The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 24, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed & CO ) 9
- 4ke. 04 smitsiswar. rrnisiniaz.
the 'itidttirßligaztitt.
'MONDAY, parrsumn zi, Isw
- 111&Tort Tribune
lisi . j . Aptintd over 66,000 n0* mt. "bsc,ribers
lance chianti of August, and is Still rapid
litilleen apparel's ,tbr terms little time
past thit the . President. was resolved to
mat *ingrate as sn: illegal and nettrping.
body; slid to cOMMenCe on.the Act of, the
littellllo4 equalldnit t Wattle ; Co ritiott
midis& and .their tau:Mins:: The rata
wasitmanitedittiOn pilblic ()Pinion be
fore triiektiti4.l,Ysi*crind his OODStitqp.,
tionai &dills4l3o3in quailed. Inatigtticrns
have been given to.have timpayitigkerrm
manes as loOn WWI .Ysquisita - pfelimi
narlscan wed.oglV,i,ij
begin iltips,Pmenkin good corneal harem
the illtellinti 'Villein this shall be
dont; Marta orders may be given after
viral; gowerrei, that may turn,' the Pres
ident, notwithstanding 'his recent declara
tions to the contrary, has again been forced
to actno4rlcdge the legitimacy of Congress,
Wo suspect be will laced° from that, too,
in-less then slam:smiths,
PLAJITZT, kirafliar to Spain, who
co tet edhe WAS in the Ltrie or lila duly,
ynitingTettera to Secretary Seward obta
in of-Congress, is surprised and indignant
at..tho 'Olen of Congress in sdoPping his
tidily: —Mt *Minot to hate understood
that owe at least a de•
eent remota ' all departments of ttre gar:
°turnout. The stoppage of supplies turn
doubtless enlightened hire on that head.
Tirt. l'Addiat* 414, a. ;Why. So has .
Gat: Grant; Be recently defined it in
these words: "To ask any soldier to vote
for such it an as heater Clymfr (ot, at
one time known disloyalty) 'moth•
er who his 'erica for Tour rears .in the.
Union army, with credit to himself, and
benefit to his country, "it a gross insult."
That is a policy which it will do "to tic
WE would respectfully tender to our
friends of the Press now in our city for the
purpose of reporting the proceedings of the
Boldiers' andailors' Convention, the free
use of our maitorial rooms during their so
journ In the - city. We will endeavor to af
ford writing accommodations for all who
may choose to avail themselves of our
Tn Republican prospect in Illinois for
a great victory is said to be most excelle4.
The Chicago Journal says that good judges
predict a majority of forty thousand, the
election of el n, and possibly twelve, of
the fourteen hßoan candidates for
Congress, and an overwhelming majority
in both houses of the Legislature.
Tar, telegraphic reports from Washlint
ton, publisised in Saturday's Chronicle, to
the effect that Pennsylvania is sale for
Clymer, were manufactured In that city
by omce•seekers, who are haunting the
White House. They constitute the main
argument for wholesale removals, but
- '
Tun Pittaidentremoved Mr. A. M. Clapp,
editor of the Di&to Express, from the
PostmeatenshiP of that city.. The Repub.
Ileum of that CongreasionN district hate
made him their candidate (or Congress,
and he will be elected by an immense ma
Tue. Philadelphia Ledger isays Mr. Bige
low, our Minister to France, is to be re
moved because he does not endorse "my
policy," and that Henry S. Raymond; ed
tor Of the New York Tinsel, ie laboring
hard to secure tbo position.
COL ALEXANDER J. Fawn, of Montour
county, has been nominated as the Union
Republican candidate for Senator in the
Fifteenth -district, represented during the
last term by the Hon. David Montgomery.
Tan "telepsabio advises from Coos a&
are to the effect that the government has
given raiglitiates authority to Miran all
parsons reasonably suspected of disloyal
In the Senate dlattietof this State, eon_
posed of Wayne, Pike, Monroe and Car
bowoounties, the Democrats have nomina
ted Char!don Barnett, of Monroe, for
No. noun whatever exists but the dem
aerate are colotaing riled from abroad
rat* the ITeitmoredand .415414, to vote
against Gen. Geary and Mr. Covode.
Tipechadications eta that ihe Unionists of
Maryland will elect three out of the five
Cenglesaredd. in. that State, whirl will be a
gala of tee.
. -
ow. litrtimnsat hat made a formal re
port sce the War Department that Lonial
huts and Texas are In a condition of an
Tits gepubileana of Clearfield minty
have nominated Jima M. M'Kay for As.
Got. Rum; tot- Louisiana, la stumping
lowa for thollaion cause.
Ys Sawaito was able qa Saturday to
ear on the Pro.
-. 7 4,Dr. Horatio Stone the .emlnont sculp
tor, whosiatetuesotilancoek and rte.nton,
arQ among_the celebrated works of national
'act, kis leltWasiragton'entoute for Boma,
• where he Is-to execute a st,tua of Altman
des gsmilton for the capitol, Congreu
itastailsuit bthiscommikuon lind appro.
rla ten thousand dollars to that work.
Sirperf or
,111.1k-Bsseattatllsrrin," Ito. of Tourtla street.
LII TM also ne.ciftim
It*is yops go pt litatalara, DPW Stefanie. e 4
YstkaSAlTNt sad. Itilitatte genuine out-
Asia of Walk Al unfair it Teo will hare good
Wog sil the fear found.
, :Iteelesd Sliossoid nista.
W• "Mad csaluttop don to the sale of dent
zabta (Mad renti;on Saturday, Sept. SIN
-iltthlP,CtoeftlltttsacatiOo!oloolc, a. Y- Sae ad.
Vartlaesurht au the eoroed - yage of this Pe
1nd111664 1 U8
siveveler •of
otidTeesilty'of the above Yea.
oak CORP We; timed rieh. 0401111 in" at
Onfarfisit Wan each, *bleb' waffles the
ildaere to 'MOW %nom AMU* U:istion •
41k/ la awnisis tie algae&
, segans wan:4W e4naitscat eitearei
- Von arsr PrOollimitY ta&YUAlTeriliti
Or XinWee Patielialnir the
moo Witislart•Willties.
r 21isioiers'AVNirevi s avriktraw enterA
g lad OurAwßeiirSli'_ apiltOwthisr bright:
Tie ttadszts habitat ll isacktaradie aaa
ga,f rims oath* tbe
gait lliVillefftagrul teem
, itilti
..111a0r galodaixe dative&
eideblegtO eftelet ileallbaliblSet. aka .
SPArfolita Obtleate6 D... ci Psotalai at Wilk
azioaiiaggiraia • gouge.
VOLIME- tIM.:--NO. 227.
Pews illetwiten Penni& and Saxons—Ans.
itclintiChnete IYAlralln—Cold Sir America
—rettilins Arrested In Liverpool—Ent.
keen .lingentaColng to Rome —Eraukfort
' independence Austrian Commatider
The 'Herb:ts, .6m.
feii OtBLSI
BZILLIR, Friday Si, itsty, Rept 21.—The King
'Me leaned a decree of amnesty for sundry of
PAM*. Sept SL—The Emperor Drat Biarritz.
',1,11411111115. Sept U.—Peace hiss beau amnia.
4ißt inkpagnitnailhaand Sazont,i •
CraliiilldßabilleSdiAllloafingigla has Sipit a Charge
I irdidthedetrnign;aeliiellttepresoat the gov
lifunilint Dan Infigliten is appeliztedL
Lissal o oot, dept.., ' da—/Itien.—The steamship
Persia, which sails feign here Et noon for gew
York, takes out $lO,OOO in geld on American
Quite a number of Fantails ware arrested
here to-day. Arms and Munitions of vier,
supposed to belong to the Erotherigiod, were
also found secreted in various parts of the
city and were promptly plied.
Paws, September 11.—It IS said that the Em
press Eugenie silltiglerily: repair to home to
condole with the Maly Manor.
Ttitialte ANA:Celli *ell founded rumor
that M. Lavalettsi will main the French. Fos-
Wet &Vie.
Scptssiber 11.—The Gazette of to.
UMW: ia-,:nn editorial says Utst the an nounco
intsnt, Of tipa ecinsimilda of n peace bet ereitu
Truestaiitlifeaottlirrii immature. It nitwit.
tigsr•St4Wiln being wade in
Vititier-tueraraltr, eatUourber 21—A
toduogrial le head . - atni'voly •14ncal for the
IftssiSA, disitandstr SlL—Dun his
beedettuuta eoannasidee-in-oli ler of the Austri
an army.
• ..Ingillseme and r. ado.
LIT ieurost.,'Svpt.n.-1 C•111..1 :market has
reels !toils) Settee to-‘l.• , nun prii a- i.denneed
0/ 111.1. 11 S peepm eale, of [r,ooo bales
01,1111thlti•vg-Cinten•t• Al 3';"
;-Ttaip.ja.caddiligro tr° art nne1. lazed
IV.el eels Lot u eA• aI a..ct a edtwoehil
rear. laq Inactive.
B." 411.11 , .;••• iA.II, lower.
N ,1% the money
ntar t al tvr money; L.
5.5. Yu 1:4; r.ri-.1•1 14110. th. 1104
I.%treoc., • 500n..-Lotion
openett easy 1111 , 1 :&,.• tv ' , MUM( uplands
non quotml at WO. To • :mated stiles to
day trorn 16,0.13 n et
zs. ket for Bread
stniTit wits firmer.
Lonnos, Sept4,:ether :2-.V...n.-The money
market Is quiet e., Consols opined
t 83!4. Alllitri:111 1 r Isere quoted at
the opening for E. 'l. 1•: i note Central, WA;
Five-Twenties, 7.!‘.
The Additional Deo t e—tenoned Bank
Cirenintsue—Funds in I k e Treasury,
Nate Teen, September 3.-3pecials from
Washington contain the foliolvtug_. All the
applications now on file In the raytimeter
General . , often and at the office of the second
Auditor of the Treasury for the tuitlitlonnl
bounty authorized by the act of July xe,
are to be returned to the applicants, contain
ing the endorsement "Returned for amend
ment, to confermity with the regulations
front the War Department of September loth,
ISB." Applications of helm, An.. for all claims
of deceased n applleatlon• for
bounties of every rinse arc. wing to colored
soldiers, living or dead, must be made direct
to the Socmatt Auditor of the Treasury, and
not to the Pyymnstar General.
National Rank circulation to the amount of
;SWAM was ._sued during the week by the
Acting Comptroller of the Currency. The to
tal eireulatiOn of Natianal Ranks 1.. note stn.-
:14,7 - a The securities held by the United
States Treseury to-day amounted no follow*:
far etreulailOrl, fast 0411.10U a tfor public deposits,
or,o,ns. The following
statement exhibits the amount of feeds to the
cash vault, a the Treasury Department at
the close of Satureay's business: tinned States
Notes, legal tender, Ilikete,ooo; N•tional Bank
Notes, $23),507; Yreetional Currency, 2.181.573;
Gold stgOtSheers.• r•• Three Lent Coln,
• • •
The smonut of fractional curteney — pritited
during the hock ens The shipments
made during the settee period amounted to
einS,o7l. The redemption division of the Tress
ury CILISCSied oxtails /0d fractional currency to
the amount of stiS.SCO.
A Moods lrrag.dy In Mow York—Mir
der In
Sew Tome, Sept. 17. —A dreadful tragedy M
anned this uservitott in the Ifith Ward. which .the death of too Italians named
Peter •Iftlnalll nod Ale sunder L'rent. Funanl
ergs a Sutter Of •ptailter of Psrls casts In We
basement of go. Elm- street.. Ureni was •
journeyman moulder and leiestrt to hare been
Ann excellent artist. Funaul was about getting
out a plaster bolt of Madame littstori which he
was anxious to bare Slushed immediately In
order to lake advantage of the present excite
meat. 'this morning Urent. who was at work
on the model. dt4 not reach the shop until
eight &Monk- w h itnraged Tenant who asked
the workmenhe meant by out coming
there until that hour. Creak gently .wereg
that he would come to work when he pleased.
this led to an angry retort from the employer
and the two men were soon Involved In a a ear
rel. reset, who wias a large snd powerful nice,
advanced towards Creel, who wan muen small.
er, when the letter dm. a slngle-barreits. l re
voleer from hts pocket and fired. The ball
took effect W the left breast. bf grunt, who tell
hiphe floor and aOl/20 friends removed Wm to
residence. X tit Elm street.. Crenl,
soon as he had fired the shot, fled to thostrnet.
as was pursued nridcaught when he shot him
self and instanly expired. IfunaaPs wound ts
eenilderad mo t t tel.
DeWitt 01 tbe Deport orlierro Disorders
Iso Dom 01,1011111/10.
FRILA DC1,111•, Sent. "Z --Forney's Peru pub
Halms the following special
New Ou.s.aga, September n.—There Is no
troth whatever in the statement telegraphed
to the New York Ilsrald that tee Elghty
second Iteglinentrof colored troops, atoll cued
tare. ever eantemplated. at any time, to ere
ate • not In this atty. Not:pope could posh.
bly have behaved better than they have done
dose their arrival among us, and anT report
to t h e Contrary' has base entmeifactured for
merely -political purposes, General fibers.
deo is vary mnCh annoyed that such mallet.
only fille reports should be sent North, and
Intimated today,that eorresprmelents who in
tutors send snub lying massages, shall be
compelled totter* Sew Orleane.
. _
-0111111110110$1014lenthaea8 Pawed by
ebb ilitreme of gepreneatativee la Ore-
Losprovesuente at Ilea
-LOU Ylaactsco, September 11.—A bittern,
Oregon, 'dispatch of lest night says: The
House pissed the Conatltutional Amendment.
Ayes anotna ye ei
Yam 11111 contested citation case was
deededfavor of the trio setting anion
Amber/. - The slimmer Serra Nevada, from
Columbia river, Har bo rg, see in treasure.
The Bairn ofommissioneers has
adopted plan to o:metrical sea wane for the
prOteatiort of a portion of the ban Franelano
baxbor r ati. east of nearly two and shall mil
lionerif dollanl.
Taro= Fusels Set to Leave.
nor Vox& September tee—The aerate.
Tara Crux corretpowlenee, doted September
11th, elates that there are no Indleations of
the Withdrawal of tee French troop.. Thu
Zlightg.first Erench regiment voi, 4:spouted to
leave Mr TCIIIO , IO on the loth, but only one bat
idiom calms demi. IL is true that Maximilian
- desires to leave, bet the Trchch authorities.
acting en instructions from France, object.
Some skirmishing had occurred just: outdate
the wallsof Vera CMS- At night the Liberal.
come quite close to the city. Tile Imperial lets
bad met with a disastrous defeat. la Sliehoco
. eon. Report said the Imperial General bad
taupe:DEMl siefirything.
Stagmbilean Cengreartonal NOMIIII/111100
1 111 , OIL FP'S t—Deatb of a Yltli.
adelpbla lilerebaaS by Cholera.
ratgatagragt: Sept, 11.—Z. C. Height has
been nominated by thd 11.ejmblicans for Com.
glen intheYin; District. lobar'. Yealston,
a marsh:suit tong engaged in the West India
trade, died. suddenly last—night Of onolcra at
rcalderieo near this
renirfsd ltau o. A Amides:it.
sv. Loins; Sept. SL—A late Mobile Timer says:
A. collision occurred on The Plane Seven
Sall road between Ds note aud Urdtm an.
persons were killed and seventeen wounded_
Two loecnnotives and several earl wore de.
Louisville Mollies Clues.
Lontsvu.r,s, Sent. ta...Mltore went seven
deaths troth cholera 'yesterday and two to-day.
The mu:ober of elusive not reported.
addittimil Inthisrarm, ev k Fourth Page
Ofir itlitn detailing the drown
ingot stadia toe Ohlo neer, we east refire:.
ttad ntocm the fondues Illor a man paddling
to a skiff beer by, who Tertuted to render
iv aid
. or n attempt-to IeSCUO the boy from a
trate l 7' IMMO We WIWI since been better in
formed, and learn that the reatiatoin did all
.110Wrr 1.0 Miaelatim.drowning boy,
but no bUlliab aid could have saved the life or
It h z ,
sfuit o
teyodesur but simple Justice due
the gentlemaii - upon whom we GO sorelolir
clab-as . beet
La th e atzth ward . Pittatnr, rm . Pia, g
* Allgra'elV rn radPlasat — __• • ti
Yalaarray. Vico Yraiddant—Mra.• °Wt . ;
rwaraWalp—,Wara•- AWL
vassiper - t - itur isistatailuteru
tr ei tWipeugiaistits to, "tar - Jolugooo ot
L.,„gtiwrk - thp_stalear tito
mum walsodurtaw u olarvitta
Ink bollsrdo-Th=inkil loodea
CITY AND SUBURBAN. . 1 74 "Z " :1 '1 :V;;" s t
Ess•n Indus...mono. and stivaeolous
cet, os —lt on nod P..ny Stare,
n n p , •l, of enlltin, 11 rnl et. and Othel,
Tltw ~
Saldierte Sn Sailors' ~ ••1 • d •et • •1 t. %.• ••., NntalrelLy."
—arrival et Delegatses--sPregsarassu.sta AIIAMMIS for the pots dire
Us, sit rig. Itt•esepates. cast bright sad beaatlfals As first parole look-
Yrom preterit int toalsloaS the great Soldiers' ed suspicious, and thought probably they
nod hatters , National Convention that eon- I might be the vletiml of false pretences, but el
UDDMOIAL N eat S 011 T 1 tID
yens. here to-morrow, promiree to t, beyond
all peradventure, the largest and mesh repro.- the day advances and old Sot continued to
.4 rt his supremacy, they ventured out;
t " t °° ``' vent ' ion 4111 W. "a• • 9 u ! t o d 0 ' s:os iy at drat, but eventually In swarms, until
continent. It sellt4ll
- ^' 1 , .:- at three o'clock the Yair ground' nova Pretty
litical backs, but 'use, : „ell tilled. In lan meantime the mod had
in the hour of thekr ceuetrrNlLakt ' rcl pretty well dried up, and except for the Ishii•
their breast to the enemy, ne.l L 55 iiness of thiPatmosphera, it was Verypleasant.
of lattiemid the dire (01.1301.r0l _I 0, a'ao, tit The stock had been removed during the mare' •
fence of their renottry and or. ittelotr, In oho log, to order to place It in shelter and recruit
prolt.tei tr, ixot.l ...I a nem... t ti,utti bei „ „ v . ) ,
when It twill again be brought
tii.•y ri 7 A-se.uniti t•i re-rtu !belt.
f ea lty to Lim., to.ncittl, P, nod their f:tfl 0, ,on it 'Wm 111 v ground , besides which, this portion
to tl.a be , Inloreet. kelt' Lim.. • who of Dm exhilotion will be greatly augtuented.
nes a better tight to .11etate the OtlleY o f The other departments wore well representear
the Government Dian the savers of lit No
ono. Our ca tervis lull? steit eclat ,• this furl, and the stands were mostly crowded with std•
and in t het r ...pat at 000. lAi , the brut ; ., miring visitors. The greatest fear Among the
men alto w t'l compose the Coe , • ittiow, thi'v exhibitors was that the fine day was only a
has ro ruiv , h - ' , ,Iftl anon, and that Sunday would bring back
toter or gotturoilt 110SlittsJilt . .
the old stock of bad weather, and thus det
ln tuld Idea 1 0 the Sao , tit 1.1;0•11. 1 . 01, .t r oy the hopes that but been raised. We
at the several 't however, that the bed weather fame ,
charterld which et: Jl4l ocutiforl..ale out overjectging from yesterday, and the cones.
sficewsbis goh„ ricrtt's ll r. - ,`, or sir , uence will be that to-day the What Of YU&
strangers st least. GAT, ot orr people have.. tore the y be entieh,,,,tod us ban Tory limps.
announced their a tiringut,s to Talley there wit be anamberof attractions
their private II teellingiii hot those who Cannel added to the Fair welch the bad weather and
Its liecootolistis,"•l n may be suitably other circumstances debarred last week.
entertained w idle the Contention Is lnemegion. orh t s p eec he s will h e , euipe..,aniong other.
Among the ad:tides who have already hrrivedo no terry be expected from a diStlagulshea
and those ohe aro expected today are the hnrtieulturalist and potattarglst from Ohio.
following Ben. F. Dotter, Idassaclin- During the afternoon, in ease thetraek shOlthil
setts; General N. P. Banks, Idasaseitusetisi be in cnadltlonthere will be Snit" between
Major G metal Collis, Phlledelphla ; kIPJor some Shelties 'belonging to Mr. JIM., An.
Genet - at t're t, Missouri; Brigadier General
Agrgrnt, 1,.•••ton; Brigadier General Stewart, drews, of Allegheny City, and George Ivens'
Net Jewry; Brigadier Genets' Straight, teal- • small bleek bull. This will be very exciting,
as well as amusing, A number of new °shit.
any, (nf labay prison notoriety ';) Generals I !tors will also be on the Found with displays
Cochrane. Foster and Bariber, with a deities- ,
nf goods . The premiums *fleet week's eahlb.
Chin ..1 s tmt out honored, from Yew rot ki
with Lolonela Itore will he concluded toolay, and the awards
McAllister andJorden t
made known. The Fair will be continued un-
W., tt, Johnson and Cooper, of New Jereell oil Wednesday evening.
134,01131 Cramer, Alabama; Colonel Cnaries E. , An the premiums are whet almost. every ex
-11. •, of Missouri; Governor fairobtid, h !tutor on the ground% is Striving for, and as; General Thos. Bennett, of Indiana, the decision of the different committees will
with a huge delegation; Major Bon I be eensidered by every Intelligent Doreen As
Voore . , of Boston, Masa.; Colonel s. G' bbon, the test of morn, those who rware to m t h e i r
Vick-I°W * , 1411*4 t li ltatb w J a c " . 14 - aw 411.1 , wares may become known still find it to their
Gennral T. rosette', Texas. advantage to make It known In the Comets.
t C e t:ta d e els
petuatrimaup 0. Durham, Mass. W• shall have a reporter Poen groundssil
Ridtana delegation, which arrived yes- day, who wilt own upon the different parties
at the monmusaltela Mouse. . interrated, to receive such settees as they
Many of the military celebrities that arrived mar dealt., to hare 'made. We sontlnue our
yesterday and last night can also he tonsil at , oo a co . of „ hthttort ,.
ibis house. Major Ben. Pearly Poore, then
ryaaAatalr AND stoon•gxgrzse.
whom there Is po man better known
the United Slates, honors the Union troptot There is scarcely an secompllshment so
Hotel with his presence, while the gentlemen valuable to young men just entering upon
loom Mississippi, mentioned above, ego by ! life as to lin able to write a beautiful baud.
found at the Merchants Motel, and stk.' It is an attainment within regret of
The St. Charles has been engaged for the a.o. , all. To be convinced of what
I to be
commOrlation or several weiltOrii a be
It LS only necesaary to eaamtne
which will dbubtlens reach tea city the esallouon made by the Irma City College
There aro n great many strangers bete eta
of this city of Professor Alexander Corrals 's
all parts of the country. whose nil) ...shin is specimens of Writing, Pell Dr a wing, Flour-
to ace and hear whet Ito going on. Tomo: row Letitia:. and other proof of hi• skill with a
will be a grand gala day if the weather pro vvs ova. These .peer mewl contain °eery Possible pTopttleals, and an Minionte turtoOnt may be st )10 of rentogneloo, from thi) plain prar s llerll
expected. Luton,. horn!, rip In tun Matt Or -
In our next Issue we will be ahle to oleo the tiatnnotat There are but few parsons In this
programme, Including the route of the plows. ciPall try alio can Otitial Professor Cowley '
MM t O he use n the pen. Tho Iron City C 011•00 to
whine lie is attached has become one of the
Undoet Republic...vs Rally In Rietellosi- Inosl popular institutions In the country, and
boos.-4 Dlaploy of [lewd yie to. • sit great Las been th
ce.e demand for arhniseton,
An immense meeting of the Union Repolr: I. sot
ho their
eaus of Illrmlngham was held In the Diamond ens h o t nx Dad Fe llows'llo - Mail, or
Share, in that borough, on Sault day swain r Opera noose Building, ens on the corner Of
Peon and st Linty trwsta, and the other In
—a full acre of people being atacmitleil to
1•h1111 pa' Lauding on St. char woo', all
listen to the discussion of the great issues In- ' them aro
volved In the present impOrtant eativiats. stoat Os', Lionr•ise RODS.
A Brass Eland and the Birmingham titer we have before tchirred lo this Ittlitrang
Club enlivened the proceetiingn with c.lee"ww , trel, Iv..trammed and told by Lockhart &
musk, vocal and Mal rumetttal, • Duluesne way, loot below street
The meeting woe called to order by Jnl, n 5. 01 il•eillisleney prOliteting bull.
Llutobt.•. Eelwhose nieulon W. C. Aught.. , th .„, t , r r „, t h e ,'Vert, of lightning, they
bench was railer' la proSitle. on ma taleattis of Its exeell•nets tram over
This gentleman, ou tatting the 011,•:, .1111040C.1 hree !tuna red of ~'Jr tit trans, beattles many
T h al
[lt natio . but I 01 O . II (• 0.11.1114 In iltlifersnt parts
logc araututo• atuva manner. Ile tit titr rnuulrT fen nanmlwy the f re t rms .,.
nl-ail the speakers the attention of the aunt- t „,„ hwh i.,l,d the h , for t h e heat r dol and
Dace; deprecated all Interruptions or polo ,he paint. As tho , wilt took . hereon s fir
gathering., and pledged bls app ...tit • ti 003
• 1 of seeing It, we would 'tato that It may
r-"'"ri)weeeting—w our a. hl+ be soon In /Aeolian les' Hall, at the centre en.
party were ti oneernati—the n agt time tneY t trance 1 Itzlit hand 51.10 ening tOtvla ROuteo•
Meet In Illrinlngbarn. The speaker, In cod. t
lc Dail. Ili low pride plarreit It within reach
CluslOn, Introduetal J . 11. Silber, P.sq., who of all.
pit:Meech:9l to &date. the meeting at COnsid
ermine length.
In the tonne of !,la remark. he alluded to We care not heir high or how low the degree
the proposed amendments to the Cousin utton et . • leemee• there l• one fehrk• that like load
and declared that the ellii ires propmea heel' man net he die Pe... 4 retie — arid the , In
worked no hardships nu any let al eon, that , soup. Poor •soap le about aro meanest tiling
they wore Impart 4 1, e nd ne,,, o w, iron- ,In the economy of A household, while yowl
t o to rebels and their
:mealier also don, t some severe Mow. to -au k no. I w hot It ft to hays good nosy for thee'
policy. Which were received will, tromendon• ink, and ovary women for washing. In th•
cheering Mr. Later
be uJial by exhorting upper end of ISOmestle mot I. Pod 0 , , 'fallen
his audienre to stand be the
toe that is needed. The staving soap were Intl
great party tint had saved the country to ear ab•l nut truly .47 that •10 have not had Si
and through who.. ngency It coitlit *lone eitinfet tattle shave within our nrollintlon.
preserved in pence. At for the thermen, Family, [retentive east
C. W. ltobb, Esq., In his usual feditailos•tyie, eosin soaps, wo It, not think wsi have ever
anoint:led orowd. The epeatter seen anything to exond the Mock an ashibt
- Steritheigelitant.terstakeratiehantatenty 4.1t0n, Ai gem us equal IL Whitewash liValt
that If the little ballots core pre,n wore Mann ci t y , Iltofhe_lnee - Solo" Mreaa'
built up Into spy ramid—and Hemet, loyoler 4 4 . hetr rt.. for ...P. That antral:oloon
could clime to the top of It. he a otil4 he next', the y man nintnnre of Ural.. load JOIWIVIn,
heaven and further from the levet., thxo or ono. eniuntraciery is on the corner of Zesty
The preamenttm p , v0t0...1 at the Fair .111 atop and exatuln• this
dad to and rev Owed at same length lira: eatli•
a hiss In the crowd Mr. proceeded to tell ' tertlix SAWING
his audience where it came trim 1 Thn a:est Inour notice of the Empire Sawing Machine
anaconda In Its la' peesage , broogh I. on •xlithittoa at %he upper end of pm.
country ha° nut , ' “nl..nlllitt up the little anakr. ti; 11:01. by the Mess.. Carer. A Ilro , wo
after tl.t otatin•r of the ot•I *tusks , a hen t1•n• , the names of the little ladies who
ger arm inmates her broods hilt there wet.. ,e Ir. reallt r the exhibit°. of the working
some copperheado.o that to• groat of LLo m metros Thar are MI. Addle Carton
anaconda refused to gootile theist tipt and tout ..t1 Andrews.and although quite
ern ohs they v .re hero to.olgto ,tinted they hare • thorough, precelesi
laughter and applause the goatlentan cteloll- ~ f the w „eking of the machine. Min An.
deft . it rat 'hosed us ono feat of the machine that
Major A. M. litown was the list speaker rather astoct.itedand a good Marty other.
Before the gentleman bad proceeded far in ht• • a no erre etching h er. alto Owed plidn
speech a creed of “rottgl on the out:rattle mfee of touruto under the needle, --week ..he
of the Meeting henna to blow and call loudly , the wry wor e. directly ap an down.-and
for .-Sweltzer. , has solar did title crowd lie. running It through the tinehlne, It mann out •
come that it was Iniponahle for the slime •r to Ito, fret ruffle, without aatherng It, or doles
lie beard s and he was. therefotn foreeil in e.rtlitng more than merely to fold IL Ike
retire. Kuifore ettracts eoneldernble attention, and
Thu peaceable loyal men returned to the I r r , bureau thee. great pitman,. in •Ahniling
homes, leaving the square in pOsne••lon of the 11, 0 work. We here before mentioned that It
Medias, wins kept up their orgies mitt: a late mew. equally well thrOligh copper or Meg.
hour of the nlght, • TcAttist.g DlAlt•lit
Lot Ito heat tin more from the oppositioa I
shunt the Interruption of public meetings I Toner nee a great Many noun who 11141 If
*ft. , thin 41•104). I. bleb Mingo that the, er , ly from Llietlef W.
Able 41.0640 k. art
fellows who egineered It tune reduced this ' mot It Is rt enutliu of great listen.% to
patellar .port d ►
own to a ecletice. Item to Snow teat anything that will Dille
I ,A•3e•al cora lose boon distrorerta. Mr. John
imalentierger has on exhibition In the tipper
clan oI Me Uwlldla Par ' ' Grid of Domestic Ilan, at the Fete g ranee, .
article which he thinks is imperil , t to any-
Yeeterdar tHereten. at eboet halt coo 01,10 thing that wan neer Were tin:night to the
o'clock, a cottiatlerable section of our aide of lu' ,llo treeme• It 1. FPoun lathe t ril9 111 .4'
r.n•l Is efneaclous In all stage,* all 1 • 1009
the great wigwam In mere.. crntsl. , The Grote pl.* of bnia6ee9
On the Weil Common, Allegheny, fell to the te t a, 213 :.•rook strain, Afbgaaay. aa4 the
ground. Severs) engineers of the Pit t• is r,l 41:0 by all reap Datable drag
Fort Wayne and Chit ago 0,61.04.1, at I: etise wind, t•gre &C.
Corns to look at the building, were •Itling We Again call the attsetion of the visitors
Linde:the portion of the roof that fell, One 01 1110 F a ir, to to. Apletight stook Of Ulan
them, hit. 4ibro Lee, reme , kel lA. , he in Yale.. Chandeliers, and other arth
not believe that the building vat•• s o , r mit •rt len by Mr. .Arthur rthurßirk, of Nos.
enough for the purposes Clesign.d. Illei and pi Funeral etreat. Allegheny ‘lt), In
lag to look up almost at the moment Its undo lii. .• R lu. wArkt .I•partromit, helm. everything
the remark, he saw the reef um:tuning to sive . Iron, too ...Meet pony glair , . up to the tar
tray. He shout to ht. comrades and aortas . ~ and the o ce d e „
toward■ the open Mae of the budding. h i , clot h is o f itic b I,,fi n it o
capeti unharmed, with the esception of Si r . e11r104,1.1.‘1. It would requite attatalogne to
Lee and Mr. des. il. boneu, who Irate min.. , j entonmste the artletest softie° ti tasty that
before they mould get oat. lie. bee inn • b. , ' tre•lnck rontal • emery thing front it mndi
nOmilderahry On one , 11d. lens, and Sir . Lon. n hand lamp up to the Isigest ehandeller. Mr.
rocetre quite severe inhales about the head i Ai r e pr,,p,-,41 to rote'. order. upon the
and logs. Both the Injured men rr.itie I g r. , uud . mot not only m 1111 them there, but to
itemeheeter. A party of indite and old Laren i parknom, atel In shin them to any pert of
Were on the point of enter mg Inc building at t h e en , id . m i h o „ k h l iep t e rwt hi e e i,, e g
be time of the ACCltiellf, and cstrancel tonere , the Around for exhibition, also platieti It
t nturles, by only s few seconds. No wind au. n,nn ter sale, nod purchase. wl I hail It to
stirring at the inn. Or the art leapt. N o. their Interest to give hire esti.
Wenger commentary on the pont! !nett.. et Ter rice sera, FLORAL nett—il•
the bedding could be glean than the Vol 111113 , ,
ry fall of a portion of It under iineh ciremo. An you enter the Pan greeed. the arse buil&
*Lances. The committee wild hare the a , log )4.1 eneomittpf le Floral 11511. no the left
structure thoroughly elan:bled t.-der, and;hand altln of the first entrance is the colt: u.
every defect In its couatruction remedie . thin of photographs h a ndsomeicture/ of Mr.
5 h. h. 11. ' , abler, redoes room. at Nos
lland sa et. Chan eircelexelt• he admit at tool
The Johns:town Colston y. carry paean' I
etiPer by. le has very atiperlol
The Johnstown Tribune gives the following , 1 ,1 5 1 11 peetsvApho , photographs dniohed
list of contributions roreirod 'tote abroad for 1,111111 Int, crayon., water colors and MI. home
the beinelltof Lb a sitirerert, by the :ate terrible 1 of hie Idel tire , are life lith While others ere
to snail they might eosin, be worn in seal
ettlawity at that Orme I , ring. lie has aloos very Ilne diepley of ivory.
President Addrow Johnson eke types, which excite Milvareal admiration.
General John W. Cleary ho 51r. Leila,' has become PO 111.1110113 for the ex..
John Miley, Altoona 5 Cunene° of Ills pled MCP that a mere mantled
D. /faulty 6 that he is en the greeted la sciMelent to Cense,
Citizens of Mineral Pottle. II I the a teleor to look him up, mut any one whir'
Capt. , . 11. Gagohy D has loan there before can tWil the uninitiated
lechomacker It bang of 101 exuelly where to go. tide stock ou exlithiltton
V. tellers A Pittsburgh to I embraces port robs of well known eltiocus.
W. S. Raven, Pittsburgh ae ; both of gentlemen and ladles. In the conneo-1
Cdiesple, Zolter A Co„ of Phlladelpb It. 100 1 Lion Ira would mention that In addition to the
Malin, Fernald & Wothortwild .to meet 'hot, Mr. Debi,. Le a graotical pliotegraphw
John M'Kenne, Philnielphia er. oiso loops on hand at, his rooms, on at.
Union League Of Philadelphia Clair street, it eery large and oompreitonstve
The Viking also says t Extensive Inquiry examttnent of every article In the line of tits
lead/ ask to'believe that there will be not wore I business. lie is prepared to fit out oomplotely
then two or three additional deaths, If that any person who MAY wish to eater the best
many. Nearly all of the badly tiroinulod are nose, or
h to ,4 7 , l , 7 . l7 , ll . t . he atr atoo p. k i l bs of c. t n ho b,l as
doing finely, Many, however, will be badly already
crippled for Ilfe, anti nearly a hundred w illaeon the Pair tiering the ountinul
be coedited to their beds for weeks. anal of t Pair grounds trill be Owned te
IA will be gratifying to our readers to lawn eau all of his old friend., and se tunny new
'that Mies LW:motion. Callan, whO van at Drat j one• ao favor httii with a cell. Ire ell
reported 10 be fatally injored, is rapidly , tutu grent pleasure hi slslpif uuy informallor
preying. florin) urns aro not of a nature to regard to pletures that limy be reo etre,'
dteablo or disfigure her. nd a the prices of the different lauds o
I pictures
Death from Slwrd Drinking.
Wm. Thomas, a resident of East
ham, died Saturday morning or Friday night,
at a tayernjori Meadow street. lathe boront it
The deceased had been leading I/ 'ICY/ intent
perste life for a very lons time. On Friday at
dinner, be drank a quart of ale, almost at a
draught, and in the evening he went to the
tavern Mentioned. Mid called for a pint of
whisky, sayinif that his wife was very slok and
be wanted it for her. The pint of liquor wits I
put ln the bucket be brought, and he corn.
gleaned that it was not go measure. The
-woman in attendance then turned in a tum
ble:fon , more, and Thomas started (or the
door. Delors going out he tamed and remark
ed that it Was s
not worth while to take se small
an amount of whtsky home, and before he
eould be intro fered with, had drank the whole
quantity. He then sat down In the bar room
andkoon fed: asleep, remaining theroull night.
In the nierrnlng he wea found dead. Corm=
Clawson held an inquest during the forenoon,
and yerd Tho ma sd from Intemperance was
returned. wail:111y years of age or
theriabOuts, and leaves a wife and two son
.Cbargo of igh Way Robbery.-61dar.
roan Taylor ll
manual an information on fria tor.
day mommy from. Jamas If abonw, or Nab ou.
tog Valley_. on the Allegheny Valor Itailload,
charging Timotlircorron highway rob.
ham Xaboney'itt aggaaracanio to thia with few days mance, and gelato in eon:many with
- Corran, they wandered og the rOiroo or the
seventh Ward.'whera Midway niltgal, Carron
Imaged idid dowit and r•want through Mine 1
robbilig Mord thirtydollars ta mooney, after.
with:hal d Tha aaavold wan arrest:
ad sad' committed 3a . dau g.ll of D 64, ror a
. •
rAwrT A•.•? , 03J1(01 lO•I/
L. A. CAAao
..0 iwe hare had sur' a delightful day," sal I
Miss Jones to bur pspa . site arrived (tom'
from the Fear on Saturday. , •I'Ve stopped I.
tf nes of ever so many pretty pletures lb. t
tv toot mono hp Mr., Mr., Mr., o,naw What a
his name, pope 1--eutoething tha t
s seal Inge to a
steamboat." ••Itilcll, Will it Mr. (Midst' ',
"NO." "Was It Mr. Clark 1" ")10, ne." "Mite "
••No, on, not that, It wee something you put I
the lout." "0," 'exclaimed pater huntlics, •
then It moult have been the freight." ..N.,
at lone not It, In. Whet is It you say lobe t
a boat Ii loaded, and just ready to go out 1 ,
-Why that she It. her WV 00 beard to ' '
cure 'That's the wimp, pa llt was Mr. Car ,
and I do assure you be has a Magerfaconf 0' *
Motion no exhibition. I saw aver so te • ..
persons that I knew, and they were so eater I
that It Inst. looked es thought was riet awe
my irinutle." Weil she wan right, on Mr. Co -
go itaa a. splendid OaltnetiOn and 110 Cant* ••
No person wliff rotors the right hand sitio •I
pineal Roll, Cl Lilo first entrance se you to . e
into , the Pair grounds, fails to stop and adml
theta. If we wore to go Into an ertistleal da
ontsitiOn of their respective merits, and ape k
of their lights and shades,...their warmth • 1
colorinc, tint blending of• milers the taxiing • f
the picture, nod Other erolanat'ory pimlfee .e•
ai r
longing to a eritieleal On paintlegs, wig
tokeXp to tilliett room, and should net do all
much to favor the artist as Just to ropiest b.
(tenet* call and eXamlbel.nera. Yr. C' 0M
gallery in thoolty , ts ot,NO. *nab stroaXid
70 and 01 AtiogbenyCity, while tils st of
rhotoiffsPOLoxostatists Is St fromsifea t.
- . .
W, w. traiTsimou i_
rkeal Hall Is oolebrat ad llor beat ShO
grferritdoiffOOf IfebolifolifuLl Notatt
ire herb Ihrowia tersihralline
'bring them into eamper;sors r
.laririreur*rer3hrblSOlr lit
~- - -
diliccreusent, if we Were to pass by the very
flifr ',splay of picture* nn exhibition by Mr.
MM. Whibahmi4 of Pro. 70 Ilf if th street! it is
at* many years since Deguerre canght the
Feream and ti ...Oren li, so aa to present a
torfeit presentment of the human face
n, mid tt is •tlil levs (tine Bloch the , Th.
y vas mace thft the principles of Da
ghkarro could he substituted for those of Gat
iltrurg. Yet so It Is, and our features eon
be transferred to consul so perfect in
f and lineament as to almost appear as the
11 g original. Look at the portrarts on tithi
hi on by Mr. Whitehead, Nearly every one
la at of some well-known citizen, and there
fig the eOrrectness of the likeness can be
at once. We desire to call attention to
t beauty of the plain photographs. Borneo(
were so smooth that we could scarcely
eve they were not dressed with crayons or
t had up with India Ink. The coloring of
ati eof Me pictures by Mr. John Earle is very
d the complete likeness being retained. We
..., only say that in looking through Floral
. the attrtletloll3 of kir. Whitehead will
Who Overlooked.
lite pictures or this gentleman, now on
e bition at Floral Hell, are (remarkable in
la o respects than One. Being immorally
v . a of places and buildings, they show a
d ee of skill and perfection Oust la rarely
a tied, on account of the manner. in which
t erspeettve has been pre s erved. Look at
t wo views of Blairsville for Instance. In
°reground le the bridge and the Klski-
HMs, while far in the rear the Allegheny
e of mountains, with Peek Saddle Gap are
e seen. Then again the mote familiar
v 4 of New Castle, with its easily recogniz
e buildings, Is to be seen, A splendid view
oft 6 0
First 'Pretb orient:numb of this elty,
with many private •••bleuces In and areund
tnainlty, are on exbl • inn. Views of scenes
In the Cemetary, tomuiltonits, monuments and
union embowered amid shrubbery, throw
their sombre hue over a very line collection.
Thillyels a view of tern w iris suspension - bridge
ore .
the AlisialeuY. wh toil le also very tine.
31r.: urvLunce's rob um in t hoeity are at No. 4
St. air street, where a vary largo collection
of otographs can be seen. Those who trialt
11r. en/lance's exttioltlon at the lair will
.1 .
ve en opportunity of seeing the ' Pine
Apt e shrub in foil hearing, haring one pine
non Upon it, w Watt will ripen in about three
we 5. as floral Ball will not be overlooked
by hors we ne,..1 ray nothing more In re
g to Its Wale.. la.
- - -
eA hare will ho many on the Fair grounds
~., r
who will not unsure to return to Chet:fly
fort air Clittn.,r, we would itay to seen—me It
jam and pentlent.n—thel Mtwara. Wlgglrte
A Lie wig, Drum setare , .l Ili- Pas It ileslanrant, !
set tattle that c 41g tint Ise twat Isv este In 111.
City' Therts In n.: slelle.s•-, i n t toe reey eatl
for te at a 1 i: .of .. ...-C, ...I •,:n a fee minutes
and u ille t.. , v as.• ,* 1,,, ~ f.i It is . dining
roof lb t :01 was' r is Ts II:,, s• welters ere
ALM Ilse, their I • 4.1101, their atones .o-
par an I Illet cis trgess reasonable. What
IIIOY h... 1 mast
CO ot l USIOX.
Hating noticed as • insets , of the prominent
stile e. no as .ftrowtiod space will allow, w•
will any no mot c than to Rredlet a. week of
flneWentlier and success. The fulr will close
on Wednesday evening. op to which tame the
Citllll Frosenger hallway, in order to accom
liCa a visitors, will run twenty cars, every
othe one et which will switch off at the Fair
groltilds and return. The ears will ran as
raph.My as possible,Wlthont regard to nehwi.
ale time, no w to avoid crowding as Made A.
1 Thgre will be a IRMO apl On exhibition
writ.* will puzzle almost everpbody who does
nut eie this notice. LL is the oolt of one of Mr.
andgwe little Shetland pony's, and wee born
l ir : ill i b ri e rst mo tts t y o o bo e
mart that
test b•eliCf. To 1110ao who doo
r ot knots what
it is. It Is Imposaible almost fo them to tell
1 whether it
a horse colt, • mule colt, a dog, a
gont,pr • rabbit, The 11100 between the grim
tiesgand the hell, will come off as certain as
thelreather Is pleasant. Toeiny will the a big
day, and fresh exhibitors will do well to got
lnetritocks on the ground as early as pos
• *We.
At & large and enthusiastic meeting of the
Estitib'loan voters of VIAA township, hold at
I.llnerestlie, Friday . evening, September gist,
the lion. George ti Dann was called to the
chair. Eloquent and pat Oath, addressee were
mean by lion. Geo. Wilson, lion William Lit.
tie, and Jones. Esq.. at the conclusion of
whielt the following preamble and resolutions
were read and unanimously adopted :
Wltatisas, fly the recreant course of An
drew .101.4031, 1.1 peoplcl of the country
have Stale boon brought Moe to lace with
treitOrs, and the Trolls of victory over treason
are being frittered sway; and whereat, we lie-
I ter* to the doctrine that o loved peopie should
be governed by lore/ suou only, snit that le
the litogusue of a ones loyal mart, trossaw
should be wade odious, and traitors should
take back sects; therefore.
Ilesottesd, That we, the Republican voters - of
Pitt township, do hereby pledir ourselves to
renewed effort., In behalf of the principles we
haviteepouretl, nor will tre reitoquish our Is-
Washita every netts* of 13.11/4V4 owl John
-sea rauithTailam sa•-ssorgi Imo Dlttet and
power, end the prlnelples erne Union lteprth
llean Is ty are established on • sure sod firm
Reached, That the doctrine% enunciated try
andrce,,Jonneon, that the President la CM, di
rect revrelentative of the people, I. ft lt01).
trine repugnant to the free Inatittllterll of the
country, and c*Culsted to create alarm snd
ell•truat In the nand of eeorY Patriotic elti.
That the racant theca:mm.2ring tear
of Pn indent Johnston. is s source of mortifi
cation and *hems to every American citizen
as wanting In dignity, snit tending to until.
the odic. of President to that of a mere ,
pleader for , trty suffrage.
Reaared., That we approve of the Centel... l
slouch tdaii of reconstruction, believing that ;
repentsnee for the past anti ted•mnity for the
rotors la tee only safe sucrantee by which
rebels can again he Wltnhts4 to power.
Arsaferd. That Holster Wymer, by pis coarse
oft-teethe rebellion, has forfefted the respect
of the inset men of Penasylsanle. anti. Amu.
mush as be refused to cote eunpl lee to the eel-
Mere la the held, so cow we refuse to vote for
&oared, That we pnintwlth pride and plan
tains to mar standard bearer, General John W.
(teary, the enliven, sold ler end plitrtot, and we
predict for titwi a vtetory on the i•comt Toe►
idly of October unparalleled In the histOry of
Penns, Irani. politic..
Oa motion Lt w. resolved that the next
twisting be held at the Car Station at Oakland
an Monday evettins, October Ist, when several
;treatment speaket• are expected to be pr..
set. It was tut the: resolved that the thanks
of the meeting he tanderwl to 1 nn. George
Whien.• tion. Wiliam LIU. and. P. Jon.,
RN-. for s Gala; atitlfalate n behalf o f
the Mime.
Ten meeting adjourned with three cheers
for Getters' Jam W. Geary and General .1. H.
kloorittied. Ciao. Wanes, President.
Haar 4. Bala% aceroihrY.
Grand Republican llWrits. at naives
On Saturday Osahiht, a grand Union Repub.
hese meeilug—largely attended—was hold In
the Wanton& at MeKeimport. After the wan
ting weeralled to order, J. Y. Drava, Msg. was
sealed te Ute chair, and the following Tice
Tresldeals were sleeted: TI T. Cnurein,
bunches, W Minn Coyne, J. U. Warr. r. ISe•-
ex.aun, Jusotill thinglse. U . Theodore
Wends and J. U. Wnntgowery were appoluted
The Tom Marshall Glee CND of the Second
want of dile city openol the meeting with
some of their most IsMttler airs, after winch
r. Lucas, Kati. Ikliserod an intereetlng and
tilahlylnstreollea ermenh, which Wes received
groat applahle.
After more excellent amide Thomas M. Mar.
I shall, Kohl. was laud)" salted far., and spoke
for an lint and a half his best rtyle. Der
ling hie remarks lie wee repeatedly Mort opt
en by entlmslastloapplaose, \
Mr. Mere, the Chairman, made a few, but
Very' Impresslve remarks, and, after three
Untie three for Uoary and the whole Union
' tloket, the meeting adlournotl.
Ant , Eberly "Bess 1u mum. -
Am adjourned meeting of the Boys in Bins,
of the >lnt ward, Allegheny, wag held et
dons-Ball, on Saturday evening, September
I>D7, Col. LAI, Duff in the chair, and James
Itobinaon, Jr., Secretary:
On motion, the I:acclaims Committee were
instructed to older sevonty.tire additional
lanterns IrCl2l the County EXOCUIIVe COM
On motion, the Erman:lvo Committee were
tustructsd to prOClall the number Of carriae-
Os neCossiery for the accommodation of wound
ed soldiers who era unable tO walk In the pro
cession or the 13th (nst.
On motion, citizens of the ward detirons of
turning out on Tuesday ercning,were cordial-
L in e vited to join the ranks or the Boys In
On motion. the Finance CoMmittee were Ine
structed to purchase Arty Wide Awake
On citation, (Apt, eam. C. Behoyer and Capt.
J.. 0. Ayreduy were unanimously elected Attie
taut liartbals.
On Inotion,adjourned to meet again on Mon
de), evening nt seven o'clock.
!broad Ward, Alleithiewr. nay • In floe.
An adelourricrl meeting of the "Boys 1n Ulne."
of the Second ward, Allegheny, was held In
the 'Wheel-house, on Saturday evening. In
the absence of the President, Me President
SIMor Tyler in the chair.
The minutes of the last meeting were read
and adopted. As reports from committees
lining In order, the reporrfrom the Committee
oneti me* Wu road and accepted , and a vote
of aka glean Major Harris far Ms sweetie
ful Weavers to place the organisation in con
dition, to: maim a creditable display on the
evening of the Seth.
On motion, sixty membors.of the "Begs In
Pane,. of the Second ward, is a. committee to
canes,* the ward, iii order to ascertain how
many soldiers can be at honsmodated by.. the
citizens Pt this ward. and report the names
.and number emelt tau aecotamodate.
' Motion adjourned to-meet at the &heat
hen:tie on.afentlay.Orerting.
The-delegates of the Second ward, Angelo.
re requestedromeeteitlS
Ttly order of '4..-Ahmtairi
Atoren.lettiropsaa Clroas
Al wtU be nob by the advertbrmant In an.
Other owbunar Qat .lazte. and Mader etre=
hatabllihuseet , hltilt"tn 'Allegheny City
tor tour days, - cosamenot i trj:: W ntbassday
'Mat, giving , WO pea:mean dully. The
Cerepaay-lethe largest In -the , country, and
willywastinsvikeed proirra ma, tatroduts
big Itatildertelts =reales o b day. The
great WOO fteSendon. Whbah , take place
oa W morning-to , A ea/ .J.tXt
vain riltabaryth on Thursday ordlelt‘ w...
M even bore.
,• tO
• WO
Tbl*f eapterred
On the eighteenth of this month, Philip ()Ol
den, of Hickory Mallow, near Oil City, made
information before the Mayor. charging Wm.
Ashton with having stolen from hint a silver
lover watch worth twenty-ire dollars, (wen.
ty.nve dollars In money, And a breast pin
tipped with gold, worth too dollars. lie al
leged that a day or two before, he and Ashton
were drunk together at the phut* mentioned,
and lay dawn to sleep Vetere going to - sleep
Ashton Informed Golden that he would sorely
rob him. Bore enoagb, when he woke up In
the morning Ashton was gone, and with bills
the articles mentioned. It was supposed that
he tame to thlteity r and hither Golden came
and made Information es aforesaid. Search
was made tint he was not found in the atty. Re
was also searched for In New Castle, where be
resided, but was not found there either. Op
,Satarday afternoon, officer Scott of the Mat ,
orn disoovered the alleged thief on S .
Clair street, In front of the glrwell House. Tho
°Moor arrested the fellow and lodged him In
the tombs. Hs will have a heaping to-day.
Rafting Coder Mgtlevities.
On Saturday afternoon, owing to the high
and turbulent state of the water in the Alle
gheny river, a raft or timber which bad Deem
hitched above the Pittsburgh, Port Wayne and
Chicago Railroad bridge, at one of the piers,
was cot loose, for fear that it would damage
the plies by-being driven against 'thous. The
raft fleeted rapidly down the river and strong
the piers of the Hand street bridge, where it
immediately went to places. Several men
who ware on the raft were deposited with eon.
akterable uneeremony in the stream. Alt sue
eseded in saving themselves without adieu Ity
except one. This mae, whose name we could
not learn, was a bold and excellent swimmer,
but was overpowered and exhausted by the
violence and roughness of the current before
be could reach the shore. Two boys in a skin
came out to him from the Pittsburgh lade of
the river, and rescued hint Just ae he lesson
the point of sinking. He was so exhausted
that he bad to be pulled into the skier by the
male strength of the boys.
I =llO3
A yummy lad named John Jack, aged between
fourteen and fifteen, met with an acioldent en
Saturday afternoon, which may result Malty.
Flo was employed In heating rtvets on the new
iron suepansion bridge, now being construct
ed across the Allegheny river, for the Rats
burgh, Ira Wayne and Chicago Railway Com
pany. In walking along one of the girders at
an elevation of thirty feet from the water, he
slipped and fell into the river, striking In his
descent one of the planks and injuring his
Ode to each an extent am to make his efforts
the wa to save himself eery feeble. A
yy ad
threw adsln oo
to to 16:
tot of mind Ind
wa yonna Jack grasped and clung to
until faunal by same partles In a skiff, who,
seeing his perilous position, came to his nid
and reamed him. A stretcher was prepaced
and the boy placed on It and carried to ?Ile
home In the Eighth ward, whore he sttil lies
in a precarious condition.
worthy young friend of ours connected
with the Pittsburgh press, has Jest received
letters from eminent counsel in New York,
asking him for the proofs of his heirship to
the famous Notokereoeker estate, sr bleb own.
mites the greater put of Wall street in that
elle. This property Is In want of an heti., and
our friend proves to be it direct descendant of
the original lessor of th• entire tract, and la
Justly entitled tan large share in one humired
millions of dollars worth of the not valua
ble reel estate in the metropolis. The discor.
ery of his right to the property by ttembers or
the legal fraternity of New York, who are en
gaged In the investlgation of elatm• coupled
with his own fatally tral Mon that the prop
erty belongs to them, seems to fasten beyond
i .lotiht his rtght to the vast estate. if he gets
his does he will abandon scissor., pen and
pencil for a more congenial Iljo than that of
writing for the press, We shall borrow from
Grand Rally to the Elisabeth,.
We have rarely seen a more spirite.l meet.
lag than that of the Kilzabetba—borough and
Lowiship—ln the Town Mali, in the borough,
on Thursday evening inst. It remtnded one
of the good old Whig Mmes. when Shoes id-roug
hen!, of that party used to strip for the tight.
Mr. lechlay, of tile borough, preshled. Capt.
Sprain*. of the In 111 be, sots; at Seert
ta,y. • telling • ech, well received, will
made by a Baptist uttuuder of the place, Rey.
Mr. Whitehead, who was followed by Mom V.
IC Moorhead, arta Joha M. Kirkpatrick, Esq.,
of this city, whit, until as unusually late boar.
enrage,' the attention of the large audience
Eausent. A desire sad determination to do
Shan ever before seems abroad to the
OntSISV4sI I .9. 1:S.1 us were assured the resell
would foil, Justify the expectation. We shall
erfainly be greatly dlsappointed it It does
/fast/airs TernErbt.
The Boys la Bias cd East Divinlogham will
hold au Important meetiria at the Academy,
The Boys In Illve of the Sixth Ward 1.111
am a meethat erting aml.
to-night to the Public School
A Linton Republican meeting will ho hell to- '
night at Satiny Creek, Penn towpshin. Gen.
Moorhead and other distinguished mai cri will
address their hillow eh/eerie upon the impor
tantql2l,6oWW. of the 4.r.
The Boys In Blve of the Firth ward will as
semble ins.teorrds , weenie' at seven o'clock,
to participate In the general procession. All
the Geary men of the ward Sr. Invited to fall
into ranks.
The Boys in nine of the !Seventh ward will
meat the same evening at the same hour, at
th eelsoo. house.
The Geary Club of the Flout ward will meat
at the Wheal haute, mime evening at too same
Railroad Ateidont.
At &tont eve o'oloek on Satorday evening,
an accident occurred On the flomtmtod eta
tine, en the Pittsburgh, Pon Way . * a Chi.
ear, Railroad, to the Erie Express naming to
this city. Some new rails had been recently
laid down there, and not being Lally anchor.'
old, they spread and the forward truck of the
rear oar was thrown Dom the track. The car
Jolted ever the ttee for some distance, and
was pretty badly smashed. Some twenty pas.
tanners were in the car, and all of them more
or lass braised and cut. Ono lady, ktre Dish,
living near East Liberty, had her face pretty
Severely eta, and received several bridges.
Mr. Henry P. Kane, of this city, also received
injuries of a painful character. A gentleman
named McCarthy, frost Sharon had one of
Me ribs broken and bin ankle injured. None
. •
were seriously Lori, end the train was not long
Patel Accident.
On Saturday evening last as Mr. John Ito.
Nsmara was returning home to his residenee
fn Temperaneevillit he fell through an unpro
tected part of the wooden bridge which psalms
over Saw 11111 Run, near that borough, and
unstained anch titled., no to emus his death
mint instantly. Tmieninv Coroner Clawson
held so ingneat upon the body of the deceued
and the Jury returned a verdict of death from
accident. They also recommended that the
ant hi:irides have the hrlibro repaired Immedi.
Maly. /t Is said that this la the third death
resulting from the same can..e on the same
bridge. The deceased was employed Ns a toll
gate keeper on the Steubenville Pike, and was
• very worthy gentleman. Ile loaves a wife
1 and six children to mourn his untimely end.
NOVOIreI, glsert.—On Seturday morning, as
Charles Foreman, engineer of Leverance's
Rivet manufactory, on First street, was In the
act of throwing a belt front • whi rl edis cloth
ing was caught and he was around
the shafting with frightful rapidity. Ills tel
la, terribly crushed and lacerated, COO be
was otherwise injured. Ito was convoyed to
his residence, near the Steubenville -Railroad
bridge, where his injurlea were promptly at
tended to by Dr. Hamilton. Re le very severe-
ly Injured, but probably not fatally.
• Versa Wtalpplar.—On llaturda_y after
noon as a man by the name of Dr. DeGratla
was selling some kind of patent medicine
from 4 carriage at the lair grounds, a quarrel
sprung up between him and some gentleman
whom he said had limited him, and hard
words passed, which ended by the gentleman
striking him with a horsewhip: The Doctor
threatened to sheet, and the gentleman.s
friends took him away. The Doctor was then
requested to leave the&rounds, which ho did
without any further &Manny.
igeorgaistaed.—The Edwin Adams Dra-
male asoolation has been reergantsed and
now promises to be the only flrst cities organ-
Imaton of the character In the two cities. The
following °dicers have been elected to serve
the ensuing term! President—J. A. Davis;
Vico Pretlnent—W. 11. liamilten; Secretary—
W. T. Gist; Treasurer—J. R. Weaver; Stage
Manager—A. hi. Ray. Lathes and gentlemen
desiring to connect themselves with the As
sociation will address Mr. W. T. Gist, Alle
gheny eitat.
• Substnnuesl Weisman for owr ttsP
Mon.—Major Moorhead, Chairman of the
Committee to take the navies of those who
are willing to furnish board and lodgings to
any of the soldiers during the continuance of
the great 001WatitiOn , will be In attendance at
the City tl.o ail day Lade,. in order to made
a record of those who are willing to furnish
anommodations to delegates. A dispatch was
received by btsjor Moorhead on Saturday
evening, statleg that a delegation of two hun
dred and fifty would arrive from Cleveland.
Ursek Her.—Mary Morrison was atrusolc
in the breast by a young man named John
Latimer, en BatardsY morning. ni the °""
of [Ugh and Wylie @manta. dna attempted to
defend herself by natur&strlialunt•
Mg that she was likely to be worsted, msr.e it
but end
no and the law. sPltegril l r
~Mtbarman Lynch forthwith. where rt .,
tarred a charge of as and battery is a
Jelin. Me was arrested and gate bat
Assault awl Battery.—Andrewgritnothi
was before Aldermen Lynch cm to mb y.l
°heaved with avian= and battery on o o f 1
Wiluam Ostschell. The defendant. alleges
that Andrew who Le but it wean boy, Mundt
him in tits as withlile clenched get while he
(the proeeenter) was sitting down. • warrant
Inn planed In the hands - or *nicer Conners for
the arra= of the youthful transgremer. -
solarmot 1 11 reyektertlar
eAlone of
or a
limniki Yamp O lil lesi °Mogi UM% 3 1 9 damage was
yr' NrN Med. ha lototrt.ll - e. Pa,. se (top Ott,
test , Pots the erects of laJorlts rresive4 by Ilts
rs'l or a plyt form oo the ICA, s. A trY Ale SS 1411SSOI
ossghtsr of Thou,. sod Rose Quinn, aged 70 years,
sto• the sad tedats. .
There Is a beauty coon In death. At the element
of dissolution., wber, the Immortal er Pit is kitten
the eertbly holm, to which It had bete dom'elled for
years. eat says, If will relole yea on the day of
reaarreellost, molten and clear," nth:deb:li melty
should like the place of tears.
Title young Ist, was the Idol of the meaty la
which sba moved. Her genial mile, her venomss
heart, ner noblesiem—yea, her Mee and port ant
•omanheni—made her endeared to all who gained
her acquatetaner,
The memory of Wm Quinn irlll leas Ilea to the
`•beut of hearts•' hoe Mends. Life is but a
apes. They hope to meet he In a glorious Immor
tality. M.
e-h beautiful •Widl'e-atre,“ the largest ntberban
place of sepulchre. except cone, In title [meaty, ell
uatel on New Brighton road, leutnedlately north of
Allegheny. /or burial iota, permits or Litho , call
at ventral Drug Store of Otrol.. C1,./t NEV. Alle
gheny City.
Po. 196 Suittlblllold St., cor.
(Entrance frantflevantb Stmt,)
Aims. Ames,
so. IN Fourth street, Plit.borm Pr (X.WrINII eI
an ainds, neve deft:Tisk.n
of ran anti Purotaolo,n Vuocta 11•01191,11041. WM.
open I T dnlgbl, He alatearm
i te ill 11 11.1.0
Kersencsa—iter. David Kan Lk. Ow. al
W. Jaeobes, MD., Themes twang. .. Jacob b
p T. WHITE & CO,
R •
Manchester, Wood , . Ras gad rialatty.
thsrattrot Shallaut sad Chart's/a Create.
II tarts and Carriage* him:shed
Oa Wirth in troot,
Have Jun re/wired a new Itoet at
it, Cola 811rar Ca am. ante
• T
WZLZI T. W"XX.437lir
tes LIE BT., BIL A A /MU.
Time Registering
f1.A.13, 0 NEETEI2 S.
ALIST.ANZPV'M dr 4:74:24.
Mater, to Optical Goods,
03 I.SI Saitld
Thin bascromant 1. ver7 generally end by Termer.
aod Merchants, ea well al steamboat:nee. It ea
blame • Clock, Barometer and Tbermomete t. a
ofn be be depended gran Par iodic-Mlles itio eban
area toe,
• e
2 DES bs
ee2l No. $2 eta' tblold Street,
At is se)ourued nacetles et the Draymon. Carl
ene." Wagoner. held at Clay 114/1, It ayes resolved
to meet et Ylltnitli'S HALL, le City
Tlll3 (1lonalay) 1trE31.5.3,
At VC Wel« , a, for the purpose of mattes arrange
ments-to yartielsata In the Tel,* meet Present.
ex Tuesday E..etes neut. A. OM attealasee le ur
gently remmoted. By order of
I ;/;tilei # *
Tuesday Evening, 25th inst.
Chief Marshal:
LlDS—emend door.. S. Colonel W. •. I
ltobinson. M-lonel D. It. Morel. Col D IL •reter,
colea•I Wm. Glero, Colonel D. W. Meg raw, Major
Samoa kileere. Menu S. II taught'. Igulor N•
Nape. Major W. W. darker. Masada N. M. Battik,
Captain AW. R.D. Cordele W, Cont.. A political struggle, rarely surpassed lo laver.
Louis Rot.. COP_ltdo • O W° " *• P er tango or Intensity, has been areal:dotted en the
Gang. Canto!. w_. r. iNtsett,cot•i. CsUltitb.
Captain W. R. Easton. Lieut. maenad. ,lent R. country by the tremhery of Androcr John.. and
0. NoahY.lra- ChorlossoWNT. 11001. A. Kr•asi• tome of bl• atheist or personal adherehts to the
Verge.* a. moo, Sorg- mil& It Darker, Sergeant
Merman Myer.. Sorties.% arm. Llpplaeolt, Set Pam .ad Potrintio any by whielt the were en ,
gesat Wet. Shore. Set g Jobb II Kerr, err[[ I trusted with power.
W. MIL WO" r.rslS • -' , Cont. IL 0 . . o ' o, I The elm of this treachery is to prat the steadfast
vent. F. Morose, Nut. F. IL Buses I.lcol. T.
H . 6.46. P. peed. toyallots a the rmoth under tes feed of lb. • "whip-
Metsg.e. Capt. A. McCallum. ,tent. C. 5. Mmes. pad but net subdued" Rebels• and to enifQ•
Molar J. 0. 51 , 111 t., Capt. Wm. Mayo latter to glut their vengeance on the forum , vamp
Dimions and their Commander , . they hate ..4 Co me as responsible for the oat ea.
First DiviNon. martpowtd of deleFtlee. front • expected overthrow of their darling "C tirade,
diastase. to be eotamanded by On . L. roman. aey."
8,1.14 DW1.... ...two. bra. ore.. rt . . Th• meant wholesale trimmers at M. Me and
the Vint, &woad. Third and Tenth lads. to be
commanded D 7 .en. F. H. Collier. Row trr.eans, wen bet conspicuous man! tattoos
Thad Divide°, eompolcief dedegetines from the of the spirit new rampant In the Booths hereof
Venrth, Fifth sad Kith Wards.. Firebomb, to be the pro-Rebel triumph la Ifontuehy Is a ors ra
mmentanded er Col. Joseph Brown..
eel 1a
mat example. The soldier. of Lee, Ilea gard.
a...nth. gum sod sloth wards, to boo
eemmauded • Johnstoe and flood are mew the dentine t power
D 7 COI. lame. Patehel.
Divislen. onagemod et delegation. from the in ' w r•t"" the /°° o ' o°4 . f .U 0
command or to melt ctbor to .teen in prefer's.. oven to stay-al•
commanded ity Capt. Jlthe IL Stewart- home Rebels; they have supplauted mostly In ethers
Math Division etmapered of del•ga.loo. Dom the
Imt, lletod. Thud and Fourth Warns of .L . eghee7 • ---• .te
to be commendod by Gen. Charles Demme. and *Reefed as Bute blitisto; and they Manly
Seventh Dlvition. toollamed td . ti.lttotioo. from . rush every deco nstration of loyal White or loyal
itirmiesm. Brownstown, booth PI ts burgh &eel
Mount Woshington, to be commanded Col. WU- Stmt. la assertion of the IigLIAL RI NT$ of
N. AMERICAN Planoch RN. Tbs sehooi uses of
A WWI Divi.lM, CoMPome A• 1 •IlosIno• rm. Me dlarks ere surnot sad their Whit. leathern
Sligo. Saw Mill Hun sad Tempomneeville, to by
commanded On Col. J.•W.
of subjected to vtoicem and outrage try ts alianged
Ninth Division, composed of s ee. elegallons frees Rebels, who relieve the work of murder ol anon
M mrpsburn. ettehMtee. Pine Creek. Foot L 110,17 Downti
ledme Baronet by shoe,. for •udy Johnson and sneer one of
burg. to be commanded by Col. John A. Dont. Congrem.
Tooth Di Nelson, compostoll of delegetton. from The p moose of forcing reprelentati
townships bet. eon the risers, tuba an by
Col. J. H. Copeland. Rebel States Into Contr... in 400.00501
Eleventh UdM.lon, .opposed of delegations Dem oath. by Pre. nentlal nag and Military
towoehiP* oq imalb ad. of lloottagaboNt rend, to openly avowed, with throat a that thoor I
torbudindert by Maj. Y. C. Negley.
Twelfth Division, compaod of delecalloas from It .ball ben treated ea rebels, and a elyil
township. earth of the £llegltor river, to be mot- klud 04 ihr usbout the North and W.U.
Inninlenn, COl. L. W. Smith. It has thus become Impsratlm that
Formation of Column. Mead tor LIBERTY nod LOYALTY—Mr
The delegations will form as follows I of IN. UN It IN to exist and of MAN to
All delegations from a dist•nee Mil harm on Weed; that lb. glorious CIVIL HIGHTSACT
Nola on Water, which will form It.. right et the
- repealed—lent the r ght. of the huMbloat
dooond. TUN d end Tenth Wards, Pipe , CAN ass heoc.fotth goeasm"'" l ... l aa ' a
berth, will form olt First mreet, 0111. right resting FEDERAL CONSTITUTION and most
on Liberty.
Fbanh L Flfth and Math Ward. en Stmeed street. spinal g'bilr.7:l7N—wibt'prtheßi
BLACKS had no rig
right o n
and Ninth Verde On'
1. " . 1s le reenact have S creed sway forever •
sight on Liatirty. r In all I
Find and flocend ward.. Liwrenceville, on Ws hold "4•7 rise
Fourth street, rl plea Liberty. STATES of IMO, M WEST V/RULNIA an
Firetecond„ Third and Fourth ward., /Moshe- SOCHI. We moat bold these to mtr en
: t i l l ' h b * t e:Fl:ro . :::Lire n t ita r. 7 7ltat t. irlt U V/ 4 11 W fo n nu t".. on Fifth street, None. and add to tbe i n o t . hl t SJl ... FLA w V o m
WARE—the termer
The illnainkitema. Monet Illfestelngten. Jo b e .oniens. We antet •
town, lionth Pittsburgh, Sligo, sawmill Res. Tom- majotity ot
peranceville. blanehester, ilbarpeborg, Stewart t. the Inell•holdo
town, Fine Creek, Kalil Libarty au4 Wilkieshorg Lenity . Natio...M. so
delegeliona will form Oh Liberty street, right on
Water MMOL u."'
ad. let Light mid Truth bo wst
All town s h i p delegations will form ea Sixth and To [hie •
eeigbboramed 00 . 1 7
Seventh elfenta. the right realms on Liberty stem.. 1p dlo.m. to •
AU the monalid de'egatiove will farm ea Water „.... g nnut our MO./ dos°
areal, betwesa Ham sad Llhetly street.. ibie *ad. propom en extra luxe
Mounted Men will forme. tight of divialese to To to situ .04
wh , th their deleg•tion. boloagi. WarxxV Tame.: Ito t
'bleb WO will
In All delegation. age rupee ulr reetmst.d farm with
ente maks, the felleringterms. tee yew lo be met
• R ou te of IProcession. to on receipt Of the •
Laleitor,lsa..l.titikeill.i.,ll....:,4 eoples /hue tecm ... ths .. .. .
rt?li T.u.itrlibvp7loltre.uni" Wylre, x = :711.• ap . „
to nno atoojt ° ,l,.. to strket r y,,, o , r red .
%cr:listrAltil.l°Z.2l..niftflor: Itt
.. too Cedor arm
Me to Fed•ral. on a roo:st..::. 7 k.
:I=l Gitollnergrlgin Metal Is 11 , 44 . 8.4 .
tirlgat ' lrantaw.s .l.l ;tr, je ° l:ar eta p en
O wrr
BoiA LE D s
mt F o it i :
NO, eh Market Wert, Pittsburgh, Pa
"'Tait old establlshad house has now la ate thirty-
Iles th uuuuuu dollars worth et Boots sad shoes. and
styles the latest, *ha finality the beet, ~ s lab w. are
&tangoed to fall at VERY LARY (Micas. V.
have rein teed hal to be nad.,rsoiel by any la the bur
incse that keeps goode.woriti harlue.
Gall and Ito.oololl on Sink of goods, and we Rel
satiated tlatyea will parehaut what you want to
taw Norm sad Oboe Line.
Ile not forget the OM% tl glarket - etreet.
Jett JAM • Ste 00.
113PP.A332a.1 1 4
tint Street, above SERMinehl,
NEAR 110S0:2 ANEW. 110 V SE.
Odell to Melt seer Cards/tea. Pa
reaches sat Wander. alp sore otthe Mast Kiditi
And Intolep Homo. tasks their that oast are
WI to glee don ranteutar atteatton p.l
toOlaytaeleattoutag itersessos sOinslosto.
Uogniiiirll4ll.4req. . . givoi
The wilUcm Is torwarded welsh will mob be war
SCriblill boo Was Ib• Inni•
SWIMS corm PER. eig
cl.g 01
88 07 TEN A—NU Urw
-Eiilargemenibflhe Daily, Beniti-WM4I
ly and Weekly Tribune,
Noterttbstaudloi the tut that the .Lie of 711111 Til
wan ha ban !mamma more than oa-na,li7
Stu pile. wlli remain *a amme
The Great Family Newspaper.
It petoted on a large doable-medlunt sheet, making
alibi pones of six broad columns •arh. It ettatuttaa
all the Important Ndttorlale published la Tall DAV:
by Cutout:re, eirypt theta of merely lime' Interest:
alto Literary and Eetentille Intelligeaset lismirent
of M. most interesting and important it.. Boobs:
the Let Pars m our large maps of eorre*Pondeniot
the late.t or ref:tired by Telegraph from Wesk
it:reit an I all te other p•rte of the etionte7; a Ilevarea
ry of all Imp Mara Inleillaenr. In t his city and stre
w:berm a Synopsis of the Proceed:us* of ConFrms
and the state Legislature when In seemon; the Far
•lgn News reeelm.l by erery steamer; Itielesive
Revers of the Fartners' Club of the Areerllsn
.tltntet Talks about Prop, and other Lierticultnni
and Agrleoltnrel information omeottal to comets•
resident*: Stock. Financial. Cattle, Dry eleed... 4
Sewers' Market Reports; making It, both for •arbit
ry and earapletenes• •Pogether the most yalvairle.
Intemetteg and Instrortlye Niarepallint
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The Tull Ileports of the American Institom /at
mere: Cob. and the various Agricultural Reporte,
in eselt number. me richly woo. h • year's eubserte
lion. •
" '• TERMS.
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usurse of a year, 111 KEE or /OCR of the
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ramp. remitting for 13 topics $43, au recetr* an
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preferable to any other mod. of =mitts.. Ai
dress THE TEtiltflor, Now Tott.
61 , ,1it50l
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