoint
ment could hemado. • ThiscityAnd West
era Pennsilvaide owes to the intrepidity
and gallantry of 9eneral A.vatats and the
elvdry fortes - tinder Its 'command, their
protection on more than one occasion front
invasion and probable devastation by
7.anr.vrts As a cavalry' ewer be
neVer Suffered's' defeat; while "he was the
reader of numerous damaging'. raids, and
the hero of many victories. Additton to
his high stilitary
st.t. is is gentlemtm Of liberal education, of
cultivated tastes, and of. genial and refined
social habits, fit for, intrworthy 'Of, the
offiateohretred, or anrhigh• consulship in
the gift or thaPresident.
nout are indicator's that the holders
of the Confederate debt are contributing
ihnds to secirra, if . !pOsalble, the success of
the Deintitiats it the ensuing election.
hiry imleidatii'aceuritely'etiough the men
at whole binds, if itsy , ,, hi pinctlable to
Jet the :rebel - obligations assumed ltyllie
general. government; but they will iota:
discover they. Were sent good looney after
bad. The Democrats have not yet Sal?
eiently purged their compile* ivith the.
rebellion, and will have 'awhile longerte
mann their licelioutkde the ' , Mattel of Um
government. ,
, Tatt ,A.,tiguvta • ; (0110 ConyliAtOrnalist,
canicatly supPora the President's!
PolleY, sisoiiis to What sAtetsl,• it. has VeCn
seconstructed by AutiepitraiMhsAs these:
' "The titirtsind Stripes is allig isafonled
all over with wrong andblackgnard despot.'
13111th:A daily Affronts God isythe.Tlffatites
NoviPirdAsola men who: cherish .
snefuffut.44oo6,tnight as well ocenpy thick
seats awhile longer. . •
l'sae perooerats : We eildently even,
Aft.,..,ol,PLEßap nest "dead duck." Thia
'ewera &elk elecUoneeters are
tiffelisiglo'snalte. VW. else illOald they
ettei'ioteirfaitliettiln,eselutatte tor Totes
-• 101, - llatigtegi‘ or the
Legislitzwe't entreat Xter!b*:lllß t o
elttaltkom 'bartering In Ws rki. • Stand
be well, c,
I?! apomocratic pr occpato n In Bµittmoro
's: transiarency , war
carried with toll:ming motto: "Ww
[my of ngta iirige „_
- • ?!° sra
they mums at Near 'Orleans." calla
minlatArltti . , DEM Intiel:3i"John.
. 14 , 1/4 . 113 . 1 !!!.., ~&avecee overcoat."
„Ts= popilst judgotimt-at , theaouth Is .
siiiiiimpreasent extisticasumultiseN
; statortao trip, !trifitsthat the BepubMans
wlA> settolatriTeiiminent.
' ''Befe . blinue • Wtio ett ,
ttp=h,'o9A.TePlian SY`...-
i. 4 -400404#6,34. .
:' '-ialkelnintioa to , terms of the wel•
11ffet from l thir--ioperawarted
' . li ngit that atty. They were enter
,-,21 -,• - tiw• tif - prtittehousei orthithilt elti ,
.b i al o rike t we,-iiid'elettlet e t rir,
711EP05P"'..,,. -K,,,,W,fiki; heetO {47Firrre 110:04.1*4
. NKr
of waf —foil=
..... Aigeninteek,
r 4 11,
-Iw, 7
' ll 7
),A. c. 1131
1,a14 lti-heti.f i7-lhe;c,,o,laso- 1
~ .— e--.
k. ,% , ,, , ,, - ,31; , - ,,, t t
- •
_ Get .1144 peeler
Mllk ikscult et MarViii% 1'44 64 Yount at reaI. SECOND EDITION.
Valli Neale
At the Opera_Rouse Shoo Stott..
At the Opera Muse Silos Store
At the Opera limn Shoe nom
The prices hoots int! Shoes are now selling
nt the Opera noose Shoo morn.
Over 'thirty
Dirrerent kinds of Hon's, nays', and Mutt.
Boors at the Opera Ilouse Shoe niece.
conartrx *.reboots,
Remember that the place to nay Patent ?MAI-
Moos and Perramet7 low fa McClarran .t Mc-
Sennna•s Drug Store, 80 Market btreet.
Pare 'Waite Lead
ilex-seed 011, Turpentine, Varnishes, Mixed
White. Paint Mashes, Putty, ite.,„&e. The
above articles can be had eery low at liteClar
rend bielionnan's Drug Store, PS Market street,
corner of Diamond; near 111th btreet.
A 121111ap War
Of going to Saratoga Springs to by going to
Ittrazinsis Drug Store, Du Si Market street,
where you can procure the water direct from
the Springs, received fresh every week. and
sold at - a slight advance above cost. Remain.
her the place—Si Market street.
Don't Say that Canatttapttou Cannot
be Shred,
Unless you have used the Her. E, A. Wilson's
Great Remaly for Consumption, anti all Brou
chted Affeetient. It hela eared the very 'roast
cases, and it may cure yours; at allevents,
don't despair out') you have tried It. dole
agent for Pitteiturgh,
Joesirn Y inure°, Druggist,
ft Alai keL +tree
Soot by Mall anywhere, on receipt of 0.o"
Southern Loytllelu to Chicago
Bpectal Dispatch to I9mborgh hainstt
Cutest., 0,1,2, ISM.
Last. night the Southern loyalists arrived
here, al tubigen avenue, frontivg the road on
ahlch they came In, was fully illuminated.
Today the cily Is gay eilli dugs, banners,
Ilevic el end inycript tool, I.
Itiny pit,peolic.i. Fifty ile.msue.l strangers
thtong ,treeld. EFollia-1.4111 is et the very
ulteli. Stokes, Xl.Lyne .1, and others,
are ineking speeches, tient Johnsontsua end
Otllloi3rlley [On ft it/01 WO. On 11.4 Tuesday
Mittens will send Republican" throughout the
Union greeting in thunder iones.
Arrival tf lAe (My of Part• from En
rope—NapMenne. I titular NM,
Now yoga, October steamer City Of
Purls, front Liverpool has arrived.
Tho American war bloomers Colorado, Fro
lic and tileatara were, at Solutionlpton.
The important Femme vireuler note, alluded
to through the Cl4lde tome days nines, In
spokela of f y the reglish orrea an nine of Ulu
luyhaa4lmpo tattoo, and Its authorship is at
tributed to the }:mperor. Both the T uner and
agi Oa, lu uptuion that Napoleon har
bors no evil thoughts against. the leale•aul
tlosoe of !Juliann:, or awitterland. The natal.
ofholot North German Gazelle, of Berlin, soya
the • ord. In rename." to the military re-orga•
I:Oration for the defence of French territory
must not be ecrnaltierod as a taltiluCa. The
Prussian peoplearn every day beemulug more
persuaded that a
_brood undorstandutg be
tween Prussia stool Franco is the sure soy of
aolving Campeau questions lathe sense of tier
ttonal progress : u,• olvlilxatloa.
Li e•e Arils:stork tweets—Vtrolers.
Wasnisoyos, October I.—The honsehold ef.
feet. loft at the Arlington mansion by General
Lee, or rather the iregmenta remaining of
them, were yesterday delivered to the party
authorized by General Lee to receive them.
This was done, the Xelioned Inteillgenerr rays,
under an order of the rrealdent. it appears
that nee.rly every thine of any ratite ha-I been
stolen. tinny valuable heirlooms, including
some of the fatallyportraits, were taken from
the frames, packed In bozos, and stored in the
upper loft of the mansion slnee - lSol. Throw
bozos had been broken Open erni every thing
of real vrdoe taken away. and the letters and
private papers of tile General scattered over
the actor. •
Al.tha taeolJag Of the Dotted of Health Tee , -
Larder Ihe Iletteitie of cholera to Washington
can reported. It was that of a gantletsitut
who arrived here Pena litehtecmd on Friday.
rhe patient to Ocouraleaceut. 'rho exemption
of MU city trouieltolunt dleproves th, then
that It seeb, filthy loce.H.les.
tit. Lents Fair—Fine Stock
9r. Lem*, October I.—Tbera vas a much
larger attendance at tho Fate . us-day than yes.
tentay. Tbe exhibition this morning
ettetsbdoil of cattle, of which Mere was a tine
display. lu the afternoon there was a splen
did show of 111:0111C , IIII, vtiolnall and mares,
among them Dixie and Mackey, owned by
Diehard S. Carr, of Ed. Louis, who will match
either against any horse in the conntri, ar
eept-Dexter. The display through both races
Was postponed till Friday, when they will
compete for prises.
)r. Robinson. of New York, wan elected
Treaaltrer orthe Atlantic and Paelde Railroad
Company yestenlay.
dread 4Mbtelltantattet
Darrow, Qat. 2.—tlyrus W. mid arrived in
osUnt tint afternoon, and will leave for Neu
Tort todnernoW,
od)foriday evening, October LA, a banquet
was even in Liverpool to telebrato tbe rec
ces* or the Atlantic liable, and was Kendal
neer by -Lord Stanley., Illnister of Yoreiin Af
fairs. • Dorlag tile festivities Mr. k rekl's
health ea.. proposed by Lord Stanley, sastl
drank auiklatxreat enibusbuto. dispatch
relating tolhe celebration, dated Liverpool,
OetOber Ist_ L - 4•24 r. at. wan tvetved at tee Of-
Smelt illeTelearaPh Company in Boston at
9d6 the manse evening.
Iheehgerneus 6200 Counterfeit.
2firAT TOan. Cateber, 2—A eery datistoreas
tral nee hundred dollar, counterfeit. -on the Can-
NatAnnallionk, in this any, Ls In etrous
iation. - Thor only may for the public to pro
teett hetnselves will-be to rertme for the pres
ent, all one Minaret! dollar -Rational 'hank
'notes; eseept.tingrare received from sourest
Of watt -known respeolability. One or the
peculiarities of the counterfeits we have r.
forma tols, that the i't,P In the word maintain,
-on the right and of the bid ts defective awl
-Woke like tbe letter "Lii. The emu tem annrs
I however, eamsoon mutely this detect.
Otero Illoyoller—beetruetive rite.
Oetobert—The 'tribune nubl
es thitraessunt ottionzates abd rellicer to
the ut let of °tete lallrooklyn last fall, but
both Insist that the murder was planned by
irtele.' The two. former want convicted bn.l
sentenorul Irrineltudly upon the evidence of
Vtdir, whois W.I.
Vna esteusivo - arcade factory Of Richard
Brown,. 67th 'treat sod Third Avenue, vu
dataaged liy fire last pisht to rho uluOunt or
teyntyplive thOastuni-dodals. insured.
114te ItOsibalbrebesed far Peru.
Now Yoaw„,Ootobar 2.—A Herald Panama
eatrevonclent pep: The agent,* of t. 13. Peru
vlantleveromfmt, IMAM purchased. the acre..
steamer IdattO, tnnr, built In New York
re , the United atotesGOvernment but rdected
by the Navy Department on account of he
Dteklasna. engines. She 101 l be armed will,
eight; basiriyaitutOnd willOtense tbrungb the
Amoeba math to' abet prises of Elpirdah met ,
, grietWane Vim* lieneee.
Jason" PARK, W. Y., Oat. 2.—Tbe attendance
"Alto. recento.dity,is very large. In the bur
dle.reoe niter, uliteirthere were four starter...
eltadet won the race In four minutes and elzp
leettlacksondet; Zigzag ale second, Teanceeee
third and YellowMammiir fourth.
ATltlrSeoOnd,reee. wu won by Mr. Alexan-
Antes Wittsoo, wh
third both heats. Tune ute3.l
and I:th. • In the raeo, Luther was that.
.deurne, second and Knighthood third.
Tintelkl7.l',•, • - •
• ltr4hitt:reoo. 6 •1/ 40 tOr t . 4.- W herielati.
New Tent. Oct. 9..—A Peons an.
ilennees the aoristiletion of thirty.ties nines
more track of the .I.inian Pacifist Railroad. A
hundred miles usere•will ho
lalii • before IS t .
whieti win take the track • lo within thirty
rotte. Gen. Eherlaanwriirist 'at New Orleans on
Seisdny.,.A brace pf ofererettsebeen appoint.
enter itnreirtigetettor IS outman:Affair.
Jr ., 1114111!10 . 7* - ; .. Aloeilas
itiviritit, rii2, 1.-;ksittitit anus meet.:
lug of lao soldiers. and miller s% the greatest
MIMI meeting, erer. held - Imre, is la progress.
fuliserfoimouirodettangerti are In town.
Able spmmess area udreasing, mithitudes. Lt
itS the,grnatat SP•ittegAnditide of Pittsburgh,
.atisikallAL Sblitor.n.PfuniSPlaliA•
. .. . ~
pooklKlllVlllitillo - nini '•ceinliallY.'
, ,pihaiiiiiiiiiiii,aot. -1 .- 42 %•, il.;citio played
AIWA, 414.bauttiall , dada atteniaan with the
Xililt•PattC Wks tipi iir =by a worn ot al tole.
The Saito Br* .. y. id Pittsburgh. ar
myad sadly Oh Vitt, ancr were. isuatted
the mega OP awelitY, Or our cedilla.
- %belt PM NW .• ; ,-.-, ..
, ir
. .
.ddwiierr l L e
.. 11 . 111 "L
ft Oct. I—fs' asserta4ll that
itS*o 3l / 411.1.4t- Ca - hriiiid - Stiiiihs Prism&
taS°Tl4"444"-n- p litd - fll Aroops
10sfsalltisSisSAMIr, • :
44ussg Oil
r iauxiss.,ost taiglAt.,,Fim'/24,“: Morrie, Ort, aas ' atrook
so 604 at a dubtli of aitiatt 1001“ set. In
41"114•11111".n1441:hl. ° w.s r ro , ; A w ned.... b o r t ll the r.
InsrPlagirlagMlUlaig bat:l6 -- Widnre tm Wt
SSE iocf S7ol4, per daS..wit_ 4l
ourim grobk..: • . . T itaWrijimaly extending_ On orankir ge p r e a
ill(. ol PilrailiSiONE 46ll . ololool4. ` ifirA VW_
_ 3 6 . 41 1 = r ilil it II
1 41 •
WO Ow sad uis owls SosSanss, lug= 054
a e3=urim
Ina trantrentail Inas as yotiosad ta uus sun et sae tosaUTlks
tr.X?..1=4;13 - ;•.??
lind Crop.. h. F.oolnsaal—Annessi too
Moltoro—Vnotagow In tha Gorman too
lion Low—The Pope Proporips for
cw Yoga, October 2.—Ylles by the City of
Parts to-day furnish further explanation of
the iulvance iv prioos of breadstuff.. In the
English market, reportedby :he cable. Heavy
rains and long continued high winds bare in
flicted serious Injury spoil 00 crops In most
of the agricultural districts, both In England
and Ireland. lit the Moorland inglons the loss
will he partletilary heavy. The crops reinale•
fug In the fields become discolored, so that they
will, it Is feared, only ho tit for cattle feeding,
while the standing mops Irate rotted at the
bottom and alsosprouted. Iltrloy,Oata, peas
and Vast°es even have all experienced more
or less damage. nom Scotland he moms
are uniformly unfavorable, and the same ob
servation applies a iLIa evutt greater force to
The sunnitallon committee of the Chamber
Of Depot lee recommended unanimously the
adoption of the bill for the incorporation of
Schleselg-Ildledela with Presets In the follow.
lug form: The Duchies of Schleswig-Holstein
will be united to the Pi neaten monmulty—pur
suant to :allele second of the Prussian Coa
_ant am. The other paragraphs were pas.ed
proposaa by the Government, It rerolutitm
being ailed by the committee urging the in.
tr.:election, an speedily as tangible ' of a hill for
tin; omit Oat ion of the Duchy of Louanburg.
The law for the election of representatives
for the North G 0,1111.11 l'4l DaIUCILL was pulsed
cep; .•uiber 14th by the Goose of Deputies.
Bret. A parliament is to be nessmble4 for
the conniglorntion of the constitution lei the
regulations of the North berme. Lonfedera.
lion. 'Second. Every man hielltldellf lu the
eye of the law, who is a cit sent of ono of the
3bc, 'L e n s s S eO to tr n ' Titl t tn l e n t u i t in a t i ; ri ° elll:e n" a l g ° e " of
twenty-tire years, voter. ThiGi. Prim, thy
right of voting are est:laded, ttrnt, porno's
who are tinder guard! Lestilp or trusturs;;lo;
Beetled. peraeltil againstwh;:se property rill s
°thank:l4ll4T have broil gr & during the
ter... Cl •ueli nunkrupl ; third. persons who
obtain 'irport. es pauper:. nom the funds of
the Meteor of 11,011 di,trict, or who have ob•
. latinol support ;Ito mg the yrer preteding the
• election.
The lint eh Chambers were opened on the.
Ito 111114 nn nettle . ed OW the tie.‘114.1.1
cant itlen ei the y woo 5et.hd..1.0.01,.
The new, :11.1 tlte gitet lost ..inong
She Millie" of the lltioto to Empire
begins to hear nil tile appearance of a preedu
eerteil 1111,1 moment. but remarks that
If an yl hold like is general v European emu ;thee
tion wet e to arise otlt of tote YILLte, of t htitgs, It
WOUI.I br dee to secret agents, of which we as
Vet know nothlng, but• no - ho have fur other ea
yecire in clew than the furtherance of the Im
tereste of Gre•de lntttnntl t)'.
The Venice Nedvenel mentions that It 03.1 re
ceived teleg tam trout pr'• al u corrempon
itent at that on line execution
of, till ialtlrtlity In.t, popular dein-
Onstratinnstodk place hl coneequence of whim
charges of cavalry were made.
lined Dot
.,onn were wounded and unitterone .
The St, Petersharg Borren &flung say a I !11l
all the preparat one on the MAI lattil and the
surrouudinge In Mehl tnee Straits for the ChM
, pletioo of the lino of telegraph between fin.
inn and Antoni., ore nearly finished, In the
course of Ill,• t year the telegraph will
be eenett acted over a I/ If Uttleo CI thrun 1 11011.
sand flee 11,t1 u.. 1 Mlle.. 1.1'0.1 Until.
.1 tonic correspondent of the Pall Mall
Gazette jyrl‘,s the following statement of Inc
repel (1119 cuttle -. et title preparing for the
ream of flight, the Pott . In also t• 011 tent
[gat log the proisibility of hie being detained a
eantive at Unlike, oat, ea a precaution, line
drawn up aetarat tool, delegating hie foil
poisers ton en“ltnal, whom fa:IMO% t eflllelll4
prevent totry naming
Inat promenit. Directly the
holy father in tak et aptiVe deprtved
Ills aposthe liberty,calillnwl will
repair to Vienna or Loudon. and there lothilett
the anti alitell is now in ale posacsaleft. In
this docataent Pies I t nears Its as hie alter
ulat le rape nib i r ' Oil Cautt, In ht.hope.
all private, and all • la dhlril, at e, daring the
captivity Ito. Sorer l'ont 111, to octal - n. 4 11114 01,0‘,1 of the lot seduced
1 to silence. and who a ill le•lie interpreter of
Peter In heads Pot rll,ll iiit . "l 1,.
French .11,-catior—rroagsten Undest Rug,
New TOUR, MI. 1 —Tha Impel tent French
circular note, already referreti to, after show.
tag that lbw rouent Changes la hurope are
favorable to ter:trier, premeds. The coati.
Meteor - the Tbinl Northern Courts is broken
up. The new principle ruling in Europe, Is
liberty of allionota oggrandised. Plinio& re •
quire,. the Incl,pentlence id Germany. C rune..
will not feel disposed to oi.pme or to regret
the work of as...nation is Weil has Jost Iletql
aconistplished, mid to •utionlinate to feelluas
of Jealousy the principles of nationalities
whichrepresent and metes. regard tor the
people. fly Itultatang France, ll..rmany has
taken a step which draws her nearer to us.
Notwithstanding unreflecting •itscoptibill ties ,
it sly has equally drawn nearer to us In Ideas,
ptinctples and Interest.. The Septetnaer
-Convention which stormas the pontifical in
terests, will ise loyally carried out. Seemol
Class 'Wili forces are art I ring In the Baltic
and the Ilediterencan, which assure the lit.
erly of those Salt,. Austria, relieved of her
Italian anti Gennep . , leaving and no longer
employing her fore% in barren rivalries, but
concentrating them upon the mist of Eitrope,
still representagfilele,Mo souls, whom no hos
tLe interests separate from Fiance. fly what
singular reaction of the past upon the future
•laul public, ['idolise see not the allies, hut the
enemies of France, in nations liberated from
a past that was hostile, to us, and now called
to enter upon a now existence, guided I.y
brincipli which are our own, and animated
y the sentiments of progress, which form the
pacific link of eomety. in Europe, more
strongly oeasiltrited and more honerseneoun,
by butler delimit/ territorial divisions Is ft
guansntee for the Imago of the um: inert, anti
IS neither a peril nor an Injury to our tuition. I
France, with Alegeria, will icon number
111,0X1,t03 inhabitants. fionrllliny :13,00u; CO, of
hoot mnia,ixo w ill is. 1n i he con fmlerat ton of
tint north, suit a,oat,tol in I hat of Intl Sousa.
AUStri4MAIOASSI. ItatyMtikams.spisin 111,00 J.•
KC What is there to disturb US In this des
tribution, of European forum—an irresistahle
power—can we regret It—lmeols ii. too ponpde t
to mile themselvm in grand MMUS* 101.1 CADS-
Ina the th.l.l4•Arilftell nt POOLlnGiftry Stains.
This tendency aprings from the desire to plea.,
general Intermits under the most effective of
guarantees possible.. It o iii•plred by
provideet lel sir,ht—the a si biles of the world.
Whdo,the old populations or the Continent.
increases slowly tLelr rest Oriel territo
rice, Itueslis arid the republic of the United
Stairs may, wtthin the nest 0110 hundred
year., 1111.1hor n illtrnirrll 1011110 M/ of men, Si.
though_ the progress of tease two great grit
pins is. not, for us, a sublsrt of solicitattOn,
antle, rather, we spi.laud (heir generous ci'.
forts In favor of the oppreseed runes. It tit'
for he interest of the mitlone of catdral En.
rope not to remain broken tip into Mt lc States
without either force or public spirit.
The circular prommla In demonstrate that
the Emperor was right In accepting the port
Of Mediator. tin the 5.0 •titsry he would have
di•regatdod his high reeprinsitnlity . , lf,
dating the neutrality proutlinal so-I proclaim:.
ell, he hell suddenly plunged Into Thu rusks of
SI grrat war, one of those wars which arouse
the hatred of race, and In which whole tui
tions meet In Si rife.
Tee Govorniticut. continuos the circular,
comprehends the onstacies annslltt,loll, Ines
tilted by the absolute necessity of milting to a
country a I,OIIU littiOn haying. tile SUMO man
tier and the saute tuitional spirit. it Can only
deelre those territorial agreements •liicit
would not affect Its powerful cohesion, but ,
must always labor for its moral and political
aggrandizement, using its inductee on behalf
of the moral Interest of civilisation. Never
theline the revolts of Um late war teach no
important lesson, and atiow the necessity
which exists for the defense of oar tor Model
forperfecting without delay oar military or
ganisation. The nation will be meek h, this
duty, which, cannot be remarked as a threat
try any.
In conclusion, the circular considers the
political horizon free front any threatening
oontingenedge s wad expresses Iwliaf In the last
ing peace.
TA4i06.4 by *Wanner
BosTOA, October 2.—Hon. CllO.lll. ettintler. do.
Roared ine.onewing 100000 of the course be
fore the Parkas fratornity, tab, *memos. In
bluale nail, we large and mum. lila •ablect
wao "The Presidential Policy—The one man
power and Congress."
Tbe *dike SS , which is long, was ibvitientlV
prepared will% UltlolA Care, and gives en elatio
tate review of the national situation and se
verely critisleics trio court° of Prestdent
Johnson and rife counsellors.
Ilt: Stunner some up the ease as follows :
.. TIM President wielding the OUCTO2II power,
has sitstlineil a prerogative %slier Congnam.
„nu l ls, p.),lstidabia, and has undertaken to
diatom a total prillay of reoonst ruction. which
Wee away to robots, puts ,WY the blessed day
of peeve aud reennstrnetlon, and leaves the.
best , Inforea of 'Rib kvoplo In ' jenpardY.
TreatilterOus t o the great fixes° and treacher
ous to himself, ha has set up his Individual
wall • nitalust twe people of • the Unb.
tad States In Congrois assembled, and
forgetful of truth and decency,he has assailed
members as. nesasoins, and 01311 1101011=04
CoOgress itself ail it rovolutlemill bodY WI.
ed,Ornasnmed to be congree• sail banging on
the verge of the Uovornmebt, 111 r if ibis most I
enlightened and patriotic Congresg did not.
contain the einbodical will'of the American
pimple. To you, eadtand I r aalappeal to as-
T eat .It,idi. oreduretE -soar tes will be tbe
drat stop. The ProstdOet mast be taught idol ,
usurpation sad soetbiegcsanot prevail. Lie
who promised to "b• Mlles and become
,VbarOab.sesid, DO ,Mirlard-Wt.
tans th at follow bMienseire WI infer
so that 'tv sbedllbeArridgatto 'Ara me •
eAsk Um Lord °reminder Ind Pt lis
the Midst of‘thOitee...l3,-, ~- .... i
. ,
TUB sum ()RUM tprk.
Report of Investigating CarMatission —
Gen. Sheridan... heigrort
Proconaerted Robot litirdsti . : • ,
Niar Toss. Set:S.—The Triburtalias a.SPoolt; -
to-night from NewOrieset. eOntainlng the tv.
Swot of the &bitters , tomollsolon to"
t rb.t, Pt full oily. Thun report h.
stgurd t.v C -1,..t 41 a. slower, QrtinnoY•
and habley. It gives sited synopsis or t e
o‘4.lence confirming the dispatcher. of Reneng
The Commission gives the tret_lod. Xh", ll
was a preconcerted plan among - Pet
lions for the purpose of attacking the Cancun.
lion, if there wee nay pretext; but for t h e doe.
laratton of martial law and the:presence to
' troops, Me and bloodshed woutd . . hurt ntft° 4
through the night malt Of the:SIM quarters
of . the city, and to : lives ip 0 0 0 ,11 7
ttelautstsbaol Nor th ern then do tsh hard Peen
at the mosey of the mob. Thrce-fOgrths of the
LllO5 were rebel soldiers.
Ti,,, !Mara. rri Vie p the - Moidatt or Myer
Monroe, and belicateantle& - rreeleltted
the consequences that muted from his we
acts. The party in power th Now Oriel/p.*lth
Royer Mogron, tiro Board belledrEntio)fed
to have their own day !without tititsbruent
f a or p rx e t r
of lnseonrlty for p o t go l t r o, o=eitt
- ,
FROM - 111C113 16111 Y
Molted Mate. VireolC COOP 1 1601. SO be
Held—Proopeetive Eirort4 n Writ of
Habeas Corpus lo Jeff. Ds e 11..1ime., --,,,.
ilicenos D. V L., Oct. S.—it hat ffslinitelY
ascertained to-day that-no teiti . .Mie'Llnited
States Circuit Court will be' hal ''hero this
Month. The Juno term was tile and hea l .
eminently the adjournment to Ch ia
. al wail In*
The opinion is expresso." he that the
counsel of Jeff. Davis will eru to test . the
fficacy of a writ of habeas corpus soled by
Judge Lyons or Judge Meredith, o Still Cli.
and if they full to make the. applicatiOn. it , is
asp:wand that ilin Lim of itiehnion.L will held
a meet lug, to discuss the preprints of Mat pro
ceeding on the pert of ems of their latitutmr.
The Ronthere. noteesteed
Conch'. Appohlttmentl-Efee: ut UI
WACIIXOTON, October 2 —TimorJumi
last, providing for the disposal-Of She pnblia
lands in the Southern Status Ulf beithatninl
settleni en now being nrlliteil.lKlki tru
Linos far ilbti [notion among the Menet leifil;
°nines In that suction of the detill-try. The
boo t•IITP of the ant are ngten led to all citizens
or tho Uultr.l Slalce without diatittation an to
tarn or color.
liner Admiral rearson, emubig the
South Pacific squadron, infornis - Navy
liepartititnt minder dale of Septlf.D ' ,er tith, of
the arrival of the •tenmar L.ustatiter, at Ca11...A1.
l...AI. nit the 211,.
OrtlorAl Unlach wan yes•orilav notified of Id
appointment a. collector of thu - rOri .. of
sonikliolArni (Ito Wn-
Inifion tiontgotoWit 1L.0110.1 liege pivoted li•
tilt s
new Board of Director. and tho fOIIOWIng
rem IL. W. Lathorn, of New Torn; Preniiinn , i
Jai S. esiewart, Washington, Scor n ing, an.
Win. Royer, ItalLlMOre, Troionwer,'• -
iZaturas of Usu. Pilnerialoo—havestirsit.r ,
Committee Appointed,:
New Ott LII.Mte. Oct. R.—General Sheridan re
turned from Brenham, TaiaS, this mottling.
whither he hail moue to inreatigate the de
struction of tLut town by lateelidlariam,
charged upein United State! eOhltert; The fol.
lowing points were about ie.:Wed:Zan Unid
ti,tai Ir al favir The original cause 0 destrurs
tion Is not sattsracto. lit detonate as gut
but there are doubts. During the fracas two
a o
r 4
ddlera were wunded, ore iievare And the
other slightly; that later lit the al t a new
her or teen binned the thedseell TY of the
town and that they a are w a iters teat Leta.? Unite,
?Unite, commanding thn post, had nothing to
do with the matter, and that the Adair re
gime,' a more right Investigation. General
ellerblan, to accomplish this tattle/de, hm, op
potatod an Itieeetheollew ConUnitte‘h
General Sto.ritlan ha" dee-idol on giving the
I metier Texan settlers toll prolcatieo ayalust
heisttle Indian tribe, •
The Sootho►n t.w)wll•4*-I]rww4
Item las thleett..
Cute .kOO, fkrt.Ler mass meetilig lei laka •
Park 11110 nflerottn lens largely ItlnoJwl. •
At noon the a•outhern loyalists were occur led •
Lo t6u mitering i•y the Committee of 'Art noose-
meat, and preeer-100, •••sn•poitsl
of dela...hour:lls oft aerate,. allll garb Innert
le rattle. in their r.,:llaatlla. Along lho route
0111,0 pl•00x.01‘,11 olt•VO'rel bnil.tlata wake deco
reit,' with ttg• anti appropriAto 140110e0.
Flee stand,. for eiii:‘Leel r recied Iti tile
put k und Ape-4E4 , 31cm w,• r. de I I weroclby Decorate
ti‘lpalty ami all the geolletetftt et the Sena,
ova delegation. To-tile:at Ihert, Is a tp. 011-
11,1 it proceahloll C4Jtapo,ts4l of hands Of 15111410,
soldiers, civic soviet lee, tail Cli larllB, el large
amnion . of Ittlittlars along the Imo tia us rail
are h4telsomely Illuininateet. The tire eation
glwAllol.lo-0 to Opelnylltltl.
Nets Ton.l,oelober —Arbrieus by the City
of Parts *tete that a ellubt *bock or a I earth
quake ocourreil hi Farts and Devonshire,
1te9101.1, 00 the i‘th.
The Istil,: In G.Lndisi wag fought bet carob
(elite theitsand Turkish troops end forty
it...toning Cretan limirgents. The battle
Lasted eight boats, and the former became
masters of the field. The Clothes Were badly
armed. Iliec lag all hUntireti in klnett
The Kies/Of (Jr...m..1110 speech in the Minhr
tere of foreign pnwers, (ism easml hi• •1131111.-
thy with the thrtelLtus of Turkey, tout save
he cannot 'prevent hla ealijects from givtng
them all. Thesoaceir enuring groat :agitation
among the Greeks.
EngUsti I , rleirmms—.lllssrbist•
(sr csaLs.)
Wanes, i.intoire.r t—Thern ts no ;littoral
000, of importanco to-My.
Lrr !unroof.. October 2.—Cotton market no.
prim" Lain iluclin.l 4 Ronny. bairn
to-rley of 110,110170.1ant;AlitlillIng I New's enutell
at 151. liroadsturfa ranter. Corn Vs. 6d. for
Lowers, October Y.—limey market pales
sod ateinlyi tionwola for lirliStieV. a)V4. The fol
lowing are the ql/01.6thl to for American nontir-
Rine I grin, 51i4i Illinois Ventral. 75 !41 relied
The Boredom of Ilia tedious Peoliao•
bortitritu, Oct. I, r. ii.—The entire
In .+a by the Bre of the Roughen' Indusna•Pen•
l'antlafT. at Jeforfourllle,:tul.o.lll not rx,
Coed *MOW, ono- fourth whereof falte upon the
Etat, of Indiana. All the mantsfatnurtng
e.tabl Inhalants at I be Pcnitcntlary aroma work
Daniel Garrard, priprieter of the Only salt
notate, In. the Stateollial oh Sunday in Clay
coullty, I.
Philadelphia Palitlea—lielpat Excite
l'ett..tolarate.Oetottei t.•=itte potttlat ex.
Moment. to Increasing. Th. Ikea blieana had
nn...tlngs tu-nlght In the ISM, ileeohtl and
four, h ahlartete. /he Deenneraleitad a Meet
log In the (had dtatrict. Thertt,watt a tight
tt Pt" urtiance at the latterbentleta d .ere
tired. A very. Jorge vote tit etteisated at this
election, there havinx been Oyer 'lateen thou
vend Dawes oAdett eXtd,ketattlelietet
Th.. National I:aprons Centpony—flcot
lag• In
4dtar6oasoo N lastatain .11s.
C. *
Ctraut.ratoa. • CI o k Intent% of
prominent merchants wit.. 4 bold to-nted, to
tustran Lisa ?lath:wilt Ka - prose Company. Geo.
A. Toen holm preatittni. Itenoluttons were
adopted urging dm tkracd of Directors to re•
organtte the Coe:mans on 51 ,ptirthationt
and promises torte the support oft)to Moreau.
tllu Lanunda try:
Constrains lEnclureesll Pt nr.0.0.70. '
Nciv Tone, October t.—A large and 01:1010Sti
.1.10 meeting nos lteld to 'Brooklyn last oleo,
eltieb sena addressed by 13anoral /UMW Wlii•
bride :C. General 111:oodoardinlillaihorti.'
lotions were passed Unit the atolon ot Om
ar.* In teletion to the States Irtot,r In Is:hel
lion bad istniforined. to Ake litso emotion! of
ouidot daty, displaying inoderatton, a sense
of Justice rod go Intelligent, consistuncy,
l'hislers IN MilslitiliitOlN
tV,LMIIOrOI. N. C., October 2.--there hare
beau throe fatal cafes of cholera reportal here
daring the put three days, all 0111 tope lot, and
all elogrocs. NO other Cadta are reported.
tteaserea have been WC= tOprOVOnt, R .erelel
or the distal*. ' -
Abatement of Cholera In Memphis.
Minirsis. Oat. 2.—Only fifteen von oust at
aholera and ulneteau death* are repormil to.
IIAt9YILLa. OCE.V—Elwell deaths from chat.
era .
—Tha Painetrof:Walesitesilett the best
deer stalker in 11 s kb:ldea'.
—Mark Twain tolls of .a member of Abe
Washed' Logtolature, lisodLto always
prop his vast feet imon his desk and - irtf,
behind them aid' W.; »lorttipttiarinrr:
prayer by the Chaplain. •
leper istrifAllet-htalth of tho
Imperial Primal& not tsalirm.rorpottid bo
wished. Hots singabsily 'thillestin, and this
complextion gives alannlo throe who re
mentberhiaAnntil OralninqiiPtlo . 4. •
eplonel Busselt Eitnitfitiate , thlet of
Artillery an General Igen'..iallfr,=-(8^ he
said)—has retrirearef find 'Mateo cent:Wing
town of Mariatille, intieleto the regret of
tailors, batters And otherartideariten.•
—The ttoppitrhaastrtaWapatil6 are find.
log rata itemise theieselonsof linsLoyalist
0011 Yenti9 11 -st Philar m ottil`V ri rr we r e4
*lthTruYet br a g
the b astdrertlatt 'Neel& ispeeehrus.
—Victor Ilukcideeeti4liiia:iiiita l - of h
daily work, , befonibmialtfaitt, gets' uP u 11 1 1 '
anttall that:, thitarritesittuldin
and blots, ernsea„..utterllnelipmelliat all his
matter must bet:44lla bef* - it *l*" t h°
. • •
-41o;rililit I A.Wadi& editor .°lfirti
"elisioWWopanteitl4 ".fay his!cow
-itZtlf* -1 0 1 1q asididsitliniPhistiltigie Sn
iaIIIVIR tilir it Within in4imcsaiwilysk.
editor, hlq flat 41 1 44 1 i . 01iitagO4,‘
Destructive Virden Wood Street.
Between elieht. and nine Wl:dock hut eittning,
Roelof *bra discovered Issuing trout the
wholesale tobacco warehouse and manotseto.
trY of W. S. D Rinehart, Sots. lm and 151 Wood
street. The alarm was instantly siren and
the arc department were promptly on the
ground, Lando Mg twerp nerve lo stay the des'
truetion. list all their efforts Were ennead.
tog until the upper and lower stories were caw
tinily consumed end the propane onntigmes
had suGered considerable damage by
Water. The fire Is suitposed to have
twig:PAW id the third tttory•where a small
kiln has beau built for the purpose
Of nweating the palmetto before utak log It
Into plugs or Calms. Titer.. led been very
little tire In thin alio aeries the day, and the
foreman of the establishment status teat he
corurett up anat. thorn Wag before going 1101110
elate o'clock. • elegant. Rinehart bate suffer
ed a great deal from fire tiering the lust five
.yeake, having been burned out no less than six
times. Their loss prom the conflagration of
last niglitotill amount to somewhere 10 the
neighborhood of ..11.1,003. We understand they
are telly 'lnsure d In `home ernepaules pad
their millions will, therefore, be very trifling.
lbßulges,' We,: &AWOL . and sheet
iron workers, No 15.1 . Wald street, sugared-a
slightdanuge .by 1110 indiliertinittate use of
Witter which at flutes dieted Alehiged this
Arnahs building: They arts fatly inefired.
Through the thoughtful exertions of John
Uerron,onest the deteetive pollee, the saloon .
Kuhlman, - No-I{7 Meal street, was sifpred
from destruction. When ho arrived upon' the
ground the domestics were ongasud itt 0 trryt.
Mg the furniture out Into the Latent where it
was ruthlessly trampled limier foot or °Liter
als° destroyed. lie liamedialeby took pos.
session and eloeing the door, refused to allow
another xridete to leave tee building until the
sitpivach of the Ore itecenstiateu their rein°.
vat. by tills Judirtous comae of policy Mr.
derma caved tor Mr. Kuhlman some four or
eve hundred donuts. ha' widell he ought to
ho very grateful 'to him. 'As acts, his loss
Will nu hut a trill ing.amount.
1.11 1
u y ° , 1 1 1 6 te ti xtr - e ) f - o k f trith i lr7l,% l" fi r ; i d n it l o r g g e l d "
.al to the extent of one hundred dollars. iho
•• - .
At ogle I IMO the trait u biOek. In IR' h iekl Were
ettuatell tau hut nista butbitn y r elt• lu.n.
neat daugur, but u.ett4 to the zunJuu+ uth rt,
or the tirt-m.o the 1/3.1t1. 1 %MU / 1, 6C.1.h0d
In tire builtiag s. h tea they unginetett.
A terrine hetes, s c- , ct.lay non 11 lag Oar.
tied Ilse people in the vicinity tit Lion ont'a
betel, No. 3 Wesdi s' trio, near Witter; From
the 3, Its raid cut Or, evil immense beheld) the
tong hiatir• mete led ii , behove that same "big
t Meg" it, the its y of bloody dewls It as going
mi. The seaside impel:aloe made a i LlM
wit li due ...epee -for the Inside of the bantl
ing, Lot I 114 . 140 ery nol As great tiara as out
side. Ne violl,le cause for the unearthly tim
bale.. could be ascertained, but the row still
continued as forrtbly as ever. While the Imo- i
pie were listening and wondering Oilier, 11
Attie., %veinier mid Clippies, of the Mayor'. I Great Dully nt lareessures Idle.
pollee,urrivrd and ieon trewiti Mu disturb. On Monde, evening A large and exceeding
once to ih. cellar. There they tomtit tau teen
toripoe , to the Into, bed d a m 1 ,,, a m, tilt h ly spirited meeting of [Mould tcars a. held
ellerey no might lie expected Of tot n Who had . in Lawrenceville A blur procession of lit) a
reuehed somewhere about the ninocanstts lln Lithe panted the Orcuta of the Medea li
round. Ti,.e) foamed a frightful einetacto, ,
until eight tiOleck, when they marched to the
each acing bruised nearly to a pmermet , ae ,
revered aIM lineal from walet to scale lore. I place of meeting. An orgatileatlein WAY • dee-
Their clothes a ere alteaal, Metal ly torn hots I Ned by the ~i,essen er the renewing °mem,
thine, and they were generally in att 0 IlOviAl. i l' 1 I t--0 IA.L ri
ingly used op Lerestilloss. SUM they Is...titer- ! '' s . ,.“ l° '''''' ` ' ' ulmu •
sit am) ktrked t o o l tn.. et reels other wills the I ritaferiesitle nos-Edminid Wilkins, Samuel
Ulgek anti ender:man of the Kelkoony catit.tand 1 M. liger, lir. J0u... , Robinson, Dr. C. IV. hoe
apooretot.• It WHO
oily Jost to tone to 1 schget. easunel McMahon, Alexander blrClin
pres eat I \ shriller btle for Mali of them that, terk.
I. tits pollee are 'red. ,ti a ra they bad been ace.j Seel etarles-C. C. Ornsborgh, Edward Pear
touted and bronalit above ground the sports. , sin, t. Joseet, Craft.
tie Limylstea-nsted was Wore herriblu Leon ' Tit,. Um, John Ni. KO knot! Irk, ex-Distrlet
1, m ., m e i t . o .e„ ~r both of Ilium uric n i. A I tense . ). of Allegheny WOW lv arts bars:a/Steed
~,,,,,,. w i,„ts,, /1,1. ,e,,,,, p s ,sces,,,sr ~l‘its ta .sn,a 1 as the glad ,'raker, cud roweiveil a warm anti
tore off sil lig the i nitre tartarss. Their sca, ' Cheri lag 1 lent oii, Ile told resawl ihe times Mg
were roots" to no
w s.bed, 1 erirelmelis puffed / vory briefly, for Ito teaseve that he li.l .1111
out, their eyes half het and Sweet tfahy I lack. another assemblage to address leiter, he to.
shoal, anti limo wpm., ~11 3.:.1 No, A ie. ; 1. - t trod. but his remotes were apt end eloquent,
Into nee. IV hell emu till le I lino ha, ...-.- i i and created a slecitled -nt 11 Ur•lasta.
t.,110. for blentllleill me the bent:relent , ‘,.., ii idle. L. Moi eland. Esq.. of Plttelotrgii,'
nseurt allied to lel J .4111 t•ssersine, the id,•1•• sh- ,at text Introdc ,, l slot tcceissni with loud
to lit we slegg cr.), iota Joni, Flastscrt:,, s; , na- . rine.", vi bleb, having subsided, Ito meld that
toned. C4,0;01130 allcgc•l 11,01 Flaherty ca,. ,, .he rl stir , ! that 11,, people ssf this...entre
Shure titanic awl moiltel 110.10 ••I•Milita" A 10 . 1 ea ere not a mot nos the grind nnislie .1 LI One
i e eie In the be tte r, t o i l etry revealed lilt met, I of the day. Wu ISOI a new to decide for nue
however, t list me '.tastes" mei-on-tont lore . rh/I" e .Me! , of the I." , Politiehl ,'antes were
,tot ham oi an 'lnsult L ties 0.1. and chi , mei im ' right, The speaker then pros:elated nt length
c . 4 .50 Ot t ~ , 1,,,,,5 „ ,,, ~,,,,,,, es.l,,, t y. 11 s,, , r igh t , etas, I
to 10. stud Imien tits. geostlone at
adore proladslu Ulm. Inn fight oh , Mindy the m
'lane, mei to appeal to Mew in the eat elo •
result of old Adam all bait whisky. The Isar-; quota manner to chnes, the right side of the
Iles were lid/loved to the lorLdip and 1 111 lie 1 oilithlr lu^ flirt •
Mils istleuded tei Maw meriting. , The Ilan. Junos rat mostly Mottrlicasi, one
—i....- 1 relsreat-ntsstivc In Colrs-cam sisal es..l.ll.late for
Ire-election, was then listrodueiral ae• I briefly
go_Lait talle t atitt, to apper at : tittle Tana. t i mpeded tgulto can whicas sow aids for his
uIP. I appearance on oho stand. Ills reerpt 1011
Alt cite . legle--ingge anti spirited meeting , execestingly datterlng, and atlas the enthaal
of n. - Pub , .. -^ ~° ~,,4 5 - ,,,, "Y '" l ' n ''' n ' rirrainrie " Vetl ' ti e l ' i l i It t . t e t o l ii..:;lrerisPiTle7lo"i'iug.t.tirei*lrdh
at Woody Ile, I . Pper en. Clair Marsh' p. Pelt-- ! ell his •ccustomisi for. and enlace..
gado. were ['milord In large force front Tem- I Men. 711011161 J. g l um WAS belt 10 IVO
-1,,,,...,,,, ~,,,, c,,,,,,, to a . 0 .a1 i , , m a „ , , dueol and briefly rti dressed the meet l ng.
, Senator Ingham mewl the let al men of Las-
licett township, booth Fayette. and tipper at. • reueevlllu to put. forth the
y tithe t between
Clair township. It wits eat hunted that over the present time and the flit of eleetloe.
Iwo thomami lire „aura, people W Ore 1W oo .
,n lll...x , rl,l n ridl i i , e ,,, t :r o l7l l l. r k e ers om t: r it , l ., o o r th i o n
, U n cteil m
eet la the village. a. unlitateall by several sings front Prof V.
A prat-v.l , ns, bearing An ,stun dance nt up- i J. Pone. Me popular ...Pula. singer. At •
proprtiee and tolling 11101 !Ova. d. rtean and, Tote hour Ilse meeting nd.lonrucal with hearty
seotiments initgl,•red Mitten the ineet "
an.., Mid ! anti ter...toed cheers tor Mu Itcputtisaan can
marched. through the streets sit the tee n, ' Oblates unit the nonetples on widish they .tams"
ender the direction of the Chief 31 tonna!, IM. i
Iriu, J Gilmore. The procession was a moo , Probably Fatal Fail.
sective, and extended ever a nolo add a Lail
1 Ate
on this turnpike, . slae maSon named.lnlte Peters. met
The meeting ass of maniacs] by electing Kee. !with an neeldent yesterday, that tatty proba-
C. J. Braddock, President; Jl " l ' b j "'"'" l '. , lily terminate fatally for him. It werne that
Joan gunner, urinal ilottlese, 11. B. nrown,
Capt. it Young, Joseph Millet, and tom. it rte. 1 Mr. Peters, Whit lo acoatractur , wee engag ed
Espy, Ines Prestiterdst en I Itmosell Eri mi., , all work on the new First Baptist
Thom. Gatuble, Elliott Mcßride, J. G. Mar- . Church edifice now antler eaoreeOf ereetion
rue Wed franc altzer, niers. terms.
• Alter the organixotion We moot lug was ed.. on Fourth street, between Grant uud Moss
dressier% al length be W. C. Merriam!. Esq., I
streets. The church is being built entirely of
John pollen, Esq., General J. K. )toot owl, 11.000. an d a temporary terammt has been
General F. U. Coiner and (Minuet Thennee 31. ,
Paee. Thu rot..alien of Muse gcbt/useen .. tweeted for the Pullin.. of Putting on the
Kbl y e, eloquent and popular orators, =micro it 1 steeple. Mr. rotors was es this scaffolding,
entirety eunecessury for us to nay that they I and In some manner bottom. over.hatetneed '
Presented the grave temes now itt stake to the and fell a distance of at lent ' fifty feet.
clearest anti Milted roans or. We think the among pieces of stone, Se., his head striking
dullest Moonset, after listening to the con. the braved amt. a. Ye.+ taken up In a n I n .
vieeina arestinonts ate! the nensuastre ell- getiolnie condition; removed to a h.q.., open
queneu Of the geetionstat rotelle , t, essehl settee. elle the chUrth and reedleal aid procured. On
ly tIICAI/0 A .mar perception ot 10411011 con- oxen:dilation 11. Wan ascertained that he Les
needed with the present Catniludif • eustainud evend severe contusions on the
The, , eager* wore repeatettle greeted with heed, besides being bruised an over his body.
enthusiastic cheese, which Madded that theylie was retuoveit to ble home in Allegheny.
•poke to !marts at Men coual,appresdate and I and received the 11 Veal/ 11.1))• medical alien
uutierstand, and who were busesois loth to re- I donee, it is possible that inn may recover,
mire and welcome the truth. I though II is considered doubtful.
M a late hour till; ineelardr dispersant with / Wharf West taken tip he was conveyed, et the
rim rtedial cheers teethe loyal sta. , laid boar- request of oho Lady, to the residence of Ur.
ere, anti the print:grit. they represent. fun 311nis, Opi 101410 the scene of the accident, and
deinoristratioe 'WM (hoot a very appreciable/ there i &advent ovary pilielblo attention. Mr.
restittou Tesualay east. Onneally WWI 111111 Itllllloll immediately after
the ;teen:mit, and rendered every attention.
English Opera
_----=-.. --"'"---
„, •Shillinga Ydielisit Opera Troupe appeared
fOr the second time hest night, nt the Hew
Opera 111.111/141, In the I •thietair of Alontia.ntio a."
The hoes. wag' ettieduti . lilt exciting by a
very select nottlence, winsintleg of the very
dins .Of the city-. 0.10, by rapture , . &Wattmt
frequently lest 'Owl their upprietut ion et the
performance. The sneer,, Oh, the new troupe
U. bosm very great, and Loose who ant 1010 l
of good vocalise:lt tirel 0:111 KIWI total, • uteri.,
MOOus piece, speak lo tile muss glowing la it.
gesegeol the new sohntionyee vedette excellen
cies. Thu single,. of Mess Caroline
and the 'Welt between Hr. and Miss Zelea
Ilarrhion was veto tilte.4llll SO favorably were
their ciliate Mole./ whet thin)' were kneed to
'repeat their pteetto Several hose daring the
evening. This evening, that Morphine opera
entitled "The Itolienneti Girl," trill be pro
duced with ills full strength of thin emu omit.
From wont we hare-seen dine° the sultrent of
the 'Unhinge feoupe among us, we are free to
say that Ito auroras has been altuost without
Too 0111nIons.
lndualry Is it capital thing, and most Pao-ple
llku to hive IL vixerouit4l to their I•oltalf if i
directed* When, however, a woman
goal Lulu un ottlea whew alto _is a perfect
anechiries rhar'Wos'ortily instinct to
"clean Isamu" to excess, the matter of Indus
try' canes to ler-untertainlna. Such an ey
ries., 4.1 coal woo ynahlfestwi yesterday by Lie
ski Jacksou. n 6 thoPillhe 11.
cult, on Pleat street. Vane wont Were drunk
—very drank—and took mrsetsion of the
011 . 1 ec ithriPirlha .fnofpw4tarrabemnea. of the
prenrlelar, - When kb caul n back, he discos , -
' erva that Little had deliberately gone to woe It
awl bad , afirialtiosi the -Uoure•alle over with
- dirty - Water, - prOparatOry..' al — uplinarcal, t to a
aenural uiswasiert an. Dolor* the general
eleanirskikatairee.l.oMeor Botha, had urraated
the tOn tifttuus'LlCipte IT 1 re, and hail marched
her et( Atxtue
Idliatililad.—Wa tondo woutlon yoqter,l , 4
et the ratio! LVIIIS4V )11.11er, nom Witt ant.* ~,,' tit,'
'far tbo iniatur or. qunntlty - of ablating tient '
lior aubitrina, Mrs, LLteortibel' ''• 'reiterant ,- 'it
artearatornituen Unit Audio. mat. Oro *onto who
0411*tboolotlitnat net ,lontr Ware. front !awry
itottber„ . on Liloock strata, Adel:111ov. no - I
I obeli a3ll bola, IWO arraprot to tattle, liuneed
ifttriiiitrierirlatslitaare,--We here been clillt•
.e 1 upon. .bye. -Anienben.ofjniannes,aperi on
Irtfthetrent Mean Literati:lntim of -tbe board
011ientrarrerttletbaelbity,..eurintittowto the.
Intolerable oration:o catalog on Fletblatroot,
in I,lnt alley ,eoolo lon the roatollloe '44a,
alenetritrtituit groan 11: it encingli to 0r00t0....
. ,
WIMISOori glad to
loose tbut tor three nights next Iseult, cop{
moulting with, Atax Otrh
kodott's groat tmeimal itilisnce, comprising t
fife of Oist. Owls artistes, vrill regale the
PrVAllitr/ylliStjuKOPOOrt; at.
1. rich' -Loup Ulf
e.desire to roturn our thanks
tiportir „Boyd, 31ni. tdothelland ca the
lelelland'Uouan,siut—tolinsatlatta. Paae,
the -expert and lady4ltte-tewarpit. operator
at Uniontown, toetontidellWrenetroci from
tom: Otto-0e work fitAtat,,plaen uttentUng
bonFO l VlAAntsums4 , and a, sorrel A z
•Cwt: ,Ita
Teatarday morning at able &dank Court
opeinel with Judges *talon and Drava on tho
The dozy in the ease of Catharnia Leda
taste, returned a verdict of not grainy and Or ,
dared each party half the Mote;
The ease of Clay Critter, indicted for biga
my. was then taken up. Colder, it will be re
membered, was employed aS driver at Jack
man's Livery Steele. A wealthy gonna' will
ow named .thurnes, whose husband had lately
died end loft her quite a torten. rcrorted to
Carriage Titling to pass away the lime. Orith.r
was always sent to del ea Mrs, Barnes around,
arm became enamored of the
ow, and in duo season the twain matte
tine. Subsequently it WWI ascertained that
Ctiderlutel It wife and child living to Gettys
burg, and an information ter olguesy ano
lodged against him. Ile managed to keep out
of the tray for a tune but sees et length ae
erehehded end Indeed to Jail. The Jury, after
an absence of imam five hours, it:turned to
(-Zen unable to agree. Time had found the
prisoner net guilty. bat enold not decide whore
to bestow the cogs. %cell tome 11 0 0.1 thi•iw
from the Court, they were sent out agate.
The defeltdant ems-then tried on an indict
ment for adultery, preferred agniest him by
Mr S. Baru., pre...matrix In the cetera eas..,she
alleging that the accused had tit wife living In
Gott) alturg at the Unto of the 'earring° be
tween (hem. Tho charge was net .Ist:tined,
and the jury, after a short atweece, Teter ed
a verdletof 'root Belay,. and the pros:matrix
to pityt l Cod
_le Co le
J r wag next arraigned em an In
dic:Meat for arsaelt anti Buttery. Tne Jary
returned • Verdict of anfhp , and the prLsoner
was remanded for sentence.
The cage next tried wee that, of Christopher
Tippman, for aggravated atisattit and battery,
on oath of his Wife. Chrietopher, IL aptetarst
• Ishile - 111 Mt lob:atoned eandition, attacked.
littl'abasid Wiliste seep a manner that her
lite.wen despaired of. The accused pleaded
guilty to essanit and battery, tied was re.
mantled for sentence.
A Ihreany ease was meet tried—that Jan,,
Sproul, a va- * rant. it appears that, the delettd
out entered the dry goods ettre of J. tr. Mo.
Connell, on Market street., and desired to see
a few different patterns of cadre. While one
of the Clerks had his bane to her, Jane en.
deavored to conceal a web of caller, valued at
fire dollars, under u black lateque which .he
wore, but Otto was detected in the act by offi
cer I,upples, of the Mayor's 1,01100, who was
standing at the door watching her manotuvres,
The officer conveyed her to the lock-up, whore
She was of °Maros Carnalltatid for trial. The
Jury found a verde: . of amity, MIA tllO prison
er Was sentenced to undergo an !merinos.-
meet to the county Jail.
Tne nos' cane wow flint of Michael Daun, In
dicted tor Mu larceny of II parr Dante train
tt nekre named Yates. A Yuri et of toot guilty
wee remit., ad bud the pr.:seer Vrelaglineharged.
Jonn Mc Geller was uest placed on trial tor
on attempt at buggery; ll , rbry iless, of A Ile.
altetty, nimeteringlm proscentiffir Witness. The
'try 1.1111111 the I.ll.llser gent v of n 11$grnee-
Psi attempt, nod he was remanded (or sen
{eta, Shupson, a tavern keeper, of thu Tenth
ward, was arralgnehl on three charges of Suit
tog liquor without Hem.o. It was stated
t List "leder:used haeka lie e u for selling li
quor in toe Fourth aaru, but flaring the early
it 411, uf the summer Ids houte Was gleatroye4
by fbv, ho rotnove.l to the Tenth ward awl
CM1L11113.41 to melt liquor during the months Of
June. July and August without .olttalnine
another heel.° A ver,liet hunt not been re
turned up to tits hour 01 atlfourutnunt,
Death of an Old COlzen
On Monday morning Francis Plunkett. Etna
an old resident of East BlOningimm, died at
lain rosldenen In that borough. The deceased,
early in life, was a glassblower, and worked 1
for SllCuay d Loran., In %teat Pittsburgh,
known as Sign. At length he removed to
W heeling. and engaged In the dint Omni hes.
tins. touter the firm of Plunkett A Entol.
They were the pionestrisof the busineas in that
city. Thence lit later years became to Pitts
burgh, and wits •nressefully - minnected with
the firm of Young, Monsen, .t Plunkett; Wolf,
Plunkett it Co., anti-Plunkett a co, all no.
;mend in the 0111,5 btOilleSP. lie Otis C. 11111,13-
Ind with the latter firm at the time til his do.
• Crane Illis father wattle early settler le West
ern Penneylvanin, and for years taught
*aeon! In this vicinity. Illy kit death a vs.
catty In road° in the telethons Circles of oar
city. Which Will be difficult to till. Ills funeral
will take place tmday.
Connubial Recoal•trneilOn.
On Monday a woman named ilannah Si. Cur.
bin made information before Alderman Dom
'Odeon, charging her husband with d.artlon.
The yartios are rusidetils Of Cireensiturg i
and it appears, according to Mrs. C.'s state
moot, that ho had left with Circus,
which 'had been perferminir at that place,
without providing for her. !loin rhe suit.
O wam rapt was put in this hands ctiOnlear Our.
her, who proticeitiaT to Aircenitiorg to search
of Corbin, Ito fotind him alter eonsitiorable
trOUltilt, and !nougat him to this city, whore
he Itatt.tiheitring
.Susie piny afternoon. The .
reeremit Mislianti prufnussid the gruateat coil.
trittou. nail the wits, ao Suppose, ihmight
that he was hotter than tin husband at all, TM
thfrPllll OS Irldultworai after it Tag orosisasst
mi some limn. There wore no costa la: the
GOB fur littlest= reason that souse won don't
return it large income—wantef utOtter.
thulde.s Dealt' t. LAllegkeny.
tin flutunlay evening n widow hly, Ike.
Chuilue, residing an Rebecca *Wet. In Ago.
gbegyollegifighlien eictiaTetuiltieuois 011enIaly
itle. Thoth:mews! haul been enjeging ownpar.
goo.l health up until WSthlo is earl
-line.lionia of-het demise. 411,41iskr ride.
ebe-itootptliffitut of 11 eery' trine' 11 I the
bond NoulenileiVoneof,her press.
Vitas , forehisedlcfniftlgeteinetfitio. The syiup.
lows of Ihu fatal uuslivis Inereeettil, nod the
' Alaal.7 behaves- eilitrineAriggrlnedlont" issslea.
hoes minor procure* hnosedlistety, .but of no
:meg, death ensuing In e four honrethereuiter..
Thettligniebeirleelillpitegdecifeelrenty yaws of
eget SOO leaves if irarg Istrieliftelo of selnllvesi
!OW/. Ilfut rift hillurfort.Og r Nuatluit
litruatote 0. - uorrbritiy- ltra.'lltuolviiik Ilia de-
Atrz a rtf,of t itfteott gor*,,brulyl - wy,..1 0,0 z,
On tbo - foutotylvla C tiWt Aitt i tilruil t nr
ha" be an tiltettlo,Lo nuourtaln.licrw thu:;stril
,orliglautud, or
lOU itutbunt of bum lulk ti .4 0 j.'t
hose beou oroooOluoir lieut . /. Thu ~,,"3 . 1%,,,,,- r"
aoduloniutiltol t tttoitossurtOar i c,, r ,,.l -- iiii r ''
taililafablo.ittkorol.o4. l4 w L' i '-- ' ..
if the track to aubn an rotor au to de
bt, all the tritium for four or Aro boom : -.1
IReestroartio •• ft v. Ur. tIobotOIWAK
Lobonon, Pave WA Vet ♦ terurriva..n.
Moores fro
Cant Wir lbw rosloruktion otihe ltery i 4
-MOW -NO W Up_ pylfsoql _1 cp .
0 04. 10, 101 t?,qa-MCVlrtt_. t.",
l= iabpsit r
d *run g, o gWti foo i=t d
Juge elpposo494 el tplA f V,
. 4 "'" V "` : ' . •
The Molnar 3112etteitaint-- The Initial
Alta tgegulPhin.rulliMh,Orthe exam.
Ron of niehard--ThatrwoU,Ath thslootown, hod
berm forest... Mil by our reporter ttore, the
body-Of him, Who had just etphtted bla Ursa on
Ilhe : gthbets, wets removed. to the prihr-bouse
grounds for Interment. The grave fogitsr*l
amnion hod been dug, and thasodln wag flint •
to be lowered into it, whoa - ilubbi4d, of ,
grewtis - rine arrived with an order from : Aka tir
Boyd allowing her to 'Calm pareeasitut & the
carom and Make oath dispoeitlotor Itw oho
thought proper. After some time a waxen
was procured from Mr. ThOrndell. Of Union
town, la which, the mina .wat played—Mrs.
Dabbers?, her hurl:4ml. antlietend yenng mos
taking seats ale.; Side ofAI le the ?ehlolc—
ent' Just as lhg shades Of night name down
noon the town, teat .01itarkeragerintarted on
a Journey of twelve Mlles to Brownsville.
as at 'passed slowly through - Vie etreet lead
ing 1011, old oatmeal roml. OVUM Of ,nlen.
women and children Mood Upon the eldeeraln
or in I heirdeorwa, r, and In resnostrui Silence
saw It tlivappceramong the eludes' of the
trees. It was ap . host midnight when "tho re
mains remelted linthusrille. yet-malty IMOPIa
were put In the struete , their Sr.
rival. The body was removed to Mr.
bards ruodence, where Itremeltsed until rte.
terdey nt three o'Oloete. *lmo it grave was
dog within afew %att.:if the lionongeßola riv
er, in the yard surrounding Ur. ilehhartra
house, and wIM due- solemnity, all that re
omitted of witut Ass one{{ aloha-1d Tnalre ell,
was consigned be Its last'restiars. plasm.
iatilllloll fleeting et Ceetteltsville.
The Johnsonltcs of Fayette couitY host
grand detoonstretion at I;:caaellm, We reeler
dal. J. rattllng slime misstaaraelted Ifs 'mole
thusly road with terrthitosounds.,,wbibe the
shoots of some thirty-gee dirty faced =china
made all the little reihrief , ton noticeable.
The meet in-polneof comber. wis, In tact
at •• tam thorn Irving nut more than two brin
dled ;wireona orment, Ineiudtug lade, trainee
end the no:shine te•forei alindtato. 61Rvqhre
were mole by sot eras leen' 130lOrIlli1Cli, the
beginning and end of width wee a tirade of
atmve on t ha nnfori atone doreenoanta of Lam
From the feeling manliested In Fayette wan
tr we are prepared to belleve. that John Co
rode .111 reps event the meat, -fourth elect - I,t
in the Fiftieth Coagreas.
Almont an Arcldeng,--Yeatenlay entr
ench, as the large pole for the fire alarm tele
eroPh. at the eornurof Coattail:lolA and fourth
nn ele, wan being er..eted to its proper pout.
lion. it slipped and gortunately.. the
loot of the pole was In thobele prepared for
It. and the earth was , zirda.ll •hough trot to
give way, ao the henry timber Aid not lid
feide to 0 , .e. grolo.d, though It fell within a
w feet of It. lied it fallen eettrely down,
It would loryltably it .vu ' , rushed a reap who
wan directly In Its range on a passion wagon.
Yorteuately no one allutrylsl VMS
T 09.1 Inisollfsl.—Y.terolaY, in a burst of gen
erous enthrostaant, seine cc the passengers on
the Pittehurgh, Port was lie /red Chicago Itatl•
rood, pretreated de heuutttni peelcutdrolvee,
procured from the l'lttslorreh Cutlery Conr•
min.-, to the trigrocgo musters god conductors
of the road. The I.lllrns worn kreatuolf at trdru.
moots, having pearl handles and dye blades
curb. On Oil 1.1,1,e of earls handle vast engraved
the name of the recipient ,and on the other
the ssnore from which rlse prest.ort came.
Able to Yrwanento.—kilts ilhartmeag, the
man who was shot hy-Jobn Laps in - Manelleht,
mererat month. ado, has leaorerorl from his
Warsos sullicitmtly to be_ Aldo to appear
mien:set Lams. Ile has arrived In town, and
the a,aa wilt probably bo op 1e trial Oaring
the piusunt wook.
MlngetSom.—A pear trap, on the rtVIII !sea of
n citizens of Ml 4 ielOWll, Aeons inglv illattlast
summer, and gave no eVolongo Of llos until .
or two ago. Non it is in full bloaurand
This is.
1111,011011.—Tho Tooth•aard Milan
neon Unary Clnt3 and 1103 9 in Wu., will moot
sevon Welork thin eneniftm at Baru.
aliarvi' A office, to IILUMACL important
A full ntlandanuo 1.9 orpooted.
Fourth Ward. Aliesheney,liaays lu Mule.
—There ill bon meeting this evening of the
lief In Blue of the relent. %Yard, Allegheny,
at Blours Ball, on CiaUSMAL shoal. Ptanolnal
talannlanou la requost,,l.
IllUtctriarirctl.—Tho Grind Jury tura couol tbi
tut Its labor* um! broil tittichargutt by the court
istuseutmcot watt made.
illesreast inrulthed duelling, for rent lu the
Oily. 800 nilverateement.
14 la I.DALIR 4:11,311:1:1:111,1". be
tnautisul lurs.. ...urban
ploun ut arturtern, exrept our. lu Mt ,
Untrnon_nanlirinburne r.0n....2.1, aranttra
Allennuer. Isurlul luta
...untral Drug burr. rd . 1.31u1. 2 - CLA Any.
tawny Car.
UN 13E' 8. 1 1 3 -A. E
No. 190 Stu ittilleld St" car. Ittl.
(Rub utca trornSavcath $t 6)
P2TTaiSVRCiI.I. 3?.A...
AND 1/3 ne.h.MlBlll trritleleT
N. MI Youth Week rlktilmrylt, P. 1:0 1, 1 , 111.$ et
KIA de, OnActs;ewvga,.2.l evtr.dctteristtlere
Of rtin•TAIII FOITIMOIaIt 1.1004. turoi4p.3. -
CZOli 117 atid nt,cbt, klearvesad Calfl,lo..l"Orollinoti.
Itcremorcao — fter , David 64n lir - D.• 1310 0 .
W, Jacaone, TBemtuo imn4, CW., Javot,
11111..... •
E . ,T. V' HITE & CO,
nanchentOr. Wood•c Han and .•tetMW'
IMnerol linelleld and Ckaelloti snouts.
II mrse and ennissen ferniatn4;
First Iltroot. nbove finUhft 1.1.
Il .4.1.4 to MGR tt Rh litew Cant.fol. Ea
nutenr. and %tussle.; atm Nome of the 11.04 V.4•Ung
•n 4 Iv .4set. Inell3llsn, that .nont a aood
'le to el., themes call. Oneelentts attenllen peld
to iwyt..n and .o-Rni non., .nunLato
14nreta Llenre• 00 :doh
eloyczas4aa TO .
carbon Oil Lamps and -Fistureg
No. 64 7Mairls:Jert Initroolt,
wr0.11,w1.1 . iirrnsnntititi.
'vQv." W:
. I BooTS ANFI SHOE& ----
• .
Irhotesale . and ,fitelait.
NE'CORD-.. & -CO.,
'a' nfrooti *.riP4T,
tu T u. stuW.lal al tiutlon lollo;:ii.,lvire.sack nt
Mite, Attc,; Acs..,for Pall - Salo,,
'low full ..I irlitlete.4l6efy *witty lb auk; an
uo us. Ala. If • disputiptlock lu sultllhe
I.• 01E8 stale
W. U. A. 5t10T11....W. T. GAILILAIRD !
rouvr nt:ALT 1110111 ES.
W. H, 0093Agtiq . 00e,
liaLstprsi ark4ttkltoplitalem
N.: w..te.*t r iiit,
Nos. 3 .Yd *** * „
WAL:A. snots,: - rionAt.l* 4T
ISO Poorlilit-A..
rutiivuleir stk:pitoniy.olt,to ac11!...40.. , QU'a.
uutes, aa,
u rta i. r " v " hr . l2l44;7 l . l "WlV . ”
mr , -,19 , -,1 !AkT...._. 1 : A P 1,:,. __: . ' ,' -
Vesaikiatt.llPOeis..-/A4: edivolil 4.f
raraitsil esnit•ditarkPirsiet,t,
m.i.'Nka,...iii4o.rfatti , a utr*
Arsr:ffirfirya-gr# grecoMmilksti*.,
-, . • cARPOITER4IMJOI I BiIitte ,
. All ,lin tolitudid th "Lia;iarii 'lillt ilimet pull
I.oavistwasboa.stokr.ity- ~,-,..,: 4.,,1ri0w r r
nWSI:a.:; •:11.11,Z4. C PY .;i';'7:' :r
i r 4
I 'Maar r t O l l Oll. illi ,u,
311 i -* *4l4 .'
. . - ikvlttlinfiti4,
A . 44natrlASP l ttak
A14.111A 4il ~,,,-, ..,-, ...........6.,,,,4*,, , i
: -- I 'T...(o,l)MOrr4:ifiii; liii
amangartn4=l:l? 5111t^ , 4 . 11.4f40,
V ie,
e t+,4ikif i V ,
1 ^ ~,,,,-,s , zirt:_ AzzAVV44'
VtiS . . - It . l l :47 l9 ,=SinMZ lnit S, l
1 • 4 , 41 ,
, OVirbigittlif • Am , ini :i±y, g ,
i #.:Wti 4 :ep3 - t4R:la %Tip,13.4 .iogy iii,,,
OU lirznampuors:AiwtiAll 119 111 TV,.
F A,
irb• tii ted . itthelltal MIA be **ye .
acttber,la,tet asps* itattitylt ,
4111211.1 t rovilts." Pra v ralitt:!; . ::. - :-.' L . ..
euptis ur .• . -..
.3.tat3 Or TIEN &Nu upwrilos.4.
r. :4; zl'ot, •
. _
88 WittlEs . trov t,
~Maio Jnn recalred a now stock
m.l Art Lte,
• • • • No •
.... •
sou, ut -rns
IM atorn In Optical e Goons,
93, u,s inft tept.
TI, 11 ostrmswnt eery generally nnn atteal by Odi Vastness
anti Merchants, as well as ittesnamatntea. eta
Meese Cleek Barometer and TAltrmeeitti t.el
ea. bn-ntdabeaded epos no , indicant* , VW enanr
at wrath* s.
mcb c)c="c) 3riagss,
lca.c.)c)c, .IMstamo,
Or Silk and Bin Min, Pat
liorseN houses, Processions,
1.53,0 00 i.u.rtternigt
15,000 Lalintern.fs,
All Sizes, for Illumination.
L.T In 34ar supply at one,
01'1'0.311'k TOL rosy
lii..lL ESTAI TM Aan.rv.
entre, No. 139 Fourth Ertreet, Plttobileg9;
tros for she follosetsts Meal LK/stet
A heatetltel rel. /rue Dwelling. Meth taro
eosue.plost mt s rooms and Olde hall, poise I us
trot. lett It two 8.13 p secs and marble mantes.
et bending. 17,7t0; will to, sold In snenesttOst srftn
ore sere. ot around. Potence nails( WI *IOW*
toeludlus the hense. eats bay* nie eropt.
whist' coasts, of Sp.., ants. teetatostA s nab
stllk tow. releeStAleA; ono 113.1,1 dews, Illaints
In 11••• r.. secured Itrbond ' , the/1.4 , 4w'; -Eau
flte yes direr pod notion. 7 mate. ante,* ISO r o ta..
utrold. Traintpaiiler to stg4 IT: In 1141 A 4621404
every hour of the Joy, op toil 0 . 40e1413 ,144 - res.
sends. InernoOlsteir. • •-• • •
‘,ILE ifrn . ..44041.44 ,4 eadu
sets the Itaks:oelti Svoltears 7 sitetetillt •
abort *tett., T • pito el these lets / upithe stdA
acres and bon, •bo e rdrettbebd eta MMUS s
A new Tome tutus, 4 rnon3•, ttnishsel rat. el sad
wide ite.l; 10t..D by s 1 hot; •Ithate e. JaffrrArs as..
A Ileshet. y.
• g" 41 , telt Ittoue or In roosts. toltit .4410 ball;
hot sad cold rate, A(1.1 dt. V.. 4,1401.1! lhO basso.
on Cb est t stet, S. A 11.,. hen T.
Also, oList Mu." or other ally properly lot
flrjr,ri 3to A. 11.. to 4r; 40.1
%DO IA the ettuis.g.• .016
. _
1866. FALL '1866.
C A. 1 1 1 r)
We are bow ea LlLl ler Inr VALI. YRAlit tam
must r‘1.111•1V... apitrti• 11.11V1 ever bad the
ppleaaure .
Jar patron:.
English Brussels and TapetirieS.
Of o , lr O•vn IwpOrtallo.l. r , 61 , r 1 . 1 .f y wow ant
rho., 11341.11,0 10, er biltare In (10.711/Lrlttt.
1t.11131L00 DEtt EU SW Ifs I. %LIE LIIIIIT.II NS.
Ate and ElcEtnt. hitt at of
Side S. fetrfrt Tats Loops s. itauds,
• mob:. stria, Noting
Dralursann do coussia.
1i05.71...ica 73 F 1 1 .711 61 uric'''.
Nets Lease to 11. S. Easton, 11... ana roa
Tut synscitinEns .ILIVINO
econpleted Hot,. error gement! far erdibllll Hs.
Huut nod.. Saud boot. are pow: prepired. Mr.
Mika hot q b.• 14 I), readtfor nor. ffettire
.nd Ist MAK ifti. AT TH gig 114)1111S, - It too
rsto or Ilion per ton. I t
btes, - or be dalfrered more, elthsr Hoban &tip Oti,
„, to h.g. at 0,30 p r ton. or parties ..r . turblinl
boor et tha c pries. We off r this (r n Glass
ban,. nand. adapted to their silo. sub rot it Ito
y e at out nor ton ire wound..
0,16 e. fo,s...rdee F.I.LIOTT 140111,,P.T. YHA
Cook Pe.t. Iluutlnglon c0nnt5.7.1'4,... or to
ALTA •al ',Pot It HSU, na
Vittsburgb, prtallptl7 at tended .
Soldiers of 1461 and Oat,
All was serer.' three rm.t •re eialltieit 101100
Conueta; those berviste two ewe. 93triorriehe wet*
discharged OT reveo of a onside, or . {Lrlr heft,.
2 hr. e Month, Extra , Pay
• . •
Is due Volunteer ()lacer, 14 tbe.ryleffilfaillt
IM -, . and .dlerliarged, mustered out, vr:rsidgitial ,
.10.0 fiprii 0, ISM.
eNuarbrl.—Perulnueutle Alleahled.-art, e4‘11.14i
to $l3, $2O ur 1.13, 0CL•01 1 111 tO dllTretla _
W. .1. t I.ll.LL'' AtieteiTs.
Com of llazim Elrod Sod Num- ifs),
Saar Dont, Blinds and' Itlialtitige
1 1 4tf we Tt ". ° ll r aa..t r aVegkAlt i e. VIL I
LV:Li3.7,.''''' :=l"'-'llftiAttki
EM X=l
NO. 89 strertillitiftirei;
A ti •
. :•
, .A
111111 old e;41.114n0.1 %oti.e tievr tt . e' 7 WOW(
Ave /brasoutd ..rartO tolsonstojee , aio sts
ante reßolved . te be end,reuld en7/11.9110 601 .
Into. that krerni geods.kontt..betthiWe.,-,4,1
Can and
at our et tick et 1100 5 .4, NW r
at Ogled that Tro ottrottneO LoO 14 •4 1 0 , ""
the Ateet - • • .
PO !tot 'toilet thotdoto, - Otliirliitei.!
1.24 , , ;,..taltne
. .
t!,,g.,DALub , ,
CLiln te.
The underalidel itnt bra*
pay lad pema.aeithi:d6talvOiiidar, isi"-ana et
catatT , o a , ataltlaaat•
COlXeltai tailor ruled esi 40#144 1 ..
die, melte Vida vitereelooklerfC
koamyor treelllloe'le.*Soo,,f
„ • 3t l
_ ; 01. BialUf
1111114,11400:4 CO.
rradigai Putnam*ltarigetartra,
COL PENN 00 Vilitg4tUEts-
won dinmor,ituluto rug , . eaut - swum bat 4 2
ir. Wl rAaAki ••• ~..' . = . * *". ' 2 •9l'7lC4 W AT
W 141/111101 , ,cOWAN, ,Y. -I '"
7 Ye% k.ep On trawl ortarice aO ppiy,r ir.,,rmp. Xt.
""."‘ . 0 1' V 4 0. 1, t 1 0. "S* 4 4 else PAini• as 4
VatylSeri: - en Ifipt at i Mad ileag to tbe boned
k...d.k ''''.• -1i S. nay rims.,...areqr,‘,p.a %.
It'aariiss.ritalt•th4 ntut..rab.w. - ,..nuts
( [ .7lii AND'''lYAllk
-11t.P.`KKILIIIMIA , .. `,-i41:1 tin •,,, .
L ... 4 0 I; e a lil : AMT.,: --
x V itiLti% 31Vir A hex z - s.lolllblvilrfet, 1'
aqielii stuentt.n tourtr tarni - sitt , ltt errul
l ' i ilrfirtit-OMANdiM It' . ita t l
rautaret sad 04100.4 t' , ..*M.t.:4 5 . , *1 41,1. t0
tArprotA4Tl6.... ..or, 13,1415mM". Mine,'
0 WIN SCUtPIatIN 1 4...47 .- :
• '' tfoxica toga
~„,00.1 144 LOTET:LIita: Reluti..Labirlv, • _.% on.
lam t e. c.d.., ”Lpin..... tia rr,intt r .a„ . VUl ,6
9:4 1 =4 11 11M4 st.:Pltt• I h. him"'
*. 1 * ,
;I"VitUrrinot , & 7 4:***4- lin - 0.
,r...: , ......r.,..,wq.. _ , App,.., •
1 : -111 " :11 ° 411 ' ls7ll7 ll 6 lWAtioo s •
: r ." ;
rt In f i erl . Mramt, "vtr.
<4.,piq444.ilit-t ioar*,,clogg.
wien 44104 4 tqftl6l-1.-.!.;4:1-
• •-.
' '.
T . ,
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