FZ= El c=:=a. 11 giti*Jitil Ongitc re. riumuatzpvir , _ FENNIMANI: REED Ar,'•oo, • • 17,16. 216111:0.1' OdrOBER.I IMO: , 2 ITNION BalfilcaN - _ iron . „ 12/14h,CEN.JOHNW...CEAR Y ; or auwarsyLant %attn.. , 0 . 21 iiiirmsairnro tarratert HOPI. J. K. muouar..An. 11. •.. • TlnUrrill233:l DIITZIOT 2iV/11.1.:1AMS; uswarrs • SLUM= B. epti.mr, pus. mimic AT corm Mut. ca. snow:4. itaidstu=7* . cs„acur. cogetrAsa AlLEXllllll2ellllAlillig4Cll9.. - zwitirtun . nzemic sxvisi t toatty. . svettimst ipgypH`ll.O Y.PlmmTp. arinaluiTatalt • Lammas Azitsavrear.catar sorteivii cri moss JOIIN* Malta; :2612111 ry a zosoz xLsos, Tit.- SAlROlROZ.T.licitEr,,Sorthirayetto Tp. 111•1111:11214 Cli Apssica, Colluis 'll6 SifiLlXlSSl•rs...trit; lions - • 8.4 k. FOLVil&b, Thu &kin' wErni FOR WORK The time for argument is pest. The great iseuo before the country-Ims 'bben so clearly and filly explained that every man who has brains'enough to comprebind any thing, understands It; and the great- dem onstrations of popular feeling- which we have latelyfilia, Trove that it is understood, Its inverter* appreciated, and that the people have made up their Nobody doubts- - the success-of General fistaßL,,bet the election of that gallant soldier is a !titian - atter com Pared with the great issue hetween the President and the country: •Wo no longer say, "bet Ween the President and. Congress:" for, by the re nomination oftheir faithful representatives, against whom the l'ielidentirts seen iirop er to make wear, = and Whoni::ini bits nouncedta traitors, the ptople have model the quarrel their - own; - and when he comes ' to this end of "the line" to fight - what he calls traitors, ho will find that he has mil lions to, is:intend with—not MUD. ST*. vim, and StrUnsitz, and WuLtwsts, and few other rash men, who hall madlydashed forward far in advance of the great - body of their countrymen; but who—mho now seas, if ho cyt see anything—are only marching along with the mighty column. 'Bow, what we have to do at this election is to show to ii:thotarrJonnsox, and to his BebelAnd Ctipperhetid supporters, that we are advanclag—: that the cause of Truth, and Friedel:cr .- and the Rights Wan is be . catalog Atronger every day;. and that no man, nor any combination- of Men, no Matta Who they are, or how popular they may have, been, or how much patronage they mayy,have at their disposal; can stand • forting mama in opposition to this might iest torrent of public opinion that the his tory:of our "country,- or perhaPivof Use Our work; then, feithiaweek, is simply to perfect - the .arrange'reents .for bringing, out our full 'vote, 'and uttering the cry for the great onset. Mind, we are working not so much for victory—for that is sure but for increased majoritiensajorlties which will •Ow to the rebels Add to the world that the'eause for Whirl oar brave men foughtin the war, and for Which we still contend Witittinahated - real, is progressing Let there be no straggling • in this one grandest Onset. Bete "and there there are earebusi Men Who aced urging; and there are =4 aged and; feeble men who need conveyance to ithe polls. These Milat• be atiiirded Bear in mind that anaterage of three voters staying away from the polls in eself .. of- tie four or rive thdosand ni tride or 'precincts of the „State would re duce „ enr majority - from twelve to fifteen lumsantl. By All means - let that beatuided.- FREDERICK smitoLoan WECON. !Mai/MI.ON, Th lecture of this gentleman at Cley' Bali on:Friday - evening, on the subject of llecnnitractiinversi Clio of the most POW erred ple v ailitlnhalf:Of Alio; ektloredi peapin to which we iverfistestod t Ife claimed fur . Ilitury - rion huge and perwenealtortlint ;of the AreerieSUF Dedple,all the iiglits,lut rannitielsindir,iviieges of • citizens - Thfe be ei u teff fOlthina; boiransa, they arc; 'mini be= that era eirer,willixstpart of the Ansealt . rn; Isenplery IWO:tine to deny to thcui thisegttflity with. others, both native; and foielsn, ~ , ,Trould ba itYIOIIII4OZI Of the eardia4Princtil*of thiag6 ; einuertif be cause..they seed; cititenthip,si s-dc- fence ,cod as antes= Of cleratinz selves aypt gßadag IheaiSeitai; - .lRldbpClatia' Dalcßeit tatat.Ritight and bled giddied it s lOk their white fe)iefvf;ceitintrymett - in 4efeltee of the cation`-in Its direst extreinity. Ali Shoe. pointswerre etrongly'and eloquently ursca and Malntaiticd. „ • " But l!r. r.IOVGLASS seemed to talk' de, aPendttgly Of the present Prosp=t.-more ea, we rought, than the &C is in the - c4taa warranted. Ile complained that the ques tion is;fettffrage ;had been kept out of the issues,'nosi baoreTthe eounity. iecuts to forget thatthat questiOn is not now in issue betwee n-he great einffentling parties', and indeed could not be. In Iffs seal.-for that 'a c pecide right to Me people; he loses sight of the mighty Progress which the 1314 UOOOIO A 1040113, is making , tocardi tree ; dom,itinalityntui universal emancipation; but wettish to say to hhn, And to these in whose beitik be so eloquently pleads, tivit In the present posture of our politico; tbe question of universni suffrage cannot enter. Other questions necessarily take pre-Cadence.. Node: our tonna of :govern- Meat tile suffrage, and everything .pertain lag to it, ere lett to'the unconstrateed Fic tion of the States. This'is oilier their ii servell'tleits. end one 'which buihtriot, sad CRpuat •be invaded. What - then can the NetiOnnl `.Government do in the ma tes.?4tuit es ouch as wean now doing, 'lnd no ntorei-40oininthgbiftit ainintireent of the furidamental law that representntion of Sti*lts skskits esnwt¢attlrate.inith the AtaissitOd nitfeer «stair 403\ve:, plished; and all the restwill roltar in good, time, wain it ittiytwin and benefits to 116;enfren"ebts; . d rannsmen- Donoiseit SiO4_44,R! 11411 be glad. that-he shall fslutiartiioplend the cause of the class'whicbrolay - Pit - 411'y prortd , th - claim him AS S member; hut let him and them remember, that - the nitiic shining talents era not always wedded - to this profoundest sagacity; sad that the op retorts toomebt for accomplishing cute thins cannot be the right moonlit for - do. very different thing. --- rILE CATUOLIC tailliCll, OD NIL. ,=*nreferred some daystigo,*lie *Won t the-Catholic Clmrch ' in . lierttir kite kited people of th Senth whose laic emancipation front bondage, in .all:theli. POierty, ignorance Ind' helpleven COM! - mends, 1,11e4:B)-ti*ticiir sympathy_ of: ohrlttiertiotOwyniUtit: 3ThaTtotestAkt. churtheii;iifteiniely:inKonilA*,- h4v6• hoin'actlin terintire thiiiitWO finfitOi Aga; and : now "Um Oatholl church, with . Its morieemPect:tindterfect"orgenism, is ilmatiiillil4,Tig,9*o I ',.: ;: :. .“. There,U4o.Fie el d,counell of the Catholic Bishops of ' -country ,at Bald- I more, on . .tha.ltli. of : mouth. Is- re- , 1 reirkableletter, , writt by the-Bishop of Savannah, 1111110InICei.4hatthe evangelize.- tion of the freetitnertor th e ‘Sonthwill be: one of the principaisubjeett of the dellher atouB prams both.: , Thellishop also goes on to say that.: the golden tole, love thy neighbor's thyselfimusf , noLadmit of any; exception' and; thertfOre,- we en g,p ti - the. Sabre tosend most fervent`and reiterated prayers to the,•thrtine, 7 of Grace, - - that the fathers ,of - , CiinnciVniy-rettelveligbt 1 and grace :from , the lead of the Church; feprocure - Alketlieedi,atid edit:it ch:ma evangelitatioter.thilifrinan race. .. The Bishop farther-says that bewlshes the "colored rate Ati 'be admitted and in vited to the bet:tattier Cahedie scluxds and Catholic ' . This is eminently:right and proper, and cannot fail to..lead to ,iiniortant results. Although' ; is , _hut :that hitherto that great commtmicosrlies. not -succeeded in inclOsitigin its fold 'anyeenaidefable num. ler of the African rice, As the mere fact , that they are recognited brit as men and es Christiana, and invited to become par tiCipanti, cinema' terms, in. the religions ned:eduoational privileges. of the church, will do Mich to brisik &len that barbar ous and unchristian prejudice which has, to a great extent, hnherto shut them out Of the pale of buinsaliy. The Catholic Church, more than any Other agency, was 1 instrumental-inbreaking down the feudal system of the dark ages; and now,. if it can aid in extirpating a elininte prejudice but little less barbarous and brutal, it will have achieved anethir good work. ' 1 SHALE THEVOVEtt . V THE X OE3 H , HAVE EQUAL - HIEUTS .0 ITU TUE vortate - IT- Tilt. ,gti sn t , Let the folloivingearef ~ y pthAtradstsig. _ . meat, whicli-Wei copy Oaf the New Toth Tribune; by studied` ith egad care: One of the 'great uneaten/ to be decided at the Congunsiond elections•Abis fall Is whether, tho voters. of. the,. North shall obtain equal fleas with the rulers of the South, or whe her they are satisfied that the abolition of Slavery Isbell arm 'lncrease the superior 'lights which the voters of the Southern Stites have thts far enjoyed un der, the "Cornitution. , The matter is se plain that 'wept:rip Presented it cannot fall to be understood by the dullest intellect. According to thole* of the 28d of May, 1880, it was vended. that the number of Ilepresentativesin Congreis should be 2 , 331. that the representative population [which'. means the whole number or free persons, excluding Indians not taxed, with the ad dition of three fifths of all other persons] determined by the census of that year, and thereafter should be divided by field num ber 233, and that tie quotient so felled should Lo, the 'ratio of representation fur the Begird States. This ratio thus Liner. mined under Wu, census of 1860 was 124,- 183, and upon thig basis the 233 Represen tatives wet a apportioned among the States. The nurater : was, however, increased , by the net of March 4,1882. from -233 to 241, by allowing one additional Representative to each of the . folloiting States: Illinois, lowa, Nratticity, Xlimeaota t Ohio, Penn sylvania, Rhode Island end Vermont. Ac (girding to this *path:a:meat; the North, ern and. Southern States had the following smother of lOcmgressumn: 140811111135 eTATItI. ttittrotat... - ...:„... ... 3 3 . 344er5e3 Gouneetecut ' .- —4 Xeer York .31 tumour 14.011144: - l' , iodises, ~ tr,Orscen 1 tows .. Irrennarisania........ 3 .l Hanusi. I.ll.lrsde Wend Maine 5 Vermont Ilasischusetts..... - .1 0 Wiseensto 6 Michigan..... . . .. ...... 6 Ulanelibta '-_ Total:..: 3 136 Raw Damnable* .- 3 ~ , . . ' 1101351113/33 STATZS. Alabama ' e.Thssoart .. . t ....„.... 9 Arkansas S. 3 North Carolina Delaware - IlSoutb CarOlintr. 11 liorlde IlTensnessee...... e Georgia..., • • 21.Tesur.. 4 Xenia(*) ' ' - 91Tbe Vlrsicklue 11 Louisiana. w. liaryland.` .31 'Total... ........ --SS Ailisliesivel - 3 . Now that Slavery is ale:dished, the three fifths rule bat, tot conne; to cease, and the 'new apportionment bits either to be made upon the voting (white) population, as the Congreislonal amendment ptovides, or up. on the total population, as will be the case If the amendment is rejected and the John son partrhavea:MajOrityin the Con great. Should - the amendment net be adore ted, and the 241 - members, provided for by the act of 1862; - dividend among the ' Stales. according to.: their total popuhttion the South gain 'nine members-an d the North would loseislite. ' - The ratio of tuft' resentstion lathis mar would-..be 129,243; and the representation o,f the,Northern and Southern States jii Congress **old -be as *91:1114EIM STATES. CsiltiiiraiiL..4. .. , ..... 3 Saw Jemmy . Councatlatit;. .. . . ... 4;:foiF 3 - 0rk..... , Winos ... .. . . ........ 21911111...1• • • • •••••• 1ndia50:...4i .. •..o• • ta;pregokL , •••:""" t0wa.......',, - 6il'ihsnsAvaal4.... Ifiinsaa - - ' -': "• : Itlttioda Eilssyl - ..... 1.101010... . .."...... • S i Veraioolo...,. .... . [ 14 siSitablifati...... : 9' 19;i4a0,*30: Allatifgari - - a .: . 3ilquasoLe: - ' - 2 4, 1 0391 !.....-"•"••• NOW-AlkWPahire•••‘ 3 ;.• . r •2. , , _ fOpt'HgSss Alsruirsik:.:::..-:.:.."1011.1990201 . u5kati0n5,........,:..., 'll i rrorth Cotonou-- 9 ve1awere:.;........t... lientun'Ossaltns...... .5 r,011tt0...":...:...',.....:. ,11Tdotrouto64.: - ....: - :.. .0 0oorolo...:11, - .:..:4.::: •I 1 Te500................-..1. 6 Koncueltyl....:,.::”. =9 Thityroutolos. . .. .. .12 b0tt1a1505i...:....'.....". 9 • - ' 3rurvorol. - .4.: - . - ..,4.: - ll .... Tatel::: ... .......... 03 / 12-iilit.b6:ffire'n.3l3iiltribisemetho finden of Illinois, Indiana, lowa, lifiussachuseus Ina Ohio, montd'vecit..;.lose one,, . „nnd.., the Suttek;of - New:'York l> and renusilyania, each trikii. , Pithe'ethet,inusd;. the. States of_diabainn, llfernis„:Lonialerut, ~ I dlisle. I alripli' trierth Carolina. .. Sentivf-Ctzrolien, i Telindisei,.-..Tegae:--iiiiid - viigi Dia; . *no each ene::: "Ai the total. voting , poptt.. latiortof 'the - Northern: Stales i5113,052;97,0, and of tlie so l umirt, stato - ,: . 4;026,10 0 ; ~ this [ wilehl give In the ' Northern :.States ono member for emitter poplation.of 126,889, :Lod '.ln the Suttee one Member tor P Lt Toting ;population of 83,496. ' Thoie t ' therefore, who oppose the amendment, •or where!, the approaching election, vote for . Corigreasinen' Otitis Jelintent patty, therehil vote that avian!, pOpittation of 12.,5,ev9 4.1 as Nora stutlf_have as melt power as 85,-:, 496 Southerners, theintmense majority of whom er° unrepentant rebels., .... . . 1 The 1 Constitutional iimendnent, upton' which the ef thet.Southinn States ie Centesili .l 4 6o -4.egten o sul, and. with' '. it, thikitapublleenletrty,Ansist theta . voter ' s In the'lfotherie &secs sheaf' count d i , t h ueh t ai in tha'Satitaire'fitafia "'lf, secordlugly, I the voting population be made the, hairs of representation,the ratio_of representati o n , ,iveuld be 111,0,86, ~ .and,lhe Northern. ann;(l Southern States - entitled:to the follow Inv nunalinc.pf Oongrestreqn:' . 1 , . , -; iorritraut .VrATES. taltforTond . .;. - ., -. ',3 leenllanipshhas I' neenestient. 4., , ,,, ,- ;:7.4 , 1r0w Jersey" I t chinas - ' - telgew Tork Inlbroo, ' ...,11 Ohio • 10wa,......,... .... . ..:. - .6 Crrtg00 n4r0t00,•:....:......-....1 n4rotoo,•:....:...... - .... 1 PoonsTiorons..: .... .3 Idaloo.-• ..," ... - ‘,.....9 elsodelilson D . Itomoreto .,^4 rsetio.:..,.7l Weriooor - 9 I .2in.Ulgom..-..r.,,,:..:,7 Wouronslo: • 7 BiLtatsots.....:.l .- .' -- ' T6ita . -'-' -- •'' • ''' ln BOCTUR Aliamotn . gEll 14ZEM1 Florida GeOrsciar., Oolittir.: 4 *MTland tt Itwill be wee ab!Lt IA this ease Illinois. "'law" lersey, and Wis ,xnEl Will gain air -repfeseinaibiti eaeb, •"abriniabissaliktsiii;latni.liasf "Ork four. 3 in:pk.lTe*Xeylr,44ew,dersey;# l aliste, chisiliV ** illuolz,;lol,:vistqusia— iet-Au ellntiderateLakby every:v:4r In, yodr Ceegraf *tonal ticket ;swans ilititiolirie'ili . tOstoi au; caters 11'ora and li!vg, and that Stu q --- 7.Tiiii,sit-i.. - k -..ji, .0a pe.404.740 oil, ei.% 0.06. • AL, E , 3r mate - vi o rteiktile oPPSI I -\ • oit:ticketaarrobs• Censentttle tame lesser irights than a voter In the likanthein alders; ihile4yery-supporter of the Republican ti cket-bislstsAbat the Union men of tba North slinlkleiVe at least equal rights wfth the leto Rebels. -Is .It, passible_ that the issuo'bel'efeenlvro such tickets is doubtfalt . ....s. . __ . tesfol-----'l6wingiui,inant,paragraph has gone. he.rounds the . Democratic. press: Some of orir'Rsdleal friends:dot:o4mm to relish - this .littleAtem of aura, :but we publish it again in hopes it . may et ',do them gboth , Congress has appropriated pay, for two years' service tuf follcrws: - For each'itearo soldng ' • . so vie Foresteli'whttosoutt Xor ciu)h.txusadmv.of, 9onarelw •. 4 P 0 9.. -.?The.New York- ,Tribune' makes th e rel ieving thothugh:extiosure of this base tempt to excite prejudice against Congress (inaction thatAvas intended. for the benefit of thogreet body of soldiers, irrespective ,at :race Or. Colari.:• • ...4Coogresi enacted' that every Union soldier in our , war who 'has been honor , ably dlschargea after three years' faithful service should receive an • extra bounty of S.IOG, while those likewise discharged a ft er two years' service should receive but $5O. Now the enlisting of blacks to put doWn the rekcilion was not fairly begun till 1863, and assumed much larger proportion in 1864 while the fighting ended in April, 065. (If course most of the blacks serve s less than two yearthand so were entitled tone extra bounty; while scarcely.a hand le' of them served three years, so as to en title thent to $l.OO. On the other hand, there are many tensor thousands of whites who served, through three years or over, and another large number who served over two years. Why utter falsehoods which every one who reads or reflects must know to be such?" . _ —Two strangers hung up their coats in a Baltimore barber's shop. 'rhe first on leav ing took the wrong coat, which contained $2300. Ito did net discover Ms mistute till accosted bye police officer. Us was alarm ed, as his own containcds6ooo. And change, thinks, &c.; . followed. • 'CERTIFICATES are being re. , Celeed every day referring tdthe wonderful effleseY el FLIMING`a AG CM LI XCCItE. after all other thedlelnes bad !Ml< rt. Call and try- It. and If • ale. tie bottle d sea hot stop the shakes and until*. tbe money will be refunded In all cases. Cos toll out and tot fur Flentlng•s Ave Cws, remlue•i Agar t ylceninels Ax.s Cur , , FleattuiVil 1 , 451 Cure. - bold only Ilveld only SoA hada only Vg:::ll:.ti:gtvitc,Ar.VoTot At FL East stt'd Itrug and Catcut Depot-, No. t 4 Market at.. corner Menton I. near all. No $4 Market st corner tilesokm.l. near tall. No. St Market it.. corner Lt/ausand, neat ith. EIEZI A Beautiful Bead of Ilalrl •TA11.1,1t3•• The great ••111.r (hear Hrmlorer • 'Lando..., • - ktate Color It.storer" •leoltdon • ' • LLIT.UrT or •• Hal , Col••r li•el.nre' ••Len.l.n.'• ••11....7 Culor Gestater • ••tenutloli" the Drecaleg • Halt C. , 10r Itvetorer' • •Lond.n.• • 11.0 r Color ftestOre , • . • . t. , ndtru" IWO", • - 11vIr I 'Wier iteste.er •• it , ..I t l .7:l.orflrim n • ag . .e . l ns r t: 4t o r zr ‘ l i f i lg e alsior. ... it .111 Teel or c the tu Ile ereretlous. .. It .111 tenleve nIl dete!r..1•..11.0 . . 10 1 5 . L. It .111 mar, the oar roll.rlorvy .01 rle. , ble. 11. It . tit pr re,. :he net to ol en' rof 014 10. 7. It w II prevent Ito guar 'roe. la.llng att. P. it 0 1 11 r rre all diste,rrs of tne scep. •at 74 crag.. holt., 1431 4011105, 14 Foil .1 Ile. rIW . V ki l t _- 33 , 'North • loth .11 , 11. abov• V 1... and all dregglvt.. and &eh. , I. tenet ar- 11-1... **try Stc.CLA ULAN A IteICALENtA.! I , R- Afar ket.tret..oll.4E.tt. A. A. ELLA. 37 Wood st.A.td I Ittabe'6l• . atAt.l2otAtmA TAKE TI1!.: lilt TIIE FORE LOCH.—The mlwima uditrit g rt.:rates epidemic fe vers Is now ri lug ill ClotA. 3 under the blast,.{ 1 beams ii f the deg dad sue. )serf' Haled hod). ot I wail as r01ut0.111 , 1.11 end reaeloWo en sttsr, emit, nowhotraerms •epor, mad In erowdea cities and I e dense sowentidages which Ito slats , sea pleasure sail ,og.ther tile •lemouts obit sssss Sr. evolvcd. The prvasure noon every rail organ Is never to ores' ' ea to the second and thletil mouens of summer, and i eon:Imola 'mist teaches ns that them organs require to be roll:tibiae.] to meet It. We hold our fives, so to apes:. au • 1517.1.1111511 r.r.ar , r , and tias is tLe lemon when toe preeras of delsiddallori Is 1110,11160111 and repairs are most ere garnet. TitoViro tierA Tl Pii. aro? AIM litiltratit i 'Tris.loataalitiass.,d.tanits in it - shot mistily vegeta. his teraderect. 110OTETTftl1'6 ZlTTShilde Ile oho tahujii'd levy be befit to alculti himself In male tar, mail, sgslo•t which twildemi• dl win hart itapedsetied shafts In rain. This to no erstalloo• smertlon, Oat a great I.OI`IC.LL rani, attested 14 Reelra pais' ea pet - In:et la every cilritato of thy habitable Slab'. E2l.l,lprt of temperature always disturb the fonettoss of the stomsoh, the bowels itheliWerand the akin. it 1. through these that the most dangerous mendies glued! ne. Ton. Ulm In savlancer with HOSTIZ.M.F. 1111T913,40a4 defy . bent sad ettal•rt... all . W34.II.L.VGILAM, Jr., Adam Express Wm, Si /VA Street, is an authorised Agent to room , . Advertisements for the GAZETTE. ..Ai all other papers throughout A. Liathid States and the Oanostas. "vreco Me Is - L Co AAAAA Corner Markel no•t Water :qr.(' Yrtnneentr. O. pt- I•Stn. Tnire runccrotri or TILE PIA. Acta:lt MG COMP AN Y.lnese this osy (teetered • eilei•tenit of TIEN Pr.ot CE.T. on the CoOltal elloct Mit of the earnings f4r the m • •th of ...4epteroner. peeebto 01 and ofter . b. leensfer Rook cteker4 from tteeoner let to 0rt.16 ART Secret-mi. .Twenty-E'ive Dollar: Reivard. A REWARI) OF TWENTY-FEET. A.s.t» , •LAJ:• mall ha paid for any int 'Mallon itlath ell les4 to the rrrrr ro,rtetion of the t'tY or l'attlat.who toes_ down mot tonttlate th e go In Pronto. tat wry. ho. tia rptlefal atzatt , , Axeopoy, oo Tatinalay ulttPt. Ittleate Othlift T. PAltrtlf. DISSOLUTION. NOTICE IS INEFIEBY GIVEN that the partneriblp boolofore existing baton's, TRAUEItifa.N, APPLI..DAUM //, CO. XI ibleday etsentied by tontbal comical. The boots of Omaha's .em wlu be settled by B. TItANSER iIASI- 5 AFV.51.5AL , 11. oho 515 continue the WOLP.M.I DUCTSIS.IaI. 59534- Peon Street. B. TRAIFERMAN.. 5. APPLE Daum. - . 5. 111511.K5. T1.1..t1155.1L&N. Ramber Ztb. eel WO s Nal I== ,k ,4 IIItIE CURT AMC VESTIBULE L.ler, CSMX.er OCIRDZZOSEINS, t AIN OFFICE, .ro. us Grant Street. OPMASTER, DAZIAM &. BUTTERFIELD, Attornoye and Oannsellors, .v.ittaiTcruaratlia.. .roeaszads. rgp