The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 01, 1866, Image 1

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:amnia ino irr
Penniman, Reed & Co.,
he. 1111 ruins Slim. Prrrilser n.
1111 All
ittoturgli Bette.
- -
Burcrtos DAT Is drawing near. 'there
is no more tints for talk. Work,active, per
severing work must immediately be
inaugurated. The enthusiasm of the
loyal masses is sufficiently aroused,
but in the heat of the pOlitlettl excitement
let us not forget that thorn remains much
yet to bo accomplished. Beek out your
friends who bold tint principles of your
party, and urge open them the necessity of
final, decisive work. Victory awaits our
standaril bearer, but we 'want an over
whelming defeat of the enemy; such a de
feat as will cause the loyal heart of the
nation to feel that Penneylvania has saved
the Union. It will require but active, irk
creasing labor mum the part of the loyal
citizens to roll up a.majority in this - county
alone of
. ten thousand • for Geary. The
`king is peslble; it is not improbable_ Our
g i nemies are disheartened. Every day
their ranks grow thinner, and their hearts
sink lower. 'A Waterloo awaits them,
and let us by - United exertion claim full
share eer bringing the ignoble defeat they
are about to suffer.
The sharp note of General GRANT to
Brig. Gen. Eina.miert, which will be found in
our telegraphic columns, will be read with
much satisfaction. He says quite as much
as a MU occupying his pbsition ought to
say; and he says enough to let the country
know tha ANDIIIM JOUNGOtir has not
succeeded i. capturing him. Of this fact
o time had any doubt; but we
.ome persons had nusgivlngs,
consented to accompany that
le he swung around the circle.
we have at
know that
because he
worthy wh
ch ho bore in that ridiculous
The part
eful pageant, was more a mat
nee than consent.
and diagra
ter of abed
!the editor says:
Sir:—There is to be a Union
Convention held In Kittanning
next, October 2d. I have just
letter from the Committee of
,ts asking for a large delega•
is city. General Geary, Goy
in, Thomas Williams, and other
•d speakers will be there."
k Allegheny county owes the
a large awl spirited delegation
lag on that day, in reciprocation
roue conduct of our friends of
county, in the matter of the
Inal nomination. The Alleghe
' ailroad, we are informed, will
stork tickets. Ity all means let
.rge delegation from here.
D ,
on Tura&la
Arrongem •
Cion from
ernor Curti
dieting fisbi
We till
courtesy of
to Rittann
of the gen.,
A rmstron
ny Valley
{ Ile excu
there be a
110BIA.-It is really amusing to
he Copperhead papers, espee
of Covoile's district—it is Daw
, but it will be Covode's—and see
tey are making of the negro.
tt to have no other stock in trade
-r! Hugger' nigger!" With them
(duty of man, the sum total of
, and the only hope of political
is to hate and trample down ne
only shows that they are pretty
ved Out even in old Westmore.
f. °phobia is as unmistakable azi
f the bite of the cur perhead as
is of the bite of a mad dog.
look over
tally thos
They see
I,tit "nig!),
tae whole'
nearly p
land. N
by droph
whilom democratic friends (now
• conservatives or supporters of
ANDIVER JOEINSON) are going to hare a
demonstn tion on Monday, we respectfully
suggest to our Republican friends of these
cities to Fake in their innumerable flags,
and furl them until the afternoon of the Otb.
It wlnever do to grace a copperhead pa
rade ith procured and banners pcnred in
honor of the Boys in Blue.
Tot Iron Mountain Railroad, with all
its roilling stock and appurtenances, we,
sold at public auction at St. • Louis, on
Thursday, by Gov. Fletcher, to satisfy the
claim of the State against it. It was knock
ed deka for four million seven hundred
thousinid dollars, R. d. Watt, the repre
sentative of the State, being the purchaser.
IN UNA COUNTY.—The Republicans of
this arions old citadel of right principles
bad grand MIMS convention on Tuesday
last, Which was addressed by Messrs. Curt.
lux, IBtortast, ()now, Govonn and others.
Theper. sons present mere estimated at 10,.
001' ; 'lndiana pronLises 2,200 majority for
GRA IT and Corone.
arianin Is lecturing WeSt.
apoleon has pardoned 1,627 culprits.
Ile Boyd la playing Pauline at Mo
orao flesh is given to the poor in
P. . .
, .
—Pet squirrels are taking the place of
—Bennett and the Russian mission are ;
talked of.
—Reporters are "puffing!' the cigar mak- i
era' convention.
—there were 85,000 people at the New
Y ork State fair.
—signal' railways earned £ 40,000,000
sterl g last year.
—T a Western morn crop is tender and
still " n the milk."
urn Keene is doing "Kate Runless
tle" Springfield.
rgia wants 15,000 bushels of cora.
Call On Minnesota.
—London "dead-broke"—Wigfall,
l i.
) min and Dreckinridge.
bale of new hops recently sold in
New ork - for $1 per pound.
—A Western publisher says he has lost
two subscribers by banging.
---Soutvrell says John Suratt is living In
a friendly European country.
Pawnbrokers' cliecka—turnpike
oo the road to poverty, says Dickens.
1--Tbe picture sales of .Now York for the
pas three yearaarnotutt to $1,220,000.
Get latiperl or
EY Bumlt at Garvin% No. 64 Fourth street
_ Dry Goods at Wholesale.
Ste °Or the largest stook and the greatest
variety, at wholesale, and at thelovrest prices.
J.W . BASILIM It Co., th Market. eh
Evenlaw !Illusion.
!The regular evening seealone of the Iron
City College. corner of of Vona and Bt. Clair
afreeta, will conansenoe on 'Monday Omobtit
tat, at t p. m.
Speelat fete et Bilks,
..ratoenelog this day. We shell offer for ULU
' • ,'at special tile, the most iuled end the
- t stook .of Bilks sod Itotroiotlques. to
leak and colon, and at the lowest prices.
J. W. Beak= d Co., Se Merket et.
, .
lifooil iclairtin the' Tsai Beamd.
SniplUte of Lime.
Sulphite of Lime.
- . ~ . Sulphite of Lime..
Sulphite of Limo.
Sulphite of Lime.
- Sulphite of Lime.
One peejpege of the abave at twenty•five
teerill keep one barzei of elder perfectly
went all the year tone& Bold wholessie and
,at the yo west talcs, b 7 lietnerrau eta
DraggiuM. 0 'lefarket irsmer...ccrk;
Sr of plaMo ral, am iflftliStrim '
tifyi 'EDITION, F, J uoili,ii) i.:orn FOREIGN NEWS BY NAIL.
, An English A.ylum Offared the
1 : nvaltr:trx:gpal3;ln.:r:
Ing In . of tnolera—liatnbltfth
oens of o Lazaretto.
ON O'CLOCK. A. M. FOUR O'CLOCK. A. M. 1 New Your, September 29.—A Farts letter'
• ~.,.., 'Si- Itrl: klt G 0.,, antent lion offered Ina'
11 ,'.,.., -- ..11 L.L• ,on. on oho Island of Malta, In
~.t.e he 4tteuld feel inclined to leave the AI,
. but latest accounts from Florence inform ea
, that it much better understanding between
Union Candidate Eiretod at Portland,
O. caon—Polnlca In A rfoona.
SAN Fasxcloo, Sept 30.—A Portland, Ore
gon, dlsinsteli, last n 40.1, says: 11. IV .Corbett,
Colon candidate, was elected to the United
States Senate yesterday, by a strict party vote
of 38 to 31
Governor Ni'Cortntelr. of Arizona, has issued
a prcelamailom convening the Territorial
Legislature at Prescott on toe 3.1 of October.
Advice strou. Prescott say Col. E. S. Bale--
font wits eicetert to LotiOns. be a small ma
jority over Col. Patten, this present delegate.
The schooner li. K. Foote Rollick brings
three hundred barrels of oil and three thou!-
, and p 'lands of bone.
' Mfg.nines. , From noutana—Conononer .
men. 01 wirrloolitirol froir—Conerwo -
II re Nenllooe 11eirlined.
r. L 0 1 .1.. Se Olvtni , .. r Se —Forty miners from
Montana arrived at st. Joseph ‘esterrlasy,hasi
' .....: neat Iv a 111111 ton of dollars lit gold dust 11l
. theli poo.woohl. I , L ... ,
1 T.. ,''t I.oui• ogrletlll oral mechanical fair , --- 4:'"' „
a ,i 1 ~ , entnet,eo lotion-, ow under mono favor- I '''' '''' -
of a person
phi*. oe-tere.. 1 hew rather is heauttfol.
I It Gall ConservoLtrn nominee for
' o was no.
. on ere., 711, .11, net, tlecline.l. George A.
. Goa ley alt , tpoolnict instead.
' ' Arrival of atentorr.—settoonor In Me
Sao lIIILY Ak i, orpt. Ti —Arrlve.l, bleoloor
Monte, ey and hark Andatnon, front Nun
1... k. lite -charmer Indianola, for Pensanni a,
sin .ing a leak on the lath. and put tu more In s • ••- -
tilalt 11.voi
Pita toped Envelopes IFlently for Dlstri
, the King of onl y and the sovereign Pon tiff'
iatlon-Toe Llntlt 0f..5.7.tre Resented- t row estate, , ,„,, them ...
---- ! Geo. HIS MI II I Entlertticd-flonstty 4 ir• .""" Is every noslinidtY 01
, an emu:nolo solution to the long standing
Dinner lo American Ofeeera-U. la, War , Color - Another Mos anent An."'" ' L.. ' itallt gnat 101.
!Mimi Abroad-Treasure for Americo- wench—art ego Sill
In New I orte. •
Tint cholera has appeared on the French and
Irritation ifinancee-Store TrocPa for wa,.,.,..,...ra, hap,. "+r-The Ittsstoftice De- ; Italian sessMoards. at Marseilles, Nice, Genoa,
lianacia-An Mamma* Visits the Pope Nutmeat I lit. next rock, be prepared to sup. : and Naples. - In Tilarsollies an alarming ill
-Prita•lan Olen Prorogued-Coble sup.
urea. of eases has take n . place,more than
Rase. e a b e R e e nee e_a ree ey Ulan,„.. ply the Ill:WIC ll itli nettle ped enrelOpei 011110
1 silty deaths Oceurring daily, scttered over
of the 'treaty of ream. red ieteil cat es of (tith-e I linotand, or 5 - 2,2 S the w note city, althea, dlatlnation of dlstetcL ,
(SC TtII CABLE] per hoot! , ed. ail'l to tlil. proporj. Lon for small. Toulon hes escaped, but at Moe, she disease
Qtrigne . rostrw, September 2.5.-The steamer e r q titi
uanes. 1 risirtie t ions or the tan tern mg pronounced iuself with unusual Tw i o" ° ;
in the csrare,p fno of the finest quarters or
City cif Beaton, from New Cork, arrive - I at to be returned to any !'name-- 000.0 v filch that town, eleven persons were attacked
Southampton toslay. n ,,,, 1, .1,- , ,,,A1. , 1 , 1 1,, ih,11,-1 tor Ii 1111 a ten stmultAmmusly in one house. sir of whom
The Mayor of Southampton has Invited the des . , n tti he ~;,t,,,; 011, 1 .,,,,,,t ~,, th,. ~,,.. .led.
` - elopes, the :el 1,•4 n o
io rdereil In The panto at Marseilles Intpcis ft strong tide
officers of the United Mat c a'ar ttititf` to a h
,‘„,,,,,,,,, ',mt. t,,,,, 11, .. ~,,,t re 1. m,,,,y ~f the 1 of ern tgrat , on southward along the Rival/OIL
dinner. let t.. , - fete:nod i, :lie Lli iol lid , r ord. , ,hoar ! carrying infeetion wait IL At the Italian
Beach ,-Teerday-September 23.--Coon i Bin- 111,11 t he la , t t, not e , 1,0 , 111, 5 toor n that rev- .idol ter, a Mlle Inswo liOnlll Of 211entOcte, the
matek t s Mines. Is considered gra , e. one , ststn• a , nre kit tecoa , ii7.o; i.e , pyrdage, : inist rat iont established s. lasarettO far
ILMICNer, September 25.-The volunteers of The .I. 1011,•• I 1`1,1•1;11l, /l , ;‘, "•1 1;;;•; "eelle,,, 110rillettlIon, fumigation and disinfection.
Garibaldi at Zecco, ore 10110 illalianil. al. serve Hi render mere 01 t!..1.1 1110 eOpeeyan, ria.....ners ara there taken Into a room in
Lostiont, September _i-The pros, the of all Isit,rs. which they are made to Inhale sulphmeous
United States ships of war, nt the Island or T. - 'et-rotery of the Trot sere has fleSigbs- fumes.
Camila, attracts much anent
-C. led i li' t iiwt riot it.,..t1 It ! .1, ,1 IL:elm/ma. 11. '
LIVIIICrOOL, SepteMber ' , lt -Cotton nOtiVe 1.. Faulk, Preildrtir..i +per 1.0 ili ;.,,,,itory i o r ,
sales to-tlay of 16,0 Whales Cl 51 elating Lytton t the• it ei piny of I olilte money, under the
q toted at 13d. PTICC2I Of 1•0110 n A b e r tie' 01 J'lne. 1 , 1.
Ilis morning, under date of September 21 th, 1 . ,... Ti.,,,,, , 1 , . parr Inert havlth.: reached
Ini• Il ia d i, tali op, 000 of Five-I went v bon is ;
vi ll i t . t Atet o ttiTt l tl 6 l: l litYitterrlcre'reml:relted. Coin erchatigisl to . r . a ' eVenahli I.V MACS, 1.11, (•11111, '
quoted at ttis 9d. Wheat Id. litellet . Floor oi, t of tty”- lb I.e hereafter Wiled under a'
lean adralmeil 2.4. Provision marital is better , Ittate 1'••r ~A, u ill be paid On the fleet ..r ;
Reef adraneed to tt ed. Ja. ,,,,, I' •t! , , A , t;l` scat.
Lo o. September 23.-Contol. were quoted it I. Jell ,. l l t's ssett.t.'n'd [hat Ct o " ttt. ' I ! ' . 1
at oP4. Amertam Securlttes-United State. It ... in tIIa k 1 l sly n hied rt t her 1,13 urcept.,,,,e
-l'a'ne ties a .,. r a se lli n g ta . s i a , a t 71 . 5 ; Eri e or re , ii,al af the French IlliArlOtl. Alsllfff ettilidu 1
illren , t idinreS, ON, linnets Coal! at lentlroad YI a ' ed. It romodos t ...teen. to tilt p ensure.
shares, 77.4. Tito httlow Inc elf enliti 1:1 It:IA.10n to the'
soterne.atrrett. September 25 . -The ~ l, .. ps, ntinil el tiount fen, ha-301114r,1i yt of , .1 .
ZOOM ° nailed for New York lei th 15 0 hundred , S'in lisle, Ant."'" I Gt‘stert , ..e , i . v . 1 ,- •.. I ,
thousand francs in gold. Tito steetn , ,ld p Bice IV , sit tsorna 1 , C., - epttntr , er , f'.t. 1- ,,, t. 1
men bas alSo sailed with one hand, tl ait.l to oroec tie eos 1 ,I. In,: .133 . .-1...11•11 ,1 1 , In
forty-t wo t housand pitnitdo in gold. rettpt tto tile payment of nottittle• author it,tl
iternatt, September rid
-The Chamber ot Dept at tee I vd. Con a i esti, 11.0 or, 14, ..-, of U er,
ellen hoe pasned a Ind aullini beg
a too, dots:Lo the folltoring 51.deulelit to he lin -
The Ministers M... agreed to n I , •Oto• to , 1 , 115 1,1 1 '
thirty million nutter., Ltd tirged 0,1, 'liiy 'l' et• pa:, nolo n f reem\ le• to sold ion 5 nyder
etlandier that the government she/ill-I is, I:. pt the act fit Congress line not Ins, ilel.i,Yl ire
ID II alreag financial posit Lin. :my 'reek ;;;;• 'll; • t,.l'•• • 1 e of the Presnient
LoNlaore, septemher rti.-More treops ate to ' Soon t attier 111' 1 ado , . hoer , ot Coo. , ens it 1
e n la Lanai. The steamer Gem is llttA been hard...tit ,00 teral can' , V as Ple-I , lent. was
engaged to lake asout one thonsatol. organ, red 11l tro pat i• i t:les and reap int ',115
Pettis, September
-It Is siti., that Spain ' Mt tall luTfnent " 1 the ent.,,rtned !nnotre , I
~",,, ~,,, ~,, o e,, or E a ,„ . 1,,1 ” 11 ,1 y ! „,,,,. This duty Ins otved the emt-1 , 1, rodeo of IM.
as Medi:eters between thernelf and lAttti anti inerMis nets of Cong re,. an 4 Ill(' regitliet lons
i''•l n' Allll prllellee of .eVel AI 111111•111,, tell upon (
I.; sa lon f•eClttlefllnfel - 'Di-Cotton ailvaneed it dl' tell the pi opol 1114fllrel•111 , 11.
%II; salon to day of 'WOW bale.. iltdating UP - 01 f 1),,,, fifty tort 1 too ', t•r 1 ..,
lands are quoted at 13Xii. . ainotvz more than it million chitin:in,.
The Breadstuff- mark , t Is armor . Th.. 11001 , 1 ll.' v 01.4 theni.:olol.s l illl,tintie to
Yonne., SePtrmin , tta. -4 - ottsol 4 are quoted thioi o 00,, sod o hei, It e nt , vonipie rwle
id 115.‘, for money. American Seen rltles ore it rois'rt to t , II 'ls Yet Irr "I War 1 1 a 5t ,,,, „,
netting at follow, Citilysi States 5111.15, 711, re.VI-C.l Li.e 1 et:Motile., A iel lisving Oyu'. 4ln
Erie Railroad alwas, If s r t 1111110 IS leittrtel reeve. I In 2011110 leg.; 11 , f;IN dotermnityl 1•)
Railroad, "t'S. 11, roaril, ref et rod ii,nr or tto tile Afton
RODE, ITALY, Sept. 7.7.-The Lattice:. Lear- nt - Y to , . ret w ito, n'ter eonsiiieritt , In. 0.11 iosl
to t o Is here on a v Olt to °in Pope. reri s is eiuoig,.... 'llly. ni.i . I. i sit , anYtta re
LONDON, Sept. .r.-T:hr It telt oi England has 1..r....1 +.. .h..., hoard to 1. , ..0 and amend Om
red aced Ita rate of .1 ronten Ito I .., per cent t egulat ton, Tl,.+ aa • done. and the ftrliell.l,l
BUILLIN, 01111 17 -The Prussian Wel has regnl-d , ' ,,, ' bolsi! old' os• 1 '".• the Att. l,ll ' ,
been itnregne.l al. s ere pf me pi iy p.inlirbeL ..1.1 orders
, sg , o , ~e p i. ..i:' _i„.nersi ntarttelott ns• 1 1.0 , 04 to carr t thrill Int , off, 1. In 11, on, ,•
bee. appointed lfo , ernoi lieneral Of 1 idyl. Proerdot , ,lore s •..5 rio In:, foronve • , y L o
F,,,,,,, S e p,. r- A ro ,l,, A ry e .....,,,1 A pl Pre•41,1,1; 11l Hie • 04.1'11;510 eft `e. '1,•,,,,,, y
has gone to Velle, 1.1 taste possesnion lid the 'Pt” r. tn. v. s• oo.rfott - .ed not
',Minn UOvern . ent of the sat materials t r Itei oi 1! .•0. Ti. , 'l reguial f ,ns s eis oo
there. Yaro,l nii,yr i: .. aoo. t Itm. t.f Ihr ,v.* ttl%
Ltecrtroot, at • fi• Cotton act:. e 011.1 ',, Ii 11, 111 n , atm , 'l ,ll .z , nt -, ts ,he dith.wot ,
higher; A . te e ; • .1,0" bales tilltlttlifl, ilp- . f the ,Il•le. : ail.; the tmegnlttsle ol My
Intel, nt. I.lfid. lilt". Folio/51 tirts Uniiket .15 bt t o o ;l4e;•;•• 5" di: s.lmit
fit tner.
Lennon, Sept, 17 -Ca...504,5.1,5, I ilinoi • I itti. 11' L •;' 1". l u ' '•'• • ; ;`• '' ••'. ;" '..•
tra1.77 , ,, Lehi. 41 , 5 1 I'. 1. s,Yl's, ;it.. ' I . ii,:t it•• ~ . t ii• o• 1 te,-, a
la c 'carom. seieeher .2- 1 -Tn . 'teat:lshii,. as , r'i toe , •ot tile A• 1,1 • -
Virginia tool ' Scot in lase arrlv ed.
Lennon, Dovitembyr :a -A meet !air of Ow na a a., ti el.:, -
stockholder. of the All:tint.: Tete.; re It, 1 Afile 410 ,, 1. .: ,:I: . ~ t.,..
Company has been 1%0;1. It Was re-Mved , ill I) le
raise Ills capital of the cOMpent , ito•I I It ill I'i .51 ft it '•
was promised W.I. the tolls for utessritea . I i ,' • - .I.•' .
should shortly be red need. t'•
It le eipected that too treaty of peace I. . te'
twoen Italy sod Austria will be .1,0,1 w 1111111
a der or two. 5.
Lief:arta:it., September 21, --Lot ten-11,” ~,, • ...
sale. of the week foot op to iteLtiati 1•21,1,1 ; Al , •I Cie
-111.0 for Middling Upland., The 15105 t isOey tea al,
amoue led 10 tei 3 Oiti hales. The mai art lo ose,: pt e 5 .•eY
ist f,il advance. Tao stock Is 40,1” , ' , AI, heir. l l• • ,•••e• .
the esttulaits. llreadat °lfs are sot P. y 111 t' - •1 no 1: eo •'.
Weslerb Corn, Ski. Tattoo Casio, loelio. in... 1 , 1 ,1... •
tio,i. United states 5- . 3tte, It' .. I .itnots Hell- Ile-.
teal Sheres, Tfti; Eriq aberes, 51 , ...
QnsestiTol/ rt , September thL.-ITbt . strain- 1; 1 71 11 •' , l , 1• , ,..
shili‘o . Seutts., f rent Now t,irli, nepo,iii t o ., 11.0.. 1 ' 0 II s •
and 't trg In ie, frOto New TOrk Septendo, ii.
arrived here to-day anti ptoceettel 10 1.11 et
Illsbursemsema• et the hloweroutaot—t t
demptt word 'wane of Frestlettal
CTlrceacy—laptte at ral Won 0,-./4 ,
mesa of Public Debt to be nap e—Voy- •
ace of the Shenandoah — A rrll rst at ,Lt
tort 1..4/s—[ollllo.4 Itt•Stliatiussm.. .4.1; 1,14 ,„ A ~ • ~
11 - ,sulansos, Sept. M.—The Illsbur.rthentn „, , ~• • ,
of the Treasury on account of tLe War, Navy Tse A l.l f
and Interior Departments, for the quarter
ending to-day, were us follow War littpart.„„
sent, 46.11,70L571; Navy Deportment, 54i1i,24.1,. t r.
; Interior Department, 6 it7,11,,53, tottd, tl,. -1'
WM .•.•
• i clone, • ./. .• ir .
4%,124,11). The following were the dtathlrge- that tome,a , • d a aa .•
meats (00 the week: War Depaetrnont, 02.e...1.• Tn. 1.
MS; limey Deportment, tas.tit: Intmier
arttnest.SiMartirtt W 11
t./. S 3 -1 - I, r',wiioti. tonic worn' lif nli
11'1111 11 npUt 1111 n[ tai
rn ... e
ell curs:bey A,..11.1..17MUL1 Ie In,- nouilint of I in..
•or4metretelreol tram i.e% Proding Bureau. , a an Indtn,
4-507.500;glitlpped to national n iota, 6.51,0/./. -
the 00.0n10! tottactua. hank-mit re..ct
1i..i..:l Ann 801119 l:nr..11.11-I.a plosloo ter 11'11
making the total vowmel trail/m.o.
ly.Ml,3..tert. The trot',dent I,•il-f• -
cut 11111111:+securtliea for l• .11
notes, ...I.3LV.kikri , seturttle+ tor ileta-d, • tlirrr ••r
tilet° tiontst , , ':e.:l I
one hundred and a lust, patents a :Li tr. '-
toted next week.
The receipts from Internal lice., a•- tf•-•
were 51,210,114.4 0 .
The statement of the poullc debt
Issued en the fith of (InMuer. It sew
Considerable reduct lon of thr dr it, wr t ` ., ', u
the coln halatiee has Increased to tire 0.1 11,
tent It did during gtegeet, name:), niaolt lif
Captam J. K. GoldabOrough, coinurtigdom
the Shenandoah, reports to the Nary Dep.. t
linent, under date of August 3.1, the tor 3,0./ for
that vessel at Port Lute on C 1.., nof J X'
twenty-two days from Simon's , l,u t.c
Good Hope. rbe oftlimra And crew nt l the
beeriandoali are reported as well. In 01 pris • fr „
sage of the bOunandowli two clones wer et..
countered,oun of a Inch wart tel.) heavy. 1
o,oth ot them the sh:p sultan/el Oct repot:. ,
„, ,
elan Mr 4.00 qualiters
t;opt.. isoldatioroug rep-di-111 - it Ite t r
In the nelghlen bond Ot Goal I 1 me; nal tea
a m I .
unusually bOtstermis ltd. co o , ••••Ve I ..1 .•
burr:cms occurred In Otto MOM W. of .1 t.
and Jell . . In the former moat t, tat,.. 1-.11 ..1 v 7
ncl chant ~
031 ps were lmit. and Mu: Atom aln •
shtterso severely dainageil ax to COllll., I t 1
„ Wit., „
ti l • '`
to seek
Ku for tepairs Two Amei -.r a n , •-• at
sets u. err the ingltsit nag are ream 1...: 13113,
leg. Capt. litddstiormage tired toe tiatimod ' 3 - ' 5.-1 ' ' -• • '
t er trie home ie., was 1. a t rt.
salute 01 trrenty•Olie gnus on lite day after , • ,
arrival at Port Louis, n inch was ittionntly ..•r t•••••• - ... •I•••••••" • 1 • ••• • •
turned from shore. The Shaman/Moo atittld Thr I • ~- k 11'0 1 , 1 I,•w l +, 00 tll
leave Itert Loots for T.ttnntattu, lam. lof Mat. strb•'• • tys , ,•)"
agasear, on the eth of vogue[, owl em /1 1 5 ••••• a' , s• •l, tiointed for 43. 3 0 ,
proceed to Muscat, touching all the aerate pr pal
Jeyebelle Islands, which arm frequently re- From the Plnl na -111111 A. Oaths Not iso
sOrted to by the minter°. American whaling 'tad Report...l.
Vessels on those seas. - Ira - +, ~st•nilwr WI V
The Treasury DepartMent has lamed 1.1•
eat regulations. It has been decided to mu- r ,
point weighers of notion ut the places Alno,g-
Wited, where the quantity Of cotton and Ito ,%',-.k1,.`,1„:
!'; , .... 1r. , 1 !„ „
amount of labor may be sogreat that the as. „ knob ,
sistent assessors located at such Owes Cannot the /,•, hi , to a it grills exaggera
tes/illy sod proiribtlY Inwhirlii the work non. al, dm ••two. annitteml 10 ,
quired. The fee toe
ta i lor Weghom anti marktult ports of led laa lift tho .tams diool,l he
etitto.l3,, (Deluding the iof inserting the t,,ry
inetalic tag, wed / 11,13 e" "u" h" . being InfLl II ly entaria I lot, from Parties Inter--
01 otherwise ordered. cote , ' In kreplug up eimtetuent and it:lntim/1-
tog the pub/ sc.
Tn. 26.4.CP" Jl.stral
nd .." I° ' b' M an n rila " "* " The Terrible ties a
n t Ne
ew twable.foundland -
a . .ny lea f N
New Year, September Y6.—Thu text Of a ,
r 11
,1“, 1 4, s h "si.lll,llnber •.r.. —Trion; rant,
n0 . ..." n".n ' '' ' 'ween ths ,',, r. , MP ,, e"r k Nu P" - I r,in CUP • Preto,' all" • ..w (nu n , l tand ,s, •1,..1
eigteet ee them , o f
. 1 u l y, h i ~,,,,, the 1,.er. , , , :t a ut „ .... : 1 i , ,,t u 1 „ 1 0 i1:; u g 0 a .. .., , 1a .
L i lit: :Id lirl•i 24 . 111111-
i, an d hi n ,,,imil,,•• I. plIk.A.lOl. at ,n, hie
Mexican. government grants to the Frenei, "I"' ~,,I), ownshlng 4,A1.1.
government an assignment of 00.4.61 t of the .",_.,...b"',°,
receipt. , of all the maritime customs of tee 1L1.','!_y , ',11 , t , _.. L ,', 1 ,
~,, , , , ' , ,e , •,. 1' ,.. . „,
~ ',.
empire, arising from the rindernmetioned Au.
.71 , 1 ,, , ,. . t, 1 , 1 1i v , 1 1 . , , ,
~..I . '
m,.., 1 .,
tiesties, principal rad special impbrt and expel t I . '
duties upon all objects. The export dues ,m P' .. e . ..'",t re .' , •_. , , A .7, ...t , , , , - . r', , ,, 1tu , ' , 11 ,. ! , ..- ,, r 1 :_0 r n ,.„ 1 er1e111.;...1 In
the Paciflo ports are already pledged to the , r? , ;.;! , r , , . , .. , , , 1 - ..11., , , , :,, ,, ‘. ,, , , ,,,,, i . 7 , Sign,,,, ,
extent of thretefourtim of tile arsignment now a' '
made to the French. The prodece of tin:
eal. 411Ment stipulated shall Otn nevi:ye,
of (*boleros tseatiesopse n
1111%. Tick..
a hnehsi 1 I r _i,„,,t,„
find, to the payment of the ',Mame fund c r'.
of all the obligations aria g out o f 5 ~,,,,,,,,, ,„,,,. ~. _, T ,,,, RL ,„ . ,,, ‘
,1 ti
00 , 1,
the two teens contracted it li*l and reports twently.lirn chniera ,h•athe In the last
, Ititta by the Mexican Govern eat, second I twenty-lour hour,
o the payment of interest at t a rate of 3 per Tile al en ay I;m1 ,ill.l 1.51(1.e11y,,, ~1,,,,i,,,,,„ I„.
Cent, upon the payment of SIG ,000 f fraTICAI A
I , - -ay rseu Med In In.:. c •n of Inc unlit Unn
' which the Mexican Governme t itas eel:noel. ~,.,,e 1 1,,,, t i e 1,,,1. e ra u ,, r,„ ,
edged itself indebted by vi eof the Cot,- Mayor.
vende:l-➢at Mammal . , and of , 11 the sums sub
t' .,.. p
- --es
sequently advanced In any/ shape from tile matron:o 1:x . t0 i rez .... ...0r , y , hes tained
French Treater,. The mnifent. of this Habil 1..
Ity being estimated now at the appsoxireate a t All•P rA, G.A., , ••ptt . tn her 30 -Al ll torolln4
'sum of 230,000,0 W francs, shall be hereafter of the• gtr5,..k11,4.11,1 el the ,N Kt Intlehl F•11,1,,A
fixed in a definite manner In the event of the
CornP •Ln . lini.l h,t nlant, 11. was retain re to
amounts received being insufficient for the
..„,„..,n the, h
full payment of the charges/11)0 , 00 mentioned. '''''
, rite rights of the holden of bonds of the two
mane end of the Freouth Government shall of,- De•troctit e Fire its Queuee.
main OoMpletely reserved. The duties to be , Qtl-../1[••, Bop
..ti - x destructive ere
collected tr y special agents under the French • occurred last night. ti,,,,.., ,t Lane's bonded
. warehouse, wall a velli.o.lo el eel: of g0ne.,,.,.,
ilalttß Committee of Deputies in the • and three drrelimg inam.•, were totally doe
Greek island of Crete has forwarded a stooped. Loss M1e,0,..0,
petition to President Johnson, asking the in. 1
terventiort of the Unital States in behalf of ; Cane to the Pacific.
the Übriallans, who wish to be relieved from ,
the yoke of the finnan, and be annexed to the . New Tons, September 93.-lien. flollleap,
Grecian kit:4de%. the President of the great overland company',
left this city last night for the Paeloe coast
'accompanied by the celebrated surgeon, Dr.
New Orlean. Advicim-Yellow lever. e ,
0, BA 3•2•0.
ifew ottitalfi. Sept. 79,-Cotton stiffer; low
middling. at 33 (Pie; reCeipte 1,030 bales. Baer
Sterling Me New York exchange N, discount-
FroilibtsCiew York, %; LlverpOol, 0-16 QA;
Havre 1
Baled* mars George Cromwell Idarmlon
and illseleelopi Now Torki Loper, Overpool.
Arrived, eoncordia, Boston, and ahlp Orrego,
New York.
There were seven deaths from yellow fever
foe the fortrelght hours ending this morning.
slain edentates for nextea—Nego
stations tor ranee between alslll add
Naar You, Oebtember oL—Advleet fr o m
parts by th e üba's main states that the War.
inns de Gelata goes as a civil adityiluildistOt
with General Delartetaaa to nestles.
I A elevated Item Madrid says: Tbe Bpatnsb
1 filger°lll=r4 graili th it ' Alriov t
. r ....,,,, balsa aboot a pews bIdWOUL lid=
and spas Wen ;Mullis AlWOrably.
Close of tho National !Express °Meas. !
New. Yora, Sept. Z).—Thu ?:at tonal Express
and Truneportatton Compaq bag closed all
its offices, w or
st and south, trite day, by order
of the assignees.
/Memphis Cholera Report.
Ificarnis, Sept. '9.—Firty4a:o new cases
of cholera were reported for tee mist twee ty
roar hoofs, and tweety-five deaths, the major
ity being blacs.
Close of the National Expresin Offices.
New Irons, September 79.—The Notional E
press Truro•pot.azon Company has closed skit
LLI OfflOttS West and South, tilts nay, by order
Of the Assignees.
almond or nee. Dr. Hawkey.
Nsw .I'OM, September 28.—The lunerat Of
Bor. Dr; /Storks§ wok place tu city tals
lacernoon witti Inwressire ooremonles.
11. , 1111 , liti • 1,, "Vt.) Sll,l PI t o 1),1 , z
Al a meeting of the Republican
( minty I Itleo. a i t•r 111 11,1 It :it i • 1 •
Headquarter-, on balttralay. it v., •• ;;., ••,.
‘Yax. oil motion of John 11. stew
ill E-q.„ ~,:;,• ~••
ItESOI.I ED. .:hat ere tat ge upon
14z1r poll, it .11 friend', in the cities, ;!•
, ..
of l'ilt‘burall and Alleglieny.and '
throughout the county, Itidevote
the coming 'neck cm( lurively to
• the perfecting of their party or
ga nizat ions. tile appointment of
Rboi h. and OMltlialeeg .• I,
In ery II aril. Rnruueit. TOIN01•;
ship and Eirellen Irrcein el, the ,•;..
appointment of Challenger+ at
itikli witch oilier matter.; of
drtn 11 .14 IA ill inoture 4u oier
" %%it •lniing Republican triumph.
Let ct ety protriotle citizen, at
this exttieat hour, At whoatever
1101,011:1i *aft/ I;CC, glee uue week
of labor to the final preparations
for the great tdruggle nOll4 110
closely at hand.
Ileadgwil ter,. opt 11 Ski an holly
far dibtribution of ticket.. pastel - 1i
• for the poll 3,
1 Imiratan ( ounty I ommittee
; r. 11. HA 1 NE. Sect Oar).
nr ta, u%e4 W. wort It
t• thn! enrt , •1)))• aw.), lb , a.
i,.,, , •00nter , 5 1 on toe 4,1 - 1 grA.tletuan
• s C. , 11..11ht n, ,0. hearing lett •et intr•nio.
hoes p•oratisent Lusinatel men 11, Ness
• I. 4 So Mr Isis wnrth. Iha t neeninn an.
~nte I, 1111 , 1 thn ato.tiernan et•te•l his pu• •
ront.log llr. I , neqealntaneu Ile
is terra ha pr oten lis loiters to Ili
, sot 01 an , l eventually Introduced Planners
sis., h.., e rst.tino Ong tn
tie 1
.1 oat ts,,, il.g/t.ol nosiness then of the East
• 5t..,,15, 113 , J1 slog I In/Inert stste.i to Mr.
1..• o tit I ost to. hotel a draft for .475
; no •,v J qs., IL. Meade of New;
1 • 1 • 1.1“..•1 A t.n. its, wished to
sr.,. ins s, It.-ens Bank In this
. so.! •• , Sir Ills so:tit LO ea./ arse,
to ol oot 'tog t /Ist the o.sit
I.t• 5t..1.1 te. it I, si Imo-
•• .1 I . ".t.:,11"41.1 1,2 1:1, ,(71,15171011
2221.11.1 , 1 tit, 0 rev', 14.1.1,1, - 0
II:Lt A 11,u-1., ennosltallngsy pot hi. oafs, I
to i. ,tsor, still k l n.ttncr t
•111110,liaLC , y di ow
t • .“01,7 1.•••11 Inn hook. It, the orterios , o,
' Nis Do.ato to, while wulk
I APN4ICT . .4, n SI tonal row CL. Paul, Mltte.,
II • 11
loin to In, *WO und inforine • lino
it..., elllllpanlon a forger who boa, In
lists Roll e ••enisele Wll3
•I'' tin, Minnesota wan
Loot histhither' oot or several buteli,,,l
Is, • ono ...appeared, not to Ito 1..1 again ou
r o t hat 1110113..11 1 . This set the Pltotburale Ste,
•..laht to inflecting anal the leleartillh ens
pot In requisition. Itefore evening proof had
. eeh 111.111/1:1,1 (tint tile aralt pr.:stunted tit tile
• i 'res . Itinll was a. fOricery. Pliliirefore the
' In lot mat ion was tootle as stated, null a war
! on, Issue.l. Officer Moots prOceatlett 10 the !
thonenttela !loose fool foot"' Ills ellnlOnler
i ore. in, Inning arm...slot, Planner thiono , ll.
Melt howled over qtlantlty tit money to his
I eolnpatoott, the gortLlttotart ho had Sutton the
i rare. 'Polo was a suspicious circumstance, and
lie g 1,11111.111 4 11 narrowly nountpcd arrest ai an
neentuollee It was preened. however, that the
itionev handed over, Was only some that had
Iwo ruw'rd hY Flamer. Ail
n tlle on na l orcy .
eel 'm 1,1'500, AO that Um t he wrought Is
, romisioul Iva!) , slight. ' r ite .ocusod was Wm
muted to jail for a nearing tOsotty•
I u?. litsl mon 11 Penna." hauls Volonteero
The organizations oannpostnat the members
Ihe One liaandred and Bennett Regiment,
l' , 4l.,,llvanitat Volunteer . .., held at stated meet-
leg oa. Saturday evening, at Fireman's AIISOCI.
al 1101 1:00111, lu the City Building. The utter.
er term having expired, the tneetlng pro
eaet to the election tar new Orlieer. to serve
: et t en aut z at g three 11101111111, which resulted
//.• soled lea or the following gentlemen
Prestaleall, General Thomas A. .11.ercley; \ lee
President, Colonel Juane. D. Duncan; Seer..
❑a. v. Frank ht,Cittre; Treasurer, Colonel It. W.
1.1"" I:xecutive Coutrtalttce—Captain finial
Melia t 111 1 ,.. Michael Itrennan, Captain St. Clair
a arootar, lleadam In F. MCGOWAII and Liolltell.
ant James Porter. Trnstees—Captain tioorge
W. t,hitaple, Andrew Wayt and Dr. J. 11. Ro
'flan Society then sdieurned to meet again
011 tnitvarality evening, tattooer 13th.
Sleellow In Illrminigham
at , t' n l e a Republicans hold a glorious meet-
Mg In Birmingham, on Saturday night. The
lot ai citizen. of that neighborhood turned out
In full parade, and much enthaslasm prevailed
Ma) •: A. M. Brown made oho Or tits atonal
at tt um on bit tub and logical tuthi reuses, review
log at length the groat Issues of the day. lie
followed by Themes M. Marshall, Esq.,
who .lcult mine of the heaviest blows We have
heard from aim In this campaign. Ile
mind., at length, and If the railarnidnos woo
diet nrhud the lust public meeting held by the
Union ltitimbilenns in that borough had boon
prustud, they must have gnaked with bear.
There was no attempt made to disturb the
meeting, and itipassed off quietly and hurtnord
A noreossful Olt Company—Probably
manna the most successful and well-ordered
corporations le our midst. Is that known es
the Sistine Oil Company. Made up in part of
atrambeatmen, the sand-known energy per
severance and determination, so peculiar to
the class, has born Inc srporated In their opor
.oolll, and marked success Is the result. It
will be le en by ads ertisetriant elsewhere, that
the NiArlce eumPany has declared a dividend
of ten our cant, on the earning' for September
alone. Elite, it la expected,wili be doubled in
October. The officers of Marine are: J, C.
Vanhook, Prnsldentt T. 11.11artOn, Trenenrer,
and E. E. Rinehart, Secretary.
Itecond Ward nose In illue.—This ere&
Rabic orglialiaglOn of the old standby, the
second Ward, MOO visit Ina body tile Union
demonstration ut Kittanning ,toenotroo.
the utembensetre expeottet to be promptly on
Land at a meeting to ITO held LO•Olthrto =its
The deafer TT.C"Y — E. ven t to o of tar ' The , Mne Bay. In White* to Corinctl I Criminal Court Plenitoneea.
Itlllerderer —Shorts lug aceoeaas the col- Outrageous Condor% of a Radical—A . l During Saturday morning, the attention of
folre. I Provea•lon—An Appropriate Badge. a the Court was principally taken up with son
Ourre.leri will remember the pnblirliett act The Seventh ward was in a blaze of excite- tensing convicted prisoners.
count nt the murder of Capt. Mutes P. Men-' merit on sat tirdey. A hand of "bine boys In The first case disposed of arts that of Mary
ter, iu Newport, Kentucky, on the nightof the white" visited that missionary ground to Christ, convicted, on the lath inst., or the lar
go., o f Juno last, and of the subsequent arrest held a Jollification mass meeting. There were ,
espy of clothing to too amount of g7T. The
of Allen P. Eggiestorralias Walter It. Watson,, sixteen Idne boys, ten women, five men and a , prisoner was employed as a domestic In the
Charged with the perpetration of tne crime. , New Founilland dog In the proemial.. Ar- family of Mr. Ernwein, merchant of firming-
The case excited considerable interest in tills , riving ate wagon stationed upon tine corner' ham, a ft rho the theft was committed on the
c ommunity owing to the fart tnat the once of Duncan anti “ 1 vi rove streetr, they pitched , night of the Jth last., during the progress of
dared man was somewhat known here, having the it tent and prripsreel for the meeting. The t the ere which destroyed Mr. Ernwein`s house.
been connected in ittl Mike Littlllan'S circus colored people hearing that Mose's party bud I idar.y. lea German girl,
during its silly hero. Eggleston was ale) arrived in Hayti, ind in
tscrlinately flocked I Only sixteen years of
, age, and exceedingly ignorant, and was great
known here, tins big boated on the Allegheny i around the bold Clymer men, and with their I ly excited at the time of the tire. so much no.
river for some time. I presence, n tfieetleg woe made up and ratted to apparently, as not to be entirely responsible
The trial Of Eggleston lasted ten days, and : order. The firm speaker paid & glowing trib
, for what site did. In view of her extreme
resulted in a verdict of guilty and els bernst.l ate to the Intellectual
to of his litlitl-
youth and her ignorance, Jed
soutane. to he Publicly executed. Ott FrideY ! enc., and felt Gun. though l ee k clouds lost ered ge Mellon son
he paid the dread 'renew. of his crime on , about heath:QUl victory was In the distance— Lanced her to to the House of Refuge.
a seaffeld on a hill smith of Newport, and in I the great distance. ile felt that Andrew' •Amangs. Stewart, emivlcted a short time
Johmton stns Ibe rutty man who could square a , g i n , et . t h e t ,, reeny o f 0 carp sack an d th. ;
the presence of fifteen thousand spectators.
110 Made a fell conk/sr/10r nn the sr affoid, and .1, ie prtipetly n " tn. not cure to be et-tiled 'er articles at the Union Depot Hotel, was
in a slwecn of Ofteell ...ell , ' "mallet , . el , . .ado cad-and-butter rt.. so 1,„,, ns he got hi , , called up. Ile has been In Nil since July 40, 1
pealed tO tau Youth of the lend to take warn- , la ~,,i nil huller . (t., 1,,,,,,,, I The present is ai ou the charge, and Judge Mellon remarked I
um by his awful tutu. 1 eie 4,1•41bii tinning. Medication and stress that in conaideratme t of th e t ong t e. ,,p et ye a _
The fOIIOWIng tertible scene at the gallows , tin, .nll itelerellal 1141111aniktInnlis VoLlt I:1011111(j I meat be htel already undergon mid of the $
is Gins described by an exchange. • • ton. nein In Perla... "llittiftelltl.. the dish ,- ! Met, Ethel, that he had shown
ayes pt
inn LAST moms:v.l.s. 1 tegreet co/nolo:to lons Irvin whence wtll aria. tome of improved behavior, the Court felt in-
ri,,.,, , , , ,„
..„, , ellned tee dual letnently with him. Tee preen
, • the
of tee mire:eget. atoms whiclPl
The religious exercises all having
I ner declared that he would henceforth glue
"../' L " - I we find en our Ingelabie
'Shed, Eggleston took his po r no.. on tit trap. s t ation.) 0.1. here an ardent Itopehtlean , the court nos au, to regret any clemency
The copper/mind his neck was testentet tit the o r mnscular build, meant six yet. , of age. Imr- : I hat might. 11W hit este:tilled in mob 'her, i
beam overhead , and the while cep was drawn rirse,, for „miry, anti ie , gro,iri.m,
~,,o. ;
in nay
down over his head. I
meet prevalle.i. A II slaked the ber I of the ra..e and to undergo a further bombe
Ev.rythinir neleff le r.t.- 11 .." 9 Mr ' 5.1 ”" . "'', out to the crowd and
speaker ~,,,,,,ied, lon eat of ten dais to the county Jail.
Mooned to the rear o f the pur.rsi,rot and pope, Ile knew the Irritable enemy with the usnal I 'rite next called till for sentence were Daniel
the lever. The trap 1011, sod with It the pris
„„,, titillation which character men their machines . Ge o m., iimi Wm. Jamison, who were convicted
oeer• nut chi what an awful inighil lust cud Ito., had with It filthy Me: e klelntso I the moral I, on tau 21 , 1 instant on an, indictment for high- 1
01 seet.P. the hotly em'P'e"e" between„,, ,''''.,',;,.'„' tennencic , eon noble virtu. or that youth I way robbery, having stolen live hundred elm.
and earth, It lay noon Stun, ground- ~.` t , tt ,'”; - .ho had been ejected from the crowd by Inn I lies and a watch Ire. .1 ohn Sweeny on the 13th
and eOPPera. ae d oe.dee inn r ''''''. .." ' aid of a freeman , flexors mini e.ttensors. Verdes l t he' In reply to the question as to whether I
seen tee mewled, clectinig body net Egg lev- ;
of good, and cheers.) The speaker leas not i had any thing to lay why the sentence
WTI. No knot load been Deli MI the end lkt 00 I
1,,p,,,,ent for
the °rave blue imir of the law should not be passed upon them, I
rope ' nn° c " ilia fall of rho prisoner the 1 111 ilatelltt.llle. lie had been sneering, since i G r eene stated that i n , would b e e w e,. 1 ~,... 1
~... ~tpDoa.
and lie made
equally reflective anti intelligent truce war t eieferred, to produce testimony
Eggleston wise. Immediately picked up i speeches throe& hunt the dada led, and was now a ht e h might lend to a material mittgatton of
earl led on to the scaffold, Inc being too Lanny
, , wrirli Out in the great ranee th e hook the bin sonteime. lin had been In the army no
injuted in walk. tin h„ te , nen t,.,, „n the pt..'" fundamental principle, of the adamantine I stated, and while stationed at Be. rely, 55 est
form he merely remarked, -Gentlemen. don't
dome rear dby the handset turn whose fore- Virginia. In 1%3, he, with a friend; bought a
lot that thing occur again.'' Dm nen es, which
fiditcrs landed elimf the hr..) Plymouth stone store in that place, and they still owned It,
tip to rind time had nees very steady, seemed
in NenV York. tin retired amidst many his partner being now there. In May lust he
to Inc sh cheers. Musty ley the band. The next t war discharged from the army at iV heeling,
The r a k er. rnit emu. more col . i.i it I, the PI ll' . I spanker dwelt at length upon tho great speech' and on the hth of J u ult , came to this city to at -
was placed on the. trap, anti the wit fe ran i „ iither ,,, t I, r the gentleman anent.' Ptveeded time the Iron City College. This was the first 1
drawn over Ills head. The , anti
pie1 , ...1 I ter ; ~,„,, ft* hen sehomrs talked thus to their PA- time be bad ever been under arrest., and hoped !
lever, and Earle...on was !Mgt - 1004 , i tutu,, I tint kin..
low-cll.:gel , f.oin the stump why should the he might be allowed the benefit of till the evi
lh tau fall olio c feet tee Molt, to, hark, and 1
nide it nkini I a. 4, 10 4e the) r el ut)l The ballot• dunce in his favor. Tile court decided that as
' ll ' 4 ',' l :'„.",'!'"". t t ' gle ; .",‘" „"„,,""",.,*,''''',"',', I li.t. ll a el•ertil institution. It wail estitblished the evidence men:tenet! teas not produced on
. R l '' " ne " o ' . •''' .."" '"" ‘. "."' " .r " -. " . ' 'by the t int, it u Hon. The neople cannot have the trial, no further delay would be ad amebic',
min `‘..P"".."1 Lo t '''"'N ' II ' ' man , by
t o ., niii,di of IL goo , t ,tI, i eig. It. Peers) SO sere and sentenced each of the prisoners to under.
win's it was cur .1,,a n. and 1, f,. pronienni•tiii 'x • • the son revolve , ammt th e earth, go an imprisonment of five yearn In the Pent
""" ' ' Y Ur ' 1... " " ‘ ""' ''''''' "" a "' tin "' I she d - Mg his light and bright beams tentlary.
tend:ince.l holes upon this green footstool Charles Broom, convicted nn the glst Mat lit *
it c si
T ., h o ly prcreuted ;Iry tip; of Inn) , I .; i;ri„.„„seer, stmt two Fetti.o , o having burglarlously mitered toe tIOUSCDI.E44.
',., 4 , ~ 1.r.. who "'‘ d 'r d. ” 7 '",'"" , d '"'", ' ' . t , see e met )on pale nee. rienilr .an eternai Wycoff, of South Ptft °Margit, . the nig,t4 of .
;•"' '"'.' ' 4 ' 11 ' ''''" "'"'''' 11l l '",' '''' . l . ; :','," ~ ‘igned of 1. , eon 1. , that there shall he no mere July gist, anti having stolen therotrena sbeign
the hands i vit'ed s 'l-''t l . "' "'","";"'.', ~ ,',.. j i acts In demi , tee earl it—that sure and that eight hundred dollars le money, and tOSOLO.
~":e l' P "`": P. ' n. "',.",", 1H , ",!!!! P !!'' i':, • ,'';','" eci lain 1.. ti. that lli intr will InV our mixt having • at about to stone time, rohbati MIL.,
-...'",' ''''.
''',..-"'".. c ' '' ....,',.' ' '''
'''' ', . ~, e ride. ' Mee .• , Ile t lien IreJ the emit- house of Mr. Vgight At Mount WashingerereFti
" .her ' P ""' n ... "' hh- I° i " - -I ' "°n.r! I ' '•''''''' cic •• 1.... i he:. 1,...1 attention to lull humbler, a enosideruloe sum of money; ira,..:ue&vgi
bin led I marks II he .knkk , knk:Ii , IIIIk:: , v1 , 1 , 1‘ t hey could brought Into court. Judge Mellon ad inerriet,
And 11,. ended the 'denier It amiilY „ i not nit h , rstand lee Wriki nVIIIIIitt I. expiate. ed the prisoner that by pent/Sting In conceal
I-Pe : none '" e olow-i teenier ." PI "L '' '' -"" : .boatel the, dud at hoe office. errententionS tog the stolen property be w. daily. litliditatil
to ",.. th ,", dt ,'"':,''''''' ' s ",',',''" "'; '',''''',', lY . i elivei•eng mid more pane:). , to big guilt. The route WOuld.deter sent tepee
" ';"" "" '"" •" '''''' ‘" hull u ^ ."."" .' n . Tao Meeting then tiJJ ~rued and a line or until Saturday next, and If Inc had not bY - thdt '
ground was me ttrcly cleated. , ll:nee-01e 1 irt, torlikt,l. Illek 010.1 snake itliti time revealed where lie had bidder? too InfinNii,
Il h ...leg dre w It' , e e‘l e'd !e.g. , il or I weetY feet , he might expect the (nil x Lent of the law.
11 of I hriingli Coat Lime, and wits frecnientlY Thomas t.. • •
• I ynch of Mifflin townshlp,-..0.-
' .t .l t; e er i •it 'V the DI , Inrutiltiln.. tmliiil minft the rioted of selling liquor to minors, was son
center,. sit that 1/11, /lOW' of the night. The lanced to tetty it line of fifty deflate, and to V-
Ilro" ,.. ticli eoilill net fell Passing done 1111 1 1 dorgo an Improonmeht of thirty days in t 0
st reet in 0r.1,, to groan the esstahinth meat re- county jail.
tki , t rki 1.404 an, a tor. )bin bk:ntlickil by tho oppori. . _ .._ __..---
I P.,,--11.0 old Gaiters building. they did so
.. 1 1.,,,,i1y, amt n•inknerkknl 1!..• ••f,urt It story.'
f tier The "elr v .. nth" it to It •tol y Will tle Intl
nit on ~1( 1,11, 111 1,0..1 , 1, t 1 k•In.11 0 I:1 1101 prilVe
a ttt,etti , or so ,tegxertave of cheering.
The on:1 dist ingot-lima Into kr vorn by' ill,nif
l'l Alit , kkk•..l og tkille• Ikkl, 1,1 white. war ft •ut
le 1.. p• looking nag or I race kt lapin)' ea from
t .., .4,1. , ii,,l. •/".1'.11,4,1114/A I requently
1.. ..1 lit e ellt Itiy iti tic lield.
Spiritt,tltain Elite Another I letitn.
A nuts lotnic..l Ilk:hard 'A ye• •••• Its, i•g On
Sti•nalnol y Alloy, beflroon LIAo D..onno•l xi tI
lieftryr at reel, ',eon.: a :Ira, An.•,:iwnt.. oLo t•
milted no oat ornay lonto•ng 1 ..'f0 , ,
eleven mot I a vivo o :inok, to' iznoglog It lilac
to the 1 , ...10n10r of 1 lo• •tatt anr ,o tb' n , 1. , t
stun vnf lil. re51.10”..0. 'I I;,• 1,,k inn, an, i
loor.tualoLt, azol h.., !of It iLLL,,f tl:• • In ••:1 IL •
for•r . rrrrr ird
A deaf and dumb man named Robert Verner,
residing on Grantham street, Fourth ward,
Allegheny, was run over on Friday evening by
ear Na. it, of the Troy Intl Passenger Rail
way, at the corner of Federal and I. sed•vt
streets, Allegheny, and so severely injured
tont death ensues on Saturday morning. The
ear wan on Its any to this city, and was des
cending the grade at the point where tile ac
cident occerre.l. The driver onset - end tile
limn when he woo near the track, and at once
endeavored to cheek the car, at the sometime
hollowing - to him to get out of the way. Tine
utifsrtnnate man, of course, could not hear
the warning, awl before the car could be atoll
ped Ise was struck, and failing under the
horses was trampled on and then doubled up
under the ear. The car wan going nt only a
moderato speed, and the .giver had applied
the brake the moment be sow the man, too that
the air did not pass Its length before being
stopped. A numberof portions saw the acci
dent. and the tintortunnte man was promptly
• ••••• • ".°`• `. 1 •••Ir. I rescued. Ile bad fallen between the rails, end
, I paraloll with them, so that the wheels of the
, .1 SI, k rIc•• )I , ral.n"• ear did not pass over him. Ile was carried
, . 0.0•. I . , T' • the
.o,' si . e."."r. min Kelly's drug otore,at the corner of lacock
P'" ^ "" ''" ' , street, where prompt medical auslotauce was
d. •. 1 1,1 se•t ..d.- , 'I• '•"". -nee ""'• rendered. Ile was teen removed to the maid- ,
IL " ""'""""'" IL s ' ' In '" e "'" ! once of his sister, where a physician Was
t. " "."''. " ‘"" e"" called In and a full examination matte Into the
p.;' • • 11' a reel
" "'"
f eat tare of the injuries received. A severe cut
"•" *I ax , was fomoi lu tine scalp on the back portion of ,
""'"•'' "' °I ' ,l ' d ' "" lb " "" * "' hl g , the h.,azi, bat the 'knit was not in the least
, s tot as 5 ma: I fraettml. The principal injury was In the
bark, and it wan discovered that the opinions
Tos• she 01 I lit. Itreehltottn throe of the dorsal vertebrae were
r t f`" 3 or " I°b° " .l troken off. It could lint he learned whether
'"""r , the tract area extended to she bodies of the
havato-dur so atali ono unitl i 7,%•,`• - , tames, but thesdressurooti the spinal marrow
.1 ...Ivdsd.".•• l of.v. , " W . ° I woo so great that altutud. Gnat paralysis
suited, and the unfortunate man died at Eve
A "A Den...sleet inn — perwet• odeloek the next morning. Coroner Clawson
A Itt•stsocs a, sr 50... , sag was t.. e been hold ettspannelled a jury but owing to the absentee
of some witnesses tine inquest adjourned until
f. “`" 1 " - " gi '. tett evening. The deceased wax a native of
r•r".- n , "'" I reland, out had sired In Allegheny for needy
"- d:oes the ao.el r, a hen ov I,lk . al. kl.ral of Ills- thirty yea t .. tie was a shoemaker, sixty
kltlea.l la !. otta '." 'l . .4 t ,le , : Lit*, .I.,beLog ~ rat Lim , * a . rt. Jesus 01 age, a.: , 1 unmarried.
I I :l2 ' r he int her
.T10,11.1 , 1:00
bell t,O o.t. ,„.
;!• of I • v.:.
•1' .1
to,gl , 4
, Itnro pot Itat Or :1
. ii••
•1 , thu . ;•:••Ir !nal ha.. to 3 nr.,
I itt hr. • 10•Vah alai.,
..1 • 110. I,
' I,
1,,c. In vr 10 ,
• ‘.l
1 , , tan Imr lila 1,r1..
1:11; nO.l •.. rrlo .•...-
t 0 1t in n.Ol tell an Iv,l4.—tmt , atul Jay
~•I ,attlliat ur -alel,lt. hi
rt.! LI - 0•••1
1 n , 11,ern ,. .1 let , . a agt,l
aud t• na•l In° 0,
011.1dra l u. ,
A Woman ArmoM of Pork.... Plekinw
ilmon AI I
ho I
1 ~r•I. he In r..m,tny
1 , n!I In II I
Itt taD•I it.l: n-r uo.tnoot to go
io rtrt wr00.111, - 01,•
1,114 4,( ttttt
I".g 1 , 1.011 '•• Lt,
, pt .'rk•rt ..u.tre-. The 1 1,•111.•-
....• turelthg lu
. tor h. 0; 1,-.1 1.. alma tow c moth vnttwil-
I thf an 1 a 110 v . :re) . .. for t.aary ttud the
a.t- ..1 ;11•,1 tw.1 , 1 Ight air a Ith :he CUR
plca tou • rt. 1 t. , p'r• .h• •IfroutLag , my. Toh much CA 11110 t lA.
A A 1 o u• 1 , , •,• pral.o 111. lavlth 100 ht, prompt re
‘t• vohp.lrd Ito, h, lng• , it, Wild., 11 toldnenß
a Il ( e 110.1, - 0.1 4 Ihih ty e.M.Mg the :tii 1 0014.11 . nt. The rztcm
hh.t.i I tt: -I) theet.og .1 n latr hour.
:ire., In Ilse tAglith Ward Pietrossd Ward 1[0:1 5 in 11100.
(hi s shoot .... ing
to) A
1.0,111 ,,, , )t.... Mr , II 1t..1 ., antiA meeting's( the( tun ¢'a , held at the second
four „. ni „ nk, a ,„,„, „ , , 11 „., 1t , „ „„ n ~,,,,‘„. Wald school itousr, 00 ;silt oohs y evening,
walla nutlet t Ise 101 l fOOOO of 11,, tr. pits,. tie.l selllt Nth oil- Tim rneetitig wsl culled to
to the caeliellk . 4l of Juba Ea tog, on Bluff soosr I.v ("aid. Corsa. alltl 4i5 Ing to the LOACTICA,
street. :it (hit EtAkih w o rd. and a( t o , os i ng id Mr Melia-, Win. Ilnue 04• oppottau I Sec
some very (volitive Imo:nage to the oeeopants retell 3' Pr" I"'. Mr `i'''' ,e • l'io.iient of the
^ailed opt,. to log to 00 , 11 , out ((tot nght re , 5et....1 W. 0.1 he trs i'!kl l, w 4,. p 1,111,111. anti ex-
Ilav Ino tio 0 ettposo too
tots; Lie laa o oh rel ii" ,,11-1 lit 1 , ,, , EteV , t In the Ward
at that tine or phut, I.* ing I (lased to pate io , ''''''`''''' " ."' ll.l ," , "... 1, .." 11,,11t1.(1
0/, •.•...t.llllO to Loa to,gra(Lettil ...moo-its. i• lit: i anuot g tot Tuestlas 00 oi. oittlng that n
tion II 0. st lee gin Lei ent to; exatqutt oat' it , 't -s 1, •I . `lievini rt.' , e , ild ho Pro , ideti
app.,: ed 10 the tutot k ,I, of davor and 101 1114 , 1.n', f rse of mit spent , .
0rti.0,..1 - fier,ol n..,,y. An /Were:dm. e t ,,,,_ A eiie „a , :tk!“ . :1 and it n.,:, IIVITIIIi113011.1) .
11. •1111 lit: 311,11 the latter its , . it itOol ....1 I°`l•'''' 10 ..'".. il'" I." "" '.. .111 ....-
~,,, ~ 0 I
~ ~..,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 „. i k ~, i „,....,.., 1.. t. 3vl ki 111,;,1 1" participate anti hove a ,
him. however, .0 , 1
i t ' l , 1 It”sof ii ti po,-1 a few lir,. tort, ttA. Ild they at tt expected to act as
f c .,., 1„ ) .„ µ,,,,„ it ,„ ~„,:„ ~,,,,I, A ~, ..„,,, toostri It.r hovernor iurtitt ou 11„t tissiston.
att itc bad n re.l, .011, an ta xi
h, F 1 std some:. • 1 i ww- further Isnot - mooed that i Ito !ruin
nd hi , ,„,,,,,,„„„. ~,,,,, n ..„1„ ow f ,„„„1 , 11 , 1 ss (toil t ared . 1 . 11 o'clock, nod all that shall
roil along tort bled to the do eethin 01 Otto.- it tototi are requested to 111.4 at the belogil '
„, 0 , ~,,„„..,,, , M 0.,. ni , A tt'elock. tto morning.
town 'Fire otiontling party
at rested to-ossy. A 0411110,1 PC Wl,l appointed to meiotic the
n ... a 11 , itehts. 1.1 int :nor business bring be-1
lute :he 00.0 In., It was decided iti adjourn to
Didn't [treats ilill Netts. meet on Nlttittli, cyanic.; at seven o'clock.
, in saturdits , It was teportial that 0 los, ;
named Phortll, iii log on the stsring teirtian i relietelollo Assasslll—lseubableitionsiclde. '
toad, had tidiest Iron his unarm am; looks 11 tto 'l' iturs.lay last, Mr John how 0(1,1110 Wllll. l
lilt [seek 01, Friday evenin'. A notice, to the : known pinother, irt.t Into an altergalion with'
(tarot that the man salient!, ,111.0 51111( 11l C. 1 1 .. i 0110 ii'hot employees named Mt.l..kirthy. Dar
rSw u 1
onetasOn, a I he pi (weeded to the real- 1 log tits goat rot the latter struck Far. 'tenon
donee tit the lo'ncit occetl. N t l'ot tt "' t , '" 1 ou tea head salt t, heavy Iron wrench, knock- '
Waltz's beer P. 11141011. Tll,llll It V1“11 4 1,111:1.111rti ! ‘
that tno m.o. ,n.• not 11n.. , 1 at ~,n, out had re- • log iilut down and Injuring him very severely. •
calved only eumparatis sly slight itiltwists. IL Ile Iva, carried it a 'Alto of lissonslbiltly to
Seems that Montt, who is a hoteller, 1.114110.1te hos 1 salience, on Onlo street, Allegheny,
act of tontine into Ills wagon, when the horse where Dr. Walters was ceder! In 10 111Len.1
Dario iln frillit Stud threw' trim to the ground. to After makinno ....Matto. of the •
orffiLl upon IS face, anal
ti 11111,1 ‘lllll , 11111111 d 111111111 Cd. tho uctor gore It us his opin.
rumes of a 001111111, but lw tio 111e11011iIi./11,10 • lOU that Mr. Itoweo's life was In imminent
on, Character. We era linpity 10 I , CM .1 so danger. ta p till last I,ollkng he continued to
harnilesa a termination to a faint ace:tient." sink. and It is generally feared that ho cannot
. • —to.— nth, lye Init-t fit- O, Y•
• I No Information has,
as yet., been lodged
larceny- :,:tiliq, MK:olio - , nud, et, a matter or course,
Muir Ellen Auderson appeared hof .re .• , •
he is still uL 11 5 ber1y.
AOl7Ollll Lyllllll in ihstattoiav, and made co.' i
charging Jane Selittata with the Miceli) to a i Vs.11:111101 Itinistrony —Man Ihissresl.
rcek WIC 111.1111 r, 11 silv ll
sliver watch, and a ,lanai Ity . A team of horses (Mantled to no open oar
of wearing apparel. Mary Ftllen alleges that' rlage, nontabilng IWO ;adios and a Ilke num.
whilesho wits absent on a brief vt., to . - I her or gent lenien t took fright on Western
sr set counts% 11,0 deft minor —who lormerlY 1 g yenne, Allegheny, yesterday', and run down
boarded with her—entered her dwelling in i
1 so ,„„ fh u „." , nu,, 1„,,,„,,,,,y ~,,,,,,1 i
ing the vutoolo against. a hoe box, and almost
that I borottghfare ate break-flank gate, dash
the articles mentioned. •/anis 1.11315 arrested
and flood to enter ball In the sous of titres totally demolishing It. Strange to state the
runts were uninjured, pave a few trifling
hundred dollar., in ant war nt is ileslring to ho
had in tnn ‘ .. nn nu Tai., ..„„„ f „ g „„,. tri,,, at:retches of little signineauee. Una of the
defense set up by the :wows' is that (s.b,o f ,,u l ii s o , w ,,,, eri , r, h was i
~I rumen npon his head,
1; .
I t , .
iv.i . te,, g w lf it u .„ l l . sess ro heil l rd ira's:ed. Dr.
Injured man
bought the articles v. Mee Oils In charged with .
stealing while tinurdutg with M" ' Ander' ' ' '' lat 1110 t rding house on n Tit ' ir n d etretil., Atte
and left them lit her care. i ahem-, and dressed his injuries, which, al
, though very palntul, are tad 01 a daugeroUst
111orsoRtolsin. -- On FridnY evonlng• t i ii . '°O n ell:tractor. 11 e were unable to ascertain the
ilanditoo, of A ileglien.y..rtm visiting Spat ant 1 nurnai Of any of the Occupants of the Vehiele.
In the Fourth word oWat city, and hitched
his riding horse a the gat. On coming out
be discovered that t
his horse e hit disappeared.
TlioSOugli suareh was made for the animal,
but Without avail. All the imbue force of AlM
phony were on the lookout, but could tied no
haste Of either the horse or the thief. The
an Intel was t•eourely hitches', nmi must hove
boon unhitched, and was probably subsequent
ly caught icy the thief, Miser the approved
manner of horse -stealing. The titmice velum%
was a blood bay mitre, stXteen hands high,
hanadorne and In good condition. She had on,
when stolen, a valualsle am:ldle and brittle. A
sulUdiloreward Will Do offered for the recov
ery of the animal.
A Worthy Canso.—A wounded soldier,
ivuolqi name we have forgotten, wan the vie,
tten to is highway reel/cry one day List week.
As ho is a stranger In the city, and has an ex
cellent record. having nerved with Eamottinls
battery, the County Executive Committee*,, in
session on haturday,apPointed Messrs. Miler,
Little and J. A. Brown a committee to siglcit
subscriptions tO make; good the poor follpw , s
• •
The Lame Red Telt:lnsp.—Um Ma r
Armstrong, the mother of William Stirgart,
Irvq., General Freight Agentef Gin Pittsburgh
and Cleveland Railroad, was buried 'on rill.
urday last from ner I .te residence, and tho
remains were followed to the grave bra large
concourse of friends and acquamtuneea.
A r mstrong was an estimable Christian lady,
beloved aud - respretbil byrill who kugw her.
Heel ilotitetrostr. Irtngitl'eltt tha t elviner
men take courage frem :seer Misplay bunt-
UlOl4lOll thin the-der_of Weir big eon, eutlon.
Give theal a - Say 11,114 to'ettoe , Ureic true
tit eat Itt.ellrit, at Er 11.8 It furl Sprlawa.
:ilt..rao.ta e•rtt , lingly largo
earn...! Ile.pal.lcaa Otlt :114 a.IS 11 ,, a1 at
Frr.!. ,;•rtagt. 7 i.o •:.•tanattrallon Aug
xen , li on:!. ...roe IC than
//ATV nl,tv.l tinter tne
ee. nnt t .. Ise.s An Ct the Icln.l
• ,0%., I 1.11....1.,01.1
1 .ttia.,
tkg, t apt. (I.&tnp.•
• a.. A., a A'. Ar.l aioaalactt,
1, , A 1.. A. 11 Iturnat..l attics
fl In rat: ¢ssoin
.—.‘ Maidiesl in the
tt,o: 4,1t1.1r1,ng Ita.nd, piping
f .train, fvxd pt.,•.•fl II e•rl
the A plat f. , rni, Irt
0, ...of, and .10,,,, Taylor,
~.• :WIN,: at the
• I" the t,..•:1,1t , 14, Mr.
.1,1 the ~(,tr.'"Ll dry gof.l.
1..01 if, 1111/I
.1 fter.,••ltrnn.ntlfrfallt
Jrv'r w 1.1.1
I f
1 ••
We hove received from "Pittock, opposite
the Postoftice," thu Atlantic Monthly and the
Li:dairy for October, Harper's Weekly, Frank
Leslie's, the Nation and the hound Table. All
are excellent nousbers. Tao best article in
tile Atfonfic, because the most appropriate to
the times, to Governer lioutereTs paper on tie,
-Csurpation"—Amdrow John Son beteg shown
to boa usurper, whose place and policy as en
forced have been unconstitutional and crimi
nal. According to Mr. Bontwell, the Presi
dent fears impeachment, and knows how much
lie deserves it. and will strive wills U¢SerOPU
lotes vindictiveness to weaken and distract
Congress that he may avert that fate from
Attenspiea Arwon.—Gustave Ballard was
committed to jail on Satnrilsy by Justice
Viper, of Bechtel, township, for attempting.% o
set Oro to the stable of John Wilson. In ite,,...te g :
win towniblp. Bullard was 1;1c - th e
bile of bay which be had P , ...", - ^za. The
rear of the stable, and theft ma d e
_ try
tire val. t extinguished wittteut demi;
tole! datuat,
, tt The Ke ll " 000 Vield Blank.
few hours after on the Braddoet.
road, a few miles from the ally.
Eland Crupbed,—Jacob I . :l i ndde,o :ken cm-
Dl`:?'l',‘; 1:,,r4.Ei1f±7,14117...1=47“ 112174:
two ~„ wheois, and o y ornsned. He was
taken to Id. home on 100 coroer of Glaesnot
nod Ureone streets, Third ward. Allegheny.
land Dr. Tborpo eititott tn. 11 Irns Oland neees•
wary to amputate the rntddle Anger near the
, tdo3 , . The third Anger Is badly hurthnt may
, IN
'saved. ,
. - : , -, • kce...l*•:-1E.q.1.-4'.61 *,-50,.V1;Z,,r,d,1.
•ii.'A',IZIA,.., 5,d-I.,..Valafrgt-, 4}
alttot:ls for m:Med wttlet rctz
PRICE 1100124•1. ALS the mall nrq...
SINtiLIS corms, PL7.IL--t---- fri.
Concerning the recent terrible accident at
Johnstown the Tribune says:
' • •
Sinew our last Issue but one addit tonal death
O occurred among those injured hy the fall
of utr platform to the llik. notice of which
wtil he foetid under oar Obituary head. Mull,
seven pet - I , olli have died. Incleding ' bo three
who were killed on tiles spot,
concerning the
issue to the eases of everely wounded per.
soon, the chances are mainly favorable In
recovery. although many of them must lie
upon beds of pain for weeks and Oven
onths to come. The little son of William
Layton, who was so severely trampled, Is pro- 11
bal.l) . In a mnro CI Meal condition than any of
the wounded. With this exception, so far as
we have been able to obtain accurate infor
mation, but little apprehension Is felt amonii
the friends of the sufferers.
Relative to the progress a Islets has been
muds its affording relief to the needy sufferers ,
by the calamity, we !try Informed that SI,TOT td
have been mad not Up to title morning. Some
complaint is made that a less . wbll-toelo indis
viduois have applie I for and obtained contr . '-
tuitions from this fund, and again we hear
that others who are deafly m straitened etc
cottintaliCai have been paid overtnuoh. Cont.
plalnts of this character were not in the na-
titre of things to be avoided. All teen and
women do not think :ilike, and If they did it
would still Ccuaalci an easy matter to and fault.
We believe,however, that mute Of these eon,
pl Ants are Just, but, while we counsel the see
ms' COulln tIVe an little OCOrtelOn us
for fault ending, we urge re:meal:ens
not to allow their purse-strings to he tteu.
.1 bemuse every dollar et the fund is net eg
minded as they think shonid be: It eerierlllfor
hat the unworthy should occasionally be pald
a few dollars titan thatthe worthy should suf
New Olt Sirike.—On Telesday evening las
the operatives fur the log Beaver Olt Voce
parry near B ¢mputn, in Lawrence county
ntruck od at the depth of BO feet. ft is th
Oral. Lobo., they have had and It Is though
that they nave sufficient oil to tvarrant pump
log. They aregetting tubing and will testth
in a few days. Those whohave seen som
of the ell, and are capable of Judging pr.;
nouncu It a good article of heavy oil. This I:
a new locality for 011 In the Beaver Valley
and Is only another evidence , of the re ,
wealth of Lawrence county.
Whipped Her lirether.—A youth name
Foy wan arraigned before Alderman L%oe
on Saturday, charged by Nancy Jane clue
with assaulting and severely besting a broth
of the prosecutrir, a lad some ten years el*
After a partial hearing the 1100,180 , 1 wealth
to bail for a further hearing U.-day. The pa
ties all reside in Fitt township and belong
families hearing a deadly antagonism toe.
other as bitter us that which existed betwe
the houses of York and Lancaster when co
tending for supremacy in England.
A '•l7oat¢J'—The train boating the dele •
lion of 13ousoenita to Kittanning on linturs
last, contained many loyal 'Union men. as I.
rebel candidate for Lionicreil, Mr. Milan
_ .
Childs, found out much to Ms chagrin a:d
dreipptutment. Ho Started a tally to dad t m
political coutplestou of the '•crowd;' and w
sorely passlcl to Irnow that (teary reeedo.d
thirty-Mx more votes than Illiymer. Berea •r
he will be a little more careful, and will • k
his ••straws" outside of railroad cars.
Fatal Street Car Accident
The JrloblaStOVVVl Cilli.Mity
Fortunate 21an1--Ciorreaders will reinem
bar that a few days ago, we inenitoned that.
a "local" In tills city had established his claws
as co•licir to the vast Knickerbocker estate or
Trinity Church to Now York. The Individual
mentioned—a well known local &Kora:flits.
burgh—leaves for New York to•sloy,.as We un
derstand, for the purpose of adjusting his
claim; and obtaining possessio • of some 07*
the "needful" duo kiln. Ile has ostroongratu•
The Lawrenceville Shoollng.--On Satur
day an Li:devolution was made before
W Justice
Januar. of Lawrenceville, char gin g
in* ikr"
nett, the young negrO who,deltvered himself
up for shoottg youns Cook, on Friday. with as.
Rauh, and b tory w ttit Intent to alit. Thea Lay.
or dellvore he accused PP to jltsliCe JAncer ,
and the lat cocuuti tied Idea to jail tor S.
Mrl.l.lor beefing.
__-...---------. .
Tb• Unitloud Stobbery.—No duo to the.
rpotrators of Oa o..kland outrage has sof
M mobu o n od. major towls, V1131./[ll lira*
aconewbat improved in his bundltdon yiisfar.
day. cboueb not. yet, by any manna, °of of
en er . (yn a s timiny his cam, was.regard.ed as
call lllght hugnoem
—The Paris Charivari. represents a
Prussian General sitting on a
ci marble
nch ill IL garde smokgar. A,
n be retty little girl whom ha has ing
been notic
lug says to him : "General, my - papa likes
ou very Mitch." "Whitt yosit papa's .
b usiness, in dear?" "lie makes wooden
--Hon. Ben Lou,a a Radical Congress- I - ~... .„,.,„„...
man from Mlssottri, eiye that no. Bombe= '' f j r F.:5. 4 '" "n ,
State should be represented in - 0013gretS ' Alga
41., Bb T 4 re 4GE.4 . 1 ,
"until everidollafexpended to! the-country. , 9.
in the late toil' wail ti*d out or the Botttla:, • • -:-.VP. to ST. CLA.IR STILEXT.
[ ere p eo pl e i," , supOsil•Nettivir ill Slue Mak '' -. ' .sitic- - -starl lr ioafb ? saas an ' 4,44.; pisite e :..•
llabrell A4 10 .4A 4 V1V-SiNglAtOftt7fi , tf:- ~ '0. 4144 4 1 P• 1 04'4;41r igliA!+ - Vt3lltrl,
" 1".1 1i = ..t . >
I . ' ' •. 1.....1
'LLD ALE C trrE It r•Thu
heautlful ••tipt•e-lerre„ .• the largcat /whorl...a
Vise. or eepulchre. except one, In this county, ell.
ustett on Sew Itrlghton coal , tome•lhttele uOrt I. at
Allegheny. For bullet lots, peewit. or title, call
at central Drug Store of Clk.A. BCL sl
No. 196 Smithfield St., ear. 7th,
]PITT a iEti:rxiicir ix.
LT 24,17C1.1E111VTAL3305CITEit..
He. HS reu rte street, Mltsborgb. eCrl r ..t
all kinds . CRAYES,I3I4/VlLts,ded yerY do.or .•
Of run crILI Furtnstang tiouna turaimara. • .1
openl4y rilizht, sod eruyna • .
Itxr...R.IIcIIII — EICO. David li.err t:pr
Jacobna, Lyrlng. J. It
II tiler. IC,••
B. T. WHITE & CO.,
Uorner of nuottleld and Chanter!, stret,,..
H•era•. an, C. 4,1,63,1, fnrnl•!•.,l.
First Street, above Srrsittsftelhi,
• •f% iJew Carriage, !trk
rourp..a an.% or ICItIo.
an* , D. l,, i‘rt .‘ it,. 111.1 %.,1, . I
rig to, glv, th,:o 011, Arti , ularattrn
to ttnylnK awl... ling 1,r,, 011
ia at
Fib 701.211 a. slsltroc.t.
Rare Jast reeelv..l • k
:1:4:1:4& ; A till “ EAVS
4:4a,,.. ir ..._,,,
•ivmali FATLY arn ret D Plt lel s,
..." ;: " 0. . :-"*. A r
1,1t1 4 ,111N P; E SI%
; — " 4. 1 II Y 'nu: AUSN
J A.IE3X.."/Z:32'7C cR3 G. 70 •
Iltala:riff:KV; Leal Good,.
1/1 I-3 -+++:lll.+l+-1.1 +t. ,•...
TlAsingtr.rnant , p v• fl Fens.'., I+-1 ol - If +i n.. • •
and Mortaant, a. wi , e++ as sttaml% ,,, L men. il e , l
blues a Cloelt, 1 , +turnoff' r an,i Tller-nomet, ~ ~, I
earl 1. be +..0t0 , ~ I Meat for uelleattug Lila: i.1.,g1
hr I,
- . _
itgV - '3i Ell' OPER tiousi:
Ilpolgural onflouiwoluent of 010
iohings Enalialt Opera Troupe.
utattrd ;an., pohltrr , ly tit
31ONL , EENIS4:, nt . „ 4
trawl Opera. In roar acts, emit:.
Pre.entloci he fo'ln.
h. the .nran.l Chorus nh,l Orrh,str uo ,
dir,ettort of air. W. Deltrol..
31Ahir.t • A t.ITARA...
Charles 11., 1 , lug or ..... .N 1 o
Don Loeser to Hui.. . '6; .
Don doxr o e
Ml •
Marquis de Mont
eartalit of the t•oard. . ... J. roal.o.
Marebponr , ol d• Ntontlo.. I .
Iteo.rval beat. no. %a... at
Ott ,
Wood street. at tn., Inr
Ru nge, al , 119 10l A ~ "- n rnd k" .
Ira Chair. 31.00. a • , eured I'ar ('han - .
Aduvaaiont .Ir.*l'n -
ottettt, $l.OOl Drt . z ., 7 0. 134 irr) .
Union Republican
141(- - 11Z rr ,
Thursday', Oct, 1, at 11 O'tlack, a. ALI, TIN
Hoe. Ttu.llAs
IL,. J. WWI A St.
n. H.C , r1.1.1 , .:1<,
C. W. 11.1.1131 t.
-exutl other .11.511qvil win he pres.ut,
tRA nl.leuell.l nl,.h BA% halt bu la..,eute.i by
the lad., 1a the 1.,,,r 4 ale!, :olou present.
Oran.l” I I o'- •. Exeurahm
11.1..k.,t, will bcl nu 1.h.. in •,
I hr,ll sad
Rat, and a opechtl tram c• 11l learn
lb. yh,vot nt 14 o•el , ”..:
Cbalrtnla an fie-tiny.
VoNi s..crvt.ry. hcl 14
10 cpc - .)..ED age,
of Bunting, silk and Muslin, fur
Limes, Houses, ions,
Decorations, &c.
15,000 I_Atitte rris,
15,000 Lanterns,
All Sizes, for illumination
Lay In vonr supply' at
No, S) Market Strert, Pittsburgh, Pa
Th , l old estabilehad bo n ., 1,, rion ,
Are thrmeand dollar. worth of Boom and :rho., and
atylea the lair at, the quality the twat, vetch truer.,
determined to cell at W 011 Y Lu , W We
hare reaolerd n d to he tind.:mobl by any to Mahar- -
lots, that keep. goods worth hart au.
call and eartinme our stock of Komi., and we feel
satisfied that ou will pureheao what you leant la
the hoot •rid y
whoe Li tw.
JM hotdorget the 01 Market et reet.
.141/ J ASI•S (W' ° .
Chintz Window Curtain,. and Chair Corers
Cleaned 4: eginzed without anpacklup
Not. 34 and 37 Third greet,
Between Wood end Sanlthael.l
n. scn ILO, Pr"` ::or.
To. 90 Third ! .51., Pittsburgh.
AU the luxuries or We unto°. (Maine Liquors
Began, An. Prirste Olniet room, op !tarn.
Practical Furniture Illanufacturtn,
lea at le la It .%111;110! ennxxxotir bal..'
riifn, + l / 4
(LATu WILSON, CO:Lit & -
sza. 334 t7Qa Est.,
(num Dismond A ll 4O
)ef mit • IsSUtitat,PA,
$9 , 00.WH0 CAN BEAT THISTS2a ; OO.
For Two 'Weeks
good I , llE.NCll;ol4Lartili.lititikt
o nvy wro make, fur th e mall kirk 0f.241.4
6.15. of No. 36 Market street.
movirt. RE A. 3i.