yittobargit 6axettt PUBISSIIED ET fix, Bin & CO, F. O. PNNISDIAN. k Eatio‘ ... T. P. HOUSTON. I JOS IA-11 MN ; . 1111.h:teas Alemagers NELSON P. 10.1611{.13 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1886 UNION REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. I= MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, OF CIIIMERL.A I) COUNTY I= TWIANTT-68COND 1118T11.10Tt HON. .1. K. MOORHEAD. TWENTY-THIRD DISTRICT: HON. THOMAS 1% ILIA :OHL SARl:rim D. CLIU LET, City Cl.lllIl Or OW., JOHN O. BROWN, flampton Tp i..41.1f. Or 0111 . 11,. COURT: ALE XA N DER [ULAN DS, CRT HEN AX SNIVEL'', City 11.111,1.1: JOSEPH d BRAY, Plum Tp. I==l GEOILGE IiAIitILTOS, City DIRMCTOR Or FOOn JOHN F, DRAM). Tp. J 01,11% P. GLASS, City. GEORGE Wtl SON, Pitt Tp. GEORGE T. IteREE. :North Payette Tp NAM EEL ('R Ak U RICK, Colima Ty, PETER. boss Pp. R. A. t'OLVILI.... CRY. ONL THING AT A TI3IE, It is a somewhat singular fact tb,; the Union men of the Gulf States are en t clue ly anxious that the colored men 0 the South shall at once he invested wi• ihi right of suffrage, while 1.1 see of the hordes States are not inclined to make the ques tion an issue in the present posture of af fairs. But when we consider that the fir mer arc in a hopeless minority as compar ed with the rebels so long as the colored people are excluded, while the white hoya lets of the border States feel themselves able to cope with the disloyal clement of their population without the aid of the ne groes, the position of the two classes of loyal white men is easily accounted for. Theoretically and morally the men of the Gulf States are right; but this is ques Lion that does not enter into the great issue now before the people. The question of suffrage can only be settled by the States, each one for itself. Congress has very wisely left that question to the States. It, therefore, does not properly come up for discussion in this great struggle, which is a purely national one. The question is, Huw shall the Union, broken by the seces sion of eleven States, and by the resultant war, be reconstructed? Two plans are be fore the people—one without conditions, without guarantees, and with no security against a repetition of those terrible calam ities which the treason of these people brought upon us—the other a very care fully prepared constitutional anicaoment, which, while it is more lenient, more mod erate, kind and magnanimous than any government In the world ever offered to vanquished insurgents, will s e rer,. the country, asffar as statesmanship can secure anything, against lature trouble of the same kind. This, and this only, is the issue with which we have to deal at pres ent. It would, therefore, be premature and unwise to complicate it with other issues at this time. "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Nevertheless the ,illestion of univ e rs a l sutirage ewers remotely into this i,,Ate, hut in a manner so just to all, and so perfe, tly in accord with the reserved rights of the several States, both loyal and disloyal, that no exception has been or eau be taken to it. In the second section of the amend meld, after pros iding that representatives in Congress shall he apportioned among the States according to their respective numbers, us at present, it is added that, "whenever in any Sate the elective fran chise shall be denied to any portion of its male citizens not less than twenty-one years of age, or in any way abridged, ex cept for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation in such State shall be reduced in the proportion with the numbers of such male citizens not less than twenty-one years of age.” It would be impossible for human wis dom to frame a fundamental regulation more just to all the Stales, and to all the people of all the States, than this, and at the same tittle more perfectly conservative of the proper rights of the States as such. Under this rule, if a State sees proper to withhold the franchise from any portion of its people, whether on account of poverty or color, or any cause other than trim irmlity on the part of the diefranchized„' it is at liberty to do so; but it can only do so at the expense of u.)rr,..pcinfliug redur tion of its relative weight In U.: aou',nal councils. Under this reguiattavu'i. , 55 , i.. not be possible for the visite uses vt *AV,: Carolina or .111-stusippi to ikiiNA. .{.VIVYN ttioa , double the representation which the same number of wins men j,-11 Pennsylvania, or Ohio, of Zink+ chusetts, or Michigan are This, however, must and wlif to the case- should the President's icy pr-sail ;:ad nothing mu prevent thi s rsonstro,s ..a.e.remlity and injustice ex- eept the amendment of 'the Constitution just recdrred to. Tim co.e is a plain and simple one. Under the Constitution as It to dm entire free population, without din t-M.4We of color, class or sex, are counted m tS,a hassle of repreNentation and 04 the tt GAL: is the two States joist named eon wier.O.dy fAitiox,b,r w t)ltA9i, it follows (Lint, on,lkwi aincoolincnt urrvnila, the w - iiitAi4rq 4.4,.x ;;Ls.i.us -uithuugh us maiig• mao. 44/1 *Pi:Atte n eior will b. more, 0.1.441 diotbly rt) ktr.esiugi l i Congrros and rinirni; 'Ann, itititgz Ow proportion will Lc aintiott rit 0,41, Wll.l Om loyal frixineli 01 th , ..404111 011/WU I , i :Ala en WO! Yet ros 1.44111 daily ftwoolifp frr evoli!. ing it lint eotoitteen, end uil whdteltt: ttAlc, wlth r.onlr -b ,urn emtteelY and bitterly by I'rn,A,lrnt and hiaToLloworn an 11411101 i and etwinie. In the Union. NOW, we SUbtoit to I.lloilll who would press the ettlintge question to an linneallato issue, Whether we have not Wolrit enough ppon our hands for one year ? We are now laying the foundation of our national Tample of Liberty—not rotating on the roar We are building the walls in trou Mons Umes, amid tierce opposition, both open end trmeherous. Let us see to it 11thit It Mts. upon solid ground, and that no littrtellneered Mortar is used. That done, tfir, Wink Of finishing It In all HA barn:lord. oaf Ind benutiful proportions will be a amystailyely easy task. Let us do one tllng eta Wile. A. Conhzerto24.--It was announced in these columns, under_a misapprehension, 4444 uyepublioan Mane Meeting would be hold to-morrow at Greensburg. Tile meet -Intf.l.o Vientmoreland county for that day M I Ne:d . t Newton, nod not Gfeensburg, Bud it 'Orviuises to be the beat detnonstro seetlon for many yearn EsenrefOrt 'lleketu a ilLba lamed to all who ,wlali to go nxi lihnithis city. MIZE REV. H. W. BEW:HEIR The letter of this gentlinnaa, which we published yesterday; contrasts strongly in spirit and tone with the former one, which drew wild shouts of admiration from the co-operating cohorts of rebels and causer retires, and sharp criticising from the lips and pens of moat of his old and tried friends. This change shows how deeply he has been touched by the reception ac corded his sweeping and unqualified en dorsement of the President's Policy. The qualifications and abatements Mr. BEECIIEIt now makes, he ought to have made at first. He certainly !mew into what controversy he was dipping, and on what side. He could not fail to foresee that his unreserved commitment would be put to a use most detrimental to the princi ples in the illustration and defence of which he had gathered his proudest laurels. Mr. llERealm now explains "I have never thought that it would be wise to bring back a the States iu a bod and at once any more ll than it would be t o keep them all out together. One by one, in due succession, under a practical judg ment rather than by a wholesale, theoreti cal rule, I would have them readmitted." This makes his first letter still more in explicable than it was before. The Presi dent's idea is that the revolted States have no need to come "back," or to be brought "back," for the simple reason that they were never away; that they have precisely the same right to representation as the loyal States; and that to debar them, or any of them, for a period, long or short, is to disregard the plain requirements of the Constitution, and all the essential equities of the case. On the other hand, the Con. gressional scheme of restoration is exactly that to which Mr. BEECHER now claims to give his adhesion. Under it Tennessee has been restored, and as last as the other ten seceding States shall show they are in a suitable condition, by ratifying the Con. stitutional Amendment, they will be re-ad mitted, one by one, in due succession. There is much graphicness and truth in Mr. BEECHER'S delineation of the charac ter of the President, and of the mischiefs to be apprehended from his violence, ego tism and recklessness. But we do not see that the treatment attempted by Mr. BEECH ER in his first letter has moderated the President's temper or smoothed his tone. Since then we have been furnished with the presidential harangues at Cleveland and St. Louis; the latter, if possible, surpassing the former in enormity, both of manner and matter. It must be remembered, more over, that these speeches ore not reported by enemies to the President or his Policy, but by persons selected by himself and who accompany him for that express purpose. Doubtless, all the offensive passages are modified so as to present them iu the most favorable aspect. It may be, they arc submitted to the President for such hurried revision as would comport with his own sense of propriety. At all events, there is no evidence to show that the soothing pro cess has produced any of those beneficial effects which Mr. BEECHER claims. In deed, in the judgment of all impartial men, there is a much stronger influence in the calm rtmonstrances and sorrowful rebukes of the last-letter, to restrain the impetuosi ty and ferocity of the President, than in the former declarations, which were fairly liable to be construed into an endorsement both of the Presidential plan and the meth. ods by which it was sought to be accom plished. Besides, Mr. BEEcuEu's present attitude is a standing monuMent to the efficacy of indignant protest and trenchant rebuke =I -The Astor kiouse, in New York, rentiii for 05,000. - - Empress Carlotta's trip to Eur.tpc bus cotrt her two million franca The cat-o'-nine-tails is liberally used a the Connecticut State prison. ()ter lice hundred people are on the stage at once in the opera of "Le Prophets" in ParC. ' --Hun. D. W. Voorhees is lying danger ously ill at his residence, in Terre Haute lu diuna. —The discovery of a musical composi tion by Mozart at the age of ten yearn, is announced. —The Glasgow authorities propose to ex pend £1,2.50,000 in buying up the worst parts of the city and improving it. —The Chicago Tribune says that "cow stealing has been reduced to a fine art" In that city. The fine arts must rank very low in Chicago. —A lady living near Columbus, 111., died on Thursday from the effects of a rattle snake bite. She lived ten days after the sting, in great agony. —lt is said that Bonner offered to endow a professorship in General Lee's College, provided the General write hint an artier week for the Ledger. —Brick Pomeroy says he has a composi tor in his office the friction of whose move ments over the type in his stick fuses them solid like stereotype plate. —An eminent German musician says there are better Judges of music in the United States, better critics and better per than can be found in Europe. —Governor Jenkins, of Georgia, now at New York, found the credit of his State so err; that he disposed of 11500,000 Georgia 0.14 tsuida, at ninety cents on the dollar. -nese Is a house of entertainment at 4ioneti, London, which seeks to at oute/4 Pyre by describing itself cauni mitio4,44 as the "Cemetery -esti o g wAitr..4 l 4 , klie amention has been erea• Awa..44,0e. 4:41AM1 by the recent dig ...ottry di Of.toeeyn of Bu ff alo, that cheat 11 , 14 1070 ter) *. for Liting In place of Mid*: Of keit/or - J. A human t , eecte rem-fitly murdered the host of a tavern es MMLUsta, took pos session of the place, hack...int corpse of his victim to pie,es sod, errved It op In va rious dishes to travelers stopping at his house. Be has tot la a full couhattuon. Bulslay, while performing the Niagara. Leap, last week, et the Walnut Street Theatre, in Phibufelpida, fell front the trapeze, near the ceiling, to the stage, a distance of thirty-live feet, but was only slightly Injured. The performance was not interrupted. --A week or so ago Miss Lottie Beidlu wan, of Chillicothe, Peoria county, Illi nois, lost her epoch in consequence of ex wed ve tickling by it companion under the arm. She was struck dumb at the time, and in n week has only recovered speech enough bit speak in a whisper. —General Howard will order an investi gation lam the recent outrageous attack by returned rebel soldiers upon the colored camp-meeting near Baltimore. Two of the negroes wounded in the melee have since died. A Washington paper says tbat young Benson (white,) who was shot while praying, is also dead. --It is stated that nearly every German prince has at least a hundred thousand dol lars invested in American securities, and the King of Hanover, who has been notifi ed that he cannot return to his throne, has a half million in our loans. So there is little danger of their actual starvation -if they do become private citizens. --tieueral McOlernand, one of the moat, zealous supporters of the Administration, declared at the recent Illinois Copperhead Convention that civil war was imminent, as the President and his party would set up a Congress of their own, and a collision between that body and what he styled the "Hump" would take place very speedily. —A woman died of cholera in Bt. Louis, Mo., last Monday, whose finger had been previously ninputaled, and was preserved In liquor. Mater dcath-bed she earnestly requested her husband to have the Anger, pieced In the coil% with the , corm. Tim 'isband, last .Wmfoesday; haul .the_ body . ~..sinterred for the purpose of complying with her with.' Boort after- he yrtMattsok ed with, choleri mod died the smut ,hdght...~', TRE Frakfort (Ky.) Corn "'" ' run is cured of its conservatism. it Pays. "The President of the United States, from- eyery indication we have seen, has thrown himself into the hands of the Cop perhends of the North and the rebels of the South. Like John Tyler he has abandon ed the people who placed him in office, and is seeking to make himself a man with the rebel Democracy, -who, to use his own lan guage in a speech made in Lexington, after his escape from them through the moun tains of East Tennessee and Kentucky, a few years ago, "were hunting him with their blood hounds, and seeking his life," and like John Tyler the rebel Democracy will use bun, and then split n him—and de servedly so. We bare no more confidence in a man who betrays the people who ele vated him to office, than we have in a trai tor to his country. . . "We believe a large majority of the peo ple of Kentucky are disloyal to the Gov ernment. We believe the great mass of them would, to-morrow, if they had the power, elevate Jeff. Davis or John C. Breckinridge to the place now occupied by Andrew Johnson, adopt the Confederate Constitution, and carry out fully all the measures udopteu by the Confederate Con gress. If there be any change in their feelings and views since 141, we have not been able to see it. fir. President John son is in bad company, and therefore can not have our further support." The Eighty—eighth Asteroid /new planet was discoverbd in the con stellation Capricorn on the night of the 6th of August, by M. Stephan, director of the Marseilles Observatory. Its position at 14h. 4tn. 255. M. T. M. was as follows: Right ssoenston... N. Polar distance. The discovery was telegraphed to Paris, and on the next evening the position of the planet at 11h. 47m. .o7s. I'. 31. T., W 118 toun 1 to be ...21.11 52m. M 233. lod deg. 42.1 n. 57 le 11.1g_ht lueenslon.. N. Polar distaneu This discovery, which brings the number of asteroids up to eighty-eight, was made with the new telescope, which is construct ed on a hitherto untried principle. The planet has the appearance of a star of the ninth magnitude. —Much surprise has been expressed since the departure of the President on his elec tioneering tour at the many appointments of Collectors and Assessors of Internal Revenue, as it was generally supposed that tile appointing power was confined to the President alone. The mystery, however, has been solved. It appears that prior to his departure, Mr. Johnson left with the Secretary E large number of commissions, signed in blank, for internal revenue offi. eers and officers of customs, in order that the Secretary, might keep the blade of the political guillotine from rusting during his absence. Appointments are being made every day, and the appointees enter imme diately upon their duties, but their names are kept quiet from a fear that the public will get an inkling of what is going on CHOLERA!! CHOLERA!!! With the almost ro•rtale advent of cholera with the ( ~ 111 ino of the aprl ag. uo thoughtful Verson .111 be unprepared for It. Secure what es b. - tenet. has demonstrated to Or the tom t certain antidote—that whlrll has Cured w ill core sgsla —and net, purchare anew . and uutcle.l art lele, when an old sou reliable article ran be had. Wheel the cholera slatted us on two former urea. alone. It was found 11, e,perlenee that. cuoLclts! FLEMINIPS 11IXTI'LLE Wa, the twat •ud atkpc , cedcd all other, thrrefort• It stand• to reaeon !Inst. If Too would hare art art, Or that you eau depend ort. you snould porch..< ti to the ....Irtsion of all others. Sold only In Nue burgh. at JOSEPII DRUG NfURE, I two< of the Ittarnond. wrar Fourth tar..-t. ILLIIEMBEI: THE 1.1. Al Itch! Itch!! Scratch! Scratch!! tl N UN ES! ENT curt, Itch flvra I: to to boars. • . I'l,/1 • 1". StrayA. • 01•11••••nt. ••TE.171 - .11 11,11 — fb. Sr•••tyn• •O. eatm•nr. • •I• 1•.:1 ICU 11,11 — • • I'C I'TY.I•I . . IT, It - • EV Pit 6 Nolll • • TETrEu IT, U" -. TETTE , ' •IT1:11" TO FAIL “TETTIIIV ITCH ' •• rerriut• ITCH' IN L LINO THIS — TiTTKIt I rciv• ••Te.l' I ER 1T1211. TOkt.ll Y.!. TING —TETT CE rrl:II" ••T F. t TEli `•ITCII•' I ,SIPLAIN T. Cure, 1.1./ng ball Kbeum bcsitl heed, (fart all Skin LA...its. Prepared onh b Dr. 37%•YNE d 503, Phila. delphva hol.l ty 7111.AIDI.AN d )I'KE\\An. 1.15 Market .tre.t. mud oat , . A. Is Et.LY• 37 IV wAI Plttnborgh. sts2,I..TTA NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WM. 111.% &HAM, Jr., Aflame Experts 01:54e 54 Filth Merest, te an not/messed Agent to eren etilt-ertieements for the GAZETTE, and ttl/ otter papers throup4out the G'ntied Atniel and tit atoculas. " - FOR NEIERIFF J. F. WCI.I-.5., of llc K eonwrr. o - tO be •rundidato i,n th Work lnR loon •. Ttcnot of Alleg hot, County ne '412 TT TWO BUSLNESS HOUSES FOR 90.T_.331, FrJoting on Market etreet, .d S.:cond ...recto. Apply to =CI MAIL GA RETTA *WALKER versus DANIEL WALKER. No. t, !larch Teo.. I.%fk. In the Court of Common Pleu of Allegheny County. 'rise understroed mill proceed. pursuant to the order of said Court. to take testimony on part ofln use City ye Pittsourgh. on fIATTY It. DA Y •ent. Int. lege. at I k of rr 111 , 0 &let:dant oils take notice. . . Itvf ERT R, 'osmn.sloner oyrlcJE . HE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF T the rut.:iti U V Ally, ?ittshorrh, wit. meet at toe SCULML. lI.JULSK, on TUEJDAY eptember 11th, at 7;1; o'clock r. a., 1.. r the purp. se of forming • UEALL7 CLUB. ell J 6! RIESICH b. 800, Engin- Build- EOB ASH HI nItITB, manufacturers or Itirsick Le i atent balance Valves. ler Steam En gines, and all kinds of Brewers' Machinery, Shaft- Hg, Ilangers. Pulleys, Oil Ringing-a of all size, with or without Balance Val•es, Plre Fronts, Walking Dram Connection, eltiarra, Pumps. Le.. CORNER 1/A.MailiSHI: AD° fin k. A Pittsburgh. es. Repairing and putting up machinery: romptly attended to. ll :TOO FRESCO CHINTZES. NEW STYLES AND VERY RICH GOODS, Jail re , elred lad for .nle by WHITE, ORR & CO., Ste N.iltb. MS tre.mt 1 W. FAIIII.Y, haying finished u • thdr new building. at their old stand. .ffo. 413 and 415 Liberty Strut, Y itA "VDoelte UselN Union AND YE ED BUS N Depot ow n ESS as us tinue in tile ua We hove to let Inour betiding .o L"" l. Homer, soluble fur Ualces. Inquire at 12143 above slumbers. .0701 PRODUCE IN SINIIIE AND ALB lilt:ISO-7,W Wm prime Yellow Shelled Corn: 3,000 " uhlo tants; LOCO .• amber Wheat, to arrive . . 40.? be. Btdpstufft RC boa, fresh Uorn Meal 103 tibia. "star of the West' • Floor: 2,000 bus. Barley. HENRY REA, in., seS WI Liberty street, opposite Set euth. -` ItuURpIDU RZOISLATOU's Omer. t Perfalthitalt, rept. ed, 1866. A kBSESS g IMENT NOTICE.—Not ice Is hereby iven that the asaeument for the grad ing and paving of (dark street have been made, and Cee be been at this office until the 10th day of Sep tember. UM. after which time they will be returned the t Ity Treasurer for collection. CHARLES REICHtirrA Recording Regulator. 810,0 W ,„7,13,,,,!F1T. EST $lO,OOO BONDS AND MORTOACES. In sums of from $l,OOO or more secured on Ilea Estate In Allegheny county, for one, two or thee yenta, at Tin. 00Grant street : see FOII,AUTURIN. Isfid: -- vcrAs...taux 2 b Of the newest, cheapest and best, For sate by W. I'. MAHSII/LLL. sel S 7 Wood Street. - B U TTEB—S kegs fresh Butter; ns do do Just received and t a r sal AiMISTRONti, ono corner Market and Firs; streets CIDE6--5 MM. Sweet Cider isit received " " " itate C A.RMISTILONG trio corner Market and Want Stree U. CIttiCIBLES, tor Aram Founders —an mortmons on Lund. onto *MONT H. COLLINS. CEMENT -200 bbls. Mesh. sclo BENET 8. COLLINS. WiLLoWB-8.01110 Basket MCNBY Q. ceLlaira. C I eTTOB-50 tales , ate* and 1.• lib. by yftja . Cll:Mt. b . 04.4.6.' Velar • Illbio.tarEteirue! tor, to MO by 413411 1 1#1 `I7ItAIVTIEVOW-- CAMAS teet . 10 . 40 .'51!P1.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JAMBS T. BRADY 41. OE, (s.cecuots . to S. Jou. it Corner - Fourth and Wood Ste., BANKERS & BROKUS, DS/LULUS IN ♦it KIND! Or Governmett securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLECTIONS made on all anennalble polnta In the Vatted States and Canzdna. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. ATTENTION! ATTENTION!! THERE WILL RE A GRAND Union Republican Meeting Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Wards, THIS, TCESOII , EV/ NUN, On Vacant Lol, opposite M. E. Church. on Penns Arenne. Ser,nth Ward. Turn out. Freemen. Tour Counts, calls. Distin guisl.ed speakers will be present. sell tpn3 HENRY G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, '3M. 53m. 54.. 1443 deg. 47m. 504 =I bemires to return thanks to Ills friends and the l-uh hc for the inany past net,. and reepectfally solic its a shalt of their future pat,nkae. Ile would be pleased to have them 11.X>1111111. Large and Carefully Selected Stock Fine Woolen Goods, I=l EMEND'S WEAR FOR PALL AN) MM. sell:jos J OUIS BEIME ba CO., • GRAND AND SQUARE 1 20 1.14..1NT C. Si. Wareroome, 97 Sleeker Street, Srcond Block M ♦ot frown Brow. ammy' It ORS- Th. Plano. manufactured by tfil. mm ary un Bur pausttt for p".erful. el.ar. bri'llaat and sympathettr o nr. wlth .oritmapship l'lrettiant and pr Ire list a. at on autil..l o .• ..010:160 C. C. .ILLAC:grIMCD, DEALER IN INE WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, stoi.X.Alo - ICIXI. VITAL FL , French Clocks, &c. rmzl%W7nn idven In thy REVA I 111 NO OF ,11.. Ala. 2'2 rim street .e 4 11OMrr 'MIMIC SALE Olk ira C:0 FLEE; M m. •0 P.I/N F.SD aY. the Ilth DAY glg S rr ',AI DE& at 2 Writ., I-. 2., er 111 tre •old lo close a eon - •Ignshe•t, lrhe•nry large gray il.orar. 0,11104, 1 , 1 hea•y drought hl 1.600 ground. Alsoone M .1011 lira. Carr gage II or••••. Eight good llorar• and Mmes. for Arlo. pnr post. Alen one Top Harry •hll ttn.k .rayon The ata•.• h..rae• are •ust Prow the roan ry. and pnrchuen can depend that they will he as repro ...Led. Sale poanly., at HIM - AMA/_g LIVE IV STA 111. K. First street. above Pahltllineld, near Mo- oongabelz noose. uri )IA9 DAY, McABOY & SPANG, IRON UN ME WORKS. OFFICE ANA WAREHOUSE, Nos. 45 Wood and 102 and 104 Third St, =I Saddlery Hardware and :Trimming, =9 Superior Wood and Iron Homely, Wrought Post Bit.. Ring flits. Snaffles, Brandooks, Wheel Bits, Muloin Bits, an.. an, Keep alto on hand a falland complete assortment of goods In their line, al l of which they over at se. fair prices. and on .gmud terms as are Mitred o 7 any lion. In the tends KART OR IN N E VW BOOK. WOMEN OF THE WAR. up FRANK MOOEIf. author of "Th. Record." Ac . Tbs oblect of this work Is to collect and present arrsti yes of the services of the • Mace Who kharni he perilsof thew a, and ought to inherit Its glories Amon. torso are sketches of •Iss MARY BIoOELL lod Miss MARTHA .1 YOWLER, of Pitiaburgh, 's.: Mrs liAltitid. Mrs. LIKIYUA NM and Ibis. pa TT Elthfib, , f Philadelphia: Al l.. CARRIE 11 llettysbu g, r... and others from early every state In tat Colon. TI T. WI. C n wit h about siOn octavo pages, •al Is il l ustrated ustrated with s y s . e , plat. pnrtraiu , engraved In Outmost Improv ed style, bold only by subscription. AUENTIS WANTED la liVestern Peons.. West Yleglula and tit estern ow Sulk. ?octet - me, address or apply to MAUL Y k HOWES. ses No. 61/ Fifth street. Pittsburgh. NOTICE TO LANDLORDS ANC/ TENANTS. BRICKLAYING AND JOBBING. Grates, Ranges, Heaters and Boilers Neatly and Expeditiously Set and Repaired. All order. left at Unreel!, Steptiense• Store Warebouses No. 104 Liberty street, will be promptly attended to. JOHN SicILINLET, THOMAS MCREE, sea,. Practical Brick's ere. 1866. FALL TRADE. 1866. HATS, OAPS An IVRS, Wholesale and Regaii. M'CORD & CO., 181 WOOD STREET, Invite special attention to their large stack of Hats, &0., &c., for Fall Bales, Now fulland complete—cirary to ..rt ll taste.. Also runs of every description to .1111 the LADIES.man - - GREAT WESTERN PLANING MILL, Corner of larbirry Street and Natalie Way, PITTSBURGH, PA. Sash Doors, Blinds and Mouldings MADE TO ORDEN. Unfinished work le put in • dry house and finished when taken out. Salton., Yloaring, Weather Boarding. Laths mid Stannic. constantly on hand. Bowing, r.-..wing and Scroll ma de to o g drder.one with dispatch. Bo JUDE HEA T H of all k H . Indo ma an23:16 SOLDIERS' CLAIMS FOB BOUNTY, okt. The undersigned will collect all [...Mier. bank pay and pensions due soldiers under the ante of Congress or State laws. Caere... has kiat passed an ant equelMlni Wen ties, under which veteran midis. are entitled to bounty of from WOO to 8200. JOJIN 8. LIJOIX, A. X. 68OWN. Attorneys VI Law, °Mee. No. 114 Finn street, Mitmea:dawT rfITBBUILOII. BANK EXCHANGE RESrEA.T.TRA-NT,, 11. SCHILD, Proprietor. .Ib. 90 Third St., Pittsburgh. kiEISTLEMILIPS I)LNLAG IMAM All the luxuries of the seamou. Chalet Liquor., gegen, &a Private Mang rooms up stairs. .102407 HALL AND DINING ROOD.—An elegant pine p*per wll maalutow. to tn.% style and colon. ror see A. P. ALIMIELALL. za ASSESSMENT. AT E kTO NATURALIZATION. 1 TNION REPIIBLICA_NS OF ALLE ) OIISNY COUNTY are requested to salt olton either of the undersigned, member. of the Union Minitel.. Natu nllxallon Committee, In reference co the ASSESSMENT OF VoT EMS and the N TONAL! ZATION otch parties, aliens, friendly to the UNION ItErI'BLICAN CAUaa as mar he entitled to the s, when necessary Information andaseistance Will be rendered. It Is espieled that the Vigilance Committees of the different eteetlon district. will tat e the necess, ry steps to ensure In their rezp,ctive illatrlets prop- er .1110.11.1" Mid naturalization of psrtlex rrie.dir ko the Union iteputilliian sense, and the 111:110I1 TOW, toroughout the county al, AI. ar testly Welted to aid the Vigilutee . ill LADIES' FLEECED COTTON HOSE his work try rept,' ling CM., This special attention of Viglisneet' inittnltte •ft rind others I smelled to the fact, that, in addition to the - 1_)C.)( ilia ltA ,4 . dar.,.t. ”Ice of attend I.rttnfore entitled .11.- Inrallast.on. Al. L ALIEN, THr. AOh T inTy•os A Nl' til'Weitos. Willi HAVE RESIDED WI ruiN TfiE UNITED STATE, N EE lialt, ANTI Wlto HAVE Ishii ISTEII IN Akio IvHITF, CLOTII 1:11,0111:‘ /MEN HolitoltALL.Y Antoci, VltiiM THE ARMIES OF THE I Sill F.ll rnTv.s, ore entite , d naiurailzation °putt Judith n proof 4)1 nu en resldencr, rell.lturut and tlischarg, W. S. PURVIANCE, No. 114 Fifth 4lreel J. G. BACK.OFEN. NO. 1/3 50411.h11e1.1 C. C. TAYLOR. No. 117 -Ilinond street =II PAPER! PAPER!! PITTSBURGH PIPER NUMMI.% CO., I=l IN - CPPICE. WM. MITTENZ WEL Birmingham. WM. OWENS, Jr., No. 147 Fourth at real. MEM Warehouse, 82 I hird Street, = M== NEWS, TACK, MANILLA, HARDWARE, Roofing. Felt and WRAPPING PAPERS 10,000 bdias assorted non In Wart bons Clinton Mill. nt Steniteurllle, Ohio . Brighton Mills tit Now Brighton, 1•n sen•pm MERCY HOSPITAL, In Charge of the Sisters of Mercy, 1.,`0R THE TREATMENT OF ALL liISEASE- ,, requiring medical or surgiral aid. All classed of patients admitted. iriespe, erred or coin, Clergymen of n . . 1 denominstions parmit,eil to visit patients of their own creed. l'n. g len is too pour to par are admitted free or euarge, on applleation to any of the attendin Intl, all 1.05 lit surgeons. All regular tiny - J.1,-Jan. sending pay 'is. dent, to pri rate renal. may tinge full charge of tire I Ompetent the combined with the perso, sttentlOn of the sister, Inst., this Institution s parlor to any lu the elate for [nose a.MIr 0.1 n disease. Out ploolclso and surgeon In dal, .51 l•ndanee. Medical 41• d and mouth of dally attendann , M. WAX:AL, M. 0., 150 Wm. mrnt I. I .• tuber. Nnvemln, and lltrember. TUON. J. GA1.1.0, IlEtt, 112 Su, lba. it Steel, Anrll, May and !nue. 51LN N. lIF.N}I AM. M. U.. 152 flirt Jal7, Animist and :41...r0b,.. It. J. LAMrOF.I.I., al. U.. 107 No, m re, Jan a ar7. V.Ornary and March. Da. F 1.0 , NNE1.1.1", ,orn, nix II nd t, otrrats. aergenn. It •U, BLANK BOOKS. Memorandum Books, Stationery School Books STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTINO. JOHN P. HUNT & CO., I=l Booksellers,Stalloners S Newsdealers ..<1 MASONIC BAIA- Erni si I I:FET CHINA WARE11011:S1 RICHARD E. BREED, 1112.V.4CPX1.2" - JEL Ft., o. 100 Rood Mimi BRITANNIA ANU . ... , ILVER PLATED TAI:1 WARE, TEA TILAIS ANI. TABLE CUTUP Itl, •Iways bawl. CHINA TEA NETH Clllhe DES A;AR CILIA A Toil.ET CHINA VANE , CHINA BOIIF..IIIAN WARE LIE EVERY I,I".ACRIETI..N LAVA CArti) BASKY.r ' s LAVA VA9E, LAVA 9P.11-10l)Nn. ENGLISH STONE WARE of sill earrttles, to .111, holeuslo and retAll trade. The largest and most complete stock of cverytiolle n this line In the atty. Prices and terms the same as In the te , trru cil tee. Myllt.ls JOHN CROFT, KE4I. EsraTE.IG EXT, Oalce.No. 139 Fourth Street, PiHnhUrf;ll, Has for sale the folloselng Real Est.. , A LOT 133 hT on bleh there is • Wick house, {room., brick eta lo Wllklosturg. A LARUE LOT, on which there Is • brick dwel -1 lox, 13 rooms, stables, co ut •1/00110. Ice bdusf . . In Freeport. sultanf• ror hotel or private resideo ♦ LAMIIC BRICK lIQUISE, ion rooms front. room neW as a drop store, hot and cold water, and go. throughout the house, on Chestnut street. Alleant-- orty-foor aerosol Land at 11.dgewood etation. 00 the Il•nosyleaula Railroad, 7 tulles from the ell, on whine there Is a new frame house. ralus to and from this station every hour OP to ll p. m• hold In lots of oue .re or more. Thirty-six oozes, ample. out on the Washington Ilse. In Union toweshlp• part of the Carter Wm. Thirty-seven acres, 6 miles out on the old Wash. Ington Plke, in beott township. Twenty acres In Reserve township, port of the &salty farm. Pottery doing a good busluese In • central lora- Hen. - - • A large sino.t of other property. buil.. loca tions, gc. gersona desiring to purchase or Int •••I money would do well to call on the above agent. BARKER & HASELTINE. No. 12 Mtn Street, Second Story, OVER H. RICRA.R.DsoN R c0..0 DIALERS IN LOOKING GLASSES, Pictures and Frames of all kinds, MOULDINGS, &c., Six A full stock constantly on hand. __ au7:l. MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, ST4T[JJIiF, BUS TS, . . FO 1.4" Ta I AN EXTRA YIN ITALIAN HEAD-STONE I= I. 331.11.00111X3E, =I OF?! 'I OP Tilt •LLZOIIIKOT VALLI:, R. it. CO., t PlTTElntntrilf, Aortal., tall!, IEO3. TO CONTRACTORS.-ILAILIWA iv Allegheny Valley Railroad Company will receive propomin at their office, on rfk.Btree., In the Clty of l'itttbtrgli. up to ff o'clock, n. W., of TUESDAY. September 2.ith, for the lirstiontion Masonry. Ball.ting and Ile. re uired on about:forty-tine ' mile nectloon of rood ea. tentlitig northward from !trade's Belo!. • • Ips, he re, p piens exhibit! citleatlone of the wetk will reedy fur on by the (011 i iienterolter xi. Tne line le marled on the ground .tittleient for re solloallon by contr./tors. though Dot yet cwint.lete ly ruu In. Any further information In regard to the wnrk • can be bad on application, in ',enc.; or by letter, to the rlbscrlbtr. Y. Witltifflr, 0a.11:142 1.'1,101 Enaln , er, H . J. LANCE, BILK AND WOOLEN DYER AND SCOURER, EMU Chintz Window Curtains and Chair Covers Cleaned & Reglazed without unpacking. Nos. 33 and 37 Third Street, Between Wood and lindtlanold oyl9:Ft PITTSCIUII(4II, PA. W. O. GA1111•1113....D. •. D00T11....1T. T. GARRARD. POINT MALT HOUSES. W. H. GA.REAhD & CO., Malsters, Hop Dealers, No. 17 Water Street; and Nos. 6 and 7 Penn Iltreet, PITTSBURGH, PA. ntallibenrettirLsVill.M.afor'TAW' THE CELEBRATED STEEir. A. TOOTH HAY RAKES. ••ersatte Biro" efol ..Alesdow Lark^ are tsanufaelared poly at the DIA& BON I; WURWA, near the 1 sulteutlery, Alto gbht:Z print and pima *ltoOs. Wheelbsg row. sad Testae st every et id, made of the best matarisa. at Own, wax • 1154,_ 1494011, . LIU uctusplAzi, NOW IN STOCK NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Dress Trimmings and Ornaments, Embroidered Bands, Lace Trimmed Handkerchief., Cluney and Danish Lace, Ilamburg Ldging. and Insertings Jaconet Edgings and InsertionN Swiss Eddip4: and Insertings, COO 1.10 1. E., Ladies' Linen Handkerchief's, 1= Ladies' Hea,diti hid fi I= .1- Ft, .1 ;-1 iI, REASONAI3LE PRICES, F. 11. U:Arl'ol)7\-!..4. 17 Firth S.ireel ELEVENTH ANNLAI, FUR til4~~~lLcrny (:oiuit3 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, For Illrestei - n rin'a, Eastern Ohio and IVirNt X'X'rrliEd BURG a. September 1%, 19.•20 and 21.'64: THE IRON CPI - , PARK n. I F 1 1,11 t) be l•rtnimi • sti, Jutr i. Y,t , L. •Iz Ir, ir nr. i ilottleti:ll/(11 imt , k r Thur.iny nlid Friday 131=1 t. a .“.•1 I..tee %.1“,rI Ail to , 1••• .Ituitcoo dur. r ng Fa!, arran,,en• p.“, 7 it-1 I ( I clir - s , s% •Iri:•• ;.3.g I . . COMETT:TivN BEYJND - UHL :FA I nwt ...rue 11DES E CiILCI.E. I(.4O m u lll(l.l,l . .kih A (.1 (1(1[11..1 ( 11(Ir I 2111•1,1, ; (et, sl‘) :taw F•3r moy r , AT 1 • I . P• AMP.. ,kl. I , I.r. J. D. RAIVIALEY, 336 Liberty Street, FINE CLOTHING, 1:1=1=1 GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS • i‘ I.A ,141 'T. •. Itt n rn J. D. RAMALEYI 334 Liberty Street, FASHIONABLE HATTER I= xia , ptia AN D CJ.A.2 4 ea FOR MEN, BOIS AND CIIILDREI. The Newest Styles alwayg nn Land and at the Lowest Prices 1.11 It I. t\ I N. 11t1Ws psalm aye t ,... 5. J. D. RAMAIaEY, 334 Liberty Street, I=l i3coot.?-4 <ind Shoec. Al oo 7111.1 /•'.i a.n.,rtlnt of Ladies', Misses' and Children's CUSTOM MADE SHOES AND GAITERS, trf the :14,, o' I'„r4 4rturacturr, And at Lower Prices than Down Town IL...getnl.. 1'215, Fk.l 1..1 \ V I • Stir 1V nt. r Ta pITTS DU ItG II POCKET CUTLERY ThP, Kni‘t. , Art. n.•k0,w1...1, .1 011. t• ti•e. They ~ ..11,n1) ut.• ;he LI, -try. I HOLLOW D RIZORS, rottivi e‘pr. , ,,ly for pf "Ate kt.e TABLE CUTLERY AND CARVERS In evvry It Ile an.l W . DEE. N. CP Cil-3J3EIIV, Ag(.11l for t rftl. ( tlery Colopany Abs. 67 and 69 Itlirth Street, srn ‘l,l.t•ATutt A DDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO Soldiersof IS6I and 1862. AU ,leo ber.m.l e a entitled to 8100 bot.nly: Ilionr se, mg two Teare. re .lo ,: or who Fele. by ,r 011bti.. or tliclr lit lre. PITTSBERGII, PA. Rtn!ERT WASSCijer. 1e17:d67 PARTNERSHIPOT ICE . I HAVE THIS DAT ASSOCIATED ',Tub mc IL 111. et4ollq 4. 1? la the Wholesale 71 Grant Street_ Pluabure, Pa. GUEIRTEkriI:AIIaB: Virre Months Extra Pay due Volunteer Oflleore to the sent. e Mundt 01, IOC& and dianharged, murtered out, or roolgned miner April 9, MM. Pr.NSIoNS. -Vertu Inrutly dlnable4 a Entitled to $l3, 11 . 40 or $l3, novordlon to ,legoeo re ,thofj,. It,. W. J. de Attornon, NOTICE. Ptethitunfiu, August.Mth. FRANK f or 'CAN GORDER hay RUM, in_g disposed o his lattereet tn the am Si AC OE, I Lf C , ... to Ma partners, the belittles. aline Arm irtil he canted ott by the remaining partners as iteretotore. 111ACIIII11, °Lyn], L CO. € 2LII , F T E , N , LW r. 1 . 1 ; I R ' O . 111,•SxP.R21Z Y. (1110 ICE NEW WINTER WHEAT. sir -2 tan [sr pals by ~ _ S. =WS dr.SUX. W ANTS N , EI • ‘I ;I. of 1.1(i.Al 11.1 F (, •: :h. .cr .In, and S LE:sll t INTED—Compe- EST-rLA E I NESS RELATIONS \TED 41.ENTS- $1:1 to $2OO I.? , T II nit , l $35 to $7l et ‘sr.t t.• 11):,..11, , v1.1, ttutsautt Improve., ttu.l ttcr - ~11t. !tint!, 131,14, ott:Y v.:Lg. A a toll-, EISEM •r ER+ tO., FlPri ntr, t. • r....1.1:y, ,vitit virculars Lad nu I.lou AGEATS '~Pciaatod Ev o i - 37 - 1:AorIsoi o, b tra rim; mt•l frtuale. Mead y I= iNTED --i:200 per aiontli paid T I , e our mt..S4O %I, %In , ill l'atrut. All A IiNI bICN I li M Ai 11 IN, w V I II lilt , SEWING MACHINES, BERING or eery description, 311 , i fon ilir No. a. A Farm of Iltig arrealn Eitzsbethiosrnahlp, Abegheby kt 111.1 y. ga., near the loueblugheny er.ril -1 lie Improvements rtre hewed log house, loam. and uturr .vet-butid.ugst freeing gen erally good: well watered: Ila acres elearedt vele. 01 liineetune, 11, under vele about s, feet thick: Mr butter trip about fretvery eouventeut to the rtver Id. IV , III tire, w itn the best white oak antilack walnut timber. Price gmluer acre. No. r. A Farm of 2111 a, M.. I 111 rilFlowtow n,ltly. A liego,te 4 . 011 cre l'a. The Improve ent are a two -tort' framehouse. with six rsmme oand litehen Loge bank barn,!obi iO, and other utbuildings: g Orchard: Ito i.e., cleared and In a good state of cultivation. Th. land Is of hest quality, well adapted tor grain ur stock, and Is all underlaid with coal; a very large amount of locust timber. Prog:Aston g•ven Immediately. 1,00 to churches, schools, mills Se. No. 7. A Farm of 96 acres, altnated In Ellsabeth tosenehin, Allegheny county, ra., about one mile from Lock No. 3, ou Monongahela river.lmprOVe burnt, are one frame house, wen live otits, ham stwing bog, and otheroulloillnifige. The O laud le of the best quality. The al.o•e wilt be sold at very low nature, Verso,. Wanting any of the above heal Estate will SEWING MACHINE bluest: call Re o3l . I G. H. TOWER. al Eats to Agentll4 Wynn h street. WHEELER & WILSON LOCK-ST/T(')(.714.41:11 LVES, 1.7 FIFTH s - rszEkvi• I'll E — Si iIEEILEII WILSOA" SEWING MACHINE 1:A.111 F. virrit THE -II HEELER & wiLsoN" SEWING MACHINE I Ile L^•'l •11111.F...1 . z7 FIF 111 "1m...y.1 E•• KIIEELEIII%. U ItSO%" :it Y 1 FIF I ,'FREET I'IIE "W HEELER Si. WILSON." THE ONLY FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, =I WM. SUMNER & CO UROVEIt BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES iw , -n %warded M the win/ k+,, to h, v•xr PAZ: Irel l'retolonl fo r r Ntachiner work st Velma. •: for , t •t MArh!n , ‘ , ,rk at N.' York Fair. for N... i - xual.) Ma. blot et U 1,!,, M.r 1 , 1 1 I=l h•.r. - FIT, I . r. talarn M.,,facturlng Machin.- al 111 , 4, , gan ,Eatc I'r..tuttim Man.ll,tu:lng Ma , Lineal. ,tat. 3 F Irst rretalum for 1,,t Man,,actnling Ma, Lineal I.a.nipty Fl.l. l'a. Firsttc.,.l4. fir Knehlne for genera, cur at Lawrell, aunty Fair. l'a. Preatslno. Patul:r Nlaclilae al Burks (•,,,ty Va. trmt P retulan. Ilaufractut lag Maclaine at 1, , Ls coil. • Fair. Pm. f•pr ~,thlanufac.riug aunt laml , litre at •.;.rtng:lt H rat,thin :r.4 1..4 ilanuf.taring ati.l Faint % Lit l'a.m.,ra Fair. N. Y. M ,rot,arturlug an-1 Yawl ••,atv Fair, N. 1, ati.l Faint , SI ,I,lVicr nty Fair. F. Y. 1 “•• Cou M.v.hlue for all purpoars l- -ty P. 11: I•r. , '”in for, st M'Allfa,urlag Mawltlat, at n) Fair. l'a. I u, tot Machlut t.arlk I 11,, I.alr. a r 111•••• 10 Mil A. F. CHATONEY, 13=1111= M .;:;' -25 -;;:-- c_, :,,. .<z. , ..-, ... 2 ~, p— - .50 Of. - i m" . = l•-• 4 - g If--; ; 4771.! C ME i ~r • ------.,._„-r, :;„„t: =::, .Z - , •":-..'" , 00 00" .- , - 7„..-.7,.: LI EC.lii L, :- 4r2 .4.;'-:•':•?,-7. _-:-:<.4 Ti Cfo. -•.:--'-..t'i.;; It'' , ' * '' CIIIRLES C, BEAM Produce and Commission _NIJF2.ItCHA_INT'r, Wholesale dealer In EVERY V4RIEDi OF PRODUCE. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments, QUICK SALES & PROMPT RETURNS. Refers to ItEYSIEIt DlLWOltilt tt. CO. Warehouse , 201 Liberty Street, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP THE FERRI OF JOSHICIA. RHODES this day dissolved by mutual CODSenL Kith., 01110. partners will slim the mane of the t 31112 In nottllen the old business at the office of the Pilisburnh 13revarry. JOSHUA 111100119. I'. W. 11. LATSRAW. JA.0)1.1 /111.DEIISON • Having disposed ofour entire Brewing, Malting and Hop Business to It . BABSON. DAIII,IIiG , TON t t'o.. we would Ank from one friends a con tinuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon us, et, fro. their lung experience lathe Oa tnoss, we reel solisfled Butt wfil the or ceilenee of our Ale• JOSHUA BRODEB Itchirring to the above, we would inform the pub lic that wo w ill leave nothing undone to merit a not nes., orate lihsral patronage enjoyed by the ism Ono of JOSHUA 11110 DES& CO., and from our stipwriones Iv the business, feel satisfied that we will lie enabled to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor as witit their orders. CA.IMON, DAALLNOTON & CO. 3ELISCC7EII-4.131C0M1L OMNIBUS AND LIVERY STABLE, X' 0. 410 Penn Street JAMES N. DAIN, Proprietor, 4l• Omnibuses and carriages [i..lshed for all trait.. Also, Carriages for Funerals, Wedding■ And Panics, at abort notice and reasonable mkt. Stable Open Day and Night. jyaze9o:T.T,l.S illaaa i LA. : i • c :‘ i : : ~ s : JOS. SVYNCICII SAL C XAT. sPENCEIt & NIcKLY, AIMASTERS AND BMUS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, • (r1.6 - 1.C,111 1. ..... EINODGLILLSS. CZEORGE A. KELLY & €O; Vf VirHOLESS LE 11111.104flgra' 37 woo l .treet. Museum., Pa., dealer lel 'Drum Chemt.„. g.sential olls, 'Sponges. Perennery, Patent. Medicines, Patina OW. Dye nuts, Wlnaow ow, Yotiy, *lc. • • . • • MA.BBLE DECORATIONS, - - . &Ca JOS. H. FOR SA Ll . l.—No. 1. Farm of 400 acr about Omul, p, Mr.:mre/rin coun t . . 7 miles south of the it. ttolleax Station, and tulles from the eltY• The Improvements are. Finis a two-story stone dwell- Mir with ...Tea rooms: stone spring house, carriage boo., c o ln crib Lind a goal barn 7SI feet: a ig" "'table add granary, and the nest bt seater at t ' , lc° , Second, • large frame dwelling wlth rooms aud kitchen.. a large stone faring house. hat,. oven, corn celb, wagon shed, a lards bowed log barn. Third, "'ram , tvuers cut house, with a good stable. Fourth.a two-story hewed log house and barn. 'foetcnclug is generally gond, large mead ows. or the best timothy and doter: an abundance ~° d r , d . l th ' a t jig. nun rvsl.lae to c7l ti :Let ' h,eer suc7, :.••• o w a T c:r i e:s7l ,„ e c a u r l d , - black. and rout o• gar, beret, poplar etzpl The toll Is good pr•.lo . 1111( the ers twat crops Of all Sea °Fara', would was, No. block farm, and all! be sold low. PON,vilatik•tl on the ilr.t day of velober, tau, .1. C. 111.10 N. NV. D. I:A N•• t., I . l,Dbt,gll, l'N 2. Farm of 53 arra,. •1111.a.,1 In Chartiers 1.-t•-nship. Allegheny county, :tn. , . ay mile. the est, near the line of she ht. ,bens It. wstlan on.-hall mile of astation; X acres of the .w-.t ..fcreel buttons land, nnd Ina high state of cultivation:2e acres eif wood land andpasture. The ieuring is general!, good. The .011 ts No. I. and well adapted for gsrglenlng. he ati eu Lion of those 0141 sing to embark I• the busters., vvlrtcall at once and necure a good bargain, an 11al 1. arose chance. No. F. 00,m of n 4 acres, eituate township. Allegheny, eounty. Pa.,on the llonon ga brio ,lore, at,,,ut one frets the Borough of Et les lit. t tie of the hest itnality. The Im prove, tits or a ram haunt with .11 room, a good barn an o •11.111./ nut tiallillnisi lent:log good; abotit •ee cal. ntsrehee., t.clio..le and milLss very I .0•111,1 1 ,1 • . l'oefteesion . 4. WC twig Yarns In Ellaabells low natal p, con tai .1,4 about 90 n,res, tying on the Monong, unediately below. I.oek No. 0,00 It is .•ri.eled o hirer two-story brick dwelling, one log crane nao. bet a. corn crib, wagon shed, I ritg tou,c. granary, work shop, ate.; about a / a rra, of Ise atm, e tiro. gun Itr river bOttoen: the buts...-. being lime,tone land, 0011 underlaid with co ndal. u about to acres of Istarston.. There are Laid, 01 apple trees, In good nearing Lion; penet year, plum trees and grape vine, .5 0. 110 iand 0..11 adapte.l sor gardening purpose, being a abort dl. taper fro, 11,0 thriving . borough 01 E. li treetli, creating a tarket at. home for all the product.. The property w be .old cheap and on em.nnal.le .sews. LI 1%1 P i p r WEST END RESIDENCE A double two—tort tlrick Dv elllng lien roonv, wl 115E101e anal Narrlage house. oct.ttp) log a hand some!) located lot Inn of 12F. The lot ethountb. shade and (Colt tr , . a and shrobbery, mud tt o tteltilt- Itorhood I, our t , f the most slrat.le In the two elites. Apply to FOR SALE, A First-Class Business Stand The Stock, Iletures, Good Will. Store House, Dwelling and large Lot in sewlekley, Cash sales 0.1,00 a month. rose...lon Shea Immediately. Six small Houses and Lots, very cheap. Several Lots at Edgeworth Station, from one Io fire acres In each. Apply to JAMES T. SAMPLE, Real Entatn Brut, and L 161.11,11, Agent, LOTS! LOTS!! Do you wish tosecure a Building Lot, pleasantly situated at the forks of the road in the Borough of Lawrenceville, and the leo:, at:sin:able Lots now to the warner' They front on the Pike and ou Liberty streets. and loin the property of Thom. Howard, Esq., mud will he dlsposol of on liberal terms. Title perfect. Apply at the Real Estate and Ins. face aad river front. with excellent landing, very deep water. The Works are now in successful one ratio, consisting of 1:1 heaves: 01 pit cars, 7 flats. 3 mules, 10.. The railroad from river to pit mouth Is double track T rail: about one-half a mule of the entry drive. The wurks In culpable of turning off from 00 to nOtie bushels of coal per day. hi:mate on the Monongahela river. near Limetown. .1 his Is decidedly the best and cheapest coal works alter ed for sale. Call and see the plat at the utllee of it. MaLAIN .0 Co.. eel 172 Vourth street. _ t - VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.— . A Farm, COOLaillillg about lha acres, near the 111 a Mlle Ferry, on the Mentmitallela elver, oh which is erected a too-story Brlek Mansion Haute and hare, auu other out-bulldlngx. Also, several other farms, Well located in Allegheny and Weatmorr laud counties. co gaining from lee to =I acres. Coal and Lime Farms fat ante on the Steubenville Rail road and Manouganela rlt er. gut lurthvr particu -1 ars enquire orr WILLIAM AltD, (I I pie/alte the Cathedral, ) tee.. u. ttn Brant street. FOit SArR sort I= S. S. BRYAN, Bi °ter In St 0 , .. , and Real Sgt., ST F.nertl. 41., 4 I:lirle'. Building.) 1= =1 LARGE COAL PROPS; SALE—CoI:MMus 313 acron, 14 . . - JOHN D. BAILEY, Stack and Real Estate Broker. POE SALE—An Am brotype Gal lery, occupying one of the best locations In the ctn . . and having a good retro!' custom. Immediate Viossves.on can be given. JOLiN D. 11111 I ' MI=ME FOR SALL acres Coal and Surface, situate on lion, 7 trlllea from Patalourgh, and ,uldway Alan,ll,ll and the Stoubenillic luruptke. 'I he surface I. under good good cultivation, ',via aura of timber. Frame Liottne and Log it ern. - • JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock mud Seal Estate Broker, No. ICU Fourth street.. FOR SALE.-113 acreg of good tillarle land, all level and udder a high rate of cultivation: 00 acre• cleared and can be worked by too -log machine. Large two wtory frame house and large frame barn. Good orchard of all kinds of Null. The place le well watered with never frilling Springs. Good well at the door. Situate one mile from Now Brighton. adiolning the borough 'lnc of Valletown. The p wre I. underlaid with a3N feet VC. of good bituminous Coal, under which la a 11101 of tine lire clay, from 10 to IS feet. fronting on the Beaver river. ,ItlitN 1 , . LIALLNY, sew, No lot Fourth street. CIOUNTRY RESIDENCE ON NT. 1/Y AJMULNEITON FOIL `SALE.—Over an acre of ground, on which Is a Frame Cottage House, coo talnlog 19 maims, cellar and 3 wide halls; a wood And coal house, stable 14stories high, with bank cellar for cow stable, mud chicken house; large els tern at house, also at stable; good well which never nontaltis lees thou to to 12 hot of ate, The moods are planttal fruit trtm, vines and small fruit, at d. ere surrouuded on three most by wide streets. The locally Is one of the most qulet re tired and healthy in the county, and yet within minutes' walk of the city post office. l'os ssss lon, if required, could be given at short notice. Also on ent lots fronting on Llgh, Union and Bertha sts., in shove Borough. JOUN EstateLY. Stock and Real Broker, &WEI No. Fourth Street. Fon SALE-46 acres of Land, rwirfrotroltZt o n m lt u guVtL .° 4'l% , ll=4l Station s on tne Pittsburgh sod Breubertyllie Rail road. The land Is beautifully situated for country residences, sad to beauty of scenery cannot be the bills integheny county. The formation of bill s to such that by any conceivable div,lslon Into lots. each would have the advantage of the scenery. JOHN I). BAILEY, Stock and brat Estate Broker, ant! No. 101 Fourth street. VOlt SALE—One of the most beautiful location. for Country Residence in Pittsburghy elteated 3 mile. from the city, Utl the and Cunnellsrille Railroad, with• eta" lion at the place. it col:keel. 3 acres, the upper half rising ground, shaded with Forrest trees; the .remainder eloping to the rail , oad, The ph:eels well watered with two or more etrong flowing sprints, with etallcicut fall to force water to a height of 50 rect. Jlllll4 D. BAILEY, litouk and Heal Fatale fleultex, No. ICC Fourth street. PIT!q7WW• 9 7Mn NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS, 111POIITILD BY McFAILLAND & COLLINS. We have now landing New York, per steamer Marathon, the lint arriv al of our Importation for Fall of CROSBY'S CELEBRATED Tapestry andllody Brussels Carpets, h s tl o geg i ty t tntra t ra ' areal i T/Fe 7 tr "" eoe tomer* styj!!!_ t_hasr t a re nut tol7 found elsewhere ' raidrialndltaUgausTetT "IC" of the New EPAHLAID At COLLINS. 71 and 73 FIPTiI ferrukET, Ik,fiCALLURI. BUOTHEUS, No. SO 1. 1 1 , FOURTLI STUMM. we hare ou Lauds a rer7 superior stock ol CIAS..WL7PM:M3MT4G4- Of every deeerlptiou and every.axade of quali CI feet ty. OIL CLOTHS, tales well Kaaooed., from 3 feet wide... . . PIANO AND TAIILIC COVEBd--Evety kind in Ullll. HEARTH RUGB—From the aneat quality to the lowest priced. CANTON MATTING, COCOA AND MANILLA MATTLNOtt, Az., de. MeCALLLUM BIIOTIIEBB. •Formaly W. D. 111. IdaCallum. I ►i4 ON = HOUSES AND LOT AT AUCTION. .---.llke Lot No. 48 Itesacca ova I:Seem:llM AIM oq.q.Y. Olt width ors tw mitrttat.,Lps. I/witting", Will oold. tbo prelitlAoh t , " . " f.ept. 121.11., at. 2 O'ClOcX 2 . - Astet. .10 i e LEGG vs.maanue giblet - 0i Al i p'' cettTIFIC VIZI. TATZWXY ' l ec n i u ra.; Fopt. Iltb. st 'o'clock...4'FM be sci,t i o'tdais Watt: yst' t.leon4erSlat Z.Z . F. , . 4 ` .— t..c - £4 shams YentssTryon T15F. 4. 16,14 Co. r t 1.., 'fah - , i 1 7 ,..--.4 mate ,. ' 6 COO City Anatol/141.57r- -7ar-olo' ' kr - 1 9 .,, '. 49 4. itt4W,49 lOl W, '''''''''i:'--'634..:2i1,70.--;i41.....,i"...;-..:2..:, =MI
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