mikancz, ..... i • inanlcer and Broker, ' 118 trotid St.. ,near corner or Fifth. AG li d Wtlbne of Government Bonds bought I d /Add on liberal toe. Land and Commental Exchange sold at New York rates. Gold. SlfFer and Coupons bought at h i gh e st rates. and Gold Drafts Issued on New York. • FINANCE AND TRADE. Fat Dar, SepteMbar 'V, • The United States Trenstirer; is paying out the laterestecM f2I,,ScOPIO clewing-Bocce cer tificate% but as a general rule the New York banks arenot drdwlng the money. preferring ' to let it remain in the Bub-Treasury without Interest, and - ediploy the certificates rattier Men make their -• clearances With •,legal•te,a. den. By the operation of patrient of these certificates the hanks loscrthe 4nterest on 445,- 000,0011 at 4 per cent, and 043,0tilleOs Of mirrency Is withdrawn team Circulattolk and locked up 55 the basis„ of clearing-house movements. Speculators for an advance, says the Tribune, looked fat : ll . oer prices under: the.pa3MTent of the short loan by the Trensury, Mid it bad no such effeet. At the closet of Aegust above $50,090,043 of shrirt debt was pod off, hut It 1155 nOL put prices up enough to' 'erre interest and commissions on the stobk esehanser6P tile following will slow : • • Aug.2l. Sept. Variation . 6.11), of 1 , advance 7.335 - 100 I Erie Itullway 7.1% _7 4 , ranee. 1"1"'" I' chigan 1 \3'14 -41 • flltnola Centinl::.:l•l3N dycllue. .i view of the soarettii cif Small United States notes a propo.ition has been mall&to the seeretary‘Of th-e-Yreatitit.y to retire-a geed portion of the 00 and 6100 notes, and substi tute those of the denomination of Is, 3.5, les and :As.. The subject is held under ahoy- GSM% with doubts of a favorable unite. it Is not probable that Br. SicCulloan will listen to those persuasive all elaptil, for its smail . tiotes hare more iialutto 4 ingliOnCo on prices thant large ones, the iszun of the latter .111 tend to neutralise the contraction which is making In the volume of the currency. Moreover, the Inconvenience 0111 10011 remedy ltaulf If let alone, and tile oftillbrlum will, by patletme, soon be restored. A scare] iv of notes In tile present red umlaut Stat.e of the currency, is a fitVOMIllO tilt Ilor than as lad sign. It. is rho In tirost of the sunsqes of our people, who 001110 surfer from higher prices that the last. of ,until notes iU place of large ones from the Treasury should not be permitted. . —One half of the clearing house certificates OettNe+l to bear Interest on Tuesday last, void or, tn. 20th of October tail balance till pans from 0.1 accounts of the Treasury Deport. Meat. This operation lin, not had the otfeet, which tunny predicted, of seiollng up pi Ices at the 'Loch board. T.ie sl3,ouu,Oun of ' edne,t , has for some :line been available to the public In the form Of loanable deposlis hold b 7 national banks. To pity the clearing-house certificates in the Atlantic cities, the Treas ury has been o“ligeil to cell In Its deposits held among national banks, is nrocers which does not make money easier. After the pay. ment Lbe money .111 not Ito loanable capital to the !Linke. They will be obliged to loe.le it up again as deedrity fora new keine of ce rti tl eater, to he used at the clearing-house. By the ouornaOn Of payment the banns loan the in terest on iits.aua,wo at 4 per cent, and the COM lantilty losses the use of 640,030,000.01mutreuey withdrawn from circulatiortithil loosed up as t.llO bails of clearing bo.idd inoreateets. It is •u eon truction of currency and not an addition. CEIN TILCL LIVE-5 COCK ZIAIIIIIET siits or PITTAWOR 0 A zr,2,t - Scpt. 2.•<,t8 The receipts of Cattle we're lat;ge during rho past week, fully tin thi usual "etandardin' point of UWIIIII3[9, pat IrOrntirrhat : hl3TaW - `thlr metal average in regard to quality . The . ill?: • „ket was a pretty bard one, both buyers cud scliers cOm Ohl nhtg bitterly, and theyarisac- Ilona In the aggregate Sieta cons paiatteely light, and as compared with I tat week, prices are lower. 1... mt week 4:3l . .prai trove, of good cattle changed hands at frOur.:B to LI cis, while this weer, so far no we could learn, there was bit a single sato at 8 ors, tvel that oily a car 108,1. Stock cattle Lantern.: In good soppir and very dull. ,rynd 'ln order to etTect sales, holders are obliged. to accept trbatever boyer,, feel disposed Courier. There were some good, cattle on saM this week, but:lathe owners were unable to °main wilat-tligy considered r. fair price, they eltlppeeelt rhhe'lmstu,in hopes of !Indian a mum active market and better prices. The attendance of buyers was. lint very large, and those wile. were here re fused to buy unless at a material reduction. The market for Sheen wan rather better tijl week, owning ton failingotE In the, arrivals, and beatsres,the offerings, ael a gettyral thing, ware of a much better ,ileallty. 'Prices, tus compared with lest week, •t', nigher, and , we now quote at sto 3 i eta per th, gross, for fair to prime fat mutton sheep.' S., se. The market for lions has been•nnusually no. tiva this week, itnnertenons nelng largerthen Inr some weeks pas:, and' while the demand has been fully up the supply, prices, an com pared .111. h last ntn.lt, have undergone no quo. ta . tin Change, ranging (rota 10 to 11M, the ont• onto figure only far prime heavy average, To..ilav, however,. the market ens a little dull In eenaeettenee o f unfavorable ad vices from the east, and hovers generally were asking for ,4 4 ,m,0f4y10rm but es yet no tieollue Isms really taken . . IMPOIITCD 941.1.6E1 OP WOO,. Seder. !Inver. .Vo. .4... Price. 7.4422.4riy .5 Co. to llook ,S 4 Co 1:49 213 Jo 25 ' Loderty to Inaltour 4t C 0.... 221 212 lo 45 Logan to Gllehrrelrt 45 Co.. 252 05 4 II za • 3leerocl er to 4.lllcerrlet ..... 93 247 19 75 31seru4rr to do ... r.. 1 251 10 73 11424 1 1e3 ICo to Co .... . 101 275 11 35 Logo nto do .... 24 175 II 23 ledooo4-41 to Ito .... 42 230 10 03 Ifogletlo to 410 .... CO Zvi 1060 , Lan.• to do .... let' 0.117 10:5 Log.to to 41... .... 149 273 11 20 i 744.4 :Der to do .... at 230 11 00 Dolocll tO d 0... 293 12.3 d 10 25 Difilloose to Singer & Co d.. 119 214 --- Logoll to do .... 10 240%- 11 12 I:uterlek to do .... 15 Dli .., 10 37 Hedge, to 410 .... Ft 3 . VD.' 11 .37 ~,1 110.1400 to 00 .... 50 •239 4 1167 - Doh:noon to do. .... 1131 ' 273 10 DS Loral: to do .... 130 24 4 10'57. , I Diekdor. to 410 ... 45 140 10 00 • Velootlne to 41.4 .... 124 505 • 11 CO Valenti:2e to do ....,- TO -VS 10 73 -, , Valentine to - do .... 30 2.M ' 10 73 _.. Illeelt to do - .... 41 ' 285 .. 10 74, Lenient to K093...02;. .113 277' 10 AV Heroes to lied:ten tO Co GU 97 19 D 3 • 13444402 6 Co. to 11edge0..... 03 VS 10 23 Diehl. & co. to do .... DI 227-444 - 10 43' Werner 4 Co. to do .... is • 277.2 10 724'[' Moore to do - .4.:...-,- .31 . 207. 10,20; Iliac:mood to 410 .... 't.9' 7 43: 10 40', , ltobser to 1:0 :. : 2 : CI 2;4 10 00 ' • Chapman to do .... 104 514 10 20 Weld to do ~..0.44403 211 1025 ik Moral to do '..-4;.4.111. 220 - " 1000 ll'ord to.do ... 101 222 10 po Vennatte to Hors .... 74d . 2:10 -.- 11'65 :- Potter to Keys 23 791 1035, Hermit: 0..11 Key. 4..... ., 2 211. 2.30' . 10 to '' -loosoff to Kaye lo - 270 11 3T EXPCIILTED LILLE 07 liltZl. Icelter.• Binder. ::. - . lye; .4 4. 0 ; 44,4. I.44trerty d Co. to Ilareee.. IVe.. Di, . 490 d Coulter to Erbot,322 107- ' , Pi - 1300 " D. McConnelll,43.Erldeaan."l9O • al, Vvr,`" J. tun. to Uri:man .... • . ~zio ,_,e ~ 3 - 23 ~..wrard & Co. to Messer 2437 51 550 11. Miller to IleOser - '3123-4-4 97 p- t. .7. Needy to Ileseer - ' 5l- 'O7 D. t.. 12. Pamperer to Messer.. lel 143 1 , 4 t. 8 . ',Leper to Pottectost.:.- 13 1 • .622n , 44 30 , , , Tbotapson to Rowlock.... 2 09 •-• 03.'41' 362 ' Illeruder to llewl - IN R0b11114124n to Hedge. 'sn eatdr •`doo''4 25 PreolOto Pe:tepee 91 82 . 3101.4210nd to Potteuatt.... lot . 'on 3 it oa tOulth 4.1. CO. to Hedges.... Dn.. to 663 Grunt to Pratt WI o 125 Dralt/s d Co : to Smite : .... led- 3.1 . 523 -, n.r.rauTen SA LAIA o.lll.tilL Latrerti &Co. x. 31 bend eommon COWS and steer% avernalng neat at G. Wert: to fleiggart 22 tread. of cattle MEN; taste to tiritlegar 42 betel at 5%. wane to same t 4 heal at *Arno price. Phillips to Mclitu'vey Ed head of pretty-Ro o & stale nt 7,40. Duncan to I.antila 20 head, aver „gteg.loso, at 014. Mitchell to Myers 4t Co. 07 beadlit 0,40. Foils= to thatrey_ ,2 Co. 82 held' et pretty. good cat tie - at 7. 05 . Werra 1.0171110 r 62 matt, weighing 51775, at EPA. - • . ' Idowisoecery to Green watt( '22 C 0,34 head et rood cattle, weighing 4l,7s2, at 70,. Worn: to ,]terry 7011401, a efehing 71,972,M.8,70. lliulnr to ttleartl le et. Co. 4 bead hells at 5. Smith A Co. to biller 107 hoed, weighing, 111,11 . .4, at 0. co to Ste4th 04 beas, weighing 18,850 , at Eta • Smith lt Ch. to Williams b Co. 111 betel, • .M 011443,850. at 7.y,. Alin to 110Onev Co. MI head •stt 11. - 'hbatrterg to berry 40 hotarat CAA, 01071/7, t 4 ittassuiman 84 'head. atigb7 77 147424tr404. (Mass to Ault A Co. bead, woraltileg 0tr,0222;at Donohuo McCoy MI bead, weighing 29,208, at 7. McPherson to Marshall 17 head 7. .1.10 • Ilutr. reports tho ton:rote& , on commbutiOn : tat head to %lemon Mir steers ovempting 217%at 742% 88 howl tot MeArdle Co. bar tarers, averaging 11M, at 034. 41, head to Methillfstook steers, averaging' MO, at, 0,40. .10 betel to arriggart, emoisk sit4mlrs, nveruging 400, It 11%, Su bead to Wood, Morrell g C0.,gu04 • lot steers, averaging 10 170 . at 7%. Smith .2 Co. to Ploteook 20 Ite m oJ. common ~ Cattle at 40. Wentz to 21021.11 hcatl;wemlltb 'lng W,550,40.6. Smi th & co. to PhloOrk 15 head • i n ihri k tog -17,000, at'72so ; Warns. to Bender, 21 head Or commonlat weight:lt 18;070, at Bu, me t o Immo heat,weighing 80,475, sit, 471 Weens. to Merles 20 head, weigilit2g.lo,2o2, at . 8 ru pw,.2,0 Wrap: 78 ttelghing.7 7 73X,•• ask% a r owtt to • lAistits TraurMan 02 hean, ”" "70,5. .705- _Nab Eirtimett _ . hand. weighing 40.0,,5t ainftis Co to Brn roadhui,', beao, , ,wingiung 34075, it sae, 'Belton to 31niirtiner Co.I heed -10wargtelten 'ED licrittet idonuntm tilt cattle,' weighing 79;915, at 5.83. tivalth .6..C.0,tes Benin: buret, ittileaty Weighing 0:,075,1at 500.. .Siima to Waal+ Lew', - wvighlng I:',W,W4 woo. ler 10-Enleinie,;t o bead of geed Mg 21,2.30, P. Beeler *1.:4:40 1and1 , 440 bead weighing 10,430, sit 0.900- Wernt I.olslol.ggitrk 04 pew], weighing 15,103 • itbairsi 'Cattle 5f,Y0t....... , ..., . , :..tasia.ar, septa Labor Wl—Cattle are . aw n , hilly, weak, thosu nply—thaaa head-rielagi (bap „ nJ, sad-Abu tlornond not too .6 harp. ii ItIVAS I. o ooreor. The ge.c) , ltit h l:a 4 l , ln t at o t t efibEfe . „ 11 , ...',..! - ;_ 3*s ot ovir ESL, AIKEN t II ErAlt D t'untn.l•ilon Ilert.nanta, and dralTra I , ata.Mn and P.n... le rbeear.a•rt, • I. do "Tamil). tio, Oar EII I'l 510 L l l ayla't.,l•••,:anal, 11wt..4 PI t ttborgn. . +iv M. P. IR CCai & CO No. 1 Sia" I Y fo..t. Pltta.t.c.nh, , Woolt.ll, I. o c Lo I nl,l :it mbanta 'Aid de sit r. Conn ', 7.LZ,"Vi;4.."ar,l'il:«ll,W,'itr'-'3.!..tlgbir.'air. and l•rled Fruit. 3alt.ou LOpu. . • ' `OTIS SilirAnD : ( r & CPAW:), Coturnission , and •I.Alors In /lour, titan and Pro.' duo, .o ../Lincrly streat. Plttabarst. of Floor for !layer! un.l a ratellyoire ~ c0ne..1:.7 4 hand. Particular ottention pald.tp "rde• etur Merchandise nenerally. Ototif' I ITT LC. BUILD & PAT'PON; noloanle Ornocrs, ComrKl.slon.ll ,leVern In rtodlicort. If/OUT. /11.041. Carbon •ud Lard 014 Iron. Malls, floss. Cotton Tarns an: all Pitteburch mitoulletarca generally IS and 111 3rooroLlllreo4 Pittsburgh. lurk= ve t .n ruma.. DEV,I,EIt M' OS, aluccemors 10 &A le, &,,cderson 1 Wtsolowdo Dealers lo FYI", eigo Jim • Nuts and elpicrt Context Ward?. &Wm. Vtroworka. do., Nos. Man 1211 Wood Bisset, above tfLb 14: & SOS, , 1 11 . : 1 ;01; n 7 .c . 1 1 -t iFY W it., tilt .7'7.3111%.,,nrz2.&011:11'''' _ - - I Ong 11. CAN FIELD, COMUILISIII.OII and Forwarding Marchand and whogsaale &alai In Wear,. goaorre Cboase. Hume. uard, Fork, Hamm, FlOur Plan. Pot and Pearl Jaabetaial Lammed and Lard Ono. IFdod RFolg. LnA rn e = generaily. Noe. 111 and 146 Frans Mesa. nctsburorti aItAFF & REITER, PRODUCE, uorovnualon nod Yorrrarding It ....chant.. sod port:haring agents for rat PURstuarrtl Iliasafactote.. Warehous, ho. 21.6 Ltbert.y. street, Inttliborgh, PR. JOUR t. Lugar •••Rorrausr OEM I. lIOUSE & DRIIRLODIcces. mums TO Joint I. 1101781 a CO., Wbobstle tiro. ten nod Commission Merchant., tomer of ilrottlr. (kid and Wt felo JAMES DALZELL & SON, Rlauu. (=torero at Lard Oil, and Commissiols robants for the pure.. 43 and We qt Crude and Itentu Pti• trolentn.. Nos. lig and 70 Vats: West. Pithibtir4. t'l mit,ll tussle (Hll Lklnslirrinsunts. --- 44.1r1110MAK.E.IticLANG,WItollesalt ~ .r.ieslurs In °mottles, Flour. ()rain Podoes, PrO visions, Pleb, Chasse, Balt, Cartxru OIL Nos. 171 and 174 Wood /Street, near Liberty btruet. Pittsburgh. Ps. • se_ lilt . oboe! 6, 111 AD egORGII .I.barcals, A U l t3 0 1161 ealerTitail l eut of Country Produce uld is gicsailtaturce. No. rip Liberty Street, opposite bead or Wood West. Pittsburgh. ' spg.ly VETZEIL dr. ARMSTRONG, Fob Yrr Irg,74:ll ( ll=Ztre lIgt" 'tar "Vtf.l D&LZC.Ltuxtnr , A. Y. Dial • ]/0111`. DALZELL & Insole.. woolnows, Commitslon 81311 i Vorwardlug NtiN. Chance and dexter. to :Produce and PlttsburgO 1111,9= ittetturt , s, N. AS Liberty street, Pittsburgb. ibms wArr • - ..... 4uUlir WILSON: WATT & WILSON, Wholes:de uromi, Comm Winn Merahant4nnAdaalara t t emdnea and elttiatn.ratt Manz:44%lnm 0.158 L rlttsburgh. pri —:i"rcc4 Ha it IODLE, No. 183 Liberty wi.eesal nuelehrtFciutTrTV:l44.r,ll4"h"ti '44 Mt/buret rusamfActures. Cash ...peed o l u4'a." l sligmentr. am, paid fur Vroduee teuerall7. DICKEY AOIII U 04rikelesa - Groton, thrtrooloilion Me c tz ., shd dooltri truce. ]o. t 0 Water drool otol,M /Not stroM. DANIS= Shur* •. L, - VOlg f H. TOLGUT & Co. t .(Successort ad. to O. tiratrj Product and Ilominisaion' Vets chants. W Liberty strot, Pittsburgh, 4.61'8 LINIIABT, .1, ILI a tto Idackeovra I L I (S our aitiratn Prodnce au_ tOo , "'V I ° tuarz rm.". 339 i eb %to; ants NMI rcvro. • wm:arAmp 1011 N }MOTO • C — WhOlessole ty - 1 ; N. reEltN. No. EA Woo sjtvl tes Mbe n* PAM sui. A. WALLAC.X. SIPTON . *ale GROCERS AND intOilUer Ose 1 . 4 ill.thistrect. rlttAbarsh. • ' No. E=4144. 116 t) BAILTIIIOII.OIIILittIitiII:gIVEAMV , ; ruts btri g Atteraiarr,.. 4rA4leniii. THE UNITE.D tTAT,IN 'linoWiftl-CluslllmAullittp.lut Intim wilful follenral • • • ,11/1" 1101 tptls. T. A. 24111.!1:1444411;°?. "L 113551.5.-1 . 2,0 51 5 1,"Wm; . 15151.514r0tia1in5.15. teptVAl.Cr47ol, From itt" x. 5 W 114115,1 51.4.51- 'At 4 c05155X e. s.rPret . lsess. 551.5.145.1151555055. - For frels l s...or tt flying 1,07,. 00= NrA u' rAt P WAillii:u ,fiieiAidi s p ls i • I b is i SZpIKiA i• w.n.r ii e T n , j ' yw ß— .ii l b•e lF l7 it s &ri.9n..taro ~ rt= "lr=. 4 4trrtgsZ 4ss4s7..4 4,* • wrj MANUFACTURERS. HANUFACTUREI:S. AMERICV.ii IRON 110111iS . .; r° ll '. 2 PITT 1 8011111, Si AND TANI% wOl--71 JONES & LAUGHLIN'S, Prp'T'SSiEt - CTX.I.4C4rMTC, bld1 1 1:7ACIIIIIIIIS Or AMERICAN AND CLAM Gar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; • Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; • Coal Screen Iron; T Rails, 16 and 20 lbs. to the j and Tram Rails,. punched and conn- ter sunk . . Boiler, Bridge a id Tank Rivets Cut ;Nails and Spikes; Skip and. Boat Spikes; Railroad Snikew, Railroad Fish Bars andlTiolts; Flaifroad Car In neck. and A Nles; ,Street Car Iltkeek. and Axles: COM-11:4t Car - Ulmer , ' and .10aeR; •Patent Cold Bolted Shafting: Patent Cold Rolled Piston noels; mower and Reaper Bars. WAREHOUSE AN ,FFIeF., 120 %Valet and 15S Front Sts, , lIILANCIII 22,24 and 26 MI er St, KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK; _Beat Common, Refined Charco al Juniata Bloom Iron. MEILUB ANT BAH, roty,,,, Ht" I, BAND, T a:.:1 A I Tt• BOD.XIS PLATE and nIIEEI . littiN. ar. , l REA l'Elt Ilk )(S. CYLINDER nn,l °UMW VR Fl S‘; FA( L 1 N MALL T MAILS. 2, and . 11 , 1 Inn. to tnc I AM wnot.miT ( . 11A 1 IC3 and foi•nmr. PLAT l'unrhed un.l Con4t...rnnut. COAL, SCILIF:N IRON. NAM... , nn,l SPIRF.S. W,ollon. No., Wve, or ,l M.IL Let Worlo, "c.n 1.1 , tt ?..1,1.11 adj City 11... l'ltt Ir.a. RANGES, STGVES AND &RATES. A 1.,417:41,C50NS 1100 :M N EV NEI Uly+f Id. N. ?. 51.11. n-fly 1-M .l, wtd.re th. ,il l plete .gproit .o 1 Lille and con/tu'd, atS, CoOKING STOP EP, Naffs A 11E17111; >lO Ls, W. House Furnsev. And Laundly ct,t, BISsELL fi CO., Mannfax , tiri-r. Of tb , brltel TIITEIIPII COOK STOVES, 1 , 011 ( OA I And Black Oak for wood. 1195.E.11.1LE ST 0 I'lr. SVO PETEIMOIi, Jr., & CO., Ilan,t,tnter. and I tp awr In a , t ( and tSpring t‘teel Cooking and Heating Nieves, HOLLOW WARE, &c., UritCc err 1...111:,r I I 1.1 iVarthouse, 197 Liberty Street, I'ITTSII7,SI{(.; 11, 1'.9. 11 s •.t 0 -, • . _ _ IRON AN I) 1.5TE11. IS OliFv4 HAILNAN, RAIIM 1.. z. CO., Irbn, Nails, Spi i igE, Axf:e9 31'1ti46 AND A. 3:3 , c>. 77 'VP 41,1 ox- Ek 42 - c o t . rirranung.o QM ARSENAL GLANS WOHRS. MODES BSc CO., . . VISTUIteS I sl.l t'• .• •••• 0 •....t to •hi. ratet...l •sit.,,,Yrnana • BLAUE !IND GREEN GLASSIV A RE. • • r", 1( "rd,rt"l by mot. at Drug:Al% , IVitre, notttirs, DEVEIJOFINS,. CARBOYS & e., W or!:. and (Rif 0,, .1...21,1,e1tret inn Pa. • ;' ' sr •••z • •-.`" , a.".;• - k•• • .•• To, lerrtra nmtrtxna, PIT TtItl.RC k :•. A1+,75 tin L,a.„41, (Unaware"! the •t".", flo.",cttp. Ito". A`i orflora pron , Pt tt , ""t" 4.4 Tartlet...r attention yahl to viva". 'VA LLEy 2 . 4•1•6•1 c °ILEA. • _ 1 uTiurrw McLEAN & SLATOR, ALLEN. tYPICEE & CO., So. S 3 Liberty St.: opposite Fourth, ""'"„',;;;;;;;;,..=„f,?,1411," "'" 111.0 , 1,011:1111, Start • vrantvarl. IV of (.'l , ol{, PARLOR CABINET MAKERS' HARDT, ARE. •,, ".I ' h .S ” . They ‘owiLe.-. ore,ta/ry of Iron 313, 1,1,4 Cooking Castor.; ~„ , •. Ac. , 11-eoLlnyl Jar coal or It doterolcsortrolutra: ~.r t• n.lont I .`•'• '"' rn r rd 6i•r dre. They sthn ry•tt , :fwelwre an .l cooetAlltl, tlea e O rosntla Thumb LAtelies. tiPriog I " 111114 Window ,asla [4llpyl,rt..r, Sl'Lese, BUtton, Uttllky Irtr , t..r tad [NIL 111.1. Gtisel• gtOne tlsoglng.. Sad cka.t. de. 2:er+) LIPPINCOTT it • BikEll ELL. UB Water Street, 1211102123 AIAGYACTII Mils OF PATENT tiEIJUA rA r.E.N T TH )Ip MED PATENT TOOT/I MSC bLA R, NI MA T. KILL ANb MOSS-CUT 151 .1%. NAT SI . lid S. W. 103111(0'W..- JAR. H. ItAltifUll..L. WILMA BOILER WORKS. ROBBOW & =123=1 MAN UFACTVIMES ta. Steam Boilers, Oil Stills; Agitators, Taukg, Salt Pans, Gasometers, Wrought Iran 1104ea,Slieetlrou • Week, CORNER L LIIERTY 'AND SECOYD STS., PITTBII4URGIi. - pa. oars IL PA ne11 , 14/ 110 TIE PROM I . Tt. myll ten W.A.li . .lll:l.l‘bb rtSIIKR.,...U. ANIMILICAN 11ACIEME onus FISHER, GRAHAM .& Co., Engine Builders and illachluists, Oil Engines, Oil Tools, And ererythlax itecustry fur Boring 011 Yo'ol. rartiewhar att,ottou p4tl to ilttlng elmaing lays. 1.10j0 , r1,..,ete.. Marlon A wood., neiran. W.& C. yl. H., r!=;=RMI 11XPAIRING rtrohirTh,r. INENUSTIULAIL 111:101/ X1.2.2107t atTaat Ottn. HUCH , M. BOLE .6 CO. . ENElltik. HUI 61 telt A 1) A• ULNPft. CIIINISTN: Manufacturers of !VP: T g tilL WEL/ . En. LUCtilluTt ge B , ENVAL V i e e r ro a r lj e ir ir ds et Afaid . find Marino EN- Tram the web earned repataUon or the Manager, Id, JAMES leICUlt)74, we hope to seenre a literal of patronage from titesonboai bulkier% and °theft Wanting good machinery Una atm tte to down work to It I n manner t ore fair au m ptak.a. I.loo,_and to do It In the time we say. All kinds of oAnTlNtiti' made-to order. ' to Machinery .Dromptly attennedlo. Wweanlitrn a idhaft 35 feet temand pore or torn a Pollee - Li feet diameter. rprehOp on bieloosno W4l, near theter. P•dot. ,Iroandry on 'Third street, bear elaraet, rlttsbu cab, -VS.Lohnthnd Preall - PITTSBIJ‘ RGELBOLT. CONTANY, WE ARE PREI4ItED to intake aild or_pOlLei, from H to Sineltes In dlam. JOLlyr BULTB, .• CAR DOLTS; ri.uvr• DuLT3, CAltittAiar 1301,T5, RU141,11 , 10 UOLTR:.FORN - 11 ,, TWN RoLTS, sr - SRI neakws, • ; Or WASHERS, ko., Re. Coroorklortoin on,l,Butter {Terri. don Wald, VOri 'Venom! Rlkoloti,R.lllog promptly oLtou.lo , l to. ' lYtHrk , yIS .... ..... ;.. . I.IOI4IIIESICIF , AND WEST POINT .".1 1 / I .IN Puuum-PrtreituttuH, Penn., tuna „mi.all pf FOging% Vlt , hteamlwal ltaXelinta; riston .4vera, 'lnnen 4 +W . 1 NV nits: also, I.oeotholles lame, and all shape york• Thu on.lerala led TUIN Uton-Or Intalienet. o ,llgaired lake 00.11.005 prepared to ront,,,y all order* eutruae.l to an With amptiutpcd.disp.ich , • 11:1114 JO .. 11A1U11 Jan( Slut and Yr. hil WM.ltill . ... .1 P. 110/.1.11 l a s DE d.E _STEEL WORKS. • - WILEIXT4MIEL, CM>. Linuampofien of tairs-wrlczb; KORN% PLOW e ' :gr XLICa. giww 'fla :PluslAntrr,"l. l . WAI. wriiNtr tap stow ' 1112 EVERSON,J, - STOP' & CO., 10E:711*Srif ratAta jamom WcolFrir-cs itt,TAin ati WSTFR 2- : 4 E i:E 4 1 • 4142 i i-3 flti : putuiocrrAnt.m ooj Cr ow.t CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE -FIXED, TUBULAR el - CINDER ,TEAM 11011-EBS OIL: STILLS AND TANK', CIIpINEYS, AN AS It VAN:, SETTLING VAN,. ' , Ai::: PAN , AND DEN, ERs, STEAM ri GA-.OOIETEILS, .AND IRON 11,1111,G 11,, I'RISON DOORS AN (),:. 4 - , AI. • 00los .otid Wet z, r greonil, Third short Liberty' Streets. nN gat - Orders rent lo toldrrolr ort , l promptly ttiten.trd SINGER, tiIMICK 85 CO BEST IIEFIMI) CAST STEEL taE, FP.: IND t',IIACON, OF OIL SIZES. A.ND CLEWS, CUT Fl LEI rL AND •l I.I.LIVTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, ca,il Spring Steil, Cast and 4.:ertnan Plow Steel t 5.1 ,3 A: , l 510WC.1:13A6. 4 . SPRINGS, AXLES Attu STEEL TIRE, sict(r.r. 1 , 111, ToE t.MAS A‘ , . 111,.1!Y Warehouse, S 3 stater St., l'ittsburgh, Pt 19.1.4 kLI.“. re ¢rnsi.n, -.. M'L M. r, It. IL Mut kt GRESCENT IDMMMUZM Warritnteti liet nal to Ally In the lilarlse either Imported or of Domestic nlttiouifactute. I A PU/ 'ICP CAeIT s CALICO. 36 Wood Street. il , yreA. ~0 ILIIISIi Iv, =I CEO =I 13=1 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. SHEFFIELD STEEL vanuci SAW PLATES. DM3EIMM IMILLEII, BIRR a l'AillilN, lIANCFACtCIII.I:B OF )11"I's ii t. SA 140,1t11 AND(-lIsON, .t. CO., I=l • - •1:.• ( . 0•; Nletl, hquera, e. 1 . 1411-e, Heir, rot.) I nuts+ r:nt . ICI ... • Iti.:llNi; AND :110141Nti iIIACHINIY‘, ,T... 11:! PLOTt' tt1.1111.12N, ay. 1111 r_ ro' rmytv • CilAili, l 2.ti i1.71. , ,P :ErliF, ify 5 1 7 0 rt:r P 1..; E)Ett)Nii.NCE: ••• Wult Eli ~pv. t•r ..pre i ~~r .ni ~l r t.~,. a u„u~~.. T ~. . IioLIA 31,14711\E i►OIIKs :41. :T....11 , C 33. Y. .17410 ht root, A.l:cliberly, EMI .w. :•..:11111t1I J. a. lia_aul-ST ATNA STOilf. WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO I=l=l9 COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES , ionntitt h. , (c , e15r44 , 1 ruirEEKA, TROPIC and A LISMAL• /MA A, VET. LICA I(4 an 4 llo(Snll/ICS ((Noo] ('dok «loves.) Alan Mann he (;(( VMS. CRATE FRONTS, &e. (1111 ca •nd comur of Second and Woo. 'treats, rlttaOurgh. . Eat on Second street. 41:1T1! BLACK. DIAMOND tryfjl • dm k .,, j r... - .) c4(,1 PITTBDURE/11, PA. *'tit. BROTHER 41, t!onarseturrn. of IiCSI CU A L.l'tt AnYIN AD CAST eTICRL. t lAA Ana untAron, of all mos. Warranto equal to ally Inaportra or roanufActored In tills COOn try. Srl - Vlnce and warrboure, No. 141. And First, to end Catioron.l nln.berwh • TSBURGI - 1 IRON WORSTS, =l= LI 1:=!! D. Port, rd.,111211.i Or Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, fe le .In PITINIWILGII. PA THE SUPREME COURT FOIL • llt e t A•TKtt\ VF I.F.N NSII..VA• N I • . I. • ILE NCI 11. CLARK V. s holder or bonds ..crril lot Mortgage extvutcil by the (7battlecli V.l t) ~,,, pany, r TII F. UtIAIITIERS • t.1.r..1* liA• ItUA it CLOW A !.1 Ytoad JOHN nit,ll ANI • ndr.l. E Ittl Alt TIIONITON, Truntm• n mortgage. In tuptlty. July Term, 001. No. it .. • By virtue nod in pursuance of au older and decree te CA rac Covet TO Ito. Stole of Pennsylvania. retirre vlllhnt G. MAIn thu snore coma, vent tez tot.' NI tr If e.{ . the. Metro orroule, In the city •f retel.l.lTo 'u. Mat.: Penuovi coeds, et online anr tiou, Moho It tritest soot 11.1 bidder, on TUESIiAY, h 'roci it del of /code., A. It,. Itint, et Twelve o'clock. NISI IN. All a oil Angular tile Tenure !gall- Nped conou teeted owl to let eetructed. eitennlog eon Mc point Of notion nr co The I-heti - tiers Valley iOti lan ad ultra the Pit .iturolt cud Steubenville ead, le the county or Alb olecey and' St•te l'enn.mvo tee the leoroteoh of Wewhlngton la the comity or NV le•llletaten and,oo c a eurecold, with all ie. pc., al,. n lag, and apportenet.res, and vial perennal right.. liberties od ms•he we. • hpreoeve Toni wi er,eeeee te.l I , l'l g t..neleg .01.1 rite Civertlem Valley ta.ltlet. may hereafter be on •e o I isrteent. nod oleo all the rights liberties. itc, home, rand eento I:emooted to the e meld rerelcr• gal tuolont :rood Company by errtant racti•le • f et, re eineto tetra. I" And ittered Into in melon 'by the edit l'itteetntroli and teed tool cow l ontbent 00 The 12berLler4 Val•l'y Italia ol l'o r. taps. 11.11 ed the Istrnty-serontb day of Anne, ono 11.0 teeents-stalk day of A. U.. , 1 record-el In the niece ,10V, recerdi g deeds. he., le and for the comity of Allegheny, in the Stale, r. ete.elositlet, [lced gook. Vol. 119 pragobse, sold-ea - 1r to be mode upon tor following Wins and couelaloast le ,. The Vl,feel to be paid In cool] at the line of Salo. 91. lit the event of any of the holders ol the bond., internal war...Anis or Coupons. secured by Ll:minuet. liege bearlnk date toe nod day of Janttare, A. D., eyeeoletl Anil dvllven,tl by the said tlbartters Talky natiroad il.e.pattv to John Gotham and J. te-Ir Tint sit .on, trustee. to encore the , payment of Lod Irainelccd tutotound dollar, recorded August hill. lake, In snorneny comet,. In 51.ertgoge Book, Yellmeedt. poor G, hecouilent the enroll ...es of the mitt poemtmo at the said sale, by.tteenmelvestat with wind, (bre will be authorized and :Wowed to ma ke pay meat ntthe balance or remainder of the Mice or petrelease money Ind by them at sold Gale either In elh.ile or pert es , :Tonsferring nandverittgp to trt.tere etforeoratel the b nets interest' wbr. runts of noupoon held by them at the y ime of AMP, l ins e lit valneeef the eon , or Mine on them: the , 00 , d bond., totemic macro MI or eon ona tome est:- Meted et one rate percent. of theparyteculthereGef, as the holdcie 00 petroltaxing may be entitled to re retire (Moron nut of lbe• whom net:', tuT Balm for •troirh gala'We-Intact sludttx, sold as ntOresald, teal tledbettue from the satd. kale° et gam Atm emoettst •tbresald, d the bolance, if any, of the Sabi pni. cline moony shell be paid by the Durcliazir to nub, within thirty...lo'4 After thr.Aliky of Mile. , • zd, In the event of unit proprrty and premises be , ins IterehaSed by pet.us other then the holders -. Of Olin lolnde Te nd coupon* efere/1•14.'. gulrellase money entail he pald'lo.lld trultaaa; -the sum o r twenty-one thousand lite hundred dollars as r Ile m e e of {bosons, aid gage Lhareaß b li. -411,. thessfebta volitsdeYsookoftlinnitui. c 0,,, 0,0 romp tn Is i oon-w Sh tilt:acme thereat tlorpurnhawor, - the said rdlistees shed .aeon and Soskpitrebnallsoll• end skeigolarthet geld ;pre pro 4.1.1 A.1 1 11 , I 1 A 1 ?.41144e1 . fret - lam& dial:harmed IrMg "kl?""Itr. • boalt . rtioniixiit,'3 l /i. eatC" ; .1 - onliatqr;pritA:.r.or: - , _4BsimritErveurt.ic "u"" g *. r SEALED PitoPos IL " nit 11111. elre,t4Vitili•Qmet,,f„,, ..,,A,14411011.be. re- Atis.. rINT, - Attniibildanitilitr -I.l lsmo V ll . l 4 , l,:tarinirda Iwo, 1.1. am mulairri. -uondsj! . :, stfoNvni. 4- e lli=a t ifor ."MuZletpal ' 4)." Algefrilollll".4 _ INSIIIIAN CE INSURE TOUR LIFE EV THE , ~,,,Tcr ea , Ark LI FE Lc:stir...N . : E CUIdrA NY reir II AltTgOkt .., , CONTR. TH K. ,, ., Ll LI gr. INCURANCE Clthir.lNl IN , ANY. CA , rt Dirmv:ro on t a drat and each subsequent 1. , e on. nt of peemium.,„e re CASIICAMTAL, an lie ,i. ” orimono.c o oo, is securely Ineotted In pub- Ite dtocge too mortgiame of REAL ESTATE. It is tine. la Its Mtix fear of husinm•, and behFeld t o the AN!" ..11P11/061 Of Its member the.= 0 Vil i. 3.lll.LiuS DOLLARS. To this date not • sin gle rate of littgation boo occurred, en ettldeuee 1 tor t Mr. - laity lad Par dealing Is a speel•ltY with l'ompny. i 5... poiletes of this Company are not forfeited by re c so n of non-payment of prem fi tm after the Second roar. No payments required nfter•tell Teat, but poi lclt 6 coutia.t• good through life. J. C. W A LKLY, Preetdent. N. S. CWLIITK , ALbltill., Vim Preeldent. b. H. beerecare. iireneo 'thee for , Weeters. Centorrlvable. who , * Ortolan. 31,4 Maul Appllcatlons will ferrttsbea. Get Flub street, Plits,borgh. • who tod throngbont qtn litate. Apply to JOHN X. halt 11Y. AKeot. FIR E AND MALUNE INSEBANCE CO. OF NORTH A AIEUIC A PIULAI)ELPHIA MOM 'Lanford Fire Insurance. Company, I= rrotact.lan a l es secured la the above named and reliable Comb. = Wa eat, (ar stairs .1 rENNSILLYAICCi DISUMENICE CO. OF PMSBUROH, PA. Office, 31 Flllll Street, Hank Mock, T, IS a lion. Cunipany, and insures against Loll oy }.lre LEexclutively. ONARD WALTER, Frani:font. C. C.BO Y LE, Vice Freak tent. R. PRT PATItION., Trecsurer• 0 (JOH Al , ELHENY. Secretary. ' DIRECTORS: Leonard Walter, (gnome_ Willem, C. C. Hoyle Hee. W. Evans, Hebert Psuick, q. LOP.. Jacob Painter, J. .. Vintner, Jonlah Ring, John VuegtleV, Jas. linpLins, A. Ammon. Henry einovi. F i l . l7:4l....:p i kpi no l ki NSFOAACE CO., OF ALE.YANDER NIBLICK, President. WM. FIEILDEUT, Pecretary. CAPT. Li NIGELD, General Agent. Vince, n Water street, Swine P Co.'s Ware up stairs. IltDborgh- Will insure against all MOM. of Fire and Marine Cools. A home 1.11/ItltaLlol2 managed by Directors ho are well koown to the community, and who are lleterallned by prtnlaptiaeee and liberallty, to main tain the character which they have Assumed, ad ot ter:nu the best proteetiou to those who desire to be InnedrollB. Alen. Ntmkt, , Andrew Ackley, H. Hlll,r. J. David DI. Long, J amen Al..koley, . Ere. J, , Thomark. ?•tunul.4 Ches. J. Clarke, Al a exanderSpetr, John R. McCann, CarnrueLl H. Herron, I James P. Hanna. HA6euon mn:vl ;{'M. P. HERBERT. deeretari. OliTll AILEIIICA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Widows and Orphans' rand. 63 W Ullasw St., Alsav rorh PREiRCENT—N. D. DIOILOAN. VIC.C:i TARP—J. W. 1111.01.41L1... It. Al. TIN DA LL. Dled level Examainiale E. T. C 0 0 Erk.clAL AUENT FOR WESTERN rA., 67 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. AGENTS WASTED. naTZ:bb3 A LLE4.4IIENY INSURANCE CO. 4. OF FITTN U - umee. No. 87,1111 b &tree' tlsr.k Inolreas.glanst W /ands of rlre and Mart. Hlskel JOHN IRWIN, Ja., President. JOHN Vice Pmeeld.L t; . LION N F. 1., L.. Secretary. Vent. tteneral Agent. DUI/MI . OIM 1,, ,0n,,,,, I tt h „ l. K M . fi C etl d , c. ~ 11.136ey, /In., .1. 1../.13, (;Lames Maya, T. J lloillasurt, 1 Capt.. W. Dean, Jot, tr,ll, Jr.,°to. D. MeV. e,, It. 1.. Fatmelitt.k. I Hubert If. D. Ti,. pEOPLE , S 11V8Ullettiat7o. OFFICE., N . X. CORN Eli WOOD AND PIYTEL .. T DIA=TODII . . ... a - m. rblillps, • 1 Capt. John L. 6h01d3 lohn Watt., ' Samuel P. etatvel. Jann E. Carte, ; Charles A 'nankin. Capt. Jas. Miller, 1 Job Y. Klrtpalrlek Wu, Van Kirk, Frank I. hlsaell. Jain«. D. Verner ; C. Hanson Love, NykiL PHlLiars, President J WIN WATT, Vlee Pr...ldeal W. E. GAM/NEIL, atiereiars . ,ii..;, cant. JANI hte 01 e inDON. Oen'l Ant. OIL W 0 Rlib, COM PA'NI. E. S.& o CD.1.X.4 .IEI4 , C) X-7-0312 SOHO OIL; WORKS. BUFFUN KERET& CO, II U FACTUEILILS OP TUE CELERRATRII SPORN' . LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. sperm. Lard and Whale Oils, BUD LIGHT, ISMS' OIL INDingi MISR ALS% Standard White Burning "Oil, No. 33 Market Street, PrrrstußpH, PA. SENO NOR A CIRCULAR. eLcss - LCBItICHLIG OILS. TWIN CITY OIL COMPAH, Office, 204 Penn:Street, F. A. SHIM, Secretary. MANUFACTURE Mead LlStr x oll, , p, 011 Lar r igrgabi . ary. o.- do °. ..U1 011 Mir Cam y 123440 ADM °ramie. • • WOO LDIUDGE OIL DEFINING CIPDELX3.4IOIO"Ir. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. Orni- v it r iisN r i el h TEDIPEILINCEVILLE Office, No. 2. Duquesne Way, (Naarthurwasioa Itsklia) - melattracrrltszlis or Pt= WWI'S: 0111.4. •Brand- 4 1sucifer. i ' . . WARING' & .KING;. 03111591011 Inning LID . 8110018 Li Petroleum awl Its_,Productsi 4 DIUQUESXE p.x.rrra333trzt.c*.iavt.ip.a..„' rtiIIa,DELPHILA. /113DIUMIr ' WARINC, KIN G CO.; wumisl97 Walamitllt... PAU* S UP' --411"*.- . OIL ENOtsr.s. Vto..rt 'eanntactlamlNlA perlot styla of • . • 4:03=e3E1201121 irrn lIIBIR. L 011101 n Ma Bom u,72lgr J'rlll:ll,"gluTll7.llr.di'd=l". TeT4'llaanaelarlul46kio: W ARDEN*, DATOEIrpCMPH4: - ' CRIME AND,REFINECI:PETIMEECRO';" , WHALE OIL. &Milk BP.lll* TlAtr/OPX: NORTH, 0.4.1101.12(A Col-4er of Du stseinieWlikAlklaireek meant WIP:1 ' a t tigatfiro o *iit - ' • [Cu. U. Tics TUTU. S. TACK ono. , - • co mmtisicrurst,suerunuums ,, : ,,,,, we PETROLEUM'" AND PDODUCTii 71100 7rE 5 4 - ,'-• iiirkapliraLi Vrrma jupy.apn, Krcaq we'. nowise...» .11114,1 N PP, ro. • .-.fiamrAntatidfor Git gr:VORIOV-ANDAMW:4IIII4II,I4 • • • PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'G CO. 51,750,000. gi1,W38,000. PENNA. SALT MANIWAGI Oh% GO. PITTSI3,URGIL TA. WE, THE SILIBSCRIBERS, have ot. day entered Into a I/Welted P ;Inert/At, agreeable • a the pea" talons ofeithe Act et Assembly of 'd the • Pend9 . lsabla, passed the laldny o'. arch. entdled •'An Art Itelattee 1.• LI stlte.l l'artner.shlne •• and do beret, certlfy thas the u drne.tinder which nel pertuershin Is to'.. JO4 NSON A PAL NE: Inn, ten ge 3 , - nt -• :10 01 the business to be ....sacked Is the ,naue to, rtnd Wel of latt ricatins and lII. mlae , ,ag ‘414.. end the inane WEI bnsacted In nes , • 0 of t•lttsburtlit b eart nettles of the .ari tter, of cod limn a e Wll.l.lAbt JttH 'I tAS B. VAIN F.. tenth of Un the sneetal parte r Is tttolt(lE fnik as's. capital coutrlbut.. 7 ny Ina yalfl Htntre nK. St Iffy, rasi. UgVt ' l! e t r7t7J ' a l t!Yirl: l ; :I L a . ;:l " ="n:rtk . l. U tn - a n la (ha day . of July. A. 11., " and that It will termlnate on Hof day of July, A. I/ , Wk. WILLIAM JOHNSON, SILAS PA IN K, HE:ORME )I. SPX Oil. sw.r•i•l Purrinr nllli• July AI. CACI - • • W. U. ZJAIMAIID....Ot A. T. OARBAWL, pouT MALT 110USLS.F _ _ W. H. GARRALD & CO., lialsters, Graih & Hop Dealers, 1r0...17 water Street% ...14 Nos. 3 and I Penn Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. J. W. JOSTIFTOIC , 44 OTT. JOBASTON & SCOTT, DEALELIN Fine Watches, Chicks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATER WARE, ETC., =I Pit Isatiburalla, 3Peamaxia. Sir rartkolar •:.re3 to' ItrDmir.^x Watc.res, Clowkwand. Jowylty. Al work warral e.l ' • resm9 STEPHEN itl. O'rT, WV/ 11.4 Die Sinker, Seal aid'sleda 1 Engraver, STECK. BILIND STEEL LETTIC SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, cancening Stamps and 17)alting card., Also, ri.A.r}:s FOIL 31A.RNINli 93 Wood St., Cur. Diantond Alley, 13=1 LEM S . 8. 1111:1L475, Lttoner in Stocks, BU) D:1 AN I, I:EAL ESTATE, 31 1,‘,111:T1t d'/ILEET, (Burke's Huilllmi.) %AU' •ud ~Bs ou Commlsolon II A. NIL. ALL INtICILA NCH, I'ETI , tOLEUIL hO3, 4t,J (11 , 111:1PAL, RAI L LIAL, IL A 2,1/ OTILEII CU[ U 7. Ordarm e2ecated by telegraph 0.1 Ihr, NEW YORK and PfiIiLADELPIIIASVvcI( 11, , A tWn it lbe mina r contaslon Purr.. ih j S 1100:1131A /3.1E11 S. SOll. Pittsburgh li hite Lead ii'crk9: PURE WMTE LEAD, =I 1 1 .7c5. Oa 1.717. c• 4=• :A i3it root:. FIRE EIRE olt iks:l - A Lir; e n,ortmo - 1, • ROCKET, CANDLES no EXHIBITIONS, ,Becelved and for gale 4/ • EFSMEII R. HUCh., ec.1.8 - . • V.ll. i 111. i In VC.,m•l On • 4.1. BUY - YOUR WOTIONS, - Tovs. - , Baskets; Nrii-ViLMETV3ZE£O, .QC".. J. G. Laupr's Varietl, ALLEGIItNY CITY rrmun ALND . S. C. FIeXASTER: & .00., Se 1 Ohio St., Allegheny. • and lietiaTieittes , Food da ci..reciss... for-Whent end Itje: 'je4rdil LEATHER BELTING. CSSNIAN .54 .CILLItii. No. 11 I MO STREST, near the renitentiarT,Allo f°lllcAutYteTA,Vc';`,74fr7ll-Tilrriracit TANNtat BE r 46 3 lealle Drone and repaired at, short notice. Meth:eller at tention paid tollelta for galling • gills 'and, heavy works. All work -warranted. Order. resrretfhtly F. MIISSMAN N. Fittla Street, between Tuns:eland Chatham Streets, GUNSMITH AND HALM IN HARDWARE First ears - gooda or tilt dexrlptto., alway. on nand and soldat.theloWelitinleds. ltopsiting don eartn+llv on Albert notice. • pa. oliN :pl. ITTM:SUR GU AND OAIiLAND uusir.NHoutirs. . • OltCee , l3Orl to 'John Mardurh, 'NEIRSERYAIEN.AND r,Ltiumrd, rittbbargh pa., an teat Att<113(101,1 to tbelr tenalveltnot ViDilT AND ORNAAUSNTAL. kin Arr. VINES ksit, ONEENUOUt.F. PLANTd. Pluaburpds and Oakland , Pasannger-,Care run.to tnetireenheoseavarylArajnotta, • re2rythlti' $lO,OOO torrig.nVEST.'"4lo,ooo .BONDS AND . MORIOACES.. In.ismsof from 111.6Xl Meo .; en neat Emus In Allelth .A .`i tiutozi. for 0n, , , tiro or throe . yew., at No. nut street. ' '• • ' aeo IT. WI LIE, ,X 0.511 Federal Street, enlegkeol/. CARP TEI ADJOBERNR,^ Allork , chirliittil'4o-bletnilf„will Meiitrnh ro pmpt w attention In etuter'cityc" 3Y. PALVATE 0,6 - 4 - 11100 ES: . Alt. YOUNG. Gate at Ph11a4r.104,4 No. 113•Th1rd trie•st:lruttr Ala descrontoor or Prl • rate I lbtasee with auparalleha aacceta. - Particular attention paid tattoos walorrholdia at. t &toasts Of the tido/try , Organ r. tr.urlient tor the name bethg tad matt tarreiettlawer.entplotall Bagltea hopes ora speedy dura to thOulllicted • 'w.Uterldhlittiraralagairlatopertor to any ' Utast DraParattorl farrcatortag ototructlorcha the healthy. menatruat,lloott•t•Nt , 1.•. - GrUt -Dollar par. bottle, No. 1„ width .4 roar carreca stroll:or. and deal ned, for, otatiaata • 011ca,ca• - • - 1 1 •Nbrit-par boot Ollhasbodria IC.te r. r. fri s • A ddm,.•venn ..tegmp. • Dit. , YOUNU. NO, ./5 Thirdstrart. _Pittaturaft.. „ . atatotttottair F e irr y . foes. - I , . 11 . 1 OKI UAL. DISXASIPi 2,!nng :al""" lergi l itlAr iu tigAtlag l ggr kmit.t 6 T 741 _,...."”0 7 . - 1 ,7 34 , 1 11,2 1.0 1 c1eat Pril jiw n iglarl IL; au disease* analog theretrott4 aro mated * mod* Mortar. omo ttmo heretofore Mt.ml lOZW Vt..; ET 'MA Hy-11E011:s. - Itedietora aria. to *or put - of vonteln tlsmb_la - M; Ai te einVAl ifittaratZ el a i tle"-Lt ".. .m‘oll r' , A. Wax SW.4 . ltisborsh. 11-111E,8 BELT }it!! ': ARGBOR'tllf BiIXIC'TI .P' And• mosrat--LOAN.orrico,: 'll;k4al :AitsaglZ"fLPJ.looEthi immtniL*ootitOg46o - wad raloAdeirUcti4 l4 6 eNe v rry Ms loads anno;ll4.:delircreurwittrout Alckett. .F=mntabl noo ein case oOlre pr.robwrp.,. plmm• °'.g11e547164-,'FnalltiVtoVs-i.134 JAMES M. BALPH, a; • PrepsmN7a!LtOlT -ISIIKWINGICiu24 chaluxuer '-Vl4ll, _OIIAWCIEMI.fitirr_,I.M" . ...= . 'aspv,mAsparosatrew..A.gamoiana377 o 2 o "7, s li7 _ . =II 11=E2M1 I=