.4 t.,to :- e• - VIII . I _ he gitbburgh triage*. posiustreqsw nwalabl, REED ea CO. C aw01,74,1711`• If"U.". iwira. • sict.so* p. Wean) l" TUESDAN, OCTOBER 2, 180 01,1105 REPUBLICfN FOR WuriVERSOB;i MAJ. CEN t JOHNV. GEARY, 01 CIIInntRiA: ( I 3 COI:211T CONGII*B6,, iriricrrvezooi Dimmers. aoN. a. Y. 111001113EAD. vinniTswinap 1:111171101 . t IIO1.?NOMA 'WILLIAMS. smarm a CIXLET, City. . CLICIIK. OT coves tons O. BROWN, Hampton TV. CLZUX. OP 0131MASI COVIT: LLEXANDEB.IIIIANDS:CaT• aseonlycil: " UNARY 6EIVELT• OIt'. psalms: zoisr,en 11. OW. Plum Tp. COmxiMoNzli: GEOR.6.E 11U1.20130.11, Clty rooa JOHN F, DRATO, Mina Tr.. MIROMIBLYI. Joust P. puma, City. GEOIIGC WILSON. PM Tp. GEOILUS T. ateit.EN, North Fayette Tp. MAMIIIIEL CHADWICK, Collins Tp. svn.zuku - rviren. R 03.9 Tp. B. A. ILIOLTIII.. City. 111 E ASPEOT OF TICE FtFLD. The present canvass in Pennsylvania is characterized; on the Republican side, by a depth of feeling and a ilseduess of pur ls., for which no'tirallel can be found in our history. This it partly owing to the gravity of the issues involved. Never had a people a more momentous stake to be de- tided by the ballot. It Is, also, partly ow ing to the treachery by which the fruits of victory oa the battle field are sought to be wronelted away and given np to the van• quished. Both of these causes combined have conspired to intiame fervor to the. highest pitch of enthAsicbm. And yet there Las been, and is, a remarkable ex emption, both in the press anti in popular assemblies, from the violence and disgrace ful personalities by which former canvasses have been marked. Not thatAbere have been no breaches of propriety in this par ticular; but that offences against common decency Lave Leen nufrequent and of less malignancy. Public questions, by their essential importance, have overshadowed and dwarfed most questions relltlug main ly or solely to the personal character and conduct of Individuals. ~ ,1 --- All the indications point to the election of General Onsns to the Governorship bj' a large majority. Whatever defections Lave been created in the republican ranks by a corrupt use of governmental patren age—by seducentents in the form of ap pointments offered to venal or necessitous_ individuals—have been compensated, and more than compensated by accessions from the democratic ranks of men whose patri otic fears have been aroused by the ten denciessciught to be imparted to national concerns. While thls has been the prinel jgd cause of accessions, it has not been the only one. litany democrats who abode by their party all through the war, have come to feel that General Gnats's' by his military services has fairly earned popular recogUi tion, and aro resolved to give Lim their votes. - The political complexion of the two Houses of Assembly does not seem to rest in doubt. Manifestly : the republicans will have majorilica is both the Senate and Ilonsa of RepNentatives, and Mr. EDOAIi Cow.oxv will receive perthission to vacate the seat be holds in the federal Senate. 'hether he will come back to priVatalife, or seek promotion from the President, Is a concern in which' we do net care to med dle. Last year - the Republican majority in the Senate woo seven; la thti House, twenty-eight; on joint ballot thirty-five. The majorities thie year are not likely to be lessened. fi • , , Of the Congressional districts :which the Republicans carried two years ago, the chances are they will lose none. The Filth District was close, Mr. THAYER having only 278 over Mr. ROB& Mr. tATi.Oit, the present Republican candidate, in-addttion to the general drift in his Tavar, 'has strong elements of personal popularity, which make him considerably, stronger than his party. - In the Sixteenth District the con test is again between Noma; and Cop rnorn, but, front special and general causes, Mr. iCoorirei pidinciti are better now than at the last trial. . Three districts winch the Democrats car ried two years ago the Republicans carried last year. In the Tenth Diatrict.tdionel CASE is 014 Republican nominee, and no' reasonableAnbt seems t.) remain of -his election. In. the Twelfth Distriet Mr. Karcnustwas beaten .two year. ago 'ity a trifle over livo.hundred votes. I,ast. year the. tiro counties ComPostrig--thit.dis trict were carrtedforGerteral MA.B.llllarrr, • the Republican candidate for, Auditor:Gen eral, by a larger insiorßy. than that. ; This year Mr. 'Tann ARCHMaLD is the Wrth • lican candidate - 16i Cangrese: 'Oa political • grounds Jae is certainly aastrouges.General atirfenfoyea later' degree of personal popularity than any ot.inrr man,of either party, la the district. Re can hard• ly fall of going through. In the twenty first district Dr. Ftru.an was defeated:by Mr. Dawson, - two years ago,,by a ntajort yof 123. But last year en. Renrn.serr carried the 'district by several hundred. Mr. Cowes is now date, having for, his ccltpetitor, man named Mr: Winn; CoVong has (A. never failed alien he - muss candidate, and although the diatrick is cicue,. : wo think his tact and energy will prove eqnrd to the oc- `With such prospects ahead the Ilepnbll - eine have tho strongest Inadeements pre sented thorn for exerting' itsar 'best.ener glee during the week that remains.' Let every mum beat his post. Let no proper offort be neglected, end we ; iludt esttal If not surpass the proud achleiement of our brethren In 3inino. • Tux meaning of Mr. 6swarto. when lie demanded of a vast concourse4 r eitluns whether they would bare Lao Joni son for Presidentor King, heel:lino be ap parent This _Richmond Dhspakft com menting upon rise; popularity of General GRA= with the inPublirans, snd the pros pact of his being rlsetc:next nOndoes for the PresidelloY: c .ti2,iiii;.. l- .:3 "Wo doubt islielbettliere,is_sny,marel F • city for a TIOW WI ray week. endue• then 411 itttenn on the part of the "Radicals to alio* boa _ constitutional election by all ,trie btatcs, there 11 00 necessity for an unotittatltatton al one by a part of the States. Mt. John son hos at vindifiyht in kw andi'i atortai to hold on to the presittenv-as the . Badicule have to pat in another ntpu against 'the wishes of a znalority or the people. of :the roiwistasita,t , , • t Row numb dittirence them' is belwdee a permanent Psealdent and Bing It Would be &limit to desJrmine. - - I PARTY tEADERS. , Nothing is more common.4lmtaem jonty: psis or individuals who lii*--attiaindakeii: to withstand and turn back strong currents of public opinion, and have signal.); filled therein, to attributelheir *Ant :or ti;tecgs. to the selfish obstinacy: of party lenders. Their self-complacency leads them into the folly of supposing the masses Of the people were quite ready to follow them, but were. hindered by the malign influence exerted over them by other personages. This con sideration may be a sort of emollient to wounded vanity, but contains the small est possible - 11 1 / 4 stl 4f truth. In general party leaders aro formidable only when they fall into thotnoving current, and shovi iatinsate and lively Sympathy with it. The moment,tlieytake themselves out of the cur rent; =dunk *lead it into new and uti genisa channels., they find themselves shorn of influence andieftsolitary. The .Badile Opmeisreial Adaertiser, a , Journal`~Of quasilrepliblican antecedents, became s party tolhe coalition, and sup ports the Fusion Ticket. In YIONV of the intractability of poptilar opinion it despairs of success, and ghee vent to its disappoint ment, by declaring— "We are miffing, with tin anxious hope to see whether the earnest and honest con victions of the peopleWlll not yet prevail over the stubborn party fealty of mistaken leaders." I= To this the New York Times responds: "We have been over a good deal of that ground- ourselves, and cannot conscien monsly hold out any.encouragement to the Commercial. Its 'hope' will grow more and more 'anxious' the longer it watt.." Now, what are the facts ? Jonwson, Baran, •WEED, Cowan, Dixon, RAY MOND, Door.rrrts, BAN DAIS., and their associates, are skilled in party management, and as fully entitled to be denominated I party leaders as any other Ed of men, laid their plans to control the action of the Re publican party. Trusting to their experi ence and astuteness, and to the vast goy- I ernmental patronage at their disposal, they thought they were irresistible. Before the first shot of the political campaign was ac tuallyL fired, they openly exulted in the easy trhimph they imagined to await them. When the hour of trial came, they found they were marching alone. Of the people there were none with them. The masse., true to their old connections, and to their cherished purpose of so teorganising the Union as to secure the just rights of all men, and to avoid direful com plications in- the !Inure, had kept on their way with measured trend. The Con servative leaders left absolutely without followers, grew suddenly modest,. and dis claim being icatlerslit all. Why do they not recognize the fact that men to be the leaders of a free and intelligent pi ople must follow the popular current. 'WEED, RAYMOND and their associate conspirators against the Republican Organization arc already dashed and broketrbecause they thought they were strong enough to con trol the masses with whom they had acted, and miscalculated the strength of the re shtance they would be called to encounter. We do not wonder Mx. 'RAYMOND despairs. The people: ire incorruptible, and will cer tainly cashier every leader who endeavors, by guile or force, to get them out of the path they deliberately elected to pursue. .. •^ ; SODER SECOND THOUGHT Two months ago the people of the South - ern States, who imparted vitality and power to the rebellion, conceived that a path to unhoped-for success bad opened be fore them, and that all they had to do was to march boldly Into it, and reap the full fruition of their desires. And it must be confessed, even now, that the tripartate co alition between Rebels, Democrats, and CBnservatives did afford reasonable expec tation of large results. But a ct'ange has come over the movement at the North. Already has it become, powerless. Tila is so palpable that Southern journals are ad monishing their readers to withdraw vs rapidly as possible from the coalition, be cause 'fraught with new dangers to ;the Southern ? people. The Jiichmund 111,g, after counseling its followers "to keep quiet and mind their own business," says: "There is talk of civil war; and we are counted upon by the Conservatives. There MA talk of war in 1860, and we were put forward to inaugurate it. There was more than talk—there-was war. But the part of itamlet was left out. When the pinch mine, our sympathizers either dropped off voluntarily, or Were forced off by the pres-' sure brought to bear upon them at the North. When they talk of war now—let them talk, but it behndltes us to keep our mOuths shut and our eyes open. Let us resolve neither to threaten, nor begin, nor participate in war ' except at the command of the Constituted authorities, and ander the legitimate • flog of the Union.. We I should alsoctbsfaintrom all entangling alit daces Mat asap stitysct tts dad per secution. _We did: not mile and our ; Northernfriends 151860.. lye thought tin secant what their said; - We now - havo learn ed that they say many things that they do not mean. All Northern parties made up their family'quarrel after wo had got fairly into tho war, and, thitik prosecuted it to getherf --They would, in all probability, do the eamething ug min.,` We call upon the country to note the , factithat the suggestion of 'civilwar (so meek sulked ~abouta did tad; and does'not "come from the South. The voice -of the Sotdh, unlike that of Serum:llos; tifOr peace. •We must take oare.not to be put forward as favoring war, and we must also:discountenance the idea that any . projected'waris for our benefit:" -TOS ialveston.ZJalktin, which lies been; conepicaois fbr' , moderation toad sagacity, 'declares--: !A, 1;141a :dot of cial• wisdom , by our 001M.1111); ' Legislature- is . worth a tholleand.'epeeVirroritevhsr from the m m Northaind impression that the Southern 'peciplir"rdo 'tlenept the "gnat ilea; ipt_that. no Northern` mew nan dive la the South, especially in Texas , ' with:safety to lito anti property. - ',Oolong. as this„im, , mention pratalls - and'imiteritilly inffnetices the actions of men, be net Pruett., cal restoration 'of, the - tritiont for the great ligaments of trade and itommeretoivilfuet re•unite; while - the ironer Ponds of„eoulia life 'will remain 'relaxed or"aunderedl we are to Preaentio:the world ari ell trent of rehavred.itatiotiality, hiding biz:' hind a '<sofa and formidable malty MI- in. ternal difference'. or. weakuS'ses we must begin'smarjti :geed faiti 4 to %tribe" lutipla. w ith the forth-and , the East and the' West, inviting; Dom them to' our vattdomain the . capital andenergy:that have given to them such Iremendous power of la rformanws In peace'. and inway;atik such' elements of rapidly increasing Oiw , th r itAd ffeeutuese-7 These cxhtbitions of feeling and opinion are cOmMendihlai!. 7 ..Vtien` - thei become • ,- gthusrfit a t the'lEloutti.:..timiorjoit Offull.and _ _ complete restoration 101 not be long de. laj.cd,,and . 41tess:tiorce and'lfistretip en. gendeied bithe - and agitations that preceded it, srlll giro place to mutual respect and COMldenie. ' . - . ..—Therdalls3tresent a quarrel exlstipg. YerXbattelm the manufacturers of paper oollars f etas, shirthosorns,ancrothei articles of that description; which bids tali to Asti the great - latlia-rublier:centro-: Yirenly,whichoccupled the Clourra of the land **many weary rare: -Mace the breaking, out of the late rebellton the Wiper - toiler, Imitneali has increased to nearly um* Orate what it:Was before 11°11[110es commenced, owing is the demand atoong; roldtere, awl sailers for these articles. Ws at the pnsent ilme all of 1110,000,000 invegea t o • the IDIIIIIMICt111:0 pairox. collar* arid Cults acid 40na 44000t0 5,00 Q penons are famish amPOrn"t.l4,go,ll*Rch of bI Y 4 . I !II'. '• IVIUrel '4.l.4etikifrthiffilgidebrided VTIOO e. 051411tillor130;00e ek 'sad the cltamnagee:bottles went oft ln desiOugiustuattu. • -- .7r - 77 ------- . - -...- _ . , ."--?. 7, liirSElt. IigIFS4 '''..'• —Nelreptipe,' r thietsqn lilislivillifliave en tine& setien-dol rs for thenffense.- —Ln Indians piper tells of the recent killing of a rattlesnake with 110 rattles. - 3 The'et-ll.ing and Queen of Naples are afloat, and know not where to find a home. , --Two and a halt millions a year arc to be saiPed - in the Mud expenditure of Vi enna. —ln Naples, thirty-four out of eighty in. males of a female school 'died In three hours. —The Springfield Republican thinks the New England corn crop has worried through. —"Keep Your-Door Locked" is the title of a new farce, just successfully played in. London. —An unhappy deierted wife in New London, Connecticut, tried to starve her self to death. —Saxe, the poet, made a speech at the great meeting in New York, which was not at 01l prosy. —Four man were killed by a boiler cx. plosion at New Milford, Conn. One was thrown 160 feet. —The Americans in the Sandwich Is ands are in. great fear of the murdering Chinese coolies there, —Victor Emanuel 41% - ils an emerald six inches long, four bread and three thick— the largest In the world. —The landlord of the Blue Star Inn, in Prague, complains that the King of Prus sia did not pay his board bill. —During the last twenty years a Con necticut colored woman has become the mother of twenty-four children. —As a general thing, cholera ions not "assume a malignant type" until the old est and best citizens are struck down! —Mr. Baldwin, the locoinotive king, had a thousand men employed in his works in Philadelphia at the time or his death. —There were 75 hacks and 2,000 on foot in a negro funeral procession in Richmond. The men were uniformed and carried ea- ' bres. —Two sisters of Washington. Dlo.. were - killed by poison administered by a quack physician. Forty grains of podoplipliin hml:been administered to each one—enough. —The gum-tli( Nsiples has sold pearls valued at 00,000 crowns to the Princes Sciarra for 10,000. It is raid that the Neapo litan royal family inted to emigrate to America. IVANT SUPPLIED.—London Ale, BOTTLED ALEJ, LuNtluN VoRTELI, BUOW Tut:T.-10 gvt ghosting Impotted LONDON ALE.. PORTEIt or littoW N ET , art" has both almost is ItnposalbLlßY m 111.• city, notu Ithy tandlng tne fact that there are fe,” tetra more ',Mutable rur Weakly ',croon* and loyal:1s. Thy r, ant has at leuetti he applied. di Lilts stannic:it of the Onest brands, alpiirtiln& IdsielsT & Perkins' LONDON IiTOLT, H.. a co 'fi iNnza rALE ALE, CaMpbull's SCOTCH ALE, etc., last mutts - eel at FLEMIsfi'S Ularti STORE, No. t 4 Starlet .trort, sad la cold by the rase or single bride, at the lowest rates. Attu a moot complete atixk of Lie litiost LIQUORS for medicinal purpose, oeSisiTW Itt hi! Scratch! Scratch ! ATN E'd OINTMENT caret itch la from t to at imam S , nasec Oforusesi, ••TYTTEIt" fAr. ,' PR ATMR" ER" I “1TE.1 . • NEVER No S • UST uElt" ••ITCH TO Fall. •••TETTRR" ••11 , il•' • r •.1 , i• • IV • ti 'lli Is •' TETTER•' ••I —faTl'Elt" ••111 CI • •• Pa El'ite•' ••fr AINT Core, itchlne 1,4.• t•li.S..ald Hoof, ita.h. st In lit•rac,•. Pr•psre I 41' • , 0 Dr SW A 1 • N . .t SiiN, ibupb's 0.,11 Il• LARK sN az 'SE NN N cr sad pL ELLY. 31 Wood strut, P, iibuoi. mat, :Tis IVOILIIS OF V iTA I. INTEBI ST.— W 111 short scud who react es'ouom of frivolo,. vermago avert y elev. vents to the co msat of a few Net, v•blc,, r0 . ..mr1,1 th... 111 nearly 7 I.e trot le c "...ru t and Vot Our rommentarl , into • 1,1.1/ei/. ‘V.C./.1..• Indirectly toe rause of all sleko b., lc If ore tn. tarot, enongt, to re :lst the morld.llntlo-u....., Which cm.loce illness, or con•e they ore po er , rte.,. nett strength, there fore.t In, .g.ratc .i.•l r c.ilsie On stolen, When the quicksilver rang , 4 from bu to sal aegree• to tLe shade, the stoat sittlettr are Cr.!. dried, sot the weak ore proetra , ...l It I at 5...:11 • Ilrne that each an In vigorato, at f VITT rti'S ST(IIIACH OITh FAGS Is urgatoli 1..etic.41. Who: ar, the effects of Ills rarr Vege , able T , b,hl Would tMI all orho have knOwn Its benellt• could cosollonse tt..ir exhcrltince Into Oda paragraph • They would t , It the healthy to Inteltheir iteolth they nut t tate this great tuft roord asallift the ilcbloitaolng loduencer. 'I hey sodexhort the treat to t disett.l unmedloat.d sod import ettin Wants an I rilrg to thinwholesome and norttllog voile alternate m the shdonmeck.- .4 manner fouttl.l cline to a raft tonstorm• era. TlDYveouht. of avapeptle pangs relieved, of erne lite to-toted, to' •1. beat I 11PfTe• re-strung, of headache-6 cured,of disordered Inactions regulated. o e l 7 ., ,T e ci r .t . ..ll 4 llpatotl, dlseasos bar rested. of trot, nr;gt r lt . ‘ l9l l lol ed;ll.,7,l.t;ii:oOper roantmated. e lid cheerio/nes, restored, S uet, a , dr theeSecta of IlteSTETThlif•n oe: • L . m:imn. / maamia 4 ii&l lIINGTIA.II, Jr., Adam/ rapres/ (VW, $4 I•VtA tiered, la an authorized Agent to raceme Advertise...4<mPa for the GAZETTE:, and ad other peter/ throur}hold the United Stages and the Canada/. • REIROVA L.—VI In ILINDEOSION• TO hare removed the <dere of the MOOS OIL WttaKS from 3 Meteor ',Meet. Intlehnoth, to I heir Work.. MI CA ItS1 1 ): STstICE Orotrertorro, .he r , t •ey call nereafter h. (deed. Portoeke Addrem 630. Eltdobureb. nu.: 11 DV SCAN a WILLIAMS. •. ntwern DErOT NOT TO HE so- , 11 Ill: aEI ..—le rese.inenee of disappolAtnleill in tat.' nu possessloseof the OY$ll3ll DEPOT. 413 Liberty street. elessettc , l•lll.l.lP AND 011AHLES rum) beg to apolnalse, nod as soon es a suitable place presents Itself they wlll auxin Deis the patron age or the publ le. 0c2.111 92 FEDERAL S !MEET. TO TILL' PUBLIC. have lost received the largest and most complete 131011.M.t OiLMItE, Mesta., ltior•an4Celldrcet's Boots, Moo, Gaiter', Balmoral. Slipper' sad Gems, , V.vertdrernd to Alleaheny City. My goods will be found anocri, In make, style and rlt to those usual- IV offered. and at prices equally low or lower than trash can be got elem./herr. An exaculnollon Is respect/Idly solicited. W. K. BIeCLINTOCK, oc:• Oa federal litreel, Alley/hen, City. T H AW OFFICE, " Me. 98 Grant Street. M'MASTER, OAIIAM & BUTIERfIELD, • Attaneys,and Ootunellors, X.l.ttaloszrels, 1 1 .4"azzaak. coli.,etcnn rrompur wade, Conveyancing neatly examied. Castro madeged, Titles examined. Properte bought and - sold ap oonsusluion; Mores and thmtns for nut; Lots for sale. NTE - W PAPER ItANGINGS. FOR PAULURS-7reach 13 signs, with O ha Bor en. rome , LlßUAllTES—Compelan P.Rmrst. onlOrange iiitt-ILLLIJI—New (Peek Patterns on Rod Clay ound. P.sh"CTlAMßEltd—Latt. iud instil% Patients .rer dart arhumis. 1.1 "! 1°14 • *. 406 • (MIT'S° LLERIB (OVUM Cm OF AU:sans:Sy, utember le/st: IMO. I SEitEED:PROPOSILB sell be re.• oared atthlsol6Se %met MONDAY, October Ise ist °dol* e,,stocfor . sistlluit a TWo Inch Plank Sheer s Isiths.l3aeout.Watateglne Uo uss. Informs- Sloss mosserutsg he ooze. cals.!). .ot4lned from :IA NM (MOW: larePlan.atrtabanPla , IlLalrreti . oss . ottLgunmaxotteeD4 1N12131961 PISAN Vontroller. S , . . UNIDITIER.-11EVNEn• & No: no and lZ Wood etreqt, have tow 10 item for VatallY *Pe: ' • Vial M 1 11114 Staffed o:tvel, Cilearei" • ••• Itelle ae 011ee VII, ace, Anaz t. and H 0311,..• :Saralee.% ; sus r)ne 'Apple Chita'; r teen •, • . !1 ttl•ra .% and bi Veal la 4 - • nearaat• linuar• • • Ilrome•na Coe ur ' • • U.nelee IY;:retanarslitra.aa Loaded L'lseliellea.. • •a.. te.. tao • c („l 4l l. tirl: u! ..' ! •7” . l l4lallar. ,r.,...11; /Ina. 114 h. :Tne - olor.ervoKs . TIRE RSA.. ' • MNIC 011. COVIeaNY hitae tali day 4aellite4 dividend 'Orr it.ll L.F.It vector. tbk e an ium s tot k ont of the emniaes fee the mouth et itepeinhe A a e.' 13Table On bed after teetohee Am, 'transfer Boot G ilim gnat. thetooer ill teeth. • • pet.is , • Z. Z. RINEHART Secretes?. Twenty-Five.: Dollars Reward. r arEirrr-rn-r, .be pald tor say information frAleffmtt.-lead to the and morfletton of the Tarty or pqrtieciebo ton flomo aaajaftflof.e4 floiff. la frost of 0zr. 1,1414 11.:4 1 . leg". 11: "1.... Altoxhvor osiTufaiiday o • 0 , 0 00 •: 1051'. PAICIT.It. CiONPIONSIENTWIMPt.:rstonime. "• . • 1003 WOO . r :11.1"-ZiSri • • - ,1°I,"41 1 .: Mt • _ Lu m a i ;:, I'.raalc a.•LI T *glib • stip .. .. 1 - 40•11711M11. et vonUtillet citioates,-a toles COtton; 1•abl• De•rw.: IbW: 4 444 .m 41 011 4 bail 44 4 444 4 til l U Z tin:, tax 14 4 . 44 ,40 4 4 • , o• 2 _ TOVA A hin~Krf gin: ranet oit.-10 - bbly.lo. V I Valli bl ui 3VA 1)44: t t O. MEI psarnnasiT JAMS T. DRAW' Corner Fourth.and Wood Ste., BMW StIROKERS, .......,„,Arzarrna or Government Securities, Foreign 'Exchange, Gold; Silver and Coupons. COLLECTION!! made on all accessible points ill al• Unite 4 State. and Cozad.. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. ECU UNION REPUBLICAN MEETING AT RULTON STATION, On TrESDAY, Ott, !d, at 7 r. se. Capt. A. W. Tut:RUSE, or Ndrth a.rolina, J. W. fATLOR, E.m. and J. U. Mot;o3lEtn, Esq., sill address the JOHN 11. STEWART, Chairman Committee on Meetings and Spook•-rs. E. A. Sionsmard. nseretar7. octal UNION REPILIBLICAM MEETING, AT KEATING 5 HOTEL. ETILETSVILLE • On WEDNESDAY. O. t. id. r. Rev. JOHN 14.1 AW, E. P. JONES , Esq.. JOBIAII CORER, keg., will nadreas the tuetttleg. JOH , rt. STEWART. Cbm'n Clor, of tit.el bap And Spelt , ow. E. A. MONTOOTLI, Seeeetlll7. RALLY ONCE AGAIN! HO! FOR KITTANNING! PICURSION TICKETS WILL DE bowed by tise Allegheny Valley Railroad Clusu• pony lot the Great REPUBLICAN MASS CONVENTION, T KITTAX.TING, PA., On Tuesday, October 2,d, 4:3-co . cr. crcrx - viszrz. 431332.0". oak-must.i=4.-sr, And other eminent mivocatea of the Patriotic Oause old peeltlerly b. tixxent. Let %here Lea full 1.)..1..fitt10n from A LLEGHIL NY COUNTY. IV - Train mill leave Pittsburgh Depot at 7 A. X. TUESDAY btILN LNU. JOHN A. NIVLER, eri .17 chelrman Committee of TrWIIMIlleLlt•• GRAND Union Republican Rally, SF' C)larir , Thursday, Oct. A, at 11 Mock, a. m CAPT. A. W. TOCFRUNKE. 101 of Norlli Carolina, J. K. ouF.J.O, 1 , 00. r. 11 I F.NNIII 11on. TIII , Ja AS WILLIAMS. 110.1." r. J. 1111411 A Al. U.a. H. V. CoLl..fiett. Hon. J. M. KIRKPATRICK, L. W. 110811. and other diatingultheri speakers be preaeot. 'NIA splendid 'gut: IRAN , : eit will be presented by the ladies to the largest drip, alien pm...met. brand Frovw.sto.l at 11 ' , lock s. w. Karon , oe a..ts vets] tie !mated on the Vitt bere Con. t ill Rohr and a special traint. and wilt leave the kiepot at IP o'clock S. JOU .7'; U. tif ItNl' A WT. Chairman Com. on Mevtings and Speakers. F.. • . .VONTOOTTI. !Secretary. metal SALE._ Thor.. will b. a priltilo ndno at tbe reside., of endtos, hat. on hi Aairir farm on the Fleming laatling Lo lianadal In Union township. on Monday, October Bth, ommetwlng at In u . clJclt, vrtron the rollowlisA altml HORSES AND MULES. COWS, &or.. {VIII offered for isle on 4.yr. to .1t: Olso pair of. yror old Male.. vrefl hrogr; 3 rood Cork ItoOeed cot: I three year old two y 4-me old lied: I lksy sod fodder rol,r, Isorw poorer, I Int of fin- titter p: Igo of lal k •gon, I , 'ldcr IttoA ..et oearl wagon bar" ... I 64-t light l.srhe... %.,11. Ylittiten h•rnras; ll.rgt milk ttimrn.. slid • i•rge lot oi dairy nriirlef, Can., Plows, Harrows, Farming Utensils, HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, Bodo amid 134,cicilama. And a Kraut carlt.ly of arts rte. not necessary to usentlott wore. Male continent, orcel,lY at nt welock t .yrboo a doe attoottsoco l• rosarec ,t Csoty rettoestad, Sad a libel al ntetttt old I v et to puretusers. JAMES IL HOLMES, nicoo Towsiatilp. 11 ATTU/LW II A 111118 ,, N, Anal over. °Cal& W. J. c. barang MYERS, HOPPER & (Sateeasprs to It. IL. Hu No. 45 Smithfield St., Ilnuttfacturers and Dealen lo all linda of N'II7I=LIVITT.FELE Parlor, Chamber, and Dining Room Seth, OFFICE AN3 SCHOOL FURNITURE, • Together with roll assortment of Pittsburgh Manufactured Furniture, Coustantiv ou hand and for salt at the X.B.o.vcreart nrlocas. 55.16::• Y 5 Di:. J. S. REM litsrunied the pretties or Dentistry at NO. 104 IrIFTMEL ST., Opposite the Cathedgal, WK ere 7.7,tll.lll.7Z4=llTel'Aillgai DENTAL PRACTITIONER. Especial attemlon will be Wen tbe rtr Ilou Grit,. natural teeth by skillfully-11l eg teem Cwith the mom select — material, and try gle ng them her proper treatment, thus pre ierving them for future uses sod moron In tripe old owe. Arreantarlty of the Veth of young persons skill fully attended to and eurroled, Time beautiful life-lite artificial teathontulered ”comtort.ble and eselol by the magic of tee Doe. torte meManlsol, old be made read! for *II wbo may order than. All recent dmooreries of curse In giving relict. from pale In toe extractiou of teeth, will be skill. fully administered to those wbo may dralrg them. Odle, hour. Dwell A. $. to g. le. , eelltl9l .1866.. 1866. We are are now oslablltox for TAM. Timms the moat extenslve stock of goods we bate( Xs's? had the pleasure of offering toper pstroas. Kuehl' Brussels and Tatiestrles, u ":hroVe n T i ortregilfeier e aitTA l litire a g:l7ol" d RICO SEIM AND VELVET CARPETS AID REDS. KIIBILUIDEIXED SWISS I. sat CONTAINS. New and Elegant Mimeo( Naito, Side & Centre Tassels, Loops & Bands. Choice Styles NotNnrOartates. WEIARLdIiD a 001411113 , Not. 71 and 13 PIIITII btlt t 2. Next bons. to U. S. eco Cootoo (lo use and Post Ullee, Snd loot. este . pox . FALL TRADE. 1866. HATS, CAPS ANI) RS, ii and Retail. WOOED it CO* 181 WOOD- STR EET, Invite 'pedal attention 40 I.balr tails .Hats, &o.; tee., for Fall &tick Now ran and comolota—every 0011.4 to oda all lats. z lLlAo ONO of Ovary ; deactiptloo. ault a r Ji . . a DISSOLUTION. NOTICE IS n E Enny GIVEN that the partnership heretofore existing between Ta11,U9911/LIV;AIILLBAIIkit a co; . • • Is this dig dissolved by :Mania conical. The books of the *boo, arm will be walled Tith,99lt. !lAN .th kkTELBAtaf, who ,will. evintilltio the LlQlittlf 8111119193 sit No 93k Poss. Street. • D. TRALIZIMAit.— fI.'ADTLIVEISAILI. • s. hAxXA. B. THAULIIMAX. , r with. rest.. oattio rf"MTMIIt7T! WM. A. SHIMN. 7 - , . alr*fin*Arr T M"..180 Wenariii .p.0.u..w Liu wiN1011: , PartlNly istratiousiTu go lba Wiwi:lb:4l 9! Kt CoaK fitts v in ••••••0461111,b0m_._ selitik.ll Ret , 4I I 4AMTEIttAI- 8 ., . • . . . Cestaffik *Mk; .IPrit, rsialli*e rliondidiased.stiack Paint, . tniottiar tows WWI Mllll ... 4." ~ Y r PH a , e r:. /11 Zenith N. %art% althavnL" - - A A44:4*irliA:4 azuriv so iia/•ltariam booitit sad sold. ptiaptlyisa44 wOOOlO 012U+ - VA itIVAIVAENIV or QTIIS autib Ems , NATIONAL DASX Or rITTSOMOiII• MONDAT MOILNING, Oct. Ist, MI. 1 - . LIALOLTrtra, - _ • Capital Stock S 900.x00 CO M. 453. I.V.Z Circulation, (State B•k) 214,39 0 ations I Bank Ciro/Battu:l 3C,M O OD Puo Doposltors 503.= 37 otaer 4... ........ 81 Divid.ria• Unpaid 4.4.1 5.7 Croats and Earnings 143,4? 70 =2 Notes sail Bills ...... ....$ .51t1,373 Ft 3 Banking Rouse , 13,311 SO U. h. Government 5ecuritie5..........815,60 Specie and Legal Tender ores el' other Ltauk.s Due by other Banks Zi1.452 Yd 339 73 Taxes and Expenses 6'491i2 "certify that the above I. • correct astract from Quarturly Report to Comptroller& CurrevcT• oe.:114 JOHN SCOTT, Jo,. Casb2er. 12T° QUAMTEEILY STATEMENT 1:11111 SIBBT NATIONAL. BANK OF PITTdI3I7IIGIA ll= Loans and Discnonts United Mates ...... Dun from Bans,Bo nd, and tanker, ,r„?..l.,c.aatieu,,gualcyTender Notes lintes of tiolsent State Banks.— U sect Items and Itenitttances— Beal Estate laßonse EMI= Capital Stork • 6500, roo no Due ludirldual imiositnrs l,io,,rii 21 1)11e Bank• and 'Dunker* 8 ,6xl 20 Due Treasurer of the United Stairs.. 103.6.1 06 Circulation 30:101.0 Coutlugeut Fund and Prodte ..... ..... =UM 15, I hereby certify that tbe foregoing lea true ah straat from the Quarterly Report to the Comptrol ler of the Currency • .a2:118 JOHN D. 13CUL1.4, Cashier. QUARTERLY STATEMENT UNION NATIONAL. BANK O , rITTSBCIWEI I= =1 - - - - Nol es and Bills 1/111CCIUU . Cd • 642.8 a 7...: Indebtedaemb of I,l,e.cturs 11 , 3Skr Overdrafts on or n mud Tax es o.hif 10 - t I.li.St SO itetnittanee, and other I ,1111 Item,— ti,n , o 45 I. , ne from BAlllt a and 11ah1ta,....... 0r.1h3 la 1 1 41111 ,1 1 01n1e. Band.7.6"L am uo Other U. I'. ho rue air.... ...... .... 4. thl 1.0 Last oa hand .-.. ........ ... ...... ...... Z',..27.1 , 7 EMMEN Capital Stock S 250. , XX) OD Surplus Yowl .11.7.4 4 Circatattoo 213,0 W tO Weldon/le Co Id 7 7. 1 0 Doe other Sanaa cud Ranker* (7.8 0 01 lailehloal lteposlto.-. ...... ...... .... 60, , 3 7• 1 1 ,. : , 0 ,4 I...ruing. $1.1.3 . .nn ea I nett' y that the abort Statement la correct to the bent or my knowledge end belief. oettlli It H. SMITH. Cathie, QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE SZCIIANOE NATIONAL BANK OF PITTIi- =I Notes and depositednted SI,S-28,200i3 U. S. Boutin to secure Car. OUIJA' Olt . 910,0G0 CO U. S. Honda deposCed to secure De- Ur . ! •P A, COl 1... p , U. u * . 7:los to secure Depositors ISu.Olo 1 , 0 eck. and other I.sofut Monts .INAII .0 Ci Sp rculsting NOte• of :A:scions' Rani, ~s.i. f 0 Item , lances sad other Cash Items.... 77, , :i 3! Due b 7 Banks . .2 , ..., 7 /.2 1.1 tient Estate C01,.500 0 , Talcs sod Expenses 51.V..2 :14 ----- Capitol Mork Nlttonal CtroutAt r•tato du Co •• leafy Wool Depoott.... ,ed Mat., Dept..lt Due to It Itrekl ha.rultnet . ... I rerliry Ilost Um above Is Ft true •b+tr.ct of ti Mtatenient wade to the f',omptrotlur of I' trr IMEMEIRCEMI I=l QUAIRTERLT REPORT AI.LEWIENY NATIONAL RANI( OF 111 DM= 11:11 lEEE! Notes and fills Maroon led . gad, 147 tt United eltatea Lunde Uepostted so tie • tins circulation ............. ......—.. UAW tO Specie and other Lawful . 717.771 71 Cirenial•ng Notes of National Rani" . 3t.4 I* 141 Circulating NOW. or SAO, ilank a oo Remittances and other eaab Dar by Lao. 1711,1a1 Real Itstata Taxes and Capons. 4:4681 et 7,141 ea I=l (*.vital Stout Von,' o 00 4C.4 u O. National elvedlattuti Mote Circulation :a. tot Ou Indlrldnal Deposit. i0u3...+1 70 Dividend. unpaid•••• 3,5 a td 172 h 2: ;1 Co ■ and !Surplus rued 1..01.3 One Banks I certify that the abort Ia a trot...ha/root of the atatement made to the Comptroller of Currottry. °ea It. W. MACKEY. Ca .hier._ 11T11 QUARTERLY REPORT !SECOND N stioN AL BANK. OF P1TT.31.3 U PSTTSIBMIGU, Oct. Ist, ISM 1=2133 Nana and Bllla 01.connted $ iia,n 0 59 United Statna decurldlan 3911,Ca0 al Beat lbots'e. h,090 On Zinnias and Taxes. ........... ........ 7Oa 91 Due by Banks and Banter. 11.971 za Cad( (Legal Tenders, to.. ). 194.511 111 Who . Cub lianas 14.67) 6 =I 4 3C0,030 CO t Capital Reek Carc.Olatton Z 54,0 5 00 1/00 Depoidtors =,16 , 1 vs /... Due to Banta sod 0111ILktIll 05,477 24 IJupald 1.11•14 cods 305 00 ComUosent Fund and rivets 41,10.1 ae VOW tioo 00 • 'fleabane Is a correct abstract from the Report to the Comptroller of Currency, odr.l2t C. A. RIGGS, Cashier. QUARTERLY REPORT OF TIM TARSI:IMS' DEPOSIT NATIONAL DANE. Firma:mon, Oct. let, ISM. = Tills and Naas discounted ft.W,403 BR 10,000 00 Banking nd oun. nnLoi 1.16::1 Tants and 020nirdlun K 2 en 7s Due trout Bank., and palate. 1,1177 n. =l,OOO 00 403,V3 00 0.1. a •------ 'MICA= 70 t o irt i. F L iFe T . Loa ds an.i.s ER=l Capital Circulation Deposits Lae Illsoks.sirl.r.. tiorplus rtluds Proilts • The &bora If ;( Correct etretraet from Quarterly 'l eper! triCeatr of Currency. oef:121 ' - R. A. OEORI)E, QUARTEILIt STAZEIIInNT Or Till OILMAN NAT GNAT. BANK OF 34TTSBU lllill AlusmAY. Ortobei. Ist, Md. ' • nesoutter.s Leans awl I.ll3couma '18.411 40 U. 3. 1103.11. . 226,303 as Other U. 3, /*curiae, 3,1501 A ------411 03.134 50 Sp. el 6 and tegal. Tendert.. 11X0/.737 33 1111Lsothgr National Banta.. 4.415 131 Dills Otilihrr litsui 1531234.. 3,333 110 01411.12 am, ' 12,33 81 I)nefrokallauks33.l/1310kar• 94412 ad 62 Real R otate .. ~...... .... 711m11,343. auS7l.3.llAira.:. ::::::::::::: 2 211 I: Talcs atil Expenuar ::: ... 14 14 115134311321.34.1tems 3,011 21 /I.l4J.Wild 13....auxrum. $ ZACOO CO ( C hViltall "" drif i llecla4oll. umati7 :LYS() 00 Uus i"j r 1 X111111110711.,.• 74103 , 7 70...4111.3 , 8 17 .p.t.dry,62 ' dliscolvalgolu items, • o ,2azi aro, A.'ISIIDLITaiIiteP. QEARTE V EIVATEMIZT TRADEIiiMPT 02(AL BANK: ; ,kEtrarigao 1 5 v 73 tire , :4l . COIL /le.MS.2M 29 Tiltettlltgr m ‘' — „' **** 15:22 41,mtm? Il riiilMPlallt Oct. 111, two. Capltal .80ot b . . C° ! s ir m arral i Mszla.k:Awa.. .. . V.,7si, A - • t- $1,013.1 7 / F. • ---- ' GE61202 T. VAN DOREN, &OW Vaildar MEM QVAILTERLY IMPORT Tuna) NATIONAL BAST S)F PITT 6 813 11011 I= =1 Nol es and Rills Discounted U.S. Rondo Beal Estate Furniture Taxes and Expensen.....••• iteecnuc 5iamp5........ ... Remittances . Due from IlankN Cain on hand ig,..:54831. S 3 I= Capital Stock ....... .......... ........... $. 400 v. rOO . ( kiurplus Fund etroulatiou -Y0,050 PO Divo!cods DI:11..1d .... ........... ....... 3,. 7 4 0 ,,, e 0 ~, Fro:lts Due to eau ko end Ilaraa,s.. 7,1,4 , 21 Due U. S. Troasurer 5n..0.1.1 tod Due Dept...ll.u. G." 4,6.1/ GB 0%01 13 --.. $1. 6 = 3 , 32 V V. -44 a 1 89 The Bence le I correct sh.l fact from the Report men. In the COMptroller of the Currency. 0c2:125 JCIIN R. lASI NlRlTtyti, Ca•uler_._ QUARTEItLY STATEMENT IRON CITY NATI.O; AI, 11. k NK or PfTTSBUIL6II i)L.1 . V.116 T 7 . 650,10)00 r CUI4I 0.41 (Al . 11.0 CI 1%) it • 96 . 47. 4 x IR) 41 Loons and Disrotailx.. d ..t ,47t 1 , . S. scram!' s 4144 (10 on 1 11 " r . .0 0 11 no., and I. 'I a ....... . 1:.579 (2 1.4 gal Tender.. and Colts ....... 313.117,11 Nut. • , f . 9 ' - 00 Cask Ilm= 7 , 1,T.01 44 131Z1311 Cspll al 5t,1.... .. .. ...... .• . $ .irml.noo 00 Circul•llou, \nl.. al Ila I,k 3,3 S': CO 110 mate niVidelltid 171.111A1.1 . 1.7:11 61 1.11,1 , ual D..00•1 , 0rs ..,..1...60 11l 1 , 0010 Ban& • , 0,1 Ha:l,i er• 17.700 , Prollts 1.1114 1.1.). 2'1.010 07 QM= J. D. RAIVIALEY, 336 Liberty Street, OLA UAL I N FINE CLOTHING, MEE SEW TORli MANUFACTUIIE, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS I=l Agent rot GEO. ORa"T•S rnizz:biEDAL and MOILLI.I.6uN . 3 STAR Ltertemher the NEW IRON FRONT. oppolte Wayncorv.4. J. B. IlArd A LEY, 334 Liberty Street, FASHIONABLE HATTER IMMO 41 al DI 4111. ; =9 .1 TEL-eosis am 10..A... 13, FR DA, DOI: - 1 AND CHILDII3, The :Newest Bdytes always on IZEIMI hand and at the d.uwest Prices oot ro, thi. VI )1:1: a RUE WINIP , WS op p 4,1, p:Z7A.V,Tre J. B. RAIVIALEY, 334 Lib 130cptr4 a MEIZZI I= Ladies', illisse CUSTOM MADE S =I nd at Lower Prides than Down Town EZZEI Itr,•rawr tllo FOCI: L .1 &IE WINI/0W . 3, upxr not,. Way :lc sweet. TO CLASSMAKERS lIIE SEBSCIRIBERS HAYING completed their rangetneets for crushing the (tunat (luplati Saud tuck , are now pl . :pared to fur nish It dirt quality of AND. reads for use, deliv ered In CAI. LUAUS. T THEIR WORKS, at the doted rod, nf14,50 per tun, to bulk, or lig Oh In bass, or tie dell rered here, either loose at $lO 00, rin bag. at 0.51 , p• tun, or pant.% eta furnish bass at the lorse pro . We off r the Is recti Wass hoe •er Sand. adapted to their ure, so to the same conditions at 13,1111 pot. l.nl or T WORMS. Orders furs .. .nit.: ELLIOTT ItOSI,E IC, AII Creek Post 11u Utopian count, Pa., or to A 1.101., tit X IN, 4, No. 110 Pirst street, Pittsburgh, will he p raptly attended to ROBLEY & CO. 1,14091 12E=E SOLDIEIIS , . CLAIMS FOB BOUNTY, &c. The unduraigned teT collect an Wontler. beet pay and pentlone eoldeera under the acne of Congreas Of State lawei, Congress toss st peeped an acted o•OAMA Loan des, under Widen euVeran inddlera are edtttled to bodily of from 8100' to 8200. JOHN S. I.AMIOE, A. At. It Itt , NY N. • Attorneys st LAW. No. Ili Fifth street, tTTellilltel 11. T • - A DDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO Soldiers of I - S6l auiLlS62. All 'elm served three year. are entitled to 8100 hot.° ty those earring two ream II50; or who wale diyeharge.l by resson of wounds, or their heirs. hr...e Months Extra Pay Is doe Volunteer Officers In the service ?larch ad, ital. and discharged, mastered out, or realgcled disabled tee entitled to *Lb Ws or 64.1, occur ding to degree &seen lty. W. J. .t IIALI. PATTY-MO:if, Attorney., " • U. 472 07 COME GREAT WESTERN PLANING MILL, Cater of Harbery Street And Dapene Way, PITTSBURGH. PA. Sash Boors, Blinds and Mouldings BUIE TO ORDER. Unfinished work is prat In • dry house soil finished wheu taken out. natog., Flooring. Nklenther lio.rding. Laths And hhingies COUltatll on blind. Sswing o ye-enwinit_ang ...wing done with dispatch. Boxes Or nil kinas tootle to order. •fiti.li JOHN HEATH. prrranulklGU POCKET CUTLERY. cial and nurcbate nor of those superior POCKET KNIVV:4. manufactured from nussey, Well/ .t Co's liner/ Steel. HOLLOW GROUND RAZORS, TABLE CUTLEUX 01T EVAIITSTYLE a PRICE 'MIME. N. cacit-xfzirq, Agent fur the Pittsburgh Cutlery Cociperin • Abs. 61 and 69 FUUI Street, eels (DISPATCH BUILDIND.) 22 1137abl.aCtiA111 BTREEIN ' 22 pi PPNttLE tWISOTAOLES. SU ItV ItYlisti INHTRUIabbITSi: - • trVKLC.A. ULAbIiF-21 tratEta.cOPEtY aLlOttilelOOP.K4, (.1.0181.24AT10N IiYLI T I/03121 . E.11.4; 8A11011.64 ft, t i titlaf• ETElta, pi.. for sale as reasonable prices; by i. ULSlWyD.sPraetleal 412 • . 64:1 lA PARTNERSHIP .'II4OTICE:i I lIAVE THIS- DV-ASSOCIATED with teB af„ elSOUtilleSs , lll' the zWboterale Drug iluot,e2s,. et.= Wood litteeLATlttabt.l4. Tbn•tyleruf the. OAh'to.tlf.litCO A. IKE Lair tiEURAIE A. KELIA., CI.Gx 6,1(4144••• ••• IL 5X014114114. 1- E011,610..' 414.1g1L114: B. CO4 WHOLVSALE DICUAMISTS, • ti. 4. Avwtk o d, " ar%C Pi ggat i lki s tiiie "ale gPti nigC gatta4 -414001,16rigitif=o . , . , • r.:ter Et IL . .I„"TOOTitiIAS BAKE& .ltoritate -4tre,sasentlietured,oale liar Forks, sieleirailetelilltlitOibil , row. and Travail oi every stild. made of the Wit material, af ehart zoStlce, anderariasted. IsLuds OWLIIJILEW4 91)14.11.112. k . w L • • TEAMS- - NET CASH. WA.% r01e... (15) TrUtak Jf/a/are I • rttimoliara.y. AT GILELORE & LEIBLER'S, 100 WOOL/ STREET. WItATCTt— GOOki MAN 131 EY sEW AKT InIE P ANT IT 171:"1..- ninh 13.0 0 eapltal to any .tooti WO Or Mt. M." tr•vei pr of tete time. Will pay a per day and • larFr srv or, U.ool scan. t 0 what& J. C.TILTUji. Pittsburgh, Ps. 441 00 M'ELROY, $1,6-3,0i - r PirrrTSI3ITR.4G-li . MEE= COMES INEIMEME IMMO !rty Street, lall n Inds of LOME id Shooter and varivi .svrtenent Of :' and Children's DES AND OAITERS, I=l =I ME BERM ;- , DICKSON & CO., 04 yPOOd SSt., DRY GOODS ma WHOLESALE. murciiv - 3:)11. - w", OCTOBER FIRST, 1 , = . 466. Orphans' Court Sale of Real Estate, pro( VIRTUE 01V AN ORDER OF As the Orph ns• l'ourt of Allegheny County, made September gbh MIA thennriersignel,_Administro tors of the estate of WEBBY MAXWELL, late of county of Allegheny, deceasea. will expose to Pub lic Sale. on ni EDS itSDAY, tee 24th .lay of Unto her. Pesl, •I 10 o'clock 4. u , at the Court lions. in the CB) of Pittsburgh. the following described Beal Eats. °Nem said deceased. rim All the one omit-ideal half part of all that certain lot or piece of or roso.l %Beate In lieserce township, county of Allegheny. and Stott. of Pennsylvani temnd ed end deserth,l a . toliewa wit: Beginn a ing on toe ride of a Dente road. (now Valley Plank Bowl., at the corm , or lot No. 8 in the sub .ll 'Won of the estate of {Cavil Siegel,. deceased, made by tleo IL Biddle. administrator: thence ateng told road nerthwardly My feet; thence by (toe rt. suing • dent angleswith said road along the line of lot No. to In said plan. eastwardly two has ud red and sixteen feet nine Lod one-tenth Metes to a private road forty tees wide; thence ray the same sou th riegrees east fifty reetone and three-fourth ancees to the corm r of lot No. 8; thence along the line of sold lot No. a were. yard], two hundred sot In y feet •tt•l (Mir Inch. to the place or begin , Was. being .ot No. 9 In end plan. and being the .. 101 Mb," Wllli4l/1 .1. Koatits and wife, by 111. 1r deed. dated Jo urge. 1858, ree •rdeel In the Ire-' e•order's wilco tu and for raid cotto.g. to deed book •01. 170. prom 55. granted unto the said Hence Max well and Jame. Baxter. and upon which Is erected trams slaughter hones. Also, all thatcertain piece of gnd situate In Reserve township aforesold bounded rou and demribmi sr follow a to wit: Deputing on the east . side of a publle road called the New Franklin road, at the ll.of lot No. 91n plan of lots laid not he tiro. Biddle. as administrator of Franc!. lecaelvy. amt recorded In the Recorder's orrice of Allegheny counts, In deed b 14.1‘ vol. Si page It thence Moog said r had south erarsil .event, -rye feet to the cen tre of ...1 No. 7 In tame plan; thence in a straight no parallel line with line of said lot No. 9 to ! pla cate road Oily tem. wade: thence woos sal.l road north wardly the line of lot No. 9 aforesaid t thence •Isng 1 four same westward!) two hundred awl terroty kV, inches to the place of beginning, befog lot Se. Band the one half of lot No. 7. atiloin -1,3 In the aforesaid plan. and being the same prop erty which WWI sin tfuttand James Mubb, excen hors sofJosspl3 Watt, oeceased, by their deed, dated Apt ad, Mtn, rec 'riled In the sold Recorder's °Mee, I • deed hook vo . page whichgte unto the said Henry Ms> sr• II in few upon I. erected • two bOLIT tratue ens MAXWELL, CIEI I'ALUARLE IRON AND COAL , LANDS AT stiEßinve , SALE.—By virtue of sentry writ. of rendn! expo... honed outa the Court of Cont.,. Fleas of Somerset county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to sale by Debits outcry, at W-Ilet•hurg. Somerset county. Fa., on the ELEYRNTit DA Y Or OCTOBER, We. at 10 o'clock A. It., all the right, title. Int.rest and claim of the !tumefy.. Iron. and Coal COm . pant of Pen•yl- Au la, of, in owl to the following Riral Estate, Obi nted Orcomerset county. Fa.. nine miles northwest of Combertand. Md., consisting of some 2.000 acres or taut, more or les., wI , IIcILMMIVe Improvements. ,uch as a dot-etas. Blast Finance. with all access.- gt.vg go... for workmen, tat= tiptoes. The e [ u r..n. • rty Is connected with the Baltimore and I I (thin ituttros.l ey a branch Railroad from tile Drop- I erld connecting wlth the kit. Savage Railroad, six ales-rest of Cumberland. The DrOperty abounds to the he, t quality of bituminous Coal, Iron tire. iLimestone and Fire Clay. The 'Blast Furnace is of co:mrtor coostruetloll., with an engine of .a oleo[ cornett]to blow two Furnaces. all larOMPlete Or dor. I'h e boom, for workmen, blacksmith shops. I horn. and other buildings are all of capacity for ex ten Oen onorwttona. There are 1110 Sever/II . Fernis in tool state of cultivation, with dwelling house', barn,. he. I the quality of the Iron Ore, whtth bl Deal."( tic - Geer May be Judged of from the fact thatdering the lint Lls.t.of LI ff tons the average =Mint o on. toed wit, .24 tons Wseer, ton of Fla eittal - Pooktew ed. Altogether mere tIO property In th et,OMlntri combining more advan.aarna Do the mandfacture of Iron or the t ar orportattOri 01x031.. irltrini Lb entreat ern or Western market. There are also strong Indications Of the property containingPetrotema col:oat OIL ispriVeta com pany are now engaget in boring on • Pao Or the [antl farmer]) belonging to the Somerset Company. with the most encouraging indl.tions of finding oil soon. Some LUO of borebe used for boriog pur poses The • slue of the property can onl7 be. unoreclated or • close pa. vial egainlanSlol., Si canosenot well be destribed. no s ed And taken In execution so the proper[) Or the contrrset learn sold Oak: COMPanY of rti.• .11 the snit of Idaltlarrr. ocblid JOOtkti SHAFER, Sherif.- • ogrealkbly to the provisions °Mhe tiet al Amaranth,. of the 'ommoriereattb of Pearlsylraatas _passed the tday of March. ma. entitled ..An Act Relative to Molted Partnerships' , and do tiara y ca rt lfr th at the oune or the Om under shish est _partnership Is lo he connected IeJORNSON A rA nilf4 thalthe general nature of the beefeater* be limmisseted the in.utacturnand gale of Marketing andlll-. minating Oita, nd the same WIN be trainee •in sod near the dry of rittsbarabs• Mat the no m •or the brnand partners of **ld firm are WILLIAM Jolt NtiON nod till. AS 11. PAINS: bOth of Alle- N rblV,•.,Pr'ia,r,r3atrit's the capitol contributed by the said Deorsel•o,Neer, special partner It three thenund dollars In cash; that the prloo . at which stltt Dartnena l t Is td corn meets le Weld day of July. )1, D., sad that It sill terminate on thel4 Jay pt . VOA 1).. lets • WILLIAM .TORNMSN. oim pirtmtia, isll.a.b PSIN4 I I.ldOlitrlS N. Mt%Spada Partner. Pirrserlooll. July 2 1 . ISGS.—antsdar . NV. a. 61.11RAT11)....9. 1. 110011 t ,ilir• T. ilaaaaato. palmy MALT 11101MEIL , W. H. GARBAtD*OI Haisters, Grain &Hop Beajerg f No. 17 Water Street) and Nos. 5 wed 7 Pons Iltrthsti • . PITTSBURCH,.PA. - „, ..M.W.hitcrtotwill.Vhal 4 10 ,F reitz,: J. W. JOIVCSTON +A`• SCOTT. STON & SCOTT, - JUtIR DLALYBBIN Fine Watche,s, Clocks, Jewelry . SILVER-PLATED WARE,. ETC., No. 274 L'lltZliTYPrili*Tt rartlenlar attention - then 8i1t , 1611111 Waimea. Cloaks and Jewell?. allArairk :arum. aso. G. SOUTN 'JOSS-ZAGS JOHN ROSS'olk.: - Cai`' erccuiosit I WM. N. OCOEN ; iimuurAcrruxurais .A.ND DILA,L7LI4/0 OarbPA OiI:UM/PK . ilupt - . 1- . ..k7** 3 ) . CHANDELIERS; mra. *wit ihmar.*eCistreiiiii, - - S. MOIELIMY . :efirfe •-14;i , . 110N"425:1 1 42r•mberizt, CO on 'bort e but . - Persous , itlatthigtesaktri,anyttlai tipiparUirs, imaktivirpos being tarnlncl st. best strwst th=rittors g1t5,t[,1,11141204114i • • • UP -STAIRS • arial;rlt '1; EOM MEN WASTED, • TO ACT- AS SALESMEN, Either permanently or temporarily. stno ay,, corn _ petclll to engage to first-class business relations. Apply In parson or: address • VT. It. BILKER, sel3lE3 08 Grant street. Pitt burgh. Ps. M . 11.11.03 WANTED. 10 Good Seund Work Mules. ADW7 t the.Tlg " et Offlcoof.lnttsburil)t, AlleAbe up.:2;lll"'h'" • 4 .... a. Roxirz;euri, MrAIiTEIII—AGENTS -- % 1,600 PL11 YEAR—Everywhere to Introilueo SBA W & CLAIMS FAMILY 131r.WRiEl MACKIN p.,,linpro, ed and perfected. It lOU hem. reU, *Melt, null, hind, braid a.. 1 mut:molder beautlfe 4. Pried only 11 , 11). Mattes the ,elasito Jour.. stitelt, and Mlle wansetedror flee yeers, and Is (tom e ileentd. We pay the above 'smelter a commlssloo, welch orb , . that amount can be made. Add re.anrealt on LI; H. Lotiti. No. lii Went street. Plttabursh, r.. en advertisement of the Finkle & Lyon an.kthe Weed Bening Machine*. Ito 111116 th e,. . Jon 389,1*. 00 tZ,lN.Wert`.2. B-- ..!, 7 ,!i t :1Pt 2 0513 for Ladles.'averyarlferey to townie. dm Comu.on Sense Family Sewing Plactstue. Improved sod Per fected.. It Will Imm,.fell, atltah.rldilt. hied, brat . . and embrolner Ocautlfoily—prlce only Seitr—mal.- tog the vlastio.to...k.stitch, and folly warranted for tarsus years- We pay . the above wager., or ems b e from which twice that ..mou nt ems be mad. Address. o r eall on U. I.IOWEKA a CO.. Ufnce No , 256 S. rum Street. Philadelphia, Pa. All IsSteri answered prompUy, 'Nitta clreu , ars and terms; ' - ' • n0.1.h 0 All4:)OfeWef.N:ov4ngricl BAILIFF, BROWN & CO., PLUMBERS,GAS & St EAM PIPEFEITERS No. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. OM Gl2 Penu Street, Pittsburgh. NWAT6II AND IiAS FIXTURES constantly on hand. Houses Stied op with qua, Water or Steam Pipes at short notice. Ull Itesineries tittCd up at short notice and In the most approved style. .agitators. Tarts. &e., lined with Steel. Lead by new propprs, with Hydro-AtmospliPric plop l'lpb. 1317EFITII'll'A't', dl MOIL , P TI sib` ALL KINDS. it V IsItANT 110.4 r. , Lick ail material kept by a 'list-Plus estaintsl , ti".• ,Plte the attention of all *hob are any work t.• • .urllne of bull ea as we feel coon , 4poi • :re the best of satisfaction AS regards triat,l • • • • • an price. lyllird ba-_r_c.E. Private Families and Hotels Cho bo furnished with heat quality of HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES Al shortest notice end hest terms, by tilling on JOHN MAFFET, Nos, 227 and 229 First Street, PIT TS 11 vtc on, PA 171.40 WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, A large ulsortment of Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, sheet Lead, &c., ALMA IS 0 X AD. NI Wood Street, near Sixth. 22:b7 P LUMB" G. GIS IND STEDIFITTING, Hydrants, Iron Pumps, =f:M HEMET ZINO, LEAD P SINKS, BASINS WATER CLOSETS AND WAS"( STANDS TOM T. EWEN'S, tau.c.a...r to twens & C 0..) 163 Wood tit„ Pittsburgh, Pa. Mo7ta49 ADDY ,IVILIIIAIS&BARTI/EV • W.X.517211L.133314.101. GAS 'AND STEAM TITTERS,- • Cor. o Blath t Smithfield Sts., PITTSBURGH. PA., Cor. Beaver and Chestnut Streets, IdA.NCHESTWR. All Muds of Water, tlas 11411 d i'lztx G 011.• 'MEM] on hand. 30:09 ADDY, WILLIAMS & BAIITLEY Keel/ on bah , * a superior article of WOOL) P' MOPS, • • All kinds of lion Pumps, lirdonAts, Sheet oo" .o, 'Mines Mot, Lesd ripe, Roth Toss. /dots. }Valet Glares. Wash Mullis, Wash Mends, _Re., at tucir Corner Shah ad fimithfield.Strepts, All klods or Itsoalrlim do seronoriiitlr: AU orders by moll tOosoollately ottendea to. Jes:eio 'WIII. SICSIVYWY Is. JOHNSTON HERLEITC & JOHNSON, P.. RBo'l'=CBl.a Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Firr7l STREET Erricws (burgh, Pa.. All hY scull. eaccotrid satisractorlil col prompt:7,A 4 oreied to A Seer D S o u r bmecobl Pump. Elmira, Wit 4 Clore • et hers, cerebrum, arm On alum, %Film orOst reasonable prices. courimppattobe by mail procupUrut thmullcoe or eveTdererlppon. I.saidos lomputuso, DAB' AND STEAD ruTuie, ill ALL ITS BILANCIII7I_/ Carefully attended Ia bf arperlermell and uratercal workmen._ A. Aar aasortment OAS FIXTURESiSINIWBATH TUBS arzuwza }writs,- • = WATZE CLOSETS, ITTDIUNT , CsunssUY on hal,4 and rasdk "der.. TAii.ermr ,*t sozii;rxr.ax.aa, No.Aqiederall, Stree,A.iteglent, sad /•'/I'rtretrect.' I;tabwrsb 'taDlierdtT_ . NY.. A. . .. 5.011.8,7rr DISCUS & 961iberty Street DMUS Ei GROCEMIES & PRODUCE, AT'LOW CLAM /111101121.' udualre'it aikittrittsolitci AT.Ortiti stay tint • us with their pateriate,,ln PAW tpld DEAGI;IG. • • • naneutult Gut dziri' YO ifeiti. - seitafahlirra—, ,, • ! .1136.1.4- FINE WATCHES; JEWELRY; tHAMONDS, -• • t'”'gtren Nitta lIMPAMITC4 nwla-lumfg4s. . " Cif .77 anilEttkAn - MERV itittt 41/0.4.41110 :81r444 4 '4 I 04 . 140.4 W WIN 9Propriigor C4l t*Tegt 4 tek , t - f hi t sti " Stabbl °Pen. nay iiild'arip:t. 4 41,14011111Ta1L11 ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers