The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 15, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed & Co.,
Pan w x CPC. KtHVY.I. of 18.
the Witiolutalt fiazette.
The importance of the corning demon
stration of trio "Boys in Blue - in this city I
cannot be over-estimated. The gallant he
roes of land and water who bared their
breasts In the hour of trial and fought that
our country might live, are to assemble
here to put in their protest against sa tiating
their vanquished enemies the privileges
and concessions which treason vainly sought
to obtain at the cannon's mouth. Who
Lave a better right to dictate terms for the
reeonstroction of our Union, than our
brave soldiers ? Their patriotism has been
tested upon the blood-stained, historic fields
of many battles , their sufferings and priva•
thins have caused a whole nation to webp;
their deeds of valor have lifted our flag
from the dust, and shook the shackles from
four millions of our fellow beings; their in
trepidity has carried terror into the camp
of the rebel hordes who have since doffed
the military garb and now conlrout them
as politicians. With the rank and tile of
the Is awn army was reposed the heart and
liopeof the nation during the scenes of the tet -
rifle wilt through whir is we hare just passed'
Can we not rely upon their patricalSl.ll. their
"Chit V 0 tire best interests of the country
and (twit - et use of ju s tice and merry, 14,
'ate how, and in what manner shall eve
reap the fruits of their victories', We elm
The people of the nation have abiding faith
en the wisdom of their defenders.
Ju-t a. was the war bitterly oppos ud alit •
,ng its progress by disloyal citicens of trio
North, so also now do they follow the sod
Bier and strive to force him out of the
councils of dye nation. They bid him give
way to his old enemies; ask him to ac
knowledge that he fought in an unjust
rank', and urge that he should take to his
bosom his unrepentant foe, whose blood
stained hands have not been cleansed in
11, waters of atonement. They would
have him make ail sacriflr cc while the
haughty rebel Makin none. To eieVale the
traitor to positions of honor and trust in
the notion they would have the Union sal.
tiler sink his Mal:awed end grovel in tie
dust of humiliation.
Thu people will sure tLr boy., lu blue
they saved the people -ft, dal has goue
Utrth thus soldiers most he heapi, and liaa.rd
they will he
Within a very few days the - 130.
ildsorganized organized artily
• r N —willass , tattle in Con yr nttnu
urgh. /although their del:tiara
' In of a political character, the
a ithal mill be a gtand uatvinal
reunion of the soldiers of the Repulihi
Every village, town and city of the loyal
North will send forth its delegates, and be
yond all doubt thousands of strangers
aaraintpanv tL Loye t the Our t
fens. west .t oree realizo the grtht import
knee of 141'.."raing the saviors of their (70...r1
try P hearty, soul.thspirin: and
tie ac;oktc' ;hum ha , " such jecei.
1.:!1 ,ausc every bra v,heartc
thPC. w, :tn . at pat 71r 11. r•.na it,
and phy ;IL
the Leto,- %eh. , fougllt our ba:t4
our soyal citizen, immediately set about
making preparations to receive the breve
"43oys 81,1, in n fitting manner Let
flags be hung out from all our dwellings,
mottoes adorn our streets, and patriotic de
vices decorate our places of business.
Every Northern State will Le represented
in the Coriventiou, ani: the toys/ Union at
large looks to us to do our full duty la
grasp it , o! well a we:' - Coli , f .
will to .is i.eciorte oti:.tLe gin:rinds ,
their v
SI, , AOl,, It . i.l, n It- while
in'th is tits. It is ;VI .courier that ht. is
sick. "Tidings out of the East and out ot
the North trouble him;" and ir is too so
gacious a man not to see and feel the fear
ful irdignation of a deceived and outraged
people against himself and against the man
that he led to disgrace and ruin. Mr. Srvv.
Ann could have kept A.lsDnEw JonirsoN in
the right path had he chosen to do to; but
he did not so choose. Now he must take
the com.eveuces, and lie scut, like Cattle
nal Wei.say, to Imie niruself iu au °list u•
rity where the benisons of his countrymen
can never reach him. Ilti must take his
place in history with AttliOß Bonn. on I
hi s last days be like lIIH. A ',adder wreck:,
a more complete political bankrupt s
country has never seer..
BETTEIi AND BETTER. The. retu,ny so
far thaw the Union ltepnb”.can majority
in !ttaine t be 2t , 07C , It will probably
exceed :it),(100.
Singular arct4✓a i— A p p II cotton a for Par
Na, Tons, Efffpt. 14 —Mr. Joseph G. Edge, the
well, the
manufacturer of (!reworks, while
. 0 nnn'of stepping into a carriage In Cedar
street Y esterday wee severely strangled a
quid pt . tobacco lodging in hip windpipe. In
hie uatirts to dislodge the obstruction a blood
Vellicisl wan ruptured which it is feared will
prime fatal. At last accounts Mr. Edge was in
an exceedingly critical condition.
Hero/Ms Washington special says : During
the President's absence quite a large aural. ,
of applioitione for pardon from the Southern
participente in Lite late rebellion bas /1C0L11.111.4 -
I.Led at the office 01 the Attorney General,
must of them having been received there and
at the White Home since the departure of the
Preeldevitial party. The majority of the peti
tions on tile now are those WU() wore eteopted
from general amnesty by tile brit and thir
teenth sections of the Amnesty proclamation,
who held petty offices under the Confederate
Government, or were possessors of two thou.
.and dollars or more.
Sew To Cholera lieport.
sw Toga, beptemter l4.—There were sev
sew cases of cholera reported In this city yes
terday, and nye Cleat h• occurred from tho
mane disease. The report oi Coo
Superintendent ebows that the eboi,y,„, o ,
fast disappearing from Brooklyn, but one
new Case having been reported there yester
day. The cholera has broken Out In Winet,,,,_
ter county, and measures have been taken to
enipr77:ne":-Washingtou apeotal says; Thet..
Wart a Slight disturbance between the poi. ,
and some /Marne' last night, growing out o
an attempt to arrest a disorderly colored sr
man. Platt/
se Is were tired and the police drt,
out, but no rious damage was done.
New Tore, , Pepteuiber 14.—The Trib"ne'.
Montreali says 'The EximutiveCoun•
oil sat for four hoary yesterday at the Capitol.
The matters disouseed were relative to the
defense of the Maine border. On Monday, a
number el men thought to be FauMas, on the
Grand Truly'. Hallway going %Seat, gut oil at
the way etb.loae of Cornwell, hiaultim and EA
wardaburg, hi trees and fours, nod dispersed
in the towns. The attention of the Govern.
Meat has been cati..d to the feet, es the Inten
tion of the men Is thought to begin the tiring
of certain plaeee, eitileti Is to initiate the neat
step upon the Province,.
Br.. DWI alatolti for the Champion.hlp.
Nx. , You, September 14.—The Bane Ball
match 10r the I...LISLOVIOW/Ilp Cluny 011 yester
day at liotooken. Over - Altom thu..l4:llltreCl.ll4.
ton, were prelbellt. .The OWILUMIALII,II were the
Altenth) Glob of Brooklyn, and the Mutual
Club, of New York. It was a moat exolting
game, and reeultsa In Atlautica &alai g
17 rune to the hiatus's 15.
NNW Tows,
Insuranceßeury Watson, who
says he is an broker, and lives at
the,k Avenue Hotel, was arrested yester
day _ebstritati eitouslsre robberies of
propel's.) , Detcaliteg to different boarders at
'various boleti Ut the city.
_Contracts tar Clasnese Laborers.
Nino Yost, Sept-1 4, -A lieW °degas special
to taa rum, says: The cbblelar tougran
*CMS lasi made , soOtracrtOlat,taa 412viiry of
30,030 CsissUal bibOrart SW. for the
nese reekee crop.
Weed Lock Stitch
Sewing machine will do the aerate am the at nee
machine. and has been *obi here for eight
"wars. We earl the attention Of latto, anti
ehoomalrerr to No S. the cheapen/ machine hp
YOU will be Kindly twenty per rout in ti %e. For •ttle at 11 . 2
Dealt with at the Opera House Shoe Store. et re^,.
At Pittook's
Blew Mimics,
A t Pittook•', opposite the poet office
__ _____ A Fei. APPIM'Ati O .•
Reduced Prtees,
Ur IM,treon's (ot ItKlttl Itt.:tt• It . .1111 ii i,
And lota of goods, wt the Open House Shrte
(preparotl by Itanhln,;:4l, 14 ,
St , I.t
&tort. Street) ret:ttved the htlltt Ill'l n. •::1'1:. it. 1
--...------ -
loss Ono three weeks rethmttst thy rot,
.1%0 , 4 I' M t .. :.
tio to Fteatnit'• Drog !Store,
No. B.t Market Street, for the best tal , le I II to
Go to Fleming's Drug tit ore, Og ! Oy ! t Oy otters' ! !
Fora reliable remedy for eholets—St Mut Let' Willtato Iloitzheletter , the itonsinv oeolote.
street. tor of the Fricker IttelttS -.5tn...., ..t. 1 -- ,fll
street, next dour le . lie l U 51. 1 ,111 ii011,,11, 11l
A Few rißir
Of Army Bros.. Wit, et th.. Opera fittest 01stert anon hit etntitter t 0!... tene w
G trt ,t
snywhece in the .
city "Ilte!, 'tee •r
...1.1 up
oose hoc Store. .
_ . every st 3 le known 1. , the , t:. 1•.•-• 1.
Buy your Boots lad 6110 t. au, ,11 , ent
House Shoe :Store.
Every Da3.
Awl en, y Stole wr ~.Ills i;
Illood• Sold Is thronged wlth people ,zediaing tbe ezirye e.
re; 011 at less prices than mantthwtdateTo of IWietors SI,I ‘ltliez , tize. The) are gentle
by the quantity, at the Opera 11055 e shoo trzen well Vilma 11 foz t azitr sk hart been
Store. tested lzy thousands of parson , a - ho, .tr•Vel
- yeara, 1111‘ , 1 been patrouliting this estalzlir!,
Go to Flemin.'• Orlv¢ store. thent et 240 Penn street
No. i.L4 Market atreet, for ell genuine Potent
have no superiors .
Med te Ines, at the lowest rates.
It Your m.. An the new sty low of flats and Cam, Jun'
Don't move oatisfactory they will be repaired opened, at the extensive and
free, at the Opera Bourn shoe Stare anti LUtl.),. Fur liouge ut Wm. I . No
Wue , l ,treet; 11.1su a large ste.frk of all flu
They Sell Ton • new styles at had lea' no Mis-es
A 1r,r.l pair of Shoes, and don't charge you Juni open rd, one of the la: ge,! au I tluett n•
two pnees foe them, at the Opera 13000. Shoea,.ruaentanutle, f,,,
Ste, e. to the
Amt Mtatlonery, low at wholesa:., l , eabirs
and toarliers •applied. Davis, Clarke ,t
Nn. VS Wood street.
vat valets at licCluxtan & Mailennet.'d It. ag
twiara von purcha , litent )1..
nr rerfamerneloewbere.
The klantgreenble Neowther of rester.h.r mud
the pail week, ratock hits horn dung a big
!nn.111,55 to Albums, Si mtluts, Gold
Ail the Delleselea of the Season.
b• übtatued at moat reasonable prices at
the popular Pricker Ulning Saloon on Ftfth
'tee-I , next clone to the Postern..
Wt•stern. tintst , 1 1,0, Allele. Waite.
:Bibs ritt.errett, Laak, Hagan att.! Barry
l'ltetna to the theatrical Al! uut. at lllthaclt'..
By ho,, log at swt n , llo esta.!.lLshments ettl.
small storks, but come to the monster lt.Jot
ant !Liza,. at No. 60 Filth street. under
1 - ,pct 1.14,4,1, for the u reit 3 , , Lily( LI Ac
I wart 1,1,1x,t0
fur 80100 t low prices .
( HS WoOtl
Country Merchants
Will tin , l•peotal inducements in Patent bled:
canes and renumery, at McClarran S MeK..n
nan's Drug Store, SO Market Street, come
nf 1 /latunn.l, near Fifth street.
li.ettleta , el that 00 1,...,0 in the city ell: MI;
Potent Nte , lteteeo ce Perfumery 10 iOw us 11,
t .11,1 C. nnetn, Drngsttatm. 00 Mark,
1, c..; i.f I ..zatzkOncl. near I,:tte
SI 1.1.4 T p' Leo 414 . tri! Al., Jeffrey'• rallrk As
ri.. r:no‘e 'rot y egeelient nrncice toe nr
knov..e•lged to be the finest 1. - n:llsin the u.n: •
it ./ . .11C 01 !lII' Igor, toz they ere .le_
rele.l i f..r e uper tto soy of the tolr-ture ,
knee n As ;Atter, lo Ton can get the &OA ,
brand , ott . ty at Mel karma & bicliertn&o'd pr . .
Starr • - 3 Market erred, near Fifth.
u 1.0 t.,
,Iv :›e and recoultr,..ll:l tLat
The most cmon canna of this dl llleutt,
tatiscpti,. When o the natural fluids of the
stomach are secreted to an unhealthy stair,
tut mentation rapidly takes place, and tire
stomach„actl, assomated eensels become ildo
tended With gas, giving riso to frequent ern,
tattoo or belching. The quantity of gas thus
accumulated is often enormous. 'rho trent
mem for thin disorder should he careful diet.
Weil cooked. animal food, and use Botincx.
Itrrrents :011 lihoun Pitts t he same as for dye-
.f War .
. _
T. hung hperh the herul, Fln a
buthtti in the first hour ure are
r., , a5 Juts breuturt that wt. - tr. - tr. A
That, Illta u tuft and nil
Loie.t from il.snadss
Scheel Book rt
Ilehdsl Book
Country 31orcbsot%
Barney William's and Wife
Don't be S. Indira'
School Books.
country Mercheots
B 1 ass . London Brown *lout
lair is the r , he which
I, still entreat] flys, us. In scot eof , i1•1‘ .
Our hull'grows in our ur.tve, utt•l t s
Looks lresh, when all our otrter
For ornament, for use 00.1 !.•r health hn• the
hums as head been eron . ne.l e t ith Ltd , .llud , •tn
Of beauty. Time In his march, Innen, out
here nit there a little until the heal, line
Enw l elol.4 man, ho ulvrn. WllO i
)01.10l14!p each plucked out ulteras.,!3 . n nln .1..
and a blank Lair, until hi, bend wan left os,
The bait' sometimes i,,,ounes tiuseased Thi
to eurabin. It SOTSV2tIMCS I , reo mes on I rn,•iy
white. This IS also curable. It is true, that
moat hair preparnt ions arc cheat.,
Tet•betz's Hair Brpeneraior i• not •L • hr•i
13 a scLentlnc o - ,mpound to restore n hi, or
9rey hair tolls orignial color If the oe1 , 1!nn!
color was roll ebbettbi Itastorer will l.r 00 It
hack to re , l; YI 11 was black, to black. that Is'
. shatever thts original color was, Tabhott's
ItcgcneraWr 14111 tem-ore it. It will also stop It
born falling off, nourish the roots It
will cleato, them of darrlrtiff anti the ,lobri
that collects about and clogs ng the roots.
Tehbett's Regenerator, will cub s bahl_neee
whore that teat all possible. There are tan
kinds of trtslaness.
Sun /111 11,0 1•001 gray 11 11•11upt .105, ll,'
10 , 11,. k ..1 - • , ••••11' .. Pl., ,-• .; I 11.0 111' k •I- 1.1 0 tl.t,, t 1 0 L ..,IF% um:l , ~ • -ttF, .
1 , ,„..,,,, ~...., , , ~, ~, 1.1, 1,,,,, ~ ~ ,‘ It, au.; Flo• more int,•n.e roll of wnoter Is tat
I ' na- 1.31 I. r t titgn bris. , .. t • ' 3 t. , t• Ite 10.. , .a/. t , • .vati• ' t • I , l' V , o , •1 •F • • aped approtolong, it 1/0110 , / ,, u+ to provide ~,i,
~ I. , i manes, 1 ~ ,I ,e, set 1...., , ~, Advice. reoatvcd t oill ti..• 1' t• ~m i ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,.-i thr 114111 1.11111,1 le ovt, the selves with a t 0,0.1 durable ram tit Loot. et
..: . . ll 3 ,, -f l .' ' ' '''' ' n""' '.. ''' '., OOlOOOOO 111.1 . It 110.16 1 0 •.• 00,, ',.. is ~.•••• II ,•• l'o, 1,..., , Wll , l 10 11111‘111, 1111' 11111- shoes. Vi here to ged thew at the most Ll-0.0401 ,
I, 1,,,,•1. A 11. II 01N , 1 . ., .It t toy.e, nvt .0.0 •, ~,,, .1. to .t es• , dust. awl ever,l 1101,4 1111,0 , 1 401 0010 pa lees Is the lost question of the tlethea
on., SAO Hurt,. alewife, Win Pei her, ," , ' etuet a+ faenstpt , .P. t a- -tat,. Pli Il a. von el 1.,. tle economist. Our oily has many first class
•••t .. 0 tn Veinier, Jr ....I
in n laltner,-110k, 1 - Beni , tt, Sept-2d- rite Aro, ol l.t. M .01 t.. 1 ji,,„„,. • 511110 111,113eR, but none ttuperwl to that Of
W es t, to. ou, 1 :ile in in I.3st, 51: sAI • ..., i.k be 110 , 3. 1 01,1 . 1. 1•• 1..• , t ,gnard At bout, • .k. 11 0 , ,•.00.. the eowpany re- James Robb, Si' 3 4 3 Mat kei. street. Hero can
-0.. ;•1 I•rosw•et.laoliv 111 ltsca, Daniel lir, 5- , , , ~ _
~, , , ,
~ pelted , at II rot oc.1)•-..Itriltic hall on 0041 havld be 11,111111 cov,•rlaca for the feet of all dehertp-
I I,FFLF'F.F..I IFIF 1,0•5011, 11.••• art Pritehat /1. at ; '•••• ' l'-• n't ' reeet ,` street, .Urea
. 11111 . k1 3 ( l's, ~ In Loll .hato lox. 1.. , , , Pelt, .n t. 14 -1 r• pot •o • ,• • rt te been prep.:o , l lot tilt. '. After . baring twee ' gnu, noted for Its datablitty, t.O the elegant
leg. Dant') 11 alters, taw rst , spet, leg awl arm ; i hal /,110 P m perur till . 0 1.1 1k k M l l5ll , /,` 10,111 1110 11111111001 i 1 ;111.,/, to 2.11 Kennedy - . cher , Ana deltoid,. a late ini and twat morocco. Mr.
•,,,,,,,,, 0.1011, Cols", Olt wat face 11,11, , it, „,1,;, , 1 L...„.,,, &oh,. they twitoled lotto, hall and Itept up 11001 , has Just returned trona a protracted
I , ahl. 1 Ws, I. Ikg In/acre , Letitia (auto::,o the gate - v till the ••., en sum' bourn.'' bsOtt•ssvitat to Al east, where he hue purcitas
t .laual.ti•l ot I: 11. Lll/100. 11111-11113 . 111.1l1rett lt is stated and. artaugetuents I , •• a •,,,, ' .I,c,
.e ' II.1r110I . IIT1Ie " II ' v 4 y u lZI i.• l, r07u ' 11 , ., tinge( la. 11 les * 6 ' l, ' , l tl ' NT : a '' '. 1
I I a.O v ra ..o, 51041.113. Oldie 500 01 - w- bete sue Ellajlolll. • :', 0110110, 11 aria loubt ill+-
1 , I I • one: trout et. busty; it , 01.0 li 14
l e , bunk- m, „.„, . 100°
1 00011 061111 , 1111.101 1111 a 1..1• 111110 , li, 1103 RlO Blue of the Ninth Ward.
55,,.„11 ,
nu nioe hem a .
yet., , lltnnen 3 ',alums als, 0 ti.l ladles' On • lasting
• I: 0 ' a , w ..41,. mite 1:1.:3': John Tolle, beak , t "nll I gaitera Mr. Rota. has severed those good. at
1 nll, ge, it, 1, \gto•w, gto•w, .1.,,,,L1) to “:,,, le Will soars tak. pla,F.
l as t I, e , t otg ~t 1,,,1,•1,,,,1, rt.. 11101, i It ,,, ten - , Lilo lor.eaL ra91.1 ialeeB 1,1,1 of 1•10111.111 1,111 ra. I
• anti 1. , •••.. ~,, P. 0.;.-",, ..el, l'l'fo '' ,,, Anni l ilattits, 6.l,:embLir 1 I -Son. , doubt 111Fring ~,,, „,, I. ~..,,.6 , ,,. ~,,,, ~, „ . ,,. 0 „. J 0,,,,,,, m . 0. ,_ , able to sett at tige , that a 111 compete with 1
• , r 1. , tie. ••, 1.1. n• . " 1,, 4, le're' l,4 3 : . 1 ell , W• 1 been o ea of tee passage of the Intl au- any , at bet house In the city
'lt Ite ,10 Lei .0,/,1,L, ..,,, 1,1,0,, Jaeoi liana 1 ''''°• "" _ • •• , , roll, seeretarle+. The atoning aas told res•va '
' eft: , . un lotinty ut 31,. uldet Jobe lit 1 0 10,,, , lbw Irlng the tying to Maar A loon for 11l bs , ~,, .t, ,,,, „,,,,,..„ 11 ,,, p ,, r. ~1 , ,,,,,,
. t. ,,,,, 1 , v , At the W.,
" I '''', ''' ' ' '''',‘. 7""' I '',. f..") ''' 1 -" w If . ll,luttlattoo of Inn late wet cipease., aL. an
-31.1c0. Rua let. ll Al , , traw , who ,ve re 1 cute yea 1 ~ ~ • 1• .. Ist ow of the tie till t 1 I' trlrk
'-. n '• ' • ' ' ''''''' •".." '''''''''' le g '' ''''''''' ' 1100100 • 1 1.01 , 11 1110. UM , ' , ~ ,h I " '"I ' •It hm.s •stplattsse 11, folios, Ing air :«i • ' s "" •' ' , •,'‘ " '
. 1 „ . It , ~,
;,, t ,,, , , ~, ~ 0. 1, 0 ,, t ,, h.. ~, • . , . . 0 ~. P .,,,lted to atterti Ike I 0 ,,,,,,,,,, , Net•son, net
the ',oho Or Hee, itIFF.I allo‘e uISO '
•Ilowl , lr , dna tettitt b. Wont. ilet. John 3 lit, clad ant too lty that 310 , 1 t. I die 1,111 In 11.),..011, 0. r p
. into'nly-tlfli 1,1031,1, lle 1 rlbulMton. of the 1 omner and Ids jury
....o a..1.e1 , t , 1 I oats Urea., bed sal. J , 1. ,1 the t. bomber of Postale:. all, I ~• t1i5 , ...., va by
li t , prtiee, •FF•rr,FFiIL .lone V 1:110 . • j ., Ijjj • ~....,,,, , t i j• • ijj,,,,,. flee ~,,,j ejj ,
I 11,4,0 ,j,1,,
Al .lort nee, s ou. I.oe , 11 , ~....., 0 „,.„., le, , f•tlvnte Wu, l let k
' 1:,•... le, 'too, ~ , I,,Ferzt 1.,,..1,. , ~L, F .,,., . "," •••'`.••••• , Fr, ,r, II The following were appointed to Exec:ll , e Iled . ' ; tel l "''''' t''. l. I '"'o' l ..'' 'I• 11 ''''' , ' , /". 01 1 / 1 0 1
• I
1••••' 1 , .•' s ' • k"g '' • ' ''' ." I . r' 11 • L'i' . .."' .. ' ., t . '•" o . l ' ' ' ',9 '' • '''''' .'.' ... • 111•1 1 101111111 C, 1-•11111111 . iOO 1. tkptaln L. it -1;rot t. 11 oic ft 101 1110 .11011' 11111..11 The, t• wows to have
tat - atival tool li.•• .• , n far, SF, oro1y; ' . l he Ateantoll•l3 1 WO.", trout 013 ve Ito k tat tp.
' M., 'arab 11 1 1 1 ,, ..3 • ' , W el At , 1,,g1a tetulter 311,, has ~,,,,,el, th,t+ 11.••• I:,Y 000 of , Li alu , ' r ,-, , , ' ,, ‘ e"'"u e; 4 . 1.,','•1c3. eon .; 0 lc, 1 .1, m'
~,, ,,, 1, ,, , , , „ ,, ,,,
~, ...., , , . .,,, , ., , ,,i i . i 5 . 1 t 0. .. ., t . tt .,
1 1 1 11 , 1 , 5 ., rendg l,u 1),,,, 1
u ,n , t c 1 , 11..
IttF, r co, , 'Steil:Pt Job , I, I no, set 'ono, pi Ills shortest passages rat reel. 0 A vote ot 1. 110),H WY , 1011 , 11,111 10 1111' -11 , 0.111- 11,/ , Not ton 111, 1 1110 wife, Mary and thortek.
1, tee, 1.0,0 1 1 1a,1,8.. tt,141. 11,01.. , •;, Cossinsercial o re, ape, 101.,•1 11,0 , 1 ,e4.1 114 .F.I ,11 t.t.,1 to I.yue , s nein Islss sr• of On , tieevasist, were Among
Dee l'n l d' e"'n• e • 1.11111 e lse n'e ,Inspect Jo' •1
~ - . • 1.. 1 , 11 . alert at I 11•• sante OA,. on W,lnes,..ty.',,lnng the cue., 1, Awl, of c0t..., iskrt ielptited twill),
. oil lit•frr,a:., F.llOl I Sy. Henry 14 Own t •I. I 1 - 1 v cure,, 1.,01•1111,,-.-1,11,011 . ,
11, c. Meat:ear' al , L I r 1 1,1 01, F.l .ghtly alop•cco awl steady, 'kb', It-tiny 3 3' con, tip , I , ~, ledi , . t .1c acxliplolyttlK dLW to bootee The
--____. daughter of Wert fliedsos, skirl...or. (litto les . 13.0011 1.8104 wt 1. , 1 ling oplatolk. quoted at 130 t wt, Not tons and L ao3 intehost at Mr toll.,
Spread filerroth! Now Tons, colt. 14 -A sal.; to tbe 141 T.,..) ~,r, 01-.00 - I 1:1p, 11 ,1 1 1 •rl 1.101401. leg Tile Breatintallst 2,11,4),,t,ti.,1.01,a.a,,,,,!,..•,,..,.tud.‘‘,10,:
, 1
~,nl l, 11 , i , 1 1 7 1 '
1 11 , ` „ t l l s , " 1 7 4 1,0,,e7Li5g7.1•,'",°,17.4f1.711... 4
In ;,,01nit,11110t,t1,',,,,,eni,,,,,,1;11,‘,.,1,1‘,11‘ri11,1.,,t,krt,,t,1.111,1•111110,,,;10.enitt.:
ammo medical mew anent that It ta , 10 ,11,101. buns, dated I o lunit t u., ohto, -.apt/Iran. .3. le /Owl and rol e, thrown i". 1; eting, Pool ult. : Lott 191 11F I a , , , ~
Say.: 1,10, ,te‘i 4 IFF-Flll,l, non eIIFFV. 01111 rt of 11 to. Ikl VOll ,11111. I , lol' 'RIII 1. -, 'l, 1 Il 3111 +ebool-11...131-, All,-
mid to advertise a retnedy, however valuable .. t0 0 ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, 00 0 ~,,,,,,.., ~,, /as; ~, • 1,•,) vs., serto is ) ,,1 1•:...:, 1 1115 sot beak, LON DOR. :VV. 11, .1.41.10117(i.:1:10,1,..,..,,1.1..,/,/,,,,,!,,,,,,, 1.11,1.111.`.10 .11 ftkr th 0. poet Gll 1. Owl' halt UN
510•11 v I_lll. on 11..., lay to ettolg at 1.. C,. 1,1-1 10,,j 131.0k101 111
" may be• Queer reasoning thts• II be liae nInS, kinnorai &den , . an' , nln , ' rul rt....e11 e, .0010.0 ' 1 .
, I ""''',.,"'. . 1 ,',. 1 ,,', 7 / ~5 " ,5 0 1.','",,') ' ii r r ,"? " 1.4):11,'",,,T,`,",,1V,'; i;- ` , ' ,. ` , ';,‘,.",b'iiilill'Ol'Al.l).ll'llll.l . ~ 4,.. •• .,• •• / .1 • • • ,.. 1 . ..1 no ,•,. on ge t t e e p l., ~ ~r • Inane in Xi en I. l ;4l l ll4 l ;o ‘; t ‘ lt ' it. 4, 1 1 1 1 I 1 s ,1 S . Ift ?. ! ; II 1 .IPIt '-',14 fl Ie,t
eeTlelf that an article which the a orld mods- deem' e'l Illdril„'llets',.'r,;,,":;"„i'',,l,' ' i , 1 ''',7, 1 ' 1 .",',,'; ' ,,' 1t'','2,1;',`,7i,;','.,‘.,':',:„,,‘,. .. , ..,,,,,,,, ~,.„g',o " , f, t ' t , ' :.; , Errs, to do•lr,g v. -1,. Iti . .\ ,, 1eri ,. . , seettt It 1.-• flow, ay.: let 11. r ~ r a, 0;•3• a ho have +past I teeth,. b e low Altie , watt 30at... elt•Wit,l'e, 111
ee l l e s" le" hid In a corner-that 1110/10nts tad EV:gie:ll,2"„.'"Za ~,,,/ , ',,./ .: 3, th ,',.',' / •,.. / . . 6 . ~„,), °on , • r ee, t , . 0 1 eheat lan t ee.,,, ~,,,, kt . , 4. 1 , ..::. 1 3 11..50 I, ~.,,, Mate, .O. 11 , 1. 11 5 t , 'drat. 11.T.11he,..0,,,,,unty,1,,w011.-1,,I•I•ot,r,
n l ; x:t l l n, rr 1,. tl:,,t, ;
..t,7,,,,,,N,L0nrt,3,?:,1‘,1,,,1, idieik,?1,,,,',1tt1it,.,,,,te..,:0,4'.,:rt':-.1,,,1,4.4,,•
h u 1 ,; 7 . 1 4 i n. 0 11: Way IM too widely 4111THAMI-111111. the were parttripanto 111 line IF t e,,, , ten r ontitspat e u ' awl , ) r ,n oo
bi 1 ,,,. ' .;
~• , , , . :1 , : iy, ,, ,
,; ) , ,, ,., , , ,, ,,, ), , " , 11 ” 1 ,. 1,.1,)10110, oept. 14-.1 - ran -The teehet teen Lettet:ta -.1,e.:V0.r. 0 i., anlr , 'vi 11 . 1.. ,j,...1• 1 1 , 1 1 ,• ' , 11.11 , 1 1181111 p 1111111: 110.1 In ' : f, e- le , WO, 'Y u '',
1 . protecting and restoring If th 1 tour by express In.roctlttos, It i n , , 1101 :dew In 1., oil ,
- I , , 13 ' , +ere ' PIS' .taws Itn;arsi. lo sOl , ut, ket ts unaltered.
..3. n st st , . be .1,0 1r a :It alo, be meet plea ht , l•l rho -, tn 1:41 " Fl - ` 1 ,0,1 1•• 'F+ l F F FF"..1 1. “ .. .r.„,W,,;;,
would be a close wow: poly 00 0 ~o, .e„..,,,ib1. , esh y 1 '"a„, 41 ".',, 1 ,. 1 ": " ,q1 1 ,. ‘ , - ,l r ts, l S:te " for ' : ' e , ..• " l ' lL S l ' ' ' F7- J, ' .7.. r K, F''..g 1 '.."- . . • ','g U. '''..L.F L" . . F- OF , ' re,. FFFF ,11.4. riln mai Ike/ 1 , 11 A eon
tt -.•ett , 4 , :te .4 al 11, 1 , 1 , 11 , 1 0 . 1 1 , 101 , 0/ . 111,1 1.,),•,,..1 ...,r,„,..., .1011111% lilr a tail' ••t 1 1. ,. . ,, •f0l ,
, ', l m " ,,, ' ! ,,,,, , ,,,,
to tall. The arguinent Is 014. It Is-worst than tk l '',.. ft !"--_. '_',,,‘'. e t •.' ' ' P' ~...0,1 TV e,,t cr oft 1./. I.'l tne. Inlet - eat --- 11. setter. toot once. stpei ..ait iL,lNztr 1 Illt , ?1,,., „,11!•... al, 0.1 LW. , 011' 01 !•• 1/1111.1,1”,... .01111 lar Altlol,lll, of F„Ill 11 •F 1
were I t et-'_ _
_. _
tfuitt it tt , Inhuman Bo :Me MOterrierca's BrrTakts-an ahardnte• tunantle for K many of t oncediogli, itruisell; W .Wet , me ehenns watt-min... , l''''" rIl". Pt'''. r . ,, c) , r... ' a'n Itt. A , tilt' forret , itiow lion . , ere ~,,,,,t , ,l , i n; •
•tn• -- fisher , of Lone. nustott Five Twontles art' 'loot." , e , t. , Il'itots 'I 00,. 11 1,1 t.tttfe ~:oi t ohm& T. 3t Bove. I
dyspepsia, billowiness and nervous .11satlaiity • bin,. Yrtaohe••. alit sprat, alai at the Later John NI hitt
ar",,,17...,:l 7: of
1:74.,,r;:,7-",::::::,..."::::,..._',1:i:i':',',:it''''...'''."..',.,,,,-;,,',-,,,,,-,,,,.7-,::,,,,,,,,i.,'..,iLr.g,"1'ai':,'il etartir',sl',-1,Fall1; i k. ' s ' e li n ' o “ .p ;Y , ' S ' • Y iti. 4 . l 1.-Th.• won- patriels, 1....., . atal 1.11111110 51. MAI6IIIIII. 1 , ... , 1 1 t.• k• • 1 11111.11717:1.•••':1.:1?:11.01.1 •, I. 1 ,, I' l '
ey market. hits 'West steed)" dwoola el the 1..0 the, 1..• tt . 11.•,,,,..„,...v, t ,.. 0. tot ~ . , , , ...1 , 11 ~.. • .I. ,
-had tiever been known beyond tee ,e,,,,toir. , ,7;',";: i ' ' ', - ;;,,,,i;“,, ha) Canal 1,0, f j , ,1,,...1., 1 'l , lll 1 s wat... , :Fr.. 4,0 , 1 111 111, John eow.e , ribs
. , aitwo of !tattiness Wale , ' were heleir" '‘'''''''' '''' " 1 e '''d ‘" "n . I' ‘'.'‘‘ln . r` °, Will /01 1 l ' • " o ' ol 1 .°Olll , 1, I'ooo l 1101 .11,p1.1., of e ..,I , t t.t. pa.set
of the ftwalty. what would Iyßoe beau /11.15 C,(111. ' being ' dis'enti‘sflett with 1... he ploceen lug,.of the , '4 , 1 4 . ,,,, l''. l 1 1' I''' ,l •'.. "I 501t...1 e . 3 .10, l 'O. ~,,, for 0,„00, iilil.ollCll/, ' 1/, , list., 1 4 o,•: , Fit IFIt• . ,Fy 0,0, ~, , ~,,,,,,
o'''''''''''' Ki 11,,: l '"" ke" ' e"''' ': M. ' '''".• • l'oraseow. gent. i i.-'rtto sum r„I 1.,
seqUence 1 Instead Of caring and inctsoi 0. liUg 1 "•' . P ..) - .
millions, the good effects of the great:. t Al oen l E. p i e . t , r , Ts ., f„rt„talLtt,biLlzt,,,nrz,” cratotlizt.l
.1 . , , 1 ,
, i- n or. , 1e..",,,,,,,,:1iei....e,yr.,e1,1,/,„"1;',11.1„,'T,-,':',11t,:;,,,,,y4.r1L":,..),u,,T,;;.; .' wt awry fity.iu,lol,/tong';ll.r.J.tot.s._
, Th , / ,, t , 1.1;01 , (:1.. , 0 , 1 4 ; -, ft . obbory . In Prob .- 7o; Towo...ltlp.- 'OlllO ' , r ,,,,,. ‘l,',. e ...,.. , 11, lotto . I ‘,l kl•-1,
~. ,
010111 d 130.1`e been Maitland 10 arn t ti ergs atAted, S.•
111.3 ItraFIFIVCI4, 1,01 11 logs -----
' '''P'";"'"" I t''''' ".'lle"'°"e".",l-1'""' " lllng "'er l. '""''' .",rok,•., Al:, ..1., , ,t , Schultz arm tattoo'', boles. Ida but: Pau e era 'I ~,,, l'. et 1 . 1 P t
d ' ' it I a ' l'
" "• ''
I ' ' '•
P. '"'"
''''''''' " I " I "" h """'" ' '''''''''' ::''''tt,''';;''''".",.."''''a'''''''''''''''''.-"‘; et:.."‘l'''''''''''',::'•'''''''''''''‘l 1311,a1 C li a. Mt 0., 16-71itti att. IL
he 91aole. ot Jame. -it table 11l I've 1,1•••• L•F‘vo- I p ,,,,,, 0,,,..,,,,1,...0t I Iva , 0 ' , .. 0 el,•".• tut ki
few. There is the highest aulltord.3 fOr say- t -arra' it Ideal further action. 0 , 0 , Thu :02 r_k_it...,14:34. 10•011118‘.11113 0.110 1110 N talon. kt i,, , os Ti,,,,. 1., . . nti3 1,1,0 4 that ...., - .ii A` , l/ 11.1, HI i - rss a,
I' • ' l '''' "'''''''''''' ''''''
"'""l". i: .' ''''' I",'" '''
‘.:'.'l;',;'..'„-..:2.',41,•‘.. 1,....„ „t „I. „0.-„i,.., . e t ...,.„.. •• .......
strl,er leg brotett, .1,4 w otrot: 1.,
Ilia that Light .1 , 0. 14 not b• 014 whim • hn t ,,•,, i 4, , ,
a. . mi... n a - "'" - ais a . a ; ~.., lie brotteet W Pilate iloWere, back; Albeit. and : 8.1.-117g,-..--,...-1-5,,, a. 1 ,...... rh0
~, ,,.k . e , ha. ,
v,,ied z ., , , , „, a ,,,. : ,., ; ,,,,, i ,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,.,- 1 r,,,,,,,,,,,, :n. ,,,, z ~„,, „
,„,,., .. , „,. „ott,l 1 4 0 ,‘„,,:,._.,,. I
~,r, ,, , ,,,„ ~..
g;..,,,, v. ,..„ .
~, ,
~ , ~,. ~,,, n0 ,,,,,, 0 „• 00..
that wkatevcr la excellent should tot laced us ; m. . /1141.11 . KrR 4 , 01. I, kle and breast; Andrea . 1 • i
, d th a-I ' 4i to-alav of le 105 Itaba lb i .1i"..."
- "e ''''' e ' ' ' ' " ,0•I• Fl FF F ,,, ...,.. F , I„. FF e, 11.,,, , •. Pun. VII ...gin.
~ F .F.I. 14 -A gran a mass V 4.1‘ ktakte• t.corte.• Tamer, se, twain •-ea 3' , 0, a ' - . -.'''• :fee.. ewe toned toiling lobe the nab,. ;, . s ea baretoto.3 1 , .• • ••, . ' ,r,,, ~ ~,,,,,,., 11 ..iol•e Cpl '
melt!' On 0 Wit. where ell men eau take betel - , moo - t ' Ln% . ' o L f L I ' lle ( l i l:1; 1,1,-,,-,',. . ,, P er ! , "' L. ', r " 71,1 i '.. ." ', ' .. 1 /... 4' C 'a t 1 , ".. , r 004 le 1 • Ileitjateto taboo* rectal. unchanged. itreaaaturf.- 1 Ito
connect It. It la open Lille prlemple that tilt t b ouch a meadow tO tiv• bane ''' ". owed;Sl .h. FIFL,LIFFIL Pia,. ter ..1 the wee„,, , ,,,„ ,e,,,,, e ~, e uee toe
IirrOCILS IMOn been IMlfortiond and anti Iteui L. Iterenr and .or.ler. TllO market la dent hat gettsk
. th 1111. t,,,1.1,1,-,,,,,,,5j„, ~,,,, ~,,,.,. ~,,,I, their hoot y. ; ,„,,,,, of Itewk, we des. oau tiordeted to the - I al, ya, pit/tough. •.4
galula elver , an.l from this diet 1 I, in-ww ; 0 , ti , o ow ., o n „,.,„,.,..., ~..,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „ 1 ,.,,,,, ~,
~,,. , ,
~,,, 5 ,n, 1 , ,,,,
to be adverthied In every IlealFrr er Of any et. " 0" :" " - i4,-.Y'll,wohhr tr 1.,i'd,00:a.1T.1
..I..t:eildr-,,:t,.j.....0r r,;,..,:,,,,,,,;,,,,.. 4 .. .t.',.L,1:1,.. , rkt-,ty- :...-Abets had blunt no dcallnatt. U. . S , ,LO'S .4
...r. mint plc will It matte R 11 ). 1,01,011 fort 1 k ,1,,,,, tho eroad, anti nt notion' woold Fteekartne. a.. 41 patios.
rh,:usa,/,..na1Firr.:11:k1.14.11, Leland: market for Cow and wheat 11 {lrate,. t,„,,,
prOtairlanCe. In the western Mr there. and , co,:re , 41,,,;1 wen
s i, r t.. ' t ..., Ile, end .:..01011C1 ' t i •• • ,: r t. j ,i li!' " \k r illi j “,..j "' Na' ,„ o f 0100,g.„, 75, I.lllnols central 11*,..'; Erin Madraad 45%. !limiting him o att 1.0.10,11011 th t .t. Weald 1 h .„ .List II w. only a °fin., d loon mg ut the .1 le 11 .1 e ! E_La_._:___,
that the opontaneous testimonf its favor ; 4...,,,f t_
. mr.143 " Of II •utuary Tit la even big 1.110 . - 1,..1 . .. let '.
Al.Vel.k [no, ank.lei Aeon W allatno: 1
Pave been tratudated Int° all 'on lean .„,,,,,,,.., "' „ „, L ,.„ „„,, ~,„ Hoe (~..a. tarmy - ,",.. - ",„„ " • ' ••..11 ,
if nage.. Thousands !bitty
. perf, Alth an : —..„ - , - d. hc oak; Gen. Leery at CI. h ow l s-liannas Llele- . leod to the .leicetion 01 tee K ull)_ pat tors. 'l , i l lmn,en ga n so r t , l . o ,, , n a in n i tl in i n ti ro th r , ;;;l.. on a g l . no n g .. o lo ,: l , o lll o ,o n . .. l
day who would be 'moguls:Mug on -of Molt. i - - -.---...- - --- - An IlMeer In n serape.
ness If the new:gapers had fait op, thA trutio 1 "' g '''''''' -'..
- . i L'l7ar-ICS - NV o'into"o",r-tot.‘c);;""C.3.l:;rfant.:l:3; aort a .I',.Jr., I,:trezziateht.Pittsburgb....a...a. a. k . . . - -Hannon Gall. - 1 Itt wee privet., v blch they tom bound to ettst ale. •
1 '1 , 1 , ' , , e , / 4 1 ( 0 , tin . 0 t. l 50, „ 1 , ,, l i t : , , , y
3 , - r n t
n t 1 .0 10 1 I. , : n. tke oar word tor It, . t
r". Fors' Ab"11"ne" i " 1""a"- VOl. 1 ' Ko t a trt,""oll'.."lttitd,llll'ult%2Sro"'Ti tr i .. lic;:i r i/c7. \
. y . r. i ' PractiCal Fu
iota regard to th e one /st d; tied '. .
CorreCtice Wand wide. Suppose profit hot be ork •
4 amp Orsonlacd. I W Wail; hi leliael IleFritil, COW 1.19101111; /I wary to 0
01 eat route Lo St. Vent, to' take edenti ' tn tttg, poitrt•copt .1 M. Sarber a
t• 011101-1 . had a I Acknowlralument.-Tho romarkabls elear • , •
reaped from this publicity. le that any arca, 1 OTTAW,, C.W. boot. 14.-A Ot.wianl. IFtm ha. Liollti, 161 ) net 10.1) j Coates flanker, Borer.- 10 ( 01, ,wpo,riment. 0 atter, it 1-, o,lt.ged that Ilt nit'. 1
maul agin. , It llf the Patine health use b i been_.A3uud abandons the tree port. v t itattte I ly; 31,4 thorlitit Miller, rtes. es... Sheriff • Inn..n. Tile soltihirs of' • ... t. tht...t rwaot •Mr.. lotto, ht.r. I
•. • Ile aml c%.freet. e, °Ft Itt 1.111, Journal 3 ton' , le" G— 4
nOrthern littilliPAS llehl , d , ee- '‘'''' ' ' I°'
• I,v ..11.• resu , 3ded 1.., at,- I of the l'rrol.atot"...o. , cit, 00. knoll \ t t ... s,-
protected; it lives have. been saved; if
~ ;
Bt. marl. Wed tin, 1 br0F44,1 ,voroly, Dorms. Pliclue,artn to/Sten; L ua u, gor, 14.-G00.,...ry
yn.. l l ts o r , , , I ,
, s •, , .. , T n ., t;
‘. ~ . .ir t , ,t e r
~it y , , n i
, t , r , e rn e! ;
s i
tlrustimstto meeting at Atchison toslav, to los 1t.,,,, , t to 1 at at r tad l,
r , an, lle 11.111 , L1 011.1 I rag 'ed I,) lkeorits NV, lk•tht :age, Ise ,1 1, al, te • •.., •-, •-• •• r • 1
bla have Men strengthened 0301 the alt ,k , A Camp for the volunteers ttf Loa or I tolada , Usury W I etto4F., alto 1.1 FFI4011; enidcl.l Nev lit, 1 .
, pellet delegate* IA tito Pittsburgh - wed, • 0 " 1 ":' t" '''',,",,,' 1 :: ... e ..a a1, , 1 a oat; the 3 , , aet i there Is no son. t••10P..... iltion• ..P +I v t :r.• .- -1111.1 L ER. f
i • •
stored, preea toed has barn acartralnal,., 0 ,,,,d la to be t. til ed anniedwtely le tlis neigh. 1 , Joliu Lit aft, Ili F 119 0 ,1 "s , T i rell 1 Uoltreatiolt. A full delegation akt, appointed. f , '" '!.°,;;;-,,,,,,.. 'II,. ~ 0 , b e ia to e 111 lot olat • ow. i. k it, title,. Al, Pays 000 11.- ar•-• ~.. 't
..; i la,'.f,po.s . c u il .
rho 60
h eir caw tad dl. . borhooki of Wierbrooke, on the line ol -the Mrs. Me.l3ol.lald 411.1entidretti •B. 1 Itenothrions wer-s adopted •nstussite• t_otts ~'"" . r,„, , Its 10.111 , 11untt 4 , Ina 1F,,,F51e.. F; ,F. F ..., rF..I ,
„, ,
.1.- ,
rooted their bur rerwarrli 1 ( lend Trunk Seaway. Ilse tor, D drauter, dltatica Itattilotph, gloom , ~..„,., ..,,,, b,,,,,,, ~,,i,,,,,,,,.. ~,,, ~,,,„.,,,„. 11., , 1.. 00. _....._„ _
apolliFl hie. I,FLIF Ot. la 1 IFI• I'FFF,,,,,,FFF•F ~,,,,.,,
L : , , ~
„._, „,
.'•,,,, .
tleteletver v e Eittlers Ley, , 4 11•111,1 !decent!, Audrew Gretteattud, I .
Lt ., A. ..,,,,,, e ,,,..
linVe 1114414.-Anolo Jouvo e.tllle tO thr. Olnee • sd iss• ueirtte itt tarot/alio* W. o ohs d.. ~,,•,,, ~ ,•
, .., ..,..,,,,
1 Plred•blnatat of Nagrafts irl "1 , , ,, r Ottitalis. Jos. tour , Wier, tutu. iiideker, W. U. Couto. lOW wrionisareanarstan stVery if 0, yaws 1 Haw QabnAns, gepteasber 11.-MlLlan.rybell, J. Melia:lly, Phloem,. Watson, Janie. DI. _ of Alderman Tailor yesterd.ty and wade oath a reliable
report ot *wire.: al
0 , 0 , 00 so u k ; 000 , , t ,...
LL Fltitabtril Drill end ratermliedlete 4 Depot. sera aretiptutishtut. 'severely n u ogro ■'unions mond, Anyhow. McNally,
ortilightlit ton A•re/1/1,11 at latlesltro at Nun Fre...,',.• i.
ea anyCler tor surety of toe con's speech, anise fait Ibo ltuf3ri_an.4 P .chers. A I,Calt SlOdi 0/ .
0, ge t. lue ote mar Del ?awe- Tea accused welt tattet4,ta ;sleeted eleg every word the men uttered, t
i lly ore hull veer,. 1,
and ft\
iti0.4101[11111:11t, area, comer of th e stuinuma t e tt %gra:Waal° the rlot o
illettliatkini Mfr - mg* arils
Enr.OIAZ sincere Cheeks.
9ic beuguie by tl i ude Ved i=ll Y . 1
j/rreglgitrnllderl3lollitilifilltlY:re's' "S
M il" g tto A m IG SA -3.Seali nUClty.arrlYed y " esterday, i onto:n(o4mi pauwioor,alielos en Nan. lore trtieope Wo retern Mr. D dge a all MA of g ulna gra.
, Si Order Od a
O; Gagitsa_fousemi en SAII bringins OVA in tr:'"ln". clay. .
.. .
• .
, 1
• Be/duss.--Whare there Is des rut.
Von of the root and germ which creates the
111.1 r. This hind of baldness to Incurable.
There is Functional Tebbett's Ite•
generator will cure cuneLlOurcl Ilsidnosa. It.
will invigorate the roots. It will cleanse and
purity the soil. It will stimulate Inc lazy, tor
pid germ to newness of life and energy. Von
will find on many heals a furainess all over
the scalp; there are root there, but a cloi Ming
of the pored; the hair can't get through the
Um. It sante nethunlent and cleanllu , tie.
'l'• hhett's Restorer will furnish both, hi it Vol.
will wuht, neemionally, a good wash of r Rattle
soap and wader. Tebbettli Restorer Is I miter
to keep the bead clean end healthy the sit %II
the oils, or pomades, or grease of treat, y pigs
or geese In the world. Render, listen n min
ute! It your hair In harsh, dry. faded, tole
and unhealthy Tebbott's flair Restore i• will
cure It. If )rai are lit r Gatenea It ail or li ;son
baldness, don't give It up Until you have tried
Teidatt's lisle Restorer. 1r it don't glut you
satisfaction come and get your money back,
and that's all that's of It. gold oy the Woes,
dozen or single bottle at Ur. Karbeteg, 40
cod street.
11r , or,ll l'ot-Jur,ll
New State, of Hats and caps
o tall, at the lour+ , In
For a pump of tiny der. , cripti , m, its. I •
1. E Wet., No. ICS Wwul Pt:.•et.
deep teeter pumps cannot 141 -in,l 1
Lnlrld to any hence In the blty
wooden pumps are jumlly : 0
they have been inf1(41,4 , 1. 1 = 4,1n. r. 4
country dealers abeam bear 1111;n1 t..:41
this house they can!. ;lit. n•
the Chen net painj , ••
Celebrated Finally Mid Lyon
Lott stitch sussing runkel,ne. s;:t. - Jes
ou both tlLlos. it Is the hest 1,111::. sr e.l!,s
machine In it•e. It hems, o
tucks wltront meetsmong, otthers an , l
it will stitch front Ka,, to the li. , kept
and with run nor r setitn% x JLL.'sut Isrel:l4 :no;
lirek; ruk
to mahogany,
in till, I,r .evt n yo•nr• 1! I, I-
portor to any 1116.C1:1 . 1
rl,ll - 1/(111.1 Ins I' )1,
. • I •t
-jtaksotout..:.,p, '
.enkl to ;(1..n tte
mot °tug
“:“.1 ftult
115, it, •
never ens- n you Lr.,•re ve
ornentenl it to thin mar,
urnlght of It
I Io
VI 3 k t ,& • t
ro, • • 10. d
/16: !:
the lltlC,ltle •I
1.141•. ,
owl twerl: t!',at ,!
pror,sno" t,at N,
unw upt 71y .•!,
ly beauttlu.
Im cot.v:Dc
bin ter! )1,1,
111 . . ti tI. in-t iit
01;1 .
p,tu,.- ,
Where ,o Oblet e Fair Vie t
g u ! ,.
porpry , ,11.1e4,1411,. ..E„ as••
tile a; 11. r
,‘,4• .114.n.....111.'..111,11 al II .• ;
an.l .•1. , • • t • !...
are finer than tile far fame Ipt ier _ „' 1:: ,
4nlel.nfPt, an.: otl.rn 3 5.i Lae. rstar
thorough)) Untlerstant:r overt - an:Art,
('Very plr!,irit ,1,11 ji.1,••6 t`.l.
I.••ur Int .•1 I. V
WS WO ' , Tula( 1,,n 1.
otll tnr:l.le , at , • .14—
gruph n
couttu.mi till:at f a voz t.. ••
vrlth ll 1 lair .17,1
I Ito nor lo rarnottsay
NOW YORK, isept. 11.--I.l4temt IltiVlrt
RIO Jimetro army colt respOntilintn 11' 0 . 1,
the U1111 , 11,11* c,,L, iOOl. 12 , 10 13 ime- nu,
numbers stove they Invaded rninglia
11120 'Wt. F0V11.114 , 1 1101 al.l 111 ,ap. , 1.
Reptlhile TOW 0 than seven tn.,. T1.•:1
six thousand siva at I or rientes, 1 0 0 tot
In 1 \ 1111 ItOOUI 1 111 camp, anil ithout illice
tired at ditto:out popite dos - , 1,011150 i
AititiLeiril el.
The 61.411-1 ,,, :II,: Iraterroltll , ll 1.,
the diseases most prucalent to ii o
Almost 111 hopes ore erns gll et. im
aural Ta1111.01.1....e11ig alan 0 , istlw•li
pally sintilltatiemisi) with the 111 int
river Is full oi itil kiiols of °Usti um ti . ,
the water IS i1t,(1 ,,,,, 10g to Mil isizatii. X
aguayans contitmo to nilik Imped.o...
tile rtver, and so keep the duel (nisi.
three mounters. Many of them have
eil, but at too great a dotting from 111
to do any Injury. In handling those to i
the Paraguayan it are not "nit very lug.
but V4try 41111 1 lig. Elul is few wettas uto
11110 was discovered early OW! 11l 111 11111,
1 lilt 1.0 a chain of the trunmotil It:la
hail placeil It there durtng the nig di nt
their presence Mung suspectial. Yortit
for the Iron clad. the tirri, , lot r.. I .I.i
1 leak 1.1,11,0111 M 11,e1e.06.
. --..-
Urnut and F.rreggut Dec I nro Fla nt
Bridge Valls. Precipitating
Hundreds of People.
I r
dem Joluvon Conti Cuute , : to t 1,6
Itc;ief of the Suffurer6.
'nII.IV.II A \ll
i to !!... 611.7.,te
t• :t tr.ttilty um: :Din • deep
tuorm..g thn tikolt terttOle
I) .ieeurre.l 11,e. ThPre
• .
Alurallv a
••,1 tip. part
1 lion, bare , to ratrf a g'•l 1121 , -e 4.r 1.11.4
tont. a," pnAne.l 11•1 , 411 11, 1•1‘ro,
t•a: I mot 'ling the people—n.o,
1 001,1,1 at the 1,•1•411. mnol
01 , 1 cnll,l Inn
b,nrtng t Fred.: not no , l
t ntert-1 the Station In Cr.• •‘O,-
lhr!en gav•
N.• t ermittlng down to I.ln
r:7!; NU* trl,ttge
•tI .1 ,%•-•••• LI, 1,1,e
ur. 7 7in , 77717 i.roken U .
t!, •
~11\13 I.IA
hrn.. 1.. ,. ken I
L MI Ic;,.n u. , v .irUV„
r ;u, q
• 11 •t, 4•A
, t has,. 11/tr. ,, ,
• w - .or 1 rt.l..‘
v. ling," 1,. 0..‘ , 1.1.•tE1.
11 .tr tt. .4,11.111.1 l/s."1,11,
•. In, r;IT, -Ow," .1.,1,a I , Ito
11 01!•1,44... .1.. ,
1.0 Itroi,o/1.
4, r105,..17; 111.1 r,
1r..• ,, , St re
• . ,1 atm ,
r. 1.11 1111,
• xi l•
p ••
I . ii
.. i
i .
- --__-----
rule , remained behind. Several surgeon' The 'Carl IT-I.etter ot Secretory
Tax on I.lqtaor-Gen. Itolvoral and
tlll nelgltboring towns are:now Sere.
the Ettaloved Freedmen-Cttuactenee
l'hymeians bat e arrived from an I, Lp. •., NI oney -s , ttitrond Arrotagementa for
he :It ale s anti the tt•Uf . .11111 •4 1 117 , 1,1. C.) ,Iltf t..• the Pitt aburCh Cott ,. ." Lio n-
mitt of elite ant attehtool. \V s.-n.N4.74.a. ut•l•t. it -Tile lollowlng
Tge Niro. -} 1., -.01 anu,. ;. lie - I - f
~ .1 , 1 71c11, t 1111. , 4 ,
~ ,, - , l _e, , l 'Llng, , ,f , t , o , , a , Ti r e' ,ln' r ” s : ' ; ' ', .,
•ersat anti the town wen,. n gloosny aspect. ' ii::• t . ., " .l ' ll . l.ll ' . ' sp ' n ' e l ' (4 ;:t''vent;e In regard
W:th euustnendabto thought and :0 the r,,,,, , .. :ev 1. ,, n of the tariff at the
'residentrot 1,,,
neOn torwarde.l five ,p, ~ 1141 . *1,511,11 0: I .111,,, ,
Vl a-, '11 , ...,1 , Settt . 10. I , ti t t.
` lt
.lotlattk . , :111., 1: .•.I 1 - ,. t,„. f , . .•f 8. , 11 ,... ~. f'. ~L b „,,. 3 I „,,-,
It the teottn , :e.l. The 5...1- e. —,.... . , 1.!,, ,- .:.,. —, In Vless of the
tided note A It.O.IMa. :., tl.„' Ili. ol 1.0. tar; tt is eel tato to
etitzatte tilt' a , I, t .3•t .rt t ts,,tte,s It: then eNt
Iwn"11. tilt • ''''' ' "v ' '.- St . ,-11 1. 1. i • ~I ,11.•• It .....pecpitly ,IoAiral.le teat
'ttttl'S. Petty
.11,10 Lentlrer . the Trea•ery Ite,.at trees! .11001,1 Ite prttpred
~1 „,ts ~. f.. 11, ~,,,,,, ! ~.. 10,1 trn tab as is „co I"rittatiloit..ttiheht to L lit .
t , j. et, a, • .t„ , ~. .,11, .1 WI, 1 . 41111 '*. : tt 111,
111 ii, Ille .1,1 t, , ue „valiable 14,r the neeessar t .
5 that I.lity per -0.. 1..1.. 'l, terse , ittutl , el • , ) 01; are, sne,ool - e, 1.'1,1 Il
ltre•!, 'Ili: 1 ttlt'llt he I, 1•:- ,“tf .., “ 14 ,, tile ~1 -te, t . : llte Irt . 1 1:
leo tarllT swit , •el t! 1...1.:utr01l ant! Itt rois , tt t
Lill whteh, it „1,,,/,,,,-., by Lotigre.,o, will I „.• a
i 1 5,,,, trams , !n as greatly 5u1..4.11. , e 110 ali :tut - Itepo•-lits , „M , .1oo;11 les,
..,. 1 . .„., , , ~,,,,, ,; i,,r , ter n 1,:, , „.; iril-let I tie .1,111,111,11,1,11,11 ts
l 1,14 I r„,..1. of the r, - vr.„1„ . •, , -lee. i,rt . ample,
vi 4 , 114.110 1, 1 1 .11,1 epee,', •. fflllll . ill-f'lltli gt. of
1,... , ti:. ~.t, v,i, o o,,itly: l . le 1t„,,,, , ,3 - el ..r,e
t iaing I,ts a ,„ig,.. rert.t,s „„ . 1 :sanest c eV
-110)1 Et ROPE. ....7,.:,L.‘....,;.i..,”:',::',‘„',!:-,-.„‘..1.:!..'.‘,;,-,:::;.':, 'll'l'etr'..l';'...
ocl lou „1.1. I ~..t. ' ,:•., c,..1 - st , or
tO ~ ,er.• 11, till I .t, t•111I11.•111 ft f 1•5 • •
ft,lll,` 1111111.1.,11:at• ,i , slt . C. - „ ,. .11-te „
\ tl,k \ I 1 ', \ D 1k \ ;111 and ..,„•,,, ily t , • 1 :. , i.o•-i , -to'll 1,,, , 1.t.t.„t0. „ .. 1
tht • . 1„. T 1 ::Ln „11.. A ~ r. , ,t•t• A. •,..11 f . ll.l`l' ,l , t
3•151 7j ,•• ~t, 7, 111 „ ,1111 I , — .ti 100...1gn 111 l
,i. I'. , ,11l ie•• .ht , r,..,: t„, - , t,1.• , 11 tlis., - 1.,,,
0 x.p. ti on to Greece. ',',';;:,',',",', ~,.:, „„,.„, 1'`,„,„.. „.„.;,.,,. ~,' ,-..,;„,
1,:,,s vrt[loo ~,,111. 1 1, 111.t1.1 . 11,t, all , / 1 11 , Intl
Ci111: 4• 1 y 4 , t ii , .1111 , 1.11..1, 111.114 111,11,1 Illit, I.)
' ' l‘
. II , ) .L 4 . ll" . l;l ' l ' l ' t g,. q : ' o ‘ ) .'' :11 . '1 '. 1k:11 r : ' t
I l ' g 'u t i :: : ::,..l ' o " f 7t ! : ' „ l l . ti ' ;
i ----- arid a" , I,g Intl pi tt , lut • lns . 1,...,1 .. o
„tts„s, g,e,oly pr 111, , , , 111 V te1..11 , 1, of IL
Trooi)ts %silleti lirr 4 . :til:ttla. 5".0. , t. ,,, .
..IF, ,,,,,, ~,,,,,.L , ,,a, 4,t thnl Isol Is, v , el nre all .4Ni 11 , t all epos try tape , ..: 1.11,t revt
• I.: tor t-1.„ It 11., ,, i i 11,1 4 11, 115 )4. 1 I,ty ss,a,
EUROPEAN ACE NEGOTIATIONS. - , , , 1,1,, , ,.,- , , , , , ',-, -'4..- i tt"."b
• At il 'l , llf 1.•- , .1, 'trey truly yo.tra,
11. M. , utt ....,
.. .. ; t 1,. ,, :Le 0111,1 , If ISt 1,011
, I 1,.• l :, •- .1,,, ,.. , itf,,,tlte V. 1
‘ 51 I,r, 0 I ~, ts,li t 111,150 •I • ,' lug It
.10/ as a Torso ,
to the neceastlass
nbuunn w 2-9 forwl
It wag
the SISU
plvi.ic,ul staff
ft nu: lb.. I
In vollectli.g . I h .
anal.: r , l In .11‘..
Jonn.lown Trlhn
Proposed A
, ,) -.7.t•
Prussia and the United SW
Marshall Biainßecalicd fruln Mom,
L 3. 4 "kJ
t. 4 leer
nrrtve th
ii her•ztro
a gt •
1 Nl.y.
Inn f
Lion g +•e 1
w• rn h Wd,nn
t.c, I:.q,
tI'M! I.ek
&k t•_Stltunte, pnr.
.11 1 , 13 1..1 , y 11( 1.0 •
..iai -. i .. ...i . .. 1 .
LA......1. • 1... 01...1-+lii.i...lp•llile Ettle if . 1.-
the .1. I -on . ....ii li i..•1/011 . at. I' .• Theatre . , oppeor
.s tlte It...tonic:D. potty of Frealet n a the
0,1,11 tOn stool 1101110. Miss lleudet sOlt 1 , 4100
",,_ v. - oil kn.. , II ainonS Old' thins,/ c-goCrik tAine......d
~..L . 0.......Lit'0n 1,1 n: us i.. 1.0 10 olwart op 111
Do her pact, strums. , well, olosi well, awl Lao II
won,totteuploto 01 the renUnrethettta VI Do
~ I tI .. COrtiarter 'He it-anineS 1,.-nig tit title elOst,
her tiligligelnunt. There NA ill tot a matinee of
. 1.11141...04.• at tWo 0 . ..10cti. to.thiy.
~,., _ Tho Akatiletny of .MuslU was CoUttOrtillily
'"‘...... tiled lan: night and
(. the night prOVIoUg IVII.II. it
. I :" '..,1iet.1it . .1.• ii. idli . n On tile former W.I
1.. c- -i.... Mi.. , Ilut D D
e Du Lee, the beau: ui Moue,
....ate -,
Ito ol gross, oppt tared In the d lawsuit t. 11,,ructut Of
1 :•:" 1, Litti. le. To .W., 41/e lair:WU:rd. 11i... hitrilkitt ,
•",,,. :I. t.
... to i.ifeetion uOlll.l lir to .....y that Witte,, I-
I. , "" not ,P. but. con-I.llring all .fie 11,1 to ,11. tend I
it 1111. 41111111 g which iiii... a tivak state's, see
•• plo)ett it y 11,1. 11,11:11 11011' t t 11.1.11 ..2
tt..•l 1,1 , ,, le I. 111 .1 wrierent line of ettgroytet s ,
,„. ....ell ./.... 110111 11101 11111 , -111 , 1> • Mit.. 11.. L.,
I. . 101011 ~..i. niak. a 1..1.......•th us '1111.C11 ,,,
. M 1,.. ko e llstew It. 11, " M. i.lelinti. In ` , I. NI,-
I, t - L., t , la- . ..e. , tn.: ..t 11 e , ll le I.....taing ‘l,
l ! Al,. 1'.,••,....1...,• , , 1,1113 ,•, ,, .1 Nt11, 1 • present , ts and
. . Itii.• -trill. , -lie ~ 1..01 lat. lii inal,
i, . t....1..50. 1 11 . .:10 Iteltost. to
~ .e•I stt te.tre,ses, owl 111 In, Masi:lll .111 . 11. • 111.11110 W.
I 110 14.1 1 1:awed 0.4001111. /411... i .1 .--. Mii.le.i..' ... Al I i iii..,... • .. \r. It 11., el civ.dt .Ih...uses to Ow
,tt a• ..1" ill . Law n o ~, xi,,,, , ,,, r„ r„ 11, .. . I ^t et Is -... ,I) '1 , t tlt oth , ft. , . tett , :ot the do., or rather vensug, 'lto
. two Is. o ..• •• , 0:11.1 , t' IY. ....., li vin`..a•.. om.. o 1 111, very host orttotes
F :sue, tea Ills us 111 to: 1 Lot ,-.1 It: Let cow,ll y .., Dont t rm. - et, e Imes. Among ti 111 0
Itettsl; Serotnpotl' le totth ths t.ropes A l t, ton t it,tegront., on i o nrit pot,. , 1 too Nestle 1 11,1, suste nutothot field, U. hl
ot ttf ;1,11 1 ,1 ,1/11...1,...1 1,0.11,111 thus -1 Z.S I . "" 1 1 • 11! ' " " 1181 !" ( " 111 ' 1 ' T 1 1" 1 !!!"
. ~..1:011, Iltgtilly ..11 : til lad tillUiliells.e, , Onslating
otteretlll the Eloper. Na,..1....ri h... le- CITY AND SUBURBAN. ", •""4"‘g.. , - -- g . " ,.5,- " ,,,,,, u ,4 ~,
rt.•,..1 1.. iv sot tar ncreottaly nothorlt... Its 1,11 e?, ,I I MI 4. Welt ell,rll/11.1",/ 1,11,11,1511 the pa.
t teat , a 1i,....11.1 to .1. — "Iil I lo• 111.p.dilillio... Irons or in 11,tibe. Maii.tge, AiII, ntel
IPt DDI iIONAL LoCAL NI:Ws ON TN iii iio 1' A., - ,_. , •.)w , ~, , c ,,,, Q' , ~,, 11, •• .. , • 1 .. 1 ...n.
, 1 ~,,.., E. ,epielrelper II —II !:. Etitnol,,,•..i. fall Le -ots . et . tlttnr.
o •
, L. at the l'lsotitote .t sat ste. et It stt In owl I o , The Slaty -1.4,1.1.1 Itetsill,ol
a .....,,..1 ',pal, a . 1,......., 1,..• 11... 1,10,1, , To Yl' 5111 111.14 , 514 C.
I I.l' , 41,, ,11 t! I: ~, !1i.•.1 `.lt, 10, ~ I I ..t .
... ..I 1. inl.lit , an•l lila , 'hey Wlll •••I , TI or t sve
r, , ,,,,,. ., ~ , k , 0. , tia I, ,•,._ , 0,
~,i, , , s
~,_ Ito et..elttattnl I ...tot Alourentlty sal,to-Sta..
s 3 , • ' •fortoty otlitt•trnettt ittl 111, •1'.1,11.
~...,.., In
~.„,,•,.. i ..,,.. ail, I, „ „,, ~,,, 1 ..1.1 . 1...•1!1•1 teetoog the liell.l VOOI :Ind ;1..
... ' ' ”" Ut s., Y .I P. , '" "I.: , •••• "..1....i".1Y ,,1 ~ „.„ , ~,, ~.,,,,,...„, I‘ ~,„„,,,„,
,„ leet o nun tts the harsh sure provontive o
.: nett t est (Ise htyll ..."Itrii"t 'lli. ti.... .ind ,4 ,
..,,., . i
~,. ~ ~,
~.,, , 111.
~,,,,,,,,., ~,
,Mama 1110.0.. who 1.1100 a thorough ki1.."1
. • ....,.... 1 0,,, i,...ii,•,...,, -, , ' " e..1,( 3 ...1 .111atoint al. I the ',culla" ( . 11501 11.1111
. 1........ : .4 1..0 ~.i.: . - e. on i "..- Win,.
. . , ~ ~ „. . 1 , „ 1 , 11 . • i.... 1. 'tat,. upon the oystetu, 1 11;1 t..ulnettlet 011
' - :,...;,,, . , 1 , - g ., t,..... Iwo 111 .11..” I iii...i >of prevention, and str..iii
i. ... .. ,a,ii. I) . ,I p.. 1: Li- 1110 1........--lIN ..I hating ..
..d... ii1.,....n.1ages volitt.ll.o.l. If tt ft 41.11
...... it... Ow 1i,...1-and .11ii 1111 , 1 111 . 11..... 11151 fi.
4 ht r to.
v-. .~ . u .
M ,. ,c
cou rrr tiortchrr.k off tr.r,rlrl peer rrx.p: r 1' Atla t , :s o t: d e rnpls
' ! “ •• 1 4 .... • -
••• .• pt. I t—N ,rt -Th
!•,•• It nr, , l rh. 1.,•1111
" !
• 1,! ALI",
t.:•1 tai pn.
: It ••:. tr•III
• .1
, Nil! LIVIO•
.111i111.1 1 I
inn l We. "...•p;P:: • . . m
p • (le. I t I v m
,‘• v , r it ••
o r..F . r its -11,1 o n, I!
Mien 0, • 1.0 1.1,4
xClam , nt Ls..t v
f • .• ,• I
.1.:111t r1:1 FUJ.
t , l
ut,ll, I. !hal
A ,
o Inn Lnx ni , nn paytrivnts ina•l
rt t . ' t . l
1,1111 , •11, , ••113.0,1:11,•A
Intn,tnr. Lnnit
smAptx 1 ;L:11 , :
Li. ililt•rit revt•oll
r n..11,.1.11.•1/
11.,r to I In .:1/.acti Lai u. D
“..1 11. e In 1.. e c.ol,Ardt
,01.1 rhos., 1
'• pt1..1.4.
11... an A. l'ulAel nun ha+ be,
,u 1 11. e I .11 1.11, rcall,.
1,,1 111 ..r.1,.r.
Ai ti.,,11/551011V1.,/
111., Liu ,
du 1 At , I, co I 111,1 !wen 401.1
..I t, r-. ..:14! /L iILIII,II
I la ••
cI • '
. r.,_ . :
The Iteet•Pttutl Vroyontonme nt
I Nri. ..t.tence of
Otero "',
It r,”
Iran. , anal Pre•ltlent
• ;11. ••• ,•••7•11•••••• .../ . “ I' .l ll Otr,
I h/1 r, r••••
ao t • u I thl,
St Lou'. l hoters IRS port
Pittsborata itethceltstat krultilttv
Street M. F. Cheret,
tart Methonl-t.n in tr..s mei I_,
known , Thurch Are elonely I , 1 , . ,
-eenrhi Church hUllt t hat tlenornlnat
11111 city: holee , l, It thlght 0.•
:tie first, an 5111Mii e:•,,
... ...._,
rat years precool. , we, do, rot r... 1 , r i
he site li now occupier! by a waren.. :
Pennant assoOtallons a holt emote( ..
his hallowed plane arc num.-rens,
Ilidory shOteir that the 111 at nerltlon .le ...
.1 by a Nlethorilst rulnDter wan pros hr.,l
Roe. (Atari. lonaway in rat , . In Isla the 11
tegular i Imre)! edit... , was erected on Fp
drnet, near Sinltli Held. For tnatly year
.as .ieriipied after two or three ol her !Pei ,
1.•1 churches were IA alit Finally it pa. ,
1011/ { 11. 1011{1(4 of the African Metuudist L...,/
. opal t linrch 0011grepitton. now a ..r-liiiihi
on ti yin. sl toot.. During the great Pre of I
d aar 01.01, 11
111.41.11101 the site In 110(0 used I
111,,lit•, parpta.t,..
, ' ,,• 1 1 eal, aaielaVaa,i , , In ISI7, tho M.
•104{14 pu.. kw... 0•di I In anal Itwas Su. i •.•
oidd lie a cent lal I, :)aw l nbou alto ii '1
sutalitleht street I• 1 ,11.4.11 war erected. II
'huhute!! 001,101 , 0.114 artier an 01.1 lat.:tom
anal:, and yet In Ittr•lity ii as luny up alto
ordinary styli, of I\lonitsia not then ohser, - ...
It rioral tun Dor , y year.. Ina the ne,trooll
hp re-linlollug I.crusine iot apparent and pe
erupt.. 3 that the cum gregation. unili•r ine .:
it ellun of 110{ . 111,1 4 , 5. , pastor, idol -, ool: it. re-ouzo:on, io 1{....
'fl,'' people list
leg a nowt to 01 , ra. 011 , 1 liar Pig the s 3 nips( h
..; mirter Alculiatist ~.... iser, Die uot s a a
.iiii... [lntl Near
Ditring Die period ranging 111M1 1.1: 1.4. I',
11 /0 1.011greg...... ioit ata • ll .0',1 , 1 t, ra • al
.., I•Uaaltt 11111. , .•,. nit ~ , t nt•r•,i , sile• /
it nisi. chalet: oil tn., al, inns 01.1.1 11111,
11, I/111,01 /1.1 0 1/1 Rev. Andrewlienipon,
,Iniong the gittisl 11111,0111., WlOl Zia,' woe,
',huddled o Till ino i hareo v. el.: Rei . son,
a ln is. li e t , . 11. H.,--itltera aril. a 10..
th 1. F. Llitireii south, Ite , It 'I y I
igs, Rey itra snlioi, lii. lioit or- I.l.ioti, li.
hinetiti Ritter, 11.• v. 0. simpsos.,-111W Itienot
and lice. Loiorge s. Dolnies,-lAllier 01 in
present pastor.
Since trie e worth ha , l•erin rolopit In Ist
the billowthit wall tale , Wier neon ::I pat:torn
charge, In ire "riot . Doty are named Rev
Win. 500, I/. D., Let s 1.. Rat COI. 5, air. II I
Clark, Rev, IV. F Lailek, 1/r. %V. .t. line hDon
Rev. IV. lox, I/. I/ . (second terin of tat
Kurs.) Rev H. ,lonnt , amal, Iser../. IV. Baser
tint A. LI. lliount-, an I Itri . r. A. 11 , .1 wee
ire pr.tont pastor.
At the tone the church warrebel: t In Oil
the plain styli , of areillteraul I` pre , awal gee
aiiy O. dhow-limns showy' pa as p:an, wi.
oitanthil. 11, 01111,111101(1.1 1111 111,111-1 .lelet
nilf, , i 11./ paint the 0111.11 . 00 11114(110 11.11.1 1.111,11
awl other - woo improve It, bOll.lll 1,01 ilO.l 10110
anions and ellanerni were iliolm lairs .1. Tile
outside tots 1/1,11 neatly piroted 11 litt , n,. Color,
n.i the woodwork In tile Interpir has Keen
varrDslothl awl tastelully oiskuil. '1 Int 1,e:1111;; 0
I{o 111.011' 01•113 111110 been r..t.,:lliott. Iv fi.v.—
coed, the design :icing extremely he"ilit 1,1
01111 apt/row-lido Ire stall way on la,:i sent
leadltig, lip [4l the main atoln.uen noon n.
t ' I changed aw y l tendered easy' of ar. rut.
. lAlll{lolll{l Itghts biter beets, so a
to incr.-wire the 110 , IN . of inght• Kavit 1/ ,, 1 11
suppled With h3 . 111{ hooks plane.l ill luotirrol
t A Pow toss I.eci. 1 .-ertuil Itiainialiato.y
„ leo k of ill. p lino 1 1 ..1 Ihe o.lll,,itence ..i
a , mintsturs °akin:mg. tre• chareli lii,. been
I '-' tat i.etcd DlD:ugh. ait v. itli trots
carpet, awl L.A. attar arot plolot ii Rla new fui•
num ...
The I. 11':r..: nay Ing pupelinsed the. linildieg
. i m the rear or llot alley, it hat been till up
„ 1 on too secolpi Poor !or tootle:, -school a:L.l,
, I room- 'I nese eiriarked 11... Jitter, In iatunee.
~• ! 11011 I.l{ll the Int ge lecture-room nil.l Coss—
! on tile Ppd. :loot id Ille l liorch, a - 111
I , I git better aert.aunoctit! au, wi tin' e,ai e.•
u.• l Il 1, 1- ' , Pee" e'l ti , ~ 1.., ,i , , v.', . 'II lln nIelo•
1 ,,, °°l . 1 ~, I tr.. N 1,,, 11 c, , • , •
1 , 1. 11011{106 111 1., 11(1110 ..
~. , 100111.
To.n.gCt ciose-a one of
esior 1111,1 by
any artiiiii•city. Thi• loru3e9 have peeniioriiiot ;Ain tier -lay, unit Lc:
11..00 ',Ono Coin panel the 00ev
"ream of our If 31,3 \\'r••-tern , loot
!WIC with tht, tit+, the coy n
.O 1: s., ~,,tlun tile greatic.lll ,,, c
exiiiineih t .. ore. ,trnina.
."• blot. iive. I Inc in ,11:111ltal.1 , 1“11
‘• I , ILI. t.O, 5 110,, O t ••111
the r tut. /
L t, IJ ,,
It 1 it "t • Cl,..ltt.nan 11l
Mr, .. ear.. toroce 1.,
ut•ikect.: ttrl tnc lasi
•‘' ~ lln 110.
t• 111
;114 .nOr
"Ter thtrty yearn
• stel lie, lot W. Lox. who Wt. In clutrge
ero.gre:eloel when the Lburch Wu,
11.: 1n I.t
014, WEDS
The eat I.lon Is 1y reed tsteleti win Moan b. Gab.
•n.. - r. soonest is S. well ran.
IN:l t K. L. t'Ot• llt PTA 1 KAIL —...• e'6o
1.; i:, 0F T S'.•t AN li 1.11 . W AnliDe ...... —• • If
!second WA Atf vette:. -There trtn be
00 t tesetif g of Ihe nowson.l war even).N
,Et ., A.. I t';:e I:. y I In Blue held all. g
0 a i.'s :W. Itull. On Fon , th street. A general
`1" -• ,, e's ie , e .tla.ted, 111.. on Inter...Linz
.m , . 1. ant,clo4eil.
I N—trn the lath Mgt.. , at
•.• • NV 'L,. Mr. .1 N. LH
•'l t., •,NNI N. 11., death
. ...h.., of thls etty.
‘,l 1..1 1.1.1. 1 t lutny P . VPI.I O DII.
•I t: rit the ~ I da
•.• .1 1 1 .
A •
N•• ~ r• 1.•
1.• • •, r HEOWN.I,"
r 61,, o cluck, AN
s'N %. e4e.
t, I.nera. tO.
he r m ,
Alrr Ir. rd ,
1.) 1,, raillret.q.o Inr lied •
E r 01 • iltlVitel
UAL. N'. I'' N.,..a
•[IL I I •
Ad.irr.4 I • A .• rt. t.srit frit office.
• •,:od• , . •• the lersest suburban
s • r :reptthis county, sit
.s. ss jr tg titsn road. linms l dhstely north of
4. r lel lots. permits or titles, real
~/- ~1 CLA HS, Altos
NO. ..111 it Cid st., cur. 7th,
2E' :Or : l Et IET
kM , 133 riANIJUSK
ICI .0.1 X 7,
rth etrtrot, Inttsburgo, Cs. CUTYLI.I3 of
L itArt.s, uLUVE:I2,n,I ever , 2r....xlption
1' Fan ••rf.l IKl:roxstung uwme furnlanea.v....
y ,Lt•lutgbl. LI e.....r5t• rmaJarrlic. tar ti.usnua.
I,ro.cito—lien. I' l lien
is, IL LL. nag.
r. n•
tinnchvttur. Wuton't Run un4 vicinity.
Ourn..r or bnetnutri nn.l Maniere streets.
DEN r,.•
gg WIStIr. Ed trout .
NAT ..Z - I. w r 4D I-1101EL
Qpl T. `PiTIX—s3ErIZ 'JES.
Ti me 6Legisl ering
'lllk AIiE.ST
33..c1LEBOL.E • I"X" as <DO.,
Dealer- In Optical Goatln
I ,tist. , lll - Farmu
an.l Tharmomait I. a
an he lo.• ,11.1, 1 ‘ll/04 r I,lleatla, t,C C 1131.0
of w.. 3111.
Get the next—T[loS
Every week, Dr. qui:icy. ~cote in called
elan to in,eet Artificial Teeth in cases wl ere
other dentists have tried, been paid, andjddert,
laid in every cane Ins k gives entire setts
fnetn.m. 110 t qUiLe t irthit In lbe lie :01
ou,inicsn, mail liars merely to examine a case
know how to articulate the teeth no that t hey
will pretest a numinous,: and natural appear
ance, and will masticate the food thoroudi
Ill: pr.ea arc low, than those of ens ciroda.o
In the rely, and he will guarantee his work tv
huperlor. SO it would batter for any of ONT
rendern who ern In want ol teeth, to call in on
the Dr. In the first place, and thereby 0,100
their time and money. We would also assure
1 those persons who al e suffering with diseased
and La:nightly teeth that they can have theta
extracted without Ling pain whatever, by calling
upon Dr. Scott. Ile has extracted for over ten
theatand persons sk' sthin the last seven yetis,
and among this large number there Is not Ms
rtgLie in which 103 prt/C1,115 late proved injurious.
' On the contrary, lie can refer to numbers Of
his patients who claim to have been benefited
In renewed health. Lie extract° numbers dal
ly by tile new or Vapor" process,
mud glee., pure Laughing Gan to those witb
, • desire It, without charge. Ile makes no
eharge for a:item:Dug when a rtirlaial teeth are
ordered, and given a full act on Vulcanite,
with beautil ul gums, for eight, dollars. Vie
t i member his number, 1.78 Penn street thill,l
door above
Grates, Ranges, Heaters and Rolle
Neatly and Expeditiously Set
and Repaired.
A❑ , rdera left at 41Itehr11 etepbeasen 00.'e
gore Warrhouiv, NO. 194 Liberty street. will be
stzelideo tO
Ttion,“ MckEE,
r lac LI
.nsi .t►cßitED ritual Tug Esisl
Nu, ,49 'Market Strert, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Th ~I o:••• lu• now tn.tort thl •
ere ste."-•‘‘,l,• la, n..rt,,. Itoutw•tt eleoo., •
+'.T , . , the lAI • ~.•111 V .., •ICh
4. , ee , ut.rO Io .1 at • 1.1:1 I rutui
• . roaulv. , l u tw by may tl*b
111a1 worth :osoloo.
•I. nod , •“.1 a goad.. •Od .re
• I:. phs •ha• what rou went
ltww, .h• 1 Lt.,
t:o ioaLe• Ma' •
u. Iv c rerred