DAILY GAZETTE Plllllllll l SD BY iman, Reed ac. RI PITS BTKarr. P 117.6 Att I r l l l ' ea qt ,Ll 4, BY tArHlkl.. . WittAinqh 6agettc. nn onlF , ervltti yes of the ii.rn dotrici onng. to yersumic ;ti r. IL A. Merl Clintnil county, to accept i belt nom for C'on.:l,—, agn.r,t Mr S rr pul,luau Tht• rc pecult ion if fic dentocnits wit lie man nl fair a! iLtira .... • putal,.)n- a F , We judge, ~r 1 nt wan who would be wheel „ a AFT Inr as the result i< t-nneerned, it does n o t hrit he tiO,S. Ntr. Wn.sas will 1, 3 led, and tve shall nut wondei i 1 hi+ iv lu, rease.t neer what it wits two Pr.Vv,S I , lilu,irnte.l In Ow New Y.; k Milo,. When 0 10,1 it, vapilulation 111111 !lin OgrAcr, ii itidtilgo , kl iu nnlicuati~m. 'PLn ~ mOnul.; n. :21! :1- walll 14,.11 r 4 111, =1 TIMM OEM e• 1 !, col", ,1111 y 11 11 ° - 01 1 111 0, 11 1 1111,1. MO: 11131 M 4,1 \ ,n,l 1/t4 T1,1..1 I 111 ‘II.FIIiI.INI , t•• •‘t hut 1.0 rt•p.,4•, .1. Itu :11 thy 1,1, tie I al111:1. Th.•.iul. , ti 4.n Lrr Ilan i N . `ll/,1 I,:i. N ii - 11111111111 I ..ue I.kik. 1 111.. 1/1 I• 11,, In I(1•• tv, IS' I) ..111 t 14.1 'Jo •hnrr (1.. , t'.11.0•11 ~,,, lk Z. 111.1 Ilor• iltztt It , pall it MrMr l r, 1. 1011., I pr t•sl, Mr x I •,tl.l. ‘,O I THE WEEKLY GAZETTE TWO EDITIONS ISSUED, ESDA IN AND SAME DA s ..4111100 It lorv, - .1.,1 vO,Ol va!:1 reach hh rs.o4..me•L as FIVE It~Pr rt,!, A I/ Vi.W.•RII, =EI = The 'lttenerle•l nt Wt.. , 1.11, I =GEE riser e,lt so le • Igti. - t 0 I %1i...111 S lrl Held lor Trim, -., 1 11111 g +i II I M • • • • I I •••••••••as • ay , . I• 1 In • • t 111 11, tt tl.l n • I ; I I. • ,•osen.kl %1/14•11 11, , 111 1111,1 gol i•• 11 1/1.4 - 14.a+, ME ME 11 , r Is =X 111E1 12=119 MEM =El= =I =OEM , CJ - Ell it Ili, I i 11 I t It I ==1:1 11 I 1 in). '1 1 I 'llll. =ME n..101,r IT ,11, MEI =II UmManly 1., n t ~, ' 6 glin MEM ‘•` "‘, . ot •tiz,lt+ 010 • Cll,-I I 0.1111 I= MEI EN I==lil 1111111111 E .r 1 ME ME NM ~.. .a ~~. ~ ... CE=IIMI ME la=11M1:1 =MEM 031•11141bd S• 1111,10 1111 NEW AL) v . Eli 11'.3.E.5e1 E N TS. I 1 111.11,D ALL I i.lll.la,tb. rise • , FAIRMAF 4.4". SP. 5 P.! Li N RI - ItalS No. 191;:mnitiiotqt: cor. /tit, :1 1,x,? . ~..!°t F:'t, .E.I3E-1 -C-3.—Ter....10'.1-4., =ESE It T. 11111iTIF& 0.. UNDERTAKERS M . 45 7MEALMERS, fi.h.;NIS A. MAN..o._S STA6LE vt 61, Mt • t ELCCVLS. DUNSE 1111 Lk. Watch Repairing Elsuiblishtnent, s`lSllx. Et trot, LADIES' AND CiENT'S Ne747.14.uri =UM 211*. EAT LT II E mrcr. PLZICI 1067 X LT, T. "C7V - I.7Ca lErg r.. I IL SO.ll L I'li I]t: 1:14 Time ktegi.oicring -13,A1t0 NIET E it :-', 1111, Atat,T, c Ilralen In 1 ,ptir:ll %1:1:111::1 iltom TRE FAsT 1;1)0 F, ANS) JAMES R 0 88, r-,1 I 2,1 1. II 11111,h4i, 11,11 m, t Iruitur , ,011. PENN AND W&Y STREET:., i:ALCst •z t, lok ( 4k ♦. 1110 10. , !.. tvr , it . 0 1 1415 1 II Ell 1E! MI =I . . •: r T Farniti