I 'I Rt " ttttttttttttttttt fs 00. - it;l4 4i trifridel!,4 4 1 3 ..i. 14 * OAS guiglUttin inilJll**Si 7211111114t111 T - Strr, „EMBER 22, 18130. • -lab* ICAItiIIOMPLATIO FOB WEB:101gs MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. GEARY, OP 01:111BEIILAIM COUNTY. CONGRESS. i TWRISTT-TEIIID DISTRICT HON. THOMAS WILLIAMS SAMUEL El. CI.E LET, City. C° '}s r -i . p.t 144001 DirEPtCatTP•i , Id '41% CLIME OF ORPLIANS COOS , &LEN.A.3IDEB uILANDS, MY. ILIECO 6gART SNIVEL'''. City. ' Etoit - JOSEPH H. ciavi. P 161 31 TV coittailirom: GEORGE HAMILTON. City SICILIMT : 7011 N -P. GLASS. Mi. GEORGE WILSON. Pitt Tp. GEORGE Y. RaREE, North Fayette Tp SWIVEL EIIADWICR, Colliaa TIN r ia""1":"41t1091114 Iga,COLV/M4,-citifi,jslVef....74it, CHURCH PROGRERS. The education and elevation of tin • c ss multitude of coloialpitmle in this try, especially those in the Southern occuittes considerable attention by 1114,1laligiacnk.bodles: School, are devising liberal thing , :111(1 providing men and means without stint. To?Min&Se extent theAloptists, Con excE,t4on titsVaiid other email bodics are doing, we are not informed, except we believe, they are at work, and mmie all the me.ms in AieltAutvcr to provide for the interests of AL. iblchid *ark ;in this re peet.l ;The ititeitairon in thC Episcopal Church, lie. tween . the North and South, now removed, Mul the Church "reconstruction" in its or. garki9 RicalOcithout way 6 1 , cc* -0449 A at a ti atlrficard to the Ali of ifaaiery, t*`siu:l4taly . Vißtti4eii"iia -„fes , te„ , that denomination where the evil exws. Recently our attention has been ca',, the imtionof .*,,piocesian Cour ention t ,we MilliatN,Sts4Y 0 A; eiibleerehet m n different form, namely, touching the duty of the Church to our colored popula. tion, especially the coin, ed ministry. Many opfineteaders.will remember the ac tion of kiPfeiibytert in 9Corgio, it, the funcilorMOl cerlatin colored men gel apart to preach the Gospel and administer the ordinances. The m.tion of till, atto Con rentlii% tc hieb, while it does not rsOcfi ik-coragir, ditl, boweier, relVaO'to aeclite expedijni to ad • mt[ colored persons candidates for Lloly repot of the coramittr anti subsequent action of the Conven• tiourietils in fillbstrtnee that it was better not to move too fast, lint wait until the wants of the Cliiirch demanded the step, and it was argued that the degree of cul_ we ouy . .ecil9red people forbids suc,„li..tin +Alden was made, hi4ttv er, for preparing them by means - and agen cies, which can he enlarged as future exi genciesitlinliirequire,-and on Nekton a.. col ored ministry may most easily be engraft ed, or rather, which, ; if.. faithfully carried out, will lead naturally to a colored minis try, wheneYer the men are ready to be i t 1 4 1:0ug,„ 4. 0 *,O it. , ... t• - s . '1 ue rumen Catholic _'.,41.1ce4t polity be ing entirely different from any other religi ens botly,,,p,,,its,,aelrnowledgniprt of tint . imivergllttieMh'cy'Pr The' Pcipe, it was hardly expected that any course wmil I In l pursued by the Northern or Southern wings of the Church, to separate them ,lur d(3, fri i reb llioa, end uo (hiller! ol pepii ; t I,4itil! so far is cheld, 4,.• ..._ _ p : et, ,itit a inuttir tillakattle , - surprise to learn from the Catholic Bishop 1 • of Savannah, in his pastoral letter to the clergy and laity of the AOllllll.l Catholic Church in Georgia lend ...ooritlo,*tille' Holy Father feels the liveliest regard for the spiritual welfare nt . „.the colored race. He says thyijila)f::inOir, JO, *limn tke keys of the Kingdom of Heaven have been entrusted by our Lori/,, feels,9. ‘ te liveliest solicitude brcerereticr4 Alieieebjeet • the congregation of Cardinals, nu whom the Ho:y Father devolves the great business Of prop !alk;itiVfeitheinitthe legitimate e at Li. cf. r the supreme Pastor in this respect, and they recommend Alia-lik m , 4410,50 r Wait?, g r Fal t Objects for which .4lfittlllittir' ` eit '- ' - rcatiVeir i tlm Isanction of the Holy See. ~ From this it will be seen that the four 16111cill'oftilieKtekently set freq at* to eried4 Sive'eisFiitteciiint 'Uol.gelleera tions of the great Council of Bishops to be hold in Baltimore, October 7. The Bisb , i t o ' frilt4l,lPg fgsllMittisu, • elq 0% 6° 1 Mt ri m b 3.- enema's' it, key g abs'. nest —the laws which forbid, under the severest penalties, thsir instryetion,ining and writing tan : Willa tiAiity,', icabolished, and Links many occasions of sin have thus been destroyed Mr masters and slaves: - Callitm ta thntt h m,rcitere4 rap P9lllO bc' ttta."B44--tuvikeVl Catholic schools and Catholic education, in order that they may he rescued filim 114' bonds H of stool tr, I4Ttevz rt li c ? . . guorance; thoset•hblitial ' Mt - freed' out domestic and civil fetters. • feTencel out Ride p,tha i i lc#,,bie. lita h # ./W I PS. fl h ri *t !g at Pl i ,. ° 4 " lan marriage, so as to in to them 20ja partakers of the blessing attached to a, union which has become a sacrament, and t heli - Pf tiiiii:Vloai Iti 41 4 F r" , 4lci .itl so:' Clity ibilactid4l:7littst;iina established hy, Hls Apostles, In which "there is neithtr bond nor„free r* neitlau * Jew noneeGr i ceki,' - 414V61 11 :1 b° . 1 .0 4 Olga ii of the North in the late struggle, and says they are tho :Iraq authors of the contest which hes deluged She land in blood, which of course Is without foundation, lie es orilig'l, oh° rFe•PF , ,9f.,l l ATeg •Pl us: sitereii , isennsiotliatto emidateiiced and to have been kept up by the cruel and eTldently unjust proceedings of men kid ' 'it , ' 2 4Fi1 .. .4 0. , 414. „LAlleutt tiger .-,•,, ' ~ . .',L'-' „V "V,VM 3 r B PRI-40 slave 4, e, eon coi n e d by the Holy Se, and for , bidgen by all enlightened nation.. • ..,-...,,,Tit1e moTerneWot , the Roman Catholic Aurch, :will likely startle Protestant i. 'F'• , r. F.- , . . tc , ....,Ilid.yi _i ts old and for its shrewdness to: - , Tanizefaverable;bpperttudlies. And while ..-,,., iiskimMipAtxciattrplazicilsjncoro de 'ts.:4l"POlginAlloidiaboiedlice, there 111:toildtOttly in this praiseworthy movement' -:.5.,-**itiort for:itacrn supremacy. While ' -- , l slaTeiriargd =l *ltt&lfere the colored .'..t,..iite6ptita:dairiti4 of 64 edncational advaik' :.•tai*ll4_ - ..thit 'ill4oo . ootriCe4 for thar 14 11 $4,,Ititt*K-4041', Id • -?-`; WV WE 1!!!M ME Amity; - s genera - rsieTbet - now their - NEW ADVERT' freedom removes every lmr from schools ;and the Word of God. F..41---7.eit77-I,A T. BILADT & 4 C0., It havme become apparenttbtit ti ;e inier-V CA *3"..tit , i ests of the Freedmen fpitld tOotter*._ corner rcn,en 014 tooted by the Methodist r. piscopal Bimmts- It-BR i by n society of its own, It was resolved to . 3 organise ?Wile all the other stropinere denominitiOn.4 have already' tidue, to be cnll‘ MIME ~,fed the Methodist Freedmen's Aid Soci eV. While the•CiiiiiihttliOns of the Meth odist Church to. thO 'American Frtedmen Union. Commission luta been large, and 'great goodtafteen done thereby, it, was nevertheless tliougltrthat - such a society, eaclutecely under its control, the teachers sent out 13oiliii.strirlally old the missions thal3itld: VIM Society tree bonnie, ed some weeks sinctc_ln Cincinnati, and Bishop Clark placed atits head. It has al knadir,nritronented Operations, and prom see tote a valuable ansilliary irrytonset• tag thy interests of the mission work. ,of 1114Ctii$VAITIM:. , :rde Memantow .. n-SW. strongly urges the completion of 'tifilionongadela , ilitarseritee- adiAttation Alp 3o that .toirn. After iecianglite fact . thatthiPenrisyltn nia Combany la bound to perfect tbe nevi getter(' !tf - kff" &iv boundary wlieniviroilhirdieinathili . coinineicedln essheiiti In West Virginia; Underthe act of ineorporatiOia grantedbylagislative„ author ity Merin int Vidt - thit tiitlh ode debit addlnekateteOuisite between the State Line - and Morgantown; audafter estitunt lug tkiersoet_i*eireof. at_slo,ooo, it goes on to "We pmoser that this sum be raised in This m . atuitit : 'Let the townships of Union, Morgan,' '',9linton, Brant and Cass, which 'border on the improvement, subscribe $3,000 each, which will be, a small stun when thus impoied in their corporate ca. peciry, ~ Tho:townof Idorgantwurn ought , .:‘,lJciubtless will, take $5,000 in the enterprise, and issue bonds redeemable in twenty years at six per cciii., as the act of incorporation provides for; which is like wise the case as to county subscriptions.' We feet satigied that $15,000 earl be raised by private salascriptiman the county. The residue, 135,000, eau : and will ha furnished by merchants and, others In Pittsburgh, and by inn - ties residing along the line of the iruprovemeut between them and this point. The new line of steamboats called 'the People's Line," will subscribe $lO,OOO it Icasi.. As an incentive to : make the snbscrip tions iLis k atated.that, the Navigation Cora pony are now declaring from fifteen to I two ty„per cent. en its capital stock. . A . - edit eirionderit of the same journal makes a more distinct reference to the Act pa , sed by the West Virginia Legislature in I , furtherance-of this project. He says, • ! "Tfteianting of thiscbarter sins among the first acts of the new State, and by its provisions the .company is authorized to place under contract one lock and dam whenever' ermine:lnm amount of stock has been subscribed and secured to roinplet e the same, and soon until the river is slack ed to Fairmont. The towne of Fairmont and Morgantown, •and the counties of Ma rion and .Ilonougalia, the Moncugattela Navigation Company, and the Baltimore and Ohio RailrOttll Company, in their ,or poratecapacitv, are authorized to subscrilr to tbostotk`6l` the "Marion and Mononga hela Navigation Company." 711e,sts Geo. W. Jelliffe Jas. U. Wntson„ ,Iton Icy, Jacob C. Beeson, anti. ztealiel Hun', et Marion, or ant three of them; Henry Daring, David li. Chadwick, Alfred Yea ger, Samuel Scare, and George M. liagans, of Mtmongalia4 or any three or them ; arc - authorized to open books for receiving sub• -sc.riptiona, in shares of twenty dollars earls, to an amount not exceeding $300,000, for the purpose of slacking the Monongahela Titer from the Pennsylvania line terair teout-m-the county of Marion. Dkmtnnurtra,—Preparations used for cleansing ulcers, and wounds, and formerly to , a went extent, to erase diseolorations from the skin, moth patches, freckles, &e., being composed of strong chendeali, ntiu craia aml acids, were tuisnitahke ion the l'ungiOrlll4l4eY invariably' des_ Dyed the tiltenhnt;iif coloring matter 'or the skin, leiqing,..a blanched spOt, fuOre_ohjectiona hie tbanAlfe dficolored blemishes; but Pitt wr'S.3l.o4.nrisnEcri.t.s...Lonos will, in rtilentrseA'rerittrve moth:Weltes for sun spot s ). and.efreekles, without iniuty to the in'tnifureldr. color. rild all drug gistayecid Icrtor -a 0: "PEWIT, Dermatolo • gist, No. 4913ondstree.t, New Tort: Exprest. PRIME INDIGO I mink I:fgg-Pairl: Vor Dyelog Porvoie•. .;V • otUyeklkg rarposes, ; , _ Tt 1 e4 2 40t..g. ItV:4l - 111f 3Z u ta - V: Prfaa PLEIIIMPSItTIi BT , ;ItS, 6-T VILESLIN.4 . B DRUG •STOl±l... Corner of the Diamond, uear Fourth Strcct rotner of the Diamond, nest Fourth street e , : Teti Itch! Itch!! scratch! licratch! NW ANNE NI OINTMENT cure. Itch In from 12 to 41 hours. - '•I1 - C11" Pr. Srcairste• Oixamont, —TVTTEIt'• — ITC11•• Dr. Sanantac•• Ointut.nt. ••T ET'r • • ITett'• ••TXTTEII.•• "ITCH — N IST ER 6NO h • TNT tEltt• "ITCH" • •TETTIK h • • •ITCH'• TO FAIL ••TETTBR'•' ••ITCH" •` rrr e • ••11011 — IN 1.;IIIIINti TWO ••TETTER.' , .`l ••ThTTEID` — lTcrr • TOtinIENTING • •TFCTT Ic.. • *7 Efr ••ITC11 . • COUCLAINT. Cocos Itching 1'11.., halt Rheum, Whitt linnet. Rath. SUN. CI11.: d,lpllla bold by dli bi'CLAYMAT I M'AICNSAb. 1131111w4rstreetran4.41.42)..A . ,14ELLY. 31 Wood 5trp.e.,Fi1444 , 411. ,aust.tleurni • .IESALEUT: DAA GER A.lf 1.171.41a.41,5e been sAlekly season. The toedleAl lacuitt prophesy : DOl I. tee ODD*. The!' tlltek.TeD/IleDeeP.OT 115 wing fur Ameelea. •Tso sir Ibis to treteue:Wllll: the best detente sissinsl RISn t,us VIOOF. 7rbbo. the ikainit PANIC, so well a. Dialest the' P.DINOIPLE , OF INFECTION. 'vhf do not , OunDwberpiodlot the apldetale Ornhos•AD adequate posy sfivel,, heal 1$ otleL.a tooth. marline And , P rati t getil r r ' illi. , y r ilt:i • pith. TIM Use windefralsr distant lands, or else like Itfrei=l 4` 47. 'lV ' tif4g Pittglrftrit - g, " :t .vit jjb stcli Omni Is no doDllonte smong - the eporponods er otthe or the .1.55w.. 1 / 1 AsslVri:Etz , elo)i.Ccit Ohl]; as. Nonetni4i iliAt tt li , D'Apeeltle the cool plaints, 4rb lettlay ibo- system open to.'vlattellou• of had l enidentles. If you sr* Dyspeptic s -IL stnews ttt tofyOnctllttettiVe power/, IflCt Ilou Apo, sites And ,vestareseloor oitecrltttii` , / , cod are Dervons.ithorigursies every Ilbsssof Yon , hem.. ystem. hoes the base of the hrda, w here IL begins. DLlluseitreelltles. vs hat U. - kit:Blatt!. 'Sty.'si o. t p eragil d tkdt ' iraTtftal? 4711 b ag: Iftrtsikhlt.pitAir Intri ' gorout. and allot- Illstet i loNlatly t , t tun i itlVE:l . g " ,d " ,k r H" jt " . " ,:: nostmlas And Torelsw turcutto. IC: thlitrol•tur t ne hear or, %hit illsetau white Is Ilesollittur Europe • reSsityboundbuberwara, b Lilo • rim Olf 2111241444[1101‘ ut IntUtutitt)tily use *Jammu. maws wth pit tot. e m rot "nt5 , 91.11015 V I I. surayeEillablessnodotes - L. s .e.: r73lllo3exinyttzt:itt74,lo_o WM. BL' GHAM, Jr., Adams Express ozn -54 sVth Siree, is an ant/farina:l darnl to renewer AdorreGements for the GAZETTE, and au attar papers throughout the United Slates and Ma Canada,. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH, ALLA:UBE:4Y Ctrr, EXCELSIOR HALL, comer of Federal and Lseock streets. Pastor, JO. BENI KING. denim. EVERT 21111DATH at 101. ULY le v d E 7M a rt 7 fir . agj ck lit . eetlng oo WEDiltrir. ANIFI S iNfiRDSEV 6 V v rsva.r. irr:, ier.or.siasi.. zwiitivnic tar .VNuAL IOS A. W.. nod 1M 1 . . Or. onaday SSchool at la A. at. ot....4lft.Fatilltreirl494lrq• bear. Itableet for to-enotTo.t o _eTpias, BT. Pi 'A PttlYzatit.l3 >, GrTIRS' • 1111' a;•': 1 / 2 %; 1 11tETIT,PrigaritAll.V.' FlO Leg by the ruter, Ray. 44.110 DICKENSON, aver, SAIJUXT -1410)f Ar:*ne'Qu4o. vABLIA I IIIBO3IO6L ma 2 Welteek: Ai , Atlzreretledlallv invited, to ULM& ' - - w . '2,?„,ugg tmEN--OUR DUTIES ' t o t rilrill 4 4l a Citarptawiscr 411 7, ,r01 . 41aZ e ntr ,u4 i rc W ,4tir."'dtiAg 4tigrcititalt l iull:4l eerelde' 'l;a4 9 . (1,!..•011 444.0-13 01 , 4111144: or (Cookie', Tin WhAv Coal, Scit lacta • 4 ' 4 ° 1 9 4 .1.440144.64-1!*. bet% . . MEE DIAL[IIR Ilt ALL RINDS or Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLECTIONI3 miclo on all liners:align points In the United States and ennui's. Interest allowed on Tine Deposits. 1110LESILE DRY- GOODS. AIFIBUTIiNOT, • _ SHANNON St CO., ' N 0.115 We Street, Pittsburgh, •TitTers to call owl tzatotte tbalr • It It•W wrouti. or - _ DRY 'GOODS, AND NOTIONS, Which ilia offer at • 3012013TEHH.297 A fail line in all Departments. Cegist:s kKOT..w. T. rih.yrNoy. 3.0, 8 TETtlt NSON CLOTH New Styles Received AT A. I.3EGIRIA TVS, 110018 A.ND CASSIMENZS, CLOTIM, FLANNELS! I:NDEUCLOTIIING, DOME-EY. j AoSNTN. BLANNE CS. READY MADE CLOTIIINti. ROOTS AND SHOES. A sple wild stock at attractive Vice.. A. LEOUATE IN Federal. greet- Ally .11 1.0. P. GRAFF' NV.. 1 1 / I .UCVS BAUCUS Si. GRAFF, 96 Liberty Street, lIE-ILIRS IN GROCERIES 6L PIIODUCF, tiv. •i 11.1. titreet. No. WI. Ils..rkt.t Ntreet, EIME Si AL CCZ011:31E151. EMI WHITE; ORR & CO., 36"1.11.12. trot Fresh and Cho.: Ariselea SOLDIERS , AND SAILORS' CIONVENITION. The 81.23-CONIMITTEES, and all portions crbizi w2l cubicle( Seidler% and (tailors durtng their at tendance upon Use.Cventlon. MITTLI P ate 'M at V sae4l ttheo e port tbe on CtlMt. r ir e•rllect conrenk ace. Tbe Col:mutt. , meets daily at 12 L., at CITY HALL. At any other hoer the Pacers ran bu left with Mal KU-tit/XL B 7 order. CoIEIC. O.& I. El . i batman. M. IL SMITH. Secretary. acctl tau:rr. MEETING OF THE .LLAT—NC3riIraC:3O AT LOWEST CASH PRICE% Our aim I. to keep a Firet-Class Family Grocery, And make It a Li ATI al - ACTION to ALL wilt) may favor ua nitth their patronage, In QUALITY. Unit:L anil PEA! I at.. BAIRCUS G 011.1.EF, 00 Linerty •tact • corner at Ferry OF, LEI: 1 FINE 'WATCHES, lEWEIp, DIAMONDS, X.X..-GrIE.I2-1. AND }'reiic•lc Clocks, X. ,t, t.. ‘ , I 17 , 41 - . N.\lt 11KM Pb. Y 2 rifih Nirfel IS(iti . FA I.L Tlii DE. iStiti HATS, CAPS AND Has, Wholesale and Behalf. M'CORD & CC., 131 WOOD STREET, In Nit.. speolal attention to their ;urge btact of Hats, &c., &c., for Fall Sales, Now foil ho.l vompiete—orery vortety to Wit so • *SIGs. AI:. FUR." , of every dearrlption to .uit the LADIES. 0001 pITTSILUGGD POCKET CUT.ERY r' all and nurnharn one of those superior l'Ur F.T manutartarrd from Roils Roma: Stun/. ROL LOW GROUND RAZORS, TAffltiF. Pt^rl.FIVY OF EV all"? Srvi.r & rn.t( N. 06Dh2 r. 7 As.:n I V.. I'M .bargb Cutlery Company. .5 G? and - G9 Fifth 'reit n, Artll _ A PARTNER WANTED TO 00 INTO Thß GOAL DUAIHEENA Blasi have a Capital efsl,ooo $5,000 L 1 M'MASTER, fIAIIAM a. BUTTERFIELD, D 8 OILAIST STRlCZT,Plttsburgb pentons interested rena:lE6d tha Int nedereldned clarets:, ep rtr 4-4:tv i ivgunt n if•a°,! nag and hartnenor Streetseekt ebeirt 030.3„ and or comma Cron la paella:tor Vountala and Vimalaya stream shoes WM teen .both to the 3 . 41.1' Wad. AI Phalli, C10..111 meet.. the prmageft, on VIII - oa. Stn, Nal. at 1n0•M0ek....a.: X., to &la the the dal. a then . appointment: lOMEI ORMIAM. Di EU, en. JOHN ItAhICET, PALL MILLINERY GOODS. .J. D. BERND, zmart.b. ovzief!liTataqs..eet U.kSTAIRS. . . . Egcoaz,lKa lecouLATOA`6 OTTICA, t PITTYALtAtitt. Sept. WA, Ms. AItFIESSIVIENT-NOTICE.--Notice Ls s O ol In the Eighth Waret. o h• A re been mad., Ana awn Lre , menat qtle. tooll th • SISTO OAV Oy blf.P -TEKItYL.,.IB§6., alter Ablell'Otue they will to so tyrned fa the iffy Treasurer for collection. CIIMILES ILEICIISPYAIIII, Itecording Itenulittar. El= J. B. WVlttt.at6 O. W. COW•2I. W LLL&DIGS h.COWAa t PLASTIC SLATE CEMENT ROOFERS. togIVIIII:oct41, 1 TrSt,"111'11 I.l"er tin linfalanes: Tramps attention given to tho ' llOollng nuvinoin. Annan& so. 934 roan atone!, ►od IV a- Mani Idoteructuang.,rittsburan, ra. vantiri MILLINERY. • MRB. M. taTtILEIY now open -. assotimsnt Of toe mast fhadon ablisuill depot. styles of StAhXlll.,. MLEML.X.a.ZW3I773IT Ei OMB. at No. 200 Valera sttrOL..it NettomY en/. MA:I74 _ GEO. F. SCIIIICIVIL4II & CO., • PRACTICAL LITHCIRAPHERS I The ONLY , STEAM. LiI2IOII2APHIC ESTAB • I.I2IIhIENT WZBT.ORTtiIf. DIOUNVII42. Bust eas Cud..tat, H ut t ?' tr. " Po Art.!. Cllcu Currificattiotireposits, Itivitutlon Cards, 4te.. 'Kos. 72 arid 76 Thin) et., Pittsburgh. ee 1:k34 WM. A. SIIINN, dITTOR.TEr IT Lill CP, No MO ronr/h St., ODnne!tv Particular attention gyrto to the colleetioa of ae toahts, oaten, &e. CarreetaMdebts Now York, Boeton, Baltimore. Philadelphia; BeaTer, Bellefonte.' It Pa.: teetimae.olle, Ina.: Morgantown. W. vt.. 1 1,1p , DEA n and else., bat. J- W. basing Onished am 1 4111 , 11 ex, at tbetr eld stead. Aree:Aiis arid 05 _Liberty Street, Oppeatte.tbe. Ultimo uepot,, mations to lb. AziU ',KAU Bublai KISS saAl2lll3• • tie. are b 10 ill oar. building VIVX t.&IW 411.) . y,114,4b1tab1 . 0 tor Watts. Inqutre. at the Mr • 1868.-Now • IST rquar enczbikesertmeaLcgreth bigStecet, 3t the car L i n 6mb ree th aet V ed 'ere q eseeiri tor e llsitt a a dere told sit the teapot price the Er market mill ' - ...AIeCALLUAI Bucrriimas. :PART N. fl NOTICE. *ultra. itt,--ro t i*KoAA.in rhsiewi Villitti.l,lla•dti; t A. KELY... ItER, 611cantai3,, ;,./104_AC04 rwilimicsALE-Dialetilar , l 4 . at•Woo4 ggstg . inabarra. - Jit tut - uus. tw *....1111410M0Nt ' rldrits, ...11 , 1011 1 1 0 m :1114. r111"-"Ptle U 111 0 .5 agrvatzcal , lirrcAnirsas. • e(R.0.6511., BY Ylnirl* F 4 I*,Bo o ugh. comely Ke - e*sratitee, khonele • tiontog gent 1 C5/ 1 . 1 tt40 •0 ; , „4 211 • 111 th ' ele reSpeetlvii - tr.,46,7"ra aehehde.eiralleht , for their tkoltinic to the Wimonstration, 1.1 SODOTTZ the • 'DMMR Ist Bitte," os TUESDAY SYHAUSD Committees rusted below ate itrialkttedl6Yittakr#oB BTENINO, Berrterober WM. 61 VI ileiiiii4;Vine Room or ram YlNt -112.1P8-ABSOCMAVICOM, Dla mad Market. PfMk keulti; .. , • COMMITTEE OF DRAYILEN JNO. McCiltirg.• .1. W W/14 LOVOBa7Y. VOMMITTEE OF BICITORKIiiii ticrann.ICELAIII,4O.II, ruiur rump., J 011.9 N.1.11.Lt. FICIDEBICIE ElEmsfax, OZOlitis E S J . VfM. 1104 ACM. .:y1114.1.1118ADE13. JOHN W. ILIDDIELIft. Chairman Ifax.ilve CionimiLUG ECM SECOND WARD BOYS IN SLUE. . HAND RALLY AT WILKINS HALL TURN OUT ! 'URN OCT There win to an ,djourced meeting of the above orgaeleatiou at R ILETISS HALL, • .22tft.Eainfttg, at 7 1-2 O'Clotk• siAfilidimests requested, sai business atlas 'print:idea 'Minting to the coming Torchlight Paten_ gem trCil be tesnaseted. a. D. hieB' ._Brer BOYS IN BLUE AND GEARY CLUBS. The Pre.ldutte or the redone A...elation§ rep reeentlng (ho BOYS IN BLUE And s ARY OLCIKI will bold An adJourionl meeting At CITY HALL, This, Saturday, Evening, At 7' o'clock. All nro reooeste.l to altood. J whlllll Morin, Chairman - - -------- - - SECOND WAIIID GEARY CLUB. 'llaa members of the SECOND W•IID (MARI CLIJD att. mutt at 1 17172X-s - JECX AT ES IN .49.LX-s, This. (Saturday), Eveuiug• Al 7 O..CIAgli. By order 01 Mil FOURTH WARD BOYS IN BLUE, Of rill, , orgh, will t, held In the FOUR ru WARD M•11OOL HO( E, llltt tl.sturday, EVEN IN nt 1=1:1 F~,AG~. 4rlOllE 4'D FOR SALE, a FLACS FOR CONVENTIONS, Flags Made to Order. NOBLE'S rPtIOLsTERI WAREHOUSE, Smithfield Street Dtt..J. S. KING 11:E=I NO. .1.0 , 41. SIFTS BT.. Opposite the Cathedral, Las be wishes in rocel es his friends noil pateoes woo •are In need or tlss onrrices •n perieno•si DENTAL PRACTITION ER Especial attention 1.111 MI given in the preserva tion of the natural teeth by skillfully Billng item , oltn the most aekctmotorist. and by giving them fCher . roper treatment, that pre.erri.,g them for uture uses and Comfort In a riPs old kftd• irregularity of the t ctli of young persons—skill fatly attended to and eorre ma. 1 boss beautiful life-Ilk. artificial teeth. in udered so comfortable saduselul to the mottle of toe Lion tor's mc.thaulam, wait,* marle ready tor all who may order them. All recent dlscoverlea of valve In giving relief from pain in tze. entrsctiou of teeth. trill be skill fully admtultterel to those wh• may desire timm• Mike beam tree,. o A. 0. to 4. r. X. serf rib pAPER! PAPER!! PITTSBURGH PIPE - 11 MINEFICHRINO CO., Warehouse, 82 'third Street, IT=ZE2 limp constantly on hand, ran d. Da sale. at losses maikol saes, NEWS, TACK, MANILLA, HARDWARE, Booting. Felt and WRAPPING PAPERS ,0,000 bdis. aasorLod nov to Warebou.e Clinton Mills at Stentrenvlllo.otilo Orketacrialtilla al Nen , Urlghton, Pa. tes,sa ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—By virtne of so Was p rderer the Oridtam• Court of Allegheny ceehty the endentigerd, administrator of isemamio Morrow, deceased, wilt kelt atr , Pobilo thee. at the C,ort lion., In the ell, of Plitsbanth. rATIJIW all fith, herr. at II u'elnek. • of mid day, all the Bittiudoom titone Coal underlying the . nut led drorertbed tract of land, to gether with the IlecestArr privilege of elealting for mutilation, tight or was, Miriam right for plat /Imm, ta- itaidinnds being situated la Beath town ship, near the lino of the Zint , em Valle 7 Uelimed. about Loom &b.-t herkfra 14:a• log had. Of WlAy e et. h e i r. let linaw)an,.Wnt. B. Let. telt...UM:wet et h and J. W. Cook, °Detaining SI attic., roomer less. Tense or 0201 P—One-half malt, on confirmation of .tram and recension and delivery of elmotto the norm. mar. and the remalniug ontrhalf oat year illeroaf , or. mewed by hood and, mortgage on the premise. interest Con the nntinld bilentne Oath! trald. (or further parileoLtre enquire of J. BAH- V itY 110 BE. Stott township, Adiu'r of Breland. liforroW,emed, alt. Lsbatton P. Allegheny county, rm. .017092dirsa EXECUTORS' SALE Of fARM AND COAL. THE UNDERSIGNED, Execultoni for for ul, at l übllo 1`..=11 - 17VA.' 11 4::: September 261b,at I 01c10ck1..11.. All thatwainahle PALM, situate in 11!Min Towa abdl:hie 'lVplitti.eg b raarigri, about 100 acres, with COAL underlying the whole • tract. This land to of the heat Inallty„w all watered and productive. Tbacoal being - within 'snail* sad • half *Etna Ilnamantiala otter. le van, valuable. The intptovements are • Mena and a gram. Dwell ydyy. Dam an.lother ont•hulldlngs. 'Axle& -One.ttard cash; balance la me and two years, with !starch annually, to be attend by bond and toor . tnejutly premise,. DAVID IL 1 4 V I MS(a' K.aehtore. eat2;j7Lniwif near the premimk. SOLDIERS' CLAIMS FOR HOUMA, &e. The undersigned will collect all bouniier, bock pay and pensions doe soldiers under the sets of Oongress or State lain. cougresobas)not Naomi smart egoolirluff boon ties, under Which veteran soldiers are entitled to bounty of from /100 to 112t10- JUBA 0. L.AminE, A. LL ItHOWN. Attorneys at Law, Oglee, Nei.ll4 Virth street, - - muumuu U. I=IMIII 01[0. ...L...».....R08S JOHN ROSS &CO., lONI..,Nr.OODEN & CO.. llMSlTlractinalts4lato MUSLIM IN I,Piban Oil 14mps rixturea CHANDEUER A S',CARBON OILS, Al lhar."4l/greckilizOocet. viivaintarier-- • pry:stamen. It.. or2fillnimptjor t ar. ELECTIOng - Tht !* ocknotilere of um+ ril:antrum tas'ouvrmi r okte here.. 1 32 u0tt.222 this ein 212212imatthtee 21112211222arre Traitatt of Cht.e0220221 Or Ufa* pony and 11 7InnetArr ma"4 4 1 1 " . Um P: 427 of tielobar sc pb•sweit2}242222l2 04 , 2 , 21022._ nom. sad 2 a, daT•' „lAA= usaminir . Tray/Um ;. '0" 18 ! 13 "PlIEN 111 or PRODUCE:, . .Raoo till k r tr f.. %lf t ") , balbl vrtm. i•uow ti .d Com 3JL c .7 : ; t.• 4•3,r, , "BOYS IN BLUE." "RALLY ROUND THE flirt IP CrCrlinD X 1371 =N 10-96400, be A NATIONAL CONVENTION Soldiers and Sailors WILL Itlt HELD AT PITTSBURGH, PA., Of the kind J . !: 'IL ,nncarted A pear . tleal NI g uir Lirnest eothmer , tal On Tuesday. September 25th, 1866 authorities. east and 1 , ..,t, pronoun., hie, system of Book-Keeping . ',reprehending every department of hu•ine , . All 4 re., so skillfully eon- MI honorably discharged Soldiers and Sailors, doused that the :,11,.111 e..ttoietlt... the whole who era opposed to relnatatlog rebels in power and i In sir ur eight week, ',bleb of who Bootig. "VOTE AS THEY SHOT," ' Ara ranted to attead. Mass Irslegttlons of thew, battle-testred.hatoetfol the Army end Nary will he present from areal State. Turn ent—tuat e sloglY, hat to Elatlellou•, and see wilV. era It Is to tot. the trots. of your eletorY weer the yet tottalealfge, MAJOR arantrut. U. F. BUTLER. •• •• JOHN A. LOGAN, N.-P. 134!JAKS. • •• J. L. CHAMBERLAIN. •• •• R. C. SCHENCK, " J. A. GARFIELD, •• A. E. BIIRLISIIIE. A dothe all' prraysi and. Address their Isle NNJn comesdes. By order a RESIDENT COMMITTEE. VV. B. COOL PlasldetiL sea:k6l. SOLDIERS' &ND SAILORS' vricrscav NATIONAL CONVENTION Twoomalcirz3r, , t2stel 3 Gitb. 'CITY 33.41.1,-.7.- At 10 o'clock a. m., on Monday, 2416, TUG .1101111 N BLUE" and i•GEARY will pursuit, un TUESDAY EVENINti, In Donor of the Convention. Wand Pars4e and Public Denton Strai inn of Bo). In Rine ee4 citizens, ou THURSDAY. the 21; Oa The risera•n and other organizations are Invlted to participate. - . ttoceptloo by lloaldent (..kromlttee to. City Itoll rllkstargb. ZStb. o t. 9 o Tukadok m clacks, Se ptxtub., Temporary Orgeolsoilou. I ra7cr. AppoluLintut of Colamlttec 012 rermanctil org3n , nglon. Adinuirntnant le WlVoute FILIII. to %% Procearion t o move bi At shorten rlimo. Wigwam. Assembiy by Drum Corps, opening of Conisotiou by temporary Chairman. Prayer. bluale—"StarnOaegied Banns , " Permanent Or/imitation. Tatwo by Drum t orps. The Convention each day wilt Corpcs be and d pr ur.,err nub ••aerubly Shit Drum Close It h benediction and tattoo by n the Drum Corps. 71m tl mulch or the two allies are requested to par tieinabe to the proecasion on this might. CHIMP biAlLlLlAL — klator General James S. Nea ter. r...1515TA NT SIARISHALS--HeueralA. Pear son, honeral tteorte S. tialtupe, Urn, ra Collier, sod neral Chart,. Berner. AIDS TO ASSlttrAwr hlAithßA LA--Colt.ttala 1.. M. Armor, J. W. Balltml/ne, Davtd W. ht. gnaw, WO , Neeper; Raton harnuel Kilgore, treurge tl.l...rb , s^•_Nr tioPetAtaptalem Norman M. Smith. Harm. Arthtar W. hell. Louis II . gar, Casper Haas, John H. Stewart, T. S. SI om, Lieu tenants Wil a ti . r r er - 70Orporrals He K rnain Jeeso lt. pineott. William Shone. 111233 Programme for Tuesday Night. The -SOTS FN BLUE" will must on Liberty street. right resting on Water. CTslltsos, and all other orgnoltation, tn fort" or Linens, the right resting on Water st rect. The column will mare at 7i. o'clock . r. a.. ins daily, and will move up Water sire. i tc tinttlolel along lentitheeld to Fifth: don n lift. to }lark,. down Market to It Clair street. snit over toe hug penlien ridge: up Feuer.. enter- to I il•roon. Square. Ilegiteny: thence e , iinter-marentog Penn street; up Peon street to Wayne:along Me r u to Liberty: eirrog Linen,' tit h run . Moog Unfit Firth, where tha column .1.11. e no tud. The ettLtens residing t e th er ate route pr .cessto oustequested to Illuminst thr d