Nr-v:Eurz. Banker and Broker, Jig Wood Sto near corner of Fifth. descriptions of Goya Mien% Bonds britigtit end wild on liberal terms. London and continental Exchange sold at Nsir Mk rates. Ckad, Silver and Coupons bought at Mghest and Gold - Drafts laicrod on Now York. FINANCE AND TRADR W in,7l¢A OLT, August 16T& There beiuff ao Irrwalar session at the stock exchange in New York today, to eollSelltiOnee of the reception extended to rreslatent John- Sten r the quotations for gold and bonds wore Irregular. Gold is reported weak and a shade lower, 1tqW014743; 10015 , 113%; 5dM of lat,110; old 15.205, 115310113 X; a-n-Kke of •m,199%; 10-10 s, (larda) ION; do mall, 1044; 7-30 a, 10.7%tp1063,;. Thai principal [earn= in the market for go, errhrdent bends to-day was the sudden advance In Sall of 19:4, and a urlak demand for the MOO Wade or i 6135. The demand for money la rather More urgent, but the banks will aeon be in condition tOthsconnt more freely, slum there are large sums being remitted from the !Ode of government securities. —Trio impression prevails at some quarter. that the fature course of the money market will In, toward greater case, and hi:si ne. men 01 eXperrence are of opinion that the plethora of loanable funds for some time to come will be so largely in excess of the denoted, that rates of interest will be lower than they here ever been bonito; end furthermore, Mat it will be Impossible for banks and Money-lenders to use their our -plus funds In loans at any rate, and that they will be forced to buy Government or other securities in order to earn interest on their money. —Tlio following remparatire otatement shows the stvertato condition of the leading Items of the Philadelphia Banks for the put and previous wook : Last week. This week. c a pital ....... 911,012,190 $14,612,150 Loans 43,530,454 49,091,70 Inc..s 414. 0 Spode. ... . . 911,231 995,071 Dec. 4.150 2.4g93-tand're 10,910,696 22,419,323 Lao. Depoiits..... 34,942,311 30,0 , ,24..3 Doc. uYI elraulatton .. 9,560,163 9,573,334 Luc. There is 00 very marked change in the i 41111. tag Items of the etatement from the,a ro. turned Loot ;week. —The prospect for steadiness In Lte gold market is not vary flattering, if we may credit the Comments of some of the Now York papers upon the subject. The Herald says It is evident that a strong combination has the market completely under its control, and the demand for custom duties can only be supplied at the price it is willing to sell at. This demand is rather heavy, owing to the largo Importations which are still being made and the increasing activity of trade, the re quirements for custom duties at this port to.; day, forlustance, having aggregated ealf.i,ooo. The °short , . Interest is at the same time enor mous, both in and ant of Wall street, and just now the "Shorts ^ are at once too strength and victims of the "bull" torisplrators. It is idle to denounce the latter, however, for their in fluence Ls trifling. They and their capital in the actual state of the market, and if legiti mate conditions were not in their favor they would lose Money by their operations. They are now merely anticipating and temporarily aggravating a natural condition of the mar ket, which would only be rankle ultimately worse by the Treasury selling a portion of its gold; for, in that event, speculators would ab sorb all that the Government disposed of, and lortify their position accordingly. —The Bank of Montreal, according to a Montreal journal, has consented to accept the conditions of the Canada National Currency act, and ;Oil assume the whole of the issue of gs,uoo,Mo of notes antlionzed by that not, and also take a lurtlier sum of 51,00u,000 In deben tures aboilld the government need such. By this arrangement It is expected that an caul will be put to tile twists. —Soya Tuesday's New York. Tribune The payment of the temporney loan, except Clearing-If ouse certtllcates,whieh are redeem able in legal tender, places the Treasury In a stronger position than it has held for a long time, but It may not leave permanently the money market to tile pubis:. Liar lag nothing of temporary debt to pay for some time there la every reason to expect that the Treasury will form Ito excess of receipts over expenses tiocUMillate currency In its vaults, and In that woy have a conservative Mimt neon specula idold and currency proinhie to °creme aito to an extent to be telt by borrowers, nod the Secretary will be lu a position to take sc. Live Lb - ight Indirect steps In funding the cur rency dout. Ile trill be able to hold the funded debt at a price when Waver:nous of currency debts Into le will be consboit„ and in inlet, amounts as to make It certain that all the ides will take thatdinic.tion speedily. The Secre tary has now power to dabble In government stooks, and steadily get short into long debt, and can make at will an easy or tight money market by Its manipulations of tho debt. While he is working en to specie, as he silent. ly is, borrowers or money will bo upon unsafe ground. 1 PITTSRULL4III Onion .7 THE l'lnmsvuou ti Astrtrs, NV no:: 13.1:1AT, A.a.g.1. -. 29, ISM S Thu produce market continues quiet and a little dull, the operations in the leading com modities being of an unimportant character, while so far as prices are concerned, there are no changes worthy of special notice. APPLES—Continue very lull, and the sup ply is largely in excess of the demand, and prices are unchanged, ranging from 61,50 to Vi par bid, as to quality. ASilES—The demand is improving, and while thorn is more activity, prices remain uticlumg.l. Sales of 20 tons common Soda at C; also, sales Of thinned ditto at 6%, and Pearls at LI GILAIN—Thero Is a fair demand for Wbe o L and. we can report Mil. 01 3 ears now No. I Cldrago Spring at r, 22. Oats dull and nomi nal at tato In, ea track and in elevator. Sale of 3 cars Western Nye at 92, and 'AO bushels Shelled Corn at 78. No movement In Barley. FT.olll4—lo reported steady, with a fair lo cal demand at $l.l to {GAO for spring, and $12,50 to $l3 for Winter. Sales of '‘‘,/ lute Star" —hall Spring anal half Winter—at $l2. llye Flour and Cornmeal unchanged. PROVISIONS—bacon is quiet and unchanged At 17X.00)17 4 4, for Shoulders- for Ribbed hides; 25 =44 for Plain Rams, and. 25 to T., for linger Cured Hams. Lard is -Attlet and unchanged 24 , . to 10% for kettle. bmall sales of Mess Pork at *MAL PIG .LEAD—Is selling at 12 POTATOES—In good supply and dull; may be quoted at 75 to ge per bushel. • REEDS—Plamsecd is in demand, bet there is none in market, except what Is in the hands of =ushers. Timothy Seed is coining in more frOelsv and prio s o c are drooping. Clover Seed ts nominat $7 t $7,50. BUTTER—Ordinary packed is selling at 24 to 35, while prime fresh ditto is quoted firm at 18 to SO. EGGS—In goal demand, end treat; packed Nell on arrival at 91 CIIEBSE-7m flan but unchanged at 15 to 10 for Western 'Reserve; 16 to 17 for Hamburg, and for York State Goshen. MILL Y.E.ED—ta mace and m demand. Bran may be quoted at Si to $1,10; Sborte *l,OO to 51,40; and Mtddltnga 51,74t0 5444 ritTanvirscan YETHOLEViI MARKET 017105 er vna.Prrrastrnes Gaswrra, Wairsastoor, August 15, 1808 S .. CRUDE—The market for Crude continues quiet and rather doll, though prices remain unchanged, and no continue to quete at 16',4 to 17, bbls returned, and 21 to 2 z r t l. packages included. Sales of bbls at 17; at 17; 40 at IVA 55 bills (Smith's Ferry) at 21, packages In. eluded, and IMO bias for all October, seller's option, at. 17. The demand Is mainly for itn. Mediate delivery. buyers generally being avers* to making contracts tor future do. livery at present quotations, In view of the feet that the demand for Refined is lap) no. rive, and the tendency downward, and hold ers are amino' to sell at quotations being.a little apprehensive, that a resumption of nav igation, mut large arrivals, might poetably break down tba market. We have no Into ed. vices from 9011 City, but the eastern markets are reported quiet and unchanged. ItEb IN.ED—''here Is no improvement to note In the demand for bonded oil, and while is a little dull and weak, prices as ear, are pretty wall maintained. On Umtata hero, quotations may be fairly given at M' to Mt, and 41 for immodlato dellVory Philudel. plds. Thus far,this week, the trartecuations bonded oil have beenvery KM thagen. erallOne of them/irk/A cannot be regarded us favorable for holders, notwithstanding tul yet, there. bag Wan no ''breakdown" In prices. The recent "hurry" was almost entirely spe culative, there being no foroupa„lledvicco to back it up, and this being the cast, some of our shrewdest and 'largest " operators are pre d tl i utegu coo r the tablesman efore ytirnAct r e ady it is hinted that contracts aro being ro . !Old In Philadelphia at a slight decline, which m. not augur well for the future. dAILISIVALS—Tias arrivals of oil reported to ay were av follows: Fisher )t Bro.. ...... ZiG T. ticllleimels ISO Jew. Wilkins J. E. btrlekler all J. Darragh • &A *int. • t- --- Virtottanuel good martins. etare'l anal% itualult rcoulpfa of tim othy are inermVslng, anti being wuAld.r.bly pzeC.s Of the demand, lagoon halm atonally auonancl; and are now fully .1,50 per bathe& lower them at.the ante of our last weekly mow- I teary, arid at tho decline the Vaunted la Ihol.•1 • tea, the Markel elation heavy wlth a fair dowuward tendency. Prime ansuales aro now offered at 43,73, and wo understand some par .abases bare Won mad,, as low as CIAO. Clover ' remains dull, and prices are merely numbd. flunittfee use held at s7.?l(pi,but the de- Matta is 1.1.0420(1. 1.3101 en samples of flare:tea, • - that entiroly meant and free trout Awn and other foreign matter, moan:same 11.3, :th pttelibaluit paid by parties who aro par. ~._o4emug for pastern helmet. Thecousbers are , - ramming moron= if.,50, and a considerable '-'•.-POrtbOlabf tifa nMOlpts urosold at this price ' s." - - tporil, Is „MunparatlO little coining Samara tusp •s 'p to the slanflardbi t llOO6 who arc heYing on 'Eeetem account. • • I t - ..., • I.:‘;'. .._ in Chleago. .... i'' ' ' • -; a /Amin iii ~,,t4S.p.-riad trot tho t ri ''.',' ingur 6labia , „vijitThOmlemirbltris tha :, ,z„0 following . tarte 0,.0f Trldap.,e, in,lAticai °matt of t (4,. _a. anon In_,„,, we asitOta& ,: .• ” ig4 ll*'°4. qt etAxY znt. of /33PAtt an d' - .ed7eLaT: _ lex. _ ED lOQrp er4tAt' _l3lO ellapo 44Y . 18136. ~..... , • ~',..,-,7, r ''' :..= . • •*" ' . 4 :.. 1 ASS .I,4hona ' ' ', l .s"' ;!' -7:.: ,rtairt‘,„.„,..•r•:r;:::.....,•••":::...ve1)„,....071 4 -..-I.:y-,: ',-...M17.:74y.'.•;;••.:::;-...1. vairy11,;,:','_97151€1,.., .. :7 ! , 7`'; .. . 7 c4117:: '. c:--„,,,t,11i ' ; t°).!,3,,. • ..,_ . a.r.7:'..,:,'1...•''-:''';'' 7 • :----,'''',=,:::..,::-' 7- `'''' tt7l:-.ft,',:',...,Vii.:":.„.i.:r1:.f'') _ 7' , '' ....... 4 ,:-.7 3 :' I 1.., -- - .. ...,.. , ..., LT, "1.-• • . ,5- ' , . t,:c --,,-.?3,L,7'.1•;.!..'-.- ,7,=' '''''''' • ' ' A t'';` , '' '.'-'.:. ' '-:' - .7,:" ...--..--: -, ;..,,,,;.;;:., , ~..-..; , `` --. ,-'2.o:P._, -':-...,.,-.4-v.»-1,.-., ~1,,,..",:,i.:,-:::,1„,-,-,...:.,.. C. 's,Lt r.`,'.."• ***MEETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Fleutnelal satteei . NEW TOIIX, Ang.49.-31.0ney continuos easy, at 4 5 par cont. for coif loan& "Stoxling dull and heavy, at 106.A42101. Gold is Ithout decided change, opening at 11% advancing to ItSX, declining to 1424 and closing at 143%. Gov ernments firm and quiet. Freights to Liver pool quiet. The Ortsmercial Adm.:lle:rta money arUcle , says : Btu:thous in' Wall Street is almost what- Ily anspended on count of the President's Visit to the city, T ile Only Important °keep ' tiOn la on Government securities, witch have been excited and very active. Old 5-151 s have Sold at 1 134461 1 ad rd noon were quoted 1 13% bid, nod 1 110 %I:011;180 4s were In I.ctive demand, and sold np to 118'• . 4, and at noun were quoted at 1 1161 13. The advance arose from a report that the bonds had been admit ted on the London Exchange. It was owing to the fact of the street busing faith In the teem , that 1013th declined ring the Welting from ...;61 Th ere are very active speculative movements in the trends here which may also help to RettOtlllt for the circu lation el the report- Purchasers of Isabtu have been made by pn.T101 . 6 short in 1.8'2, i the hope that the rise In the former to sympa thy with the high prices of tang would rO,IIII - for their less mum the latter heads of 1.3143pre quoted 100,1,16110 A; 7-30 , 4 are stronger. First series Wing quoted 1 0714 and second and third I OGy, In the general sumk market there were some Insignificant transactions on the street. Erie was most active, touching at ono time 7.04, and subsequently duClining to Gold hat been quiet. during the morning at I Loans were made at 1 1-52 per cent. The Purr money article says: Money to easy at 4 per cent. Transactions in go b 7 ere netive n in thei . mu ., l , f part ofth e g f il o Ig l‘r, l . l to- . j rate on loan gi s o u f gold ranged at from No interest. In Railroad shares there were bat a few transactions. The Stock Exchange being closed, the latter quotations wore: New York Central, 104; Erie, Ti-X; Hudson, ligh: Reading, 115j . 51iehigan Southern., &A; Illinois central, 12.34. Foreign Exchange stagnant. Bill at sixty days on London, 1056101 for com mercial. How York Produce ILarket. Now Yong, Aug. M.—Cotton heavy but prices generally without decided change, at 3341 , 340 for Uploads. Flour deli; inferior and high grades 10®'30 lower; white sound medium grades rule steady, at 00,6e@5,90 for extra State, $3,40f310,n0 for rormil hoop Ohio, and 1 1 10 ,- @le,lk for trade brands. Whisky unstangtxl, 1r.,31(4.4,13 in bond. Wheat receipts, 11,474 bus; dull and Mae lower; sales Mwooo Mull iit pus for unsound Chicago spring, $1,3001, for choice No 1 Milwaukee—an extreme price -13,16 for choice new white Michigan. Corn re ceipts, 10,740 bush; ornanud about 40 lower, but closoil more steady; sales 03,10) bush at 740,144 for inferior, Slane for shipping mixed west ern, KPio for Illinois river. and 4401 for white .o. t,- r.I. Oats receipts, 20000 bushels; le lower; sales of =AO bush et 41 0 46 C for Chicago, 484.441 e for Milwaukee. toffee dulL Petroleum quint, at MONS° for Crude, and 4444 ige for Refined in Bond. Coal—Foreign scares and wanted; sales of sixty tons to a Liverpool house of Cannel at slo,oeper ton, and In Boston 1,1 tone of New Castle, to alTlye, nt $10,50. • Domestic Wool dull, at 60,167.. c for domestic fleece; Mk for unwashed; We for tubbed; Mai Spi for Texas, .55c, for super pulled, and Cape Cordova and Noels on private tunas. Leather was held quiet and Rua, at 33!„..A3P.r,c for Buenos Ayres, light wed ht; sawn% for mid ills do; 47143gc for heavy o; 1.2±....; for Cali fornia, light do; 4441415 , for middle do, and 5.5%038% for heavy do. ork quiet and heavy, 4,414,704332,57 for New Bless, closing at I3:700 cash; $30„60(111,00 for old do, and g.M.,1M43 . 45,01 for prime. Beef steady and quiet at previous prices. Beef flame nominal. Bacon inertly. Cut Moats steady, at 141015 c for Blioulders, and 1ai,4(121%c tor llama . - Lard doll, at 181441 Me. Butter quiet, at 2041513iie for Ohio, and MO 460 for State. Cheese steady, at 1601 8%c. Dry Goods MarDet. Nov Yozz, Aug. M.—Dry Goods Exchange and Jobber's pticos.—hiarket motive and ram. Prints—W=l=3MM Waumegan.lB34; Denims—Amoskeug, 50; 1108100 Drown 30i .10. Intutulhoturing Co 27; Farmers. Eh l'lclOUgs Albany 14i tkmoskeug 00; do. A_4s; do. 11, 40; 40.0, 45; do. 1), as Shir W. L. Stan dard Dress Shirts, No. 21.0, • No. tut, $47,60; No. 545,400. Doop Skirts— dlcy'e Lupo,. 0746 1,05; do. Empress Troll. 40,2 0 ; Myers' LXL. wtdo tapes, all)1,10; do. IX L oar row tapes, 4.2073,• Maple Ruillus, mumble, with trademark' 10. 1, $2,63; No. 2, s7t No. 3, $7,75; No. 4, $3,50; Rome made lisfiles, No. 1,1114,5 M No. 3, 15,50; No. 5, p 0,50, with amount. Banklo Brirs.nuN Aug. 27.—Flour quiet; No. 1 sprit* rtt glie,n. Wheat In moderate mining demand: Coro-12:1,C01 bush. °fret - tag at 07c.iteelliiing tdr . Me, coal closingtt q' c; sale. of r 91,0011 bush. at 07t . for No. 1 Illinois. Ottle—,” of 14,U00' bush. No. 1 ellticaco, Cl Mt. llitt - tayand Rye nomtmLl Timothy -wed $1..•:',®1,50. Pork •t. Lard 210 lor city; 21' ;or n vett:re. 0 h is y Cbltago Mork et. AugOst. V.—Flour quiet qua ,le lined 1f41,15c. Wheat qutot nrol docl toed 305, tlan at €.1,7401,75 for No. 1, nrorl WA-441J'; (or No. 2, Coto declined !.„,e, eloultig ut A2*.e tot No. 1, and 44;50a for No. 2.. OaLA quiet ut ttte. tor No. 1, awl My.„4121.ic for No. '2- Iligh w foes non:thud at irL,2, for hooded, nod $2,51 for frt.. Prot/1310oz dull. Oswego Sauget. usweson, August unehange:l; $lO,- to lor No.l spring, sl2,llol'or rod winter, &ys)L for white nod $14,00014,30 for double ext Sta prime white wheat. Wheat doll .and lower; No. I Milwaukee dab offered at. 32,t1., which is above the views of buyers. Cora dull and quiet. Groceries nominal. Tot. coo, August lb.—Flour quiet. Wheat la 5 . 310 .... and drooping; salesf new amber Michigan at. fe.f.3; new v. hitc Michigan yt,fo, now red, r.4:0.1; amber, crop of iyAtt; new swine, Corn ye lower uu mbat, 3c on GI sales of mi to,,ic; No. t yellow. G; NaN 2 white, fAc. Oats Ifes lower, 3a!ic. Rye quiet. I. Loots Market_ ter. Loris, August 2:l.—Flour Werth, and michaugal. Wheat lower; !`= . 1502,,:6 for prime and Chicago. Corn firmer; trediaan for mlved 1.41 yellow, and @Arlie for whim Oats lower at :t7@91550. Provisions unchauged. Whisky advanced to $2,9661.,27. Hsu 01:LEAII8, Acoost :N.—Cotton: sales 550 halos Low Middling at 3341r..14c. ItocelptA, l 9 bales. Sterling, 5 44P 1 . Now York &mei:tango discount to par. bl IL WAIMEA August Z.—Flour dull. Wbeat firmer. Corn scarce. Data 3112132, Cbteago Lumber Illarket Cuituoo, Angust 27.—The receipts of lumber by the cargo were light, and with a good de mand, prices went) fully sustained. The sales to-day include the following: i i ) Bum, [ ,S strips , balance mixed, at, 32; 6250 pee lath at i11,g5; about alm long as at lat; lee in .10lide and amuttling at $ ; DO In, % strips, at for sirlpehad $l7, f balance 80 m V. atrips, balance m ix' $10.20; 3EI 01 lath $1,12%; 370 y„ to sawed shin at 11,5,M; IGO my, strips, traMnm, beanie an J ,sfy . ' , l : :d2. 40 m udh, poor, at $1; tam mill run, f,, logs at $2l; 50 m gang =wed board, .grx;Wom mon, at $22. August 2&—The fresh receipts of beef cattle to-day at Um Union Stock Yards are 994 head. There Is little change to note In the market. Stack Utters have been in good request and several lots were sold. There first arc no class cattle in the yards, and ship pars are doing withing to speak of. A lot of 192 Texan cattle arrived this morning, but the sales have been light, and the market Le very quiet at the close. LEPOWES BY IIAILSOAD. PrITODUSOH, PORT WATNII & CIIIOA.OO R. IL August Z.-50 bbls hams, E H Myers a co; .3 cars metal, Span6r, Chalfant oo; 1 ear staves, Guthrie & BU1; 26 sks oats, 3 thin apples, Geo Crawford; 4 bblapipples, 2 do eggs, T & 9 11 Ma- Milken I cask liquor, J Adler a co; p car staves, Ralya tr. Robertson; 100 bble Bora, Gay a Painter; 24 !kraal" cheese, Volgt & col 4 ears metal Jag Wood a 'on; 150 hides, N ROM stott; ' lO tree hams, Pettit & Newlin; 20 lames candles, 10 do map, McCullough, Bmlth & 00; 1 car staves, Wm Haat:lags; 4 bhls apples, U A Inman; 10 doa brooms, Arbuckle' & o0;14 bbls lal ; a 3 ll. o , p A Don . aelly; IQ , b p hl r a y lirlk o u t J4t d ee do it . J Young{ 4 this apples, Keil & Shahan.; odo I do, 12 eke bran 32 do cornmeal, T C Jenkins; 14 balsa wool, J L Marshall & 00;25 bdts paper, Hostetter & Smith; 3 bbli 01:11023, 3 pkge lard, Graff & Belton 30 Go tobacco, Newcomer, Goe & co; 102 bbls dour. Bhomakez Lang. CI...I4VELAXD LID r/TTBDIMGII .11.4uotoiLD. August M-1 care wheat, J 9 Liggett & co; 4 can motal, NuntOir ds 0o; 200 bbls flour J a W Parley; 1 oar Inetbo, 0 X Warner; I do do, 61111 Inger & Illdwel1;11,10 Wes Ulna, Newcomer, Coo a eo; cure lenn•dre,t3hoenberger & Tholr Odo do, Briso & Caughcili r gbbla petroleum, D Cochran. 66 dodo, Wa g a Ulna; 33 eke flaxseed, 1. & co; 211 aka rage, Markle & 00; 30 has choose, Eihomaker & Lang; a pkg..' 'produce, W Stool & Bro. NI bbls appeal, Pottlt & Nowlin; 55 bblaroloam, Barbour, a a Smithson; I t do do, J Darragh ; 10 kgs barley,;) Haworth. Sisrannarir &VAHAN, Aug. 43-213 barr3b phae, J Herbert; 3 care wheat, 2 care. cortl, Gil more, Simpson & co; 1 bbl edge, &hula & Dan. nerft car Mtn, Keunodv Lathrop; 10G eke 11aseeed, fd 11 tlaydatal 203 pigs lead, Schocm maker & Son; 1 car wheat, McKee & en; 13 eke flazeeed, J Bradshaw; I bed candlim, 114-mkgeld & Nelbousq; 73 hides, 3 bdle paha, atawkrath /lam. PITTETTILLOU, COLUNIIIIIB 454 CITICYNII ATI Jr,. 112. At bbls dour, T U Jenkins; I cut putts,:d. Taylor; 1 air wbest, Ile Claud & Ardor; I car staves, Markle & co; ICU bbis flour, C It Lewitt 10 pkgs tobacco, Miller & Iticketson; tl Lb's whisky. N 8 Plko & co; 4 pkgs tobsoco, It Itunk43 do do, (IX - Kuhn; 3do do, II Dulmyor. J. H. Ilartaingh d co. Za J. triallaiiher 11, Barb Our lC Go 165 Waring et, /Mg... aa GENERAL DRAOGDTII~G OFFICE. If P. GENGEMInE, Orli En- UINNEU. CIiFXIeT AND 801.tOrrun qV PATE - NTS.: No. VI BT. (MAIN BTU ET. root Umco 800 ass. Itulideoce. 1i liar strust.,P/TXU. num; U. PA. • " - ;_ lelliQle tBONDSANDMOBTGAGES want- . -0.1 for thu followlns Mims: $5OO, $l,OOO, $B,OOO, $5,000, $lO,OOO, Vor one, two and UMW sows. Is bbts. Porximm; bbl. . Cider; Me. YLEitgw, 11, rt.kko, In vinegar: ILO do.un Broom,: acmes Clsorolcal tiosp; 19 t a:t: l ;ll....,hoADl boxe• (Ifmdled, ,11;rod iaaWT."'" aon UM& teUALBLEY, 971 Liberty at.: MONET LOAN OFFICE, NO Lll AXB.I3IIIIITIIIMELD. trEISZICT. eur rlttsbursh.- • Aar Atott•T d LAMM on I!ltrez (taua, istolr, Vitritri.Uf artarAtei n uirt i r: 4:A.A.. • Thu wort cannOt D u o -41111 !rem! Irltfu,ii - Auk nrceolhusblo tivestae *inns ur rubbery; uaod S.,":llTareirjabNilTrintli 87." ear soPerior Amber s.s wroftm,....,ridesl, l csressalvsess. snive aaa j" 24 Wilniiiioonrarr it 00 The river remains about sultlanary at this point, with thirty inches in the channel by the pier marks last evening. Tile weather - continues cloudy anti nrisettled, with oei outdoing showers of rain. There bee not been a solitary arrival or do ets since m' en g p gloomy and s d t r h e t ' r n s7ri nw s :ei l e I l ib w l'e n i c re reil lo :f e s rn i" :t ir s ' S ee rpe r it ki very sdort period of time. quite a number of new boats are being pushed forward to completion In a quint way a y. 01 41 1 00 l fo Is all The most oi re., iEh,tatist. giver in t o ? . N.a.e,wn t hee, jwl Relic Vernon. Copt. flare Is pushier forward avert' sutsitan Dal and commodious atorsi-wheeler, in II:Le:Well, ;.ca-ire, for the Plttabit and eq. Loins trade. Thu hull for I apt. W. U. mammoth steamer will be cooly ft few wiws. Whim com leted. Laid. Diamiils k on will doubtful , Intro one of the Nasal, if not the finest slicanuir on the western a mars. The W. li. Osborne passed Memphis on Fri. day last with a igg r , trip. lino of tier fleck hands lied between Cairo and that point, and was hurled at Madrid Bond. The St. Louis Bilrublican, of Tuesday, save At sundown last evening the following stuainers were at the landing between the Carr Htreet I..cry and Plum street Depot, re- Ina freight nail passengers for various points, viz: Lotus No. '2, Bertha, New Sam Only, Isabella, Deer Lod_ge, Ben. Johnson. Marcella Clasgow, Peter Union, Marble City, Goldllncli, Mollie Able, Lizzie 13111, 'tennis town, Zephyr and Big ilorn. The following steamers are "laid up' , between the Elevator and foot Of Mulberry street, viz Jennie Lewis, Ontario, Mary Bole. ton, Southerner, Mary Mcoonald, O. W. ti re ham, LUIle Martin, Platte Valley, Julie, J. G. Blackford lice, Canada, Stonewall, Albert Pearce Kato Kinney, omet, Schuyler, City of Pekin, Mexico, Viola Bella, Little Rock, U. L. Woodward, Montana Helena, liuntsvllle, WM. Si slays, and tiovernor Sharkey. Tile following is a list of the boats "laid up" at Moody Island, vie: Wituaulta,Catnelln, Takla man, Lady Franklin, Evening Star, Golumblo, Delaware, American, Champion, Iron city, Mtunie, Submarine No. 13, J. D. Perry, City of Alton, P. W. Strutter, Columbian and Rubi con. Toledo !Market. New °Heim. Market Rillwenekoo Market Chicago Cattle Markel.. USU. M. YETI t 270. I 3 Bt. Clair ittcal - 7", : ' :, In addition to the above there is quite a number 'quid up" above the Elevator, an l 14 whole fleet down about the "docks," and lit Carondelet. Most of the steamers 'quid up" are being overhauled ? repaired and painted Pr Tri a l a .o t tUvi t te tt AurneTVT e n " e;day soya The Stella left last eight with to tow of •eilipty barges for Pittsburgh. As she least. , had her deg at half-mast, becau. of the death of her captain, lung a resident of this city, Capt. A. B. Churchill, aged el pearl. lie had been ill only a short time.congestive chill was the cause of his death. lie was extensively known along the river as one of the heat and mostexperienced 0(011 those engaged fu tow ing coal below. Ills death will be deplored by a largo circle of friends and acquaintances. The Cincinnati aerobia - re - Mt of Tuesday, has the following: The crow of the Arabian, being alarmed about the cholera, umped the boat at Wheel ing, whore she was laying at last accounts.— . Menses. Rose b Robinson, yesterday, con tracted with J. C. Buckles & Co. for the trans portation of XI7 tone of sugar, coffee, rope .. elk bagging, for Little Reek, Arkue.s. The All mails and Naugatuck will got the freight. Thetioretic of the same date, says : The Arabian, which left Pittsburghon the 10th, for this port, has been detained at Wheel ing on account, of the prevailing epidemic. The Amelia Poo left the Eureka docks yester day. Capt. It. 11. Porter is somewhat annoyed at being advertised as It. J. Porter, who is numbered with the dead. 1:3141 a 1316 • :103,0 te: YITTSBULIGH, DUOWNS- viLum AND IIENCVA U. S. MAlLlarara - ,z, .1E.403311Pr C,COll4l:E.'"r. Will rol l three dolly [lldr-wheel at ...era hwtase•s Fliashor la, AlonongshelaCll.7, ltrownaelllt, Itlee•s Landing, tireenshor, Ouneva and the Lattnaartl On Regions.. Thls line la anoposed of the following If i l ' lltgiß ,CA BT. IL A. CO X. TICI.EIi Alii '' --.... ..• '''' .VAI - r. 1.. IlUt/lIKIL FICA.N liktrl I'AI - T. U. W. C A RAI Al 2 OALLATIN 17A1 - Y. A.S. CARLItAt. These , I , aekvia • ill lento I•lltahurgh d...nly alt s. a . t r a iti tt . r. o r an es in c . tr t Loods7, Sheri ILL deoar ere Ti. theough packet for the (11l Ite g lnno will leave littalloirgh 110t17 at 60. At. Brownsville daily at la. ro. lierimpleo-Lcavy Brownatlllo for littsburgh dall at a. ro, and Vp. m. h i I. to•• tireenshoro sod (senora at It o•eloel, l' ' i lt * : A :1 1 ."'romot" .. p.ra's'e.l . of arst.r.lar• sl.le-wheel •• • 00(11 eaoreally for the trade. Thlo srr -n . n Iby .intern of 10,4 experience, who - ',. 7 partlrolar sib ulion to the at molts al rota . • f passengers. fro , boats will leave stroll:y.(ly s• e hour Advert... 4 FILEIt /ITS AO AT ALL 11 , .1. 1.5. FOCI tither ""'"'. i;' . %rr, ' ;:. " 1.1:..) A1f.,. , Al the Wr Sr( It. at, bu, ..iti rani 0., oniebor,O. L. CoLYIN. 1ta...t., .711.1nt0 Itrowsot Inc. l'•. MMI'MITM 4 III: JOON AIIIIIYON •4;;Liir.ToN & WALLACE. LI hole v, mica RS ND 1 . 1:01,1,1•1( 11Na LE No C 3. '4U ...tra t.t • I),‘ 1.1. J NE WM VER COMMISSION Id ESCHANTS, .11.alers to Flour. Grain, V. e.l end I . r.r.luce 61411 V on Wll,lllOlll, No. 3IPN Plitobar,h, Pa. _ BREWZR, BURKE & CO., CoMMIsslO5 AGENTS YOlt THE Pacific, Glebe and Liberty Oil Woi ka, Aanple atonsae for Crude out: !.alined Ott. I.lher al (Leah edvatmes made on conslamments of Cro.le or Ittetem4 Petroleum. Yard* for itorage wad ship ment C raA% . 011 at Lew t eucor 111 a. oMee *WA% arehouses, Coruer 01 Duquesne Mrlal and Hanel:me street. Pittsburgh.. en, la.nat paean az.: «lea. r.,LLT. KEIL PA, ILIITCELMT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Flour, Grain, Seeds, NM Feed, /a. =2 =I GOZEI WILLIAM C. LEE, Bucee•eor to ALES. tiORDON COMMISSION AND FOIL WARD) NG 2123N2= No. 102 Second Street, Pittsburgh, rn. sa-Agent for the DealerLoe Lead ipe aod Sheet Leul Work,. !art() and BA IL LEAD, 8110 T,, TIRE CLAY. to. Conslauenents so licited sod Orders promptly my3l:lo4 DAY. CRAINTORD.... ... . . UIIAWYOUD DAY. CRAWFOUD, • Consergission Acre/ant. And drabs! tuntillETALa 11/4/0.114, W MA/In ISL.3I.AP SU— • , FIKIS SHUCK. ant! /Ids of !Lolling UM au Warelo/nee and t/Ince, N o .. 360 and 300 YEN .N !STIL/LET. titoraao Lo bad. Con/Irnmenta WWI/ed. tellkdO 7. OWIIII. .4. n•arrat. )WENS, KENNEDY & HARPER, •-• PRODUCE CoklMlikiNHl MERCHANT& sod Wholesale Lesion In VOILKAWL_A i rD DOMMs Hi FE41754511114abea4 Railroad Depot.. AzisougrrE.l!.A. Agents for ths sale of P. Y. Late's. Donnell a =man , ' sad J. Kars's , Ran. awe: l id BOOTS AND SHOES. T. A. M'CLULLAND, Masonic Hall Auction House Nos. 65 and 57 FIFTH STR.E..EI Offers at private tale, day and eyelilag Wholesale and Retail, A fell s•ad prime Block of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITER lEtetbcrLcritlis, WORKING SHOES, SLIPPERS, &.e., &c., Sic ~Ladies', Gent's and Children's. MIZE . _ . . uurriss - . JC. intrirriuni & * CO., Planuriic • titters °PP....gorilla. Lemma eod Itssplodry P3C1,3314%. IC7.A.TIEICEILES. gtatiga.,`"TaTitstg 4=llo= T L ul Daum aiiiTan d ial, ea! . 17.", h alg=tirgat rttP; PA. Orders shod add-chipped to all parts of tun eon*. on short ootlae. totnellldava LEATRIER /BELTING. 1111E8NNIAN & CLAIM, No. 11 ‘..r1.11110 'nTILERT, near Penitentiary, All, fheor ChrY, Plasm rectum. or itrl,l7 desCripliOn Of 'slant Cemented and Riveted OAK TAN.9:En LATllnit DILLTINU. tiELTtimade to Mort and repaired at short none. Particular a tention paid to Bolts fur nulling MOM heavy Works. All wink yrs r itte at , Ordenreatioe4 d7 fni ‘ ly flattened. .DLUBSBIANN; No IN Fifth Mtreo to Clltsboikh,_ 1 7 1 . 'V=•4l'.slll: :A:4 4;1 •qq5 .2 !"..7. • .•:-.:70,,,5 , f ., P':'-r-: .- ,1 • F t '. 'g 111 F.T4 .1, , ,.z..!jr z i,•• 5 i 1.3 M 1. , ti.:!...,t = :r; z., i, I = l gi....;114;i 13 tli fik 2 ;, ,i l s lA ti ti . n Pit , ' i 4 ' ll - .. ! '4E , ' 1, :it 1- i gil 7, 1 1 , , 4 M = 44 - r a =i , ' 4 = '' ' t ....1. 2 3.7; as ° , i' .61 " C 4 Cg. -'4,s;.Eßi:; cc to ... i BITY - itOIUII. NOT/9" 1 1 M r. - L -I ii i; :2 1 Z 7 .* " . 4 11 '*::' M itr ;. : :i , c 2 Ail 7 --f,' .-g - : = 5 = - :r,,- , 1 "Cr41.13.3==a00 4b47 ---A2D 51 gra Tgq.q...ssl Z.1.. 4 ; rii°val 3 1 a i k ft. et b s tire c. Go 5r. , 4.:1 2 .1 ta t iLL a , 47. a riallOr t o 7 /...... , -.? P• ', CO 41= ° 4-..ta - '. B2 . 3 it tre r_ . ~..01.4.t.; ii.... 'ko •'" -1011 4 241 , 3 T,., i eiVtL , , ~,, „_,., , .. -, ,7,, :-..- ,;iv,. -,I:' .'kt.,'7'""r ',,',,-.1.,,,...:,.:-.,-,-r;-,--.,--,:,..---,l'it Filth Stred,between Timm/ and Clailussis streete, GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE lint clams goods or nit ileserlptlutui always on hand:Lad swldat the lowest prices. Kepatrlng don Cananny on Shari nOtlen, ,::°, _~~- ;$ ~. { ~~. _4 PROFESSIONAL__ B. F. BROWN, 121^LEI Local Claim Agefit, V. s. SAN. COM., Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, luttell24) FLANItito Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrear of Pay Prornptly Collected No charge mile until elalm• are 4el tied, snit then but • modnt ale fee. SOLDIERS' CLAIMS FOR BOUNTY, Sc. The undersigned w Llll co Ileet all houutte.,, back pay and pensions due soldiers under the sots of Congress or st s t. ! l,,w n .l Congress has jllbl posse 1 an act equsllalng bout - ties. under which velorsn 5.1,11.1 rs are entitled to bounty of Crum 8100 to $2OO. JOHN B. I.A Slllll., A. SI. 010" N. Attorneys at I.ln. Jr.n.gta:dx Ware. N.. 114 ,. 1' rbollltUlt.. - A unrrioNAL BOUNTIES TO Soldiers of 1561 and 1882. All .110 serviul three Sears are entitled to *lOO bounty tit°, etu t log two tears. 1*(1, or who were discharged by revton of n wind, or their helm hr.-e Jtlonthe Extra Pay Is due Volunteer Oilicers in floe service Marcia 3/1, IMO, and oilsclutrged. mustered out, or resigned since April V, lea. figliOrits.—Peronsnettily disabled aro entitled In 1113/ glad or gdZo, according to degree, of disabil ity. W. J. L II ALI. VAT" Kltdloat, Altorneys. till 71 I;raut tltn rl. I'lttahuMl, L. H. LINDSAY, ELLTIMI6I=I.WILLMJ, °Wee, 63 Boyle Slreet, Allegheny elprelal eltrwlnn g.v.e w •Irawlre Leases aetl oth , r legal iloenutenia. All In Lrusted to recelre rare ml and pronlpt .1100110, 1011131 W. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW No. 69 Grant Street, ESE = Dl{. E. DONNELLY, Office, Sixth and Grant Streets, PI T TSB URG 11, PA 44 - Spertal alleutlon given to all caars rcqulrlng cr.:41.0 botaica.l MACKRELL & MeCOMES, ATTORNEYS &. QOUNSEILORS AT LAW, No. 68 Grant Street, PA =3 JOHN A. STRAIN 8-7-.7Z/MrELIVEBD7, Justicc of the Peace. AN D POLICE NI AUL , ' RATE, Illjee, 112 vivo St. opposite Cathedral I= !teed., klortiraga, Art. p..ltlont and Le Why/maws e• tell with protoptni+. ao.l dlupstch. lit y 10:11 wILLI Alit JANCEIIi, NOTARY -- I I It JUSTICK SIR T111111 . 1.:MIN, ANIL KF.III. EsTATx A4l Y.1.11T rorner of holler and 111...0r rtreeta, Lay relic, tile. Spec tAI attention irr, en to the p0r , 11,,e *O4 sal., of Heal the I'oll,lton or Ponta. and the pWr., parallonland •rit nonied,toeut of alt kind, of Legal (''on, r) antes, WILLIAM JANt KY, t.lor roscr sad hatart 1,1.11. +02,1, EI:STAVE S. 3101111011 V, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 PCi,llat Ix unit' As envie. of the lueaSios sod opposite firsilism Street. ILIT A V EL WIN, PENSIONS. not Nt11 , ,, HACK PAY, and $1111.,.1.1.. . .• , . . oditet,..l 1., the •Lar....rtber, . rale, nil other Nam, I . T 111.04., At truly AL . . . 111.1attogl ov,•114 11, l'alty - t N. 11,—\u ••• a 4.1.: 11 1..1.•.1.11.1n. tlors na irrcool. mud all P. STONE. A• ttorney fl .t Law,. II F: oph,atc lb CH Al * 11 I'. EIVISG, literacy at Law, No. 69 Grant Street, Pittnburgli, Pa. SEWING MACHINES, sZIE.WING of , es description. : ;: ;::: r ez .v sy4 wilts noza &ad dispatch, en the WHEELER & WILSON L OCK-ST I Tell JII.eIeIIIXES, At the New drying W. 1., No. 17 YI rTH STUEZT, 'IIIE ••111 . 1.1EELELt & WILSON" SEWING MACHINE THY. MUST DI. ItAIILE. 5.57 Ylrill BTILEE r THE ••W HEELER & I:o3lVilinelijiliAM:l l C3=l Tit F. 110 ST SIMPLE, a t Rt TIFTIf dritKET THE -WHEELER & WILSON" 4 Diva vces6 'Awe 0131 THE mil - . at 27 sTior.r.T. TUE & WILSON" THE ONLY FAMILY SEWING MACHINE• ♦T 27 71FT11 ST.. P1TT11111.711.611. PA WM. SIIDIRER ar, CO pa BARTLETT Sewin g• IVlnehine, Pronounced by all 'rho have seen It the slruplest inactilwe now before lbe public. It Lseffectlre and durable - a It Is simple, and as practical as It Is durable. It has but to be seen to he admired, and used to be appreciated. It eom blues the elements of a Perfect Practical Machine, And to offered eta priee within the range of nearly every family in the land. Theonly lineneed machine in the United Stales ileeneed to um the WiIIfMLIM & WILIAM FEEL , —the beet and 01117 Feed ever constructed. AwMAL.II.B3IE4 WA NT1:1.1. DnQESRYcf, Wholesale Agents, No. Oti Fifth St., Pittsburgh, Pa. lu yin 3V24 6 1 1 ROV Eit & 11A K ER'N SEWING MACHINES Mare bean awarded the Y 'SST PJLISMIUMS at the rollowlng Fairs fur (Inc year *WS: First Premium for boot Machine work at Penna. State Falr. Viral premium for hest Machine work at Now York State Pair. first Premium for best Fatally Macbier at Ohio State Ifni, lint Premim fur beat Manufacturtng Machine a+ Ohio State Va u il . . First Premiu best Manufacturing Machine at allehlgan State fa r First Premium fur best lianufactOrlng Mtwitino at NV lemmata State Bab First Premium for best 3intau factoring MAMA.. at Lawrence Cnty Fair, Pa. First Prentlum for bent Korb 11l for general tom. poses, at Lawrence Outlay Fair. Pa. First is i ll m fur best Fatally Machine at Iturk• CVltrltg Pr a r tflrje; for best blauffactu ring Maratha at Hoek. Courtly Fair, PA First Premium for best Manufacturing and Vomi t, Machias at Sprintrneld Fair. Otto. First Premium for latat Manufactaring and Fami ly Machina at nlllll3l. Fair, N. Y. First Pretnlant for bout Manufacturing and Fami ly aitchhtu at Suffolk Monnty rale, N. 1. Vint Premium for brat kLanntacturlng and Vaud ly Machine at tiehuyier Connti irair, F. Y. First Premium for hest Machine for all Sunman. at Allegheny Cuun Fair First Preatiotat for best matosanturang saCll.l.O at Aiirghray Colialy Fair, Pa. First Pram! tun lee best Machine work at Allesnany County F•lr, ra. A. F. CHATONEY, G.F.SEILAL ♦U)NT, 1!I=1 INSURANCE FinE ASTI IMMUNE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH P. MERICA PHILADELPHIA.: 01.750,000 = Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, I= = W Proteellarktan he secured In the above nanded • d reliable Compaale.s. I=l MEI ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. or rITTSBOII.4JH.- Orace, No. V I.lllb ntrvat Bank Moak. Insureslagalkol all klatch of rim and Marino Kaska JOHN IItWIN, JOHN D. MC) , ILII, Vie.. 1 . 1...1.2•111. C. U. 110NNIGI.L. ne,rt.tarl. I=Mlig=t==l2 ma ti . n,im kaas.c.(oner, J (MIL 11. Mr, 'ord. U. li. !Nam., , liver,. ~ 1 1,a4, Harvey Uhl la, : ('lmMen ifit)a, T. Ji Huallomm., I Capt. Wm. Dean John Irwin. Jr., ' Cm, 1). McUrevr, B. L. Fahnertock. 1 It..bert H. Dart.. WERTETtIir INSUIIA.NCE CO., OF riTTPISUIVLIH, AI.F.XANDH.I3 NIMICK. remittent. I'. IIKIORKIIT becreury. Ali'. OE Central &rect. (Mice, 02 Wa ter street, Opting to Co. ' s Ntitteellonm, pp stairs, rittegh. Will insure against all kinds erWO 1101 - 100 Risks. A home Institution managed by Itlrectota who are well known to the community, and who are determined by promirtness and liberallty. to tvaln lain the character which they have assumed. as of fering the best proteetton to those who &mire to be %Muted Muntvoue. N hoick, . Andre , . Ackley, IL. kitties, Jr, David !I. Long, James McAuley, 'tees .1 Thomas, Notbsolel Hoboes, , 0p t ,. 5. Clarke, Alexander Speer, I Jobe h. gleCune, Campbell It Holton, , Hanna. C. R. Met tom, rot. WM. P. lIEdtUEIOT. Vocruterv. INSULIE TOUR LIFE IN TUE CRAWLY:II °AK LIPP INSU LNIC COIIPA IL& ( 1 / I N A L a i j ...NCE COMPANYIN A.MENICA that new manes and pays an AIIIIIASI CAWS DIVIDEPD on. Oro old each substoovnt payment of premium. CAerll CAPITAL - mu:ablation of OPSChatkel , to securely Invested n lio Monks and mortgagee of it LA I. EbTATE. 1. new In Its Idtis year of Moines:, and has paid to the WinoWS •01. , Oill'llANN of Ite members the sum o OBI! MILLION !JOLLA'S.. To WU dote OM a sin e. Moo of litigation has occurred, an evidee that liberality and fete dealing is a specialty with this Company rho policies of tills Company arc not forfeited by reason of lion-payment of premium after the second Nu payments rennbied after ten years, but policies continue good through life. J. C. VY A LKLY, President. N. S. PALliElt, Vice Pent. S. IL WHIT'S, decrotary. drench Oince for Western Pennsylvania, where Cloculars sad blank Applications will be NroLatted. GPI Fifth •treet, Platsbunil. to Ranted mt the State. A I to Kier. tiutie N ORTH AXLEILICA LIFE INSUSANOE COMPANY , Widows aed Orphans' Fund. Arb. 63 William St" Xew Fork PILF,D.W.NT — N. D. MOLLGA.N. T Alt V —J. W. H¢R RALJ.... D. M. TINDALL. Medic:Al Exemul E. T. COOK arzotm, AOlitiT YOU WI-TN/AN PA.. 67 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. AOENTS W A WM,. soli , :h4:l 1/66NNSItLIVAIVIA INSUILAACE CO OF POTSBUROH, PA. Onieis, 111 FUlla ntreot, Bank Block This la a Homo Company. and !warns against loss by Vine exolnabrely. I,ICONAILIa WALTKIL. CrbeldenL. - • C. i. DOT LK. VIC.e rreaklent. ItioHh:liT PATRICK, Tr...purr, llMill kI•FLIIKNY. bec.vata.ry. DI uh.t - rtml,: 1....maral VI ant, theurge \1"11..•a lie... V. Evan.. 14,1 a-rt Patrick. .1.'lTM• Jac. , 4. t. VI. tit•-.. Joe .11 Klux.Jta J. 11. tlopklua. I. A. A111:11Mi. lit my, pEOPLE'S INSURANCE CO. MlVlalf. N. IL Utfitt , lLß WI.MAJ ANLI TI ,173. Cap, .lohn 1.. 11.h...1 fluullut-11•.:+tirt‘rt, Wm. fq11111,.. I John W WWWW,I • • .. . C0.,.t.. J.,. 11411:,. i Jobv V. karb.palrlt , No+. v Klrl. , rrsnt. S. It&sett'. Jr.m..... I). lirrner, Is. tlan.rn Lour. 11 .11. 1'1111.1.11,3, 1're..1... .14.14 N WAIT, W. Y. UAW'S Kit, Secretary. Capt. DAMES 111./{I.IN. llen't Act STEAMSHIPS BA ,. LT rt i li e IIf. y b.UAVAtiASTEI1 M ALCX. DRoWN A VON rh lieerrel Agent, YOU NICW URLICA wn 111 ILYA r, 4;AIVIYINIJ TUE UNITED nrATEe The roar-11.os ereanolOpe of tl,l. line a• • .1..• •• -1.10) rens. T. A. llnts. Command, on ea bAT IrOA , premix, CO, for New Or Iron, Key Weet. °LiItERIV-I,nOtoos, Wm. Rollin, Cononamier, Itrcan BROW WHARF. iIN T, At 4 ii•elock P. M., preetsely, on thu days stitionneech y‘,r freight or nass.g.., luring unaurpassent ae eocumodolione, apply to HENRY 11. 1V ABEL E 1.11.1 CO., Agents. 10 hYS.AIt , W ILAN". N. B.—No Bill* of Ladtne but those of the Comp.- tr will bo sit ne.l. L' Ile for lite freight must In proeured loom this office. No (retell. received nr.r bills of !meting signed un .1•V of ealling • .0..7 Q,TEAM TO AND FItOM LIVER ANDK UEENSTOWN (IugLANL) twice a week. The INMAN LINE, lint EVERY SA AY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, CAIULTItitt U.S. MAIL.. Ticket...lW to and Dom Ireleutt, Ettelant, 11.1 land. tier..vs, and ?ranee. •pply at live Company• Other., JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. N. WM. }Wattle-It, Ja, lsevot. Adams Expres /Bloc Infth street. ALLEGHENY TAXES CITY OF A LLEGHEN Y. ToteAnt.ll . 6 Ursacst, June 7WI L0G 166 6. Heiler la hereby ulcer, that the Asot , esorshave uow Podln th e 'fro.urers oOlce, the Duplicates of l'Hy, Veer, CH, Gladness, Water k en ittliidiflg ind Bounty Tea.. and of Water Ken. for the ear Llad, and that .1 , 1 Taxes will now be received In Denounce of We Aeto of Assembly of February 27114 WI, and o April 4th, VGA suliHel. to th e followiug regulation f s and oillowances: Five per CtlAt., If path on or before Wu first day of J Your per cent., If paid on or before the drat day of Al ={ler cent., if paid on or before the ire! day of St!D trniber. If paid after the Orat day of September, •nd on or before the Ors! day of October, nu deduction will bo made. If paid after the first day of October and on or be fore the first day o INo. ember, au addition of Ore per cent. snob adueo to ono payanle on tne same. After the first of November. warrants will be lathed to enterer the etomotton of all Mum rem/titl ing unpato, together with tno percentage accrued thereon, and the eosm. fel LI. MAU IlleltEC o sl. City Treseuror._ JOUN CROFT, IiE4L ESTATE ed GEXT, Office, No. 139 Fourth Street. Pittsburgh, Has for sale the following Reel Relate. A LOT 132 by MS, on which there Ina brick house, r trait:YVATt, " !:;; w a rdUh l" ,,lll4 `' lra b7,r rtk A. L.A.:UN. atillC tin front, rows, e.t.a ne. • drug Store, hot and cold water, end gas o, o oghout boo., on Chestnut strict, Alleght— " ;ttrty-fott r Acre, of Laud al. Edgegwowl oil rentssyl• Itallnued, 7 tulle. frmn the cllTs on which, Ina . house. Train.. to and from Ittatlon erery lt. up to 11 p. tn. bold In lot• of ono seen or mute. Tlllrti-el• . seroe,6 mil.. out on tin WaMlnetou Plea. In Union townahlp, roam 0) Mu Carter farm. Thirty-Fevre nerve, 6 miles out on the old Waal, I" 44 " nr; k Oet ! e " s ' l4 " = "l t P o . waalllp. port of the Kula) farm. l'otLery doing • good latialtame In a central Inca- A large amount reou• other prorty. boldness Men tions. &e. rersou• desiring topurell.o or Invest money would do well to eAll on thu above .Runt. API JOHNSTON & S CO TT, DEALIINI IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., I= F'lt I Asia 1arg.13., /AT Particular affection alven to itopairlng VY'Ataltoos, (nooks and Jimulty• roil arrant- V.Wntd N. BRYAN, Broker In Stocks, ,BONDS ANI) REAL ESTATE, 57 VOLIETII Llr.l Aln.d au t onw,ted tutu u law in council, Alt 271 h day of Ati,list, A. 11. • JA.\tEh IiIeAULLY, Pros!dela of tic loot Counctl. AtleBt; Clerk of beloot Coonell. 111011.A.0 tat:El,, rroslikot of (otolaws Comic IL A Lteet: 11l fill As run, MUNIOIrAL, /1..&11+K(/#11 AND 0111E11. 110 111)8. I , ft".'" Clerk or Common Council. =I COMmteslon BANK, ILAILIMA Li, I 888 ILA Belt, I= Order. eseeuted by telegraph.{ the NEW YORK and 11111. AL Eld'llLA 131110.11110.4.1tUttnt the entei of commission currant In those cllla• -- -- 22 „„LEIhtII!..VIM6. 22 BUM' K YLNIJ IN8TRUM):1 , 1111, oI'ItIA 01.A68E8. TILLEBCOPES STILIte.OBCur all(litutfVul4:B, ,, • CUMULTIATION Iit'Unt)AIETERS, (U. 8. atorularo.) Thr.IIIIO3IItTERB,II.AItOMSTICILI, BAoklttUll- ETIMS, da. !Or sole at reasonable prima, by I. lallatthBl3, Yrs.:Ural °photon, 1113 = ttt. Clay street. a - 00 • WND CAN BEAT THISTS9 , OO . FOr, Two Weeks Only. 1 „... utug a good TRENCH CALF nix 800 l °My ossgmako, ror tho small sum °CHINE DOle Wad, st No. an warms street. .... , Akmaa • - DASlllas RYA. Jo. Apory..o. l akbf• .choice Green 41 , 91 „„,i,*prmvixt ancirgrAl k teo r a ausanampso auZI - --04¢171,4141t,114,11.111,51,1edi. ESSE ORDINANCES' , . ORDINANCES. ........._________.............___ A N ORIIINA N. t I i:•lii lii e t 0 Ita is- `N ORDINANCE directing the .1 - 11.. roads and C -ap.: . .- • t t ••,1.• rts to 1 .1, ne to -it thonlog and Widening of WyLle anti Dune.. Dune the city of glitsitors . ~,,,r „ . „ ..., %ensues , : 't Ste ••apits• -.t... t 1..,t.. Ole 1„1„,, leg ttri r lON It lie it ordstfned and enneted by tas Lab-1 to the illy of PI( Ls, -,n oo tie tod.-ot•eio. Port , or. .4 hit-rtoroi. ano, tc:Vti .14 P. L. lo:00 A. N. tv,t, 11. .1:30 A. 111 EMMt2 =I .