DRTuOOMMVI:IIItNGt3.&e COUNTRY FLANNELS AMY= BLANKETS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, IS II /1. NNT A Large Stock at BATES & BELL'S, 21 Flllll STRXET. CHEAP GOODS, T47.1N1 IN S ()Ml' S, No. 27 Fit th Street EMBROIDERED COLLARA and CUFFS. LACE HAN DEERCHIEIN and LACK MITS. HA.MBURAII EDGINUS and INBERTI NOS. JACONET EDDINGB and IN.9.ERTI NOS. BWIMI EDGIODIE and INSKIITINGS. PARASOLS and UYfSREI.LAB, marked . close Dot the .tuft. ColimEni and R ,, OP SKIRTS. WELITR. SHIRTS. IS F.CK COVLARY and FEB FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Selling al Low Cash Prices. NEW GOODS MST RECEIVED JOS. HORNE & CO full Assortment of Zi 0 ..T XET S .I..TD Il el Ts, I= eory 43- c.c)cl a Crapes cud Prune. Paris Fancy .d Colonial lk VeleeLe Fa mo.t desirable shades; Plain Fancy Bon net Lod Trimming Ribbons • now and rich colors: Flower.. choicest French awl Ainerlean Feathers, fa. cy hal and itarz, 13 Mr 33 XL 4CO XX) 1M FL 1:E113, =1 Cambric, Hamburg, Balsa, Loon, flung, Palen came Edgings and Inserting.; Flemming, Bands and ItotElsors Embraidered and Plato Linen Vol- Colfaels, Laces and Lace Goods De am and Gloat Trimmings and Ornaments; Ssu Fringe, Gimps and Itralds: Dress Trimmings, Bugle Frames. WHITE GOODS: A most complete stock of Jaconets, Cambric., Molls, Ate., tr. Handkerchiefs... Wain. Lace. Hem-sta.:bed, Ilem nted, Embroidered. Tape Bordered, etc.. eke. Hosiery sod Wore. In every variety and all sires. Ladies . and tient'. Underwear. kurni.thing Goods: Suspenders said Seek-Tim Heavy Shirts and tSratiren • Duplex. Ron •Ton and IXI, Hoop Pk lets: Corsets, lisle Putt, Nets, Union and nllt Beltlu R. Buttons—the latest novelties. all kinds. TaTits—lartiatest the iety, Cwilintere, Lanais Wutil and Knitting in the various mixtures. plain color. and random. Gent's raper Collars, and ever, thing In the Na tion line. Prices as loss as Fautteru Jobbing Houses. 'rem. 77 and 79 Market Street :00DS AND NOTIONS, AT WHOLESALE, At Present Eastern Prices. A FULL LINE In all the Departments. I= No. 115 stood Street, Pittsburgh. ARBUTENNOT, SHANNON & CO. MA CRUM, GLYDE 8c co., h 05.78 and 80 Market Streei, =1 Tri rninings, N otioi ts, AND FANCY GOODS, Hare Just received the LAW/ tIST and It .1 SOlld FIST stock or 1 A Kisfl ever brought to this cll , . to Which they cnII the attention of Storekeeper -, au.l Knitters. The stock . consists Io port of Boston, Gerinantuwn, and rountry In WHITE, BLACK. s(` BLET, FOLFERLNO, BROW N, PURPLE. CLOUDED, DRABS, MAGENTA. FINE, CHINCHILL A. BLUE DE LYON. MEX.CAN AHD AZULINE BLUES dT WHOLISA LP. lIITTILRA Surpt, V.l, AT EASTERN' Vlucza. JY% MACRUM & CARLISLE, No. 19 Fifth Street, =I Cluny and Maltese Collars, Hamburg Flouncing. Edgings and Insertings, Puffed Muslin., MarseMes, Linen Tucked Setts, Morocco Travelling Bags, Fine Fans, Necking. • Elegant Styles Fanc / Jewelry. JUST RECEIVED, A FULL LINE OF Alexandre's, Courrolster's and Jourln's KID GLOVES. GAUZE MERINO SHIRTS AL DRAWERS, Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Skirts, AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. Pittsburgh Agents for the we of LOCKWOOD'S Cloth Llned and All Paper Collars, MACRWIT & CARLISLE, ABB, IticCARLTIESS & CO, lJ (LATZ W. 1.15071, CASs t C 0..) WHOLIMAIM DEALEMB IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY BOOBS. Dira. 94. liMrc>cocil (Third house above Diamond Alley, ) PITMBURGH. re• WWI TOBACCO CIGARS, &c EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS R. & W. JENKINSON. auffmacnnucas 07 ALL Al D 6 or Tobacco, Snug and Cigars, No. O FEDERAL ITTBEET, Third door Qom boaPertMork BArrab,""A. Brooch Store at SOLO,. Ohio. mr24:ttal R. B. JEFFRIES lung .3,4 Wholegate and Wall 9 1 1. &ler 1.1. at Made of .• TOBACCO,3NUFF AND CICARS, No. e tn. ciant 6111.12.17, rrrranuno.. PA. to lianas. of METJELICHAUM PIPES an lianas. TO BA UCU, of the beat qutliAl:lbgat c at)tisji`,4*-f:!•):11aill DULKM IN PORILICIR AND DOILZSTIt SWABS, Wiz w i NG TOBACCO smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &c. Mira. IBercrozi.M. IMlttrocet, nir ear owner ot Liberty.) JOHN MEGRAIN, Manntsettreff egu ao i d . a lc i t sad lietall nda of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 4.6 Evri=r-su Err. aite:ClT:=ll:43°.`Vlatrb=iia- GEO. W. PETTY, -1111441, Efi Tgil TE 46E. T, ' 314. is in. cri.Azusriszrr. ]Tort bo ir nit. es Ite vogo s t oja couto, °24 ,lkrann, nu* eitiliet -°' CITY AND SUBURBAN. (ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS ON FIRST PAGE.) The Meath of X eeson—Contlnnanee of She Coroner's Inquest. The Jury empannelled by Coroner Clawson in the case ofPatrickNeeson, reported In yes terday morning's home, met yesterday after noon at three o'clock, in the Mayor's Mike, to conclude their investigations. Dr. Edmund S. Umbstaetter was the first witness sworn—AL nearly twelve o'clock on the night of the fourth of July, I was called upon to visit Patrick Noeson, at his residence In Pitt township; found the patient with a fracture of the skull on the left side immedi ately above the eye; made an examination of the wound and found that a piece of the bone of the skull consisting of both plates of the bone had become entirely detached from the rent of the skull; I lifted the bone out, and found it about the sine of a finger nail; I in troduced my finger Into the opening and dis covered a fracture running downwards to ward the eye; the general system was In a better condition than is generally found ',i dler sons suffering (reinspect wounds; cleanse the woeful, applied cold water dressings and di rected the patient to be kept perfectly billet. I hail examined the wound with a view to ills. covering any spiculao Or loose pieces of bone, but could tied none. Dr. Daly then examined him with the same slew and with the same result. The patient was removed the next dog to the Mercy Hospital, where Dr. McCook, Jr., mid myself visited him several times. lie continued to Improve and get worse alter :Lately, but at length recovered so far that I considered him out of danger, and about the .9th of July he loft the hospital and went alone to his mother's residence. He subsequently came to my office to get ble wound dresses!. I dressed It and told him to return In about a week, Before the week had expired I ass sent for to visit him he having become worse. This was on the ri d of August. 1 found him considerably worse than when I saw him last. He was suffering from attacks of vomiting and Ills system was generally disordered, probably in sympathy with the injury to his brain. On the whole be grow worse after this, though he was a little better one or two days. He con tin ned to grow gradually cores until the night of Friday, Sept. 7th. On the 4th of September he was trephined by Dr. Gallaher. We expected to find suppuration at the seat of the wound, but none was form. A small spicule of dead bone, consisting of the external table of the skull, was (mind on this occasion. /lo did not 'reprove after this at all. Was present at the Lire. uiortem examination on Saturday wit, Drs. McCook and Gallaher. We discoVeree suppuration In the lateral venticle aria In the substance of the brain. The injury done to tne brain was sufficient, in my opinion, to cause death. Jas. McCormick, sworn.-On the 4th of July evening last I was on en Oakland Passenger car. Jas. Creighton, Patrick Neeson and my self were en the car toncther. On the 11111 this side of the toll gate, the conductor came to us for our fare; I told him that Creighton would pay, Creigli tau pulled out some money, and handed it to It.o conductor; the conduc tor said It was not go .1, and refused to take It. Neeson•remark. ;I !lost it was United States money, and tens goe.l, sntl lie would hate the conductor arrested '1 lie refused it; the con ductor still relused to accept It, and Neeson said that he was tree to ride for nothing so long as the conductor refused to accept United States money; the J.introctor Ordered us off, but Neeson refmc.:, and we all rode ou till we got to the tolloy,a , c; the conductor and liga tion had some semi e talk before getting to the toll-gate, but no serious quarrel; we al/ got off at the toll-gate, having gone as far as we in tended; Neeson w ant by Illruself down the hol low of the road a little way Lo the right to wards his home; Creighton and myself fol lowednim at some distance; Some other party also got off, but L could not see who It was; some hard words passed between us and the party on the car, and the man who got off threw a atone which hit Neeson on the head; cannot swear as to who the man was; he wore a shell coat and low hut; did not see any other stones thrown; Neeson tell as soon as he was struck, and several of us took him up and carried bon home; cannot say whether the stone was thrown b 9 the conductor. Or. Thomas J. lfallabcr, sworn—On Satur day, August filth, I was called to visit Patrick Neeson, ut his mother's residence, In Pitt township. Next clay, In consultation with Or. Umbstretter, I visited aim again. From the symptoms I Judged that there was an abscess formea,elther on or within the substance of the brain. I proposed trephining for the purpose of relieving the abseess. This was postponed for the present, until further -investigations could be made. lie became worse a few days afterwards, when the operation Of trephining was performed by me. This was on Tuesday, the 4th Instant- NO abscess was found, but a small portion of the bone was depressed. This portion bad become so re-United with the skull that it mold not be elevated without another fracture of the bone. A portion of this bone was dead, and a small fragment was removed. No permanent benefit resulted from this operation, end the patient died on Friday night, the seventh instant. Was present at the post, mortem examination made by Dr. McCook, Sr., on Saturday. A large abscess was found in the interior of the brain , occupying mostly the interior lobes and tne lateral ven tricles. This abscess resulted from the origi nal injury, and I have no doubt, caused the pat Lent's death. satuuel Denning, sworn—Was on the car with Neeson the night he was hurt. left town oof the half-past ten o'clock ear for Oakland, was driver on the read at that time, but was not driving that car on that night; as we reached the city line we saw three men sitting Scolds the road, who called for tne tar to stop; they got neon the car; did not know any of the men; the conductor, J. W. Deemal', came to them for their fare; one of them handed him some money, which the conductor refused to take, because he said it was a counterfeit fifty cent piece, and returned It to the man; Deemer Bald he would rather carry them out free than take thati money; the man who handed him the money said that unless he took that money he would have to carry them I free. At the toll gate the men got olT; I was needing on the rear platform all the time; the car had been stopped once for them to getoll, but they had refused; When they got off some wants passed between them and the condoc, tor; immediately after they gat ott they threw a stone against the rear dash-board of the car they may have thrown more than one, but 1 ran forward and do not know; I know nothing more of the case; don't know whether Deemer jumped off the ear or not., bat he came upon the platform from from somewhere, after I went there, and passed through the car to the rear platform; don't know whether Deemer or any body else on the car threw any stones. Officer Andrew .1. Moon, sworn-1 arrested Deemer on the Mb of July, on the eta rue of assault and battery with intent to kill, coup; mated upon Patrick Neeson, on oath of Jas. Neeson; had some conversation with the prie- Oner; he said that after leaving the rear end of the car, on his way to the front platfoi in, he threw a stone, but did not know whether it hit anybOity; the reason he left :he rear plat , form, ha said, was because stones were being thrown at the car, and he was afraid; at the time of the arrest he wore a box coat and a low plush hat; this was his usual costume. Thomas Christian, sworn—Ras on the ear with Necsoo on the 4th ofJely- evening. When the ear stopped of the toll gate and the three men got off, a stone was thrown at the rear dashboard. I got off and went to the front platform, the conductor also got off and came around to the front platform ahordy after did. Did not me the conductor or any other person throw a stone. Nobody except the conductor and myself jumped MT the rear platform that I know of. Samuel Denning, re-called —After Deemer rejoined me on the front platform, he told me that he had thrown a stone but did not know whether be hit any person. Thomas Christian, re-called,—When the ear stopped at Oakland, Deemer and I were talk ins together, and Deem. said tn. when he got off the ear at the toll gate he threw a stone hutdid not know whether It hit anybody. lie said he was going up stairs for his "%hooter" to take back with hurt, and would shoot any person that Interfered w n 4 Plitt, This closed the testimony, and after some consultation, the jut y being unable to agree, the Inquest adjourned to meet again at three o'clock on Saturday e, ening, at the Mayor's Mike. Our readers will all remember that on Wed. nesday Last, Mr. Joseph O'Brien,janitor of the Third ward public school, on Brant street, dis covered an infant on the door step of his res idence, on Chatham street. Tie circumstan ces of the affair were fully detailed at (he time, and tlytre is no need to repeat them. Mr. O'Brien determined to keep the little one on probation, and applied to Rev. Father Burke, to have the waif christened. so that when it should be sent away, It might take at least a atm° with it. The name proposed by the rem. porary foster father was Thomas Chatham, In commemoration of the place where the young ster was found. The Reverend Father de murred, and at length refused. outright to be stow such a name on the Infantile stranger. After duly considering the matter and feel ing his heart warm towards the tiny adven turer, Mr. O'Brien determined to adopt it as his own, and yesterday morning again presen tediit for baptism, thin time proposing the name ejJoseph O'Brien. Father Burke we. better pleased than before, and christened the child. So now the desolate waif has a home, and Mr. O'Brien's home has a "well spring of joy" in it. 19 FIFTH STIEEET James Dann, convicted in the Criminal Court on Friday of assault and battery an the person of Pat Slcuslow, was brought before the Court yesterday, Judge Mellon presiding, and sen tenced to pay a fine of re, which he did, and was discharged. The leniency of the Court is doe to the fact that liinslow is recognized In the neighborhood in which he lives as a com mon nuisance, being the greater portion of his time in a semi-state of Intoxication. At such times ho Is guilty of uttering the most foul and obscene language, and frequently, for lack of other amusement, reviles the character of his more respectable and well behaved neighbors. Young Dunn committed the as sault Complained of while Patrick was stand ing on u nubile thoroughfare pouring forth vile Blunder on the character of the boy's pa rents. The provocation was so great that he Court very wisely recognized in it a palliation for the offence and sentenced accordingly. In addition to this the defendant has hitherto borne an excellent reputation. The corner atone of the North Presbyterian Church, now in course of erection in Alleghe ny City, will Do laid with appropriate cere monies this r iternoon, at three o'clock. The members of the various Presbyterlev Churches in Allegheny and Pittsburgh, iv •11 as the public generally , are cordially 13 .1 to par- Uclpate in the ceremony. Tile 11., nation, which is under the pastoral care o . •A. A. Bodge, is in a very flourishing ono naming oomf Mon. Ample fcmcie have sires ty been raised to complete the edifice, and, from the architectural design, we are ledi to believe It will be one of the handsomest ImUdings of its character in Allegheny. We hope the earn mendable enterprise of this congregation will Meet witha hearty imptsort from our Ululation community. prrrnßuno PA Oipeetall Cbeettoti.—bire. Window's Booth ;rig Syrup has becomo so popubm that various emetbeet bare cutout artieles - calling thorn eire. w ltci c... Wielkile_tekke bottom that . Mrs. Ayrup U not connect. Ptirnarlift 0247,a1r I=3 rIZZ=I:2 Corner Illtoue Lityllisig EARLY TELEGRAMS. _.__SPECI A L NOTICES Late Foreign Items--A higuilicant tipeeeh by Bismarck—The Finish In surreetion. Slaw Tomr, September In —The following foreign items were received by the City of Boston, which has arrived at this poi is Count Bismarck delivered a most significant speech In the Prussian Legislature on the 26th tilt. in defence of his Merman annexation pol icy. He declares that Prussia meet lay bold on and keep what Is offered to her. That a European Congress would produce war, that the Crown is determined and able to defend the new territorial acquisitions. The leader of the opposition denied that the consolida Ulm' of the power of the Prussian Crown strengthened German unity. The French commander of the camp ut Cha lons In dismissing the troops addressed the soldiers, by order of the Emperor, calling their attention to victor'r's by name In which Napoleon I. defeated the Austrians, Russia. and Prussia., and telling them ever to cher ish the memories of Jena and Austerlitz. Polish accounts from Cracow assert that the Insurgent Poles, in Siberia, defeated the Itus. Sian regiments, and being Joined by revolu tionary Russians had marched towards the frontier of China. I= Now Tong, September 10.—A Trib ,rte Wash ington special late the following items: Ru mors of the intended resignation of General o 0. Howard as Commissioner of the Freed men'. Bureau, are again afloat; there is no truth whatever in the statement that. General llowaro Is an army officer detailed to the charge of the freedmen's stairs, and ho cannot resign. lie could be relieved, but no applica tion to be relieved will be made, as the Presi dent would construe the wish Into an ac knowledgment on the part of the General that he was unable to administer the affairs of his department, and Mr. Johnson would claim this Justification for the dtsmiasal front the army of a well-known gallant oilleer. General Howard's friends insist that he shall not piano himself In such a false position, and secretary Stanton plainly anti emphatically assert, that, so long as he is chief of the De partment, Howard shall remain Commissioner of the Bureau. Destructive Firs In Ming Sing 111 r Yonc , September 10.—A fire occurred In Sing tiing early yesterday morning, which destroyed over twenty buildings, Including, among others, Vunarden's large file works. The rest were stores, d welling houses and barns. Flay families were rendered home less, and the lose 18 estimated at IMSI,OOO. Nearly all the buildings on the lower dock were swept away, and the homeless families wore provided for by the villagers, and the American lintel was thrown open to the suf ferers, many of whom breakfasted there and received every kindness that could be bestow ed upon them. In the afternoon the subject of the tire was adverted to by the clergymen of the different churches, anti collections wore taken up to afford the sufferers temporary re lief. To-morrow a public Meeting will be held for the purpose of raising money to help the &filleted out of their troubles. Adjournment of the Fenian Connrem. New Tone, Sept. 10.—A Herald Troy special says: The Fenian Congress adjourned nag die yesterday, havin it been in session all Sat utility' night. Col. W. It. Roberts was re-elect ed Presltlent,• P. J. Meehan Prestdent of the Senate, and J. W. Fitzgerald Speaker of the Rouse. Gen. Sweeney was deposed as Secre tary of War, but no successor has been named. tits accounts were satisfactory, but be was be lieved to be Incompetent. Gen. O'Neill was appointed Inspector General of the Irish Re publican Army, and Col. Batley Chief Military irganizer. It is still hoped that Gen. Sheri dan will be prevailed upon to accept the com mand of the forces. another movement on Canada will undoubtedly be made during the fall, if the contributions are plentiful. HeAvy Failure New York September 10.—The American Cotton Planting and Loan Company, purport ing to have a capital of $1,..500,000, has col lapsed. The Treasurer, It is t.id, has loft with 6300,000 of Its funds. Murderer Convicted. CINCINNATI, September IO.—W. 0. W. Only, who murdered old Mr. linty, of Fayette coun ty, Ohlo, In October, ISO 4, was found guilty, and sentenced to be hung November 13th. BOOTS AND SHOES GREAT BARGAINs EMI BOOTS & SHOES TO-DALY, a•X J. 1. ROBINSON & CO.'S, 61 MARKET STREET anr TIGHT—ROPE WA EKING. A Terrible Fall TERRIBLE WAS THE FALL OF Boots and Shoes, Al No. 87 Market Street, Yesterday. DM IS THIS MN GOODS ARE iDTANCING The proprietor of No. ,S 7 Market atreet has re duced his prier. TWENTY I'ER CENT. for thirty day, In order to sell nut Muniediately a large Isoct. of nummer lioost. to make room fur Fall and Wsuter Boost, tSFIEAT IlAitleAl an ARE s/PFEREII for THITY DAYS. Our stock is Large. All can be wilted. Crowds are coming already. Come stool and get bargains. A largo lot of Men's line t: alt Pools selling very low, We also by to acquaint the public that we Inann• texture lient•s first are tine Calf Boota to order one dollar and nn)) cen to lower than any other house In the city. Weo 11l up loan to the feet by plarlng a lump on e &l the last furevery one on We feet. 1 td• la the place for men who horn trouble getting a 111, (or we warrant a perfect Os, and at the some Lime pcnevtty comfortable. Ladie•' Isaltkra. Balmoral, Boots and Blippers of a superior quallts. made to order; likewise ran,' loth ell opera bottomed and made to order. ante W. In. MAHAL - Yr:Y. 07 Market it, BOOTS, SIIOES AND GAITERS. No. 63 Market Street HAN log *tided to my stock of BOOTS, SINKS AM) GAITERS To .011 yentirmcn. ladles, mine• and cllll.lrea. of ==! market, I will sell a: eery moderate urtorcers and my friend.. with :he ionblir. 11=3 I= No. 433 Ild.a.rls.eet Eli tweet. GEORGE McCANDLESEI. . _ . Booms AND SHOES. _ 9 2 FEDERAL ST. 92 FEDERAL ST. Prices Marked Down. areal. Bargaina to be obtained. A full asrortni, nt of everything to the Boot, Bboe and baiter line. A good GL, good goods and low priers, at MCCLINTOCK'S, 92 Federal Mt., Allegheny. .U 22 A LARGE AND FRESH ARRIVAL sumiti GH BOOTS, SHOES, (MITE HS and /italmorate, Just received, And will be old at the VICRY LOW EST PRICES, either Wholefele or Satan. litve ua CALL Bsrous l'inicusstmo emot NT,I Mt. J. D. & W. C. BORLAND, No. 95 Market .teed, 24 door from Filth at. mylll VOlt GENT.S o s s n B Es agaTi n u d sus. -A FINE UALF INIUTe c , FOR LADLES — FINE BALMORAL awl CONGRE.94 GAIT Choke NIU BOOTS asd MAPPENS. • • Stock large and varied, manufactured expressly for city area, of bmt material, suited to all feet and every taste. etlltOlnere promptly and politely ter, ed at No. 83 Market street. ant J. W. CARP ARAN & COOPLIE PICLIMMO JOWS 1..61 at. C FIELDING & BRO., Manufacturers and,Dealors to CPuustaacce. 310Cevcle BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 140 Ohio St, Allegheny. atring promptly executed on the shortest no tice.le7:o2 NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. .ro. 24 St. Clair Street. A large and welleeleeted etwek of LAD/Z13 . . madCIIILDRILIIII °MUMS, 13ALb10- pa i L/dl irm o . to., , w . :lelt i. w .o ll.l o l.le rcluttsijkijuwear.T MERCHANT TAILORS. FALL GOODS. NOW 'RECEIVING, a large and I=l EI.WU 0-001», For BOfl. YOUTHS .ad 011ILDIUM AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. attar -1 .g.otiett,r, • _ THE QUEEN! THE QUEEN! TIIE QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS! MILS. WI N MLOW'S,t,IIIEEN HAM HESTOItEII le ()UPI , N. not only In tura, bat In lathe Best Hair Restorer ewer offered to the Public. An Infallible RESTORER •ad eaasinran of the Flair If faithfally applied. It is no Hair Dye. It acts directly elm° the roots of the hair chang ing grey hair to Its original life Orion-, arresting pre mature decay and Millen out of the hair; eradlcul - Ing scurf and dandruff; and curing all humors of the eeMp. n!IMIEG=I It ImparU a delightful fragrance to the halt. In short. Ifyou wtsb to restore ' , out halt. as In youth. and retaln It through life, win ifINSIMPS QUIL'i Price SI per bottle. Sold by CI Dreifft to R. R. SELLERS & CO., r0y160:b92 Wholesale Agents. W"W111. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nos. 20. 22, 24 and 26 Penn St Having secured s large yard, and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we atut prepared to Manufacture every description of Batters, to the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the Country. Chimneys, Breeching, Firs Beds. Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tants, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pane, Boiler Iron, Bridges, eager Pans; and note manu facturers of BARNHILL'S PATENT BOILERS. E! , Puirtng done on the shortest notice. JeSteil Fr'LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS PITTSBURGH. 'PARK, MoCIIRDY & CO., Manufacture. of Sheathing, Brasiers' and Belt Copper. Premed CoPrier Botom., Raised Still Bot toms, Spelter Solder. Also, importers and dealt rs in Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, to. Con stantly on hand. Tllinets• Machines and Tools. Warehouse, No, 140 FIRST and 1.20 SECOND STiossis, Pittsburgh. Special orders Of Capperera to any desired pattern. xeriteltidAwT FR - PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS. RBO.CO, Manors... rers of PATENT GROUND CIRCLI LAM.. warrant- Md CAST STEEL SAWS, of every description, Mill, aley, Crom-Cut, Uang, and all other Tarletles. All xlnds of SNIP ES and SPoINGS made from Sheet Cast Steel, Extra rennet' REAPEIt and MOW ING KNIVES, tic. /fir Warehonse a nd Works, corner WAT6II and Smarr drama - 11h Pittsburgh. Partlents, attention pal l . to re-toothlng, guns pulps kiand •tralehtenlos Circular bass; also. rspairs of all nds. Plapcillng and Drilling done at rea minable rail‘s, Jet:r6l ROBIIIiSON, ILEA & CO., (Sac.' Caa•Ors to Flotillison. Mutts a am,...) WASHINGTON WORKS, Founders h Machinists, Pittidottrih. Manufacturers of Boatand Stationary Meant En gines, blast Engines, id 111 Idaclunar7, Gearing Shafting, Castings of all deseripelonst 011 T•nits and Stills. Boller sod Sheen Iron Work. fort4 . I,I n ct f r.:% IFIJAII.D•S PATENT INJ ECTOR RrJOHN COCHRAN & BRO., Manufacturers of Iron Vaults and 'Paul Doors. Iran Window Shutters, Window hoards, Sc., Nos. el Second and en Third etreet, between Stood and Market. have on hand varie ty of new pstterns, fancy nod plain, sultsble tor ail Pu Xra ' r . t leular attention paid to enclosing Grata Lots. dowsing duos at short nonce. talietly .r,TirfILARRIAGE AND CELIBACY, an Essay of Warning and Instruction for Young Hen, also, pita... and Abuses winch pros trate the vital posers, wiLt, mestt• otsura relief sert free of charge loses eal letter ent•Plopes. Ad dress, 11.1.1 b HOUGHTON. Howard As sociation. Phlladelphla, Pa. an/A SIDIPS vrT EDUCATIONAL. MT. A IL' MU RN YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE. This 6 , h00l has jest • oncluded Its tenth )ear, Its 111,011 T Lae Leon 0. of prosperity and growth from the commencement- The last two yenta the .1,3 &V.l . :kat 'LOCO b. hr. P.M than two he ndre.l. anti .I.s n, La\a tree refused for want of acc•entoodat lon. A NEW BUILDING Is noir rimier oontract, to be ready for occupancy at t °toning of the Yell Seasion In September, and It It loved than hereafter all can be received aa poplls who apply. The LIBRARY, APPARATUS and CABINET are recell ring yearly. valuable sulditions. and tile LP ' r " ;vL :r".= I o to s t km",,„h. '"" , ra,-iiity cousmts of four m.O •i,d teven re ntalr her., all e perienced Instructor. In their sr, eran de pante, nt. nebool is fully graded from Om Preparrtory dr-pant:rem., through the enure course of Academ ical and lilas•leat studies. MM==2 I. H. WHITE. 25 West Fourth Street, CI XCIA:VoI T 1 Lull Ail PENN INSTITUTE, FOR YOUNG LADIES, cn•kr the Monagomocrt or TIAPILI3. M. S. A sslstrd by • conspetenS corps of prole..son No. 25 Hancock Street The FALL 9F.10N will commtnea MONDAY September 3J. For Circulars, A., apply at the onitatte, au il:lata VOCAL LESSONS. MISS ANNA M. SELEIB, Teacher of Vocal Music 11131MITI C. C. MELLOR d CO.'S, • di WOOF) STREET Gr.u. e. 6OUTI. JOUR 1051 JOHN ROSS & CO., ROCCT.PSOIta TO WM_ N. OCDEN & CO.. MANUFACTURR"; AND DEALNILS IN Jarbon Oil Lamps and Fixtures, CHANDELIERS_, CARBON OILS, &C. No. 841 Ilactiqs.cat 11 3 / 1 2reot, ms - 19:a79alAwT PITMIII7B9R, PA. SUPERIOR OAK TANNED, PAT ENT STRETCHED AND RIVETE D. LEATHER BELTING AND ROBE, blbstofacturvil at. No. 88 LIILITHVILLXI OT., by HA.RTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Oleo, Agent. for New York Rubber Co China Belau gr. hand a superior lualltr of LACE LEATULLIL and ii it e HYDBA.NI HOBS, QOPPICii ISIVETO and HU BELT 110014 s, eto. I 104.010 - - - - STEPHEN M. OTT, =FS Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engraver, STENCIL, BRAND AND MIL LE4988 CMTEI, SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Cancelling Stamps and Visiting Cards, Also, I'LATEB YOH MADBINU CLOTHINO. 93 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Ailey, (AIIOV. 1 , 0011 IBTORZ,) 103:el PITTHDUIWIL J. W. JIIIINIVrott WI. SCAM JOHNSTON No SCOTT, DRILLERS IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., I= Pit t nib marg,l3., Perazaart,. Particular attentionßepairing Water.. Clocks and Jewelry. Ail wool, wArrato, WACO S . S. BRYAN, Broker in Stocks, BONDS AN!) SEAL ESTATE, 67 FOITETII FinEET, (LWOW. Dulldlng,) buyr and ..Ile on Commis!.Sou BANK, RAI LIW.W. INSURANCE. PETIZOLELIM HTOCKS, and UOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL, RAILIVIAL A/tint/TH.611 PONDS Orders executed by telegraph at the NEW Tons and PHILADELPHIA STOCK BOARDS at tho rates of estmmlselon torrent In thou elite* PITTSBUROK AND OAKLAND uItEKNIIOITIIKS. JOHN R. *A. lIIIIKDOCII. (Succesigorm to John Murdock, Jr.,) NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS. PIUMNNEW solicit attention tonic!? eSterksiVe stock of U AND ORNAMENTAL TeLES, EVEstiRICENS, GRAPE VINES AND OREENSIOUtE PLANTS. rittenitith and Oakland Passenger Cars ron to tleetinnoum neer" it minutes. 11as21 HOLMES, BELL & co., Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, Monniaosarors of daceosu i v lELEIMIk .9V4lair% WHOLESALE DRY GOODS AtTUMIN TRADE. Monday, September 10, IEIE3E3. M'ELROY, DICKSON & CO., 51 Wood St., Pittsburgh. PRESENT FOR INSPECTION, DRY GOODS At. Wholesale, CAREFULLY SELECTED, YOR THE FALL TRAD E. WOOLEN AND COTTON FABRICS FOR THE PRESENT SEASON Rensonnble Prices. TERMS, YET CASH, DicELROY. DICKSON & COMPANY CARR, M'CANDLESS & CO., 94 WOOD STREET, PITTSBU RGH, WROLESA LE DEALERS MI Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, Announce that they have just received and are now opening an UNUSUALLY LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK of all articles in the DRY GOODS LINE, Which they offer to the trade at the lowest market rates. Dealers will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine their Stock, comprising a hand some assortment of many Scarce & Desirable Goods, Together with Superior Styles or all the best makes of Prints, American Delaines, . Standard Sheetings, Bleached and Brown, Tickings, Ginghams, Canton Flannels, Apron Checks, Shirting Checks, . Col'rd Drills, &c. fr - 1 Plain While, Scarlet, Mixed, Red and Grey Twilled, Rob Roy, Miners, Shaker and Shirting. White,and Colored BED BLANKETS, ITWM: re.), +t r=4 =4, b:lrie'F-= di!/C3., 4rb 0., dbo. FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH FANCY DRESS GOODS. Our Stock will embrace a great vari ety and all the latest Novelties. NOTIONS, A Full and Complete Assortment. IRK, 1111INDLESS & CO., 94 Wood Street. ME] PAINTERS. J I LN - T. f_kitALlC, LIOUSE AND SHIN PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. .112Vrollei7artlIr t :LTIOreop f raVtl i d el.`gfaT. able rates. Jelke.B7 WILLIAM H. BROWN, of the Ono of BROWN' t Monnow, ) notraz lOW SIGN PAINSNG, SGSIONIAPSSIG4XI4OI4O.I4MILAW."4.4.4,-.; SF~~tll~l-~~~i~:s: IMERIGIN IRON 1101115. JONES & LIUOHIES, l'lW'rt323l7l=l. 4 3FS, M..1-11:17ACITRUEEI8 07 AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Roop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Raill,l6 and 20 lbs. to the yard Train Rails, punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge a - id Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Splices; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Wheels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WAREHOUSE AN 120 Water and IN Front Ste. !MANCH IWUBE, Nos. 22,24 and 26 River St., OEfIOAOO, IL! I= KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, I=l Beal Common, Refined Charcoal Juniata Bloom Iron. MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON HOOP, BAND, T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and SHEET IRON. MOWER and REAPER BARS. CYLINDER and GUARD OR FINGER IRON. SMALL T RAILS, 20 and 16 lbs. to the yard. WILOO lila CHAIRS and SPIRES for same. FLAT RAILS, Punched and Connlersank. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS and SPIRES. Warehouse, No. RS Water sod No. n Market stn. Works, beetled street, Eighth Ward. adjoining Ctty Gas Works, l'ittsburgh. au21:14 DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS. HAILMAN, HAMM & CO., 11/011:FAtTrtlICE, Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. BPHIHG AHD A. B. BTEEL, &O. =I Igo. 77 107a,tipx - Ellitreot, PITTSBURGH .2d13 ARSENAL GLASS WORKS. MODES Sz; CO., BLACK AND GREEN GLASSWARE. Druggists' Ware, Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, CARBOYS, &c., Worind and (Mee, Lawrenceville, Pa. rosv urrlcs ADDRESS, P ITTIth URCi 11, PA. Always on hand, C1,,..,,1aa of the alvoye descrip tion. All orders promptly attended CO. Particular attention paid to private Moulds. at.25:111 TTILITY WORKS. McLEAN & BLATOR, No. 83 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, MANCPACTI9III.IIS or CABINET NI A K FRS' HARTWARE. They make a specialty of Iron Bedstead and Pivot Castors . . Porcelain, Bedstead and Pivot Castors: IL dstead Fastenings; Stops for Extension Tables, Ile. They alsotuanufactun, and hare eon•4antly on hands Thu 131 n Latches. spring Lateites, •Lean Is Window Sash Supporter, 31•Lean•s Eccentric sash Button, Utility Shutter and Butt Hinges, Urind "One Hangings, had irons, halt Weights, dc., Se. jr1,14., . _ LIPPINCOTT & aIIiBULL, No. 118 Water Street, IiANLYACTITHIII.9 UT PATILNT 61(OUND, I=l I=l CIRCULAR, IMLAY, . RILL AND CROSS-CUT 15:.43.. w S. 1= K. W. ....... H. RAELAIIILL OWARA BOILER. WORKS. MORROW & BAR HILL, steam Milers, OUI Stills. Agitators, Tanks, malt rams, Gassometerto, Wrought Iron Bridges, Sheet Iron Work. CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. • lap R.F.PAIRLNO DONE PROMPTLY. 133 y 2 4 tea AMERICAN MACHINE NI OHMS. FISHER, GRAHAM & CO., Engine Builders and Dlachinisis, =I Oil Engines, 04'Toola, And everything necuseary s tor Koring fill Partlaulnr attention paW Fl Lung up abutting Pulleys, Hangers, An. Marton Avenue, near Ft. W. & C. R. R. 4W.coigl:Loray, I. REYAIRIIS 0 DONE PROM IND-168TRIAL IMMO X. SOLI ...Ulf TriLSON...TIUNTZB 01711 HOCH M. BOLE & CO.. POUNDERS, ENGINE BUILDERS AND MA CIUNLSTS; Manufacturers of STEAMBOAT KN (111IRS, OIL WELL ENUINES, LOCOMOTIVES for Coal Works, .11 kinds of Lied sod Marino N DIN ES,mado so order. k'rom the well earned reputation of the Manager, Mr. JAMES NELSON, we hope to secure a liberal share of patronage Rom Steatnlaat builder. and others wanting good machinery. Our aim will be to do all work In the best manner for • fair compensa tion, and to do It in the time we say. All kinds of OASIINOS made to order. Repairing Machinery promptly attended to. We can turn • Shaft 83 feet long, and bore or torn • Pulley 20 feet diameter. flikerShop on Dequeane Way near the Point. foundry on Third street, near Market, elt p t i ti o li m it m os h . ID. ILATLuIt, W. a. a•sa.not, Secii PITTSBURGH BOLT COMPANY. WE ARE PREPARED to W ake all kinds of Bolts, from hi to Sinehos in diam eter. JOINT BOLTS, CAB BOLTS, PLOW BOLTS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, 811 l LIM NE/ BOLTS, FOUNDATION BOLTS, SPLICE BOLTS, SEI SCREWS, NUT WASHERS. it.. Ae. Uorner Horton .d Butler Sta., Ninth Ward. Or dere left at Furt Pitt oury, lietteral Illackstalthlng promptly attended to. FETROLIA MACHINE WORKS; rt. S. x.antass. - sr, Nu. 33 Ohio Fitreol, Allegit...al, , Manufacturer or reaerruvirx BORINO TOOLA, AND Fi STD Man USED IN SLNILING OIL AND SALT WEL! A PUTIZIAJT attention Invited to Ma Patcliteal t to . jf en n eN t a i l:;la i ft oo a r t i l r,; loin l ts, maZo d f ,7 11n4.• au numbered, so that parts ein atrdered by rash or telerph, and found • penoot at all times. thYl i e tf% n a:s h i:lM L Ern i rtnts ' n ' reCrse ' WA .).L. to order. Orden by mall pronitli attended to. lam pared to grant asepses to other manufac turers tar these ituprovelaents on liberal Len.. Lk.: 17 Allegheny I'. 14 )623:03 . 11. H. LRCM Y. BLACK DIAMOND BT - IBMIL:La ‘71701 . 133.1191, PITTISBUItIM, P• PARK, BROTHER di CO., Manufacturer. 01 . . BEET QUALLITI WitYLNJED OAST BTillsl.., &pare, gnat and Octagon, of all alaes. W arrante equal to any ported or manufactured In Ode noun 07. 441 - 001ce and warettoum, No. 10 and.tal rir,t, an and 12Sacond .treat.. Plttaborsh eao.e,/ - - --- JON. P. 11A1011 WM.1111..1.Z¢. DIMUESNE AND WEST POINT ,MHN FORGES, PITTSBURGH, Penna., man- Sufacture all classes of Yorglnge, vie: steamboat haft Cranks, Piston Buda, Levers, Pitman Jews ndWrists: also, Railroad Axles, Locomotive Frames, and all shape work. The tsudersla tett having been for many years engaged In the are prepared. to tarnish all orders entrusted to them with promptness and Winston. JO:F. at. HAIGH Eta I, smo. =nun LA BELLE STEEL 1;11:IISTAIN. ";:; XLEIXTMELTIL elb (70. Alaoufactofero of CAST STEEL; SrKINO. i•UIW and ULAMITHA UTKEL; dPRLYUS, AILES, CHOW BARS, aps. Air °Sec, No. OS WATER MTIOCET (op stain) Pluentnro. Pa. 1,12 EVERSON, PRESTON &.-O-0-:, p EXXB rt. 1M1X.1,4 IRON WC) 11:11 - S. 311 1 =iret &.-1:184V Q, SEVIBILINCE No. 158 WATIIII ra.ernurieT .ritubs.rgb maufactarerorßolLlES MIMS, WHoUtiliT 14r amino . wi natum everTdes6riptkra. • .ilinktollg alllipb4,lsDttes and time - MANUFACTURERS. RANGES, STOVES AND GRATES. •% LL PEIISONS WHO NEED NEW etroKlu.: ItA N , , t.a .re In to rail and are BISS.ELI. NEW CIN/K,N,4 R o sy No. =l' I.lhertr .trees, whert , Inc; "In 2.14., d complete dupply of ype sod common enameled GRATES. COOKING SitIVES, ?ARLO& A HATING STOVES, Wash House Forhsc-• sal Lsen•lre Move, BISSELL .61. LO., Manufacturers of the eel,,,ted Tniraren COOK STOVES. t`Ort VOAI, And Black Oak for wood MCIZI ROSED4LE STOVE Iwo/tics. L. PETERSON, Jr., & CO., Illsorkliretarer , mad I)e &lora In .1: 11,11 of Cooking and Heating Stoves, HOLLOW 'WARE, &c., Of the rCrr LATEST PATTEU WTI Warehouse, 197 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. WORKS. k A`l nu3l lag ATLAS WORKS. MORTOX STREET, 9th 'Ward, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. MILLER, President These Works are a 6) 1113 V the terge.t mud moat rout plete eatablt•htnen, It. tin Wt.,. and ere now pre pared LEI rurnt.h Engines 01 Ever) Devcrlption, BoHera, 011 Tank., I=l Railroad C astings, Rolling Mill Castingl Engine Casthip, Mae Wee Canting-9 General Una - tinge.: ORDERS SOLICITED nn 111.1185 ?Magi I. I,IITNLI 8, .PILACI Al. r•HTHILItB,_ &HUBEI.: .1111.1.i,C1L, 15.4.11.• L M. 'OYU GEO. W. BARI , liklit'L DUPY, CHAS. l'AliAl.N. - - - - CRESCENT swEr, WORKS, MILLER, BAILS & PARKIN, BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL Warranted Equal to any In the Earke either Imported or or Domestic Manufacture. •TTIENTION PAID Iv Fink CAST ANL, LiDi STKEL. Office, 38 Wood Street, IN BT. CIECILLEb HOTEL tIUILDINt. rITTSDon.OII. Ju.e Il IL, ILfie. la•Itl:d19 pITTSBURGR STEEL WORK ANDERSON, COOK * CO., o==l Muufacturen of lb beat refined Cut Stall, &lure, Flat awl Octagon, of all sta., Saw Plat., Hoe, Fork and meet Cut Steel, Oast 1,4.51 for REAPING AND MOWING MACHINED, ST EET PLOW WIN ON, SPRINGS. AI LEA; 1.3111,C11 LAMM, Ike. Card and Common Plough and Spring Steel, WO co—Corner of rind and Eden .treetn, two bloats - 0.;,;(t. to licn/ae .27:d7 HE FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES CLAP NEPHEWS WrITIACTURIP.S 07 HEAVY ORDNANCE, D ALL %INDS Or If ZANY CASTINWL. . . • • lipecialattentiOn knead to ItOLLINO MILL WCIILISI BLAUT kIACHINEIII( nod itiFFORTS. ItILFAIRS attended to promptly. As heretofore, the twet materlals will always be used at this Foundry. Haring disposed of our old patterns, we are pre pared, with NOW AND thruueicu patterns, con structed dunder the supervision of fir, }tunnel - to (nrulah NAIL hi AL LIINES at short not Ice. _lyn) JAS. L. WOOS. VALLEY STOVE WORIiS. ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., Oates •nd Worehouse 1301 LibelLH Htreet opposite timlthlteld, Manufactures* great variety of COOK, PAIILUIt and HEATS/v(1 bTUVKS, among which are the cel ebrated Allegheny and Monitor Coal Coo/Ong Shoves: also, the Autocrat and :Sentinel for coal or wood, and the unrivalled Btar of the Empire, for ood; also. Arches, Orates, fendersr'hugar Kettles, Dog Iron* and Hollow War roundly. mile A.ltialhgT... VaI:KIRK J. 8. 1111.ADLIT /ETNA STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO. td.efzetzt re every varlet] of COOK, PARLOR ANO HEATING STOVEIP Amon/ which are the celebrated KIIREKA, TROPIO and TALIAMAN (Coal Stovcao Vt/lIAN A. YET. IRAN and 11tONSI1E8 (Wood Cook mores.) Also manufacture GRATES, GRATE FRONT'S, &c. Office and Warehouse, comer of dueoud and Woca streets, rlllsburgh. Eutrance un na,ondlilZeel,k... MAJ. PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. lima Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SECRETS, rmal PIANOS, ORGANS, &c. THE BRADBURY, NEW YORK, EMI Schomacku• If Co., PhLiadaphia MCI 3E 2 I /LINT CP EL The Estey di Co. Cottage Organ, AMERICAN ORGAN, At:1in0...10,1g.! by the best musical talent In tee United State• to be superior to all others In power, purity and quality 01 tone, and thorough workman sip. These instruments have for years taken the first Premium over ail competitors, at the various State C ad ounty Vali,. In prices they are lower than any others, All warranted for five years. I= 112.1 No. 12 N. Clair altoot. REMOVAL.- 160. Simllhlie/d Street. 160 JOHN ZWEIDINGER. Formerly of 00 FIFTH STREET, tn 4 rvmorefl to No. 160 Smithfield Street, Two doors above Sloth street, where he Lu to so rellont stock of Pianos, Melodeons, Organs, Knd all kinds of If lOAI. INSTEWIIENTS and nTHINtId. 4fartduslnal Instruments repaired tsltb neatness and dispata EIGHT SECOND-HAND PIANOS. I Itomtrood, roond corner., •• Knatie•s'' ••make. Plano, very I fill., used. . Price WO, fog ISO. One 7 octave ave richly carve d ew Plano Forte, over .mm6 bass, lour round corners, pat One 6 et: Poctave rosewood.' Y. Biome" make Plano, with ollan attachment and iron frame, 1 504 (Me 6 0,1.- talre rosowood iron frame MUNN good FM& One for en; WS, 690 and Jleel. _They are all in order. auZ elkft KLUTTZ bLUtiE, 4.9 Fifth street.. COAL, COKE, &c. COAL ! COAL ! ! COAL ! ! ! • DICKSON, STEIVRT & CO., Having removed their °Mee to 24 - 4=ii e 1387 '46x-t - y• Mitzroot. (Lately City Flour M 111) SECOND FLOUR, Are now prepared to tarnish good Youghiogheny LUNN, NUT COAL. UB SLACK, At the lowest Market price. Me - Ai. Ortlrts left at their office, or addressed to them through the in., will be attended to promptly. tura.= CHARLES H. AItIILITROti Dhabi. lx Youghiogheny and Connelleville Coal And Manulacturers of Coal, Slack, and Dentlidiurlzed Coke, OFFICE AS!) YARD. Corner of Roller an I Morton; first yard nu Liberty and Clymer•treets, Ninth ward, and on Second street, near Look No. I. Pittsburgh, Pa. Patentee and Manufacturer, eLpplied with the best article of Coal or Coke at the lowest cask rates. Order. left at .y of the yards will receive Dermot attention. mykeitend _ - It/t A.NTIOOD:— fI - Lost! How AXE RIMTOREII.rIIIt PIO envelope. Pelee, rls cent Lecture on the Na tural Treatment, and Radical Cure of lioennalor rhyme, oencininitliVeaknese involuntary Emissions aaaaa" DOWDY, and Impediments to Marriage gem erallytlitervonanees, Coneumptlon, Fits; Mental and PhysicAl from Self-Abase, e! NOar• .• ""---- .11. D., author of the 015.50 WOK, *C. “A Boon to Thousands of.bogroToLs., Sent tinder seal, In a Wart aa •e.° P . ' ... .1 two rECCIpt (Si U. een dress. post weld. on clia „ . c. ELIA r.37l::ery, P T . erlforit. Post. 001 mo Bee . 11.,.5613.. m also, Dr. Culverwellbi ”Mieffialre .as tit t a d 'inj i ,i =tea.. ~ODA.SU-2 00 casks best brands,. c., mon H o d. A ult, and SO euks best brands RC tlnedkoiLtAkb. Insteps sad far utebs - . r NE W OPERA HOUSE ErtlHaut a:ld ,r.l . nulne etweees of the youthltd, bean- UN] and arraatlle American artiste. MISS LCCII.IJr. IVILSTEMMI •N HT. ihn orint nal and only gensin• piny of &AST LT S N F:, OH THE ELOrIitaLEITT vetch MI. Lucille Western to her great doable character of Lady isiltelettre _Madame Vine. tett. ‘001:1 br produced. the thetlllate theloelraane, OLIVER INtth Y. Mt.. LUCILLE la her neap reherevatai tee of NANCY OVELEE. VirACADEIIII" OF 111ESIF. !LA IN SI osTElt ,tr. , llt, I, t , ,v tissaity and fashion of the \ Ilth. forth., last thus. 'MEI N I:F.s, T 111:. If ....... . r„,.. 0 . T o ", To conelnde wsto the ltd. Farec of Van .001 , FM: NOTIIINO. AII rart:, N0v..1E1,, In preparation. 145 r" PITTS BU G H THEATRE, L.stax ANL , MAN . NA, AI .li. ISFiIVULNMOh mentor"' re., pliun °Cour Pittsburgh ISYorttn MILS. ETTIE I! Et. I , E/Mos. Who will appeor 11, • . t- ter of I.ADY *III Is (Toestlay) EV ENI Nlt ',PI I, performed the mhsterploce ttumoot..ntltled TILE nCllt.tttL F.. I t.t NitAL. Lady Tearlu M,., r,i t I • liendenton. Supported by I I' as% of °hornet. , -. Ilium eonnled In the Western country. NF.W FACES, NEW St'F.l. Et, V. EFFECTS, We. To-morrow tWodnesdny I thl. sure of Mrs. ETTLE rt EN DEff, ,N. 'TREY ARE comniG. FENTON'S EMPIRE MINSTREL And Brass Band, IVILEII..EI CD VS Ci 13AL MI. 'AI. TUE , DAY AID WEDNESDAY, Bept HARRY FENTON, troprietor 10"TRIBIBLE'S VARIETIES. VV'. C. SMYTHE: FRED. AIMS... First appearance of the renowned Gyranuta, tie LEVITdrt tenet, In conjunction wlth the great YAM ETI TROUPE, appear Ude evening In a eplcudld bill, Including the 10-drams, toil tLett TH n JULIA/LS EAUE; ten, A 'Lehi or BLoon. IarPROF. FASMONA }IL E DAN( 1 NL: ACADEMY. MILL° LL ALL 75 Tr, ILL Gtr. tte burgh, Is Dow open day and evening. .Invellll.o \Veal:l.4a,,and nat.], days al 2 P. 31., Ladle, Class, Tliesdep and Friday at 2P. a lietalenlen•s (lass. Tuesday and Friday r. n. All the lashionaltie Walttes, Quadrilles and to tllllous tell! Ito taught on utodenste Let3l2.. Please call at the Muslc uturrO for circulars containing here. ..to. gel:180 PROFESSIONAL. B. F. BROWN, Local Claim A-gent. C. S. S.ALN. COM., Office, No, 67 Fourth Street, ttiEl'uN I) FL,....1t0 Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrear of Pay Promptly Collected. No charge made until claim, are nettled, and then but a mode. ate fen t0y9.b20 L . R. LLNDSAY, • Office, 63 Boyle Street, AlleittleuY Special attention given to drawing deeds. Lanes 01.8. r I.•gal documen t.. . £llcolientson• 10 trusted to tam will receive care tel sue prompt attsantissn. JeZ tf JOHN W. TAILOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CEIIII DEL E. DONNELLY, Office, Sixth and Grant Streets, Agir - dpectal attention given to all cages requiring Surgical toperation, Je201:11go MACKRELL & NoCOREIBS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS:AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, CMIIM OHN A. STRAIN 41X.T111112.1312ALT,T,1 Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peace, A\lf 1 . 01, I C AIIIST ILA TE, Oilier, 112 Filth St, opposite Cathedral, • Reeds, 7Sondt, Alortgagre, Aeknowledgments, De potltlont and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. mytntkl WILLIAM JANCEY, NOTARY 13 LI C, JUST ter. or 711 E IMACK,AN D BEAL EBTATC AZ:ENT. (Mee, cornet of Butter and bravo,. "mete. Lawmncevlllo. SpeeLd •1441.1011 given to the purchase and sale of Beal Estate, the Coneetlon of Rents, and the pre, natation and acknowledgment of all kind, of Legal Conveyances. WILLIAst JA.NCILY, Justice or the roue sad hiotary Public isty'Xibas M=!MM! EUSTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania Avenue, Foot of the Exteasioa and opposite Chatham Street, MILITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS BOUNTIES, BACK PAY, nod Military Cla/ms of even description, collected by the eubscrther, at the following rates, via. Pensions, SO; all other charms, $3 Kt. C. C. TAYLOR., Attorney at Law, Diamond street , opposite the Coati /louse. - N. 13.—N o charges are made If the claim does not succeed, and all information given gentle. see:ly CRATELLII T. EWE'lit4,; Attorney at Law, No. (19 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sir Commissioner for Ohio, Kentucky, West Vlr. gnu. Alkuouri And otber States. myllinano L. P. STONE, Attorney at Law, OFFICE, De DIAMOND STREET, opposite the Court Roust, Pittsburgh, Pa. C. W. ItICKETISON ‘ Yltuburgh. MILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, I3LPORTER.S OF BRANDIES, WINES aND CIGARS, Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. IRON NAILS, COTTON YARNS, &Gil Constantly on hand. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. MORELAND & .1111TCHELI4. Nos, 425 8t 427 Liberty . Street. Tba very best HORSES, CARRIAGES wn,14117 0- . tIIES kept for hire at all then.. TDe• ttnes RIARISEs lo the city. Yosterills, Ad, st":"" to on short notice In the best manor_ ihTLIIO Persons wishing to entO4l. "Y i be.t gtYier can rely upon being turned Me proprietors give toot+ jr:ean Unglue., Ali.IE-oukCCitcfklrlrLOUß MID S C. 2cIKASTEII B VCO., No. 1165 Ohio St., Allegheny. MuSassie sod ROAR Denlars In 3Peaci. df 411:Wa'zi4xL. CAA paid for Wheat and -1.7,7R1 J SEIICHiNIMAKER & BON, Pittsburgh White Lead Work ''J WE T.V.AI) sunsmu, esomin " ou.a6633sll34—APEArrht lbeigsl37.4,saoVV:i I:l==3 31...14.1.° [BESS ...El TIN°. MANAGER trr or. MA iir,le/a. DIRECTOR }miss Kate Estelle MEM 11=11 IM2 No. 69 Grant Street, 111131=E! PITMBL'IWIT, PA PITTSBURGH, PA r ITTSB CEA. PA
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