The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 18, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman - Reed & Co.,
811112riininizrw. Prrnsausan
[ma izAR Br KATI.
eau issuvictw ag'ig
"he ittanttglt 6auttc.
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 , , 1:-,6ts
Brown's University in 1.4 i-t was worth
6750,000, and had a library of thirty six
thousand volumes. At the List Ineetilic of
the Alumni, President Szsiis announced
that $500,000 Were added to the endow
ment the past year. Five gentlemen of
Providenet each give ?.t.'0,000. Providence
has but about one ball the population nh
Our cities, and not one halt the wealth,
and five of her citizens in one year lirrve
done many fold more for their University
Utensil our people have done for theirs in
half a century. What an unfavorable con
trast. How does it show the comparative
estimate plated ou education by the people
of the different cities. Here- may be fount
the reason why we send our children to the
East to be educated by the liberality of
others. And here the reason why we are
compelled to send to the Sallie Providence
for the cities' steam engines. An endow
tilent is AS eS,etilial to a good iustnution n:
learning s• capita) t;ir a 13eary
rer. We are not only behind the Dot Lei
even the We-t in An:, re-pert
The work, however, ha, been lweuu
here, and an Intl - lasing interest and hbe:
ality will, we fully la-hevc lo manifested.
Before many years an Univer,tity and Fe
male College will be amply endowed We
hay, given our hundreds of shoos ads to
endow imititutiou: abneel, w hil e our son;
and daughter , at home have been suffer
lug. Where are the men who will give
stoo nn i , or $20,0u0, or $lO,OOO or $...),ut0
In August last, Mr. Firm.). R Ito e'diwr
of the Richmond K.nllnine- was in Philp
delphia atteudiuit the Conservative Na
tionul Convention. After the adjournment
of that body, a convivial re-union of lour
naliatic gentlemen occurred, and Mr. r,,,,
Lean made a speech, in which he protest
ed the Southern people had "no iimire to
revive the issues decidiA by the arbitm•
ment of the sword, — and much more to the
same effect. lie produced a marked ailti
lion upon his auditors and the public. On
the 12th instant, in his journal. he said •
"We king arm gore evir to sons of
the 'Pilgrim fathers' one interest
flag, the Fourth of Juiy an ! Yankee Doo
die, and have never since felt any desire ti ,
re - assert OUr Claims Were the test oat h
abolished, and the doors of Congress open
ed to-morrow to Southern representation,
im /nu n of delicacy Out tr.,,id shrink frost
ttaXitoi the beat and pure,/ /..
mi ?wit wit/. thu r. Wit, rate, ,
ja,„tho.s. isieticipate
•tutteil, of the nation, tin. e nn
a now heeome a degradation
'I HK litilVeStort u,“
ails sensible representation
"The fiepublierns are willing the South
should he represented by Union men. This
is not satisrip tor It , demanded Om',
those who still preach tie.Ason must ir e .0
ducted In:, the plat. , s or hou..r and trust
This tnh idal pulley oil riot be adopted lit
the Anp•riruu I,eopk, tchn ate th.;,•rminc,:
that the leaders in the reltd:ion shall tali
the bask seats, until .ate } iron
dotter of sineere repeutun,, a;rl chan c e or
THERF: are itadi , •36 ,, r, ~ 1 11r4•1
rative, Lave abatehan:d ad hop: of t
nu. and are ••on,entrating their etwr
gles on lite do,.
it :s
witit it view to defeating. it possible. eitit..
ReptiliAce.:l nominee, Tiii
tvill.not iIPIL
grourol ,, ,e!l that ‘vrougl.t
•111:, .rlll . , , ttcl . 3.!- f'• nu
tl/t• T‘k enty-first I).f.
riLt . 1 ‘.11.: tla•
II ,13,1.1 The .qt
)ty a Ullll' r
V 01 1111.. h .!
the di-t rig. 1 %% i; !sr k•n; 11
GEN Kit no's riliort to Gen. lioutt,.lo:
the condition of attain , . In Texas is raising
yellte a commotion q. tt,at State What
particularly inceutottl U. !tenpin Was Lis
allegation tit' uutuoroui, outrages upon !hi
Is the Twenty iourth roegres , tonsi 1),
trict the prospects of Mr tu Iva. V
RILNCE, the Iteprittlieln eta - Midst , are dr
eidedly bright. He will be it: elected by 3
least fifteen hun , :retl matority.
THE Butler meeting win be on the 24th
inst.. which is next Montlny—and not the
an wr stated yesterday
—Ten thousand Funiaus dell
—Tile Raleigh J'reyre..A lias been publish
ills the initials of the yinang mon who wit
behave in the Raleigh churches
—Fifty thousand copies of E. A. Fol.
lard's "Lost Cause' Mc said to hare been
sold within one month after publication.
—The one hundred and fiftieth anniver
sary of the founding of the Reformed 1 ,
Dutch Church at Fithkill was celebrated on
—The city election at Rising Sun, Indi
ana, on Tuesday, went Republican by a
majority of seventy The place hitherto
has been largely democratic
—Mobile has a population .if 3D, bier of
which about 12,400 are colored. lit Con
federate soldiers in the late war the city
had 315 killed, 171 died and 232 disabled .
Is increasing in ncotland
to a frightful extent. For instance, in one
parish of Aberdeenshire, out of fourteen
births registered, eleven are given es ille
--A Marseilles paper states that no in
habitant of that city has discovered a new
motive power much more advantageous
than steam and quite free from any danger
of explosion.
--A. negro named James Smith died of
Lolera In Memphis, last Sunday night, and
forty-eight hours after, his deserted - body
was found by the city authorities, partially
devoured by rate.
—A wedding was to take piece at Nash.
ville one evening last week, and bride,
parson, and guests were ready, when it
was announced that the groom was on a
jury which was unable to agree, and had
been locked up for the night.
--The Paris correspondent of the Lon
don Observer writes: "I hear that a great
change is to be made this year in gentle
men's dress, and that the chimney-pot hat
that has long held its place amid the fluc
tuations of fashion is at last to succumb to
the demand of the age."
—The emigration of squirrels westward,
which was noticed all over the State of
Michigan a abort time ago, is now being
followed by a migration of bears. The
same reason accounts for both—a scarcity
of mast, as both of these aulnanla depend
alike on nuts, etc., for food. Bears are
very numerous in the woods west of Bay
Nebraska City paper states that on
August 94th that place was 'visited by an
enormous swarm of minute insects that
filled the air and appeared much like a
snow storm. They were in two stratus—
the upper one blown to the westward by a
strong easterly wind, and the insects in the
lower one moving about in every direction.
yeti , TeWol"them settled on the ground,
mktillus entire swarm was finally blown
away by the wind.
Bey Oyster Crackers
A n.l l tacker M•al st Marstn't,lie r, I ot,rt,
Good Ramat..
At 'perm house Shoe Store.
AI the vlwra Rouse Shoe ,tore
Greet Variety
At the Opera HOUse Shoe Store.
Good Goode
At the l/per. Rouse Shoe Store
Work Warranted
.k, 0. 0 (yen, Hon. Shoo Store.
At the iipera House Shoe Store
Irrie IneClerrap 47. MclierinnoC.
run• White Lead.
z : toe ry , go to Mella rrom
tang St or
Goode gold Chespor
Tilall tither place le the eco:,l,
11. , :ise shoe Store.
For n Good flair Bromlt
• 10 AleCiarran S 3lCKetllll‘ll , ,lrr ug
kt I 411,4,1
Uste Me( larran d McKennnu•F,
Pa rc fl'lnte lead, joust in the market.
Nlm:lttrren SI Ken tan, ` 4 41 Marko; 81,v1
C..rner of Diamond, near Flfth street
linneell, Teacher of Urdi M a:We, In
removed from Neville to
errant, netween Markel and Ferry. where
Re haoved the lhaln nnhon•lm,h) an
ultimaholy eurt,l Inc raan , Irnm my ft,t.
nonflitantly recommen,l n I nurnhaatal
Of Mr Ranahn. 14 ht Chan auaa.t
Pit ',burgh
.100 re) ' , Leh 11, ityus. , 111 - 0,1
.tout. AT:littoTT. lodged. Ily 3.1 1 . TILT . T . ,I,tur, to be
the finest aTI , T 1110,1 ITTTratllful kuom Ti
STTITI uul y Tit MoCiarr:LlT S. McKean ta', Drug
Stare, Ci !ilarke: rt refit, eor”er of
near Fla h rev:.
Dry Cowl, Wholewnle and Retail
We otter 11, largest an.l sts.orted St ocx
and al way, t 104.1.1 (wire, net for one
1131110 only. tall tor eve; a thing. toll just nos'
are son,vairc I
Dlik 11,4.0.1 everything re
'I I foi the prvecnt ant e.iiiiing
I 13 1 n2[ .t Nlarket street
irolll—.PhOl. phOr.3*--4 nlln3
a— Throe twist known tordrs, skillfully and
elegantly combined In an emlier-ooloresi cor-
hiantifully transparent to the eye, plea:.
ant to the taste and acceptable to the iitonlach,
in Ca,wel I, ?tack Ferro-PhosphorsteeJ
Pauli of Calf:tape Bark
Each omit POTILO.II. (Me ounce of Royal
Kara Bat ant each ceewoon fn I contatn• one
cram of iron. ,amples furnished free to the
prOfi-1.-101.1 tA
sia . ILLL, ?dwelt Co.,
Sole Manufacturers, N t.
Oil.oesale in Pittsburgh by It t
At tel...llhy nil Druggbits.
Issitss vas( ,srrttrpOttstettett trcpSsissts it
1. 'LOCAL 1% TI • “t",,11 ,
:.•ltttmltt.t lit 11,
lye, urbilirgigrieli MeMlle" of 1,1/0 Ede, gn
FL re., 011lirlieta.T.Ing
oriT Tug your Toircesgful
L. 11( , ti alTriot to Lormlualli, TleiTirc to
lililinclis ',duo you, merit, by Wo.iering you IT
oTT:ntilimontlity IIiTTLAL, to take pla.e al such
I,! st, may flutist
4,1 Pr4 - 4 , 1.1r 14,31,
Aeptr,4,l.H2,r 14th, 1,4•41 s
ace &Jul.. Forrest ~ r,, ~
ill 5/ 111
qr, ILW ‘ct}klfl•: ttn•i approcsatt lye Hilt.
It., banded ult., ti.n.lerlng me L-0111
, a•nallt I nea.Fl anane the Aelk
•lezey of Mu.te, Wegeo.,l ty esenlng, Septy,-
Thahkukg )oti, one .tiet all fer'to
ktethe..- , a,tovred upon u-tra:hce:,
1 I ne.heetfu!•y,,te ,
General $i 00l Temporary Chairma
tiellan, Jotuu son atid Se %I Hind
C beer( a
p ention, in reeponee fret:,
Ureic favorable Lee the pp , : is of Preenher•
Johnem, for.l trio action of the Phinaleipl: la
Convention of A uguit 141 h. met in
to-ley A paidlifone hundred and :lily
feet In length by sixty on in breadth, heal hp on
erected in the Pstric for the use of the tonve
Aux: at three o'clock the Plelegatonor "%-
term!, preceded try a hand of music, and wet e
Pealed, alter which the crowd rim the op pf.
sale was admitted, and hllerd the tent toils • 1-
mOnt capacity.
Previous to the organization litilte u 91 , 101-
,1 scene wan witnessed, the delegations rising
and cheering with all their might for suenese
ively tile old flag, Generals Costar. Retyseau,
Wool, anti McClellan, the Cunstitutton, Inc
thirty-sir' States, and Andy Johnson, and oiler
brief breathing spell for wind, licuern
Secretary Seward, Gen. Steadman oral
the ttnerican army, awl Gov. Bramlette, of
Knu t tic ky. An the cheering w.calitid tot and
g en in each Case, there was a SCOW, of wild
ntlinelasui, the delegates rlning and swing
ing their hats and shouting meet vigoreu•ly.
By previous arrangement i•ov. tlramlette
nominated Ma) ben. Jen° F. Wool as the old
est .11a)or General in the United Staten, and
probably in the world, as temporal) . Preb
dent. Get, WOOl wan received with loud
cheers and addressed the Convention.
l'rwyer was offered by Captain W Sure.
formerly of the tete Ohio Infantry.
On motion of General Lewis of Kentucky,
Captain J. C. M'Turbisli, of Maim:, dad Major
Duval English, of Kentucky, were elreuel
On motion of General Denver a Committee
on Permanent Organization consistlng of oar
(rum each Slate, was appointed, as follows.
Maine,tietieral A. S. Daggett; Massachusetts,
Colonel Eli G. Kingsley. New York, Oeneral
M. T. 'd'Alene.; New Jersey, General W. H.
Penrose; Pennsylvania, Captain lel
land, -Maryland, N . Purcell; District of Colum-
Ida, Captain P. Young; 01.10, General Henry
Indiana, Colonel Frank Emerson,
Wisconsin, A. 0. Doolittle: Missouri, Major K
S. Farnsworth; animas, General 0. A. Bassett,
Neltryak b., General li. R. Heath; 1111. 0 10. Sur
geon W A. Osgood, Kentucky, Lieutenant
Jam, A. Davison, Minnesota, General W. A.
Gorman; California, General J. W. Denver;
Tennessee, Major J. F. Carter; ',claimed, Cul.
K. M. Joel, New Mexico, (....ptaln John
•Inn, Michigan,General C. Losanis; Georgia,
. Mann "leery . Fitch.
t/n motion of /ion. L. D. Campbell, of hen
tacky, the roles of the Congressional Hoc.
:Representatives were adopted um! other
; wtse ordered, with provision that all resoln
, the COlnthlttbe 110115 pertaintng a
inlnciple, lie referred L. •
/4,1.01 lUldrrse
without rereading or tletnstel4(lOn end
on motion of James T, Brady, the following
I resolution was adopted
Resehwel, That the Presidents of the il
lffu r
e state delegations report to the President
of the permanent organization, the Mune, of
all the members of their respetnise
Done, Who are known to he dishonorably dis
charged the service of the United Staten, and
that s uch persons so reported be not allow es
to participate In the proceedings of the Con
General Custer announced that many of the
delegations were not yet full; that member.
were now on their way who ought to have an
opportunity to participate in the neatness of
the permanent organization, end he therefore
offered a resolution to adjourn milli ten
o'clock to.morrow morning. • Subsequently
this resolution was withdrawn, and Mr. Cam A
bell moved that General Thomas Ewing, Jr.,
of Kansas, now address the Convention. In
response to calls from all sides General E wing
appeared upon the stand and was introduced
by the President saying, jf . you have 04 'y
cheers to give you can give them Loud
cheers greeted this suggestion o• General
Ewing who proceeded to address . Conven
tion at great length on all the poi, topics
of the day.
Gen. Ewing elaborately argued t. aloes
oomititutlonal questions at length, greet
ed with great applause, and at the close load
chairs and the thanks of the Convention,
which resolved to publish the speech IA ' hair
Speak:tug for this evening by ranocui erpealp•
ens was announced, and Cue Convention ail-
Jourrued,pursetant to one resolution offered by
Ctiolora Cloitiee.
Now Yaps, September IL—Eight cam of
Wore, two of whiola are fatal, were reported
n the oltif
NR 222
IVIED U L , • kj so( 111011'14 \
Peace. Negotiations Brim yen Itilria
Thu Alhe, ;II South tau 11 , a Defeated
FIN 4.01141 4N19 4 OMMEitll 141
1,1 ,, 1gh.
} . I
I tl
11:11othk.i relnforeemen. h I /11..L14i,
arm) hl that . 1 . 111/
wt. II th , u,tud melt.
• I,iy, ,•11
1..11,re foh.t I'rh,l3 bay
the sigi•at . irt e or pea
betinecu Atisii la awl itak ei. '
elit • ion t.•i
The 1.01,1 n it \
ccution i.t
ill KCeM
:Ur n
A% :TO pi.... ' 4 •,• I In . 1 :71
Ita., :611,11 Of :'•
HAY,: —At a
M t : Ai( 1 / 1 041/I , alit•
111 thl . v.t hill? iii r,tit. •,.14
c , livre,l t, or
nUre Om :Iv
sh•ahler : :,_• .12.;
tant inlormatlmi that 'lt ,
hare twen hail r..i ,tio i•
1 - --I ,J.,” .• .0. I p:
ces hav/
..ales to-.lay of Ay... 11. I
n 1 13.1
littu .-•
LONDO . S, ',pt.
Radical Delegates Attached I))
Reconstructed Rebel,.
111 k kftliED IFS p, 1,1,1 j.)
ill Elli
t wn at
drunken 1 ti.un t . , ~1.1...rt...„,..,
O/ ‘ 4 •11/ It I (It It% 1.. • t ti It' Nit
:, A .1 1. ...”.•
4:t. men, etztar.•tv, •11' rn• I.•,nne
gun. A unitenetut..l sa.l p. 10.1 ,tre.
NI .11, •
11." Itlg 1. , t
w e,- ~,t). ~.•.•
t!,...r II
tit, .1 t wit., at one .1.1.41..te 1..•
.I.•r '
°Curt. nntl k
T'tii ILL. 10,
nrrn....l obvt.
al. I 1.1,1, ..! t
L/I , y !ha.. nut t. 11. C).• rk•xl.,
es,ttng tivre. i,.•1 ,•••• •
(..; put •,.•.1. L‘k
tnoi, Ail a4cottr.!• „
I:nur:J.e.l %%lien OM, t%
Thv 19111adelplain EII•10121 tt.n.erition
nml Demotratir lnmluatlnn• Karl•
Ncu loxx. , apt
I nw, •-•,uate, , •I t)
tion I • hllntfrlphie 1,..i.5•
t':4 S. • ,1. 1 111:11.11101, ": 1, I , , I
uns ,try t.
I.lono n T.. 1 :rw,r,tions uw gr,rtl It
Mayos tz.,l
nw,.uty 0t:,•.r... al elgll
T.l 1111.: •
tt . " :ha'on., I 1111. a- ..•
i•V ~...
t , er.• (3.1 rt . llolll, I,IV It• g -
ce: . - .1 A Intl t. at,
ntttl i.K the: •.I .•
Evo•rr ery,,,, a ...1,7 alp: 1% :111
tuct•rett.. to prottipti r , pal for ti..•
, orft mert . tittrtal.« ot•let .11,0 t.t”, to 1141,1 %1 the ILt - p.t1.,, in it. ,
Crilte , l ,t.ate , t, mob! I v for Itettv) artlih:l) tto.t
mmonttion for both It, Azt , l
Tho Intst.etliattety tort If• Ali to..
Pot taut
Arrival of the %iron, I•saint3ro Irwin
1.11 - erpoost—Why Eogtomel Aid.. Cato,.On
with Mlill•ry
NEw Voor, Sept. 17 —The ittettmet
(torn /Av. , t0.,1 u thw 4th, VI.
the 51:4, I:. follow Mg !Lea;of n !I WP.
The Dotty Tr[evretph guys lb., Itt Jolrlo ,
4JII, Canada nee the reverse or 11.1r4.11rxtfltag,
and th .] lb object of the home government
In dial - patching x!mall reinforcement g to
meet 1-11. admiral/. it or 111. C.,l4mlnts
with,. h correrpo.•llog proraptltode m.. 1 en
orgy, and to rifler Lb(' /et.... or the Tr floor
frontort, at , trore not arlont, thorouglrly
Trial of Freettntere. llama. Agents.
WA.ittirwron tlep• prim Lr
froth dateil to. , 1111.), ray; The ,perial
Military Cotnizi,•ion corn al eceel hale hy
but the Prq,..l..nt, for the tritl 01,lvil
age n, of the Fietalinen's ofw, nCul
eliargen en, brought by l.unist
to-day oneriniled I lo•
trial of H0r . 61, .Intern, lain a Captain ail
ontee,, eloirgoll with rulli vetting a plantation
while attlng anan agent af the Iliireati, an.l
with eoenpilrlly In the gliootlng of a negro
The .her es-em a I:! it lak It. a lon
The Late Camp Meeting Riot.
Lst /111,141-, ,elLtehiLthr 17. -The .51rth.,.11..“
Of thix will 10181 a puhlic trieetlng
ogllod together Ipy proulineet, LiN , l
ilt)1111,1 t,, take, :tet lon i n referent,. Ir. I',.
meetlng Not
Soldierls and Sfli/Orl.l . n 1.1,10 Coni east
• •.:1/414/ .I 1
maim! IL taasn of ICIIO.I, 1.11 tII.I
.11,014 and !sailors to Inset In turd ell,' 4 , n W.,1
nomlay ell, I 41/11L,L1L1.... ILL 111, 1•11,1/.1,41
J .311.1. Black... All. l . -- The h rem..
Jul lux Blaekson, n imlorol gentleman
known 11115 vicinity fn. Ills puglh-td.
ants. attemptetl to whip an 11.11V1.1110.1 1):1111g,1
Heenan—not the 13011.11103 , -1 , 11 Market street
yesterday afternoon. Illacknon got OM cOrat
of the fracas and In Ills Impotent .tte, 115
drew forth a razor and attempted to ent
throat, not only or Lieesien, but of a trlemil nl
the littler named Armstrong. Both parties
were arrested.
Meeting at Coonellavllle —A largo anal
enthunh.tle meeting or the loyal elllzerie I.f
reiyelle county. WILA belt one
In. week. The poollll.l
their full 111 ight LLLIti A.Cre uthiressetl in an able
anti patriotic manner by (Mill
Canula Kt l i for state Minute In that ill." elet,
lion. T.. 1. lilocllllll3, (14. A. K. AloCime• blinor
of Franklin Reposticory, anti Voter A. Johan, of
AllUther car ( ondmoter In si, ticrative
'lp•ler.lrty ort,noon, at oar No. 41, on lb°
ttloo ttr.el awl Tr.) 11111 l'uneoliger Itatlony,
Wan .„.ring the ~. 1. (lair ilrool, brillgo, Its
pttorrost oat Inlio..led by a wagon o,a/tiling
oil Iho traek, and which hail evidently toot
selth mnuo Iniallnp. Murray Trimble, the eon
uster 0( the oar, offered lilt uattlstameo ingot
tit , wagon r, 1) to go on, Ills car being 11.60
tlvo tootulot Irehlrol I Into. David Kann, pet.
printer of the 0 agon reatoottical to the error
lP,:it,V,`,l:,',T.'i.cats,a'."‘; t ” ho,"ne" —d 1 " 0 '•
.bt getting ‘loa.,
%%Lilo he Lasted Oho matter of musclo as well
ea foolishness. katio, na La alleged, ilalayoLl
Oa long as possible, tool Trimble Si, length got
to using very throntonlng language. K.fl .
chode Inrol motion before Mayor McCarthy,
arging Trimble with surely al the peace.
°Moor Lanni*. went with a warrant for the ar
vat of the conductor, and overtook the car as
It wea going upon Om brulgo. Trimble refused
lobo arrested Yet officer Cupolas and Wrigley.
loot securest his passage to the Mayors elite.,,
, whore he gave ball for his appearance at
Row Bose.—The Committee on rire En- i pence. lo answer the Charge of surety of the
glom and nose of City Col:moils, at a meeting '
held hurt night, atithorited the, Chairman to TO. 11asterrifled of WestmoraleolO.—The
negotiate for the pureltase of 1700 feet of 10- roam:data announce a maps mee ti ng at
inch iosthor OK tor use of Are tietetztoient, torstanabors rrat the art of nen, Olsen)...
neethig at Brownevlllo.--OU u n ."”
lug but a large meeting was held In brown.
Ville, under the nunpleee td the Calm) ILeptil , -
Henn party. eol. Blackman, of Lebanon, h{4)
W. IV. Ketchum, Leg., of Wilkenbarre,
Hon. T. J. Ingham, el Iltrehurgh, ve let
able and argurneulallva spot:elle'e. Much on
thuslanm prevailed.
From 44111denfernny.—Ifr. utidenrcolly,
popalar and accommodating nod's-dealer oh
holds forth at No. 46 Fifth aLreet. Kends us at
excellent campaign photograph of Major Una
end John W. Cleary. For all late publication
of books, novels, magnalum and print., call a
and ltiO Broken oft
I he I nit4 , l frlgh:u
L. 1,, , e.: atti ..f
I, n I ale%
additional Telegrnat. nn lour lb I•ngr
The (.rent convention-11(4CW'; 01 Com
\ tui.vt:ng t I)” Ite.1.1.•111. Lolllll,ltlce
o: . anti Sailor.' National 1,011,11-
,:t.ll. :/..“.1 the L..unly Kkeenalve lotnnvlte.•
1.4).. \•:: la Blue, wn4 1it,141 yosteriltty
n—cm. pormttel to a , Uttormmeot, In the l.ote
tnittee Room at City nett, Ith Shift.
S Negley oreopying IL.. eh Lte
he realtug of the minute. of the plnni. , ,N
~•ett . ca. •11-pen4,l ‘t the rep,
0 ! !!0! severa:, cult,l 10! !!; !!P
hmoral I. Pea: sdra, free a am:ail:wt .
on had:l - aids, reported at ogre +, rho aoph: l
wa- a000pt...1 hh..t the cnntrnit tee continued.
',grant 3. 11. Kerr, Irom the Committee Olt
I'o./1,, reported progress. A largo number
a err already finished, anal the whole number
—].:err—would probably lie ready for rilstribu
-1,11 10-4100.
1n motion of Captain Harper. it was resolv
ed that the Committee on Badges be Instruct
ed to distrinnte the badges ns soon as possible
to the Boys lc Blue on proper application tie
ing made.
t einem at ontion stated I nal he Mot infor
m:it ion that the oast, ball would, to a
great extent, pen lilt, prrieetsirm, dressed In
their se, uniform and wearing their own
ez Kt. inert remarked thst the badges Ot the
Boy, In Itlue, were destgned to designate Don
rnlly solttlere and sailors, arid
none others, aunt that civil-Hans should not he
permilled to Join the orxunizationa. pre.
longed discussion fol lowed, the members helee.
ely evenly cilVided as to the adelettbility nt
accepting or rejecting el villians as mom her.
0 , the Ilietrlgt "ItYllIZA:1011.4. At length it
as decided to leave the mutter of utetnlite
sit;p to the option Wean-In orgitnizatanc.
motion of Ray', , O,uerxl (ieo.
ballope w adr u memln, of both the lb,
ten , t 01013.11,., comity Exo,clutive
I , ati•1.1.1111.,i that (_ apt. Tot I ,neo, of,trell• 011
11.1 gone East to
ha .arrangetnenta for nag,, and the u... -
I,A, a. , alih. - .l4ed him a letter' l•tli.
pi•VCI-11I1g 111111 111 wrt I,: the Coalthltrae.
A lapt. Sl.t on hell, trout the l... , alth.lter
1t: iery, retrte.l z,thl
'..• 11i01111.• ‘• I,a; Kahl,. a eta to h• 1
t ~e Inst It a as at,lnolnil Illitt Nat haidi
bo nrrd at Met - 1.11.u, ant that
I!, art Iva, ofea , h erh. , r of
- Clot 1,1 1,111 , ,) .11,..1.1i1.1 I.l'
IZer,tti the witTriltte , locOn
Conanc.l,o. r•TOrt
:eV 1111 tirrungetnenl , g,tltl
...• f•• 1 .:1 tll4 ••I Um,
e. Illy roport sv..l i.k t,•u•
L. t.lligetn.,nt. 111,1 br.ton tun. wltl.
• :11i, In
tunt.s, altd
n IL.I 11 , . Tho t oo'
t,” • L!1. - I4llla
iPPPO 1_!le •
Iht •
1 . ./
Plielt /1/111.fleee
,ttt t., , IPlrrct.p, A I. an. Alto
f...ul 11,a111.1..1 101111.1. •I
nu , u 11 A u_s "" `."‘'•
I. ,o/AAcitocli Acvo:.ll Ilre E,1111p14111., / I." •".
I I. *,
."•'" "
rs t P P 1•••••1 - .• Ipnte r‘,,- u - L A A • • A h A
e... 1.• ellell.l NIP 111,11tI/0/1 / , P ' , PP,/ ‘"'". • ""• L." ' "
0.1e.y f, • •
Mackay • ••• "• •..
.“ awl Mkay ".,
I ‘4? al, Iva 11/ //'". /./././•.P Milan' • ./ P “ /..I•PP. P l ll •
• az ,AugetArnt . .. for the tirenww. pArAd,. . as 11.,
oteutl nu.nncr ~A.l 1;,. 1
0, l.rutlAN . Ae . t 11....tArtv Lao n .. I
wele 1:11:1A.1 p10(10,. 1 " . . ‘ " g 1"
summit...lll,Al'trait...• ..“11..1tit.tT , Ai (.1
1 .5. , f r nee/ t 'Pt 1..
i .
t. 11 1 1 ha. 01.rwart, I nic,nroAr. A ' n "'
„ „.,„ , 1., „ ~,,„ I. I, 11111+,1 wayll!, !NA
A ,In 1.11 e.•
t . , .
, 1,.1eg.t ton
1 . , I
an ',C t,T
• t• 3 . ..1 tl..
tun' `I" slr 11-es -u
Uul6 , -.4.2-.. that
spl I I,,trer, tr•.U, osn p z
•. t • • "•. flatft of hi. I
.ie (JR.11.0
1 . 111,
0. no 1.~n.~~~.{
t..t 1: , •11:4` t” ‘V1,.21!1.1
Al•tael.l Ot tor..inelly
,1..• pr
/,111 at./ era It
tt . It:t: Let, tttl ' ;',ll4
n 1 Ita:,•• ttP
I.IT u. r rtlng. ,
t xl.g.r,
iLutt• 41..1 411 ,tt,tr •orguttivitlon.
,ft r•••ttl,g ...1 W•Ler •trrut
7!t, t 411,11, win move at rl,Ol. 0.0.k'4 pl•
u; NI, .01 . 1•., I
t, I .r:11.
L(141 to .11arket, Mwtice:to ,t 131
nye,' (1,0 tio Fe.l,
- a; I , lsmon I
..glitts ward• la, to:m 141 I ang...
"111,1•.: I ., lln.)lvusit,
")..r. I
•11,/ Q.a.• pr• , .•
a, L... 01,.• • 1
iltsl g
n..i •nel taa
A••1•1a, Nlal
as• .1,L.1,1 that I ht, 1. loot ]1,0.: :01 should in.“..1% vl.l n, whit irrni appoinu,l ,c•
ronnwn JeNun II Ll T tpti.cott, uotgilknt I II
Kerr, nerointit -ihoro, Seigennt
Lot . , orkl tlytts, , ergrant 1tt.1..',1
11, 114 i
IL •Irn.lectlltnt that 111 e. 1111.11
151.11 a.
, Pfnittir in without Ode arina.
Irod,ral biLllnpr It WILII
..llhnt liev , :ntArn old, I,a• n pp „ mind Ply too
.11(.1 Mnr.thni anti nAklglit,l in 111 , Ann.l ant
Mnreliklk. The following ik ert, nitpoinfetl
Atmor, Colons) 11. W. Megraw,
I „n.,.l Wlllintn It Nt•epor, Sanitiol
Nta . ipti ti..orgu L.auglillit, .W. 11.
N Si, 0101111, Unplala It
Ila/P,.t.uplAlN A. ll' L.:villain L. Ilogar,
nitug t I •ifiLnin J'lnn
„pt.," ,ryount tf.l: Negloy
rgetnittlinnit, ..nti.t,ty,Solgt.init A litnilet.
it,. Ling ben ktlpittrnott to 10..11 at II
'. te k tuoi olug.
II I. rt vrx pienwszil thing to Burt $t
I„lthe ~no i nl a. nhotil to taimltion
111 t ht. 1,. ett , nue ago ttlut
t 0..., rn An , l rr 0l olnl. Provlilvne,
, 1•11. 611Ig It V /gO,, , UM
.•bi. , 11 to .Ilitblde att.! v 005010,1 lona hall
In ol,ltll to hold their SO/40os", 1"..1 1,1,101
Los••rv..nnulsnliinlon Pllllllll. Wil 11 a
aid I Pan Ilia NOH, .11 1111• the rat
., tolia• a • , .( 111 finnnitiuml,e,l. An oN
liliine of I 1 1 ,• Iliterf..t that In takiai 1,, 1 1,1, no
tole Intl In, a t here Just I,ren 111
!tortoni% that Ina c 1111 , 1011 of 11,. 5.11.114 V ,L(.11•M , 1
1,1 the I' ;Ist lite-1,1,1a. I'lint eh. of East 1.11,.
ia y, Alt 1, ii)entilf.i. ininli• 010 n nt
tlie conoriltteii it donation oi
finniirod and
.fiir/y.fli , dafiars. Haw nom,
I 1
va., ofeel. 0 I able, a 111
o and I it,i•
The following pr ',in voriuttlute the Etat
Hon I. , oinnillnifti of 1 110 llos kli& Janteif Fon •
,:14011, 'MOP llerThhtrger, !naafi 1 line, I
Jo 1,41 . 1,,,11, 1,. 1,1 414111 my, 'lOll1 0
11: yarit, ti 11. J1.1111
'rliiiitipson, Matoutil tariiithan, J , ilin itr
1,411,1110 , 04 1 . 1"10r5 ,, n, 1. Itallitattio,
/ 111111 l ts•Altag ailjoartaid lir giving thren
Own,* for . the n ion Itepubllenn I . nrt y 1111 , 1
1 Ile t,overriffr of ronanylvan has.
Allegheny Conuty Aw.rlculturnl lair.
Ti ..• y thc A::,411ec.3
pern•tt gt.t
that hn.. cs n place It ,ar county
Whet! tay that the lair c. , totnttitet,
: t t t l I:.t. it , •I :hitt
Wlil 1,1:”.t! , ••1 I sy, Ir
1,n130 e
'l`,lll Ir
entin•!y .it•vole.l Irr
rang oi 0.11ncn..1
In• no , u 11 . 1` (rot, 11...
%Ye led tot •• • at dr: a.l
hitding, wtshing to Mine
go, t al sit, ev tairots• last,. itota,„„„
but w , ' tottlid that'o
0 p 4 , 14 . ut leti, .1•.•
I cod, a do ge tolott•to - of 0 ot ' loy
111 luting up stitti ami to at lan g tn.: goods
Wu 101 l that II to tote ant , I Po Its hail tail, toil
iie , id tio..iit-itt t e tt woohl ' it exttitted,
diudit,, should teio I amsli. The art li..
that wet aunt tog ei I Is• • ore. a•
a gen
eral ['dog., such 00 0 ole Itast fe r. -n-
able, tad 110 most cacouragiog 00 ,
to see our men:ll/tuts ahtl man ular t •
rein IMg 11:111 pos111011:0 and Immed tit t
going . to work with it zeal that apokevo/ulllOl ,
In lavol ot aut•cessof up, motto tak,,,,
Stones, grates, ranges timelier,' giotits,
• sewing mach tie !atoll., Ibthps, Moulded tern, •
glaasware. stllit t elbarrows, won.
lag inaelltnes, plows, ettlet photogt apt. ,
• nett paintings, lowers of different kind,, um
chlnery, and so long a eatitlOgne that It would
[o,ll/1,7 a nal:1111,11 enutnerate them To•
day the liner clans of goods, together with
pertsthatile ttrttelca, moll be en 1 , re, 1 , and we
ahalt see atts•k s of carpets,rugs, eurtallis. and
1.1, 1
the Varlo poraphernalla of a al 11-or.lec /41
heats, trolls unit vegetables, jellies and pre
serve+, anal—lilt what 141.1101144 k 4 , 1 attempt mg
to go coot list. There wit te r
o• Itr.a, stump,
COWS, 1T1U!..9, do s, and every iltimeaf ic ,
that we hitt, Fri Put Oit Cal snow ma be.
ignalll all , l nat • ll tlinlilfty Ade.
ghenv isionty has net et yet tieiot i
open,' to he ustontsh, lut, id iii • te—we
kneo i• oto I tots, Ihe most_thlerest lag Oaf
lion of the who, Haag. tint maid looltum
friend, Ut.110,111 Way, whlspered In our eat I
Just,.s 0• lug the atpaii I 11.11 the
ladies' tog...a:ditto io the •• Ituts 151 111 .r•
woolll.l .11K/it• load,oot lets oti s folio
clarin g‘% 11,1 N,
I/ to ac...4.•tiny
.•l rong hi., joke,. :'troll gm, t , .r.
ILIUM( CON:a ,4 U 1,4114,1 N !An 4..moner
welt, zny . ..tillr..l Irl Corn II",
•e Oa. - Ft.,' no
il., • ' 111,,l C
r. . wt .
nLie,.l int '.ll. 111, , • . 111.11-
”,r1 4'll ni.pointed, wr.“. totn , • ,, . hat
1.., lc hetnei hay ,.
print, ,•.. I Ile I ,
Lat. :a
One “I" nr.l 11,Ing , r".
0:11,11,4 n 1 ht . track. • lit
:di 1n... I, vl,tl
mett, lit 'hit,. A genti,D..—we
9 nattio vet, lo 1.17 I hi
,rnrk le, :1 . , hi i f . o •
I r I.•• 11, t•., ittol
iII‘I ;but It In ilr-t I Ate ..1 , 14.4 Its 1111,11•
11/Irrow- I ft , r 3 n
41:”.11.1 •
pool lire
rt „, I/1 .
tslut 1 . 1”,
7 4 1. !4.11
.14 ti
.oli •
• III • 1./Ark, A
, 1101 , . 111 I sn any 0t,,,,1•‘: tutt ,. lll,
uiwn tt.t . goun , l
ts: at , IKLI. , :z. h
b .n.• -.Awe I h a: I
lir. •31L1,0 !,..; :1,1 , 1 Is vtti
1 3 1:..: .1 Inant.l,lll It t
p..,4•.r. ."! a tar, nt.,
ale, .11. L,
I. I rtpt it,.
,la I • a
I 1-g I
. ~
• .'•,,t•
11.1 1...t1.•1 IVI . I 1 , 111111..1r 111
IA .11 :I,Cel 1.1. t.. 1t 'Oll. cater Phrk r••t
I , ll' 1 11. 7 . 11 1,0113
K.lll %% II 1 , 11 NI. 1111
tll - ”c... 411
v••nr. rl.l
In I.nrul Il ulltry cattail ,rt hatolentai
.1611.1. t. it the f not Wing, hnit farrittr th
MI, II 1I hitt:head of No. .1111
-.treat.atallafiglni, gallary grant
anal of tart+. it+ vet+ paper Ihre.l tho wall, nit
the North light rovnlng In showed the photo
grapto+ nn l tattotlnga Co a gt of us Iva,
tmige. Pioutinant among tale aria-, of ht nl' , lhtl
foattiree, we cached tbong: of Meant K. I_ liti k
atol Than, 01.1-hod Wales r/vlOl,l, .I,I•
eo !Intl rot Mr Win. floral, A Ilulls
hen.l of Mt Peat ...In nn .1 1.! Mr.. W
al a e a... Wu I pli•ittwllki , “ Mt Jo , .
Y.nn ate!lntl phol<itrr•Ph. ,, l 1,11511,,,,
of 1111 lo µit!. It. ptmilllors , lo- etaanolott•
Ina tering very elr4rlnt. Slit the oat, nu rte . -
tl‘.. of thuarray Was it notta/anatiol. tort, e
attainin t wanly-11re +.l !toll. j.noto.
graphs, Tao number of Mr. W µMatelot'. , ql , -
001.100 will he largely augment/al
Nt,. J Cat go, who,. gollory Is .ittoll.ttl to tho
Ittotottr ttlPot. get.ttog Itlui.-11 tlr
totottnioot It, hrteo L. 1,111111116. ttl Itit.ttogt apt,
Rod cti lit 1,1,t to , —. 11111 i gill
11exutt.I.•I Cowley will Ir 1 .
drlrnnln l In .11111..1 ILI 1 ,, ,•1 J r.
1111 Ulltit/1tx1,4, .11+ „Ii 1111 , grim. ,
)43,11 , t.1.5y I,,parlag VIVI, I t• I•. 1 ht . .1,-
111,11 t 01 ”1 l let'
tilw 11Iµ it , V. 1,11:11 lie Iv ro 1113ia
sv;11"7::•Illii:41.1t11„"t;yere'g"it:;lie41'1"'st lll l'''''''''''''''''
It •.• g hy 0,, alt.
111„11 . 111 11,.. temple .3,11..0 , 1 1.1 :11 1, na
-1 , 11 ,• 1 . 14101. 11.11..1,11.n 1 , .1 111411,11
11,1 g 1.3.1111.111.4, and lonititil flown:A al-
I 1 aca Its wa!ll a* 1 lagraunl,.. At
1.11 , 1 11l lip . 111111, .1., cad 4.11 t 111 .111
10011 goopgellki 4 inele thr. , t Fl,Olll 1,11011. e. 01
13111110 t I% mong (be
collection We found ezetivii of nearly every
deer ript loo—lievollia, Ft/.44.11111,5,
hiurnotnil, rennin, k hole, le
,Lycopodlition, Fermi, 'twice, :nonece
nod olline ;dent , Tile nrritugioneut. of the
nluudNOth 1,11111 inicopicd nearly
the e dny, as elln.equt . tltly a W . -
„r Wa n brougta uti I tie gt 011,111.
TO otty 11. wllt tio completed.
Then , wore being arranged it very bandsmen
collection of strives, ;pates, ranges, beaters,
and various paraphernalia of the kitchen,
and AMON{ those that we well called upon to
11.LIVO wort prominently wan a stock from the
Rosedale Stove Works of 1,. Yetermon, Jr. a.
Co. These gentlemen will have a diuttlav dint
will probably ho Inferior to none Miler oil the
{. , round, although, as in most other basil, they
laud not coniplettal the arrangement of ilinfr
wares hint eight.
eote v 1,1 rather early for the intrO.
Alen nt vegelatthls, but sre nulleed a very
lot of potatoes mitered by James Venter,
known to the Orniwulla potato, These p
toes are, as their name indicator, pearls,
our friends 1p the country will have to b
theumelVes If they manage to and nnyt
to beat them.
As a wetter of mine thele was a great
1-,[ll ILI:. ay, 110 11,t
• I
4,10,1. 1 IIV”
It) “I 1,4 vtlrg
I. LI".
1. 1.0 I
• Elts,l,l
J A./It, 1(*.:•.
I , NS i LnA, i.
u:s.u..t •
11. l
. In Anttge. n" Hit 1.. "
n. Itivugh nvlele
out of in , - rhaon that existed In render any
I long like .t fait reinlet of Whitt was going on.
11l chuffs wan being rapidly tritnaformed in
of•If r, and this et ruing will, we Itidieve, veri
ly our prodletion that the present—provided
the tt rather will admit—wit: he the largest
ttail 11111,4 diapiav et er held at a fair In 111 Is
unty Itedcy. the earpcts,,-ftwing umehlnes,
vegotal,le s , N,LA k, n'sted. glass, and :11l
ot lief of tile hoer articles trill he placed In
Ow , loom, position, On halm b , 4311
:41!111.••1 I , r,t ,forp., of fof ty pollreuren have
tfevif ecif , ffo v , I. clot trill tie In attendance day
scl large date•ing ',fat form is
upon licks. and the inevitaifle toff:,
gig—ue Itedeve !hat ,s lotl if Is called—tor
liff hvin ilf of flfe in. in full
sw, t y. .X number of tents are already tip
hou m fifg oar t hen sfof t•of
goof.: to, Ir. loon thus A lee arrivals of
Fidel; had ch.,' mace. hot as stank lots to he
the os rs mt. geoldally employed In
getting stock • pro, r before Oring•
nt: of Int, exttic. A fml,ding for the use of
th• Ifoclfl of Mansg• • Oc., llt ell erected near
the c.a. - Line she. aim If is bete loaf. all par•
I le- it, .1, 1ttt,111 , ,-. Wit the a have
eall Ever, p , f5,1 Who trail ant - interest in
F tte...1•1 , 111N . In lite tllittell nl -1”•
srtNeltai Aleetlit;; ot 1 totinell.
A ,pt- , 1.0 t[..•. I.llg „rt. 1..
Their e r lot:gala
Cour,n, Gallahor, llcrOman,
I LI),
'flomps , n, WhOe, n. 1,1
VINAI,OI.L qtate.llllal
wixa railed for 111 , I , •tt
m.l•4Aor to All'. NI. / dirrat.oel, late
trl Ity trkrt•
the n am
lin Mil mo t ( ler I: v. its At:, hort 7,1 t ,
Minniu Pi tilt. (01L11.11(111 int it tuttut Issly .
rsatty rnt•rt with tltt.tri j ill i iiillnif ...I
ehainli• Z.
,I. Ali rt•sidi , tg 1 Ire
ti gentll,ll.ll sc.•re pin p ceol in non.”1:0,11
I,t Mal lc, I-
• rt.%; the 1 , ./1-
Ic/ ,tlllll.g. 11t11, 12. 1, ;Lr na
gnan, 1
31r . 1- 1 1..1ccittre , 1.1uly red, likkv•
Ing 1114 , ranjoray of 3:1 1140 4 , 1.,
.101, 4 1 .e.4.lnn 11,011 tuljnorne.l
Mr. Tll•Jrnpnor, ulTere'l It pctillon for
an Orliltiallt o to removc II is 'satire crcat.,l
Ilitte:,.ll, kn., ~C ,11, 3 1:14. 1 10,4111011. far
1 , a1;4' •
...I reel, 01 Deto
XI; stat I , lc -.11“,• cialtet of coin
ont. til
• 11,.• MOlCClgallt.lll
110 tbcrc•l,o•ll.l I•c
rd , ••a qt.' ;•. .1 ' Ill,ought•aro,
the city
Aft*,t 11111111Ig flue pelltloll
t . trfurru.ll, thc • Ilit,1 •1 1• • with
M: 2.11.51 -' r.
o11.,•ill;, , ,k1;1,1,1.; , 1,; , h1 , 11. / * MO.
b! r , , , Ili; 1110' 6,ekrlloro ; MA :1
Wylie stroll.
I„ , lit-t! 11,1 It I/ ittitinOn
titt , tll In I:tit !not-fort, ji ft.trt, I tt p,rot
tt ! t t, t‘tt.•tottt.ttrttl
ttit.l t.ittott.att! N 1!. i 11 ottrtt.ll,or the
, tr.'. and lot 101 ito Itartt Iltt tut
prttporty Ititott t - tt,ttl - ti t .111 1,11e.1
tl.t• tot,- th. •1 IttL) • 11l V•ktl , i I'l Ilto
our, It tali turt.tttl
fit tA 1!.0 111,11,4•0
\V.., ,V ig,”
I I.r• r:r•odeatt d ~1111111114,1,.:1 (tote Jan. tte Anderson IS . al arril,ght, 011 it ti I.
,;„. n .„„ st „ dJetinest I.)r nsens:: and I,Ltt,r. Tee 111:
1,111.11,1.11.1111, .[-I'C'l r , --1 .)on It+ follow.; lint tlpoil it Ner.ll.•l (II
11. 1t tk,o t 1 th0u...n.1 •101- th e
t 1 1 op, IV to No
.1 .0 n .p.. 0 by 1.0 F ire poot, 1;1i 111 3 to a clot,.
1 , 1 , 0 1 „,,,. II .egul ..0..610g,.
an, 00. ...entenc, 1 to
~.„ 1 . 31 ,„ 10 , ti tine of eft} 11.11 n 011.1
t 1141 1e 114 en plena guilty to a 1/1 1 I.lf
11 lees oolterice.l 111 310.) . 0 1111 II
ent.)-111e .101101 0,1 t 1.1..1110 1040• tit.
m,. , , 1011.1;11111 u.. 1 .. , slily 1- , iin, `11:
410. y, 111111 to pa, a Ilro or 11(11'
1•1.1 •',,, -..11Th 0101 under,fo ten .103 1011.1:501114,11:
111 1110 count,
• NI , 1 .1 1: 0111.: . Ii• 11tH
,‘ L I c? , ' , T , :-.. , ; ,, nc: 5., P . : 1 ' . 11 ' 1 ' 1 1 1
; "...
line of oevent e • and cost,, of proue
Mr 1 1 1 M. 1 of o
1.1 11 po.ooge , „ r
'0"0" I ,etll fir. 7.: "",' 1 " 1:11 O 1 ! :r na li
t.oll (l 4.0 1.0,1.1t0g , 00y '"r '• `
ou. L ot 'Le V ile 1, f: of g.! ,, LY• oeunre , ..
--elailtt ne tck .1 011 11 ,Irety I'
i. " , 10111 1 " ,", " 101 1 L , ere , ct .n d re . orf i, Mare vllo+. 'll 011 t:
log l of ' The . e ' 1. 1 . 1,1 e 1 t ella ge . 1..0.1..0.;
11101'1151 of the pro.c..i.trix
Nt 111 14111 ./0010.1.11. lo<. youn r :
the 11.1.1 Cl oau 111,111
pof ket 4.f NI,21. 111 , 000p11011 of 111
l'te,;.la.nt. liolll. of 'll 1.1.111 Hotel
wor trie.l.. • •.t000.c.1, e , n100..0,10.1 to 11
Mere) of I he court reetonmetel,tlon t
Mel ey 10.010 .111 a , oenn: ot the ~111.1
the 011..11.0.... 0.011 1.) 01 otor en.;
ti:. :•1:
ny.,,a:turut ta, Ili, Alt) I 1 11.011,111 II
as, 111,1, :I , 1, nil./ :u: prtlpg•rt. .
. . .
MI lio1.111:. Wl*(3leli lLt w ip( gl.o
1,115 nlium yr:l•4 v, 1,1,111 1•1115;11e. 11.11../ I.
l'1,•%111,, 11131 -.• r s hal/
i• 1 It'tn .:11 lit .411
lite Ilea,.ng ' , ..1t.•1t was to La,: taken plat
at Msym's :a-t ovontnen
I. FtlIC/3. ,• harged with shooting M tn. stun
friday evening, was poslpoised nen:
0 ,
tots morning u. , t 1 t,: e 0.1
• Of to
.1 L,e-t 171 c: manklnl
t It rout heIIU.LkITI
kll Iliited .11Ittl . of ITS
• ••••r. tO
• , rt
•t ic .1 •.( D• 1111 •'..011 • 111 t•
A .111 • “1 Ito. luta,
g,,1,11,•••11‘, .ovny
• 11 It , 1“ 4 .,!•.p.r•11.•
will relloto Inn, or wan l! , 1111111e 1[1•. , t
1•• • •:.11al , I t•Ft• ,11.4011 i • WI., Jo one
•I N :got Intliit•III
1.0141“ ILIt•I 11r1 1 . 4 .141eti
•,1111”..ItIon of Dr
o , hotonly th, molokr
. .
. . .. .
...3 Itt•ltglttl 11, ruhntr 1.11”11 id II•111 - 11,1 gli-
AI, n.ll /1 .1c....3••• ILI t . I,' tne , 1`..,1 prtpf,...icin.
, 1 ~Il ~,•.h.: ” ,,. ~ t L... 5t..n. , 11.11.e liver, I he
tlr.o —t• , . sche hhit alllll,ll, MIIIC:i
'1 IS Wig, lo give a mow, occw.twonmg
•Iwwl , tneus, want
n , •-lt.g:nw•ltLnclioly 1 , 1 sot mg
hp h ,
. the 'ohs hy 01 hie. These 1111 Call h.%
f ., 1 ri.ll IT. ..1 rfrOr.od ‘ , P.lrehr • It h 111
Inn” way WI vastly 1,1 )01.1
1,11.0 N fro.. yam . window, or
~• 1.1 your
Situ. real 11, only l'r 11-
f:llthan a
I r 1,141 her, in P,Clonurplo. Ito
Inc rt.,- at. , maillft , t a , oentay son.
nr,11,.• whr+ ill ton In.lleve Im 1,111(. , 113 .
1‘1 ., 10.1‘ ,1• /111 , 1
310 .1. It ~1 alteratlvo
no.l tot... are nee.1...1 .1 . Key.
alrec over) . 11.1.. a
. ~,TlOl-111 v v .diet
..' O .• • 1 . 11,... in, I.ottlo,r. for I I your
-.end to I , r
I 1.. 1101 torwar I 1.).
cent. AC It.
Aon.on mouea Jane sip tine berm 1,4_-
1..1 , Mat in Met arthy repeatedly tor drun ton-
J heeler'. 1.111.011 t 111111111r01.111 Seal, inn.. nwih.,
that net:
wi' "' l ' .111..1"1"." I,,,tunne,l the but to hinkey svlth which she hat
. t."'"'" I"""" t "' I ken ''' . her 1 911.0.1 , 1.1;1 1 11W 11113 g nt.olllo goods ton it, Mal
. n
h'h I. , look nut it ant kept tor hor. Yesterday morn
inn';: of the hind re i et introduced. It t , Otticer t_ tipples rents passing along Market
know Nen , onit Tore so ale, and' street, when he saw .litoe with two or three
"pool in, or . , I, 1,,./ I,lllmpanton of the same Wind heriteir,
.0, 0,0 •
i e ,n rtkir.. , ln .,, u o , t usnie , ious munher about. the door
t tnrr are ell
hroughout eitpseit), will,. the
„i • 1 1 , 1 INy a g k o . 2. *tore. n o n t i ne , cornier
tioolite on entel ing into caleulatirm. , r ti it r•t streets. Tine °nicer
tt hh.,,
h‘ah.inneni Is
tie inn , watched them for u time, Wll,l ./.111•,
111 1 11...n01 0111 101 lail1'11111.111h01,1"f the Al te. has" ing i ,teil tim it the Line aas tioniparte
L . , „1 has j ely rival nit tient Litheer
;;limy t'nllrr ,„,, „,„„ ~01 0,, 0,1-0, bat,. Jane, a 1,11.1
n•lnni lireialth irrattaated capacity is i tile Lierk oll.3l.llgagell eiNdirliere, endeavor to
0 , j oough netun L i I secrete it wen of calico under a a bite pieiier
eapnesty It lon. Inn.— hat amount. The enp that wore. mmlit tan three it
1,11 or compel anise weight Imliter, ou the end tot n 1 before Me mice. card, Rllll n 111.15 as
of the pi luelpoi !iron, at present graduated "." niNNI it Pr...Mt' PlaniaL hnut n"
In a rapacity of Mai i tan thOuntinit POLIIIIIS, 1 1 , 11, , the store, the "slicer tol.l her that he
loose , or, 1,111 be iniereosed. The upper aMithl take her anil her calico, o'tin did
iso nnr il low.. counterpoises 011 the main beam trY tine
nn e opmit c 4.f thirty thousand hien , I"r
pou ll t nd., Theim eon nltirpoiros troi•k notch., •
titled with a epilog, no that when once in their
',Mee, they cm!, it to: moved cmiept forward,
until the spring in Illtiol. There are IMO
initialler beanie, al tho head of the male sonic
beam, graileated for weights of flee hundred
pounds and lino, tine of the urtnelptil retaito
mentlation4 Lo this scale is, that It will have
the strength and wear or any other
rvale yet Introduced. Every portion of It is
double, and every lever is wade of the unit
wrought troll. ft Is similar to the ones
erected for tine Central Railroad, at .11toona,
snel the olio al the Fort Pitt. Foundry. This
cale is warranted to stand any
usage that it railroad may put It to. Mr.
Keeler will also hare on exhibition at the
fair grounds, one of ids heavy wagon platform
scales, lo‘spies several varieties iit scales.
Firth Waled wine, 111 5111110.”
A meeting of the Filth trliril altoyd in Blau"
us held on ".limn) ei ening at Anderson's
Mail. The folio, nag permanent oflleors were
Prmintent,Thotna,,4. S 11011.”. Vice Presidents.,
W, F. Clearer, W.J. Dicks, Secretaries, NV.
Lt. McCleary, ts. .Ndams. Executive Com
mittee, John steel, It A. DID, M. 1.. lihrLiaon,
I. J. Barry, S. IL Hargrave . Cousullt
tee, W. J. Dickson, l a y er, omso, S. Dellinger,
JOS. Fretloll, Jos. M Jr. CisJer Marshal,
D. L. Crawford. Delegats to Convention
5ept..2.5, W.V. Hanker, W.I. II McCleary, %V.
Dickson, T. S. Sloan, John Steal, D. L. Craw
meettne.—Thereagvill ma a meeting of the
Allegheny beldame. League head Ole evening
in their hall, on Water alley. A fall attend-
Mice is requested, se btoduces ei importance
Mau. Meeting to Allegtteny—Entnnat
atom. Siteneheti..te.
There was au immense meeting of the
Republican voters of Allegheny City. hail last
evening. in !he Diamond ,quare, in that
place. An organization scns effected by call
ing ilon..litrcs 1. “rahans to the chats' and
appointing the , lotion In; named ,enf lemon to
Act as Nice VreAldent.:
Lea, 1:.•i , lam ~1
I • . 'h t.enege e,ms, I.
.% 1/1114 , 111t •IMin
,1, ills ...Mgt., F. u I . , •,•1) it
POPP!, I lirtsimn, . T. J.
The rep., lil • 11! p • R ere Into, t rt•
tn,• inn,.lloll. of‘•.
Mr. li n
ruans n.,10 a hi ler an, pert in,”
.per ^ lt, hlcnwa. Ith wfn
1111,111_1 11 11111 , 111 , ..r1 ,- 111% . rtpp1,1.1. , 1 ^ a
h 1,
am v 1 ,11,1,111,- 1,, ,51.1,!,an, ,rig
Tld. gentleman .tti ht nntit - ning tett:, ho
tnort,ntott. involved NI the I"
eanew- , ..., went into Ail analyst., Of use chat a , ••
r, i a utol itt the catitthlati, for
gr, a- , In the T wont% t it'we=
1/0.•Ii10. , , ill` 'ill( e• 10nI al1.1)0111, V. L.•
have been repre,in'ed 1,5 tit, 1 line,
SVI I I lams, iho mans' lir, pct. isiol put.: s irttieN
of that gentle:gun ! eon cnna,stent,
tried and true. never "nee niitering In the
lint, of ttarkneva and advet slit.. but rentant
lug likea rock 'red and stuadlast • anst
trlllrll thv ay', ~f rtnisonda.ii
v”.tn. 11,1 Olhet /1:"1.1. 1111.1 at", a
hdve nominated young loan named }idling.
nth], wk.., a alit', ths .-hott apace ot
tett t .e 1,4, has declared linnavit ogitrisr.:
y policy," 0.1111 tti Ming n. talo• tiolh t v
tl, a Ito had Iva .110.1
ginner, ! the New title:slit, 111le,
h/` r sant. he a as
five "Mr Pokey" ' d
tontine, In opt ovti,irt o. Mt and lint an lin ,a livnig lat died
tithe: -idle of the bits Ila:l. Siter adds int-hi-
Ing hl. awl:tors hot i„ rt t rget
ticket, lindia to of wear. mita - Wan-, In
if,M of tit , - fact that Its tile nest
would iles'olve lid' duty of ellotiving
states Senator 1., t tir pines of \l: Wall. Sir
Smith c Titorg, it reat %Verdi rn itan I linen
gave In eavellent •st e le tout bvautif nurlodal
ale of h lltstl to the Chn't
W hen the Moan' had estainii, the Pri,nient
ratite forwaid atil. In a few neat rlll,
trial ured HP,
on. Y. 11. Penniman, a ht. v.,14
rta t elvvd w e lsh threed vafentne ,tonne.,t
husta,in Inlltnq tor enneveal MOO/tn . -. When
ft ball POlne, hal •Uhothed, r Penn Onan pr,,
ceed4,l to greak of the Inttle.t hat j
felt by every marl in the req.elt nt the te..e-et.t
prolittegt l'Ont.e.t. lie reVit.lni 'a lot
at gumeut Ice, eI , K, trot thll:l..el
recon.trth:tem tottrpte,l yi n l .0,
that of the one al tempteit t 141115! .114
the tetiintrr by Mr. totiti+on. Ile, a; • i split : •
In tile course of hi+ remarks, 111 44 ..1••I•1
nay, the I onstitutional anterninicc , pro-
Congress, and averre.l that no re•
tionai, ainkti.a 11/101 COlll4l
!Oct to thenl. Mr. 1 . 44111141,11.71 spoke for almost
All hour, tieing l:•••;in s iitiy iiderrupted 1 , 1 the
plaudits of the people, 'stir, gave him torte
spontaneous cave', ..n ills retiring.
e wet e then given ttt the reoneet
of the PiesiLlent fot the news (rota .Slalue,
after 51:11 : 11 HMI. Tames+ .1. itigliam tnte In
troduced. This gentleman spoke in MS 11,1111
1 . 1 4 111,14 M. +tyic, and was well receive. lan.l fre•
quently apptautlett.
R.,. 1 1 1. bow', Gom TOU/p4 4 1 . 11.11,e111/1 . , 111:1410
the cow : Puling address, w' nice st as :
art : h Ono argutnenl 10111 tel,:tig bits 1 1wing
to the iatenee+ ill UM 111111: 1114' .41 . 11L1r1/11/14 5
ieniarke a ere necessaril, el
zneetittr, •adjtturned With elaser• rot
urary and 1.1, I ttlon, %bile the
hand th-tt.nut 7,1 41 x cellent It- the ct
ot t'rlrolnal Con rt.
„. A t 1 M,L„ e „ , met at then-old h.ur,
/11N011, :1111/ ilrown on the Bench.
Jamr. I with .1 lcrc
atriai wat
1 , . .. pay a ',au ai tin nail coat..
',v.:a (Dairy a., arlalaniat for trial
1,11,'1g ,oun nrefriii
Mr. l'r) parlira ill tills snit reald
In Pill ti , al.,ii . i. [he Jai 'y a vciiiitit
prlrtaltlt WI tiles
e t
r•tme Werls. ,• ,levr, I,
Frl•lay evening, .1. lat It. a ttry
el: :ail tl,o iltll at .1, alnkl
we.; 1. .o:Ati •:ter, Ipet at t:Weit ter'a Hal
In , to ail.] after et.
PLO, lik,ll 10).
,1111th, IL .t Ked, out after Finch,
alnd a allied up Penn .treel, towards the store
of the latter. WI en inapoeate the store some
tate hallonsl for l n inw Smyth. antlth
on all. tshoot, a 11l you, and atrach at
Ins :; t ate, a hereupon Finels drew '
, ,1111th. I,li taking effect Its
h 111 JlO.l , K,UW edasw, tath,tmg
pa.n.ssi hesh mound, :• l uttth tallest out Wachs:
aat sdpd, and went away. ,1111111 made Infat
or Woo agaa nst sack, s•latralas, hint ,r
nit .411./ .3111.,) .1011111.1,1 kt to 1:111, a,
ed and 0 lii ha cts a hearing aa
st.ttsso It l• -ass' that toe :affray was cause,:
hi an s - s : h. adge USI,Ong era the
, ut Friday evening last, two young hodes
1 esollng on lahrun street, lent homy in the ear
ly part of the evening fot alwalk. Thee went
Maher than they Intendethatot when they re
turned It was quite dark. 'While walgin to
ts borne they A . 1 . 1 -11 rudely acco?Leti by a
young man, a stranger to hat , t hof them. They
Matte 00 reply Cu! hasten ul lot, tee fellow
mean. bile keeping close hestde them. They
rent.ll,l the home''( ono nr the young lashes
and rim Into the 11011se The father of the girl
leatalog of the occurrence (rota them, went
out tool found the fellow stal ed l standing at the
N ate. H refuse.] u onion c to d agO, tm aerttiv. hy and tOr lila when
eau, the
ow tly
Thereupon the radian dealt the old man a se
vere blow whtch knocked h m down. The an
satinet then ran off, but lie tad been 1 etrognl.
god and the brotherx 0(110 , .oung lady watch•
oil for at m. Yteo ertlay one of them discover
ed the felon to the bar roe II of the kionotigar
beta House, and opt tchud it to" hon. Flu NIT.
Illte,l him to 00 thorough In extent that Nit ,
~.nt ore to +ay hereafter w en he feell Inclin
ed to Insult ii lady, nu a ill It
and rho,
onghly 1,,,,,mt the.ntlat , ler anti ..11, 01 her
1,0..ti1t t• I.
-... ,
, • - -
Mar) Met, MAL ey 111113tustell before Abler Lute
1.5 nett yettordas and allele oath 'motet! I,er
husband, James, for 1....t0tt and battery. It
appeared Mat James carne to the quiet of Ms
tonne a law evenings 6111 L, la a beastly state
of Intonteation, and on hit wde ttreetrati him
wait IL few km , ' reprov LVOI . LI3,
he . bunk
her in the breast with such foroe as to knock
her over n cradle that 0013LA/13.1 arr./11e Spec
imen of humanity, of winch they were Joint
hoar sons. The consequeuve Wag that the in
fantile occupant of the cradle was thrown oat
upon the 1:1001 . , and its rather diminutive nasal
. I ct
") ; r i r tt 'at made
o eb f t. r: t 4 t Alll"cs'er". warrant
dr C ba ti t n7 h rs 'as°' f for the L I: e c po t: arrant
of the domestic tyrant.
RS cooing at Untonton n. -Thuloyal noses
termed out ill full force ou Thursday after
noon last, upon the occasion 01 the gi and
maul meeting of the/Ireton Ittrpuhl lean party.
The day meeting was addreased by I lou. T. .1.
Ingham, of this city, told W. W. hitched. Lad.,
of Wilkasharre. Au ON' suing meeting Iva, lurk!
In the Court Meuse, nt w Lich Col.A E. Mc-
Clure, of Chumbersburg, and Prof. Miller, of
[ Itochesinr, apOke. Both mooting. sere great
1 successes, clearly centoustrattug taint ;he ,
I Union eitleene of that place use keenly nil,:
II:. 04 eataltllsh,
1 to the great lasses before tire people.
five 1i1011,411A A0{11.•
Mletashen.—We " re reported, on Saturday, tho !l i e Y e..- " r • It11: -. ...i7O ",. olt ' a
case of a wan who rut hie leg broken t Klee, . here l,..d ~,,, ,„
and stated that It was done in a row Ili the ' ine.s that keens good
mk Neer . a .r .
h l e t
d geo lo ps oul l i ti y at . ot , : rred r In- the Boot
you 'n :ii;
the Boot sad shoe LI
in tire coat al.iiolning.2das.22.:Teosou'a. 11.030, i Deno( forget the
A D011.0.11C Brawl
The edition Is forwarded leftist will multi be rut
rlbers soonest as the mall ran.
CL ULF , . rurIES, PPIEIf EMI.. —.
I. IL. , "
Unlonilleetinc!..l tpe tai
\ ni , etlng CA tile in Blue, and clUzenu
to ,o•ner in thu Eight ward school
house lustevoh.,. Invetlng was the
largest whloh l hiedots een indd in this wand do
rlh It,. cotatt:a4ttt.
The f.,l:ovrlrtg . ere elected dele
t ( on% nt , n on the 25th
i et. I) 31. \ :Thor
I Fr.
0 , !I WhiCiL
• of our loy•
t P111,1 . 05•ItI t
1 01
.. u.l !;:i ,$) us'Js• 11. load" a +Ur
pa :t llr nuln.led
a . rn pr: toot -tor or appr.nllon
!lice: i, a lion, pnl al a latt , hour,
I-too tn•ket. Tanya will
•-• h! .uo• 1.04111,r1it to
h•:ol ttah, P., or, I rt ion voter Is
,••1 wil , nine tic a
al , P:potown on
1`111111:, au , et , rs , honorably
gol l, dirr, as nri as cAlgens, are rarn
-t, o 11,1 lo altero: Pc! -owl In this part
~, 11510 111 luinth
A Demand I Blood
I In-; In a , u , n in the borough
r.,11.1 S....lllbers by the aforo-
Le , : bri tid•t-i edit —Thomaslton - e--
ti. ilweding l nl vugh a reaktloor
itit ia,thuiwe been leti open,
Li., gt‘ and
.d. I a'. that ni)thlng
drtlon of his
obit:Minns to
;;.•; ed. and
1.,1i., iace. Charles'
ii to .ligplay bin
. 0, I:, trio. prop
i• mitt
1.,•,.;r4. Alderman
ilery, mt
:LtlL.v-1,18,1re on
.•Il I
Eng., a 111E11-
,1 divki very
NI 11%
au- count)'
• ” t sdly. A kind
aa,ht UltI2Cll,
f:. , .11 . 111 II In nlliC IY•
tot I. those
- Ids lift, lead
:!140l I. 1%.11, I~IIt e 2•
I , •1 1 tIO cadlar•
I • e
A I,yroprlAt Lao ft a lad raw,, —L,1,1 even
ing al a no., ti • I oiorelltee Fire
I I,gini• pool Hoo :111.1.1,
.• 11 oftriv no
o I ,iloo iit 5." , 0 pi , •
;• wart !look
• • - reqt lionilred feet
.• nuoly hare not
t, .1 UM! it Incurs
, i.e :It In keeping It
A Irro:•ric lor N'llhenl Vouseegloo•.
Aldet [l.,' u.'l i - elln werrant
I.: tin' 11l 1••-: 1'••1 ,. : I ',al, grocer, reeta-
I ill r.I ward, ebsre
oa 1 • r.,•, In, i,.1 p e•neel. Knox
narrels of
flout It•asL :,1,•-•t,ag that he owned
;,, d ; i •a d: , on Illgh edreet,,
o t ‘od 1..... tie property had
.•‘. to the trans
• tl;:it Peen wished to
I . to I I I, 9 rated
net Irm
A:5 ta.ll
4) 551115...5 of Alder
-1.:5•1 10e'5.1,55,1 if chit rge
15, her .555 n Henry
'Si,.- 1,1511 of C....ling
; t 5 -1155 In the
A '5 Al :ant his heeu
. 55 s-e5l. If the
.5 an he ..51b5tumt1,...A..1
,...A..1 v.ll, ih.. 1/tlllo9t
Beni nI. ‘l,,llays
Ittadm -t
COttrll..Slol. of I f:1,1,•1 —IIIC Jlr3 - en,
panne ; ce.t.m. or toe
dentn l'”tt ' 11 , . I thick meet-
.f•••••.‘ .ft ff ;1•. recurnert
..f L.-, • •• oorl•• or other
.. ••••• July fourth,
or. It, t •rt, .lohu
lore A 1.1 or
on a charge
.1 !lair a similar
I t 110 eagle ,10(013-
1111%-.1 11Ar1o1
N . , It !N: tt.• a.ts released on
the :,dl,l ~
.14P1/.1, and e 05 13 .14.. 5 , II :-I 1,4 Uric aced flee
run: A,
011 !E.,' .1,, t
. ..1 , 1,••! 1111,1 lk
,Itt a+ lint , :Lit •••
,tore of the
1 courerof
t. almost
will pre-
Imllding at
I: 1- :1,,,1:ght a will
!Lt . z 1 z
' i, h. , ..•_
, h;
..,o1a) •,
S\ V.1:1..111 ; 1 ,.
,:.o Firct PresOT
••,so•l'a-s4 rt. ' ,argcst suburban
p.ace .cinio . nre. nc, lhla Conoty, sit
uatc•l on Sc., Itrlghton Ittli•tely north of
liLlognetif. 1 . or nurlal tnniut Utica, caa
al ntfai
t .
No. 196 suutithtield St., cor. 7111,
X.X.1"1" FL. Ca- XL,
ANI , 143 eTILEET,
No. I - rottrin _Erect, t'ltuburjrti, 0-krribin
ILA I . FB, lf WV En, All a ..vrrs'ils.crrAptlan
or Y c..note
, y aid •mrfinr, lor nisore.
tU. . It.. $
Mills. IL .1
1?. T. %V ITE 66 co,
Ida II Ciltqat r. tI ood'l ttl k. sall vicinity.
0urv.4140. Bhetlion and C4arilera °trent.
4ar, t 4444 4 tr A. :44 r 44,1444.1.
Street, abote Smithfield,
NEAL< NI,,No:•(..AIIaA
4 ti arrlegv.. Bs
mu apt the ne , Uldlng
bat ,11“•iitood
31, , n1:013 paid
ro•lctir• g
.tit 1 1411, tug
rig to m
D uNsEAcru & cp..
GO W.J.Stai. Gitroot,
t e!.
- Vcr/321 A 4D3OCIESk.,
Al tat EATLT ICE I) (1.1 . 10,.PR1CE Pi.
in 1' NE F KT H.
1.,;;4) "11 ETU]. \ NEW;
Time RegiOering
111"Fith 11/FNI9.
MEIL.ALIEST_.E.I"4" et, C 70.,
ilealers Opt{ of Goods,
U 3 I 2 StrattOlOlo StcSala
Tbie Ibe trout.: nt la very go aridly lased by Warm*.
and Iler,bAnta, -aa wall.: quaboottoo. LI to
blobs a toca , baron., r a Tbermomet. , . •
eon to: 41• ‘lel.l. LI Ilpk.ll tndlptinti the at=
of wentto, IY2
.. - • al BO
1 BB
1...! !he leader
rl,lll,l the
~fl rally
k, Hey
cl 11, Alb yea
ttsburgh, Pa,
3.• to .tore thirty
. sod bluets, and
est, sn.lcb ale
I by ouy 1Y sbo ties-
...1., and yrs Mel
'ay.. 7. Trani 111.