Gil y 4f.tia;it — PZ, Zand Broker, Alft., near- corner of Fifth. ~. . ~.deficrtptio,..; of Government gemr., .' • 1 b\o rf., t and soli) Cra Mama' terms. I London and Caamertal Exchange sold at --, He G w Torii rates. fl _ .t old. plvertdi GOup bO ona ught at highest ~; rates..and GOldDraftEFfesned On New York, ILNAiCE AND TRADE. Franey, Soptembtr ;,_1865. A into dispatch in- the cable reports the shipment of $2,340,0e .trom Liverpool for New York. The shipsoeints Whiff= for this week . are fire and one•half Millions. Tide sum is doubtless a portloi of the proceeds .realizeed from the large ohiPmente of Five Twenties to London telthin .he past three or four weeks. The shippers cannot sell their exchange in New York except nt a discount of 3614 per cent, entailing a less on the shipments of the bertidal and in Order to protect themselves, are importing the gold. The balance of trade is at present in our favor, although our imports are considerably in excess of our exports, and It Is altogether likely that specie will continue to flaw to this country from Europe so long as the large shipments of hoods shall continue. It is tabe hoped that the receipt. of this gold will place a check on the opera tions of the clique who now control the gold room. • —The statement of the public debt to the let 7 instant is regarded faosfactory to this extant that it shows a total redaction of $31,116,100. during the month of august,and gives amore hopeful showing for the future. The 5-70 5 per cent bonds nave increased $14,003,150, and the 5 per cent bonds decreased $149,750. The teutporoan shows a decrease of $7347.7,4g.i. Tholllsm - Soor compound interest notes have :'l3 44500,wa,and the three year 7-30 note.; I $A4.07,450. The coin-bearing debt has Were , od $15,501,150, and the currency-bearing debt I darreasedo o f o7 , 9l9 . The lcgal.tenders show a ; lathes* of $100,758.1%. The avaLlablo coin lies inereasod .15,011,792, and is now reported to amount to 676,833,912. —The Cincinnati Garclte, of Thural , re , ports money matters in that city as foU.• - The money market works closer. T mend for discounts, in the aggregate, 1.... nut increased, trot ban kers are working on small bantams, and are not able, if they ever will ing, to expand their lines. They find it:lncon venient oven to keep up the loan adman. Country depositors are checking close] y, and the outward flow of currency Is still in ho as cendant. Country bankers write that their means are largely Picked up in paper based upon produce transactions, holders or proper ty not being disposal to realize at current prices. ..There Is a great deal or wool in the interior,whlch was bought on speadation,and would intake a loss if sold now. There is also a demand for money for s t.4:i p e ,u n t reh r ase of stock arc selltug hogs and as ow ed Little could be stowed away In a coat pocket, bring 44 per he This demand for hogs Is caused by the emprmons corn crop. In many sections the UAW . =mot be disposed of to any advan tage unless it IS fed to hogs. —The Philadelphia Lcdgcr, of Thursday, says "To the general wonder of all persons In. tereatedill the gold market, gold opoeni at a further adVance. The closing sale on Tees. day everting was at 11151:. The opeumg price Ytaterdaymorning was at It% from a !itch it advanced to IW—closing at 146%. With the tide of gold turned from Europe in this di rection, and a strong probability that it will continue so until at least the undue amount shipped last summer Is returned, the firmness of the gold premium Is quite a puzzle. 'Carr beads; too, lire steadilygoing abroad to inert the increasing demand at higher prices There Is another reason to keep the "11i.191.0 of trade" largely In our favor. The cotton crop is now hat vesting; in fact there ate al ready some ships all Oat carrying it to Europe. We Way surely calculate upon an export of about, say, ono millions bales, which, area at reduced rides, Would yield ono hundred and fifty to two hundred millions of dollars. All the indications favor a steady increase of gold in this market, and unless the "ring" of operators In E. at New York is stronger than wo suppose, must fall to keep up Its price. PITTSBURGH IRON -EL&RKET Orrice or Tue Prrnlennou Gezerre, rams r. Sept. 7,1E03. Tho markot for metal firm and moderate ly =Lire, the demand being fully: up to the supply, am' prices although anulaugetl, are well eastalned. Steel. hula mud receipts limited. and of some deerlptiOns the market Ls almost entirely bare. The following Sea partial report of the sales during the Week : 632.11.11.AC1T1L MO do No. I Anthracite .... 50 00-4 Taos. MaM 100 do N 0.3 • . • Po dO"Donesnuon" .No. 1 50 00 do 150 do "Cornwall" O. 1 40 00 do 150 do- do No. " ti 00 do .330 do... Josephine" No. 1 100 do do. No. 9. 100 LOllB Open Grey Forge... 45 00— oath. MO do Open Grey--dellverable at furnace 41 co do 515 do Open Grey—from yard—. 45 ou-30 dye 52) do Close Grey—low grade.. CO— caalt. 210 -do Gray Forge—com. brand— • at furnanee 41 25—1 moo. 0400130 BOCK CIIABCOSL. • 20 tons Centre Fornace-11.A. • • • 60 00-4 mcc) , ISO do Gallia Icarnace—W. 12 53 00 do CO vine No. I Juniata nergozzum IN LivantroOL. We hare private advices from Liverpool up to August 25th, which can be relied upon as being strictly correct. Our informant, who was there on that day and for some time pre vious, reports that the stock of oil in that market is light, much smaller than he had been led to expect and while the market was not excited, it was ' firm and a irpeimlatlve feel istews was beginning spring e On n e t tu h ti ‘ rt i gii: of the 25th of August at Is. odd., audio the afternoon a alight advance was offered. In London, sales were . making on the spot at ..%. , 4dl. to 2.3. 3d., and there, as In Liverpool, the Steck was light. Another encouraging fact for American petroleum is the fact that it Is steadily and surely driving the English coal oil oat of the European markets, and the eon. eamptionof thelormer this season it is eon- Udently , expected, will be mach larger than over before. . - ?Jew YorkStook and 'Money Mairker. Maw Tong, August. 7.—There is no change to notice in money, and the market remaintrircry easy. , The gold market has been steady all day at 14.7%it0110 and closed at 145,1;,. The for eign exchange market is rather more steady, but the demand is moderate, Prime Bankers bills are quoted at 100 for sixty days and 107 for short sight. Francs are 137 end 531 g for long awl short. .Governmentr Securities wore . all firmer with a better, emaniL The follow. bvere the closing prices: Coupons 18 05 , 1 G 10 8: / 0-10 i8a004.1 Governments were' stronger ' at the chase. Railroad • shares are more active and there is a better 'feeling. At - the 'four o'clock open board the followilwere the principle sales: Ohio and Mliabfal p , Cartilleates,VA; Rutland Marble, :VA; Oicar, ver, 10%i Mariposa pre ferred, 271 i: Western Union -Telegraph, IS; Erie, 703 i; Michigan. Sputluirn,.MG_Beading, 41W,,, , Illinois Central, ex-dividend,lllY; Cleve laud and Pittsburgh, fiStif Chicago tad Bock Island, and Pittsburgh, 108,1 it Chicago and KorthWesiern, WA. Chicago and Nanti . Wes, tern preferred, Ctoi Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago, RAW lvlsicti, 101 K. Gold closed • • .- .Money steady and unchanged.' S tinting dull, at ICSO.W6I ir , Gold without decided change, eDelaktig advancing to li6X, declining to 146 y undo. uing at 148. , Government c arnotit stocks a shade easier. Freight to Liverpool dull. Stocks higher. Rock Is- Lancl,lo4 Beading, 111; Web_ W :lwto. Southern, Sly Fort Wren°, lectft Toledo, abash and West- Westorn Union Telegraph, si; Mariposa preferred 21; Quicksilver, 601 i; Eno, •' 71• Tennessee Ws, 701 new 1040 Coupons. 9%; 5-20 Qmpous, iCS, MN; do 'id, 111%;. registmeu of '62, 108%; Cis of Coupons, 11-11.1,. Gold,. • 14 21, t at last open board the stock market was a little ma rke d the bigness point, but there was no doeline. After the call the market was Sinner, and closed up ilrmly at the gubtations ,below. Petroleum btocks— . Itenuebotr Bun, $7; U. S. B. SO, 47P. Mining BUiets,—ColumblanL.ls3 Coo. Gregory Gold, teller.S, 1 000 ; Corydon, ale; Downieville, 155;" tie: mull Gold, 110; N. Y., 2117; Becky Moun tain, 780, Madiwa Cotaitty (q.). cattle Sales: Lcianox, (0.) September 5.-.Yeaterday wits •Mtpattily males clay" at London. and the town was alive with cattle. auctioneers, showmen, politicians and the people. The number of cattle to the toarket, wee large. About MO head of three rms.:MU, were sold. Ono lot of 55 head. Welghlne 100 ..pounds, sold to Colonel Vlore:me, of Plckaway. 13.1 ITU per head. This Is Cliodilithess priest over ObtaluMt for to largo a nntaberin this market.. Of twolear 195 head were sold at from : in to SO Per hood, the former price being 't • fer , .theen. that: weighed te2s ixastids. A large mu/Mee. of yearlings wore sold, atmleelmice ones, weigh;' Lig Cu.) pounds as 0.7.. DryoOws said oxen also" weatat high prises.. 'There were goon: gob "cattle In - market yestrday than any one this, season', and they sold well:, , vacua* Cat Ufa Blarkal LignAari, aeptambera.— • rho trash rooal Ina beet cattle today. . Unloil Suask. Yards" Sri ..bes4;„!.},Xtored Andes, 912 head. at, prices tanglag from 44,4ag . , 5.44 for common aorra-and -.Mtrors , 0,7 4 15 p for lair butchers , ~ateek,,ausL trout. STAT for' hllr aVod. shipping Waves. • strOngdeatro On the partof 'Men to ail ordrm Lithe forenoon .in- order that 009 .might'astanstat'A.lthgtr. utertdianP the . Or Cho oOrgionstone oithoPO_ uglea:lllOninent, and irtthe afternOon , &OW tila r4ooE,'st.tmu hded the znarlrat 'gallon:WA and lioth .f,want stockers. -Atha alleoulatoralunaxpecrodly lanttud; purchased lurstely, but: they rertasollo• payy. oatordayiaprioeS, and Wier% bad tOltillt, to a n9acest,aqa or A l e Por -1 ° ) 3/?6,, Cleviebind *6l4l4li'' Of.r.Vr..T.;/...VD, September 6.—On , Clutngothero was not toVat done' and the , matkeh ruled .tetuly, and as a general thing unchanged.: Wheat 'ea. firm and In fair rattling demand; sales I carload No.l Vattern aPrMg4 2 Ol 'gee 40 - doon prtrate terms. Cern stead an 'ln fair deniandi Wee lOW beet t do No. I trout 'tort, nt marl ear do do at Gno. Oats stoady And Inl.t.thltlonosod saes WO bush new No.l Stole /It 3.1.c... ' 11)0 quiet bat firmer; sato of one nut' No.I attn%c. llarley moots with some In- Oulty,sod mines range from 700 to 41, socord... 48_10 q,Us,,Ut.y. PITTI9III3IIUII PE7MOLEUBIL MARKET Orrick or ran Pivrantratra Gs-agree, Farruir, Sept. 7, IN2I illDE—There is no Improvement to note inti t e general tone of the t rade, and the mar ket continues quiet and dull, though prices have undergone no essential change, and we continue to quote at II to Ifi, bids returned, and ffl to 21, packages included, according to gravity, etc.. eta. There was but a single sale reported, SO ails at la The rains of the past Jar or two have prrailiced hopes of an early resumption of navigation. and the event of large receipts, which are pretty sure to follow Clll3O of a rise, a decline In prices Is gener ally expected. We have no late advleee from Oil City, bat the reports from the East are not very encouraging,though there ha here, prices remain nominally unchanged. REFLNED—There is little or no Inquiry for bonded oil, either for present or future deliv ery, and whilethe market Is dull and inactive prices have undergone no material champs— one way or the other. No quote nominally at as to as, free on board cars here; and 44 to 45, delivered In Philadelphia, and these may be regarded as the extremes Of the market. For free oil the demand continues very light, be ing restricted almost entirely to supplying the wants of the local trade. and, ooruiequent iy, round lot operations are of very race oc currence. Primo standard brands may be fairly quoted at 55 to 55. ABIIIVA.LS—The arrivals of 011 reported to day were as follows : Waring St King 109 Brower & Burke.. 93 W. P. Logan 229 Baxter & W . 8.. Pettit 4S Total 751 IMIAItUETS HT i.e.t.EcitArti New York Produce Uniket New Toss Sept. 7.—Cotton steady, at 1g.,441 35c for middling uplands. Flour 15 15e better, with rather more doing; 11406,05 fur este,. state; Op:010,50 for extra R. H. 0., and 610,600 1.?, for trade brands, iclosang arm. h tslry quiet and nominal. Wheat—tcceipts of 15,411 bush. at 3435 c better, with more doing; ertles of 13,000 bush. at 61,70 for common Milwaukee cintnir.,sls for No. 1 Milw.autee. Receipts of 1.15.515 bush. of corn at if lower sales, of 1X2,000 bush., at 810 for Inferior; 61 1 / 4 414s forthippine talked western, and Me for western yellow. Receipts of Yips bosh. onto; sales of Asee buSh. at 43045 e for Chicago, 47Q:Co for Mil waukee. Sugar scarcely so active at 10X15; Coffee steady. Petroleum quiet s at :10,3'e for crude; 4.1053 for relined in bowl. Perk steady and r'er active, at 6.13,11Q33,11 for new mess, closing at, 633,25 for cash; 631(631, for old do., and git 166145 for prime; also 4,7R1 Olds. Of new mess for September to January, inclusive of seller and buyers option, at 1A25 633,07. Beef unchanged. Beef hams nomi nal. Cut Meats Steady, at 14. 1 4§150 for shoul ders, and 19 1 ,462134 c for hams. Bacon inactive; Cumberland - cut 1510. Lard Steady, at 1.4 1 1 V •53;11e. Butter dull and declining, at .340 ' De I for Ohio, and 854)1500 fur state. Cheese lower, at 10(1173ie. • Onihalo Market. VW/PALO, September 7.—ltuirly day; transac tions light. Ylour urnatanged; wiles 700 tails. at co p.l for No.l spring; 1iii.2.1011,50 far am ber winter; f13,`...4' j 113,50 for white doable extra western. IVhest; sales 16,000 bas. "No. 2 Chi cago now at 411,80.. Coro; Wes 40,010 bus No. mixed Illinois at Mo. Oats; sales MAO hue. on Pop banns, and 360 for No. 1 Chicago. Bar icy, State,. MX Eye nominal; 700 for No. 1 Cideago; Svc for No. 1 Milwaukee'. York, iaLi. Lard; eit,y, ..0.1,4fir.10; western, 21lici. Whiskey nombraL Philadephia 4)(A do 47 00 do tr 00 d. 60 00 d. PITILADELPIIIA, September 7.—Gotten quiet; middling nphinds, -Xle; do ties , Orleans, sk. C.iTee quiet; itle.l9o. Sugar and 3tolasses an changed. Flour dull and slow of sale, but quotations unchanged. Wheat quiet, and red unchanged; white, 40,M6 , 3. Corn milet,• yel• low, Mei nalxod western, lleqPP3e. 0-tie dull and declining. Whiskey turhanged. Oswego Staritet: °SWIM). September 7—Plour Steady w ith a good demand saleitof barrels at 510,1 2 for itio. 1 Springs S te for-Rod Winter; and 411,50 for Dositdo Xxtms. Wheat quiet, and the demand le waned to the iminedlato stunts' of traUeis; ewes - of 1,000 bushels of Now Amber State at $2,50. Cora 1* gale; and No.I Illinois is held at 72.673 e. The other grains are scarce and the quoLatlona are nominal: Chicago /Market. 0113— ansb Macintio, Inepternbcrr 7.—Fionr . octave and advanced ledl3c. 1n75111t1,00 for Spring Extr. VTUcatflrrni said. dl;ied ut 41,9301,01. tor .N0..1 and U1;8401,72 for No. U. 'Corn - guletatilEiriV,‘ for kaki und wow.; for NYL 2. Mtn advanced 54 . 614 , and closlngf.steulFbt , %!,‘ for No.l and 192_N0.2.. 1110vancauteady. Men Peru, liineltork.,Dry Goods Market. Now Tose, September - 7.—Jolkers Brown shootings—lndian Head, Z; Great Falls; Id, .11; 410, 8, Is. Illeaoluxt Shirtlngs— nate", N; do;IIB,111; Blackstone, 27S§. Prints --Cocheco,M; Arnoskoag, 11.4 Allen, 27; Ar nold, 17: TlelcsEastorn; A, 2d; do, B, T - sr. Loins, Sept. 7.—Floor le batter. sales at ed,.Z6 - 1,75 for single extra, and elefile,7s (or double extra: Wheat unchanged. Corn lon art sales at 61465 for mixed andyellow, and GS fh73 for White. -Provisions unchanged. Mils. key V.,..V..,4011,27%. =I • Tormno, September L—PlOnr dull. Wheat G diBo better: sales of new white Michigan at .3,60; amber. do. 46e4Sci new Mo. -1 Illinois spring. $4,07%(#2,12%. Corn lower, sales of tin. 1 mixed at - 54M; do yellow at eec.: Oats 1 ,413 better; sales at sac. Itya to bettor, sales at 7007. Cincinnati Market. Curcrsaan, Sept. 7.—Flour warm.. firmer mid tandmg upward. Whisky arm .ate 3,32, free, and AR% In bond. Provisions firm, V tiu A but let and Is ü bebl at M. Gold - 118. nchanged. Lard is la. atnnand at • . • New neletunt.nrairket: New OntsAlre,.Bent:7. , —Cotton.unebennetli sales e,OlO bales. Receipts for the week, 1,617 bales; against - ].OBO last week; exports, bales; Mack, 47,337 bales. Now York Ex change, par, W, prennum. • • Albany' Market* • Atairv; Sept.' 7A—Flear drat. Wheat Arm en sales amber State, 42,50 i white Illehlgan, Atotirp, thq, qulct. corn ann. Barley ' satesi zu,llo, and 6030 e bellt_ old Omuta West, market. Stuwaexest, Sept, 7.—Floar dull. Wheat is quiet at 4103. Z Corn thin avaer. Oats dpil at . • Iid4ROAD. Jeirrsonaoh, roscrWarro & 000100 U. U.' September 2-400 bbls tour; Watt X Wilson:100 do do, Gregg & Menden/net 20 doz brooms, J 8 Dilworth & cot 30 has_soap; All Mills; bbls pots:Onus, ltno. apples, Blair Woods; Zs bags no, in bags oats, W J Hook; 2 bbls eggs, WJ ewel &Bret ems metal Jas' Wood &Bo 20 sections hots, Phillips, 'sortie, is. co; 9 bids tallow I Tbittoo, lrlaccas & SON 1 car ilarstaxi, J'W Transit, ft BM; 9 bags ismi.tirair & Itch tort lc hulas. r Coope r & Bola SO baltrola float. S Llnntay ir is cot to Win spokes, Ha rr Dice bbls atiples,l6 11 Voigt 41. cot Alta rains. DictiallOugh. - Smith & co; 100 lin/$ our, Jellp Oritat telnallhlgtlßlnes. titutpton & Wallace; 100 bbls .ilour,Don Wallace; 2 cora slaves, Hair/. Sebo2l.llotl a 150 b fga m a d Walker X co• chi do. do, mak., & oats, ritetwask .&: Langenhetm ',V ars' iheat Liggett & 'co; 3 cars corn , 11 - Ites.jr; car oats,- , Pettitt & _Newlin; 1 car rye, 8 ninth; I car ' wheat, Amnion .& Scott; 1 do „do .ILitchcook -*scram & co; ono osts,B Slant & oo;oaar i l wheat;_L Wallace: • • °ZBV.kbakr , Mtn_ FIrTHEITIVIII 8A1L310.1.14- Bor,tarobtr 7.-4 car , rye, Hitchcock. igegme ry &coin cars mend, Klinick& co; 60 brs,2 crows starch,' Artincklee - ck o n holes.= & cot P 9 do do, endcirson & Jiro; in do do; lilnanor,&,Harper; 2 do diklicriscoiner, Goo IS 'do do, ti•,110011;411 ,4 10 do, Shipton & Wallace; 17410 - do,: - Beabert &, ..M0r54 2 3; 10 0 bids' limo, Graff Or, Keller, • &cant luzooor,Kurrx.2 licKee;:100 Oki door, Nowcomor, goo & co; 'too Ado.:;loe..lltrkpatrielt itlierrontl &bales tow, Hamm & Gallon 1 car whitist,'_l4ggott &co;'l3 woos cotton, Kennedy', IMllds & coiP 110 de" Park, Ihinter.4 co; 10: tel rarkeV;o3 bids patrolimmiltrewer, Stake & co; atit s l e o , :ci, Waring& Kingihrbas OHM% ki aks as G. Jenkinsig bbls cot; ttlorti.2 de Oat , . k, tiro & cot 40 tibia pOtittoeii,'Thoutas,`. Sweeney; 03 bbls petroleum, W 12 Pettit; 11' lige 414441 hoz tobacco, Held &Motzglar• - lisszoorar_ lITATTOX;atip mewl, - -Soong, Malfont & co; 1. carlumbonJ N . aura car ytheat, EnOt & Son . ; 1 dOSo t git more, pson 1 bb1:44114 ""U - nor; okgs cluarefllodlor a obi UN) . buiP/ 4111 & - ocod, Ewer & 'llluntlton; 17 Obis , applw, 1 d 0.. . -; John llorbert; pkgs starch; Gibsoa,. (~row a e 0 ;. 10 no. no, Wow= a Co; 9.30 pigs. loaai'aohoonthakor leosm & L oom whom - A - Son, Ero;!cart - oicloi, ELT" a A'eaughifyi emargatiaglagi 013oper boor flaxsed. earliani'M biggst Cats: /!!:' IV /I planoyi acOs: breams. Jas. O'nun ll2l . - - "'ritelittstait IL 0-rininlilf Osonisiii. E. Bopttanber care ' , whetst. Dan wan ae .. - 1.00 bbut noir; r. wirers - 05±;lop 4090, wait & Willu9l 3 *. o-4-44 gead*Xotsair--.- .11EAPE6'l PLACE: --Ono of the • • lieu w orutiebts orstotrast ittr:On city Is to Wood at the testapusistusiti'ora... U. iruP/fY,• -Mo. 10 tirsat-street.' The Matra stock old be soul lower aria they - ratiott'bontrta -oho. where. A brim stock or the, Isesl.doatilo sesmod rrall cans. Tin spittlitak, /So., am* all klacla or solvating ram opCIIOCO , . imrEa NEWS. The - ricer coirtintma to recede steadily at this peintOrittiacantthree feet hi .the chem. - attl bY, the Utaikiflait - evening: heavy._ rains are reporteditt ;the headwaters of the - './4113- ghtfleY.,..axid..;nokwithattdifling we have Wien • disappointed orthree times .wttlite the past few ` weeks; attic:flit that, stream hi by no means 'improbable: Rem we had heavy rains yesterday, and the indications last evening.- were favorable for mote. There has-been no arrivals or departmes aside .from the -regular packets. The Lent Leoti, from Parkersburg, bad not arrived up p. m., having, it is thought, been detained by tow boat sticking In Glass Rouse. The New State, from Wheeling; Is due hero this morn -7 The Elizabeth packet Jos: Rees dropped tiONVII under the bridge yeaterday, and wo pre sume. Is now moored at the main landing. She was sold to some Wheelie , and Sunfish mu ties on That sday—prico, With two daily lines to Brownsville, we are of the opin ion that the withdrawal 'attic Rees will not discommode the pet ale very seriously. • In consequence of Lock rfo.4 being out of order the Fayetteexchanged trips with the .1 Gallatin on Thursday night; the" former re. turning tot his port and the !Gallatin to Ge-. . nova, - The necessary repairs ware to haVe been completed. last night, and the Payette, it was expected, would bop to to get through to Geneva. The Cincinnati abaci Of Wednesday r Lays : The Maggie flays took her departure last eve ning with two barges, all Well loaded, having In all 700 tons, winch Wilib° added to at Cairo, bringing it to 1000,afict 100 tons coal. On the •.start seventeen Insurance °Moe, repudiated her trip, .brit afterward seven went in her fa vor and She loft with a fair prospect of a good trip and a profitable one. The Rose aftMbleton Is reported es having been sold at St. Louis on Wednesday last for $12,000. The Armadillo is loading at Cincinnati for New Orleans, and the Arabian is loading at the same point fOr Pittsburgh. The Cincinnati Commercial of 'Thursday has the following Items : • The Magnolia resumed her regular trips to diaysVlle yesterday. The Shamrock having retired from the Maysville trade, will load for St. I-Mils atter the :Nightingale, in charge of 'Captain Geo. W. Cullum The veto-I rim Captain Jno, Conner, is commanding the I New Richmond' packet Diary Ament during the aPsence of Capt. Selby, wilo, ire regret to m lentat is confined to his room by sickness 'The Monsoon dropped down to the levee yesterday, with her new boilers and outfit. She leaves for Portsmouth to-day In place of the Emma Floyd In charge of Capt. Pros. Lod wick and the Itostoua's crew The Alumna rashipped her Memphis freight en the Sherman yostenier, and will not return to Memphis until next week Capt. J. S. Wise, Superintendent of the Nashville and Cincinnati Packet Company, is refittlug the a. Rowen, Rebecca, Emma Floyd and Iluvana for tile forthcoming season. As soon as the Cumberland is navigable, the steamers of this line will be on the track again, with new out- fits anti firing Colors. The new aide wheel steamer Commodore enters the Big Sandy trade on Saturday in place of the Revenue re cently sunk, plying in connection with the Robert Moore during low water The eottage No. 2 passed - tiallimylis yesterday lms, with a large amount of oats for this place The Mary Erwin, Capt. Megin nis, has abandoned her trip the 1011115 W anti reships her freight on the Cottage No.t. Captain Jas. W. bachelor, of the Frank lin Insurauce Company, returned from Pitts burgh yesterday Our Informant was Feuteature in anuouncing the death of Capt. T. Marsh Marton, at Pittsburgh. it was a yonueor brother who died. The error Is at tribniable to the wording of the telegraphic dispatches sent here Mr. M. M. ss, the well known steamboat agent, return ' en from the east yesterdsd', where he ret'eut ly suddenly nailed by the death of a lovely daughter. lir. Ross has resumed his profes sional duties Cant Wm. Uregg left for St- LOUI9 In last night's train, to take charge of the Champion, leaving that point Oils evening for Cinetunal. STEAMBOATS. 1. 4 `012 61}ournis AND Az t . NEW rda...EANS.—The rplendld Vertrip.' &loam., ANBunir.NlApt. W. LAN la, WM leave for the anorr and all morranadtale . . . Titie DAT, the D.% tn.. for Ire , trut or pa•za,;., Aprly on hoar) or to FLACK t, COLLIN() WOrm, t)ITTSURGII, BROWNS VILLE AND tiENEVA U. b. MAIL 1::74COBOICE . • Will rao throe daily ahle-wheol steamers between Monongahela City. Drown. rills, Elm , . Land:tam Drernsouto I Geom.... and the Duniard This Doe s composed of the following ilLeatacrs • PAYETTE CAPS. Y. A. COX. TELEOICAPII 11. ISOUIIKII. FILA.NK LIN ......... 2, W. CA Natal, UT ........ .CA hese packet. will leave illiaborgh dally at .1 a. m, and • pp. en, eseept bonday, when the departure will be at a o'el. a. m. The through packet for the OD Reels. will Mare Vlttalmrgh .10117 at S p. at.% Dl...rumble dotty at In. iterChstab—Leaves Brooturrille for Pittsburgh daily at 7 a. to, and .1 p. Lessee Greensboro mid Irene... at 12 o'clock: RICO . , Lauding at t p• tn. The time to von:pored of arel-class sete-srtseel Stem:nen, capes-eats rot Use trade. Thor are mortmanstod or OfaCtrli Of ton g eat... Worst oho will boy pArtitol. attention to the ousts and coo. fon of hoo t the boa. .111 lama promptly at the hour r.d sertlesd FUEDIIITs HEL:EI VED AT A l.l. if DUES. for further particuo.m.ets.:..lre ut Wit . SIer.LLLOS, At tist Wbuf-licat , foot o f Drabt st. ltstmegb. L. COLVIN, agent, Etroonastfiy. to. 1:123=1 A N ORDINANCE for Regulating A the Hat a of Wharfage for the Borough of Ilan eheoter. incittorr I. Be 11 orativited ond n0t4.4 Sy Me Be.. 17:1; 7.. d oti 7 at n af;;, " rjafti a r tlrm f m7 , 7/ 4 ;ffsof d " :4 4 :n . ; boa' v •," the no, Woe each steam. boat taudlog at the wharf, and w not maining over twenty-foot Cm hours, (2 M. sod el" for each acy thereafter Sec. For I sett Barge. Canal Heel, or Flat Boat landing .t the whorl. and uat rematuing ay. , twent7- on (.:4) hew ma.and twenty etc (al co I. fur each addition. day thereafter. ne.c. Fat' each Fiat of Coal or the wharf, notate:ceding tweuty.four ual boom, to cents* 2.) teats for cacti day thereafter. For Stoat. en. Imo or vie Boats loading or untoading at inn wharf nut etre-M.lm twenty -foot boor.. at,ot, uldtdoenta_per day than-after. ISCC. C.b. For each Log Haft. Mead or rloal e thillo/., fifteen (111) resin per the Usitn.l opft. meas., and fifty ire) cents per thousand lot taco succeeding day the...4er. n ' CC. sib. For slob Board gall, le 0 , 7) cont. per theusan. , besot ereaberr, Mel are ft' all per .tilliliandfor each succeeding day thereafter. PLC. Gtb. For Board., Plank- Jobb; and nee at ling. eve (5) cents. per 0w...A, board Me-aellee: entente.. Mares, needles mad (loop Votes. shall he ' Ter `grla=Tro'nd;m4 1.5, the per tan, with the prielllge of remaining on the ober; forty-eight hours, and two 12) ream per ton for oath succeeding day theteafter. sea. eth. For Bari and Carew° ,d, ten tin cents • per cord, faith the privilege of twenty -foor hours. and three (31 cents per cord fur each stmnemileg day thereafter. nth. For Locate Porn and MM. ten {10) cents p r hundred, ilh tee poly deco, of lying twenty-lour boors, and Oct tit cents her hundred fur each succeeding day thereafter. sac. lOth. All Petroleum. Carbon Or Coal Oft landing or placed Oa the wharf, Omit hr charged wharfage at the rare ofOne ft) cent p• r ...reel if permitted to remain on thesaid cw itarf more than torty-eight boom and one (Omit per howl addi tional shall be minted for every twenty-four hours thereafter. Mee. Foouch vessel lying •1 the wharf not for the purpose ding or unioading. shell Po/ the aollowing rates Fur each steamer, cl tG) centavo, ton for month each; kept, barge. coal or flat boat, two dollars and twenty-fire cents (114 M) per month: and It shall he tee duty of the person bating charge.ol any boat or bargv to inform the proper wherfwaster when he desires to occupy a piketifor other purpose than those of loading Or Ito. leading, and to pay the 'proper wharfage In morance for each Mouth, -ad In default Of suet notice or of such payment, be shall pay th • rates charged for similar crafts loading or unloading. Sac. 12th. Each lied, F iat or Fiat Bort shall have the owner's nano painted thereon In some ton spleusinimanner In letters not lets than three bleb . high, under• penalty of dye dollars OM/ for each day the 'Mae may be omitted. siCC. lab. NO ittenc,Cord, Brick, Sand or Linn shall bo thrown on the wharf, but the same atoll be ouloade a from the We or other boats lute cart. or wagons, under a penalty of are dollars (it) for each andevery offence. Sec. 14111. If any Reamer or Tow Boat strati re move any Bane, Keel Boat tar other crafts from the the wharf until all wltarfage the , von shall have beta ial6.pald, the owner of said steamer or tow boat be liable to- pay the-said wharfage and shall also forfeit and pay a line of nye dollars 146). BCC. Ifith. For oven limit, haft or other floating .hales rriving at •ILM Wharf. &AU Isms at such • place; make last In each a manner, and femora from and to such lauding place aa the proper afe shall direct. and the. Onart .or Per sOns navies charge of any boat, ratter - other dor.Usill craft rts. fusing tO Obey YUCIII-dtreeftWlS. 0411 Orl cent On before Om Bervetor Magistrate forfeit and pay • One or not lest GayeMt nor Mete then ten WO/ del laza. and maid boat stunt pay:wharfage at the rate Of twenty t w e nty( cents per tan for etch twentplour boars boat may oeoupy the said Madill ' Bed. 16th. all Doardkrigeks. itdets and Belot. Slog drawn on the wharf shall besneutired by the regular Borough hoard Measurer. and the regular t he chuged on the same. Balkedrawing lumber on the wharf shall not oectipymore than one hundred OM) feet In length nor more than two platforrua In width, under a penalty of ten (41.0)dellara._ . MCC. 17th. .Any frei-ht hauled direct from use boats tenet to be subject to antentarfaste. Ono. lath. AVetal plated ottibe wharf shall be ranged op aud amountOf Weighttml the Own er, Mune Mirka on the pile,. bri meth aren't , existing.ordinanee as may @eaglet - with the IftiOTO le berebFrepeited. • Ordained andenacte4 into • laW In Connell met the ith dayettleptember,:k. 11...,115ee. • MULL. MeOUNE; Burgitel.' - Atteats...tourre..tiateNk Clerk. . seet,lll , MILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, . BILANDIIS, WHIM aND CIGARS. Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and`lrwin Streets, PA. IRON : , NAILS, COTTON , YARNS, &Op : ...;:vcisitustly r on hand. OW. El. ..... ........ roinr Noes, OHN ROSS .--C© - • WM. H. - OCDEN , &CO. gAIitIMVINUEIieeND DigllX l / 3 IW arkar7loll Anal Anidnons, at= glotrews, m7thE7hda,er PA. vUOICE NEW WIAMWILEAT. "cars tor Wu G7-11..E.R0X 4 mt. NEW ADVERTISEEEtEENTI3, Wan) 944 ° e • SODirtnii,7G NEW! , BAniTYBs BROWN & co" Time Reg storing • ' BA.AbAtkrElttz*. 114111131111*S FITTERS • Inik"/ 11;5 ' - No. Fed, rat St., AllegbeDY• 351 • 494 ".*4 1 M 4 P:r#D ©Pr • Thla I zustinelane very eeskorany need by kanzete rgerre " %atZ i l= -eau be bedepende4 awn fortnelcutting the china LipTEEP AND GENIIS wiwirciErints, • ' ALL BTYLEB; AT GREATLY REDUCED. rums% AT iT. +il ~J 7T-r1~ 1111 LEE, CLOSE & CO., Practical Furniture Manufacturers, COR. PENN AND WAYNE STREETS, Llattet Styl. of FUIIINITUItE walnut!) on hand. 5 JOST ARRIVED FROM TOE EAST. BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES ROBB, No, 89 Market Strert, Pittsburgh, Pa, This old establitthed hone, has now in store thirty live thousand dollars worth of Boots and Shoes, and styles the latest., the quallty the best, willeh weans iotenulued to sell at VERY LOW PRICES. We have resolved not to be nudorsold by any in filo bus iness that keeps goods worth haring. Call and examine our stock of goods, and we feel aatialled that you will purOltase what rat want to the Boot and oboe Line. Ito not forget the place, 80 Markeil i t i re i go uvon. TO THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS MI ALLEGHENI COUNTY! Vorattant to a call of the SULDIAUS AND SAIL URN' NATIONAL UNION. toned Animal :10th, MO. deleev lons of nor late eluoratlee In nom from all the State, to the Un on will assemble In MASS CONVENTION, MEM CITY OF PITTSBURGH Tuesday, the 25th day of September, To t SC• ouch oettan a• obeli conduce to lto mot; ttou or tho hoot Or the ttopultltc. JAMES S. BEGLEY'. lltte Slat. the. U. B. V. A. L. PEASGSON, late Bet. H.l. tiers. U. S. V. CU tI . LEd BtIItSIP3.II.• Bet. Mal lien. U.S. V J. B. COPISLAN D. late Lieut. Col. Sob Il BASIL. KILGOIZE, Bet, Mu, MID P. V I'. H. BAS - 311% late Cal. laoth P. V. DROVER & BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES aye been retarded the FIRST PRE.ILIII)18 at to Mowing- Petra fur the year MI. viral Uramlum for tiara; RadaLna Ivor a at Fen t. Fair. MRPIME=ME /MEi;E=El=l;=l . - . Vint Nemlnm for bs-sl Ilanuradartagfiachth 01410 Mate Fair. . . First Pict:alum for beti lisatilaotarlag Itactilac at Michigan Stele Fair. First Premium far beAt Idsaufsetarlag Machine at tiriscam.iiii Slat., F.I. Law First P e remium for beat Manufacturing Medusa at renc County Parr. Ps. First Premium for best Lachine for general pur poPstt P r em i um er a e CbouanP W w a n r ) C n a e . hine at tends County Isle. Ca. First Premium for brat !lanfliteturtng Machine at Bucks county Pale, PA Ftrat Premium for best Manufacturing and Fami ly liastd n• at al p elogneld Weir, rsid, First Prembatn for beet Nannfaciarrlng and Parnl ly Machine at Palmfn Felt, N. lint Premien, for t.nt Elannlacturlog and rand ly instalsnt at anstfolk County Fate, . Istrat rreatum for best Stanufacturing and Fatal ly Nachtne at nebuyler County nor. P. b' Cleat Ctelulann for best !Lachine for all purposea at Allegheny Crmnty,r Ca. Viral. emu - dant for best atanufacturing Slachbe at Allegheny County Isle, Pa. Pleat Premium tor beet afxhlno work at Allegheny County Parr. Pa. A. F. CHATONEY, I= 1!:I=1!!!MIIIMM;Ml!=1 :4g zi h e 4 11;1 :21 '!; 5T ° -7, 4 - :51 27 6 • = AggiA sl fg4. g !az • 4 t. 114204 4 S z: w g& 72 i mix ti 3 g ;g7xielz Igid • !4.4esr , -' . r.: 41 1!! "8 41A. ?Is I , Pe GREAT BARGAINS BOOTS & SHOES TO-DAL - 3r, .A.R. , J. is -ROBINSON & CO.'S, 61 MARKET STREET auD STEPHEN J. OTT, Die Sinker, Seat and Riedel Engraver. mak raw AND Sillll.ll= CUfIIR . SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Canceling Stamps and Waning Cardo,. ilsoaLtaXrd /OW ataidand CLUTRINO. 93 Wood St., Cor.Dlastiond Alley, WOO 2 DAVIS, /I . lpOL ATOM, ) EME3 • • SEWICILLEY FOR GALE.—A valuable Pr 00411 4. 04 if acred.vivli iiduroved - and Lo:plcaaant location abundanae of trait it trees, altade,treva and obrubbiry. boon to .o • good brick. Ofirlde hall. ten rooms and ceinantcd, =lbw, filters ol sea water, nevor Sall tragie'!/"s 4 ini g aO=iate l i . ciut oo emir intre a ducid into rAry room In the brunet peotatark-ouWalldingat alx to eight In/WO vralk front 11111 eta/lent tironly to thirty tradeapat se4 B, CLTTIIIIBUT.4II,BONB,./1 Idarket t3t. LEATUEB.:BEY TING.; CHESSMAN St -. CEAMMi No. 'ls ow° n eulha Pted tentlasy l tato49Atchelr_actre=6:6=Zetetlit 4it L.a.guis DICLTUtIi. JIRIIII3 ...wok to' Omer sad rirpture4 short not l te. rattiolthu . tuition Wl* Vella for.ll4:4llnm Y " .1 11 l . re sad Ve 41114 hero. r.dir, BEAM, "‘ s9lll. 1:? tons Bondi' Witt proioitlriiideblirthOnsbistsera. CASIrSTEEL4 all 11Izeilk an Pieces Large BeretitgandsnnieP.- - JOSE % W.OOIIWELL 4e, to., Corner Wood and Saeoud AtiesuarftrAuturAmos. aciLsove"--, • PARTNERSHIP NOTICE: T lONE 11T01. Aar ASSOCIAMO Witb mall. ILASZIOUOILASS In the Wbottoont. rinusluttt. ti ttittit,Anxtrurp le ogle DIVA Ann to to .15110. sustit. .0; cuswattr,a. •• GIONaa -532, 41 .-0 ; 4, !!••••• . ... ,6a ii,r9k194"1-' GEORGIE IiELW Ex vrliomeampimmouisTs. strent k rualts o 4 4 . witter eats, SO Ottouges. erfutimlT , Medicines, ninth Die OMEN Window elaw. rutin as. i AND 012 Penn Street,'Plitsbnrgh. WATER ANP GAS IFIXTWIRS constantly on Malice flitedapwith Gius. Water or Steam Pipes " tnitl a n o egrifitted up at short notice and in the mo sllrroTl l 'ais t le! . .to„ Hued with neat by new provma .! rlth. IlyOgo,ittrooaphorie Blon atltrltritll2ls3 o lo.Z d itOVVNl3lPß Y A.; ' s c00K21.-.FLTTuO.III OF ALL KINDS. HYDRANT Hwy. and la tact all material kept by s at-class estabilibmient. We woald invite the attention of all who have any work lode gi ve ne of of as wo feel coon dent we ca the beat of utisfaction aa regards I material, workmanship Ann price. .15,1,f3 ica NOTICE. Private Families and Hotels Can be tarnished with beet quality of HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES At ebortest notico and boat terms, by calling on JOHN MAFFET, • Nos, 227 and 229 First Street, P IT TSB cttGA PA. roirCtisttO WELDON .& KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Chandeliers and Brackets, Lei Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c., I= 161 Wood Street, near Sixth. GAS IND STEM PITTING, Hydrants, Iron Pumps, hLI EET LEAD, SLIEET ZINO, LEAD PIPFA. tiEVAT, /3 A.l .1 .V.S WATER CLOSETS AND WASH STANDS TOM T. EWENS, (Succe.toor to Ewer. d C 0.,) 165 Wood St" Pittsburgh, Pa • il:a4s DDY, WILMS & DETLEI 3PL.I7Thef.333ILVILt3. GAS AND rSTEAM. FITTERS, Tor. Sixth and Smithfield MS., PITTSBURGH, PA., Cur. heaver and Chestnut Streets. Ac.t.varizzata R. " All kind, of lVAtor, Gas sad Steam Fistula s coa ti aotty es hand. Job:c.l2 DK, WILLIAMS & BIRTLEI [Coop on nand a superlor ankle of W 4:142) II I" 3113'!,14, All Itlada of Iron rumps Elidrants, Sheet Lead rarest Zlnc. Lead Pipe, Batts Tubs, et CI 1.1.• nab Basins. Wash Stands, he., at tool Warertsrot, Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets All►lLda of Nwpalriny auto Ram UT- JeUx.r. 41. 11x1eLeITY 11. .10/1 NaTV HERLELIT & JOILNSON, EILAEIi.CMIC3I2I.7. , Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters OFTII BTILEET EX X.'ittosilcalir&la, I' ci. All orders by matt executed Ardl.fartorlly Al promptly attended to A full llns of Bath Tube, rump, Ilaslns, Wel ClosstA, tllrtko, tlimodoliers, I etoloutr. an, Us Übe;les, for sale at themost toesonAble Orders from country itAtrorts by mall promptly al tended to. Gum Hose °revery desertPllos. PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY 106. ISPZICCIIIS .1,9. wear bPENCEIII &IckAY, MUSTERS BD BREWERS 09 Ale,. Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. IinIIEJIT WATSON, Ilhauttatir. lel9alC3 SOlrenloo /Ate snore. JOHNSTON & EICOTT, MARREN IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. 1174 murry STREET. Pit tsburgh, N . 0311.1.11. Nir Particular attention gltea to Repairing Wat.noes, Cloaks and Jowl:Ny. Alwork warrant ed tes3cas - MALNIIOOD:—HOW Lost! HOWl_ll4_ IREFIWEELL--.last lPubitelted, in seat envelope. Price, eta cents. A Lecture on the Na tural Treatment, and .11adical Coro of opermator three, ordeminal Weakness, Involuntary Es' olsalon• Sexual Mebillty, tad Impedimenta to Marriage Leo erMly,._. Narrows se, Consumption, Epilepsy, sod Pits: dental art Physical lacapacity, resulting Mee, Ate., by EQPT. J, CW,Vram M:1). anther of the 011 ea 000 E. Ac. 'Je rt lloon to Thousands of liintrercrs.' , Bent natter seaL to a plain easelope, to any ad dress, post paid, on receipt 01 as coats, or two Potmte by._CISARe. J. C. ELLA it a CO., i 32 Bowery, Now York, Post ()Mee Box 4,5116. Also, Or. Colverwell's "Ila.rlase aide," price 26 cents. • .I . )DIVATE DISEASES. DR. YOUNO, (late or Philadelphia, No. street. treats all description, of Pri vate I heaves with unparalleled mceem. Particular attention paid to Spot matorrhorna and diseases of the urinary Organs. his treatment for the ssime.being the tn.tenceessrvil ever employed, No /01,8.1U:flies of epeedy cure to the &Meted. Ladies will Ondhlsternmenaguane suporitir to any other preparation for removing obstructions to the healthy menstrual good. No I, One Dollar par bottle. No. t, which Is four drgrees stron-er, and designed for obstinate °UPI, Five Dollar. per bottle. thriee bourse A. N. to 6 P. 111.. 0 0. R. .0 t 3 P. IL Addrem, with stamp, Du. ICOUNO, No."*. Thirdetreet,. ,e4.414:dvy1, IN THE MATTER OF THE. Ctitatatt Or UIW).K Oh MUII 8111.1tET, in the City of rttLabargh. All persons Mterested are hereby nettled that the armaments for payment of damages calmed by the change °tirade of Hit h meet, to the City of rltt. tugh, have been plated 10 my Lauda for cello Coo, and unless the game chill have been paid on or be fore the 1518 Dale Up dErrEattlEB, l Ina ft will be my, duty to Ale tha some et 1101. agatott the property miscued, and proceed to reflect them In secordmlcevrith rrrreameun. J. F..ILAGLE. (My lolleitor, Nall/OF:10 at., Pitts urab, F 121111 M S 8. BBIAN, Broker in Stocks, - • BUNDS AHD REAL ESTATE, 67 FULIUTII STILEET,' (Burka'. Bu)ld)na,) buy. and ■ells on COnnulsaton DANK, RAILROAD, INhUIL& CE, LICTILOLEUM emmis, uio UOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL, ILALLIIOd4) AAt, 4.q#811.1.10.N DB Orden executet by telegraph at. the NEW YOKE leitllEY,lo3l.4l.Wrocruumairmatthe.ritee Otkommllsfon cuireiat In those cities EoAH; . , ' --- -"For. Pickling: ....,... • .., . .....•.,..-.- ...„•• ~ •,.. ' •ISOLIMANni lIIPENIAL TRIPLE WINE VIN- E.flatt. otonequalod atrength sod Oryor. foryttoE. Liontrolld tabloiure. ~ ..Ero blare Older and Molt Vino tor,,"-firy,-Oalo by riDemboutity: or, [talon, &Lib!) -Tautly urOborry ritOrs Or-JENNE. RENbliAw. ' • ~A n obs ~. , ---- , came Liberty and Used strootai' •Mr OF ALLVOKENY. 1 . ": ....t.Taz:onnurehturncs. Auguand. , EALED PROPOSALS will belre --Sceir at thls Eddie fbilltuFo.o4p.c.T . W , E , NTY. SIX- 141 CEN T . ' IIE9 VtAct 4 s7 r e d i•prorosias fo 161 and I r 1"8-1° 1 " Tivnlyier of _the Cammittet, on .111nanne. KIWYJCIIIDUN; • - -ClAy•Trurnirer. tosswarawns.- - . mok.uruot.t '4iitatir liTlCat4llfte. . . *ellWlEMUfor3=S" t , - AVM Ancikeiliiic' ' soli 3SO Llban7 street. OIL WORKS, COIIIPANIESItc ittrlictx...C. A. AErtzw...w. E. umrransAD. SOHO OIL W2R S.. BUFFUHEREWBGCO MAISri.TACTIMICIVi CELEBRATED SPERM LOBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. ipenn, Lard and OW LlOll4, Miff OIL I.II}EIBLULIS I AI.O. Standatd•White ; Pluming Oil, No. 33 Blaritet Streit, - PITTSBURGH, PA. SEHD'VOIV. A OCELOT/An. eT:cAI LUBRICATING OILS. TWIN CITY OIL CORM, Office, 204 Penn Street, F. A. SMITH, Secretary =I Elond Lighltoll. 801 l for Machinery, A, to 011 No. 1, '0 011 for Cori.. do. doD 011 for Corr. Jr2.3:100 WOOLDRIDGE OM. DEEMING •c; . OF PITTSBURGH. PEHPIA JOHN WATT_President. HENRY hi. LON°, Bee'Y and WORt%.B I 1 TEMPERANCEVILLE Wilco, No. -2 Duquesne Way, oar ciuspeation :14.ti UIIACTI.LUMS Ulf PURE Natal. trilt.lN AIN GI Oil.. Bra ._l'j —"Lucifer." WARING & KING, COIIIIISSION REaCIINNTS 3gOIiEGS Petroleum and its Products 4 D IJQ UES,,VE IVA r, AUDILY- 4, WARING, KING CO., m717:>45 127 %Value% St.. Phil.. SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. We are .uairuetlag. and wl.l keep on can , [rectorstyle of JEING-xxtriares AVII AIM A COlllOl OR TUBULAR BOILEIt. WL invite perstees needing engines for Lids pad to call and too thorn, comet of and tr Itl IiSTILKET*. none Vity Water Work.. CO. N/4. I/ Ltl/11,4/141 EAGLE OIL ItVW:MS, MazacsrseastLo o-cri3l.3. VSNCHTIVIAN & ANDERSON, tietiners and De . alect4 in PETR,OLEUM. °VFW& 51.1F.14 CON DWTVItI - , COEN E It HANCOCK / ST. ANL D ESN E WAY'. my 16,1,34 ALCI., U. T.A.C.X... 1 .1,11.43. L TACK .1120. O. & CO., • (."0" , 41t; lON nisatcuAs-rs, as U BILUILYIIM 1-• PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS 7 flascoek St.. Plttaburgtt. rITILAD6I.I . I3IA I)rrtcE. 127 Walnut street. V AIIDEIN & lIATCYIELDER, ItItOKNLIS IN CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM WIIALK uIL. 11.0.3114, TURPRNTINE. IioRTLI CAROLINA TAR, &c., Corn.' of Way £ tloneock St Pittaburgh,P... Represent WIL b. Wand) kitti, lit Walnut street, Philadelphia. WY. t:OLNY.IS JAAIESIRRZVb.IUy MAN OF AC/TILE/IS Of OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. caracc.,3.43 111Cits-1x..0t Jo/3,109 uSksici. N.ITIONIL TRIIST COMPANY, 4.. W Penn Street, FIFTH WARD.PITTSIBURCH. litposl%. rtnelsod and Interest allov , en on de- Natu. Colicctionstronda on all the principal points of the United !Antra. =I GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Bought ex.xxcl bold. DR SIOCEBOLDES INDIVIDUALLY ; RESPONSIBLE. ROBE= DlORSON,Presideni. JOIIN liALBTuri, VI., President. 11013E11T J. WilEll., Cashier. DIRS.CTOrtS: ROBERT DICKSON, CHARLES MT Enid. JOHN H ILALbTON, JOSEPH LANG WILLIAU SMITH, WILLIAM URI FELL CFIAd. H. ARMSTItOIS WM, C/L4WPOKU,Ju. JAMB :.ITTELL, PAUL diKIDatT, DK. J. AUL, JAMS PAYLUIL Jy6.11- BANKLNG ROUSE. N. HOLMES & hONS, 3E3/AI I I.OrtEA, No. 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. grlNgt:g`g,ll4.4 and potato of United States and yenadu. STOCKS *BOND S AND OTHER SEOURITIES Bought and Sold On Commission. Partleulur attention paid to the purchase and sale of UNITED STATES SECURITIES: INCLUIDNU United States Sizes of ISM; 110. do .S-20s; Do. Fives of 10-40 s; Do. tievou-Thirtles ; Do. Certificates of Indebtedness. Orders and Vouchers boughtor collected. JalS:ly STF A MgHLPS.- RALLTIMOItE & HAVANA STEAM MarANY.• A LUX. =OWN & ISONSi Goncrett Agent. FUR NEW ORLEANS IMILECT, CAWITINEI TILE UNITYID eiTATIQ; The klrst-C1.244 Sttanarllpa of tilts /Ino will .11a. fullowe: ••U ..11A" .1 10) tons, T. A. Than. Command, on on EaTU RDA 04pLember I,sth. for .Liew Or- Icolts. via Kev Weet. •1.11)101T V.-1,2,10 tons. 15%11,.B.01.11us,Coromaniler, From llauW N'S MISR?, FELL'S MONT, Al 4 ..e..l‘ r• AL, precisely: on the dare announced. For freight or Imagine, hosing. tutahrimmeut ConUnotlattone, apply to 11E1t/tY Ai AItFIELD a CO.. 'Monte: 8 Er waAra. N.B.—No Mlle of Lading bu l t tho sk seof rog the Comps. ny will be signed. Perreltsfur the' freight Mutt IA procure* tram tale °Me. No freight received ner Wile of ladles aligned on der of ILO lug. spogy . TEARIFTO AND }MOM R root. AN D KUEENSTOWII (I.ktuaND) twice a. wetk. The IhtiliLitlellstlC, aailMß Tickets said to anti [iota Inland: XnE l llsli, Hol 1 1 . 4ty l latVanVAr • - Agent, 440=1. Adams /zprei, JEIC., P ARC 0 1., • - ~ ..., 0- I ,, ,rialciiiii .-4sk vo.,' man „,..„,,, , U. C. a wills. Leman Ana ~. 4 kEtte!ri O t." 11 EL, -A, ri3Criai l i. ; !: V l7 : 436,l "EM- za=si it . be.n7 ButwbeiryAntqemoor B =Ali d . " M il % -B"Mui r n"" lta ' t banal cit kn. r,06" 'r; der ImAkitlVlZe-at Pew W3ITY4I - ---..-- - i't. Yei,'♦alb 11p4142111a4""444. i C 14!-.M:ilettrtta !..*° Usk a r-r-, r. 7 • iiitd as oheap as any otherhUOie !o the country, ZAbill IMO& & um. Jyff>4l33 151141,11 Wbut. Baltlmni• tiPAITITERS I NOISES IN TElEfitip, A `' A Discharges from the Ear, CATAItRU, RHEIJNATISM, ASTHMA, SCROFULA, Bronchial Affections, Throat Difficulties, Diseased Eyes, • Loss of Hair, Dyspepsia, Eniargethent of the Liver, Els eases of the IKlllneys, Constipation, Gravel, Piles, Insanity * . Fits, Para. lysts, Rush of Blood tothellead, Lebillty in Every Form. CONSUMPTION, With rat nnd erery Besse which Infests the hums , body; cured etrecturrtly by MRS. M. C. BROWN'S ETAPHYSICAL DISCOVERY, Price. S4,PO: Offices-110 Arch St., Philadelphia, 51 Bond Street, New York. No boring with No blowing In the ears. No mining up the nostrils or Introducing win.. No pouring down the throat. The METAPHYSICAL DiScOVEllYwill reach very spot that drugs and instruments will reach, nd thousands of places besides. Tenth mighty and must prevail; error itt Preg ated. with oesth—conseguently must sooner or ster sine Into oblivion. ARE rouPREJUDICED? (tento see as nee of the Prelndlce existing agaldin pamedicines, tt is tuy earnest desire thst my Metaphysical Discovery should not be received or classed with patent medicines of the set. Yon ash . I z a i n s . v7 p r i te t e i v i u . se , Lt sdt tendencies a nd Isom all o th er emedies and preparations which have ever game before IL And further, because the Metaphysical Dmcovery lis le the result of Inherited poorer to trace effects to kllest cause:therefore let it i/Ounticratood that the Metaphysical Discov ry is not only the result of inherited power s but nisothe re.ult ofd life of rare philosophical re search. and that too. In an unbeaten teeth. Eyes, and They See Not. awoke, iya slumbering world and behotd your selves and your children In the prison house of di. tare, from th e cradle to the prase. betake ronf selves to thougnt--thtnit live. The world writhes In pain and passes into Untimely graves. Mark learn, that your friends OM through expert. 1[10121421g on. Every effect driven Is • death bloWed the physical system. / have never met an individ ual who was treated for anything bet effect. There o re man, agonizing hearts, sorrowful human and grassy graves tit-nulls the Use of Irtstrmilents which torture. nod meolelnes which destroy the system. The Discovery-consists of three distinct prepara tions, which pass into the system by absorption through the Eyes, Ears and tlealp. It is pack ad d a neat. wooden cage, receipt ill the adoreto anyss Lo the world, on of the aeore price, OERI'ItIBATES OF Can I, S. C. Chime, of eambridgeport, Moos., do cer tify that I hare been troubled with shad catarrh for Awards of thirty years. I obtained Mrs. M. D. Brown's Metaphysical Discovery, and in ten min or.. after using it found relief. I have used the rnedi. Inc and believe is went to the root of my disease. 1 feel as If catarrh was eradicated from my system, the foul effects 01 th e sad disease having ceased. My wife also has been suffering from a complication of diseases. tin using the Dis covery, clotted blood and matter rushed from her head, and she found immediate relief, and has been training health ever since. tali rtilrecommend Ohs Metaphysical Discovery o lwhotiffer. O rum OF CA TARRII, ASTHMA, tle. Boston,`r residing linen. at Allen street, Mass.. says: been troubled for years with asthma, catarrh, and sore throat. 1 sot fered from continual pain and dlrelness to myhead, eo:dfeet, An.; for eigut yeare could not attend to my household duties. and had despaired Of ever be. tug cured. rrovidentially learning of Mrs. N. 0. llrow ale Memptiptlcal MiSGOVery. / obtained tt. The retult Is, 1 stn eat.rely cared, and determined to keep s box of It always lo rot house." !=22;E}3 MRS. GEORGE M VACGII: PE MA R C L ERTIFICATE OF ALDEN This is to certify that I bare suffered for ten years from dyspepsia, catarrh, and a complication of dl.eaes. or the past year 1 have been restless, and could not sleet, at night. eXtmuated had 1 become, that 1 was unable to do my household duties I became so cold. that It seemed Impomi ble to keep warm. For sometime my Oyes were very }loch diseased, and my hearing dull Alyea!' and (teeds considered rue In Consumption. In this ate 1 'rent to Mrs. 11. U. Brown and obtained the memolivaleal Discovery. I have used one box faithfully, and no laugnage can tell the benefit re ceived tram It. My eyes have become clear and dtroug. Ely dyspepsia Is entirely gone. 1 can now o my own work, and feel altogether • new being. My triends nay lam gsluing flesh. 1 know as I was could not have lived. I reel grateful to God for the benefit I have received. I recommendeMrs. M. U. Brown and her mode of treatmentto all who suf fer 341113 re done. =I Cal T.t./1/111 CCIRED.—NR. JEROME A. O'CON NOR. °FOLD CAMBRIROR, OARS. This le to certify that I hare been troubled with a bad catarrh for the last eve years. This winter, It' heeeake unusually troublesome. I eras obliged to, rise at night, owing to the mace., which wOuld bale generated me. I obtained Mrs. ht. tf. Brown's 3letaphyalcal Discovery some weeks back, used Inatbnilly, and my catarrh began to give way at once. 1 now consider myself a cured yeah/ man. being entirely delivered from tho terrible dlsesse of catarrh. My slater has also been.,diseesed in her. head and eyes from childhood, so muetiao that the family thought she could not live. ht theta , " of the Dlsoovery the has received 111113111 Lahti:M.lth MY self. We cord:lady recommend the Metaphyaleal Discovery. = MESS E. LO(14.11 , •1 CaRTIFICATE. a se gemrena Lmogf a u n r . s d x h y e a by :woudcough aundrbiad for three hours at a time; often /could not be down at mishit going up stairs, any work would enbanst me. 1 hare been units inetlialne and doctoring all Wally, but was .tut getting worse. l'roy,blen a M. 4 proonred Mts. El. Browais mem phyiesi Discovery. I hill need It one week.- and my tough is nearly gone. / hare got rid. of the tightness lit my throat. I can now Lane a long breath, whin I could bat do before. I can go up and down stairs without teeing any_fatlgue. - f feel disease Is fan leaving my system. street, Boston, Mass. REM4.Ii.K4BLE CURE. A cuAe of the worst • type of Chronic Sore •Ela Teocrazi- Afid fim y aph ea ys s icat nd r staing cured Ote gay • I, Mlles B. Jeffries, do certify that I Pave been , suffering for twenty-eve Yens" With- disemed 0705. taken from measles when &child, _-lisFot deScribe the nature of all my su ff ering, but state tam my eyes ran corruption and water nil ha timer 117 eimeks also broke out dons to my Chin. and the matter from both eyes and Dee kept censtlMMY dropping on my dress. all thedoetollrlltd to failed to render me relief, wadi -de of find ing It until learning of th e wonder al cores Made by Alm. M. D. Brown, whenhopeenreembesr tweed. 1 went to IMO her, and brought home Wtth the Metaphysical Discovery. tuned ltadaordipionl* ructions, and now most Solemnly andihallh Y de. clare, that tbroogh the blesslagof Dod - All the Use , of Aire. AI. U. Brown's medicines I ani-1 . Mired WO man. ,ELAZLsilarti/ES: • nolmesburg, Pa. FI PIE YEW CASES Vti DNAFNE ES IY AND AROUND PIIII4DELI'IIII. Noises in the 'Head, thinningrif , the/tars 'Miff Neck and Hors Throat loured bT Ars. 'drown, du Mon street, ilettphrelrilinlysylani Profeador on the Eye. Eau, Timid • _ The following. poisons barn dieen7,CUreel of tne, chore discodes: ilirough the **of my eletaphyet. cal iliscoverYc , ' Miss hobos= Watson‘ Panostroili•cnuaraoro. cured of deafness and nub. in tbo Dead,. can now. hoar the children called ,orth*- 1 4 13,61 4 . -W , " 1 4 house. Elutrecilltr. 331.9 North Frontiideete lad of about layers, was yerT deaf; , can now heir. the notes oto tluotly on the piano. Could nOthelir a somed bolo.. iiis whole system u: bonolltted: bo was an Invalid. Voter Kelly. NiZI Borth SecOnd atroot, deaf lu one car, and partially so in Abe Other,Lall regained the hellion of both well. 'welled Humphreys, of town Ship, had welled and sill/neck for olgbt years; could '• nOt • turn his head without turning round his whole bud,: bed also a /also lump, sire of a r•ball. and North un der his chin, /or euevolie /loth bare disaPPeared Wiwi& the use of myldotaphyllbatillaeovery.. A son of Captain David tram. lril Delaware.' has boon cored of des:nest and running oP the ems, Or IS years ethadlng....lspent . large sums °noon. on dlifereut remedies: could lanai uo Deno nu procured my Metaphysical .IdipooserT, witdok • OBRTIFIVITR pßoxf TOR RSV. P. R. ERNBOB:, PAS TOE OF THE BROAD BTRES 2' RAP- ay.vr CR LIBOR, PIIIBADRGPNA.: From Intones received In my 4glit eye when a, - boy, n chrome inemommion luta been produced, In consequence on, hien 1 mitered martyrdom. Leery moment or my - waking life saw embittered,' and ass frequently tumble to - sloop at ni g ht. 'arta, ty of remedies hsa bees resorted towlthontsaccees; eed therm:Mote. As 'MeV resort:: or rge.4 3 l i he ball token oat or.the - socket,la the hew orthns id nd di re "n,dlin g retleeeefo.s t I dn et, hlgehitnreeslaiimhoe,t , mos ln t u pray , bot n eo a rO os t iru` o os d EFWAM w had'fi w v. 4 A meb d 4 wtitthW h o M re,an a detennined M try It, ifts.- In ser days the painful Ltritatlen„wita 're res moved:, kee liv led best the strongest light," and arentlara at It-were to the enjoyment of s new.llfe. 1 now keep& bottle : always in the Moue, And U eyourms at MI 4190sed mammy me. glee It s dese, and therele an -elid to it. - 1 Irould.not. - to 'wlthent It ihr any amMint ormoney., 1 have OCCSSIOI2 to say further, that coy wilt used to mirror aeverele, st.tltoesrit tooMactediraln Andover her :oyea.-1111d , she .Imir Jontid,l'oor itlcluird , sZle i Water senrexelltlery NagfilLrit."aigg=leutgrafrittralicatiii . ymettored,;'l cannot_ beVeommend the Droncrivilou most cordially, to those who:bora offered, Wm, ply., Ortheßroild liapoit cionci; •:-Resideace,l43o.Polgaratrget, Ft1114461/41114 Tl 4 Celebrated Poor Ilicharals Eye , Water, per Dente: -• ,* . - - - „teColii7.4lW, .1, bp. p proresdoull 'iudart..,...:44C&.5110411.' -tts'ept tier beithiiiirl3l.l4ll,lll CrIM.I. I kCIES ARE -GOOD. Inn , lOU'S MN OEM ARE BITTER, Bobl4k's Stomach Bitters, after yestf of oxilerienee rS tel .1; ban proven to be the bes remedy extant • for all outplaints where a tonic an stimulant arareautrer. They never fail tog en the: eak. twoutwiror to the R trong, and to reStteets restore eltaitored and 'broken down eon titutioas. No remedy has been received with Co mgell favor SIJ StIBACILIS algal/MU nu- TEES. R.onacirs :14)0D PILLS cn:riEtAm - SICK 'FiE A DACHE, Costiveness, {lll Difitatiell of - the Bowels ROBACK'S Blocid Pillt, Blood Pills, AND BLOOD MUM ARE UNEQUALLED 808 ourami Sc Ma, Syphilis, Skin Disease, Old !Sores,'SaiGßheum, Dpspepsia, or Didigesilon, Sick Headache, Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, 11;1 fit, Anthony's FENIM 0010LEffS. GREENBACKS ARE GOOD, MT . It Is admitted by onr moat learned bbysictans that DR. RORAVIDS BITTERS combine the propertiaa of a Retitle lit=“1•0.; _an ancient anti-billion. agent andthe beet stAulleille known, world. ROCK'S Convalescent, t o slims follow a It. est aza South, theta - has: Ilar a loatc been mtA availed. an article of Stottath klltitra.'artatt. , ;roy timuultleir awl at speproptrllste;'art a =se pro- TttLlttlyt Biplane Fever, 'Fever and Ague, Liver Complaint , 1);'111/4i18111$ udigexilaa 4- -nau - anca; ney Cotnplulat4, and an Diseasesof -a *rd.. •-iar na t ure, and t : t e MEIN -3; • • • .•• - • Ase:breltettttire'for blllene - deaangeraent, rota-kit ing the itretta.'eed ghrthe tone to tno ti4Gentro or- Lana. than - nay othortnowuremotlY. -- Now that'll:Levet La se over A • there be' thousands aling homes th- cba Sou .ocraon who ons oni h on to-Ulan .d e mi es - and Annetta engesol#red ...‘nomn and Tralecro to and. olt.realdnati -of Qt. not river bitttomoortho went and onuthi - a - nd vanny.of tho 311Andnolonl and ItstAhlattinn,ationldprooldo thim ,seletaielaatus: ••,'„,, , ,4 • • - BITTER EL 'fRECII'-.4ALTOVe CO 1-:::,•.• ,:..'r:.:"i:i'',::!:;,:..j';,7-,.•;.'- ....i . . , ::.7;,;i,.,:1ttti - :l6' , Di't`' , t''' l it4ikl:' -' ' sjnr ,, E = ."4”IOIPRIEWORS yy 3 1To Vtlidiza alllettere"99sdaseitE: REM 58 , 60, 1 , and v- HingororalyiTT