13 DJ =1 IMODS DIAMM*O4 I W.Tfcr•R; ' street, date liDt opemtd Mt NUMOIDODid Udead44 'DTA of: niatii iiro-c*.iiriiics. - rnit% Ti m . . me:licrg . v, BEAi,P AND X nIZEIT I tgiUDS,„ . IVLARES.of nda uthi .- . . A E L A'ktU A L T ArXti—w• rol . L i % e,' - 17,1N_Nw All6") % 8 1r. hAUN .-T A ' AC.- B M lktg hr .' HWY t a le DoWaa4 Attalla. stela: . Ellit . yir"lo F .V_;_litrijoivr_irrs .4 NANCY Nu ANNicuaz—wpfeadta Mks Ws • er . BiCkrAN 4 1; AVILEIO,63I x'crimcs., fi TH IC OEN ME Ca aim ( TARNS—aII calor. /DUDLEY'S ONINDI orrrery.lse.• FANCY ASTON= AND lior/O.NS. . Iterroanu and Dealers win SIDI 11 to theleltdran tue to tall and.lnsailor our wreunt extezuthe clock beforelnsrablaloic thevdterc. All our goats below pareluwea Urea -ow Dra Deft terms, w• aro prepurd at d un maw u low writes a. axt7 East- 1 ern Jobblog Luis, - - ItLAMM & MOUE, 19 IPTITHATRICET !NEW CLOAKS, viaiorrric*;, ME' TRIMMINGS. BITES & BELL =1 Thursday, '2oth instant,l ELEGANT STOCK OF FITTON MMES. 1 N EW GOODS. MACRUId, OLYDE & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers, Nos. 7S and SO Market St., Sara received an eztenatre attack. lirelnellnx the LATI. ST bIIVELTIES of the scalene In LADIES . DRESS TRIMMINGS In every style: ELVCT Itl SBONS In Illaak and Color*: do • dolel th white edam , : NNW STYLE BELT BUCKLES, Italthot. Fancy • Turk Covina, now and pretty TU.. Bonnet and Sax!, Ribbons, Han clkerchlefa—embroldered, aln or hem-atltelted; SKIRTS or the heat makes In the country, 110VIVVIVMET mar vlah far Iv etc , tiNUYR NTLISHENaI FURNIIIIINQtIO Igo a E. tV al V LE KECK-TIM El • E sill I RTS, or wi t te w l t a l sre keep only th e best, and .111 ere satlsfact • • DERSII LILTS A.ND WEISS, lu Bllk. Hauer Merino to hatland nr Wool. addle or et/toted: 1.1 N EN and I•A HEB COLLARS: SI'SCFN DER. , BUCK ET-1101./lie, etc. Ml:Urn At capiciall• Invited to rice us • call porelineina aleewliere. as we me eon C aen we etc glee malefaction in p Ices as well as lu oMsty of oor goods. Our Assortment Cannot be St/epee...sell_ lc la • FALL FASHIONS. J. W. BRADLEY'S 3:›TJ x. 2r.. X.4.4' cospornix ammo S 1-E':::-r:...:R-,-:•.:1T.:'','!'t• • . not;ORND or BR EAR Ike the elogle bet wllll EVER' RETAIN their - 17.10 ELT NMI ❑EtOI I Tlstrl.,tql A PE, where threeor finer orelleta- • r 7 Skirts are OAST ASIDE Oo • ...DELESS. 1. ( .0 IMRE uaulfort. doesbUttyratiO eetmerer , • teat ELEttAMLIK of tat APE which has made the ELLUTIC" the ' • STAXDARU SKIUI' OF TIigFASMOIABLEIVOELA A 1 Wboiesale ter all the leading Jobbat* In this city For talc by al retalleistrho KII ffrob•clublklytt IVEST.g'BRIDLEYI'CRY L owt UWNERB CY THR PATEICT. AND =DLIT -HIVE U FACTUDIJO. Waren.ams sad Ogietor Roe. DT CHAIttiERS 444 70 andNl =ADZ ISTIMETN, New York: . eallolo NEW GOODS =ST DECEIVED E:l3 JOS. ECOTLND a CO roll sosortami ftO.,!"AET3 .s.rn .I‘s, a~iiaauirn.esria _ reatii244:Wir O . OOCUM. - Crapes its 4 Irsissists,nsueysset.Colsre4 Silk Vemet, Is most destrausirthtoes; !hat ratter Ikon , net sod Tumult'. liabtoonsi - seir and- Neat eqlers; Ylowets. choicest /MOO Antestetutt reamer.. ra e 7 'Oat nod 3EI iha mt tlcti RTiz7l3. ' • letwiT7istch• venue Miliiinigh and stiolsacitstr.ifiesincisits,alsess and Itstaturs sZhl Plain Linea Ool lars, Cults, Nets, Lases *as Lase Gadd Oriallitents;. Usti Trinity; Itistpcsild Be rth s ; . • peen/W=lns. Mseelfestoes. WHITE GOOpS: • ' A mold cm:mitts' Iltoe . k of_ 4scoaep . i,- .441[4004. Halle; to.. ' IlandheyebletkflAlA. LAC.. ent•S :zed, X1131)101041MO, SSP* Bordertd, 'Ma. vac.. Iloslery'llll4 Glom la eniTX , Tarler And all slAsa. Ladieeliod ARAI , * Undenrcst... Irtiealbbillig,_6ol3al/A ' _ ell.Pendors lindlreek4APSl4, l ll.l7-'llalitkoll Dralren,_. Molex, uott•Tod AA Hoop Sting, (- 0 11,11. tUktervlli,:tratok MalotApdolliclif-Wor. Battons—mehteat rat - velum all Inidt. _ .Likargi joir nvrat.4,lA . Cre.. l . 1 %74;74 9 04 "eb " .. n 4 T -06 .4 1 4. 1 4"4. eT., 73 .1 44 4 U 1 No' Peon agi.wi4 rattan/ 7obbint:/4 6 7 Non:47 and . 79 illarket Street. ; •• ... FALL GOODS, NL W 7 - Ai- . 1 ,,,„,„ 4,..., 1NT,:14, 120 IV I'VA-':"'"'" • ~,,-.,"‘ T0..21 Jr.iirnfirn..E#.*: - -. . - -- i• I„,ti illejqM„6l4= zjiBILOLTAMN.%O• I I , . II ,XiiitaitI7-- t:X" NiSilr 111 " 14 ".! ... '430 -- - ' trMlV:lficiairim°ll24:BAkt 'l4-6.a6glitrelikld Al;* '' '' loWeb A- i. - 3 d dp '- •%"'"1- FiCTITIE-41 iertt,,h.,,ApLin airtitgiArt!"*) ADIXB',MII7I6IEffi HEAD zt, ,a•Lur. ll'W "If ,fBKI, ..Y. ,•!. , wall sigeiifiitor.voLi HS% T a u ,4, Zi0,40040. !L?"''. k e BATE. ..„,„„*.;.u., e t • NoTIO-- . - -,:.-rs ~,,to. -1i • $ -r-7 7 • - s , i` 1 . -,,,, ~. ~.c.).0414 mu. 10T Min= !MU= Its= ' • QS. &muss • saw: . . . .Im. , __ __ - Tarry Aim suBuRBAN EARLY TELEGRAMS, I - sPEcIAI.LIEZEWEBL,. . i gag- TILE IItrEEN: THE qUEEIII , CIDMTIMIAL LociAL NEWBON MST PAGEJ , Fall or n Ittilldtna—.loe Coburn that_ longed—Cholera Report—Boller Lapis.- THE QUEEN OF alost—IL&SIS of ILLr. Roberta. Nur.. Fong, Oct. L—The three story build- HAIR RESTORERS! Mg known as the Commercial College, at nillsdale, Michigan, fell on Frktny Eatlrnlng, 1.-- burying a family named Dudley in the rains. : ' , d"-• W/MLOW . B , 113 . 8 EN HAIR, assrollil The father, wife, and one eon were killed, ana 1 In QUEEN, not only In Nays. but In TlnTUTafn another son hod his leg kr:ikon. ' hung Beet flair Restorer ever 'offered to Mike MCOoI, who recently won a peas fight , in St. Louis, has challenged Joe Co y b e urn arn , z g h , t . : . lim as; iflor3failltuto r itra n e :r l inia ,A Pli . a b a i d e rnsasa . ran of the WilketPed him In Maryland three for from 41,030 to $3,000. Coburn accepts the ' challenge. I IS la no /fair Dye. The re wore six fresh emies of cholera repot' It acts directly upon the root. or the hide change eeil In tills City yenthrday. Mulberry Street , lag grey hal= tens Oriental Ilfe color; srteStlttlf Dr , tuns the p mouton] centre of cholera last week, 1 mature decay and falling oat of the Wart cradles , - The boiler of a brass Meter). in Cincinnati I Mg scorf uid dandruff; and caner all home.. of the expl• tied 3estr ran' `' reek lug the building l 'e tt i t: and fatally Injuring 11 manse dry and airs hair to snit and turn itr• r 11, IPr r, and u • crone- r „,, , ing others , 1 , , ,a, 1 I 'l.l f `IVIIICe to the halt.. The wale prosequt In the c,c of My Robert*, i n ~ , , o ,„ ,, I ,,, „.,„„ rhnir, . b President of the Fentsas, will be cite, ed at I null, and ratal It , throuh life, use the October term of the Criminal Court. _... _ • .z. . ,?keetetittlt7 morning, at the Weal hour, Court opened with Judges Stowe nod Brown on the Thu. list ass* taken up was that of John Iteldrich, ledteted for colnutlttleg an assault 'and battery. upon John Haber. Tlio Jury found a verdict of arkgullty, and ordered the prosecutor to Pak. theaiiit of pmiteution. ._ . . . Julia Lee plead guilty to an indictment for g e lli ng liquor wit:Went .licence, and was lined pindellarsand theorists of prosecution. The next Me taken up was-that of W. B. Wright arld William Zolinson,lndlcted for tar. ceny. ',• The parties were charged with picking the pockets ofilin...SieMilbsn, On the night of the rresldential reception.... hir..ldeddillen' wasknooked partially down by the ertowd, in unit of' the St. Charles 'Hotel, arid When hetnod his feet his pock et book....waigone; Rs wee able to describe theta° Damns- standing near tam at the timeriand whom he suspected of committing Ina outrage. , The ewe defendants were Sr. rested/I;nd placed-on trial -yesterday. caser• diet Of riot guilty wax retrained In the of Wright, but Jteinaton was convicted and re manded:ornate:ice. The convicted prisoner Ise boyef only about seventeen years, but he is exeemlingly well along in years so far as crime is concerted. • Hugh Atkinson, of Pitt township, was no xt t t Ahmed on trial for maintainingsa a nuisance. It as alleged, on oath of Aaron French, that I be defendant was proprietor of a cow of most ttrulypopenstHer, and that the unruly ani mal was perpetually committing outrages on the proseoutor'Sfaffilly and premises. A ver dict of nOttlillty was rendered, and the de fendant was ordered to pay the cents. Mr. Agnew was ness arraigned on a chare Megawatt and battery. He plead guilty to t he charge dna was tined ,gleand the costs of the case. Peter Smith sel l McKeesport, was next plac ation trial foring- liquor without a license. A verdict of guilty was returned and the dc. • fendent was ordered to pay a line of *73 and the costs. Of Mlflll The next cam townshi was w that of Christ Diorsteln, p, ho woe arraigno lonti o charsies'onllegal imnorseillug--one orienting liquor without license, and the other of setr lug liquor on Sunday. A verdict of guilty was returned on Instil charges. On the charge of selling liquor without a I cease, the defend ant was ordered to pay a flee 01.10 and roe., and ou the charge of Sunday liquor entlling, sentence wee suspended. Another case of Illegal liquor selling—that of Henry Bost, of township, for soiling liquor without licouse—was next brought A verdict of frullty.was returned anti the de fendant,vall Ordered to pay a line of Iran and costs. John W. Merelsich w next placed o l for the larceny of a coat frittra Ch riot Minn -pattern, of McKeesport. . A verdict of gully was returned, but trt collet 'eration ot the feel j that thercoat was of very Milo v e t us in ti,e Ilrst . plate, and also of the fact tort the Ile- t tendant had been in Jail come three months awaiting trial, the Court sentenced him to nn. dergo an lin pnson Mont of tire days. An amusing cage was the next -brought up. Catherine I.attiatrie, a French woman, rosid• Mg In L'Ast Birmingloun, was placed on trial as a common scold. Susanna Pittner, a (ler. man opined, appearing as prosecuting wit. netts. The two are neighbors, anti up to sep. lumber thirteenth, as is Rile, Ott. the defend ant wan in tho hnbit of cellist ntly Insulting and scolding the proseentrix And her tamily, using towards them the most offensive lim-• gSpgunge, callinher and her chi.dren nigger. and h her usband a 10.1,y feilow, . lOW carrying her abuse so far that at last nthio of the faintly could go out of the house without being abused. At the date mentioned Mrs. Ditto - sr condtiatued against her neigh bor beloreJusttet . Moat of the wit nesses yesterday asto tier:nun women, and the style and matter of their testimony were Of the Wiest description. A looker on would have been perfectly Juslid,d In snpposin g ,, from the manner Cr we wlt nesaes, that the house had elot one soon-linty wont art In it bet a dozen. So Irresidtildv droll wys some of the evidence elicited, that at times, the Court, Ju ry, vounsel and spectators were overcotne with merriment. The case eaa not concluded at the time of adjournined . tibrend lieEmigres --; • We learn from the Cincinnati Conamereint of n very pretty practical Joke ptactlced recently on a couple of "raw" officers in that city. I couple of recently appointed city detectives had occuaion lately to take from one of the cella of Ninth street a lad who had promb;eil to "torn up" fomenting for them. They fol lowed the "kid" to a house In the western part of the CDT, allowed-him to enter, anti then he conUng impatient, made their way in, en, pec t Mg very shrewdly that some thief known to the young man could he found within. And sure enough, stretched Out on a mattress ihrion the floor, they discovered the form of a tall, ganut inillvidu Ma al, described bv the last as a burglar Who buil t been shot In attempt • Ing a robbery. Thin paneled the very etly ' topsi" they hadn't heard of any affair of the kind, and they wondered how It could have haupettml. and an, without thinking to ex- ; amine tie wounded man's features, they inerkmi the house as a "crib," and withdrew; their forces, satisfied that they had struck ; something very fresh. They impaired sex-' lously of older persons In the business for In formation as to a burglar woo had been shot —had Ills head Illicit with buckshot-1n at tempting a burglary. None of their business acquaintances could tell them any thine about ; tq and they were becoming petaled to know what to do with their - wounded burglar, when ; the latter suddenly made his appearance In their midst, in the form of Independent De- I teetivo Mitchell, who had Just recovered from 4 severe attack Of neuralgia, mixt who mildly ! requested that henceforth they should pass by Ma house is their search after something new. AGoodPnlomotWn " • We take great eleastire in announcing the promotion of an olalPittsburghor lu the United States Army. In accordance with special order, Nell.S3,Brevet Brigadier General Oakes, Colonel of the Sixth U. S. Cavalry. who has been occupying the position of chief muster ing and disbursing - officer for the State of lilt note for several years past, has been relieved and Ordered tOrepOrt to the Adjutant General. Genertil - OaketV luta displayed no much ability In the dlimbarge Of the many onerous duel... imposed noon hits that lie has !men promoted from the rank or Lieut. Colonel of the Fourth U. S. Cavalry to Brevet Brigadier Genera!, and retiree from his position In Illinois aa Colonel of the Sixth U. S. Cavalry. In adddinst .farewell, the Springfield Journat pays this officer the following corn el t ' menu "As an officer, General Oakes at Is among the highest in the army for catmints. (retire Sibilltyand nnatrerving integrity. nad es a gentleman it is a pleasure and saiisfac tiorttoitaVe kneels lila,. We sincerely regret that *Wet dunes in other quarters take hint from' our midst. The boat wishes of our entire altnintinity accompany film wherever he may go." General Oakes is nn old Plttsburgher, and our citizen will he glad to hear of file pronto. Pay Vp We have inert requested by J. F. Slagle, I he Solleiter or.x.bo' City, to will attention - to the fact that a large number of petsoos whow. properly. bps-been assessed-far payment of Oataagee carped 1)9 the change of grade of nigh awl Ross streets. have neglected to pay their assessment!.." The time fixed tor pay. went has passed, audit ta their a city, ns pro vided by toe net of.. Assembly, to enter Ilene and proceeoto enforce payment by process of law. In order to avoid coat to the parties he wlll derdrienterum Hens Monday, Octo bar 7, - Ltfid.."...4.114 persons, owning property on 1 1 1111istreist fant.Pennsylvania avenue are In terested and sboolft at mut attend tothemate ter. ills mike Ss iScr.looTifth street. • lieseellUallitriiiii.,There •Ls a 'present a beautiful silk banner upon exhibition at the jewe/ry elltabilehmemt of .11chadden Co-. Market Istraet; , -It , has been gotten up regard. less of expense, costing, something over ono hundred dollars. U is to bo presented to the district furnishing the unmet prepe r ti onato number of visitors or delegates to the (lrand Mass Convention .to be beldat McKeesport on Thursday next. The prize is well - woyth con tending for, sad ire..presunie nearly ofery Oil trial lg, tbO.oolllltY do Iti, full duty in or. der tOtherystrar the beautiful trophy. TieS l e adise'ilanker;-heladlea Or Afelfees. port bare hart.manufactureds beautiful ban ner to bapresented-th the ;largest - delegation from any borough -In attendance upon the thlicar i n Mass s - C on ven e which *Mho bora in thattoorefon ThursdaY, the Ith nst. The banner - Janata' on exhibition .t Me raddenlialarkt-.stree; .ts - dimenslons are thirty.eLt by fortYintheigiis made ofthe an est silk, and bears es eurt denseripUms the golden leords of .7.l.lrumln • sirith - tnallee towards matte, wlLLt.t.haritriheallA • . • rittiisd.,Tlie Grind Jury was to session yesterday,. and returned true bills to the ease of the Commonwealth es. N. P. Sawyer;Otille_Weplibittcehargait with libel on oath of 13, •unweiXisq.,' and so L.:• 'lawyer, Jr, Esq. It will be remetabrrixt that the sults are braight becese of iuk talltonShartiele which s tiDadietnistltuesigelntlielapnblic,enarit.. leg that Messrs. Sawyer, & Riddle had di ed" the 0 /it °mate Vent.pany _out ut a large 2Y1?_54.144,:c4.A1.51,1er. Analtte rPlecieuf - Densessrattentsatell7- ,- CoLT. ll .l4ltherkitisMP cited' it tier from Cap;,,TAlL.T.,,hoble, in - Which he states that wenaPtiolarted :Vice President eta ~ tonneois Meeting, held at tbe - corner' of Stevenson "teat anA remlitiviutte.mgnutt..on.,Eteptem ber 2701. eritbOut his consent the*Probation- Capt. Noble Wee elosent.frem city- at, the time of theineetter t *ad 'wishes' ft distinctly tulittenteed that bailees not, train txt.any suck , . tliest:—:Joctge - scows lidslo - s; forechkteyalitieNor taut oolOrea inen - vto anro Catosnltteat-to.sol ott &itnedaN chatat4 .wlUt being Imit4Oatilainytkk kkootATIS ,01- the boy Cook. at 31Aiitancenilloe air Triaaylaet. and 11444 the figionni 0f . .,):401 dt.' flaw ma mm a Aot . jags* _Ode Of tna pamost.linnamisokeon, the =Mt , and was r!donsed. Tko othOrs woFo rokwolo4 to jail. - Aplehitallsllllllo.l l Situhday *bra: lag Deaf el lady, a:rateat Copperhead of Reed sumo tressonatddladatiedeln- CesdleinartialdOWlPVS:M•liteirOrideranoh calm men, doadCedreosaviatd:aaght ensued, during whichiaterealtelelerittedeoldllarpdy• hurt , PtiveßdPa 4 4ke Irt!O kli k . s ,,, .':E.;fc • , • NoldirliOd -06 Realinc,Dsopatee" Of 11t f 1 t roared IturfoOO• Munoz' ottheif,igbitt tdassitinrairp atliarr. Satondap , if bee r. Tuition maim ed 'the dead CIO rl slll Ped; me , - choosing tobeld paitituxisiat A., Z...A:Bi=c3VAIrmAdY us Firth 'West Vistula eimnthrlbiatot something to lilrsdrslnagp luSteurllA 2 7 way bkpilitultliettlgOolfte. And o . Luk. * l 9 ra fr al 4 4 fi 24 ° , ,Grit , ? 1 • . ! . : 110 1 tzs Mr , i p , . uglOw A ..434X1 • I SY° putout' Isr Mit ftrlotw I Willisleti.t'PlidimE . • °ailin g , tb. Aln,-..__Afrs. , I .lUssiasr:o l ,Bo 2 A 4 =Yrup Is nos Ci.,. r..; la VW/ an: atter_ 13,1144; lEEE Fatal Affray at Ztensplitia. Nina roils, October I.—The Tribe - nes Mem phis special of the Lust night abOtit ten O'clock, Mr. Edward Thu-, son of Frazier Titan, of thin Mir, Chairman of the Vigilance Committee' In rebel awe., cause out of the Greenlow Opens Louse Theatre, and enteral the Opera Saloon, witere lie became intoxicated. Captain Monroe, the proprietor Of the sateen, un ex-rebel me. In the army, left Ma wire for a few Inometo. in the theatre. I and entered thp.aloine about the mum: tlmems Monroe. otilwrr T.illy dtsturi.- him alive t o he endeavore with d walked to persuade leave the lio d ns°, and oth walked to giants the door with him in a pearmaide manner. Time suddenly . drew a pistol. which Monroe caught. but it wan dischar,o 41, the hall passing though Monroe'. arm ncur the shoOlder. Titus Instantly drew another pistol Joel tired the reermd bullet, tak 1.. g tfect in Monroe'. 'fln. I :err fell Co the a or Lind died from ult....mad during the night. lltus was arrested and locked 0 p 6e t he The Peetttlent's neenag-e—lteeeeftee of the Public Debt. Zinn - Tons, °Moller I.—A Hcredd Watthing ton epecla. tne, The l'realdent, it Ia under stood, In de voi I g every moment he cart spare to the preparation of his anneal menage. It Is believed that he,tvill adhere rleldly to his present line or policy, and will lake the ground that in the re eparntion of new amendments to the Const llntton all the b.stea that claim, and nru willing to excreta° he right, shall be represettltsl. Ile will Oleos Lege/ILlA:lt:mattress a prgrphozni.lim (or an arrived men t to proportion the representation nmohg the braces accord ing to the number sf quail:lml male volms, ne pre-ertned hen State, the amendment to take effect wtile census of I°lo has been taken. A Ha roLd'x speolal nays: It is stated that the monthly report of the public debt for Septom.. :ler will show a decrease of tamed altkOoo,lloo In the indebtedneen sent a large Increase In the specie on hand. Difficulty with Turkey—roiled States War Ship Dispatched to Cyprus. :gate Tons, October 1 Ti,,,— Herald', special by the cable, dated Linden. September :lath, SIVA: i n consequence of a thilleulty which has exiAted for some time past between the United States Consul in the island of Cyprus and the Turkish autlioriticS , the United States Minis ter in Constant Mord°, Mr. E. Joy Morris, has Minis demanded satisfaction from the Suiten and his Cabinet. 'Pending the negotiations, whiCh assume a ruttier serious aspect, Mr. Moms ontinnunieaitsl with Admiral Golds borough, end the United suites war shin Ti conderoga, Capt. Charles Steedman, which bas been lying off tactport of Venice, was di.. patched thence for, Cyurus. The di ffi culty re ferred to originated In the Turkish authot 1- ties entering the house of the United States Consul and taking therefrom au alleged con script. ricotta to Unto Not Tel Abated. Fee Youe October I.—The Hernid , . Cincin nati dispatch says the noels in Ohio are not yet abated. The Muskingum ricer it higher than it was dazing the freshet or IS3U, anti the Sandusky ricer is alio, lloodekl, the trains on railroads crossing it being unable to run. BOOTS AND SHOES GUEST HARGAINS BEI 806 TS & SHOES ./.4t . .-r:).a,.-w - , J. •I. ROBINSON CO.'S, 61 iTEILItIiET STRFIET. TIGHT-HOPE IVALLKINI, A Terrible Fall TERRIBLE WAS THE FALL OF Boots and Shoes, At No. 87 Market Street, Yesterday, WRY IS THIS 11-11 ES GURUS ARE ADVAVISG The proprietor of No. X: klarkrtstrrrt het re durrd it. price, T WENI PER I' r. for tialrt• n. y., In order to tell 001 bur...that...ly a 'tug, took of - .limner Goods to roout for tall And Winter Gotule. GREAT fIA Mt Al Nn Alt E ttrFFRE it for PH ITV I/ AYI. Our niork I. tarn, All ran be suited. Cr0t...11 are cooling altredr. 'onto root and get bargatnn. A large lot of Sten'a due Calf ilutnta ret7 al+o it, to Acquaint thr Urlt al we mann lA-tore lieta•A tir , t tint hoots to or.lur one In and dlty cents tower than Any the ho n.. In tier city We aim° u 1,41 to dt the feet br pia. in • a cup on the 1,4 for porry nue on the fet . t. This tilt Pia, for torn 'lto hay., i rout,. Fr tt log for . u.e 4 Arrant • ptrfeot At, Anti at Um Asoc oil Onp.prr . urvermnforMW, a' rs. Root. and ell pprrs of • toparlor to .de to order: littrwlte booty Cloth ~:itp,,ers bottomed and made to order. mot W., N \il A Fr t'1"....7 Market At. A LARGE L_lt it 1:161t: SU ARRIVAL SUMER BOOTS, SUES, GAITERS and Balmortils, Joh! rertl”..l, ,r 1.1; b 7.1.1 at III.: VFAVI" MST r 511 ylat.i/lr Ice. all, Lvn I; •L 4 A CALL BlEro/16 { • tutllAllto ELSE.. J. U. & W. C. 1;0111.1N nun No. 981.1eclet atr,et, •I“ ~t,,m Fifth St pon G Evr.s FINE CALF HOOTY . 151 - 10 Fe, and trNIENS ta FOR LADIES—FINE Il)e iH 'KAI. an TElty. CONIIH En ESN ()ALT F.lttl• Choke KID BOOTS end si.u . v4. etucli large and 'lvied. iruoufactoral /expressly ler city Wee. of beet Material. aolted to all fret and every tact,Cattotoma promptly and p3lltely Berra ed M at No. 83 V ar let etretd. au3 J. W. CAE:VAHAN 1 CO. - - !Oita YIELDING. C . FIELDING do ItttO.) Mannfictarers and Dealers In C7lstetc.ria Skrabcte. BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 140 011110 St., Allegheny. Repairing prompt:). exennte.l on the snorttst Fo pAPER! PAPER!: PITTSBURGH PAPER AIANITACTURINC CO., irarehouse, S 2 Third Street, Keep ennStatitly on kan•l, and for mac, at Lowell market rates, NEWS, TACK, MANILLA, HARDWARE, Itooang, Felt and WRAPPING PAPERS 10,000 bdis. ussol f d LIOW In Warehouse Clinton Mills at iitenbenvllle, Ohio. firtgutook gin. at Now Brighton. Pa seb4.l N EW 8008. WOMEN OF THE WAR. PRAIiK amour. enilsor of "The Rebellion iktonl," de. The ohipet of this work. is to collect and present narrativeshrthesogylces of the amen wbutbarsd the parUsor tho.sranand ought. to inherit Its glories Amon( bate 11tItrt:fg i Te ! Mrs. liUnnA NO and ki,eAA'r.Rign.. or Phila lo, delphia; VA E 1411EA.104 ol Gettysburg, Pa, and' altars (rem 'nearly every State In Git Union. , 'The rnolotoo oonttilins about 'OO Onavu pages. and Is nlth steel plat. portraits. connived lathe moat Improved style. hold only try - • I nrcraIiTAVAISTE . D In • Vircaterti Penna.. Keel Yirgtolaiunlyestarn Pew Toth. • •If or terms, sddrrs►or apply to • E=l EMI Fifth asset, Pittsburgh • AN 1 110011:,-Ifow Loin noItE.STOIIItI),-Acat PriAlleud. fl . a 1 Zrree: amts. A Leetate .ao Os N. r b,„ s c jr,,,anCl i leadlea'ollll Or -tr . II3IAVIT" 1. 741 1 Insrptuntan7 entity; 11 etatatatitaA Cana ntre,r„."....r,..24 - Phyalail •lata * p b feaattla tam air -Alma, aa..irr.- attar. OULYillt"Xl4 ArDA.aalbor•ortba MIKAN Ca . - - ' • ...-,..tAttactan Tlabaatatatta SatEarera. , : i.. ..attatattataaaali la plata .eavalope. SO 2.12, t. I - 1 • restuesuma, - by 'rnialts.. ° 4 t,fitt "" urdelt r ar, °- f4Trart 3, 1 4 74 . .V: . 411•7411 1w u 1 dt: tipa' v. rlml ,/1•01111b. , , , GEENtT-,1611..E "TlllB 1111E.F.IL, OF CoottnseaiU, TI Wire, Coat Eklittte, - eira ers, atiaA4rrAdtoanitiana!a„ P.e. Duzitare. ' -•- tie Grant are,l.- Call.•eailrN of rxu* eroixu tam ill tioupkbe tire' WO*, • • All gla WINSOWS QUID HMI UMBEL Price SIM bailie. sold b, .11 Draggle,. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Wholesale Agents. m rIA:b92 WIC BARNHILL ✓!t, BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON W011=3,13, Nos• 20, 22, 24 and 20 Penn St. Having eecured • large card, end ftleniebed Iterith the most approved pumhlnerv. SJV prepared to manufacture every description of tidier% in the bent planner. nod warranted equal to any made la ...U. Chimneys, liceechint. Are B.". Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boller% Condone.% Belt Pane, Tanks, till Millis, Anitators, de/CUE re..l Boiler Iron, Midges, mug .r Pans; and sole M.. factnners o: BA RNIIILLUS PATENT BOILER% Repairing done on the shortest notice. 1.5.41 IarLARE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS PARK DieCTIRDY & CO., Manufacturer* of Sheathing, Brazier.' and Belt Copper, Preaaed Copper Bottom., Rained Still Bot toms. Spellmr tioldrr. Also, leuportera and deal• In•Stetals Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, de, Con tautly on hand. 3 Innuts• AI/whine* and Tools. arehouse, No, ato Pinter and 111Sateoltote7ntorin t Plttsburrh. slpeeLsl orders of Copper cut to any deal red patter myl4,e34,ll.ltvrT r4rPITTSIBUIRGH SAW WORKS. PNH AlMarett , T,',iii7, ° w"" n '"7: ell CAST LicEEL SAWS, of every description, &Julep. Cron . - Cot, Gang, and all othe rlptloo, varieties. All linos of h NIVES and SPa INDS made (Con. Sheet Cast St Sheet refined ILEA reit and MOW ING KNIVES. Sr. S , STnctra, Wan•lnnn.e. k. and Wor, corner W.. 7.11 and inn mPngartlrular td attention paid to re-toot/ling. i -.nd rataitte inn Clrettiarlta,t; Mao, repai r. r. of all kinds. Panclitag and Drillin g &Inc at ren• sonanit rates. JoEnt93 1:20"--•11011INSON, UEA. b. CO., (5uc .....0r. to I,I O II INRO,f. It MIA MILLERS.) WASHINGTON WORKS, Haebinlatos, Plitaburth. Manufacturers of Boatand Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, MIII Matidttnery, Gearing En gines, Castingsor all description, Tani. and Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. f CM or Ag ng bolteents tor t)rs I FY A If.D•S PATENT INJ ECTwt feedi. _ . k. line., Boors, I Stn of Iron Vaults and Caul ran Ba Nus. 9 lling. Window Shutters. Window btards, 1 Second awl iS Third street, between Wood and Market, bare on hand a varie ty or new patterns, fancy and plain, suitable for all purposes. larPsetteolsr attention pawl to enclosing Grave Lots. ,l e. dune at short notice. RIPS:Iy K.'-.3-111 A lIRIAC:E AND CELIBACY, an Essay cil Warning and Abuses tier / onng Men. Al9o, nitC.P.l and Abuses which pros trate the vital bowers. with means oLtsura relief brat free of charge to sea e.I letter ene•Ylopes. AO itreca, Di ..1. I( ILLIN BOUG/ITU.N, As sociation. 11,11 .1elPht4 rs- •1124:110.9,,T MERCHANT TAILORS. . FINE WOOLE NS , FALL .IND lIINTRR WEIR. 1 RATE A COMPLETE STOCK OF I t.i T'S 'V EAR.. for which I theft.. amtnat lon by illy C1.1.,[13(1, ant! the nubile. 14+.1..g ser.rt.,l to, arrtivea of a FIR:ST-CI.ASS rr I" H. s .1.1 mule such arrangement.. in Sianafac ,r I :Anent as will enable toe t gitmaloa sat Isfactloti to ail who may Car, me with Iltelr pat -1,11114,. R. B. 1NTC0M1.11.261, Merchant Tailor, 19 Federal SI., aUegleny. L 'HENRY G. HALE, MERCHANT TA ILOR, Northwest Corner of Penn 6; St. Clair SLo ~ .Ire. to return thanks to hi. Mend. and the rob !ic for the many past ft Voris, and respectllllV !mite . • •h•rve or their flsto ra patronage. Ile would he oltasell to hare them examine his Large and Carefully Selected Stock Fine Woolen Goods, Particularly adaptcd to lEITLEIILV3 {TUC FOE TAIL ASP TINTER. FALL GOODS. NOW RECEIVING, a large and complete smortment of 1: , " Co CO 1.1 , For BuYS, YOUTHS and CHILDREN, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES.. 1,06611 X, .0$ 47 L. Clair eltr9leL. TOBACCO, CIGAR &c, EticEiTsion TOCIAZCO lIVOURS R. & W. JENKINSON. LASUT ACTUNTAIA OW ALL LEI DE, OP Tobacco, Snail and (Cigars No. 6 FEDERAL STREET, Third door Irma hoof:whorl Bridthreuassy PA. Branch Snore at Bslrm. Ohlo. R. B. JEFFRIES, Oooße jara. . x . of and Retail TOBACCO,MNUFF AND =ARS, No. It ST. CLAIR STREET, PlTTeatirtOlL PA. zar A (tree assortment of 31EERSCHAUll PIPES and eIIOKINO TOBACCO, of the beat otalty. ke pt oo I.anea. y 211( GEORGE BLITNEENROHEIIi,. DAALLII IX ronktax Amp potarqo SEGARS, CHEWING TOBACCO Smoking Tobacco, Pipco.,dic; No. 41. 11940N:743 =LIU eltneidit, (Near corner of Liberty,) elyltartm PITTSBURURI(. • .12221 JOHN IVIEGRAIRry Msuuf u ; tun~r fend W holesale and Urnler In alt odds of "'"" Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 48 XZEELINTL) 1/31M1231 A treneral assortment of ilmoktnn Tobaeco, Pipes andlol4Aeco Ponchos always on baud, mres;tal • r MT. AUBVIIIVI - 'f DUNG LADIES'. LISTITUTE, Thin neheei banjos!. concluded It, tenth pear. Ito lIISTOIEY ban been oue of prosnerttr and growth froth the ethratheetaltat. rho lint two yCN the avenge atter dance has been mere tale two hundred. and , /.107 hate been Witted for want of accommodation. A NEW BUILDING la now under contract, to be !I'M,. lOr oeetspaiter l i a l fP7.PLOVeknltili2 /'ell Neanion Citiblienergelrititl W C . I t rA P ATt Y If, APPAII•TIiEt and •61L . see reentries realty'. valuable_ andltionar nod Ik e helmAlf/IyThe Vernally tea ants et • tour maw IWO eltrriliCfer . ' male beeehers. alltflrbtlettbedialttliCtOril;l3: . Viol! The Seinen fa- (any graded front the ETetineirtori deputtnent, tbnacmb the entire Image nreentenr teat and Classtul • •,•••• ••• Inc parslttilrui raid CatatoSiies,;.444tesk:-Z, 6 • •2.S Mee* Fourth null hll • • ci*cirritur4m, pEN.N. LNsTitruTE; FOR YO or 114E n 163 .4. 41 4 .,; -*T4'4.b 11112 AndAimbiiw4 r _ • ,„ rorcketuary, *lmmo I=l =EMI PrITSBURGII Plain While, Starlet, Mixed. Red and Gr y Twilled, Rob Roy, Miners, Shaker and Shirting. N . C:3.ri. BED BLANKETS, CIX_ADo.a."JEK-ZINT 4G, 8 FANCY DRESS GOODS, Our Stock will embrace a great cart- A Full and Complete Assortment. CARR, iI'CINDLESV& CO., CM VIIOLESILE DRY GOODS. ARBUTHNOT. SHANNON & CO., No. 115 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. Invite DaTen tri rry p :y r taan o l r ine. their LARD[ DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, XI:LA.I9P ERN' 1.1=1.2C1313 El. A fall line In all Departments. C. AltartTlfxoT..W. T.Bll/. V150R...1. O. liTtril 6N1102 , 1 Se 22 AT EATIXSPS, New Style Dress Trimmings. Bugle Ring Trimming. Bend Braid Trimming, Silk Cord far Guipure lace,-all widths, Btk Thread do do do Paricv Worsted Braids . • • . . . la 111130,. Green, Potpie. Scalia% 'Browll, I/huh: and White. • Mate 131.ar Braids—all whitig; • Whew indcaored Silk Cordaand Tassel,: Valret Ball ilattnni—ail cJla a; Panty bilk Marton; Kacitte and On.. Rattans. In black, white. silver, gold. and In abort all *taco and color. and It mat cartel,. JOHN CHOFT. RE4L EST.STIE OMeo. N 0.139 trourth Street, P/Naburgh. A benefited new Frame Dwelling, highly finished. .gontszulog Ex rams and wide had,' parlor JO hF Ye footi with two are planes and morhloinantice. cost. of building. Will ,ho Sold hi connection with 2 or nacres or around. ' Parties buying' the , ontire morel, 111ellioUnj, the -hon., ean hare Um crops; which. coasted el - apples, oats. potatoes. an latineal milk cow. Price 018,000;prte tided down;. balancel Q OveyearS. - seCurea by frond and morissire• Vito- ete at VilleVr(lad Math" 7 miles out 011/ the Penns. thisleoed. Trains passing and *OWL to station o'er/anariirshiithatoill•Sei it .I.os. session tmmedlatel! l r Also. a hog more 84112 Z LOTS, at SI,OOO each; one thled outs, the lialatioorn Alva sear.: situate:at the shore Thp phut of.tlitse,lata. and the aloe aeresand honseabove mentioned call* aeon at thls A rani Frame Hirai, 4 raoni4, finished carrel aid' wade hai:ifl; lortitbr 07 feet; situate on Jefferson et. L+rgdAltera. :LI. • urtektionsiono leldvashie , haps, trot =Weald water and gas , thronatiout Site. on Thestant street, Am,. luny. • • . A ark &largo - amount-10..30er city puiperti-lor tol l ugaieliotro pant I.tivt, 4cr. L.torAfik:.nriotadi 7 athe fruit's. SetV 8 - ; ;;,, 4 4/.,Jutztif s : Drinker irk Boza:sJorp' , ol4: „WATr - du BOUATII 1 4:4 P l e- 401, AF*4 6 i 1 iiiii.:4,i , i; irlit op o mma tlPP • DAY 1 4 116 : 1111 40` - IEN = " tfitt *. lit in6e nb' 'th" d e" iii;eak . 4' ie . 1eg61.144 sa4rWlLAlllLtliateiVallikAltut " ter - " - - 47$ r • _ ' EIZIE=Ie I ' , EEO CARR, M'CANDLESS 1& CO,, 94 WOOD STREET, PITTS B U RGH, WHOLESALE DEALERS MI Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, Announce that they have just received and are now opening an UNUSUALLY LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK of all articles in the DRY GOODS LINE, Which they offer to the trade at the lowest market rates. Dealers will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine their Stock, comprising a hand some assortment of many Scarce & Desirable Goods, TOginher With Superior "ogled of an Ihr best makes of Prints, American Delaine3, Standard Sheetings, Bleached and Brown, Tickings, • Ginghams, Canton Flannels, Apron Checks, Shirting Checks, Col'rd Drills, &c. FLANNELS, White and Colored B A ThrORAL SKIRTS. db ~ do . FRENCH, GERMAWOD ENGLISH ety and alt the latest Novelties. NOTIONS, 94 Wood Street. Which they offer at XO. 17 rtah 'street, F. 'YE EATON, 17 Fitlll Street Hai tot inde tqe 'loth:mills Real Rotate 1 .•7 ieeffely s3.I3LJAP.z. F2lt SALE.---N0..1. Farm of 400 red, Fairfield township, Westmoreland Pur -1 ty. Pa.., about 7 tulles south of the Pe. Railroad. at 1,11 ear Station, and 68 males from the city.. The . In. droventents are. First, a two-story stone dwells leg with seven rooms; stone spring house, pellagra , house, corn cell/ and a stood tarn 45 by 78 feet; a !large stable add granary , any! the hest of water at i the door.. becond, a large frame dwelllme wyth 7 I racing mad • kltelem, a large stone sorleg houte, i bake oven, corn crili, wagon eked, a larda hewed log barn. Third, a frame to peal:Ill haute, with e good Il si able. Fourth, a 1. - v-story hewed log ittlase and barn. The fencing Is aeuerally good. laraktoeati ows. oft e n beet Mouthy and elarVeel au aboedaziee or limeste and coal upon the farm; • young and old &Dille orchard It e- ch dwelling; ifs) acres ciear ed, Si. maid.: In good timber, such as white. red. soliblac d rock sae sugar, beech, poplar and iec.t. The is gmel prt duclug the very best crops Of all klads of grain; would nose a No. I •tock farm. and will be sold low. Possession on the drat day of October., 1166. No. 2. Farm of 53 acre, altuated in Cbartiers tow.hip, Allegheny county, Pa., about JIM mil. from the Oily, hear the line of Ole St. htletlethe IL IL,and within en. -half relleefa et/W0n:31... of the hest of creek bottom laud, and In a high state of Cnltivatiou:lo acres of wood land and pasture. The sencleg Is geoarallv good. The soil Is No. I, and wed adapted for gardening'. 1 heet . elltlo6 of those wishing to enibm k 1.. the business will call at ones mudsecure It good barge , n, as this Is a Pre Chen.. N 3. farm of e 4 acres, situate in Elizabeth township, Allogbeey county, Pa., on Inc Idotton galiels elver, atront enc. nalle from the Borough of Ei teal:fete. il he to lls of the beagqaallty. The Ito proven, eta area farm house with OR room., agosd bare and other out builddigs: fencing good,• about bu a.•res or coal. t hurdles, seine As huh Minn very c.nventent. rotuo.,tdott Itemedlatelp. he. I. Also, the hest Fame In Elizabeth townihip, hcontaining about 90 acres, lying on the Mononga em river itume.lintely beim, Lock No. j k. op Irblcl, IS erected a I arse two-story brick dwelling, eon log Ind one feline ban t hal, cent Orb, wagon abed rly k spring house, granary. work shop , an.; about he acres of he above is prat qua Its river bottom; the balance being Ihneslame land and underlaid with coal, and ateaut 20 acres of limestone. There are two orchards to apple trees, lu shod tearing eootll don; peach he., palm trees awl grape vines, kc. lee lami Is well adapted ter gardening parposik, being •nort ill .nee from the tiorleinh borough Of E.lSatteth, vet:alto, a nowket at home. for all the prpdp e t s , lee pronerty will be sold cheap and on reason sble teres. No. 5. A Farm of 138 acres In Elizabeth township Alyegbeny . I unty, Pa., near the You•liloglactly eh, er. the improvements are a hewed log house,a horn, stable and other out-belirlyngs; feucing gen- I praii, goon; well wetered :118 acres deareti; Veins 0 limestone, the under rein about O l d s feet thick; tee tipper eels about Mk feet very convouient it. the ver. It la well tlintim ed with the be., white oak and black walnut timber. Price sio per acre. 2 ,,, . a. A Vann of Old acres, situate in Plum to • u•lyi p, Alleghter county, ra. The improve ment are a Oro story frame tiouso with als. rOoMS arid kitchen; • large hank ham, NO lay 50, an d ether outbuildings; good orehttrl;l7B acres cleared and la • good state of cultivation. The lau be dis of st quality. well adapted ior grain or stuck, and is all under:4ld with coal;. very large amoo at of locust timber, PoeseYysmii peen immediately. Conven ient oreherclies, seem.. mills. yte. No. 7. A Farm of no acres, situated In Elizabeth to`lhaillil.. Ailegneny yeatuty, Pa..atrout 0110 rpm woe, Lock No. 3. o, Metimagahcia flier. impro m ve meol• are one frame boo Sc. with Cue roos, barn, .yrina Lipase and mime...lmbuing, The land t el ot liii• Nest 10.4111 r. The abets will be sold at •ery Me, Deur.... Ilc• SOU. wanting any of the above Real Estate will please call on G. H. TOWER., ~,I , l e heal Fat in &seta, 104 Pomo h street. i 1 0AL WOILIiS FOR SALE. -,._, lon 'I'UF:bItA Y. the 2.1 .lay of October, lAIB, •1 1 0 ri , ”, w, w.II br sold by order ral the , rpbana• alI t',.ort, v. the prentlses. In NVestmorelawl noun v, ttae tight., till,. nod Inlprest of l'hAlt1.11.:480- ls a 1: In the 'oaf Works. situate In Ito.. tr."' r town,bl• Wl...ttnortltn.l county. on tit? Monongli euy. river, furor above Mottongalirla , one-tottrth lithe below Webstor, knotrn Ihe I 111011 Coal Work, I.(mi Ports yrg. mnon, the best and I , rollurllYe In thy ~.ynto belay now In lull onco•tion. AltnrhrJ O th, m are a number of Oncoing Ont.,. There are some forty curs, with asees, used in b k tug te wine, and some 13 C. 11131. I hi , decedent 0wn...1 In. litt.lof the works, Knot the en - titan, I-34th, ran al.o wen:base.' adeslroal. For pat tActilars, engalre 1E111F.1?4, lAN nIF.IIEIIT, Administrators. J. LUl3sl:l , i HOETIIES Attoruev O _ PIIA NS . COE ill' SAL I.E.—Hy vlrtue ..f it alias order of the Orphan,' Court of a ilegh. ity v the under-!Kurd, •dnilnhtrator I .4 benjainln NlGrrow, wilt ..'II at rubilr 'ourt 1.1011... In Ilse (Ilk, 01 I'l' o' ••n -.1 1, RI/ AV, tr, toner till, nt o'clork. 1.. o•I day. all Ilse 11111.11211000• tßone Coal . onlert Ina Me 41sor zed 4...erated troll of land, to !, tIO r with the neeresster gr it Rear of ahaftlog for I t tight of tele. aorta, right (or plat• forme, aO. Said laud, being nituated t., scott I . .is•t , neer the line of the Crartlerx Vallvy Railroad, about mil • Irmo 11, AIN ellen y°only Home; It u rode from Robert A lin, and aliJoln • log ialol. of Wm. Fry art Wto. Leo. Rom rl lat 11%. and J. W. Look. containing 5 1 acre, more., lan , Tett NI- , •r Ai .11.111 cad.. on elnint n: Cole and execution an•l delivery 000.1 to the prtre• and the reninlttlng one half one year inert. tf cr. recor..l by 1 awl mrtgge on the pr••nst 0.0. 111,...,61 On Ilse fluent. ! oat :mire until VP• h l' Morrow. 0, cd. .111. imuoa A I'. 1... f Allegheny county, l'a. or17:19Id&wl' a . 0 : 1 11 1 111risIONEIt'A SALE.—By Ilse of • decree ,f •11.. crA Aden Circuit emir!, • ner,-.1 at t , .lot; 0,1 .1 us. Ing In the cousoll.la ,, .01.; i .4•.0 and others, plaint/ifs, &gam/4 I.en la & o ..1 nel a, dr:rodent, 1n,,,,0n NO IN 1 1 .\ 1 52: , 1 e. 9 of Nove.nh, ue.•, It .ng Inv • r ' tilt Court for rmienden 111.• nr, Of the term. sell. to Inc Mgise" Metter. a: .1., . ourt riou..o door In t.,nrst of NI Lrion on a , r,•lit :Sand 21 month., ill• f bowing prop, y, altonle on ;Ise ntem Tradawyter, county afOr , ool. vl2: 1 1 , 0 I 111. mien tool a / 1 0., genrratlyLoosen ~( ad I "Cook 11 .0 , 11 2. II %ere. laud. togetm tli all mining rriel opt Improve nn n n belong ing to the ento., eon .I.ing In part n• olown: In3c ht ram Ell • a in.. one :Oran. Boner, ntoolni • one C• el.aft, no, 4 h In. one lot of Railroad Iron. one t at ot of 4. or, one lot 01 I . N.e V% hoc, non A ale, two It ono yoke •, oxen. 0 , Fu r further pariMuturs Lo irelnqu, 11.0 sindendgm Cosontiwolon r. Ronda lna the f mer and earrt ol a •10 bootie at law. ',II be re.inired lit tor puramaaer , with ali prove.l twett: y • 73) . A., If, Com•r. livrEST ItESIDENCE X . C:P.VL ai..9-1113, ON WESTERN AVENUE, ALLEGHENY A dootOe tieo.rt.iry Brick Dwelling of ten room*, wl It *wile nod carriage uonar, occupying 6:toil somely located bat The tot abounds in ...do nod fruit Ina, r on robbery, nod 11 c iieigh norhood one of We moot dealt obit. in the two cl. a. Apply to AN. Iltnker In Rata, and M. 'Cent!lß I 91. ate fii Vntirth et., litud.e, Itulldlun.) FOR SALE, First-Plass Business Stand. The Stool, Fixtures, Good Win. Store House, Doe Mott ors] Ivse Lot lot srovletley. Cash sa/ra &lot= II woo tn. 1 . 116/Iret lOU glee. thootottletely t Sox 6111•4111013. C• and Lott, very weeny. several Lott et Eoltteererth titatiOn t frotn one to nee acres In eaeh. ANA, to JAMES T. SAMPLE, Beal Estate Broker and Insurance Amt. No. F 5 FEDEItiL tiT.. All.!attcny FOB SALE, SIX ACRES OF LAND, St taste near Johnston Station • an the Allegheny v•lisy Railroad. IS miles from the Thin lin provements ere a ter(ustofy (frame (beetling of sir roent., a Stable. an excel'. ne t t, eel( of a Ea an %opted u eon or eraftell nett, and there la also an extensive stone cloarry on the (ace sr , lb aSU foot vela of the be s t helbibie stose. nos, 'Atha success fully nil prolintter worked. Vor terra., apply at the/teal Estate and Insurance Omer oil 0. SVr£.l3 Butler street, , re licerio.e • • SPLENDIDFARM HIVE FARM FOR GALE—d'ontains 210 aerey. Si) or which is river Itntioth. The buildings are a large Dwelling, NAIL oi stone and fret., eery large ham two steep hone. and other out-buildings; One borings,. two orrhartla "(choice f-ultt aituate oppoette Port Ho mer, on the Pitiewirgh and Wheeling Railroad, nve miles below tVellaville. This one la of the heat atocit farms Dow t , ifored for ooze. Nurimrticularc, tall on If; & 00.5 ra Fourth ortr,rt. u, , on SALE-12 acree of frroubd, A- well timbered slut watered 011Nuinel14 Len minutes' walk growl Pas. chusr Sullen at :Shady Lana Fourth hlrect Rata. acr at, oms • owl alas len; and several Parma we ll itwated la tyeatsnorcland and Alla. heny C.SILIC, st ub Onal Property, Mentes and Leta I. the city andurbs. For (unber partleolars Claq 0" of WILLIAM WARD, (Opposite the .1,1.11.10 No. 110 Want street. I`oll SALE, ONE MOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS, Lot en feel from by 111 feet D Inches deep, corner Frank tin need e• reels. Menehester. Also one.IIOUSE COntnlnlng two m. .o; Lot lame let. and netiolnlng. Fur eorlue and term., men's' en eedlnksti M. 11. A LLEN, uu preen's.. SI,,DALL irousr. FOIL SALE—Five forma; lut 24 by C 4 feet, fronting on Revu e ot., elope to a Station on tic Pcitnaylvanla Itgliroa4, wvar Ewalt *treat, and nee tatno tea` Icing to the Ultiseue• I'44acnger Railway; titan [lea for reaehlng city very great; fare on runway live Cent., street car. ell cents; trains atop Clow to the house nearly. every hour. Apply to I'll , 6rEg E n sold jteal Estate ltroker , el Smithfield St. A T OAKLAND Clear Craft's Ave'. J.l nue, a choice Lot of tkround of two acres 49 90.1 , 41 becalm.; a building now natal by tenant., a never fel lag well of good water, bite forint *node tree*, shrubbery.. splendid view of theriver nod sur rounding eatintiy. Also gon Building leatattaint. l e g us 114 incicit'a turret 111 feet, ile feet to an PHII. A (trickßetiding and dicta, Ict• CAW, eel VITTIIIIKILT it Sohn, 51 Martin nt. •s• - ` 1 'll , . Z 4 ' . Steck and Real Estate Broker, I`2II SALE-74n AmbrOty i re Gal. city,.ad°r:rl4l:::Ziolulholletatigi,' ltetie i m acession COM 110 U..slTell, et JOHN ti;i: A lLET.lC . rl C F:orilo rrrtet , aue\ray. pLOU CICB and igvn ettroop Campbell's Itork 7 rifles from tt euhetdill:furClk2 7 Ir:::41,11"" 6 ' d U " ft,7,1:1 1 ,1512,Tav , 3 ' 33 ro-i Of tlabi•P: l 7=2 Rua 4111P.;i1V1,41,_•r, No: tea Fourth stcrct. 14'011 NALE.-11,3 .acres of good tillatdo land, all leveland ander a Wan imam or culllvatlOnkjd Sera Ciexted and eau bw worknd a cao 4 lldrammblah,..l.ario t a ....t ors rm.. noose P4l aingitTliltbrr.4'matia=h44l.l4ll bled of lorlnci.' trued we ll aline door. Olteste ono tulle o tOwtt. The D acs "m Fstt lgßobd bitommous l oom leo telt este " r M l ° IHT-0. 3 .1r. from le to lefeet, trqwWpit on MO ileatei.rovr. JULIN; ir,lfritlAt Yr , 1,41)4 • No ICI 03 street. COM IC IR Etilt .ENCE Lt ataiLtdOTON rot: SALE.—Otar an acre of. ground, on mblcb la a Frame' *Maid ...cure, cow tatanictntoons ..colbar and Calde has:. a..wood; Ina coal - olable alorlem MO, oritti.b.ina. cellar far cow stable...aud - cnlckon boort large elf. tern fa-novae. W. at...table:food wv4.l•tdell neon. ontains tell than - 10'o Li' ides .- of attic Taw grounds are planted :ulna: treat...TWO ant-inn:lt "peti.rtr`hTiFirty w itlse °,4 4 l =4: l 4l- 4 4 1 3Z . , : id c•• imdsod Dealt y In ibe conutf,7ljr-Ithln - 30 nunaiaeliallt Drum any poi; twice, WsaasymAr !monad, could woven as.obort , nontioto fontlngon'4lgn, .Union an Lilartakiti. Kffn-, - OHtt ,:dtoollllld Zatte.Hroker; .; VD ni - cox.x...sul SOHO OIL WORKS. MINN VIEW& CO 9 lIAS UFACTURAPA QP 2111 L CELEBRATED 8117IIZI LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING CILS. Sperm. Lard and Whale Oik, HAD Mt TAMERS OIL /ND MIL SUM AL'O. Standard White Burning 011, No. 33 Market Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. SEND FOR • LUBRICATING OILS. , • TWIN CITY OIL COMPINY, Office, 204 Peun:Street, F. A. SMlTlLElecrefary. MANUFAC CURE lleul Gl4:lton. , ,11 f or "n?" 'do N i.. 0 011 ll nizuro MAI Oren., WOOLDRIDGE OIL REFINING 0 icontr..w.a.mrir. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JOHN WATT_ , PreAldem. HENRY N. LONG, Sc'e, and Treaa% WORKS Di TEMPEILANCEVILLF. 01Dee, No. 2 Duquesne Way, (Near Besperiaton Bridge.) kLANUIiCTUILEILI OP PM= WH/TS 1 3U11,INTIINIC4 Brand—"Luoifor." 3712.(03 WARING & KING, COILESSIOS AID BROKERS Petroleum and its Products, 4 D 1./Q UES.rE gra r, I.. X • P4`ES.ISII73ELGIr36IE, 11..41. PERLA DELPHI/ ADDILESS: . WARINC, KING & CO., myl7:n 1217 ll:abaft& %C. Pbll• SUPEMOR OIL ENGINES. We ere eekeLeeeklwil. eu,l hl keep en head, Ceder style of C>l7-• .IECIIVIGVX:INTELEI 11111 EMIR 1 COllO3 Olt MI IMI BOMB, We Invite partit, needlnC enifincr for th a tlßP l rrn to eall and eel, them, connerAn VIZ swErs, nez i tiBla N 'W i te i hWr i r marlin.i. a co. WAUDEN & DATCUELDEJZ. - • BBL/KERS Lbr CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM] WHALE OIL. ROSIN. SPIRITS TIMPRNTIN NORTH CAROLINA TAR, RC.. Corner of Durea x le Way & Hancock St " Represent WI& li t . i l{/riErth r . lli Walnut street. Philadelphia. •rru. n. TACK SLUM I. TACK. .... TACK BRO. & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND LUIONEKS IN PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCT:, 7 Hancock St., Pittsburgh. PIDLADILTIDA Orncs, 157 Walnut street. [Lula:an WY. WICKMAN a. D. ADDED-10; EAGLE OIL WORKS, 7 ..assocnrx - cracacscry - illms. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON, Refiners and Dealers fu PETBOLEUM. OFFICE, SECON STORY, CORN NIL HANCOCK ST. AND DUQUILSNE WAY. mylatan noose MUM TIMM JAMES IRWEN & CO ryas ALLNUFACTUBISIIB OP OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. costae.", mes ThiLear&r z ,olt LIPOR. P 4 N - 4 D4ito B. F. BROWN, Local Claim Agent. O. 8. BAN. COM., Nice, No. 67 Fourth Street, CHECOND PLOURO Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrear of Pay Promptly Copected. No charge made until Maims are settled. and then hot. mode me fee. ra,3d:b7:l L . B. LIND/A.IY, .41.1.817Z3BX:Mrakit,T, 1311 lee, 63 Boyle Street, Allegbee7 Special attention given to drawing deeds, Leases and out, r legal document.. All collections Intrusted to him will receive ear.- fel gam prompt 1M4111.1 m. je.Z JOHN 11V, TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, • InT93:0B1 EITTSBUROFI, FA. DR. E. DONNELLY, Offica, Sixth and Grant Street s, PITTSBURGH Pte. . • aiy - Spedal attention, stied t°.°4 ° l ° °ll :ol 4lo . Surgical optrationt.l U. C iaarkiaa. a WdO c ifi c r . maRNEYs a couNsEttaiiai No. 69 Griiiit Street, I PITTEIBitinGII, PA. =EI J OliN A. STRAIN. ..a...T732EirtatELAL - Ar, Ett-011icio, Justice of the pe ace,' AND POLICE Office, 112 IFUth St. opposite eitthettral. PITISBUROD„PA. Deede.. llo .. l .,DtellrelPe. Aceeowledipmente, De. p o and all Lea nUalutes exteated witti .romptaeu alspatth. ...• • • thi/S1:81 • wit LLiAn JANCEY ._ NOTARY astlak '11 8 11kif iVe r e a _.,'";: 11 2httig and Drovor btreots, Lawreneeertlio.C° oVecaliggrgaMirlerVeiro't p rt Etratioll selolowledgiom oarnpwees . or omoo - oa uoirso t. ' Justin of the P l ea b ghlouggiftd r ia - innhb,lB EUSTAPPEL PIORRSW; ALDERMAN AND CONVEY#NCER; . Itt'euitsylvainta4v4Aiue„' Foot at fifi [stadia la Waite ..rt# 4l Street' ~liurAwit. CLAI3IB, - rEssiusis • 13AtIff PAY, omllll.lltorf Cloiroo of eferf denflptios,..follecion by thnsubserfber, tie followliscrates.llp .rcussetl..ll . .o.l all Other c4l4" ' 1 5.1.;.6.; TAYLOR, Atiornerit Law. niaroooO street. opooolte_the.Voofs House. N. 11.—.N0 C2 l / 1 1101 are diode litho claim does DOT. succeed. mud All lorormattoirglven anal. CHATHAM. T. r.tynt . Laws Altorney a 60 Grant street, ` rlttOtinttl; Pa Counasslose otherow tti; gluts. 611ssuurtand Maim . toritts.so L . p...8 . 7r05E, . Alumwv.at. Law - =torrteE;lto bualvewrigt;Ng...mi ktinslirvar. - OANE WOOD' 011018, agon , ....disuittw.vty I~lloleeBlB ter Re 4,1111113.4 W. WOO - ,ftWiii4 , —,_ _„ , . m IarpITTSBERGII THEATRE. Lasers AND kLuLtain, WM. lIENDERSVh . SECOND NIGHT OF NO MSS. W. J. FLORENCE. The celebrated Comedians, 'abase setistlc axtol - core has secured a world rrldot reputation ho tiPir truthful representations of Irish men lankee life. which bare rendered t vein the most attramire stem hotn in A merica and Europe. Tilly EVENING, John - Aron gbam' be • of Ifni Drama, entitled TEMPTATION: Or, THE IRISH EMIGRANT. The O'Brian Mr. W. J. Florence. To conclude with the Prmean Farce of THE YOUNG ACTRESS. Mr. CaMmonstie a traarMan ....W. J. Florence. Mrs. Florence to eve rtp racier, 'l4 VARIETIES. w. C. SMYTHE FRED. Monday Evening and during the rrevk will be pro duerd the meat nmirnilleent FAIeY NP ,, ste.lo r•eer trednr . erl, r.t.ttpe 1111 E ICE. WErEll. Or, THE KNIUHT (I ? THE YEOMEN HAND Whin entire new end bealltfulneone,, I • laloorette rostutnot, de., In iddltlon t 4 the In/eatable CAIET.T.•N. . . arPROF. unooKN , FASHION A -73 ISANCI NO ACADEMY. PHILO and riultUlarcurr. Pittsburgh. E s now open day evening. Jimenlie Class, Wednesdays and Pam, days at 2 r. v.; idittles• Class, TnesiLiy and Friday at 2 P. at. ; ileoldemetes Class. Tuesday and Friday at P. 2. All the fashinnnble Waltzes. Duiplrilles and tio tiilloos will Is. taught jnmoderate tenet. P ., CRae call at the )[Oslo Stores for circulars cot:tat/dog terms .P.c- • se1:111 SEWING MACHINES. Salesroom,' 27 Fifth Sweet, WM. SUMNER & CO. i 8 60 FIN HL az*ILY ON „...... SERIN ' MACLTINES, t.iitprrn;.. , ri' . . , Yrer , l4.. - ,ea1an.c1rm)." ,. .4,-rin,f;::::: TUCK.b. , Thedt me, urine. en 4 make tee TUCK MORe. UNIFORM. Alan li.it TRERB anti ,UND:i. II will stitch front th lineal g 2.. to the thieLeet Amour Cloth frlthnis any change in ford, needle or 10.11i011. aim rititrorlirri Tear, a t t lion I. t•k lur span 1 . in clean or 11C repel ed. I f the nneehneer, after • fair trial, dove not rased the (tinkle .t Lyon tar_ lag Alachluos supe or t• any reachine In the mar ket, he eau return i and hare Ids money, 1 u main. the • LOCK STITCH i ' Stitches Mike on b0 ,, }1, Wes, which Will not rip or rarel. Thu heal st thartilne he to nor ern, in Ole, and noiseless. Warranted for roar years. It baa been in ou. in Ibis Pin. roe eight your,and has elven tatilf.t on lu all eases. Plain tinlsh up to Mahogany tidal with pearl, sliver plated andktoaewood. Itotewood. Also t . IVeed,Lock itch Sewing illachine Illas be. In mot lie , lot ten years, and tuts neeer been out of the matket. We rail the attention nt t ilors, also. maberli and karat,. make. to Igo. /I.len. Shaw & Ciark's Sewing Machines. AB - Agents wan. air Ail binds of illy 'owing dos,. 1(2 * Grua i . It. H. LONG. AgeOL, street, opposite Cathedral. aftYrr..r.fl PlTrahlrlloll, PA. --- --- DROVER & SEWIN MACHINES Hera been awarded e FIRST PB.EIIIIIMS at tb• rollowing Fairs fur t r year toni• Firer Pretninm for lest Ma china work at Penna. Stat, Vali% First premium for eat Machinnwork at New York Erste eat, }int Preinium lb best Family Maeltlue at Obi* . Stale Fair. First Premium for•besi ranufaciortng Machine ar Oblo State Fair. Tint Premium for..hast /dannfacturing MaChlne at Michigan State Fair.' Viral Premium for gest Maintfacturlog Ilactantatt Wisconsin State Fat. Filet Premium for best kLartufacturing MachineaS Lawrence County Fair, N. Flret Premium for best leacblne for general pur poses, P r e miu mwi County Fair, Psi. Flastfor best Family Machine at Bucks County Fair. ea,.. First Premlorn for best Manffacturing Mackliteat, Bucks county Fair. Pa. First Pre-minim for hest Manu ()minting and Fang ly Marl:tine Sprlnalluld Pair, Ohio. First Premien. for best Manufacturing and Fantle ly Machine at Palmyra Voir, N. Y. Fires Premi,en for best .11=ml...taring said L a mle, ly litchlue at Suffolk County Fair, N. Y Yiret Premium for boat Manta...arming and Fatal ly Machine at eclanylve County Voir, F. Y. First Promos° stir beet Machine for all ;maltase. at Allegheny County Fai r M First Premium for best anufacturing Machine Allegheny County F besrt ai, Pa, Poem's. tor Machina', orkatAlJegibllT County Pair, Pa. lEM oel7reoSll2 Ne. 19 Fifth Street. Pflteburki;!*, Schomacker If Co., PhiladelPhi.iy• The Eats y it Co. Cottage • Orgolii AMERICAN -011iCAN;;',2::1,:-.: Aoknosrlejted . by tbe best tithebtleiit , Mt 11.041 State. to be shpeclur shthets Pdtll7 atid gehllty war, panmstr7l,..r-; hip, These Instruments tiostYlbryeat4 toktorthelltit'' premium over oilomhetltom at the , ForttotMOOo , atbt CORlnly fair s. .petces pay Arojewsolhso any others; AU werrauted tor lies room *ASIdI4;4IC A at. MI:. atrrte. 1‘..% RIEDIOVAL. 11;60. . 160. ZWEilitirlaEß„ 'tormearei 'so FIFTH mifarr, Dal retooret to Str.pe:ti . . . :Two door...bore 81zt6nine, libernlie has is et= - CrllegL . took of -. ' Pianos, Melodeons, Or aas Arid all kind. of At Mkt. nTILINUn. dkrldual oestor. 4110.14." palEarr SECOND -xisuvrtvires, . 4 1 - Ittris'oree4. 'mend careers,: ..4Leibe.:&.: od.ava. elate; 1.. n., eery little ule(l, , aeV. , *le. live 7 octave richly carved Clan* Forsevoteas.; thane bus. tear realm. eeruent.•44ll,-,.4414. LAldt °CUT< INNIVWOOd. mum." mace Oxon. ',auk rattan attaehteenteta4ren. tram9,4440.' - One 'et. tare roseirmat ken tr:.ne Itinr'Ve]WlikißßVUMW4tUremL COAL !cq4l%, DICKSON,LSITIVIIIV'tgL; - /47/,4 - ZI:o. 067 zatil****l**-p.4; v agara t ztVait h 4 l Vati j ,!,7 = At the lowest Met IT Al. - attletosets:4 their ...sill , * or satateiss,l4.6. ttupsbrosiststAesnAil: Istaltsassielto peotalptlYs C a 4RIXSIL:4II3IBTijoNG , !oug]uoglien s and OonneUsvjlle Coal 0. 4 • 004 Slack, i . 4;4o'siiitiiil" F/41 - 2 1" ) :x. vr.u....u, nott. lukt:y.rao.4, l F Lsict Auykeker.iptisxu,.,s 9tq b ,ttsch Wear. LOCI( NU. IlittaAtto:, 4 r fsaiUrti sitni 31-an*radturrrrAl:ppii,V*lih.,,' .',lt!Clit *Mete Ote*Alur Cote strlttit• ' • L ik at* 7", MCI , • Vr'NEW OPERA HOUSE. Hawromir.r.itAlt...K.m.A....immoroitira _ Eiehings English Opera Troupe., p • Whose ll ngt.trjta w k ,„ m, with dellight creste d ta ‘l7VlSTifew f 4rthlt. Vt IOo AE N INO, , Oitot ce rei, cKapl. tFOecsafu mfe UP.. Or ' • DOCTOR OF A tsCA,R T'A - litAs Llt i •••et e re Best/do/A by hilialatin e icklitsit r flip 3 li.rii.Z...lN:tra. ' ; .' llll , . i ' lii ' r! ' ir.zti, ' r: i.%.At.:! r, ,, =,--Itgersljf,f 1 1l Iss E rlchinf sl- UL MDlavlslo w 0 7 ,7 7. 1 ..." for sale at Mellor . alltslen;ord. ht Mou'''''''-'4 at:it,iathOrlea'll'VW,grlalletAtar: i it. ,' . ...i.r, p.m; a secured Parunette tRa11•,..1kt,50: . A.l3=l :n " l4 L :o, "' W• l '''' - • 8' CO Gillette. 41,m, i_,,,%. •- ji rtht . ma ~ h airs. 111.W' Pal; roll only at tee rcle, i,e: is• Ivry. Mc, y I rgrn my itaLL, - • , DLORIODS kr CCESS OP TIIE . SPAULDING B ROTIIIIER.4 ; .. Swiss Bell Ringei, THE PREMIER TROUPE OF THE WORLD. The great American Lady Harpist, GE,IIIOIIS DEAN PAV LOI2III. The bean Wu I eo•as li tress, BATE LOUI•3IL OTCITIMPON. • And ••THAT HU MOROI'S IV/VI - SON. • • Together with the entire company veil' appear EVERY NIGHT TFitb WEER. Adtnts•loa 35 cents. Reserved Nut. 50 heat.. Children 4 • CrIll• N. B.Procure your Melloin the day •t the Musk, Moves of C. C. , Nleber & Bros., Caarlotte Blume and Wameank & User, and &relit the erased at the nail dean'. the evening. oet:Ilt SEW NGIYLACHINES, -STITCII & ARE THE BEST PIS TTOUR G If, P.l A.F. CHATONEY, GENERAL AGENT; PIANOS, ORGANS E BRADBURY NEW ItOffiCs:,:i CO CO/Km., EMI .IN:ma I !Lima are.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers