THE DAILY GAZETTE PUBLISH cm BY Penniman, Reed & Co., No, $ lurra e aaaaa , PITT.IIZ4OII TI.A.It BY MAIL. . IN 00 1 . 211 NE EE , rilLitvzi) wutRIER. .. 'le IT he Wittatqh Oiatrtte GEN• Lt2l•Al , " Wad I.IIrILC are intimate p 4 !:•4.1•. General Grant. They late cnnversatiou NV , /e(lared B:1 11531 1 11, n n Lr LI 11 . n 11 :he „ ` :.u•\ry Or- io It-Utl'ld 1.1. , Lt et,. • t - tf tt.Jo ,t• c:,;,1 a fiLt,,.• •t: hibkV ILat 1-'l,llllnl =I MILI= =I I , w• !y" g l ,:::,, fl RIEMMIIIMEISI plot- -9 crc alt. ady au in ditiert.ut - tliu S. 1101( rn ME :non' 11... .1111 I~.iu the ~~.lrgrum> .7311.1 pn! .usly pu , .. 114 au, :,11 11, nt -1 I'. I, I,V„ Art - Till. lh :-. f,kl, tlit• JiL It li,t . C. ENE IBM lIMMIIIIIIIII BEM I=MEII=I 111:TIN (1 1 Ni E:1TION MEE I= =1 11•11.1 . ....:. I %i•re.u: llt at ik . !I. 11:, ••“1,1,112./ =I gt nl , l , =II 1 lEN tha , ' '1 NnU ite,:c.rt to go, C. n o t:tg tal air ' T t t,leorn - tr t D.- Ante, loan pnople .tott.ty their own on. atora. It 1* guaranteed 1 :y to nem. , t'• o IDtnetto " to dna Doti:log In the • • '• •J••• DOUGLAS MONUMENT. N„v pox range of elli. IA: ref prtFratet.try non!, caie 1.1•1 . 1 , ,,, I t:I II III•111,i • )inni,ter'n 1111tOrn we O't !"-•• "-• ‘t- • no,ortt',. ant: teut.ll nt very note ratos "'" ",,',.. at, ! cunt bletltctne Depot, the let; toy IA Oil; I 041,1 Ct; nett, eo-o D er Of the nallOntl r 0 111 , 4. 10urt....: rent i 1C - a.t,ot au1:11 toe tool to tee 11 r ,t IA 1. NI 111 1•1 , 1 A I'lil-re• whe it ltearte. 1i , 11.-2,‘“, t:.•u: . . In 1.111,"11,.‘1 %.111 an lrxg 1 o•bv•Fruttee It, mi. , not ct.urll,l , lc of true t, nt .31. n. put riot,u 1,11,t1 u'elcotto• from Um e.t!, ot it, lbw( Maul-It - A, wto ttt • feet onal , 111:1 1 lttriAL, putrit•tli: vt.otititt o; 11. I.t ertal ttitreett unt.ttlt•ltutottul ttegrt 'Jo •. r r• tit I•! 111,. h., I. .1111 ,1,1,1011111 1 11'11%.1 . 1t1.:, I{.ll 11 1/111111) 1111/111 ah,l Any.: f..i rt,.l/ 11. .01.1 Iv a: ‘ . 1•4.1, ,:11 fituort, ...101 I' lei Ilgt,i :t1 111111 1411.,..., t. ,11:11,... rt. Mn. ate; i . rentivl eln /I/ In, Wlloll+l. 111111,11 V: .14 . 1 i • 1., uiem .11,1 llen. Out:, aII , knn• r ken man, Irleml 1a- 10,1 Ly 11 , •• . ,1041 11 , al/ men. lhe i.entn.nea:A.l I, nno "•'"'` 1,,, a mpeeek, I'M 11111 . 0 , 1 14 u• 1.. ~111(.1. titan by a 1111011011 0,11 ,, ,, - 11, NI, t.,l • 1111 d. • N•• loothr Of onv ;Q.; t:;•:. ee or horrtherneru 4.0 10 rit. nowtrun-atered to,:a). as tl.• node:parrs Kr. , Lout Pr. now the repot, of (I, Cumulate,. 1 , ,r 5 e. ~• 5, 0,14,0., f„ „ • I appoln Led • I_ 4,15,110 .1. htz , .illlO.l/11.1,1 14.4111.11 After the adinurrau• Id ••5 1 lir 1.•••nr ,. .1 „ „ • T „ ~„„e , - tat • • ;•; ; Minx Anon look inn°. an I :CO. I 111... , 1 ; it 1 :1 5, ~, ' r••• •••• er res. r of ',pouch arid corning form ard ills T0r.r.11,1 eirerke ar• follows 1 ll , ' 11110, tug the •I.•legitOon •• If 3,cru folearre, gentlemen, I h.. ' hod of g lpur„, r .i t areiota,., Islll • "••••• 1 . 1.. tor taken by eirrirriere, L• 11 utterly or yr . , 1,l 11110.: 1,, , „C T caun,frouf• • •.11, •-• thn 10 )Mtl •.y the e'l, ~:mires,. 1. :•II:r - ••• T••••••. Mar:land. Itrarrecoutl• of hi o.rour,. ' "' Souther. lire of the non•••1•••1, r0.. 1 1.4.1, •• fry my amino, for )1,0 ors:rat,. o. irr•ea , • ri r•rdr I; of \\'.,t gime., and .1 ri•lge hall, ••1 before you, that I tar, o(:, nothlng to-my. The heart-thortra whlch thrlll rue la mg have , T Ti„ Ni', . ,„. Inl.l.lhOlmj 6mgmr,l Col it. l of u, 1 , uhee dent, -1• • ; ; 1 111 n. "If yen NV I.; tert perur.l. Ills to to•eu the; of my' home let is filo ;3011,, Orrnorrou , gen- „„„„ „„ trernen. I will be Mor• 1 Iral • PY to meet yo h I. It waor ['roved that I red:Dorn:hoe. Is . wbred ' • Cobalt' or the grew. nnfol,n`flnt"'l of O. the committee, 101 l the Chair ruled lbe "'"'"" white winner, roopt•ea: o• y...: 1..: r .:,„, „LT, „I Cre..(roorol that, 11 ' that other unreptearnted elass, ,which .- or.: , t••••• • •• love! •- • •” 1•4 tIttICII , T,The faa Alma r•• as tr Inter l oo t• b y pr ol o .ged p jaw,. Further fro.. the ikollooprl Accident. ;,, „ },'liver a fret etre,. I, i•-foorroa allot tr.,. ad 10s nee'. KR, S. 1.. ,11)(11111), G.—Noll /1.;11, ;••• I•; I ••1 tr.. T... n.:• r.i:,l, . )mu went of the Lon( enl ion derail. have I,—ulted from the I adrund Reel- th• '10 . ! roll•revar , • oo.r, of 11••• l • arwin BrOa [flow Is by M. 1111.111, 11l good dont last rr.... 1 •t• Mr. lwrobter. Frrikar Alanll,l n• r - I• 1••• • • ••• • O • I •,. • 1,1 I'•,;•• 1 tor rieulth and' rrnnot take en to 1., e Not I*U, eouniy, (Le one ••f the Ulf rirrel Ir•il.rir•or ••I ret•••1, ,or; aro: lone 1140, gret,g •rn warn( Iron, co.. 1010„ ra U,1.1 • irtl Maro . . of Ole 11,. feT•r•., 111.. t..• Lamm Irate, for r hair Parson' It ls tt, ; ;Ur,/ have left for their 10•100.. There are 1•• •I•oi ed. Tr. Lit , • aw • rer• • •1 If, 1 day :., upon ear, in the goud .a.„..• jr..t thief, or more, a tro ruin rernaln burr, Ihe I• • ••• ted intbedert"lY ix :' .I h i , ' 'e ,Cinr•rtrirts and I . are ter. r• e•ln arol calker, of Itoctre(d.r . r loser done 'bonnment. n •• •,•• Y 1 ,, el•are•l In i•• 1 1:, Tre.lay var.,' part, of tile t•l' ad that ••••01,1 for the ' , Whiter, The rail- 11••• •tpl••••110..1 •rr • From. - „attu pulrire meetings Rare too, hour, a rol h road othret. and ernployfe. have 'keen very Al ni.,1",":1•1"51 were roldeeaard I • Y marry of the dratowurelted rot...lrv, to the u.• fort ~':ale The the • • I •I 1•0•5•• the r•ur • gentlernen in lit I..r.lanee at (be Convention, I„,,fr„, hrired are lylng in the prac t I aro.. 1 be 0•0 ve. ••: I onto the ''lll' land other rod II•orve. '1 • 1, I_ol,l/, will ;lOW 101 I ',Urn: ; ;,•;“ V ;;; Of I . l'~lo-1 "r•I • chars are parroting street,- with (etcher, evening 'yr, Maul' fall, holly on th, -wart,. 11.15 rul,.. I '.stored Iry too • (err of ill' pr e,1111.1, W part , rino.' ll i , or a grand mon do- tn.. I , olf•• Ills ned to avord arre.ri I , llthlar . • •iir•l ELI la or tl• \ 1101,1 monatrat,lol.l to be behl iw front of the I..._tigrie [tae kr, „ ra.erf uf..,00, of the lei', :1,1 .111,-,....1 ••••••••1 enorh(r. Ilend•frlarters on Broad street. and tr :rola are agar, running. •I a lir:, VAli 1•I the .....1•111,. Tu. Tr. le , l of onlor has (prevailed bele Ill:tm•1 par its, with 1 1. . i, • Inn Convention arounrl.o_ , l, not eve. 1\ .: LIM; ,414,1 , .... NIL r..arred Ir.rd Frencleco mon •itrosot 00_1 having rwetirled. lid - 111 Imoood (IL/. test lir" ',.;‘, 1.1 vr,o, n I'"'• r.,eiller. an •I 11••ror I'ltwnargh ILL ro Ha frolnlglit 11/i•I well it. 1.. ; iiit fled county add S. - Ih. fir :,• (he • •orr•-•• of tl,•• 0rrf..1 . ...r. „cork . , f,,off the r•••ittreal ./Trent “:"‘"it.) tilt - I/I 1,1 11i0L.1‘...k1.1.1 . 1,, , ; A . po; of the day. Ile 1...• Itronerorely lawn., tne, . ro ) steeled iirref , d roil' • • '1. ,1 )' e. ,„,y lox (idler:tor, mid Nate AmiltOr. The Deno,. ore,. M ode, ..1 11 'hot- 1 1( and oarrY era' , el••• - t•l ta • ••••1 three rripervb•ors out ••(' rf•frn:• . •l !tort of 1.... vrart „T; vino. -e v• •• •r. ilat1•11,1. KU, lIIND I itll-11 , 1. I ; 1.1.;:••1. 1;1., 11.11 ; .1; 1.; that oriary to Tar rlecie. l 1, 3 a Morih.rt er• • If •-, ,f, a fo. :, T.... 1 a „To,. If', f,,for• f. ..eriehelruing major ri), over the" very unirop-', Ohr h, .1 l• • ;;,.. e'• :fru, cry„ . „, the greaT work g•• ai to n r '" h ialro• nee eleote ,l orr. • MO , ,r f •.••••1 on Nl,-••••, and relurre.l r•• the lair :rola a -t.(tlrr • •••• •-• I •`,11:11 • 1111./11/1114111 ,".10, for 10 fuedure.l tin: haelern ••• roll of . "/"••'Y wes—e. 1.• the (•3 I. ..f 1110 re 1..0l ••••.‘ 'I •• t 'or Staten ill do tool LL.3I ILAN ut Neo Verk Abater. tti,port_iii,et.,oo ( frapiar. il•e. '1,•,10•••1 1 , 1( .111 . lii miming elm - de m. Ileuned le abe Leeli4o Low. - :dog orioddia , %Ire. 11.•• cer 1I,P11 . ) ;;i .... • •••". • nth I.•as, .. -sts. ease, ,wizen.- ii..;7..i, the corn, -11;..• us.. , Terrible 'I rnge.l3 . d flout chulet m ale reisu led in this to.- I t, L. M.i.s.iii; ,1 um. George TrUsSe,[ was born in Danville, dn i t , - , . ,,,, ft,,, ~,,,,,,, ~, ~,,, .Ai, r Ide.simu .... it • iii end , ...... ..1 , . „ I in stii.iv• ams 1da...1 iii its ulie•e,, ll,' I. VI ~. art l lIVOI th e r e all I, in Tlvi A went ~,,, say ,„_, l „, a wn .„ , ad,L " d u t ' l ' LVt ‘ ne e .ei. n • j .,1111,, ~ I, 0 1/11,1 illl,l I lir I,in., id., i.l .1 ,111,,. \'''' Kenosha, WN, where he was ti ill.lial'l.Y law Is constitutional. an.l that flit 1i,4431 . ilelti• llnc, , ~It i Si .s, I ....Fr/ ait.l.iteU 1 i,..•••• id. - .ru ployed in a nien d . i ntil e house. In 1 , 60 e ra ss ione . t ls L o ate , o i Ll , : Items. th o , r , 1 , , ,, a i y ,,, 11 u e. Jr . ii . mlt.y -. , i• ii t von i l.t. J a unt . 1,:it ,5n 1ii , c , : ,. ..• i...i I , i; n. r , r , 17 , 1 , 1 , i, , i i i... 10, went Li Citicago. in the nerviet of the ° i n t nrn be eillotne.l. it ,teetnion ...,,,, i i . ,, i . ;, - 1.'.. i n , , - .li'et;.'"... , Lil, u,13 .11-1111 i; 01. 1 ,, , lie:oln well known Min of Ita iimond ..1. Co. lle 11/111.111mous oue. oi Lirinii I meld., idi I unn ~,, ma he 11ii..1 took to gambling, and imamned by it, at the -....-- heat .1 iii..l b. .ei, .I, m in.,:m i ..I I I.e Nivsonit Arrest of Major l'a•wels—Consmodore It al.ertili) 'I iJia Il•I1,a11- ~ • la" 1 t 1 ,1,,,,,11:•1 1, age of thirty two, n fortun e ol sllSyltal. Hitchcock Relieved , tile clapping of ha.. is :Several year', 1 , ~, 11,, Ni, ‘ „,i„,, i 1,,,. a ,L - 00 3 , .' ~' ,------- ' ,-- Imm:ebb Museum, befiteinner i. -.llmJur 1. its- Al ° nrer "A - ''.' n d' ,o er e., ''' nes Wni in Cle r et-- . ''s... , Al , neouci .1 a girl of eel , (, mo rly o f Lienerul 14 o tl e rli ~/ , 4 1 1. ,,,, 11 ~/•,,,, ~ , ,/, ~ ,, 1, , /;1::1,,. : ,,:1 ; •1' ,. , /, } 1•1: : i . , : 1•11.1 , 1 , 1 . di r . h, elegant form and carriage, and Lad n t hild been avv'avd by the r prie mottoL " . "' g" ion, s l' '' ie i i l ,Tre ' s'ot , •L ' l 'tee ' 1•4 ' 4132;1a . g . e ' . ‘ ': l' j he " „mir r or ' by Ler. lie lived with et:l, ItS man laid lintel, on a chalice el 11 , egal elz.nre , of ll' , o .1., • WMA repeatedly Interrupted I.: upplittiat.,.and i/dottier gUddS, belonging to that W1,1,- wife, till two l i taa S itgl/, when lit :Moots ...nen he euntaided, um I•realdelit a ia rtlled Vieneral Butler si a-4 111 command' her oil, and she opened a brothel. Reno ,. A. ,, nnea , s , c. H. , n ,„ 4 . nn 1 ,,,,,, . hen nom . (.;‘;',. a ll , u appeared at the trout of the platt•n to I Mvered a I rlef ivldle,s. On last Tuesiluy 1, i:1311W she started to all`l"i of Lilt, N arl ‘ aa Nav y l '' rvi ' vviay. ' set:relit, yseua Ilarfid also declined an addle', tied him. 11, :was in a di 1...0..0 in inking n ' 1 oulodore Itolnit B. lint:taco Um., taunt w ..nett /a/lleed aii,l r eiiii, • She took him It 7 the collar, laid asked Lim 1 d tremendous greetings, iis he bun t liolugh to go with her.- - lie refused and pained Mr Fire In Pros-Moue. all the places aii nave iimassil Admiral Fur , , , ~,,,,,,r , - a u n i o . ragut uasitind an osoM wal 111 Ly g, 00, I. rlll' from 111 M, Wtty:t site drew a revel vel arid w 1 . ' ,::,, - ,,,,TV . ,,1 ' i!,, i , - ,.,7 -° , 1. r.,:;',,,,,,,,.., :,,, ,a, Mlle. distiuguianed e1e.01,11,111,1.13 Wl,l'll int r..... fired three balls into kink, either oi ,loeh m :.I , oiiit Work's, la ' stn.itllleld,flve miles from .. I ‘L''' ','” '.'"l"“"th.‘,,,', tall. '''''' .."'"' C'''' - wold have been fatal. HC expired almost thin env. nnie udally de•droyed by are thin .!,!'",",T!,;‘,.‘,.",„71'„" ~,I 1 , 1 ,,,, . ree ption of the ins tly. ~,,, ,,„m ornin g They were 0.111,1 ny William I. 1,. ..•.''' ''' ' ' ' ...- .1......., : :: : ,, , , u. 1 :0 ,,, ,, , p, „ :,./ ,.. ii : :::,: , : k ~,,g ~,,,. 1'10511.1,11, N ISIlt,ll the Opel, /1011. 1.,,,, /141/, , 8 ew herself spun his lifeless body; el, likol- 2: I ati,t,n dollars. Instulanee ,e,ono dal- lr Ll'. L e "' .'" C :1 t M ,..,!' 0 Urri,",?,',1 , ,a,",', 1 m ""•nri . ,;."Z 1 ,',.", 1 , kissed ni - with great emotion; protested ''''' "" l '" in nnd e e.t °'° l to trays t ' " ' aliiittil - X7,7 thi . ;atllitise ' is ' ns the . ) . entered. her love or hint , and that it was Ms doses- I we leave to-morrow mornh.g for sprlngneld, ----......_____ tion ilia , '' • implored Colon Lenin,' R. D ... D Wino.. awl ou Son nyt for St. Louts, re-. e. 11, ..7 0 . 1 by ' umintug there over day, and according to ' ' .ir ' • Flee. . the programme, we will reach trallanapolth on - rittLAPI,DrAtA, September 7.—The Union ' Monday and stay thorn till Tuesday, thence to • ''..liowio Canal. lira 121 the laundry : Cincinnati direct, and on Wednesday leave for - tali:Wight, It will Do entirely do. i Columbus, 0b.1.0, and th ence W PlLtaborkin and ...., i illgrainag• =I IMO MIME ~.. ~.:.~: t •.., BY =GRAPH. COS s‘xtuelt (11,1. Jrpioull., FROM EUROPE I=llll2E . ... , .. MAI 1,1 ' 1' 11 1 1 . .•1. 1..., 3 .01 .11 111.. BY TH.E C./133LE w,..„. iminufat ;11,• , 1 t,‘,. --- . ~ .r , ~ ~ .1 Lo 411:, :,.is i a'•"tr, •‘ . i,.• .1. ' .!;a•. %,,• 1 -01.airi, , !.,1 1 .i 11,0 c ...,. I! a 1 , ,,•• n M 1.1r , 1 I, , I 'I. l'illindelphin I ntverYlty of Medicine rind Surgery. 11=1 )1, =EI =I =I 111•1111 lEEE II toc I : - I Itoierri Report-1'4.11n5% PeterDecl _ “r""" "".—""'rn" GEN. DIX ORATOR OF THE DAY "er Ne•l•-1Letrell I.esseral Ford l ent 111411114i1s HEE t. . t =I OE flft d lInA1•12:1. Al /:III•: It:1 . r1 , 1% t.s.wpg :10 ./ = n . F THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. VOLUME LXXX.---No. 213 CAT Y ITEMS =I IJIIIIIII Ben per AcaOem I or 0p4.1112 na . all ..00,112...av--,1v.r.a1 ..1•l: 1" TA, 0. Hearer Female Necuinar) MEE. We Would Sigamgeftt I= IME =ME =MEE Ravages o . Cholera in Italy Si Ij.. MEE ll= lIECEiIMII u.- 11. a.l fl4mlt II AIIIMMM/M=ll glintarv. pk•rsuF. n: enk, =I = =MEM I=lll 1111= I=l === =III leril = FRO3I NEW uItLEANS. OM SA :41 (P. , j, 7.1 1•111.:. :Tig, EMM It the EMIR FOUR O'CLOCK. A. M THE LATEST NEWS THE TliOM FOR 11\1111. Prussians Ordered to the Rhine NEGOTIATIONS FOR THE DUNDERBERG 1171 iNt lit. ANI) ( 01111E11( IAI );..~, ~ =I L.: :t . r. • • •S ;„i. „ , • 11, 'a:. r••••••,‘ • 1., I Loing of llle Corner Stone P Etlk(' ;;%SE1(1.1. P - ‘:t - ' 'fondling Iddre— by Masonic Grand Master I.oerlivi =1 .. i i r... ~..,~ I NI t I '•-.,/111.1:li huul,./ ME 1.11,1 k 1.11,11 ./ 11..1 .1•41 - h. .4 ITITSBURGH, FRIDAY, SEPTEINFEER 7, 1866 1)1111,111E1,1 ) 1111 CONVENTION. :•ei.i..1.• lrlirif IJur,4`. tivd. 11 nrV. ill.. non: .01 • nilln 1.11,..” oar 11...1 ..1 w , • .111: or: . fo, nrd.! t , ki . vt f...1.•,:c -ti l t,....,,vernment. To ',tint,. or SOt TR ERN Thursday's Proceedings ADDRESS AND RESOLUTIONS. Speeches of John Minor Botts . ‘ll, , t•pt,tithrr ,0111.1.101 m •1 , •-• 111 , 1 :it NattnunLl liail nt 11., I.y the. 11111= -tho , ozin vnt Jou ut , c runty(, congnal , 4 I.n I nns .nn upon Ow lurorahle an— MI I=l oneted reaeintlon lot the an I eat of a contnnttee of urn in luny to; .letra,lng tile esnen:tos of the ton pneuln, fts off, I. .! ro•lorre4. I:lngham: of .11alnora. eff n ort,: a do. that tapnorni tn:ltne to i• -,11,•••I link , ,'“ , f ‘lth Ihr. rn,our> t•thgagn.l t I.• noilnklton Cnt.linforat, Ilk `WI Mr . olutrilttr•o n,t , hr -11 liN11•11.14 , 1 till• 1.0 I, till ' , Ally, r.lty re;Ilil I. I, •151 . ..1 111., high appr , ciatt:m I‘ll.l 111 St 111,11 nit, ••••:: l',.•6l•lent I! I , llL,rk t!, 111.1 ,4 111/1C,1•0 •• , :k L: • ••111111.11LIvrt ILLItIII,I =MS En all =MEI EIN MIME= 411 .11•1014,1 I 'IPIII , 12 , 11• PAVPIux :11 Poi n the .01.trll f 111 rto 11.,, tot, ts, 1.1 L.. pl.hrus.,t, II:at lis• litt• 1.,1i1“1/ 4,1 •I • •11 :1 . 1.. • 1 1111111111+, N.M. Kn.] , 1.k.. tt, '' , 1111.• Is.. lit, to 1.11.x1111111111411 1n1,1.11P ••• 1111,111.1 . 1).ifriCK1 N , P,11011.1 , 11/11, al4 l l 111W1 1..1:1/1, 11 1 Z Fl.A .4 llneo X 11111,051 1.11 4 1W10.1,' IP.' fa1 , ..10r...1, 1 1., PLAN um! r..0rl ,:..,•...0•••;.1. , •1 tbe !not :hal mot. k. , 11111 r 0.1.1.• 14p1111. Atm., mod o . “rruptly 111011 ~ .t •,1,0111P1,11‘. 111 K •,•1••111 p •Illguey 111 110 tr.r/ag. wq I 100111.• 10 •II h.', Pl4l a it•iXILV, Ixlll'l rupt...l 1 150 trPll,olly 1,111.4:01//• • 1 url :wafter Illy 11,1 .0111 \ lo mai.° lb more .1111.. y 1 i lIMIIM 11,3t1 ...ii ~., itin.lllnni. . nom Thai toe wel, 4,... 0.. on . e ~ . -,uo -u„, „,,,, ~,- ~,.. ~,„., ~,,„,,,, , ~a , ~,., R.,..jl 1 101 1 TS eeting It the 11.011i103 et , In the Was hin;;;ton Nat y 1 ord. ii bit li 1.1., li. , iiirel non in lii , Lepi li 101.1, 1 ' .1, 11 .111 1 .:. , 1..1.1 1. , 11'.. , 171. , 1,.., .1.1 .... .7 7...., IP' '. ,1 - ''. ''. .1 ' 8 II ..-1..11 1. 1.1, - I . ' '' o 111 11 7 1 11 , * prtnelpo 5.4 1 1,1. and ~.+*,., I ..,,,,,, ~.. -v.• 1 . 1.,... , ~, • ~, .: In the 11 a51,1+187,7 , 1 meat 01+1, I, 0 , 1.• tn.: , ILI,' I , t 1i,U.1 7 .' .'.7 / ' B •'' ' I .' ' 1,7 '. ~ 111 , , .....,.. 111 , / 1t1e.,1. •at its ~, Igo, -nati by, 0.,...111, +., ~., , +, ', , ~, 0 trt -loot,: lo 1 1., r, reption ot Presl- 4e•.• .1.,,,,,,0u on lith is 1.0.1 trout Lilt.tugo, Lott 1 , . /,'•-• .1, oi, II ut with ...pie to the pout,. al- , pa , -...01 a re+olut lon +vitt+ two+, t bre.- .1, bon of tIo- l'olotr. -.., web god nu 10 for .1.,- v" ,,,,,, -: v" , .*•-. .1 , .. 1.1 ring, that. In pit -, 1:1 1 ,,,, f„,, I,', „,, , ~,...., u , ~,,,,,,,,, 1, 5 , „,,. out, 1 it-to glvo it fitting reception to LI,. ,111. 11. ....., ~.. lot /Lit y. and I to,' . Ifolt • PI ,- 1.1..• l'olted -41.0......, on 10' , vet , 11 ,1 I'l 1 t . ..1,1 . .81 I Ili.. +-1.1.1.... to t heti lot flier condi- to th , e.gotol, 0, 1.1,11 pledge muscly,- to t t o + + ,,, as 1 , 4,,tes In IL'' Muerte.. 1'10 ,, 1, N... ' , /11 , 1.1 lry 811, .:1.'.1 1 1111 1 1,8 uttered I , y hin t In 0,1 i stand 1.3 111 , posit lon tal..ri, ',. 1.10. • 1. Ull.l 151 1. Ina, .1e,,,,,,, .4,,,,11 I 10' 1111\41 . 1..1 1,11, .11 . ..1 151 . All moan. oot,, , tout 011 bact:le not 11'...1" ,- Ill' 1' ,,,,,,, ''. ~ , ,4 111, 1"''''''''' l ' 4 ,'. Inwlul course to 414,, till/ r11.1.11i. of tile' th 0 I 1.1 ,, ,, - , ,,, , 4.1 1.0 . 1. .1. , rlO/ 17 / ~,, ',, t. , amendment , to tIo• (.011:04tution +ft the I ~ dud ' v.' , 0 ,,, , voto , ail. , otatos 11, propos...l by Congress lit Its 1. . ent -...-- seyslon, anti regret 111.1 1 the 1 ongteos, 11l it*. 1 sir vat of a Forger wisdom. lilt/ 1101 11101 achy lan for 11, it's-al.-I . i ,„ ~... ~, , ~...! „ . ~ ~,, li . ~,,,,,, ~.„„ security Of Llo• loy l l peeps 111 Ulu - .tales not I . „..,,.,„ .„ ~,,,, ~ ~,, 11 .,_,,,..„ „ $ . 1 ,., ildniitted to rt•pre-sentation. ' ~, tt, ,-,- l :11:// 1111 .1 It. 1.0.-t , N, tot the too O. ii , A ,, i11 . .1 , tillll the poi 1 I 1,11 pli111•1 .I 1 1 11, . , k, ,.. ,„,,„,,,,,. ~,, ,„. 1 1 1, ~,,,,„„1 ~,,,, “r”' '' '''''''Sill iii. ""' t n '''' a '-'ut.''' In III " '''' from 1 14.1 +tutor. , address...l to liardon, and 11 talitostrntlon of inthhe ninth, is, by It, l 011.1 1- ...„,,,,,,. I .., „„„,,,„ 1 „., ~,,i , ,,,,,,...,,,,,w„g „ 1,1.1011, con 11.1,1 to ate popular in landintklng 1 e0. , ,,01 torgerle. I, `.,50 101 I*. ,11i11,111.1.10. 111 departnnol , of the ~,,yerninent, 1 a., v.,,,,...58. sot. , ...1..1 ether 1.1.t....i 11l Wllli l l fii , ... , /fol, Tina the until:eat ,hall , of tl,, . 1 i„, 5 .,4 11 .. ~..I. 4 ...anointed by Hartle. , 11, buttes lately In 11.1,01 I Inn to 1110 Utote , l 011011, 1 :„, ~,,„„..„., 11 . I , ll+ tioviorriun , ol, 118,1 the . t ght- ..t 1 he people ill ' _....._ mien ' , MTV,/ 11, 1101 1 1.1,11 , 1,11,81 ,,00 . 0, 01 0, 1 position Ca Jildtro Nipattliitioly. therefOrn t•letti ly within the eolitt•ol Of Con. I gross to the eNflUsno, sit and Itelein ',lent .4 I , fI. XI. i• I, ~•111 •• • -.1.1g.• "panisllnp, to.i, - • ' .. '1 , .. 41, ... 1.,011 these I any an., et cry other dopat 1.111 , •111 of the Lop.- , o•-••,,. 11 1, , ~ 1 1,. ..,,:111 , 1•11 111 .1.-Lrlt t.el • 1 11,. , .11... L : ..,• ... ..L:l' , 11, L,i P1' , 1" . k.1 40 111) I erv...l. 11 I. * *hos. , -min ~..--s .... a tadleal 0 .ts unooione , ... , ,11-- au •I 1.11.i....4. I. 1.010, ...odour Ills - ii, ++,11,4, That the t, 1- to. 1 Ltlit, poillt. 4/, , ....1 1 ,, P 110 •-1 , i'anviv -- , .'1 , 11.' , / iln• ' , ..'n't'i , ..r , 1.0. oet . ~,,,,,- , N , le- MO , the retitled and 1, , ,,,0 .if ~.I+ , -t 0,040,nd, 11 1 +0,3 -onto 0. se , . , I , on 1.1. II ed. r , 11 , --.•1*.• la-I ~ .ght di .+ .- ~ , ,i... o, +•,-...., ~,,,,,, ~,,,glng Ills co is .1.1,4 raw Iron, the 111 1011. 1,1,5 tile) 1111* 1, 1 i.r, ;lel.. h, 1.1 l% l.lCl' 11. - ••••••• •. I, ...... noq./ .4 s// 1., non, a I or,-tiun people o , +, lied and II 11.tI/1 11 1 .1 111 , 1 Sr 1 , ..11 Pill, Alit! -••,,,1.,. L .,1 . , 11l ~. I. :•r, ~,..: 1..., 11111• 1.1,,1. 1,10 , 11 1,1,010..1 11/ 1 111. Lill , .., `, i l l i 111 . I l • 131 1 1 .11 m .1.1 . It 1 11. • !111, u .1... ~I :1,, A i 11 , ,•,... . •. ..: A 11,, P..1.V1,11 I Ilrlilll 1 . 1.11,llitql•11 la 1,1:111,1 1.. 'lie 111 0,11 , ,D.l Wilk, 1 11,,..111, lite., , i,, ... ..• .0 ... / .....7 7.1.1, .11 , 1,./ 1..81, fi e t . ',no n ni ',II 1t . ...11 • 11.' 1 ...' :11 111 1111 t• rq 1.111.1 1, ......,,,, tit , 11 14 .1 11 il. 0 11.111 they it, ,•11/. 0 1 7.. 7, r , 11 1,1,1 ::1 110 , ... ti,e, .40. f, , t 1 ~..,,- ~,,,,.,., i .., to 4,-.. , ,,,, 1,/,A, lli,l. Loprult , ,l. thentselve..., +on , ... 1,, 0.1 I 11. ink., 1,11.1 pl 11,11.1vm t•I 10 lel • .l'll NI: ler 40110..1 ....,..1-1 the -booth!, of hundr,.., no lonia I+lo, and tile Lan,. ot 0 iir 11.11111 1 , 111.14, i S S , . ,••'... . ~,,,,,, „,• .. •., r,' 111 11, I. +nod of 1,, to 1,•1114u11 • Ill, nc,0t.1.0 to 111 ,, ,11 . 1 11 11,147 r. ' 1‘7,11. ...74 ..1 . , , L.1 • . 'lO 4. , . „ , '' ‘ ,. ''' r: ; . ''...',:.'t.r:'::',g.i,,:',":l:l'",''',::lls.ll:;o.::',"i,::.,:''''l,,'!gi."l".li'fiA:lll,l,llll,ll:lll,l t : ' ‘' . , ;: l l' , : : - . I + , , ,, f ‘ .4 f i't.',,,,.:*;',1',1:0a,t,+, 11 ,1 1- , h ,: l : li ,,, ,, , 77'''Vl l rt y te'-' , " ; ,", . ' i '' ,; ' , 'l ,..i ' il .:. . '! . : l l l '3 l . l l i t' a ll- I 'l l l 1 1 : 11 : 1 1 11, ~ L . I i •,:f v ' 1O b. i' ' ..: :: " :;i8:11 : 01 lII.' Ilisittlreii 1,1..pu,i1 1 1 ,1 110 tor tn., sovag.' ettrntv/u, 1111.1 1101 . ~,,, ,„ ll-I.ll 'iirop..r 'line,. 11l the I ' ll .4/1i . 11.1,1 1,01illr• sly ill 11, 11...111l.: 1.. 11 1 111 1511 IIN authors, I.ut of I ',,,., ~, . , 1,..,,,,,, 0 , in .4 tben. . 4 1 , 1 nib I t• , , to,:ing to til 1 . 11,. M.. giility respotonlsll.l.l , - ,;,',,,, ' ..., t ,i ' , ' ,',,,,, t i . 0 and flot le, , 1,3 wt., I, 11 * . , , •.. , ' ' '' ' l . ' •''.•' *' ' '',..• ' , l P5lll '',','''' ' l , ll ' . o ' l In ''''''''''' , fle “ l , M ''''• 1 ' 0 /10117 110/ 1%01 ,11\III ',Bl I ~1 11 I 01,1..1 ',, t 7,1 r , 1...- . ' llOll, 4, ' .'' ' i '•' I'' ' ' ' it s '''''''''..`y , li l . 1 11,4 ..'''' , ‘ ,41 ... 0 . - . t) , .. , 1V ' 1 , . ''''''''' ....J . ' I " 0 iled I 1 1,1,..p10uit ly the id !loop). ,01 1 1 , 1101. 1 I,l ' 1 N.... 11, 18..., .1.01 .1 I 1 .t • I t. moue l, -., ill 5 ‘ ..11111,l1: II1I1';' ‘ 1' ,4 " 1.l " : , li;"11P.Ii" 1'11ii 1 1 .. 111.1.1'1'1711'11"' ; '0",,,hc r;: , . ',1, - ''' ' ' ' 's, l''vrolri,"v.7lgu2'l7'l7l.l.l:lld.'lltl'llll, t i l i t: - I ' lu ' .2 o a t ' : ri ' ll ' r ''' e ' .. , ll - 11 ' 1 . 1 ‘1 3 1 1 ' 1 " :' ' ''. ''''. '''' '''' '''' ery •iiiirc , i e, ,,, , vy titi.v.l, Atialto4 Ills and *lto+, tr.,- I too,: Oa:Clad 101 to then , tru n k- a u ,1 1 . 1 1 ~,,,t, 1 ,I. A111,111..1., 1., \P.M 10,, ,11 , 1 I , lflit. Mr.. 81.11. ''U'' 1./ 71.0,, / , .. ,11 3. 0 11, even more wig., 11l ' ~,,, in,i,e,try. totell,giolet• and 1.11,1 . vy . 1.... . 0, . .7. I 1 8 . , 1 1.1/11 1 Ili: 411 1 / 1 1 111 nation i• . 'tot tut, ' lII' - . l iiftr.i• poll- y, ~', 4lothin if v • " h may out 111. , them to or gan, - a 4 , 111t1,. 11110 01 .... ll'' inv. , .1'...1 , ...1. inovet the' not,ers 111 0..0 11 , /?,,,,/,,,f, 1 . 1,,,t organ tons In nut .•pr, - I se , • ~,. ~, i ear - , +lll , l pre, lolls 111. • 11,1; 1,10/ ' , rooms. "on, Itleo,‘,1 , 11111; nib. licartle.s .1.-- ~,,,, ~.,,L „ .,.,,,,,,,,,,, ++, ~,• ...i,0,. go y", 1.0. '..17 1.. 11 11 1 .781 , 111`11, 1 . 1 . 1,11 14/1"11 Ili- ..L. ''''' an" ' ""' I " . '“'"'" .. ” b ...Y A "‘ .11111 " . I inents, not 1.1‘,1110. 1., 11 Itlglti:y 4 ,1,1 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 1, 1, •I ' ' ' 111- • , 1 . i .• ' ,1 • 110 l 1 ills' 11,1011,, y,ll, 1 1,, 1.., ll,' 8 ILI, ..1 Mlssoitri, hentuek), ' r i'' ''' .7 axe not legitnnate (..;4/1 llrli 1110.1.10 11 11 11: I . l l t l leg. • 11, 1 t ill, .1 11,..•1,•,1 ..11-,p.,• "II ,10.1 1:1-1 11 1 111. it:ii ii...,..Le, 88 es, 11t g loon, Ntaryland and Deli, 1 ~,,,,,i 1,,. 1 tulgrt.... I on .t.,,1,,,,1i01l 11 I , .."111 ph, 11, 111 the 3 o*.re, ,n11.11e.1 01 th Ifeinot,rntdc ILepnllllefin , 11. R i .„,/,.d. .ri,,,,L or 0 1„,,,, ~,,,, 1.11 , .., : w,, , , :11,,, , ,,, 1,.., ~., -,••••. " ~, ~,,1 , ,,, , 1,, , t, In. , r.,.L,,,, ill the reponlle ' ~,,,,, ins inn nary of Ito. cirl ono- inn 1 int bin, •; : ''''''''''"' l inr all A 1. ".. h' Bll . , nre 110 W iniikingi uulrinne faith, upright 1711rIstuti, life nnd gen. I suenose•l I. Toe in-. llf7t.•rliAlLotl hallo. 0, 11 I, 11111 enezules of flee °row. man, 01 1.111, Ml\ 11 3, 1 . 1 . ... - 1111:11 1.-.\ 1/ra. 1.:11,. Cll', r011.4 , 1t01101141 government, and, by the bless-' 1 , 1 , 111 y,,,,,i,, ......._ . ~. 01 ton., the... , 015105 0.111 noon range them. I 2 .. A., ~,,fred. 'rho t ite are In lavor of nolto.r. 1 A Pit ' , bort:i , 41, i ..... ri' d. '' ''''' """' .'''" ''''.."."'" ... .... -''''' "" h "b the b''''..'r free b t a11 '1,.., n ,.' l Sal liberty 'lie trot 1,1 ON'et', , lnd 10 , 1 11 ,, ' deepest ' IV. -,,, , 11, 4 leo ~ ~. or 1,, on, , 1,1,11 1• 1 1 y 111 -......- 11 111.1.1 1 1111. 1 11C 11 14 1 1 , 111 and tornenvohev '-'' " 10 . • Y lll l'" Ll ') . 11 15.11 Lh' '' ' ' ' ''''S"' l '•."1. l. iir ~,, 1!.. Ft sdi I loal ; N, due, y, 0 I • IL,- 0,-, ' float'. of 4 opt. l'ollart.-Cition n , 11.'4 i . Weal ,11 arrl .1 oi American I.loerty, hy thel. ' enno irins, a, theli e l uggle tor ire, ,l on , n „, , :,,,, ~ • ..n.,n,....,,e,, .• •-••• ••n•i It..nieha” "' "" I ' t ' II.t.I . '"'" " I ''''' . l"' ‘ "ha , • I• . •, • •10 , al "h'rehhig IsTniation, wes , th ,Lill P r ' i. P . '" l i . ; Cle Ind, ,lent righi el en n u a, i a it , •,., ~a, se% ••ni•-•aa a hetail.a I' a ~•••I st.a• -• Inr:oo Iy, :,:••• ;•••sidela••• to t..,•kaind, 1 ..,1 ,,, ; ,..,.. ni .,,,. 111 I.lit • 1 . .1.111 1 llg 1/111 ^l/1 1.,.. rani n , ' ter i i ieiihwl ' ..s th " eh. i r heiet or 05. , ~.. I': , ..1.11,il 1.,,,11-.01. 1.11 1., ',lll 1. 11 1,..1 'l.O, 1 1010 the , . . •. . . .0 1/1 , 4 IV,. 1i . 0.1 11l - 11 ' 1 ' 11 ' " 1 / 711', I .; 7.4 ' 1 0 ‘ ' ll ' lt ' , L ; r rriu . ~.P t .L 'u r " : ' , 1: 1 a., i.. . ', ' ,4 -I rTnN L i .. ‘ " i n i; I : 1 I :: e l .. j , .. ‘ ,...., r l::r: , l " ,° :::l ,, :t ' L L ( l f: .. .:: ‘, ‘P ri .l l l . :ll: g t . n t " i, : lo l:l: a l ' , : l ;lil :„, ' S : l l i k l l. , ;: . 1 . 11 17, ,, : , :g t . ::::: (! 1 0.i t. ,,, 1 . T. ,,t 1 1 12 , / ,: ' , n:,. : ! 1,:.:1:.,,1..,:,:,1!,::.,,.':1-,::.,',,,.'.,,,5..1,...,..'.::::,'..„,,:::,.::%:.,,.....,:1:..:,::1 i: . ; ' . ' . "' . :_ , ' ,.. ,. ' ; ' , , ., : ‘,. ..: ' ,. , ,.. A . , 5'. ;: ''' , ::: - ; I' , / . ::•: . ,1 ‘ ,1, ; ,.. k' :,: , ,:: ' , i '' ‘ , :, '- , :' , .. 1 1 :11! 1 ,. :; , .. ; . , , k : :: ,.. ,, '-' . ' ,.:;, ' , , ' , . ' : ' , ,..... ' :, '‘ , , ‘ . , : : :: ,... " . '; i : , .. '. i l :: ; .1 .: ' ; : , , i . } .5 .' . . , ' : , ' ,1: - ... . hhist." ll. power, whose roengtaltton thus 1.11 0111,1 g !tom the lei...ling !rumors of that groat 111, rnment, viaiele , l these stitins hi en- imfairlshable honor have showe‘l to the noi - I•i 1°" ' " 111 1 1 111-1 " rd ' ' - ..... Ii ant.. , at islry. It.: on- wounded ... Ye!, - I I I l liell 1 It I. IIIMAVCA Leland the aoetrinn of 1 , , ,, hop , ~,, free , z ,,,."„„„,,,, , „„, ,„,,, , .„, .....- 1.011, .0,1 .11 Frode, iyksborg,,,l front tile I ot state. 1:141nt., mud sheltered by a clean of con- the Inv.. .LAC 1 1 n/dtnrs 0 , 1.1 0111 I. re who /Lie ' 'line Turner , . I lic r,l: 1, , , % -, , N • LIt 4. 1, ..• lip IleVel fltCl/V1 . 1 , 41. .81 1 Ile 1 111. , . I llly , 1...1i. slll.lll4otial otolgations. to itutintalin shivery In tie grand tunny and 1.1/I,y al. the ~,,,A, a re ,„ , 0„,,,,,, ~ 0,1111 1.1111 , •/. SS lil , llliii., 1. 11,1 Lit ,. ll i l WIA•l l ~,,g , t y;, -,1 to ~ ,,,,,,,,rurr 81 1.0 to + l ,l, theNtatem, to iirti.eilt to the American govern- .be true lo the principles for si lach 1 i . a %•••••a o.n Ire nub • I eallag at, Ltv u sound- . • meet i healternations of ollgaruhy with slavery , ~,,,,,, pledge ~,,,,, u ,„, ~ will ~,,,,,, ~, , ~.. •,,,, i,,,,,,,,,,„., ,„.“1„,,,- f ~,,,,,! -.....- " r ' le 'r er rs , "lC r .7P, 1 " 1 Ic ' wri S . V Urn , M ::l' 9 ,,,.. " L th ; 1 them in HIA II I 1,, i1l 11 /g the /WU,' du.• the nui• say,- •• rip , 8 1/111.1 1 1'1101 1 .A.0.1., ' 1.13 . lir. liaticli, C4nl4B'ettelola at l'lfy 'lnit.-I'llmo n ill I.e :i.i ' i t t ito sl L., ' l e ... ,,,,,,,h,. - :L b o u g ,j,,,,, " l ""U hrboo - ' ~- o w lag i o t r ihf i L i h r f r i i o n w ha ri t e i:ii, and in Rec.:log the frints of tile Faisnurgli l'arners, furnished bilett Itlt a ellniventlon ill the 1;05 sin Mite 11°1,1 rit I it y I exhitution of . ultorated strength ,Lint euuturt- i / 1 4' , / thus 11101 ul'lg, in ~.. °'''''''", for li.v. b. , cud in the forme[ alternative. The nand 1 11. Resote.l Thltt einelieting with prat- j lys Powei el limos mad body, as is seldom wit-. pie of clouting delegutos oth° LLL Con veil. O f 1120 INTOr u Ziaeal , wan n;n4114. she P r b l Vi• teugrl, gratteede And ley,3 am precepts of ' nenned an e'. a¢ profess/vital gyuulants," i Lion to be Wan. In thin city - on 1110 25th Lust. I U..,..4 rl/113It111; UM, onsl leuvinit I. nrt....1.11.N1 to i ..' and ; hi to tit, attain , : I. gruaticil wader iittritattiti in ligai Op.( 111i11, 1111 tunithl iiiiioititu• 113/1:•'...,1,31i1tri • 111 1110 right to . . liiititoin wr n111...1 roA. I ih• .1 tleilliivrall.• am , Itto ndl llll 1111111 Zed litirtar .lll4,4 Km/ and UIMEI= follt I ,tv ,I,l.ll3Wittlk • n~ u, ~~: u r~,~.~~ of aa 11111iV l 'nag laal th• an, ia [WI wtor 111,1 lic , La tow , la Ih. I!,•: I I.) thc r0[18,1) , 1.. , ” • ~ 1 111, thatt l;:., l„ t.. trim tko.ll , -.11t1r,1,t, 10.1, t 'III ned w ltu s: er) 11, • 1 t•-!, [Cola liana, and la L 1,.. re.Litai tug i. ,•! Itut h.trci ,•,.. .aat.ttled thy.. Int.) a.r • The•cm; tpt w term • 'I Iy lo+l Atrlert *lnv, V 11\ 111\111‘. EN LI A 1 .1 3.. 11,110111,11 , 1 ttem •;; !'.;;;1101, dlttrugur.l t - i ottmer I 1.! 1,1 111 ,•• ;SA \.• :1N,1,1,1 I.•11•.01 tIL P P/ 4,1 It. 11 ,• ro t , A L Si ...I. I, !.. • 114 h t•! ! ..1 1•;•. •;:111 •-t;.; ; ~•.ly ,I4l' ; , ..;;;;;;1;1 011 AI, .1 . . 11• • TM /11,1- ..f Mll, vry, theylll.• lat ITi wa. I. gro ..;JI7 rage, It, It- .!..t.tettlattit. !,.; .di I,y ; ! .• LC! 1, I It. •I al wrrll ! ISETEIZEIM 1.1.1• •4 ::} •. tng• I. .• plan. !on! t.. 1 Aunt ! ! , iO,O M=MI lam= Jtl -Ir ". , ' MISI /MEM IMINIONEN Eli= INEIE , 61 r; I hot.illno...f fn.:n:lw( 0111111 I'l., t . .. Atl/11,11) r., ,, t1 , 111 WTI 11. .z 114111 y, 1441, 1.4 . .•14 4414: . 1.. • I: 1.414 011:4. 4.411.1.1 r ..'y , ..11110 I ii i 4.11 40,1 ) 4411.: 4•13 41... • •• =MEE ;,.• 1,1..11, 0111:1•4 ,11:1 ho tvt tout f•:.1,1:., "1 Ili.. Z. .• I . r. ho - .IAN-, 111 Ca.,/ /./ tiptn. the lii3ul t 1,•• 1:1 nt) , l gyppro,,v, ..1 rills ~' Of • .: , 1 1/111 1 .• -.././•/•• W.,' 1111 1 1, I,l'll -4,1/0 tip•• . -- I t... • natirm, 1,1 111/// .1. 'l l / 1/1,1" 1,-/111 . 14/ • 011 1 .11 t 11• 111/ ~ , - pl . • I • Pren,lttli:. ~i.,~~ •r. . , ..1.: ,u 1 • w•ii ~.1. 11+ Ile.truf, inn. The ,n,hpni, In A ilevheny renn,o,.., \ "". "...rm." ' "''' Met! . ft lnc Distothysel ih.attnre '" ..'":'..: ',..,',', t I Ilt.m . , --- n— Et. • • r ttehht tem. of ; - '"' , ...,, I% peeelle. of Goserno 'n' '''' n. r nenrN ''. n .._ Ohio. Hots. T. Iligith.ti. and lion.Thot ~, . , -',•. ,•'. :. e ee. , 11.,. ~ • Willintri... ..., ' ' '''''' 4 '''''''''''' .. ^ '' II " nn l 1 I . ' - ,v. 1 • I ' NI NI \'t. I =BIM I \ l hay, oi) rlge, I e• 01 mo% It+ L 311,0,1.11011- 1, 011 1 ,01. \1 1 1 1 1.1..- 1 • 1 111 1 1 1 10, 11, 1114:1 11141 11 11. t 1/10 t 114• , 4(11111.111 4411 141.. In tit, o.i. 1;.,• 1, 44 . 1 . 144• 4/1141.. Itleritt• au:v. r• ,, Z ,tanki ;-1 , • :1,, v•dl 1••• 11110i,t111.14111 1.1t•nt!”, I 01,4,111441114 line and n1 ,, 10.1 , 14 Ili I ,11•.vt• 1010 , pt1 ,, t 1,, • tu ISM It I l• iII MEE NE illigt‘ 9( TRACES. St.t;.ters hilied on the Plains PsI . ItoI'ENEVI , 111111.101,1,11 11,v -;111:. 17.5 i' E.. itiLLEI) Perpetrator.. - - • I. I l..rti. - t t I I It IMIE =II 14triern K 1 St. Louis -Reception of the Pre+ltl,attlal 11.nrtj, MEE Nom luallow., A N% ^eptenilwr - '1 Itt• A , l I.Jntt is t 111.11 , 4.0 I =EMI PRICE TIMEE cENTs 11,11.1.ry ,cretforo 1.1 4.ta 1. t II•01. and 1 Lo• Iv 41,1 'lN•ri on,!; MEIII MI j 1 I I It! ,11 , At• J.t; hi. I ~% 1 LI tI!'I! k-L •,:s. I r ! . .t,•i 11., V 4,1,, mr he I.y 111,4 .lorla Tt,.• vont 11,1/1.1.1, Aft, n‘•lt•t.-tn., •f p EMIEE Le, 11.1.1.'111,1N Isle le 1% I e •srolpp:. r.• flv parlmst.p.,tr.•.ll , • kw" Pve 11:11.'111th! p I,l'lll- ITS 111••11-.• atte.)11.1,i;3..• 1.4.1 , 0, 111111 h.t tlp - tglo 11..-L.1,1 that tAll rlrli 111, tr ..,:tli• • NI, HO 7. El 0 , to 1,. nla• lam helo 1.,...t.,re3 - o” to-1141.; o•I u 0,11.1 Ea) 11,1 is hnteverl Way fluor I t :, .•,t,,,t or the I :0.1 ...! Cat•lnt, I UlOll4lll 1 I ilfl.l . piddle f.:.•,1 ut•:.• !nt oun .., 1..1,111.0 N It' .1 • y , kll 3, I ..1.• lEEE= 6, 11[1 ‘••• „, ~„ , • - tne..„Fr.....11....tttt ot ['Mt hall , ro, • -1:1:11' _ ,Ir.h .411. I: .•To In 4 =SEM =I au~ ~ -i tck , t , ,- -‘,l tij el I =MO MI El r • MEM lIIN tl I ‘ LL. c.LILLILLI,,, 01,0%c:110: Incl.Ldn . , your o - LLI - LI 1( Lott. to him tin . ill,• mann., in With IL lie. co.- I ,i ! : ; , t ' A " t ' i s i s , : ; . : ., i ' LLl " i ‘ t ' LL . L . L. ' . I ILLLILI. LI. Lent , 111`, to NMI. I ll t , l 111.111.., 11., 1 1t.41.11 t..tg00L0g:.... L.LL , Lt zt, :MI W.P.iti Iliit Ili ,•.• 1.1 • ,7 1/111i11 .111 I i 11 )Lot a vi . i geod v 1.... Mr.,. IL: , r,nl 1 ,, 1,yan.1 1, =ETD ti l I 3 CITY AND SUBURBAN. A Soh , ' fr the 2 1. '"""' or the iloy. In nine—rho AOLIon ot (Ito I it 3 1011140 a: Eonorteed. A i. ! meetlet4 or I.tto of , _tool LiltlL .rypt lITUI Ili;iL . 11,‘ 4:111," ArL AIL lig I ~Out I= ill= ME MEE NI =OE _~.., .. „ ~ ... ,~ - ~, .1 II NI iIEI ff=M=l , laLY =E=EI =EI 1 , .'.; II =I =MEI ME INE • IL/ •..•) 1 V .- 111! 111 • 0 1, c..E!!!11, !!!!!, 4n. II!!!r ,•-• c .4 It., FAIRMAN &SAMSON. TI_4D A_ K, s • '" " 1: !ht . • 0i0t . ..!1 opul3. . • . •• ‘,. ; I.—w 1,4111. Ilmn EFT:, V , II - tro I it Rill or I! 1.11... • .!.• tn ,e,l! t , r I:tt• .10 1 , 0 511 r t.: %%' 11 I 1 . 1: U tiDERTAKEK3 EMBALMERS, MI 4 e it 3 n • 111,11,, /, 1, 1•11111 ill/,,/111, •,/,$11,•il••• 11,11 , 1• , /11, , 1Wti•11,1 1111 i. t •!•.1 t,l/. tot I.l•re-1 t. tot It. the t - !ti . ."`i 13_. " i it; IEFY 'TtELE Itm el , ,lltots I t_te-tt.r • Y,..:`.1 t. Lb t l areltam to be t..0n0 %tote ttl - 1,1,11”1,1111111. a V••11,11, - eel - tutu ly t wll loyat t:tmatt at.oga t .e, ‘,. . , tt , ,111111•• 1,••• att ttatmtrlant elite:ton. nepairlii4 i.stablishilc ill, .1., not t..tali I csagg. rtatt 1%11,11 may LI • tilt Inomt tteportaut mute., the Illty \S'aml.lagton. I app.,: L , ) 10 111,111/1•111.1 I LIWII patty. ryttletulter the groat .letmlm dttne I.y 111010 la the tleitt, blatol I , y I.IIIIQI 111111 811.1 , 11 11,\ tho tolverttatet.t, Itte:, never fall.' re.:'III,. 1 , 1,1,111111,11 , 1 , 1 1.11. 1.1,1 nag , yt tr.t tot, Ir ter tl,i Idt are, 1 1111%. I 01.1111 1111/1/1,1 the ,a1.1,1 , . , 1q ,1/,,t.:11,0“;; 11, l ttottattml, lor 1 1 :hut 111:n ..urs p0:- pu t Ile I. tier ut It• .1 tat te. 111 1.1 not am., telt t• ,l 1 ,1,1,'1111 tt.i ttlrt ctit, t• tt: t• t'tnitzttlll 1 . 10, ,1 10. i 701.1,.; tn. 11,10.111., 0.111. 10: It .111 , 1 n patiooll.• . 1 'it'll..., 1N 101 l •111,111‘•%V 11,1 NI:. %V! t ukultllng a. 13., ,-.1 w.LL.% I. =Ell I= =I 11.1 ../ al•It•,! l, .11 I' I rrl .llntrlrrt I,:ttttr•rf, Irrr or: 11,21111 rrt .1111‘.. . .\ f •I. sr. I, ir• Irr• i•rrt /I .r ‘lt 1111 . ,.a (11111', rrt:r t I t r l r . r•-r 11, 111'. 11111i,11‘,,,111 , ".1.• ti , .• t o 1 . 1 .1 Mu! tli 5 ' 1 a r 101 tilYl ,11 , 15 , 5 - 5 r... 1 111111 a It1111;:11 55551 :5 I, Is.' E•lrrlr".• ••' I? , If rlfq th 1,4 Iran oitr t ~1.10,111V0 I= I THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. TWO EDITIONS- ISSUED, EDNESDAYN AND SAMIDAys elalort , e for ....I:di - blob react 6a fall,- tart ... . ate. •. the 111.jratta. . rer. EN, rEit DIA lAN (,!•• 1 - I.:N AND UlniFAßYizi.::: MIME Mil ME E =IIIII MBE A rxanlil,sitpr, ‘t lliz laltent to 1:1112=111111111 ;I% EMI NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 iLLUAL. I Ent. -The • ~ EN .2 • , =ME i3L3 101.17.1 a. Eit-rocot, I=l 1 ULIEN' Al?) t. ENT'S I=! 'n "Vi 7 I. 3-4 3 -al T. 1.7 1 Zr I T-OEFIZ 1,11,1 H. IOMI i::•riluNG 7% £.:14 Nt.o . tue Etvg; islering BA_ROM. ETERS. :/1:3 _,.Gi.T':C' do CIC-> , Beater. in the :rat I'l' N;1 N'l'l 1 \ \_ll.l_) ! .1 413.1 D 11 IiEETING ll Duda i:1 rlt i tig. sept, CEARY CLUB ULU., (LOSE IS: CO., !'ract:ra! himAare Manufacture C3rf. Ft c< AW; W:,Y.3E STREETS, F Cl;;:k:,oustaxyllyou Can, =U=M v• th,.. 1.1 tl 1.! he 1.allIrt: ea°, • An they • earl toot:µ4t eth A to, Lb', In et doublt• annul tpouting., rtpktring 1,44.13L0tiy &tic:x.l%lj =ESE I :rult and .14 dd. • 1 GO 4 115 I 1• MEE .metl f t =lllll g , •,tt . iI, r , a,. w ' II 4 L n I r thr Le , ! at- t z s ict Led =II =MEWS CLIC.OU to litd`Xtutit war 4 MEE MEE 1,, 7 :7:11,17 z7,-71--7,7ue r ot,t :I:rq ttety =ME =ME u.:u:l liiiii 1 r.. 1 h)+. =MEI =MI . ,fler‘ Web be el. in dirce. 'I rso ,•49 /lenq,2oil i , a L i ' ll " I= ) 3E , •.z4L MIME El Mi!MI =ill 1=!! =CI MIII