The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 31, 1866, Image 1

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Reed & Co.,
Err, rirranuaan
t.x.o ti sr.uvEn 4.3MA1C.7.7 5 . 76.
fittointrgit gazette,
Tim question is frequently risked by ,
correspondents, what effect Johnsonism
will have upon the vote cast at the forth
coming election in Allegheny county.
From actual calculation, in which a liberal
allowance is made for all defection in the
Republican ranks, we can safely predict a .
majority for the Union nominees of be
tween seven .and ten thousand. Never
since 1800, when the loyal masses turned
out in'their 'greatest might, for AXIIMIAIi
LINCOI-`i, have the people of this county
been more thoroughly aroused to the intet
osts at stake. The trifling number who have
left the fold of the Union Republicans will
not decrease the majority, as we know of
fully as many Democrats who will either
vote the loyal ticket or stay away from
the polls,.rather than sink their manhood
by clubbing with the Mongrelites. In
deed, such strength has the feeling of dis
satisfaction obtained that a straight out
Democratic ticket may be placed in nomi
nation, in which event the combination
party will be sadly defeated. At all events,
the Union Republicans have nothing to
fear. They should, however, work strew
pously to roll up an extraordivarr majori
ty—one which would carry with it em
idiotic-evidence that we have not degenera
ted from the proud position of loyalty oc-
Cupied by old Allegheny from the moment
the first gun was fired upon Bumpier, till
the hour of final victory over rebellion.
SPECIE, in material quantities, has coin.
menced flowing back to this country front
Europe. This is not bemuse the commer
cial balance has actually set iu our favor;
but because of increased demand abroad
for our national securities. The cosh that
comes is not money earned, but money
borrowed. The influx of it, under such
circumstances, is not a situ Of monetary
health, but evidente et UnSollndile,s. A
nation cannot borrow itself out of debt,
any more than an individual. Europeans
ale buying federal bonds at a large depre
ciation, computing on a gold basis; and the
bonds they purchase will ultimately have
to b•_ redeemed at par in coin. only when
the tide of gold shall flow bark limause we
are producing none food, elothing, nod
other Inercha n Wan Sri is les than we need
for our own censumptiou, and sell ng them
abroad, will our commercial and financial
system rest on a sur:fountlation.
days of . ..t2publiesu
•:" Q. Anans occupied the Earcu.
I• l, Presidential Progtc , ,es
"la ostentation. N, her.thk lan
..ddiug g - aping multitudc, a,-on
cannon thundeq . cd deafening a . .I.
looitita:;ty. Solitary and ultoo., he motto!
el hi t after the (41 fa6ltiea. and meat
on hie tray. This ato:laro t• or di61 , 1 , )•
this pal ila nic austerity, illtS place to
11.1011,:. ia•-t! ,lizeity ; and 101)0111..11S.LieF , .
tht, Lange of manner 'or the hetier!
J I:`,T 'NOW it i 4 die fliSillult tor tr
qt tiwtaoctatic. oitittion to
To lit , ting owl], to utter I,atty nr.l6
of President JOHNSON. 13y way of con.
trust., it is refreshing to note, iu priN ate
conversation, with what contempt estidhl
democrats speak of him and the Republi
cans who are following him in the great
betrayal. While not averse to reaping any
advantages the treachery may throw in
their way, they express the deepest loath
ing for all who are concerned in it.
is the Lucerne and Suaquvhanna Con.
gressionai district the Republicans have
not yet seidetl en at In Lucerne
several genklemen have I): en liamed, among
them Mr. \N". W. blurt:num, who seems to
have the lead. In Sitaluenauna it is prob
able a candidate will be brought forward ;
but the preference is given to Mr. KETCII
cat, if a Luzerne man is to betaken. These
two counties were carried last year for
Gen. HARTRANYT, and strong hopes are
felt that a republican Congressman can be
elected this year.
GEN. FORREST, the author of the massy
ere. at Fort Pillow, properly presided over
the meeting held at Memphis, to ratify the
Philadelphia Convention. Fort PillcW,
Memphis, New Orleans—all manifestations
of the same ferocity in furtherance of the
same cause. It is not wonderful the perpc.
trators of these horrible barbarities are de
lighted with. the I'resident's Policy; for it
accords them the immunity for their crimes
which will lead them on to fresh exploits
of the same infamous character,
Gr.x. SILERIDAN reports that the speech
Dr. Dosxtr. made the day before the massa
cre in New Orleans was "intemperate in
language and sentiment." We can readily
credit that assertion. But was that a rea
sonable excuse for butchering him? If all
the men who make intemperate speeches
should -ho killed, there would be a woeful
falling off in the number of male inhabi
tants. The President ,Would certainly not
survive, for he never made a speech that
was moderate in•lone or words.
Tug Rev. Henry Ward Beecher has been
appointed Chaplain to the Cleveland John
son 0 - invention_ The Copperheads and
rebels are taking him into high favor. We
shall hear no more* tierce diatribes from
them against the occupant of the Plymouth
Church pulpit_ When listening to their
new-born praises if the question does not
beset him, "What evil have I done that
these men Break well of me?" then his in
stincts are more battered than we
Ttur,..Par.swgrvr Is reported to be indig
nant because .. the Nayor and Councils of
Philadelphia made no arrangements for his
reception there. The President will doubt
less find before his return to Washington
that genuine &publicans have no entitled
astutr parade to mend on their betrayer,
They are ready to honor the Presidency,
but not inthe person of such a man,
PirrnoLucts edema to be attended, of
late, with maYvallots futilities. The ap
palling nonflagrution at Itobohen, Narrows
burg, and Antwe9, speak with tho ut
most emphasis in behalf of additional se
curities in the baffle in this commodity.
Oziorner. SIIMED.B.IS pronounces the
Mayor of Now, Orleans guilty of murder.
'rho President stands by the Mayor, and
appoints a successor to the General. And
such a successor 1 Ono who gold his honest
convictionstor promotion.
Tar. um, Rebel yesterday hoists the
name of J. Y. ld'Lliagtilin, Esq., of the
Sixth ward, as a candidate for Sheriff on
the "National truism" party ticket in place
or awsat now, Esq., resigned.
Tat Goyesturient supplies the Fusionists
with bgt ad - bum; while the Nett/Yark,
Timer thggiofealsiott• ittStitaela.
LXXX.---NO. 207
Fintsheel Goods
the Opera House Shoe Store.
No Pairked Work
At the Opera tiOalillPhoo
Sty il.h Good.
At the Opera HOl3llO Shoe Store.
Fine: Assortment
Ot Gooda at. the Opera Mina° shoe s(r”.
A Few Pair
Of English Army grogram Earn
Opera 'louse Shoe Store.
8 2 , 00
Will bay n pair of Etorthitt Army Itl . ng:ul+, at
the OPeth Rouse Shoo Stoft.
The Ottty
You can get tlntent ArOIV 'trona , . In rzt 12:-
burgh, In at the opera House Shoe Store.
No Other Shoe
Will Mutt' ilko them, wtt.rrOnt.ttl to plc,
Go to tita ttpery. no.° Shoo tit Ore.
31uslenl Institute
.1t Ilet.vor opens September 11th. E. A culml3l
rrleet Address R. T. T.: I . t.• e.
Ho to FIOMISIS , I4 Drug a ton.,
O. &I Alarket Itreet, for all Get. in , ' l'at eat
aletlictnes, at the lowest rates.
Beaver Academy
liusLrUing Schno!, tor boys, opens September
IOLI, CV to :5 tar all penses—tli
tioventy to devouty-tivo dollars lot all f'Spoll
col tar sixteen weeks. Opens Soptember 11th
11. TAr
For boys and girls. The ,1,1311,11
will CWIIIIIO.O Monday, Septum he I Third. For
particulars call at the InNtltistc Room, No
villo Hall, corner of lAberty and Fourth
Camp'slgo In Ilation Comml tier
This toils of di.qtingulHhe•l to iiv blual who
arc in advance of the riesaienl, making ar
rangements for IL sound iii' ptlon, are con
sulting over the iluportanc' ul ninile element
whioli Will prove more comfortaide, so as to
make the fusion more pei let. As laughing
gas null combustion, it Is thought best to em
ploy Ur. Sill, who umierstatols this 1141:III, that
the forertng of the heat may lie more inten
ilea, so that 0 hen the work is completed it
will 110(.4i collar. Peon street. Sill
. .
The UP516,1141111% Why Hosteller , . Stomach
Milers Should Woven Pince 10 Every
:old the Crune. they 110 ••(
Ikrause (especiaM . ) their 1140 pre, 1.1, the
mum...00-Is J enson e loch to 114illeeti EV.II/1,11,
(rem tati nu eirect upon the o stem.
lleenn-e tin, cure indigeston, told Impel t
unwonted vigor to the s:cuorh.
4 . 1,1U31 . t hey aro the Nat up/aro:lvry u!.11.,-
I,lle ut 'trout -at known.
llevause thy arc the only prep:yr - atm!! 0P - , f
aflf,ca persoae of a bthout hufat can cafe!) rely
titer to gotri der.
Ih..exu., they tone tont req.:ate tlau 1,01.11.,/
d invarinhiy relll•I them when 0011,11v:114,1
n ll hten•.1ng ong111.• rehLawl‘on.
arta, etteer the anint4 aillrini.
• in ea. , al liT 4 itu . l. - . of b 1111,141.1 or
lily are the hest thing that tun
for rt. I tit 1111 F, on the instant.
tneanse tla.y t indium the three proper t ite
id a toot. ,an .tiliirtittreand nnervier tel their
alive-1 pat it yat •I pertectlon
it'eant.ii. a specill , against Zoe and
i•r and a II inlertnittonta, and with all their
pot. ney 84 a iire.iervatlve anti a. remedy, MTV
la hat rtt,taaa ta, stvirer • from Ont titurrafadii
Ai . . Anti Wboleaal I and retail at very 1.,. raLtn•
-n .mina's Drnt: anti Patent Mod lett, 14g33.11L,
• 1 J Market ell , et. Corner 01 Inn Hinman , !
, blarket, ttcw ronrth streot
Forced Loan Lerfed —American Dart,
Seized by n French Elan-of-War.
SAN ittA Auga,t al.—Mexican advice,
-th;e that Ilaxi.allian how levied two forced
ifhtn, on the rt.-Atlanta of liaayaMll.6, amount
t., to ri,lo).
A Fitch loan-Or.war recently avized the
American bark Francis Pallnor, under the
prelonce that she was loading guano without
n pencil, and carried her to Mazatlan. Ad
miral Thatcher will nend the Saranac and
Shawnee to Inventigutte the matter.
Ropnblieen state l'onvention—Nomina-
Lions for State and County °Weems—
Vernon . , August 30.—The Republican State
Convention met In this city today. Every
organized county of the edrite was represented
The lollowi rig were the nominatione , Gov
ernor limp° was ronombialcil, the names of
Gm lion. 11. P. Baldwin and General Stough
ton beteg withdrawn, after the first bullet:
Lieutenant Governor Con iw let; Secretary of
State, General lipatildittg , Treasurer, E 0.
Grotevenor ; Land Commissioner, thineral
rritchard; Attorney General Stoughton, su
perintendent of Schools, 0. llorford letuber
of board of Education, Eli: win Will iams; Au
ditor - General, General Ii emperor.
Among the resolutions adopted was t h e fol
lowing: 'Defeated m the field the enemy has
renewed the struggle through the ballet-be ~
and by political machinations alms at that
is loch It failed to destroy. In this erisle it
eehooves us to eland as armly as we did in the
supprusaing of the rebellion. To Congrees
alone belongs the duty of deciding when Sen.
atom and Representatives of the late rebel
linen Statee are entitled to admission. Sold
Mutes ought to be recognized es fit to enjoy
ge ri l v y i IL Z , Vn b ' t i ll ' : gip:get' any
thereof rby ' i l l:L ." lV ' ! ' i 1 " ..
duet give satisfactory proof of their toyeltv,
accept the situation and evidence of honest
disposition, and abide by the results of the
Resotred, That In the rehaletation of rebel
communal. it en first the higbeet duty of
the GOverttinOnt to look and provide toe the
protection of those who, under persecution
anal oppreesion remained loyal to the United
States, and te at as one result of the etruggle
has been the emancipation of millions ot Le.
roan beings, who are in a ;groat degree Weep,
Isle of self protection In the midst of a hostile
element, and DO scheme Of restoration ought
approved which leaves 'them oaken! to
their rebel enemies. Since, as citizens ofro the
United States , they are entitled to the ptee
lien in securing equality before the law In
infuntalnance of life, liberty and property,
common and Invincible rigida of mune init.
Resolved, That we approve the Constitution
al Amendment, latel,yproposed by Congress
for the acceptance of the States; the change lit
the basis of repo:limitation imperatively de
minded by the altered condition of too people
._of the nation, and the exclusion from oftice of
the leading rebels and actually perjured trai
tors not only a • measate of fruition and security
eminently proper, but of unexampled mercy
and the inildeatand to g terms of apt
needy Over Offered to a rebellimm enemy.
They recommend the amendment of the nen
trulity lime. eo as net to render any special
beneath to nations not aceeirded to the Un WM
States by them; sympathize with the move-
Went of laboring men to shorten the hours of
1011; regard the Congressional plan of recon
struction indiepeusable to the i t prism, of
Resolved, That we scout and scorn as un-
Worthy of freemn that political blasphemy
which says this i s the white man's Govern
ment. it is not the white man's Government
nor the bleak man's Government.. It is God'.
Government,nsarle for man and all men who
are true atid loyal to It, of whatever race,
color or condition, 'Mall have under Its trium
phant and o n glori nil those inalltMable
ightti tO ma, no nus Aug.
tteSoßiLiOns were adopted instructing the
idlehiMui member of the National Caton Con-
Ifention to Use hitt Influence to exclude Henry
Raymond from that uommittee.
A delegattou of one handled Was appointed
to mould the rioludelphia Courealdon. 'the
lint compel.. the Governor, VOW Senators, nil
Um Congressmen, and Er.-liolournOr Blair.
Thu proem:dingo throughout were barmen inns
, and enthandastle. A largo mreting of Ofileers
i and eoldiers was hied to-e Igli tto organize the
Society of the Boys in Blue.
Note York Cholera Report for the Week
--Yreedasea's Bureau Commissioner—
rresidential Dinner at Dettuouleo , s.
lime yoga, Aug. 30.—Dr. Dalton, Sanitary
Superintendent of the Board of Health, re
ports that during the week ending yesterday
—August 29t11-41oiro Warn twenty nine canal
of gormine isalkili Of Cholera in this city, of
which twenty Droved fatal
Washington speclal • Says: General 'raison
has been ordered to resume his poslUott an
Freedmen's Buie= CataMksionor at Augus
ta, whiCh seems to indicate there Is no foun
dation in the report that he was to oat'
General Ilowaso Latham* of the Bureau
The Pod says: The dinner to the rrosident . s
party at Delnionico , s last night,ww3 one of the
most elegant and expensive anima , thekind
over enjoyed by so largo a party iv Ms coun
try. A dinner for two ,littnilrett I . fift y per ,
eons was ordercd, and th e cell , ~ twen
ty-Ave thousand dollars, or one inn . ,t 1 dol
lars for each plate. There were sigh., Toren'
vnrietles el wino, costing Iron:intuit.. ....twen
ty dollars par bottle--
Invitation for the President to Visit , St,
W VAT POlll August 30...4118t , 'Delete th e
President tort Few York, Napoleon - Mullehen
and other (alums et 51. Lents, extended to
him a formed Invitation to vials their city, but
im replied that tt was I=gs:wall:de at the presr
ant W o re a taTorabLe resposum . The prOprt.
otos the Pt: Louis' Lindell noose also
tended an invitation tO the President and
ssittetemake that. Hondo Uinta home, should
.-I=,..any.. . z...,.. f ,:5r ._.
Trouble % ilk America .Apprehended,
Matialithani vial Abdicate.
"00, Thursday if..rning, 30.—The
Government has asked the home
0,, r lent to mend snore troops to Canada.,
oil a: IO the apprehended trouble with the
led states, growing out of the expeMed
Fenian invasion raid modification of the non.
tr:tl lip laws of the United Staten.
The home Government ins decided to send
two n1;1111,11, of infantry and one 01 rival ry,
to Canada, and preparations are snaking for
their departure.
Querns - sours, Th nrxdoy Soon, Aug. 30.—T110
fitcaMSlnip 1,111, from New 0 ork, August 1411,
arrived I his afternoon.
The steam4lii Etna, Irons New York, A0 g115,1
g115 , 1 loth, arrived this morning) other 00011.13
imvr tilLtle,l for I .Iverpool.
Be Vliin PTON, .711:r1 min y Al
The Ste0.111:0111 , New York. irom New Yol
Nugent loth, arrive.' here this iumwitig and
after I.lo.ling the 111:10, loft for firemen.
Turkey are Ina very had slate. The
revolt la C:01,1i:1 111,w - este,.
The inhalutaina of Cretan ha, e :Insen.ed
thAfir tu , lopen , lem ,t 1 t 14,1 Elul. ,
lutist:lw Llmple unn,l.ttleed In a Atute 0
gy !roots romplhoontary
and Irix z...0t telt,ruob. from
notober of tlo• prowlioul val... aro! Low , . II
I he nil,
Thurml.ty enlaa, A ..g :Al.-1'11: be
here LAtltt N1,11111111..11 t% 11l tt1..11,
the Ct.., It ...I
Th. 11,1,1,, ht :on e.tilort,tl
punt ;fp Ateferfc.f.n f•lnintArS It
. ..1,1 foul:l , g the bf,;lllLicaffl. ill
gulf y flu! to till. vultftf I,f flektfonfflin:
luzu, ll . :fitful ut mt.,. ail I Iftf-fff..
:If f: t I —ff.- ff•uff lath: lff i
gild (of fut tu•ruftll ft: f tiff 1 fffif
a lA,. 1,4.11•. int
PI, • Pao; 71 Er+ hi ,10,4
I %%al
+. 'Fla+ 1 . , art I++Ja tsn
Lin e.a.M.Jr.
Tho li.. ti ~ 1 10-Llay're , lol,tl Ito rale
or I.llAco
n ml 1., 0 is, em a.. lan ye ad.
Vm.nm.l, ati hi.' 411.01.1 , 1 .; I/11,11‘ y.
Tml :ntirl...l or American m....enram.s
Ler. I n ill tut slate,
7, I/111101M C.:tiloso.lm,
1,1 I.rm ntnft, .01—The
rolls!, 10m let•nnt bunged ul the rale ,
current 01 Om mile, root 1 11 , 1 1 4 00 " I ' s .
lirend4l.l, HAL and, prlces n01111,1:0, WI) 11
‘lownwari I •t.m.tency. Tile provlnlon lonr - ft Cl
t. IM , tallow market IA very
1:..-ft.n./. A --(
.t. ~,,, The
Alllol . lelltl Sinus ll IV., t ol.muly, hiss lilt Unlte4l
Stalua lwntin elobc n trillo castor. The 010.111 g
ILL 1)04 n l . 72.,; Illinois 01,
.11r. litymond•,. Reply to tion. Word.
Sew loirc. Aug. 30.-7dr. itoymond Lnn n• -
drenyud the oil LIM mg n•piy to auvortfor Word
dealing the right of thu garland Excentwe
Committal to rued except unLer thu cull of
it, office,.
New Volta, August Bea. Merritt 1..
Wand:-1 Wive Just received your favor of the
28th. It is a matter wholly within your owe
discretion whether ) ou attend the meeting vi
the National t Mon F.lcculive Committee call
ed In this city for the ad of tamtember or not,
bit 1 am not awaro that you have the
right to overrule the action of the National
Union ton yontion by which, In common with
yourself, I was made a member of that Com
mittee, cr that of the liinnuittlee Itself, by
which I wit.! !node its Chalrmann, and I trust I
need not inform you that meetings of the
Commicue Col/ only be held under a call Of Its
prover orbiters, and that uetdmi taken at meet
ings not so-called, can have no binding to
thorny. My object In cldling this meeting
was to afford ,the LOlual ILL., au opoortianlty
to take ouch action to regular form as in fir
Judgement the condition foul Mumma of the
1:111011 purl); inlay require. if Ito members do
not chimes: le attend It, my duty will have
been performed ate ...lima! to yon for the
opinlots tta to my political War. with which
yon DIVOT me. I trust I do not
underrate their importance or lout of
whirls the II Is ti g nisi/ ed ea urea from
they come. I have lilt dealt. to (70fitril
curt or COOTTITeIIt upon tileill, i bought, as at
Present adv land,p fifty DI y nail. I
epe l need not fold that I nave t o desire to
hold any official position Is the Nultonal 11111 i•
Galilee of the 1 itiOn party, or or any other,
against the a rah of Its members, but I deem
It my duty especially, as this is not. merely a
mailer of pet - none! feeling to tlialet. upon Cite
regularity or action as the only mode by which
that a ish can but
Yours, very resi.etfully,
Ilaswax J. ILAN MOND.
flopol4feno Nuntiontionw—fintnfo to the
Pronidoutlnl Party at ratlghk PVPIIII.--
Pronsato Discharge of n Cnooon--
Too non Molly itotolod—Robbery of
a Ritafrond Passenger,
—Poctinacue-tc, IN. A “13101 i. :10.—At the
Republican ceeond Assembly D .tr), Conven.
tam held at Ithloulteek tbslay, Hon. John
Thompson,l lion. Jew. Emmett, illl4l Prot. 11. U.
Ea s t... %ere eioeted delecatus to the Syra
cuse Conven Hon, 11l tory -iron g resolutions
supporting Cong,ob 1.11 tionounebig the
courne of the President Olin, allOptll , l. The
following delegates SiOre upvolnten LO nLtcnd
the I'll I ladl:l 1,11 lit Convention of euptbuther let:
J. 1.4. 10,31,1, Card, Win. 0. J mon, lion
/1111.3).3, tieorge tissletyne, Her
rick Thorn, .1. Watts Lh,Puyator, J. N. Corning,
hieorge T. Bider, Hilbert Beatty, Juromits
Wellzer, Augustus Allen, Win. J. Thorn, tot
lino. Turkel', Maj. Win. Bullard, W. W. Haire
man, Jas. Itussell John U. t.Tugor.
pro.:liickueste, N. Y., August 10.—The steam
er Diver tjuton, having on hoard the Presi
dent. and suite, passtal here at half-past tal l
o'cinek this itfternoon. The bolls of the city
were rung and salutes were tired. Tht}stetmix
er Old but stop.
During the tiring of the salutes, two mon
wesn, badly inittrod by tbe proontturo Ws
eltarge of a cannon.
Large crowds of people were congregated on
Hot pion,
AO upward he I paesengur on the patarit
ger train d,u , I.", at 41r k, rOldred
01 Ws gold WOLI,It and elia In .11110 genlOg en
the e 1.,. Tile 14101 eseol,ol with the
Delegn a tc . 7 ,, 1 .. . 4 , ,‘ 1te r,, r , Itt;.uurgta sloldlers .
W '0 , 107, AligtlPl 30.—The National it.,
cen I lee c-enintlttee:of tin. subtler,: aind ,11.0.-
ore' liOlou, of thin 4:115,11./V0 r•elts.a.e.l the ;id
lo tv iog named guiILIVIIICII ill the sevoral , tate -
a. it i t power to r e elect associates to ,51.1 10 se
curie, 101 l representation from their re.peci-
We suttee In the Soldiers, and Sailers' t on Vell-
Lion, to be held at Vitishurgli,supteinber t:..lth,
lint Delegates will notify. Major Gene, al da,
Negley, Chairman of the Sub-.6....atieu1150 Com
mittee, I'lLtsburgia, Pa.
Maine, Major General Chea - mberlain; New
Hampshire, General beintan Morthou ; l'or.
moot, General StanuOn; kiwaUsetta, Gets.
11, It, Sargent; IlhOdo Island, Genernl A. P..
Iturutitlet Connecticut, ties - lona A. 8. Furry;
New York, Colonel J. D. McKean, Chairnmh
of the Exceutive Committee of thus Coltlierti'
State Union; New Jersey, Gunn cal It. Jl. hleA 1,
' lister; Pen newt vaunt, L.:env - al J. Tower; Mitt' y
laud, General Andrew Deunlnon,• Ohio, Gra.
M. D.
nir, G L e e n g greatl t
i l t. n W dia . Monty; r W tur h a o l
o l n i s t l nt , Geier`
James It. Proutlilt; Pllunesota,General /til
-1 drews; haunts, Major Cons, United Sttktee
Senator; lona, Genond William M. Ste ne;
Missouri, Colonel Thomas Fletcher; 11 ca
tacky, Colonel Saumel Melicc, Teases use,
Colonel L. C. hawk; Arkuittilia, COLOnel J. Al.
Arrest of I.rttery Agents—A Carib no
Mew rt. the Work-house, Az.
Louts:mt., Aug. 30.—Tno agents and nu Wa
gers of two gift concerts, ono for the lionag.t of
the suirming poor of Alabama, and Um Mater
or tLe benefit of the limn° of Southern Sol
diers of Tennessee, nave boon arrested 'for
violating the Kentucky lottery laws. cat 'tale
Wythrule, of Cluebutati, was sent to tile v fork
-110010 in default of 13,0 M natl.
Tim Mayor and botirboards of the city coon
ethla a body, strut on Tuesday night An: Cid
cage, to solicit the President and party t o visit
• Obi city.
Cho;ors Is New Oilcans.
Oter f nmrp, Aus. Sper•F ourt.eon , gosthti
from cholort *coursed yostotday.
} ._. u...,.~...
Pre •1I: C Johnson's Speech at the Banquet
at Dettnonko's, New York—The Recep
tion at Alban!, address of the Mayor—
Got. Fenton's Speech -The Party
‘l , Cat Point, etc., Cie.
Nrw Yvan, Nugl.t m.—The following, are
the principal passages of the speech of l'reet
,icrit Johnson, In response to a toast at the
grand Lam - plot at DelMonleo's last night. .\f
tee returning thanks for the compliment, he
• - -
We have, gentlemen, here assembled with
us onThis oemision those who took an active
part In tiin struggle for the preservation of
out country—the army on the one hand (point
ing to General Grath), and the navy on tile
other (pointing to Far, evil). These
men bete all performed their part In restor
ing tilts country to its present condition, and
It ti otrid be very derelict in me If I should
tend to say that the Secretary of State has
loily performed his part, As to what part the
humble individual who now addresses yeti
took in that struggle for the suppression of
the rebellion and restoration of the govern
ment, I will say nothing now, but I
will say, in summing up, though I
May perhaps be 1 ucluded In that summing up.
I will say that I feel that the Government has
diechared its duty, but there is something
else to be performed—the work is not yet done
—though we have passed through fields of
blood, and at times almost forced to the con
clusion that we wordd be compelled to see the
Godson of Liberty go stategerlnz through car
nage and blood, and our Government a taller.,
yet by the blessing of Providence matters
have been brought to a different torminatton,
so far we have been saved - 1, "ffi while the ene
my has been put down in the field, there still
redmins a greater and more important work
for you to do, lm ust be permitted toes], and
I wish not to tresapalla upon your time. I must
lie permitted to remark hi this connection.
that the Government undertook the suppre.
mon of this rebellion for the express purpose
of preserving the union of those States. That
was the declaration that it made at the be
ginning, and under that declaration It went
into the war, and continued it until the re•
hellion was suppressed. Ily the suppression
of this rebellion the Government established
and announced the great fact that these
States have not the power nor the right, eith
er by forcible or peaceable means, to separate
from each other That was determined and
conical by the Government of the United
Sted,ea, tile Executive Department of
oflett there 0 another Department,
yoor government, which has declared by
its "Menu action, that notwithstanding the re
bellion ens suppressed for the purpose of pro-
Aer, log the union of the States, and to estate
bah delinitely the doctrine that no State has a
right to secede, I say there is a departmen
of your government which has practically as
sumed mei declared. and up to the preseut
carried out tied the Government wee
dissolved, and t States wore out tit the Un
ite,. We, who contend for the oppo
sit, duet rine, years ago contended that
the stelae had not the right, even peaceably,
le ',ode, aniline!ne mean, of twiteetible
silo 111 E 11 10 by a yr iliciraw lug Its renrcsen
tat I vet- trout the Congrcanol the United Melee,
and thatould prase I teal itlSsollll.loll Of the
I:I, all. NN e thin led Um/ a Slate had any such
right. and when, a obaccitionUy, they atlemPt
tal to Itittiraw we againaisaerted that they
hod 110 such t and now •
w hen the doctrine
hip deevl io, stilly established, that a State has
no right to leave the Utiles, and when the
States are agate resuming their relatiolo
with the Federal Government as lay as In them
lien, too tied that when they seek to have
heit Representatives adnl it led to Cougrms,
there are Well la that laaly wee. in lontLietti
el mit gl eat chart., of Liberty leap their
to ou representell, and ref .e LO adroit
their Itepreaaentatl , 05 tete the Congress of
tee Staten. The query then eetnen up
in the si reggle that. la now helore us, w ill we
toll.. ft —wet the Areereatt. petiole submit to
tills plat:to/al aseertion of the ..oetrlne
ye hare already repudiated and er
throw tt I Tee Ist,Ual IS before you.
1111 t hese St nteS he permitted to
riartala at, I 'try aoct, su tar rept ringed.% ion is
cottect tied, 01 a State 01 practicala:arena:Win
I ,11,0 apt 10n. It in tor log tile Inn tilreel to
t peduen. it is lie erring every poet.
I Cl wk., up -op. the rein•llloas emerneneed.
r.• oe preirot..l itoo , niter hives pa.-. 01
I ittteiolt our were. way, after Gm inluiense
,it 01 that loaln 01001, Mier
yecOOll,l,itoll a debt of ever tout thous
tool lb el tor dot la -, feel alter the toter) . that
1.0 la,. innleted on the coon Ty, N or. li and
'toot h, of r prepared to permit this dlsrUn
t ci emetition of alrOl,to eon.
Ito- Ice ash tills W[011114 , 411 atiarenee, not is
.onirmige that. intelott, but In the •lilrlt
••1.1,1U11113 10,1 ,OIOIL p1,11,,,0ph, Sr.- we
c, ...t r.•v lea tilts". we to not
e l
w hoe Lave pea passed! t V. 0: Nepal ll
agate to , -.•0 nue port lon of
hoe.the country lira
.1110,I1) ttootilet air+ another inrr
lloll. hare.) net :wen them arra) 01
Moan we 'art anatte every effort to het , 411
.l ie
In. Is 1111 , 1 till t
01 the country
i5..•401 milted In Ina 1Y
and Motherly level
" Well, toinlleatien, aa hat 1,,,a1.1 now, alter the
rittlatielpr , tion/ cation has utot anti pro
tettmetsi ill
the conaillonal of 1110 0/entry?
%vim, in now naldt It lir ;11011 threde men wile
olio that toilet ution were insincere; that
their professions were worth itetidng, Unit •
Wet, 1101. LO LOAIVVrti.
GelL wlmt better evelenre can yon
nave of 100 ally than L.llone Milli giver Wbe
hus fought this rebellion w itlt C0W014..5.
ill 1911/1 Oelerliiiiintlian than 1 leave? %the has
totertflocal 01 ettflerra more for the coon.
tr) 111,1, eve:Luse my sacrifice. , and sof
t...rings have been great, as au Mei
dent growing out of a pont Atli war,
should I therefOre lat,aattle Innellinhie to truth
and nrinmplett 0 turn told that those Mee,
mitts 10.U/titling tmir profession of loyalty
and devotion to the Union, me not to he be
lieved. lint, I ask you, what better he
you eall have el loyalty and devottart than
prOfiassioll and 0.01.1011 I Who dares he this day
or political anti trolls lone freodOM le get up an
Inolill,ol.lot , and go into Gm human bosom to
search hal inntlVeS and sentimetits! flow
many Men 11050 lived under this p r esent
all Moog, from Its origin up to ti Go le
time, who have loyally olerytol the laws and
pied their taxes, and tutted the Gm - en/Meet in
every way requirol of them, yet WhO, per
haps, would marl, have preferred to have - had
it greatly Intalltied In form, or oven to live
under a monarchy I Tile best evidences that
eon loyal of loyalty aro loyal prefeildens
and actions, and when those gentlemen
who met in Convention, from the North and
South, come forward sod profess devotion to
Use Unit. and COnstitUtion, Dad when their
flOtiabnai aud prefesteons correoposid, who shall
glare to doubt theml Uses too reuelnal that
nein t that all coulidence is lost In meal If we
liner, I tell you that year Government is not
5,1 o tong as a rope of Canal. It has no weight,
and will 11.1111 tile to pieces. The artll.llVe power
of this Government ts In the confidence which
the tempi., put in
each otuer. These men
ehe I
nrofes , tons of whose people, in IIUICS
{Ono, ~ y , were that they were a peer...loving
.itel ea I Waril people. 'these nom sat
Game In ,ollarelahar . a the interest. ill
anW Loch profeesions are doubted. These pee
pie nny W llnui w.u until believe you,.
end therefore the flreelelit state of practical
dissobition ot the Cti ion moot continue to en
-Ist. I lint soutivern Malt, LllO,lO Ido nut
speak here todeglit as a Southern man, he
-1,111M• l arta soh tire light of Lloaven in a
Southern Stale. ThatlY. God, I feel that lea-
Lm tarn 00 Winne and 1 ices that aro eomkten
el. 11 „1111 all the States, and with the people
of there al . . While 1 ale a Southern lune, I
am a Northern man also, that ill to KW. nith
enlace of Um United staves and um willing lit
enticed , ' LO kith , citizens Wank i Clain/ for my
self. ot I was going enll your att °talon is
It h
1/10 Southern Slit 'ant Or their leaders
proosed ,00paration. Now -What Was tile roa
st/lip I hat they did rs3l The • time has come
constilt our reason, Kiel not Mere o ne
IV hat wan 'Ale realwall or ono Of the reasons that
t coil tli rave for desiring Separation They
I 510110 t h e,y t a t u e e co il ulduot h h e CO n ll f y o ti rc t e tr d t4 , oun df
their rlghtd coolit not he tieenruil to the Unlen.
That ear 111 e mason they ;MVO. Tile)
said thab tho CoicattLuLitsit latilllloL Ina
unforced lit Lila Union, sell therefore we will
milpartilx from the Union, heti we will form a
new linve Milian., for Ottreetrea, and we will
take the 01 our country and en
h tree it Wore. 'Ulm'. v. sepstratiok. wise
atetinst the e mam
ei 1 was always opposed
i hat Wm, oppoeed to the Union. I
took may ' , maimt in the senate of thu US nett
state , end assert - a them as 1 have since that
this U mon - was iterpetaial; that it a great
mato, circle that could iiever he broken, but
the reason tile Colith ga.1,0 Was that. the Consti
tution coutti nut be entoreed under the then
isllL g ell I I,U in eat inn of Stales, mid therefore
that It migsd be enforced, trey wanted sepa
ration. Tli ey attemptud W eeparate, but
they Mill ale Unt 'while the question
was pending, they eaLabLethed for themselves
a form of toourametit, awl what kind of a
too mum°. t was ILI trout kind of u
lattivit if.) I.llCy adopt 1 Was 11. not tun eaten
old Constic ution with hon. , dew veriatiotte—
tir toustteution ed the United states You
know that t us, and they/hey cheered to live.
unde t r tho t Constitution Girt COOL. WS pea
,11.1..riLt..1 kit./ erionent ul time
We Cold: :SU, )0U .1.01. 11 reallallt \kith Us
ft 111 . 0 COIOOL!ULIOrl 0111011 be prom:retained
en fors ed. We 'ought On Mail the reanallios,
erapplrlaiii, lOW "en the armies of the
relit:Edon were tweroome they necepted the
tern, A !hat the Govern meult gays them. The
too, er,00.011 said Disband yout
Aral 111.1 tett,' ti 10 )Sur Orlgliatti
llsations In the Unlnn, and We will
rm,etVe you with open a rms. The time
ell me at w hlett liner armies Wore Over
°cape and disbanded. That oraitdone 'adder I
Uto lead ol my distinguished fileud. on my
Well, they accepted tees tall Ms or the
Covernuieht, and what 111,1 they tin!
15111 We 'Want to return: Sono , at 4.1.10121
we have ham mistaken; others said, we std..-
ted the arbiter, and 1110 arbiter 0101111' auk:talon
has deelded against us, and thdeofore as hon
orable men we accept the deeishou.. hut they
all city we want to return. Noirwill their of
fer be aeceptmil Do we Wald, a bnvta again 1
I Inive said before, and I now repeat, It, I do
not want to let them come built into the
Union degrieled and debased. They woull
not be 11 to form a part of Ibis great, Ameri
can family. I want them to coane back with
all their manhood. I have not approached
the point that I Intended to, end I know that
I tun talktng too long. I have just the CollntitalLion, wader which they
Were tiestleine of Ilvlng—the COmdltation of
thelr fathers—but they wanted 'lt separately.
Now, hi:mover, in returning, having lost the
institution of Slavery, which. was tile apple of
discord, they take up Um tioustigutlon under
which they lived before, and ask Abet It shall
be rho has. and shall be enforced. Where.
then, IS this cause for Ilisttust or,want of con
fidence, There is none. Ido not Conte here
to apologize for those who have tried to de
nim), the Government, and Lf my public
.rWeolicis and eclat. do not disprOvo Gio charge
hall waft to apologize for glom, thereto no
use in a Man i a having *imbue reward. Bet 1,
know the 't
• people, end
t,hetr to tato /anent. extent, / know that
Quo axe a numbors of them 'who were;
ruidea and eoerecd by 'retitle opinion. Dien, Queer,. at Corymans, and rieeoMPenia l hor to Camitaigm In the Ms i h Ward—Forum
ho, when they easy the ear of their coon- I Albany, where the parties arrived at about I thou of ti Geary Club.
try reccerling no rebellion arlynneed. grow pale i 7 o'clock. , A large and enthusiastic meeting or the
elite fete and sorrow, and who. fames whoa 1! . Unlen Republican citizen , . Of the Sloth ward,
they saw that flog returning in triumph. glow- 1
convened last evening In lie' !school IT , ,si. on
al imam with joy. But them leader" betruyal I de A r.:; B ul A y ' lLt . c A rl ' w g f u t ' ll t sp W ee ' jit r terti OO
them. Bel In the West they Lave a way of play- ! tent Ulm. inn excursion party could ecareelY • Franklin street, for the perpose of orgaotrird:
t o wharves smban w
C e wore
ing hammer and anvil, stole Davis arid others i reach the carriages. The greatest possible
a Geary Club for the campaign. The inertmg
at that class were talking of soperetion In the : excitement everywhere prevailed. There was
South, there was another Oasts at the North, rentintusne cheering and firing as:dotes and was called to Order by A IdeXlLlitn Butler, on
Made op Of Phillips, thirrison and mod, men, I mode. Thousands of people lined the skit , . whose motion Jacob IL Walter was chosen
who were talking dissolution at the North.. walks of the streets through which the pro. ,
President pro. tem., and Frank I'. Case Sccre-
These were the two extremee, the one the an- ' cession passed, and some in their anxiety
vil, the of er the hamster, I er, end when the re- Crowded the carriage way to peep into the Lary
bullion broke out at one sod of the line they faces el tile exeursioulsts. The President's ear- On taking the ehalr,alr. Walter thanked
Joined in with these who wero trying to out , I ~I„„ was gnarled by the Burgess' Corps. The thosepresent for the honor conferred upon
- press it. The rebellion hes been 1 procession, passel in., Broadway, el return- • him, and promisedto lend all 1119 errergies in
supprossal, but we have not yet ceased to ! leg, was received by the 10111 and 11th Real- , the forthenume of the election of their nir/
play the game or hemmer and anv il. 1 . n n, for I month and the Firo Department, the latter . etandard bearer, John W. Geary. The follow
the Union, and lam against all those who are comprising six hundred members. Along the ' tog gentlemen were appointed nsa committee
Opposed to the I.nion. 1 nut for the I;nion, the route a number of building. were Illumine- .on !Oermanent organization: Dr. A. G. Mc
whole Union, and nothing but the Union. 1 tal amt flags eed transperenel. displayed. ' Canllless, Chas. Irving, and Alderman Joseph
helped my rustlnguisbed friend on my right Rockets were tired end different colored pyre- A. Butler.
(Gen. ('rant.) to fight the rebellion at the technies Illuminated the streets.. The Committee retired, and In their r.btenee
Borth. You all remember his peettliar phrase, At about. S o'clock it tutted at the Capitol . William Little, Esq., was called rem. And an
" That he sal going to light It out on that lino.' • the park of winch was densely crowd ed with dressed the meeting at consider:Ado length.
I wee with 111 M, Anil I did all that I could, We persons of both coxes ant all ogee and condi- Be spoke of the importance of the campaign,
whipped them at that end of lire line, and I LlOllB. Governor Fenton received the Patel- and urged all who loved their country and 1111-
want to say to you here, that I am now light. dent on board the ehlp, and having shaken 1 yet) , to gird on the armor for the Mel, cordite"
leg at the other end, and if lie le not In the bandit with him, delivered the following ! which, he doubted not, Would result In the
field how in the military gen., no la where he addreser Mr. Preeident, with high conaidern- : el.tion of Gen. Geary to the Gubtanntorial
does good sorvlee. It is a struggle for the tins for the Chief Magistrate of the liepublre, . chair by ~., large n majority as Lind et , . hint
union to which WO are engaged. The ittrien I addressyen In words of welcome, ln behalf , fall, deafen! the etrorts of the ilread-andalut
ill anent/a to us. 1110 North cannot apt of our dozen., and the people of the State, ter briouflo. The speaker wits particularly se
along without the South, nor the South with- whose Capitol you visit, We el.lOllll to you care on those ape, fur rue auks of a puny of
out the North. .llat Mee say, do you Wallt to rind to your suite hospitality and greeting,' flee, had desert., thelrprtnettfas, lie alluded
be governed and controlled by rebels' I an- and desire your safe conduct as you go hon. !to the recent speech of the Pi useren t in Now
ewer nate° want to let loyal mon in, and none to pay honor to the memory Of the lamented York, and said, It was a eereess isue teat elide
but loyal men and I ask here 10-eight even Douglas, to the state also distinguished us tee the chief excretive Use nevt., e cm what he
What reasonable ground rests the fear that home and final resting place of the patriot and tenuen northern traders, ire Mel no eeie.. :
men coral into Congress from the South, martyr Lincoln. I have no power to give doe ! (or the traitors In :lie Lout:, e .., 11.1. i til:illW,l
WOUld COnt 1 the country to its destruction!! expreasion to the feelings of this assemblage the country Itt bleed by their treas.,. Aver
Take the entire delegation, fifty-eight repro- of citizens, nor to express In fitting . Lerma the complimenting thu Um, J. N. .....0..1 heart on
sentativee. compered with tree hundred and respect and magnanimity of the whole people ' the nom° cause pursue , ' by lout 1.1 lehgreff.
rey-tiro. Do you fear that line-eight men upon an occasion no marked as the coming to , Mr. Little relayed amid applause.
willcentre% all the reetl Ohtmen say, they will our capital and to our homes of the president The Committee oil Permanent Organ tzar ion
repuelate our public debt. Nosy place these of the United States. In their names I
give 'then reported the follow - mg Ilst in effete
fifty-eight men In the most powerful position assurance to your Excellency of their fidelity, President—Robert E..lltre.
that you possibly can, and you hove one bun•patriotism and zealous Interest la all that re- Vice P r —Dr. George M'Conk, .1 neat , 11.
dred and fifty or ono hundred and eighty, an latest° the good order, progress and freedom' Walters, Jolla Itetrugur, William Stew art, Col
overwhelming majority against them surely of all the States, and of their earnest hope' James Lindsey, George Corlonn• NV. F. Lange ,
enough to keep them from doing serious harm. that peace will soon open up to the people of, J. P. Tanner, ltobert lio:rb, John 1.. Ward,
Aro we a great people, Are we all cowards 1 the whole land now fields of greater liberty, , George A rte ore, Samuel Allender, A. M.
Did they control you before tire rebellion corn. prosperity and power. r Brown, J. D. belly, Captain S. 11. Cooper.
tattered, and will they have any more power The President made no lengthy reply, but I Saarelartal—Frank I'. Case, Utts Sheppard, J.
'now than they had before) merely returned his thanke and accepted as K. Newman.
. lam no prophet,lint I predicted sumo things the chief magistrate of the country, the hos- i Treasurer—t 1111.1 . 103 Jeremy.
at the begmuhrg of this rebellion that have pitallties of the Step, The President and The report was accepted, one no vote being
literally some to pass. I told the Southern party, were then °scarred to Cho Executive, taken those nom Inatml try theCounrottee were
people years egos, that wlninoVer they would Chamber where the Governer introduced the , declared elected unanimously.
attempt to dissolve theernion, the lead tattoo President tont° Bonen:reset the State and to the I Messrs. Lindsey, Walince and Walt. r if ere
of slavery was gone. You, Mr, (turning to Mr. Lima. Goreriter; Gen. Greet, Admiral nova- I appointed a Commuters to wait upon 01e..1. Y.
Seward) know taut I made that argument to gut and Seminary Welles and °there, were 1 McLaughlin to ...tan, ‘i be was rietertmemi
Jeff. trams. 'You were in the Senate, and you orthsequently lute minced. •to support Unary at the (Milling election.
will boar witness to tine position I then on-cu- After remaining a few minutes et the Exec- i This was deemed unnecessary, Its )lr. Die
ppe,. I told them then that the institution of MIVe Chamber, the President rind writs' with- 1 Lausdilin, who hod been niennia el on the Es
slavely had little or no protection notable of drew, and the procession re-formed and wilal. °cleave Committee, was reported to be in
the Uelen• TheY thettfiltt differently. They put joined by the firemen, and the line of march A favor the Fusion ticket lately put in the field
up the stake.. You all know how great that was resumed, flown State Street and unlit - oml- Iby the Johnsen-trowan clique.
strike was. They - lost It completely. The way to the Delman Deux°, where a dinner Drs . McCook en d m c c am ii,.„. ~,,i, ~,,,,h,
c oas t itntion still ...riots ; the, nlon in still pre- given by the city, awaited the pal. brief end forelble addresses, w luck, Sere w ell
served. They did not succeed in escaping Over this route, the scene was tungularly lir Is re ceived.
from It, and the iestitntion of slavery Is ft, limit., the firemen tearing torches and firing The mooting thee adjourned to offal off
fil,reoyml. ' , Mee its destreet ion the Sombern rockets, mud eitlzenejointng with them in tile Thursday evening lest at half-pa-a ,raven
Mat. hilee come op magnanisnonaly and tie- display of ninny eoloreil fire-works from their I o'clock.
knew lodged the fart, and have golly int-0 these shores and il wellings.. The excitement on the 1 After the Club had adjourned, the I. !...If !lee
Stab' Conventlons mid rat Med Its °bold... street , In this city wits greater In proportion Committee nut and organized by elfs nog
There in alnaller thing. 11 Mt bat, 10,0111. threei PI the isipnletloo. then In any ray through , it Intern Culp Chairmen, sad F. I'. lass ~....
thousand 111011005 01 dollars 111 hotels. Dow 1 which we have passed sins, we left Waehlug- I rotary. quite it id gentlemen were
mu you got rig to pr ease! tee reed it or t limn 1 , ton. i adders to the Committee, alter ~ It tell they ad
it ill you tell me how the security, how the I —et-- ' Painted, to meet at the cameo Pl , ell On Sat. , -
enlue, how the it/lunette payment et the inter
est Mel protetind. of these bends I, 10 lle ee- I A',U.j.,",,V,t ion ' to Mica ~t 1 1 : -' 4 ., A n i a Ph lren " PV/ a N r ex h t 1 'll.l"l'itleyruthe'gget'at,',.,"ovei ' t ' lo o :Ct o ut ck ielt. T te h o e areas ' ,!l '. -
-cured 1 Is It by eotalii mug this nevi:tem.-ea, ! T a ,„,,,_Add.,,,,,,,,,,,,.. 4! ,„ I lows: James S. Patterson, Jacob Zeigler, 611-
disrupted all it 1.5, lq crippling our energies pert M'ldasler,Wilhaut Itififite,W ennui Sham!,
and fliv Whig us up into half 4' donut petty I t- L ' L ''' LL. ' LL '• u •r' An s , '" t ' Ol.--T " ' LI P " l'ell " 1 Tnemus J. Barbour, John Alt-Callum' Walitor.
States I , I.l[l Convenalon,'whieh has been in session in I Floyd,, ~, .. _ ~..„ ~....,, c 1„,,,,,,, a ,.,.
„,, , h ,,,, rii , . mita!" ttunimetr, •a. gu
Let mu tell yon: 1.1111 Merl: Weal I tell you, , 1 I‘L-5 city lot two daY e past,
ad-I°"'"'-- ' I tleuben /Miller, Jr., I. Ilemlor. and James Van
' ternisin to meet uL Geneva, New York, the
that there ni Ito trey by wire, h thaw bonds can . _ Lust
. oonth ,,. ~,,, ~,,m , ,,,,r . of deg - rift.
be ultimately peel, to reraft told onto-tout, I 1 , `, - ','::.' r • !Az e , , .. r. 0. motion adjourned, to meet en Saturday
y escorted Li} YO Worth's bend
thaii by the eolliSol.llll.lolk of our it/atonality, 1 "" evening, et half
seven taclock.
1 ronrched fr ' o ". rn . the Iferinar . rl Donee to Brain!
Lhe perpetuity and completeness of the Union . . - -
tit the Suites. Pardon me when 1 say I under- t ' i h r ° ,..4.2 ,. ! . : 1 ,, 1 i ,g .-. T. , ..,i, tre rgo .. ....,:lie d n... 4 ‘;;:,i d te a d,
Firenion • ft Parade.
MAUL' this ' 1 " . '• . "" , '''" d I "." )!"” '''''" l"" ' the Bull b • Bev. Grosvenor W. II- Lac •Ic D :
pia) a Mine part utes , and play Into the heeds ! „
...,_ .., ,a } ., . c' " 'D. I The members of the different lire con, pa
„,„,, elven taking nos seat us elestrrriati or the obit” tvo ~,,,,uo houses vsmorrow moruing, at
oh your : • .! , w e h r nr e l roe.....,?dretiht,...ltee,,rrehr,ti
~i ro s , , ,i i , 0 k!, ! ., r4;e t ti ,, , , i ; l
, • , , ,:,, ,, ,." . E. ' l , • l l , ' . ,, s . fi . , :N '' . ,,, li . n r i l iw::;_ t t l e, ' : , o ' .. ,` , N w i trlt m l n i cti o i r n o i " , . ' c ' P:tol l f g es k :s I
j n o les h. a m rc ti t; L e r f: ,, itt . i. , f , al ,
I.:oversw:et do...incest. Let us unite rune
,r .
~ li i r• i r r e , !.. ‘ es, i t . Le t l ,, l r ve i r r. th e „. cr ,„ a o b . le i. e , nd intereetiug
c0 ,... rt . Larni .iii
b e ,, t ‘ th ,, e . .., , t , tnt , r .. y l fl u rz , il t y ,..,, Le , ge y t . b u er , , ,,,,,l.
1 ,... 0 '2:% . 1„',,,,„..„ " '.,. : 7 4 „,. " 1 ' g i r l ,' ,= l ,' p 1. ,, ' ,. " :,,, b ,: b r, , s.-- .. .! a ilcot . Ello en alt glint entertal t t l i ' M e e in ut ae a r t ' Llie r
oettnard House, w here watt feast.; tr. b
te croaktug atel seelati.• tudtvidual aggrati- ~.. ~.. u „,„ i ,„;,,,,,,,,, ~,.,„r„, pro L', - -41 e 8 ,r,',.'„ ~, court at the proper hour. The Processed ,
r t ' re me on o rdit7d i r:Mil i d n ai n t o p r o d sn r te do out r
the Y r : tal7te 3 s o . - -
rlizemerris or Lk" P.rP°L.LLV of " I. ' 2 ' . """ I .
lute hum. The deliberations of the latuven- whi move! Ut LrL! ..dock—toe t.hi ''''''''tr , he
evi"';',.L'ettriArn.rin'g'"'Le"gt e • Tl L l t er "f rie,T.[l, " ars 'q d tent '
~Lt - • ;, 7 i t,% 11 , ,, , , ,, :: . : , , : . , , ,, , , , ,,r,g, ,, , , , y,,, , ,..L7, , ;i 1 . L 1 0 ,.. , . , L . t r: , :.g h t1 . ..1. mg the line of march.
cannot pret ulna. For mysell 1 .sae content , Th. procession is to form on Perm street,
--es-- -
to Int guided by the ea'ne file el the nactour of stab the right resting ott Antrbury. Lumley
mad. le.!. II I bate enolonmt ninny at has , II bonen. In New Y ork owl n, . 1.1.111ral along Mat bury to Liberty, down Lilts
p a n tesaitan 1 thought It was for the best in- i !suicide of Loriow ^ lorc — store of . erty to Water, up Pt eater
' t Market, along
t „.,,,,,, ~,, ~,,„„,„, p„,,,,,, to n e d th e n, re- ! Lite Irliteidtletillat Party—mare Between Market to Fifth. lip Filth t srulthileld, flown
pennant :dud emulous to ts- redolent. tend"- lien. Grant doll line Pre". stient— lien. Smithlielii to Thad, up Tnird to Ross, along
teem I e fve talked long etweait It has never list - nut Pleats. - Mass to Perinsylvitunt Avenue, tan on the Ave
her an habit to pi, ',tie speeches. but rather Nes s 0 .1,, Aug. J...—Fun' new eitSox but no - tom to Gal, along lien 10 Forbes, along Forbes
id, t.. k e 111. ~ ~u..,..,,, 1,,,,.‘,,,, 1.,.,f0ur.1y . final, frees eliffient in tit, .rey eas reported to tan gun up tililtentxtrger to the Avo
n...feta upon tt Ili t•••• 11 , ,...., y.l t a lk ntieut ft. , !Ms MI/ruing; es ~ ~,,....., but re, deaths are re- nue again, down the Avelino to Pride, up
the , s ors elm* of teak in e a l e , ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,retion , orted in MI.'S ire toslay. Mr. Luelos Starr, - Pride to Fulton,
along Felton to Wylie, dew',,
bas al w ay. oi iantialt nen me . I'l.ol ! p e wi t , your I s i n pet re me n t lent of Roger's Locomotive Wor ks, 1y,,,y11e to Italt, !lona FilthtO Grant, flown
volintle la 1„ your MOILS. ' New York, committed suiehle at Ins rosliicues Grunt to Seventh, and here to rest one 11011 r
Tee Peon , is Imeno io m I ...,,,,1 nen" Itol in Is s 11.1) n to-day, try shooting himself. Thu for filmier, with ergot on Striate:tele; thence
Sleight, hot an o!P fte
resiar et te. IMOed Pen
residt :Lod bounty ViSitell Central Park' along Smithfield to labert:., nip latterly to
states, Inn rat het as a entree, lore...allot the this morning rind then took a steamer at Mato-' l'euu, out Penn to Morns, down Morns to
hat:innate, and left. fur West Point. On en- . Smailman, along Smallman to er'lllons, el.
trt"re'le*rifrelfok.";:l.'eteltl4.,U..".fgmr to , . ti th it re i:et l l b ilt ' s ... ff i lu rrefi ',
f o rme the Purk, Gen. Guest aeken! permission ; leilkine to Perth, down Peet, mst r.larr, 'on
to fliself tree of, dole, lit the wee that I la , lof tee .1,,0r Of MS carriatre t. t.k.' te - r! ~.• over i to• ~ ,,,,,,I,:i flu.• mg , . ..... rrd •,-.,
Ileind nollid MOSt *lie ..F. lOLA 10 bring Pack I , he then drove oat of tilt IN,, sit , cop. al , LArsi L .tioe ..: I 1.0. n.. to .Cliceili M., up C Med,
aanitintlo ell pillion. Of - tn. muetry. What airing, or the 1.,-,,,id.,,,t , ,, earrlage and ! nut to 011!• , , antag naito tat F aderal, drove k mi
have Ir e gsin hy ear)' Maur ...too' , 1 tat'' nineoged it rat'. The driver 11P-Pepted the end to the bridge and over tel he Wise° of
fill e d ,tors enico near, this, tionernmeet. challenge, : pad they started °gat a rapid pace. starting. The proimitsloll l is to dart preinsely
lou teat tall, ...set rueesod will. Mc. losY 1 They kept. side by stria for a mile, when Limit's at ten o'clock.
trainee and talltty me. Meofitieious Mad un - ' teats voinnieneed tatain on the Prmddent's,
)ifilleileleci or hers 5315.) at lark Memel they will, i I .04111 later passed g , the President rising
tklit nll Of lee,n cannot ilratlf me from whet . arid luting his hat 11l acknowledgment.
i feel to le. rigid. Went intle I to gate from
the los rat nine , 1,1 your city to tne Presidency
of the li 1 e State., I have tilled every
.011 Ice wbe von 110 111011.1 0 Ugh I. 110 i airy ref,
....nide ,
fanbiLlClll to be sediment w int that! I
tell von, gentlemen, that toe um au It of my
Amt.:time Ims been reached with the exception
of roof! chit
if i na, 'Will you hear w hat that Is - It hi
tent if ikt n particular crisis of onr muntry's
history, nn
II the l' ohm of these
Stab's imperlll.l,l van be Instrumental in the
halals of the preen., In restormg the I Mon
Mel Making It b ete etite and perptallitil if 1
len do that, 101. 1 Will illing to 6 COMM, as
011110011 of when lie Attar the babe that hot
icon Isere In the manger, "Now that 1 have
seen the: glory of thy salvation, let Thy ser
vant dele.Lll In peaeo, - I would rather Ilse tit
history, and in the etre. ions of my country
/lien an the ,thee lestl eensummate hull e dths
great result, lea President of the
Stales forty tunes.
New lone r
has hope }canna by llajoi Generals Costar,
Rossetti, Fullerton and Stoodrenta regularly
invited pleats area Dv a. i . stewurt, Rlchard
Schell, Ilenry Clews., flail White and others.
weste York press le largely represent...A at
ralnl. TllO party w o re received - by an
Infantry and, enettirY extort i win eccmoleut"
led them o[--ho grounds. TuousaAda of per
sons of both sexes from [no surroandlug coun
try and the city of New York were present.
The scene was brilliant and truly of an inter
esting character. The exeurelerests Laving
been slotted they were entertnined by an ex
hibition °Mho Cadet's practice.
At quarter putt ono they resumed their jour
ney towards Albany. While passing Newburg,
the speed of the River Qeacie was slaakened,
salutes were tired on shore and cheers were
given ny the large anicouree of people gath
ered on time wharf. The P 1 .08111011% standing
on the upper leek, erknowledged the compli
ment by (lowing and waving bin hut. Dearer
was trervml on the boat at Fought...peen the
people Mel gathered in large nutithers an7l
elitesral the party as it parrsed, the President
acknowleriglim the compliment; more than
the usual another of steamers were passed,
Many of which were gaily trimmed, their pew.
emigurs cheering and waiving their bats and
handkerchiefs, the President telknowledgin IL
the compliment.
The company Is in the best of evil - 11s and
delighted with all the Incidents 01 the trip
mad the Ismatifel .sclutery of the limbo. , At
theism. four or (Iv" 1401013 1 / 1 1318 lying la the
wharf were densely tilled with men, women
and einitiren, awl at enter phwes near the
river bank la. go crowds had :u.:.eni med. Tin,
1,111 Lops Inns,. red a mug line or aneetators,
and many fife - 601M a 000 seal iered OR tins Whim.
The ileetto was not only Interesting" belt plea,.
urably exciting. The Presblent, Seuretary
Sc word, Admiral Farragut, fitment! Grant,
Seerfaary Welles and Postmaster tienerto lieu
trail, arid all et hors off hoard the Inver Chteett,
properly reengelnsi the compltutentbeslow oil.
It witS,perhatia, the tililnt 1111111111.4.31101.11110ristra
-110000 tile way from New York, At *Ley vesent
a salute seas Merl, and the mutat salutations
wore Intraolanged. At six o'clock, when
twelve miles from Albany, the steamer Meta
morn approached the Meer tPllaill, With the
Mayor of Albany 00111 a Mittuilttee of citizens
and the City Councils. Secretary Seward in
trodOced Ills IlituOr, the Mayor, to the Presi
dent, Admiral Farrugut., Getter:o Greet and
other distinguished gentlemen of the exotic
slim. The party were also introduced to the
Albaniang. The Mayor addressed the Presi
dent. follows:
"Mr. President—ln behalf of the Common
Council Lod the citizens of Albany, I have the
honor to tender to you, to the members of
your Cob mot, to the distinguished officera of
the nuvy, and the emineut actin ,
men of t he n Diplomatic Corps, a cordial and
most emphatic weloome to our city. won re
gard to yourself. air, we beg yea LO iteeept ChM
woloolritt, not ilintilly us a mare of respect ler
the high posaluu witch jou .teupy us Chief
Magistrate of the natiou, but us a tr,bute to
your persoual worth and as a grateful so
knOWlialgrfatiat of sour serf:tees to leet
It t rO t )".. l.lif . f l : ° itt u tT ' e l l. U": o b' l e t ' l L ie rg'" li 'L te ho u r e . l:a h p ‘ C "C " l tt ril.'"} r
a:,ailutinkstratton of your litutected onslecesser,
end lieW. ill 1.110 dark bours of dentato yuu
1 t... 1i l l l s l i 4l.: , :e ' s: , , r i i:ll: u u " r l o Y , t , ty:),,e"..!B..,at:',;l‘b..,tt''.tioruil:l g::::1;11.'r1.1:"Vd‘t,t1":ht)0e,
stbillties were thrown upon you fur more t,
allied we ~. t i Li l l ul l
, s i,,,,,, l: i n ;r t b i I ,e l r s tp w r,,,, i ,u t , t i : 1 1 ,,,, t ni 1 0 i 1 i . 1 .. t , ' , e ,,,i r , e ..
u li e t it ‘
, v
u ys ,, , ,i,.. a . t u t , :i r.
entos ir it w ern possilde, than eVer devolv
ed resort mu. of ylMr preeeeesere, you have OS,
bibbed the same fidelity tO your ofilehtl Ohll
gallon.; the seine patriotism, and the dente
neo,uptible integrity. lit offering you,
therefore, tills warm and heartfelt greeting.
yondisurge a duty Widen We OWI.I alike tO
and le ourselves. Trusting that , under
the blessing of Uoil, and with the Mil of thu
BUM advisors who compose your cabinet, your
may result in the restoration
Of pertnallolit 'harmony and good feeling, as
between all the States, .we wilt only add,
Lonirilve time President, ,ul,l forever live the
jillial, Mr a . n e d la l y r o u r n - 1 1 . thank .
i:tt i l tr T'a r
al :. f e 'ot t i tn rit ; rw a l m : ' i ° ,: i a lt i i y i ot y , " :.: kll LT: w l IL I I. I 'L in t
g n i' t ; l m n c be
1. - I t
s o ' a:
. 1' w r l e.
. I b n . a
i l l e
t .
yon g W ty,
gratifying. Yon woloouto rue, first, as . the
tChief Magistrate of tho nation, a distinction
and %aspect dud to so exalted a station, and
then, In a most table manner, you give
your gratulatio to o um as a private citizen.
la thin trymg Andearth:ea condieOF
country, an encouragement of tin k
strengthens and inspires me Inlay detennlas,
tien to pursue and carry out the pulley that
/ believe will result in the restoration of
pestle and prosperitytO the. Gorcrementand
counrrY. I feel confident and hopeful. All I
can nay In return 13,1 know how to appreci
ate such a welcome, and mom./ thank you
moat sincerely foe what you /MVO doka4.o 0101
beta as a Oka! - 10.143Mintt !SO end as ii private
.-InfilYidttal ' and citizen: , (Applause.) "The
Tdalorarld.Couimcca Council Of Troy, secorn7
minded - hysaargo • Catenation of - citizens on
-w ,rd Up) steamer :=l,llne,
.. teat the RIM
Gen Chlttentlen Issues an Address to
the Soldier, and Malloy. of It eutnek y.
Loco, ILLrt, -tutust Chltton-
Ini hag baited lan addresa to the Caton Sol
dier. and 'adore of Kentucky who an, favora
ble to th i princl pYcti immolated by the late
Philadelphia C'onvention, and appointing it
long lot of delegates to attend the National
Convention to be held at Cleveland, &whore
tier I:th. Among the delegates are the Goy
ernor, Lieutenant Governor, Generals i ty. 3 ;
sena, C a u l, Whitaker, llobaon, Garrard, lc
an Watk lug, and a large number of fienfu •
I.' °too ofll.cro.
Republican Coturentton—Renomlnation
of Governor Fenton.
Tnor, N. August, at—The itopublican
City Convention held this evening appoint.]
M. J. Towsnierni, John F. Wedstow, and Chas.
Eddy ox delemates to the Systracuse .COnven
thin. They wore Instructed to vote for the re
nomination of Governor Fenton.
Twenty delegates, betide,' by lion. A. J.
Uroswuld l wore appointed to athpil the Con.
yen idea et It.outhern Loyalists at Philadedplitai
Monday Statement or the Public Debt.
Wnsnmuren, Aug. al.—lt to highly probable
that the usual monthly statement of the pub
lic debt sill be la readiness before the second
or thli d of next mouth. it is thought that a
very considerable reduction will be shown in
the Department, although otring to the fact
the►Lbout sixtysthreo millions of the tempo
rary loan have been called In, n much less
amount of currency and cash wi.l be found in
the treasury. The coin balanceslare shown to
have largely Ineraused.
Loalsvi/le ko.. Visit
Culetwo—Pre u - .ldea[ JobosonConnell Invited
to Louisville.
Lovtry tie, August W.—The Mayor and Gen
eral Council of tutu city leave for Chicano o
Tuesday to attend the laying of the n
corner stone of the Douglas monument.
The Council passed reiwhitions inviting
I 'tilt,
Johnson and suite . to visit
on theli return froie Chicago.
llinne/pnin le at. Latals-31.1mmarl Delegates
i b i.
r. August At —Only sisty-three
rhmha d lutorments were 1 - elicited yesterday.
The midden'' , is disappearing from the cen
tral :oat boom,. portions Of the city.
The delegate+ to the Philadelphia Southern
I . loon is C,..011 UOll 11111 hero “.1./21y.
aaltnel I'luul, n promineut merchant, died
toslay of L) plimd fever.
Cholera Increasing Inifillemphle
' •
MK>tritia, Aug. 3.1. rho cholera ia nt 111 ln
erPaglitl.t. To ettty-one eases are reported to.
alight, twenty of have Droved fatal. N
ruport has been received from the city Los
Tho bolero, In Clochannil.
thflculnd.V. AUptet hare were titre
deaths trots etto:ers reported yeeterdtay.
lientit from an Accident
On Sunday evening last, Miss Etta Y. Crab.
thud ut the residence of her parents, In Mon . -
onyvhola City. The deceased was a young
lady of store than ordinary beauty, amiability
and iutelligence, and her sudden death at the
early ago of twenty to a fact no reouratully sad
as to be altsto.t beyond realization. bliss Etta
reeetved an injury daring a visit to the Opera
In elttsburgli, last nutter, by tailing from the
step's, which were covered with lee. k lot,.
inns slid never tally recovered, slot tiro injury
to her head r.itilting In an abets , . ntfeetlng
her Orals, alto died Cu Sunday as stated. (In
der the Mee de pion. , of Ida Morris, she cou
trlhnte.l to the columns of the MonOuguhela
fleyobioclos several naetches in prose Una poo
-1 tr 3 , which attracted Lonsblerable attention at
the time of their publication.
Agricultural rat..
Thu literban 11411, at the Fair Ural:m[ls, is
now ready to receive machinery and shafting.
Caut. James item bas tendered the Eociety a
boiler and engine, for which a cote of thanks
hum boon tendered.
contrast fur whitewashing the buildings
in the Fair Crollude has been awarded E. Spur
James Kelly, W. 11. Guy and Moses Chem
have been appointee dulegn les to the AgrICILI
College, near hollefonte, Centro county
for tile purpose of electing a Bead of Trus
toes for marl College, with instructions to rut
for James Kelley as a member of the lOWA
They were also Instructed to use their on
dloVifOOS to have a Model Farm located In Al
higheuy comity.
Arson.—.l negro boy and woman were &c
-raned a day or two since at Belmont, Ohio, On
charge of being Incendiaries. Last Wednes
day eight 111 r. William Allende:Mr bad l as
barn, together with his entire crop of -OM sea
son burned; also his homes and hauling Men
sea. 110 had hid $S7r. In the barn for Pater se.
=city, and as the boy bad money in lite pos
session after the fire, ho wiursosplotontat, and
aU but ten dollars was found concealed in the
Mang of has hat. The woman was supposed
to have been his partner.
come Loory.--A merchant of Ws city,
y,,,,mrdny, dropped upon the stigma a wallet
containing the rause sum of Moven thousand
dollars. It wee found by a gentleman doing
business on Fifth street, who, from MOM in
the wallet, dimOverod the name ottheannel,
aratnrotoptlyzettumod it to tam. . - yre Zeal
not saythat the W11011=1340 fortunate /war
vigs orenloyed.lo mane the
~: °",.:.
Dr. Iteyser's 11100t1 Searcher.
The very acme of ansUcal combinations,
has been attained in that most wonderful of
wonder-working medicines. new known under
the siguificant title of "Dr. licyserts Blood
Searcher." 14 is not in one disease alone that
its transcendent curative powers are display
ed. It has a tar wider range, and there is no
disease In which the blood is contaminated,
that it will not. produce wonderful results.
The cure of ordinary Mae ~ ...4, snow ma Dys
pepsia, Debility, and Colic are mere nothings
is the way of - Dr. Keyser's 11100 , 1 Seereber. -
Even Concern, Sandell, old Ulcers, At hitt ,
Swellings, Drupsies, Piles, and Fistul
entirely removed and driven out of timesyares
tem by Ito sweetening and noutrelicin,•;4w
er. If we could bring before the knowl • 'nor
that readers the wonderful auras th. Dr. ey
sere Blood Searcher has made within the past
few years there is not a family to Allegheny
county tilt week& not boy ttle and seep
it In the house. It not dulycures, but it hin
ders the inception of disease. if any one will
a te.poontill or two ot Dr. K'eyser's
Blood Searcher In the morning, It will ten.ier
the system proof agnuist the attacks of mala
rial and other diseases of an epidemic charac
It regulates time bowels, improves digestion,
and gives enurzy and lone to the nerves and
No one that to languid and weekly can take
Dr. Keyser's 111004.1 .41.1re.111a WILIIOUL being
more than compensated for the trilling cost,
In the renewed health and ouergy which it
Ask for Dr. 'invert.. Llload. Saarcher, and
tako no other. If your druLfglst ha.a ma. got 11,
wilt° to Dr. Keyner's, 110 Wood street, and he
will forward by I.l3.preSS Ilpoll I . oooipt of the
Price—.l per bottle, or six for IP.
Nerloue Accident.
. .
Lizzie Severance, a little daughter of Mr.
'Samuel Severance, madding at No. 25 Marbury
street, met w Ith a serious accident yesterday
afternoon, between four and live o'clock,
which will probably result in her death.
The injured child was placed on a hone at. her
father's door for the purpose of accompany
ing her aunt, Miss Bella Miller, in a ride to
the country. While Mt. Miller was mount
ing, the horse on which the child was seated
took fright and started at a gallop up liar
bury street to Penn. The saddle girth
came loose, and ns a consequence the child
Mil to the ground, but one of her foot catching
in the stirrup, she was dragged for almcot
three hundred yards, her bead sting the
avement and crushing the side of the face in
a horrible manner. She also received serious
bodily injuries. NV Imo picked ufe she was in
sensible, and did not regain her conscions.
ness until arrival of - the physician, who
dressed her I
wolilids. /tin Liciirglii she cannot
possibly recover.
Patofsel Aecideni.—Yestorday afternoon,
a painful aenblent occurred in a stable owned
by Mr. Thomas Rourke, on Centre avenue, in
the Seventh ward. A son of Sir. Hourlce—a
sprightly little fellow—WlM phtying . with a
mantdno used for chopping feed . While in the
act. of putting some
ug straw in the machine hls
fingers were ca ht and drawn between the
knives, mangling four of his lingers so badly
that amputation had to be resorted to. Dr. 4.
Guy McCandless very skillfully dressed the
boy's wounds.
Good latent Ple-ote.—The plemic of the
Good intent Fire Company that came off on
Wednesday at McFarland's Grove, was Is Com
plete recce.: borne two aendrerl couple were
present and as a matter of course, enjoyed
themselves to the full extent of their expecte
toms: The festivity wrss kept up 1.1111.11 IS lam
hour, and the exchequer of the company Ht.
replenished by several hundred dollars.
Erbi‘copaal.-11.1Klit 13.1.10 p lierloot,
Lida Inoccae, preach to Luc Eni-copal
Charch at. -Monongahela lltCy on Sunday. loot
bloutlay ho alit eo,siat in the eat - coons , 4--w.
,n4,ng Lilo corner-euie of the ucw Prot...cunt
EpilicopulCtiorkti tit that city.
pte-nte of the arlekruyer•'
Orly ClOllO ott at laad Urove veeterday
1110 Weather wee propttione and the al trod
ante large. This WIWI" turniehrd by .V.ekle
Band was very tine, and altogether the altui
Wad a decided emcee.,
Surety of Me Peare.--Catharine leCar
thy appear.' berme Alderman Morrow ye.
today and made oath amain.t. Mono
charging her with threatoniog to cut be
throat.. A warrant VMS issued for Marie's ar
Neu' a parBon,—iin effort la being made
to ontatn a pardon for ItLollard Thatrwell, con
vietod and nentouced to death on tte (Marge
of murder In Fayette. county.
Grotto II Is Nee tr.-ttenry 3lntlen,of Coltn-
Aft, while in a taato of intoxication, bat Lorilay,
lay. oyor a collar door and broke las
Being PeadeaL—North Commons. between
Saideoky street and Cedar avenue, Allegheny
City, la being graded, und'othehylse titian v ed.
at, Maudtold, bhlo,
last Thursday, by'whlch ton thouental dolars'
worth of property was destroyed.
Itepalred.—Tho repairs to Dam No. 2 have
bum eemPloted, and the packets aro ...mama
thrtmghas usual.
PNeeofOMs.—Vacs We selling Scenbon-
TM% Oldo, for thirty cents a buena.
ne•Openlnz—Tba Publie schools of the cloy
Wlll re-open on Monday next,. •
Criminai Coure.--This CO= E cazaaleaCCs
-ta wszacaoallocalay A6rt f '
rb v ,Attaou is far wr %nit ..,
rilvers samaes% a• the nam:
Les op. , rill
Vie I'KN
yoent; g .. Morton •• eta
raternlet; from r. ,ritm•rell: ova,
yoatar.lny, e • • oeng
I , ly, tliv Mo.- • ••,et at of • adelttrol
- oat:on of thr i've•vegor ', am ' a I .ll ' rtY
Fiottum Io• 1••• e. " " 11° Pi
1 the too. he •. alt
ottvattptml to ;frost • :•••1 se low t i
to ,Hoet Ile fall Lee by
over lila right :• ot•e•loed
no MCII. •U, • mot maotatt
reftlllotog r. _ Ito Stltel It"'
the heed of tin , 11;11. I
Ind}' with •• 4 ••••Ivrt•l: 0...t•••••••ere Itoottoal 100
Tub OJII4 a lOW r 4.; mom. l. .• •
the valtlelo twr et lilUe romilim on I r.O
wheel,.llo , l toomOttl to
LUX 11. WILII t 110 Mil V. It
n i lie oaeurrene , and mt to tho re a m,
the flight of the her , . Wit) nt lotexttl ate.yeil
andtitµ y ou ng I,ly aa• 'tad Iv uyght.Neva u
slight Injury to tilt , boi . o tfitinit, '448 4.11111,
TtiO lady has prcul to (*Volpe o f
good for Gene for thus a.. L ily useutung from her
perilous position.
A .11lid Lark In a Roll— cl lle In kern.m•lY
yotem man, eald to belong to the Mud
Lark fraternity, man hijil 01 In It very ..none
manner rester lay afternoon. 1101. ::11 that
we could gather from the police, and from per
sons at the house where Fe Itvos, It apnea,
that tic air...s droll:log, and while in a Mate Of
partial Intoxication he rattan pte , l to fort, Ito
way tate disreputable house nu 'Fennel
stree, between Wylie and tile Venni. street.
road. t
Iteing refused admittance, lie thrust
his ILI to through the window, In tieing which
l'adly cot, the broken glass Severing
the al tell., and vtles or his aim, and eansing
him to Me, ,I In such a promte-manner that It
1.10,04.1 t that. would AlO5llO from
tteetort It ace hefot e medical ettalatance
could Lc procured. Us was taken to Me Mane,
se II igll ftrcot, !war Webster, but by the time
Its had tameh , ;1,1110., he nits so redueett
by loss ..f wood, tical Icc• c.0.d.! sc.:Lc-poly '.tend.
Dr. McMectl,./i., c .01c , IS to attc.ll.l
mud at last aveoand:+ I,e Illt4 Sicry low. II la,
01.111.1 , 1 c, It bill,cccly Iccc llct!ceccul ccl own
telly and lecklecicuct c d,
Warm* . nod Aaltlltrry. Lew ts itright
was committed to jail nitoOling
Charged with 11 0 Id:4ton) - ity Jacut
l'islar. Bright fortnerly 1 :Ned la l'lMlAvllle,
l'a., w here he now basalt...l,cm itst a Lie. Ile
MOM 10 till, city, and nomtlott with Ali. I k
itty, succeeded In sedating, her. Ito 11.1101
provaileil npon her to go with WI, I“
0 here ho marl led her, at ,1 weal. IN Jill
her to itettsvil 11, (trot tog in t 11,•
s [emit y oI %hat phtco, it 5000 net luag 1/111110:
bi-/M . 110.1 tillu tugiy.n to has, ...oz+pßotoLia I but
.11 und Ale returned I ler fitlit-
Ort ,,
hint', 111 1111.4 ell )., W111,1 . 1111e 011 /1“1.
halm; Met him art Listed, told he a ti. ie.
to 'fled obo, stltted.
31m,s 31 retl
wl. re, it perovive;l !toil .1 111. i/tilla of
lb. I roo a
l.t. nd 1 . .. ..1
loo,irit , peetive.q Imo I, 11..1
in um., ItEuctlio: lit M....w0w 111. I mt
lo irr.00.0n0..1 . - 1, p •11.
It: li,, tif...i I ,
I iirt, to IVa-nolglo. 111.111 ,L
lb. 11.1 • 111000 •1 • 1 ••.,'•• .•••••
141110.., ‘‘ .11'1,1gtiva Irt•lol • • • .U...1111'411 \ tot 10. k
,110 - d V/ 011 110 . 1 111,•••11.• • 01 4 .1. • t
I) . 1. 0 .0“ 1 .10 . 0:L.2.'011111 1, 1, 1110 t• 10.-
111, 1 ; ,11•1, I • 11:1.1,1.41.10 . .12. 10 !Olt 1.111 111:1,,
11111‘ •o•i•litit'. • 1101. \ 1 1 . ,111 1 10 00 ‘,1.1
the t ut.r.
A rOIAPI, 17.k41er
11 , 141, F.—, :t ., .itslt .11 thi• /i/ I
r in
C,ltifl,ll tol 1.14 11,1, N.
ill! ttt: rsril.l. ..Y
Oli • .14a , ••••• : ' •
.)11.1,11 , 1z , ‘,11.1k 11,1t1. i tk it
Itow an Strvvg
night ut
,truet,, • 3 .kno;
Soo l'opor —lli. tt met tto
Moston int1'11 1 1:: (:',llllt !I: Illg I il. • 1:11!.il
:10i01111: It ',V., Clllllllltl Illti:.•I 1:01 - r}'
slt,lrtly. I t :1 t...... 11..' Ii it., it: to'.
mot nut,
,Oti , ,
Trial (1, 12 order.
eonrt CM...1,1,A
1)/111/07/ I /
rent, t
I•Glten t ttg,
( za; , l
nt .
upon payniwil
-sno W t
pro.uLt 1.1 I eu
Zion ul pOundl
Gotog Ahead r.e , 7. •.•:: •71
the Ile %V rallmt.l tw • :ma
Lustell, °hie.
The xe —l. C. W b 4.1.0 aptx , otted
I.:Pstratt.sta , ~t ~,, Jl, , t St , •, rttt, ttt
• . . •
re.l•l••nc... t.t 1.4 rtt t trL
Mant•lturvr• N1'3.1. A N 1/ i; It ,
lflic friend% of th,., family Ar, trop} Inn d
ty attract nt. fmarral. frdm ht• la, retl,l.l-c.
tit 11 u',loak.
at I
31.,. MAIM:NI:ET I:VAIEn. f.I thr t.,st 3 r,r 10,
not,tra.l ,1.1t3..• f. .out I`lt. r...rltnco of
her eon-Mt-4ov, Mr. All,rt S. I Wlttr,
struct., op 11111,1 A.VIv3.NooS, 31 -1 o•clook. The
friends of I.lle famlll In riroCrtfolly 1331teil to
511.011 d.
I hair
Sirs. 11A.Itti Alto I' J. 11A ILTUN.
Yun,ral u I take place ton w.• r. 0.1 , nee or NI,
Miller, No. 00 I.lbetty st_reel. on OA - 11:12,Y, Sept
Iv, al - t o'clock F.M.
be 6 .(iicitl . 6-acre," the !ar t I t,”
place of except vile, lit till. i•otinty,
ott w ltrighttitt Ittittivtllutriy tiLorlti of
Fur buital lots, lit.rtnitii ur titles, Call
at ,tintretli Drug ILA Si EY. All,
• - - •
No. 196 Smithfield St" cur. 7th,
3PW . Z w r -13 - ,3Er& C.."-r'
NOklll.ll Street, C , ,t r I Na
CNA eTerr
oat I , u: welting glut.. I urimt .11 y m;;1.1 la iglu., rt el I ' tqi taFlko.
Laved herr till.. MseN.
W 11. L.. T:Im113. 41iCat•il
Miller, M 0.,.
1/ . T. TO HITE CO,
Maw:lc:ller, Wowl•., Han owl ‘lclnll.y.
Oornorm arsemern and Chartirra fir cuts
it 1 . 11 - 61: .41 Carrt&zce furnlzhttl:
Watch Repairiug, Ebtablishturitt,
1V15t.23. fa
Ii7IVX.II-....Ta "Xs. - 5747:‘,.....2.4
LI ,T,. St .111
stint:l7 tip; 6; :I;u3Ct.
Tirane itegist ri
bULI , Mt I lit: Al.k.'ST..l,
o R,Tialp r LL •
I/eaters >rti.• (-6m19,
/ Strli mint IS vvrr
and )lerChatir, 11.5 4.:
Lanes a Clack, Barorwert r
'l,ll ba lardapendeal .
..r vertatia,r.
.DST ARRIVED t iz , Lk?.
No, WI Market Btrert, Pitlaburgh, Pa
Thin old et.uhllelt,l non.. 1,4.110 , 0 Sutton, thirty-
Ova nunorAnd dollars on fi noon, and !thorn, and
ity Ira tho burn, tut ountt..y. thy bytt.t..7hlVl Ira are
&Errs:Ward to toll at wor I MULL e
have revolved not to au auttorstdd by nuy thu Lnt-
Inca that 1.4. b. goods worth mart,
. alt atol at oar nook or goods, and we feel
sat:tn.:a that you win parch..., what you want In
tor its..l, tad at. Llnu.
o tun target the Ono, IA Markel street.
rt. JAISIES E. 0013.
..,......a._.40 bbls. S -1,.....-- 01
QgnVD.----z ,-..._ IG. bbls 4 01 .
I.J .2
Is bble. wzrz i ~,s bhl , ~,,
. 3, == bt''''. BPdoins;,. ' .-.. ni 0,11,,R.A:;-..
bassi. reaqi....-.4,,,,r1"1-02 , '
.. ,
lA', taleha/9 34:=Jovrauxy talaclttC
threrr.dto gmiAkLb
ff7 . ,, :i 4 13 . -v,"2 _..-
.... ,..,..,,v,,,.....,--0,47,.. ..74.. , 4.-,......-.„,...,,...-
,-71 / 4 • 4 ;:t---f,' , ...?;''
'..k. -„-,„., . ,, :P4t,--4,4=z 5....- •- - -
e , -.;•-..•. , ,,,, , , , ••••
t t .....
' 6 ' 11-'.