The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 25, 1866, Image 1

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    .., -~i
'Pew , dunw; - _* .., fk.. Co.,
Ms, at TOM 11111111111'MOM
Mrig. t iM 4
• U1'1;
indliaa delegation meet at
their l'ilidtelgitmaglibela Souse,)
this toori&tg at 414 ,
Tioaraw Jersey deli:talk* w4I papaya
tha:Balect ,ocauol Mothers, City Ball:
16411r.*Mth 4,13} o'clock a. M.
extmeTAirce of each delegation ore
wastally requested tcrattekti out arty Wad
to dterßoeretedes of the Convention soxu.
rate re with the Partake address of
itutiarptc del i:Olibera.
Z 11114 Sheriff of Bedford
empty vittiettit'te ectesplr-itiththe Sair—of
Pennaylvatte, whlchprovtees that Btu Alfa
SW Witt: habetr ittedeoletlons 6f- Moo s
gees the titatedeettnithauckving. deserters.
Tiffs Sistif - Idir State' deb:tat:tort will
motfiittoi#?atiein at the Firemen's As
thii itco4d ,story of .
Nal*, /Malta - tint Repnblicaa 010
Iteafweet , aixist, at the boar of.
Iton. John Cloohrazyil is
7Del*igloo - ha bean
tnotaLni for orpiii.
$11644"141141"*Wf CleseralNardtstti No.
1011-,4oitirgettela The 01'1 , 114
etilials .repreessOlf
Beaks, Bailer, - Dsietia, tar' gfed,"Osborit ,
" . 1 1 05111101114-"AoldfleY-Xirgain and
Allen, the well.tnown Chaplain Quint,
and othetwirib hisretaeords of .fitinorable
service ashore, with_ several lepresenta
*lves of the State who were in the ',who:L
ucy navy.
VB. DiffiutT, foinierly. a prints In the
88th 2diumsethesstti seglesent, and latterly
dirk in the Treasury Department at
Wealidettopos the gentleman with whom
the core An pinion thli city
eri feel: En is, moreorei,dtMlimanof
th;itlAntidltaiing:ths iaattaiiir the
caurentitrs.3o..-4,rim 4/11,3a. common
with all employees of the gorern
nowt, Mssifilited knee Of absence to corny
Um, and was compelled to resign his plate
Is order to attend,. and that he did. It Is
but Last "to add that" other gentlemen ate
hers to like preidhisMant
Tsai Peat gravely annininees 'that HOB.
Tigenus M. Disasnsim, G. L. Cher
ULAN,. Mid J. Mason Fos*, Esq., have
WOW Shear litigant' not , to matt. lbr
Geis J. X. Soosticmul fat Congress. This
impression sought to be tOIIIMIId is that
AO General is la bad repute' ' s ixth leading
mambas of the republics.. party. The
fact is neither of the gentlemen named live
in Gen. bloosammin`allistrict• They iii
bye in . Allegheny, and are 'Mrtstri to yeti
'for the Hen. fistalisi .Vds
moil of .41efaction. amens republicans: him
say be taken as a fair sample of 1.1.6 whole
Set, and also of .tbe recklessness wilts
saki the dm: tonsils are prosecuting the
Gist. 3#711/fra Itinsonastr, ens_ . of
Ilesillintpshlrel noblest end ablest •mee,
adanised itastmeettagof7lepnbfrans in
Allegheny, last evening.. At fully sustain
.ed reputation that preceded him, of be.
9ng one of the- men eloquent- and et
reettn popular orators in Now Eng
land. Thoroughly master of the great
issues now presented • for adludia-
Mon before the Ametican ;envie, imbued
with the free spirit of his northern moths
nalne, and grod by the manifest treachery
vt the Pmerldeat to the cardinal principles
19. 1 015.4.491f s Plodlogt_ aced the party
win:4l ; o'los yusted and elected, , Gen.
NsalwlW 'if:envie/mit his heateri by , his
teiifid44ol-chf!br4 !bfl bY th e
101111111 of refined imagination . an d elc&ii
fled *WI by Subs of bayou ivoligeat
Being lit stssradlincer ea:the Soldlors' end
1344kors' Loneentlonore trust he cu,_; be
pressed" into weld/ until after the election
41.111K.Sce4m of Use Commonwealth.
d*lr- -muffs.
Slots sash gottor ram
,W00101.19010-Of Otio_otifOO of
fan or only 'quality' and grudessuf
nowto Sound at, the "ustanalvo and popular
bas.o.of iloodoltse, ISO Wood
WOL' TINS* who irouhpusloo What' and
bu whoa tho goat Is west oomplate, and be
torWas SS 00010010 , Ib mfa °an
Istas solU sigalag. as Off usually advance From
toftityjper swat. so, the aossou. pru
40Was. tem Wei *id t$ ortabllshmsnt
i=:=oBl' 41001 of issoaW sui!! bola'
Wethkipollltrks ;surd/ wars
seboslg ars12,11•11 to eye as
MOW* dillthag losotrustarsbo *Pea of
MM. ea Um phew Wray eon no bought la
Wow Tort or
tiNttrootostat mato, oktUrtin7 sad
Ni iitour
ipmei k . . enabnet la iti stobot l is t con
Asia', 00119.1r5. xittopssam New
ma loo ! . toss urs usota** to tbe sforaimis,
to mane, Mit ill Oitivirtirgonia
gpagoit 0.11. 1 •0.4 0111 ‘
Ala sat cOotomeooo Glom of gals; WI.
11161 111 K We, 'llllo4ololllPusaammuatoo MO
alittlit: 1141.1,10p1it, 4ontistod, &to to tie
CiAltS.lo4teliii Ca,
sA gliketiotwors. NA.
ibitialt astrtogfloid4lkrAttlitt:ro 1 5 7 11. a'
libicitiduie minatiaMiraliDrageat A N
. . intemzi,ga
7 ! "!iirtllim. en
/.TM iutusba.
*Wasps Uwe.
iltigillikkiaos; •
'imaphlteeir lasse.
pp* linkloie, et, tba Wave *I %watt-Mr*
wait itia kW" tag et emertionibeur
, wirieviUsla,s rpm room. fold whalital• aad
lOLA 1 t t Y! lowa> Ilotlattsa
1114011 Kirke.
011111411 t Mow& war num straa.
oiiMat 1. - ALlalr. Salida Swim
Mil balk Wes satmassral sues far taa years,
istrut, Isaac ssr Neu as
Iar•PINOASMa. is not clay biota ad
04 allailandtiaa butsaaaa.
%ill* OW "Olt 'Waal, tadwin as
-111 . 114 k, - 161/oPgatr aaaaaml their vista.
- uselisav as exasdaatiaa Ware
samilabas Wietnatam is• aavertfaataaat
=MOP' faiMaa-448,
,kawarkasaatarak ty
irrilllMMA•Stembir 1.101.
Otegook "MgrerF.4 ll 4 l Idea tial3l On the
MOW" INV CC01114471 1 / 1 Unman
tom, doses pi *tau ot eolaers , SM
*Owl , ,o.,doskr bataimi
c u p& um!, Agent•
11111~1101110. Na. Numb ligia ate.
ibbij 'patadais elltriulonstest arbislibs
wrath. Tar %mamma I sliqttirepriateliwa
.O•I6POOSIM,A4._ 11$14a Toonsortich
10111011114 taw Aneemarbtailtsit Ilousestall
'Vla'" 3 "Wr dal -.l..maaPpr•
st se.
Cligria PrgBtan, Itarket
! " SI thl " GPIS " "7 6
- perta•l 44 • ol ,
"•`;'10 . 1. , , r_4110,011
VOLlrtit 228
arg mina
Col Floperfor
'kilt Buena at Martin's. No. GI Fourth •troet
For ILT7 9/11 0 41 1 ,
Go to Barker i Coe.. W llistitot Woof.
In Cloaks, go to !ponce% qo 71 taikat street.
*MOM Toeurtkrts litotes&
And Snit yolir Boole and Shoed at the °peril
Moose Shoe Store.
Stiouli.examitm6o4 !took A 1 bi Ft- "Pl U l a
dotruspili *Viol 'bear.' DLL 1..1. tlri se
Co.• la Statkqt sirtilt• . •
reit AilarakW
Ia Ihe Mosi-Uno, gq.lo.tho PletablustiCloak
nous*, No. 7a Morkol. stmt.
tekei AYR ; mat
You Mrs pair for what you :141:for ono Pair of
abooevoisewaoro, Um- OPerb. 1 . 1 " 20 bh"
..1141111111_ Wier
Vat goad opoataionicor CloOr.s. Bawls sad
Dregs Goods4:o4. at taw amino:KW% store of
Barka' d Car& Market maraca.
~se IfieViall
- Clothleltok, go to the rlttabough Cloak and
btaiattno Suns, 14. TS Market street.
cliassars Lowstsbesus.
Pittotlc Elisio:ail 13,000 Motor= Ira tar, and
sassoelre MEOW* sfterisoos alktwoe.clook,
so evoribisly din have seblusatolalneslissts.
*a Zeta&Iloilo! Fleet,
Until Me Opera Ltedie . Shea Pore you can
getAlte restart vales Or lota money They
salt.taets nod &new this are exactly riebt in
every zeipect.
Groat dearatalo haw bees waist - for the tua
tional colors, yat,Pittock. opposite the Post
offkee, etW oOotirtne to have sat band a largo
lac of altk, tansilnir &ad moats saga.
• Tsai ate• Gsks
AsdrsrUl eontsnue Letrsettsg Teeth without
pats bythlssara had dettehtful rousse, end
Inserting Teeth of the best stud very cheep..
Sill i Ginespie,llB Penn street.
Without a dOnht, aa large s Convention of the
masses of the people at the Opera llonee Shoe
Store to hoy op the groat bargains as grill be
found In any Other fire establishments to the
A 20010140 lit the Ope. • Queso Shoe tRAre, OD
fora trifling Nam sou will be made quite pre.
mandible ter tho CunTentton, the only pleoe
arbors you can get an honest bargaba In the
Gentlemen and Ladles,
. .
liamember this b the week devoted to the
great .Conventioe, and that your attention
should not altogether be distranted front
cerebrated Opera 11011311 Shoe State. We will
soitgoelletrte and Shoos without the leant re.
gard to °ostler value.
oar liteafers
Who went al doe article Of Table Oil will dud
seneorb article at Vlontingla Dreg Store, No.
Si Market street. We bays tried this OR, and
speak knowingly, and tl ban be bad at a rea
sonable prig°. Remember Tiallipeo . • estab
lishment whoa you want anytithiel to Thug
or rnritimaiy lino.
hemp% ma
had h
Ins, the beat family Maine In
use. 11. 'Asa betbre tbo stabile ibr lacy
Idalsould as beta succOlatally tastddiS dwell
Ittaddiar It, and has sccalvad the Aral pre.
mints at the Nay Xprlr.„Feyr Jacsey,andatsec
state and istuttlriadraoiattVit the illasiCtsaa
Institute, New York city. Sae adcartissassat
la seethe; calcutta—Zur sale,* NO. /4, 1 21 1 1,,t4
itieet. '
Ironclad Target Impereeselita
Poseases llesses, •Sentembar nt—The
board of gtigherter crams are energetic /the
pushing forward their trpertments upon the
Iron clad target, near the fort. Six shots
werellred this morning, and theedam of the
smooth Wm Sad ride preitottleh - thrown by
the Itedutart gate fesetentehing.- On one 'OO-
Malcustonlayaltfteen loth -srothl etteltatruek
the upper plate of the target, in nearly the
same ur and mode -by a rifle projeetile,
ennobles In the iron d penetrating several
the atone work.. Another shot, a
twentyr projectile. irceststrhunttred and
gounds, stroek the upperaneet of the
pitta, sadre f - cif iatothe granite wall.
etelrelds* • f elmeet out o eight, amid
crumbling eats of the ernabed blocks of
stone. Berm pieces of granite n ol .ohini
dads of po • tuts, were thrown' a dunmee of
ever fifty a •s by the violence WI the shock,
and treeless' of stone were seattered Th over a
surface of as hundred xszds •
e elev.
sn ip do enet was fired this aftrrnoon.
It was • • Captain C. U. Weak, 'Ceder'.
er of lb • , directly as one end of the tar
get'on • • •• edby any armature. and where,
In add on • the usual thietness, lets braced
and en -by heavy gnmtto stimulants.
The • . produeed,aud an excellent. one
-by-the •.• , and wi th the scene Of ruin and
havoc 11 ed, ternttnated the experiments
for the day. Accurate views, to tee different
poaltioes, of • e damage dose to the targets
'were -taken try Ate photographer sot
rdoyed.., for the ramose A critical
examinittiol of the target shored Immense
breaches in t, and foetri it was broken eau
Meeks Of sto e and wreeted tron, tissues ea u .
'evertors nit the preageTtterortar wits soap
!: "'Med e
n wail bulgod e out - iro n
is • manemr
alcomitim le to comprehend. The steak
.of thartAed Inch shot was trattandtted to
the Intent and there,' althcmgh the
4 loss beery, Meeks of granite were
rota their position and left In a bet.
'hoed Ittel Oen. bombard remarked
tr i o I s
ftr i tt s t; a gg i t
I ra : I t gu t rire r t e l se l Xm a Or d .
Tito IfeW welt Timms Meeitorsims she
A , • .110.135 e Ittsterl Itonme.
Xsw To September St The Mass. of this
isentiat . •-• • es each of the .pr visions of
the antenelment, and says there Is
riot slightest =erases of opinion so far
AS we ate nostmal in th e Unidin weir, and
Vey llttlebisaywbete else. Al to the whdom
of ritlfyfs the • Constltatlonal- amendment
proposed (Magmas, it recoreedesery Voles
th h
vats tn. *ruse, and is sustained 47 ovary
Union lour throosheat the ecenstry. The
oahr point Which ditforenect do orurall Is
lie . to the - 1 Of making - 1U Mitrptlon, end
eon altton fat to the achetSdOu of rep
reeeetstiVWool2l the &mahout Staten Upoe
this the Union member: of tionigress wars not
' Bll lt er
rt ar tonight es Mare Stuart, to
a' crowned house. The excitement to see her
teltereed ; .ISlFery Seat la 'Old for Menne&
day and ights,
R ' .
ir '' ' Wadirujr• losials•d.
Amos, pt, fl.—Wendell Phllllps has de
stined us eondeatlon of Ibii verities seen
tor tbm la the letter ieftoansing Um
tiestudon gays: "Although, therefore, /here
*desktop idly steelltsed all' Oars of polit
ical troth till t lueslotersly desirous to meet
roar w It possible. There thorOoghly re.
ecessldere the wholviatdeet , bug I
sZe 0054 Wise hereto:ore, teat I misuses we.
cipo• honor pots oder me. I feel that lour
mo st.: the adlokle redradaid as It
way pild-4lltret of tp to a tar
greeter el."ent thee I s gete poem. I do
get glees ,?‘ plass ot rowan/al without
all the wer Vtrleh shottlireenotopeny It. I
sea, IA Ideeedt elrevanstanows, muse our
came better out d
ot ttositress thee In IV'
Ineteart.ii neCOVetelliee-ihobber
t x.
tuba zliOleittd nee buadrad dollar' lOUs wed
or murdered ludas bust malrer, and
'staple berths bonen of the orphan. at the
dole bete ant.
3=4.igCrloor ellerßstert& 'arm,
mbar , was in this
alb , thilliedroag, tor Capt. Joardan,..after en
exalting cheek
Ten feseehesal throe deaths grout Abater& ere
reported in Brooklyn Coder.
.. ! .
. .
.. r" 24.-;Titiirrains kohnithes
aai sta t reliker, ovation-sea- with
as seentesslou et the` eiturthir? iCZ
lalann. WIVE. MUM,
\ the oenfietcy bet ofthiji:ecitsttety_Tel. thasea°
'ttEtela out i3ossides suandsteshe kin ha
Slutlstrelow that he knew . or their
he hay g eagle to the spot Plat sdnin
abed''' . 'mg ow"
1 here Atli Sic
White [Pope to Wee,
Irlaklle sled Lyon
CITY AND SII131:111/teir:
Address.lll" tar o.. the Boys to
In adeirkialsec with a resolution of Count la
gouged elsewhere, we publish the following
address tried by Mayor McCarthy last night:
MavOn's 7 oyrits, r
' Prrvuorson, beptember Is O:
To tux Rots tot Bum The pleasant duty
has bees assigned to tir o bV • joist reaceirtioti
of the City Counesia,So estan ~ to you • hearty
welcome to the city of Pittsburgh. Words
cans feebtv express the gmtitude the old.
conof our city cherish for yourselves as well
es for your dead comnules, whose beuras lay
scattered ou many* battlefield from the Poi
tourso to the Ric (kande. Tour presence at
lids time among us shows that while yen have
laid wide the Musket unit the sword, it Is but
to take - up the same guano of ballein the
more peaceable to: in or an appeal to the bal.
lot UM Assoldlers of the Republic who have
faced death to every lorm In defense of thane
tion'a fife, I welcome you to the city of Pitts
burgh, and alto the assurance-that ovedy
right of hospitality will be extended tOyott
with an open hand. , 11f. C. MeC•writv
Itreoptlon of Do'grottos'
About one o'clock yesterday afternoon, the
Baltimore end Philadelphia delegations ar
rived• at the Union Depot Rotel, where they
were received by the Reception Committee
end oraorted to City liall,headed by the Great
Western Band. Rare Gen. Pearson tendered
cordial welcome in behalf of the Resident
Committee and the Ladles of the city. Collis'
Zonal . ° Band. of Philadelphia, played "Hall
Columbia." while the Great WeStern amid, of
tuts city, responded with "Vivo Pamerisia.”
delegation, forty to num r,The
myriad eta white Mars with • Ted corps 1 . li
in the centre. The liciltimorreitul bore In the i r
reeks a handsome red fringed banter. wi th
the Inscription: "The Ladles to the Boys in
Among the notables who mane with the
above delegations, were Generals Collie,
Wesley. Owens, Denison, Stanton and Pierce
--Capt. Donovan commanding.
During the afternoon delegations from New
York, Maine, New Ilampstare, Ohlo, W Swan
sin, Illinois, Missouri, liassaeltusetui and
Rhode Wand arrived. They were all reeoiv
uel with due formality at City Rah, aft er
widen they wore conducted to suitable quar.
The sweet soft strain of the bugle and the
born mituriod with the soul-stirring airs of
fife and dram and °anoint sheers i filleht.ed the
air last ingbt until alteiost midn
the va r i ous wore delegations marching from e various
depots amidst the enthusiastic welcome of the
populace, there a knot of delegates gathered
around e old martial while Col.
Wes Philadelphia som Band made the air vocal
with dulcet strains in front of oar ogee fur
at least. a quarter of an boar. The serenade
was tendered the (Wardle by the Philadelphia
delegation as a compliment to our unswerving
ildetity to the cause of universal freedom.
to respensa Ai Lr r e eicated calls, lion. P.
Penniman ap and addressed the dele
gation In a brief speech relative ,to the grave
Questions involved In the present political
At half Two. eleven o'clock General John W.
, neral Ben. Ir. Butler. Geueral
11••regue, Ge of Utiode Island. General schnook,
of Ohio, and General Hawkins, of New York,
arrived in carriages at City !Lull. and were en
iheshoileally received, the immense audience
arising to their feet en moan and cheering
them from the time they entered the hail nu.
tit they reached the stage. where. they were
formaily Introduced by General a. L. rearson.
On being introduced. General Butler spoke as
fellows s
MY Yellow (b
o f qf Piliarere, Iwould
fain. Wars of itenzarylecoste ! The kind
feelings that this greeting A d s my heart with
cannot he expressed by wors. l appraelate
the honor cif Gm reception as an earnest ex.
anion of the sno w vouchsafed us In th•
struggle we are now engaged In. twill not
attempt at this late hour to discuss the grave
and important quest/ors at issue, but will de
fer it until le-Morrow. The honor of the late
conflict does not belong to ma or any of my
fellow °glean, but to the private who, with no
other Incentive but honor, and no emolument
hot glory,shareal Use perils arid privauens or
the field tharAnierleaa liberty might b 0 par-
Petastwil. The private who born his knapsack
and SZIAMYOt. ttelerrea the honor and gratitude
of his follow salaam above all miters. (.1p-
Olanse6) Our enemies said that oar greatest
Sanger was in our Immense army which. on
dlebandment, would fail Into prolligney and
mean. anarchy s but the great army of the
Union mclUid away Ilk-
it sth snow nn the sod
std. Wee wile ;emporia become good law
abiding atleens. Some goople *eked ns whet
pail would the limey take la he future poli
ties of she country. I always answered Mot
then Would only take an entire pert when
the Iltigerties of the nation were In danger and
Counts. would be found on the aide of their
mee try. (Cheers.) I trust you will excuse
toat longer trespassing an your time 1,11
there sayable men to come aftrr UM.
1 tortlentral retired amid the. cheers
busses of the entire assemblage.
Gen. Geary, lien. Schenck, Gen. Ilawklee,
Gen. Spregue, Senator Rose, of Kansa, and
llon-litmOnOtterison, each made their epeeen
ego after whet they were escorted to that..
different hotels.
Tuitions:ming-are the delegates from New
York, who wflfloilftined at the Monongahela
Moose. today
Major General J. C. Fremont, Major Genera
Frannie C. Barlow. Una. and Adjutant R. IL
Laraine, General Bohr Cochrane, Doloa el J. D.
McKean Paymaster A. 11. Darling, V. S. N.
Colonel George D. Kellogg, General Stewart L.
Woodford, Colonel John Id. Dow etas, General
T. D. Gates, General Jogai& B. Carr, General
G. 5. Itatcheiler, Genera John llerormood,
General it.reors. General G. 11. ?Surrey,
General W. E. M Gregg, General Milo B. Eld
ridge, General:. II CaptagA.
0. lvm, General G. M. Lore,Serguant
The newspapers throughout the country are
fully reprerutod. during thorn here art, oor
r72=ll-irstOrn th d e d aerl"irrn.,Vglin elf f a era c, and
varietal end Gkaarite, Indians:eds am We and
Zrenlng louryant, Chicsgo Jerintak Tribune,
end litrartrittlein' Kt. Louis Dmeerat, Vhhedet.
phis Peers, arelalliwankee eirnringt.
.IWideaStally miled.—Teateay inure-
Wig eeciiirred, resul t ing In th e rd
death of a
man named Valenuns Itanaholt, (recurred at
the Hinge 'factory of Wears.. Lindsay, Owens
and Ersruple, user Woods' Run. The deceased
was working about the Machinery, when 4111
atothing was caught and he way drawn tor
twee» two cogwheels. Ills tunly was terribly
crushed, and death ensued thortly atter the
accident. Coroner Clawson held an inquest
yesterday afternoon dea t
h.e Jury returned a
verdict of accidental
The Court Mouse tu Deese.—
Sheriff Stewart boa been mata a extendout
preparations to put the old Court Coast, In.
proper trim for the grand celebration this
evening. lie has procured nearly one thou.
sand Chinese lanterns for the purpose of illu
mination. and the °Sect of all this tight die
trlbrued over the gloomy walls of the %mat
stone mansion on the Hill, Will be truly mag
nificent. Ithenll Stewart deserves the thanks
of the people for hie public spirit and enter.
rise in this matter.
Itereesel.—We bad Us* pleasure of welcome
Mg ;Dour sanctum yesterday Ur. J. AL gems,
Mewled Gettysburg hero. who wen such rich
M t at the greathattle on that bloodi l fteld.
Via old man would scares! y be cons erid
More thangfty years 01 ageoo d o e, nd envy
is his appearance and so lightl De carry
his Weight Of avowal -Uwe. years. Ile is •
delegate to the great Convention and Mobil•
uth whole delegation. We bid Ulm a
hearty wildorwo.
ladles t. fire Stemma I—A grand rally o f I
the ladies of Allegheny ts requested to be held
at an early Mop this morning at city Usti,
legtiony, for the purpose of wagering wreaths
and decorations for the grand triumphal areh
beteg crested thus. The time is excessively
seer[, and the promptest action must bo taken
prompt. soceras. The ladles are not
veU deinS and they surely will not
fall DOW.
Serenaded.—The Pthadelphia delegation
of the Bois io Bins, inerMod but evening, so ,
etrinpaoted by eins' Philadelphis Brass Band
to brayer Isn'thy's odiesiand there the band
serenaded the Maim in splendid style, 4111100Ur
sig vadCrel patrWtle surs Wet melodlcmstr.
Ms Boner responded happilii slid the tool
dont, altogothor, was most plempiant one.
*Ms Pair So Coiattitiac—The will hich
met with so poor means las;
_week,' eon.
thins during the present wen op to todure
a:oW (WodineditY) night. Entries may bil Made
t• late es tontorrow morning. For mantes&
tared articles no =up leo will be required.
but thOso.entering stoat will be reqnraa to
pap the usual foe.
—.--ww----- - - --
Tim Boys in Blue of the Sooond ward held
a meeting last evening, at Wilkins Hall, to
perfect arrangententa for the torch light pro.
,session. Than was • hinge and 4mthoszastie
Meeting. It was resolved tweet *la even
ing Wulf past Bye o'clock, at D i amond
ward school house, corner hoes and
i Streets.
71fPIPASA,—T-73. A. David, Esq., the Twine
end courteous Division Superintenden, of the
Western Union Telegrepti Ufenteenl eerdinnY
extends Meilen.= members of the Posse.
the use t
ot hie priest* °Moe. Entrance on
gifth street, Western Union Telegraph
- •
Thine* leaderfd•'Yln the came of Daniel
• • • and William Saaulelinu. lliOloted for
h robbatTokud T e r et4 on DUI in tne
Court on 51ZU y, the an d rter
q ' irthrned yerdite of sullen Do Prig'
Ilisessip Vase Asps Ile pie--Are re-
tosusiable at ths school house to
arrowsorteshor, et half past sit edam.
Club will assesuble et the MIMI!
la r ir lll l rtimzwit
w ,„ 0 „,, t
:Lou , esseplese taisionow (W
,i t • , EPTEMBER 2.5, 1866.
liameladed Ispearedstisag
-thiewswithemo-Arrtgliti e 2aket7 • • • "
The elcating greparatielM for Wei/rand dem -
Onatration cominencing grandest
demonstration ever made is thiskeizatir'•
e made yestoiday, and are ofchoicer:Nor .
ratting to the great cmdasion. Everybody
on the alert Sad in action Yeaterday, and.llX ,
eitement mid jubilation wore the order of the
day. The streets echoed all day with music,
and every portion of the City wee gay with
nags and deeoraticum. Everybody wen notir
la preparing titling decorations to welcomes'
the boyg from abroad, Me was On the watch
the celebrities hourly arriving. The weather/
wee delighthil, and gave rich premise for a
fair opening of the cerembitles of today-- in
short, the berth of July bid ipparently /
Slipped Into the wrong part -of therm:. •
At eleven o'clock in the Morning the Resi
dent Committee assembled, with Oen. Bagley
In the Chair.
• It wag reported that the Meyer, Of the IWO
cities would Danish all pollee required?
Mayor Morrison would have a sufficient Mac
a p t r gi t s de witrzyd arn. lacCarthy to werdd
pollee f or process n
night,. and • a etifflelent number for
City Heil doling the Convention.
On motion, a Committee was appointed to
get ups suitable reeognition of the servieee
cif the patriotle ladies who decorated the imil.
colonelW. A. Robinson, Colonel T. M. Bayne
and Sergeant John 11. Kerr youths committee.
appointed, It was reported that one thous,
and cards containing programmes had been
The Committee on Carriages and BormalliP
ported that all the carriages and horse! ISM
pessary had been engaged.
On mottos; of Captain E. Y. Terrence. It tram
unanimously resolved thatthe inemberaof the
Resident Committee, who reside in the nouns.
ty, be entitled to seats in the Convention. On
motion of Sergeant Gray. the National Execu
tive Committee of the Soldiers and' Sailors'
Union, of Washington, D. f. 1., Were assigned 10.
a prominent position in the grabrideMcdstele
The thanks of the committee were tendered
to Mrs. W. D. Smith for the use of four-silk
flags. Also to:Mr. Umbstneter for one of finer
portraits of Generals Grant awl s.
A joint meeting of the National Unlock Ex
ecutive Committee and the Resident Commit
tee of this oily, was held last evening in the
committee room, over the stage of City Ilail,
forthe purpose of deliberating upon thepro
gramme for to-day. In the absence of Colonel
Dodly, Chairman of the National Union Execs
olive Committee, Major General Begley was
unanimously called to the Chair. Some dis
cussion was bad as to the business to be done
today, when the meeting adjourned to the
Water Committee room of the City Building,
where more space could be found.
The following resolutions were adopted;
Bemired, That the delegation front eiseh
State he requested to appoint two Vice Presi
dents, two Secretaries and two delegates...
Committee on Resolutions.' The names of the
personsran et ' eh:Frit= :lo b &
I , 2: . nti t it s to toe per-
Resolved, That the delegations he requested
to appoint a Chairman of the delegations from
each State and Territory.
Bemired, That the instrbst Of Colombia be
entitled to the same repreitentailon as any Of
the States.
After some discussion as Are 'appointment
of a Committee on Temporary Organisation,
the following resolution was adoptedt
• Betateed That the delegates MOM the ;lir
terent Stales and territories appoint one of
their number to meet in the City Sibilant this
(Tuesday) morning at half-past nine o'clock,
for the purpose of appointing a committee on
temporary organisation.
Tea meeting then adjoin. nod.
1. Son naXm c.
We republish for the conveniences of thee*
who have not. preserved it, th e programing At
exercises as distally amended, ae all as the
line of march of the grand torchlight proces
sion of this evening. Commeueing with this
m-rning the order of exercises will be as
iteeeption by Resident Committee at City
Pittsburgh. this nierning, Sep
tinnbar 25th,
•t 9 &cloak.
Temporary Organisation.
appointment oftCOntellttee on Permanent Or
Adjournment to Wigwam, Procession to move
by shortest roots to Wigwam.
At Wigwam.
Amenably by Dram Corps, opening of Conven-
Mon by temporary Chairman.
Music-MD.lw Spangled Benner."
Permanent Organization.
Tot too by Drum Corps.
The Convention each day will be called to
order with assembly by the Drum Corp; and
prayer. Cline with benediction, and tattoo by
the Drum Corps.
For Date evening Stupendous nrrangements
have been made. The lire department will be
repremntod, and other societies *lll
turn out largely, while the Bore in Blue, and
the member. of the Geary Club. will be as the
leaves of the forest, end Chinese Lantern will
twinkle everywhere among brigut transpa
demotes and beautiful devices.
By reference to our advertising columns our
readers will see the nature of the Marshal and
ht. aids, the formation of the column and
-dine of the leading societies to participate.
foliowlog is the line of march to be oh-
lip Water to emithdent, along Smithfield te
Third, up Third to Rossoilmag Ron to Pernasyl..
viola &venire, out Peoueilvants avenue US
Pride street, up Pride to Felton, up Felton to
Wylie, down Wylie to Fifth, along Irmo taller
km, up Market to St. Clair. alone St.
"u Clair t"
Suspension Bridge, op Federal to Robinson p
Itchiest= to Anacreon, up Anderson to Cotter
avenue, Op Cedar avenue to Ohio, along Ohio
to Federal, up Federal to Commons, along
Commons to Dearer, down Beaver to Ohio,
Lion( Onto to Peden'', down Federal to Bridge,
up St. Clair to Penn, up Peon to Wayne, tap
Wayne to Liberty, along Liberty loan:tangent,
along Smithfield to Water, and dismiss.
The t WO Mire blossomed as the rose yester
day with nag. and gay device., sod leaved
out like Jane with evergreen wreaths ant
festoons. City Rail, as tee °Meal headquar
ters of the occasion was ten centre of great.
eat attraction. For days the great hall has
bean swarming with hullos and their male as
sistants, nil bony as birds nest building, and
in work almost a. pretty. Flour int hour the
',upbeat, devices and ornaments ha° grown
ender the busy Anvers, shaping themselves
into wreaths and festooas, or darning out in
the brilliancy of the starry red, white and
blue. Last evening witnessed the conclusion
of all the labors. and the decoration of Clty
Mall as now elsplayou. to something to be re.
membered. The exterior of the buildtag ts
well,' though rather sparingly droned out
with flags.
But It is the Insf.le of the building that is
the crowning achievement. Wreaths, fes
toons, flags, emblems, mottoes, evergreens
flowers, are prnfusely wrought into beautiful
shapes in all oth a retton AU along the side.
f tbe room. suspended from the points of
the projecting gas burners, are hung heavy
festoon. of evergreens, tastefully looped up
with flowers and colored ribbons. These ex
tend Oro across the end, asstde the entrance
don - . Over each of the side windows. except
the great *antral window on either side is a
handsome arch of evergreens. The two large
windows in each centre, Sr. beautifully drap
ed, each with four handsome Ainariean flags
tastefally looped up. Between the window.,
wreathed with evergreens, and pinned up
with rosettes, are the varloaa corps badges.
Restarting on tholeft, and Proceeding thence
to the stage. and down on the right,
they Sr. posted in the following order: gal
Corps, 19th, Ist, lath, 17111, GM, Engineers. Ar
tillery, Signal Coma, Ott the right of the
tipasakers , Stand ie the badge of the glorious
Army of the Cumberland, and on the left th e
badge badges Old Army of the Potomac. Then
roma the of the following corps: lath,
Navy, Cavalry, 6th, Al, 1511, 41,11,1141.
From the steam work in the centre of the
ceiling overhead heavy festoons of evergreens
extend tattle corners of the central panel of
the ceiling. while from the same central point
IA suspended a large wreath, banging horison
tear, and enclos t r e ig a lar t gi:zan star.
teenleilttirng been added to each Oich hissed,ald .six.f.
handsome cart tuts been Sproul upon the
'platform so enlarged, and the Ire/Mhz,. been
beautifully trimmed with verdant festoons,
looped Op with flower.. Against the wall, in
the contra of the stage, has been erected. tin
der the naptirvielon uonerat 'moos 11 . Meg.
ley, a large and remarkably handsome can
opy. Near the ceiling a large semi•elrele, or ,
e amented with this lt border, probate from
the wail. From depends. on either sine,
• very large American nag, looped beck near
the centre, displaying the alcove within. At
the top, closing the gags between the sreat
re fLag gi t . , s e r n e u sa ug ther s cd . t h n ii r i te or fol o d s s ra t gier WOblitil iia l to k n e fti n
flags stand gracefully out above the whole.
probating from each side of the semi-circle is
a small guidon of blue silk, from the Seven
tieth Regiment N. T. V. V., and surmounting
the front ()Oho semiadrele is a gilded spread
eagle. Against the wall, within the canopy,
revealed - by the parted flags, te a tablet., also
draped with flags, and inscribed at the top
wi fi e AlMee or Lincoln, Grant and Sher
turn.eneatti these are the name. of a large
number of the heroes of the war, and also the
"For Governor—John W. Geary, the Barb of
Irlf.y Mattles.
On the rieht.of the stage War is typified by
.a small steal cannon sod a small anchor, tn.
gather with a stack of muskets repreeenting
thearnip and the navy. Oaths loft stand the
Pemba. of PM" consisting of sheaves of
wheat, stalks of eiCao. and. Wareham, rakes,.
forks a sickle plow.' At Mich corner of
the ;hworin Is a large vase filled with natu
rist Cowes; ranged along the entire Aviator
the stage are twentyathateallvalleeild.,_ n 191 nq 4
with natural flowers, 'idle ensillah Mo 01 tae
centre is a stack of three silken thr—two
sao 111:nli i h:;? Teglfferna l ri n nlt
and suspended over the vases are lane tdolg •
tag basket, also filled with Sewer,. Upon the
right side of the canopy la th e tolloWingt
"What oonetitutal a State
Not high raised battienienta and labored
Thick walls or Matted Wei
Not cities proud, with spires and turrets
Not bays and broad aruitidliertel • A • •
Where, laughing at the Storm, proms navies
Not starred and spangled suites
No 1 Yen t High Minded men,
Ron who thef, geittee.
And knowing oars Maintain—
Prevent the long aimed blow
And wash tbathrents
While they rand Nesmith. • ' •
These emstl•thte
And noirereigelaW.thatatatelthollielaß Wl ßS
der Tritons and GUMMI ' • ' '
Upon the lefteidele War-' • .•`'
The Peal:lige§ of COnetitidthillE4llllo99 9 i l A
wido4 Our f 101 4 49 n 1144,fulFaILRUo!
:IteereinOwltiitaleir Ideodormre their Nation's
Itivhest Inberitanee. Ma they be Peseetally
Diffused thy:tugboat the y
Land, until Every
_Unman Donor shall Partake of the Dimming. '
Oe ti.o front of the gallery, over the central
110 ,. . surrounded by evergreens, is this !n
-ew intim :
T Oars van be no lasting Peace while the j
Flag of the Union cannot wave over the graves
of our fallen comrades..
Under tide is areAmenteati intield,inseribed
with the words, "Yoe Popoff roe De. ano di
rectly over the door, also encircled with green.
Is the motto: "Through Trials to Triumph."
, Over Abe gallery, be large letters, is In
emitted : "The loyal ladles of the United States
—they rave their heart's nehest jewels, pray
ers, and united purposes to their country dor
ing.the war, and de not desert. it now." And,
en eith' side of this - sentiment are looped 1
,rnerlearttlags. On the loft Of thottratrauce 1
'Atior is the-sentonce, encircled by is lance
u•;Wreath : - ..
ellteclir tathe iteroetofLitiOrtyi ntenantly
ited•liqual Justice..
On the right is the followIng: "The Talon-' .
Sear 'Soldiers and Stators; In Peace the Del
wet* Of the LAW; ltt War the Strlng Arm of
the Public Defense..
'Phts beautiful work - of ornamenting the
Inaba* been done,undentlut atiperintendmace
*Madan J. U. Rlilottiliy some two 'hundred
ladies: with such mere e: assietanee it; was
_onlytoo gladly rendered.
- Veneplerions mention should be made of
ris-woods. an elderly lady, who , esides at
corner of Corry and . 'Robinson streets,
•Allegbany. Yes. Woods seat six eons to the
grOty_jiiree of whom never returned. James
'and 'William were shot dead on the bloody
itelld Of Gainer Mills, and Ralph died by inches
la the horrid pen of Attdersonville. Thls lady,
lento has given her best treasures to her corm.
V A len lag in her labors nt the
On the south side of the West Common, Alias
,WI Wa mammoth structure hashes,, erected,
I/ technically termed a wigwam, for the
•SOWilaroodationof the Convention, in which all
Via DI:11MM of :the betty will •be transacted,
after stiriMpomD' organizaton loile been Ot
to:Red in City trail. it ts o n e hundred and
pointy foot wide by two hundred test long,
nodrwill accommodate live thosusand people,
AtiliTetianding room. At either slid, 'tends
hers been bunt, half of them being under the
reef and the other hf outodole. These have
been so arranged that two apeakors can dell,
- 0 addresses front the saute stand, at one and
thk seine time, the audience of one being In
the building, and that of the other without.
Vier*: being no stoles to the building, those
without will have every facility for participe.
Ling in the business of the Convention, that
these within have.
As yet the betiding to plain and brown, only
the Outside foam which support the roof
being._ painted white. Tile remainder, of
widen , there are smuts seventy-fire, through
the interior, will le , from/teed with garlands
of alforgi two. and prat laurel, by a rom.•
ruttiest of siwrit. appointed for test pnrpose.
Tho sladds at vioiler end of which we have
lpokes, well b., draped mu the National colors,
oopudcip with evergreen, while on a pedals.
tai of laurel and choice dowers on the west
stasdnigroat eagle In bronze, to a defiant at
tl Ludo, will be patched.
wilt be appropriately ornamented frith ever•
greeei,And the national bunting crlll be taste-
I ully EU/played from the balcony.
• ruzrxrll.U. pldlf
has bean erected Immediately in !Yenta City
Hall, across federal street, which claims pre
cedence in neatness and grandeur over every
other degorative feature In the two eltie U
is built In the purely gothic style of architect•
turn, and to the general outline beam a aloha
resemplanee to the triumphal arch erected at
Milan In Minor of the end Napoleon. The la.
dies, Under the direction of Mrs. Eaters, were
busily:mowed yesterchiy In clothing the wood
work 'd the arch with red, white and blue I
bantling, and making great garlands of ever.
greet which will be so placed as to give the
arch the appearance of a solid emerald mace,
through which autumnal dowers will gleam
and b.:guano. - herttlOCintlng the apex of the
arch t rty fuel fromthe ground, n feathered
specimen of th e national bird wlll look off to
south tbrotlgli a pair of glass eyes, while dra
miry of the national adore will depend from
beneath its feet, to drawn book in graceful
folds to either side with cords of laurel and
ivy. In the foul ouremble of the whole affair
the ladled halo shown their excellent taste (or
ornaments:WM, and In the adornment of this
arch they a:dolled all their previous efforts.
W• refer to the arch again when oom
On thti tberoughfare, save those already
noted, there tn no decorative display ne 3 - et.
We understand, however, that o great many
=eminent/thrill ornament theft dwellings and
plaoseof bapseas early today.
mere ovum.
The dimity an this street will fax exceed
auythlng toff Witnessed on any former (Wm,
slon hisra,Mhalost ovety building being litet
ally with Seen - from garret white.
moot. Ammer tame claiming especial MUM'.
Mon ere the offices of the Oaccae. Obniffla , m./
and Dispatch. The latter Show quite %num
ber of hags from their windows, while the
Covninerciat building Is tastefully decorated
with evergreen and Sags. From the dna. sec-
and and third stories of the Gaulle building
bang heavy festoons of palm lust Wilt wreaths
of evergreen, with thirty-gm small Sags, rep.
resenting the States of the Dottie, nod two
larger ones symbolizing the army and navy.
A. streamer stretched menus the street from
the setiouct story bears the following inserli.
won. In re 4, white and blue, oil colors: "Toe
old Damp welcomes the brave dehandenrof
our (felon."
The Court Mouse will will appropriately
ornamentea, and no doub make a hand
some. dilltally.
ti not behind her neighbor, Fifth, In decora
tion. Almost every hou
se from Liberty to the
Monongahela river being beautifully emitel-
Halted with Javanese lanterns, In 'sortie • ted
Maori, and a bountrui &Malay Of flog" watch,
floating the windows sail lionse.tops in such
the Impress the observer with toe
ides that American instead* was very
popular with the denizens of this tansy tho
Penn, em Rl+field, Liberty. and Wylie streets
Sara maro or less dororatod last evening,
while er.•rywhore sett.e preparations were
being wade for • grand display today.
l C g w r d o d rt k l ed o f C th y t H rong b e in g liadie a
At an early hour the hall wee eompletely
filled, and the people bad taken seats as If
with the deliberate intention of 'shaving
ttioeting.t . A meeting at City Nall:as not
down on the bills for last evening, d quite
Other arrangemeute bed been made. The
people weru determined, however and pre ,
mostly a meeting was organised, with Col. T.
M. Bayne In the chair.
Gov. Con, of Ohlo, was the ilrst speaker, and
Made a polutetland telling speech, lull of ad
mirable points sad clinching arguments. Be
spoke at some length, being frequently inter
rupted by hearty applause.
lie was yellowed by Gan. A. 1.. Pearson, who
made one of his happiest. efforts. Though
hoarse frOdi eOntLinteld speaking throughout
the day, Gen. Pearson snoseedixl ita interest
ing his large audience thoroughly and his
speech was frequently and emphatically en
Col. T. If. Bayne was loudly called for and
responded with en addreu of some le d ngth,
which was feu 01 eloquent punnet an hill
log arguments. That Col. Ilaynet made a
decided ‘hit' no one could doubt who heard
tke repeated and long eontiuued demonstra
tions of 'approval.
Gen. Benham, of Indiana, was the last sneak
er of the evening and spoke in a manner that
convinced his auditors that he was thorough
ly and Ituitly alive to the tremendous bones of
the day. Ills speech abounded with otiginal
and impressive thoughts and convincing ar
guments. Be was frequently interrupted with
applause, and was loudly cheered at Hie close
of his remarks.
The meeting then adjourned mitlithis morn-
. .
There i every prospect of a speedy organi
sation and harmonious action to•day, It le
probable that the temporary organisation
Intl be effected by calling Peneral Burnside to
the chair, and that Gen.lngan will be chosen
permanent chairman of the (a:invention.
• INFO . * Rau Amalfi%
A large and enthusiastic meetbig,of the
Union liepublleans Of DUVIOSCIe Uorobgb and
vicinity was kohl, pursuant to call. On Friday
arguing the 21st Inst., at the Girtre /Dm
15ebtool [louse.
Mr. John J. Williams was called to the chair
and made some appropriate, remarks, relit
tire teL onr duties at the Present time, and
urging all to work for the good old flag. as in
the dark days of thel war. Drawer stunt. Ed
ward Castes, Frederick Siebew ick ler, and Decatur Deck wore a ppo inted Vice
Presidents, and il. U. Lynn. eV E. A. Deed,
Secretaries. Mr. John V. McGee* was then
introonceil, and spoke for thirty minutes In
an eloquent manner.
He was followed by Dr. flawklits, of Tonnes.
Me, who canvassed the questions before the
country in an able and esnlinstive style.
LA. Hoed being called epos spoke for d[
teewminutes in German.
oafttlignabaseclurii:an'ajtu.irlirrligebiritlatuLppuealap:Lethfi. lineettprsli=kpleers
Prof. Palmy, with the °WWII - Sun Glee Club,
being preemie saiiirscrveral national airs in an
effective manner. They wore entliuslastically
"jeltetrr.deintlen of irnfrap s iatA--rea.
cautions, the meeting adjourned with three
times throe-for Geary 'an& the Union. Count
cm Decoyed:Le for majority for Geary and
Meeting of Itrayonersmen„ .
Carters and
:.A teeetteg of the Dragomen; Carters and
-Warners of Plttstargh and tleiody we hold
'tut evenhtr; at the looms of.tht Prretatn , s
heatelatlon. for the, purpoto of making Sr-
POISI"P"ta for PFOCIPOU9p. la the prover
aloe' Vac .erintne; the ,Theildeati John- W.
Henry, ta the chair.
, The Cumulates en , .htleffe3tetn.entAhat It
=gin ro It C i l %l a d W e b a in' t:li; ' ts= r" this
Cocenettee on finance reported progress.
Items restated -to tine the trenspareectes of
lte lt
Win resolved that ,the ,dre,raen Wear a
blue soar/ as regalia _ ,
It was re wi red to decorate the waives Wit h
ftype • ...,„.„. ..,_____
tea atouore,tt Was reintred tiattbe,arpools ,
Ton meet at baLeparksle this grafting :at the
oornerarpatdoWee way andAtt street». •
It ,in resolved to produre *hundred scat*
as Mat number of it/embers was expected to
Mt iX lll4 delddiue 6.iit.4. out ti;iinittai r.
tbaolgr. Thtrigari tali tuestlag ad.
...., -
. ..... PLO ° ' ohs iniatirs .: of raft:Almada:lA
not WI =WV L tell Parapet leledh.
.... -..
The Allegheny CsSIMI Africanum'
trastr—glifth Day—ntstillager be Soenti seal
Things to be Eletura—HlS GdaPlair of
,tacit—llhew Entries, de.
Yesterday was a glorious day for the Fair,
and well did the people profit by it. From
nine o'clock yesterday morning until late la
the afternoon there was a continuous String
of foot passengers and vehicle, of all descrip
tions. The receipts Must have been large.
There were a great many new articles on the
ground, and the display of dne stock was much
greater than at any time last week. There
was but one disappointment, and that was the
trotting track. There was a late go number of
fine horses on the ground ready for a trial of
speed, besides the shelties, both under the sad
! die and in harness erud,later came the famous
race pull of Geo. Evang The track, however,
was dubious. and It was deemed best to post
pone the rites until to-day, at which time,
should the weather keep tine, the race will
come off.
Although a number of articles have been
withdrawn from the Fair, on ea-count of their
liability to damage, still the humbergrfentrint
fir exceeded the withdrawals, and the eintbl
lion, except as far as regards perishable arti
cles, is better than ever. A large number of
Persons from he country visited the grounds
-yesterday, and' to-day the probabilities are
that the haler will be greater than ever.
The new articles On exhibition embrace
some of the finest goods in the market, and
we shall mention eo n of them in the course
of our remarks. Wetinue our noti.4oll.
- -
To appear Invidious Is a thing that should
always be *voided in giving notice to matters
of real excellence, but we cannot allow the op
portunity to pails without saying a word In
reference to our friends Graff lb lingua. That
their fine display of stoves grates and ranges
are worthy or commendation, we have only
to rider to the nation of the committees in re
gard to their wares. They have taken the
MST raextru. on their celebrated Double
Oven Breton range. This range is certainly
one of the best have then. ovens,
instead of beingwe yet
below ae the old The
style Is
made, are above the stove plates, and are so
arranged that the heat can be tamed off or
on, or, In other words. transferrel to suit the
variety of cooking that may be desired by a
familyylt requires but little coal to heat it,
thereby biasing a large advantage over the
aid style of range, which required so much
expense to keep it hot. The water back,
moreover, is on a new plan, and can either be
adapted to the old style of boiler, or to an
outside bolter. The stave plates are in the
front of the range, thereby having advantage
of all the light, which in a y basement leitahen
amount eat advantage, as it saves an immense
of gas, as we can testify. These are
but few of the advantages that are claimed
for this range. As it will be on exhibition to
day and to-morrow, visitors will have ample
opportunity to examine it. and after the Fair
it. can be seen et PO and IDS Liberty street.
Next to the flange is their famous Columbia
Stove, which also took tbq nest premium, and
as our better half has thoroughly examined
these stoves with a view to purchasing, we
think we may safely say that they are par ex
cellence, the stove for a family. They axe of
different sizes, and one of their merited pope
larities is that they have a much larger oven
according to the size of the stove than any
ether manufactured. Then again the ilre back
is so constructed as nearly to make it impossi
ble to burn it out. again, although giving a
great deal of heat, they reitcire but little coal.
To the larger sizes is attached a kltchener by
winch vtetuels may its kept hot, and also a
cast iron boiler which always gives a supply
of hot water where there Is lire in the stove. I
These stoves are in all respects superior to
any we hive yet examined.
The grate trouts, summer pieces and fender.
on exhibition by Grail A Luaus, are perfect
amebae= •of artistic beauty and taste, and
when it was decided that the enter rumen
should be awarded them. it was a matter of no
atrprlse, Some of them are in imitation of
mahogany, some with silver elated and some
with plain fenders. The We hack grates are
an article that has long been neyded, and out
Theconstructed that th heat la all thrown out
at the feet of ou r o are silting in front..
The material, a readers are aware is in
destructible. Another style of grate Is sO ar
ranged that the heat can be tempered so as to
suit the temperature et the atmosphere, and
at night, although an open grate, it can be so
thoroughly dampened ea to make the fire
keep all night. Messrs. Graff A tinges also
took the near CCU on the best display of
grate fronts.
The next article to which we would call the
attention of visions is tie smoke and soot
consuming Vlore,. bIOVO. This stove is BO
constructed that every particle of soot and
smoke 111C013811.1erl, and thereby converted
into fuel. The arrangement, an nearly as we
etas descri b e it, is as felines: In the top, or
upper chamber of the stove, is a perforated
air drum. the perforated surface being down
ward.. into this chamber four columns of
cold Mx nee drama mut the eatable. which
ondeesit draft, which - Micas — the smoke and
soot back into the gismos, whore it is consum
ed, leaving nothing but the ianinflemable gas
to escape. Great improvements ale being
made In smoke consumers, and this we eon
alder one 01 the best. Thin stove also took a
Fumy l'aeantua.
One of the many articles on exhibition at
the Fair, that will attract attention, 1.; that of
Forsyth. Taylor & Co.'s counter rind pistlorm
scales, at the east end of the carriage house.
Tony have In addition to their warelmooe
platform scales, large seams for the weighing
of hay or wagons. These scales are so well
known, both for correctness and durability,
that they-us being generally introduced at
home and abroul. Their trade is rapidly in
creasing, and their orders are being ] dally
a st w a e n nyt y d ,ivi T e t y e , ir cou e nter44l ; zinare some
brus scoop.; some for household nee, and
scone for the; use of the merchant. lite nu
elected to mutton that their plamorm moles
are very easy of adjustment, and any de
rangement can be demoted to a moment. The
e of Mosets. Ta&
Co., is stablishment
sd. No. SD Market street,Forsyth.
where y ] they
have a large stook of manufactured goods on
hand, ehich t hey will be
customers,lased to exhibit to
their friends and at any tune. Vial
tore will bear In mind the east end of the car
riage building at the Fair ground.
Vt ID would state that their stock in part con
sists of even balance males with brass or tin
scoop; the same with side batons; counter
scales, grocers' males with platform, and
scoop and taro beam; Onion scale with scoop,
brass or tin; druggists scale, will :brass or tin
scoop; platform scales, with and without
wheels, or with wheels and a lever; rolling
oc.sleet porh packers', wool and grain dui
ors' scales; Pig iron or bloom scale; wheel bar.
row male; portable dormant. or hopper yule;
dour pecking scale; dormant scale. to be set in
toe floor, with a drop lever; the same with two
r ain , and aal RI ans 1,011101 hopper settles
for grain, with wooden pillar; the soma, with
two Mon columns and a adding poiseielevator
scales with iron columns and a sliding poise;
wheat or grain beams, single and compound;
floor packlag beams, with platform
rdoolv de=;tunnili=tgs& stock sad
n ir r a s i
truck scrim druggists' balancesand prescrip
tion scales jewellers' balances; sealed weights
and liquid measures baggage and =press
lothrowsibag trunk;store trucks; railroad and
ware, hams Mickel copying pre; MU sugar
milts; Marvin'' patent are and burglar proof
safes and bank looks; Wiley b Gray's sugar
cane mill; Hudson., patent sumo canceller
and many other articles. Remember the
place, 11) Market street.
By far the largest display of agricultural
Implements on the Fair grounds Is that of our
friends Beeklioni a Lon , of No. IS7 Liberty
street. It will be remamberod by those who
attended the fair, what a very large display
they had on exhibition last year, but fine n
a y s
it was then It cannot compare with that of this
year. Their stock oceoptes a large space, and
is literally crowded with every article either
of use or Interest to the agriculturalist. Plows
harrows, mowers. reapers, cutters. mills of
and in feet a
different descriptions, churns,
hundred other articles that we cannot now
enumerate. Their stock in store not only
oOnsista of agricultural varletsing imple
ments, but also • general of hardearn,
geed', fruits, trees, do.
The Champion Slower, to which has been
awarded the First Profilers at the Fa k ir yester
day, has been thoroughly tested. and hex been
found ireeet exactly the. wants of farmers.
Thine many things about this machine to
recommend It to the farmer. The driving
wheels ars large, whioli makes the maethie
rim light, both of the wheels being flexi
bly attached to the frame, which enables the
frame to run level, and the cutters to Pillow
the pronto of the ground, though one wheel
may be passing over an obstruction, and the
other running in a ditch or water farrow.
frame, ue w hi ch also flexibly attached to the
prevents weight on the horses ;
necks. Tim cutter bar is mildly raised by a
lever, which mines either or both ends of the
bar at the name time, and folds up when reev
ed from plum to place. The track clearer ro
valves, turolng the cut grass from the stand
ing. The nutter bar, which Le in the sitar of
the ;Dieing wheats, may be attached or de
taohed from the machine in half a minute,
without removing a bolt or screw. U. also 05•
ciliates sidewise are well as endwise, admit..
Ling the angle of the entities to be changed, to
snit the uneven ground. The whole machine
Is strong, sample, easy of movement, great
durability, combined with great economy In
repairs. The maculate on the ground has been
sold, and will be shipped to he delniDAMolll at
the close of the Fels
Messrs.,Beetham & Lops also tOok the horst
preMlnin for the ihmkeye Reaper. This ma
chine is so Mal known to farmers that it is
unnecessary to go into detail Lei regard to it.
ifaarly every farmer in 1.1115 motion Of Men
12.fl=leorT,' it3l,A,VtrAniten,t' ofnerit'
and mower, hats the advantages or being
able to mere over level or Unita= ground
with equal facility. It has all them odern at
pert required but ilttle &insider.
RLIOD o n th f the tiocaudttee 10 award it
the first premium. This marditun was also
sold MIDI the grOund.
Cook's Evaporator, for the purpOse of mak
ing mOlasseelkOtasorghuin or outer cane, ex
cited vouch attention, and the. Oommtttes had
no hesitaney in awarding it a first premium,
'For the Otiltivator of sorghum we might mid
that ea* of these evaporators, Isaldiollt
Mcrathig." And in tuu touncatiou would
add mat Me Wiley a Grey sugar mill, which
Is also. exhibited with the evtporator, also
took the lint premium. This. mill was looked
upon so favorably that it was at ones sold to a
gentleman upon the ground; who will remove
it to his farm II soon as the Fair closes.
eat Othana, however, of a similar kind can be seen.
rdeser&Heekluuir Lanes warehouse, on
Liberty street.
The Excelsior hone gay York exhibited, by
Markham &Low, was given a ant wend.,
eta by the MOMmlttee.• '
_Eksthilitilpion cider Ala cat exhibitionVit
therlatr„ and .whicti haabeati ensued In Vosii&
hip elder lever Mace labs& been then.. iir.o4o
,;4, pinuthathsabeed misted, by:Monomania,:
:aid weir= Sew towel 'wanting. The.,:
10'9114" -711Mili4
Una them. The grinding arrangement Is very
simple, running with brit little Medan, and
the m ill is not liable to get out of order. It Is
the lightest mill ever produced. The mill is
furnished with two hoops, one for 'preening
and the other for grind men at the same time.
This press is very conveniently made, and is
in every respect a most perfect combined mill
and press for making wine, elder, de., and
for pressing grapes, currants, lard or cheese.
This mill was also sold. It took the pre
Among the other articles exhibited by
Messrs. Beckham & Long, which took Ftnsv
rasettrgs, we noticed the Buckeye Grid*
drill, one of the most celebrated drills that
was ever made, having a rotary feeder never
benching the grain, nor brealcing It,. besides
other advantages; a wheeled horse rake; Gib
son's celebrated clothes wringer; the beat
Yarm Grist mill, a meet complete mill, which
requiting bet little power cOmParatiVelYto
drive it, viii erten from eight to ton bushels
of feed meal in an hour, or eta bushels of
home meal. One of these mills has been run.
nine to the machine shop ever etneethe Fair'
opened. Also the best hand and power hay
and straw cutter, the former being sold on the
ground; a single and double centelieller;
dog or churn power,(sold on the ground) a
vegetable cutter; taro and four horse lever
comers, too former being sold on the groundi
boat spire mill; best two-hone tramp power
thrasher and cleaner; the best churn, a diplo
ma having been granted the came; the best
wheel corn plow, and potato digger and plant
er. In arldit,ficei to this premium was grant
ed the firm for having upon the ground the
finest display of agricultural Implements.
Daring the continuance of tin Fair Messrs.
Bookbara.& Long have been Indatatthable In
their endeavors to advance the agricultural
Interests, and have labored lute and early to
that end. Their stook of goods at No.
117 Liberty street is well worthy • visit,
and will amply repay the time spent.
TOE YIIII AZTOOPLOP.4 I . U•LL—D. L. a. 0.•1114
As you enter the Fair grounds the drat build.
Ins you encounter la Floral mall. On the loft
hand side of the first entranee is the collec
tion of photographs and other pictures of Mr.
11. L. H. Debts, whose handsome rooms at Nos.
48 and 52 St. Clair eirect, excite the admiration
of every passer by. He has very superior
plain photographs, photographs finished In
ladle ink, crarens water colon' and oil. Some
of his pictures are ' life else, while oth en are
scesmall they might (Gaily be worn to a seal
ring.. Lie has also a very line display of ivory
es, which excite universal admiration.
Sir. Daubs has Income so famous for the ex
cellence of hispieturee that a mere mention
that be is on the ground is 'efficient to Cause
the visitor to look him up, and any one who
has been there before can tell the uninitiated
exnetly whom to go. Ills !Both on exhibition
embraces portraits of well known citizens,
both of gentlemen and ladles. In this manes-
Me we would mention that in addition to the
tact that Mr. Dabbs Is a practical photograph
er. he also keeps on hand at his rooms, on St..
Clair street, a very large and comprehensive
assortment Of every article In the lies of his
taisineas. lie is prepared to fit out completely
any person who may wish to enter the Mini
um, or to replenish the stocks of those
already In the business. Mr. Dabbs can be
'seen at the Fair grounds during the continu
ance of the Fair, where he will be pleased to
see all of his old friends, arid as man_y new
ones as Kin favor him with a call. He will
take great plealitire In giving any information
In regard to plettues that may be required.
and also the prices of the different kinds of
"0! we have had snob a delightful day,. said
Alas Janes to her papa as she arrived home
from the Fair on Saturday. "We stopped In
%front of ever so many pretty pictures that
were made by Mr., Mr., Mr., 0, minas' what's
his name, papa I—sannething that beings to a
steamboat.. i•Well, wee it Air. Captain V'
"No." "Was tt Mr. Clerk r' "No, no.. "Matta"
"No, no, not that, ft was something you put in
the best." "0 "
, exclaimed pater
then it must have ]wen the freight." "No,
that was not it, pa. W hat fit It you say when
a boat is loaded, and Just ready to go out. 1"
"Why that she has her cargo on board to be
swa That's the name, pat it was Mr. Cargo,
and I do assure you he las a magnificent col
lection on exhibition. I saw over so many
persons that I knew, and they were so natural
that it Jest looked as though 1 was rightamong
gmy htarise n d s s p .. l e W d el
co e l e w c a ion h nd nd mistake.
No person who enters the right band aide of
Floralall at the first entrance as you come
into the Pair grounds, tails to stop and admire
them. U we were to go Into an artistica die.'
of their respective merits, and speak
of their labia . and shades, their warmth of
coloring, the blending of colors, the toning of
the picture, and other am:agnate ry phases be-
longing to a crificlerna on paintings, we should
take up to ninth room, and should not do as
math to favor the artist as Jugs to request vis
itors to call and examine tnem. Mr. Carge's
In the city Is ca No. 60 Fil th street, and
.0 and Al Allegheny City, while his stock of
PhotOgraphio inatertabas atrio-1R Birth street.
wawa.= d wthsox's serum mamma.
Mr. Z. P. Carpenter has again been Made
the recipient of more Ittmetrima, tins Mae.
however, for the best win k done with a
machine, as the machines themselves were
not placed in competition. Toe display of
Wheeler &. Wilson machines, however, was
very handsome, and dm leg the continuance
of the Fair urmy orders have been received
and ti Carpenter had one on exhib
ition, fi lled. nished Mr.
tu Moe, beautiful etyli, the ease
being walnut, abate with pearl, and worth
two hundred and fifty dollars, while, on the
other hand, he had one in the same Pagoda
shah was equally gem'. the Price being bet
sixtydollars. The difference was in the style
of Mash. Tho amides of work
t f:onr this
machine was Judged to be the best. T only
true way of judging correctly of eats of
thin machine is to obtain samples from the
dffrereet sewing machine companies and com
pare them with the work which they actually
see done with their own eves, or by setting
down to one of the machines and doing it
themselves. By comparing the mechanism,
every person will be convinced that It Imo
nearly ono-half less machinery than any two
thread machine in oxtstence.notherattrac
tire feature of the exibition the like
Armee( a little girl s itting st et a
ease maehlne, which Is ran by power outaide,
furulaied by Messrs. Beckham d Long.
Messrs. Sumacl d Co, have taken numerous
orders for mantillas during the Pam Al
though this Company are turning out over
two hundred machines pot day, tiny &Net
unable to fill their orders . All 6. & Co. a La
an examination before pi:amazing elsewh re.
Our friend J. P. Keeler, Esq., the Inventor of
the eelebrated not and tare railroad seaM, has
bad his labors rewarded and himself gratified
by having awarded blot a lint - premium for
his big =desist the Fair ground. Mr. noisier
Is the utaputacturer of the largest scaJos
the werld—those at the Fort PM Foundry , be
ing calculated for ono hundred tons, bat la rec
ality hav Alison , much greater capacity. while
those at on thoPunnsylvanta Control
Ilallread are much larger. Any of one read
ers wishing to correspond with Mr. Keeler in
regard to wales of any size, can address bins
through the Pittsburg,b Feat:ace at 110 Sec
ond street..
There ti - tiow op band at the upper .end of
Domestto Ural, the finest display •of carpets,
Oil cloths, rugs, &c, that ever was exhibited
at this Pair. Ou the left band side of the Mall TLOCOire.
Oliver IleClintix.k &ON have spread out en Hear headquarters in the Fair greunds,add
assortment that arrest. the attention of every between the buildhig and the stack named'
one who rafts the Fair. Haag to match are the beautiful display of plows
most superb
pet s
with Velvets with bor. by !lomat, Jones &Compasy, stuSeessorS to IL
dere, halt carpets with borders, tapestry val. liall a Company, whose warehouse is ...NO.
vet carpets with borders, three Ply very One. 143 Liberty street. The Cemnattes awarded
Aszer e r t gersdict .assortanint a Mosaic rugs, them pramtums yesterday on Um hesitater
superb plants Mantra, Brussels toot - stools soli plow, corn cultivatOr, double Iberia plo w .
and 01l cloths. i ndeed , the display is so single
T el plow. one horse plow, end !raft
terutive thatone cannot begin to enumerate. ladder. They were also awarded a premium
the sn id e& Oliver
hi & Co., are for the beat display of pilows. This 'Staple, is
the successors toWashington McClintock, who one. e the finest ot ita inhibited
for thirty-eight years was In the tame bull. at of our fairs. IdrS prott h imself is •
nem In t his ally, making the house one of the practical
ta d
then and can Make One eat
oldest and hest eidobilehments now ur nonoun-. and Out, and then understands how to use It
n 1 y. 11r. OliverliteClintook m ln Europe. afterwards. The manuthetory of the
where be has been for the past three months, ny ie on the corner of Labock and
visg ail of the ceiebraled carpet manure°. 'mesa, Aile g beey.
turd In the old world. Ile is continually elidp- rumens Ann Oacrreare. ,s
Ding such good° as lie Marebasee to his Immo Mr. Wm. Bond. of Meant Washington, has a.
in thla city, and a gentleman who has recent- eery Nieu w e , fiets , display ts Fiona Kan.
ly returned from the east urnred meat he He is tue proprietor of the Mount Wastilegtent
had seen no such ods either In Philadelphia gerseries, and his Mate in the
ws elodend
or New York, and e ns forced to return home arrangement ef his hiss , sho that ha ta
to conclude his purchase& The ease of stair a thorough llMist. Ills exhitdtion of Verbetiss
rods on exhibition by the firm Is cer7 eaten - ls very h an dsome. e s is his crow_
.rre e g gs ,
stye, and very beautiful, comprtsing all sizes quota, dahlias and other Powers. 11ft.
and patterns, from the plain convex brass i X has added beauty timate tome by erecting
the spiral bronzed or silver plated. Thep the centre of the MIAMI &fairy gyott4, withlds.
of businese a the arm in the city Is as. 'lro ei mats on the sides and summit; cottager NSW
Fifth street, wham they haves very large and met hese and then . e teistsities isaaatsh a
boatman and gold fish, and debar utteles to
varied assortment of ail kinds of g, °oda gener
ally kept In a carpet house, ineluding window attract the eye, and please the senltelt.
curtains and shades.
Mont - Mae aOrni.
Messrs Lockhart & Co., Duquesne Way. be
low the Band street Bridge, manufacture
the most superior article of ligbrningillde we
have yetecen. Munson* , Copper roil of a tub
cilarapirld ;shape, with solid copper points
heavily plated with silver, has Just been pre
pounced by competent judges to be the best'
beenbrought before the public, and has
awarded a premium at the County fair.
its form gives It the greatett strength at the
least possible cost, It being furnished at the
low rale of thirty ants a foot- Its spiral flan-'
gas stiffens the rod. and its rough edges dis
patches Mulllety. It can birseen In Me
-thanks un til the close ot the Fair.
arse COlilll3o *swot.
In Mechanics IDOL In that part allotted to
Menne. Tate & Seville, of "M , Liberty 'meet,
Pittaborgh, and SO Federal street, Allegheny,
we had &Tea **AMAMI and convenient cook
inn range, known Aetna Vile , * Star Cooking
Range, manufactured by Maud, Whitehouse &
Company. of Wricannati, Messrs. Tate & See
tile being
the agegta for Allegheny io coonty,
d Mr. Salem, Oh, hems the
an general age ll nt. ' Th is range took S Arid premi
um asi a hones range. and deserves particular
stalks*. lts host law regulated.that one oven 1
er both can he heated, or soy mount of beat
can be turned on either. Then adain during
the winter acumen titan be turned intuit heat
er, arid the heat eistead of passing' up the
chimney driven without dirt or ashes into
the room. Over the stove plates is a rank
where plates and dishes containing eatabms
can he kept warm and Lee from smoke or
dirt. A the Savorp of the ranee allows
the Mane o fit Woking. The water
boiler Is of wrought tron, revertible, cagily
cleansed, and !heap 4XI.
apparatim Is &minuted by which anything eau
be fried, thuted, baked' ur Met of the
range doom. •
The rehash also amoutaLde top
side thignage, another thatte partible, whim;
dlvllles the attention ot vleiteta. • The Maples
of plumblag work . Wilts. Tata II Bevil%
'shows the highest dn'rtteat pinteetion turthear
line of Ottalsteee.
We yesterday ?starred tnthe pinto and htnoy
seeps -on , habthatott , :tty Messrs. ltetd & elm
rallifirl3llll7:llr 41111 AT. '44
eaut.halt , ltleek - hi , the ash Sri shear-tot he'
vitae latible Ottele, swe have -
.thorOs ehlf. in want tett , ehts and la s oar
owt.pitllatiar latattiettea It the
4 0.0.4Y1R1004 *that
TWO EDMONS - 1131=
oat imaxisekpm tire' abstudilre•
The edition ta torwardirlirtiterklarrig i
scribers soonest as the nail rat.
dirltGLE lapOxiss. pet
:LllB2l Or TEN Artir OrW..M. , ••••••• •
it Is free from an bad men, Its Men not es
Indeed. very pleasant. Itren ooninsost res =
n so pore and clear that it does not__
COMITOII soap. The One soap IS splonnt=
shaving, and the other for lineal:dam and
more cap be saldt Try it for syOnialtaillas one
yron to agree with T p el t
r one sou
kettle that will boil Iie,CCO pound) at
or SCO boxes.
I. 2d. T. P. & C.
There are a great many person, vitO
severely from that terrible disease IGNIra
piles, uid it is a matter of great iretormilt
them io know that anything that will affect
radical cure lies bean digoovered.
T. sh:slim:Merger, of the firm of Kirby a
lenberger, has On exhibition In tgit
of Domestic Gall at th e - Tait gro=ds an A.
tide which he thinks IS superior to, any
tont was ever bolero brogh t ito thetething
lice. It is known as Great In ffl=l
Vegetable Pile AGUE" an 'la ell:maim:min
all stages of all-Wads Of the 41iiilsa The.
flrm , splace of business is ax Leteglirlidrs
Allegheny, and themedteins Is for Sae by AG
respectable druggists.
• .
11101( CITY conic&
Prof. Cowley, Profaned of PoundCahill 4
the iron City-Cc:tinge, yesterdayre tved the
Fret premium for the but Plain and
tal Penmanship, for the best Plain=
ship, and for the but fine Hand
Thme premiums were for the besii rV aFat
executed for the Fair, and broug is ILO .tha
ground. At the last Fin • Hr. Cowler tot*
urea premiums for the twit
or tap
manshin. Those now on Th is thaw Ws
he is a perfect master of his proteseitio, and
o know that lie is capable of impartisq
knowledge to others. Any person ex=
his display will be at one* convinced that
requires not only great skill but Was to OW
cute the difficult work that Ls spread oat tillo
fore thew. The t in
e lines how that, Malinke
lc not only a skil
and exuisite shadifel penman, I. Mrt Get
art as
Ills specimens of o ff band Metustsuutttpl
beautifully executed.
sows AND *chance seinen lasagnes.
We have before referred to the workergres
ship of these machines, sad the 41501'10a=
work performed by them on exhibit:Wien idill
Fair ground. We again refer to thaw neerder
to mention the fact that the beautiful shoe*
exhibited In the show case are the work Or
these machines, and that It was . acme ara
practical shoe maker. Forthernieire the yams
shoes were sent to the Worlds Great Par Us
' London, where they toed the Irma= .
and that too, In the fan of a grog
Position. There has also born a beautinel teed
di ffi c ult piece of week - manakins on *WWI=
in the ume ease, which, we think, illnYtellte
thecepacity of these machines. is Les child's
dress made alternately of Moe and light Jahr
rice of other kinds, the names orphi2CM
being a dry goods man, wo anudit IS ilk
a 311n1LiMOS • very easy thing for a Shins to
work well in anything having andieleist boar.
but I hue machines have shown UM:Merit b,
lexhibitlngAi=nqutsite work
/regal% don in lam and
leacher. r. A, 1.1. /del at No. 4IA
Clair street, is the agent fat these machines.
year rum oaarsts.
In visiting Do mestic Hail, vie#olllll.... ll fill be .
st noir with the beautiful disOay or
on toe south side of the Hall. These arciffriiii
the celebrated establishment of ii i i tc /rne
Brothers, of 87 Fourth street. Their lean
stem 0( most elegant patterns of WilteM, TS.
pestry Velvet, hrUssels Velvet, double MIN
every color of which is printed before
so that they cannot [ado; Meseta pigs of Ma
richest patters; Slow:late cloth coax',l2p4
goons msattic e; piano covers; English
clothe, very itch, Brussels foot stootenray
carpets of different description, anCLIAan7
other artistes. Messrs. McCallum are ,
as enormous icon front building
on 1
eueet near Wood, which will be ready fOF
eupency by the first of January i su c, 14 , 4 is
intention to till it from top to W 1 ast
ap.endid a stook of goods in their •SS MIS
be bought on the market.
riga wallows, oasts, rte.
J oat below the carria ge braidititt, vtalletli te
the Pair will find very fine assortment
wagons, carts, wheelbarrows, tad. other
ees. These are from the well known Welf
lizhntent of Phelps„. et.Parksi Co., whoissee ,
and wareiroom is at No. 10 street. Mad
whose manufactory is On Beaver street, Keno
cheater, near Locust. There Is a
of tea foot timber wheels On ants
bitten, whose earning weight is sheet'
ton tons. These are for New Means. Then'
there ate Cotton wagons, or dray', as their are
ealled„ broad wheeled Arts,.Made with the
tires very broad In order that May na
cut the sod. some very line spring agess, Le.
These are all painted In the Linea. aryls,
make very handsome appearance, withal
the same Dale the commonest observer al
see that they are all of great strength. The
net Is, Messrs. Phelps A Parke have probably
the largest wagon lumber yard in the Mate.
They have arlea, hubs, spokes, alid
other wagon material on hand which was pas
chased anterior to the war, and Is pitr=l
seasoned. All of their toots are of the
and most improved pattern andth eir bawls
are MI skilled workmen. With all of these
advantages It ts not wonderful that they tarn
out very el:leerier work, Their Southall gas
dere has all returned and it keeps theta bay
to fill them. ns rapidly as they are ratioliced.
The monster wagons known as floats, for the
uansportation of sugar, that are titest.
seen on our landing, are from their establm.
ment. The house is probably the dthetstestab•
tithed house in that business west of the Alle.
gheny mountains, and the reparation Of their
work ma ny wn to the Parade shore. We have
seen of their wagons as they rolled
heavily laden us the preelpitona sides Of the
Sierra, Madre, and it is well known that nam
but the best ot wagons ate employee I t =
traffic. Examtee them for yourselves
north vaustsutwo 00005.
Our friend T. 11. Richards of house tornish
notoriety, No. SO fifth street, keeps up
his display at the Pair, with andludnished !is
terms. The feet of the matter is, be bells 50
readily and 1M limpidly, the beaullibt and=
fel ankles be as there, that his stook
soon be depleted if he did not keep It op.
Among some of MO now articles whicib, he has
takes to the Pair, are some bautital /TM
Irons, perfect jewels for a ladies parlor, and
something tat the ladies loon at stilt longing
eves. Then seam, thickly Mudded erer
wall are brackets of every conceivable sh
size and pattern, made of black walnut at
Richards own manufactory, scorner of Slats
bury street and Duquesne W ay. We also as.
tired another article which bad before eseapi4
our attention, and that was an elegant enth
brush for washing windows. And. mews.
more, the thmtlenian have net b e forgotten
hi Mr. Richards. Any gentleman
library suonld at ones get one of tart =ll l
library chairs,. which is in a moment g
ladder, and again a chair. Bu has someW
things that If yon were to go fora math
would never see them all. Ws a Is the
center of Mecnics flail.
taxa. Cassroxiasas, sm.
There are but two more aye of the Par,
and those who of
to los
fin Mr. Arthur KUM,
flee display of lamps d ehandellers mei
have to go Amon. And while yon are amain
leg teem. be Kars to locket hi: t rent light.
tog burner. With this attaehtn eno-mseg
win light a ahead. tier of era lam as ragialy
as though It trent gas that was burning. Mr.
Kirk is still receiving orders, and will remits
them mita the last day. His reitolar place of
badness if at Noe. 171 and 171 Federal Mae%
Pottrsb Palm
thus Sleeting in Allegheny, Prziceedings et
Pittsburgh Counolle, and Progremme l oot the
Torch-light Prone'Non to-night, will be Mend
on the Fourth Page of this morning% miser.
to c•c•c• Wletiga,
Of Bunting, Silk and Muslin, for
Horses, louses, Piocessions
Decorations, &c.
15,000 Lamternis
15,000 Lanterns,
All Sizes, for Illumination.
Lay to Tont supply at once.
First Street, above Sinithaeld,
Matti added to tbetr Mott atm l
touches and Rowdiest soma of letate
sad [MMus liners, %Vita time. that:lmM *,
a r t. t .wleatiaLtt . ..r.r.=. l r."
Luan g K.T% al LlVlrlf. maNik.
4563 'Wirth, ISt:root.
Past stostinol • ova stock of
tivneitorissile, fiM
gfg :;:lttn'T...,:;';,
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