M II f. p e Ate ill : 04 ft MUTEST NEWS nitEGßApii. ' yoftilite' Men ears Xind Year, isept.?!l.—A HeralePaWnsbington n Facial ME MsdbrtJenerafG"..Strayne /Luis. :ci.taisslteseref the Freegto,,otwtlm„.. , a, eine days stns telegrarillett..the biaon-In'relatlen to Verne ertonebite ,j ,kfesssMdanfOA had been' glventa the pub. up,oetrat Metre- , Ito subsequee pmsininl.atn.teslio,have ntly ad =l4 4sthe Corn mounoth altitter,,.ln, which le says: Ibeg leave to remark thabfor some isegoesywartleenttention ef parties .here-.has thw'sYstereat4e.fibsenduatlon Of Items titthe North, apparently tit'otteper , son, detailing all werts of sensational occur rences lb periods of.betb rates. The geezer is genera/1X tan al-Auntie awl thoste,ry.,. In uni formly witluantfoundation. • ,/daJot-,9allqrai ti . W4l, kasiatant Coat atistittibered Ina Freedmen's Attire_ In Mists aiPturrepOrta to the- CoMmissioner there has tKen. constdcralste Mortality intim State from etsie,,which _la. owing, principally AO trio Want'er treper' caution 'by the 'freedmen, Whom the greater loss has been. The Ot phrtternittfirriolent, bat yields lt CO" treatment... The cholera has sp andril/. Abe district of Jackson, a n d it is reeNthatite tourease la inevitable, The au ill6rergeon he's abed nialtantealui try every =V II Wit, power to allay the sufferings of and to Prevent the spread of the. ellanue,Attectiolera is also keporte.d Snidrsiteld notinertstsmn. In referener4lo 9 , 10/n the Genet al states that AO owithstanding ‘ne - rirOpeataties or Slut army' trorm, bethinks there will he a fair cotton crop, bur the . , Cure ildel_PL'sd/Tett you poor.' Gerierul e. Davis, ilisistant 'COM. misatoner oLgreetiMen:fi, In. the Stale Kenton/el , : report& tsth bled of the 'Bureau tliat di the Meath of August lasi, there Were kidkrlddeta tined to the Sultei r sei to reh:pees Metre:len 'ltt the State - 11.4plinl; 61715 f thearlettealreal- but, tedOwettr, seeher end care,.e,The; General 4-eports no eontiscated Lands la the State °Men tacky. . , The &Mai' iltereritin . die Went—itoodimp _Aiwa .ot Itotheily ~.1.140D of peon Ntlbreer tut ' an_ OrdATI. Sent- ti;-13:ailroadm • comenica smri 1,0111/IWilla improving. Ili tratas on the Little Menu came in on thee. this alern- Theirultanapells and Cleelenatt.rit , cl eisaroine , trains went-.out on 'regular':' ,4,, The',llirttletta.aud Clue..--.ti MIA In running order. Tho Clem, • , Arlentitoli and Dayton, and Atlantic anti • et'. .Weetertri exelneperation ttrilautil um, s. ers • undred. feet of embankment beteg-wash,. away et that place. 'PTIte Onin river bare is about twenty sight. pet mid stilltlettur. illigiatelLfre m Dayton says that,''..t Orilicedeettley. the eamtl batik mite itt.thit Mouth Of Sled river, the water i *,..Pf Isitldday frame houses; great pes, o 4=4er .and other property, The water rush ed throtetb St. Clair, Jefferson and Lutitow Streets, selmte4mag,part of the main Peal tescportion of the totes, and reaching the =me of many desiaings and storm, Tim InierenereaShed on the southern part et saitytand at-midnight, on Wednesday. .theitreater-portiou was under eater, In some ttaerfettrleet deep: The whole co in Theelltahhorhood has been devnatated, The 'RN is - Ofetituding cote, Conceit andstock Is cute , lawn- 'Tithe Wader./ road connection ,any whe=niDlytou.e.te, pt by the Little Ili- The yesterday Oats: IThareitterrTeetulay 'night peened detru McPhee. the whole city was tiit r. irvrabbatzseq. - e4115111Z great damage to Deily. Telegraph eerameeicatlou_ has been 49idditcrablyinterruped, butt connections 30, :tt ur tAdryid.7il.ntho principal points w rue 1111111aPpraaar IlfeWS'br lattetnatai , llTte Cent, c,-.lS'alrfOlsaoSeptenibei 2.1.-=By this - dart.ite &.ital.dertbelailitteritintuid In teglarikand warn =Steal:ad Plft=ldalaniage. fail k = " 4 l ilreirt i eTil ' ae m erra i ns c o m Alenr 41 1 1 631 n Branca; there is neither drdinary quality or [catty ef wlteat,and but for Ikce Imports ' a ticaxely =Oil succeed the abandatien / 3 1 1 0 ' 1 ' 111% 1 t er t e t irl ll ll - ear cf ; n n be- . . Busse has had .e t =le in nt-X Y he u at q insr m . cent well as Spain Italy does not mew to ,ISlVltitteh inters for t unate ' than Franca The 'detests - lave' raved= Aleers,• and as to the Gaffed States the defect Is .114 . greater than la Malec.. Northern Gstmany ,appearg to be &hilted. The Southern province's or irmigary bevtAsutrereal much. stSTeratrooe, Septembkr mica at, ot. tea for the week were 49.570 bales, Including 4 1 ,Z%Vta i Merci o getr,g1 .:biaeSorAnntrieli3. loYlWat—Wint ,, ltal nod 'Allathern,..los 6d9l'ls 31. lupus Corn 475, for f .4=iliglatic*l.o94.=# 2 a Tor' XePturd twiehnifered , welest., for Axnertinin. ww. I •:.74elfgrttis. Man%Sorsa. - Seats Tourc,.Ssettisiber 9L—Dispatches - from ETrai; ll 9/Mislifi Louis and Chicago II ' that - thy 'Marta - In a"at those At Chillicothe and Pittsburgh it ruin. &Lill last n tear:. TralteStan the LltUollistrit Indiana Clnelatintirand the Marlette tut i tdOttletamalng,t , On-this emetn ma ton' afidalayteni Mt& Atlantic and Grigg Western, trains are running to HAIOn, ton. Several hundred feet of embankment at to J . that lace Mid been carried away. At Pitta: the 01.110 S t lyer la..lmot iM InetotWlll, - StWalant 4'44 .1 V ll t t. flt.toh - rent ThISMIlli - tilit ill '• e C the on Weil n miday the canal hank' broke at the month of Mad river, the water sweeping away frame houses, P.OOVO, great plies Of lum ber limdtcaliertpromertyf. , lnglratee rushed thrOrigh , St. • CHID; r JerIISISMC add' Ludlow streets, submerging part of the main business pertlon of the town, reaching the first floors of wisS.T . a.4 l 4 l all, 'luta - ettllruwl Once water en. tfregialgiatiiitan igfolfouthern part of the city, and at 12 Oleloek int_Werine.day .nleht the greater portion was under water, which in some places seas four feet deep. The whole country in the MelghberhOed has been dome. toted. Thelon of standing corn, fence. uud t 3e u t im ioyznonst ranoreig" tiaralltinul eon. earebece tram ndytee, !toot by tho • Li trodtevia.Senia. ' ..._ ..„ 7t,..., , ' ...... ~ • Mil 1111 .. 4r.:Si-el.q.M.W..P!lliffrii o OlLVlOL't. ` '4'.: !:,'; 'Mite Terme, 5epL.1.4.e . ..4-gri.bune spe hit from Nolo' Odeutts „Idgi.ol.-rdivo ,tecei4, tetud. varligonatt 11.1Chet6i - o nice me Iv!. , b 1: i-4 O.4.,, , udrate Goveruor. Wells, when ou bet 0 •etttsdededt:l44os 4itterritork! 4 Mt il = l g t atect to tao Union by Congress. Varattilifilnis-bribtiMettb Dtatriet,"fit con. Ventlon at .gacon city,senteran7r..naugualed rts.elettlen;br. seulamation. TbeDelifreralVetts ittjirr Intonserindlia,amen p . ful begq ntouee4 natore,tbiliaapbe a ta i it t i&Vili . gitt g raft n g Craw' o • 4°Ua rl/16 - 1218.1N.W.Heette berman armett at Deaver 011 tbe 1 -lost., utd nriublietticeptton. _ /' 1 "Term gooth'irtittliby &Vestal With • tlitichitilhichtie hiachmsvilhomill.Wouro el •DlaeraPorlr I11. °1 ! n i g~Rbdi arl ralal ert- ol'Or 1 :4Orl ' loridATPDbraii93aul y 005g..... 4 0612 r 4 oftC , r - bY falsangst Craft ed*: aurt-Dr...lDlLliti o arigtZWifed . tre; herisudy. - iwisundi4 y. a hell. -The , yeasel. - wae Salellooner 'rigged steamer and. painted a ivn.tj color, with tour guns on each broadakle, were aftnecharged at u distance of two antes frOng_thei Inland, when the bout put to scar The United Stated Drivel:ore Cutter wile lying :In atm harbor at the Wm% thjd strain was unable to pertribl: Oiestlaplitiilrldailtaialii4-41 . stria. 111 , 0 Getpixami and Hung. , Du Iricksropcgr.EA - Fi; number 19.—Tho `ciection ildritalfa;on di Instant, la re, 0 1 faTo rOsttlited In a Democratic AMAltbilltrot two thousand. &n Idaho correspondent says Ma p& !lar-: VrroVe l e " or r i e tt l e " o li w g y t te lCi rto t te A r t a o t i I S s t irr r ib r" r 4l"-11.4tVA4:431,.., tmg. Zbarire sat #4.ton,ivooka 11403.1,1 6 : .44 0 t, Agtvit auwauteu wivknosl thaikaamv wenn -of wool., Another lactotT, wont ra:107,-IgiellyalrOwer,laldhOnslnbluthed lu nty. California . Ztykkeetillptia t i grst4calt moo) Aut SclitotUdi 'OII,W t ; !MINNOW Int the PoiSOMei'Diepsrtmtibt , ..' — 4 l.3reulnir by the beelotary of they Treasury—The Weather. Wasdesoson.september 21.—T110 POSteitte: .. ggYAGenerld has, aioeertsdertay. nmq47oo ) 1 4 • .hinainnarod and nny enanges of postmesWag!' and: twantpave of route agents, the bitter goina ctia dNe west. Vie 4 *iiiZlgaPtiltaklSlitiu tart,, re g 0 •ththing Went's', eontionins i AbotgognigidOn: nailer:llW tWallOsidittes'Of &orbs.** on Szotiottod4Wb for curing ilSn. 2 'kart l e tig o p g e ~ o n ?Lette l u t i;e B k t liqU s t ) ,"u t; tert , t: o TiPt 07;444 Aire n; v 4,. ' .- • '. - a . /A:4st iiirri=4 : atriiatleV:' , ; , :i ..,___,...: thipteidital2l.-itititibtlbresttin ilia, . ' '''.:'364,, , ,tilibitinsii-Wilebisibitt;:lihr Eititetk 1 c.. "' ...err - 14 ° 1 • 31:__tttitViial..4 4 & boilt.tr,lit....dai..l*td. Foirtslttclbe .411111t,X*Arepoebp 1 .- vrostned.-. Mope albols-fo.: went abwreciait'got ormls - notiettgo„, ' . ..' • . -, Oa One mr-AsegYtoselo.le:ollfitid , MizigW '' brans have been either ' ~v,....pe. 1 b freshets.' troybi .. 3 , • ; ed Dbk. go, • . .flot tl l.7,lf • t ia,4 7.141-'.. ; ' , •nt•., g. in ' 4, ' orthlita ' • - night, • ~ 4, is sired, sumo damage /... ..,... -,,, . .- 21 ...1, " . fidniTs.4'7l t ... lkygteri 2 lPßitt J° . ' l ' e l . 1 4 . .wa. aifs.jfl4.4 f t.. 4.1% ~. , . i . ' lir.; 'l t c,' . et pt - 1.) r41.--Ster ~ g,, L _c..... ,_, ... 1 , e eat 9 i , ~..., ~, v tviti . = l2l "eicbifiant , yo.n.li• 711 . ) ..v.ih. inen money, ::.:„..,.:„....,,.... .... ii s • - 4111 .. _v ic 4 . l.o ith r nay . ifir,,,4 . ,t•Y•‘,,: : •'' . ;.:44W1 7 477r 4 4 4 ..AE - .7 1 . '5"',4 : '.f . ',.' , :f•':. ::.. - r , lk, IMIU 'a- IMI s o uebern ZolwMe ` tk'lei 4201 .11thielint7 Reet to the Conventton Tent; Ci..xvkaaxis September 21,—The Southern witmmt. -- enet*_sezi;t,',grfOrr--la meeting in the Partrtlitit inernW#,ltheite• r a tent imported from Boston forte Soldiers' and eallerilionveatitra otklenday.and.Tecs day. The Atka apeaker WailGovezttor Hamil ton, of Texas, who spoke atlength and clearly on the different 'linen between President Johnson. and Con... Tess, and adjured the pee- Po to etleklYtti the setttmnentbetemen dis lshall oAr Stamm and the - General - GovernMent be of a nature to secure limiting peace. litleeek Wks ved;r: warmly receiv dge SherwOod; Of Texak r- followeil in a speechfull 0 4:kit:erne* torrent the President, and not more than belt 'upraise of Congress, which 10 xibtaitrilleleatirtatirough•getng. - He advocated negro suffrage to tea fullest extent. Governor Broirdalr *lensed himself from smoking a OPettlbsbY reason4f "nervons prostration and Weakpetio,bet, ertheleas, spoke at Conti& erab_ teialigth.aniVieltit much of nis old rigor. 'nos weather has ilesin satin', but the meeting was Lugo and c thiwilsstie. The party 'an"' 'Verses toi engagements in i'• ratentparts Of 040: ' ' _ . Yellow Fever oil New Orleans—Body of "eu"...311 Busts ,Foused.—Choters. Terns. ! Elm ,Qatgaita, September a—Tbero were tbitteitlatittarfroin yellow lONWeYesterrin7. The body of raeutehant Butts, or the - IL reed men's Bureau, who had disappeared on Ms wet' from Satches to Jackson, has beeu Mend In the latter parish. 110 Ie supposed to have been murdered for Ms money by a gang of mo t . peradoert sad deserters, from the tiontederate army,•who,havtt beetelleing% by plunder, on prOtorbio of beLng Linton men, Private Letters from San Antonia, Texas, report that theeholerwis on the increaser and that It Is very fatal. Ugrian Iltoet r iva ..1.111410201. N air Yene. Sept. TetitritC`s Italoigh dispatch says: A Slate Convention of Union men WA. held there on Thursday, at a hich res. oldtiOneiltereltdOpto 4 'endorsing. tale •Ctriistf cot-tonal Amendment, exprosalng full co dence in Congress, expronaing aid Menem, to co-operatO Veithinit obstinate adherence to any special plan or, policy with Congruent under, CliPtiVo.3.o,tMenre a restortitlOn of the Upton, repudiatiny the etatine or, GpV.: Worth ' tri re -clectlon'as as and ilarninitting Al fred Dalicati,y ibr,Geyenlnr., , steamer E. 11.allmtwe Suitt, StraolitnaTl, Septenindr.3l.—The Mesmer J. .. 41,11 more, bound from CWOOIII6II to the Ar kansas river, with a valuable cargo Massenet{ moreluindLte,rltruelt the Wreck of the steam- , er Courle two miles below Mound City, nols. on Wedziedday atg4hund sank almost Im mediately. The imrsengrer. anti crow camped serth their _baggage. - Tim.Gilmoro was valued at $2,4,00, aunt was inented Mra2l,odo. filer mror wee valued. at over sMO,boo,ltud-tt ae orbitipally insrtrod: : • .1 . u Parrett A rsiothiten—Steam er Meteor Released. Itoseen, Sept. SL—Gett. Et.-Kingsbury has neon appointed Postmaster In place of Sir. Palfrey. ILL, also stated that Mr. Cbundler k .A.&alatant United States Treasurer bore, will snohly give place to Mr. Wm. Aepluwtll. The at.:ether , Meteer haal,etm _re'easo..l from setztareoth etainielttnnlittelh,lfeitedtoshoat eatent for her detention. - Dealt of Upper Cariada flitisopplitated. TOILOaro„ C. Vr., Sept. 21.-I.t to 011110asiced that,. the Baltic of British North Atoertea protect letters. of e.reillt from Bunt Ish hankers on the Banker Upper Quote a. The Uttertora of tho Bent of tipper Canada have not yet de- LA. led wiiiiCvaiume iq . porsuo,but It is thought that •the tnst►tatitin will be hutted up by the analguons. The bile of the oo4pentied bank are selling at thirt7 - and forty nun la .11,,couni, Primary Election to Nevada—Tito wool Clip. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 2L—A. tilapatch Irmo Virginia City, Nevada, ettys the primary elec. .I,a, held yesterday., o which depenot LhC rde4 - itcrn. of United. Suites/senator, resultod tor eaui.l,l4,ll.fDelentg.. Nya, , :cao trreaut Senator, na ticket.' "IcU d P-AL WOOL to vasiuzArc.cd ac Lli,vo • • - " CLUMIli'd 46 IS gri eve rou...tosirata, Soot.. 2/.--eLallfecalty ha 3 affects betiteen , tlio Cite tliweedt nett the Hoar.' of Health. lltto..format znfuaust yesterday to grant the approptlktion 420" for Ly the lour:. Ansi the Heard of Hooltht .day rives notle'e lean° loaner' romov. eul sauces, Ste.. and lms"erder-d Inc Health Ofh. oer to seep/m.1411 orders for worktable hands. Afloat of ftto Ptillortelplitanharaoren Trlar.An4tirl4, Eleiittonbir 'reef/rail/a In an nitro, annotate..., tne erten/. ur uotilleh ICillnsmo. Ina suonuotO murderer 01 MS .'Miller, Oho was so brutally mar.aa..l 04 :rumalas morally. lie MiOnttni";lll the northwest part nt Lla scan:Wag him at the station, a luny out ga/Ariii Mmii loallo.w/o Lowed has pourmt. *.lv ions, 9opt.A.-13. to sttuun that,tittritur, ' tlaiqiest. I'ol . ol4hr the etrm of $llO,OOO tree re ce tved - frote nutrinteettrrers steel traders in this ell ' arno bad emitted to lute out !monies In aecorannee with the Revenue law. the attic. gent eines° of the nenentnel Revenue un. to nelution to distillers .have tux& the An:Tent of etoiing !lonic of the smeller establt.h meets. yutter.4 441151%h0p routax. siva. IL.-The (amoral of J .11 oung. the Cnthelle 1115 hop of this diem , who flied ilhaellerds 'On TumiilOy, of d kcv.vo• o. the hohlt, took pluee this huirhiog. 111.1101 DeanthiWihar:Miabaigh,tweache4 the fonormi d.noourne. There wore over 1,10) people fui `fiflihTfll Cltoter.s 'Depart , SaartertaS,Sept. 21.—Clagern t cm the de ellue, tautaltymtner mice Sesterl2T, Is were (alai. The city /3 nearly depopulated by fagitleea Crow cholera. 42101w:a la reported to loLiffhatiforTartnasaeo. Ilea y. rallhr, bawl?, a.m./len ot our (*lmmo de .stbdre of toett, Mtn . is Aims/init.+, September 21.—Sencrr eastelexturotsjpatertisp, preseatml,bls crc. Mmtlutslo-AMing Steis3tary of Mutt.; sad was .rnestreatts Qualm de larairspt the rePublidot Coals, hies Senn Don Vas Medea Laving re. signed as alialsWr Pleptpotentlary of that rr. tin srshrs ,ncinaniher ft.43on. Dor. snoni ier bastions removed nn.Poileetin of Li: I.l7tnal Revenue, for this district, soul l'ichons lippot.lted In. ht. - pined Lterstpo.tbsti Unkilotniscrntirwill .in-nottilthita thd presidia meniti.or or Clinergi kw ulf. ?NI -4/..‘ri",. Uaotere lal Low ertlto—Moour flcipasi Pies bre:Wier% hare' , "voeuiratk sin= upon, stain of 'kWh were fatal, el In oue Iycui liy, near the earner of 0 reerkand,,TentiruGreeto. Thererwanreellgbt 'snow' lagoon -lain night. iipt . :2l;•Theetttitialtoostelenr of waterantite Met MIMS , receding', 1. 4, 1 xenfetplAtellp nn.1.110a.; yet-Pt sow direction; except with Peoria and them:mill.Weatcil cool anaeloudyorlth Lndleattous of !molest. up, Via_ saitturoirmer as ioviiaatu Lortsvni.a, Sept. 2L—Elver stationary with eleven feet water In the canal. .There Ls eight feet steamboat'. water tm.the falls. 2 Wc.11,11144 chilly; mercury 80, barometer W.G.Sanel rising; trial, N. BgitemDcr9l, Reozoczax! le VolilmColibtrCpsiilntltool _voiednateg ',Palmer - .Y...,Ffeltogs. „IA :T.;131* a IW, Sq. tome:MOLT°. Ccpag rear, . 11 : pe OttetirtieCtto ; Matt toix;septeraber,ll,4laire ware three tieak..apier-ar cholera. falba env letarewley. waa erievrebariel vomits , were , isear. • - Le liaeoltlyrreelyeeeetweehir repotted? Ben. IpititattNatatitiWiLlitoston.-- , NoweWmby .21.--rolltra- special sake:: litoj.,Gost. CettetLitos , to4toy appointed by, tho,Prealdenty Collector of tho POroO{ lloll la? via Itannibetramltni resigned: 1110 re TretibilOrlCOitageq., Poe? sow 5AA9.17.1, *Ws:: iflrge steuuteribareue , riggia, - 61 pusslifir west; the L supposed to lump ,Brltlitt.tzoopeaurboard •Pajmens of Bgn tim&-..rios 0! iart Meat haajun .2_oo. a u n it. the MIMI= rug= roviol==. , lls k+Udiss_ 4deptSndoSS Strylrliare wars twelve destbS isochi cholera 113 thli:cdl " t ,F 4a 2.< l r-pdrr9osse4. k -4 Ids, SE 71sladdi Sod. a,CIDLOXD OeP,II 32 4CX . '4.—Thgre were. cosy ;heavy WWI xm , D ritsml slits difdinsidi, Os. oompanica sM.ta dltSt " " PIA ND Ir 1111 ADP. , law • 4,-• . • Alsoaut.cker if Co., Philatettphin - La\TC:ll4; • .rate 9 1 , Alta 'AMEttromicatteAsi74 ' X eltiartedicia tfit i tetr.atkil Watt 4.lE'tu• 1.41144.1015tes to be au rlO slisthars taposs , r, Punt?' stia/POISY st 414 Sod thuresar 4tritsmn tijilvaet tr:AginuhylirV'Zreakct 1441,"ar",,aftigt 4,11 44.4.111yoyeats. • JIZI SAX , LI St. Clatttitrest,l'lli at, Ps. ItERUrr"- tem - - Smithfield /Ural- 160 i - • i'"ntter l **lo-Atnidelifxtic; i ttfik t etd , Street, ; AittessisickotL 7 _,;,. . , . .s. , d V..*4*ZLZ 1434.41 i. • 111, • r V. We , MUM& y:7•;; - ; fMl4ple.d. WeAkiVrrto.s.r. II e • way to, a= rialto 1.1*,..00/. 11/414U.7",natitipAriSal,triliNhair04. MMW=M =all Aarother 11.na SMMO miry's* n*DBUPIct orrxtupurigu melt - -i... , 917101 borate Pll - Tiondidlt • Of:ills / Y , ln/Ar. /3001. 21.1/00. S ' t ' ti ' i L lTre l fol? ; Vll l lrl:a i s n At t At r lt o s: m st, i t er ab o llght ruLtoe offlonno t ax audio. • a n IIIN acial; Lwapozaazianaa the nano i baz otpok r o o f p uu moan um tarti Pz soaa ate o. ntu • t ton r tottheoknaaoa:liitt Awn gik to lr le Olathe ease SIZ regard eastern. :400sdzawatat /War w • a demaap innatpanat alaaaantzbenzinPlP. Drunk BPIF welVitttrutMs4,o4lo3 fon • Rua Tittt u nlPfr a u Lt i g PP% lititai4 . l , 43i.rots • teou%.•Wittid. `o o.ltznos -116 MO, I ' lln to do 100 dopeso.4ltlltyyttr. do 00-hoprati 110 z•-• - 0004° 11 tItto ; ( 6 cri ,. trit g !tritt. I=l • 204',401.4WgzIltMatftlatelualro t 1 e x tgriviaciwilwß Siff 110 taAiXtairtZt. - 4 -4- 4 ;• 4 ' h. „: • • 1 1 . 1 1• 1 , 11 1- 1 0 — , 1 11- " • . ; • • . 7: 4- 5 ,;v - Onwelrl• , § • a rgot aafx. t":l'p.. • „ 001 . 0 4 1 4 9,7 " 7 " 1034 '•"'.•• . '"'" tUri'-'09.04" t UNE PH . 11,. TWE e l t erZ , • and . Itrokei no near corner CIS If 11 of Firth fad dmtuziptdofts of Goveroineot Bonds booed and sold Ilberfd teriagN Looooti artd Gorddnontal Exchange Sold at New York rates. Golf], Slivertuld Conoona 000ght at btgbost ,stew, aficiaold Datftsissned ottlgolk York. fIN CE AND TRADE F tuner, September 21, 19S. The New York stock quotations to-day, at reetoved -by P. IL-Alerts, -were'en Idllm OW, 144%1 Is:-bonds 111%; old bile, now do, ins,thdies2G; 3-30,, hat sundl, tefi'%; Michigan Southern It. R., KIX; Cleveland ft Pittsburgh Railroad, 87I4LPILLs burgh, Port Wayne s Chicago' Railroad 1004; grill,. ifailroad, ;sup Wester a Groom Tele graph Company, WA; Chicago I Reek Island, 11114; Chicago 4 North Western, praj g ,r w i, • The stock market is again higher to-day. Brie, Clevelann ,t Pittsiturgh,and rot. Wayne &dire:et stocks aro stroll at an advance of I per .scat, Western roads that have sus tattled heavy Josses by the the recent floods, declined, anti Western Union To egraph Is weak, and 21i per cent lower. Gold to lower, but reported strong, and may posalhly, In spite of all the Incoming sap ,meats, advance 269 per cent at any moment. The setmditnee of money enables parties to carry large amounts at low rates of interest. 'Government bonds are steady bat qtnet. Thereneems to be little or nb tionannalor in vestment, and lower rates are looked for. The nutter in Columbia ell stock. seenta.to have subsided somewhat, as Morels tote An. dairy tor the stock at the alvancmi Deem. Our meal bonds, county and city, aro in good demtuta, while Rank shares are very quiet. —Ens western money markets are-reported easy—more so than usual at Ulla season—hat the bloat rates of Mumma. at Chicago find- Cincinnati remain steady at It per Cont i ands to 9 respectively. The return slow of money from the interior to the West ern cities Is silt going forward, nod rho drain from the east is imperceptibly Red. This is undttly owing to the local monetary centres of the country having Steen well supplied with entruncy . pidetorts to the harvesting of the craps, since which time the payment of in terest on Mi.:Scroll Thirty lowa and the re demption or Um bye per Cent temporary loan have greatly added to the abatable funds of the interior, on well as the metropolitan banks. —nays Um Now York Tribune; Tim ease in-money and the general retern Of speculators from the oountry ere prone, Inutile usual elect upon the Stock market, alters greater solidly and adrimettig quota tions ntgrocorded. As long m the giant tact remains that the public and the mass Ol ope rators are bulls, or buyers, this result 1.111 continue to be shown atter the summer holi days, but prudent people must net forget that seen. as In Such operations al now mark tau street requires a constant stipule of new stud credulous buyers, which the /utters mill probably not produce the Year. The Treasury "Oolinrtment Is rn WI, moving toward +peels payments, and at no distant day the national Minks wilt take the ale is, and crests a div. turininee h. money. ity prepdring to redeem Um Girt:anima, thou . debtors it 111 suffer severely in tile form of declining valuue in communities sotd to pay debts, which never *Wing. During the contraction widen must prenetto resumption, the great body of stOeks dealt britt the exchange sail be among the severestsutreters, treat the Simple fart that y are insect re as compared atilt Govern meat stocks, to whose support they toast 0011• tribute in takes. hall ray shares are nein to - - - . grvaltur chant ty spvcalators Upon margins tuan ever talore, and at uo time. since May commenced to bu milated by pawr monayand tv,titi combinations has Um market boon in a molt dangerous _We find the following particulars In regard to the tont uthlon of the *J .- mance? Os Dank" of Lolutgo, hi the Ciaeago prit>.ne of ThUr,- day : 1 tie sempcnaton of the Produoers' bank, of ' Ibis ally, was announced at an early hour tills 'NU:noon, but tho erout did not give rise to ally Itintlnlticlit Who I. clryt MI thantletill CLIVICS. Th. Ltault also a swat! irtMittltiOti, Igid from Lie Wyatt:ool.ls manner 123 Si kllcb It was I, porttut 11 ixne c born ccrnductesl, wan not very popular with our merchanta, 4+01.1411 It cn- Ptr•l u Co:l3l4orabic country business, which, rumors ~t, r, as ishtultic•l 0., term, such as . 1.0,4 itIIIIIIIVC bank .3 ht.,. 1...1.14114 10.4. It Oa. •,i .• 1\ I, /...1 .mats teen yenrs urn. In c c a h.,. Ina, •••1 41. the Maim 1.04. . wader an oi.l cli, i• L : , ontamt,l mverna yrsr, store; on! umo: lue tr. mot toe u.thet unt of the - if i a:sub.:lt 4 , ,, t•ni - to. cur hu,thcs- , alto. , um, 0.1 , Ccelsnlca • able ctiCillistlon, 0 filch hus sicCO lectuu 01111- .11,a it alto tub eXekbUOn 01 alsnUt..‘rus,•• owl OlitstbliAlitg. Out his Sits!holduri Will not 501- • ter any Mmerlel logr, us securny for ii. re : den:ovum, had born Orposited with the State Amlitor at Sprlngflelth Thu *tuck of the in •thutton, ea al to me fra , o,Mia.., a iss woolly Ltio lier Me control of, roof o toed by Ithrte) LOC. 1111.10, , V10 had hcco lor issvcral 3 V III, Y 1110.1.11.4 It, a private booking lutsiness. ILc tik4c. of the Indoor° of the stool:, it Amy, are tot• It no , 0, ,used 10 fOlillftlf 101 el rCoNS ISM alespoded ss i store inyttionst Mr Doolittle at the pros . Silt lime doe:links tl , 1F,115 ./I1) stat e ls..' of 00 efristrs DI th e 1111131 r, and says - lie w mat to uencixi, ow nu Ic 6,1110 short rreney, 1 and havolg bitemix•l his discount' 1 2.5 w In r • that WWII LI flf I . OIIMCV. warrant,. ,Duruig thy past two days the Lank lIMS be it btfcriati Sou 'fort exchange very freely, an l Xs we at: to (mut,' by Mr, Ihkelittle, sOld el us Ire , ,oed ou Monday feat. Whether axis will boa lOsi tot lac I. ,ye nil or not. 00 Csiou4 ea . Istateils 'lay altos It'll, Af I /),010.1.1 , 1 1,11.3 Vll anxious 10 sell no athllf Mae! strocthit of ea 1..4. ..1 1,.0 , 1zed it rattan to shveoul of o banking i Lumens, hot, as he tutu:sus us, uoti Id fled no to buy ern. the lipcitstna It at Inca at .11rom. that /u_thyst,and will proliablY m ytax Vv.. Waled thro e u ry gh thc Courts Isl 1 Zi il LULU LI. , 31-14[11.1:11VI. • n -- ...... ' ' I . Of • IC2 aP r,is Yrrruse so it ii•teri n ' - Fwd.?, September 01 um i Tlos produce markets coothtue i quiet and d u ll, g e ee n t ily epeekixim Flour O Wheat are cotton bad exalted. la constsfae co of the excitement in the western marks but other articles remain gum; end pitcher. . The arrldals of produce from the west, la probe ble,wl/1 be somewhat rodrlcted for - me days as the recent rams. It Is reporti , have se 2-10titlIF irdured some of the wester road*, ,„iagAlN—Wiseat_ia In light ouppty add bald Flour Moir( tuliiiiirm: Sao of 1 "car•NO. - 7., 'piing at 111,:.Watni t Car Ult. Winter at 32,;1. Thar. Is nom° inquiry tor-Barley wad , but , Lilo tam ing. ItTe hiquoted at lid to st. Sal of I car prime liellow Vern at Siff car prim Osta, in elevator, at. 4.5; and kollaSks from s or 43.' FL(lUPTItcre to ticemthinislig derailed. and tbentamit Of (ruff:touters are sob IMAM We geotetbe Market firm at 11 i to •LRY for Spring Wheat; lilili; to IlVel ( ~r Pall Syria and half Winter; sue 03 to •Uldi r '• far. Olt , ise.• Selo Of fib Ohl. 'illeille" et SM. Itito Flo • fa selling in small tote at - S6 SO to 441,73. • PRA.WISIOXS—There is a Steads , eines' tomer.. and we can report reuittlitr r to 17): for §tioultlarai Ibis tO m it Sides - , lima itt so. W for-Sugar tiered. t is dull beritrut at 5P,.5. Ms Park sur i ater , ddrat atr,so to 1i51,73. Sal of I tons di • 1 Middlings at *t r ee. Brim Is fellln • t Shorts $1,1040,14, and ScoOtirts at • 4 Armr.s-14.. Edina), eentathes 1 -in bulges Of,,the demand, and th .dtabovuoor,oogrAtuotostin *tog I 10 pi $.1,50 per bbl—choice. in . -Tele; at th 1311TTItti,.1s skyway - anti in fai rae - .e a , Otire.Sti DiltaCtlti, in &ulna add pu Is, at - tti 30; told'frearoll at la to SI. ~,taticzez,l ia p ADO bilk Itaelleill i • 641t00t ' Antihero Referee at itto 171,_ .• .rg at Who i.i). _And tiositennttniall. - ~ - . .. .-... • ~ - .llloo3—staarro and tbriticlak Ale MI; fresh jmelteff sot i rest ally.atlti:,. ^'. ~ --- AVELOttr—Ttiedtals a 04 ilgtzt • tot flits arat - AMC' tvatutint..mitio,briot It rriethrti inore. - TMerLitY Send Is vett , atill;nad thaAaarket -U Mottg.well glutted with it. There lino mcrrament in Clover. , , • ZAT —r illn tildd. lig S eg, la gop 4.. mouton, i s 0111n4ttSUPParton . elWes effected todtrot IP&on wharfs bat ttd ,4W tad Ikon .ttotoa to tao.min. . . virrau st,.prxim.a.u.gitn.tiumr. _. _ . Osmoul mews ramnreao idarrere, Italbsdh :I.ZI, / 80 3 UStrag—Thune wits lair , inset done fa Cradistirdayoloarparathrely • - ehig,timagt, there is still otentr Meads torlaparrement, while ao tar aces are geneereed, - thpre bas Peen 00 change worthy orspecial imam We maroport sides, Of. 200 bale, la hullroa the dihrlitertdarlivo, at ON, and InOtt Was, to ho delivered In Ilmientbori, ~ Thit vloostrom thit east montinne • • vorable, an lidame %greasily still seem ills sod to hol araldifetdodOr lower )P. but &told. eV* de. nOt Ws • 1 1 4 1 7;forlitter .mytiorodters3M Odor to cadet es. HEMED—Thorta was ember • ore &airily In liOntliadell ha•dat, brit at h Slalera WO Can repo t bids for true won seller , * op tion, arAarso .en board ea heal; eXido In vort :Woo do do Sat MO Mid° - at SA nod POO for, October, buy S option, at tor rhuatietpho delive was thtt bad offer today-4.1 for blender *bite, awl, even to Mate ilirttrotti the en mud to b no meanie' prinising. lana foreign noses -brut, Awn summer rist.t.. tabu rugu.V•raido,innit to Slitt, partially at leash_ may Riov Kribut,od tho present dullness sad deellius attoromo—T hero Ltisotrieln airrlar Ode lintels," -mainly on eastern sod • t, eta we have no Wee Se report, bud SS may be cod,. shared a Mir ¬ation, ditlar4l.6—Tise arrivals we tads', owing to• the high st 4shlett Milers rannhig 011 venni*. ins. Wilkins son an 21,4 yttl , e? l ,tr 51 6 ,4144 atirbatir a co, MARKETS BY TELE G nApfI Neer York atock 310nez . 914; IG3sw You. Septeuabeelt.he did m i x ot for money Se moderato tram atckeic brokers, and le s all reitd ;et 40 per cent.; mostly at the thaldo iale.7.llievltecolainecOrtieizte have tiatineteafreiekr their' at S per cent. The offer- loge for discount are generallight, and Prime piper ds m _demand at 0O Der cent. There ist little firtelte feeling In the market for Forage diakehallge, but the business is very,light, Prime banker's bill on London aro quoted at 10701107 X for sixty dors, and 10734@ 103% jorehort sight. The Continental rates aro iniallanged; • • •- ' ' The iitsit market was a little - 10iter at trie close as Tompared with the highest point at the second board. Petroleum shares were dull., The Hopp Gobi Company has received seved-ty ounces of gad , from the Mitre. which realized 31,730. Petroleum Stocks—llynd Farm, 30 ; 'United States, Express sioeks—Ad etas, 164 X ,. Stocka—Zenton, 205;,C05. ,suiblated.tHeegory Hold, 10,91:0; do, 111.83; dO, 1700; Corlolen, 5,30; do. 5,151 no, 8,10; HOwnie vile. 173; Keystone, 31; Kipp & b ell, - 300; Rocky Mountain, 733; du, 730; do. 730; do, 710; Smith & Par, 11,73; do, H,05; do, 11,70; efoekiii, 2,051 do, 3,80; do glO, 2,03; do, 0,00. The Commeretele Money article says: The upward - tendeney In the rock marked Is in terrupted by a break in the 01101./Wilel lu Erie tills morning; large sales of Erie were effeeted ;apparently realized and priees -fell. oir to 7I:O;i; a Alecansrof 2 per cont. The Mar tut:gone-ally sympathized with the MULTI the ateck, e_ railroad shares averaged about 3•4 poi cent. below the liguros of yesterday after noon. Attar board there was some disposition to bey lirle,and the general market ens steallN, at about board quotations. Governments eon thine generally quiet, except 11re-twenties of AM, for which there is a moderate inquiry. The wild speculation In Gold sleeks ahicia laasheerti t uging Tor soma time poet, appears to'have Peached Ito Culmination. Themarket is lower, with one .or two exceptions. and .therms *general disposidon to realize. The effects of the receipts of gold from Europe end Aspinwall baler a stetuilly dm:Taming effect on the gold premium. This' morning the price ranged about la lower. The prin cipal support of the market Is the constant ' large abort intathst. The Sato to-day otelotula hes been WS per. cent per diem. '."Titat Jaya broeght 11,400,0001iniMmle. Tile Blaney 'rear.. ket is unchanged. Stocks steady; United States as, 'el, 11/%; U. pDon S. Oa, 5410 Coupons '62 1 , 0 1 1 .4 , ; , tr d.tittiott 74e, V'. coupon, 99; Tre u aa •314 series, lei; Tenn. Gs new, I T I *I 0. M. certificate!, 2411,•; 1. C. 11 e, 75%1 Reading:lls; 11.8. fiSim 111. C., Chqt P. b 3. U . &N• W.. as'ai C. T., 117%; C. B. I ill; C. 107 4 4. At the 4 b'clook. beard stooks warp steady. Gold 14.T%;'1118. Gs 111%; e.g.. 01 6 0 Coupons OA 111%; U. B. Ge, 0 , -ni R. ail, 158%; U. 5. 6e s.MP coupons 'Ss, IOW; It. O. 61..10.40'1„bn. pone, 903 Treasury Notes, 7441 s ad series, 106; Tenn. Ga new, T.P.,; 0. 4 M. CertUlcates, 214%; W. U. T4e1941 T. NI. B. A. Co., ate} N. Y. C. 100%; Erie, 75.1. ii needing, ill; I:C.. 121%; C, 87; C. and N. W., 11.5 1 .43 U. and T., 117%; U. anti R. L., ill, C. and A. 107%; =I New Yoke, September 21.—Colton violet and cattier castor, though wain:rut any noteable changes; sales very light, at Mi23sr4c for Mid. .111.4 Uplands, and 3,e for Middling Orleans. Fiotis quite Urn. With s Our enettli y; reff lu,Su for Extt a State, 2p.1,1.41 !LW for Extra II O. and 411,43;1)13,W fur Trod.. Brands, the in o bet closlint tiros, Whisky arm and 14 good .1 , . mead; In bond, r_4o. Wheat—receipt-, 43,a: bosh—market iglu boiler and in fair demand; sales 3 1,4 15 bush at 4475 for Common 1/11wati bee, r "10 for mixed MAI weaker., and VAN tor fair No. I Milwaukee. Ilya Stereo and arm at astleou for State, 11,15 for Ohl, Canada West Corsi—reedpts, 173,0tX1 busill—drregular, umwtUod and le blither; 51,1.146 176,000bashelo 030 for Inferior, 5.1,../.8074 for. Mixed Western stloat.grateldo. la store,U3c for White Western. receipts 33,1 07 bush; market Imo satire but prices without decided change; sales 12 ; uou bosh, .0 404411,0 woe Chicago. sea 1543.50 e for Missouri. Petroleum lower and dull, at 35 erg for exude, and '4.143440 (or refined to aic houcL Pork dull, at $33033,10 for new mess, closing al $33, rash' $.31E3425 for old mess, and SOU for prime; also 3,050 Mlle new MC. for Sop. teisiber and October at sellers' and buyers' op. :ton, $33,11061115,114. Hoof steady. Prorislons, at preeloresprities. Hoof Hams dull and noml itl. Damn 'tract Ise. Cut Meade unchanged, ar•14 , ...,33.100 for shoulders, and Is322Ue (orisons.. Llird li...i•y and lower, at 17($190, tad small lots at 1/1.41:910;40. Butter unchanged, et 'fury xM Or Ohio; 03015, for Susie, and coo. for Orange county, pilled, limes° del. to, prima grsd.w. lOab e,• New York Dry tiood• Mortars. bate Tonic, "r; pt 11.-The dry good. market 1. sot Quite 80 arrive Orowo LIN:4,41010-M -1,htte A, Appleton A, V; Broadway, 21..1; Na.lina rain, Ili.; lledloril, 16. Bleached shirt log ,- nat.., 4. 1 ; It It, N.; Itartlrtt. alachatene, "M i .; Prolito-rfOrtler sty , Avnerican, DV, Arheekene, I s 3 Ewlpire. ,141rts--I;tiolie.) . o Dopler Entitle and Fttiprero Trail err to goal demand. Meyers tech tapes, ti ton. Tbero Lau little faring etf In the roittme of bronnes in tottnehe. •if Ir..de ls noticeable. .11) ...awls Mobor's eta only buying to turkey .eortrocotte Trade Is In eery healthy state. quite an Interesting rIL airy ti 6.4:4 on in regent LO Statulerwl !ShootinitY., att.l the two great Johirlitg houses a - i• ...hind the came goats at tharriti that tbei. agent." ;Lek tr612..1 . , for. Drown goods are arm, - and aching at tut prices. Bleached goeids era to request and a fraction Prater. Pat to aro rand up r ery elose, and the market Is well ans. tained. ale hoary, except for any now sad tette) . tar-enable goods- These beim , bean:Some large eleartqg wet tales of Ipaat stytaaof fancy Casstaterta at a 'merino°. in Forerzn Or,-a+ tabrre• there Is a goal demand for One gncere at about prforlous prices, but, low priced Saxony nag griAtstr goods ate lower. In other departments-carpets, hard ware, whit hoots and elltree-a goal trade to done at full 'previous price. Thsis - Antort - Ircort A, tir do. 13, llr do. L.:, 30. Stritres-trocer k-ag, 3I; Alhahy,l4.. irbieego Alikeetee. CltiCe.oo flaptcrxttrer The-Flans and tinetuangea. Wheat Sall luuthrieellned 3 FFIer sales at 52,0841,10 tor No. 1,..1.1 $1,6301,81 for No Corn excited and advanced 30,2 r exact/ at 331p&w., , and closed at fllagf3K , S3 or I,and 3741,33thy0 for So. I. Oaplistwad_y at 31'-e for No . I and 21/`.0)30c roe No. 2. Mesa pork N=a33,23. lltguirluesErnai Freight-tad. ranee .93 . 1 e. Philadelphia Slarldmet. Fin. 1411.4, Sept- .2atealeuta declin ing. Flour (Inn and.. t oe Wheat ta steady, at 1tt.7541 - 415 101 , red, 11 2 , 4 40 2 .0_, far sprtug, and jr.,F1603,00 for white. Corn 1/1 DM; yellow 0.1 anti weetent lotted M. Whisky is uneltitnged. • Its. Louie Markel. • Lucy, September St —Flour Zinn without quatablo change. Wheat higher; =1,63 - for prime not and s4,oo6%Rt*tore , earn tangos at 61076. Oat* . tl.lll4thange by certain articles„of aercement Mere And inhered Into In writing by Lb. said Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad ompanyand The. Charlton. Veber Rail. road Co npany, dated the Ilernivearenth day of April, and Me Demi!, -sLeili day of Bay, A. D., DM, tad record.d in the °nice for reeording deeds. „tc” In and Ibl.the eonnty of Allesheby.'in Mriltate of Pennsylvania, in Wed lloot Vol. 119pagelet: Said side to be made upon tholollowing ter , nu .d conditional • •• • • L. The sum of MI,MO to be paid 41 cos/914,00 time of sale. 24. lu went of •cry of the hot/levier tat/bonds, Interest ....els or coupon: asif , ured by the mesh pa b.arlot data " 4 1 141441 ' fhtlsTregghttSi Vatic) Railroad Clompauy to Johli biruhaire•and•ol. Kezar Thomson Trustees tu sconce the pelmet/I ar tour Imintred inowoond dulLora,' recorded Atigust lam. In Alin. h e lp couitty. Mortgage Book, boloe al, page O. becerriltirr the IBleilheadre Or the bolo premises ot the saki slaw by altatueetta of 011 h other*, they 0111 he on therloo.tatittjohooett mutate payinent ot the holont, or rotes/leder or the Orley of purchase moue, b 1,1117 111011 et .414 1140,•eitper to e bow or In psi, by transferring or deliverlog up to t treste•••lnreliald oda 141111 Iliterket .4444 4 rants or-coupon. held t.ttitet at the y im sane/ he rotor al' 1110 son, or Mien Ivy themi•the I.llk II {Mild, 101. r4l eurr. .lour eta e to roe Im, m .1c I nt one el, 0 r emit. of he par view/ we coil ma the c hev ron ~140 a 1/1 Ica in retitled to Iv rn Or 10e olt•ito foil:woe onm lot .I,hb ex it pi . ..mil/gook/all he soh! ill stiOreiabl, or-% • tholucling (rum Ulu said price or suet the amount three:int; o tithe balahah II tiny, of the oeld pet chase mosey Shall' be roa by the purchaser ill cash. 011111,1 thirty day. after 0),. day of sale. ad. to the Comet Of seta property and pretubles bee leg purchase/I by Persona other than the holder. of thu bonds oturceliposis aforleibla, 'theft Itte Whole purchase tetniteystiali be tuddt tO saldtristress. the sum of Ivrea ty-oee•thousattit flea hundred &Mere ee the time Of the Azle, and the balance 10 Ildrtylleye Lbereoftt r. ItII pon Unimak, being so unideowidcontion lie ' overt Mid coonritriee tr.t.li the terms thereof or the purchaser. Inc wad trustees shall , gniarand soarer tol tut purchases an . anernpatar tho said Prom al, •.• • Joliti titteneal • 1. J. r 2110th39,17. NrtiMeg. Plut.i.Piztrnm Eons. e; /Nat. -- • selli3l3 I)ItIVATE DISEASES: -- : •• - 'tilt. YOUNG. WU orrhilodilplkitil' , No. 73 Ttilwavreal. tibiae all dosariptiotorot vale ineeasea with unparalleled imam Partlenler attention. pald taispoLoonorrhOetiii diseases of she Urinall Organs. hie treatment Cot the same being tub. most sintesselitt wirer employed lie gives topes ornapeedy aura Tolboadilletelit Ladies will lindhlattranurnagoiruneupene e u i ., other preparation nor motoring obatruelltpria roue •Itealthy inenelatat , Good. , .N0..1. -Ono blau, goo bottle. No. I, wnleitle four degree* ;Reenter, and desired fur obstinate coun t Fire .Dollare per Ofticithimiskiln,lo:ll3irq tr..N..t,0 r: N. • Addreas,. with stamp.; Dri.-'IUINV No. •IS Thirdstnset, - Nittelrn •. • teillaNdirr. XECITTOII - 07,41 Vidorilautreas Letters wimuunmitmr, en rtut walri or U n3l THAW, Jar o . cthe CRY ar e.t telniWt tar Ar.r..a." , 7stilke4l4lll4Redt: ast i SZAsirtset4edawAsst es SUL itts_siftt TS": ritt dto vase thus' lirtew&g,A4 ill pOO PcVlifftlejtins44ll... I wis ' rif HEMH, PHlStetthr ' sALIONT •VlCltzfzi(e);l:33:W:Mpt: CHARLES C. BILSLEY, JEtCIET_ALIN 9 I Wholesale dealer la EVERY VARIETY OF PRODUCE.' LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments, QUICK SALES & PROMPT RETERNS. Hofer& to HHYMGILh JOHN S. ULLAYORTH a tat. Warehouse 201 Liberty Street, 1-,-, W ALI LLY.II, MILLER & RICEETSON, Wholesale Grocers, BRANDIES, WINES AND CIGARS, Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA IRON NAILS, COTTON YARNS, &C. Constantly on hand BREWER, BURKE & CO ., COMMISSION 111:111 . 11.1%1 8, Act lc NTS FOEC THE, ratiik, Globe and Liberty Oil Wot kg, Ample btornge made rud cons i gnmen t of t Editor al cash advances on oft or Hefted Petroleum. rage and ship ment of Crude Oil at L awrencev ill e 011 Ice and Warehouse. Corner of Duquesne Way and Hancock street. Pittsburg!, my 13-a35 rItTLYS, ...... D. 111 IVILMIT KEIL & RITCHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I==:!Z Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, ax. 340 LIBERTY STREET, Ear4b37 rTTTBIIII33Id, l'A WILLIAM C. LEE, ttnecassaor to ALEX. GORDON COMMISSION AND FORWARDING 1141:RIXIAMEICA96.171.Tr. No. 102 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Po. air Agent for ate "St. Louts" Lead Pipe nod Sttett Lead Works. Dealer to PIG and BAR LEAD, 6110 T, HEMP, ir VE CLAY. de. Consign:men. so- Hutted and Orders prom pfls Oiled. tnylltto4 DAP. ........ A.. CR 6WTORD. LAY. CRAWFORD, CODS nalasion Alerchanl. And dealt. n PI. META, BUR'S Wl3.l.uulpy ne.ILAP Ilt FIRE 2t KWh. and ad lelndu of Itol'ing AUU.uppllea. Warehouse- and 1.1115.... hos. 360 and Mi. I'ES uT KART. aeura,se t ie In lad. Consignm lC ent • •uterlted. tt LIU T. °W,. Jaaaaaur if. Etaairra. (1111FE18, KENNEDY hi. 11AltPE11, PROLII.RIE RE.11(IIIANTO. load Whole.le Dealers In FFUuHYIUN AND DUltEdlle ntUITP. SALT, FLOUR, BUTTER, ROBB FIN TATUES, Sc., and In Prorlalons and Produce gen• orally. No. 70 PEDP.RAI. STBEET, opposite the Railroad Deesue, ALLYAIIDeaT,I . A. Aaanta for the sale of P. Y. Illte•a, Donnell Ellerean`s and 1. /LAW. !mitt.. nolDlyd WU. J. Mart SD. T. sr sah W I. STEELII. 8110., late Ficus ut .. • Iwo a dein, ,FROIJUCE 'OlLtilddliiie KERCISAZITtI, receive and sell PI, Corn Sisal, Oats and Corp, Beans, Baena, Lard, ler, ebrese, Eggs, Pork, Green and Dry Fruits, tatoes, Flax and liras. beat, Fostbers. Oil Barre isop 1 oies, Lime, Bah" Am , at. Fartaccom at lon paid it , tile sale of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, ho. 138 Third street, Pittsburgh. Fa. 1014,111 j . NEW/MYER & CO., CONMEZION WEELORANTE, And dealers 19 flour, grata. Teed and Produce. Cash advances mad• on woustrumenta. Warehouse. No. 390 PENN nTlitt.93, opposite Colon Depot. Pittsburgh, Pa. jyb:r.is Nif 'HAIM & AMER, CO . DI MISSION MICROKANTB sad dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE, Second street, tavereen Wood •nd Stalthdeld. Pittsburgh. TILOS. M0TM......T0NN •111.112. S. A. 11.1112.11,51 D rt poTTE, AMEN & SIREPAitiI Commission Merchants, sad dealers In Porelgn and Domestic Fruits, Floor. Butter, -Cheese, legs, Potatoes - produce gencrally. No. Ito LIBERTY STREET •OPOSite Passenger Depot, Pittatmigh. Wstr. =OB. WM. P. BECK. Br. CO No. .ISS • r Liberty trisect, Plttsbusigh, ra., Wholesale I.lroot t @oormis i s hartte and dealers la Co.- Re P ese, I ' 4l are itionT trzr4-4M:: Gra. sad Dried Finns, dle.:Balt had Lbas. Iylll vutt. =1 - OTIS MITA.= 1 1 .11:11* Ss SHEPARD, ComtuLaion Vats and delimit In Flour, Grain and Pro duce. vlrLiberly street, Pittsburgh. Chow um& et Pinar tbr Baker. and Family nm constantayma - . hand. Particular attention paid to 1.W.11/ •Nrciv slur Merchsadlle generally. =fray LITTLE, HURD & PATTON, holssaleGrocars, Commandos blerchasW dealers In Produce, Flour. Bacon. Cheese. Carbon and Lard 011. iron, hails Glad, Cotton Yarns son all Pittsburgh manufactures generally 11 and US Second adman, Pittsburgh. J B. =numb W. D. ¢72 OR DEVIL= & BIROS, (Successors to aer d Autumn, Wholesale Dealers in rut , cign /snits, Nuts and Spices, Confectionery, fifthks, do., Nos. to Del Wood Street, s = Pittsburgh. . . HBO & SON, Cammt*pn • intIICHA.STI33,O4DeaIeszInYLOUR. 4184.111, MILL TEED and PRODUCE gsacraMT. No. 73 Dt °mutt. Qv Ameghsel City. ).D:13,31 JOHN B. Coaamission and rarßardlag Merchaat and NV IbILLII to Weaternlimerve Chem. Butter, Pork. Basalt, and Bish u ß and Pearlaudia. tata. Linseed and Lard Dried Fruit, and Produce lealuiraftry.'Noa. Bland 40 at Meat. Plttiburg J ligilitA_PßODVitiri wmmlmm..ua raroltaatt an V i gto uu t t ‘ iftl atiVtfigetb7Alltabirls, f OMBIIOIIII. -- ZUWARD 501MX...11111. lonNL 110 USE k 11110, cameos- BONO TO Jai= 1. Moran L Co., Oro cen awl Commission Mertibatais, canner of kianlib. &Maud Varotor Mesta. Pittab • n. row AMES DAILZELL & SON, Mum. for r igelpatethurn arL ud ear sabeV r rune s d a thn ni4 'PL a ultimo, Moe. Wand W - attent, i 'rueab4rea • savannas wads on Westgaments. SenORIAKER &LANG Wholesale eleateraGencerfea, Plow. Gent4Pronnoe,_Pre visions, Flan, Cneesa, nalt, Canon. Nos. Mann 0 4Wocel Meet, new Liberty rituftlb• Pa - IIIIAD EAD &ME:MEAD, Grocers and Commis.Loa Meretuucts, filVd dealers in all lambi or CRuntry Produce =4 Pltraeuriat usnufactuna, LiDerr7 Utreut. OfVoelte Uesd of Woodulreel. itteburtt, • ' upaar EITZEJI, A. ABEISTRON , wallituuliguil Commission Me 9br For- t,Bt.r.-trrliatßuß., , Lard. Butter at l3ltod 4 mrivie t ir i =ly, tio. 3B BLetkit Street, Corßrx IWO y imumt. POUT. ILIZZELL 84, CO., Whole. mile Grocer', Comotwon andfror Yet emsatseaddulerrtn Prodiree.stf Pittstairgh Mon ./11Crt. r...• No. 251 lAberte street, Pittsburgh. iuna MA11::,, 'SONS. WILIOX. WATT' ' & WILSON, Wholesale °racers, Comm lesion Merchants, ar,4 dcalsra In Prtslocc and Ytttebtana 'NOON erty - siren; Pltailmrsth . 11= 111DDLIC, No. 188 Likerty St., • r l l l / 0 /2/0. Ps.. 002/mbstaa igintlurat, laud Wholesale Dasler I. Country Produce, lincenea am/ vtg2/0/2/2 .01/04factures. - Cash •41.2•24/22 . .an (Ank stgamentoi 10ad paid Iftw Yrodaceimuerally. . /021 f SALIM LICJ &CO Wbolesstle Grocers.. Colnligsilottilinpaxre i sv4drlet a lo M4.441.t4. DP 'V s -44 's 4 '4' [ H. VOLGIIII lr L. V 020117. -Co., (Successor* .4. W . G. tioart)Produal Awl C*41:1.1012 bleg etukuti, UnAbertr street, Pittaburgli. WI liniK L c : • : T, ~ iSuctcasortWo ii Ltnhait) Venierin stout' mod ant ma antrillqamtlidao ilertha,ati EA i 4, 1,4* BTIME.T. rssis i rak -4 VAL n•Un , Temp FLOYD & co_ t Wholesale WItICPMS. Mo..= Wool iratinflUbset7lareet. 17It4llutorb. rob, • solllitsd J R - 4 4 !UKFT., IfALLACX : rtri, &-wAwcr„ VlThole 1 4 : 1 .2 ERS AND IYOF Dillatakk "u• 1. • /qualm h.- • • :BlLTiliatiOai aITAILLEITEAM. it; 'l ::rtu rtAta ' r74t.-Z13:61,13gU1ua1!NtA216,19ph1114.54:41:5101/1' t ai a s ta: ~u ot- A 0 4.44.t055, T. A....11413.,1:1016=41:4* "XIM M rr--- 1 --- fe .kaa i_,O V rort nt. " 9l " d.r. •ViLtof roINT; Ata :oxa. WW00 ; procured' iron skis Moe. No try reasita4 aco , 6301 or latlmar eliratkl oa &Tot Ins, spay • C. W. ILICIEETSUN. rittabur.h I=l I:j sr; tcrasq-~ MXDICAL. U r REENBACKS ARE GOOD. CE33 110BACk'S ARE BETTER, Roback's Stomach Bitters, Afar years of ex pertento, and tri 1, have proven to be the best remedy extant for all oroplatnts when a tonlo and stimulant are llKlEllred. Thal naTai fall to .trenatnen the ...at, impart rigor to the strong. and to all respect, restore shattered and Osaka. down GOlllit 1113 Stops. No remedy has bsettrecelyed with as much (sear aa NI 'BACK'S hTOMAOIt WT. ROBALOILPS BLOOD PILLS CMTECE3 ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ■ Costiveness, .cload ..411 Diseases of q►e Dowdy DR. ROBACK'S Blood Pills, Blood Pills, AND IMlOsarainisluil ARE UNEQUALLED EMMMEIM Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin Disease, Old Sores, Salt Rheum, Dpspepsia, or Indigestion, Sick Headache, Liver Complaint, RheurnattirC; FETED IP !IS St. Anthony's Fire, FEMALE COurLAINTL GREENBACKS ARE GOOD,: HUT o It to admitted by oar roort learned phyriolarts that DE.:BoyrAcx•ri BlTTZRBcortbrolvtitZiropirtles Of • ineritio talrativo, as efficient m and the best otomoorlo known to the wo ' OarAlrOztt ROBACK'S HITTERS should lie used by convalesest s acute diseases. trengthen tna prostratUto uritheb alma)! In the bilious districts of the West and Bta* there has. for a long time, been much need ed.an article anion:lath Bitters, which. Malian in imp. er quantities and at Qs proper time, are a MS we ventative of Dllions Fever, Feverextd Ague, Fiver Coniplaiiil;3746l4ife, Indigestion, Jsumility l AW: ney Complaints, Digitate» ' 4 oe cl'AziiiiiiiV“4ll tar nature, =o_7,, Are • As it preventive far Miami dreterret S ing the system. sad airing i=4, en , gnus. then any saber momni • ',.;•• „ Now that timwor OW WI einnanyi banes. in thelient MS shotilaginever io esne•the t u ar e „,.., tries sd, ..dpres with B .„......;::.-., ~..,1 . ?I 1111NOti , ifilifi?i -- 4404, - - Stussfan le DIA W. 8ef5f14, , , - , * iii4 , ~. . ..' ' ' . : `-;:-;t 1 ,:'i'.!ar, , --'• SOLE : Pl lo ol4lENVijiiii - - •, .- - ~ , t-,i, . ...t, i ....,...ii, - ai:iiiOl!i i , M0 '.1 5 :.7 . 55, g.,,eier.. tt „7:.:...i....1ja2: -..,.. Raiwrgnetunk-snotarr:;:._ , -,. i-- CLTCL/11#.111, la 2 OthrtloawitlynT ' , --, '. V r-e ',,-1.: . ,3. : . • ;