DRY GOODS„OiWaIIIXNGB.Bw. NEW FAUG.A3OOD!3; MACRUM &CII,IILISLE, 19 Street, Have tut opeiedn4lingVa and lilannAldi Meek of DREW AND dIhtik'neDDIUIDIS RICH O IL' TROLMIND IDS ONS, Eel BRODI= ire•rir4efitriptk.o, Xitat AND. A ruo,,vx uwovs. BELL LAmmat c • REAL LAEIS or Aftwinis a. • Derr/cram Idols gpletidAd t, IS A PETe af f Mitralkaints " LA.,,ti LS- tiattllll4 atttletttit.t.ten; us' tOlnett saailetwevt; nyL d /4.1.1 Ext OUILDENNS'AIEVIND ••••• DEL.W•12115,, •• • d FANCY ZEPHYR 41/11CLE3 -- .OPD , I di Lel season; ' - yin • lIVERLIN• AND AitEitleMN Z N'TLA N Scout,u,. T 1.4 E. uEN UINE CA efIDIZEN YARD'S— aII yo It ILA Olani"8 isKIKTE eralt.,eq • PA NuE ANTAILID3 eteat yUA . . Eferebanta and Dealemwllll 3 nel It loth ale advan tage to ttu .to onswinr , out preaszt , n o t T fe nhlva static before pavenaatalt 4 ""' l being parehase4 'direct lett at net t iernhar_e are erne ti d d nista as toll- glues al any Ea,,. MAOB.WL & OAMTSLE, 19 matt `stwirirr NEw mons Qucyrils, 41.1.71 z, FINE TRIMMINGS'. BITES & BELL WILL OPEN ON Thursday, 20th instaut, .43,144. ELEGANT STOCK OF PITTERN AIitATTLES. NEW GOODS MAIMIIM, CLYDE & CO., Wholesale anttiletall Dealers, Nos. 7S and SO Market St., H" r":4l ' b d T TuVilftrz? tirEir DE gni 'TRIM MOP In Co style: VELVET RI:IRONS In Ilia - k axle olOro: .t.: with white 1:11t STYLE BELT UrCEL Nettlor. Fancy Tort Cannes MO, awl pretty 1101:1Tet Ana Inoirolay. Han eterehlef.—:embrolektod. 111 ale or hem-stitched; No 0: 6618 Th of the heat makes In the tool:MT. lab for in .10711.1tr r l b TATr te .TTA ou ri t. %V el 1 LE. NECE-11En: •• , E SEMIS, of whlrh we keep only the best. and el•t:scl t DEW-lilt:T:4 AND I' In In Bilk, Oat% bler,nn Wool. colored; 1.1 EN PAPEN. COLLARS: I.t - hEYN Lititto: I . o:_tt IC E-DUOICI, ale.• ManteiliNTn a espeeTallr Incited to Wens t cal before onrelia r si e na tl.velarre, la we are cond. de l n. eta can give setietecuou lap_ Ices as well Ilia b.nity of our in,da. Cour Aseortmeut Cannot be Surnamed, .18 FALL FASHIONS. J. \IT. BRADLEY'S is ID' 3P L FA -IC IE LAALF'rEIC (OH Dors= AIMING) SKIR T S! wPI not 11£N I) or DRKU Ilk. the tlegie Springs, I.er E'ER !MTh IN their • PgItFECT ad KV. A 11 T I t 111.1 4 1iAPE, where threer tent ordles :4 E o e r e e lelo A rt r ielVti t a r_ 0 1:11 !Clete , 1 „ 1 11?; ilOt eri CY. elliii/VPIG: width Irs• strew the ••uve6r.x EL.LITTIO" the STANDARD. sunrr OF THE FASHIONABLE WORLD t Wbotmle br sit Mt [abatis Jobboribitbli cart ror role by dl retailers whose' Ilyst-elus Ulna WEST& 811114 & tigi hO eiwziatizhii,;%. , ..,,r z ir 11; W e 1 127MMIT1114 5 11141eValtI ERS IDOVON NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED mrsr JOS. HORNS &:do' /nll suotteassit, or • /3 oir.rir s- 4 ;NW Ud TS, Antbsumuunit.titqlo Writ 11 4 0 , 01:103/. Cr.p...a4 ia s nerana raw/ S I M V erre'. Int ro oot, daslra shallati rtaitt anerßon• art .ad VsoMl Tabboas, an.ll Vita coloail Y chalets% /franca and daletleatt; Feather.; f. of has and tlarr 33 nix 33 IFIL aterP33.lß. =EXP. (wau.u @ ed.) entbr. Hazetwev. Owls,: tome; Clekey „ Often ; renne Edgeno and lnalfilMW.; a:Minas. Bands ri‘rltielf:Vele,Yl,ll.2,Tral,rx.AAqi..g3td n. en mod Ole : p* Sad QIILIUMAnts; Ball Friars, p* and 75_ , M45; Trimmtain. J 3.14 A Moat cOmne'AtOsk 'Ot4Aeonats, Cimbrics, x. iat,Ebrl4 eu.,u.4 l•WadOtrLadlfAn ttei ra-- - .•' ' • terntll/0401/::*) ; 00#8r , , tlurpumdernr Vict , 24let•TAnsf'`fatty - Drawler , I . .Dlrrdr . _.ll B6D:T011. and 1%.1. - wrdwr...Pwereat rate: I.ieav Mobs an 4 Silk Asel‘ing. Iltutsaniv4lbelidsstaofttskil. ' _f; Yoram—Orcatitet Ira Ivry, Vaal:were, Laintlgootwi. and Kenning be Men tOtztatr, pliloiri4olll' Bad crab titlaria.tim 2(64 r n ... 01 0 4:.,l4al4oll4ll4Obbisrillotiies. Nos. 74mi4;`,91miirkiit9iitet:. Si ' FALL GOODS, II V. 7 S OW'S* -ro. 21 , rzerpt Eiriumar. , - . g OTl T NEStrillatt,yttt: it Ultra; rai a Iv , rantiarAti,LN,P .4, 11 9 1 ,1 1 4 4 - i C AI Rs n ATI VN'I Yee It tit4liiii i . 13 TOMS teriVriON i ik 40,? uiytaTrolr r a li t:,: .• W.. err , . 11,.. ! . ,Ck Poi Ae r ., , /-, i W 2& m "-aot% 1 4 ,4itc. it.1,6=.; .704,14 1. vggirmozw.., , ,, ii,„, w4'I'IC? s, Bic: is our eoadAwimotai;• Zeßair.ol.lo.o4:o,lo Paw g;:igiovrastzkow $4O so. utoratiiii - nsi.inexiii.44l own . aus. snIN 0):1'1 AND - SIII3IIRBAN. (ADDITIOHLt VALI. stincoarxrasTPAGLl Dieideate or tone !recession. On sae Of .062:agents wan an, individual dresaediclie,presiont I. — angeti. And in stadi um,. b i fl e s sey guiding the wagon, Ito great • - a r cliclt arittlielodtputl. tousle from his leg. We &malt AO bete burleed4 on a certain style Introduced Of selling 'Certain articles from a egrrtage, and at • the some time 'regaling the . . _ =Mid FILL mind& rnilit Muni organ. I Perched upon &transparency tr coon in a most uncomfortable position, to fact we 'En planed ids cOenithiti'Wasjesarly choke. I to death. There were -wise two other coons la She prOemiSiOn.' 4n anetbOt Was an OpoSSum, ~„ Who appooreito tette things - more philosoph ically. In fast ho tingeareil to - enjoy himself hugely. There witsimpossiiming about him. The ,war eagle "Old Abe," which followed the fortunes 0, the Bth Wisconsin through the wet oarea.tlevatettortis perch over one of the carriages.. Ito did not appear to think there was anything wrung battle demonstra t lon, Cut on the contrary .autteteilLblinself looKing curiously at eserytbing Us lie parsre- A sparrow haul( Was like "Old Abe," elev. ted. on a. pereiomt ho Wag rather lose at masa than the . Lordly eagle, Ile created considera ble comment, soma saying he was one thing, and some another,larrto those In doubt, toe glee the assetande that be was nothing bet a spatroW.hawk: - We givirthe following reoapltuln lion of the compositiou of the procession. There were one hundred and twenty-eight mounted odt- Cors; ninety -One cavalry, font hundred and filLy-three horsemen; nine hollered anti, fin y eighl Wagon horses; seventy-live earring.; two hundmiland nine. Wagons; twent Lodi dans; eight brass bands; thirteen drum corps; sixteen hundred-and thirty horses; nee wen disguised as women; two as 'Canteen; one unwired and eight - Y.:me with their Mee, Smutted so as to resemble colored people; two doll babies; one eagle; ono hawk :Vireo coons; one opossum; ono Newfoundland dog. thief r , seven genuine goloreallipeople, end dog; n teen thousand persons , Including onions and prblllto chignon—la - addition to this, hOth sides of the street the entiro length of lb, procession, reaching lolly live miles, tons dense crowd or people, The wire suspension bridge, Federal and Oblo streets, to .thr V. In grate, were Itl6o encircled At tile Wigwam It was variously estlMateil that there were from fifteen to twenty thousand people assemi Thr,rie stands wore Occupied by speakers, Gen. Seigel sp eaking three times during the course of the aernoon. A beautiful arch, to three dIVISIOnS, In erect ed the corner of Ohio and Federal ei reels, Allegheny. and another at the corner of Prldo street, and Pennsylvania Avenue. On one of the Hese reels eat tot; 01,1 1.11e9 nursing ballies, which from the lumen,' amount of Oustre apparent, nuursted to be settle-ring from violent attacks of colic, or eholetwitantem. The parental papa no peart4 to in ALS ,lanlit a ilustre the aid Indies thaws df yes, and exerted himself to the utmost with a hug" palm leaf no- Jeff. Davie' lust ride - was an annlSlng eat i f eature, and created n great deal of met A mon[. The three waggons eon tale lug the Mae et rte who represented the Staten, were got up With gieatt deal ortalte. and 1110011,i rtni attract ed uttteti attention ti they passed Ly singing patriotic sungs. Under en immense awning near the wig wam' Mr. Locke, of Maine, nhe at port, emu rposcr and raosictan, entertained a I:tree crawl by staging wogs of We own eourpn+ttlon, and then calling upon Ills ambit.. to Jain in tiro chorus. Ile woUtti then toil thorn rho 5011,r, fora trifle, and t.o opine that to.ticy their are hat - few incises in 'hos netelthot look! but what has cunt,. Of L cites patriot IC st.lag... . Then strength of the wire bridge vcfl9 thoroughiy put to the t cat chairing the day. :u one time there was not one r , rit Of it but • was menpiedj by tragtst.,, tortes or Inottnen. The w.eiclit .tlint nes nindl It would Intro Crushed a1.11105t (illy other In Riga on the COn ttnent. The olecorationa of the tie larogr were noon the West n.110.14'0 10:11, Thew aas e e x ,r,e n building but Toon it; witt.lean were gaga, dm. 040 1.3t110 111., Ir.:A.4l,l[ohr teen, or devicei t to Shen/ titt the hearts oft be in mat es were trill Ch 1. atal 0101111110 [lle 0010. 'handkerchiefs Wavr.l, • !we, were Oren, nod every jarSaibie means 01 zlind'lng the delight wits indulged iii. flora to War lit: in that we con Indulge In ert. 110pe wlthol, 1a_14),, , , told that a e ate fond of It vier)", 1111,1 1.11.1 t titer we Met end rtl , lo of who silt•l Io es with Calu lnir eyes, (10. they Wen, I,apt, that the Opri)t-ttllltir bad twen uttered I re•visitilig Vitt 611.1, ; that they rfatieukla,...il with feelings of grntlludo rho reception the) . bad inet walk iron the Subsinteneccointnittee when they Were Oallpal tO pars thrt , ligh 1:1:1 city golll krutu ono point to another dut tng the war, and that thoy bad heard hundreds oi their nouiradoa express a dedre to see the gritn city - of .sirtOke once more before tbuy tillotthl die. Oar reteurd la :Lehi:art. of the soldturs. Tekt rt,z Ails Time On Th ur.day afternooh, while the grand pr...- ce.ton nn, pas..lng along 0410 stunt. Alle gheny, the Jewelry store of Mr. Mohler, on Federal street, a few deo•s above the D.- mond, was entered by a thief, and four valu eMe watches stolen. The proprietor Dan closed I he closed the store and had gone t0...e the procession. The t h lel effected an eat rev', to the rear of the Ladldnay„ and selected free& the mock twovaluable gold, watches, r.oreh 41:01 en.h, sod too American silver watches, valued at $45 each. ilretdes these a heavy stl re,r watch case was talv-n. There Is not the slighesl. clue to ide..tify the tide, and It is probable that come time will elapse bolOre ha le ulseovered and brought to Justice. Another Counterfeit Our citizens have to be perpettAlly on thetr guard. /t Nret executed . cOunterfoit $lOO Na.. tiotlal Dank bill Is now In circulation. They are an excellent itittlatiou, and likely to de ceive. The New York paper that glees notice to this counterfeit •lys: In length sod breadth they aro audtlier titan the genuine notes, antteltit be detected that way. Only a few weeks watt tills motto of detecting the flpll - chat outer of a bill was tic, mett out, anal we than took occasion to exit on a batik-note printer, of whom we - learned that ti.e size of the 1411 was no evidence of Its genuine. or °Om wise; that. some paper Shrunk more than others, and not unrays In the same direction. Sometrmee the shrinkage• is la the length and sometimes in the breadth._ DOing. urn Thirsty jinn trn Thursday afternons, during the progress of the grand demonstration, a man trained (amides Snyder. ,entered Yolling'S . 6llooll on the Wort stile oft re Allegheny Diamond and demanded a dank. Ile mast Lave been ex ceedingly thirsty for her attachmL such Im portance to tbetlrink he desired, that he was wflllntf Lework very hard - for It, as ho proved when It was refused him. Ile Immatilately at tacked the proprietor and boat loin severely, inflicting quite extensive injuris. Ile also, his excesetve.thirst, carried his operations so far alto ernes - tribe jrlitdown of tiro Saloon 4' and derriolfsit a eonaiderubletrortlon of the ease weirs bolded the bar. Ile was even tual ly arrested and hold to bail for a hearing on r Tuesday nu:truing .neXt. • - 00.tageous‘ On Sunday evening, as Mr. Henry Fry, of HoyerstOwn, was•putling.away. bta hon.., bar log Just returned from a ride, he was attack ed by two ruffians at the stable door. Ile a severely kicked, and stabbed at with a knife, which, however, only passed through hi. clothing, and did not cater his body. Ito sue ceededwithWitteb. tiltlieUlty In' gdttmg away and into his beuse, .when, rushing tip emirs, he procured his gap, and tired upon ideas. Salient. from. the window. Mr. Fry was en- Ur/3101,1one; the re-Warlike 'fatally being ab sent. The Murderers prowled around Ills hence until after midnight. Tbu object of the assault is tillirelOtelll, and nothing was missed In the morning,- =I glfooday, October Ist, is the day set by Gor. Curtin for the execution' - of Ittuhard Their wail, in Fayette .countr; for the weirder of James Houseman. The Sheriff Is erecting the scatfoldand :Making Abe '-ucee.sarY Prepare. Gone for his execution. It l entirely ante. - - tato, however; witether,,She: exoution,will take piece or not. - A' strong effort has been made to procure a reprieve. A petition was forlyarded to the Governor lust Monday con temning nearly four hundred IVIMCO. We are informed tiler the prevetth4 Impression in the neignlanhood In that lin wtli cot btruxeou led at all., - Mortuary McCook, ph.r alenin to the Board ofiltelth„reporis the num. her -111"!lleeth.s..ttutleg the ._week ending Sept. 24.nt tweoty-threo—ten adolleab ft thir teen children: ,aho nooses Qt. death i were as follows:Solciaa•li , delatte cholera, 2; d yeen tem I;rewtuA, 1; general deblllty,.l; tuber. °Mat eeneutaption;.i I OW 40ul marenine, constunytion, Lj eholera toornus, 1; cholera in larittim, lorystpolas, ; l; whooploir,coo,c,h, 2; ettil-bore,a unknown, 1; eerotul.44 1; ereap,ll pneuthohis, Omuta., 1. , :zaireerry.=:Atidrenr Venal:um, appeared be- fore ...dilemma' !ra oit Wentertmh awl' mad e Oath agtileat'etepben • ohm; for the larceny of %money belt contatalng • mute twenty-dye dollar. In currency, from the e,hamber of the ireponeato-in the boardlua bonne of Mtn,. Laughlin, Or the - altitftmllril.. A warreat ruse %nand fcrr the vroyVatilto steamed. Accident.,td.. bola accident , Oa dtt cutret. tba,quarry of Geo Vela), about . a tulle and a Itatt-belaw Storrlstkown lattics• day marina - 14stilitintt , Its itetan pt Utcluusl olg at.bw . e.desbortr.. 'Rita pro Acblasr.irl(en - 114 powder-be came ignited it'spaelf,sbtlifig off the blast, .and Walsh:whin/I,sta' x Alen In,t.P. air, . The ISockiliatort,sti. 'Mishap Irottog.—"Tho SiallctitletLNltestotrarlfleAtautge of Bishop robot, ot Vas Siete DlOrese • -yrnit prObably ba 1111•4 by incur' tieuirat - rather . (Amoy, of tnt City,_nail* suCoessor it awned by th e Co n , Yentlott=oC Stsborist4o: beta st, Biltiotore; October 34, Rut satititatUy\tint.robe. Overrilk little Lek- liaised Christian Starr, Wasrausnrerily ninorgfon Wyilo street daring the ousuleZeit , Thursdity; land so pa voregareik-thal r—Osory .consideo. ad siCAlfts,nolustakins - to -Ids ice-Mance on . w or / tr e 4v r het44-11rofendromodi its ' - 4let Ainagilifiakriseerotw 4 . fasoltr of Ciparn townslatry trotuitjr, *bua log 0 Bald Oh Ms falai-06 OtherAm Otaelc a. Wait of blackintitetivimberlOgrptt7ool ll lizels 4nd ages. U4.l:24*lol,Firailed them:ant .or 'Anestlititable7+4lattinle_,Ao ottlforaykl liar I, o llenranp.' tfunninnt thee letsdoM: Of drawing them In - unlttntevite'it glee* tlnttlas “PotrOß 4 ., n PPPP4P444(.O4{IOGW4R.:' OE tWattietarsialL -1 7" -- 17gri EARLY TELEGRAMS. SPECIAL NOrfloßa r ,. ~. -. . . .. '- '7.. '... TILE QUEEZtI THE QI3IERIO THE QUEEN OF S P ^ l," i " N d 'W I.'"'k—Bank "'"""" HAIR RESTORERS! In _ednC. _ Cirenlll•Aff neen-14^•• In Mtn WINSLOW'S . QUEEN' RAUL RESTORER An na'. !reply to Romero—Ctsuleras Report —.llleellug of the Cloned for los-slum ; at lasstone—lodleted of Illnrder—Larettn of a :Newspaper Editor—P'entars Slat- le QUEEN. not only Ln Razz, hut in VI.RTUIS. tore, lathe Rest flair Restorer over offered to Na', Tons, Sent. 2.R.—ln the base ball match the Peddle. between the Atsantlos of Brooklyn and the , An Infallible enamel - ft and tmitazarign of the Eurekt. of New York, ymterany, the former . Bair If faithfully applied. , were victorious by ITO to g). It $s no flair Dye. In the Cricket match yesterday between the it. George's and Young America, in the second . It stets directly own the roots of the hair chang- Inning the Tsang America's were forced to re- lus . grey . hsir to Its original life color: sr:mattes pre tire by splendid bowling and flitting for :,.., Krs . grrxr .... :n fOiplif 011 t Or On, bo er ..gim,- leaving the 'V George Eleven bra . ..Ito get to ,;;',,„ """'". a nd e.einit all hu m ors Of the a in, told tbl• numb. r they secured vita tile It nil ensoge dry and wiry Pairs. soh nail Man lose of fa,. a 1e1:4, , .al It' , • riatt, tree.... A l'ana I,: tm af • 7 in- t 5!,..,,,,,,,, in, it 1111”1.11 . . A .1.•11,.111 NI fr . term', to the Lair. aril Sal ill lap I.nuturtiale, 'lir a. k.:• • t0 . '... .• . '•. • . . • '....:. ail, tOO. . Or the lolet ren brunch nf.the Bang! of l!' ...,•,' , It t..! , , ‘it.lAa'S UjII!3 lIAIII RFOBER. ' The 4f0.000 fra ms of which he toak 00,0 0 1.100 ,on tearing the hank, he squandered and Ird . i'rloo Si Per ta•ttle. Sold by all Druggist. ; while in able country. R. E. SELLERS & CO, ' , ...... Santa Anna tats adaresSO4/ n 1 . 1,0) . ' I o , llllintster Romero, In which he has takmi the -- Wholesale Agents. lenders Of the ere..mot rennla !eau t.i.n . .!rn- . utvlultitril 1 mentir 3lexlgo to Inst. lur retmong 111. ,el• ,_ I vices n their .trodult . ]gin nit Or rip, t. i,„ .. , ' -4rWin. lIARNIIII.L & CO.. 1 He derlars I that the . .re:urn will not .It I, I him from doing trio beet in behalf of the ecult. f tr I'Vly BOILER' MAKERS I ore were !IVO new eases ~t cholera rel.. - 3,i ! toil yesterday. 101:1:11 permits for six choir, a ; tie ol wore 1 , , , 0,01 0 or., the .atne limo. Dr.. r , AND 1111Dotreonr ,, l that during the work end In g tr,.,ia,, s day eveolto4, there Mol ;men 11 , 11'- , attio ...,,,, of l 5, •o 1 fr, from oborryalloo. .1 , ',Ertl Drugki Nl.ites 1.41 Diamond. wp.al, 1.11 lI.A 11 you require re,lah,a rrmr.tr to ica•nre pril and I I t•-aularittc. or o• •tructron., NOV 1.7h1i THE It! r. Every lady know* the Sllghte, r lrreg. oalt• of baton. Is Tlsely bring ou Headache, toddine•s, Lou Spirits, Painting, Illystents, Sc.; bon th• bloom of health fades the appetite motother sytuptottle lour, diatresat• ut.ronaairalca.. Wtat nes% ,plaal Complaint, the Whites. VII,. .a, 1g... ad a Eit-WAILINU tonna is 1)11.. 141A.TINE..d FEMALES 1.11.1. A. The eapermare of 25 year. nu ;Sensed t.o J,ao eloul for removing ettlitroctiens And I Frt . g 111. ,, 111 n e, matter from wont canna th.y art.... They a, sato and sure to reamir K. Up• oar... or mi.tru bores are .01•1 nun and no come p ein ni theirs dc.ary is ever board. for the, scoop,. p.p.. what thoy are represent...l nods,. Sold In Penes tag, pti La. l'rlre 011.. dollar. • itn, HA s (11 ,, LDLN; riI.LA I. • remedy Rote degree, titt,ingar than tht above, and Intended for special cues T/f long stag din;. Priced pro tIoI• I/ lan ,aunot porch., the la at. Tont •Peturvist, t h. or sent try matt. post paid. wenn. from obii Illtt.ii N n. rerel pt. LI the money. lir Hr. J A bkit 1 A . 1 ..0.11 Itlog rh tilt/yslelan. NO. t 1 Broadway, New Noel.. .11 Mr I• 11 VLEMI.D3I 1aD11410.4 norimr Bl‘ritet amond. Agt for I'D !atm 17.3nl,tair I E . ,,,.,r - MARItt A GE AND AUELIKIACIf, ATI Esmay 01 NVArninat And InaLtuelden fir I unog lion. Al.O. 11CAL...6 and Abuses %Intel pros r., Inn rit.l powers, with mesa. of.jsure Teller S•n, free OS rhargo lb 14,6 C.l Leiter envelnpes. Ad 1.. J. H11.1..1N llownr.i AO- I, lon. I•ll.llaul,pbte.. au2l:llfnuf..in TOBACCO CIGARS &c. EXCELSBM TOBACCO WORKS. R. & W. JENKINSON. I=l lrobacto,.:Snuil , and (Cigars, No. 6 FEDERAL. STREET, Thlrit .loor fra,m "Sunpausloo Brt.txt, 6LV7IIIIIS Y.. PA. ran , ll State at Salem. mYtatt,4s R. B. EFFRIES, St3surtctlirer and WltOksale lietill • bealet In nlk kindr of • • ' • TOBACCO,:SNUFF AND•CICARSi :co. U ST. Cl AIR STltlitT, PrrilDintoU, LTA I , rge nasal, moot of StEF.tiidtt Ittllt PIPES awl r,M 4 1K I N TOLIAA;CI), oftliu best tinalny.. kept on :Jan... myks:b7u GEORGE BLIIMENSMMN, D,,Lxll.lli rOBxtoN AND boats/ Mc SEGABB, CHEWING TOBACCO Smoking Tobacco, PipCsf&t. No. 4 Bovoaztli ititroat, ( ~.r 00111 Ct Of Liberty.) inyn(bl4 PIT rsuuttoitl JOHN DIEGRAVI4 blanuf teturcir k. g o a r ill No t rzt , i&L. Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars,, 3EC.A.2gMIo Isicrztan Err. A moneral aao.ortmmot of Stnnklnn rpea and Tnmadho Poacites always on band.. rn731: b31, lqAotiv2m:i O 111 4 41 - 01E1.44.."5e HOME AND . SHIN PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand St. , Pittsburgh. Kato nod ()roam. tal gigot of every' desetiOtiok done to order. All work dans rrotoptly streams*. able rates. WILLIAM M. HIIOWN f (Lata Of OA Eras of.atotrit HOUSE AN106111411/ PAINTEL North-!art eornor of Third add Mhrtit Whet!: ADAMS D114.111.:4T ► 07 . sboir..Gatugif-,tftdt.ilt - vrearivigt.i day evening, t ort en relprnbmethl6oB:4oe.thiliveles °ere wart swarth hiCenieltig terikr Nice rrettlent,,W. , lit, AM I.TUN. Neeretley, • • W.llh 4 r. ti Treasurer, Meg. alatiagerJ, A. V 4,311, '2:l :1, Ladles' and titete deolsout orn u m. 'telvei etlkh abeye:4l„,qhfrothis mitt iteldresitr- I . -IqT)E.l*lrttiaßifiiglatrituillrity.innuo • *4Tnab l=eiririVA=Vra l . . a 7 and Wildrarwill • lA' taught: atiraita . lamai oil at the Mesta stores r rhulltthltht.• • terms Ac.. WHOLESAtE, -DKr - GOODS; 1111011Etitii DRY coobs. • ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON& Co., No. 115 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, luviLe EnTen to N kaal vi , . , l ,< T , T r tr!., their LARGE HY GOODS lINO NOTIONS, Which they offer at ES Mari.X.CIIMI /3. A full line in all Departments. C.ART.VI.IINOr.. vir`. T.R itA A N 0.:.. J. 0. 517.P3111N - SON. er2.2 CARR, MTANDLESS CO. 94 WOOD STREET, PITTSBU RGH, WHOLESALE DEALERS EEMI Foreign and Domekic DRY GOODS, Announce that they have just received and are now opening an UNUSUALLY LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK of all articles in the DRY GOODS LINE, Which they Offer to the, trade at the lowest market rates. Dealers will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine their Stook, comprising a hand some assortment of many Scarce & Desirable Goods, Together with Superior St gle3 of ail the best makes of Prints, American Delaines, Standard Sheetings, Illettched and Brown, Tickings, G i ng hams, Canton Flannels, Apron Checks, Shirting Checks, Cot'rd Drills, &c. FLANNELS, Main White. Scarlet, Mixed. Red and (.rly Twilled, Rob Roy, Miners, Scalier and Shirting. • Whitt a.nd Colored BED BLANKETS, B A LIVTORAL SKIRTS, CJI-a4CikagaMM4 *lt , oz , . . cfa c 3 . , de O. FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH FANCY DRESS GOODS. Our Stock svill embrace a great sari- ety and all the latest Novelties. NOTIONS, A. Full and Complete .Assortment. CIRR, IrCINDLESS CO., 04 Food Street. MCI 'ELROY, DICKSON 54 Wood. St., Pittsburgh. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS !3-4 Browns, 7-8 Browns, 4-4 'Browns, 94 Browns, 3-4 Bleached, 7-8 ;Bleached, 4-4 Bleached, 8 . 4 Bleached,' 10-4 Bliaiolied, - 'American Crash, Russia Crash, • Huckabiek Totalling; • I Batting, Wadding, Bags, Plain Red Flannels, - ,Twilled Red Flannels, 1-Piain Yellow rLanneld, Plain White. Fltamels, ,- , j Thin Gia3r Flannels, lorilled ,, Blue'Plannels - ' ' - ' • 7fjinereit:Tla7Tfqsi -, BiliachPlf•Ctiilf- 6 *-Plaiiiitite, '-.-.. IViVerP44 Canton Flannels, I GT'ay 4ntoxi:niiiiiiiAil:•:',--.:,7-_, Bine: Ci*toxi, Brown Canton Thiettaif; • _ t. ;ri-die,1_44441-Mantiek, FOR SALE.—Pio. Farm of 400 =Mk Falreeld township. Waste:WmMandamus ty, Pa., about 7 miles smolt' of the is. itallgewd. Pollrati }Nation, and' el Miles trent the City. The IMPrOVULLICIIId are. First, a Maggoty atone dwell. !nu with seven rooms; statue spring hcrese_caniage lom,. corn crib au& a good hunt 43 b 71 het; i lurge stable *WI granary, and the best oi water at it, , or. Second. a large frame da OM% with 7 root s and a k Itchen. a large static sawing boner. bake oven, corn crib. wagon shed, a nichewed log barn. Third, a frame t• taco elm hw.fae. wits a good gable. Fourth, t wo-story honed :MS 1.41.33 sod barn. Tim fencing la generally good. larlithinr4o ows, of Um Lent timothy and causer% an ab dance of Ilmestonemsal coal none the fare. ainting atid olds uto, orelfard at. e.rit dwelling; &Caere* Meal , ed, tha residue oatod ihntwu, snob as white. ran. It ack and roct sugar, Uocelt, hegira and loetiSt. The soli is el on durtee the eery best crop/ tf all kinds 0 grshai would 100.5 et No. i stock Carla, land will be sold tow. Pusression on the brat day Of kit:toner, No. D. Yarns of N 3 act.. &Metaled to Chartleis 41.W110111 city.egcy mot), ra., shoat gif t miles from the DV. the line of the et ' , doctorial° a. IL., and within 0n..-hsf mile of a stat on; DJ acres of the 'test sf creek bottom land, sod le a high state of eultll . attoo; . .. acres of wood ,and andpasture. The ienema it getter:tile goo,!. The 101 l Is No.l.mid 0.1 atillp.llfor gardentutr. lhe a 1 entlon of those shlug tomb:L.l; I the holiness will Call at once h a.l secure a good Uartratu, nn thla to • rams chance. No. 1. Par anof yd. acres fittest* t o iMlaabeth township, nitegheny county, Pa.,00 tne elooon goltele ricer. attout otos tulle from the Borough of kr:dratted, 'I he sod la of the best odallty. The Un prott.rt. Ors area farm Moose with Mx roams, • good ban; and other out taltlings; lonclne good; alsont ic acres °repel. churches, sotto Mt and mills very convenient. rosseseloo Unused fatelp, No; 1. %leo, the hem Farm In ElitabethlOwnshtp, containing about DO acres, lying on the on river ItuiseOlstel) below Lock fs 0. 2, on which Is erected n large two-story brick dwelling, one leg and one frame ban t oat 5, corn Crib, wagon Shed. bri..k pri ug Loner, f runar y Nock shop. rec.; shoat l Icr“ of he hovels lint qua 0 • river bottom; tbo balance being limestone band, sod underlaid with oal. and ;Mum 2n acres of Iluestons. There aro two orchards 01 apple trees. In go-ol hearing oondi don; ocean pear, Tonto trees sod grape op or thos, dm. Tim land Is et ii adapted lor gardimlng being a alma elplance troll, the Wattle, borough of E.is dad b, ertuatag aket at home for ail tho mar produ.ds. Ihe property will be sold cheap and Ott reasonable tom.. b o o No Farm of 1.19 arresin Elizabeth township Altege anti, Pi., near the lon ehloghony y • or, Tar tmprovemcnts arc a hewed log house,a born, stable and otner u t-bulltit ngt ; feeellw gen orally guoll; *ell watered; 115 acres cleared: velum o limestone, the under von about Ole fret thick; tun upper van about. CS fret very coavement to tho river. It Is Well ULM.. Ott with the het, white oak anti black walnut timber. Price 490 nor sort. No. 0. A Farm of kill acres, Mason In Plum to•usblp, Allegheny county Pa. The Improve ment Are 11. LIVO stot7 eh ouse with ell roams and kitchen; largo Dank barn, SO by to, and other outinilltllngs, good orchard: Vo ocregaleaTed and In a gem/ stale of CUlLlVall , tl. The laud Is Of boss mutiny, well Adlintd lot grain or sleek, and Is ail underlaid with coal; a very large summit of locust timber. Possession given itommltatcty. Couyests tent Lax cburches, SehoOls. mills .te. No. 7. A Farm of WI arr., situated in Elizabeth teen>hip, Allegheny meanly, intiOUl. mileirout Luck No. ;1, tt•t illonumfAiteM river. Improve ments are use frame house, st tin five rooms, barn, s h ort./ house and other outOulleings. The laud is of the best qua: tty. 'Duo above will be sold at very low tignres, wantlng any of the above lira! Estate will please Cal l on O. 11. T0%V1 , 111. art: iti steal Kat. to Agent. 5(14 room h street. COAL WOLUIS FOR SALE. W.SI/A Y. the 21 .lay of Octohor, 1850. t I look r be sold by order of theorphstis• • •onct, on the pr.onlngt. In t< erlineretnnn coon) r,510., tstio ak.l tntortat CH.\ rtLElnEl hclt otorn,orl. In LOC I 031 \Volk...Ruske In Ito.- trn. r too o.hl , Wi3I1:10141.1d conntY. on the klouong:tnelu lrer, tour nolo, shboke kfouong.thela on,-ronrth tolkc it,opt Weueter. known 010 Inn I. n.ou C,,01 Worka. 4 Cool Worts are arno.i the bait and alert astaluettra to the ray, °elan not 111 nth. oca.r.t{poo. Attft,llP , l ro th. In air * number Itatulleng douttu. 'liter° aro st.ru° forty car., adth +tete t. aced to atotit,ug the mine. and •Jlll4, 13 eval 113 L, The decedent owned I -.l4ths of the works, and the tetnllttlog 4.1.11.:14 CAti al .0 purcti.cd tf dokired. For particulars, erint , o of SEIBERT, h otElthltT, Administrators. J. LI:IrWIti KOETIIEN No. el ...goal atrcvt. Attorney eel7:l 7 COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE, IN THE BOROUGH OF SEWICKLEY, C'omprl.lng about I-1 AC, I. large Brick Manslou of bola to the most •tslottantlal malodor, v..ae dear ~ emented blar• t. Alautt• ar. . abun.l .aco of I. rull of very boot • . Pres over years pl.intrd, and M full Choir 'I rot, stt obrobtwry. am' 1141 I 100 t.. 11 it, overt.rCa Wter l Nprluir near to.. • at Ar a t m Muralsprings . worn d. or. rouulug stream ik.r00.1.1 preco,-, 41, Lite ur..e.sary out-bulld- I. ~. I, ~,,, of th• ma, ay., .1,11. A , ...T. I log, glcb Imm , Alain u, A.,m, to J • ft NON. n thr pr,,, Ito r to 5025:1.• • A I I. If. ..lhert,••L•mq. W EST END RESIDENCE 3E' 00E11. 19e1..M..13, =I A Dwelling of ten room•, 1,,t. uot,n , let /1,11 Ithrolv.e•ry. and c rat Igh heriettel . Me •le-ancle In the Iwo S lIRTAIS, IL 1,1,, Building.) FOIL KALE, A First-illass Buaiuess Stand. II I lVIlt. Store nnuse, its.tvtdiat.ly. • • I 1 ill • • •t LI • ,}torn one to • JAMES T. SAMPLE, Kcal 6etnm Itr.•ker nal I nsurmu, Ag.tnt YEI,V.RAT, FOR SALE,. SIX ACRES OF LARD, ste nrar Juhtn.ton Station, nn toe Allegheny ndlen (Tor, the city. The 11n -1 OrO•Y mut. OW riling of *lx ...lA, • an eared...id weil r LII srafted tnish and there IS alw au ten al en Mono Quarry on she maceyyttu • .10 foot k rh,...t $.u:1•111,, noW belts, •IliitiClSS. y 11.1 nsl runtoy worked. Von 1,0 n.a. appl) at the Real Y.l.late and Insurance "thee nil . . BATES, Muller street, Lawrenceville SZPLENDIP RIVER FARM FOR SALE—l:tarter. :Id *errs. Sa of which Is river button. Ihe burbling, are a largo IrWelllng, built 01,10rie and frstne, ver• large barn, two sheep houses urn, onl.bulldlogsr rine awl •gs, two on.trarria ehrdee f. reit: squat., euposir, met rte,.. mimeun 1110 l'ltishargh anti Wheeling Railroad, Gee ht Ind %Veil" We. This Is oue of the hest streit farms sow ullered for .le. far part Jed... cull on kr. MeLA IN fr. Qe., Sr I I= Fourth Street. 1 4 '011 SALE-12 acres of Ground, vrtl Ilmbsred sad watered on Squirrel nit?, lea ;Moose, arslk loom Paseenger ration at Shady Ssun. toucan tittsed Itssad. Adss 6 acres. Hoe wood 111011,11, and .5 (di Earn.. well located In Westmoreland anal All, he ny• CJantlnl. AlO.l Coal tranerty. HOUPIf •Itd Lots In tile ally 11 1 1 saborns• Fur tnrlllor particular. folio., of W WAC.II, (Opposite the I'mhedeal,) 11•07.1 No. 110 Great street. NEW BRIER DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALK Celt , be °Melted nod ready for neen:ettlon N'oe. lat., hall, 6 rutons. On- It he lat Ur, on large cellar, rte.: lot over 2g bet front by d , de• it. Also • tut In rear of sane also, wdl oe told wltli the above If wanted. Kunate be teem bast lA/I,llllOn and East Lane. tote equate hum .[nett Italia it and In • goof striabletrlsood. For I. of the buret:tate money no remain for tour years If desired. Apply'', 6.24 S. CUT/Int:UT d SONS. II Market St. SMALL 110USHFOR SALE—Five Nona : lot 21 by 01t feet, fronting un 00 ‘ 1 ^. 001.0 10 a stallne on the Pootts).ranl• Rellroad, ntar Ewalt street. and are mlunteal walk to the Rilleens • P taaetver Rattway; facilities for rottrhleg elry eery oveatt tare OR railway tiro cents, etreet eate• Or traln• step elOYe to the nearly beery hut,. kyly to r dAs . ae i 3 Itch /Estate Broker. Gn Sfutthrlchl at. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stook and Real Estate Broker. • 1. - 4•01{ BA7LE—AIo Ambrotype Gal. Ocenovlngotne.of the Melt Io.tIon• In tilt, eitl. and having • good run of cUrtolll. Immediate 0.34,...11r. be alt.. JOHN D. BAILEY, No. ICC Fourth street. Or, E. C. KEYS, sun No. 0 Block, I. woes.. u-Ri. lOR acres Coal and Durlxe, situate on Campbell's Ituo, 7 miles (rota Fitteburo sad Intthtay be.ween IllausIle•al and the stoubooein hl e aureolac. The surface 1, 'under good grz ta od eultleallo; escept 3 acres of limber. Frame !loose and Log llama. • JOlll , l I). BAILEY. ntock and neal ENtatt Broker, 1 , 2 Fourth street. VOlt 9.11L.E.-113 acres of good 1. viliaido lend, all keret and under a bleb .tote or cultivation: to acres cleared and eau im wormed by a ino • lug machine. Lugo twovitoty frame houm Sod largo franie Hood orchard of all Militant fruit. The place !swell watered with never falling frielogg. (NMI well et the dour. 131,1141.0 one mile rom NON llrigntou, adjoining the borough Ilue of Vallettorn. Tor it are a utid.riald with aVS feet Orin of 'moll WWII, nulls Coal, under which le s Otto of Per fire Clay, from Io to 13 fret. frosting oo the Nearer rortr. J 0112: li. BMWs Y. boo/No lot Fourth street. • (10UNTRT RESIDENCE ON MT. abIiLSOTON YOU SALE.—Vier an acre of ground. on srbtch_ts a Frame Cott:Lan New% cod taloing i 9 meths arbor add a nide a , rrood an I runt houso; stable 1,4 stories ago, arlth bank teller Cyr eon stable, untehicken - linear; largo e 1 . ,. tern at Inoue, nts, at • table; goad welLwhlek never ebna•lna Ira. than 10 to 12 tent , ot a nd. The grounds are planted In fruit trees. aloes and. small . fruit, and are surrounded•ana three sluts by Whig strerts. The !walla - y - 1a one at Ltd' , roost quiet . re., tired nod health/ 1n tbermunty, -and yet ssltnin stinntes• walk ettbe city nosy n l'osSesslenOt required could he khan at abort tioaleo.' Altar ea, fr;VbO o v t e " l;OTOtrifi. no.thr! lA l t n al o tr n • btoek and Fatshahrolter. • auk) No. lea Vo.orth Street. COAL, COKE, iko. ‘ COAL ! . COAL !i. COAL ! iICKSON - STRIVART & CO. , laving Rimmed their Me. to go" ISO,/ .X4l:l3cox9t - root. tLitetj City inotUilinliSECOND I , loolt. 1.F6 nazi; thelowest.litzrket Price. . 7: ,;:.ldi‘,.;ed Artlitre k gllNNltistfaledtopromP ll 7. tura 418 tRABLES IL AIIIIIMMONO, Yoaghiogiosiig brani and Con ely/ • W° Ooal Junikr.hiriirs of . , Cosi, latdDesnl i rWr ita Cf?lre. • Com 'nfliotarntia: at i tArd ovi,'Llberty and -jylar velvets, lirlAlk ird, Setctd. sbw, ra. - , , Stay„lajtititietanira itOplted 41th. tba but ankle orCosS •Aike ay, the to weir! 01411 Nsitts Urdw:•ll at any crime yards win wets% DlNsroi MED CAL. G gEENITALCKS ARE GOOD. UM ROBACWg MTN ARE BETTER, Boback's Stomach Bitters, Alter rears of experieure and tel d, have proven to be the best remedy. en tent TOr all omDlatnta whore a tonic and el tmulant are reautrer. Thal never fell to etrenathan the weak. Impart vigor to the strong. and lo all respect/ reatore 'haltered and broken down roil 61.11 U nen.. 140 remedy has been rerelved with as much facer Ka .11.1.11ACH..3 uT011•0t1 111 - T61is. ROBAtK'S BLOOD PILLS G1:73M30 SICK HEADACHE, Costiveness, atnd atil Diseases of the Bowels DR. ROBACK'S Blood Pills, Blood Pills, AND M,Mi% i gEje ARE UNEQU4.LED I=l Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin Disease, Old Sores, tali Rheum, Dpspepsla, or,lndigestion, Sick Headache, Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, FEVER AND UM St. Anthony's Fire, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Co;losal:fx. ARE GOOD, BUT It Ts admitted by oar most learned playaletans that DR. LLOBd.OR•d BITTLITOCOPbIoo.the properties oft fowl, laxative. an efficient' anti-billions agent and the best stomachic known to tbd world. ROB=K'S SITTERS should be used by conuslescants to strengthen the prostrettott wide:lC..shrug follows acute diseases. In the bilious 4lstrtots of the West end South. tl,re bee. for a tottrtime, ,been , heeded. en article of Stomach Bitters, : stitc h, If Satan th prop er quantities and at the proper time, area =re pre ventative or • Dillon' Fever, Fever and Ague, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, indigestion, Jaundice, hid ney Complaints, and alt " Diseases of a simi. lar nature, and are 8:43 tter , As* pre/cut:re fhtblllous Altsangemenk regulate. lug the system- nod glide( tone lathe illpetlts pus, th ou anyother pogo reacculy.'_ •••- se Now thst she at e te - th eta wi n be thbuts lll . seeking bums, to the 'Pulps doperson who senses his lila should Au there without having emsmantlr do bend the., 1rt0.11.9,,a05. salegnerd.agglost, 101: eaden *ad maladles engendered by Mums 111 *eddied water • -Trase'ers toand-oltresktente *SAP . rank .tiver •bottems orthe mast m 141.04114 end theTetter or the Mlsslaslootandltstrlbutorles, shouldprorldethem selves with tua --- . BITTERS PRINet,: W.J.IPTN-'.Lk:.o#:, Satfetson to . Dr: k W. Ws* SOLE PRO,PitURTOI46, To whom an balm abotild Ibiaddietss4 Nos. 5, ..58 60 • and 62 EAST TARAITSTSEET, es.rerxxery. 0. • AMUSEMENTS. igrNIEIV OPEBA. HOUSE. EEC= Saturday Evening, Sept. 29th, Farewell to the Williams'. TWO GRAND PEKFORSI ANCES. Afternoon at 1 n'clock. Everans at 7 o'clock. RR. DARNXT WILLI ANN IN ROTH. Appearing la DOCTOR O‘TOOGR, at Oat Gra.t4 1-.lMonnbie Matinee, In Die roaring Irtatt Cameo? of • 'Z' =R=e MC • TriTCM • Performance to conclude with ttmo 4teauttfal Ito. mance of MdC3GELI.AS.JM2'IEYS caxe.x3attm. This I_ vening. MR. AND MRS. LIMEY WILLI% 11111,411) FAREWELL TO PITTSBURGH, In their great a:s ' orlglual character. '.r N ELY 3 NOLA N and coin , : K Stelilt ITII, to th.. =I THE CO.rwrlE SOOG.in EIZEIT The Illtchings English Opera Troupe Win COMlZence 9 Wei tlagwetner.t It/ASONILI LL&LL, C) Ck1V.123 t 717.10 Monday En, clan yr, Oct. Ist. and 4 Fol.. lacing Nights. 9L9bLe. C3olcaca..c. • SPAULDING BF 21;) ran Vocalists, Harpists :ioliiiists and SWISS BELL RINGERS. S. suss, (for thr first timd in I'd is. .o.irh) Iu that, us rivalled colorta.nut• lit. tor.pris- In& 1.. 111. {lyodrofilsns upon th•lr magulOoan - VEIL 111(I.1,s, luterapo , ned Pulfi""f VIKA I. ANL) INSTR 1.1.11),!: 133 tlos fanourlidr onleu f rtl.t .11 • • lIKAN ttefil.lll),.:. the colobriAol young A tnerl..an Harpist and \ If ATE 1. ,, C150 hoot Contralto Vocalist and Com.ollonus„ tdanfih ter of Jut/ .on Hutchinson, of 11, otlfilnal Linn:lllnm, Family.) latV.P ' CA;a B p r o A sYr! d (l l o N ra) " ;r l l h y o t d r)ll:. 'g ,. ' ,, b ,..)i n s . ,s h. .. ' l . :; Belt at.cer.. ) 'VAL. KPAuLniNti. the popular liArpist amt Versatile Performer: mod the tireal Eeeentrlc 11 , 1. °wrist Ann Comic. Binger. Mr. It I A?? E IVA'? - SON, well known nn — IIIoT A101101..e SON." All tila aboyo named performers 1•111 positivele app,tr. dnltselts. 35 cents. Reserved heats 50 cent.. children 15 cents. For roll parries:tars, a, llto • ntloatett roster., Itescrlptlve Mlle and I reertsts... 100ora open at 7; to Comore. a,. at et o'clock. h. 11.—ilekets for 10:screed Solt.. to./v Ih. Ott -sl ot e& dories, earn day or ploo. •• n ths 3tun of 11T r, t h e: 1 Bro., co s Blume. AA! N atocl Barr. selo.kot Iar'PITTNLIEHHAI E 4.TH E. E Porilttvrqy lest Illght of 1. Or young Us.ilform:a rr 326111..Y63, Rho willppotr I chs ractern-1(1C/IA i:Z Gran ,, Math, rR , el , Alt -n:234 IN a, , CHF:NAIAD 1.,2712E Ectle Hemlerare 333 (~, , vra. of the Naiads. Adematort 23 eve, aol pat t C the honer, El L 1 U p,(Jrmance, SliAltetpeares NICIIARD To conclude with the NuntiellAllot of ULACK EYED SUSAN. Mr. ant Mr.s. orence, Inc.:3ly rue nal origin:a repres.ntgrao at the Dash Itur an.l 1 - nukes 010. :girT Et 11213LE.'S VARIETIES ...... W. 0.11.'111 - nlB MAN- Great Bill r.r i.nturdny Night. Thr Sher-. Darcl . e In th. field. The lu'mit hie ...mediae I Vocadet. C A RI.TON. and Our ;rya , VerndY Inn epteneild Min, the scnalttlotl thien net Dram entitled ./ 611.E.L.PnItt, taM=LF . LM g .IL . IW $ 6 O rimmt: & LYON SEWING MACHINES, Adapted for every deacri nt ion or family o'whie an I tnitoring. They HEM, FELL, BIED, ER SID TOCK,,toftlicat measuring , and rn:ike the VIII - .1 MORr. UNIFORM. Alan (.1.1711111.1 mud MEL , A. It will stltsh rem the finest sales- to the thick, I Hoover Cloth vil,liont any ellowe In feed. needlr tension. and ton (or two year, dither: takine npa. Oa clean or be ispottad. If the psrelet-er. after 4 fatr trial, does not resent the Finkle R Lyon ion - InaDtachlnntsuperforL any machine In the, ket, he can retarnit and hare his looney. II wa tria le& the LOCK STITCH, Stitches alike on both el.ies, WO,: will not rip f•" ravel. The cheapest nubbin.. by •to . per 01111. 1 I ne 11,1 noiseless. %V a /raiLmot for to :r rears. • bat e, born In ute in this plate tot eight VIM,. atot he al% en satiefsetb.on in ail esaes. I Inl ent.l, to Itahotrany Inlaid with beari, spree flote.l on 1. 11.asenent1. Also the Weed,Lock Stitch Sem - Ink Machine Ma been I n nee here for ten veer, and La. never been •nt ot 11 , e market. We nail the attention et tailors, slid. waters and kArOW2I4 mitre. to No. 0. Also, stiaw & Clark's Sewing Machines, zar Agt ate Wll)%vf. Skr All kinds of 2011 y sr Ging dome, IL LI. L...N11. Agent. 112 t; rant itreet, opponite eattotoral, sot'ff.T.ll fTS22IOIII, GROVER! BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES Cane helm awarded the FIRST PRE 11./ Me at lion r lwing Fairs for the year Sint Preminut for twat Mach Ine wort: at Penna. State Fair. First premlnm far heat Machine wort at N • iv Yung Stale Vale. First Premium Ibr best Family Alai bli a Initelia Fair. First Premium fat beet Menu facie Mu, Ohio State 1' a Ir. First Premium tel best Menu lector Mlchtgen State Fat. • Vint Premium for Mat Wireonatu State Fat. First Premium for beat Mau u far . Lawrence County Vale, Pa. Filet Premium for beat Ifach Ina *wake. Lawrence County Voir, Plant Premium for beat Family Abe:bine at Sucks County Fair. Pa. Alma Premium hest Mantfacturlog Mac Mae oti Sackse County Fair, Pa. First Premium foir beat Manufacturing and Patti ly Manhlne at eprltiennel ralr. unto, Fired Premium for heat Manufactui tag and Fain I - ly Machine at Palittyra Fair, N. Y. Fleet Pretnient fur bust Maim lowtortne one Faint. IT Miublite at Suffolk Conurr Nair, N. Y. Vint Premiere for heat Mina . ..W.4u and Foul iy Machine at echuyier County Poi, P._ Y. First Premium tur timid Machine for MI at Atleghway County Fair, PA porpOsof - First Prot:alma for bes. Manufacturing Machine an Allegheny County Fair, l'a. First Premium rot heat Machine work at Allegheny County Fair. l'a. A. 1 0; CHATONEY, 11=31 oel74e.ins No Id Fifth Street. PlltAbetrgb Locx-surx.roll SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER & WILSON'S ARE THE HEST. Salesroom, 27 Fifth Street, PISTTBUgG BY WM.- SUMNER PIANO 3,, ORGANS; •TuE glt.kuoult.x NzlV • AS Sehonsocker to' Co., Phitogerphto . r ) i..12111.1 4 AT . Tho Estoy & Co. Cottage ;Orel, asv - ; , AMERICAN Aoknowletignot by the ben musical tateni, Ili tun • Vetted:lnst. to no sonerlar to all ochemln.Poweri aud quality of tone, and tborOditb Workmate.", Ulitlitinenta'luye for intuit Olken - the . tTe e.ilirgq.Stthegri=VOlolat:t.Oyoo: alifottlers. alt tearracted fur AV04.1g.: WiLDIF.LINK EtAttir;.2 .1)2.1 Vitt. (O►tratreet. [4lttebniuthi.n. it RE1910t..41L,... ' IPO. Smith/id:l fitrcit or PO 871i66T;Iss • No e ., 1,60. "114 iitiiiiiiiimiveßlxtkeittpei, Paanos;;Melodeons..: Oigans i And alL . kladrOf Xi;,=.ll - I.AL'lNTlttiste.,ll's • and reyntrea IllextD•scoold -01605' E . GHT SECOND-DAND PIANOS. 1 . I, a0 ",... 0 d, roned eororce, — HAM e Or tke . 407..i,,4,..., , a s e,y,...prono, very little urea; n e w. prk,tiv, ror.., lay . r., see,. erne 7 octave viably tarred Mono yorto, nj ,, ,,:, ';.7.r. atrium:pug, tear- round nornrn. 6=. „Ode O' rrt - ,,, , 4 poor. rosewood.' 4 P. 71101..1 make lOnvo, erlaft , :?. • otten Utter:anent-end Iron Irnroo„ lOW. -, One.. oi--, - 7e.•-j7. ..,„. 4.verreeeerood iron fringe Vim u, IWO. Onoror gerT7V , , pv: „.. 1 I lll : l 4n t i A faar WVl7l77liV e llZ:i4i.. •,-.:.: • _ 4. I.TnE . czcouttALTED 11.11MilfrIcURIF!,. 1 11 9 1i . 11et t, r 0 4 ,dlib ..l .. 9sexid 4 ti 107 14, 3 19=1 ETEITEI =