The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 17, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed & Co.,
U. of Pura Bracrr rrrresumen
Pelt 2YAR BY bun.
the Wittoturgit foartte.
Everything indicates that the Union Re
publicans will carry this great State by t
sweeping, majority, and very probably
increase their delegation in Congress. The
nomination r - Mayor HOFFMA a, of the
ity, for Governor, made under the
intluidi, of the new= from Maine, was n
plain Indication that the Democrat v arein
clined to kick their new partners, the John
son Republicans, out of the concern, and
not the .machine theteselves The result
in Maine, where much area hoped for,
showed then, rind their new associates
were rather a drag upon them than other
wise, land it,lllre they dr. I'ed Dix and
took Hoyt - IJAN, although they have not the
smallest chance or even expectation of
electing inns.
HOFF3I AN is a democrat of the FERNAN-
D() Noon school, and of course a warm
supporter of the President': policy; hut the
sanguinary fruit:of that policy, us seen in
the New t irleaus massacre, and the con
summate folly and indiscretion of its au
thor, as displayed in his late electioneering
tour, haste played the• tnisr hief with all
Who have adopted that volley as a lisols in
their platform. Even the dermterm y whit h
sympathized with treason and rebellion,
and opposed the war, ran hardly stand that.
The President, in Ins .leech at T.•rn
Haute, ,lii 0
"The great object in , Uppienning tiu tr•
hellion wan to rrstore peace and to uphold
the doctrine that no Slate, have a richt to
secede, they all being State , of Union.
and now that the rebellion in the South i,
suppressed. there is a cry at iii other end
attic line that Union tr . Mier vJ , ro d
shalt ' not he reu d
By Lis stercotnite phrase. "the o Lei end
of the line," hr menus all those who Siopp,se
his "policy' . and ..upp , ,r: that of cougr,-
Not to put for tine a }mint upon
yesher uttered a 1aL,11.,,,1 when he sari
there was - a cry — trout these midi that
"the Croon and shall not la•
re-uniteil; Neither in their declarations
nor by their Acts hate Conga sa, or the
men who support Congress. said anything
of the Lind, as all is ell-ininrine.linen knots.
Congress hassct the door it oren hir
the return of the reticilious States, rind
every one of them may be iu by the first
Monday in December if they choose, cti
terms as lust and generous, as kind and
lenient as it is possible to oft,w wilt. t.ttfriT
, iIaICUCLIL of thv Sla:. 1111t110.
t. ,ilagg will ht held a- ty'
Split. 17th, Pitholi• C'y
•• 21:4, Clarion,
" r.ifid, Corry au , i
" 21th, Piusbut :ind lty , i
" Qdth. Bailer and Wy,' i !:ose s.
" 27th, Mount Phoat ut, West
land county.
.. 29i b . ;recov:,
Ort. t,r, Franklin
•• Klununino
.. I, Men ti
Fmi neat s. 2 ;:calrers i• 1.4...0 pr.
fur I rug. Li., tv,
ti: 4.t al: At art
l'l, <aui !tad \11,1,11t
:u,.1 Ur-o• 11,r, are the 0111 y !lit...tine
lie will Lo n 1.14. att. 1,1 al ri
part of 11.3 i ,, State ;:•1
I , y ap;•—,t.t ia, at
THE I{t.pti`dicrtri mnjt.rity tht•
Legi,laturt. r,peult..l the "t) 1,21 ,state
This nikttti wits 1T111. 1 . , 111 the ;14-4 , ..- tinn of
the present
It it , we:l ;•11,uall to Luvr the V.Krt• ,t..• 111
tier int•tF..
la u: it
able to to
order to e 11 t y 01.
but it WAS ,Vern (I
lt.; the Johnstown accident persons
hat each one I , ^z, broken; 4 both legs 1 rn
ken ; I.ICII a collar bone or arm; 1 ea. I. a
leg and au arm: I both a thi2h nnd ehnnl
der; 2 had 'loses I.roken.
T Lit Convention oT — The Johnson tinny
of Union county at liewi . sliGrg, on
Monday of not week, aud nominated An
drew ii. Dill, Esq., for Coug-ress
Tut: iOTIIII Republican (tanmittee
pace nutde a collection Of the l'retsident'a
tour Bisect:6es, and contemplate publishing
them as a campaign document.
THE organirntion of the "Ciruud Army
of the Republic" in Illinois now Qum hers
ti 0,00), all officers and taro who screed in
the army during the war.
Our ablest Illinois'oillcerrr iu the lase army.
died at his home at 13loomington,
day; of consumption.
HOLY. MATT. Ce..II:PENTER, of Wiarousin,
Las challenged Senator Doolittle to a joint
diSCILBSiOII of political qut,tions but t h e
Beastor 4eclines
ME lowa State Fat,- willopt-u at Bur
lington to-morrow, and (untinuc throuzli
the week. The prospect Satiating
THE Ron. John P. Vincent ha, been
nominated for additional Law .Itelge at
Anniversary of Mexican independence—
Flood in the Sandwich halnado. raiLISC/sCo. September Is.—Jose A. GO
&Cry, //exits= Lonsul, has iaeued an Invita
tion 50 nil patriotic Mexican residents to par
ticipate to-day Ln celebrating the tin
sawyers/try Of Mexican independence.
Sandwich island dates to August - 15th are
received. The river at, lido I' thirty feet
perpeiadlcular August MO, sweettldg nay
piers of solid masonry twenty-five lest high,
which was jail ready for Um arches of the
n°AwrrblvrieddTtl-arks Jtnnie, Pierre, Russell. Mar
seilles; bark D. Currey, tionolulu, mama
2,60 D packages sugar, Me barrels moses.
'rt..e whale ship Roman, 1-larolin, reported off
COlumbla river beptember lid, with 1,050 bar
rels of el/al:1,11,30 pounds of bones.
- - -
Cleveland Soldiers and 811111101[11. Conies,.
Ci.syst•a n, (0.,) Sept. 15.—The preparations
for the Soldiers and Sailor. , Convention are
tolerablyyy The tent, with o capacity
41 hold sW,F,W persons, Is ready in Monument
a c re heavy
u a t r r to- a nlsig h up
ao d
h to e
mc e n e row
w me l
Largely Increase thorn. General Steadman
sad the Committee of An-arigernents will ar
rive to-ulglit and the programme will proba
bly be settled at the meeting this e' , eutriK-
Govenior Brumlette, of Kentucky, and tienter..
als Wool, McCook and Costar aro already
here. The ladkations point. to General Wool
se temporary and General Steadman as per
manent, chairman- Boy and this but little is
yet I”at nited of the oeuree of the CouventiOn.
It is the ineral impression that but little
speech-making will be done.
The wcat er to-day is cool, but threatening
rain this evening.
The Second cable—Dlopenteb from L•fru■
w. Field.
Nirw Volta, dept..l.o.—The (allowing dispatch
bas been received froutCyrue W. Field
Part an Basque,—The Medway cow
let,od awing at midnight on Tuesday and
left In company with the Terrible at day light
on wadursday hsornlng. 'Wu arrived at et.
,pgarre early on Thursday morning, but were
weighted from entering the harbor by thick
...mar until mart day. We have mond r
ratable lateltihr Plage for our garde from Pis.
, xio to gt, pierce. , arrived here at three
o'elcck, arid siall,prOraen to. lay the cable
across the Gulf of Bt. It
as soon as the
womb will Permit. It Imo Seen blowing a
jgabs all day, preventing tus froth Waling be
fore. W o nrrtvOn Off 'MI PJE curly this
School Book■
And Stationery,' low at wholesale, Deniers
and tesehers supplied. Davis, Clarke .t
i , lO. R 2 We.] street.
Coiszetry MerchaniA
Irrq 1,1 tees at liteelarran St Menounan's Drug
m. 0.). before you purehroo relent Medicine.
or Perfumery elsewhere.
School Book•.
Test Books for the University, II Igh 'School.
Female College, ward schools, awl private
schools, for sale at low prices. I /Ay Is, Clarke
A. Co, 93 Wood street.
Country Merchants
Will nod special indueement in Patent Medi
c/nes and Perfumery, at MeClarran A itlelien
nail's Dreg Store, 5.5 Market Rlror 1, roster
of Diamond, near Fifth street.
Country Merchant%
Remember that no bowie in the city w tll sell
Patent Medicines or Pert ornery as low as Mr.
Clarrun h MeKennan, Druggists, Mai Lot
Qtrcel, corner of lilatuonit, near Fifth strect
t V. Cochran'• Private Clown
In Book-keeping, Penmanship. Ai Planet le,
&c., "111 commence t 61.0 evenine, nl•even
o'clock. Room, Central High ..clto,l Iltlll.ll
111 g, opposite Ps-WM-Tice
Allwop'• London Ale. Jellrey'e Eallisbeirs
Ale, 6Jnww' Loudon Brous. Mont.
The ahoy.. very excellent artleles are at -
k now Irtlged to lie the ( brands to the mar
ket. AA 'note 1.1 Invigolatm they are tle.
, nlealY far tmltertnt to any - of the mlxtun,
known an hitters. lon otan get the .hare
brand. only at Met 'tarn. it. nmok't. Urn;;
res Market strict, near Fitly.
Plattadelpttin Uul semi ty of Medtet ue
and Su twerp.
TLc tru.svestis suet faculty of tu, ,uot
cal Lollega have Issuedslop." at
seesulp s rlsc ,101Ltru resel.. a tch chttt the
ill vs to ut4,en,l le , :Ines moil ut.oloat too
Or. s tual, 012,0i. - 01A ht. S , in). '•
Thoi rt mien. n meTheal
11111,1 UN el prop...sett by my Unlver-P, - , 01 COI
-Ipge in thlg count,; or Ent Ope. poste e - " t: the
nnnte extatn,o e te,alt
neer r.xtren otto ut-h
of Mecinan. and :itovery, t. thorouyhi
The oth.lent 1,1.1:ng at - oelt ,, laron,p" ca
3,ler the 3 ,, :iegf l at any Inn, ,lot: Ing the Let .-
tut ea, attend to lehg an he aoboe And reoeno
or the In-:Hutton 113 fre.tnehtly
Pero"o f a to , llnot too "Walt. oeltelaiohlpft can
Nt of Urtono
mho% e- te en t key .1 Cnllege.
ran 1.
I/ 1 . 1,1
110.1 to). ovot vainto
I. May rp,olllr.c It Is I:k..
, 111 - si; !het no urtlele • ,— Mt !I the world nor It
,houl I be hod In a (.o.ler—that bonents and
I,te , slng. n!,} - le! to w..ln: !Ilauq•el--ll,it the
men:. lot :
I I::!Int acce.4l . :. ,
Th.• It in wOr,..+Euris
that tt 1,1 nwnsuopose re
ST4,, Atli rrrsr-s—Rn absolute peeLfic for
drsoorsta, lullouantuss anal uerrOus disability
knout, beyond tau
of the a . aui errallo have teen the t. n..
et-lttettm.' td of raring and lartgorattng
e,,ntene, ne t ent,.l effect,. nt the preterit al h.,
wit have '.eeu. ',tined to It comparattl
hw. iii re to th., hit:heel authora) for ...1‘ -
14 11.-1 11,411, el ould not be htd under a
t I hat et le et vellent should he placed i 5
e eat onu toil. a hi-re all men can take cot - , -
ranee of it. ti le upon tttla principle that IL,
lierTerts atter leten advertleed and continue
advortl, , ! in every newspaper er one
prommenee VI, western hemisphere, aml
~ , ,,pnTsneoss testinamllnls PI Its faeor
Il••••11 11116 Writl-011 lan
°up, perfe, 114,1,h to
•lny u 0n1.11.4:4.nguL4 - hing on be.4le of sink
t..s+ the nelosplesprrs had notsprecuiLho truth
, th', 1, aqualed fnr(porone a nd
utv tar :ul,laltt. tlumn.3.A. prod: La.:L.-en
IA that any ago,
mem aaltt.9l It II the mitotic health has beenrat, tt-.1-. II ILV., latvo been saved, It I.llt. fee-
Lau Intve t,cen otteagthentni and the sick re
.ttart.d. u. rat u ../ ;tO.l bfen accutnit;.2l" . .l; an.:
it grll.l:re to t.tertionn 111
talt r.•,‘ ar I t
1.1 I ftn.l very Ina Int 4.,
;11111,... •.:,•1 1 .lent ?thultclne: Uopot,
• , v /IMrkl, Of P 4,4.1., of the D Otinon .1
t• • • 1,.:.•,,, Foll7l' rot.L.
All 0.. n, aO, ,upteml,e, I.
P I dun (ELI pArty bare
.1 , 1,l left ban:, C llr
multitude cbettlng the l're,l,lout.Lirant and
I. al ,ugut. 1 . :1,1.10ut bow mg ut. titan ln.
1 UK. I'w
.. , gpti . rnt_wr 7 't.-10 10 A ,- •Thuu.
uf 0.1114.41(1.41.i . 43 ;Irma, gtll.. t.
s oolcombo omi) cheered 1 • 11,1t1. 1 11U11.1
ThCl,ll2“/ 41011i.A.11 \ 1 11•1
the W,MIIIIIgLOII s• he l,,
ro they we,.
w ono ly welcomed to the plate, by Jllll,,
et . , in Cobalt of the attthorlt Inn n:1 vtlizt.:ok
ram the delivery of Inn remarks was
asticoliy cheered.
ES•triaor.c, September 11-2 r. no
Crowns of es - rated-people were collected
hereto greet the President, General blunt,
and Admiral Formant. Governor On ono. met
the President at the station, and , isilveriol on
address, In which he informed him that the
City votiticils of Baltimore, hail refused bi e 0•
Overate 01111 the Mayer le pitying pr WI re
s,ct 10 11, Uhler . Ititglslittte uf tin, entie!
nevertheless the President Vl - 011111 find a spol
tone.. upiistrig of the people sin greet lit Hi
The President replied briefly. expressing
lila heartfelt tihonks for the kind unit ism - dial
climme that hail been exteraled to hint by
the Governor on the represeelaitlN • 01 tim Peo
fle of Maryland, not only to hl an a, the t. iiief
laamtrate of the country', int it, a citizen of
the United :stolen. The uldeess of the „•o . -
tam (Lod the reply of the President were
warmly applauded. The guests were then en,
entered 10 the Eutaw noun. s. here they it ere
entertained rat a banquet. Governor swan
made in .Apeeen, proposing the Madill of the
President. widch was reeelved with great
cheering. The Prenident briefly returned
WASHINGTON. Sepleinbet 11,..—The train left
Baltimore for Washington at half-post five
o'clock, and the President wan encered
1,0 the thousands upon thousands of person ,
al tilt, station. The reception in Bait IMOrt!
was Indeed moment and emphatic. Unmoral
Grant lett in the early afternoon train fur
w Ash ington, unit therefore won nut present at
the banquet.
VI •/4111310T0N, 731 C. 14.—.11. large crowd met
the President at the station and greeted him
v. ith repeated cheers. lie a •o• eseott•••i to the
front of the City Halt, where _Mar" Wallach
welcomed him It, a brief advlrcua, to it :deli the
Prealdent replied by tendering his ttianke
The pessio of military cmpanies aff•l
CIVIC associations
accompanied o
t he President
to the t4zecutlve mansion.
The President in alighting from Ilia car
riage, spoke an follows.
Aldfete I affeena..—For this demonist ration you
tender me upon my return home to asafime
the discharge of my official duties, you will
Wake accept my heartfelt thanks. Such e
welcome from the people who have been the
daily eye-wltneasen of the mama.. in 0111011 I
have discharged my duties, is peculiar' fy
gratifying. All I can promise you tor the fa
• ture is that there will tie a continuance
of nip conduct in the past. I have
tried to diectiarge my ofticial duties
in compliance with, the Constitution and the
principles which I deemed to he right, I 0111
add that the eentnnent which you exhibit to
night le not peculiar to yourselves, hot that
which pervades the country wherever I have
been. My own opinion Is that the espy elan
which has gone /inroad to the country wilt. I es
Wird to SUSUMU ing a government of coast Il u
tioual law In unmistakable and not to be :no ,
understood, find i believe the day Is not. dis
tant, when the judgment of the American peo
ple will be waffle manifeet that this Colon
must be reetored; that peace aml ilrfreiller , tf
arid harmony mutt agate prevail through the
United States.
believe I can safely testify that the greet
Ponion of your fellow citizens that I lin vo vts
nUL and I have neon millions Of them mince I
left you, wilt nceord with feu In sustaining
the principles of free government to compli
ance with the Constitution of the eountry.
Permit me in returning thin evening to again
Lender you, a people whom I have known long,
in whose midst I have served in Varlotin offi
cial capacities, end now serve in that of Chief
Magistrate, my heartfelt thanks for tills cor
dial welcome, which will be remembered by
me as lunges there It apulsatton in my heart
Sale of Government Wharves—Cholera
se Norfolk—Pettish 8011.
Fenaraiten Marinas, Sept. A. Two large
hovornment Wharves at Newport Nes A w ci a
sold at auction th morning for almth to the
Newport New. i lll chmond Railroad Compa
ny. They originally cost the Gavel !uncut
Two cases of cholera worn reported at Nor
folk by the Board of Health of that city yes
terday weaning. tleveral cases reported the
day before were retroveriug.
The Irish population of Portsmouth and
surrounding cou.strry—Ferinth sy ups rhi t a r._
gave a ball recently at the Ocean I. is, Th„,
ball room was decorated with the ional en
sign of Ireland and America, r. 'eat en
thusiasm for the Fenian onus. . man
The entire estimated cost of the , ,moml
a Newport News Railroad, to be put in ron
ning order, la said to be 1ii,073. 6 / 0 .
euentgais State fair.
Daraoar, 84434 15.—The preparations for
opening the State Pair at A drlaajaru almost
complete and are very perfect. Already two
hundred and any entries have teen made,
among which are some ofthe finest horses anti
cattle Ist the northwest. It is announced that
Dexter and Patohla are to trot at the fair.
cOrreSpondence of the Secretary indiction
that too attendanee will be greater than that
of lan year.
NO. 221
Cambria Iron Company Donate $l.OOO Lo 00 N. t ember in —There is a runter Of
1 a difficulty bet wren Italy and Austria on me
D. J. Morrell $2OO, Gen. Geary subject of the tlebi . of Vcnotta.
Sends $2OO and President John- hot urent Prltalit has mg., the
son $5OO. Volt,. to give an antouoml h. (lie Crete and
bat the Porte lots refused.
The troubles on the °abler!, coast of We
Mediterranean are on the lacrosse.
i . Bl GllntsGtto, September I.s.—The United
Mates , tuadron left the itueslan waters to-
1.01 41. .1 1141 Rll'l lONS,
Additional Name. of the Wounded.
l'lllel..trgli ,:ttoltv
.Ikol WM, n • p[. 161. it IN,
I.port of Friday tlight, there loiie
I orn ~, i ,l aloiotiithioy a'e too,-
e•peel. it 10 ie, 1,1% I.hti.t If
1..0• . , or:, woo •1
.•.tgat a ;:••nWO; I ng
t.ultitrt4aurn. rr,
1,11,..1111. •• i.. ‘s.t , 111;;•1,1
(.1,1 t .311, i;, MCCOrtlll'k V;11; 411.;
Murrell vacolcni :10L11 I . : 1,. ~ .'1
Jf/iirlffll, ”ynivath un I n.a
ting utn.•
1V linntry. Innntlllg fnn
tin moilon it t ontinit tee env nom
wart! ca tnts C
, anti nnetnanOt
ono flout each of tint ittliet inir.ingh+
lo.llellll, eklilt•cl Una ~:11r1I, 11.111k1 ,, , I ,
elite nut hes anti medic:C. tutu Se.. a 114
Lotninitteit—ltinti 110 t iev , It
Boggs, I' Witham I.
11111, 11. li. 1100. till, Ittl•t. I'. tt vet, ,
Lo wls. 11illtain v. Is :tee, John nto tit..l
lame , Ciutintt.
A rosolut lon an. . telepte I it
each prittesti lintiti wan, suet ituant, lane,: a,
aontate the Ittiti,t in into hat et neat
l'int•iltiy—to the n 1.1,4111, Antler. 1, iii, -eut
to be thte. rite.e.l u ILI
euntrthultott• , 1 t.te. •nt tat: , ,
.i i •
It •I Mot ie.], I,llt .i i i.•
11.. h t.,.
tiec.r,a It It.
Vr , , John Ms Ph • 1.1.1,1 ,
41.3, A., S. 11,v111.1toti, .1 H.,rr, $:, 1 1
11. 1:.10.011. El . • Ii , It
ve> , • 5. , . $.•
S., ‘N I 1..,1 I. 11.
R1,.0. 41,:, 5' 5 45. •.t I 1,.
Fn ii Ai ` Inl. I
N\ II F:e-rtilal .1 .
Ruth, 1 46.11 , 11.1ph. 4... A : , 7 5. I A lit.
rota. 41
t. 1.4 r,
.1, ~
10111' .5115LIIitIg lit. etnar 5 • 13.,
1: Um :.,•,
1., 101 l 'wing at, 1,."
A uo,{l 1n
. lu
E.ttg:elnt,n, I ..• 6•I. r
lir rtg,:t
se.6nuac ntamon
leg broken, .I..ttn Dannelly, Inte .
pin, Ent:, old. nudnbru u: • .
der, .tie nr. , i ... ..:
11-1..' a
I It
l.nih, , ring uton.-, at in la.:l.en. 3 , 1.11 .I.ln.
and leg..l.ilf,r
nud Imp. el:- -et . lg.t tt,
der out ,d Si , .JLlrtts, u.t••11. •
Ilurtin Is :t r Harm 1, t.r,
31.1oul.ter nu.l
Nhan Je: :lit •tt , ttl :•••
nod unkln , :a ••a.
I:roken, • A I • \
nap, and broLcn. A 4•::.
)11It,rti I..tubart,l,-ad alit! ttd , l, I. t.
nett,: 1,:::•••.1. Hanna:
Ilvl , r. , •,:n01,nu, E•lant.
curtright,lllon:.:••nen . Saloon,: 11,1,,,
cal:1 ta,latt3.l I 11.11., rlg
nvs...nrue:, I:, M:-
. r.l
‘SNltsil.ll4l. Attti ,1".• 1tt111,, , /
butt: elt:1-1, :n•i u.
n Lght.ollsl) , 4.•.•.,
L. Vet: a-an. ,tangeruu4:v. natuu, 1 . 4:
I nll. r Ann C. en, a, ;13
Keen, leg 1 / 1 ..//•• u,
nas; L.l , Thos. annin, VI all , •
Ilelttl anti Car ps
ntroupe, 51:11.1 I •
!...11y tprul4.,l,
tt.1,11. , JOllll,•kr.
Jullll It ankle Ntralnuol, !Cs. .1 E.
let. 0!.uu..• 1 •ItrlOVatettl 1.1 , it un.l
lie utne.l
IA4 ,ett.zttbe: g
blulo.ll. intol h:..1
110, V., :nirnuuiyMc.
Morgan, situttl.ler • MT, ]lar )
/5, 11l ut,l leg.
Ls' uns,
a:a•1 Iteao
t a :tt 1,1
“eck nntl cn.151;
,r,31,11, MN , Tl , l, tot•; etcly
v 4• l• 111%..
gill, lice I I”..:st. 1,
a.... lug Muir
( 11. Jul I. :owl:
an.l 11.1, silglr
Ji/lALL/illtt ' , 1....1.11. I, u.rie•lx,,,:itly JO 111, 11 •A•
Ir., 1. L.!,
tac,.ver John I•urff t had a
In 1.4 k, ...I.langt•t.alaly
11,1,4.11 Isar..., is
!I1• it• i•
rtzt-Fly, .1%1 . :a.ttania Par- /1.. it:t. 11. II
Jat Must), Mal
s ..•I, 1,1, 613
M/S! , hhirsoil ‘,...16 oil
oas -.t
... ,
Amank)a ur,t,
L. I 1.,g, Mr..
y nlmpliurtl
If ut to o.n 414 , ,u01vi situ in.' , ., 1
- .
Jt1.111,1 /..,1 let •••• . •Iv. MI •
NllSttll A, 41enge, wisp, X 1 )•1:.•
KLIIAL, 3110111) ) ,
Win. I/.
Julien I . onnen, Intel nellynipl lex
Alex. blehaever,
Jame. Llt/rlslge, ank Mrtl.lll,l. Dann•l - • ••.,
ankle, hip nun elii.ll/I‘l,l I/
utee•l slightly , Stich tel e.ll, o I.
LOA In, La Venne,l, bt.,, it I mnle
Mrs. Dlary '3. I,n lilenal .1 . l .,••;..“ i/tr
leg lorulA,l, 31re. LILL\ , tlllll4, no11.•,•,1
• • ••
haws, tdientior ani uen,l, cos snit,.
Internally .1.11,1 utJ.I
Dail let V' er-11, I a 1.1 , .:t z., Sl• I 1,
ribs broken; tan's., Lally, slightly,
tanning. 'ICI 101.1f,1) . /.0.11) . but 01./ l• • , 0,-
1.111/111, fo..t Loomis, I.sis
pi I 'WU/Iyy.
In addition to these there were lean:, a h.,
were slightly hurl, Out are about s to
their bU3IIIeSS. Tuere must here Lean dee
hundred persona siert more et 10•b,—",..1 two
„ er ion n iy; the quid ter ',sup, lien Or
tune/ hut mg then legs tilt atie I....keis A
large number me Issii.t
Sege l) ' , lidera. all I to.ty
die at any wiuent. Thole hey/1 uu
yet that can learn 01, but mite., es'
teem ill lose then legs, and sown iiin
old will likely die during the operation
hunch feeling to ethlested lion. against the
IttiLlread cisinpeiny for ullOwing wh..t they
term - the old rotten think - to nOlll l l It sp.
pears that nu w issitisk.s hail been put .lon
only a tow tiers ago, and It In alleged 111:,1 the
tlinbers bad to hu tinned In 'solid that they
Wight sled u solid plimo lor thin sushi' en. Ins
ls a matter for Jitt/telal decision.
Them is u grunt scarcity of phymbilne.. Ises
and It In remarkable that sumo nut gso.ii Assn,
Lance hasten!. linen tendered trout neighan leg
hours:111, of Frank Iwolle•is 'shunts a
te)! paper is hare to make u shrills of Me
scene., lie will have to draw pretty largely
on 1.11. Ituagluation to sketch the twee , of t i 1-
day noon. One remarkable ft:Attire ul the h
=ern) was, notwhen he recoverod from
the shock, n much hurt, ea w VI , 1. hug vll
his thigh; it is Supposed to ho that nit lis,olck
Dralmond, who lost one altogether. au ether
man Who bad his leg broken above the ankle,
and the Stump run through ithu skin, walked
Out of the wreck on the stump, but. sour alter
fainted. Boma are - so Mum , hurt intern all carcel Y
that they caunOL sputa gull can scarcely
breathe. Sims Downey and J. 11 Mel/relight
are in this condition. I here have noun only
the three deaths yet—already retiortmli Air.
Malaga; /lira. Quirk and Nathan Duncan.
The Coroner'. Jury will render a verdict tie
memos st, nix triAvolg, r, a. Arfalra.a.
Most ow, ' , optima/or blosmsw
r,tols the alliance between the Utifterl SPAS?
and Russia.
11010, , eptemoei Is.—t_ 00111 RIBMILITA has
+et. IL lett et of thatiLs to the Untied SULK'S
miehtier acknowledging the Liminess of the
:visor lean residents who tarnished the Mt]
lons of ice for the wounded in the hospitals.
n •, aepterntmr 15.—1 t is expected that the
r.-u1:11 which the Emperor Napoleon is abOUt
to ihe poise, 4 4 Europe wl!11,o very
pa. lln. lln !in tone and charnel et.
I lrg root, sem LA—The cotton market is
mo•lttiosed, stiles 01 13,44.411 halm of Ind
.mg I ;Minds at 1.1.
11l en ',telt. ,ent•l an, Itrn., ix •-t1 seltern
ti ..t..1 x' J.l.
, pt. I l —l'omanie sist., for money, a
' ' ..c• ot , per cent., htie,
I. . 1111:1,41 Central, 734 i
1,111 - 41.
.! R
11 ]1; Ait 1 I
m.., i
,~:... z
,I /I)
• .11
P:**01111:007111 :05'01
EaNtern Coat Difficulties Increasing
Bismarck Thanks AMOriCAILS
National tolograspll fl'Ons:clatiolts —The
Grant( 11111 turd iourdatiloul
• •: NAti,,LI4C. Talc ,
V: ''' I" i:T%r7, '`"" ° L l ''" L r' 7l.!'.•l.„Ll.:, ate ~,.,,.oiut, „ y.-
:rfg ,telopl .1 milArtlml of the wan
::f The foiloolng ofrvro for
prfre vt off, f:boxen. J. f romp.
1,, 01.1
st, Prt,,flont, 1: t buret/111, of
1 • " . .11,1e•TII,
I ItAlt
-,•r•:•ftry; UV.
...!po.ll.llng At-el marl •~
,ff e. 4 1 ..rN. I.dltor of the lei,gf:tpu. Tiff"
•1 .11,111.101 wit. rib :it et.
• , • I. , ..2ll“ttnent 1.• . 14 evil Ow ,tivLe
1. .11-RA Ingto u
!egolnt La , Mg
11...e.av lug only (IC g 4111 , 8
• .1 Si, ..1103. Cy7lllo
lo.o“ g 051.16.5 •tiL
l ' in. on •n pto,, the
u,•) tut. g,.1.:11.. -,ar
s.. :k. XOp liVe :te,l 1.11,
• ,11.1 i” 1 rt., au .6ruau,nte4 1,11-
lard tae.. e. .r.ll awartlell to the winner of
In ilr.tight that third tutee.
genus al ,avoraze, 4111 go inn the
:,.• ti , aatu4l thus fat Th., fourth
1.r.i1. 144: 1..4 I au, U. likely to go 10
Hit lotiow . J”g thu unur of
,ost ravh thon woo
1.•.‘ r til. n 15.110,1
b 10. 3-
. 0, Cu. 030055 totes
an 1 Lost P,
. /1.1, 1.t.11
F 'V
ttaw.•l• VtlatarlDlCllt,
ltAv 31st of .11100.1
t•t n
t 1.. •t., I'4.w Ita.
./ , in t hg. ]tate or Vera
•I•t. r tun • “ riqI,1:10.1/ Ii
1,•,, •• t; et t tlz lbmt tart DA"..b
Jmilt t.Y.I. ISM CIA by %ha repnbtlesn
USIEMEM , eral rur
t t; .0, i•
. 1.••11n,11. ,11 (to-. ;a 1., •••••11: ti.i. I Ut.
•:,. 1., t.s Iv st,,srt• thast ratL ,sOl.l, 01 , s
10 1 is• 110. rt/In sliesisust,sts,.e nl.O.
nut the nntio."4l ue:e every • liery in
rest,ng. iv"! that' Mul, 1•1 the 11141.11,
••• I.l..ernle.
N.. 1) 1 orl. r boleros C 5.... Th.) /oohs
the, Is hl Esm:utlon Ord),r4l ID) ht. I)
ISJ I zLy )uaterdst) tit
•( r...F c It: ••t g \laial,ll.:l,,
I Is/avt - r.•lav I mi. , ' tant
It ~•I,
.. t
, tt LOT' '.1:1• ful.tlt,n
I Ile tlio t
- •• xbto cisrlt.m.:
a...m.1 I ex,enttr..l oldr . t
übltlettul I.ILAL
ticn, 111 Jugr..e, Hipped.,
W/4/Vellk,lll Which La mrre ,It
..4311 r mae illot4
W. I t a r,•. try
o A
his dent, won,
te • 1,1 —1:11Boltr. In
renbennt , Ul•n•lews.l col neon, n
De L'llnys.
1 - .. n m..--rteuther v. —Tee itenee
Li , "..
aft...ronOtt of the pa,540,1
upw unls t,ree hun.11 ,. .1 I mop' , ••rt
.Inlaubtnent* of Offen, t trigneot ,, •,
,etly the ttoynl l rtlllet p.
• , • f snip Th.., a
•,. 5. 4 . 5,5:5
Y ,• a u.ous 11/1/1.• 11 • 1111'1111,
1 111.1,00111111 1:1 - 1 ./
• 1.1...111 1 1 . 1 I. 111111 lb, iv• ••f •
.111/11 11 1.1. .10.1 11 0111 11 ,11 1. 1 0.1 11 1.. 1 11.1 C. l ll
I. • ;•:• .011111. 3 11 t•I
t're•/dent Johneon'a ontribtst lon
Accident In Ilr Edge - Itensilinn coal
S. 14,1, - speonl
r..r tho
Iho PIA.Oni•II, lOrely to rec.'s,:
(torn his seol , lool 100 other Ito) . 'rh 011) . 11-
, 10ns 0,0 of t I,oovery of Mr. 11.ty
lher, 00 net ..n.141% I it)1.11 wlt II ..1-Itnynt Wood
of Brook!, 0, 0 Ire oas
100 An oole,u 'trot r.tottrns,hlo Co.,
tileorpah 4 , 0,1 11, tho Log oolatow, of A1M , •41/1/L
to., Opt Ited orltit , e u 1 ”I rt 10.
er , l Or tin 1it,t00.0101 , 0101 by 11, I,,outoth)
left IA"( woe). with thirty...swot pa.-
11%KP", 510)+1.1) 4 . lltlgnitay tar this
SOlll th,ll tin Logt.latiota on the 'Negro
1 1 , l'orttele her 11.—a artitur
.n the allblect of 1n0:.•110 u eode
pogt,ol,e 1 1111 1110 reg - 111,
ot 1... 4 ,11 , 141u1, er.e
.11w/, :‘,l ref, it t to the t .11111,1111,ee Olt Fed.
Lt• te,:test:ug 1110 1•:•:31,1cet to
Ir:::11ary 4411i:ink that the War
. A 1.1.11111, ale , . 1V.,1/I,Cog
•t: et he l'utver:l Aittlehtll,'
e trig Ills Jet La, t at the
NlllLlttty, t. wattle 140 11111111 preserthea
Mienruhost Boiler pin three
I'vr•on. and Nior %%.ress.dodl.
1.1 N•I 4• %liipl/ii.
141, Ali , •11.1 AhLy i>trlrr
•!P I M 1 {tIV(11 11 •0/00( 1111, 11, ,Inttig,
wit id the 1•1141
I. hit n - 11: ..f 41... • t . a 1111 , 1 to E 1./1
',itch •`.
. .
, 1(1110. 1110 tiaL4 114,11 V too er
..) n 'the hi,
;;ruin crop. Sc hell promired'
tc.pni ed the s'O.l.llZ n In
M.COli Esadorara.llllll3.ll.2l . . Pairlottato.
51.4 , 1 , 4, 44 , :,•44t 14 --A lon 111 , , tmg Wll3
1011414 re ti11...V..11111g, %shell II !WI /1-, Of row,
wvic 1111441.1114o4441) . utloplA44l,too,.
1.140 pr0 , 444,411fig, of 11. a 4 . 14114441o1p1141:1 con
. ntlpr end comm. , ding 11,11
31i1 pnlllotlonA of , t. .I.thusOts.
Inalnu Illoprednlion. in Tex ask.
Kw 1 p tpualwr la.—The Tear, (impel
are loud In thelf ' , tuition:it!! Of the /1,112141 fart.
mart, 011,1 any that the Apaches and .K uEaJoe,
.tre carry leg oft he t cattle by tlfousatado, and
le non.e :41,1•1.10na are a eaolutel dellolat
leg the reentry.
Neothern 1.0yn11,1. to Albany
V. Sept...Lubec 1 / 4 —The Southern loyal
to.s4 url htlai at 11,1 o'clock Ulle OVOILIING At
'tight u'OlOCk they were welcomed ut the Cap
itol I.y .111.1 go liorrlt. ;and Uorernor Broarnlow
Ind A. .1. Hamilton spoke to a 1 . 0 , 11 ,0 01AU/O
awl lone,
Billiard Champlau•hlp
KW 1 Que. Sant tlao httllal ti torn:,
Jolt, lust night. Dion, oloonplon of l/oOnfda,
etent.ctl ilna - rlyon, champion of Innooopol, hp
ty-wiz fnAnts In Oro hundro4, n
eit4111131011 . 11 gold-lieu higl
Lbeiers Dealt.. In Nt.
r. Lueleg, Sept. la —Tbti death, l y el so•eru
for not week ending yestenlay were Lb. I ben-
OreO keLl eeveuty-two.
Death of Dr. A. A. Bonk!
kowron, Sept. 15.—Dr. A.. A. Gould Pre fldent,
of the - elimachusetta Medical Society, And a
Widely known piryitoilln, dlCd Lhlf OlOre
, SEPTEMBER 17, 1866
Henry t h e echer Domi n g o Pul
pit—Adv% front nun o-
TrarK, coptember my t\ - atd
Beecher prom hed 10 d.ry for the nrat time
since los arrival loon Irk treat lon, to an Ire.
menu , mutton, rp
. Contrary to .netal caper-
tali.. he 'lid trot rtlitele to peril Mal tnlllrs
Arrived, t'lcante.t (1 to•alr•r, from .11tintleu
nth, and art an Prince Ft h. ilaytien aJcfer •,
via Jainsles, to Angnat to It, report nearly the
whole 000111 ry In 11 stair of revolnuon. Almost
daily 000110 rit Port tot Prince. tronati es
tel in nth, and .Irmrted try the Irittarti•
rants, and at Mario a 00111 hot of I 000:11•
tiOnled, Ware arrestftd by t tie Government and
are 01.1t1, PlEntenee 0t dOOlll. 1.:11S1110.42, to al-
MOB; totally 411;401111rd The Government I.
!let iVt . , all. 1 bcite, e:l 011. d oVereMill• the
Mineral V. 1131 . 0rInat.10n from 0113clat
state tr¢ugni Illy restored.
T..-ion: - row the Allegheny County kgrient
tux vl and Hort ;cultural Veit - will begin at. Iron
t' ; iy Pak. 'The eekontion, It 11,11 will con-
tine, for four days. promises to be one of the
mort important or its character ever held In
th IS atty. Art idea for roinivetition and edit-,
lotion will he received from all parts of We.
tern l'ennsyleaula, Eastern I Ildo _and West
Virginia. The Marti Of 31111,401, hare deter
mined on a liberal and expensive list of pro- •
mlum. selected with due regard to their rips
propriat eness. and Ittnounting in the aggregate
to °v. r four i hon.:and dollars The grounds ,
ha l,- ;tar.. 111111r0Ve.1 4114 beautified, the fromer
buildings enlarged, new ones constructed,
sheds broit un.l extende.l,adtlitional wells ;lug
and t h e race course widened and graded. EX- ;
vellent arrangements have been made end lib-'
Large Fire In :ti °sober.. Si. t', I eral Inducements effaced (or a lino .11splity of .
'..; co or C's, (N• ti.,) wept. 16.-A Ire Irtokr nut. ,10rtteAtle 1111 , 1 Inrelgti goods, farnt nnillaorticul-
near the corner of Bm
ro' and Ilnidle ,trecis ' turn' hnltionten to, fruits, dowers. vegetables,
11,10 mornin g at ono „.6 0 ,,h . „„,i destroyed I
„ heroes, Cult le, sheep. poultry, a trine, trioalialli- ,
nearly two squares, betweenlb. ,':had r
lb,' ad ot. . chi ttillironments 011,1 lino arts. 10 the latter i
look street „, from Middle s m. r „, , b oro m g : there Is a lively competition all our local artists i
about fifty buildings. The Timex ovinnitlas tire ; haying entered as contestants for the prines,
total loss at two hundred thou/anti clOdars. 1 and from what we can learn, the art 'dlspl ay
The Chsoarrcmt thinks it will reach half amil. a 11l 1.0 one of Ihe most creditable since the
11011, with /uss than seventy-five thousand del- I Mete fair In I b:d.
lams Of insurance. Much snfferlng la caused The exhibit... ill .tin - 1: %Cabe very fine, and
by the disaster, end a public meeting to de. we leer. that b‘ l • l; el' i r B ere eoltilng front 0011 10
vlSe means for ' the relict of the sufferers will of the adjoining States a ith pitravtdooded
be held to-morrow. The Ilre was the work of stoekof tilfferont kinds. i irt look mg over the
an Incendiary, for a hose apprehensions large books ell Octet 103 we 1(1110,1 remParatEeelY
reward 1,1,4 been offered ity the city authort- but few entries, considering the number of air.
lien. pill:rations that have been made, and the art.
-..._ _ elia ready for exhibition, but we suppose that
A Bad Prospect for the t'levelatid Coo- to-tleS the entries will nearly ir not quite nil
reotkon. _--tie made. Among those made we will refer 143
.- a hew of the more prominent r Class 1, a lot of
CLUVELArtn, tI , Sept. 16.-Not ; over throe 1 three year old mares, geldings and Malik - ma;
hundred delegates to the Soldiers and Sailors' class four year old mares
ye aseng colts;
Cffu v e.i• li ii . he y . Pii- arrived-not ivei-l-ie ' i;iii(iu g h l° class 3, 3, stallions over four ar old; cities 4,
i mule volts: class 8 , a lot of very flue sheep;
glee any
of the Wilt of a COnVell
-1 he.. ntorttittg 1 litln and heats Will O S ' clan. JO, a superior 10t Of long-wooled Blieelit
IT ' ll ' a ac
of 'Thule ardiColltipiallit# of the 1 5ine.....,„ a ,, e‘ i,,,,iu,,, a 0 , very fine f,r, ii,,f ,
t he
e gn't
1 class ''.l. a very extensive and superior es.lbi
nod reception belng gis en them. The Extant- , 4 ,, ; ,,,, or 4 ,,,,, ng . nn ,,, ~4 4. „,n 444 . 4 , 4 , 4 ~ „ 4 ,..., 4.
1.1 YO CO 1.1
MMI 1 tee bun 1 00,3 at Cle Iseunard I , 44 „,„,, „„„,,, n4 „e plop„: class , „,, e ,„„ or
.11.... ..a will be in s 1 esalon 10-nlght. The .
different d
~,e scriptions; class 4 2, a splendid di.
temporary organlvation will take place at 1
~ Of the w „, „, o„. 11r ,1„,,; ~.1„„s 42 11 .,
tito o'clock p. in. L.-1310,0w, al svllleh faille all I k..).
„. 4 „,„ „ntro„,,, Of the fin, new; 41 ,,, , 4
the delegations v 11l have arg i ve.l. I heavy machinery: class 44, shepherds' dogs
and bloodhounds. These constaute a mere
A Teuton Resolution. . moiety of the entices. The stalls will be filled
pad.,,,f i eteu,, sap'. 1.: . -At a fn ,,,,,, 0g „; ;,,. 1 with stock, and tile greater portion of the
officers of the Fenian Brotherhood, hell here ; goods will lee Pieced in I , exiiletltoe-iey• sothel
yesterday, it A. tv•l resolved that nu pecan Is : I 'Y 1 -"•ilight the geetillex will h e iii er•ler (or
1,1111:n17.04 to speak ter the lonians helm° ; the rt , '"itl lol, 0 1 elBlleee
any political moldings, as the Lindberg...l in. ; h i c tillss that every branch of nelustry will
; tended to keep themselves aloof from em., 11,e equally well represented, in order that the
parts, a .A1,, 4 4 o nly for ~,,, bleed, „ n d • I ,t,i r may tic a gran4 earl .e+, and that the in
sgap,,,, 4 1,,, one . fn i,
;,. .1 i,„ „ f ,„ n „., ! vent lye genius of the people may be stlinula-
Stgeed ny Joliii M , ' \law, Itim, i , ~ 1 , ~,:, , Isn' t . toil by the awards giv.•ll 10 1 be. .ucce,sful eOM-
Ot.belS I petit°,
-...- I We In, e already published tho time table
Artillery t,xperiattent.. j agreed upon by the Pennsylvania Central
1 Railroad tor the accommodation of persons
You r“.. M , '”nt o r. , 5eP"' , .. ,,, .. l '' ..- '" . .'''' j visiting the Falr, but for the benolit of those
" iiiii " rAl i'l
A. i ''" . "'" ii " . Ai;;;;""i her e " i ; who have iffit seen It heretofore, we ap
conduct a ...nes of eipartiLienta i , i,l It 111 tear,. I p ,,,,,, ,:
illeit gee s and t ,. .1r'l /,''' ''' of ''''''..”' I,..itl'a t 1110t1 1 , •11. , t, 1 . .1E,1,a,,,, , , Lima
against the irereciad ',ono target o:voted 1 ~,,. „.„,„, ,„ ,
near the C•,rtiess AII evil to I...gineer oni• 1 sr „, nfisi 4 „ 4 „, , in ,
~,, 0 1 .
verb hits been appointed 1. , r this mo ;bed.. who ~,,,,,,,,•,. ~,,,,, I , :,,, ~. ~ ,
will arr., tills weak ii. ,- ,.1 pr0,......,1 11.. Ilia ! ,1 , ;' ,„ ;'',.. g . 1,: •,, ,, , ~,,,, ,•,..,:, ,
I C3parline , llo without Ilt-051 .
I -....- : itagtilar train, I I!irt r I. ,
1 Itvgular train, 34;r. NI
tie° Mosseatt Else toil lo 1'....-g rvna- Regular train, Ides r .e
4 holern In rila•bwille ' Itagulskr I 1 0:11. "Or
i.,„,- ; ,,, ~ L ,, , ...,,,,,, i, _.1,,,„,,,,,, „„., ~,,,,,.., Excursion tickets won ie. in: ...do4 Al all the
1..., t,,,,,,,,..., 1 , „,, ~, ,i,„,,,,., , , ~,,,„,. , ale.' lona 1.,..1 warn Att•,02,11 .01,1 tV ‘,1'.1, boa for
I Ehere 1. as n. 'll, rio• ~.,.. vas vcr, i Icier. hill:! `eldem i trt !is'
sinali -va.-
S ...It% 1 L... , :•1,1 1.. - .1
r 1.1,,,, 1,,,1..,. , 4,... "I 1 The Headache Next florolog.
Mot. o, s ofol a., 1..111,1 uf . r p,,,, Ti...0r51 et perieitee honneeted with a
lid.ara er• e 1: the I.a.itior'lla and 1 epentance
Ixiccretar, Se,. next *.riling Bettor. . ~,, ,„,,,,,,,,, 4 our , itiree, , al ,O indulged In
IWaseiiietoa.- , vi icin;•• • . ; - i - ' • ; -- I' - ; to.. ri,-ipbt lon of a Jt.ensa ler, rye. ption the
' i • . • •111.1 ii,glit, are fcclo . , - .Ion; had got.'" bow,
. 1 mar";
... d sa..•• .A., ..,....I Ibe 1,....,
I lion,. are la. or s a, end 1.. T 4, - ...1c..,..• ,•,0,- ; v hen :LA ) hale Ho,: ro,is to , A: atol [ha rut,-
; '''''''' '''''''''.' ' '' ' , ."•••^ ''"l" .. °1 '•.' 1 ht. 4. 1 , , 1.1 , al' av,.... Ihe C.1.,,1i.111ea of It,
','.', 3 ,,',. ‘ ,",:;.' n ,.", ::: L y: "' - ' : '' ".- """ ". . ~,,,,,,, 1,,• . ,,1 rs ~ In r,.. tido-tiny; et the
--i- , :a: lc. Hotel. ,ai ` 1,1.iy morumg, at
a ...ran 0•, ,o, 1,, ii,ll 11,. v A n eaver le the
Another ii 11,411.1.1 War Ihrralt,lecll , . hail
, ''' I .' less, held .• - fl.. I' .:. -.• to•in., • tln I.'; on 1 •1 o
low will pt 101.1.111 a *ire. ,26.1 4.1,...,11 I ~ n , 11,- . ..a , :,- I riz ) , ~.. lea,
it ''`' Atlaatir Cap. , a uoan , nig a 11, .aile:,. ' 1 ;la 1,11.5., lug 1
n ,•.. .
.. nnn hI G.iI
-I. 41.11 g tti
I 111..L.n ly .01, ,•I
, v.ntk
li. Unbvrtft Nomln".. 3 u.. Mn.
'1 ta rr
1••! Intri• 10X 411,5 ttn,. ti
1111.. If tl. , wtt, fI . I I ,•,
ibo ft.igar
al 11.... 11$.-
{.unc rnilo"
Sai,l I
t.•• 1.0 vt,l)
r 4•111. “../1•11 -
!%11.0M pt ,emily
Lv..log to lb.. :to twooo.. but" 1 toeut too
not. being Itobt tltr ongnout t lot tt b)
vi i.x,calkloll, ,[et not li a .poi
Wink. erl Lie 101,,un wtfalnll•l tk..l.
OUI li 10,1 WI IA ,01.1
lrietn co furuirt. U.ll With MI out k
, : val. a
Fighting llin Dallies trer Again.
1,1.Aj. WO
1 Dep, wer.• .1111101/ I.V It n.un
“nd 6ouris4.:l, a 1.1111 ,, Ili 'till band
taut a Itett,tl.l. ,, ut 'tan I yttlity In (lit. tattot
fir wa t , aLy .I.lBltaL att.! ,111,0 ii
about will lua a esapons In 14.1.0+1 deo, , vl ate t
man act, but fortenately wituo•lt .1 ong any • nrl II s., i.. 1 the 10001 portal , .
harm. After Intinits troublene ad. •Icenre I ' Ina rill, line M 1111.11 . 0.1. rho Inontlng
otlicers Fox Anti ROOk, unit
l' 1 ., mOuth I,f
w hg". Oto hh• • k - hi'. l'h ""Outt ohlr tool.) 111, 1111 le+ no the Nl.o.sup;uhria rivet.
posaiy sill the way. Atte. lie tweaine: A 1•11:11,1 ILL:4 I . fur Lite nioorpo-
a hat aolsersal On gain Ills tle t'', la '
s 10 the Nu! MI.. N. E Chrir.•ll, located
thlsnels Ile on, tort net
L.I „p.,,,5t one milt, mllnn Tnrentent, oil tile tins
been tour ears 1.1 tot arln
.. russets., thiee ,0 alley Hedlund.
foul svoull,lo. ' A clittrl, was granted to incorporate the
iOl., lour week, ago Le s now to i Ills , .cull- 1,e1 . 111101 Ep.l."llli ( 111111 . h, of Alio
ty end swot t.II II 111 10 amis. s. lido, out gl lay s uy.
1u rho 0111111 fly. On '"alllfhtl.T h e word the H ugh h. 001,111 filed n petition In opou court
depot to start fot tonne, hot took then, 61)11 for u .alvor, Irom hi, w il e Margaret
a drink wit' , looklng tr . / low x holt, bo 011,1 a sunplana wtoe awnrtied the Court.
tild not know. That one drunk, b 0 Bald. 1110.10 1.11 , • 11l 01.1110,4'1i It. Lterron Jet,
hemeirtz.. Ile slates that before 11l got c Lewes, ',revolt; tor n petition to lay a rail
-11 0 ." h. hk`l I ' l 0, flurry dnlltt lw hll,ll' 1 111 'kvI• road front the i% est, l'anns)ivanin railroad
hue he wets arrested, however, le inset only In to t e „,„' x s o,. t t . ll sisstrosistirg. The
about sixty cents, and It is prolsalde that I e Court grants , the prut,er of the ',Wandler",
-Mee" looking lellow couhl explain nbmlt the l 'did gave them Pl rinissien to creed Olio same
rest of It. 'ldle tedelsor galls, he said, (van a rlso n "ln tin, mallet of the app lle
and as, it, f
lion of the
nrmy CO le, he having used it Lolly p
AnoLher relic or somewhat more i.eentionatle , shires g
Lollee ot t•tin rgh, lot char
t intraCtur inf M.. , mourning us lost when 11 C ter," on !notion of J It Butterfield, Esy , the
SOW hint. sold that in his spree he had gnal decree was made grunting sent ebb ter,
lout a codt rII.AIIOWhOI . O., ttotand Ili.. Charter Was ordered of record.
I have lost fen any m• icy, lt nod After tills the Court adjourned
ragged, synth the Idling out and the
all `part
ly gone, Ind there wars alue adont It. ex- Committed Suicide.
p1,11.(10.1.101,1, 110 Said that the side-pocket veto
tattled man's -Lone ' lie had brought ft man by the nakse of Jacob Ansley, tcsei
home with new bud preserved as preetuus trig On Oec.ll ur Ailey, between Fourth street
rents the lawdstine of a dead rebel. There's 00
and the Diamond, committed suicide night be-
amounting ha tatsw. In the uhadag he eras
discharged, In coesaisiniattion .4. h., Inpi..ry fore hut by bunging h Imo_lf to his hod post,
services awl ton peculiar eiteunistanoes of Ills jig ante il(ly.three )'earn Of p 9 r, gun wave, I ,
ease. wife and four grown chtleiren Front all the
I facts it appeals that he hod Ise.n Orlaktng very
neely for PORIO 110111 111,41 Mid on
the spice 101.11 MC111....i bed oliatnlair
hilitScil. tin 011 ti 1 slay night he came
home In talented, and wont to Ids room,
locking the ,11,11 a •
he entered Yester
day usornoto Ills wife a 1.11041 to enter the
room and finding It locked, kinked through
the key hole and sea 11 1 111 hanging tr, tile Ord
post. 'rho delis 1(110 forced, mid Um body cut
°own, hot be must have boon deed several
hours. Alderman Donaldson held an imp:lest
your the deeeased, when the shelve facts wore
We bet the 01e05... of mooting the justly
releurate..l Irish totuedtan, kir. Bat tit, Wil
liams lost evehieg. II Is id, first time of,
have looked upon h., round, good hounded
tore tot quits o number of yen I
say we were surprised in see how tenderly
Calls has dealt wait htut, he Is in fort as youth
ful and leemisome as ever. Ngt the vet
eran Ches. porter enacted ut the tbd Theatre,
more than twelve years bin. e, has Mr t%ii.
hates oppeared In our city. bluer t hen he hall
made a triumphant. European tour and
has played with ItIli.14:11,10 to the
elite( ethos of the EIVIt. TO 'ay that Mr. Wit
hams is the very heat blab eutnottait on the
boards Is to say that whirls everybody knows,
and during Ids stay we look for tommetd
houses. Mot. Bailouts should not be forget
teu In speaking of ability, for as the romping
light-hearted natural Yankee gal she has no
somas in the Toditglit the W ll
lion.' open at eke Opera Boone for a brief en:
gagement, and during their stay Manager
e., has mnttnorrougemeuta to produce
several novelties in withal they will appear.
Very wood.—Mr Howard Hamilton furnish
es us with a copy of an excellent lithograph
representing how odious ix treason. The
great mogul of the Fusion, "A. J.," Is squat
ted upon un easy chair hearing in Ills arms '
Jeff. Davis In his letriale apparel. To the roar
stands "Billy" Seward, looking as wise as a
prophet should look, while little Robert 1..
Lee Is cutting capers upon u tlery steed
mounted on wooden rockers: The President
smiles mum the scene, while In the clouded
background; stands .`lll,l Nick" urging the
Massacre or Now Orleans from which A. J's
eyes are directed. Tim carrieature is well de
signed and neatly limited, and is issued by U.
Sehue.htnen St Co., 74 Fifth street.
Isi.—The Pod very llcuLovably
give, um ere.llt with havlog Lbe oolv lull r h o;
M t io o l f ebL h t e u t rZ d' i e " iVrt i dTerc q u ' rrepo " r s t. td i
columns, and vre are told IL appeared also In
the Johnson organ without the credit being
ed. i t it the , ndhltter of t,
tnruh.•l t I•I xh• 1 I
ftp;itol...• that tn.. sin •
thahla 01 the t ..tidhottito I.e Lettd,re.l tO
the tire limp..rttuen, 411 and Alle-
Owhy 1:11) . lid hr ,th.ltdtatde prooll/111t..1
, M Ids - h they k,rept...l ivitation ex
trill.. I l• - • th.dn I.,rth - t;tat.el/1 the re• . eptioa
, ereut..htt . e.
d, of the Litel 31.3,,,tra1... h,ii
I ,11 dh.l, I..lthet, thal the goon
d did ,t;.I arthg.llll
) AII6I 1111,, 1
er cinrtng par.ttle.
• k. 1' I ttio 015e,./t1
ii' 11.1)•I
an.l, :hrt her. the Com 01.1tre
) t t I o .1n huh;
1:,•• 1.1 ,r r .ellataatlat
.Lathrs• till. ' 1, - tukt thahltr,
•r,,,,0n that a large 1150,, Itv o 1 lilt
h.ctn.•lacthrvro, toltni;
Ir.tflirort,ll , 01151 , 01 YltttJUlth
IIV Islit,ll I” 1,1.1,0,1142 OCIC
‘l4 , iltll 4•4 I la., 11,y.110,11 prr.eth to
1.13.. I twollllOn the l'iorod,dd aid his party.
Theti , ..ne3 .-atr.hute•l to defray the ea
xa.t.r.hl•td.d ehletly try the p.p.!, sod
not a ...)•.hic, ii,r 1.1 , 4,as t usao axe-
Loret •. therrhaht. afhl 1111.1k111,1 1n
tr,hu le eithrt their Mom . ) Of pre.ence, the
t . ..••fitluti a aat hugreateftt err I In I 1 ...15rn I'htk..}l‘ania.
ih•so.'1•••1, ''hat thaukt, of I liv t ottlusitter
trend, e.I t.o the propr;elor of the
: I hail,. [joint for his A.:what., atriutkoduents
the han.,del• adordlhg the I'restden, till
. •T 11,1.-
4.pporttiall) I" s• 1010111 ititrrrupt,On,
11..1.11 ”1 tav '10)0, 0» , 1 e.nj..y Ibe .1:11.11 . u.
"f lal,lo ”ot I:1 a(lir 4.:110( ( Ily III LI.
c. 11.11 .
I , - 1.‘1,,
1: 1 4r: 01 • t• app., r•i urr
I otter ' {; . .; thu 101.13 , ••• , 0711110 te.••
lln 111., 11111. .1 i) , ln ned
• 1•4•••!, cf • I ~, ,
pd•rte , t tu g•kly
A Aivetry Clot. In the Irlr.n 113..0, Alie
1.t•t•I 011 ‘-...1ttit1.5.) eveflog
ttl,ttouttter i , lll. tot lit, forlittng s
ttetiit•ral Baru., wru
t.,..1 y Ulu
i. ,•1 It .1,4tra.1 y Wl'l t. art/1111
”1111..1.,[ 1:10 p
111:1:01111,1 the
antzttt 1011 r,.
eritneut rgltni
F, .If.ho m 11,1fla o and Fertnc
By witt.:lll:‘,ll, uest , 00111.1 I. I:. Putt .1
arum:to:l hi.
li,le the comElillte
ere 4,:st
Intl follow In g orlicer, , wet , ' thtr, i l• •,..., tr..l'
t Prr.t.i.trni--t•nptam minim:l Itill.lll .
I , " ~-“Aarn.--101. J. it. I I.),Ler. tt In. Mt
1,1 . 1., , DI out, I). %Y ,11/1/1..
N-cre... , r/r—IC. A. l,llllrge.
, /A r•t5,, , ,, —I.. k . Inglu/[l,
Kl,rout,. , IMI Mann , b 0,,... ,,, -• A,. cite.le
11/Latin, .1. F. .1 em, mg., ,
:It .I,t• I , Ai •
I, .l•. .11"1112
Ilso , %litnit. W. Thompson.
laptititz 10E1.11
011A;uent Addrers
11l nlotlAns., comuntluA appAlute , l
itec'ertuln wlctl
I IIA At •Ar.t1c...1.0 1U1
roulti !A. tut 1.1.1i4,1 n %ct strung'
Act Llio a
c.atill ll le,
, 11,0001 tc,l, It ill . , ruttitict
••t. tcrAnt i.our) t intory.'.
Court of Common I'lOON.
rh, court t 4 COlitinon ittr t oat Nat
a.O wto ttLlgv. au.l Itt,ox
The Conuty Fate
W 1 x.
Pelee Pretence
John NV intents appeared before Justice Llpp
on Saturday and made en information against
John Lindsey for false pretence. The defend
ant in charged with buying a certain rot of
bed clothing from the prosecutor, fur which
he promised to pay the sum of thirteen dol
lars and to give In addition a small cooking
store, valued at five dollars making the sum
total of eighteen dollars. Lindsey refused to
(Mall his part of the agreement, and offered
In lieu of the stove hereinbefore mentioned an
old grate which had been an heir-loom In his
family for several generatios. Of course
WWltuns demanded Ms bond, n and fulling to
gel, IL, instituted proceedings as stated. Lind
soy was arrests!,, but was released on giving
ball for a hearing on Saturday next.
An Apology Accepted
We net non ledge the receipt of an apology
Irons General McCallum for Isla rudeness tons
nt atenhenville, where we went with the Itt,
teption Committee to meet the Presldentlal
party. While we ttecept the amend° in the
same spirit of kindness In which it is tender
ed, still we cannot say It is apology enough
for his conduct on that, occasion. Unwilling.
that the memory of ouch an unpleasant otTair
should longer annoy us, we dismiss the dltia
grteable episode from further consideration,
awl trust we shall nut be under the nemr.slty
of referring so it again. It would oe well for
three who bold positiOnS in our demOcrotte
government to leers to trout with proper re.
the republic,
tweet the stdhubles rsen] of
whose !lomat tteY . •
!list tha that Saw Old
It le w 11l an 111 gra e t Ida uvo a ord. see
epeken Of the dead. W hue the it,. boa star
vile, has ended and the a ail th.rt moved to eiit
has stilled its energy In Lat. gi As,. after the
life which wee employed es an opportunity to
accomplish harm has orroned into the 1 if, IL.,
brings inexorable dots,, it is best to keep
silence or speak tell) geed part of the
life that IN past. hut the a tekedness at
lives echoes long after the litres are stem:.
and whether we speak of it or not II Is i.e.,:
115011 Into all ears and making ninny live.
wretched. Now and then tilts wreteleetneits
culminates in some life Anil We in lilt cloak
It and the cause that led to it.
None of no will ever forgot, or wE; etre,
cease to shudder at the monstrous deed. to
Martha Grimier. No woman that ever
In this communtly—perliapl no woman Inn;
ever hved in the nation—rimsed sucL 1111 IVOI -
Sal althorrenee hp the deeds lit horrid cruol
she wrought. or caused such it semis. • ttre
lief and renewed safty by !tor death. No
erinflual of modern tith e es has terminate I so
fearful a career el crime by so jest a 000111.
let now that she is dead, people all OW all Al
1110St snivel Sal dWposltntl 10 011elice the I ni
preentions with which they visited her heron e
ter death and suits 10 fJr,,,, the crimes that
made pertilhon ter reline, rather Ulan to
nurse the memory of them. Willie One I tried
seewas a terror sill a thomiter, who dealt in
death as a pastime 11110 personed babes In or
der that she might JUdge the ethr( her drugs
would have on ado its. Now she IS dead, Lilt
are Reposed to let her sleep well. 11 11 11.. she
wart being tried for the 11111 Ea, of a beautiful
woman, the crowd would liar e torn her lon'.
from limb If tarty COLLI.I 11:10e lAI.I 1.114.11 hands
on her. Now Hie has mot her Mann, none
woold dtrtironor her amen, even thy it 1 ..lon
gra, in which she sleeps were Is:reared
In tile murder of Ataxy Caroller,. LIG due ,
err all thought that tile aunt' lirlineris of the
Borgia hall reached Its saddest culmomuum
A young wouraii—ir bride, Just timnutencots;
happy Wu under the InoSI genial rerrunt
stances: beautiful to semi a degree dial she
caused the universal admiration even of her
awn sex; as good lie 11,11 WiLS beatiLlfllll It
happyand a beloved daughter, Mess
I t
an uestradowed home—such a woman was
that Martha Grinder murdered with the 0111d
blooded malignity of a !lend, that a few house
hold articles anti a little money might tall to
the murderess. 611. murdered her, too, tette
such needless torture, playlng with her vre
trrn's misery, and laughing—One ran 1111,1 g
half regretfully—alien the 1.151 slant tiarne,
and the poor girl lay 11,4441.
All this was had enough, but tried,
aid wOrile. Mary Caruthets liatl
yollllg, v rgorous, happy and prosperous.
evil une who murdered Ilia urr., 111.111
murdered him. For every dose of poison sne
gave his 10Hu, Nile gave one to hoe, hoping
to kill them both. 'l' he delicate a omen rtitsi,
the more stalwart man lived, a retitle ti
wreck. Tile terrible death of his a if, Lett Ills
home desolate, his life darkened, Ills fate, A
blank. The poison his enemy had tel to loin
cunritantal Its fell work, long after the two
deter was mouldering in her leion's grave. Id
Lau shattered every nerve, and had wrecked
every Joint. Grief strlcken; with till muerte
rise saddened by the blight teat had w Uttered
Ills life; wltti every hope deed; with termini ,
physical isettlerlug datly and sightly to
Ms mental AngOlatl and 3 et too strong to the—
what el, bill one tiling could happen to him'
He Went Mad. 1 / 1 1 Thursday last Jas. Caret!,
ere wart taken a Impeder. lunatic from his
home in New t. SAL' e, to DISMOIIL Hospital.
To cur minds, tills crime for which Martha
Grunter did net die, and which she was uncon
scious, for the Ill Oct part, ill having commit
ted, Is the roost terrible Of all her terrible 1.01
if anything could make lie think 011 r charity
for the dead stem, n superstluoir and lea 1 us
to curse the mmory of the colt:eel airetell,
ILO p”
i oI Of n e oW 1 lit. Crime resell , s out acilve
00.1 potent slier the erie, Inul is not:, dust,
s o,ll‘l 00 It. Verily, the evil that sl.f. 111.1
11 , ,e utter her.
are , . • r the Preeldentlut banquet at the
that le t orth preset vloß Wltlle In
lelf fte , were going om a M.rangely Phu hod
mymforloas Moking box wref handed Intl
room. It fell firat ,1,10 ti ehand,. of one
metallic.... of Iteceptfon, who learns',
turn and suspicion by the cucpLitas ruccn
y outaitle, ana übu looktta on the
m:Lin tilt fear anti trembllng. not doubting
but it eitnt:if an Infernal machtnr, ie:riga-
A to Anna Preintlent Jolla, if and parry to
lcingtltnnoute" frith eelertty, tar Lle Lux
a,t tol•lrttamnf to lila rvellette), an the cot,
tiiint•not of one of our moat prominent cal
cent.. uttneral Custar waft 0.110.110 take t out,
ttet Ith Lommtltnettinn, and 5 haa . .l nt.
Apprelumantna to the full. tlr: lolibol At tun,
the lies having n .en deposited without
deliberate . ... Ina elvote corner—the ctrl of
whirens was removed will taken to tile gen
whoee name it bore. lie disclatuost
all knowledge of the peekrago, and their as
surance was doubly sere. The Committeeman
grow the nue of white paper, and his knees
striate together, wul.e Ilse military wan SUM
atoned alt tits bottlnesa. The box was removed
gingerly tut. the back yard and the hydrant
turned upon It. Abet receiving n thorough
drenching. the 11.1 of the box Was reuteeed
and there was revealed—not the wirer nd
hatter) a n d internal magazine of a destruc
tive engine, but simply the form of ti—Deed
itsrA. They tried to keep the Joke, but II we
spc,.l thy eireeh,t,sd els , nt the table, much to
the chagrin of the men who had taken count .1
of than fears
Aleanwhne the lest had been nulled npitgatn
and (not out Into the street, near the en trance
to the hotel. At about two o'clock u. the
mortong, a watchman, in po.noing, I 1 is.,,eret:
a tot of exotted men and boys stan•lmg In a
wide circle about the box.and throwing t
stones at It. They, WO, hail tlisetivel eil en
lernal initehtne in the inyster lOUs pachet, and
were stotim4 it to ..0e if It 41,11111 .. g0 (a."
t last a little boy mieitertal up courage to gt.
near the box, the 1.1 a ue 1111110 , 1,i anti the de
fitnet fowl carte ttgAttl e a
xposed. Theat era wd,
finding the lot a ht. 11..1 torpedo to be the I
lirmOiltinwto piece:. a lien he should ,Ir vie ell
in hie earl lstte, a rid illetaplatiutedly mane.
By tome means the box (mind lin w ay, by 1
ilayllght Mak to lite "thee of the gentlemen
wittitie name had t.ecil target! on the card of I
add rms, and there net its anal late,--lhe late
dun., ..:.1, eti very bud as tab.
I =2
A (Air dauteel Who in know to the rev Whir
lad 11 , lIve circle lo whlelt rt:a morns-or
rather railt.i.tes—iii the petite and pretty ap
pellati re of lila\ stay, name In the omen of Al-
derinan Lyneh. no Sulu:a:iv, and made oath
against Michael him an, (or surety 44 the
pvaee. lit her deposit toll the (air one states
that has been grossly Insulted by Michael
nu the public highway, on more titan cite oOaa
sion,' 1,3 him calling her pat camas, such as
"lien are yon Murk," Mai “good evening my
dear." Those titles are doubtless by many
cnsidered rather flat teriali, hat hat so by Ida ,
and she very properly notified Michael, a few
evenings Pince, that ii be did not cease CO ad
d? efts her by such, she would have him whip
ped. This aroused the latent Indignation of
the man of soft nerds, end he promised to
tal i I.hi. AS tong ILS 450 could stand. The fe
mal wart decidedly opposed to standing any
ot It, and made oath tin Stated. A warrant
liar Lao. issued for the arrest of the Insul
A Noble Itomien 10 the ToMbx.
in saturday night one of the "characters."
in Captain Len is' chambers, was a lengthy in
dividual who announced a lth true Roman dig
nity that his name was Marcus Aurelius Cali•
dm, Etat., and that he was a member of tile
Pittsburgh fear. Ile bud been arrest.] by
rime vile fellow and put In there, no had no
idea for what. We Inter remarked toe strange
fact that the oeCupants of the lock-up arc the
must Immaculate class In our community. Not
One that we have ever seen there lied done
anyllaing wrong, or lied the remotest hien
what be was In fur. Marcus Aurelius, be•l , le,
being one of the spotl s, was a man of money.
lie stated that the rascally watchman who a
rested Ilan had robbed halt of 41,114 a. On Acareii
lag the records a - n discovered that be as at
rested for drunkenness on Liberty st reel, tiLd
that, when captured, he ha.) In his possession
V i lla ton iris hie el Mo.
Thomas Farrell lives In Allegheny, but on
Saturday evening was trolling the happy
hours away in a saloon, on the cornet of Wylie
and Tunnell streets. With him was a fellow
whose name Thomas does not know, but who,
he thinks, lives *tune where on Pennsylvania
Avenue. After awhile the genial companion
AMMO Thomas if it was not pretty nearly
time tor them to be going home. They were
standing by the door at too time, and Wlletl
Thomas took out his watch t h e genie! eotti
'anion snatched It, skipped through the open
door and disappeared, evidently thing that it
wax fully time for him to be getting home.
Farrell came down to the Mayor's ogle, with
his story, hut Inasmuch as ho does not know
the tillers name, eau give no dear:1101ml of
him and don't know where to tirwl Item, It is
barely possible that he will never svo his
watch again.
A Son Strolfte.—Thomas Keenan, 0: Craw
ford street, knocked Ills father dos, n ou nat.
nrday night, and was captured and locked up
for It. In the cell he was shagen by a tempest
of omotion,weepUtgland wsiling no loudly that
lie could have bee. beard ou Fourth street,
and pleading, at the too of a stentorian voice,
to he allowed to go home. Indeed his love tot
the paternal roof seems 001 V to have been
equalled by Ills regard for his paternal parent.
Alter his grief had somewhat subsided, he oz•
plat:led his trouble by mating that his sire
was a deuced old fool, and was drunk, Co
he Just "lilt him a dab."
Olt itellnery Horned.—Ou Saturday the
refinery of the Aladdin Oil Works, situated on
the Allegheny river, about hall a mile above
Klskimliiills, caught lire In sonic unknown
manner, . rid was destroyed, together with ono
hundred and fifty barrels of distilled oil. No
°the: portion of tile works Was injured In the
least. The loss is about *1,50, and Is fully
covered by insurance in eastern companies.
A Catholic Beeetues Methettlet.--le.t,i -
day Rev. Flannery, formerly a Catholic, era.
admitted to tirohnLinn nreimralOry to sin rink
with Christ hl. I..liktri - in ne Fenn •iireyi,
D. 13. Snyder, rnstor. key. Flannery as (m
-illet ly Professor of Ciasslas and Lica,. Lion of
St. Vincent's College, In Westmoreland mnin
iLF, Mid has recently been led to em brae" the
Protestant faith.
city Courkell..-111ure 111 he a .ticelai
[fleeting of the City t:ountithi the
regular hour. The body bit,:received an in
irtlattOv from the Prealitent of the Coahuila-
Ville real to match au exCurdh al CO alontotert,
and tido, together with the election of a mar
ket constable will be tho outguess of this
be e4l lion I. forwarded wales Will reach be att.
se..n,ro SOOCISIa as tha mall rem.
_B •
tit.F. PKic yele--•--•-•• 0150
CI. ,r Fort._ ..
TEN AND ljpgraDN=l:::: 10,1 ence• Appll , : ..or •••••••1 L• ."
-1,.r I, .Inn 11%, • show the tel
I . ,4l —.ltZTl , lni v--
;4~a•atioo;., 24 rata
rb 3 l l leatlons.. efusals
I 1 , 1-113., 2,1-2.11 gpplwat O m , r
96 ron,
— Mg; AN - 41.1.14)n5, rem r iii -101 pppl:cationg, St rw
Atli I Ist
I ..111,felt)'' nRI
I art:ll,
west. snl 1.
„,,,, h
ke tlst 1.1../11 s .in•ln4or ',ln it
,o an,)
tains y" - +l[y"-+l[ / •
,tt.,.,, ,
w II:. n Ira, part, It In Illtsbnrgh and
A lif.gheny city.
II tst seen I hitt t•Ant nutuhftr gr•nt
ont.•halfle+s 1!/(11111106b grantor) for
t hr ,:tine period 41r
•-•••• ant y t appl lea
at. tYI only
80, s In 111 no In Co. Inc 11—Flrel Ward
j ,.. eung o f ow Inns of the Flnt
ant, ;Oleg hen) - , help. on nuturnny even
-11,:, 11. Daft in the
.... w ll,e Chair app -total the follow.
g MIIlll tee per1111l1p1:111 organization
apt. ,tni nel 111.1'111•, apt 11, I,ornel GOO.
Barn who r..norted Col low IC
IT ol I.ov I Ih 1 . .1 I 115.
ornoi luS, Unpt,..l
1.. oeny, I'N% Ate VV 111. ra,,p—rrtvni!.e Ito I nmOn,
Flr comealtee--John
Boy, M Jas. Itol,lnson,jr.
,• n 15, fo;low lag delegates. were ap
ront..o Convention tleneral
!111, it'. 111,, .15,, C " . Roper, Col. 1.. B.
Ann Mattland, Nelnahnork township,
Ito accident on
Mon clot Ited ht. I, v.., Bed In tier death on
Thursday tLft.•rne,u , she hail been on a visit
to her father hear oungstown, IV, and was
~..turffing one hocae buggy—her daughter
diving They wme on the Bedford road,
about half a tulle hevontt Ilarlmt Bridge; and
wlnln descending sometning about the
kola-bark /Wrap gave it ay and the horse started
1 1 , rot , rt,,. go, jumped out of the back part
of the tragey wtlll Illteli;loci o 4 catching
r t he h , r10.; she. h.rwes.rt , tailed in the attempt.
Ni re. Maitland guided the horse Into a fence
inner, and it gtoppet I .40 ./utltlenly that she
is prectpauted ttgalllSt the fence with great
iolence, p o t h er; o se,' re COneII,,, , ICAL of the
altd ter totntid IttJurtes. She Was
, taken to the bona. of Mr. David Sprout., near
I I,y, hire she lingered In an almost Inienslble
' mom ton for t , ttne time, widen death ensued.
Struck Wlits n tilick.--John Warren ap
peare.l before A blvrman Taylor on natarday,
sod 10060 oath cliargtnc Wlnhold Seller. with
alt and battery. The prosecutor alleges
that Alri 11 , 11, sit - o,k the wile of the dupe
too, oa r with a large hickory
ref iek s no n was 1.12111 g to remove coals of s .tko •wva. Ton injury Inflicted by
o • s to torte Mrs. War
ren to In In for ,everal days. The
I or.. do.l net 01. rtleased
r no.tring to-thty
The tender .—The f, - m!rr 1.1! yesterday wad
rettlark•d.lY vrll tr..leu up, meseutmg an un
ual Miglanl and solvated
matter Mr lms reason to feel proud of
Ills sun!. -..r; 11 ) ,• ll Cleter ISIS edlto
- roan. , _ • ee-e• tl.e L.odor ins wollderfUlly
'MIN,' ed. uas glow u to be all Institution
ot the e'd v. and ,L radon:: man would na soon
go to Ms eh arch on Smelay w about his breaks
fast KA nd., reading It-s Closely packed eel
o, news m. , 1 .tosstp.
Nolanore.--We r...wert fullr call the atten
z.,gl 1 oI the Birmingham Pfl3-
,ti got. omp111:, 111. fort that due-
-k ,1
AI I' 1011 111100011 to
•Ilett thine. • lo the t tIo. otopany, hand
lett, no oa, tear•l decoletlly obeeene In
thou enure , t• r. mei .olght not to be allowed.
We retet 11. a the
of etweral
ttentletoe“ h.•le-tred that 11 0 0110u111 call at
tentwn t.,
\Vlb?.. It I tt
VI LI , S{ I I t t
11.4,', tlresldetio . n.
to t rct-. Utrutlugluotn.
; At• :litl MttutlATl AFTER.
t I
guilt Aro
11 . 11.1.1 ALE cErtiorEitv.—The
! r r ;
w,,tttun rte
it ,t..r.. ••: .P I. V.Y,
co. lit; smitttlield tit, cor.
xri - g - r , 3317 XI.. 3E.
Sli 133 ~..1.1, 1 ::11Y STREET,
LiA. 414 EN,
II t•I
Yk.rl.:3 stn.< l'a. COFFIN , ' of
a.. :t Pa.S, I, lA., an.l ..eary duac,oll..
eti7ll'l2.l Furuisalug Naaaaa
I.} ,r,171101., Ir,. 41,11 :tr. tai s .a
. kt
. J•rot.,s, D.!>., Tt.,:na.l w .4., J .cor.
E. T. 41111 TE di.
Manchester, Woosl's Run and rlclallT•
Verner IN Sheffield and C.:Danl.:re streets.
and ran - lazes furnl.hi..l.
/58 701.rt13. ES-Croat,
HA it rvcarrd n m ewcti o[
4%7SLX-a T. 44 - SLXXV ° MI
Time Registering
13 R 0 E S .
MIL cliell-.lE'r7C clb CI CIP . ,
I leul ern iu Ulticul Goals
03 1-2 ,clllll/cl.l State,
I hla :o,,:ntent I+ very generally used by Farmer.
and Merchant, as well strallltnnan.u. It co
1,1,1 a t.Luck, Itar•onreter and Thvrtnornett I, •
can he de,etvied 111 KM for mdl,ellug lilt eban
wrath,. Ir!
Public Square, Allegheny City,
THIS BENING, 17th Inst.
And Other Speakers R ill be Present,
Secou•l Floor. Burke's Building
S 9 Fo7art]l Eit
fair rurcs. Lou. adlusted and prompt.'
.italla Lift 1115/11,11C0 Con:p►n7, of Hartford. 01.
NOrlh am.rican Vire lasurance Company, o
artlord. Ct.
No, SO Market Streit, Pittsburgh, Pa,
This old estardlslo•d house has now in store thirty
five tllo,o\ 114 &Marl worth 01 Boots wed hboee, wed
.tylt, the I atcat. the quality the beat, wolch we
We .I..,rodur , to ~, i t at VEItY 140 W PRICE& W e
have ru.olfrll ttOt to 13(' und,rsold by any In tbe hue-
Meats that loops g 0.014 north having.
i .,,,, s „,, e y. t omo., mar stock of goods, 'and wo Cr
antil,llW" you aptil I.ltrchase what you want
th• ador and I,IIIOC 1.1/1,
1 , 0 110‘ fOrKl'l the place, Erl lisulet • •
, Jo.
CIJE.AIIPESfI ; iii • - •-. 74 ,../04.4".
heel of rt.
' i l,' l l i '', ' ito Co l o ff ."' ll . r s C
will lo• sold lower
fruit ran,
frirmy et H •
Jr,* gsa- .ors