Luc Nittsburgit iturftte PUBLMW=I PEJNINIAN, ; F. S. PENNIMAN. / B ag ti T. P. lIOUNTON. s 1 JOSIAII KING. I Bash SEASON P. REED- SATURDAY, SEPTE.; Urfa BRPUBLICIN irestw. VIA:01 MAJ. GEN. JOHN_ OF OIIAIBEataLSD COUVILIG,SS. TIFINTIAIII27OID DIM HON. J. K. INOOIIHR TWIN TT•VIIIRD Dl3 UON. THOMAS WILLI enzsxrr: SAIMITEL B. CLULET, 0 CUBE 07 Cotrar, 101121 G. BELOWS, HEM' CLIME or owI:WM C ALEXANDY.6 ELEA HT SE /iEL iscuaria: JOSEPH IL GRAN. En COIDIELBBIOI I7 X. GEORGE ILLIULTON, C =MOTO. 07 POOll JOHN L DRAW°, Dthflin JOHN P. GLASS, City. GEORGE WILSON, ED GEORGE Y. REHEE, No SAMUEL CHADWICK. HILMAR PETER. Boss R. A. COLVILLE, City. A CliAliGE. Awhile ago a was fashionable foi journals as the New Yoit Times to of the Radicals with supercilious cot. tempt as a handful] of fanatics, barren of ietelli gence and destitute of influence, who were literally to be crushed into proper insignifi cance by a majestic uprising of the many in approbation of the President and his Policy. Latterly a new light has flooded the minds of these journalists. They have made the discovery that tho Radicals are neither few in number nor despicable in re sources. The Times confec...s that they are "alarmingly effective; and charges that "they have aroused public passion to en intense and perilous height." It depicts the rapid increase of their ranks by the acces sion thereto of "thousands and hundreds of thousands of candid and well-meaning men throughout the land," insomuch that "there is imminent risk a renewed and still more terrible civil war." Some of these statements are so wild they show how strong an impression the present attitude of the loyal multitudes has made on the fears of our contemporary-and the unscru pulous faction of which it is the accredited exponent. They thought they would have it all their own way; that all they had todo was to magnify the Presidential preroga tives, to sneer at and conteumthe authority of tin- People, as exercised through their representatives in Congress; to point at the use of military power in restoring unre pentant and rea-handed rebels to seats of authority is the government; and the loyal men, who sustained the nation through all the storm and tempest of the war, would I slavishly quail and consent hi any ease lions that might be laid on them. The President and Secretary of State, in the speeches made by them in their Progress to Chicago, have so far presumed upon the power with which they are clothed, and upon the docility of the People, as to avow, in terms nut to be misinterpreted, Vhat they really intend. These speeches -',reveal the true and full significance of the New Orleans massacre, and excite just ap 4e'st prehension that like bloody and detesta ble tragedies are in preparation all over the Southern States. The People see; they bear; they reflect; they decide; and they are prepared to act. In the darkest days of the rebellion they were not sadder than they are now, nor more fully resolved, whatever may betide, that treason shall be made odious, and that traitors shall be pun ished. A WORII IVTIM Ma. CLY NEB You made a speech at Uniontown on the 28th of last month, which we find reported in the Democratic organ of . Fayette coun ty. This report we conclude to be a fair one. In this speech, as reported, you made an admission you would not have made two = Ihe war WAS waged for three pur poses: First, To preserve the Union in tact; second, to sustain the Constitution; and, third, to enforce the laws." This is the plain, unvarnished truth. In view of it, we want you to explain why you_steadily refused, in your place in the Senate, to vote men and money for the proUentlon of the war. No dodging, sir. Was it because you was on the side of the rebels, and hence opposed to the preserva tion of the Union, the snstainment of the Constitution, and the enforcement of the laws? When you have finished on that inter rogatory, we beg your attention to another matter. The Constitution define?' the na ture of treason, and the laws prescribe its punishment. The President spoke truly when he said, "treason is the highest crime known to the laws, and ought to be punished as such." The Radicals stand to-day for the preservation of the Consti tution and the enforcement of the laws, and in this very case. Why don't 'you stand with them? Are you opposed to the enforcement of the laws? or do you want to make an exception in favor of the rebels because they are your political friends? We await your response, Mr. Ctirstxn. NEW YORK • REPUBLICA - II CONVI.:?i, TION This body met at Syracuse on Wednes day, and rumnimously and-enthusiastically. re-nominated RELlinti E. FWNTON for Gov , crnor. He Is a man of groat stability and integrity, and eminently fit to be trusted in such a crisis as that through which the country is now passing. The speeches delivered during the Ma slow!, of the Convention were decidedly clear and strong on all the current issues. From their temper it is manifest the Presi dent, by his coarseness and insolence, his utter disregard of tumorable pledges, and his fixed determination, so far as in him lies, to restore the rebel leaders to tho con trol of the government, has aroused a storm of indignation from the masses of loyal men which will not be appeased, and which he cannot hope successfully to con front. The resolutions adopted, though express ed in measured and dignified language, are In sentiment fully up to the occasion. There Is no giving way under the threaten ed coercion of the President. No reasonable doubt-whatever remains of the result in that State. The men who saved the government on the battle-field, will save it once more at the ballot•boses.. Tun President'a war againit the reele 4ls : .. continues. The latest notable Incident it the burning of the Union League 010 nOUBC at Philadelphia. The rebels tried 1a... Y64,AC,0-kUPC4:S; REPUBLICANIINIPIRN, jtIREENVI: The time Is will FE*4l6.:AdletlS the adminiihmilon of' . .to4niinolit of temem with the ratlV'oT bo ro b:Under PIERCE YC etmot/Y tnd very - trul» nd" tlißoyalty o'f he x , thir ob their irliaPacki mat asit should nligt*etr a g e ' 'era ono ineitth : l Etitirit.tqf bta the ::gh:L='witir - the ' ;ler 14incitind inianninato- Ras 'an ha ;:re tniilhin dal eiitudled cOnio .l juts:enabled ;eariieinin s tal '. 4 0 our flora linre'en :nainedin'the . 3re either in -41 anything. been adopt ' ; experience iver sending Ars it was de ”ipartment to adopt a similar system here, but it was de manded in vain till the RepOilcan Putty came into power, when it Was at OHM adopted, and now any amount under twen ty dollars can be sent from any 'Money 01-der office to any other Money Order office in the United States, without risk to either the one that sends the money or to the Government, for ten cents, and any sum under fifty dollars for twenty-five cents. These are facts which we all know. Let us think of them when we come to de posit our ballots. Let us now look at the Interior Depart ment. For ten years a large majority were in favor of giving the public lands to actual settlers. The Whigs said they were 'in fa vor of it, the Free Soilers said they were in favor of it, and the Democrats said the I same. They had the power, but it was sup , posed to he against the interest of Slavery that the "poor white trash" should be• come independent farmers, owning their own houses, and cultivating their own fields, and -voting asthey doubtless would, in favor of freedom in the territories; there fore the Homestead Bill was defeated every winter, till the "poor white trash" deelar e,l their independence by electing one of I their own number—a rail splitter, Presi dent. The Homestead Bill was passed and now thousands of poor men are settling on quarter sections of the public lands, and they and tbeirebildren after them will have cause to bless the day when the Executive and Legislative powers of the Government were placed in the hands of the great Union Republican Party. Had the Homestead Bill been adopted ten years sooner, the Slavery question would have been settled Without war, the United States would be out of debt, and, better still, hundreds of thousands of pre clone lives would have been saved. Next in order comes the Pacific Railroad. All parties were in favor of this measure . The Cincinnati Platform unfortunately left it out, but Bereft/kr:AN, in his letter of acceptance, put it in. The Democrats had the power. Why did they not make the road? Echo answers, Why? The only reason is that it was above and beyond their capacity. They could make political platforms which could be read to mean one thing at the North, and quite another I thing at the South, but bow to construct a railroad to the Pacific was above their com prehension. As soon as the Republicans came into power the work was commenc ed, and every few weeks weread that forty miles more of it had been completed, and within a few years the greatest internal im provement ever undertaken by man, will be finished. The same might be said of the-Pacific telegraph. Indeed, we look in vain for any great improvement which was made while the Democrats were in power. The people made many improvements and inventions, but the Government none. Let ns now look at 1.11) Army and Navy. EiiiirtiiMirovements have ,en our ships of war. One of our ironclad monitors would sink all' the ships we owned before- the war. When Bucnanart was President, he went to war with the Mormons. He sent an army of several hundred men, under com mand of General S. JOILWBON, to subdue them, and such was the imbecility of the War Department that it took one whole summer to furnish the soldiers a suitable outfit, and they started so late in the fall that they were stopped by the snows in the Bocky ILmntains, and it cost forty cents per pound to transport provisions to keep them from starving,und when they finally got to Balt Lake City the Mexican folly was repeated—a civilian was sent to Insult the Commanding General by nego• dating for peace without his advice or consent. The Assassination Conspirators. A letter from roil Jefferson, Dry Tor tugas, says: Beside the State prisoners, Arnold, Mudd (Dr.) Spongier O'lsnighhn, there are two hundred other prisoners sentenced here for different peFiodir by the widely ex tended rnovost jurisdiction of the army. All these prisoners are working upon the large and stately fortification. The party of prisoners of State - aro each and ail in the enjoyment of excellent health. Arnold is the clerk to the commanding General, who represents him as a staid and useful young man, always doing his duty cheerfully, and possessed of friends among the officers and men of the fort. Dr. Mudd employs each day in:sweeping and sanding the hammer ' able stairways of the fort, always under a strong guard. 3 Ho still continues demure, howeVer,.se well as exceedingly impatient of restraint. It is thought that Spangler, whose term . or , service covers six years r only, will be pardoned ere long for obvious reasons. :Me Sand O'Loughlin are at work on the fortification.' —The blow:Caledonia cannibals recently devoureda. boat, load of Frenchmen. • WAN T 81J.PPITIED.41;enden Ale, sorrt,En .a4.ll4:LoNDbillrufrtzu.'nuom i ivrout.—To PORTER or. BIIUWN tmouTlias Assn Jamas lot tinpool won to thil.eitn.T.lo,llAoll#llo% Wens, _ that there ore taw . Latitet more jltiltilito toe weskir . Persons and 'ragtag.: wallas at larlia-Pe.4l supplied. A large the pelf brands, , WalDrbilek Barclay & reiltwe-tAktiD9NATOUT; Bass A Leo INDIA r - Ant 41.14 _PlOnVbelPi . SeoTell ALE, nte., list rennin:A.o rocitiotcys nuuo sumo. No. 84 Mirka'', itraelinna I. dela, by the ease or Angle Pottle, at ShiSlis!riFl:-Ii1 ,1 1; Also, a moat complete istp4ls9t tht guest lIQUOUg for medicinal purpose,.- , • , • 5e5:178.• . _ Itch: ttchlk,. fitentpcht ScrafChli . g WAY:NMI ObiTM N:24'f cluil Itel.ln from it s to? -.1.-ten- or. Bettirier Otaltn.t. ”TWITEII”, p•rrtat. Pr.- - Nuntrtr,•_Qpktme!tt," T v rTT6l l l:l 11111, ,, • • • "rxrr it" IL tTUN. .TtniAtErriNti•:" ••111:11 ,, ' • „,.. •••:rtlriTEir* • WiLALtragAlf; Rspreas Office, 54.1nrucilrecf, is an authorisedAgerni io recap. Advertises:tent+ Pr the 04.26.071Aandattii Mar Papers throaudout the' rildgad States and the amackw IarIFEUST CHRISTIAN CHUltad, ALLEGITENT CITY, EXCELSIOR EIALL. corner of Federal and Lzeock *groan. Castor. 40- SEIM Kisq..ServleeslLVENV SLISSATII at lOS PAY P.ISVCItt 7}i Prxcrjectlng WEDN.2- Or'SEUNION TO YOUNG !NEN ON •911A.M.1,00D LSD VIII& GILSATETESS.. , HgNILY D. MUOttEl, rattor of elymonth Conte gotlonol Clstarolt, wltl dollver a IMMO to 'Dung, gIxVVVIT." IW' UNIVERSALIST ,_CHURCH, CORNER OF GRANT Alio . Trititti Paster.Jter, AvIMMIERILA.M. Preaching EVMUT emmony at go% A. 14 and 7;* P. m. Sunder School at OA. is. AU the people ere Invited to come end hear.. o ttb el4l4l; t rmorrow evening :, ~ mrg aop Ipo arIFIIIST BAPTIST CHUBCII.- Until the completion of the new Chapel, services - will he held in PLAMINIC LULL,. Preach ing by the 'Pastor, Hey. 'AXES 11. DICKEBSON, every SAIILIATIIat 10X olclock, a. H. mid quarter to 8 p. m. • • BABBATII SCHOOL at Zooeltich p. m. All are cordially invited to site . seß QAMIJEI3 AND HOODS--A nice macro:l:tont of ZEPHYR HAND KNIT; of PHELAN'S OLD STAND STODEISO STORE. lcB NO. 2 Fifth Stroct. pIIIILIC SALE OF MICC:O3ELIS On WEI/NEED AT. the lEln DAY OV SEPTEM BER, at E o'cl.t r. .5., will he sold to close • con signment, One eery largo gray Horse, 1511)Lable for Leavy draught—weight 1,E6 ponode. Al. ono pair Match Gray Domingo Horses. Eight good Horses and Mos es. for various pur r:MS. Also one Top Buggy ano Boa" wagen• The atm re horses aro jnst front the country, and purchasers can depend that Hwy will no as repre sented. Rate posltlve at HOWARD'S I.IVRRY STABLE, FDA street.. .above Statthileld, near Ho nongshela House. J 56 u. W. DUDLEY, Be Federal el. ForEniAL, SUPERIOR STOCKING YARN JUST RECEIVED AT Phelan's Old Stand Stacking State I'fWlllff Ft: h ir—On Water street, .Ile A JET CROSS, SET WITH GOLD. The owner wtll hnd It at the store of = VALUABLE EAIEI LOU SALE.— Prom 100 to 170 acres of lead; shoat seamnf acres In eattivatlon; a good dwelling house of six rooms, two frame barn.. orchard, well of sc..owa ter; altrato SI miles from the city. The litetsben stile railroad tuns through tte farm. I/ Pc clay, Limestone and two veto. of good coal; cm he ma from the pt. to the railroad. For portico tar. apply at our Milos ti Market street. sea N. LItiTIIIIERT it SUNS. TUE JUSTLY CELEBRATED DIAMOND SHIRT, With Puffed, Fulled AL.! Min at Phclasi , s,2•lFifth 'arta. kve _~>itODU(:E IN STORE AND Cork 5.1150 •• Uhl° Oats; 1.0011 •• amber Whrut, to arrive: W. ‘555r 11,5. Shlostuff, 101 bon. fresh Cora Meal: KU Mos,"Mar Of the West . • Fkou 2,500 bud. Burley. 11h1NRY Itk:•, set 955 Liberty street., opposite to rut!. SEED WilEAl. I=l PURE XEDITERR4.VE.I.9 =i melt Ari .t AV.I t . e. 1" ; . u r J• , e Aro. 113 atsd 41.6 Liberty Street, oppolt. tee 11rAVII IA We Ras, let In oar building . E I alt,iE 11 , KlIlck, suitable 144 tlflleca. Inqulrc at the ah.tvo numbers. - _ A. P. A. EXCURSION. 'ODE MEIDIIEUS OF LODGES So, I. 4. 11. 311, :14 pr.P..° I..ving "- esloo to M•mlongattela City on the 101.11 of tun,- Tr.stuF.R. St•mber• ot-brr I.4lges are at 0 In vlted. The boat will 10•10 1110 Itroall•Ir lila` Iloal at 10,0(4.. 'MI,. he proeure.l from Ow embretttee of the above W. I. 1 . 0110 K. IMPORTANT TO LADIES AND (1111.1 , 1iEhi who FASIIIMARLE IiATIVIS AT TII trTRA !lOLA. U SATUUDAY AY EILNOON Will he pecornie4. for the fl rat tid t to this the I,auttful dramatization of aim IStad poistrinr MIRIAM'S CRIME. Ad. 1,41., opt, Zr, cent.. Lost p Ar!sof - in, h0t.... BUSINESS NIG UT SCIIOOL tat the ut:NTHAT. °udthoeta eireed.opposite the Cost Oltre. 12is 0 from Ito 01. U. enter at any time. Tartsts—For els mouths. fat% or for their months, $122. payabte advance. Book-keridog. rentossdtio. Aritloorth.. tallght . b3 o a d Li , sagleal si n c r :ountant of large cairria -1:11..i Public t g eht u m r l! ' of A 5l 11 or yenta ouperintetoloot Ituff's College: no, aud for the past !dime years llook-tesper at 21. A. Fshossteet `ll ben Co. • s. (test of reference ;It en on appllmition. Call the rooms, or address I=l =l3l32M== COAL ii' ANTED JPOSA for the del .rr or 30,000 Bushelsof Lnmit,Nul and Slack • CICOASULA, AS VIE HOUSE OF RSPCA:E. blame to be de !leered In the yard of the Refuge, and sub je , el to regular weight. Ma to he handed In on or before OoIUROAY, September 15th. 1500. at the Odlce of the ItsfnFr. 07 Fourth street. sts Dr order of the 1:13 AT'rENTIOIi. =1 NINTH WARD A GRAA Or the feral cltlson• of the Ninth Word will be held at INDEPENDENCE [(ALL, on Monday Evening, Sept. 10th., The anniverssry of Perry'. Vinton% for the par pose of forming a CEARY CLUB. Lino Parry. "If there is a victory to be obtained. we shall obtain It." Prominent speakers will be in attendance, to gather with good music, Turn out citizens In your might. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIP -1 XL) ant.ll 603111="irEI=B1ECEL 10th. VOR YOUVISUING IRON FOR STREET RAILROAD, According to Pattern Furnished. Address the naderillrn.d. LeROI AUBL9TRON6, Beal.Church and Spruce 131.seet Passenger 8, U., MEI NOTICE TO LANDLORDS AND TENANTS BRICKLAYING AND JOBBING. Grates, Ranges, Boaters and Boilers Rost*ly and Expeditiously get and Repaired. AM Orders lan at Atteball, Ittepheaton A StO•ti . Wateboate, ND. 194 Labia., stmt. 'OIL be promptly attended to. JOHN EgoILINLET, THOMAS HOME, Prattfool !Brickll9l QM , CLAIM FOR BOUTII, &e. Tba undersigned lon collect all boiantler, back pay and penstons dna soldiers under the seta of Convenor Molotov.. • Congress hasynst passed an act equaltrang boon. Um under Willett otter. soldiery are entitled to bounty of from $lOO to *SOO. JOHN & LAJCSIS, A. M. 11110W11. Attornayl attar/4 - ..I,ll4ll3:dgirT Office, No. 11,14 Fifth street, $lOOOO t:ri2./tirEST.—slo,ooo • BONDS "ANDMORTOADES. r n 'ipuis of froici4l.odo ,or Moro on:1ml oo Roof Estsie In'Altegbanrsooty, for oar, tyro . pr . 4ll*. .7141116 - st Ns. 09 Grant stmt. .es, - - 11A14 4101 11,11111NG 11001111.-Azi 1114011.14';t.7ri5!., irlth 141?‘1elloar, gn great style the igtorzi.. *or Ws L 7 *. • ummuisa., APT I O I I II . ..or*";A-liCEto or utflit , wat, die!ipest -Y1:11,40 .4t lia3Vood.stmat; -11/enLO . EU JAMES I'iLBRADI" a- co:i- J:it Corner Voiii*asidOd SU., BANKERS - I mums, LX:11,1;1.:110T GOverTuntrittiiei:it#lo,' Foreignlibtolunige, - . .Gold. Silver. and Coupons. COLLECTIO3IS seismici alt. xi:cantle pointsin the United Meta. *and Caltsdas. . interest allowed on Time IlDeposits. C. C. .ILI-sC3rlllO, NE WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMON kiii-a1731111L, IMT.A.R.3EI, French Clocks, &c. Bpanlal attnntton given t. the REPAIRING O Jro. 22 Firth Street 167STT =MEM EEC= Bank Note Papers, I= Cor. WOOD AN) , TII )11.1) WrICKIS.'N WRITE, ORR / 1 / 4 . CO., 25 Fifth Street, OFF'Kft FOK THEIR ~...TocK OF C7X_.O7CMI. teveLcic;?iamsEk =I iOOTS, snoEs AND GAITERS No. 63 Market Street BOOTS, SHOD AND GAITERS In wit Centlernrn, ladle., nilynes and child, Lc latest sqle. aoA,a good e• can Lc. fonnol In I!= ( , 'F('tf m 7 1,1r114.. With th. p31,11e I= I= No. 63 Ma asq.c.c, t GEORGE McCANDLESS Mkt BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! us r imemv FA) AT 111 E CHURCH 110011 i E, 19*; Smithfield Sireel, I•racttrsl > rnnun•. F , CitAii•tlral Lioly Cays. Mops Co thr Altar. Ilur Iflrettleon and ,mono.. Engll•11 Tract• an thn A.tvan , lng th.. I hooch. Ilumlll. of 14. 'I hon.. A 4011113 ., rile MLA. I.lOrart {Woks front lit.. I.nclon tu.elvty V. C. IS. • own, boo rn'• Thoughts on rersonal Rollglon. 3P14.8"12"2:3R MDICZOIECES, = SCN UAT SCHOOL . HEW ALW CA KIM, 10 great variety. PLIOTOURACILS, or IsuDlc, rnsey, Bishops Ker• foot. Stevens, Coon. iloptins. Whipple, Clark. IL:Dwaine. Whitehouse. An., Ac. ILLIIMIN TIED TiLITS. for soneag and day School*. A torah Invoice of Irrottott, laniards and Yretorit DAMASK NOTE PAPZE. ar am latest •tyles. INITIALS EMBOSSED on paper and el:Lintel... Or purchasers, *lOllOOl MCSILI CLAM:. 1213=1 DAY, McABOY & SPANG, IRON CM MR WORKS. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Nos. 45 Wood and 102 and 104 Third Si IMPOUTNNS OF AM) I.$A Saddlery Hardware and :Trimming, And Manufactures/rot all varieties of Superior Wood and Iron Hawes, Wrought Post Bits, Ulna Ulna Snaffle a, Brandoous. Wheel Lilts, Alulirn Mts. te., ae. Jieep alto on baud a full and complete assortment of jowls In their tine, •Il of which they offer at as fair prices, and on as good teems as are offered by any house In the trade KS Ott WEST. • nay2Ul4l yirrasußGU POCKET CUTLERY. These En!rogue acknowledged to be two beat to use. They certainly axe the cheapest. HOLLOW GROTAD RAZORS, I= Ground expressly for private use TABLE CUTLERY AND CARVERS . every RIM* and finial) WAS. "AT. CO(3.DZILLV", Agent for the Pittsburgh Cutlery company, Abs. 61 and 69 Ptah Sired, seb WINNATCII TNN NEW BOOK. WOMEN OF THE WAR. By MANI{ MOOR/, anther of "The ttebelito Retard,", Ake. The °West of this work 'lsla collect and present oarratbres or the *endear of the amen who shared the peHLof the war.and ought tolnlturit Ile glories Among tattle are sketebee MAUS, ItleditiA and Ulu MARTHA. .1 YOWLER, or Pittsburgh. Ps.; Mrs IL<littS. M. glUbirlsND and 7.Bes IsAromurGes of Philadelphia; lGss COWIE 01 Gettysburg. (Aber* from nearly emery State to the ()Moo. 'Gm column cow. Laing shoat 600 octavo pages. sod to Illustrated with steel plash portraits. erlormedalghe moat buttress ed.sailkkiesilditer r bse ler weatern Peones. West Wliklula and extern pow ragx. For term!, addreas or apply to 1866. FALL TRADE. -,1866 HATS; OAPS AND _ FURS, whaesau and Retail,. . . M'COED its' wept) kivite opecial .tuntloi theiriaitige ofooli or, Hata; &c., ego., R 43 3 11411 Baba Now ro and_eomete—sysky. bat 1111 LAIIHJ Ijj° ("611 . aelerip.t!Da!°4ll,ll,P '-, t,tryg op alatticuldnif, r . • TrinatP2/111110ritcs, Septenibarlottler4. DELINQUENT,TAX - TA:lt In tha City or Allegheny; . . Notice la. bertha itlyant:to alt Periods Woo DAT* not paid their taxes,' nitalt, - ler leiter saseammentk in said City or Allosbenyt - thakta are fettlikeW, PriLigtr.V4r, moVr a l i.",,tt be- - fore the said ern day of October, -fen per cant. win be added thereto and - made paradet_ ea, drat Ltalit If t.he same -h0...n0t mad donor Dew tem drat day of Slortmdar next follenttrigi warrant,: will no directed to property intention persons com manding each at them tolery for said tales Win alt costa and charge. seceded thereon:at ditY.l .oo4l and ebattlee ofAbe delladeenta trtietelleelrer and to makosale thereof slier athrhyttlented9ldin' "4" aeid e et Itrifautox:-Iggyvi -taisTutr; PO I ediu44tiiTiWs motaaW Xemob,c steOlr 41i1pleyipstillie 4114, round, .11/14 - 110 CitPUSI4II , Z VitirtieSwlQeacnew 1411 mut dark*. Pot yak; PAPERS! Prei SMIRCH 1 PIPER MANCENTERING C 0. ,. Keit tonsisntly. oti.bw3d. and for sato, at lowesi NEWS, TACK !KAMM, HARDWARE', iooting; Felt and WRAPPING PAPERS. ECIEMEI BLANK BOOK% Memorandum Books, MEI El= =2 W. S. HAVEN. E. A. MATSON =I =9 240. 68 Fifth strut, 11!t4bu Warehouse, 82 Third Street, 10,000 bdla. sn•ortod now In Warehouse Clinton SUM At Steubenville, Ohio. thrlyitton at Sew Brighton. Pa. .01, Stationery, School Books. A large stock of all descriptions at lowist prices. STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. JOHN P. HUNT & CO., =I Booksellers,Stationers&Newsdealers es MASONIC HALL, FIFTH STREET CHARLES C. BILSLEY. Produce and Commission 11.1111,C11 wholesale dealer lu EVERY VARIETY OF PRODUCE LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES node on consignments, QUICK SALES AL PROMPT RETURNS. Ikt . In k .10LIN H. DILIWORTII .k 0.) Warehouse, 201 Liberty Street. 8,4 CMS A WAREHOUSE. RICHARD E. BREED, 271CriE'CONIME EL, No. 100 Wood Street. BUITAN NIA AND :MIS ER CLATED TAMA WARE. TEA TILAIS ANL. TABLE TI. EUL . elven" on Nana. CHINA TEA NETS, CHINA MN N CHINA TOILIcr SE NET,. T,. I if I AA VANES. (MINA twirvuoy,s, HMI ER lAN WARE OF EVERT DENCSICTSIN LAVA CARD SASE icr!.. LAVA VANE+, LA VA Sr MI (UFA,. FINS LISII STONE WAIL'S of all varietss, wow , ebolvanle and mint! DNA, The large !awl mosl row trio el.o F ever - VDOeF In this line In the ray. l'eleen awl terma tbe flour an In o.e eneD rn j OIIN CROFT, RE4L EST.ITE .4GEA - 2", Mire. No. 139 Fourth Sirtet. Pittsburgh, Liu lorinde the fultowing Reel Estate. A LOT 111 by UM, on which there Is s brick Loch.. ; I rooms, brick stable. Sc., in Wilt tusherg. A LARUE LOT. on which there Is a brick .1 wel- I lap. 13 room., giablta, out-house, lee house. .7 , • I In erertntrt. seitable fur private mslnenee. A I.AI - tor. MUCK UMIAK, ten rooms front, room iised es 4 drug store, hot and cold water, and tras throughout the boo., on Chestnut tercet, &Beetle n Vely-four acres of Land at Etigawontl tttation. on We Emansylr it baste Itullrosd, 7 miles from the cItT, on which there is hew frame house. Trains to anti from this station corer hour up to li p. m. Sold In hots of one acre or more. Thirty - sir acres, 3 miles oat on the Plae. lu Union townsiiip, part of the Carter gum. 1 illitrunisen itures, 6 mites out on tho old R ash ' Japan PLlce, in bcott towntalp, Twenty acres In Ueserve township, Dot of the Hasty farm. ('otter? doing a good business Ina central lora i moo wou ld ill ‘ d .' 4ll,,frail y ic:::. th :o r :lit k re:t money would du well to fallen th inhere exult. .4 ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO • Soldiers of Vial and 1862. All who served tbreo years ►re entitled to 4100 bounty; those iervlng two yeas, 430: or who our discharged by retson of wounds, or their heirs. Three Months Extra Pay Ls due Volunteer Officers In the eetstre Marcia 11, tea, and discharged, mustered out, or resigned n lTEotiffil i Nt-14.rmtneutly disabled are entitled to 415. $2lO or $23, according to degree uE dlaabll t4• W. J. it 11ALL PATTEBSON, Attorneys, 71 Grant Street Plttrburan. Ps rwt,niz.wts,_TP,pUt STONES, STATU4R r, B U6T3, POITXTALMS. AN =MIA FLNE ITALIAN HEAD-STONE I= 33Xtbaalla17, 92 Penn Streit. Pittsburgh, Organ or Ma IlLtannignif VsALIT Co., riTgarontail August, nth, 16123. 5 To coNTaterous.—Rinutosiv I.ISTTINCL —The Allegheny Valley Railroad Company will receive proposals at their once, on Me Meet, In the City of glttsbergh, op to 0 o'clock, r. It., of TURSVA.Y. September ittith. for mom:maims. ibtmon , T. 'Satiation and Ties re nutred on about arty-Poe mliese of road ex tenditg northward from ltrady.s Rend WiirlittlY"tgagldrrol eifiltWor ca WV l o Oth th ol September next ;.k.d uo togieleut far - aminatlon by contraeltr tt r e%/14 1 not yet complete . 11 run tu. . Any further informal= In regard to the work, can be had on application, IP person or by letter, to the maestiber. vnlteauT: muciso" Chief Engineer. H . J, LANCE, ' • 'SILif. ANTI WOOLEN DYER RED SCOURER, MEI Chintz Window Curtains and Chair Covers . Cleaned d:Reglarnd %chianti unpacking. _ Po& 3i and SI Thit*d Street, etwetal Wood wad BaiaWield, IX; 117113 NOTICE. rITTSUISIIUtt August FRANK - . VAN- GOlllll Eli having at. a t tuna e o o l:h . l t s o ln in to . re . a n tlo tho Ina of ACRU id, Ono mill 130 canted op P Or r it r o ' irm e o bu thitirrarlot• O r " . berotokore. $031.176 ItACRUM, OIXIJE & CO: lIERMIETWALLY SEALED FRUIT ARD VEGETABLES. AZEVllltlt * BROS., No, band 12$.1Vorel street, now offer $r sate over x.OOO (eight thousand) des. canc''ltnnt and Vegetable*, tuelndlng num, cherrlee,Strawberldelb GleChberrier, Wiser eleberries,./InetApple,. Green linage - and damson Intone, Teuniteetwreary Montan(' Wing Beans and Orman Calm, all guaranteed Drum *sly belt qUalltl, and equal to any out Up in the runner!. gee - ,•=7777 . 11,1c0unx0 Rrhist,AToms orptcs, 7turmuston,. ept,:td, 7810. 7 A:0;8E61131MM NOTICE. -- , Notice Is ACM. itileebl site* thet the teatime [tor the grad, , lea eta pelage o telaritstreet have been nude, amt. can be wen et this °glee until the 15th daytif tember,.lies. atter which. time they will be returneY to the cipy 'peins,arer [or collection. • • VIGEler :NECONDrEFAND -PIANOS.. A2lBenwood, round vornera,,.."Emalm •it Co•?s , mate,-11atiOiertiltitte este. new.- reiee fat 8450.,....1)1* 7 octave Mies carved Mao forte. ever atrium baaa. , lour round ' contra. Sali. One C Mx octave reamemd. • F. Blume! , make Plano, with yolete attachment and Iron frame. 5510. Ope it ea-, Wrrood tree rmale.riano, thiefer4l7o, Tbeyare ie rood - Order. ' . .' 7 171 - e ,!l VlLAitturrz BLUME. itifte Weed.- .11! ) 1 E l l sP`W' ar11 PP 4:- : Agchor co t ton bl urs, Ml6argil & Asffoattnuthil,,,, ?-prioßacwii-unTuvis; . , eiliTialltEN%1: 1 11111(p *)OXS.• - i -, . - .-•- - 2016 " 126' - , All 'WUWI:IMO of tbesgas o, 4 chew' Liquor!, i k imi la Nil' : 1 4 ,01 ' Orntti:"; lsl- : " 4 ,4r4r.'-: - , , ! 4 _ T ,'!" °, l !! b _! t ! ,° ! 2/ .."1".`-- 11 17- • _ < Fix.4?-_trrps)c.; L lpolpex of ' P l - 1 11'i .:` 3 ' . - rat b. ~.., = „,,..,--• :i i i l 4- , i,2,,,,--i t o nt i:: 7,.kjatilitrimtAiraitl,s, .: NOTICE. ,1 101 # 1 ,.... d g. ,4.. :*11 1.,-L-"Wil- ff. ...e.t.ife7Witzt."7: a...altnnmis wow,' sothe._esuularkAAßD Ein6lsl - -.... miii „Lbm - frt i d o si gn rm? - dercopttosi. 116,ApArw, lata of Ailestutuf utty, u „ -1111 7 7 11 . utitruldipeiuutos.b• ,delluanus. *Hausa w 4C I LOS. u.“ Prourd VlV=l,_st,: n r,_. _Wla t ut h rla . n . X" ...".?". .3 1" ...t., '" Zr4gftft s rb7Mt ' 161irest Vit.gultulay foilmmiu:7_,A2l4,XlC7s,, 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I NEW AD' 5. B. IUELIKIY..J.I3. Int 15:7,0N I T ,LTAI.7k n S Ck n ; 1) - 41 GOO D M'CANDLESS & CO., 94 WOOD STREET, IIrIIOL ES4LE 63E7L=./•M'Ail33l l2l Ve.. 3E1G43- M'ELROY, DICKSON & 54 Wood SI„ Pittsburgh. I= FALL STOCK, =I And Write the Attention of DEALERS to their CAREFULLY SELECTED I=l DRY GOODS "viz:Dori' cora Eg, OFFERED AT POPULAR PRICES The rltlEttri,T iTt,TCATIO.N'. In vett.. of all de-- eriptionn of tdercitartillse. reinter., It a ntltter le— ItItOrnIETT that nliould be FILE- QuINT, and there:oft. tile NEAURST 4uI A I IIiti'T rI I~.•- ct'E\T, etiAltititT comet the one tteot • atlapttd to sown, lag retail dealers with Unotly thee sell. rttrehnver 4 (rein Witt 4 TE.EN TENN A.. EAST ERN 01110 ESTERS VMS; NIA ate Invited to tin[ I I and in-pect this STOCK OF GOODS =1 Kept Full During the Season. TER MS, NET CHM', PR IC'JES II EasOXABLE MILROY, DICKSON No. 51 Wood St., Pittsburgh, COUNTRY FLANNELS . ® AND BLANKETS, WILMORM, SKIRTS, lEa 2.. W1 A Large Stock at BATES & JELL'S, 21 Fill% STREET. - - - - - - MERCY HOSPITAL, In Charge of the Sisters of Mercy, 1. 4 `011 THE TREATMENT OF ALL i DISEASE'S requiring Medical or surgical .1 ,1 . 1 All classes of patients admitted. irrespective of erred or cotor. Clergymen of all permitted to visit patients of their oum creed. Pa tients- too poor to pay are admitted rige am:large. on application to any of the attendln g ph, filching or surgeons. All regular physicians sending Pay Pa tients to private rooms may bare lull charge of tee "MO. Competent norm, combined with the personal attention ol the sisters, makes this institution su perior to any in the State for 10050 abile Ith disease. One physician and surgeon to daily at tendance. Medical staff and mouths of dilly attendance: D. MestEAL. Jii. M. L., 150 Grant strcet, Oc tober. Norensbe , sa d December. THOS. J. GALLAHER., M. to., 1.12 So:ill:field J i.S sir et, April, May and June. N. llENklAlti, M. D.. 137 Third street. July. Alliplitt and September. IL J. LAMEBEL', Si. D.. 107 Ross street. Jan uary, Februsey_and March.' Do. E. DONNELLY, corn, Pilch and Grant streets. Nervier:, in daily attendance. ste.i:ll7 W. U. GAVILAILD....D• A. 1300T11....W. T. li.11:13.111D POINT MALT HOUSES. W. H. GAI3,IIAbI & CO., lialsters, Grain a flop Dealers, No. 17 Water Street; and NOB. 5 and 7 Penn Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. nera.W. b a h rettibl'a ri ng d ("` 7y i gtuT' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. RZCODDIRO liiOoULATOri'I3OTYIOE. Inns. 5 Fi nale ole for the constructiol,s - -, la wi l l Ailey, from Liberty street to Cherry she t will be received id this office until the 10th of nEC. TE3llsElt,' Also, Crepouds for the Grading, Pairhic, Pupa, log and Curbing of the following OtMetli. CI-Alta STREET, from Fulton to Logan streets, to the Sixth Ward. IVALACT STTe from Pike Fiftho M pro posed Ditquume WOy earl. line, to the Ward. NUDE 15T1tEET, from the place where tile pav ing of said street now terminates to Vieroy street, to the Eighth Ward. MULBERRY ALLEY, from Carroll to Lumber street., In the Ninth Ward. • For apetlileatJons, applLLly at the odiee of the under signed, In o Mon CHAet Bondi A int. B ItE.Wiln . l . 7 ARR. Recording Regulator. BARKER & HASELTINE. No. 12 Vllth Street, Second Story, I= 13C,T.. LOOKING GLASSES, Pictures and Frames of all kinds, MOULDINGS, &c., &c. A full stock conAtantly on tmnd. st , LIVERY AND SALE STABLES, OREM & MITCHELL Nos. 425 +S. 427 Liberly Street. VIP very best ILOILnES, CA ItItIMIES cod RUG kit kept for litre nt alt times. The lineal IIEAUSES In the city. Foneruls, he., attended to on ybort notice In the best mantle, swami, PA; . . . • Perrone wishing to engage anything in oat line can rely upon being turntul out lb the tient style, as the proprietors glee Weir personal *urn !too to the business. GREAT WESTERN PLANING MILL, Comet of llarbary Shut acd Duresu Way PIT'rSIIIIRUII. P Sash Doors, Blinds and Mouldings MADE TO 0110 E% Unlintshe..l Work Ispt In a llonse and fi nished when taken out. o allngs. kloerlng. Weather Boarding. laths' and bhinitloa constancy' on Imgd. Sawing. re-sawing and Baron Cawing done with dispatch. lloiea J O HN ME ATH kinds made to order. anit:th _JOHN HEATH. ximrazuzixAsszcawa OMNIBUS AND lIVERY STABLE, ab. 410 Penis Street. JAMES K. DAIN, SirOsialiisses and carriages ih delicd for all trains.' Mich' Carriages for Funerals. 'Weddings end.rilreleS, at aunt amt reasonable rates. _.:::.Stable Open Day. had, Night. • BANK EXCNWIGE RESTAURANT, II SeF!g4P,PioPrittioi. Ht.; iiitiebtirgh; ZEI PITTSBU RGH, WHOLESALE DEALERS Mil Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, Announce that they have just received and are now opening an UNUSUALLY LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK of all articles in the DRY GOODS LINE, Which they offer to the trade at the lowest market rates. Dealers will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine their Stock, comprising a hand some assortment of many Scarce & Desirable Goods, Together with superior Styles of all the best makes of Prints, American Delaines, Standard Sheetings, Bleached and Brown, Tickings, Ginghams, Canton Flannels, Apron Checks, Shirting Checks, Col'rd Drills, &c. , FLANNELS, Plain White, Scarlet, Mixed, Red and Grey Twilled, Rob Roy, Miners, Sbaker and Shirting. W Bite and Colored BED BLANKETS, FRWMMrWI C71._.C2 0 .4L32E-Ilgi , IS deo., dila., fa:3c'. FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH FANCY DRESS GOODS Our Stock will embrace a great var ety and all the latest Novelties. NOTIONS, .A. Full and Complete Assortment. CARR, AVCANDIZSS & CO., 94 Wood Stre&t. MEI J. D. RAMILTARY, 336 Liberty Street, DEAL= OW OF _ NEW YORK MANUFACTURE, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Wholesale and Retall ta t o mit s iA , M i n i Vlß PRIZEI MEDAL .d vi ile=her „.. the NEW IRON FRONT, opposite le=;e=-2713 J. D. RAMAILEY, 334 Liberty Street, FASHIONABLE NATTER And Dealer lo all kinds of 33..,ex..T*23 41,10 . 7:1 FOR NILI, IM MO GUM The Newest Styles always on hand and at the Lowest Prlces. Look out for the FOUR LARGE WINDUWB. op- Doane Wayne stseec. itMzeitrrTe J. D. RAIVIILIANY, 334 liberty. Street, ' Dealer In all Made of Bootle and 'SU • . • A.ISTOID on hands lane and varied allaOrtmentot Ladies', Misses' and cbilSren'i CUSTOM MADE . SHOES AND GAITERS, Or the enestlreatark.ldrinutecture. Aid at Lositir Bios T own ` the rutin vataz. ~ Furnows, on alto Wayne at:mto a, - --; $50,000 TO I°Ak - 130 NO AND MORTGAGE: 4101 ,„; to - Brisker en It Batts &agent. bet. 114 _lso,lCotemend lee; Fr !AN : '2.1 1.43M1 46 - 4 11 7 Murdoch: •-• ef1a*8.1.128,11A1:71 . 1.0.4 __, 7 .Ama GIMENII 1.113. r. PLANTS. mem Oakldafrrassenter 'COW Itll to iwo DUO Intr7ls. =Utah )04 2 1 • WAN'rED-A GOOD MAN IN ET- Eta COUNTY, as ranTNER fa calms a :NEW AUTICL •Ic (MEAT VALUE. Will fare ntsh fa.fgo capital to any,tesool man of tact. Must trarei part of the time. Wlll pay $• par day and a large roan:M.lml besides. !Zew n= to agents. Call at 31 WO street. J. C. TILTON, rittsbergh, Pa. _ SAMineIN IVANTED--COMPe. tent to engage In FIRST-OLASS BUSINESS- RELATIONS. Apply In peroon, or address W. D. BAILIE& 08 Ur•nt Plttslmrgh, Pa. Mall iANTED--ALGENTEI—S7S to $2OO PIM MONTH for ilentlemen, and 533 to $l6 for Ladles, everywhere, to In troduce the C.21.1r1011 64313. Fatally dewing Machine, quint,, bind per fected. It will hem, tell, stitch, quilt, bind, bread. and embroider basutifullY — Price only 11120—ms1; log the elastic lock-stitch, and folly warranted for torte years. We pay the tw i c e t hat or a mission, from which twice that amount can be m A ade. Address or call on U. BOWERS & CO., 00100 No. 2558. Pllth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ail letters answered promptly, with eUv-alars and terms. al:lathed WA-WED—$2OO per illowth e rl2 l to Assn., to iotroduee ocie.liddt Sit SMO Bzw'M Address, with stamt% A.C11114 Ou.. Yr inchentiou, Mass., or PhMadLels phis to. todreardisr, MERCHANT TAILORS. FALL GOODS. NOIV RECEIVING, a large and I=ll FALL. GOOlfl, For LIOYS. YOUTHS and CHILDREN. AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. GRA r u LOGAX, HENRI: V. MALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Northwest Corner of Penn t St. Clair se. Mitres to return thank to Ills friends and the plih• Ilc generally for their liberal patronage, and would respectfully Inform them that he has Just rcturntd from the Lantern Markets with a large and Well se lected stork of E WOOLEN GOODN, PAceull , a um rl g y adap ted ir AtoiLUENTLENIEN'S SPItl so ----- ----- ELEVENTH ANNUAL FAIR Allegheny County AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, For Western retiree, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia M'IM"1•013131:TFIL 01 3 4-33 f September 15, 19,20 and 21,'66, On Oat property known as THE IRON CIT Y PARK Premiums amminting to nearly a t.(100 will be distributed. bailable arraugentetts have been made nu the display of bicelionlcat Improvements, Fine Arta, Domestic and Foreign tioods , farm and Horticultural implements, Fruit, JO - loners and Vegetables, Horses, all irt, The grou oda will bc °poised to the public Wedneadny, Thursday and Friday. PRICER OF ADMISSION Single ticket, admitting one person Children under t waive years 2t cents. 10 cents. Corse and rider 50 cents. Buggy and one person 50 Cent, Two horse vehicle and driver 75 cents. A.II exits ldtors 'rid be tilted to a ticl,rl of Irec admission during toe Fair. Arnole arrangemnts hav been made to, the gap 1n y or -,,, ,. tos.or e lor mac e. hlnerY, .he. All address on .. • .. ISAl:i.ccbro l . 3 ry wilt b ablivbred daring the Fele by Colonel S. 1). II AURAS. Editor of the Cottle Former. COMPETITION BEYOND THE STATE. The Ettelety lezhes the field of competition co entenelve truly the United ntates. euid cordially to viten the citizens thereto to compete for the peleec • - . THE HORSE CIRCLE W ltl be opened to Lady Farwell - WM on WEILN PS- I) AX, THUILALkr mot FRIDAY APYKIINOIiNIi, at 3 o`clo:k. tin and after August 217th, an Mince will he open ed ai PHELPS. PARK. & WAItEIIOOBE, DO. 10 130. Clair street, for the purpose of receiving ta ttles and sale of tickets. lisp and Straw will be (Tarnished gratis for all animals entered for exhibi tion, nod grain will be provided nt the lowes t cash prices Co exhibitors who may desire to purchase. For any Information relative to the Pair. address the Correspondinl , re . re ta P.. " PA.RICP , , President. • JAMES B. NEOLEY, Corresponding SecretneT. ati=hloo:7ST VSTARLISHED FEWY 1, 1813 THE 31dICT_TiTrET,Ett.M. Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. FREDERICK S. WINSTON, Pres't. Jros. 14-1 r•±(1 itc: way, CORNER I 17T. iTII F. CASU ANTS MST Ist, Vitifi, 01611 $16,000,000 Cash Assets, Fab. lat, lS .........$14,883.28 88 Income tor fiscal year, 31,1 4,000,000 00 Increase to net cup users ror year 2.311035 17 Dlvldend of 1.960 Uudivided Surplus, over RICHARD A. Itt , CURDY, Vice-President t3LC IMETA RISS, 1 B N k lt. C n A . ill. tr. Fir ACTUARS, tiIiEPPA.UII kIUbLAS£I. Annual Dividends available immediately. the Insurance or reduce the oin, et the option of the assured. GEO. M. BIACESTOCE, Agent, 31 Fifth St., Pittsburgh. - 22 S , -MI ; • Di:: THE FIRM OF JOSHVA RHODES a CO. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either of the partners will sign the tunic of toe Aim in settling op the old business et the °lnce of the Pittsburgh Brewery, Having disposed of oar entire Brewing. Malting and Hop nosiness to Messrs. CISISON., /3 6 / 1 ,1.1N6- TON &. CO., we would oak from our friends a con tinuance of the 'patronage no liberally bestowed upon no, as from their lung experience lathe bra einem, .we feel satisfied that they will maintain the excellence of our Ale. - J 051.104 RHODES & CO. Referring to the above, we would Inform the pub lic that we wilt 'cave nothing undone, to merit • continuants otthe liberal patrolman enjoyed by the late Erto ofJOSHUL usoims a CO. and trout our - experience In the 011111.14 feel satisfied that we 'will be enabled to give entire satichetion to those who may favor us withtheir orders. . se3 GAILION,'LItaILINGTON & CO. IN THE MATTER OF A SEWER on Pennsylvania Avenue, 'Pittsburgh. In the Court of Quarter teesions, of Allegheny county, P 10.9, of Juno Sessions, lies. . And now Anond IL, ban, on motion or J. P. Sh E. g ., Attonmy for City of Pittsburgh,. W. W. gehroWErki e.,. P D P Vl.l:lOll==te i AtTl report tho gamete tno ' Court with a rocrommetalatiot of such modification deem report or the Viewers, If an " , w h,„,t, may mammary', or such other oaten as to him may seem right andproper. BY Talk. CUl:iitT. Prom the *cord: int.l.u.aL A. litunOi,-Clerk, Parties Interested will please take notlee that I 1•111 sttesul si my Pike, 101511fth street, on SA SUNDAY, September 15, ISStt, at - St Wetoek perfortnlbe dudes or theabote appointment. • W. W. TllO.ll ON. Emmalam s • 5e15.323 108 Ylltb Street. WM. L &vivant', General Connekuslan Merchant, AND DEALER GRALV, _CISIZIMMG/crRIELMEI, Cokac , - , iiiving.theto • arriukgemeals for shelling, by item. labbnahris of Corn rer Say; arid HO baseel. of Corti Ideal, iespecttally solicit. patronage. Alt' orders promptly *treaded to at tbo imirest iwr Addsces, jysisgst:s r, l o*Air Oa= axo. a. 511•173 m. SMITH & SHAFFER, OMMIAGEAwn mammas _...nrawarAcTur*Rs, 3214,433.003. 0 dekilev, welowthaisiiteto M TBB U/ 1 ". VA. • -- BigINIMT flirtf'BACON. LARD liurrEk. Euth ranaorty atz'oe't: j.1136;n431515 PITTEM1111(3II. Ai I=4 IMIEI3 I! MEM =1 1,200.000 00 JOSHUA. RHODES. Y. W. D. LATSII.I3y J AUOB •efDEILSUDI . •m s. u.searoaD. not Chiticath