THE DAILY GAZETTE. PUBLISH CD BT Penniman, Reed & Co., 110. IS rums tirsErr. Prnsigrasiu lIBLB BY MA1L. ........ LB WZ!L sairvED the Wittobutgli &mite. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1800 IDE GREAT SUICIDE. Jormsorr, In his characteristic harangue at Cleveland, talked about his being laid as a sacrifice on the altar of the country, but no friend of the country would think of polluting that altar with so unclean an offering, so lie was not sacrific ed. The next best thing was to commit Political suicide fo the good of the eoun try, and that he has done most effectually. When he made that disgraceful har angue to the mob near the White House, on the 22d of February, thoughtful people were made sick at heart with mingled feel ings of sh MP mortification and disgust, and were filled with alarm at the thought, that, by a great mistake, they had clothed a blackguard and a ruffian with more than regal power. These feelings coniinued up to the time when he set out upon his pres ent electioneering tour, and under these feelings the true and loyal men of the coun try began, months ago, to labor, as they never labored before, to bring upon him and his ruinous "policy" such a popular rebuke as should cause even him, with all his bull-headed obstinancy and madness, to pause; or, if that could not be done, to so fortify Congress as to enable it to stand unflinchingly by the country. But he, in his folly 'and his cups, has done more to damage himself, defeat his own policy, and strengthen Congress, than all the Repablicans combined. Many of those who were inclined to favor his policy are now tprning away from him with disgust and loathing. We have no disposition to comment upon his utterances at Cleveland and Bt. Louis. Everybody has read them, and that is enough. He has done the work himself, and, with his own hands, has laid the obscene offrVing—the concentrated em bodiment of slavery, treason, rebellion, murder, violence, coarseness and inebriety —upon the altar. Now, let the rising gale of a wholesome public opinion sweep away the noisome fumes, and then all will be right once more. From this time forward ANDREW JOHN 1301e, so long as he remains in office, can only be regarded as the nominal President of the United States. He cannot, and will not be recognized as the representative of I his countrymen, either morally or politi• cony; and at the approaching elections he will be so overwhelmingly repudiated that the world will regard him as virtually de- .'sfter that, they need not blush for I .r say what he will. a strange fitness of things in all t.hs_. .vas fit that rebellion and Copper headlsm should have just such a champion; and it is eminently fit that, tied to the neck of their champion, they should sink down to shame and everlasting contempt togeth• er--selfAlestroyed, as everything is whioh emanates from the same source. ALLEGHENY' VALLEY 114 ILROAD, It is with a high degree of grailkation we announce that the energetic Presi dent of the Allegheny Valley Railroad, Col. WILLIAM Pntu.tra, has succeeded in raising, in this city and vicinity, about $2,500,000, with which to finish that im portant line of lop ito Oil City. It is now finished and in complete running order from Pittsburgh to the .mouth of Mahon• ing, ten miles above Kittanning; and front that point to Brady's Bend Iron Works— about twenty miles further up the nver— the work is so far advanced that the Com pany expect to have it completed this fall. From Brady's Bend to Oil City it will at once be let out in one mile sections, and the work pushed forward with such energy that Col. Pnu.t.t is hopes to have cars run ning to Oil City in July, 1867. He has hinds enough with which to do it. The coMpletton of this road will greatly advance the prosperity of these cities and of the entire valley of the Allegheny, and give a new impetus to the oil business, now one of the largest and most important in Western Pennsylvania; and it is equally honorable to the indefatigable gentleman who is at the head of this Company, and to the capitalists of Pittsburgh—without whose liberal aid the work could not have gone on—that this long-desired consumma tion has been reached. SOKBEIODY suggests that the "great fath er," of whom the President spoke in Phil adelphia, as a "tailor by trade," was not father Adam, nor one still greater, but the "father of lies," whom this blathering ad mirer of his claims to be an itinerant tailor, _because his "trade" is to walk up and down in the earth sowing tares. If that oldest of tailors should undertake to follow his eulo gist, and sew up all the tears he has made in my polloy," since he startod to go to Chicago, ho would have a busy time of IL At Cleveland the rear part of the nether garment was entirely toruisont. IT Is decidedly our opinion that journal ists who made eager pilgrimages to Greens burg or elsewhere, to sell themselves for a price, through the agency of Mr. Cowen or any body else, to the support of the President and his Policy, ought to be re strained by a sense of decent shame from imputing low and unworthy motives to such mesas Mr. BEECNKB and Mr. TYPO. An intelligent and indignant community rate such incriminationsand their authors at the proper value. Micwo.s.N.—The Republican nomina tions for Congress are-1. dist. Bernard C. C. Beaman; 2. Charles Upson; 3. Austin Blair; 4. Thos. W. Ferry; 5. B. B. Trow bridge; o. J. F. Briggs. So far the tic Demo nomitions are 8. 0. M. Barnes; ron Gray Stout; 6 Julies R. Rose. —The-Ottawas, a tribe of partially eivt, iced Indians, aro ereetuig a university for the education of Indians in Kansas. Thei Chief, John Jones , is a thoroughly educa r ted man, and is the leader in the enterprise, _and associated with him are several other gentlemen, including Rev. lintchinson, the Government Indian Agent for Ottawa. By a treaty consummated two or three years since, the Ottawas gave twenty thou sand acre; of land from the center of their rich reservation for the establishment of this Bnivereity, —riot long ,ago a Virginia farmer hav ing boat his wife, but wishing to keep her always in memory, called his estate "llen mary." Shortly after a neighbor met with a similar affliction, and determined also to name his farm after the dear departect. Im agine the _popular astonishment when it was formally christened "Glenbetay." 1 —lite Richmond Times denies the story. I that the friends of CoL Dahlgren had a 'fictitious body palmed off upon them, and thitt-the body had been placed where it -*Quifi ver be recovered. The Times ptiViitses the statements of the parties con ceind In the Inaba, showing that the story la ' thoatlinashitioxi. iii,44itat:5;p4404:41:44_,.....-N 79 thero l, ,. :r , gt;rl . ll — .l44..itti. 'ilfe,-11!4!W5.!..f::::,,.:, ME THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. VOLUME LXXX.--NO. 216 lei wib'o44346t: For the least money, at the Opera House Shoe Store. Behool Book• And Stationery, low at wholesale, Deniers and teachers supplied. Davis, Clarke h Co.. No. WI Wood street. They Warrant Every pair of Shoes sold, at the Opera noose Shoe Store. Mom Meal Inistitnte At Beaver opens September 11th. N. Arububl Principal. Address IL T, Tames. They ben the Mal Goods made le thu world, at the Opera House Shoe Store. do ILO n.111132'0 DrPir mtore. No. 84 ftLarkot street, for all kind of dor rda wlnea and Brandy. - - Iron Can Boy • Lower than any other place, at the (111CCII HOO.llO 5500 Store. Beater Female Seminary. Seventy to soronty-eV dollnrs for 01l expon cos for siztoon walks. Opens Septomber Ilth It. T. TATI.OII. The Largest Assortment To select from In the world, at the Opera llonse shoo Store• do to Fleming's Deng Store, No. Si Market street, for Coe's Dyspepsia Cure and Cough Balsam. Sold cheap. Their Work Is the most genteel and elegant in the city, at the Opera HOUSI3 Shoe Store. Beaver Academy Boarding School, tor boys, opens September 10th. $7O to TS for e.ll exponsos—olateen weeks. R. T. TATLOtt. Good• Custom made and sold less than trade else where, at the Opera Rouse Shoe Store. School Book.. Text Books for the University, high School, Female College, ward schools, and private schools, for sale at low prices. Davis, Clarke it Co., 03 Wood street. Iron—PhOspnOrns—C.ltsay a— The Three best known tonics, skillfully and elegantly combined in an amber-colored cor dial, beautifuLly transparent to the eye, pleas- ant to the taste and acceptable to the stomach. in Caswell, Mack & Co.'s Ferro -Phosphorated Elixir of Cultsaya Bark. Each pint contains one ounce of Royal Call. say - a Bark, and each teaspoonful contains one groin of iron. Samples furnished free to the profession. Crow - eta., MACE. a Co., Sole Manufacturers, N. T. For sale at wholesale In Pittsburgh by R. 13 I Sellers aLo At retail by all Druggists. PaCPINIA. Beanie., SO lumber 10.—The upper house of the Prussian Diet, hiss passed the toll to indemnify the hing.for acting without the assent of the Diet m the matter slitthe bat l. get and army supplies. previous to the war with Austria. The bill cite I‘LI.I.Ott 0t... measly. The Chamber fit Deputies has rejected :he - -- Government proposal for an Issas Of AIXI% Commercial Education. millions of Treasury notes, and adopted I - . II- Western University. No effort or expense , stead an amendment mut norizing the it are spared to secure the most competent men thirty millions, payable In one year iron. for the different departments of this tritltn- date. Lion which opened on the 3d lost., with a j It in reported that the King of salons lots number of students fur exceeding any former ' decided to resign in tenor of his son year. Encouraged by the liberal patronage ?WAIN. enjoyed, the Faculty have elected Mr. J. N. ,11..kumn., nepteniber 10.—Tor papers -late Forner, el well known educator In this city, , that the visit ..1 tile Quern of , pnit. to and the snecessful Superintendent of Duff's , the Empress Eugene. Bas of a poiltieat nu- Commercial College. principal of the common. ' tare. Mal depart - Went, to which he will devote all Ma time. The beet advantages will now be afforded In nennianehip, hook-keeping, com• mercial accuonts and correspondence. Stu dents in this department Can at the same time attend the lectures and recitations of other de partments. Those In book-keeping and pen manship only will receive the best instruc tion at fifteen d'lliars per term. Spread the Truth! Some medical men theist that it is undigni- I fled to advertise a remedy, however valuable it may be. Queer reasoning this. It is like saying that an article which the world needs should be hid in a corner—that benefits and blessings may be too widely diffused—that the means of protecting and restoring nealth wontl be a close monopoly and not accessible to aIL The argument is bad. It is worse than that: it is inhuman. Suppose ktorrwrven's nrolt,nl obsolete speellle for dyspepsia, biliousness and nervous tlisranitt3 —bad never been known beyond the repertoire of the faculty, what would have been the coo Sequence 1 Infneun Of curing and in vigorat) millions, the good effects of the prepare would have been confined to a compel.; few. There is the highest authority for say leg that light should not be hid under a bushel; that whatever In excellent should be placed as a city on a hill, where all men can take cogni sance of it. It is upon this principle that the Btrrarra have been advertised and continue to be advertised in every newspaper of any prominence In the western hemisphere. and that the spontaneous testimonials in its favor Lave been translated into all written lan guages. Thousands enjoy perfect health to- day who would be languishing on beds of sick neself the newspapers hsd not spread Ns truth with regard to this uneenated tntigorant and oorrective far eind wide. Suppose profit hat been reaped from this publicity. Is that any argu ment against 0.1 If the public health tuts been protected; If lives have been saved; if the fee ble have been strengthened and the sick re stored, great good has been accomplished; and who so mean as to grudge to exertions thus di. reeled their fair reward! Hostetter's Bitters Aro told wholesale and retail at very low rates Ftomtfli Drng and Patent Medicine DePot, • 0 bi Market , Ida not, corner of the Diamond at. Market. near Fourth street. Address of lion. Hannibal Hamlin at Bangor. BASOOR, Ms, September o—Hon. Hannibal HAM/in addressed a large meeting here yes terday afternoon. In the course of his re marks he said: The government must be re. I stored on the immutable principles of justice, , equality and Hberty. God forbid that the re be is should ever resume their place except on , these principles. Hewould rather transmit the struggle ttthfnr:T..,tbt that the ies n soude.geV.yoi, lye can't consent to any restoration that does not protect the loyal men of the South, who stood by the flag when It needed support. Ho - was willing that the trent, s and .their allies ; should remain in the country, but if he had I the power, he would hang at least some half dozen of the leaders, who got up too I rebellion, and mu: dared three hun dred thousand of our loyal soldiers. Ile bered in Andrew Johnson as he was, e.M our VonsTessional Representatives thehy are. He denounced tile reeres.ncy of President. He then reviewed at length the course of the President, charging him with the usurpation 9f powers not delegated to him by the Constitution. Congress had done all ltduld, though not all we could de. sire. Impial suffra,ge, without distinction of race or color, would have been our wish. Congress has done the next best thing. If the South is to gain a dozen representatives In consequence of the abolition of slavery, who will have been the victors in the late contest I Did we tight the rebellion down nnly to give the South more power In our Government! Npocial Nomad:on of New Jersey Legliols tore—tiov. Ward'. Bloosago. Textrrox, N. J., September 10.—The li ow Jer sey Legislature met to-day in extra SE3alcm. Governor Ward's message regain. the condi tion of the country with anxiety. Lie says that the States sccently in rebellipn do not ex bible that spirit of loyalty which can alone give coulidence to the public mind. From anmany of them we hear of deeds of violence d murder, and arc assured that the loyal retirees are again under the care of the malig nant spirit which Incited and sustained the rebellion. Ile recommends the ratUlcation of the Constltutional amendment passed by Con gress. and the election of a United buttes Sen ator to nil the existing vacancy. TEENTO., f. J., Sept. le—The Legislature m vir e ar t atlitaw.nttemrn.doOne.. plaining o the r f e. Gov n er f o or r calling the extra session, being the passage of the Constitutional Amendment and tne the eleetion of a United States Senator. Bills were introduced relative to the Corinth/atone Amendment and the election of an Gutted states Senator. Resolutions were Introduced = o u: owing, In strong terms, the language of President Johnson, on receiving the proceed ings ot-the Philatlelphia Convention of Aug. - wit: The election of Senator will probably La te plaza next, week. Gov. Ilrownlow, of Tennessee; Hamilton, of Texas, and four or nye other delegates from the Southern Loyal were received with considerable parade by the mem ber. of Gm Legislature and citizens. A Large meeting was held it front of the League Booms, Whl= was addreMed by Gov. Brown /ow and Otte:trent the delegation. The Cholera es ant= 30. A.I7OIIIITA, GA., September 10.-1 , • eV:MAU arrived here yesterday from Nil,. e with twenty cases of Cholera among ti.. Your dlol last night, and throe new woes %ere sera to the besettal this morning. Gen. Talton has directed the recruits to be sent three miles from th e city. Steps have been taken by the municipal andmilliary authorities to preeervo the health of theca,. No cases have occurred among the civilians. 1111lirangt. irr"Fi s of nine 00= SAX TRAZOIIOO . 140 ea eieeiloss, ties heartifreie. sus iegl gone sdadatsizatton. celebrated A=42o" eiVan 114 AjlaQ""M alitianien Of TWlMASllKlriwintontsan. et stio BOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. LATEST FROM EUROPE. PRUSSIAN AFFAIRS The Visit of the Queen of Spoil to the Empress Eugenic. LORD COWLEY'S SUCCESSOR The Austro-Italy Conference ARM( REFORMS Eli AUSTRIA ITALIAN ARMY REDUCED Telegraphic Intercourse Between Italy and. Austria• TRE INSURRECTION IN TURKEY TRREITENED HM IS MASON 01 COX Letter of Napoleon to the King of lta IMMENSE REFORM MEETING From Two to Three Hundred Thousand Persons Present. PLOT TO POISON NAPOLEON mhZ:Ttl w6ts Lospox, September dirtatt., s of the British California fish are oral] to wtrel up the affairs Of the Institution Earl t3tariley etpolern of aa the ontaesAor of I:trtl Croy ley as llt :111 A111‘..:,. I=l Feenr.s,e, september tn.-71.r ot,teren. between the niertlyKern tint 11,6 Of A tI,LII• ato , i Italy progresses shinty. The 1111411 , 1 U tton has not yet been we tiled. Ithontesea, Sept. le.—The Italian government hay Issued a decree which distilled,. tts,itro met of the Italian army. Austria hex lueltetly to set, t tentartes to !peel ottets appot.tted lo k for the purpose of teloptiug utrusures Improvement of telegraph an.l post 141 e) course between the two CoUfitrl4, ALSTILIA. Inset,opterffin, I,—Austrla introduce extensive rerunna in the org:tolz than of tier army. eon aLing ration iratli o Sr. Prrettenc au, Sept. 9.—lt is amid 1.1,1 a the tribes of Doghesten leave revolted again., the authority of the Czar. Amex., September s.—The Cretans ha.e reJected the 1,211,1 OtTeretl them er the Turkish Government. awl Continuo the , revolt. The Eptrots—lithabitalitS Of El, al claim their freedom from Turkey, and have abandoned their habitations and taken to the (nr STEAMER September 10.—The et eateer China, from I.lverpooi, let at noon, alut cineenetown on the 2nd, arrived hero lb vs afternoon. The threatened Fenian invasion of Canada, and the active militia preparations to meet it are prominent topics. The dispatch of three regiments to Canada is fully condi med. The steamers Tanana and Broncos, would pro ceed to MO and inn very few days, and embark the and 6151 regiments of in ar try for Quebec. The 13th liusars are i eiorted as under orders for Canada, and tile Morning Nig thinks it possible that still another caval ry regiment will proceed to Canada us rapidly as possible. The daily Tetegroph says Canada Is on tile brink of another and much more serious inva eon. Tnc Times remarks: Nobody supposes the Yentansare going to conquer Canada. but slur demands On the Colony and makleg someen on the government at hoot , . i The Army and Navy Unzeue says that two nunboats, lately added to the list of the It oval avy on Canada waters, ant e 1 on the spot and manned by °Meer* and men from the ship Aurora. The Times notices iis moot:tally satistae tory the fact that the Colonial government has now undertaken obligations which shoeld have been discharged by the late Admiralty. and pipeeil gunboats on the lakes end rivers. A gooef flotilla of three weasels will furnish the colony with the best possible defense on the American frontier, Just as the ithsenee of the but Squadron would provide the °mita y wish the greatest opportunity for mischief. Your boats hastily equipped, but manned and armed from the Queen'. ships, are already engaged ill the service. Three gunboats, too, from England, have now, we are told, arrived at ings ad ton. T K heDy Telegraph imp , : Throe additional batteries of artillery were dispatched to Can ada, in prudent anticipation of the emergen cy which bas now arisen. It to rumored that the King of Greece has offered himself an a suitor for Princess lonise of Enland. It Is g rumored that Mr. Gladstone has gone to the at the request of e Que. t as.• certain the poettion of the th adairs en mot o the prospects of Greece. The Daily Noire, tif the Slut in An city arti ale, says: The Confederate ' hotels which, of late, have been altogether neglects.d, were in demand at an advance. They °yelled at 4 , ,,f, and cloned at Pitlblil. it is surmised that accounts may have arrived (ayin eine to the Philadelphia Convention and the roLu ru Of the SOUtbern Staten to Congress. It is siii• noun., however, to see how the prospects of the bondholders can be thereby improved since the absolute condition has been made and agreed to that tile war debt of the South ebould be totally repuillated. The exchange of the Austrtan Prussian pence treaty took place at Prague on the 30th. The Lindof the treaty would he published et lie r 1.11 Vienna Sept. lid. A Berlin dispatch says the binding iledio /1- Lion of adhesion having been from ad the Staten Invited by Prussia, further pre- Umlaut - 7 steps were lining everywhern taken for the iwtual completion of the North ti Confederation, with reference to their lecor potation of the newly acquired territories. A Com Mon is about to 1)13 appointed, eOrapOsed of the Chief ofecens of the admmistrittive de partments, who were drawn up a plan for as similating the constitutional arrangement of the annexed States to those of Prussia. Uri the 11th of August the Emperor Napoleon wrote as follows to the fling of Italy: I have learned with pleasure that your Sta le:S liminartety agrees to the armistice and peace pre• e signed by the King ot Present and the Emperor of Austria. It In therefore prob.. able that an era of peace and tranquility Is about to open up for Europe. Your llajuaty is aware that 1 accepted the offer of Venetia to' avoid useless bloodshed. Idynte I fs tl was I always to restore It to heraell fa order that , Italy might he free from the Alps to the Adriatic, and mistress of her own destinies. Venetia will soon be able to express her washes by meane of universal Manage. l'one Majesty will acknowledge that in these dr. cumstanses the Influence of Franco was again I exercised in favor of humanity and the LAW-, once of the people. The evacuation of Bohemia will he comple ted l Beptinnber 17th. Mivartssi Chambers, on the Seth, ap• proved the treaty of peace between Bavaria and PreSsia. tleptember sth is spoken of for the evacua tion of Venice and the Quadrilateral by the Austrians. The Emperor of Austria, on aeoonnt of the ansatlsfactory state of the finance, ordered the amount Xtrod far court trrpooaea ASA year At . PO inallOS 'Mat 144 4 * tad olwittioPro ...:.,;uF:~,~:~.,~::. . ITTSBURGII, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1566 million florins. A Largelportion of late_ lathe- The liable Eleetion-tame Repanlican Meeting to the Eighth Wrd--Organten- Mal retinue has been dminissed and other *inlets Mon of the Itoys In aloe. measures nf retrenchment adopted , lowing have been received: Portland-I. •1 h. On account of a letter pablished In the fief. rollick:it it, lI e, Sept. In, s::xi r. a.-The f.. - There wa4 it meeting of the honorably dm inno. of August ?A, by Maestri!, attacking the epublican majority, Lloo The following . is (Rep../ for Congress, 2,753; Sweet, il/eux.i'l‘;t44 charged soldiers of the Eighth Ward held last Italian Government, the seizure and prosecu- it . the vote of 1564: Lynch, , 2,757; Sweat, 1.7 - 1. Its- ' t ' ion ri ' n f g t the boo s of that loam& had boon ordered. pnbliean tr.eiority then .i7ii, being a net gain of The Indepc:ntient Belve, a wall-informed Jour- purpose of effecting a permanent organize,. B t r h ,, e , •IX,i,lll:iusetreet school house for TINA, tilt. announced the Milt:ire of Arch 724,m , . ...he aggregate vote k 7412 less than 11l 1.14. , Duchess Charlotte's negotiations with Nepal- Ba th gives Chamberlain (imp.) for Governor Ernest W. 14 leg wee called to the chair end cm - The EmPrem Charlotte has paid her lust go majority against dal last year. Cam , Eliza C`d..larues sell:LT.l - er was chosen Secretary. visit to the Emperor, a t m there Mno Imager betti-Cliamberlaln, (itep.,l tat mnior“; t e response to repeated calls Cot. Thomas M. the al Ightost doubt tha Ilia Majesty announo- against PM Mat year. Bangor-Chit:eh I 1 . el O. 0, 1121)11C ...amt. forward and addressed the meet the to that Princess with extreme regret his ir- .444 majority agitlnst 7110 last y ear.)l,lllollth_ tun. lie spoke at CollStilarable length on the th e reaolution not to subscribe teeny of 74 majority against .3.1 , Ins' year. ' duties of tile se Idio t in the coming election, the arrangements which she had come to pro-: and admonished them in words of rest elo- Pearl. as n Mo., lo -4 t nnr pose. as the minute of aiding the dynasty In ~., , .. ‘ Intl(__ September . • . itierice to stand by thOM who had stood by Mexico. It Is now rertain tlitit the Emprem s. o ock a little over of the N nit. of the city them when they were engaged In deadly coll o( Mexico will not again return to that coml. well counted , and gest, the ilePuld 1c... 3 itho Unit with eouthern traitors. Ile reviewed, in try, 'lnd that the jEmperor Maximilian wiII:V..ILS of ono th? irinl. TI ..00 ,,, y In ,L., attic Manner, the policy of Andrew John was nine lion I e I stn , { forty- three:, y. soon Join her Id Enrope, after having &Alice- 1r" three mid in son and contracted it with that, of the patri led. 564 it was nine hionlred and eighty-three , , • Ale mett.n rem of 101)1011.11100 t proposed by Con- The Repuld lean efliena canvass protolseti A strange rionor comes from Rome, to the fleets, declaring ill conclusion as lila honest. effect that a cOnspirney to poison the E.g.,. Lynch to rive hundred Majority In the ill.- cony tetion that the schemes of Johnson and or of the French at V lehy was discover. triele and 111 this lisrtial sole Purilisilli is I the new party that h • e has nursed into life, be rid before he left 'lent place. he poison was .1. ah.m.l of the canvass. Tie ,tile in too ea... 0 . .otimitricil by the people that the fruits ot the far la not as large its was el.lloCt,ti. to have been administered In a potion. which : I late war will be utterly lost, and that the the Emperor was accustomed te drink after POIVII.c st it, Mn., Sept. 10, 9r. et.-Thirt:..tet, waste nf Idmiti and treaaure will have been 1114 bath. It is asserted that it man named tOwns give Otittruberlain I 3,ibiel, and P t 11.11 u Flury I giVl.ll for naught. Merged them Man earnest ' Valentine whe n oilet carried this tO i 7,M5 votes. Republieun majority, 5,71 1. The ; 1011.11114.1 . , by all the memories of the perilous effect, but whe it by alseterorecl, throng t a Isamu towns last year traytt 1.M.17, Re p ublican , ' past, and oil their bright hopes for the future, warning letter sent by one of the commit;rs 0,411 and iiONC lull, I tenmerat. 5,144. a Ileplitili- . to organize 11.1111 be prepared to meet their old ill Rome to the Emperor, V of committed ; can majority of 4,277. This Is a net Repel , ' lean enmity In t Mtnber. After giving thorn tome suicide. I gain or 1,404. The aggregate vOle thi• >ear 01 ant ortilla ion regarding the part they were ex- The great reform meeting at Birmingham, 1 t 10386 towns 18 11 ,% 4 °.°r. thou test )eltr• The pected to perform at the coming Convention already briefly noticed by cable, was ono of i Portland vote, not yet Complete, adds I,foi lie- nt soldiers end Sailors that meet here on the the greatest political demonstrathum of mod- 1 publican Map:tray to these figures. Fifteen , rah 01 the present mouth, he retired amid a ern Um.. It la estiniatml that from two to towns In the Flat. Dtrict give Lynell, Repub. i storm of appleuse. three hundred thousand persons were present. ~/leall, for Congress, itgain of 1,2117. This le llic i ecrgeant J. U. Kerr followmt In a neat and The principal speaker was John Bright, whet . weakest Republican district. telling address, in the course of which lie °n on this occasion seemed to have surpassed al , POltirt,Arn, Me., September le.- i.,,ter,_,,,, -;Tate the character of the soldiers' candl his previous efforts on behalf of an extension ! to.„. In I n o s ncon d di str i c t 0,, perin,„,, fiat°, John 111 Geary, stating that as he bad of the suffrage mad the prine of conat Rupubbean, 3,08:1 majority, Ill:1\1111[11 2,23-- last never met with defeat in the field while tight tutional freedom. ills denunciation of the I 3 . 0 ,, being n „ tit gain „ r 7,,,,,. Ing the enemies of his country, he would like tory cabinet is C or y ove r o heart.efective pieces ,-- wise lie triumphant at the polls. This gentle of partizan orao ove hrd lie mutimied ' man spoke for almost half an hour and was The Failure of the American Cotton , ilie people against the attempts that would be I rut' oently Interrupted by applause. Planting Company-A:haters, in Brook made to create Mrs impression that the no- I ..... ~,, At the conclusion of his remarks, Lieut. Boxes ble and illustrious lady who 'its on the ' ..19, - sly . John R. Miller moved that a committee of Throne of England, she whose gentle hand Raw Tomr. September 10.-The Post sat's: three be appointed on permanent organize wields the aceptre over the wide Empire or • The extent 01 the failure of the American tot. Lion. The inotlon prevailed and tee Chair an. which we are the heart and the centre, was Lon Planting Company, has been exaggerated; pointed the following gentlemen to nerve on afraid of the franchise e bleb the late govern- , that but $2,250 were autecribed by toe it iree- the committee: Llent..iohn B. Miller, Warren meta Introduced during tile late session. On ' on, and less than 12,000 by ti,, public., iind Watters and Limit. Presser. the contrary he reminded them that seven . that the treasurer has announced Ids read , J. 11. Miller then offered the following, which times by her own lip. or by her pen, she has near to account for all the sullney he lan' re- was adopted by a slight Majority. recommended to Parliament the admiselon ' calved. Itatoired, That we concur in the action of of a large number of working men to the Fourteen new 011.500 of cholera since satur- our representatives in the City Connell, in re- Part lamentney franchise. . day, are reported in thin city. with Ore deaths. fusing to extend to Andrew Johnson the hos- The Urithsh press Is occupied by them Inns , and four cases anti two deal Its to Brotialj n. they toot of the city. And for tne noble stand prmsive manifestation.. of British public een- Two tin boxes were found di the t 11,111,,, of they toot on that question they deserve, and ilment. The London Tones interposes a Can- Brooklyn. yesterday. one eoutaiiitha throe - kilVe, our warmest gratitude. them protest, but the Morning Poet, more de- tialgua eseutity.war bonds, to the tweeter, of The President then announced the roll eidelly conitnltted to the tetrtnnes n o ne party ' S ens dollar and li,lsi dollar• WM 111 from ready for signatures, and requested all in favor to power, affects, disdain and pronces the . Seneca, St Lawrence and t.raerie tnioitte's, of the objects of the organization to oame of thing an artinetal effort to galmtnize ! and the state of &Liebman. The other eon- ward and .ign It. In answer to the Invitation the laboring population into the fervor of rev- tninmg a large collection (`talel • loom quite unlimber stepped forward and affixed ointionary. I and dies for the se tin or the of lucid. their 1111.1110 S. L. ,, N DON Moser' a s Bank of Ent- ' can, Orem, thin state Wild tilt, nt,C..t1 , 1 ACC- Os motion of Lieutenant J. EL Miller the laud on the 30th, as was fully expected, mitt- nee Railway CoLnpany. meeting adjourned to meet at the same place mod the rate of discount fns in s ho w to sir. per -es- to-morrow evening at half-past seven o'clock, cent. The weekly returns show an Increase I gc. .. 0 .,...... Roo , m0t.„._.(1,,,,,,,..... when tee Commotee on Permanent Organize of more than a million pounds sterling In . N „,„. , ,np 11,111 will be prepared to re rt. L. le-The Recorder 's book, , Port. o[ and more than a million and a quar- , t •t too he hoped that all those who have ter in reserve of noters, which is an unprece- rixtsintog. one thousand r Mined rer , liis ,,e7 1 horne an honorable part in the recent war den telly large accumulation. or refincrcd , T l i ,, r , "'cc" alre , rwc , `' 't. ".. astrie-t trenaori, and are determined to secure Pavia office, while the 01131.105,*•. w, Iv le .• lilt. fruit. of the victory won, w 414 he in attend. Pereri4 absent. The rid , eieri l-11 l" he livid /I.IICI, la illo next meeting, as Wisp:tem of le The Presidential Party-Deluges after , this month will not take 1.11., in C01.1,1•1„10-4, p„ ,eb ee will be , ... ea, ,e, , Leaving Pit. Louis. TherY were seven 10, 1',1 , 4, Of 1 ho it a tel rid -es three deaths to-day. an. ter 11., September 10-7:30 A. si.-The Pres idential party were escorted to the railroad ' itnrderer Sea tensed. -es station ity a detachment of United States troops under the Order Of nrijOr General Ban- , C ,,.,,..,,,,, i..-ty ~. , ~.,.. cock, and soon thereafter, the train was miller ' a,,,, ~, „,j 0 ,,,„ ~,,, ~, y „„,„ WM) Inc Intliatimindis, a distant, 01 two bun- on in. i„ 0 ,•,,,,,, cr. i ..„, ~,n s ~,,,n , i ~„,.. ,I red and el iti y-t sti miles. senteuemi to nu It g !,,,..11.. , retc. Itesin nu Htt.. ,eirtembet 1130 salute was c eel The Vrosident, firmer - al ' Etre at he no. ' , 0..' IDT MO, .k,lnlirul irmragni, Secretary Seward and siwretary Welles were ',leer:illy Introdu- liti , tor.. , eirt. iii - A ell' .ii 1., 1., I:1- M. cOti, arid cheers were given by the troa .1 Mg destro•reil the nen I tor,. ehee i s were alto proposed and given Mt ...lists-est i eet fT, V ,J tl,O . o„ , I, tarre-0111 011 01 th siirty-x elates. A basket ea,001: l os er,/ • or i le -Ice fritA, ileum - uteri stab flowers, win , t.1 , ..‘ 1 , . the PI ,dent. The time ae6 only,tn t 11.4 a read as hetes - lif • e,.r1.4 , ‘,..•,01pit•I„•11In00 ere:tee Arran- ~.• ..on, lb .-.1. ni ot the I bited 'IA.., • •Msy to I 1.. • • is e 'e ••••• :II ne I 'lO. restored in, sieril all I tit 0 1 •"si , - , II w - --- ' t eta, rib ttiv i.i• ale UN' •,, SO tleletirlnrC, 11, C -c plie l/i•Pl , i • 4,1 : tvc and ilt inuess to veto ever ) Clcolere its it 11 ttttt ad , d it,..6 6,,1-t le to That tri , Joet. 1110 i M. 1 1 , „,..,,.. I ~.. .... . _1,.., ~...„, .11111,sit11,11 ~;n tm Interest , 11l the whole 1. ,,,,,,, , . I ~ ...., ~, .., , ~.,..... , , ,nutty an . hi. own rsee. ar lire lasi t 4c1.11 y-104: :.•• •• /1 , . nirr Mii, Nrytt , ni , er 10, i' 4, . le r. 1,CT1.1.1.. ,4,1,111.1/3,W1 01 --1.-Tlitite Im. 11. , 1,1 1,1.1. 0, 1101., trOPIsMe i , ••I -,.... for t:l‘ ,al it,: I t.ion '.,- the Islip ' I 11113311 113331 1:131=13 I=ll rii•• .1 yl,an N . ceptem'icr I in.-11cro there •••• lings tn mese Min,. me o lmed Tun Int-slit via, taunt, larragot, tint It ore also t aunt, to 111.11,0 I. arotts, sent r. a.—The Prost brio niiil Ito party were enthusiastically re -can't tin de pia, and wore wdeemed to the - apical to a 1...5t ”Ileeeh b) lietlerlll Ilere,t;th. lc nom dal-Joint Pre...lent, wile was taints - eat wi11... low 1/1.011.1/S• bosses fur ilohn ertes fin "emend Grant and now „ rude roost kis. ... 1. (*.tarn. tCries for Grant t It is out i za intention icroa nstop,•• 'qr.) ott,, to nuke a long nl,e,feh If you gtvc me )t o at ent ion tot Ile minutes, tones of -go on," W ant nothing to do wills ireotto, - (moult. tirant,” - Johnson, - and riatns,l I would like , tel say to the crowd here ti ntilsh les, "shut Up, Po don't want Wheat (Mel .JOhnoon,“ -Jinenwitiniw U tint," in;rget.••) Presnlent paustal Cr,. moments and then retasd flow the bal :mi. Itoit liattil Kilgore wont to the portico 10 try tits peel., of persuasion L. keep rade, lie sant, for one mouatost shear nie, -tot, no, • I ten for mid groans' . lot me •ppeal Timtu cltlznits of Inilialmpolls and Indiana i collinear.. still continued.) Lot me ap peal 11l vim again, (but tile crowd ' , AA unre lenting. and WC/Atka not be quiet.) The gontle -11 retltl.l (rout the portico, ant the eletlr . ••111,10.t, went to their illuncr. The disturbers t lin eniwit I'l mtlnllCll to groan and to make other distracting noises. •eventl diatirlances occurred with lament able Pistol shots were final, by which ono loan was wounded in the eye, and another in the knee, accenting to the best IrlfornoLlion attaintstile. A marshal on horseback was soon riding along the line of tOrchlights, and evi dently giving illrectlons, its the men soon thereafter stretched out their ranks. Pornons swore observed knocking down, with clubs, weveral of tin , transparencies, one of which Nary tee OlserlpLlOD. "Johnson, welcome tilt I . lll . Shleut. ” Ttle holder of this transparently was th row t: down and a shot fired 11,1, him. A friend cam. to his relief and tired at the assailant. A' leitst a dozen, or more, shots were' fired ti quick suceessinn. The result is that one mail wan shot in the heart and several wounded. The President received a few friends sod re tired to bad at an early hour. The crowd dually dispersed from before the hotel at about ten o'clock, at which time the city was quiet. Feet Teak. Loyal Leagu 11All. e sod the snub see 1.071 , 11 N Vona, September 10.—A committee of the local Leagne Club of this city will go to Newark. Neer Jersey, to-night to receive a delegation of twenty-eight Southern loyalists, •tio were appointed at the rhiladelphi Con y antion to make IllidrePtioS In the northern ei Ilea. A grand mess meeting is to be held at Ntrwark to.night at which these gentlemen are to speak. To-morrow morning they are to let creorted to this °Hy by the t oo e 1,0111i:011mo. apartments have been secured r these et the Orammerey Park HoteL the evening a grand mass MGCLUIg will be held at the Cooler Institute to give them a wel come. Mr. William E. Dodge will make the addri-ea on behalf ol the Loyal League 4,1 New ork. Speeches w 11l he made hy seeral, of the southerners. A meeting will also be held St Mr. Beeoher's church, Brooklyn, to morrow evening, at which parte( the southern delegation will be present and make speeches. On Thursday evening the Caleb League Club will give the southern loyalists n formal re caption at the Club lioune on Union Square, The following are the names of the gentlemen forming the deiegation , Texas—A..l. Hamilton, Jesse Stewart, Lo renzo Sherwood Florida—O. D. Hart; Ceor. ate—Henry C. Cole, Charles G. Taylor, Albert firtMil; Louisiana—F. B. Randolph, N. W. Dan labi, .1. P. Newman, E. Illerstand, H. C. War• mouth; Missourl—F. T. Ledurgable, Charles E. Moss. C. U. lionsecourt; Alabama—D. H. Bing. nom; Tounessee---J. T. Fowler,Gov. [Wow, nlow, U. H. blare, Herman linker; Virginia, F. Si. Brown, Lysander 11111,J. W. Hunnicutt, Alex.. M. Davis; North Carollna—A. lourgem .1111.1 - y• land—Hugh Bond, lillesiesippi-11.. hyd. ney, Arkensau, V. A. Finnerty. New York COS OernliC Susie convention. Alar,r, Sept. 10.—The delegates to the Dem ocratic Mute Couvention, iflOcii le to meet here are arriving by every train, and the hotels are already nearly fall. The attendance of outsiders, Including a amnion of pi etninent conservative Bdtpuidlemte, in large. Of those already here a large ut,lorily e apparently My John T. Hallman, ol New York, for Governor. General Dix is spoken, of by entre , of the western delegates,but Inv only protutnent candidate besides HIIIIMMU is nen atOr Mary C. Murphy. It it Maimed that be was Dealt Itichtnuutl's candidate, and that tan re a mild be no doubt of 11111 nuwlanti 1t Were tile wader alive. Mr. Weed and Id , frlelnkl, and certain protninent farer the nomination of Pray°, ta t , city, lat e Minister to Jape., lOr Lena, ten ale GOV r 110 r. mum col:11310C , Wyoming , ale° Itcpublioam Is mentioned for Dos emu, 'MUM, YOr Canal COMMIRSIOnee, the ealele antes are \V m, Wright, of Genova, anti A. Row., of Althorn. _ _ Provowtßll 31or“bol's 0000 Aod —bollobed— exicon Xl'niftier lteistroßeVoooc Receipts. W itooro, September 10.--iiy the War De partment, General Orders No. ttt, the °Mee 01 the provost marshal, District or Columina, is P 0011.41 04 1, and all papers now on Ole Ole oilier aro to he turned OVOf to , tle Oaleo 01 the Assistant Ati,iutuut General, Department 0! Washington. senor Renner°, the Mexican Minister, re turned to Washington yesterday.le health Is somewhat limpatlrod, owing to the fatigue of his Journey west with the President and party. The receipts of internal Revenue tr.-any more over .:00,i100. Soldiers eouvestlos at Kew TOrlt. Now Yong, Sept. 15.—A Convention of sol diers wart sailors who served to the war, and who are °Peeled to the President's policy .5 expressed through his Philadelphia COUTO.' ULM, 18 coiled to meet at Syracuse on the Nth inst. The names of General Barlow Secretary of State, Generals Newland, Martindale arid others of like prominence head the announce. moot. A mass meeting of the soldiers and sailors of the city of New York, will be bald on M'rt clay evening, September ltth, at Clinton Astor place, for the purpose of electing dele gates to the Convention add of ratifying the - Plate ticket DmMleated iy the Milan itopubli , Qin Convention at Syracuse. Severe Storm—Se b 7 Cable. PORT 11000, Sept.:Mbar 10.12 P. it.—A ses•ere storm Is prevailing east of this place, snit no later news for.the Frees has yet been 'ractatroOtccptp,o ME I=l =MEI lOrmlitt .1 It no. .14r•t+sh IZstattlnll .1 I lIII.A l:A. 1t:.1 11•`.i ut 1.~~ ~.1 ecr~`n y~~re CITY AND SUBURBAN tADDITI,NAL f9ll:h A i.enr, ("lob ortt:O:il i.l O. 4.l“ng 4 la! ,i• Ia,11.• ing of the lion, .1!,',,rge41 .liaa•r• 1.11100 P.,p111..::(1111 / .1 Illy Ir. ”. bell Ow ru Meetingwas or ganize Capt. John Nit , e dent, mot Ilse trimoicosict 2 tr it 1 . 2.1 2 -poi., no secretary I poll 1,61. g the Mtn ealsf. ificlarathtta delivered a Muir and pm nerd whites+, settorg forth tire 0t.1ec , .. tn.,.11.v. to he to cif[ Ai 11.1' 111:11111,11l11111 0 iseto y club. Lie re , len 1 the 1. 1 .1 1,1 1 eon, WlllOll 110/11t 110 .11,1k11 , 1 at tie J1A.1101. -11 rl, 0 insisted Mal to lord met. dionl.l torn. 22 1 Mu/ranks, till the purred electml. •r•omuillter npitit per to triel.t argunoat eras uppootted stli nio Chairman White the committee w, e ptiOng their report 2", I Pe son was lotolly enorot 12.: met tht his appottrauce amidst conch applat •c. Tire Imneral 2 2 ...oilier oho •It tits chsracterlsoemly so Ind :11•i „ speeetres. tic reviewe! the greot so tingle hroogh who'll our co 00illitry tins 1111,4y1 , 1 gitlwlng tributo to the urage, of t " efY " 111 ' 3 11 "r‘ ",• 1 . 31 . 0 Cl the IQ areiniy• ' , la.. who 1,10 or nag succesatelly through the .cant blood stu mod fields 01 the 111 1 110111 , 1 111,11 their efforts would not prove fruitless, thsl their victory wool.(not tie turned Into 4,41,1 through the mselittirdlotts of ily poldlrts, who solve now to °Mum to the ballot. thnl t which they cotml not by the Lttllel Be W. I,lt 10Un 10 'O,llOl the truce 1,0, 1 11 ho wore tile blue in e. 11, I rotor tit!, together with the Inch flit. im ontt rhmedAlhe 0.•111 1 0 21 our country, 411111,1 1.00 in tire ranks 21 the Geary men to 21.2 set vice in the court Fig emu ',Man. The ceiteral explumed the orgaratra - Lion of "Boys in Bloc, - to w 1111th the toms" Clubs are huoliartes, 1111 d 'wound up hie ad dress 12v tirghtg all In attetclutew • lo toll their na.tues upon tnesocreturv•s ro t. Thu crommitthe upon organcranon hero re ported the Billow leg tomiluallone for officers of the Cluo : Prentlent--Captain John Alci.atiallan. Vies Premieril-t.aptain Alec. Bar. Neerearry-Adjutant Crosby. Tea...tree-As. W. Perkins. Pawnee Cistramtliee-Captalo James Retie, Benjamin Sumerly, hanithel Patterson, G. W. Coffin, NV. it. Bogga. Commtlfet Arrangements-captain coots !lager, lit. Gorno, Colonel Joseph Roes, Jamers Ornery, IV. B. Hunter. On mousy the nominated gentlemen were leoted by acclamation, and the meetinii „turned. _ _ _ Republican Reeling D. Last e•cnlng the Rev. Dr. Pinkerton, of Lexington, Ky., a member of the late South ern Loyalint Convention, ,“iareaoesl an amsone thy at EXCuittOr hall, lit ht..lleghull3. The ar rangement, fur the uteutlziF oztz uhoze az azz lute an hour yesterday, that enzeinzratzvely tea of the Inhabltania Were 00 arzz It na‘z v tempiatrel. hence. the E1. , h1...1 , 1 ,1 tt "lIIY 81e4101 ate ns le numbers. Dr. Pthkertion confined hla remark , main ly to the frame of moat in which the collapee of the rebelthon 101 l the Innorgent poplllatlott 4/1 Kentucky, ale. to the with. of laciong in duced tki the Polley oi Preident Johson. When the our close. the rene s is wore bel n ow,' and 1 100110. 4 litho mat hout undue st rut ales, wuld lupe haat 1.12.11 011 all tha 04, The 11/yiths o ts were eta In 114, , of harsh sates, and evinced a cooloodenolable oltsposttant tOstatooll the wounds made to the provocative of Ulu war. Tile change of troth by the Presi de:at, tits desert toll of the party by which Ile oat edecteil, and the principles of a Moth Ito was shade the eliuwt toll, tool Do, orstAl all Dam. Kentucky wall to-day ahnolutely In the hauda of Lho retools, awl they were animated by tutanso hatred of the deg and the Colon represented by it. having been Il l!loe col wdb 001111 toocomlng oda,. t 010 hat litany WPM utak tog haste to declare 1.11.1.metl Of 1101 lag I.,en In blue. Ft eteloin of 01100011 nod oplolon, except In accordae 1011 11 toto prevailing sela uneel, \loan uosoluten of sioth t1',:I,3111LI 01115 ”i•S greatly u 110001 Ilea. The moot. fearful outrages w era Oli,Jlllly opef rated on Loyaltlg. I, f llll, , 111 11 er NII)( 1310‘ Lao !or 1110 1 . 1,,1dC11C to potitt LO 1110 eOurt.o for red 0 , 0 oh ol 00se NO Itlltree, could 1101.4.1111,1. Dia Orfoodultlo,ll.l.4ll of a ooulti et to math, and tiesi t h is to Ix, ft (net Ito we, 'logo onto) olodeosiest I 1 Doe 1 eying ,Die leo pros- Lh.L..oug we stoioadittiolc t is ct u, flapftf, Ow vont woru effts>otuf lu eoncillrlull Ile eILI/releled tile onto-01.0n shin t hat the a .1 1 00 oot r" molt w o rt largoly depends lllllV 11,1111. 11l 111,. Sol there 0101.11011 s. now ifoning. tile Fres idea should Liu rebut , II a Si lo authority nod pinctuf 01 Congress 01101110 he trfumph,gtLy :11,1111111 , 1, the danger 0110111 be avoided. Ile MIMI,: It 11Wellilll appeal lo all present tot omit e,V1 . 1 11,11 t, 111,10111110 gepoUllogn presen t W lac° Ile lima 11 eloono-I Mr. 1. v t t. was called 110011 and 111 ode 001110 pertIIIIIIIL ALIOIIILCr Bloody m lT o Aal od Alley. r I nig Affray in illo - • Lust e% Leung u men named mepli Cushy was seated, with some friends, 'at n table in Lutz .t Waltz's beer saloon, on Diamond alley, when a drunken tallow named Patrick Gib bons entered situ, a couple of boisterous coin radus and commenced lenuding c h ,,h y. rho friends el the latter urged him to punish (ile um., and at last he arises, and gave Gibbons push which scut him reeling away. Gibbons recovered himself end went with Al, friends into the book yard, while Cushy mid his friends sat down again. After about ilfteen minutes Gibbons name back and walked hesitatingly to the front door. Bern he seemed to muster courage, for he turned suddenly and walked directly to Canky. Drawing a pistol with a quick move ment he placed the muzzle at the left aide of Ceskys bead end tired, and then run quLckly out of the room. The ball passed through Casky's our, and taking a course through the back of his neck lodged In his right shoulder. Ile was removed to his home In ihrrulnlthelO and had his wound dressed. Ells nano-bent eras promptly pursued, but is sail at large. Ciuky Is employed ata litrmlngliam rolling mill, and tilbticuse Las worked heretofore at the Port Pitt Glass Werke. Methodist Centenary Elsgssine.—COrdes of this .0w W.ttatitto aro for tp.lo at (Wan fanny's Periodical etore, Fifth atreet, max Wood, and at the rdethodiet Book Deposit,o l 7, BB areetOliti 4.'ikg IMP lieception of the Prewidential PargY• oi ding t , . Al. lyuutnment, it meeting of the ddf. rent mnin it tee, 11, tog charge of the at lot theeemptiou of President,on and pal t , vms held yesterday morn *mt., tit lot k, at the St. Charles Hotel, 11. u. It. Wear or occupying the chair, and •‘.piktnif, pig, act lug as Secretary. Tut r.tu:lll announced that President •lo'dt..dt ansl party would mitre In tints only +day est:tuna. at six o'clock., try thr ••I•sumnutlc POl/ Lk,'" I •c.cultnlt•• •,. 1..01ii / I, I 11 ti 1 on F: mare, through their ...0 'll Lennard, reported that cionipuniesgh D ould turn out: V 4:- Adeeny, Neptune, u- And U n. runt, et Allegheny Illll.e Lou:Lonny iletiminl p.O 1 td• hnt..4lng Itn.Men added 10 the Corn o•e ,0 al tauginneno , chief Engineer .10,1 riptain tillam J. Aeu,gem . Itohert 11...U..)13. I r. The th e tleitsartineUL will be under the dire.. 1111. to, Julie Rare and An • cououlttee or three. consisting of CA, ,co NS Leonard, Csin.tms. L. Braila, and S. t Jona listoill s +of appointed to consu st, t tie I e ooloaltee, relative to tart m manc l met t ot her Incidental expenses to to ,i it..'w•veral the companies. Ali organ rted thNlles of CIA IC societies td paitlciptting 1:1 please report tit k.t.c ClVellx w er, blef Marshal, at 1,..14,111% •areet, eMill as possible apt. .1 If It. 11 a •t•ILIC•1 I llc COUIIIIIIACC ;Al Mil itary tie oat.. ot Judge sterrltt Atrlckort mo 11.5 Committee of Reception, and order ed id 1.4• expunged from Um minutes. John W. 11.11 Of the Military 1.01.111111L10C, `r eportedr that an escort of kitty :nen, tooter command of two onticer• it out 11.1. A 11CgIle tip Arsenal, would tie pre. ent, and that Colonel Knape battery would bre the necessary salutes. Mon. WIISUII McCandless, Chairman of the Reception Committee, reported Mist he had appointed the fedowing sub-committee to meet tbe Presblect at the State line Mon. dif.doirt E night, coatroom; Colonel Samuel MCIACIVey, COI. N. P. Sawyer, COI. Jameshem. a NV, Duncan, lion. W. li. Low me, Alfred Patterson, Esq., W. H. McGee, ru Reinemaii, Es ti., Captain W. LE spiting, A. toichenheimer, Eul,, St. Swart. welder. Esq 'I he totionittee of Reception will to day i t of Arrungemente to- at etei oCIOCit A. lA, at Vim St. Charles kirdul. 1' 1011 of a Geary Club In the Ninth A large a n d enthusiastic mooting was held last evening, in independence Hall, o the Ninth for the purpose of , organising ..eary Club. The meeting was called to order by James L i , te n, K eq . William it. Ford. ESC., wea mndo temporary t.hairman, and James Llttell t ES(1•, ocrganizyi osnecWreary. into,a m n i d t t w ee it o h f d r d e y w e o t n o onut.a W upp l rearing their absence the assemblage addressed by li. T. Lucas, Esq. The speaker alluded in scathing terms to the course of President Johnson, denouncing him as fides to all his trusts and unworthy of the ce of honest men. The remarks of he gentleman wore received with tee strong est marks of approbation. At their conclusion the Rev. W. B. Watkins was loudly called tor. lie bogged to decline Ppeaking on that occasion, but assured his hearers that during the campaign he would endeavor to appear with his gun leaded, and to do errantly° work. The Committee on Permanent Organize, lion now came in and reported the following °Maar. selected: Prewdent—W. R. Ford. Vice Prentients--Jacob Former, Jas. li. Lew, Wm. Johnson, Jas. Smith, Sam. McKee, Sam. Mitchell, John Lightner, Sr. No.-renames—J. E. hicKelvy, Wm. Johnston. Emetics ()mutates—Daniel McClelland, Jan. Mucked, .1. T. Shane,Littell, Samuel MO es, A. J. Cochran, Chas. Armstrong. °luteson "Menkers.—J. 11. Nobbs, Major belay.Littell. Executive Ctenmaltee.--J as. B. Poor. Jacob Fu ser, Thos. Itoanott, Ceo. Ltnkler, R. M. Reed, W. Forsythe, Nilson Welsh, David McKee, David Anderson. Commit! , on Muria.—Wilson Welsh, Fred. ilurns, .1. T. 80b,,. Trenaurrr.—Jas Latch. Prior to adjournment a subscriptiOn was started, and a substantial amount realized. The meeting then adjourned to meet again On Monday evening next. The Poe Hie Railroad A meeting of the Directors and stockholders te the Union rlwille Railroad Company was held recently ut the Monongahela Litineeran In this city for the purpose of making arge ments fur carrying Into immediate effect the resolution adopted by the Company recently, at the meeting at St. Louis, to extend tha road from Fort Riley, Kansas, two hundred eon fifty miles westward, by December 1 887. The decision of the meeting was to ' begin the work by the first of October. During the present month the road will be opened for business to Fort Riley, in Kansas, four bun. Bred and twenty miles west of St. Louis. The following gentlemen comprise the Di rectors end - officers of the Union Pacific Rail road I,oll.lpany: Thomas L.. Price, Adolph , . Meter Carlos S. iireely, LIU. F, Filley S. Si. Egged, O.P. PR Icy, - , Icy, George Patridge, Robert E. Carr, J.P. Do. rerear, William IPPhersom A. C. Anderson, James Archer. D. R. Garrison, H. C. C.reddLing, lieniatithi Lewis, all of St. Louis . J. W. Dll. rand steubeneille• Thomas A. S c ot ; Th omas A. B i ddle, Edward 'lliller, J. D. Anderson, W. F. Leech, IL H. Uneaten, all of PlillnCelptifai Thomas it. Clark. William Thaw, of Pltra.l burgh; Thomas L.. Jewitt, George W , McCook,' I of Steubenville, 11. J. Jewitt, of isnesVille; ' j ifr.l . oetutester General Dennison, Milk= H. Cwt.:blt., Joseph C. Ratter J. N. Kinney, of Cincinnati; D. H. Gray, of Ratter, banks, of New F.ngland. Pr...ndeni—J no. D. retry. 7',,isarrr--1V m.. 1. Palmer. • Sulicilur--./. P. Usher. • Owl Eragincer—lt. Al. Shoemaker. An Unprovoked Attack %V. S. Stewart is the proprietor ore mall ti oeery store., in Poen township, on the 11110 or tho Allegheny Valley Railroad. On Prided, evening last he NFU sitting at his own door step, when two men named yams= 15101 RIma lied A.:verge nutter, escaped from a passi ng train, and without addressing a word to Stewart, they began abusing him in a shame ful moaner, knocking him down, banking him and otherwise maltreating him. Several neighbors attraetedby the disturbance, ran to the assistance of Stewart, when his sussatiants fled. On Saturday, Stewart reamed this city, and proceeding to the office of Alderman Tinto bert, instituted proceedings aganagt the pert, who had attacked him, for agars.. .Wate assault and battery nutter roan= tardily and committed to Jail, h but he subsequently secured ball, and wdlare' leased. An oilicer has went andquo44lsleman. who resides in WWILIZIOLVi ..- Interawd with Al Semptionito mo d. John Murphy was before JuStice Lippert e a turday, chained with an attempt to swindle the heirs of Matthew GarrltY oet of six hun dred dollars. It appears that Murphy was made the onstOdisa of the timesam named b 7 Matthew thin." svm Por ment last rcal% which he was to retain dud j ma" cane Garrity, however, O r d Lett a will bequeothig the Mena the y to soma Alistaut relattria. Thohmdavizofm=ior which the =Duey was was expired on the fifteenth of last month, put to refund the money m o i x r o. h7hVbvriols the charge; The fpptlic gliTiliMPOngW*%lll24.2l.4l4C*'-r. E THREE CENTS PRIC Court of Quarter Reseieu■ Yesterday morning at nine o'clock the Court of quarter Sessions opened with Judges Mel lon and Brown on the bunch. The jury in the case of Jacob Brown, com menced on Saturday on an indictment lot bigamy, brought in a verdict of guilty. While the trial was in progress the defence raised the point of law that the indictment would not hold good, as the offense wee alleged to have been committed more than two years previous to the date of the information, and that the prosecution was therefore restricted by the statute of limitation. The Common wealth contended that the offense continued es long as the parties cohabit together, or until the second marriage' bad been rendered nail by divorce or other .legal proceedings. The Court sustained the position taken by the Commonwealth and overruled the objection. The counsel for defense made a motion for a new trial, and the prisoner was remanded to )al. llotlelb Fox, charged with surety of the peace on oath of John Snyder, was 'ordered to pay - costs and give bonds to keep the peace. John Snyder, defendant in the above case, prosecuted (iotalib Fox for a similar offense, but was ordered to pay the costs. James Dunn was arraigned on a charge of felonious assault and battery, preferred by officer James M*mey. The accused struck Chas pr e osecutor with a stone, while the latter making an arrest. The Jury found a v dint of of guilty, and the defendant was reman ded for trial on a charge of riot. Jacob Brown bad • hearing on a charge of Surety of the peace, preferred by Sophia Wammer, and was ordered to pay costs and give bonds for good behavior. The ease of Joseph W. McConnell, Indicted for stealing a lot of Oil barrels, the proper ty of Captain J. T. Stookdale, as consignee, was taken up. The barrels wore found la the pos- Session of the excused, but he alleged that he had purchased them. The barrels had been taken from the wharf by somebody, and boom found in the possession of the accused he was held as the thief. The larceny was proved be yond a doubt, as was also the fact that• the stolen property had been found in the posses sion of SicConnell. The defense called two witnesses, however, who testified that they had seen mcconneu, on a certain oefic pay money to a man at Sharpsburg for a lot or barrels, and one of the witnesses tosulled that he helped to float these barrels down to the city for the defendant. The Jury found a ver diet of guilty, and the prisoner was remmided for sentence. Otto Firingna was next placed on trial tot horse stealing. It is alleged that the defond ant, on the night of the 7th of August, Stole two horses from the pasture of Captain Fow ler, near Baden, Beaver county. Capt. Fow ler was called upon the stand and stated that the horses were missed on the morning of the oth of August, and traced to the livery stab of Mr. Yrnmg.. the Ninth ward of this le clty, where the accused, in company with another maxi, bad taken them for the purpose of hav ing them fed. Mr. Young stated that the horses were Drought to his stable about might o'clock in the morning, by the prisoner. and another German. The accused alleged that he had bought one of the horses from his com panion, and had paid one hundred and forty dollars for it. They remained in the city for some hours. When Captain Fowler reached the city and gave a. descnption of the horses to Mr. Young, they started in pursuit of the supposed thieves. Mr. Young followed them through Wiliansburg, heard of them at Tur tle C reenk andna other places along the pike, an d filly ovensok them some miles west of Greensburg. The prisoner tasd another companion with him—not the same who appeased at Young's stable, Be al leges that he had been hired to ride the horse to Greensburg for tile man who claimed to have owned both horses, hut who had sold one of them to the defendant. were taken possession of, and the y oun gumess were also brought to the city. The party who first appeared in company with First.,,om. oould nowhere be found, it being alleged that he had gone to Greensburg on the cars, where ho was to await the arrival of the other two. Au old lady, residing ou the farm adjoining that of Capt. Fowler, was called for the defense and testified that Firstgna bad lived with her us a tans hand, for over a year, and that his repu tation for honesty was good until this trans.- Lion. No other testimony wan offe re d, and his counsel, Jacob Whitaell, Esq., contended for an acquittal, on the ground that the common wreath had not made out a case. Mr. Cochran, counsel for prosecution, contended that the ease had been fully made out. The defendant, hay mg resided On the adjoining farm tor a year, know Captain Fowler's horses perfectly well, and could not have been deceived In the way alleged. Tile horse foreov the er, ti had been ridden twenty-two adios rom me they wore stolen, in the night., until eight o'clock next morning, when they were taken to Mr. Young's stable. What time then, had the accused to "buy" the horse, ea allegesil The fact was, he had evidently been present when the horses were stolen, and they Dad ..divided" by each taking a hone. Bay ing failed to account satisfactorily for the pos session, the law presumes Ulm to be the thief. The jury returned a verdict of guilty, and the prisoner was remanded. Christiana Boatsman was placed on trial for the larceny of a pocket book containing from Jaebb Stuiltony. The jury returned a verdict of guilty, and recommended the prisoner to the mercy of the Court. The Court sentenced her to three months' Imprisonment In the county jail. James McGovern was placed on trial for as sault and battery. The lury was out at the time of adjournment. Terrible Fall. A palatal and probably fatal accident occur red yesterday afternoon at the Third Nation al Bank building, on the corner of Wood street and Virgin alley. A little boy named Peter Both, thirteen years of ago, and employed as janitor In the ' d Board of Trade rooms, h scone for some pur pose to the fourth story o a f the braiding. The stairways that lead to the fourth story form a modification of a winding stair case, and an oen sace extends all the way from too low erp floor p to the top of the stairs. Whlie at the top by souse means the boy lost his balance and fell sheer to the first door. No one saw him fall but some gentlemen in the Board of Trade room heard the heavy "thud," and rushing out, found him lying senseless on the floor. • pests, an tithe im corner of C to la trhke borne o Scott streets, in the Sixth ward, and Dr. McCook called in to attend him. An examination proved that the uniortainate boy had fallen upon hia loft side, striking most heavily on his head, inflicting a very serious bruises on hie cheek and forehead, and producing very painful and serious injuries about the chest and abdomen. No bones were broken, but se rious internal injuries were received, which, it is feared, will terminate fatal. The accident cannot be explained satisfac torrial , except on the hypottimis that the in in boy was endeavoring to walk the rati ng at the top of the staircase, a feat he some times undertook. Re himself can give no ex planation, as he is either insensible or deliri ous moat of the time. United Stases District Court. In the United States District Court yester day morning, Judgment was rendered in the cases of the United States vs. J. SI. Laney, Robert B. RODSSOn, and .1. IL L. Cone, all of Waterloo, New York, and the United States vs. Charles J. Sanders, of Centre v tile, Crawford county, William P. Everts, of Erie county, and Joe. EL King, of Titusville. The defend ants had given bond. to export certain quan tities of oil, and heel tailed to make the ne cessary returns• of their receipts- A large number of inch cases have been up for &spa anion, and are pretty nearly 031W:ten now. Pallas of Piellllll24l.—Everybaly who has had occasion to visit the Union Depot—and that includes everybody in the city—has had numerous temptations to swear at being corn- Iled to wade for some distance in the neigh borhood ol the Grain Elevator, in moo of fear ful depth. That source of tribulation is being removed now. A. squad of workmen. is en gaged in laying a broad fLag_yavament Irom the Elevator to the Depot. We sincerely hope that the Laprovement, once started, may be made thorough. Mote guest Caritowdytasn.—Two young ruffians entered a Manchester street caryes terday morning, at the Manchester stables, andnreseatly begin to act in the moat outra geous manner. The conductor. endeavored to Quiet them, but they replied by using the moat insulting language. They were allowed to remain in tne car until it reached the May. or's odic°, when the conductor handed them over to the police. They attempted to make their escape bat failed. at the hearing Mayor Morrison fined them ten dollars and costs, each. Enthusiastic Niestina.—A Mae a nd c . °° ; held meeting of the Onion pust_ was held last eveniniF at Walters thil o 6a:r: Fayette township. I.he Meeting was ad by the election of - Wm. Boni, Eartzg e tr i fT &dant, and Issas Walker, Capt. Claw McHenry andß. D._ Esq., _addressed the meeting slava:. . m. and bola. spoeches warn ...r e-1 ,4Z diaploy of t en shade manner. a ft er :g n i & worksishe Weroclous.—a. forocleus dog is good to have under certain ollreerosuusees, mainly . when he is chained, muzzled Or killed; but a erocious dog .on the 10050 Is not aat articl. Daniel Indly,of lifinersvale, tuts a ferocious dog. and this dog bit the wife of lticlmrd Pryor as she was mussing the residence of the dog's owner. Prior made information before la derman Strain charging firkin' with kenning a ferocious dog, and a warrant was issued for the arrest Of the amused. nearsto..—The work on the Fire Alarm Tele graph was commenced yesterday by Messrs. SILMOIren, Eennard d (M. The poles will be ma ou Smithfield street, and Pena to Union Depot, up Grant to Fourth street, on Third to Way, thence on Penn to Hand Due street. There wlll also be lines on Webster. down Seventh and tip Washington, with com pleted nch The whole work will be com n about four weeks. Han" ..Boys In Blue of East 11/rsalnil bani.—lrbare will be en adjemrned meeting in the "Academy , ' this (Tuesday) evening at 7% o'clock, when an election of Officers wfll be had end d 0 " s of moment to an who have worn the "bl n oc" will be transacted. Win De horse bah:wens aidMr- David biome, or the nest ward, -feli yes terday,on II yd'sllll,l whiled:awing an empty cart up• steep WU. Ile was a very value. ble anlMrd, mud had cmly been Li:Loewe:osier' cd Yr. Shrews ler three dais. YestilF. l l47, to their aew.res . ldiramy i r i M"ning regMVIIIIIk JOWL' &Nu, Istagear. agori_ a un iser,/wiacute. Gnu nano snvicto- THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. TWO EDITIONS ISSUED. ON WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS The edition Is forwarded waleh WUI matt he nibs scribers soonest as the remntatl ; all ra n. aINOLE COFIErs FEB el 50 CLUBS OF " iss .:LU BS OF TEN AND Ile A Rho-rating . AMU.—At Man almost De soared by DoW , On Bunthvy evening about eight o'elook, • amed John Ozeullart, residing at No. ,Insyloolla avenue, attempted to rescue •o from bang devoured by four large Own./ by abutcher named Conrad logs, bobtul Okeullart had scarce reached the sidewalk w here the Merit were, when they simulutuo. ouslY tonlcd open him. lie attempted to re d evour h bey n treat, but baton, he could deal: they ith stones, Let ere ed eral boys attacked th e dogs him to the pavemet, and acies t il ' Y 'y be wa g to w O/c): could drive them waf oximhart nustatuad frightful injarie which may result in hi/ death. Lie ...carrier' to Ills home where lir. ilminerling visited him it few hours tater, and dressed his wounds. Ills loft pig had bee:, terribly mew, e d. the teudods and veins have ho ne w atui lacerated, musing the I.lotel te new in copi ous streams, dying hi. clothes in blood. His right she bad neon terribly bitten, presenting the appearance of a great Mass of raw flesh, while his 1011, arm, right thigh and side were out In several ptacssh P. teat of the dogs. The muscle of 11. lei I. arm was PO taody d dl eaten that the tendon A hones pro.. trotted, t several places. .S. Schaffer, who WV the whole transaction ne•l tn. to the aid of Oxenhart, Was also Ldlten ou the, hand. Her entire dress WOO pill united with the blood that lievred from Oxenha: L'a wounds. We understand that Mr. Schad called to see the wounded man yesterd, , and took sees& eon to beMte him soundl a , ir Interfering with the dogs. la answer to , ..1, Os saidthuulairt at 's entreaty to have the doge kill. I, 1.1. he would not allow them t .1 any: eonahleratlon. We trot. will seize WS ferocious mot. treat them according to the rt..e set downdu a e:ttr.r.i..gneiilninsc.ezemvtoltttlag y dogS Min running Before Alderman .fokne•—Eliza Rebecea Blair came to the office of Alderman Johns yesterday, anti made oath against her bus band, Jimicson r,—who, by the way, is dia• tautly related twill,: Ilialre of "My Mat Bland" —for abandonment. After a length) debate on the duties int:erred by each in the marital relation, the matter was amicably adjusted by Jackson expressing a willingness Lo do better by the partner of his bosom, anti giving good security for her nuindatlimace. Thu re-united pair hall I rom - - - Threatened Her.—Mary Kaufman sued a neighbor named Mary Stewart, yesterday, be fore Alderman Strain, for surety or the peace. Both Marys reside in East Birmingham, and according to the statement of the proseoutrlt. Miss Stewart came to the house of the former and threatened to rob Miss Kaufman of that great essential to earthly happinesa—life—for which threat warrant was placed in the hands of an olilcer for her arrest. Wife vs. linaband.—Mrs. Mary Edwards, a fellow countrywomen of the great Owen tilentionier, and claiming to be a lineal de scendant from the great Northman, appear ed before Alderman Lynch yesterday and pre ferred a charge of assault and battery against her husband, William Edwards. The accused was arrested and required to give hail in the sum of $3lO for a hearing to-day. • • Accident in n Coal Plt.-401111 Clark had his foot crushed In Brown's coal pit, in Lower St. Clair township, vesterday, white attempt , - lng to pass a loaded car near the entrance. Ile was taken to Isis home. si short distance tram the scene of the sechten t. where the injured member was attended to. - -.On- Met•ttng To-night.—The Colon Republican CitLzens ~f the sixth, Seventh and Eighth wards, should not forget the grand rally this evenffig, at the corner of Starlet, street, and Pennsylvania Avenue. Prominent speakers will be In attendance, and a large turnout is ekpeoted. do crerybcotty. Belling Liquor on liontlay.-31ary. Leddy made oath agalfutt Ellen Cormelly for liquor on Sunday, before Alderman Strain, yesterday. The necused was arrested, but fur nished ball, and W. released to await a hear ing to-day. she resides in South Pittsburgh, Warrant I caned.—Jacoby Miller appeared before Alderman Strain yesterday and made oath against her husband, George Miller, for assault and battery. A warrant was issued for the arrest of the accused. The parties re rude In the Fifth ward. Soldiers' fleeting.—The Soldiers' League, of Allegheny, meets this evening, at Duels Hall, Witter avert, near Federal street, en suinggheny, fur th e election ot unkers tor te ug yeat. A lull MU:ll4am. In desired. - • Persooal.—,;overllOT Andrew Genie and enoral tiellrY were In the atty yesterday, on err way to New Cattle, to attend the Itepub can mass meeting there. They wore waited by numerous friend. tommlited.—Frencis McGovern was before Alderman esti-minesterday, charged with surety of the peace, on on t.h of G. W. Cowan. in default of te requisite ball, McGovern was committed for h trial at the next term or the Criminal Court. MARBILL) I.F.L LA hi I)—T ELLEII—Ad the restdenCe of the bride's (Atha, ou Thursday evelyug, bept. dtb, by list. b. A. Andursoo, o 31r CV . Mel; LELL ND, ILIA ch.), and Miss MINNIE E.. youngest daugh ter of IS. D. Teller, Esq., of t.arrouton, lowa. No cards. (Our friend ••)tack •• and his ImPPY young bride have our earliest and most hearty "dabet for their happinem to the new sphere of Ills they have en tered. We are half Inclined to nuarrol with lgaek, since he left no much youth and beant7 nu , e to r• so far west to chaos. , a - partner for site We again wish the happy maple many Joyous and gladsome days together, nod tenet theca. In a world ;of happi ness In store for them to the future. I • • MEE GILFI LI.AN —On Monday morning, Peptember 10. h, line, at 0 o'clock. rs...II.I.IIOAISJILT I.IILPILs LAN, relict of the late John Esq., In the rah year of h er age. Funeral from the residence of her son, John Allan, In In Upper St. ci•ir totrualtp, Tan (Tnesdar I ArrESSOOX, at 12 o'clock L. Plaivrij,Vivt:TD 46 swiriel 11-111.114 DALE conETEBIG—The beauttful ••God , s-acre,” the, largest suburban ELlZ'Llgeriihi r orga n , e6ll I t rat:lrgittOl Allegheny. For arts' lots, permitc or te11 .., call at tlentntl Drug More of CAJUL d CLANZY, Alle gheny OltY. FAIRMAN & SAMSON. UN DERT.ASERS No. 196 Smithfield St., cor. 7th, (Entrance from Seventh Street.) P'X'Murit , 33ll7R.CifrZi , PAS-. AND 133 SALLIDUELLY BTILEET, ALEX. AIKEN, icrAT3azleam.a.iciaam, NO. lel fourth otroot,lbl3llll, 00771N8 of all kinds, CRAPES, VILAIVEIo, every desorption of Funeral Forromdog tkooos =SWIM, cwoxil w..nd y sad raght, kielatte and C lot manta. ° B.srsuicivasfk—itev. David lierrnrti •• • QOM X W. J &cob., D.D.. Thomas Elnos, Zoo., Jsoob It.o. R . T. WHITE b. CO., U NBERT AKERS:AND EMBALMERS, Manchester, Wood , . gun mod vicinity. COFFIN ROOMS Al MANCHESTER UVERY STABLE. Messmer in Sheffield aid gnarlier* streets. it n n and Ciudad. narldidlad—..— DOIISEATII & CO'S Watch Repairing Establishment, GO Wirth tilitroat, OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL. SOMETHING NEW. Time Registeriiii . BA ROMETERS. SOLD IS V TUE AGENTS. azi...alsoTaanw'r de , co.. Dealers In Optical Goods„ 03 1.2 SmlWield stcoot. This Instrument is verT Rouorolly need by •brod to, eas:bo'beldeoended upper fur indleating m tpe woottocr, int of LADIES, AND GEE T's NAT.EIO r JENIET.EitEi. ALL STY LEN, Ay GILEATLT 112EDUCEDLPHICIES, AT WILL T. NiirriCAilrir 7 i5; leA WYLIE NT., NEAR. EIFTEL JOST IRRIVED FROM THE EAST. BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES ROBB, No, 89 Market Streit, PkLh u rgh, Pa, This old eatabilahed house has now In store thing. five thousand dollars worth of Bootaand encloar, and style. the latest, the quall - the heatc.rooti' oro NW determined to tell at VERY totrig , RIC ES. have resolved not to Oa undersold by in tint bus. Ines. that keens Call and examine our etoot of t. le We eel sat Used that you will pannsie xtutt .Ynn want tn. the Boot and taboo Line. Do not forget the oleo.. fa> Wan.% ttriet. itthilifi 8008. NM CLOS & CO.. Practical Furniture Manufacturers, COL PENN AND WAYNE STREETS, Latest styles of FURNITURE aoustsuttlT on hied. (jEl t.t Ell..... m rlES e T wa l:L f s A ta llger—eli ttii,vm es a l! . i ttr h. It t. b 4,. lenand at Ges estnnliebment ot P.O. li ri; No.lo Grant , atreet.., The' entire eteek mrtt be sold lower than they ern be bought else. 71 t4 /6. Alln gtaittlatt U rto 8. 2r, tit 3ll2 .rlCl : 031 Ml* 0 1 114 1 '4 lur9"7 "4 4 140 tt , ~;.i.,*-;!:...-',l-";"..;:•"--5-1,:,..,--:;,,,.:,;'ii,,,,,-.;:j--j4i4,. ",-,-,i„.1._:;',',,-.-, ',==o • . 1 Fl 1 6 U ••` I ALLEOUZNIN PA. '~ ,<
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