4'ittslutoh Oiigettt, ax r vaLitimaD UEDA CO; itigaVorde iEd)"*•• • VIVA% i p EM ED Damn dui mamma ars PAM-IDLY. SEPTEMBER 28,186' ONION REPUBLICAN NOMINATION& inziat oorrussosts MAJ. GEN. JOHN W. CEA,HY, yr cruummia..lD ouUrt-r. cosonsras.. rwormesocrny 'Damns HON. J. 8. DIOQUILUAD. TWLIII . I , IIIIBD DIETZ= SON.. MOMMS WILLIAIII3I. G 2 eamuzi P. cux.ar,ctty. MUSE 01 COMM: JOUN G. MOWN, Etampton Tr MATZ OT COLTIZATII COMM ALSYAE DEAL niusitrahciv . ilranor SIIIT~LT. City. F.soprzi: JOSEPH a. Gastv: Prom Ti'. coinusewma; • 0 EOlao E. ILAMIXON. City DtRICTO 3 07 700 7 t JOU :4 E. TOLEVO, 2411h1n Tp. il5100171. 7 ; ions! r. 'Ass, ctti: GEORGE WILSON, Pat Ti'. • °Soon E. V. NraUES. North Fayotto Tp SARI VEL CHADWICK. Callum Tp. :WILLIAM PETEO. 4091 Tp. R. S. C0L17114.X., My. NAT ON'S .VV ['AU, There Is nothing among creatdd things snore sublimely terrible than the wrath of a great people, and never was this wrath more strongly aroused than it is at this moment in the United States. It was fear fully excited when the gnus from rebelbat: teries first opened upon the flag or the tui tion; and it was maintained in full force through four years of .desperate war. But that audacious attempt upon the life of ilia nation had something in it that re deemed it from utter loathing and abhor rence. The men who.ditl that thing put ii)outselVes In the attitude of open and, av)tovred enemies; They did not 'pretend to he'conserving the Union of the Steles and the liberties of the people, while laboring fa deitroy both. But when amen iu wham thts people trusted basely betrayed both them and the principles upon Which they elected hint, and used the great poWer and - . .patrt.utage with 'which the Constituticn in vested hint as the national executive against the man whose valor saved the . .na• thou, and whose votes lifted him to the power —when this man has done alb that he could do to restore their rebel enem'Os to honor, influence nnJ power, while be and they conjointly pereNttc, even to dea.lt, the torn who rtood by the Union in the darkest hour of the contli,t,.their indib nation is unmitigated; and hen -e this tre - mentions grounthcwell, hence these great conventions. But the wrath of a people so enlighten ed, 60 i nhitch with Christian principles, so confiding in each other, and. so conscious of their strength as the American people arc, is calm, dignified and well endued. There is in it nothing Itarbarou.s, cruel, lawless or bloodthirsty—nothing' like tie fiendsh spirit which covered the very names of lilemphis and New Orleans with a hor rid infamy. calmly they await the um, ment when they can Win up the freeinatta mast eff , ettve weapon, the ballot, and with' it dash in pieces all the plots and machina ttortsof traitors, and put a Anal end to the dictatorship of ,11.4D1LENV JOIMHOIC, leaving him to fill out his constitutional term of ofth.c—previded be behaves himself—with. out a party, withonthe power to do mis chief, and without either moral or political influence. That done, things will move on in peace and order ; but wo to him and Ids rebel aliies If they attempt again to rc-.. sist their will.' There is a fearful power behind the ballet, and well the rebels know It. - CoPrEttittLADl !I UV.WLr T.U. The following. is copied from. the Bed ford Gazette, the democratic organ of Bed ford county, Pa., a paper devoted to the interests and policy of Join:EQ.lr and CLT ?LEM The democracy of that county are a rough and rugged race, and they take their polities, as they'take their whlsky—strong, and, judging &Lim the following introduc tory remarks of the editor, they like them so. A meeting of the true and tried Democ racy was held.io the Court flours:, in Bed ford, on the evening of Saturday . , Septem ber 1121, 1865.. That firm and reliable Dem ocrat; Col. Sos.W. Tale, was unanimously chosen President of the meeting. After several able and eloquent addresses load been delivered; on Motion of Don. Benj. F. liyers, editor of the Bedford Gazette, mid present Deancieratiecandidate for Sena tor (present this Col. rite was called 1 upon to addiess the meeting. The Colonel reePonded. •nbleaucteloquent manner. Amer discu s sing : the Lainesuf the da trhbusPieq:gltgl'elurTla!Vitiliretisr:td 4n the reni.oseir of Abraham Lit:cote. nelte-ee taut the nomad' J. Wilkes Booth will nt iy tire -P ; . that ke Laid down his life T eou, like,lVinkkteiti. , guiteertaMi had -her Winktereidand her Wm. Tea; Seotionithent her Robert 41Miee,- and. A.MEgICA.IIEIt BOOTIL. ' The time Is coming when - there wilt be a mon ment e u reetedto.Beoth, HIGH ER TEIXIC SPIttE OF LINCOLN, who slam! beryeath the, sod Itlinoia." At wrist:o4i whet xse have seen atiriiig the past five-nilor 4611 g -these wee men, withilliseTr.k.avisen at - their Lep, thtelngVrith traitor enemies. In war, smpa „ a y nd fratetidziaty, with tliran.' s ame itnitoo now tinat,tbn,:imteii vittii4vreiteed.,:iot be at nil surprised to jienr them glorifying the sosstirsiin heroes.. Iris of 3011et„c1X (Luker infitl4l‘.hitii.theliti•eimMinbiC con duet duet dating die „tvar.,.:Pitt because it Is it, new phase, a further and ranivjendactone development, of pat we et first startled at • The ezef,tionililthatiironitiedMM l Un ie 4 to the mttrtyilioviit,:ye 'fif/14+* is to b e pen 0E . 4 M4. - -tinliCir” ;it. in out. W4ert tiveasOnsia amide lat - nridilentia„ should the,gvenct " s "ali...l4 l ' l 4:Claint-Plateliiff.Mifrirttinet ti3' When tital:Akilone, lilt Alien, 1111 l the part] the isi!enelnp:. cy be complentruiiiikalitint' A MOUT !,5111107 4 kG IN A I.lAMCriCkety. CAPTAIN..Aa•ViI. - Tinmeati.i ., eattcrenttlie Nora Camillus Uracpniar:itll4; inicvcifthe. Ipyal-.li;Onthenlet!;:tiho ' reeeirtly •um lA. clonvent*Celn Piiiiidelphia,, liyucriiiwilie city, soiiiiiiiuy, inhaerliniona for daft piper; ttt_ for in the 'resent f.'cOnditioli-S-ir4ilt!ge 41 that Suite ' A Is Imi,iialiae toi stfidal loyrj,zitOot 7itikit ' id' ',o;dn'tk ' ' 0 ,1 Cei,,taln:Tnun;En. IS 7 -e! ttlWrt _._ of - aident gplrit - atti flor - 10 Ming atelli :Atiiiatol,l:.'-/ie ought 'III , - . . ~ ..-. ••• war bill° tinny of the ii . 10n4;`,e1 • ed. cor:iaientlia,na aid ibi; Tudit R In rebel • lirisons, Hopi! . propose • ont the trattfia:cyldi. trea • rmll "on thiallnei" and.:all mat ' thtrinattnitiadicated icii - good nervieetn.the cane . • The Vitainiefiiirublienndinal A AllaY•ir -iiiiillshae ini y , Wore li leigb, and is one of three papery State advocating the ~ RPlLe, p t i aauke . - 4 1 ~._ 1 : 1 1. to greatly is its inducAe s itt4:ni!orpnitrTtl public opinion feared, thaetilttrde stmt tv;t4 I offered by tboriciiiborlettl'O T tle PrerSnt's Policy for it, but declita, i There . are . -in North.. earolitte"pribably more, elements of merit - At : lk political 're- I generation' ttion' in nig - bitter' rebel State; and it only reqriirei intelligence and a wholoine publie"thFdleteit to-have free eleree wanes tlxe , tAilple to bring about, at amearly day, that mut.h to be desired cow euramation..• iye therefore- bespeak fer • on Alin part Tr- - of K 0711 E,, • ---_ Most peoPle like to hear or ' read what others think and say them, so we copy the followinglromjpe special.correspond mice of the Citicago4burnui: • Prersunnint,:Sept. 29-4 A. at. The scones end incidents about tile are Deuterons and exciting. The Polliicul ty complexion. orPittsburgh may hereafter be well known. When Mr. Lincoln saw the returns from this (Allegheny) connty, lie remarked: "What! Allegheny connty give tea thou.sand. majority impossible ! That Adatil hereafter be known - as a State I" 7 he rearms sho•ved, I believe, that this county gave Lim a larger majority than any other county in the Union . ; hence is explained why every street, trent,the centre h to cir cumference of- the city' nail orery ouse, with an occasional Coqerhead exception, from roof to doorsill, gaily decorated with bunting, emblems end 11201 Well. The display. al 'Philadelphia during the South ern Loyalists' Convention L ives grand, but not equal, itt universal extent, to this iu Pittsburgh: • I have ;never seen anytbilig -611Preximating it txCept in Cincinnati during the early partial the war. Emphati cally have the-loyal thousands of Pittsburgh eletnned the boys In blne. Latch-su ides eout evetycvhere-And for °ore the has become one yea public recvpliou eon, mitteo. . • —SUL Morcrox PAT°. has again come to grief. At a meeting of the shareholders , and bondholders of the London, Chatham and Dover Railroad, it was stated that there had bee., an over-issue iif the Company's bonds to the extent of L'128,000, equal to nearly one-third of Ole whole sum author ized. The Direetorl all declare Shot they knew nothing about it, and called on Wet' cootritetor, ;Mr M. Pete, to explain. Eli M. Pete nekniewledgbd that he had been In strumental in thus disposing of deice mews which were in their nature really as fran I. uleut as forgery; but said that if he had not done so be and the Company must has, both stopped together—w Welt both have done since- Of Course the attar elated great dissatisfaction, especially among the holdrrs of the worthless, bonds. —A young ledy riding inn car on the Busqueloatua railroad, was suddenly us sablted very violOntlythe'other day, by an old lady.in.tho..aliat - Vehind her, who tom the "waterfall" frbm the young huly's head, threw It on, the floor, and ebnunenzed stamping on it. The young I Idy vas at fist disrosedfb resent this treatment, but It was FOOD DXIIIO4I3VI to her that her water was on tire who the old luhy svized it. She was sitting by the oven window, and a spats front-the locomotive had c.l in her back hair, anti would ,m ron lighted it up had not DDRitiOill , •C brett pi otu ptly rendered. - _ CORMETICE , —lt L., - Voa(!erf,l l tio. nun. I bar of t ae , s sold, for the purpo,e 4.,5 re )s,, -. , ,•,,, •-, - ,, movin freckles, and other ,iiscotre a- i Intl 11 tNE i'lt i [ lit 11 [0 t'. 'ions from the face. The most of them are 1 ' •1 ' ' worthless, and some positively injurious IV arol..zi,c, g?. I! Str e ,t, tird Among the many of the numerous preim 1 ,tistiuns there is onewe can retanumeitil; it , 'l' •r' ••• ,,,, ar :,,,I‘,-. ~. . ! r >iis s % ~,,, has no nopronounecabie foreign name, I nr i time has silo% a that the only reliable un , l ; NEWS, T AC't MANILLA, HARDWARE, i' safe remedy for the eat of eisciiJoraii-u- 1 on the fare, carted Freebies end Mml. i 11..ottr1::„. I's It :tilt! , P.M.hes, te , PERRIS NtoTti AND l'ltV.i. - X II: ' WRAPPING LOTION. Sold by all Druggists,—.Y. Y. th,..day Mercury. - ! io,qo , .•I ,-r•,I • , ~ N , " ,-, hr..* flipton :11111. nt ..thtur'lle. Ohio CGEiTIFICATES are beive re- 1 „ ,. , ‘ „ L ,„. „ 0 . 1 . n , ~,,. „. „,., 0 „ ° ,,, re . ... , 4r:t , ..ti neer . de,. reirrrlog tolbe wow] rill reit •f•F ; et , , a of Fl.entl:el.'n Aure mix rcAe, .nr.i; 0,1.4, encliclous heel Calle4. Cell and try 11, sod If A .ill• i .• 1 0 1.1:1' .. %1.E.-14 { I alTfif", 7 ....- • ,—.—., •—• • —l.l' Itt,o3..itie 114 s net et... the seek,. seek ehllla. lye , ~,,,,,',„„,„,%,,,:. ~''. ~,, ~,, „ . , . ~.„.,,,., money .111 be err.”dcd In all OSOO , C. tr. Out i ..„11trrn.,1.‘,.......n,%,:„:...,!;., ~, , , ..,. :; i .. , ,, , ; ., 1: , r , h;: , owl etlt for . 7,? : . Ylvnanes A,. Core, ide7 k I I '10..‘ I , t, 1..... , t'.l•• ..1 . -a II d eheet revel... l a 1 , 4 , V 1.,1'0. , A sz . ,•1 ~...•1 i1,..t . i' , 11 ..n.t+ , . etou. ( `al , ritint.: 2 Itytte•t'urr, ,u 4 • r I.' l'' • 0, l 4 -I , ,•,•-•t,a• 1 na I ~,A 1 , . I F 11.-r with 11, , • ~, ~,,. ~..., I.lllng f., ti... 16 . AV. ..-", s ., , nr ,., ; 1.,111.11.• , .. .1, , —-, , , .., , , rld. I'. Wal hel4 only ,Z, 4 ,i ~,„;,• 1 f•de.y. 5.• r., , ,e,I e ~,,, -,,,,,t .1, . A.., I 4.• Fe d odly At VLEXllNlPA!!flene.siri Pefart 51.,11,1 • trynot, ,en dd Ad. , pd.., • .., A. zh, . i." Avl elite G . A .- 1 4'dg awl reteef Ide‘l , ' , Ye Ilene , , odd, ~,. A • 1 ... 1. d • l,. eed 111 f Ottl • I At FLEYII•4:' 3 L.FruA LA latent II ed Irl co Ltribr.t. , •ng.. , ..1 , ,:,{„..,,t ..,. I: , ct , ,•t -s::•I:RIVW:..7. jiL : • 0 1. 't. Za:l"lltt... 'rfr(l":filit7lVlN: 7.t';l!il: I '' ':,' :. ,I( , i . . 7-,2 . . •',.• :...' :. J. No. Si SI eflegt at.. comet Ineendrl. ac, 101, I ),- ,' '' ri,eshor-11. PltsttorirSe rittabor,d , te' Yen Itch! Itt h!! Scratch! Scratch! ! t.tVAY3E'3O'INTAIS-I.lteurto lo fru=it to 4.9 bo , tt. .19:91' . Pr. H9rayr....soi.trinent , •11 - r. Atedyn.', Oint.wtot! ••111'11. • 'lTC'''. NEVER. ENOW .11' 6 ;11" !PT:. •••1+;:, ii • • ••ITHIP, CUILIEW Tn 13 •• sITTEIt• .1 refl ., TOkatENTINO FT' r•ITCi , - CiHirLAIN Ith e•or, Se-•• Meal,.i ttl li r il. ‘ rrepirt S•Is: &T OM , ifld Of CLAHLtAai at • VS Hartst street, and tiEO. A. It L :If Wood street. rlttsinergls. • , TAK* . TIDE TILE FORE-. LOCK.— ilataintl smerstOs epidemic 14- ears Is sea 11 log en Howls noder the biasing beams t title don day suit. beery /Islog body. no well as reiSso'irgimai and rogatsido inat4r, ['nits tilmholosoine vapoef,iiimitei era!WJOt elites and e slenseissseisbligus whiebtisiness sni pleasure call oz.ether the element) sadist..., are eroissd. The .PfessetristOottsverf vital organ is sulfas so trea t as lothengeatid. atl3 taird months of tortnar. nod eomm em miss isutehesna that these organs.. rep Oita to Of faihrufen4 to inset It. ITS bol4bui Ilia's se to spent, ow a stsrsiisoso mu* . and Ws is lho season when. the pfoneis' of delapidistientinittatialpht,Of ripslss nos must re ,qUlrsd. ThaTrip-resen.ltrire. aosistie Tsz9oaessin.o9 IrATelle with that mighty segSzta •ble .itesat,erette,-.•I4O3TETTIZRIS nivrErts. ohs takga tvstarisii,ladaiii,giont3 himself to sant tars said, adatdst.wbtels'eVidossidiilisiiia:will hurl its polsousd sisaltito;Sido; 7tls' If no gratuitous fsssertiOuiittiLsigreat,linotn.WirACY. .Ittestrd oy enfleflerte in every ollassto of tits 'fi r itreinsa of tensparatare alseays dlttnib the flottottoss of Hie Itosnath.'nto bowels the Vires nd.Shi thin. It tt thnough these .that floe most datterons ensituilsCassall, Os. 'Tose limns Is idsaneis IttslaVergitta...piriais, sad defy 'hist st2t - 14 E 1 , ASEtt WM. iliVlZAMOM''..tdcont 'arra, Wei, " rirqt • ',tett OA* aultuvtised.Agent to-reanve ford.* oAxgrrs,awi an °tor prawn compliant Via ted &ales and Oa arYall IiIUTIES Ti YOUNG x , -*cHtz /MASONS W H Y THEY A ICf. •xor - ciillsTi.oin-• —N... itxxicv I). m 0951., 1...10r at rirnotqa CogerrFalonaUillrchr n ,,,, ,N 111 13‘ 1 2 F, 0 ". ee • , sitrai 1..1;A V, H kg* 't 4 r A . Po*, 'PUN OA fthootil 4slatrco '.'btl • ' • On , 'W'P ltr t lgirr ' /It "Acr b° '.ll4ltibt• =en - • 1,14 sl It n . 1.1 1 1:1.4111.1 ~JaRrCIUtISTJAN VHEnCILT IlAt;f4 fl Et4trilatut-Lsecrirret.tik.. rit.tor - flervleet tv MAID , pc r Tr, 116 .P4.7:1 r .a., 4lt.tttig onyt' ED ari - 110. 15 4 at ' • , X 1111,11144111414.11. .—caluitc . 4i, 1 e r Vtit:4 l ;4llk.l3 - . 4. lT;tit i t'lftWltTlT it lY l t :;fitit 4 ittNei i,:l4.l4ll,,:,.t44l:= _,,,,,..„,,,,„, ~ , .....-t- ~- ~. ~,„, .fox:*i,shoo,_e.enum-tr*,..v., otfr . "ra i ntrJ4o`titt iv - -11, 1 1 ra,soonav rivemarmo tirtior4c. aptog.a. tcowiADYl6M44l"4"'l'd-:" WOW !-4:ollfrilf6P, VONIPLICZ. ifigam-tuutlloty... 6r eiddomeA of tbs oroottfolroTAltd/Lt, gi.tito Havgatuu -a ,re. fuetrnilttbroor *Ullman Tome ono i tor " . 4! ' illigtilltVgi t tlit u t: Tki.V•ugli.; tALl.oo!fr Wayor , a °OW. Ifoofia. stfeet.', .4441,-.4.71.0t0f 130 ME . ISE . - orp A:. nwor VilleillELl E V- 1 at...rtitr. , zstsime - YAttp BM* 0 . . • . t, ).0.10,4.P.m14,1111•11rM11"4,70‘.!?, rU•i•flt. , 4OCEISn. MVO S, a (AA. Omni; 0% rnmriitrinr, tor llwlitke do. zit, ii.pkiarrounorob tue-7wropu.. ~, , •tatitiw'owiTe. , 4.4....r. , ,-- - omit . ...... or rtorthe It? la ha Ott 0 c'tkiti,W l At'" firing the WTI °(4.-: P Er rit , ow 13 tefigh" Tatim rebellion , Jul" frAitato.l.o%. :I,LF•qn"kttiktil bk , Vt. 24tb• ' tzars; the ,rTritbyrttei.creabd - - -fad 41AX I I enable litm*lct . nab° ll3 / B AG tO f (411.1,81 W ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW A1::"ISE TENTS. ti NE ..—....------ , _ --, , t..,',TEIAVEII OR STOLMN.-1117asbto• --.A311.11T1S I IMAM Sr co., i — .r or straril away 114111 MA rasieteace , a 4 a '' ta,,c4rta tar.,-Joi,se,. 1 ' ilg ".Vtifil'aiii!:':v fiparig., F•T;=: , 4 l, ..Ei- COrilei rauttiis# %foe , / g b " 02Zthin.76,111C1=0:411'4. .M;a t. 143 nbern, t... tANgrits:Bs VaOKERS .nle4 ay,ltarma-atord a t t 3. iv. 11/40iii3s.s. . 5 1 _. !! ..... , 9 _4O Marton i tract, Eighth Hrrit. FOR SALE. ONE HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS; DILAPLX. llt' ALL VS oa ... Government securities, Foreica Ex:chi-131e, . old. bave. and coupons. col...occTli. suede WA all accesetble poLnts le the (felted States and Earle Abs. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. 13°..1C8,01.11.,1,n11,!;;;;-;',:irle,`,:t!,'‘.` be SIXTH WARD PUBLIC SCHOOL HOUSE, Du TIPS (dettirdeyl L.VENI N 0, at 7'. o`e'net, wiled a (ell ALtAILiAtICU ur I do members 1.4014.40. _seb3d2 Sty order of THE I'abIDENT. A TIEETING OF TUE BOYS IN BLUE AND GEARY OLUB Oi the °F. , i7: ETII WARD, will be 1r Id 11115 urdayt EV EN1241:, n I Um e'LidOUL 110VSE. et :3 , 1 o J1,21:e,ti0,1,1,1..g;/. g .. f s l , e t imr:e . ald , l , l et trauseeted, ' 1. 1,21 :1 1 bIY ',der orEltECU ' l 171'E 1::(V:1 1 111' EE TTNIOII,4O.NCIIOot ti . ItEPUBI ousx.CAAN MEETING -21(1,C01.3.2..1t WC119123.3:11.at.033.. TIIIS EV EN INlj, A r tPC LOOK. lion. J. NOIJILIAEAD, C. B. anti JJ. z KIN), li. .4.lresa the eIT ttng. J WIN ll.al'v.ll'wti C, Mlt n Coin. or Moo logs awl tpeakvre. E. A MUNIUOTO. t,ecreukry. zeZA, lei 11...a.r0 tloAlt 111.• o t I P reto.•••• Ito tt tit rt .1. 1.0. ph,•1.1 11 And 10.4 tt...a.1.,..f .1,0 fr 10 1 01 , emor 41,i I 1.... 11 , . ‘ll , 115 154 '1"1.1s.1 .„ .t, I Jai,. A fr. 0,1 r. D. J. t....1.11.0.F.1.1 &I 11 . 101 101...•1 .I "‘llll.. =B!E=l:3 LIILIt HOW ad BARKER & HASELTINE. 50.12 Alin et, Second Story, J. 131. Rartllll,,EY, 334 Lirty Street, LOOKING GLASSES, 13oot so rind A Rill g0,02A ceo.tantly.n hors,. t•la PHOENIX SIR A TA BREWERY JOB. &MK'S!' 111 LAT ble'LiNCETit & MASTERS AND MUDS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURG% Vt. - noutcrey %V AT . li10:%, nia o o 4 e w A 3. L. SL FOUR. General Commission Merchant, EMI M== M== ENE , ME °Veit' H. 10,:11AII!,,I.N A Pictures and Frames of all kinds, MOULDINGS, tic., AND DEALER IN CIIILIN =x3r.,sc:ra^r3r;:rm. <=:>)..‘ lc* • 1115c1.:e roinPlCto nrrannivelueol far .1k I, 51.:, tin, 15111/119151 ,1 1 al tOl •rr Of yarn 51,1, ...avert v.l( ',Oran All tad,* alleanl.ll 5,1 to , l• WS L. 11.tN HI), QS= n o , Isl. 11,111r.01.r. 111, CI • 4 .• .Ik3C—°"*A-mC)., I , EALru IY NE WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMOUDS, emiXl-eGrET.2. 'CFC7.43...1--t. ANTI French Clocks, 45c. Fi ta%r i pa i t,, ,, : . O tto to 0.• liErAllaNU OP Jr.). 22 Fifth Sired 1&9671' OMNIBUS AND LIVERY STABLE, .Vo. 410 Pcfl' area. JAN ES. IL DAIS, Vioprietor, all Ifirgininllonea and oarolagna tu. •,uhu,l fur Mini. Also. Carrlagoo for rimer.: 8, %Toddlnto and Parties, al ohm I wilco and roa,onablo rats a. 'Stable Open Day and Night 121! „.. VELT.712.11 J. LOWE; BMX' AND :ROMER D7bl-/Uil), SCOURER, ':i~taa ~ ~~'{ • •gri;;ln corers - luuna,,,aup4cting. •.,:ctelankeit - - ' .. • antwarsWo i 1 . . 14ert i ,52VetE 46114 .E47 , - con. Ir.,: al pro s : ipitivolitliroStiitituiirlditesati. au .49.1 Ga 30. M NV F BAR, BOILER, SHEET JETTL.C7 OI S I NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse. 73 Water S 90 Front stt. • rtvrs nunG 336 Liberty Street, I. 4'. 4'1,,c, or Oan,rl.lgrpoct., clocnr ' ttty It I •••• tr ‘1 , 1,1 .11.41 hao na,arrlt for Irt c. t. I obi:tined I I •• • • cry. sod In modln- FIN E. C LOT H NG, •,•.., , as If tat •cit teas eradicated ' l t t.7e . o " au d tirr ' in " ; t OLaca.os. lrn utluctne T 4. •aITT I4 : 11 :1•-•. I: vr .cn. tie licartl., few... Wind lue .vvt•tca. I,l‘iovcry to %it who certer. %el t S ("1 VIZI ISM =MIZE ME J. Li. RAIVIALEVry 334 Liberty Street, An la 1.11 La. IQ D.G7A7E.Ia. F•t \, I\i) MOM), The Nt.' -.t alwayli on I•lln+[nswll II: the Lossest Prices P.' rt t lIIUE W )1 it zr ti mssortulent of Latlios% Mis.es' and Children's CUSTOM MADE SHOES AND GAITERS, sr , . York. !11...N0WT , And at Lower Prices than Down Town TlvirtPtll>,ll‘c 1..11:111: {lloll^Vprp. alt. , \V strlvt. It 27 mt..: Irrit UVERTANDSALESTAU LES. INELINO & MITCHELL. MEI Nos. 325 Liberty Street. 1I,: 1 . , , T I •.I 11 H S tiR C It 11l All ES 4414 kiro tj 1".j.1 tor hire Ono, Th., nr , est II tu Ott Fun. rnl*, Mtended , t• nu 611..tL ti... +1 manner. Auythlh, In nut lint 7111 elf.,, Iwlng tat u, ont In the tn . , style As tn. it MI.. tolhe yr . eLe.l • - . _ t:/11- cr.JOON ROSE JOHN ROSS & C 0.,. =MEE etrm.. N. ccDEN & co.. ....ANUFNCIVRKR.3 AND IMALYIL'S IY Oarbon Oil Lamps and Fixtures, CHANDELIERS, CARBON OILS, &C. No. C 34. Wira.r.ix.ot tx-N0c.16 , myium79:4AwpA. BAN& EXCHANGE RESTAURANT. , Li. SCULL% Propritor. vi o. 90 Third St.,l Pal oburgh laNrtarAEN'S TIMING B'JQM All the lea urlee of the seauhi. (Aare Liquors. he. Private Dieing rooms up stairs. EA= lIMIA ST. cutsn SIItEET. • 02 04 Pt' , HSI AN EP MITAPI.E.9. tiUltVP.YLtiti Vl•eafligi).Ct/Plta, alleltot,COPF.S OtdlilNATlttlill DROM).TiIIISI (u s e. alawiar..). IIiIOSIICTERS, PaI:MUM- P.P.5..t.c.. roe Aida at ircia l sonattle prlora.l4 .1. DIAMOND. Practical tiptiatan. •- •- ' r Clair *treat. itiOBIAS P. ..... . .. Ante. 13• Sherrie SMITH, & SHAFFER, CARRLiGg.-AND HIUMESEI 111.011IFACTLITtEliS , ' Iraisma?iscrxml., ll linesr, • t elOef We ',F;1"1511171itikl; ra try%:trie:e pAft:riIIERSHIP' I IOTICE:_ tIA:VE4IIIS-DAY ASSODEAMi-, ,101,1e3 1101: ii.N.OtialASS la .039 w,‘A,P,lvra - 4 , t 0.4 waon.rtivabrAg: -,. • • so 3 ortotat•e...xsuare--- : I A - I rtut V,OUYAAr li . A,WHOGEA,,KELLY., eLburßn.Al9ll3altiToOo^ZrftwW srtret,:ritu : "Ir""taVi 'aeaar do c yinee. tia s Ye ri n A STIIIIIA, SeItOFIILA, Bronchial Affections, . Throat Difficulties, Diseased Eyes, Dyvhepvla, Ettlargemeirt of the Liver, litvi CAUCA of the -I(leheys, emmtlpatton, Gravel, Piles, Insanity, Etta, Para. typo, Ituat of Blood to the Head, Lr ' hility in Every Form, CONSU NIPTION, vi 1,6 all and:titir.y=swietc.r.ll:,nrfts,ts the bums'4 Price. $4,00. oAires-110 arch St., Philadelphia, 1 Bond Street, Bow Fork. 110 Inirlnc with inetruncents 101111iow1ng in the ear, ho anufhng lip the nontr lie or introduciug wires. it'fiT4 l ta.°T..",!;,t.71t.w11l re The ach very 4101 that drugs mot instrurnenta wlll re•Ch , and thousand.. of and besides. Troth Is ttochlv and m oat prevail: error is preg r fluted with ousysneutly what sooner o later sink 11110 01,11 T 1011. .112 E UPREJUDICED? n eon,. IWO or tba praludlce eilothag against I patent tosoletnes, It etsroettt desire that Iny Me ashy. , al DI sovery kohoutd not ho received Or sl 1....1 I'll patent 011.11elsre of the pc , Yon ask loy arh., h.:sots 111 I,lszOntlfte speeicti. • I. .11Iferlot api.tent tn.. trodenCles nod ros.ults. n ever ott.r ,cruedles and prep.-alto.. "31. h have ever gots- beton.. It. And forthe.r, becnose theMetaphy.l., I , ilcorery le the ult of haneriLvd power I. t et essos to 'late( Cr. t res cause; thereforn int It Los u oder op od , a s e r s , o .ti th.fa t l th • f r k l l se h ta er o tute ds ic po ' w M er a cs b , u o t 11 uo "sly a il .ao ar hilosophical t arch o and that too. ln a an or unbeatpn .- melt. Eves; and They See Not. Act . :, ye sloullterlng world and behold •our. eel. re and yon r In the prlooll 1101.00 of dis it.e. iroof fn. sradt• to the betake yortr se.fvf , o ...ant -think sod lie.. The wort. ut psis ands4lB talc untimely graves. Mask, ea., f , Or sl. friends isle throngh mlOllO, on. every t rove ein en is death blow to 100 ph, .1. 0. yst. ht. e over met 01.1 104111 4 - u.l .1, w 1.01,1 ro. anything but effec•• There arc acosiflog nea•ta. ...fowl. It was 11114 g •) s r e.s I ...11,11 floe of instruments whkit In ./1 Isinea srhun destrov the system. I 111.: o ,•. y consists of Lb., Malin. I Prflhafa . s.sa pass Into the •ysteria by abnoroawa LUe yes, Lars hca.p. ost. and will be ... I Y7 l"'le ; ,ndn a n us l lho tenet-. I.n rceel~l of the • CERTIFICATES OF CURES. AST.IIIIA, Zr \Tr, 'a lrever. resl.llng . t No.ll' Allen Otrott, 1 6, •‘ • .• Ma's • ler*: ••l asve been troubled tut •.1. :atarrb, ci ours 'Lua . 1 aut . trred .ta 1.111. pala lOU dizziness to niyhead, es° for eigna years eouist uot &Mew: to %us tsousetn.ld nut rs. and I.3.ld.pwlred a over be i..oVl,lllll y learn mg of Mrs. M. U. . gel.Sirlapliye,Sl IllaroVery. I oUlatue.l It. hr. .1, 11, I L it ret, i•urn •10.1 deLeruttned h.L.p • nes a/ it o.ll.lnys ill tuy =MIZE ;' r'g"' - MRS. CiEURG II V 4 L' Old 'S PI s cERTIFWAT.S , vi .11.11./, atAdd. Tibi• le tot e. tiil that I Ita,e suffered for too Te.lll. e•..... r nwts. ell-taro, and a eoupllcettom al ~... ... aor .• pa, )t , •. , 1 have .sen d'estleed. 00,A a° •.0 3)1 n lett. - et. enneueted bed I s.c.aine, Lit, i .. ns stable to do my household •lolles I Irr at ne ..). con. that it scanted IMpo.al• th.. ou IL et. p ....nu For mitnetlms my eyes were vcre ...man d1e.e...1, cod sty hearleg dull. llysslL and friend. conal leradels to ConthroptlOn. 111 tbal rate I weal to Old.. 14. te. growls and obtained the I lie ...id). meal 1) me.. ve-7. I bate Used abe boo et Ll.ltolt. u. W. ,engeene can tell the benefit re ..-.• etl trout 11. el rel e. hove Lamont* clear and rd,. SI • 1 1 l pep.ls I. enurel, non , 1 me tom .1 .I . aro W - 01,.. anti feel altogether *mod laston. o 1 11 .J... 0 le. sathing dash. ILIUM as 1 Wall eo irel gretenn to litot . be beer ti I lima)) received. I recommend Ire. lf IL. . 401011 andee mode WI treetutent to e ll v OllO sal , Ler MI I boy. d bee ATARIZtf OL'E ED.— JGROIIY 002,- t.O et, vf OLD CA 111113011, MASS. This Is to . - erti I - ) that I ha , . been troubled IVltti bad oalarril f r last 11,• year. Tuts winter 11 • ILL onno .lts tr.oi °lemma. I Was obliged to A. 510.. 0.131( 1:1311.15, 3,11....t.1,cf no, ...tamed alas. M. U. Brown , 11. 111, n,ery soma weeks bank, used it t. IL• Ly. sod In) eaten it Deg. to give waw a Lonalder a oared yelled ootss entlrel, dr ilve red Slum the terribledletWae el Ilv on rr ha+i also [ been diseased IS her o•ad aud ern) Imre childhood, so touch So that the iaddo thooltd •Lo. u.d. live. la the amoral the v, .411 ban rerv, , ol equal beaellt •Ita - . cond.. ty recutoisend the aletaphystnal inuo.aorY• Miss E. LOCAN S. osarrne• T.& I. ru Iddegn, do hereby . tee .ley thal.l Uses WO te•r re cogs , . for ,ax ycara;orougl cough opal raise I to: t Urea ILO. , ata time; tut,. auwal c oat Ito down I aL nl5 hi: Coln' u goy leash °old oxhaugt 1,4,31 h ating olcolviu•sod duc toeing adt tbe tlu., but Wee g wjealtstowl,Z4g4teit.i: n'"" I'll.T.c'urer;'.Sdhav"4:..ano:l It 0.0 tee. h. Itud ta •ce •rly gone, 1 hare got rid he a t tut ea tit 111,ellti;t1 ca fo a r ttor ta c t: . a g losg g"l'',4'.V...;:ulnunlen'.:.'thout teens( acky_tallgue. rl:3 IL.aaac I. a•t. !eating WV STSMIIII. Ng. it ltr,rt, Ilsas. A BEILIErABLB CORA. read ~/ tax horst taps of Caroni/. Sort Eyes at 1•;,..1,-ji. years err...urine eo aura bp mg ..V aropaysteat Otazerg. I, Eliza ft. Jeffries, do .corttry that L hays nets erlng floe t00..17-11re years with diseased eyes, aen mea.les when Antall& 1 e aono deeeribe Loa 001010 of all in, ounerloors, bu will stat• that 1-,'Lr'orkePtV ter all g e l Inltf ma r tter Mum twat ey ea arid We in enutaatty druppllaa on my .sre.s. •Il Charger-tors Loppit.4 to 1.1,04 tut .0.10 , • mo teller, sail impairedz uf.tind. leg a until ...aro tug or tue treudertut.waresjsole 01 airs. az. 0. brawn. erbettbope•nterstUni breast. orn I to see tser, anti %trona/It bone with as the ill ta •t acoveTY • l need It abeirdistute al a:atm, and now MOO solemnly sue thankfully do• clan.. that...rouge the blueldg or titel easst.tne ussz ot 111, IL 0. Brown . .. Medoclnee tarn ffered wo man. Es..l2A. JrzlilrastEn• Ileuntallarg. Pa. 1 , 1 r xrn . CASES OP DEAF:MSS AXII AROUND PitILADELPIEJA, , Noises 111 1110 Head, Snotilng Or On Zara, BOA :reels situ Sore . 1 bro .1 cured by sirs. 11. 4.J. tto Arra street, NittapbaStCal Physician, rreresartir on the rye. Lan. hrost and Beady. Tu. fodow.ug p • nult. nave been eared Of tin abov• rues. througu the WM of my aleurplaysto cal Lff aeozary *llea nehroos 'Watson. Bt. Patti aired, Franktord. cured of orafne. 8 Mad Mile. la the_ bead, eau new utar the etilldren ealltff lb .ITh.tales 10 theLboxt L"' ‘ ', !Ta . asio Eloweehl. r, 130 North front street, • lad of .1.. ' blears, was very 61.11: Net I.W WC. the notes Os llrmtly on t 46 Vans.. Could ant hear ssuun i ntlyre• ills IstlYkl slalom is henellted, as De vv. an InTAIld. Peter Kt 115..6:2 booth Second street, was quite deaf 'u tae tar, and p_sztlally vi2 . l* sae other. has, 'f',1:,',711.,%°:,13.;:,'f,1ruL:,•%; t0.7...hg,,:tt, :;Ll';','L'3 o ~',..1.,°::gt,"::,',:.., : g1 1 Va11...vi1.dr h':t'i'r4cfU'lliiii.i.'nilit.:oolt433:l:Allii:phi\ :41.1.1"tlill:In4Licallariltri.al.'"4 A emi or ' Captain David Wale. 111 Villartegteln, Pets,re, ass bee, eared of death's% aad Mulles at tie r ' . a 3.1" nelesta standar K. Vpirla MTV. MINIM r.on y ott Jaratcut retaa.dira, coaldand asl nen. , lit. iDacaeed %dr ,lillsohystesi Illsooterl. wide* hum,nately 0,11,11 41m. . • • C E R,• %1./Vol./I' Tb u I . II7I I CR I A ell' lb f1 . T H 1D.,, °14 1. 2181' catravo, PUIL,LIgI.IIII4. from lePanes received la nay right en lash* boy, • Chrutlie inflammation bat Deem litiatioed, lo to oseque ace of which l twisted mrtycdoudldtierir Imoneot of my walilse life was embittered, sad I was atqatally W.W.11 to sleep et night. &earls ir ot rco,olles lots bet % resorted tow - daunt Seems, and I entertained the purpose, to *last resort. Pt , flaying she boll salted oat of the socket: to We il' Pe of thus (ladled relief. In thesedatalste.Wsel plal , Idesttell), 1 as Dial day law those .wlealow* bosti•of ltooaltitilawo'd ItTilltdells. lleaddel , .41Ard;i:Itt(titTirrattlleltg==t 4 s t ein t roV4 days th e dalnall irritation wu removed; I ood'it bear th strengestalght, hit . e*** It stele to the eeleymebtot • *esl saweep* ball% of I lawns la the house, Sad If myeysseewarisel l. disposed to stool saw I girtlt e aose,•ded there,* an cad to •I.l.l,Woultirt ^ bit Willard% it, 101 - ,ya11 . , Zi ' l a l ' ry e lt . final tt ns.slrees==',l lillts4 4 • I=2l.T.',lgisnr.ltrEja"4:tal' *al".llo."al•,~tjp.6llor, I tiB7l°.l.74'l4:,AVlV',; , : b olf2"4X'AggLut ......., 1 canna% bat cosilsweilititntfit.l.c—r. most cordially SO lb/Waved W ew yiu - % sell. . r. , ...„- kite s v,, Itesidobee4,ti%elettit.'P—.,iet. ,-ii,-,na1...0.404-:--- _,- • ,•,.:,-,. ,!:-..,- • ~_ 4.11,D. '•,' • , se•-• , - roloßiot mlE Y 6 The Ce lebrated ~ . —. 7 ~ . ..,-, .....- 7-' - 1-4•1.! ,„ . ~.,... .....;,...., • •-, - - water s por MF ... r. f , "" -%.• i 7,:.'t' . "' • t . " ~......,t..-s i 00 . - ' seciasil.AWep,,,...j.,-'!,:7,^?`- -----...,,,-,1 • AO ..., ,a - % r 1.4.,- -• • ''," " •-f* ,,, , C . , , i., ~i 4•;",t. —,-'1,Y'..,„4-_-..." .. elattesdieliAr - WiAto i XV itr lariss . leng . ~,,im sk i , fro4"fllionaniuk. ogres ' ?" 11 ates Of hex arriell , Wili lasittoa. NI MIMS RES WANTED, TO ACT AS SALESMEN, glthr- ---sznpatflortemporarlly, wt . twe cotn war • .e antodan.OUSlZeialre.lall.o63. p. • , gg tininfitreet. ritt.bo2 - ys. Pa. Is,l l, 'WANTED. It) Gotitl Sitind APPIy at the 'Matt tnileeOf Pittsburgh, Mleshe ay and Manchester Hallway. seMakM H'' -a Aol.lgl7,l3upt._ WAkElw---AGgrsAll7-Mlorikiti YEAtt—Ereryylaere to introsinee „ GllAW titdiatK'S YAW LY SEINING 11A of P., improy ed and periormed , It *llk heat. felt, stitch, quill, hind, braid and eurbrolder beatitito ly.• l Price only SAO. Malting the ..1.11/1110• WIC and (Mir SAO. fortlee years, end Is licensed. Circ pay the einem wastes or • commission, from which pla y that amount ears be made. Addre" or call on It. 11. LUNG, No. Itei Grant street , eltisboreh, Pe. t adeertisement of the Ylet.lo Leon end te Vi Selehig bischltes, Inamsther .101111 t. se ll 61".J42L eed ANTED-AtiErtTs—sio to sizoo I`Eit MONTH for Gentlemen. and 1.13 to rtri far Ladles, every-019i te• tntrodoce the Common 7:1 ' 4 F. 4frZrl'lVinTrell'iligt'., Igum,ll,o;m.r.r. titegravgrgwofrgit . .wz.mtvrt; toree years. We pay, t•c. abase wage., or • coca- r:lgt.rn,ASrom which twice •that o sat% e t ILIZ Unice ko• etipenie./°Ylali?tielphin:ra: Ail It tiers answered pr,Orlipt ye With circulars awl Loss of Hair, PLIIIIIBING, (}A$ --FITTING BAILIFF, BROWN PLUMBERS,GAS - 86 SI EtiM PIPE FITTERS No. 55 Federal St., hllegbeny, 672 Peuu_Streel, rittsburgh bgttTER Alili lign FIXIQRES constantly on Houses Steed up with Oari, Water or Steam Celia at short notice. Ott Refineries fitted up at short notice and in tbe most approved stile. Agitators, Tim ka.. Ac,. lined with Rime. Lead hi new probes). with Hydro-„ al t to riliiii rine. ! We keep coshwantly or nand s urge up PIS e t M i (l7l. liTiMN'ilit!t, `,1:;-..,A-'1':,."i,',?1M,'!::44 110-P. and in tact ail material limn by a thst-vlass establishment. We «mild thcite the attention of all who have any work to it in dorline of business, as we 6,1 cowl dent we can give the hem of satisfaction a. regariis mitterisl, wortinitufhlii •oii Primi• ittii NOTICE. PriVale Families anti lintels HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES At shortest notice:and heat terms, calling on NOR. 211 laud 219 Birgit Street, W ELDON &- PI,UI‘.II3ERS , Gas and Steam Fitters, A I :rga olsortazent Or Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, iSzc., 1311 Can be faro:abed adtb best quality of JOHN MAFFET, 17 . 7'S B A, PA KELLY, AND BRASS FiMINERS. AL WAYS ON . HAN?) 164 Wood Street, near Sixth. mylt: r -- pLumu_NG. GAS AND STEDIFITTING,I, 1: 5-0. rants, Iron rumps, LIL 4) piPaga ics, BAy LYS WATER CLOSETS AND wiisn sTA.NOS TOM T. EWENS, (Snetesaor to rwens t.. C 0.,) a DAS 165 v Wood rttsburgis, Pa ADDVARLIANS & BS 3p.7....crneciamsra.si. GAS AND STEAK 'FITTERS, for. Siiih and,gmithfield Ms" • PITTSI3 VAG H. rd.. Cor. Beaver and Chestnut Streets, MA NC FIESTr4 R. All kinds of W.., G. 11141 ReS Ream Flxtur ctili st.tly on hand. lekirkh WILLIAMS &.11IRTLEY ttu.l • surrlor szilcle of W 001) PIET MOPS, - All kinds of Iron Pumps Hydrants, Sheet Lead. Sheet M Zinc. Lead Pipe, Huth Tune„Olulm, Water Closets. Womb Basle., Wash Stands, Ae.. at ttmlr Wareroom, Corner Siaihand S m i t hfi e l d Streets, g gt All Studs of ltepalrlng dole promptly. All orders by mall ImmadlAlely attended to. ,leStor2 • u.. 11011 2 ,1 HERLEITY & JOIUSON, Plumbers, Gas and. Ste a m Fitters, FIFTH EITILIZET-KSTENSION PEA. ill enters by msil exettlteoresilsfattorily and promptly.atterted to. A. fu II line of Both Tab..„rumps. Basins IV r Closets, Slots, Cosodri, reasonable 'sag Wyse 13lisdes, for sale st tho.most reasonable prices. ictiirdcrir to. s frooscouncrr patrons by mall promptly at kloos hose et lasers disesiptloa. LUMBING, GAS:AND STEANI P - Firrise, ld MA. 1T1011qaiellEs• c' - '" ) YVV:V ° I2 7 II iIISZTAZ:Z T. IP . '" " GAS FIXTURES;SINKS;SATH TUBS MOWER BATT'S. - • -- WATBILLTOSILTS. IiTDBANT Constantly on Band T.8...r3E1 461:3 1151.11U:VXMor-Liei. • No. 69,eders"Btien;Ailiibeiti - ,slIS • .....'247.l.lberty•lStreet; Mhtle-Awdll •' . ISIERCHANT:MULOILS. ii—EntwiterAEGlLlEsiE - . VEL71011,311"..2 . 4 1 4 4214 .... ,, .. oaithwest co m t.r. Of Pella !Ot it*: . . 6l*lr • . ,Domreo to return tlisaltiialits eaditual the rib.,„ 'lle tot the sariest Worse ead-reseettltalt seue. Its shwa eta statate•DewoOliget4 lle Weald be • • "Pleased to bete :etaatatelac,lt.P. • . labcids, • L:L r;Aroestsolertrodoproo to. , 1120111ESS ~11:1111:51WAIMANU ALAiGOODIL ,- --' , -'' N ° illEimweryfort -.lal 'ge!PPrid ''.! , T 14,--,!..*".3..V4A36VA1 PeAVV. ;,,, , •., , ..,, ' V:; 4' ' 'T '' 'r ei '3:: (-) . 01. 1 0 4 :i .. AT 103 1 01trilAIXEr:P-0 1, 04; - ::: , -41 : , --, 1 ,- -;::::•---r - cr 4;:iii;.r•i• -'''..;.. ,' ' ,-..-- :--,,,,,, ~,,,,,,., ..,,,, r. - '-_ -- ----, ,I. tozraims — wria,!:,ml),-Esz- VOIR fi - Wkk e rarkity o v v ios , W=.7o.lLdteigi I cc=