The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 03, 1866, Image 2
Itkt Tiftsburgh 64-ettc ICI 111.1.11 11 . 11) I'ENNIMA_N, REED & CO . JOSI.III N. 1.14.1!.. P. ILICIC.1) nu u.g... 111 ,, NI)A1, 1"46 NUM RICPUBLICIN NOMINATIONS. =1 AJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, 11V :41) (I,UNTI I=l k, !111)4)Itlilk:,11) HO', Till ‘i 11,1.1 Vll. LULEY,I JOllll, I+. Ilnaul,l,n A ►.► ll AIDICK 111 LAN DM, Lay F,N R V City J 1 . 5 1A•11 H. GRA Y, ri kliti •,141 , 41.1.”111.10 l-(/111/-I. II ♦lll I:10N 1. :IT uh. 101( iI. .1 I I)it.k I M.;rt , I= 1.1101/../. 11111.1 1 11.1 N. I I 0i1...411111E 1. .11e1iEE. . YAM I El. 111•D1111'11. t VIII ail 111 1./t It t- I, It • 4,01.1111.1.. 1 . 11%11 Vll,O. i.t- ,4,1 IliLitli I \• =I i,• •I , r;, Ili ..Lb. = IMIE =I =I MEM =I lIEI BIM I 1111•1•=1 =EOM =0 I I' ' n. .i nip .. I. .v. VO:111,11 11l ; 'I 11 .1 , .11 3,1 11,4.! Hi=IMO !-.lKr-Fir.. 110 It y rtJ L 11,1 EMI 1,..rt , i =EI =I :V II MIMI LEM 111 I u 111 i El • r 1111 I =MT 11113111113=1 =Ell MIME =1 =EI 1., arm; !ELIEI=!! =MEM =MEE I= =ill MEM MEM lESIMIM ME Call I I 1 !MEI (fol. at n 11,.. I= gOVernrDent, v.. In! W.. h... an. CI., In . 010 at Li Ira rye m.aean and In putting the Nclito ..r.poMed at,•! I,nr , ,4,1111.1 IN. print IpluFl to NV I, trfi If i 1 j,I silt tit. 1,1 •l lir 1, t It , . opi t oorlm,11) tt itp ,nko 0•101Im , ..1 , 1”.4-A t . ry of !ht. rw, C 4 ,111 1 ,101. ft Ite I. (only viulutwe ”LI Prt,l .. 1 lie t 31111 , 4 rest rain Ws Lt' Kill. ill Ilnl'.lt! till') ble trip tot. , n gtwu~ , 4.l"t h. the ,u,H,;..” that ol , lnCt IS but to IJ•aivr ntattlzi but to 1111111nlir c• PI, JlOnn 0.00 U. aid i(I12 IS Still Ilnothsr point , 11.s.•1‘14: ti,fliti. , ll ' l ' ll , ' 1144 LIP Department 01 the Government are LIIICO CO branches, each, appropriate sphere, independent, and to the other two in consequence and y The President., in his speochiss,cou • y assails one branch of the' govern with an energy altogether utimatch lierto to this country. fly this coarse excusable habit he puts it out of the of men who desire to treat all hoN of the government with decorum, >reawnt at rtmetinga of ceremony dur. a tour Ile is sure to make thew an by their presence to hie brutal and tivnary tirakiva against the law- making Department. Ete even goes so far as to deny that the bodies to which he has aildiesseil his messages, whose bills he Las vetoed or approved, tt hose laws he is daily enforting, under whose appropriation, at the end of every quarter, he puts his hand, into the National Treasury and takes out Lis salary, is a Congress at all, but simply tot riling assemblies, and he does this as tie: entering wedge fur measures of 'ninth ry coercion against the rein sentatives 01 the States and the People. Uf course, the rebels who cringed in tear at his feet for a few weeks after his acres son to the Presidency, and the Democrats who denounced him as a drunken sot and a dirty blackguard, who ought to he sent headlong out iit other, and out of decent silt I, y are deeply enamored with hini now. 11lialever they may say of hint in private, they make cos vile liaste to bow h e _ rare him in public and in him honor. If these men, hy their votes, had !mlt, As pnew Jo/111,-.4 , 1i President, and he ha•l frayed them, a• lie bas the Republicans, thee are the riot inert in the world who would be caught swin,ting censors of burn ;lig in, olive anther his nose before gathered multitudes of their fellow rilizeun. A sense ' soll-respect., and it w hot is due In the ciainis of integrity on the part of pub would constrain their absence. the Delma - rats, who are now i,vertlow, tie with 1 kulantlions 1 1 i the respect due the I'.esidential office, are• not the meekest nl toe , . ,rut Swift to 'omit rairoilt, I= kind -,nu,. that s i r. til: It sal tru,icns„• x - apprvi,tl-0.u,, ar,lll U.I , , U 1 , 01111. k,,U111 :tri , ts-•,u(•i IO 110 li:11C and 1,, ty'r, tt hol of )Irxl, TL, TL, - war I- 1 , 4 't =II 1 . ui.•0. ~• II ill ll• ! Llaiii 1111 1111,111(:01!.. t MEMI=O=EI "Curt T.,1, 118= =lll tt:y tlit. IIII; lIIIIIEMIIIIII I= thal icr •,;.• MEM INE=IIIII lilt, 1 - 11 , 11 11,.. =Ell tru , art:. IL12: 11.1AILItt1111111Z wr do not , kily that th,,r, - 'li 0 1.111, I. %N , •11i.! 111 I la , l r =Ell u,; ,•l t1111“:1••Li, ID, II ••, •1.•• • 4.• 11, 131111=1111/11!!! 11111111 ili 11:11M111111111!Ill I s. ....;1114h1 ris•.••• ,„i:1 lorn,h li,c Cl, a:1..1 th, 11;lig,r ; n ..•_, 1,1•. , •4 "J.". .11 441 11111111 - u In. 1, 1.011 end !, ! lur.ll L'e , eet ISuI Ills Alllrrll ill I.eop,e, liirinC un . I.‘-t kl..t NI) ml.:1.1E1 'l' N( 11001 yr•ara, .I. Mots's:rah I !../ thr N W•• , oI What [nettle they an. NI Ili), •rpteili brit the :tal 11.11 est. iluder 40. 01111 . 0; , 11. !, Jll,, I pe.,1,4.- e‘er Made au •'!i!!%1 11.1 1,104111 tr,a,urt, r ‘..,nut of provocntion no I a•!nitrtilili• a sell restraint no I as the loyal liltie.we of this It: . this 11/I•y eJt 111,.11 Hwy tall 1111.1 WI!! 111 Lin.. orast• II 1" stI.LII,•, that Eurnia•an I.lle!tai 4 , art, • 111 r) iug nu tsisjsrelis.l, Wriglsl of Ira,. !hini.g the fur,' silt .1 the rt..1,111 ,, n, and lewg 1:',1.111.!1) fr•!.. Se.l by the ti , hle In•nrlll.4 of tle - uaUOnl, ..111/111.1111/W =EI =BM "hill., 111,1, I. 1111 .Pi •to Inlk• mine au u klollirK•rlytu: loUllShiou gq r , •ve re u,r fir taen w high plates, a 1,11,1 , . A Itti:l.TM le., in ite 'tie' allutti‘tc , appeal-, Writ. zatctci y who re, ;treat)) to Iry depret lated as breaches t.t tts t•ts•t• ,• gt. Ittaliarre, but titans . dole, Ids really slj.' " n•ly lest. with Us !Lan they world itatt.h44 I, „, , na at 4tts . ratit itettitle ; Whoa lelwerfill nu, ..• a. • s • • Ittlas sertuld Deed to fivert oute helot. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. 4.. I, mduigon.,3 could lost possible. Nttt wlthatand tag all these lantiattelna, It I I 1141 E Tli U. 1 A `O l Ol 1414:1) ;nautical that 1111.11 h ditlsends On the re - st t w 1 I. •t,, u.• A pi 1 .t • ‘.l h.: olectittliS DOW 1 • 111prOallii0,1:Ili `' ' A ',ln.! 1 the hallna 1 , 0),C, shall tthrta • a fililll , l"ifilahale r.e..kt.s. ki Inent ..1 itatrintit Leal, it the voter , shall ! 'K w ! H 114 , 4 , E y A KELLY 4I / 4 . ( h-ttn• IV tuttt•tate that tinny 11 , 11,1 the rehel••••• I,, ttt.tttett, I' t " 1;.:n Int i,a se 10 , 111 a juirdUrlahle V.Stiireide, a!:, all, the rebel are hello ; :u.,! 1 " t e r,,, l i ter , thae ti e ct, et-1,,,,,,tete,t a I. IIIEA 1 . 1.A1 Oct" 01 (lie ik.1114,1 aLu. ; .. la , ll , I transt!rrietl front the va tt•rt• It. ; sa: tufititllkUleil. It Ireasou alosil Le Uns4 . .f . and loyh.ty tLeu, tr, , 1-e•. 'tee pubitt aOl the • anus ul tit - tarty nr well Lc glees up, awl at. ks ihakr ready lot The lee( sit a le-put /%WIE W,. L.O 1191 read the 1,1 - 1,..11,1,1.11.1i utttalit v A, we nungle anutug the [Leh Win., t.:11.101/, we had thee, ',WWI Inn Ili, , .te !:truant at the treaillet-y which liar t• t•t, ..t..,u thew, but untlastmt Veil as to the • • 11..1ug (feu v teed the reput.lit ,Int th e imtwer •tt hundred, tit chousnutltt ••t 41 . 1.10-d lue,, they feel ettrapeleut t, deal With the n , -w laugher, and It. trantitle it an =MEM s Friday Mr \C w. F .lohn,to o uniur o d upon Ills Coll,tor i h 4. Port If PlulludelpLia I ipou the . rvuiarks In Ilu I.l]. 1.3 Ali I I IMMO expert you all to remain at your post, uld I othunv I,c ordered, as I have Made all appoilitlilerlia 1 il/LeUYI w until I base Ireeraue more conversant with the duties on whir is I have enteied, but in no event would any of the present incumbrunt he retained unless they were undisguised sup. porters of the President and his polb y, sad the principles set forth In the address of the late Philadelphia Convention, and Lisa! he cOnsideled the httst evidefwe ul sympathy and aUpport 10 the PrenidenCit policy au active membership and participa lion us the work of the various National Johnooll clubs of Lisa city MAN, V' A, NUM,: ON LEATHER.—More lentLer is manufactured in the Eleventh Collection Distilet of Pennsylvania than in any other district is the United Slates. The annual value approaches three millions of dollars. Uf this whole aniuunt more than two-thirds are produced in Wayne county, In that county there are nineteen tanneries, and the assessed value of the product for the last twelve months reaches the sum of $2,051,179. These nineteen tanneries use hemlock bark, while those of Monroe county use oak bark principally, If not exclusively. President's Policy, say. " Does Ms. Johnson k no'. I lint Ity to. in decorous languai_, and iniudit atus etindu he Is seriously iutreasing the Win, att.`, under whit It the country Hite doe, not, 0 tie we!! ii sons. ill thelout, trientl--,1 any Such I, It WOUld tell lion hi.- M nit hi- di -ire th thrdiyai It liaise, tit the . to tt,lh out Furth, r th liiv to Ili, it slit 11l Col.lgreF,... a is 10)4 oiN II 111:$1 Vo e. \Vali :I 1.11 sideraltle and most it -pet table part of th e liepublican party, stoitici)i ^Y , liPntidde hut this result is iti be brought stout Ity if pr r-. 11.1, 1 ,11, by poising }tl 1111,011111ry that suti, it t our, th, ~, it attnot is' attained by the co tti ,,• wh;r li Mr. John-tin lot- iitt unit I,ly chit. en to adopt and folio w , it tr 01.1111 be w,.11 For hint to know that he is tory fast mak ing himself personally odious. Tut: loyal potpi e of the Northern States, those who Mood by the Fnion tvlien it w.ts uttarkelt by 1(21,14, see wiW n dissatisfaction and alarm, whit li is no lotin . r.r convealed, that the (insistent whom their voles elevated to lass position, surrounds himitell, by his own thou, apparently, with men like Ton t Florence, (Jarrett Ihtvis, Saulsbury and others who, like these, dot ring the war never concealed their sympathies soft!, trot. son. They see Mr. Johnson, hirtlier, re moving front oLljt i. men of ability, tool of tidelit) to the Mains, 3illt pill till;; in t iteit plat es ilk soar I h i natt RI•rlIVIt all , Will, agree with hi till. yic,tiou of repte,utation, but s oppei lit .els, av initaillit.ert iteii.oik whose our,i dn r iii the it lit t I,' Ilium i i itreNer hatelitti It the loyal. Ail this triae as tie kJ. I. up.., La the None .hr et II 1,, IS L.a ti V..' 1111. / • .!, ate- iwrh, llc 11 i. n-1 , .:. I. adl.l.lllNid Ui - • t i•"..1,1 ILI I. I, =IE9 OEM I= =I JO•1.1.11 I 1.1.111 •1. % 1 , 11. I 4. • I (oft I •1 Ma •Ireei DIME NEW ADVERTISEMENTS XI of I III:St 111 D. •I (plc u. fi o tai 1)ITI'SB1 . 11‘111 1,1 v‘es,,.. ROSI:D.ILE ATO *JE IVO/Chs L. PETE SON, Jr., & CO., Cooking and Heating Slows, HOLLOW WAKE, Ac., 11 arthouse, 197 Liberty Street, rilrhittitcal, PA Ain , . Ilh,thlt. ./rrl‘ ANAL A.. rim THE AItoNUAL MEETING ot the 4r„ k11~1•Irrn„f tho 1 . 1111.1.1 r, gljt, I'.,ml'ANY re II dat ill., onicr, No 30:1 • t alo ot nt. t. l'ttistttlittta o 11.1,1,1, •rptet• r t •clock. Y. lot ar 01, [tiro..ort t for total ottaer rt o/.t. oroo 11,1, •111 . 7.; 1,1 µ'kl, .1 !if • 1,,,t1,•1. rr ark cITI eV ••••• ltrr, A„, ~.1 SEALED PHOPONAII.B sv ill be re .•.1 at tbir onto, forto., TwKNT) SIX I•KH I "/.. ITAL .11, or the., matt.ll,K NN:, ICI. 1,7/ awl !ICI. 111.15 T.. 1.0 Inkr I Vropos•l, for Moot. iiotl Boole rt, nr of Ito 0,1, e Y 111.111,. IP NM FlLltltttl• it, 'Er• oot AND II)ININD HOOD.- An =Eli .Foit reptarwr, I miG VITAL I_x_ Of we liewrnt. rhem,...1....11,,,t r 0.. a. 11 I'. >ti11INIl•LI „, et w".., • VALUABLE BANK, GAN AND Oat. T Itgrly !NU PCSILIA I MA Sept. 41.1. at 5 o'clock, will be sold. un ~ ou.l no,, oi Colon, erclal ditties hoeing, 105 bu,lthlleld •atsei 10 til/I\tatS Batik of i'lltsburati: 10 do Allegheny National N• 00. Itlrroluitbani lias I'o 111.1 Y allonal 14.0nIng and batwing Co. ari A. IicILWAINIC, Aticlloneer MARBLE DECORATIONS, 13=9 au:s K. 11 LAMES Q BRO., 107 Markel at. NEW WALL PAPERS now re. calving al NU. 101 MA,IIIII"4I,TWOET, ISSAS rirrn. au2s JO& U. 111/1111.1tri a MMU. TELE New York P,*!, whi.h the r Li •li IMEIM =MI =I 1=1:1111 111,11 1 / 1 111i 01 Hall 47. ", ' ORATORIO SOCIETY rI.. 'S I=l . e t.l 1;•==11 =EMI WOMIL NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JAMES T. BRADI s&oto 8. ca.,) Corner Fourth and Wood Sits" BANKERS & BROKERS, ItYALZAS IN ALL. KIX!, Or Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. 'NO ma , la •.t1 all au reel Li, po'n 'II lLa Unlted NteLes snot ( anaolas. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. LEU'i' EXCIELSIOIt 11A1.1„ Allegheny, PAY AN I , Tt F,J.AI F",. I N.,. nap ,tata, 3.1 an.l Lb, 11.41;6. Dra. .' l l%Al:\r& S. Y gib, alrao , F.N5e. TM('"! 'ittr, 1.. la, • na.l predervaLkal ta:11, an, ago a .la•trat-tha th al , i lunch haw ta cure many' act. illaelaat, n I. Fe iptla 'la, (Am.., a Norm. I 11, 111. 11,111 a. Ch, amg I ..6a,....111..5a,tab1e ratatal3 ats, l. `r “aallp•- 11,1 IT Oa I ,„ raat lit,. ia I ,I,lllellCe SCARLET AND WHITE PLAID FRENCH FLANNEL. WHITE, ORR & CO., 12/3 MP - IAM *3 t roc. t NOl'l4 E TO 4 011'1114 7011,4 " ICI 111.11. •,•• MEM DISSOLI 110\ oF PARTNERNIIIV I t ‘ ik. t : 01 Jusis: 1 / 1 11111 • • , , , I t,t11.1.t. ► 111/11E1.1.h( 0 No. 167 Strert Ile•ail anJ lllw k Tits. Pip.• and I= Brass and Steam Goods, lID l't of ILL D6Sfkl(1101, 107 Ell xxxl tla 11 c›.l mtx• ocb -, • „ 11110.1.1it/1 lENT TA 't..rA I , NIA' 11- I .t, I t•,,, 1114 REAMED 1.1:1SION Two Dollars per Month FOR SOLDIERS' WIDOWS, ARTHURS & RIDDELL ( lain Agent. 13.5 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa 1866. FALLT " A DE ' 1861 i HATS, CAPS AND FURS, ME Wholesale ami liriali. M'CORD & CO., 131 111'100D s TREE 7', Hats, dr.c., &c., for Fall Sales, 1( I T 0 $lO,llOO SS A VI*1:1) Strictly First-01a Mortgage, ON CITY PROPERTY 01. d.., I!! :awn. and Ueni { noir •1., .1111., • Bonding. PEN AND POCK ET CUTLERY, I= Table knives, Ivory and Horn Carvers I=l IPIV AGE. N. CIPC3rT:I3ELLV. A N.nt P.F.11.• I•lllsburgh Cutlery Cump.n Alas. 67 and 69 Street. w. 7. 111111,1/1 WU. ) 01 111 A t. 1.100111., ft. R. rirrelic Augest. Path, Plea. ' l t o CONTRACTORS. -- nAliiilo4l) !ACTT' lati. -- Tn• Allegheny Palle y Railroad Coiepaiti propolielo al their iodine, on ale I I of Pittsburgh. up to II ,lork I. 1., of 'l'l RYIL/A rieptenilier 'ARM, for the radii ntion, .11anoury. kiallaallng lied Ties re- Irrd 1.0.11 ;or t)•11••• sautlon• of rued ea • g eorthward Iron. Brady '• Mend. • Map,vrublan. plan• sim.bitlballee• Lb. wnylL tra•ly ft, ellabltbm by We LOLL uL r IL. `rise Ills. le atierl.r.l on Me ground InMelenl. for rx ernlnatlun rontr• tli•usle slot I.t.t rum p 1.... ly 'nu In. Any further Inrortnatlon In regard to Um work we I Ilan Applieatlon. In person or by letter, t. e vehorrl her. V. W 1110 HT. •II•h0 Chief Engineer. N OTICE. Augu•tinth, VIFIANR VAN BORDER having br hie Into. eat lo the Arm o(tl A.M.1101. UI. I DI to bib part..., the Posit.. of the firm will Ito Cariled .10 by the remalulus partners beretbioro, au31:115 114 , '111111, tILYDE II PO. Orrios A1.1.11µi1117.2iT PrITSOI.I42II, August Zlth, IWO. SII PER CENT. VOLUNTEER BOUNTY BONDS, of ALLEGHENY COUNTY, wanted at-tit/thew owlet rates. au12;1241W/ X LAILBSaT, Ooncrolier. NEW ADVERTISENEIN TS DUFF'S COLLEGE, No. 37 Fifth St., Pittsburgh, 'l'n Ei FAUNA.; CLASSES of fillip, r, °Non trOin 7 to U .'• u • 1,11, mt, enan.l 1.n.1:1, e. tnp In eau ..tru,lit Lilt' 1141 i 1•01:1, olur $1 DOI 111.1: ENIII.I -li. LE1•11,14 ISUNIAEPO.II • EtiAIIaN%IIII COMMERCIAL MUTH II ETII IDET 'TINti Pl'rEnri.ur MON I.'. 11•7 Ylu.l. nt. lilt ICI t tl'nl r,„ 6 t., .„ ~1/ 1.4111, Nuelno.,. 10,1 111 d • au 11 . VI II- I ." ri ' t ' C ' T(llll ' n "' . 11/ '1'rl"n::::•r;'",".:",;',":.;.„. I'o Tii E N• ALLEWIENI COUNTI! . . ATP .N kr Is 1..5. ....I A 21111, MASS CONVENTION MEE 41'1'1 OF Itl.lll ME Tuestity, t ,l,ty of itiltelober EIS CITY HALL. PITTSBURGH 1 4 , P. 1104)1. 1100 k .4 ME TuE VICHELETTE JOHN P. H UNT & CO, OEM :7!"4, li ul I .Ics, JOHN P. HUNT & CO., Ale, Porter and Brow❑ Stout, 41.1. U 11910P05.4 1 M I! bv r. ar.,4 01. 011. r Ing n ••ii lIIIS/t1 1111K1t1.1......, 11 / 4 : OTO E TO ( ()WIC% (-TORN -KAI 111 , , nr,11.•4 tnit. 11111. 1.•1•1 •• • no. N.. , //C• SIICUI I LIIE 0-• 11",t1 , 41, , .ontltt II ES I:1 I.A SI I, It 11 • ~ n. 14 11" I.t.r GRENTERS' PLANING MILL, ow l of luba7 Mt.ti awl Dayn , saf IL) 1•ITTIIIUROII • 1•A. Sash Doors, Blinds and Mouldings Si 51.5 i 4. I goon., I . .I. iitol UL ■ • 114 ..6,1 tle •.•r. .nn omot•tit.y, ra-mawloog and netnil n• . lue•li loam to.alot .1“11% 1111. IwINT 1Il41:1' HOUMER. W. H. GAB.RAEID & 00., Malslers, Grain & lop Dealers, No 17 W otter Mt. erl t and =M!!!!!1!1! `..Cr I . 1 Tr 1:111 AND sT 111.1r:S. 111011ELIAll & MITCHELL, Nu.. 425 et 427 Liberty Streelt I 14.,E.,. A 1.1 h IL,. Ilw ; . :." " 1,!.. t%., BANK EXCHANGE REST A. LT RA_N - T, H. ISCHILD, Proprietor. I=l .410. 90 Third rd., Pittsburgh I= All lbe lu urle• 111.• hob,. 1.1.04,a rrlvatr IrlulnQ ruoutn onalro. ./FM 8; "- )0,( KA) TO LOAN BOND AND MORTGAGE At,ly to TIO4IAM N ' l '6kl., Itrolker and Steal Estate. A . ... NO 60 l lto and 1 1 1.43101 V .1 it.. 11111 . 3 pITTEIBUII4III AND OAKLAND 11.146:1LNHOU,10211. =1 (rorroasora {0 Joao MoNoolt, Jr., NtIttttKKlMKN A Nit Yl...lttrrri, Pittsburgh, ra , sal telt attrn ttoo to Moir ea ort”ts atork of Iturr AND ttIiNAMICNTAI. KVEtstlNJEttNri, VIN K., AND littligNilltUrK 1 . 1,A NM. Ilataborith aw Ma l itland l'aareugor Car. on to ll,slireunitotto ovary It otinutza. trantoa ltallorab. uer Money Losuedon Silver Plates, !Mon, Pistol., I ilamonds, Jewelr 04,141 Roil Silver 11 , atlme, Cloth/u`, and valuabl y, e artieleeof ii•ery oenot tom., The goods eaonot dell, tired without a. ticket. Not necoontable lu mum of ere or robbery. lintel. orevery deacrlpt.lou for sale at lowest pemos. (Je14:.12:0 NM AN U Y.I. Its A CUANCE TO MAKE MONEY ON net ALL Oil ITAL.-1 will tell my Horse Power Hay Press, At [boo Valley. Poet of hay, 67,40 per ton (lost or baling SLOOP.. ton. 'retain. pet ton. Pullin,/price, 020.00 per lon. Prone, 112,00 pet ton. Can bale el t to Cell tons IN, Jay. Hameln, or IMAM Jlt. mat satSINN Liberty street, Pit/SW.{ll. • VIRESU PINE APPLES-5 tibia. heeb for preserving, Just rocrlyt e ir Mill, anal AU LAI mid w ife Wcrod street. Monday, September 3d I'. PUFF di. SO?, Iriucipah. PIT"PSIBI , M4II, PA SOLDIEIRN AND SAIIAIb =1 MEM - .9 Fir: h Nlifo , onic 11911 S.lll E T T '1.1.,•••,,, 11111. r •11411,i. PITTMUIII,II, 1t11111,14. r N 4'1'!111\, m It age, 7111EN7•. TOO %TONE... % T.. 1 I I .1 kW 1 .11 . F. 113 =I =II =ISM= PITTSBURGH, PA CM= PIXE 4PPLES, NEW ADV E HT iSEMENTS WI IA )11 I B , Hood SI., M'ELROY, DICKSON & CO. WHII GOODS , C. C. SEELY'S Plain Swiss, Dotted Swiss, Plain Cumlaic, Tape Check Plain Nan , Plaid nil icint , Veil Bera,ge-;, Velvet. , Silk 1-I;incllcerchiel.-,, Linen Coltun Black Silk Chalutsray Gingham Wool DuLame-, Il Ilan Cloth,, 6.:c Irbil. MERCY HOSPITAL, In I harge nt the Soteri of Mere} OH I'ol. "ERE ITIIIEST OP Al.l 1.. I AUER, 11. I.; vas •n 1 P ;ln.. t., AMI S H 11 PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY , 1 , . If 71 %PEN( LIR ,ql, nek MUSTERS IMI MINERS I=l ITALIAN HEAD-STONE 1. I.IR 003]11.E. BARKER & HASELTINE, No. I 1 *WM Street, Second Stor), Jt• LOOK LNG GLASSES, Pictures and Frame of all kinds, N1011.111N4:S, 011NSTON SCOTI I , K A L EII IS Fine Vi'alehe,s, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., =a= Z . 1 t OM Vartlet,nr t• Won L•. , .. ‘ , •••t.• • • ..I. t l .1••• it I . wu wort PEIIIIIOII OAK T.ll PAT ' I ,rll, .I.'lll till KT KO LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, ms„,,, t or , xt No. r.o. SIIITIIFIRI . hr HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. I=l illy I.lel t.lll t-.);;. , -1,, II I I 11.14.. h, eta. ;1c... J. LAN( ,It .h ttgo4.l FN DYER AND SCOURER, =I t Iltlll2 Curtain. and Chair foyers Clualted &Reglazed a ithont unnacliing. Nos. 34 mod 31 Third Sireel ::11111.n. 1.1 W ALL PAPERY = For Summer of 10.1 it; LACE, 111 iIIIQUET. GOLD, PLIII TIIT AND 141i1L Pap©r Ml•ca.lag 1 arm g ..r ..triFi In ...e olst VliKblc 8 w. Y. nAumw ALIA hi M,11.1111,5•1•,,,,,. N. Broker in Sfockx, 111.4111 A\ll HP Al. K. , I'ATE., A 7 Yl1l'I('fll NTRI. ,/iterie'n 1 13,1 1.11nK,1 Innfi •^ 0 uelle on 1...11111...111 h, I 'KTICVLEI:hI l'Ol hz, and 4.4 , V ItitNli kiNT MUNI. 1t%11.1: 4 PA1. ANIU.IIIICti Uriletis ei eent oft Ky K 0,1,441.1. he hgµ' YORK and I•1III.A 1,1,1.1111 A lt , ll:l ,, stithr rate, 01 roonntkoton rue me. In Illn,ociLlON. CMEMM OILMI Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engraver, STRUM, BRAND AND STEIL LIME SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Cancelling tamp and V kiting Chxda, Also, I'LATEIi IfUlt iIAILEINU 98 Wood St., Cor. DiainOnd Alley, (AHOVII DAVIS . BOOR ATOLL,) PITTMIUInitt. ALLEGHENY CITYFLOUWANW M•33I:IECCO evraplaug, S. C. MOMASTER & CO., No. 196 Ohio St. , Allegheny. Wholesale and Ileta lkalars in Fewci Clivariaklaa. Cut' valil for Wheat WI bye. 1c7;d51 EW ADVERTISEMENTS COUNTRY FLANNELS BLANKETS, IMMORAL SKIRTS, N. 75.7 I . i I A Largo Stock at BATES & BELL'S, 21 FIFTH STMT. I 11. re. A•ll.4nlng. alts 1,0,1 I:oitr.l ',rut .n nn 0/.1 wlre, Jan Ai aut. I• LA, 15J1..1 t. • D. 11.. 1 , 0, Jll rift,. Lei l'on AVI'ELI A first -chi FllO . 11111 1,...11 , 1• ;It,. g••ott lINKI SIAN. l'.. rukool CHOI,ERA PItEVENT p • wi.l 41,1,. I,'OR REGIFI.ATINI4 THE 80W ,.1,/‘ illy le the Ni.txte, li,rt• 1.•:, 1 , 1 er. 11 .•..) if. relerlt, 1., the 11,. M0e 1 , , nee n...•1• etie•lL), rite. VEN 13 ei,erpeee , •l. It 1.4 •of 111.13111,, 1/,/14.1 rr 'wee 1e... ik ik. fell Where LI VNI c ef,cl.4 AI Ilil.lllnr, into, n 1.11014 hat $11.1)...nt u, It 1., nab 3 ‘l,l, 11.14 t,sl 'sot um. %Web I- tla• ulr +I. I n.r Seelys Cholera l'reienli►e ISO., yr 17- 41,1 labor. 1 • 1.0 ..1. • tt..• end rvile.. •I L... ,ti• h• Inn,' t n.• •n V• • r. - . 11 ucl r ant In e 11. 3,1.•1t .1• • A .11, r 111.1 rti In I 'HE lk; Spring and Summer Medicine Ylict FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPAMIUt, I 1 ()tilde of U W. PETTES, BOSTON, James R. Nichols & Co., FACITICINI,, CHEMISTS, Nl,ll Tuttaus,,,ie ELIXIR PE:R.IIVIAN BARR Prolo‘ide of Iron, Tonic and Restorative, P. 012_1141 1,1 p,rla ,•••• •• l•rt Paten., • •MAIL , A • N\ !I LI 1 ,, 1 , 111K IrY LINK, n•••• .•tt• ••I the thott t.r..lhltt • 1 , • , n, .••,• on, of eeertlng [WI ....two upon the , k e . n.l don. , it • c• , ...• the attt r•I I rebel.. eel, or Look • I I , hlhao .Are r aet led Meet deckle...lly wlh•lt t.t.141.4•1 with other AI LuraLl‘na. In anninluation; teen, to Chilli pwlectly ill the tl.. r!•,. first i fl , aL,IIII2IIy üborrret - i.I.A IuDIDE .1! LlME — is taken.. •,:h.,• gawk am. tlie, showing that It has tonic r ties of a Mar Led cresol, r. Its alterallt ci. s , e n.antfest in Its ready combination with the Wood and thistles. Hale, acrofulous nomen and n improve rapidly under its use, and the t I hat fs nolo!. assume • health r condition. It Is admirably adapted to a large number of citron I, of ac.ite aticctlons hecullar to children. It la •d 1.4 h by the mildness and officledaCY ol Medi, Inal ellert •11.1 the pleasant, attractive form .•I the rtlrg dy. It may ho given for a long Perk. , r/ her, cubist...nuns' Influences aro desired, and no pusuance, dlslnetlisation Or• take ...syrup, encountered. In White-Swellings, Hip-Joint ..- ass. and Distortions of the :+ptne. It eleonld be gin e., tu /sir, tit,l , moderato. until relief Is oMalued. In the Spring of the Tear, and (luring the Warm Weather, , urrlnlat lon of mon,' !natter. lu •retent to tveotne nanstlfest. 010 rely troublesmno. La!!!!!It!ole, Iloadavo, Cant's...els, LOO. of opetlte. Valu• In 010., •re Illy rototnou. Nothlt( !Ivor davit...l Is twit, adapted to IS Lerznln•le lirave !xi/ thee, affections than chi!! 111 .• eotoklttatlon ot 11,SAPA !ULLA WIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7 . . A.. perparallow isle it, or m 41,4 approximate, (n .re nw Alterative, or Blood Purifier, .ner &vs,. pld HA Within rho r. aca f in./. r o• I it IA an t treJ• ew and ACigivrtric r.,urt,ln%elt)r.r... re.ret r, ,, u11,11ng anything 'Other,. ergq ..1 , 10),. lee opinion or 11/I , i I,ILI men concerning It. the .loncription of Its chemical character. cheraventle •uner vac., are given In • circular. hien ..A. nt the atom of any and all •!aa, V, ran , to I'lttaburgh by R. E. ISELLER:i /CV AND Al IL DRUGGISTS n,,)1 FWD EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, Coinhined with lodide of Lime ,p1,I•1 Low }tsars at LEM LNG'S DREG STORE No. Market St., Pltlabtirgh. tV 11. 111 1.1. Kir, • - C. W. HACrluburgb K. - EDI , ' N . , RA1.1..1011, MILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, I=l BRANDIES, WINES AND CIGARS, Nos. 221 and 223, Corder of Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURCH. PA IRON NAILS, COTTON TARNS, &C. Contitanny on hand. !OA:IICERY VALUABLE IRON PROPERTY, At Clarksville, Tennessee All 'RUA N & ea. hteIiURNON TermlS, of the Chanceurt, A. In pursuance of an order made at April Tenn., ,M I wilt aril al P ryCoublic Auctloo,n TL/ lal/ II A Y. at Clark •le, OePtmele , 411 t, 1860, en the premise, LOCUM 0011 hiuUNT VIC URON two.occollent Iron Ifurnecea. situated near the Utunberland fti•er and the Memphis, Cbsitavllle and Louisville Rail road. There are about 13,000 acre, of land be lt/0100g to the two Funeral, of which partlcs string to engage to the Iron Mutates can purchase marble they denim. Timber la abundant for all purposee, and the ore of tee beat /testily. Tigre ur arms—Ten per cent. math, and the hal anue on a credit of oue, two and three years. Notes with good aceurity, to bear tolerant from data. suMA7 W. T. tiIIAC'IIttLYOILLI, U. & BUSINESS MAN'S COMINICLIL COLLEGE, No. 4 Bt, Clair Street. We bare engaged the am - floes of an experienced teaahcr expresely for the =maim or July and .nee. Beal Students catering on the lit of July can eagle 17 complete the 09.rc by the last *Langan. Yor circulars and specimens of INSIMMiaLIp, apply et the College Booms, or addrent lan4cOlinird N. atienza and J 4 Y. I(9OLAniceiDo • . I II =I ISEEIMEEII3 ,nar fac“ral•lt L 41.1 a =1 „ _`,li 'WANTED. A GOOD G IRL =I Cooking, Washing and Ironing IN . A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY s:. I=l=l WANTEI)—AL HOOD 11114!\ IN El- Tv ' t; 111.11 e,A1,11, to ,„ tr3vrt port or the I lute. 111"!...o r •11 I • torge..ol2lSlllArllotl 111"/.11•. • J., 11. • Can st Mina !Arc.. t. J. .'I II.I•oh, I'i11•~u rR l,_ I'n Roolls AND 110.111 D 11.1:WED =1 ==iMM A~ 101 l O.OOllll'U BOA RD/AU% WA TED. The CC I IN, i. 01,51 =MIMI S ILE•NI S$ A 1,.1 hiry,i =MIS IV A N'IED ACiIEAPN •;... 1.% to *lOO l'El: SI•PNTII ~• n Vt:. $7, ,rn, F.:no ,r% Al, .n.. .tnn• vtr )<31.1. Pr • pav ..rn ~• 1,11. n INTLI) *24) PILE/ 11,41' Lto}d', "'cll. Map of North imerica, U. S. CONTINENT IN 1900 ~~. ~, I'l M.. .. i. AGENTS "ANTED. TO %ELI TRIERAN 73 P tU E Or, Lore and I.oyally. •I• o• 1 4 NTED 16100 per Month paid Tv io n r0n..., to our • •h 1 SAO !hit. MA( 111, h, • loot, Intent. Addross, 'frith SLAM,. NI., 41.51,1 IS SEW !ht. tl Al' 1.11. hi 1,5 Inch. , 1'1111A4,1 his Pa. too .16...11w EDUCATIONAL 1111 . ..41111311111i YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE. =I =I A NEW BUILDING Ell= l[l.l The I.IIIILA 111 Al'l'+ •".: 12",r , 1`• , ' •1.,...11 I I n 1., f1;14 . 1. Eu•le trat.1.t,....11 • ~. t•I I‘ •lepsrituer,.. I h.• :•••1..."1 le.lo gr.] cat nrl./ • hanel., ,Itll ,ar I I. H. WHITE. 2.S ►►cst Fourth Street, CI.VCI.E.V.I I'l pENN INIsTITETE, FOR YOUNG L,wir.s, =I 111.E1.151. M. S.S. SKi le JUIRL. el , I=l No. 21 Ilan< ock Ntreel FALL ,1-.3,1101 n,u v.,t111.• 11.• N e p Vor Apo , y 3t tl pirrdnunGii Female College, TERM IN ILI. 51 1E 1 .1 -. 7 • 3n1311113.1315t. Addrexo Rev. I. U. l'Ett-tilltlAl _ . p l nvows SiENTIII , I4I' A ND€O3l- MKIZCIAI. ADENIY, 1. • .1.1,1 •trevl tty, CiAo.k 1,1111.11[4, N 111 011,1 it.. 1 , 64 D., S. salon opens mt at C., v. tha: n.ilet novo I,•to '4 to L, I Ake 11.1.ent,n 1 1 .,t,/. 1-Art iCf A l l/1.1M•r• 1.1 A; tu. ali LI, es 111, fultlon r•i• t nl, I Al, ri •u.LL , L. 1 51 11.1,1.. l'r :I,tl VOCAL uEssoNs. MISS ANNA M. SHEII3, Teacher of Vocal Music AHD, A I C. C. .11ELLOR Al! _ • FEMALE EDUCATION. TILE FALL SESSION OF H. M. TWIN IN 1 . VCR LA ,n In 1 , 1,3t11ND bTft.C.ET, opposite tht Court lions, wit: open 11,0 FAIL: I 51,,, 01ST Ili "r. TEMMICIL •u:I 11.7.N01T MERCHANT TAILORS REDUCTION. WE AI hro,si Offering Our Entire Stook of SUMMER BOYS . CLOTHING At G.N.E.A CI REDUCED int t , a , etin. roll and ten NR. r" If LO 661 X, 47 Fit. flair 4141.044 HENRY G. HALE, XEERCILAIIT TAILOR, Northwen Corner of Penn At St. Char Fifa Destro.. to return thanks to hl3 rrlend• end the pot. Ilc generally for thnlr liberal patronage, and wool.l respectfully Inform thew that he has )1131 returned from 11343 0rk of Rpottern MorLets VIII a /arse and troll bested st ee ELM S E {WOOLEN GOODEI p f;oz ziattaKl!ri'Lltat BIT.) ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO Soldiers of 1861 and 1862. All who .erred three years aro outltleel to slot) bounty; those SCrl tug llru years, 630; or Who Were dleehsrged by rev.a et noends, wr their helm 2/tree Months Exlra Pay In doe Volunteer 0111eurs to the enrlbo hlarnh LI, sinec A LIZ, nod prl I dlneharge4.l, ntuelored vat, ur resigned MM. rmaililieb.—Permaneolly dlenbled urn cbt.IIJeCI to 415, 450 or 155, secordlon to cluirrea of dt.sabl) %V. J. lk UALL, Attorney., 71 Grant titreet. l'lttaborah, SOLDIERS , CLAIMS FOR BOUNTY, &c. The undersigned will Colla.vt eri bOuillite, back Day and pensions duo 00141¢1 . 3 miner the o, ot. or Courses' or blue lave. Congress basjust passed an Lot equalliing boun ties, order Which veteran soldiers are enUtted to bounty of Cora 8100 to MOP. .7011Y4 B. LAPLISIE. A. Y. ateownr. A 114-612.1111,/ ornao, P. t ?4,:tr MEM =III Ltt It. ktV PACS 1 smi L.i CinllN , v ,r