1P9E1.. AIIEIELPZ, Banker and Broker, 118 Wood St.. near corner of Fifth. II All descriptions of Government Bonds bought and sold on liberal terms. London lunl Continents Exchange sold at New York rates. Gold, eaves and Cour , de bought at hi heat rates. antlgw , 4l-z7:rra 1859041 on New York. 'FINANCE ALAI) TRADE. MONDAY, September 10, IMS. Gold was n fractr—t lower In New York to day, while gel - cram...al bo.:is advanced from 55 to % all round. Thu following aro the quo tatiOns as received by Mr. P. It. Mertz Gold, UM{ to 143%; ISsi t s,111l.;41111l; Five Twenties of 1861,111%; do 180-1,103).“ do Ititos, 10,3%; Ten Parties, large, 05%; do small , 100%; Seven Thir ties, Ist serles, lent; do ttnd series, 105%; do and series, 105.%; do small bomb, loognoltt..;. Michigan. Southern lt. It., Sr...; L : Cleveland .t Pittsburgh, &Pa; Fort WII,IP, Erie. 71 , y; Western Union Telegraph Co., Chicago Bock Island , 1101; Chicago t Northwestern Mr%; do preferred, er,,,;. —The following statement exhibits the busi ness of the Pittsburgh Clearing Fleece for the week elostng on Saturday, Septrtnbur Ist Exchange, ibilants.s i . k:c4J,911 01 9176,11:4; 91 35;3 . 21 sl 'ti NU.. ID 51.1..47 . 3 , 73,617 Si 2.1, 'sr! 3; 419 4.5 September A. September 4. Nemember September September 7. September 0. FENS —The tendency of the money market) is still to greater ea.). A large amount of capital continues to lie Idle for want of profitable employment. The gold Interest on tiaTen- Forties (now payable) le being steadily con verted Into currency, and the payments on account of the temporary loan are adding largely to the floating circulation. The total national bank circulation is now 11 .. ...:A1iih,5)3.). As the national banking act only authorized the Mane of 11000,000,000 in this currency, it w;11 be seen taint there remains only about t . 1 . , ) 5 1,- 000 to tie put forth, which will probabl be taken up by the first of January. Thi. .1, hOndrods of Millions of legal-tenders I • t• mention the fractional currency), give .. very respectable rlttalltity of paper I, attoy, compared with the amount to Ilse beb•.v the war—teen than three hundred millions. —August 1, hale, there were in circulation 4.566,373,5nd United Status legal-tender notes. August IS, of this year. the outstanding circu lation of the national banks, amounted 403,773. afloat,ros a total of out4Ssl 613 paper 121004.7 exclusive of the standing circulation of the old State Banks. June I lista, there were outstanding 0796,933,2711egal tender and national hank mates. In the amount of legal tenders, as given in both a,ti. mates is included the 134) millions compound Interest notes. These are ant in actual circu lation at the present time. About lie of them are supposed to he held 'as 11 part. of the reserve in lawful money of ate national hanks. Mr. Hooper will undoubtedly endeavor at the opening of the next Congress to obtain the passage of a law forbidding, the national hunks from holding those notes as lawful money reserve. —The Boston Bulletin nay's: The act of Congress of Idß, nu thoi Ising the UM. of 500 hundred millions of five Twenties at. an Interest of 6 per centnni, payntile coin, covers the first series, or old Five T • en ties. Mr. Chase, when Secretary of the Treas ury, was milted wbother the principal ot these bonds was• payable also in coin, Ills reply was that the United States will not depart from the general usage of other governments unless some calamity scenes which cannot now be foreseen. The custom referred to is that of paying all national debt in gold. Mr. Chase'. opinion does list, however, bind fu ture administration. The Five Twenties of 1514 and lig4, stand upon a different hams. The acts of Congress of those years empowered the Seretary Of the Treasury to issue Five Twenty bonds redeemable in coin at the pleas nro of the government after live years. Though this provision does not armour upon the face of these bonds, it is precisely as bind ing as if it did. The nest Congress will con sider the plan of guaranteeing the payment in coin of all Five Twenties. ErrAY TOES WEEKLY ELKS 6SATEICEIVY. Loans, V1A,941,665; Increase, VL151,:2,1. t peen. t 7 £55,910; Increase, 41,074,310. (.Icilatlon 504.* increase, 0:99,65.1. Legal tenders, SO. 144.1; alecreinm, ir2,4:-Wat. Deposits .2 . 1.5,101.,ttn decrease, 5.1.;29 Pll TS BURGH MARKETS OV/1011 0. TH•PITTS13011011 ( .1.1.01(1,,S, September 10, 1:114.1. The produce markets. coat In ue rather quiet, and, with the exception of heat unit Flour, troth of tchieh are a little excited in con sequence of the material a, leaner in the west, there are no e, w chstrwl.,L.l ,e,5 worthy .1 .p.v:kU not,l, Gl:AlX—Wheat is nrlll find the supply this market Is very much redueed; S,. i elm fig inn; be quoted at 4 , 2.2 , to $3,4%, awl lo small iota at 43,:k.422.10. flats Mill, with a sop ply considerably In excess of the demand; ale of 9 ears No. ! at dellvered; ham do at 14. and small sales at 42 to 12. Sr bear of some 4-ales of nes Spring Harley at 41. 0 7 to 31,10—t0 arrive. Mile of 71 bags 11ye s• '.Mt, and .40 bush do at mt. Small sales of Lora from Store at co to FLOrlt—The market in very firm and somewhat excited, anti w hile some Male re are asking an advance, as it general thing, prices remain unchanged, as yet. Wevont line to quote at $lO $11,50 for Spring Wheat; $11.75 to 4113,25 Mr half Spring and hail W Inter. nod $10.50 tat $l3 tor dl Winter Wheat. Iti e Flour is selling from etore at $6,25 to jfi,M, and Cornmeal at itr• to 01 per hush. PICO VLSIONS--Itucon Is quiet and unchan ged at 17LAIITX for Shoulders; lie-AS, (or It Pe bedbides; and to of foe Sugar Cured llama. Lard In dull, hot held pretty firmly at - 22 for prime kettle. Sloss Pork to quoted at VII to $34.50. MILL FEED—hale or I car shorts td OLIN and 1 ear fitscoutla at $1.40. Middlings scarce mid firm—may be quoted at $1,75 to SI,N, wo oetri log to quality. SEEDS—f• laxaced Ls selling at $3 for small lOta,bnt a round lot would no doubt sell read ily at x 335. Thanthy slam Istelling from store at $4. N 0 movement in Clover Seed. rfflM/IWMtIM I / I tßlfffffVerMß for fresh !toll Butter, with bolos at 2y to .2 for prime 15, choice. but pack,' Is dull and lower. being quoted at 'Ai to 25. EGG—Tbere Is a steady lair demand, and wd can report regular sales of fresh packed at 21. CiIEE-SE—lo firm. hot tho demana fe a ma/erutt, roalex or W cmtern ILeserve ut 15k4 164; Illttuburg ot 17 to It., attd Linehan at W t, 21 carte. HAY—Baled Bay is selling on at - rival al $lO to *23 per ton, according to quality, and there la a very (air demand. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM /BARRET 071101 or ram Pirtahrtalin Gszarrei/ Idosthsv, Sept. ii', lOW CRULE—the rise in the river and con sequent expectation of pretty large receipts within the next few day., produced a general stagnation to-day, but this is generally the case under similar circumstances. Buyers are bolding off in anticipation of a still fur. ther decline, while sellers, feeling pretty sanguine that the arrivals w 11l not be as large as generally predicted, ramie to make any material concessions in order to effect sales. We eau report sales 0( 15 bids at It 44; Meat 1 6 : 100 at at 2..% and 100 at 21.—quotations mae fairly given at 11 to 11.1, lib's returned, and Si 2o to 21, packages included, and these may be re garded as the extremes of the market. BEFLNED—There is still considerable in quiry for bonded oil, mainly for immediate delivery, at fall prices, but the offerings con• thine very light. We can report Sib bids (or last half of bepteuther, In Philadelphia, at 454; Zo f trA ovem be or O r, came cmr, lm option, at 45ii and 250 for N option, atthe cars here, :1 , 04 to al is o ff ered, and holders gen erally are aeking the even 40 cents, Free Oil eontin very du/l, though prices are fully Maintained, and we continue to q note prime city brands at fa to lie and CO. The demand Continues very lighto rders, be i ng restrietesl main/r to filling small fhor the loc tr AltitlVALS—The following arr al t,eis ade O f . o u were reported to-day; Jae. Wilkins SU I Fisher a lire - es O. Bly . till Jan. Morwhiuney.... Imo Brewer & Burke.. 47 Waring & King . 55 A. L. Linton Total 2101 EXPORTS OP PETROLEUM. The following table shows the exports of Petroleum to foreign ports from Jim. 1, 1860 to Sept Prom New York " 805t0n.... Baltimore—. ' Philadelphia Portland New Iledtord OE Same time 1864. t dame timn 1813 /Movements of Grain The folio% ing w HI show the .noparative rc oelptn of flour uml grain at the porta of MD- Irankee, Chicago, Toledo, Detroit and Cleve land, from January Int to soptember Ist, for 1965 and MI6 : notir, bbls Wheat, bush C0rn......... Ossa. Barley Rye. 'Fetal, Grain .53,124,037 1000,149 incraafigi 181 M Over 1856: Flour we,llB Uhl", Dry, Goods Marko*. Tozi4 _deptrmbor 10.—joaera Price r.— "!'itarlret riot. Maly opened for the week; prices rematrittle setae.. erLuts—Cocheeo, 29%; Hain- PaChic:l2; London Mourning, IS; Nantauttst. 44! i ' Erupire, - BrOwn Amookeag, t Male, Z; Massachusetta, 21 4 'Winthrop, 19. orsot Jeans—Bates, 16; Law. nia,l2l; Pepperell, 23; Washington Satler:oll aV,4; do. D. 1 2 1,4; Franklin, ~..10Cripas—flaymukor,2k Alban. ItkArttga u Denim's York. 4754 Wide World, 31 4 Manufacturing comp any, 8734. Oiling wheat hem Nettesska. A bit olnlOenottn....taber 6 ppr Lug. wheat was ' Bold ta-day On 'Clutuga at st,ao ner hush., %lila wheat. was :raised in Nonnunts, and ulna atop /loft the great ocean of wra th th at will noon be iaAn 'amp from that- State to th is tunnitoo, - W.m4,_ 'Alto ...limber," a good ltlarkaw . 0 New York 'Stock and Money Market.. New Teak, Sept. 10.—The gold market elm el quiet, at 1460146%. The stock market was i quiet at the last open board, in consequence of the Hebrew holiday, which is celebrated at this time Of the year. There is less than the usual amount of business doing to the old Five. twenties for for Man account, and the quota -1 Lions are nominal. The government list this afternoOnWartlOWer than the gold bonds but higher in the Ski and 3d series of 7-30 notes, which were in Improved demand. Closing Drives 1834108i,,l; 7.-R1 Coupons, letZ, 10343100/4; 10-40 Coupons, MV9St4; July 7-Nis, 106,3106 V; Mining stocks—American Flag. 3,10; Colum bia, 140; Corydon, 400; Atlantic and Parana ? 223; Downey - 111e, 150; Gunnell Gold, 10S; Hope Geld , 1774 Liberty, 54; Quartz 11111, 400. Rocky Moon. tain,7o3; Smith A P..„310; Welkin, 135. The Oammercial's money article says: The money market opens this week without mach change. The large monied institutions are lending on call at are per cent., and that is nominally the market rats, but large trans actions are reported at four per s e nt., and un der peculiar circumstances at something less. This morning the movement Is only moderate as Is generally the casu on a Monday. Of pa -9,..r there Ls little offertrig, o though dealers are beginning to look for a 11 11 rnl suPPY . . a l .l _ , , ii , n_i . Mg their opinions upon ' l ' " beg ins °' 'l','„, of the general business, which to manifest as the fall trade continues to duvet. cps itself. For the best names the market is steady at 1 .411 i., per cent. for short, too per cont. for month's paper. In foreign exchange there is nothing doing, this moraing. The market closed dull on Sal arway evening, on the basic of luSklietii, for bunkers sixty days' sterling, but there Is oil Indoposition to operate to-day, and the rates are altogether nominal. Gold Is source this morning and. Iliti us 1 ,,,; per emit. per day has been paid by rrowers. The stock mar ket waA somewhat inactive this morning, the vtrit of speculation being far from strong and the transactions ohotring a scarcity of outside 'toyer, but the tone was firm and prices higher. Governments, on the whole, were weak an,; there was less disposition to operate In them than attiring lust week. In railroad shares Reading showed the most activity, about live thousand shares beingsold, near i.:,ot the rail road business of the hoard choing at lik, i tit ire ,, ,, higher than at the last board sales on Saturday. Money easy, at 405 per cent. Sterling 41 till and nominal, at iwvigico,,. 601,1 without ma terial change, opdhing at 146,'",„ declining to 146i. 5 , advanclug to 146%, and closing at 116 1 4. Government stocks without decided cluing,. Stocks strong; United States registered S..arla 'O2, loa4; United States coupons do, 'Ol, III; Culled States coupons do, 'l;5, lee; 1: lilted states 35 10.40 1 s registered, 9"."; ills. coupons 9S; Treasury 7.3e's Al series, lea; Tennessee ti's new 71; Western Union Telegraph lerj„; Marit.o.a '(erred, Mg; Erlo, 70 , „; do preferred, 7, toading, 1147,,, Alleirlgan nouthern,a3%; Non I, W entern, 35?-„; do preferred, On , „; Toledo .0 Woodall, 414"; Fort Wayne 3. Chicago, 114 ,„; Cleveland A ' Alton, 105; Norwich ,t 15 orcestel , 107; Rock island, like,. The Pod's money article says: The Itiati mar- i bet is easy at 405 per cent., with a little more 1 animation. Tee Stock market is quiet; in Governments there Is nettling doing, b u t quo tations are arm. Railroad sharee are smogs- I lie but strong. Foreign Exchange Is nominal. The steamers that arrived to-day brought 0410,000 In tree/sure from Europe. Alter the board New Yore Central was selling at 163 h; Erte, 71%, and initials Central, 12.2.' At the four o'clock open board, Gehl was 146.-; Tennessee a's, new, 71; Cumber - lam' Coal ita.,, Quicksilver, 51 1 4, Western Union Tele graph, sei; New York Central, 1031,; t let e li.a A Tobwo, 114%, Erie, 71 : /1nd.... I. '''. Reading, 114 . %; Cleveland ..t Pittsburgh, w. Chicago & Rock Island d Pacific, 1007.; Chica go d North Western, 35,,,; do preferred.6s%,. New York Produce Market. New 7 ORR, Sept. 10.—Cotton In demand at drui prices; sales at 13435 (or middling up lands, chiefly at 33. Flour 15030. better, with limited supply and good inquiry for medium grades; sales at $6,4559,40 for extra State, 45,65 dli,ist for common to good shipping brands extra round hoop Ohio, and 311,101519,M for trade brands, closing arm. Whiskey is quiet. Wheat—receipts, 15,006 bush; very entree and 3450. higher, at 41,51 i, for unsound Chicago, M.,14 for No. 2 Milwaukee, g 2,754 1 12,17 for new amber State, and 43,15 for new white Michigan. Rye dull and heavy; western K 2,1 1 ,5. Barley and Bartel Malt dull. Corn without decided change, nt.a2 for inferior, 8244363 for shipping mixed western, afloat, and SA, do. in store Oats—receipts, 16,353 bush; more active and closed rather more steady; sales 1.01,010 bush. at 44040 for Chicago and 371251. Milwaukee. Cof fee firm mad In fair demand. Sugar steady hUt quiet, at 100.461114. Molasses dull. Petroleum quiet but steady, at 2715/27 , 4 for crude anti 4.SIG 45 for refined, In bond. Pork quiet mod heavy at $8.i,10633.25 for new mesa, closing at e3312',, emits; esiesi,zo for old do., and ,IMOMNi,2I fur prime; sales 2,730 Ws, new mess, for Soptem her and October, seller and buyers' option, at 4.31,500.11,25. Reef eteady and quiet at µsac:. for 1:11,V plain mess and oxen for new est ru meas. fleet Hams nominal. Cut meats are unchanged, at 1.04/15 tor shoulders and I Witt. 21 1 4 for hams. Bacon more active; Cumber land out 1.5 l 4_0215,-Y.. Lard is more active and heavy at 154'.30.4 Batter is dull at . 25frr.: for Ohlo and 35010 for State. Cheese unchanged at 10ar7%. - MEI ME IMEZ3 ,Z 7, Cuie.tiro, September 10.—Flour active and advancedl:Q~4'c. Wheat advanced iireole, cinn- Ing arm at 6'i.,00at,i1.1 for lie. I , and $1,,3431.tiV, for No. 2. Corn active and advanced I..,farn., cloning at 34.14 c for No. I. ii a n, firm; for now, and I:7c for old No. I; 2:14 .. .!;!,e. lox No. !. new. fi iadyninos firm. Frelghtei odeady;ie,e 1.. to Initial°. ece; 1101/, Sue. wheat. 241,10, ba,. corn, 31,.... tine. "ma. t,.w coo, September lo.—Flour vaneed per liar mei, wan a rood acrostic!, ruiltei of 1,310 barrels at SlitCS for No. 1 miring: $i2.15 (or red a later; Si4,7a for double ustrik Wheat quiet, No. .2. Milwaukee club hold at SIX, •upptt 1110 a. Corn bald at 72e fur No. I /Moots al ill til sales. Curial freights unchauged. Philadelphia Market, I. n w ogt. ralw. Sept. I.l.—FlOut,yelet and un changed. Wheat quiet; Red $2,65.(k2,0. Whit.. V 2,90. Corn doll; Yellow 91c, Sllzed Western l_caton quiet; hi 1,14111nK ( - Pianos or lounn c. Cotret quiet, Rio NO Ito 4 , for m , 4 , 4 ion+ firm. l'ennAylvanitt Whl.ky Ohio Itog,heads $1„,34. 11 4,, Sept. 10.—Flour nrui U.. 1 111011 mcuree. Wheat rti,i.ty; red f0.7:41 - ...1. white $3,ir:43,15. Corn 11011; white 1.001/ 0, 6; yei- Inw 01010 uteatly. I•rovIsIons dull. l'ort 04,2,1, Sugar firm at 11 IL Coffer, 1110 very smarm; noun In Drat hands attic( ; LLruooal 0,7 0 . bonded. The nice Pelee of Floor, sod the Groto With the Immense grain hen-c.d. (hat use 'already been secured there is no earthly ex cuse for the high price. prevailing far the staple of life. flour. The sodden and unex pected oolispee of the European war line oh literated the last ruy of hope for a foreign de mand and consequent advance m prices Not withstanding this manthat tendency of n de cline, and the fact that the booth hem raised sullaclent for home coos emotion, and the vast surplus over what is required for our North ern population, the Chicago and other specu lators, through the power granted them by an Inflated corner 7 and the demoralizing na tional banking 5> stem, are bolding latch and hoarding up grain, and causing a correspond ing suffering on the now over oppressed may of our community. We hope the fall may come soon, and there will he but sym pathy for the iniquitous. speculator. who may I be buried pecuniarily in the crash. An ex• change, In alluding to the subitet., says Too predictions of the early spring proph ets, of disaster, in reference to the grain crops of this country, have, as In most frequently the case, been lamentedly refitted by facts. The reports from the great went are extsome ly gratifying. It is agreed on all handl, that tlie crop of corn this year will exceed every thlnght the annals of previous prmluction, being really enormous. The crop of oats Is unusually heavy, and moat of It Is already garnered. So, also, in relation to rye, the crop of which is heavier than usual, and the quality excellent. Barley, which I. an Impor tant grain, not as much cultivated in this country as it might be with advantage, also turns one well wherever planted, and - good profit will tie retained from It. From the Northwest the report of the wheat crop is most favorable. From excessive nine In some States there hae been a deterioration in whi ter wheat which may yet be recovered by dry weather, bat In other btates, not effected by those causes, the crop is larger than for the last two yea rs. Taking the good promise with the bad, the extra large crops In twine localities with the diminished production elsewhere, it seams to 'be agreed that the wheat crop will be a full average. With an excessive corn, rye and oat crop, with a fair yield of wheat and barley, the general harvest may be pronounced Of extra abundnaloct.—Buf- Ago Courier. 2 8. 072e7 m snE . r a° 18:.--4 - 70 . v i 7 L aT aD J W c il e A : mi ts YN char frot a , C W 4 B i litBcd:l r U to .4 . (Jaffrey & Clark; it bbl. eggs. John Floyd a Oo; idds apples, A Donnelly; 7 cars metal, Joe Wood & Won; 4 do do, John Moorbead; 7 do do, & 80;2 tree beef, Cook, Br i o & 60; / 00 bides, W Ignlthr lo bbd tobacco, A J Murray; wo bides, J LI Ralston,• s tree Dead ash, McKee & Bro; Ti bre ink, J Henderson; Si do do, LB, tle, 11a1r431. Patton; 23 do do, W H Barnes, 10 00 40,3 W Plgocl4; 50 bbd floor, lictione a Anler; 1 car metal, 8 Reynolds; lido staves, W Ilnatlngs; Ido do, Daly & Robertson; 11 bbl. 1 apples, 17 do seed, Blab. & Woods; I ear motel, Illlworth & Porten 2 no wheat, D 'Wallac 4 do do, Hitchonck, hieCreory a co; 2 do do, L P L Volgt & C.; Ido 00, 8. Liggett 4. co; 15 ;oran broom-,, W 11 Smabtßl bee soap, it g tr a e m ... l , ao; 30 do candles, F. Doo,xleton; 7 Uhl. eggs, cook. lire arooill bag choose, DaLa o u . a IC do do, II Riddle; 44 bags rags, (Jaffrey , Clark; MO pigs, J 11 Lyon; 247 sks winked A Taylor; RR lads dour, 8 Lindsay Jr a 00;0 bills eggs, % P Beck a 00. 1866. 1965, 4 1 22437 7,392,915 ,933,2.50 730,471 1,.7.11,808 3u.5,641 16,16'1 10, I u,47 50,0 t. .34,1319,f:14 11,....55,(PXJ 21.ca5,..5G4 CLSVELAND AIM PITTSPOOOM Itartamn So somber 10.-57 bbls petroleum, Waring a King ; • 47 do do, Brower, Burke & co; $ ibis ap ples, II 11.1.1dic,• 3 bbla soap, took, Ilro 4 co; 14 •Its seed, C C flaislev;.9 sks rugs. Markle a a,; 7 rolls loather, G ,27 bbls apples, Volgt co; lu do do. Pettit 4 Newlin; 3D boxes cheese, It Robinson; 14 aka seed Arbuckics a co; 22 bales cotton, Kennedy, Childs co; in dot brooms, Jas Connor; ti babetow It It Bulger; Ido do, Hammer a Daniel; 16 bile tobacco, E lionxicton; 2do do, Kirkpatrick 4 Herron; 2 do do, Sh river 4 Laicar; 15 ties lard, E blycra 4 co; 1 14hd tobacco, .1 Murpliy;l oar wheat, Hitchcock, 11cCrocry a co; sdo do, J S Liggett a militia/1s copper, Al .110w0; I car limner, John hoax; 100 bbls flour, Knox & Be- Kee; 4 cars Irma ore, Bryan a Caughey ; 14 do do Shoenbcrger & Blair; 2 doAlo, Graff Byers oo; 3do do, J Painter a °min bids 011, AL Linton. PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS & CINCISMAT/ IL 11, September In-2 cars wheat, Liggett 4 CO; sdo do, KO bids dour, 11) Wallace; lOU do do, Head Metzgar; ISO do do, T C Jen kiwi; I ear conx,.ll Bea Jr; Pi UM flour, Sbomaker Langt 30 ts llB hoops, 13 Fahnestook & co; 1 car oats, Gilmore, Simpson a co 1 car corn, W J Meek: I car Staves; C 0 S mith; 50 bids liquor. F Evert; U Tikga tobacco, A J Murray.; is aka dried fruit. 5 clo leathers, I Dickey 4 do, .25,1 sacks barley, J apples, GMT a Better, Ia bids deod r w C Jenkins; 7 do do, M. W itsnu, Obis potatoes, B Militc!lett• lira. 2,031,623 1,13 3r .12,2)5471 13,701,&17 . D,751,119-1 17,1M,7140 0,57.1 Itl t5,5t5,1V2 4^5,415 57;5. ,r . 1,103,06{ 540X2 .lA,turhisccarir STAziox, September runu mL bis iti: rAt irl p .Z. 31 ... : te nl awartr r :532 ; pmch l ft.a d d o iz tlax .tei.ubub seed opu , l 4 :E ßl — w 3 l d er .b,u l r Get*ip:Pir e r 4 Callan; 8 lux= wheat, KennwaY a ° Aki 34 dint Inn e n: 4 l34o o D John Oa; BY TELEGRAPH. =I 1=1:1 13.11Imore llnrk rl EME=3:I EXPORTS BT B•11.44114l0, RIVER NEWS• we ::•,d•i:s:1 • : : r : rS PL • MI: •e, e z • •` The river, we regret to state, is again reced ing at this point, the pier marks last evening showing avant fire nod a half feet. At Oil City, the telegraph reported thirty-two inches In the early part of the day, bat later In the day, telegrams reported bat twenty-seven inches, and falling. with Indications continues cloudy and unsettled, with Indications favor able for more rain. There has been no arrivals since our last ro m•ttiastiodre frroa..rzLetrciebtaul, ardpsetik.et:ieTwhestaLewn for 41100141 g, Cleared on time with moderati, trips. It is said that the Bayard will be here W go out on Thursday morning. The Ezra Porter, Capt. J. 11. PorterN new side-wheeler, intended for the New Orleans and !tett river trade, is almost completed, and Capt. Darragh is getting along pretty well with his new boat, the Rolle Vernon. Tho Chloftan, of the "Peoples' Brownsville," came t m , h e e t re r. o s a p h o elh m a a s i t n h b e.:L M n:‘:‘ , :n n l d e e e a r v i i n l g n w g: h y r s Y p s o a s repair s, i f presume, will be ready to take her place g. Tho ..0/51 Line," we understand, conternplat building a now boat, and we [have no doubt sho will be a credit to the trade. The Van Buren, Capt. NOwlmid's new cotton boat, Came around to the Main hunting yester day, and will at once commence loading for New Orleans. Copt. Now/hunt expects to be really in leatyo to-morrow. Capt. Stapleton'• new boat for the Chatta hoocha river is progressing finely, mid will be ready to set out on her long voyage before many weeks elapse. Like most boats intended for tee Southern rivers, also IN constmletml so ns to curry cotton. The Kato Pulliam, Capt. .1. 11. Lightner. Is filling up rapidly for St. bouts, and will be ready to take her departure to-Umorrow. The Putnam has recently been thoroughly over hauled awl repaired and repainted, and is now to excellent condition for busluess. The eine-W.llml Ctommerciat of Sunday, has the following Items: The Mollie Norton having redeye , ' the fare 1.4141,50 to Iligginsport, the Magnolia has also lowered her figures to SI to the same point.. She wall bring tobecfm hero from Iligginsport for bee per hogshead. The Natoma, Capt.. Robert Carnes, will drop down to the landing to-morrow, end eon, menee loading for Memphis. The Nightingale, Capt. J. A. Frazier, will leave for St. Louts to-morrow night, and will lw followed by the Shamrock. on Thursday. the W. F. Lurtis, will not return to Mariet ta to-morrow, as usual, but will go in the doelc: for thorough repair, The Darling, Capt. t.. E. flowers, will he the next Memphis Piteket Con:pet:Vs boat for Memphis Capt. Swoney will rummence Ina.ung the Armadillo or New Orleans again, to-uaur row. The cholera has broken out at Paducah. Among those who hart takes Is Mr. Ityan, of the arm of X .11brook, hymn d Co. We are not informed whether he tiled or not, or exactly how mune cases hare ocean-ea there In all. A ems cited yesterday on the Importer w hilt that boat was at the landing at this city We ezzold not learn whether he was aassenger k r one of the crow, or what was his disease. STEAMBOATS. Von MEMPHIS AND iaz at EW VA:VI rI7IW ".'m" i litas,. to the &to" •I lEt tertne.ll,v iiiirw. on Tian DA T. the Tit ilk. 02211211=1 rep YLACK it OLLINOWt n pp, Agents. .11ITISIIIARGII, BROWN V ILL E AND UEN EVA U. S. MAIL CI4CrACCE . • Will run three daily side-wheel steamers hetween Siononsahetallty. Ilrawnstlllt. Landing. tiere.sboro, Creates and the tankard ‘ , ll Heston, This Ira. is composed of the following steamers _CAPT. N. A. COS. CAI'T. P. 11131.:11Y.IL rAyETTY.... t E I. E • . i NEMI EIZISIU3 DM MZIMM . - - • • ..... •1:1 I.are .1.117 •L ha. atl.l d p m, •xcepL whom Um dcpartury ..tCt tx• go•clo.1.. St 61, m. • ... Unit kr...l—Leaves lirveritselils for l'llmborgb daily at la. m, and Ip. In. Learn Greettsboro sad tleney• at 11 o'clock. ttlee's Landing nt p. rt. The Ilse I. compo•vd f ant-clus 614 e-wheel steamers. Malt expresaly f or the trade. They are :ILL try oftmere of long ea nerlenea. Who krlll nay latetlen tar ratentlon to the .rant* and odm fort of prmsennere. boat* ell! leave prompt•T at the hoar ealrerttsed =MM:UZ=IIOIIEICEII !for fttrt.ner particutars, W 114-P.LKOV, App.ro, At t, Wbarf-11.0aL tsrsot l'ltuantrv. L. :11531.t.i00 itrown.•llla. l'a I SOOTS AND MIMES. T. A. M'CLELLAND, Masonic Hall Auction House, Nos. 55 and 57 I Srl' I t I+, 1.:11', I= Wholesale and Retail, BOOTS, SlipES, GIRRS, 33.Esania WORKING SHOES,SLIPPERS, 664 . .. &IC Ladies', Gents and Children's WILEY. rAnnELLh. co., No. t 67 Smithfield Street, I= Lead and Ulock Tin, Pipc and =3 13=1 Brass and Steam Goods, MD emirs OF ALL DISCRIPTION& ].67 Sm.ltlasold . ortrem.t. ROOFING MATERIALS. Censers', Pitch, Pen, Para)?lie Varnish and Stack Paint, Stanufastured and .oW as eplas E n ass i ny otle:Zi . ouse In the country, by Wrant66 hinHtb Wbarf. OAST STEEL. all sizes. in pieces to •ull purchasers. Large Berea Grindstones. JOSEPH WOODWELL & CO., Carnal , Wood and Second Oa., rttoburgh AGENTS FOR YAIIIBANICIP SCA LEA. MONEY LOAN OFFICE, NO. 15 SMITH/IEI.D STItEIr.T. corner of Binh, Pittsburgh. Money Loaned on Buyer Plates Guns, Pistols, Diamonds, Jewelry, Gold and !Inver Watches. Clothing, and •aluable artieles of every description. ' The roods cannot be delivered witbout a ticket. Not accountable In ease of fire or robbery. Goods of every description for sale at lowest prices. Ue14.7.1)d ElliaftllCL Da NOY. HENny SEA. ILL, COMMISSION MERCIIANT IN FLOUR, tu n LA.," OEM X.altacort - ir Elitzroot. lolasTra PITINII URN If PA. VINEGAR, For Pickling. IMPEIIIAL MIME WINE VIN -1O ablequ stresittb and flavor._ for blab og and se. Also burn Older and Malt Visit.- t W ..111. earner Llberty, and Hand street.. 1 7 N .I .r . O n lerli n 6 I ": 4 " l 7 4, :lm ni trY by into th r e e o n l"./V/ A.MEB nempn, ziastfosxxrianicrr. EZTL'aWdadllltrigh?; amt tll•Bl:lr:t. tends tticl r "cell o ,n on rea ona.we't• 0,1A,,N. DEMON ATItItOI', betweed szoct mom streets, LLat4IIENT ...Dor I •T VVI-111. • r lr w ..46e 56 Federal Street, alleghenN, CARPENTER AND JOBBING, MI work entrusted to by a n m prompt attention In either city. 89 , 00 . WH0 CAN BEit 'or Two Weeks Only. I ate selling • good TRENCH Chia SHIN BOU of my own make, forth. mall emu °MINS Dog - LAGS, at No. 36 Market street. Inmate= DANIEL URA. la. 51. 9 2 ROSS Alt P LAM ILIttfLE N e rnE rEcTA E cT . as• . 9 -2 IfUl/VileLNO INSTRUMENTS. rite, %IP drelt ( l l ooWi l accirece COMBINATION TAM THERMOMETERS. lIAROILEI . .SAURINik -244.." Pllit ET h iggirrete l ikri 8 1 7 4 g••• 1112 =St. Liar Meat. ADMINISTRATOR'S IIOTICE.-4 .8.: Si =IVA Mtirri="Wrn s " - c to net el p Mao, irttlaalleta7 for taaat at e, al lastal/altaaati , vAam BAY lidiatinimisort. JOHN SHIPTON 4lmpTo2i & WALLACE. Whole le tiROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALER.. No.p_Slith htrect. Pittsburgh. )31,1_ j S. NEWIIIYER & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And dealers lu Flour. ltrain. Feed snd Produce. (lash sdrances nasde on consignments. Warehouse, No. 3U PEWS bllLEET.opposite Union Deno t, Pittsburgh, P. J99lrss BREWER, BURKE & CO., COMMISSION 11111111AN1 et, Alain!Tß YOlt TAIL Pacific, Globe and Liberty Oil Works, Ample btorage for Crude and nen ned VII. 1 tber• cane advances made on coualgurnents of Crthle or Rebind Petroleum. Yards for storage and MO meat of Crude VII et Lairrenee•llle. Udine and Warebouss. Corner of Durmealle Way end Hancock street. Pittsburgh. tugs 6 .483 Pignut gut. JAe . C. LLITCLIAIIt. KEIL & RITCIIART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DNALKU.IN Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, &e. I=2 mr7Az PITTBBUItU 1•A WILLIAM C. LEE, I=l COMMISSION AND FORWARDING SIVEICLIELCUEr....A-MITT. No. 102 Second Street, Plttaburgh, F. Nip - Agent fur the ••61.. Louis — Lead Pipe and Sheel. Lead Work.. Dealer In BID and A B LKA D, OHOT, H END', YIRK CLA Y. Ac. Consigumentaso- Belted and Order. pruntptlr Yll.d. Iny11:1. 4 DAY, ....... A. I:DANrrRD. DAV. CRAWFORD, ellerchawi, And deals. In PIO METAL, BLOOMS, W WAS iIIT SCRAP IN , VOLE PRICK, and all kits, al Rolling XIII supplies. Warsheuse acd Udles, Nos. .380 and 36it N STRai:T. stursas to tw had. Conatirtinienti talbidn ow.", 4 altirsatit -w. NAM' MB ( )WENS, KENNEDY S. DAMPED, PitUDI,ICE •150 Wholnsale Dealers In FUR-CMS AN U INUITS, SALT, FLOUR. tItiTTILIt, EUGS, I lk• TATt)EeI. sc., and In Provisions and Produce gen er•lly, Nu. TO PILIIILRAL liTitif.lLT, opposite the Railroad Depot, At.tactumsy, a... Agriis for the sale of P. 1. iiite`a, Donnell Kt Rims t Is and 4. harn•ii Salt. aptsilyti WIC J. ,Tlat. {L. T. FIT Ital. W . J. STEEL b. 13110., late Elvin -1 t • I all a algal., I . I.JDUVE M11531.11V .11ElitIlA PITS, recel•e and &en PL . D M or n• • LI , oat. and Cur, Beans. Bacon, Lard, i IC, Clr• ave. C[ . t l'art. Lit,ezi tad WI Frulta, tatoes, Vial •cul tar.* `Seed, T.tbers. 011 liar, II voil 1 ..iet. I. , nsr Sail. *c.,..1. f•rticumr at Litua paid to the 1.1.. of Foralxn and Hoeuenle Yrult4, ho. 13V Third •trtct. I . l.slturg.h. I'.. 1.14 .111_ A L. ra. \AN lt. J A Na n VI 'BANE es. A_NJEIC COBNISSION MEICCII ANTS and dealers Iti FLOCI.I„ URA LN Lnd YaVUIjeK, thtroltti st.rcet. Cc...ern P. 0u..1 and Smithfield, PittAtourcit. art I tly 110.5. •1•11, a. •. .it crrAicip POTTER, AIKEN b. SIIEPAIID Commis•loo Merchants, and 4ccier. Vorelitr eat i u t go,;:as . rasseoLcr bevot. Villa !Marti. • - VW it. r. TIPS. 11111tirlt1.1 W M. P. BECK •S‘ CO No. INS I.ll.rtty strnet, ~ Vi poicLale lirceer,ornrclartpc Ilerchan•L and deLlers In Coun try Prodnce. Procriont, flacon. Larc., Stutter, Rags, Cheese Yt.b, Vrodoce, Flour, Orcln, Seca.. ilre.m 10,1 I/n..4 Yintltc, An., Salt cad Lime. 17111 one attla•l4l/ Ct . l r r & SUMP AKIN Commission ,its and dealers Io Flour, Grabs and Pre. duce. •11 Liberty street.Pllasburgh. cstuds of Flour for Balms and Tangly on, .....211, .0 hand. r.rticws, attention paid to dit ll to, ^ e fur Sterehandlss. "onerally. scanty trrue., BAIRD & PATI'ON, noldaala (frown, Candataaloa llerebaals, and deader* In rvo,tice. Inbar. Bacon. Cheese, VIOL ttartronand Lard Ult. Iron, NaLta, Yarns and .11 Pittsburgh nfactures "enerally 11 and 114 Second street. Pittsburgh. 19XEDI E=MO . _ r. ILITNENI. NI. D. n.sv•za. REIMER as DUOS., (Successors to Kepner di Anderson, ) Wholesale Oenlen In Part , elf. Fruits, Nut) and Spices. Coo firth:ince,. Sow. rincworin, •c.., Not. IN 5.141 Wood ettrestoi /Mb l'ittAliorgh. R K.NOX & SON, Commission • SIKK.,N an.t,Ora.lAra /WWI, 1111411 i, 11 ILL V EF.I/ 1.4 1 . 11 1 / 1 1CCP. geserolly. Nu. 711 1 ' ,1 .e. 1 .1. 041 ,0 0. cm, flail. Ally City. Jollli H. 1: N FIELD, Consign iLgion awl Vol war•lins and wholesale dealt, In Western Miser, Cher.. Untie, Lard. lrk. tlacwo, Ploagr vis a, Pot and Pearl Ashes. Calcrataa. I.totrcvl and sad ;Ws, ilrled Vrall, and lroduce It...rally, Noe. to and IM Prot street. Plitataure D. tartan J A. 1.1a•Ir. (;HA!'!' PILODIDUE, ••-• I..annatte,no unl Morehsols, and , l ' a r' r.V. t i. "‘ .%U n . ' Alt . .. i r l t, ll : Ub' t. 'l 3 i /t ' l=l t r I. Stotts • •ftLow•at , Uotleit. .Itlt. It. Om,. .1011. 1 4 1. HOUSE h 1111011,12occes ,, 6011.• TO JoUt 1. HMIs, • CO., Ore eArs and ( outml2.un Mennaata, Minter itt II neat -1104 and U ales` street.. l'llLAlAratih. fell J AMEN DALZEILL a, NOY; Manu fartur.r. of Lard on), and I.tounalation Merchant. fur the porch. and awl. p(1 rad. and /Waned 1,- m,um, Nos. re and 79 MM., etre.. l'lltelnargh. adv ir ances mad. at Conalgoto.nta. SCOOMAKI3IB4. LANG ,Wholesale dealer. to Uroceotes, Flour, CI rola V i roduno, Pro piptairs. rtw, Ctioeve. Solt, Carbon VII, 11,w. ITt and fie !Street. near Liberty Street. Pl[46u S. lin. NOll A. ALSO 04.)1.1111.270.1.11. EAU A. MEI - Lk:AG, Grocers and Coeurol...loo Mere-114ot, awl deldefil to all ktiot, of Country Modem. .11 i • lttohltrott litoutifoctusev. Yllbtm No O L.thertr Slre.O.. °poop'. head Of Wu opl 17 I.*TZEII aitiftNTAGNO, fror . yarding sod Commission Her Banta Ito. the pale 0 flour. Groin. Bacon, Lard, Hotter, Sercla, Dried lf r riOte, and Moakley Kew...ally. No. IE Sforket Otreva, ouro.r of first, rittolourol., Vs. . . . R • • • - OUT. UALZLLL h CO., Whole saw. firocera, l'ornrnla•loct ar.l romardlng Mar chart. stnldenif.rn In Produce and l'ltinbann Man ufacturva. N.. Int I.lTn•rt, Intinborib• JUI.III Vr•TT WATT rt. WILSON, Wholesale v t‘rocera uurrunisaioublercisanta, 11 dealt,. la Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, o. LU Llto erty street. Pittsburgh. hOd I I RIDDLE, No. IS3 Liberty St., • Pittsburgh, Pa.. Commission Merchant. sod Wholesale /Seim In Couutry Produce, tirucerlm awl Pittsbareh Manufactures. Cub advanced on Con stant:tents. and paid fbr Produce imorrally. jitAl4l/1 DICKEY 84 CO., Wholesale tirocura Contallmion Merchants. and t r ie4er. In Produce. So. RI Water street and SI rrcrot sterol 11 . 1t.burg11. riprl JCL Inert runny, 11 WOIGHT b. Co., (Successon U. ()rail.) Produce awl Conn:W.lam Neu. 3h•nts. IV Liberty •tree,, 11 . 11.trtturgh. • totoiiiWtcr. I 111 T orao3. a t a,4 a Ad . l hlieftoh 3c.to Preloormalolct P. dstas No. Vl GUE , TY iTILEXT telly Juno rINTI, WM. ri.uirD loan; i-LowD rt. CO., Whuleen le IJlttt(t Rico. Nu. 177 Wood ontt "4:ll.loertr wit tot., Itittbou rots. Va. 402.1•11 TO THE SOLDIERS AND SAIIAILS ALLEGUNI COUNTY! Pursuant to a call of the ISOLDIAIta ANL/SAIL ORS' NATIONAL UNION, honed Augnat 20t1t, 1006, clelegatlons of our late cemrarlee Inareas from all the States to the Un on trill ensemble In MASS CONVENTION, CITY OF PITTSBURGH, Tuesday, the 25th day of September, To take such action a .11011 conduce to the propn. Li., of the boat Interests of the Republic. JAILER 8. KEGLEY. late MaJ. lieu. U. 8. V. A. L. PEARSON, late Bvt. M.l. Goo. U. 8. V. CHARLES BARNES, late K. t. Mal Gee. U.S. V J. B. COPELAND, lute Lieut. Col. 6th 11. Pa Artillery. 14AAIL. ELLOORE, bet. Ma, 166th P. V. T. M. BAYNE, late Col. 176th P. V. au314161 LEATHER BELTING. VITESSMAN & CLARK, No. 'll CHID STREET, near the Penitentiary, Alio 'holy City, manufacturers of every description uf Patent !Stretched, Cemented and!Total OAK TANNED LATHER BELTING. BELTS made ;to erne, and repaired B e lts short notice. ihrtiCnier at tention paid to Belts for Bolling Mills and heayy works. All work warranted. Orders respectfully solicited. leA•d7ll d. 0,00 0 TO LOAN BOND AND MORTGAGE. Apply to THOMAS Brokerned Seal Estate Agent, No. 136 Smithfield, b et. .itis and Diamond els. BTe i A N tr IT GAGES wan t thn tns $5OO, sl,ooo, $3,000, $5,000, $lO,OOO, for one, two and throe Tear, ( lONSIGNINENTS. Iro Doses rembes• 1.0 Dbl. We. Ater.; 97 Dos. 110.01 11:0 Walerme 10 lints. Morons, ZS 110. mo Lemonc Dattor.SX/M &r. • In atom and o ar. ow br w. J. nTEDL • DUO., onll • 140.1111 Third litre.. bekordmabfleld;. ner ' j t i xtiDry k Apple l s. n w ig 24ArtiT,ObgiraWAIWAVitrailibil30:14 BAILIFF, BROWN & CO., PLUMBERS,OAS & SI EAM PIPE FITTERS No, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. 672 Penn Street, Pittsburgh WATER AND OAS FIXTURKS constantly on Land. Houses fitted up with Gas. Water sr Stesto Pipes a, short notice. Oil Rennet - les Iltted op at short notice and In the must approved style. agitator., Tanks. de_ lined with :thee" Lead by new process, veldt Hydro-Atmospheric Mop l'lpe. We toe constantlyon hand a large supply or SHEET LEAD, LEAD PIPE, IRON ANL/ !MAN' , COCKti. FITTINGS 0 p ALL EIN DS. HY DILA NT Hoer. and in tact all material kept by a Hest -elms establishment. would Invite the attention of all who haer any work to do In our line busiuess, as we feel cone dent we can giro the best of satisfaction ea reeerds materiel, workmanship and price, it NOTICE. Private Families and Hotels HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES I= Nos. 221 and 229 First Street, WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, Chandeliers and Brackets, Lc. Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c., 161 Wood Street, near Sixth. my=:b7 pLURIBING. GAS AND STEN FITTING, Hydrants, Iron Pumps, 8111.2E1 xrrEEr XISe t LICA D PIPES. SISK7S, fi A SJ .v.s WATER CLOSETS AND WASH STANDS 163 Wood St., Pit Isbursh,' Pa mr.:w ADDY, II HALLOS & BIRTLEI 3F.1at7D6.8113FL73. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, for. Sixth and Smithfield StS., PI7TSBCRGI7, PA., (or. Beaver and Chestnut Streets MA A - C.IIE3M R. ♦ll klivls or Water, tiAlawl Strain Y.I I qr• • .10017 on toot. 111111, 11 1 111 111 S & D.IRTLEI P• • P n.. i..n.l rb.. .. dr, of W(>( )1) I'U iii All klo.t. of Iron Pumio, 111.1f6111• ,h.fat I. elbeto. Zinc. 1,64 I 11141. e.\.. aLe Closet.. N.rh 115.1”.. W•al. alsts.l... .1. at areroorn, Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, All .In of tif,valting do, to prompt) EllC=ll2=lM= M=l I >Lll'5lllllliG. 4:AS AND ten: AI N 1 ►ITTI\U, In ALL ITS atten.l...llo 1., ...sp•rlrf,e.l•n.l pray, Irortmrn. A the ol GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS I.IIIOI4'ER WATER rl.er•ViS I= 9E' ALT3EI de 1131:111i71.1-43LIM. whit :U.oly H Eli LEH lr b. JOHNSON, Et .a.cm-xc1..46...x.. Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, •11 ordure by mall r scout... 4 promptly attended to A full lin• of Ilath Tuba, 5 . 1119111, Ilaalor, al • Closets, Pinta. Cbandolter., •no Ifhailit, fur sal. at the Inoal prlcra. orders from country patroo• ot prompt! . lendm.l to. Im IN THE COURT Or COMMON PLEAS of Allegbevy County. Countionweenn 01 Penn.ylvanla. welling in Bonny. :Sop timber Term, luCcu in Penn now, Between James lice%le, and Al exander Opt.. plaintiffs, and John J. All. and Rachel Wet., Wittiam P. Mickey, Jmne, It. Mi. l,y and Ale. E. Mickey, Ac., by their guardian. Avers 1 , :lx.on; glintbeth 011eavy, Eliza J. Mickey, Albertson Underwood and Ann Underwood, his wife, in right of aeld Ann. defendant, To Eli. J. Micke, one of the defendant. ea.. , Whereas, James XleAntey and Alexander hp,icr, complainant. abovenamed, did on .4111 inst., Ole their bill of complaint in the Prothonota ry of said county. setting Conk that tilt en joyment of certain real estate therein tulle di acrlb• situated at the corner of Pe. Street and Cecile nee). City of Pittsburgh, said county, by them end their co-tenants, the defendants abr. named, was ..toeot to great ln.uvenienee.. 11Qlenitlea •nd controversies, and that they had been unable to ob tain partition theca:if, and praying Ist. That the defendants be required to make sn orer to all and elegularthe premises. d. That the Conn decree partition. id. That the Court appoint a Master, or a Muter and Commissioner to make partition. eth• That the Court grant snob other and lumber relief urns. he owes.... And whore., upon •Mdevit flied, setting forth InteraUts, your seU-kosed residence, the Court did. on the BIM triel., Order that notion be given you by putilleattou on. • week for three weeks In roe Parranosou dozotres. Now, Moreton., obedience to cold order, you are Illareby notified and required, on or before the Rent DAT ur SEPTEMBER next, to cause and appearance to tie entered for you in the Court of Common Pleas of said county, to the above men tioned bill of complaint of the above named Jame. McAuley and Alexander Speer. anti to observe what the ,aid Court shall direct. oar Witness tny hand, at t•ltlaburgh, this nth day or August, A. D.. ono thousand eight hundred and slaty-Ma. W. lIA WX IN a, JR., Solicitor .or Plaintiff, So. 58 Grant drawl, Clltahursh.. NostA—lf yen fall to comply with the abort. direc tion. by enteritis an appearance lu the Protinon, tarra odic, on or heft.. the Alta day of Beptenittcr neat, you will oe liable to beet the bill taken pr. , cortfure, And • decree made &seines yea your absence. au2nt17.2:0 - . N THE MATTER OF TIIE A CHANGE OF (MADE OP HIGH STREET, In Ute Oily of Pittsburgh. Al. persons interested era hereby notified that the asaasamenti rot payment of damages caused by the change of grade of tili h street. In the City of Pitts burgh. bare been placed In lay hands for colic Lion, and melee. the same .ball hay; been paid on or be fore the iDea DAY OP IiMPTEMIIKII, IVA it will be my duty to file the same a.- liens against the property assessed, and proceed to collect them In atcold.ca with law. MEM J. P. SLA OLE, City Solicitor, aniChlY No. lOU Firth Ms, Plttsbursh, Pa. A DMIN ISTIIA TOWS NOTICE.- Noll., Is hereby given that tellers of militants tratlon upon the mime of JOHN ADAMS, !aloof Penn To. rtsblp, Allegheny uounty. to., hero her, granted to the, undersigned. All permits Indebted to sold estate are hereby requested to make limns- Mate paytment to Christina' thalvely, Penn town ship, andahme having claims ore re ques s e u to Arc s thorn, properly probated, at the residence 01 the Adstanharatoe, No. Mil Penn street.. Ninth Wattl. Pittaburgh. !JUDD ADAMS. NOTlEE.—Letternot Adiniukistra flea es the eeteto of WM. UKN N KTT, late of the city of Pittsburgh, Liquor ttorclaant, dtresteo•ti, have been granted Le the enbserther, All hone,. Indebted to toe said estate are requeeted to mot, ItumecHate payment, toed tate root. laud 010.• hoe log elate.. against the estate of lee sold deectiellt RBI mote known the NJSIO without delay, to THOS. HAMILTON. Adter, ITI7Ig7T No. to Math 01., l'lttslotrgh. BUY YOUB:NOTIONS, Toys, Baskets, 1 17.ALIRLXYZMXIS113, dbCI., ALT J. G. Lauer's Variety btore, 1.10 , 101 MARKET STREET Pit th Street,between Tunnel and Chatham Street., ow. M. PIM t. No. 1384 (Nair suf.! GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE clan goods of all description/ silvan on c n aradanyd o a n od or t l n a tlocw e. est prices. paring don I S. C. Burma— H. w. 1110711314 • • • , C. OUFEVRI & CO., illaintfac. J• Merl of SarsaParWL. kwon aa4 Raspberry al 032 46 WAkarElll29l)oZUers nb en , auubergi LemOri r ecr iaa olgre r e a l t , j' er y ra rarirreMllr ham/ or,kqSi gtr a prvida d luiEKET tr, iyearktooto ad, d I tft„,• Lod aaJ ski PP" . " Sit Pir lA a tlitlitter taiga SIK011 "..1, • ' - - =I JOHN MAFFET, =1 AND BRASS FOUNDERS. A lx-go It..ortawni a =l=l TONE T. EWENS, =1 N.. 50 Federal Stre..l. 217 I.ltrert♦ I=ll I.l.ttgalmaArsl3., F. MIISSMANN, INSITEUIN E NSERE TOL it LIF E TILE CHARTER LI it I. NY OF HARTFORD. CoN N. THE ONLY W.Va. INSURANCE CoIIPANY IN AMENICA [bat 1t0 , .5.00 •no pal , Auousi CASH DIVIDEFD on - . t cr. t and ru. h subsequent payment of premium. 5 C U. 41 CA VITAL., au ac c umulation of $2,1110,000. Is 4,, rel 3 i tt...1 lb put. Ile stocks and on ... ea of [(LAI. 1.01 AI K. It I. [MN In It s lath year or business, And !we Data the WIDOWS AND 46t'IlAoa ofj.l• members the sum o ONE MILLION DOLLAP.S. To thi• date not a 'on flt awe of litigation hae ocenrrvil, an evl.leuee at liberality and fair dealing la a specialty with this Company. The policies of this Company are not forfeited by reaann anon-payment of premien. after the second yen. No payments required allot Leo years, but policies continue good through life. Orric iota J. C. WALKLY. President. N. S. rAimicit, Vice President- • S. H. WHITE. Secretary. Branch Oilier for Western Penney' rani.. ' , Mire Circulars and blank Appilcationa will be faulsiled. Bri Flab alrouNt, rittaburirh tg'lt;NaD tail tb r,rn shout the :ibis. AZI.`" pENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. lice.3l Fifth Street, Bonk Block 'f lito IN • Homo ( ompany, nod ilift.(l.6 kola by Firt.earlusive.y. LEUNAH , WALTER I'noil.ll.nt. • .IV. }WILK, \ II"- I resllent. 11. , 111LIti I• 11.1, ti, Trrtsurrr 1111ii11 14.1.11E.N Y. NeertAary Leutiard W:t11 , U. Royle, itobt•rt I n.tri. k J. Lapp«. .110.,t) l'aint,.- .10olali King, I.,nn Jam. 11. 11..pklu t. I A. Awnon. Henry Sproul. FIRE AND RI A ICI,: F: INSURANCE (O. OF NORTH A NEI A =I IMEMEI Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, =ll 1 . 1 1 044,4•4 casl 1mr4144114 Lb above named and reliable I .3nloanles. I=l tett:. t 7 of Water street. (nsi stairs .1 A I.I.Et:IIEN INSURANCE CO. UV VITT,/ Office, No. S 7 111th street Bank uo n s k" s t e. k i•inst kind. of Fl it and Marine ILloksl J.PkiN 111 IN. J... l'rvsl.l..rt, Vlcel . ..3l.l‘nL . 1.05 S ELL, :s,cret-arv. 1151. RICAN, lieurrekl Agcrkt. J 11l1“ TOLLS I .a-srJun,., John 11. 11c( ord, H.., 11l • Hay, T. .14 lios I apt. W.. I.a.n, .1 , 4. 1r... Jr..l. H. L. Vahnceit. !WI,. H. Da.e.. WESTEILN INSIALANCE CO.. OF ACKiA`.IIE.If. , 11111 K, WM. I. II h:1(1{ K KT, ~.-Ecrr tan - . C APT. t,E..10...K SI l i.l. lioners. W. %V strt,c, zp.ng.C.o.•ll 11'src house vp etairs. WIII I aglonst al. kinds or sin and Marine Iti. s. A home lust.ltutlou managed by IYlrectora who are weii known t., the community and who an determined by bromptneer ant liberality, to main tain the character which they have assumed, u of fering the best tor,steretlon to thrum who desire to be Insured. Jlll. Andrew Actlvy. David M. Long, ChJ, Thon.o., Chas. J. Clarke. John a. Sicl'one. JAII.O P. Hanna. Ales. Mutt, H. 111:11., Jr. Jam... Mr Alr 1. at Irani, !WWI., Ale sand, rtperrr. L'Arnpbc.ll terra.” M.. We etA.l4, Ii E It 11 F.11.1'. ewecretarT. N ORTH AMERICA. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY idols aid Q.rphatb' Fund. -VI). 63 PiNtltorn Al, -Few Fork 1.,:r. , 11415T-N. D. MOILGAN. , ILI - J. W. KIM" LI.. =I Engel El NI KEN I . A . 61 Fourth SI., Pittsburgh. A , .F t_.• I VII • CHARTER Isi - 29. PF:It PETUAL Mil Ilia OF PHILAIIi,IIIIIA. A ***** on inn. 02.1170,10 03 CUE nk 1 . .14 rerpt us. at,' I Ct... Hnnes. , r. las.. 1.e., .gut,. . 3surtut I L Fair, smith. At4trtl Ylll. r , 141..1..1,1, Y.,Cs 1%. SI .1, C11 , 5111..5. , B A St% Elf. Crealdro, NOW A III) C. ' , ALM: VI,, Crest.ivul. 4A4 %V N. A I I SI:. 12.1A:Nir toF n-r Wo.od al. Third &t r.., rEOPLE'S lANUKANCE CO. I=l l'apt..lohn 1.. LL1.1‘..1 `4.113)..1 4ln El Wit 4, Jut rt V. att• • • • Julio P. Mlr~latn~l I Prank Y. 1111.3.1. t apt. Jar. Mike V. in. Van Kirk, . . Hanson %% M. 1111.L.11 , .. APIIN WATI'. Vier l're,ldent W. f Scrre,..tar). 0,2iL1,0N, tic/ft All. HOTEL'S. MERCHAI\TS' HOTEL, Corner Smithfield and Third Streets, Forr'VElElol=l.o-13E. TiliS OLD FATORITE HOTEL having been thoroughly renovated, repaired and relbroished, IS NOW OPEN FOR TEE RECEPTION OF GUESTS. The proprietor (formerly of the BT. CHARLES.) expecte from it. central location, his experience, determination to ideas, and by Hiril MLA" , CHAiIIiEB, to deserve and recei, • liberal pat ronage, S. 11. lIIAL, Proprietor. er.ltetS LA PiEllitE nousE, Philadelphia. The subscriber, having leased thin favorite House It ham been BEFITTED ANL/ BURN/SHED IN AN ELBOANT iIANNEH, and is now prepared with the most perfeet appolotmetits for the reception ot soma.. The first pmtition ng drat-clans Hotels will In maintained In tile fite as In the pant, wow-bat lI.ltH Bit 0 BAI LEY, (An.A.NT lIOUSE, O. Da. J97EL1131-02", Proro'r, Comer of [lobelia ad Yedoni Near tile Siopension Bridge, rovin,aad AL.I.EGHRBY CITY, BA. STEAMSHIPS B ALTIMORE & HAVANA All - 81111. (.4 .11PA NY. . . ALCM. t+OISTS., General Againta. Fl/11 N WiLKA •z 01.11:YINU 7'11.6 UN IT e.t) eTATES The Pint-ClaaaSteamatilye of Gas Ilne wlll sallaa .11A"-1.10., tone, T. A. Itoln, Command. on on SATURDA ,n ot t•ptener for nen Or • Ivens. s Is Key West. LiturarrY.-1,250t0u5, Wm. Rollins, Commander, ltroto It ItoW N'S WHARF, YELL'S I'OINT, At 4 "'clock P. u., procleely, 00 the dayokintounccd. leer Del/kilt or postmgc, oat lug urtaurposked couno.lalloo, HEN BY It. I A HIPIELD & CO. Agents, orkAu's WltAar. N. B.—No 11110 of Lattice Out Wore of the Comp. ay will be signed. Bormlll roe the freight nista be procurea tram thin °lnce. No Drltcht recolved or taut. of lolling ads ou JAY .alling• APDtIY, sOTEAM TO AND FROM LIVFR x, POOL AND KUKENSTOWN OItitLAND) into. • week. The INALAN LINE. kkallti EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, CARRYING U.ll. MALLS. anhl Lo and rrnnt Ln.lond, kngianw, Liol land, ticronnly on./ France. Apply at the Coinhany's Velem< .10101 G. DALE, Agent, 1.15 ilroadway. N. V. WM. BI NUISA J U., dgcut, ',damn F.xpre• Allee Ptnl, streci. I)DIVATE DISEASES. 1)11- VOUNIi, 11.1100 f IthlladeloA,, N. 75 Third rrel. treats all cleserlptlon hOl .Prt, roan 105.00.....1111 000,0.4114.1.01 soceenn. • Particular attention paid tutlpet matorrhuena an 'I Oar Anvil of the Urinary Organs. Ells treatment foe tilt same being the 10001 seeress int ever employed Ile gilts itips of a Niteetly corn to the afflicted. Ladles will dill itis U runtonagoiros superior to any 01.11, preparation fur 1,140 V log obstructions to Sim healthy incinArtial Hood. No I. One Dollar per bottle. No. 4 which Is four iltgreea strottecr, and designed for obstinate eases, r Delius pot but le. 01111, boors 5 A. Y. to 5 r. ts. , 6 P. N. los P. M. Addre,o. With ttWp. 1 , 4. 1V5160, No. 75 Thlrol ittort. Pltta4nr44. ,e-PC.4:llwr 141UBNITIdir. AND CANE AND WOOD CHATS, Manalactured and for We, 101140113 or Retail. JABilthS W. WOODWELL, BIM 97 &IN Opposite E. Zanuandl6 2.lo. o laltTLl IiTREET. kIITY OiALLEUIEFTICY, TUEASUistIt'S OFTICE. August SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ti"a dietI)F.I4.IIVIIrCPPTLIBI,IIT/Vorsilli Olt,, a t t o th lr ttrl r e i d ng 'VroVaal l f 'for mtlerptl Bonds.. Sy order of Ike Claromittee on Flootoe. D. No.OrIEttILON. • CUT Trento-en • • JW. WALL PAPERS now re: • calming st W. 107 'MARKT& 07112LICT. NUR tuna, .??0,7;,A19#1440MM OIL WORKS, COM PANTE 5.&..c 1.1. rcti . A. A.A./1 W• SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFUM,MLEW & GO, =I CELEBRATED SPORN LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS Sperni,,Lard and Whale Oils, HID LIGHT, TO M& OIL OD lIEEL GRIASE Wanda( d White Burning Ihi, No. 33 Market Street SEND`FOR A CIRCULAD„ .7 LUBRICATING OILS. TIIIN CITY OIL COMPANY, = Office, 204 Pow Street, .1. SMITH, Secretary =I 1..1 Litlotl. .11011 forMachluery, ' au g g, , h lue 011 No. I, C Oil for Cara. do. do 2, DOll for Cara 1Y2. , .ag , "Lill Grease. WOOLDIEIDGE OIL FREFLNEVO I= C) 0 3211.2. F. ..4:11-1,3 - "E" , OF PITTSBURGH. PUMA JOHN WATT, Prcsi.lent. HILNItY LONO, 6ec'y •nd Tres,t WORKS IN TEMPERANCEVI L LE Me, No. 2 Duquesne 11.11. ll=l DIANUFACTUREILS Or I' CUE WHIT& 1:31LT13 NIN€4- 011, Brand—" Lucifer." )y12.165 WARING & KING, 01111&, 111CDANTS AND DUKES IN Petroleum and its Products, .2.' XrinlC Eh 73.171R1L Car3Er.. 3E....91.. =I WARING, KING & CO., m,17.46 121 Walnut Bt.. Phils SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. We a constructing. and wIl keep on hand perior sc re yto of OTT, MN 4:3-1=D2113 BIM BITAR A CAIIIO3 OR., KBULAR BOILER. We tnettr rattles needlag engine, for tel. pnr p y o to call and oar Ulan, corner co 1 . 1 &X and V' HA HA iSTREET6, near City Water Worka. le= & (' it. A. D. A, ...anon. ............. EAGLE OIL WORKS, 1-. ea cNz. - Ir co six, c. crial.c.. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON, Refiner+ and Dealer+ in P ETHOLEUM. ~ E 4 t , NI ,, Tt , RY, EL: II A N, ST. AI% II DUQUICSNIC WAY. tyrin.A.l.l 'ALIs. U. rat 1,...,11.1. Y. TA“ ..... bIAnK TACK BRO. Si. CO, 00.31X19410N ZIERCIIA AND BILOKELLS IN PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, >,~„r. ~ ~~4 tn, 7 Hancock St., PittNburgil omit. 127 Walnut etre,. my 1.:a:7 WARDEN & BATCHELDER, Iikt.ON.ENN IN CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM WHALE. 0114. I[OBlN. 131 . 11:1Tb TURI.KNIISk I=3l Coral< r Duque.. Way 6. Ilan cock St Pittsburgh, I'►. l 4 Pr. Frnt NI. U. W A I:1 ES. 113 I% 4:1 , 1 z 1 wat. ttoa.at.a .Jwtl Q. J AMES IHMLIi 84. SIASOPACTI. Ite.llS OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. ora 4:3 41", is I%2aLrls...at /Eft., BANKS AND BANKERS. NSTIONIL TREAT COItPIII, 423 Penn Street, • FIFTH WARD.PITTSBURCH Deposita received and luttrest alloyed on de n Nth, Collectlonal wade on all the prlnclpial point., of thr United States. 1111111Vm: ,11,1101141113)011111:411111SM 130153,1 t exaxci /51.::alci. THE STOCHOLDERS INDIUM:ALM RESPONSIBLE. =l=El== 3! ,JutlN li. ILALWri , S, vt, 1:0131 , ..1{T J. OILIER, CoMiler. Ito BERT OICKSuN, I CHARLEL MVERN, JOHN U ILALNToN, I JOSEPH LANG, WILLIA M :GUTH, WILLIAM BItI'K ELL, CHAS. U. ARMSTRONG WM. CHAP:FORD, Ju.. JAMES .ITTELL, PAUL NUN:KIPP JAIL, JAME' Lon. DN. J. JD,II BANKue HOUSE. N. HOMES & SONS, 31:34%) mars, No. 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. ratevad I n n a l :l ' rb Fun l 's en i l " " 7 . United States nod (, ? anadaa. ' P P'""' ILa STOCKS'BONDS AND OTHER SEOURITIES Bought and Sold On Commission. Particular attention Paid to the purellate and aale of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. Vatted States Sizes of ISM; Ito. Nivea of 10-100 UtIMIM:S=I Certlfleatee of 111.1f.btetInrss. Orden not! Votieber.boughtor eollectuti. PITTSBURGH NATIONAL BANK CC:PACIUMI = I-C - M, CORNER WOOD & FIFTH STS. Capital, - - - $500,000 otescormt. Daily at 11 A. SI. Deposits received and collections made on all the principal points of the United States on favorable terms. UNITED STATES SECURITIES Sought isamci !Sold. OFFICERS: A. PATTEUSON, IJOSEPH 11. lilt! h President. Casier JOSEPIIC. CUltit t Cashier. DIVACTO A. PA TTERsoN,WM. REED, JAMES M'cANDI.Rss I ALLEN KIRK PATRICK CHAS. LOCKHART. [ IWIL Do cu LAS. WU. U. lIRoWN, WM, 6, RAVEN. JOHN MELLON, .61-11:AsITT. CO-PARTNERSHIP W, THE SUBSCRIBERS, have hia day entered tido • binalted Partnere:llp, agreeably to the 'dot Woos .4tne Act of Assembly of the 'ol3lolop wealth • licatftylvaula, paided ehe let day al o r greh, KM, entitled 'An Act Holatite to Limited Partnership', and do hereby certify that the name of the fleet undrr which said partnership Is to be conducted is JO d Anti:* A PAIGE; that the general nature of the business to i.e LI aneaeted L. the manntacture and tale of Lultieating and 111, minstlng Oils, and the mune will ho the and near the City of Pittsburgh; that the naiads ul thegenersJ partners of said firm are WILLIAII JOISON and bIL.AS H. PAIGE„ both of Alto !ili. eg e or i z a ty, the speetal partner is UEOII.GE t the. Hy of Boston, mass.,_ • that the capital contributed by the said H.rge N. Speer, s triVa l ifiVigetPa i t ' Wri% s il ar p . 1 .4 doli"s s ln to h toenails the 2d day of July, A. Lii.7l.R i no ` th r ti It will tere v t i lf th j e o l l ibits i ir July, A. 1)., 1871. Elaull:Lilf4'4. LL!11 Pastaen. rattsBo/34313. Ju# ija..-42M r4.1 /?..r. . PITTSBURGH, PA I=l an I=l =I RAI LROADS. "* F. 1 1:!: % 1 aIIgAINE ta ala , 1;a:ion la, .`n on aa ..aa I I.llharty sarveta,ar 1 , 31 r m r;, , sa. , • : • zr `Cl,tvotall !CI. 11..0 • In nII p i .. 11 All•- Si up Itr,docl. No. 1. 3:10p VI • • V. 4.10 p m 11 " •• la 11 I‘. nant p m •,•. 7 . • ,ii 10:11 pau auJ All•nnam N.,. • 10. , P M ESIL:O,- SIM I,: r t ' E 1 2,,as 11, I htiren TrLi. L. . „ .." , 111. 1 ..y at '9.15a. r• al 10... a. tn. I . ta3rnlng I. %L 1 ... at IL arrlo.. at M . . 1'hi...1•.;11/1/./ Ln• 1“.,1• press tell: rr . , p• v. 111) t A Es.;,rt,t , p. ns. on 1.,• !Iv, .n 1101. 1, the three ',per n of I is. 11 , ••/ , 1 IA now open for 1,1164 IAL. •CI• P111101..,1A110n of tot. Irnvellng cOlin• ,anlt) A .t,surnnl sa oiwn at ALL h, •la, awl Sunlays wrtt a.- 0.. t 111, Pvitne.,l , lllnla onspany w P,P0110.1/11, for 'ter -111 amount out exceed to.u. K. 11. P.7t int, Agent, 1866. - - Wkrkk 7\"- 1866. SUE 1•11'1'. Ailt..ll. Fr WAYNE & CHICAGO Is. It.. ANI , I LE \ Ei. A N Ix & ft-1 , 1.7/t4 E. E. ,eavr at the Unlou Dopot., a. LLAVeI 2.t.ti It: (MI, a, Experts 2:20 •to x... m h vrianil Ex... 2:3 , M I. te n a m Ex. ....10:40 pto I I. M m W liog E ....11.0S am n. a (r, Swag., x preas 3:50p m 4'l. ANI Ex I p I. A 11"bg. Ex.. 3:40p lux I p E, A 1 gs. Ex. 0,1.5 p.m ste...l:, E 1.... 4 .Ipplr. LLICPagil Eapreas pm .... •II s I. A Wha. Ex.. I,part I. -In A' 4,11 , 11 V. Arllvv in Allegtontoy. 111' t n, a m -data A..com 6:50 m • tr. Itr s:l5 am m 9MO ain p ,t le • I.i a st ar p m Lert 11:1:3 a m • • 1515 am , to N. Itr•t.o • • 2:31 a to p m M a N II I. • n.t. \ It tt t I t . • • hie, I , • Sarl• .V 1 a. a. CLlcago tti.11...t ..n .tve• dslly. K. I. 111 I. h.,. .. t lcket • I )ITTSIIII •• }ICI N ATI i t4 11,1:.•A:).-1.1.-11-1.,1ii Itonte.—l/u liter lease and arr1 , .....101.. us. ' • LEAVE. Annlvg. •. :1:10 r. u. g. Ys P. 1.1. I'. It. 10:10 A. M. .tt A. If. 7:10 P. 11. r. n. SAS A. Id. 51..rnIng F%. 'Ong Night Irttlu. halt. Train. • 0 A. M. ....AO V. N. Ur!. r. 1. 1. U. 1.:•s A. It. ' A O A . 'AO A. r. r bt. 11:40 P. H. 1.411 • E pre e -1,•••t I.lna• Noy At t.illua••.lllivo blansIlk•••1 ifs t•tturrenN 010 I • 1•11,1mrg. ••Inn "I •• 10•11Annpo, ' dal ro . . M. 1.'101,: Agent., 1..:121 , . I .IIN RA.I4 6 , -neral tipertztt. wit II t, l'lttabo .., rgh. rt. Y. LILL, ti-e¢'l Ticket. Ag.er., A LLEGHENY VA.LLEI . ItAILIFWAP CIIANGE OF TLIEE. On and •fter WELDS EnDAY. m 1. 1,6., trains IPlve and arrlvr trim orL, L.nut, corner Pike Cnn-s1 .trerLs. se . .I..aixe. Arno. , Arroml . n. 6:30•. 12,..1, I". at 1111. to PT), iron, Malkonlog.. 7Ard A. Y. 6:4) P. Ir, Accoir.wodAllt.n. 9:0,1 A. M. I•arna:•usA. N. :AU P. tl 6,eond ou A , ct.rn'n 1:40 P. N. . . .. . . . eteeond Holton do 2.3 U r. 11. 4:40 r. 44 Icliorrns, :•• and from Mal on ,4 4,11 r. U. UM* a. )1 Third lia.tou At IU/111311 , 42.414,11. lAS V. o. 6,6 r. It Fourth do do. noda V. or I 4 do.- 1,40 a. N. , . . . . . . . . The tmlnolay Übe relt 1 rain le•sre :Lela Worhet Mla lion at e.IO A . M.. arrl, lug el l',lnetmr,li at 10:00 A m. Molurnlng. learee I'Ml•lmlrgh 01 I .1, I'. L. reachlng not., orke at 2...01,... N. . . IaNIME= pITTSBERGH AND LuN:NY.I.I.6VILI.K IL It. Spring Arrangement. vn and arL.r = _ . . The tram. ITO( I,are coruer ut Bono fittm,rot. /VtM'p* Mall L.., pu..l r,nt Umoua•wu 1.,u A. u. 41:00 IrMEEM . •.• . . . . N eurton comno..lullun 4.;151 . . fU If ,ro n.: • ..... :10 P. M. 4:45 P. M f. J. KING, Agrut• W Hi • e.pt MISCELLANEOUS PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'G CO. PITTSBURGEL, PA PENNA, SALT MANUFACIUR'G CO. PITTSBURGH. PA. 313.4ELFLFr.."1"1"53 TISCIEI : - F On this Continent. IS SO PRONOUNCED BT THE ..te.unc Analytical Chemists. It Restores Gray Hair; It Prevents Hair Palling Out; IL Changes the ittm,e to their Original Organic Action;: It Eradicates Dandruff and Humors, It Keeps the Scalp Healthy; It Contains no Injurious Ingredient, And Is unit' vrvally accorded to ne • Splendid Ores ins and liqverlOr Toilet Article. ITS MERITS at . INIHDE THE BOTTLE. Every bottle COST/L1Z...1S MORE Liguip than any other dollar preparation. NO LARGE REWARDS offered to establish its ellacuy, but Wit Do G HAMAN fEE to refund the money to any person who will use two bots and then say that our Restorative has tailed to tonil we J. li. BAR RETT & CO, Proprietonh SELLERSw Hampshire IL E. & Wholesale and Retail Agents, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa m y2l:air. STIIICIWLNIPS ileLlitiuotts cousin 1 . ..1.8AM is - - warranted to he the only pro- ~'„ltitt A pared,. known to Care • ••• •14, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, ,• Asthma. Wlitaßitogi Cough. Chronic Coughs, uonstimp- LIOI2, Bronchitis and croup. .; in prepared from Hone/ ••0111E and fltrbll, it ill healing, soft- i k ecilia Uhl CipecturaLlog, and k .„ • , affections Igy , table for all affections of the Throat sad Lung. Ter sale by Druggists everywhere. lt:lyd R. K. SKI.I.PIRS I UV. . W AGILIST _ ,UKLAATEri VICE Run. EDI' Mu CURED thou-D D IC , • 4 .- , .. sands of the worst CA/WS a . •,•(--, BLIN AN lILKDING 4, ' 4 • !ILLY,. It eh,. Imtubdlate relief, and bireet. • perms- . „ mot tore ft, a .11r...t1y. .., FC 0 - R t• 1, IF w•rrant. , l to rare. et•'.. , Ii ‘.; , Y. r ••I. by al 1./...e • rldte, at • L bottle L a i.1..3. u _ MI iusLiaaLll. AG317(1 El DV SP—E-PSIA. - ..- 2- D z t . . stC Sltii k C . kili ti let 7 d if luN lc • • Colltel2- ~.. rt..,41 ppr. purallon of Rant , ikk and ll•rbs, •Rh matt- .1 , / A a..td• and csruiltuttlec to etr r tz,f o t s h , .4..t h ,,,, , • twit t it: h. acct- 4 /...0.• Lain remedy ha Ityap. pla, c yt i <9' Of illthKebtlllll, Nory.m. At'. - nets, Lose of Appetttc, ~,, Acidity of Inc Stomach, Vil r '..ai Platldency and debility. It .' Is Dot lehoholle; therafhep„ \ . „eW.; particularly holtbd for weak, ~ 'I- . ri 14 • aunt. nenems rot sala tad dytic per- -.... Malli drni• Unto ~ v eryls. -e at $1 Dar tbottle, , I K. SSI.LEBEI at CO. W iIOIISAIL. 11. FORTY YEARS PRACTICE IN SEXUAL; DIELEABES Olv es me a knowledge seldom smutted by Myst.. clans. My long residence to this city, &sittle of patients treated annually by me, us imallelant Pr giarg u alkA., or Sexual Wealtnesa, and all diseases arising therefrom, aro cured In smelt shorter time thou heretofore by my NEW VEGET. ABLE REMEDIES. Medicines sent to anY Pert PS the Union. All letters must contain a stamp to pay return postage. Correspondence Imid,assfrid. nee, 85 tIidITRIPLELD STREET neer Diamond Address. J. W. lIRANATRIIP, M. D,. %Day sw.Eltialtarath gas pREVATE . DISEASES. °mos max nom malumina& ay* for the Cure of all disease& of stirt apayieottetereA from two to four days, by an enynewand treatment. Alto, Seminal Woaknele, and all Othist dt.. .ot the genital ermine andlltelsoremmtlem Clore *arra.. or money retard ' • • Apo honra-7 to /0 ‘ Wlei t .111WY414141K1
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