=1 CI u , Drortirz, imatHiji 2 -aus" 4111roker, _ . ;ig lifikodlt.. near corne r of'-FIRE. '„iit'-dgiiie„ptinoir ~GoTirrnment . Beinde Domed amt tolcLon liberal terms. .I.eaddlo coatmenta Itrelymge sold at TOrlerates. tiold.Slireraset Ceuaons boagbt at highest ned on tioW Tom, .Ifra&NCE ;AND TRADE: • 3413r.4.y, October 143 3 : 5 .- The; atr tork" nu cLuotaNt . oni to.lny; irercr as 10110141: . A4ntd.,,:140 , 0,1414 4 „um, ?lye Tweiltlo, 014, 1121414% flow; 102 X; Ten. lertta.> Ni seven rorttes, loaKi 'do emelt, suisagen sentient ll it.,i'sfW - taint. leo PlttAbtirsti Ratlroa4lolo,o- Tlttsburgh -„iy,,r3-A440,44c Clileitge;:ltatltlact 1.09t' 11‘11r04441, sem Aveiteni—Utiicici telegraph . CciaPanY4,„ lssl 4 o bler. 4o .W.- 1030 X 111.00.4,10834 ; Cescagt_t :North Western, 3Bl.-4; do .profer rediZW. f011414.1n2 stittemont exhlblts tlWe 003.1. ne4l! of _the Pliiestnittii Cleaitogllotuse;loxtbe Welk itlos4o4 on Ilatur4sy. September 29th : ttWt' - '• Exch .- sagas. —8a104,44 4 . 83ptamber 22. 3174,3.35 4t 40ptember2i...,,.... %map 21 . 61" bo 84pteuther 27 203,7,10 7e . -. It.ptetabeit '44401,61 41 ... 4 ,„, 14 - Saptember.24 `.21.780 27 A. 41:,73 September rl., .t. 44 4 1.4 77 - Total Jid.e.taust,so,, 5151,121 el ..-tels a very discreditable thing for us,and the more discreditable irectiuso It is unnetes• earTithat our, bonds cbuttunir to be cat to Europa Weekly nallions. and th s ere ex. Changed at a . asoriace of tiventrilve'per cent for suPerrinous commodities. WO produce gadd and allVor to.dayat this rota of ,SICO,C9O;. 00 Per anininitflideß, Oughts ender Van asp' management, to raise our paper at once to a specie Coals.. We are beginning to export e our acenstoesedi 'crops, and every . -day se, toport' augmented, We are pducing at hom e 6 thOudnild things which w e lately imported, and every day 'eels Atm product varied and augmented. O ur entrant revenue ts, considerably more than ;330,000,000 per an. natre,Our• expense. Oran , - . erdoulattng payment of Side,Coo,oos of thS , principal of trio sleet. aro thin, 411011,513,0 W.% eau oar our rear], government . cluirgee and liquidate outrafteentn of .1110 .debit: - this year num the *audition which now:extant thing which no other country':ln the 'gratin could do. Wu ate certain that what we can do this year &moan • domeire , fullY And - , at the same I=o more easily the next,end'Yet thenx per cent - gold boons or. the country are pned in BulePt taitrary buyers, at a /OM of ktrenty.ilee per. Cent. • •ench a' slate of • again ergoes gross mit - InTetnein - Somewhere. Wise financial' eon net wrould not, allow It to exist for an hoe Ltaaps oar strength In a vital manner: But Oak far no action seems to be taken to Mr.°. .11" be recognized that no arc losing as though no had another war on band, Sad thooorrectivo will be applied. Fortnnntoly tbrn ts in our power.. anti - ste Mil avert the losses under which we safer, and mere ISO date our free dom front. debt and increased: prospetity.- 7Pht4 Borth Altai-team • . . -Things item boligittenitnyop inCantula for some reason-probably the Fenian Move. mettue..ceitainly not a• war debt.' .2dOney , at Montreal contends IS per cent, and there .ts a great west rano the Canadian Bankswhile great caution is numileated in trade circles,, ngtßelat feeling pf leseouritr. it' Western wildeat bank-ilto Prodncerie of (Itiloago-bas last come to grief, and Is an )t -. &nstration otattner.irkwhlch. -IrrOVOrat - - •bloplisttetinake money, and isupsetimea: get,, . flab on borrowed 'capital. Itowerdays. turns dot on investigation (na reported In the --local Journals) that thir tiank-ain individnal concern. managed by one Doonttle-comnien... .chi business without a cent of 'enplfrd. - .lt ape Pears , that the concern went , :intooperation upon four nutea,mmount log In this eggragate '531.003, drawn by three member,. of the Doolittle faintly and one Tidoett. bat as the votes could not be found after the 'crfilapse, it Is dortb.ed that they ever existed. hrcerd leg to he hooks. the • liabilities of the concern were e 91101,51, and the available assets tie tweew &Ban um% $lOOl. "rho We.t. has indexed long and heavily by the numerona robberies tin h ustaned at tho hands of the "wild eat. ba n k ers. 'ller lo.ses - nnder this head, it hestimated hat ,ft uinima. it is be hoped at the aut font pof t his st la embo tb lic wili receive each condign punishment. , will bore, 'after detu others from treading the,same Built"' Bath. • • • PITTSEVII OII 21L4_ EELET.II harms or Ivor rirraluassu Ciasings, MosnavAletober 13.174. • . TheWilsreallf lOC little that is now to Way in OW/MM. to'llso - produeo muskets. Tbotle urand for the-leading comm.:Alibis IS some what.."-reserleted, wbllO prices, generally asseaking, taro nndargone no change. worthy of sowed.; mention. ' • . - r -GRAlN—Wheat tetras and the market in al nunitentirely bare; Mao of 2 cars No. 1 goring.. to Antoci atid,6o--tbri highest flume 'lbis era ann. Oats in wither _better supnly but nn changed; •aloof Primo at 41: tonl small Wars at 46 to 40. -.l3aticy is to demand, and Tribe Sprine sells readily at 4150 to 41,12. Corn is firm and in Itmited supply; now he stinted nt 85 on trunk 84 01 In elevator , and. 110 to 10 from Ware: Rye is quiet and unchanged. 11.01.712-lls firm and "In 'fair fatal demand but unchanged; wo coottn on to quote at 412 to 1 , 460 for Spring Wheat:and 413 to 13,50 for W sa e wheat ntan,9l, Bea Flour is. selllngtn small lOW at 45.50 to 655. and Cornmeal at PUOVISIONS—There it ante modurato de. mend fornacon,and addle the market Is re corded SS-being a Mhos weak,: nrices. remand o nortinidlyttnettanged. The stock, however,ts vary Much reduced. Lard Is dull bat changed &LI) t 00.64. There Is some little in , scary for Moss York: and we can 'report small sales At 431.1‘. MILL SEED—SaIe _of 1 ear , Eltorts At ale. Bran lain boUstr supply—l•st Wes At 05. 'Uhl, •111655 scams; and smote.] item at 41,03 to $1,90. beennerst4L4 o to , 11U fTElV—There 14 a ertntinneil '6•341 de =and for prifne fresh non hatter. and we can resort regular sales nt 30' to 33. Packed is set. 1 lino at 9 to 63. Eddl 4 ;:lirlictter supply and a shine easter; we now quota fresh pucka l at 7.5. though tt Is reilmlad there are souse few sates nt CRILICSZ—Is ropOrtot firm,with nn twins:wed 1 demands 'sales at 17 to It for Western Re nerve, 18 to 19 for hamburg; and 21 to M foe Goshen. japLES—Quint but Ateadv, with regular males at from 41,60 to 43 per bbl., according to qnstitv. SEILDS—We can report sales of 'Flaxseed at 41'(, and there Is a rood demand for It nt this price.. Timothy .Seed Is dull at .43 7 4. NO movement in Clover Seed, and but...little in solullea 4WCISTIPOTSTOES—Qaoted steady, with regislarrhnixtl"tO4s. • OIL— No.. 1 LAW Olt is quoted nt standnrd ' manual ' brands quoted L a Sba4O • r.cruimmusi is.utsurr Orin= Or ow. 1.. se.oanit•t/5.7.11T11 .• ..ILespair„ October. 1, 1801 . Chttl:/g,,There.. wav a enite spirited demand 'gm Crude to tay, thetransaction* .in the -lg. :Ocipste ' being 'ntrosnally large. bet notalth. • standing theactivity, prices • have, .nadergone riOnereePlable anon — ste,thcitigh there 1s BMW little rtner_leuling: Vld calf pan '-anf at of sin thoneandharrels, in clued nt bulky and CO at n, oneltagea in and•therin tedY - be regarded aline rulingdent • 7.00 , ' repotted td.day that Crudu declinedto 116,40 011 City, trot we Can:- not vouch rev - the , eorreetness •the report. In the east there is Opt little doing. the wax— ket blatigreOnteddnlit and end piribnii noultnallv'unehanand. • ,RILTINZD—The dentaid for bonded oil eon. "tinueallalit;and the market is dull and no. ~,too t na pattmeheaged. 'hale of tat bbitiat: free On board cars here. and 350; 100 "tuid'hua light sw to white, at 31. Wo aro counts:out - of too b ids Isavlng.bera parebnaeri - Ort the sent. _i n pausdeiphinott 4166 which 'ls from 66 to 1 twat pm gallon below ' what-46 can. be pun, chneedlOr heradellvered there. Thereto but; com osseueety . ell olleringr either tor preunit or future dollbery, runners not being Jontlafal ..tifttn•tllo .Outtent. rates, and they .. prefer habitats' lb expectation Of deinghetter. gym. Coil is quiet and unchanged.• . -48441,44L5.=Tbe inllowing • arrivals' were' yepOrled ttiecieri Jet . I Fiabet g are ... ..1019 Dreerer-isßnrili. Vs Jag. llawbinnop 400 . • T0ta1;.... .... - Ire* York Couto mango. Nair Tone. Oct. 7 The-cnrrent prices for the week at all the "markets use ; -Our tiarrto—ricesantattr;sl2.coarddotran• to goolotli.Male.iet common, .1.1.10e819e0t. tenor. $1 1 4 00 0 13 •CO. • • 'Vows AND Vitsrat-='pe tr., , .91,0deno,co• drat Oath - *7 „onttna% ,its 'oomtnoa,oso,maattiOt Interior. 00 ( 43.11i ' lattanto-flrat quality. - Bic;mrli narrialfilletcommou,lo)ollel talarrogOce s Sixor .4 2 D ' pita* quality. eatofid,rdr o me `.". .0 0 1 oftomPaAll,ooN,Oh• - interior, 4.01._ • corn . fed per,lo•:- - ,...1igrag44 iithiand medium, 10%4/10K.. Vbirrerielpli .Ot Beef Cattle 'iontmlailloidtrt _ end with a' moderate Elie l e 'Prime Lard Winer *Moaned %AM, per pouna: foliate aftbateit sold as high as Lolt WM *a* an trauma rata - - Tina:a:akar:the _Drluta title sate 11817..}4c.. Other grades ;CariedirOta Ida rwitatlO)o,• market cleans •,,..lieurry, for al" • • Wats ittadot undera lair danaltd, at /at; ireek.a Q 1•10611. • - ahem and Lambe 'steady% without china° Of:' tiort In fair .ticroami. 1101.114 e 'rot: idled'. lusavv-wattarn. corn fie, whim. adk•- Elip libiblianderit sold as tow as ifto. Toe total recepti Of all iteeka at all the _wards • for this - week mut Mot week wen, ittleeta fiat Wetr• 7 •=3 .-1 :01Vg. let loot wm k.ll2oyeat conga, ji "Atli hut week., prat s'oo"ditanlarti,"V!.24A9lwloPt '- - Li uie t.. 3 ter. : -* /* /41 : 611 bii"e /it " 1 74 . 4 .1 2172 . 1 c f541;m4m4.5atas - impala ti .„L,IFtMI dri " 11 , 7 , 01 large lots nom. l ird imitAi tt lx. 1.-- -- X. ri is oUiv.uumt INCII, sll.lota ;Vitit - Jr. julige 4 ,2.73- t o $ B, .no- toljnlry .16r Ittrga • -,., , ~ .5 1 ~_,,,,x * dull antl•wasa WO; .wil gitOtllet+ oa,.lttr,, Ilat , O,m=tr , w!F, ?.. !x 6, 9. l .lZ'obtl.P,, L riWi t i,"... c. Tarr i fyr t" Ze r ,fsii;dii'iillii 'ie r liti l s W iti r la i ttlinit 11 to ISX- team.: , Ttotoolt . its,to to 70 . ;.... 00, !' ' :';4lT4'42l'lir ii'''4l4l:lll26ate i l i?l . : 44 ii ° 0 16 1 1 :al a ' =.r." , --41r:t..,5rt5.,,,,7,,,, .3.reed.,,,,,N= . . , . II lit.lowPf r Itailaagammal.,anct VC qa 'lto VI AO ta ‘ f 6 t . ip iviele av ii • - ~. , -, 7iticattaLtata.nratetrtUar 1 %7.' 1 . * tits t the noir . - , - e • :toiooosrato ,roque.to but - "IP P ° $ 1, 1 7 1 30 ' ' • " . _qhfact In foto* yt . Htualt .atot at --;:.,.. lac 'thaw/thy te in la tr. s hifpl 7, 0 Oa' dada Min st:s3,6oolflosi aralranatat Jot* , ' .-- ' • '7:-.7 .7 AM fotpoott.'luin4i at tFatta7J4. , ,Y)9.liteel t ; 4 4 4 410, " P" ` ; ` 41,5 1 2, -- prite'llliiTtira 1 1 %118,44 'lit iyiti thy week, an4altitsal • • - , .;::, j 17,, . ..0104tait at Ilia latter quoit, •limitralswientitgel)ririci-P•24 • --:-.',---::- - .•••••••. ,, r.. -- :± - '•••T'',- -- - ,- - . lie* i'oillt iatitedkaind*lii}j-iltsit - .: ~ The manerrnserkettifidelyStetheostr to: th . e i tnurpetiftlonartheatoet.Exelhango; ly met at {Gaper cesit: on cair. 114folo ' disoomotti ore Mapoursot. awl. more atilve." Thwitirritell:lor elev.:tomcat so; onro.teovissomOtiliiilthitAvonfoitoid tte , i ell lovrerr; closing prices were:S.Wentipons, 1865, 1 0 9 0 431141CottpOnsiligg$001;7, -July iTrio f.sv. - ear 1a... Om ,stoOk .3=ILO:A hroned:ma he dailitdbeen intense, kndthe 41 tIPOsttioh - th.Ptirelinse_ seemed to have no , Unlit. Tha-lliletalatletiCla livi, learHefy itall".. We Y allures have berm violent at times, but Wren' "deettrie "gas _quickly 'succeeded by a sharp ail nod , tuo. elestnirrrtem , 11 .. 1.1 11. highest - 0 L the day, In most eases. The gr •Teatures Ok_ttie morning were Erie, al schiga!‘ Santtictti'r Ingo:Watt,' yart Wayne and Bre! Gland, w hile later In the der ..sew Tot* Len_ ' tilt'. sad ,Ohio, 4,italaCatell .took a sodden a n d _ Sampxuswerilturnovhlcli nad o4 11 1, 4 „1211sc, trill- excitenient. The Pres.A= - 1,, the reeling hi oaks* anyl.lll.B. 'fable certainly e . or agars. and market din tisrebeinicirintw,a tie. Th wn eclipsed every hinge -of late, and the bar of °Weide late Incressed commercial b trergrairrleP2l a:ln e ore active nosiness. Th : insl=Thisher pri.. • t!:' A e t te tti '''' e le lest neY es mush the listostith *general: " . thotuarket was siring and 1 ).05.. 1 1111 - - Aller.tlie*all tbeparite% ,Lapl ' ilance a I roo m,and still aighte , r44." l " ees ra lu vi la it i the lea ding stocks. ..- P- .5,t the afternoon hoard the mining shares ;ere generaliv steady With an advance on Qoattdl arutllanadaVopper. - , CITTIet;P irla was Vetrritt,le 00Oein flier etrolenm Steeled Tetroloutti , titoelliatte Inver, SO. United Slates. 770. Xining Stooks—Deseobel, 165• Consolidated Cdtorado, big Conanitilated tivognry Gold; 1,655; Liberty, 66$ Iltmtrinis: '7Ol ! i;toins . It111,:66e; smith & Par, 11,75; Texas, 40; Canada Copper, 1104 Walser Lead, VS. - )loneY-Very caey,nt VS perrient._, chiefly at 4 per a ..itt." Sterling tirm'at • • 1030M8W, told active and ilrmit, opening at 146, declining to 145 X, advancing to ittl%:antrelosing at 1167. Government stocks steady and easter. Freights to Ltrarpohl ate Wady. ' W.MOM.p. Blatt _lrtarawas r. Loans.SaillirelSS;:Deerease. k1A 7124 i SPe• e1e.17,641.910; Mcrae°. SIM; Circulation, e'=9- .413.9502 Ineresse,4l4l3,o6l4:Legaf - Tenders. K. 7.- egipiltdocresset V.,G1.1:25; Deposits, r.... 1,1336,763; Decrealte,"lll,llS7.M. "The Orsunerektits Money &Welt) says: Tho Onward movement:htinoeke appears to ne ap proaching itirollmat. reilrMulibit . shows -great strength and quotattons average 14§0.1 per cent. higher.. The money market retains an acid:Tarot kEtretull Mae of late, preratlina. to the moment. The banks - do not shw quite so lunch anxiety to lend, witirh may bee ttriii ,',linted to a, slight hibtelutoln demand for dm -count to' a:deal:mil 'from fltnelmmtrand Clit eatto for currency. Tim rate on call Maas re mains at 4 per Cent. 4 . creign Exchange opens whihr there. is - ti-verii light - trupply of bills; th ore Is also an expectedly liqht demand and eats/awe not Iltroos- 1 TIM tOlir morket - ts . coadiaratieely quiet as lespeets bpeculatinn, but the demand for customs is active. The • prevailing tone of tho reargotts lialltsh for the moment.. loanaara made at 3.31 par cent. per day. Ihe POWs •Iloney article gays: .With an. tibundenee+of Idle capital; Call Mansion 4 ner cent., 'Still transactions at OM mercantile pc per passes at. VT: :titmice opened bnovant, but closed with u •dellibping tendency'. Gov ernments are quiet, and Itallroad snares are irregular; etterßoard Quotations norm New -Turk t.lieutrtdalili; skin, EU; diradson,;l24%; Forehro Exchange Om; Uiilll, at te days ou London. 107#11Uipi for commercial; linteloSA for bunleetra , ;,doat short sight, 109$109;x. Stocks strong; E. 1.,10:3i4t Beading; 117; Itf. ewsay.,;l..o. t.o6e (2. a P.. 14%; N. W. 30 , 4; do. Preferred; T/r WAIXD;;;:k...k. T. 11l Elir; do. Preferred, 73 ; & St. Paul, 71; Quicksil ver. 54 1 4;_1V:. tT. iITSPO Zee, 13 , 41, do. pref.: rtv.l, SO%; N. T. C.lbEic Erik: SSW Slo Ss,-79; Tree-- ury 7.145t..106; Sls coapous Tal, MI; do. WI, LL1,14; stocks Mond .active _and . tineyant. P,rie, 1244 Needing. !Mantuan Nopthetn; EU; mown Central, PISX@IISS4I CUmberland,_ , EUXESSl.44 - Canton. rqlehtOlr Water:Powr....4l4. Gold closed at 1176 IttV, under this. ru m or of &heavy decline - 1n bonds in _lxtuden. New trirlk-Produee Btor Yoatt, October I.—Cotton settee and ad. ennelng malterdallernoonneolti at 4,l@i3c. for ?Middling Uplandsould ilettla for do Orleans Flout latilatt-netter ' 418.30611,t0 for Extra Stat ot $11,t0014,23 for 7 B. 0., and (ALSO@ 1,10 for Trade Brands, closing rather quiet, mad rextreely so firm. - Whisky firmer, and 42,4 2.13 In bowl.. Wheat-Receipts 33,103 bather.; dale higher, but transactlone are quite 11101- red; era., /U,003 bushel., at. #3.e5g.,10 for New White Idleletgan etat Chleup. Spring. Rye no. tine and firmer, at SLIM for Comm., tr,,,tera, and lILIStor Green Ilam Barley tears.., and in demand: - Wl:lett:sr prices, nt $1,406i,43 for State. Corn —lleeelptsl7l,,a,ls bushel:, to aty, excited and..Mee higher. closing dull; 'solos or 171,000, boatels, ;It Sic for. Inferior; eittreelic for nipping . Mixed %Nolo. n Mired; tnIIISic tor do to atmetesefor.ilttitte Western, an Sas al's for 'Western Tallow. Clats-1144 d elpts 41.432 bullishly a% 162e'betterVedes or :UNDO ourhol., ken.ss for Unless°, and 67061 c ter :Id llwalb Core* firmer. 13curar dull: Cobs, lend le. Molasses stemlysand Petroleum quiet and steady; 45e 011114.3043ter for It.- lined, In bon& Eorkoperted !Inner and closed heavya lI,G,BSGSS,4O fer - Nets Moon.. doing nt 1G1,30 for Cash; 4114.1133 for Old eln., said Se. rot .17110 e; 1119117-le bblaSeWlies., sellers , opt Inn. all year ,410)." ,TOOll. - Stock.old end nets. Oat.- , her let, 11103,47.665 bbl.; same date 1.. c. mooch. - SLOT . ban ssino .date last Tear. &1... AS bids Beef steady; total alcer,nid *od now. October Ist, IBE.,ll,o2.lloteinigrat 1.01110 dale 10.0 moot It, 11.%4 psalm= 7some date 1000 yo.r, 42,51 e packages.. aims more active; to 2.1 . 11 v. nt 400. 'iniaNcats stately - la 10140180. for Shtial.. 'tiers, 'ated- E0G8191,0. for llama. Lard heavy 'and itrpteatlGGlSge: Voitt'Elry Goods 311nr1lr.t.' < "'ffilg-Taar.... , !October .1....7130 folio-clog art .tno irintsalona of dry ,gonag, jobbers. pricee, at dui New i torit.Dry• G o od s haultange; • Brown Sliectinga—Antoskung.. - 2`..6 pl (61 Au ata, 26; Dedlfird; - 111. ' Blanched anirtlngt 'Tan:I6I3MA. f 0: Anthony Manufacturing Coin Pany.l:6l Wheaton Cfllvapany, 2t Prints—Coul.- ...co,'2lt.mnorluniu 1649 Mien, 1.644 Lutsall, la. Cambrlalou-Sfitahlagtmt, 144 Vtottland, IL SllcauasiTCLiutod,,t); Lonsdak. : M.. tlititsitgo Itlarirgt. • Cut dicii:Cf:ltitotrer I.—lrlonr firm at for - 60114 tra.a: "titilifitltaaltagfr 746-_, c 10.4- Ina quiet ILL IVAirrtar.A . l. 1; and fd,62(3l,Eti for- o. it. . Valued - Z.oc. cloting firm at sViceolOe forloo, -.oata-guiet at Si 4. 10 , K.. tof , ^{._POrk.7 10"Vg4ta:.• iffghwings ni 0,33U - 2X In bontlksuid 441365,31 free: Freights advanced X6lO. ..11fnaket. - OC‘otint I.—Flour arm; wit. tserflita.67.6oo6lo7tetextra.lll9.oo6ll,oo. W neat: .alns or rod al 63.6 1 60.1. 06 , and tin, 11.1.10(63,66'. Corn Briar tailoar,- , 41,05i-weatern, 111.1e.' Onta Unchanged. aoutbern, fife. Grocerleis and Pm. yhdona :yflitakey golgti Wes of Ofilo attr.,tti. - • •.; TP04 6 04 116 Totatoo:O.,.oo.oberL—'Fieuttidetuly. Wheat; winter: lef i c,amtlitifiglng 16M1fc 'bettor. mats .new while Michigapat.s2,73e2,76; No. 1 spring. tagappened Se, and closed-4o bettor; 71 '4 '3.6 for No. IlutteiL corna better, Lake freights dull; 6c on ttriltiffalo.at tie. - Ita;.l.orelo.lawritat. _ Si. Latitif` - eCtOber - 1. - -41our - arin and nn. olianzett. _Wheat &little caution. notti notabit ,• lower.' Corn stronkeri ZaSoo:' Oats firm and unchanged. Pork drOopliii,l3:l4 o . Bacon .onehanged. Laril iteollaingt-pgma 190. Wlsteky inoaav at fI 2 S- Jteur.Orleaua f6sw Op ntitatra. October; li—Cotton,adlranced I , 4ci of -ZOO Wei; 'Ohatinds nominal, reogoajPate balm. Nesr York Exchange, 100 Otpooonp.' 13terlingiab. IfrolOtkl.oenr:Tork, 1•43 tO - Lbidel:Sool;%. • • - .. italataare../laariteil. _ • nANTINOffiti - .ottrli-' 1:-Flour gtdot 'mid stook ligtit..WhentarnslttoillY bite V.,,•-.123,40. Corn ateadn Matto t,":Yellow Cantrlie: Oata buoyant at Millie, or Y. lAA YthiOci ankp illlaet ranober ke Market. Ilfrcwaoa e t—irlourestive. Wheat atillrs2,ll 'for NM - cant - 0161640 for-No. t Data Opt at Mti foe No. t . 1 1 At - 11X 0 / 11 . SW; .84leoelpts unit stpoit light:awl with more inquiry-from-the trade, the matiti4olased_oultedrto at out rang e : vlzl torlireattolterfiertllie 4Def/SoOthern Ohio, 23 to Wei Gladmirtel to net Patti, Iln ett eet 18 to 30strePadwarb 1 P041 . 5 wk -4014 siaositodirar • okrozei*Aszar.At - utomiz7 PITTADUZIGHL, FoaT %PAUL & CHICAGO It. R. 000.1.Z41 sitSASIIIISVIMP Ms dour. 'r c Jen. klnci 100 bola dour, 41 11 Leech; 200 dodo. inul Wallace: 30410,hems,•Z ll:Myers Hoot 1.10 free 0' 130110111 - & to; 1 car beideMent,:43oot,lllro ea; 300 bbl: dour. a Lane' '33 Palle' butter, leedi:; - :2 nalr: - Olidtale,.Vll„Yomt 1. co; /- 4.r,.b434ey.,"21.e1l 11,11611arti Ido do, ti 4reirjete, do motal:apantra , cealegintißdo do, . 14.11 1 1 3 Aller ladzilll - 1 - ear; oata;Zehnel bora SceoltitpkgAnatter,-W.l.- Steel a-, KM; 10 bels *pines, 4 bet elder; cue gravel, - .. Il• •Barnem Ido barley, IV .2,1ee1c1, - 1-"do - do, VersoN , Darlltmlom:a •ent 100 I.,blellour,. Knox a McKee' 100 dodo, 5 Lindsey lea 004100 nblellone,Votp It Slimmed' 0 bids otioliesir,u,U 111 111 lucks rage; Godfrey a ! - 441biek;Akbele.estecilt --Kiddie '1 car oil ;Ade, Jan - -: W illtles4l_ ear ai heat; Wahiawa . rboms3; do Pettit & • _•_. wbant.,....llltolicOek,'lleConey ;it omi . dodik Morel a col 21, - eaMeaps,; peAlinsO,./HCKCO & BrO; , 11 .4,4 0 ,4 jr,wmtlelitalkmr bmiencese, S J IC:nick& ,lyeeheo_wle,_ Wale. anted . Patton; 10 pkrilololllPo VA P 0.04.004410 do Aoi Ktra ;Sasfnryrk.-a warren; .0L dodo, shelve-, .10 (111,; X.ll. Myer* a co lB 4olB cider, . : potttre '6.4liepardlOS ex". ehoe**; Bho. :maker a Lanz „:10-• no do, 1. Oble nolde!, T ,j,„„kgatifsigkobmtokiltibiSissi,Vempolooro belay 011, Z . • - ,knener co; - a1 dodo, iirs.wer4Mritssii cofio bates . .. Chimer. Bede a. be.Viroodei27;ldrari..-ebalre,-,llanuder DAulee; 24 btu Wogs; o;.Kalet „bele .oatmeal,..l ItenetlainE•l*lll:43llo( :1403141e0-Pdado,j,-11 Volgt , ,t,..ent da,' iit , 43rowliol• 2 cars •0nt0,414 :,t,fsilo4.,lcer _Clrossi Smyth: a Ax 4 Idonoi obn,Gzsytl do,-1411.. manalatim - a: colt do do;_raltlter &L Son; -.ldO do, 111Clinlebt a ear s do'. do, Ileteelnnon a -I„b3 - N1O;: Rerse, , . G rig. ,'Dollit•do do, 111o*r 0 9 .“ o h zue.4:9cildodoixos.. .4 4 MUM . w/104.i Kennedy 11r0 4.i do mlllteed Crider - a em_l tads 1100r;:!41;•.*Kincci•ation.flOnes , whett „ mote, a. 51mosOlnl ear en feed,., Taylor; 2(04 Ski Lbirtir. At:Wingldos,brooms,)tereor ft Itoelnhont 1 , 410 do, J:Lookse100 - dOda:11111111' 40114101.1 enelreent, W..llleSeo Leo} 00- • boles. match, J• - u .r.ftltt; tr , diin o;_ll.'ldoem' A' 000 bbis apples,/ page bUttd4l,3lorbertV/0 skis ilszsvid..ll G'tao October Obis _!tionri , itso.Wellaeciloo do Jsksituni, Ao 0..(1111lba Thomas; fitaßea'.7 - 11 - -41Arairt.26 _brocade-11 , 1R ferNMAggc'qrVal4b,-lirill!= fEEMM tomatsTßATOOtr uomvOtirt ui i ttr Aw ni or Cir r r uggli,,,qri outtro co gi ,t,.,teen ea.ly n asvarzy o z., z 0-.4,eir r cltl4 l 4o 401 . , , - " naßi natter Ilarket __:~ . _ :HIVES`a' =~ M ther3ireyetentirtinaiCttilydecde:SteMitly at this point, wiitialiarkilmtntliteet in the Mims. 'nel last. evening. At wimp spe Allegheny ;witsreported falling yeaterdel M0n0.% with MOM feet In the channel. 1 4 tie treathet coti ttencli warm and cloudy with slight lwllca tinne etrain. The W. A. Calducli, from S:lncinnati, and the Bertha,- from tit. inutsi constitute the transient arrivals atnco Our last loport. The Bayard arrived and departed awrihulteraburg, and the Lent booth fteM the same point, to '.inn Lore to (I . 7l:o .r rtyt ro o m nt c b ins . ts tun du it e u lt , oar , to reach here tomightlor cmurrotr. The Columbia and Zgleuile w o e , advertised le leave Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Sattus . d wing to the pearelty of New Orinana (remote, Capt. Nom has cOncluded to All out the Importer for Cincinnati mid Lonteellie, and eidpners should beer thinutind. Tho tia. porter will leave to-mouton,. apt. 11011 On still retains charge of the Mlles. The R. C. Gray after an absent., of about throe months, reaehed hbre on' Onntley With a good trip. rho brought four hundred tons Cu Pittsburgh; dlscharsed fitly tons at if. ano n besides little nage.. at differen t points along tberiver. AS will be seen by ersrd,thhpf. hnuoreen announces tholimy for Cincinnati nil Loulevillti forth. t The Ezra Porter, in command Of Cent. J. n. Porto:lS, Ailing up slowly lint Steadily for New Orleans, and will lake herdepk.rture dur ing the latter of the week. The Wheeling /We:dormer of Monday says On Friday last., us the. at...linnet Bayard wanly tug at Some port WOW this, a negro deck hand, einployeet on her, „foiled a Watermelon watch had been to the water for some time. 01 Gila lon ate quite Freely Prlday night. soon after be was taken sick. On Saturday morning, before the steamer had reached Ode cite, he died. We clip the rehearing Roma from the Sun. days Cincinnati ameterelai: The Rate 11.oranneMkttapt. E. Robinson, will coining:nee loading for Pittsburgh on 11JoitelaS. ..:The Commodore has taken the ['hoe of the Charleston, to the Iligginanort trade .... -Capt. J. fl. Itiee of the 'St. James. wan prat I nested with a tnagnifleout gold-headed Cane 1 . on Frit:My, by the cabin crow of this tine , packet. Engineer George W. Smith Weiler consumption yostordak. after an ill. I• ness of several months. The deceased com menced engineering on the Jamestown in MG, and was engineered the Idermom, belong- lug to the Ills.tissippi Squadron Capt. Stant J. Batchelor of the J. R. Gmo, tirrivmLfrom thu wreck. il re of this steamer yes terday kn eventigpaper reports the sale of the Rebecca. Capt. James 8. if Ise re quests us to slate t hat such is not the Loren l eave] John B. ticumay, of the Lorena, leavrs thr ,Ittseurgli this evening, having been called home owing to the sudden Illness or his F. Plunkett 1 The Louisville departed for,. New Orleans last night, with WO tuna, dnelnd ing way engage ments • The Indiana' has laid up at Louisville, owing to Vie scarcity of New Or lesion freights.. The Cairo Democrat nays the steamer G. Shields wan .1131410yCil by fire on Monday night, September Id, len imaes below the month Red river. The chambermaid and a Colored cabin hoilfwere the only persons lost, altt.Ongli :here were about twenty-five persons on bo a rd. Piny hales cotton, all the boat's paper+ and 17,000 in cash, lit the office, wore lost. Tile hoot wait owned by Captain Eill th rope and Johnnon, valued at ItIO,OOD, and was not insured. Capt. Johnson owned two thirds, and 'Fillltliropo the remainder. After she burned to the water's edge oho turned ever and sunk Out ot sight Situ was en route from ea Orleans to LouLavllle, to bo repaired for UlO Red river traded Javireiraciavi tots, • lan., September °.9.-0 P. 11.—Ess. (hint —There ri 10 feet over the Falls and falling fast The Saver - Cloud paste et over lit The John W. Garrett, with three barges, came down. The tugs Little hippie, Lark and Antelope Conte doyen. No flatting road boats lin vo left yet for below, it. though there are twelve pairs in port. D. 11. Helen, Valle Pilot. 'Sava the Tioni4ville Journal of S 'Aurae) , There was a large amount of coal at the foot .0( the Island yesterday - . and the Tigress was buoy all Oar to towing bergea over the Idle. The Hornet left with !lateen barge! fur Vicks burg, containing 1.0,1210 bushel, Tar Corry.. Sarery Vatve.—We copy the following from the Evansville Journal of the 27th A saw patent safety valve took was placed nu the Armada. When she got steam tip MOO los tt commenced blowing at, and continued to Idiot. until it en. retlitee.l to 0011,0. It was taken Miami the old safety valve rePleood bo fore latrine ve.tertinr. - The disease woe to be genuine Cholera rlt.l.Arlll., or Trag Sit so/10,r Leo—The greater 'lumber of strain lion' men are [`volt)* onantimie_. In their denonriationn of cane of tin , features of the Arne, tottout tow. The local Ittspertoe.. too, use Winked upon ruttier as In reonltrances than helps, an d a learn that they legittlate In different Ail...triad in accord with pi-collar vices ot their own. At Pit tai nt reit, Inotnnen: the 114,V tangled law re f-tottinl. no t 'intik...manna., rock nu each ha- ler"referral tit ail among the stem, wheel towing fleet, which embraces the great est or leading feature of the cominerce of - the Lace. Why not esempt butts that carry pork from Cincinnati. or the puckets that carry pr o ttono and prOVl.lnti. or !immerge,' to or from St, Louie or I:tatevillet. A.. coal Is the commerce of Pittsburgh It shottle.l be nnder the +awe restrtction+ a, rennired at other points. If is Melt blows en the property is limit, and the lives of crew letiparillged, if not all lost too.—t Louisville t;curier. • STE AIIBOATS von criC3lo: ANTl E r zi ati tiuc •tec.ocr WM trul leay. o• •Puvuott;tlSUE6l 4 AY, ttli lnro.. at 4 r. - Y.•r freight or p•stozo 11.110 non Pnri or to • Y LACK S Coirl.l..l.NtlVt 01111. Ag. nu, pmenger Imparter c.t.t. Jotovn R. Pownn. li1111..,« (,r the w..xe md,s .11 lotertnottlate ports. on WED:4 V4I)AY, at 4 e. . , Pnr f retain ne rnesnov. aorta on boar' or to roO FI.A r (HAAS.) W tn •gents. I.'o IL CAIRO A ST. r_....,<=10 1.(11/to.—Tite ressonger Mesmer? - BELLE ...... 'a pt..l. J. ISartnaGlt, Jr• Win lentos for the obovn and all Intermediate ports, on TV IS I) • t r°‘. 11..4" 'r'rr° l - Z..0.• se2o pore CINCIAN Alill rt zS z a.! as VIOV —rbe splendid new pnvvintier at/miner tsar ll llT It..* ... ..... JOrIF AOS/1 Will leave tnr the 'there 004 ail in tertordtate ports, on Tills 11 el!. For frelabt or pa woeapnly on trim/ nr ro sear JANIS.. 4 C1ii..1.11.1g, Agent. Wr i A r l E Yrifseic.ll4Ml F.T. m; .itlrnald ah b ger *learnt, rem= =I =I = =ZII Paw ' , eight or pssisgo . 9L... _ - prri 8111(7faill. 11117tOWNS-4 11 . 1 . VILLE. AND OP.NNVA U. O. 3LAIL • V.AA.CriErairr 4:3COISeiVP WIII ran three daily sole•witerl roamed %MAWR% Pittot.argn, Moriongatiela City. Ntonis Landing, btrenso. o to l c e o U aVpao e n d hehDeo ouow ng steamers. o FA Y ..... CA PT. M. A COX. T ELAN ita ... ..•. 0 APT. U. IS 001161 t. IT BA 'SIAN PT. Z.- IP, OA R. SlAti GALLATIN...4' /WT. A.B. CABLILIC. These yuketa - wal loses Pittshorith daily at a. 2, ... ,16 P. lor wi 4 eLt FitaUT, when {hoidens:tom will beat etemote. a. nu eirt.rgh,TMErtn for 2.lOgrolterirMltt a. ra. Etzruagrag-Leaves Brownsville tor MGM:are:l dully ell a. in. aad Ip. m. 3 Leucite Greensboro sad Geneve at II Weloekt BMWs Landing at 2 p. to. The line is 00caposed of first-thus si4...wheel steamers, bait expressly for the trade. They ere emelt traded by ..odieers of long experience, lino , . will P. 7 Dallteniar attuation to the w.la and emu.' Neit t g . f Pr beets will heave promptly La ttE l itiTil 12EtliNSD . AT ALL ROOM For farther partleutan,