.4.,11; Gs. BY CI El NEW FALL GOODS. Amallversary.-The colored people of tit - .t ~,' ',.'„ '. ". 1 .. "`I , MACaltnn pct GAILT-MTLA - City arta adjoining locw:lttett. hold aat and an- if . ',..l'' ..,. ;, , t 1 - nit;:erttary meeting 10-lay, nt the lite) l'lty , r , ' , ,',. n , ' . "..' ',' ' re '':,, ',. 19 Fi ft h Street, Park . They Celebrate the day in honor of the. ." ;, • •' ' • ''.". ' •'''n • Drat emancipation proclamation, leaned by •••` . R .,. 1 „„ opened u ,..l,,,,,,aiess.aspinacid ste,,i,erl the lamented ‘noln ,k mon a tine drt,. guothed gentlemen n lin will be pre3ent to the DRESS AND CLOARTRIIIIIIIIGIS, yestiral to-day, we t•otlee the eaten of Nit.. RICH Be'SSE r A TRLIIMING RIBBONS, Fred. Douglas. No men in the country'te ERBRUIDERIESef orrery deft-Option, __, more popular than Mr. 1hwg1.1 , .. 01.1 hi+ no:1- ElOO AND EL/LAI/O.T LACE 4.roODS. derful powers of of atory n: , • :,. ‘-..•e, REAL LACES or all %lads ; Shp nation at large, He will i. , , , , , REAL LACE TILIIKEDISOcriis, ' Park thin morning. and to-nlght w!'l 1.. - ~ ~ IIITATION LAC/S-a aplendtd lint,, In Masonic Hall. E re. y arrangement a.: AINSoOK. BWDIS, 7 AC- -NET hitieLlN. 1 to m . ad d e th tn e a k tf ... . , rti tiv.i enj t o c Luxt y n , t a t n o a al e wh o ~.,,i ; l i a ,i v ., a t `.,.,. IN EN LAWN & CAMBRIC. IRISH LINEN. GLAIVE/5- all nee: and attractive steles; RoSIERY-a complete assertmast• , large number of visitors will reward the un• LLIIIES . &HILISEEMS . MERIN O VESTS and tiring exertions of the Committee hav In g Clot Dif-sWERIS, , 'antler In ehnrgo. irAx cif zerbtra. ARTICLES- Splendid •Wie• m's season: I A !beautiful Honumenl.-In the Mon.- WEILL! N AND AMERICAN ZEFFITRS, BRETLAND WOOL, Cemetery, Mrs. lion e, st tie of SO THE I,IENIIINF CASHMERE TARNS -all colors E .b . el '..C it y T HE IS et( I H.Te Cl aver liar, 1. B. /Do., h.. erected a monument over FANCY /...iITaCt.ES AND NOTIONS. remains of her linshatid,killed at .kppoteat t •1 Court House. The steno in a entwtte eht,ft, Remnants and Dralers will nest It to tbelr ad•an- , surmounted b) the AMU . Iran eagle wall ei. 3330 recall arid runic ear pre.. extensile pandist wings, resting 1111 rued la: el v 11,,,, a liscans before perensaleg elsewhere. Al l our goods • ma I eon me equaro and cotnpdat. In relief, On N.S., ~,,haygp. Aimee nn the ono onus, we are ill . . k ..., 0 . pri ,,,,, „,.,,,,,, ,„. the fa. of the won n men I, is 3 flag and en ttt d verse. d no d . ern Jobbing Deese. CI - 01130d, and beneath Is the 110w:101On. It Is I well known that Major Home Was Isllled by the MACRUM & CARLISLE, . last shot fired burn ten the acme:. of L., nt.tl A Meade, at Appomattox t.ourt 110030. All , . e. : ton, It 13 a beautiful eye!, I teslef elle sut rot, , t 19 711 - 11-1 STREET. ,ed by on eVelgteell benlge, approached by tL 1 tight of stone slept, umu to wlrcudy at u.ettng se considerable all en t to n ---, NEW CLOAKS, u.L.crits, arras FINE TRIMMINGS. BATES & BELL WILL OI'EN Thursday, 20th instant, 416.1.7 ELEGANT STOCK com- PATTERN MANTLES. _ _ NIE . W CI 00D MACRUIt, OLYDE & CO., nOt ll'holesale and Retail Dealers , otnr, r N.,8. "tti and 110 Market Kt., r,Pved an 4.1.1•1,5iTe AT el l ST AU VELII ES of all bc.a.on la A.. Au with white cart, \T. N' FITTLE FIE L 1 1117t1g.1.1., Belllnc. Fa b n. u .b k Cambs. new And pre , tv nes. 1:1•Lons. linntrrchltfa—embroliCl . C . : p $ tn or hern- .I Ullrp 'kb:MTN or lOU mai", In t la he ra and rreryt ill, von may lor I.OSIERT, ADD L., 1.4A11111C. 1 P. etc., eto mien FN IEn. InIIIN(4 ulr U Pr I KTP. el whl. 1.. r keep only 1.1.e1,...t. and .111 ern Inalsfact Inn T',OklitntllltTn AND URA WY.ItS, In BM.tea N.rinn , 46.tlnnn nr t ooi, nailln or col.n.d. LINEN COLLARS: POCK 11.T.-11o0K5, .1.1 . ER!"1(.4.NT , are esp. r.1:11 Int tt 1 , 1 to tt? tilt .wa~u ' aa . 1 : . ;o::;4 ' ..1:;:l . rt it)' or on: tro.4s. Our Am.ortment Cannot be Stiltpaaar.d. F ALL FASHIONS. J. W. BRADLEVS Icr 1,1-ALE' r r C (OR DOITILE SPILISG) SEIR S! Vl'l hot FITS D nr BREAK !Ilt• the ,!eFin t-rele=•. %•ut .1.1 ZVE.II BETA tN the, PFD. , Fr t ,q. ISt 4 I'TI t'UL `AT A PE, where three , Int , n d , na- Ipklrti ere VAST A,IL , e. a. . e:i.- • 1,. e ...BIN LC CrdniOrt. dnr..l3l.lty and e nnhenn3, ^ , th that ELFMA scr. or SIIAPF. . filch Itaa en.t.le th• ••our,..rx r..mrflC" the STANDARD SKIRT OF THE FASHIONABLE WORLD, A I Wholesale by a't the leading Jobbery le I h.. et t y For tale by all matters lathe ten first-etas. bal."! WEST S, BRIDLEI & IRI, ba LE OW I•taSOii . fi,P A t : T r liAt. j 4. EXCLC WFnt k74liE-1.1t,' NEW GOODS JEST RECEITED mrsr 'JOS. HORNE SD CO. I= 1L I O..X.VETII 4JIII MATS, All the leading Tali lit9l^. z-3 , 413.c,c,cies. Ceanda.d Teamed, Parts nanny and Colored /OM 'narrate In moat dealrabla Omega; Plain Penny Bon- Tramming Ribbons. near Sod Tied color.; award eldateest French and American: r0mb.... , la ny bat and thlnta• Nil Ma R R. 0 2 T:1 Et R. INIES. =1 Cambria. Hamburg, awl., Loons, cupr, vnlem- AVINATAMUIWA 'I LA rt iItrIne: . g ! Los, Cults. ee., Laxe. Lod 1..50e Goads znd Cioal Trim:sag. nod Ornaments: Gasps and BrialAc Uma Trlaus , nes, Aimee Frames. WHITE GOODS: Aisloe. emnplete stook of Jaeonete, Cambric., aa, Jiandkerehleta, Plda Lace, Rem-seltered. hem med, IMlnoldmd, Tape Bordered, eto, etc. e21.17111=5 ty and alser • tirtakehErl9 600 did: Besprodscs and Neck-Ties; Beery_ @dos .04 Ex= ; fialr i ge Ve- Ton enA WA t i :ITIN:It t ' err. ' Patterns—the latest novelties, all @oda. Yeenr-Weatest re !rte. cashmere. Lamp. Wool sad Erltting In the verlonsataxteres, plain colors sod arndoet. S *, linW% Paper Collar., end e'vert Wog In the Na- tie. lakes as teat as Eastern lobbing Houses. ' Roe. TY and 19 Market Street. suit I. • • FALL GOODS, • x:•EiN*I.SoN'SI, O. 27 FIFTH STREET. 11118TDENEO,In now and demist. Potterer, ,i Di 01V1D411 I ngrzitrogav - ITCHED do A ON a...IDEAL LACE do El .~O~IctN LACE. PEAL THREAD LACE PA S .IN do do IMITATION do do RE Lori, do uuirmuc do • Dag C 1 5 9. In A vorloyp i r ow. ; litj, AM HEAD D MA: ,L y A4,. . Is CE.TION H ILE a MN. 7 ; dj t kAdatFIFI__TL . AEI? I.OL • a n ., : , : . RIEDONE. ILOWLIDA . I= NOTIONS, &c. I= 7.111:MCP410/1 11 C 04/41/31 sololl7l rAvene. now xe. 6 JP/ tetriaszwr 1114=1:".1riia' sue ' ALAPAMI. sap: CITY .AND SUBURBAN. I EARLY TELEGRAMS. S. 1 Ntol UDDITIOILL LOOAL NEWS ON MST PAGE.) The warner et Capt. MI t ti r"" I;euerAl Rherldwo—Flo;rd:eUr::: European Cirrus —TIto ett,t I !Pipet papeant o; !los etildlAkiu eat, Wl!.ch fr Performing . to el 0 0,-0 h .1. t• gt • tty t it), wit ',rot tittly lake ptitcp II!, tt And pus, through the It: Itooppl stitto 1.• f Pit (phut gh. It wag po,ttipieti on tP on net ount of the ruin, ant ltn: et Oat , to Ills tirotriled stateall theprinetpo hOrotp2hiat tot But, It 1, ill tic 0111.• Ind Pith its Ir.:Pigeons array of • n II- In ,•- mor, li iter.g eat rtpop.s —1! • pernp..! /! . .11 I pat! nte, 0.1 the toe I.ton 1. It bp ppleinittl •:ght. on!! noto• C .,, •• ' Shaft it. 'rite Limo, LotopPitY Pr.!. 11100 ; noel 7 p. to., endet% tile utlyri,inll.l :hone variant on the giOun 1 s! ill oPinJ n the Lest seals. A isittl Atel•lrgi..—Yebttoolity n vet, Moo, Ittantol I. (n..•••., tell Ito!. tht• ttgDo hoo:r.g tlth Fort Pitt Ilt•logottlo, in pr. .shorn(ce tne,e,rne Fttlit tot I •tt, h held stteet, Tnn n hao•I• 1111.1 1:1515 ttnf ner net t‘ net ?Ito lotto, toot n:ulll t hi n:cir , 1.1 3k111;. WM• bill ett to top "fit, t Mot otok, who .11 , 1 •II In to• itott or ton:lttt the eulTertogn of the I,jortt , l mon, Ili• t. . .• terwar•lMCd to hot rosi.o 71,, I.xtrto Stott:111cl.! •Ir.o Hr. hd.r:l:3' tecovcr clout hie ithoching I: Jo: let =I tc-dac, nt Mei.ll..rdt,C. rot c. A tv ,, ty tie expected. A:: nrt• 111,16.0 !...•'. • TaC nt renttenter.ts 1/10•1 Cf ple and I.,VeryiAli , l4 % . 11 I•a• I ..i•rtl.tA I • J.,11.14,1,1 u rn.ly nt , ce.. 'I 0..• ' Itto curl. Itro prcvertnn: rec th e t • /hails o! tent k. 11.1 got•tni tot • 1..". t. pervlrdt.e. The teen of ntu4n• edl .0 on Into .4 so tent i), 111. , 1. 0 ..,:tt I Le :ecer It-ert te •.•! tent dodter ectli acnced I. At [MO., In tack.—.an Irt.`•tettn enno n N . lull 0 no 1.1• .eett a. . eco 114: I! (,t a 1 • tt , ra itntliw •,! • • 1. , 1•1 a 1 , l• t‘lno of (..raltt • to , . ....W.., left Another SS Uetllng• - - 1 great ‘." ti y•- , ter !it v Tlte onuty New, publ!she , l IlArlett, cnollitut thhoah! , ''hi 1:•r •t: nulw xrio tnnn.t! er+ .pl l'i; n niotrA th , tt.l4 - I•lttua, ec3. A Kapp Ittnry tiers, thee• , :a.., P t•-• ire, AVOIIIIV, ',ln.! hale, eon , .• I un .I• , olyd , ennt , ly lir too:: the P.:th, r watt in, mi. , l earn In: it. 14.1-ertociii..—At lin curly hour morn 1 Wi . i•y c! ei , r. xciorolt. Iron, 11. 0 0 Ilri•000n. u . • 11!.• .I,:cgiti. ..1 %1c .Iccply lc:: the ~Cisoi t c rstsscoud Ward Ito, st Its Ltltto--Th., 1l'I:41.1s /1,•:! far U 111 thOM In Craw ford rowed, intr 1 ..e • annuu: u sII h.. 11:11:1 Weklue,:a :,r1:1 Fs: Iv. L: Lev week. Att Ont o market , ay wore W trot a A ngle ar the market Plar, AS .••• and were out In the pro. ee..ooe Pocket% Pceke.l —We I ric..l of •11 tout ; tm.kft .lurlng the I ell eet. Pipretal C.aactlogs nil Syrup h., \C lit of th. S, n. rt EDUCATIONAL LiUitA lOLNG LADIES' 1N51111.16. 1:222 ,2 1,211T 2.0,2 tare" •11: - IA I fry U 222 r u cut Ibr ,•t 2+22 1 rat:, • I+l.]:.:•let +/ Lc .2,2,, 122, 222 mu, / b. pdri, •n•I •caZI, /A- , c 12, lAA++, lot +2 al. .occoraw,Ki.svv. A NEW BUILDING lo bdped t,at here al(.: c..n p 7he l• , t,p 1.11111( v. It k I ,n•I CI • co. " 1 . 11 " r ar• .re•-e,l,‘ d I", r :44 he r fu,nll7 co,..•ts ' m u d male to actlrre. , ye our In,111..• tor, /Et .it • ser.rni d. p.otment.. 'rlic rally grad•A f t , • ~.• • • department, through the entire rt.....rt• of A , .' "• • V., ' leal and Cia.ostcal throng tor partkularo and Catalogues, address IIII11" PAY.. • I. H. WHITE. r e V 2.1 West Fourth Street, C/XC/X.r.4 T I. PENN INSTITUTE, FOR YOUNG LADIES, Under the Mfauaccm•nt of AIX:LEI. M. ix. 1162 - '2 - 311 FILE!, Assisted try a eamprlcal avrp• of votary,. No. 3 Hancock Street The FALL EMlill/N commence -Sin:\ DAY September 3d. Vor Clreolott, Pc., •ppl7 ;gErEDWIIII ADAMS DRAMATIC A.e.SO6IATION. — At the ,orpattle,lou lb. above A...elation held 41 , ear 11.11 gat.nr day eveolng. rept...tabor 11111. le,. re] t.tg - oar* wee. elected ter the ensuing term Geneldant. J. A. LAVIS, Vice TresWent, Vt. 11. II AIIILTOS. ,teretare, Vr AL T. Gib r, Treasurer, J. It. AT V.A V All. Stage smartALs A. v. RAT. .adies• nd , •ent deatrous nf lI.CII , 1 Ito - .1•44 with the shove Aatoe•atlon adolree6 W. 7. ul riegratary. Allegheny Otty. 175313 garPROF. BROOKN' FASl7lO,i,k BLit LiANCISta At:ADP:3Ir. IIA• If A 1.1. 73 Trflllo ErTitkivr, I.ltteintrFh. 14 nnn no«. en.l ersalng. Jnvenloe Wc.nraday + and batnr day, at a P. 41.• Letattes• Ulnas, and Frith, at PIP. Y.: Genllctnell's Chas. Tur.olo.) •nd at 1.4 P. Y. All the fashionable Watts., Qoadrllle• and Co 'c a l l will b. taapbt on moderate tains, call at tits Music Storns fur ctn . ...tiara .00talnIng tant” Az. .ixo VrFOIL suziurr. J. .. ~ITOLF, Of Ifel•eeport, will he a candidra• .in Ibi Work In(linctsll Vele{ of aneg bell/ count f. aw4;)1.241-f sS. 81111,11. Broker in Stocks, NONDS AND REAL ESTATE. 67 IIVERTEI EM MET, (Dorice•• Building,) boy. .d ffils on Coma:lA.7n BANK, ILAILalpp, Mgt:RANCE, PiTBOLVLIM ITOCHS, and OuTICRNIdENT, stranctrAL, RAILROAD A 2.. DOTII KR BONDS Orders ezeante4l by Weir:nob at tL. N ILW TURA and ITLLAI/ELPHIA STOCK. BOARDS at the rate. of comsol.stan aem•et In those cl ties - prrrsttunau AND OAKLAND 68106.1411013565. JOHN B. A. arum:omm. (5.ce , ...r. to John, Murdoch, Jr.,) NURSERYMEN AND IMORISIS, Plll.3b.rgh, Vir 31,14,31V1VV.4%,"AV.V „ Vi , 5a , ORATE VINES AND OREENNOUrE PLAN r). rlrWriVraliengt"lkinnitnire.lrPr 810,000,MwEsr.-0100 00 BONDS AND MORTOACESt toitoolietroiroo o to or motn wow oo Eoal litaiminausiltivr. nit on*, two or nuns jaw. 'Up,. rant aftaat• 104 5 , ,,• bine 11,1 S Att. - 1)1 •.1 1 L t lt 4 ci t “11.1 e 1:y 1110 Me,' al. •• / r r • peet a t n 0 MEE Urtret-rt.,l t,y Intlints,. aa:ka re1.1:411, 4 44144 . ,41111 • to a EZ:slt. A:441441;4p. ; • reparitt, :.44 44:44,41114. ....pit =II MEE A")LO I) :-; 1 13 ta<..ti•.', 800 T 6 • / -,-;. J. 1. i ijitii \u $1?.:1.75: 1; iLliliPi.,:.; ‘. A.) ':i Boo!, a::'1 11E'l lEEE And x. 14 . " N al l •" \IkII i BOOTt9 D ILO ES 92 FEDERAL ST. 9 2FEOERAL ST. P.! hires Marked Down. CIA A gn..l I. , "•• I S tfCCE../1 ". .; TO(' 92 Federal St., Allegheny. ten L , LAIL(.IE AN!) rliCsll ur f lit Pit A NS' COURT SALE..-113 y •,....,,,, ortior of [lot Orphans' Ce t utt oi St:31)1":a BOOTS, MIOES, ( tin BS :,,",:,:';..",,'.:',`'11", , L,',,.. ' ,,' , c,i.!,' : 1":„"; : °':: ;;;;;". 7 1 1 .'„'„`,°,,r, , L: 0, .: ~„:. It in the CIS, of Pittsburgh, , ori f A I Itltl/ AV, (It I oh, ett., Ob. at II o'cloc. i ... b.. ol %al.! deT. al , the ithuminott• Ittoo• Coal thr thri. xed tifecril•ol !cart of land, to. J net r... rt r ed. and • Il he er , ,•! et th• it ft 11l I.'l IV. . f E ''t,',, r .. `,',' ll t ~.l ~, , • ,,;,, , , ; , , ..:::,.p,zir , ,, 2 .;, ; .1w ling for ENT i•1t1t'F.5..., 1, .., V. t,....:. oxla "I . P,12:.. I bt for plat. , f...•nia. k... .41.1 land. being stiothr4l. Scott town t., v • l • A t ..l.t. Ithlt •,, , I , t , . ``' ''.. . t I '". ' .Jilt. nett' the sin,. of the , t.ertier•l'alley Kallroad, r. , ).1 4.. A..... - 11. Roll' , 1 ruln 11, Alleghtuy C•unty Home; J. H. & W. C. BO It!, AN I), PO.C.:tt Ito. 1.. i, from Robert L•e's kllll, and , ~, .th.l o , W... Frvar Itthl•lftnawban, CoWm. It. lt:t... tit. 31arael fther!, 7.1 .1... tr iow Hf.l. ltt. I,„ ~ v . ., . n„,... 21 L E ,. n oir .. End J. W. cook. 11,10 FOR IN lENT.s FINE CALF it,o,f , , ...11111,. a„,, rr, • f ••r ',the , thr•holf rash, ou relefittnallon ..t ..,. fn I .. t... 0 • I.rn en 1 df Ilfrry of deed lo tbe 1.1. ~, oer. end thr I, 111 • 11nIng lona half one ynaz • RC' , ' , AI I , It•l'• tor. J.. ... en ~.! hy t...n4 and Mortgage on the FOR LAME:SI -PINK It tl. o• •11, I. 1., i ;11 J/1151 • IJ/ I r... or. thr unpaid nal *lice utllll ( .„,,,,,, E . ~ AI 1 • 1:s ~..,,, ..r. ru, t.. r p•r. lenient enquire of . Kali -1 Irnle• lilt, WHO', anol ,1,11 . ,..1, 1' V 11...1111 00011 townehlp. fatint . r of ii 112.11..11 b1...c1. 16,0 and ,a I. .. n th.iltett.red e Norear..l y ~,,,..E ~,,,..i . Eil. LEE .... 1 ,. 1... min.....‘, lor •u Perform his Troupo or Rentattal Triek Poole•• Performance at 2 and tj P• El h• OUR AT EITRFIET PACIE.A.XT will take plans on the monot ay one o l' t IstWeourg ednes la day In AllOlOlOll UltY. aud Thursd ha . nvi VStkiblt In GreenAhr,g, Octoba. lit Bl,lrs•Ule Toesnsy ••ri ober 24i aruildi , moot., out • fir Etre t”thavr, • I tibrsday. 11111.0 b....11.b; Hollidaysburg, YrldaY, 5•34• niIIOICE NEW EEDLLNA HELL IIIIIA1•01a• Car, inatalge forawcri.fos main by qR e saws a aux. • - AMUSEMENTS MlL=mos 11A.IINEY WiI.LIA)IS VIE roN 1E S,Ut7AI3 nni• rv.. In I at.!) stare tilrl. I.[A%[• =I RITCII f NG'S ENOLI , II , : me :1 C ng on s t t ,„ a I= MESE MEM 111 11 M.A scALE: OT t.int.FA Ell ' t ' 1, 1 1 ,1 u ir^le , FM= Grand Gratuitous Exhibition THIR4 MORNING MR. CROCKETT'S UNRIVALED Alt; 13 I'S She Trained Rot. CANARY WALTER WATERMAN. Equestrian Director. ROWER' EUROPEAN CIRCUS