and Broker, Ito Wood St., near corner of Fifth. All descriptions of Government Bonds bonen and Bold on liberal terms. London end Continental Exchange sold at Nine York rate.s.. Gold, Silver and Coupons bought at highest ratesoncl Gold Drafts issued on New York. FINANCE AND TRADE. TcrisosS, August 13, 1866. The Now Fork stock quotations tonlay, as received by P. U. Marta, wore as follows Gold, 149%; 18:31 bonds 111%; lieina, old, 113%; 5-253, new, 10114elf.0%; 7.30'5, let large,loo4; 7.30 a, lid and ad, 106%; 10-40'S, 101%@10.1. klichi gan Southern Railroad, Fli-%; Cleveland a Pittsburgh Railroad, Id; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne At Chicago Railroad, 1e1l%45)1(16; Erie Railroad, 73i4k173%; Western Union Telegraph Company, 17%; Chicago & Rock Island, 914. Gold is reported strong at an advance Of %X per cunt within twenty-four boors. The New York bank statement shows a still fur- they decline In specie reserve, and what little there Is on the street, is In the hands of opera tors for a rise. The effects of the treasury d ie buraements are scarcely perceptible on the prices of bonds or stocks, which, Is owing par tially at least to the fast, that the payments are made in national hunk notes, and these cannot be used by Minks in settlement at the clearing house. The gladden advance in old Five Twenty bonds above thO issue of has astonished Wall street operators. Nobody can account for It, except that the heavy sales by foreign houses at 109 1 ,40110, were "short" sales. Gold at 148"4, and bonds at IT:, in London, will shown difference of .2 per cent In favor Of the London quotatdens. As soon as the demand can ho supplied from the West, these bonds must go down within a (met ion of the price of the new ones. • --Stocks sold Tnesila) evening., Aug. 'III It, at COMinerelni Sales {Mms, POI :twit kOlel.l sii vet. by A. Alcalwalue, A uctnie eel - Fourth National liana Bank of Pittsburg! Alio:alien) , National We: —The Chitutgo papers notes - a ..a.ll. currency In that place, wltl, o toosanto , close money market. In some eases \,:w haiNnees have lemnillrawn epoo to obi:, .1 re lief. The Rel./hilts., of that pos ed ty, contains the following notice of a props Nail...nal Rankers' Convention "A Convention of the atinttal liankers of the Northwest will Is, held in tills city on the itch of September nest. In many ro.pects Win will lie one 01 the mast important veto mercinl meetings ever Ityltl in the west, a n d very full atten. 1111 l Ste is etSpeeted. We are not aware that the Convention has any other ote feet is: view than pass measure, 0 Lech will tend to protect the West against the rapacity of the East—particularly Wall street; law It is more than likely that a large variety fa yf sub jects will be discussed, including the pament of Interest on depose V, the re.lettiptlon Of Na tional hanks notes, Se. Toe -ohmic to cont pet all the National hank, to :lee it ed s, at.,.. to redeem their news 011.10, In bra tort., Boston or l'inholelphla —met hl, oh Will: street Ilttatinittett tt, force thrs.i4ti will probably b dismissed. and the matter placed before the e public to Ira, litlit." —We are 1..1,11 pet vs the laak.el. Ledger) that the reports telltell from tame 1, time and their n AV Into the \ llim Of sales Of natiOnat hattk notes at a a tzt,to I por cent, are false. tool familial:at It) speculators to Intillenee the Market: that as yet the highest titleilcoun Salmi Itte.l to IS I -tale 44 per cent, and only in it few Instances. it Is elitlfl that the parties circulating these ru mors are very :Abort gold and stocks, and are connected a ith the more unscrupulous of the clique operators. —The great per of the Five Twenty bonds at 110111 e and abroad (says the No. York Tribune) should cause the Sects:Miry of the Treasury to take Instned late and efficient steps to secure the conversion of all the Issues of Seven Thirties into this class of bonds. There should be no restriction as CO the inner tO tw tamverted and the best Interests of thy department wonld he served by giving holders of Seven Thieln les the oe-eight commission for the evehance alloned by law. The fewer Seven 'Thirties outstanding, as they anproaell maturity, the les., clanttet there Is of the eon. Version Of tne Whole In a ohs, looney to The The geld revenue, of the Treasury Is oat/t. that the .Se rotary minme be to.. e.In~1,I• w ,e 1 /11214101.4.4 Into long ot :l.l s Now York Mork not Movie, Onrhet _ Inc Telegraph I New foal:, August ^'l—The ease in MOM IS steadily increasing under Hie l'rrariiry dis brinier - tient., and the taiirliet is well s lime led at lON per cent. 1111 ettll. Discounts range 11'0111 I,X 96! , per cent. bold closed tip ti dily tit 1 I The open hoard this tiller - noon litlallinloll , ly 1.0.01V61.1 ts, l.1)1.0r11 over instil Thursday, out of respeet for the President. AL the last bo•rd the genet al stock market tirm paid quite strong after the cull. Reading was the only weak stock this after noon, real tell off one per vent. on a MUM.- ' off in the tonnage Lund reports of stoppages at the mines. Governments still firm; Atles of 1565, la-le contents, of July, 109, The Ped notes tile fact of the riceielptlug of the report of the Leaden Cotton market up to noon tO-day, befnre it received that of our Owl, market tip to the same hour. The Poxf's money article says: Money Ann- Unites more atenelaut at 4, ittul even J ttr cent. In evrtain Thu Stock mat ket = dell and Ire giilar. GOVerultien Is are ;dill It igh• r. and Ile Intl quotations are lirizigia aleilititt± from country v ”. 1 .II1 • Q. 51 .1 , 111 .1,11. .1 placing 5-;at's of 11.:' ith .l PIZ, at 1ta11r0a..1118.11,111,, dull and i; the beard Eric closed at Tr New 1 ink i -.- trot, WI; Et:1,1111,g, alsigan n -eat !ere. All, 111 tools C.stral, The (k.nmerrurst• s money At The Stock market con tilt ties ',nag , a very general expectation. littverittnettl, so ttnue vary tires. till Five-Twenties are in de mond at Mt , 2 011 J s . The adirunee In those condo appears to have T a n s due a., much to a corner In them its to n layge foreign ile- Mand. Yesterday and toslay there was a bor rowing deinltild for lite bonds, which Ls sop piled with digit:oily. 011111 e moderato orders for bonito have Teen received from Vary., which cannot lie executed at the present price of eat:Hauge. tennis. The orders appear to be from dross engaged ip Introducing them oil the Jloorse, rather than from Investors. Erie Is tiMet. It is reported that already the spec ulative director has Ills re-etamtlon sure through stock in his own hail 1 proxies. Money is a shade easier than yestwrilay. Call ICiaile urn lip per cent.,the majority of the traultaietions being aL tie lower rate. 'rt., payments Oct account of the tetapor.'y loon have not yet produced that extreme eases Willett was ritilaCtpilitesl. Oberon tit.are %Tilsit, the amount ot littering being te y litliaiLed. Exchange continues ref)' heart. There is a largo excess of lens over the de mand. Sight _hills Liras n ant:list 1-114 , -La en- Mee, and Southern oil Pori., tire e t illut•ek.l- id ly abundant. Some of the Reathne 1i1 . 11, 1 1 V, U. Sterling are asking lift for slXiy .lays lolls, Lilt we hear of no transactions at over hood bills are offered at 11;6.]5 11$ KW YOll5, AULTUSt I.6.—The Strnili Mart at the gnat Board was husettve tut sitting. lipid ateatly and closing at lit ,!; Thu following were too prices of stocks at the four o'clock Ikrardi Western Mlion Tole graph, 58E4; New fork,• Hudn so River, LIP; Michigan Central, Michigan Southern and New Jersey, 15 3.: Illinois Cen tral, 123'%; Cock Island, 109, Cleveland and To ledo, Northwestern, 31i.,54 Northwestern Preferraal Gs 74- The Open hoard adjourneol until Tnnr.lny. in honor of the Prmiderst's visit. .~! l i s t 7~? 3t:,\ ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET Tiler was again a fair supply of cattle on ludo :Otte Allegheny Yards thlr. weal., acing estimated in round numbero at one thousand heml,which shoot nine ittoolrod howl ehangellhands, and the balanee core Mid over f next nook ol lalippe.l to too Central yard, (East Liberty.) Ali comparv.l with ist,t week - , the market pre,cot , tl bill. ,ory few sew featertm worthy of sporisl sotto.. Primo lo extra rattle were in hunted ....poly. and sold readily at extreme prices, while oOtrislis‘ Mud inferior grades were veryplenty cool drugged COnelderahly, even at a slight decline. Two Small droves of prime steers were purchamsl for shlpment—oneat Sd the other at C'XI, and in Stook way, Comate , sohl at to . tattle to e meet with a demandat 5 to 45, but boldere gen aridly are asking from &JO 64. nulls may be Quoted at i% to 4%. saw ANDL/wita. • There was a very full snoplyeflikeep on sale thtsweek, and as the demand erne restricted' altogether to aupplyipg the wants of the re tail trade, the market was doll, and a consid erable number were left over unsold. We Onete at 5 to 9,4 gross, in a. retail way,for com mon to prime tat mutton Shocp,and one drove craws! Penna. Sheep la reportml haVing been rebelled at from Sy, to 6. Lambe in gong supply and dolt but imellanged, gelling; at .1,59 to 114 Per head. awing. Market. quiet =id unclianged. In a retail quotations may tmo !Lady given 10 , /, IV 3 . 1 :r . r.01 for Mir to good average , Seat to weld a drove of 33 head, overawing about geo It's, to limerick & ( X., at t't.,'O Ilat eart. , 1 futroallto aitt.aa or 04,2Tts. LagertVt. Gime bold 14 banal of goal stock Cattle to Dedell Ole, bend to Lorry at GOO; retailed 51 Land at WA to 7—/1 Lead left ove r. P./Lotman retatielitl tread at 7,0 , to _O,Z. Myers & Needy ird i tl tra beau to Landers. folik ßt r t ett p=2. l '"rj? A 'aWattliTi prima ste.r., .veraglutt 132, a t0 o . arney o r .y 'at &J; bona stock Cattle to Shamttera, aver - agmr# MO, at ki‘ and retailed 8.5 head at nsy toeb 1100nabino Metz sold 10 head of prime steers to Haracy Grab trisragtag b ot ,, etttlr antl.l4oo at OgtletautT Mild (MAAS & itaerty c o steers, 11T6ralt roen ft et 8 M thalttatled head at from 7 tor%.-eold Maidy .t Gregg I head of eo r tra Grao betters; averaging about. 1400, at e;li. & CO. Gold for Dickson MI head of common mixed Mock at 0 to 6;4, and O Lead for flare at ilaziewood & Co. retailed 70 head of mixed at to s. Jas. Morgan Gs bead at G to gt,L e5."1 ...T.l ntAritolti Verner Jr Co. 1G head at fiX. .on Eau liothabilds a Co. lo Lill o.llam . tab cattle, averaging 1001, - .y.yorter sold Lafferty a, Co. Lead , outtji at -heatil .0'471. 6 * Pond yr told atVrAel e t a. - i ii; tail. 5 i4 .'0W 4 .. ,441 ° 14 Olto . -;„ , , • t rz_ - z.... - . . •ii.,.--;-'. 4:2Y, -,r, .i, ~_ -,:. Ph VIBORGII 1114UUCErS al Orrice as ran rivrommon GA , o, 1 --•-- TtrasDAX, August ZII 1364. § The river continues to recede slowly but B. F. BROWN The prOdoce markets, generally considered, steadily at this point, with about thirty two 9 ocal Claun. ent, 1 LATE Ag present no new iliatures worthy of special no- ! inches in the channel by the marks last even. T tic.. The arrivals Of Grain have been fair for , lug . The weather continues cloudy and un- -n-- ' some time past, and with a fair local :demand, . settled, with frequent showers of rain. 11. S. SAN. COM., Prices are pretty well sustained. Flour is less I There ha_+ not been a solitary arrival or de- office, No. 67 Fourth Street, active and aearceli so firm, though without ! i r 1 , 1 , 1 ; r r 1 ,7,..`; i , l .V r d o c rt i . . r ,,M t L,' r i l ,;' , iu . ..l a i r . „ L ' n r o 'k o e ., t l ;,..u t i o ' 7 l * , , sk . cos L . , ',w o n . , quotable change. rrovisiona collet but steady, • sospelnicsl at the Mail, 1111.1 , i log with a fair Jobbing demand, and the same re coy, dohs W. - Ao , tt 1,:t.. ,: otorot l to the Pittsburgh, Pa. marks will apply to Groceries. Apples area , city, after an absence of some live weeks, der- Pensions, Bounties, and Arrear drug In this market, the supply being large ly in excess of the demand. Where shipments Ina which time he was colour with some friends and relatives at Meant Vernon, Ohio. are made from a distance, we doubt whether of Pay Promptly Collected Capt. A. Is in excellent health and In first rate be N t e . eh m == o imill dams are settled in 7,4 Wen they will command enough to pay for cost of condition for the fall campaign. transportation and commissions._ 'Capt. Sam. Shuman was in the city yester- - GRAiti —W- h o a t is quiet ando l ia ca uh r i gß d u i L ii ,! day. He reports "all quiet" at Brownsville in Wti:.').• 3 `' t7O. B ye L i . prinsr e Is quotable at 93 to 95 for o t t i tamb r :s t i t i. m w a a t r ters, m. Aho t tAh am •p i T o lt i r h i c ` o artget- Weetern. No movement In Barley. Sale of 1 car new crop Oats - at 43; 3 cars mixed Shelled Corn at 75, and lfe bush do at 711. tha g t R old' y John CovoL will succeed i Hen n John L. Dawson in the next Gumtree& the * The Belle Vernon, Capt. Darragh's new omit FLOUR—The demand is falling off some- is rapidly approa ching completion. It is what, and while the market is quiet and a little dell, prices remain unchanged. Small wiles from store at g 11611,50 for Spring Wheat, and $12,50 to $l3 tor Winter. No change in Rye Flour or Commal. PROVISIONS—Bacon is quiet and unchanged at 17 1 .1c017%, c for Shouldersi .I 9 .f ete for Itithed Bides; 23 to .2.3 , for 'lain lonic, and 9...5 to 26 for Sugar Cured tiaras . Lard is pilet and unchanged il?. to g. 1 . 1.4 for kettle. ' s mall salt. of Mess Pork at Vil,ro. thought that steam will be raised on her in about two weeks. The General GOverriiiient Is now prepared to receive, at New Orleans,proposals for deep ening and maintaining a channel across Die bar at the southwest pass . The money Is __ 1 e..25). ready for the contractor who undertakes and curries out the work. The el:attract°, will be required to open a channel of the uniform depth e . . eighteen feet. and u width of two hundred feet, entirely through from deep APPLES—Coutinue very dull, and the sup. water in the Golf to deep water in the river p,.ly is largely in excess of the demand. Small Lt . Cot. lit. D . m ... sa o sto,sy . 5 . A., has ~ ~,,g 0 ICS is a retail way at ?Liu to r... 1M Per bbl, 1,1 of the a asks I to quality. T o Th.. lntsville . Courier says: . ItUTTLlt — There is an improved deinatiti for A ann., outcry was min , in Cleric eats pocked, principally for shipment, and a idle against the Ohio river water and its impart the market is more active, prie,o+ remain un- tics, trying to impute the cholera in that city , 111.16'0 1 l at .. to A according to q ualit y . to the river water. Some intense green linens Gilt:RlM—ls in good supply, and a little in this city also took up the cry, b u t hasn't dul l b., unchanged at ' 5 to le ' for Western hurt the beautiful river a bit. Thu pestilence Reserve; in to 17 for Hamburg, and 21 for originated In Cincinnati, end not In the river. tiOshen. It was in the atmosphere, the streets, alleys, EGGS—Ie good demand, and trash packed cellars and houses, and not In the ender. Tito sell on arrival at 93. same river sweeps down to Louisville, and is SEEDS — Timothy Seed is coming In more used by all Louisville, but It didn't givens the freely, and the market Is dull anti drooping: cholera. To be sure we have a pure Minos . small sales at gi,35 to 11.20. Flax Seed is idiom and only tolerable clean streets, but wanted at 43—none offering. Cloverseed Is good spr in g or "pomp.. .„„„ter all over the nominal at $7 to 47,30. city, though a large numb. of MU... prefer SALT - 1s unchanged and quoted at $ . 7.1.0 to the rIVor water and drink It in preference. 12,65, on track, and 93,75 for small lots from The St. bouts Democrat of Monday, says: store. \Year° informed that a Mackinaw bent, one SORGHUM — DuII and nominal at NI to an. of those roomy barges 11004 i by Itallui, and -...- voyage,' generally, nutty up about the Ittwky PITTSBURG II PETROLEUSI MARKET. Mountains, arrived here yesterday morning, coin Meting Its voyageei some three tlionsand miles. from the NS reek ol the steamer Marion. anti having it. int.-witgoi , 1 11 r• onice 1110 i crew of teal steatrwi. We 111er, i il l y, go , kites of on• Ii iliwo• ersils ..01111Itg .... 1.11 . , do, 21..111:.•e1,11 II I- LI, de•,ll tl 1 , . -. •• 111, 111 :II ,t .i. ,, •11 , 1. !,. , t, It P p .111 111. N eon!, linen 1110,11• , hen 111. .., al. I I- lee lea lel , I. t 101.0,1 IL . "1,1.1 ,11 lr , I. lie! 10i oi the Ni,llle M.11k.`,1,, .11.- ...1 111.11 “ItIli) 1...11 ,. 411. - ..11111 1111114.1 e lot cholera, .ied ilia It I. itepo.siol , for Isoti to e• , t 111 lite 5:1.111t • 10,1111 y, awl its a coast queue, I lwreef Ills ,el . ltrc , l 011.• of the tifoi • - said ''.115. sieve which torn: lins not been a ,1111gie ell.....1.411"1:11e, 011 leis bat. says Monday 's lineinDlai Uacette Blletillotlf , 011 the landing for the pa•l seek ha , bOOIIIOOderILIAAY 10,1 Ive, taking into con sideration that It Ist/o'll l l l i season, 11.1141 111,1 cholera, as au eel health had , wiled the city. All the.beitts that have attempted to hug for the different ports here had but little trouble in pie Ling up fall cargoes, especially those lot Memphis and New Orleans. A timelier of eel ' shipperss have been sending their freight lo aito Cairo, to IK, taken ital.,' by beats le New Orleans, but owing 10 the .I . llrVil of light drll.llght boats in the M1,,11.4,11(1111.1111d till. low water,between Cairo anti Memphis, freights at the former plrus • 115,3 accumulated In large quantities, and will be tie 111.111 1 .41 at 111:11 port for Wank' I Illle I.i . lort . tey ea° go tors . ii .1 'shippers a ill Mel it great h I t, their 1111,0 . ... 1,1,111 p I, b.. 11 ., ;ea, lIIg 111, I iil - 1111 , 1 11l s• 1, Old all delays. rll4 , roles 10 the ,l I lel t• 111 pet 01r RUH 1,11.1:11 1, , W, 1 el 111. • le 111 , 1 , A1 •10 110 1116111:111M/ 0111.111' 'MITI 01 deatalwai amts to ad ,':le' .iie c the pre re Ir e s 1,11 I'll ..r•;, Me AI.. 5.11.11 /11:1 11‘ meln, Win, 5 i ..1 Sewhil in trtinlll,7,l toe l tile .e.t. OVVON or fill 42l, Tß, 14 , DAT. , 4 4:li 110 Improvement to n in tht. , ltninunt for Ilk , art ICI, mArl.t•L quiet omtable elmilge inprh••• , . II n van 'e port 2,1 , 1,111, at ;7, ./ . .2.1 lip/ at I.' et I;, and m it IP , ' . p• suited I.ed I•eport,llp , , • e pr e ,...deti seem. to be that prim-- reasoltably 1"• e kiwrl4sl to appreciate an) farther; that in all probability, the pros rail's will not 10115 he F 1,4401104, And flint. In the event of a a resumption or navigation— wh tell Is likely to occur at almost any time— ol large arrivals, the market will break, and that, too, pretty badly. These, however, it Is but proper to remark, are all surmises - , though It must be confessed, that, to the im partial observer, the vows therein embodied, seem rexmonable, and will doubtless, sooner or later, be realized. ILIEFLYED—The market for bonded oil con tinues quiet but steady, Willie prices are with out quotable change. There le sonic Inquiry for spot oil as well us for lleptetulmr, but there is little or none offering—ln io fact, our refiners, almost , without. an exceptn, have contrtmts Mr all the oil they can turn nut daring the time above indicated. Lust evening there Was a sale of 51X1 Mils at fl rent, free en (stars ears here. There were p.a.., to hill this afternoon for Philadelphia deli% ery al the loliwwing 1,1 tan her iietober loot oventlper , .‘ al ptale of 0.1 reporte.l to day u ere. a. 1 , 1111 , 5' .I,.lta•ti , .1. P. Striekler nu/ ./ p au h c omey.. 2:1 New York eatile ilarket. NEW Your, August 28.—The current prices for week at n.ll the market:A are: 11050 Carrte—First quality, $17,50V15,25; fair to good, .15,00017,0 n; common, $12.,:1e614,00; t0510,006/12,00. $10,006/12,00. Cows Awl, IJAl.vro—Extra, idtuOilalen,al; nod quality, 517,00,485,00; ordinary, NA1NN. , 75,00, coinolOn, 0.50.1104410,01.; to (eller, .16,10,M/415,01, eat Catvr.s—First quality, i or. 10,tioN 141,5 u, couttuon, 1p1,004,g000; toter_ n or, 051 , Ara L.Afia+—El !rat Lead, 47;04 . 7;4: pi lute quallty. ia,,00t,7"; co,ltaary, 11.5,tliNfAi,o1; , l'ottlo 111,1 • $4,004; 1,50; in ler lair, rid,' 1',•1 It, ll',. light and Taeket for Beef eat ttaa re le.: aI 1,11 1.0 I y ,Vl.l k to, all I.xecilt. -Ira qi , : 'Mute o 110.4: t Ti,,, ner favored the nit'- , 'r l4l I: oue. half per vent per pa e a tel. 'rho oupply again large. The .11,111.1 Ilead ...ere yarded at all Ills pants. o 41U11,11.1. 7(tf:lle, n. to quality ,Ipactp anal Luau tin -testy, w nth at turf de ntal:at! lit nlroUt la,t. Week', (Igor., va:yolg tram $3,00@1 a). MCA ler. The total receipts of all stocks at all the yards for this week and last were: lit...eves, ol.,911; Cows, 84; %eat Calves, 14.57; hh0 , .1 , and Lambs, 1.5,6111; Swine, 11,t71. The total for met soot; wore: _Tloovos, :lilt; Cows, 1117; . - it Lambs, 24,C , 38, Swine, Onnow or P ?..8 rrrseVa 0 Azwrra, i TOKSDAN, Au e g. , IS.. 1:0221:1 OM HARKENS fl' Tr.:Lk:GB A Pll I . llses, 1,143; Sheep and _ 11,123. Purser P.OO, Voit, rtl . A 21r111 at Coir a ota IL. It. New York Produce Market. I August .31.-1 car wheat, S 1 11011 A, co; 1 can New I - 01M, August •021—COGI.Ort Is without eorn, 3 ilo rye, .tense, .t. Scott; I car rye, .1 S decided clumge; TlO4OO for Middling Uplands. 1 linch• I car wheat, Kell d Ititeloart, 1. , stark. ti Flour is a shse nrmer for sound ineditun 1 setal, 'la trkpalrick A Herron: In dor. hromos• L grades; 40,70 for extra State, 415,GA010.00 fur .1 Illato hard; I cal stitytoisl 15 nritc4rni 1 1,1,10 extra runual hoop Ohio, anti 410,1ureltao for I eggs, I li]. butter. 11 len', I ear outs, 11 lien jr,• trade brands; closing quiet. qnlet; V. sks oat , . 1..c0 thaw . ford; 'I earn metal, It C small +ales at 412,25. SVlteut, recolpts of liki/lt Limon I-; Ito 1.1.1- 110,11, .Ins 1..1,111,4.r; 101 it, tin, lan t liti,; tt site thin for/round purocis, anti doll ! Shout, kt , r a. I ; :ire .let dab 1 l' ./ vitt:lnk... ,ttid heavy for other knots ; sales 15,iiik. ouse- ,, , , , 11, 2,, i5....e. N. , j 4.14,, I car.. 11 ,0,0, .1,,,,, 11. 0 ,1 • 1,1- for No 2 i holt , Nprlo,t, ts.;tl for is Illie a ~ l /11, 1.111 4,,, N ttutti. .I '- ,: 1,1 1,1,1., ;,,,retes, NI, tocati, morn, receipt- of lot,skt bushels: `..... ..... ma• ! A - sot: , l , m dil , ed. Alu; - ....hie sr 1//l• I , ,11/11. , •of iiir,trri leisliris, 7..2451i I Ir .1 , n.. , . ; ;sp e ll, ci is tor, kr --it,. for sliipplitif irtlseil s 041 es ii. ili .1 . ...1 1. 40110 IS-J. 1./ 1,,14 :11.1/10/1. Llitte, 1/411 /1 , 11 , -srly all at'ille latest price, 1.1111 ./1/.. lor won- ' A Catlett,. 1..1.14 t itc...-c. I. 1 t a t z cll , ~, .1,, ,1,,, 1, lel a yellow. let,. r e ee,,,,,, 0 1 ,11,010/ 1/1141101, . NI ii I O.: co, "., Idd. ; dl. d ..., dm. NlOlllll, l l' Ph, ,/ // // ~,./ 1 1 /1 , / ,. / ..,, s / .1....../t1 00 bushels; 4451;c fir I no. 11111 , 3 .1 flit 1,1,1/0 , 1 , 110 40. J M MIIII - 1111,1gy, .I7t3frik; for 111 iten.rik co. tolTco trot.l ; Imo!. 10 do .10, 11 I. do, el .to do ilo.l it Ai o k _ rr shady; Unica, ...i`,4.412... Molasses quout ; ! I lot; 2. ilo ilii A rbilekle. ft 1"... I cat state., Nce t trittans, lee; t l'OrtO ittert, WC. Pettlictln. t Mitt) .1 itctikertlnt; 1 car Oat., 141,111,111.1•. MV -111 latr demand, 2.742224; for Conti,', at 115.100 - I Cram,' A etr. I .1. do, epen,er A ?,11.ho!. ;2 curs tor Kennett In 'sold. Pork quiet and stoutly; I Metal. SP tog, Ch.". ~ 0 I , t l . Vt ll- 1 1 114 5 r , for New /loss: °l'''noll ' l . l 3 3, e ,1 Cusest•sm A Perrnnonon Itsk I, ROAD.— .1,11; $31150g31,00 for old, do fula,sl/10111,75 for August 2 ,.,—.: ... / ..101 copyx•r, T 111 iinto.c...itt7 firl.c. line! steady- Ulm! 1111,00 ooMilnli- plates do, Park. McCurdy A eat; I ear blooms, U. OO . '1 11101 1 1 ;oolker lond not. Iwo lean 100 . 1115iluilMan a CO; I ears wheat, 2 :4 Liggett A co; steady; 11...14115e. for Shoulders, tam' 110,011 , ,c -; r,, iron Orr, an & c ,, 3 . ~,,„., 12 , 1 „ •I „ , for hems. Lard quiet anti term ut IS'aedlie. sh„„ a h er gec A illatr; 30 pkgs wooden ware, Butter quiet; •354.1.1 c for illilo ttttt I 324706 e lor ;;;,,,,„ or g harper; ra pkg., 00, Oral( ,0 Molter. State. Cheese steady at s@l c. Ital ties cutts, 11 itelmock, McCreery.'ll. bids tip. Chicago Market. plea, 1.11 5 olgt A co, 10 1,0 1 cheese, Nco to ihr h eat 000, Aug. .....A.—Erelllttg.—Flour steady. 'tool , ' Olds apples, Shomakur .0 Lang: 'M. lthls Wheat opened unsettles' and close.] stead): flour, Knox .1 McKee; 110 tobLs petroleum, liar .sl,7li44d,sat for No. I, owl it .'N tor fie. 1. Coro hour et. Stn11111.011; I. cars ooro, Slollao e .4. A °for ,1 0 01,,,„1 rory„,.., ; , : t os t,,,, „,, 511,,i,v,,;;; ~.. i „ r t tl , lllO, 11 Wall/WV, ,11,111 1 / 1 11,1(011 1 , .1 I,pwricol L N 0 504 side fur No. 2 list; atlllet; .:t. - 2 -1. 1 :.1 41 1 ,, illittn - tttt, l' l A done-, 7 ,I 0 1111, 1.11 Ile, for No. I, anal 2.2 i . r itytto I.; No. 2. Iligh w isles RiLif' , . 0 Vat" , • nominal. Freights ilno ot 11.,c on COI 11 tl/ , I, rt .. itt Itt,a .1 lusti • .1 1:70 , `,... NI 1 It. It 1,,,fr,,i,,. iw,,-7,.... Idils. Pout ; 12.1010 1104 A ognst a- , - lirildil- noise. slootriker a lapis, 4.7 a 1,,,,,t ; 2,0011 lac.. corn; . 21'.uiro 1111, 0.11,1. snip- ' 110 t 1.., hi,. COlllOl,l, /V A 00. 100 /0/ •111, 1./ 11.1011, 111011t.-lu,ow Idris. dour, di ,14,0 Isis. a boat. '....i...; 1.. II Id ei i. a is , . : hie:. t 01,,,,, ~. Ii 11, .. 0 1,1,1, lois, col it; wytno Is,. 1,141.5. ~,,, Si. 1 /1100,11 / -,ll' 1 0.0 r-.. in kids op, .1 ' 1., ppi,,,..ri i . 2 11,11. 1110,0.0. 4, %V., Matt .1 hr., ,f, Neh York Dry 4: tttt is 11 Arlael. Now , t tick, A ociist. 2 , —Tlii . mai Lc% . it - .ii - i.-r, I . selol.l. • k•. ;12 1.1,, I kit list 1,,,t . ..1,1.1.1 1 eve arti fire, innttcl , art . it thtg i 1 , "" , 11 . ,1 ' 1.111 a lit ,1 , t 1.1 1011, 'll /,/ MI .0 10/, I //I/ 40, .!11/1 itroa it Slietitlogi--Applutou A, .2. own, 2.1; AI- , , „,,,..1 ,t, Ie 1.,,,,,,., lant le A, 37 Inch, 111; .%tlatti le D, 7, inn 0, A, . Minot., /.., 31 melt, 13; All:tone ti, do loch, I 7 ' „. .mne 1.1 in g nod Shirting, Itlonelit,l --And roseog gin , ,; IlarllclA'S, =0 t.,. l'rEllt.— Mica', I N .1111CrIttun, I,tti; ilightkcag, 16; A norliPs, 1 ' i.; , 4; lux:beet], 143; Donnell's, Itl'it Empire, M. Mistral° Marko,. Ilurrauo, Aggast la.—Flour quiet. No. 1 Spring $10,50, Extra State, tu,74010,2.5; West, ern Spring, 19,&41/111,75; White Wheat., double extra Wmktarn,lll.2,sPoll,oll. tYlleat, quiet and nominal. Corn, sales of 30„000 thisliels at 07 (or Toledo, anal jai for No 1, closing with sales this afternoon of 25,001 bushels of No. 1 1111- 'lois, at 07141 and 7,8110 bushels on private terms. Oats dull, So. 1 Chlcago offered at :Me without tiektfia. Pork 435, Lan.' City, 21, Western, 2140 M... Whisky le 00, barrels at 01,35. • Oswego Market. Orwroo, Aug. °N.—Flour unchanged, at 310,50 our brands from No 1 spring, 1112,00 from red winter, 31334 0 from white, and 14,00a14,50 for doubts extra prime white wheat.. Wheat dull. No sales; palate No kill watt kee eltlo urn up and unchanged. linyerts and sellers aro ultart to slows. Corn offered at Mc for No 1 Illinois, o oth 73.4 1,01. Canal Freights uneliankcal; four, 110 t, wheat. foe corn, 8 1 ,40 GO Now York; !moiler, 31,101 to the Iludiuml.age. Toledo Market. Tougoo, Aug- V.—Flour :inlet.. Wheat' new a hito le knitter; now amber a shade lower: rales or former at 32,7.5182,10, obi Inter at 32,53 fr 2,54; No 1 now real Milwauge,2 ; sl4• do Illinois 1 51 0. 11 , 1 . 11;, 0 31,so. Corn 140 lower, closing . firm; ~ N I tat fra.c.. Oats tic lOtAor; solicit N 01441. Ale, Lake Prenghts arm:corn, Se to lluffalo. Now Orleans Market. Naw Ott.usags, Aug. V.—COLtOtt unchanged. Sales of 700 bales low middlings 33635 c. 14.0. allots of four days Me against IMO. Total ex ports 4100. Dank sterling t. 40611. Now York Exchange'/. discoeuit to par. IM. Lotili Market. ST. Louis, Ang.2B.—Ploar unchatgod: Wheat lower, at w. NO2 27 for prime, MI teirMs for . ebolue. COl7l 810 W, rouging at from GO to 700, Oats firm and uttclisogod. Prtrisionsn- Managed. W Maley advs.nood to kl. 25 , 410y 2 = 11 11 Milwaukee Market, MILIVAtstrLy., August 2.5.—F10ur dull, Wheat 411,'3,40,93 for NO. 1. Corn dull; tau fur No. L Oats, allo. Cleveland ELaraes • Augnet 27.—The market on Thango wan Arm for flour and yrnin. and prices unchanged. Sales of Ito Obis X X normg wheat door.-western bzande, at $lO. Whmit. good milling dernawl. Sales atm No. wlrder MN ....aro boring a$ 62,30., 1 cur No. 2 red at r 2.45; 1 ear do do at ir2.'; 2 cam No. 1 amber at 0r..,70; 1 car amber Missouri at 42,80; 1000 bu amber Michigan on private toraus. Corn arm and uncliangod; Sales Scam talsod at 7001 1 ear No. 2. do at wo. Oats quiet and steady; bolos 1 car No !now State at 87o; 2 cats do at 38e. Philadelphia Need Market. YnlLAlnquiry n f r p L i t t o , g tts T va Is VOl7 bare of Me description, and, W bar! ) , would command an advance. We goof& 00. bu h t er t a bo is mar " m tko Timothy Is more abundant and mega, from to MAO for common and prime. Flaxseed Is wanted for crumbing, and ° a II" could bo obtained VOA taken at 13,75 per lamb. 89 , 00 . WH0 CAN BEAT THISTS9,OO. For Two Weeks Only. 1 amarUltg • good VAMP a6IN 1100 of Iny Ora Make, for the qtnill inim of SINK AE. at2i0...10 Market street. OMURA. BEA. J 11. iAratire= kt l krgl i at 1 :1 1 7.141i . ei1r km mampt. payment, met M. pentane bartaa -Mama agataelLirald east,. xlll preaenk n i teark7 . joe paajanstan..32l==k .~>~... : ' a i.tttl. 4 ll, t.l t i„•temtl'm 11:10. 2 1 t 11. 2 1,11 le. T , reti and hot on the 0 hart at F.,1.11-- % Ilhey shim tern clearly the tern nature of the explosion. The rivets are not started or broken In a stogie Instance, hut the sheets of dona ere torn Into shreds like a sheet of paper or un-aLtoourd. The bullets were made of 911 iron. The tilettutenirer being raised by the Un derwriter, and when t lie Fort Saints passed her sit,, was nearly ready lobe towed to Cairn. rideps hare recently been taken to carry Into erect the new law passed by the late Congress o further to provide for the safety of the lives of pmetangers on I teal tl 01 vessels propelled in whole or start by stems. " Copies of this set liars , been forw anted to the revenue oftieers of ho ititrermo. ports, 0 till d decttons 01, n lie Imtnesilate enforeentent. II)' its pr0v1 1 15 5 5, :iii 01101, and engineers funst be ii,•11.1.11, )111.t ant e rivr -teams, iirot,itt,,,t 11001 ,11.1,111,, on ito•.t hemp. tit e01:5 ;2. ittit Zt's :41 I - ttt. , Pas-en, t t t , lOW A .14,E1,,,, ..1 do doli..rn. t lue-nlny ei. w,l ou I All./ 0.1,1 111 Ole (,fit l y titizien ttl rt :nri 1 . 1.11111( . , pay N. - 4 , A I) t.tx of 61tio. and lo themselves good, holiest. stritinht tor n at .1 MI./ illlWrlght not. The litulitt (tow) ity - rl,l5lnL I.noi.Ylltn from \ew itfleatts Friday iinCht,n.lhas int{ tier boilers patch... i d on nut.ur.lny. sih.. i n ill PrOeinii.lntlyiburgh as 80(1 as they arts he took ilown rices. I R11Pt , 31111. 1 BY RAILIIOA D. A tbr.I.IIKINI A cars pig Railuy ~k, u n ii- Ibc‘i, A 1',,3 tor ;1. curs oat., lAN:kart .t CO, i .11 !Lucca, Strott t ,O; bilk 3pilles. John her b ort: 2 C 1111,101 04 ,.., It .I unary; 2 pkg. tobacco, J Ruckert; 3 cars wheat, It Knox A Son; 2 care corn, 2do oat., I do ml ItccQ. Kennedy ho [Krupa IO pkg. tobacco, Hahn A. Biddle; I ear wheat, Kennedy Bro. STEAMBOATS t3rrrsnußun, BROWNS MLLE AND GENEVA U. S. MAII.JeMie 3E..80xr-Em ciconaze. Will ran tbree .1.111 side-wheel steamers between PlLL.lntrigh, klonougahelatildr. Bice'. Landing. Orrernsboro, Geneva and the Onnltard 011 Regions. Tills line Is composed of the n following eteskners FAYETTE CAPT. AL A. COY. TELEGRAPH CAlct. IlUlillElt. FRANKLIN CA PT. T., W, C A Itti AC GALLATIN A PT: A. S. CA KU LE. These pact.. will leave I.ll.t.bursit departure t . tn., and I p. m, extept Putplay. when the will he at o'clock. 'the d a il y ackt fur tact 11 Merlon. will leav l Pittsburgh at p. sn.; 8r0w...1.111e dallt 6a. rn. ItaTruntxo-I.cate. Brownsville for Pittsburgh daily at T a. tn. andnl p. in• Leaves tireensteqro and Genova at 12 o'cic.k; Rice's Landing at I p. nI. The Bele coured of first-onus side-wbeel steamers, hullt ex reality for the trade. They are comehtuded by o cert. of long experience, who will pay partleular attention to the wants and com fort of passenger.. toe boats will lease promptly at the hour advertised enquire of IritElOittli RECEIVED AT ALL. BOUM. Inc further particulars, kIcELROY, Agent. At. the Wbart-Boat„ foot of (Irani et. Pittsburgh. L. COLVIN, Agent, Brownsville. Pa. mM:blO3 S S. IMIAB, Broker in Stocks, BONDS AND REAL EST4TE, 67 FOURTH OTILEET, (llorko's listildiug,) boys and soils o (Jon.legion 'SANK, RAILIIO/.I),.INSUILANCE. PETROLEUM BTOCKI3, and GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL, ItAILILOAD AND OTIIER II07.(1)5 Orders executed by telegraph at the NEW TORN awl ILA It It Lot IA ItTOC IS 110A11.1P7itt the fat currvot m thopc oinr.. free BON D 8 AND MOUTGAGES want oil for %1., fulluvriihr •urne: $5OO, $l,OOO, $3,000, $5,000, $lO,OOO, E=l GOODfED. NEWS FOR THE AF PATENT MEDICINES t DRUGS, at low prices . UtISTLITEILIA SITTERS. SI per bottle. DRAKE'S PLA.NTA.TION EVIVERS, do.LWUCjig 2 RITT 11 rre ' nd ev e ry thi ng A else In prepwrtlen... per lb. BROWN'S NEW DECO STORE. SNP No. P St. Clair Street. c.IIINDDIES--40 bias. Syrap; L. , IS OWL tierghtnn; IF bbli. Cider; Ni belt. Ylpegar; 16 bble Fleldee. lorlaegar; 110 dozen Breeint; 40 boxes Cho:Weal Soap; 0 0 . 404 rails SO3PI IN Douro Candle), INN bwibels Ilerley, lawrrive, ;Memo to the tra4e by mem It ISI—ONEY LOAN OFFICE, NO. 131 SMITH 11! ELD STIMET, cozner of lilxo. Pittsburgh..• - ktotmr Losuied 011Ter Platc4, :Uuns,Statals, Uichtirnd %lar d 811T djrrot Taittgacraint adelltazriatous ZOcte.. Not maxkuuiable IL it q►e parr " gig 2.4) t""wm 7.1; ._ ~ *< SOLDIERS' CLAIMS FOB BOUNTY, &e. The undersigned will collect all bounties, back psy and pensions due soldiers under the acts of Congress or State laws. Congress has Jost passel an act equallaing boun ties. under Which veteran soldiers see entitled to bounty of from 8100 to 18200. JOHN S. LAMBIE, A. M. NROW N. Attorneys at Law. OM" ' NO."4 rAI II Js3l-sosst.•l• ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO Soldiers of IS6I and 1562. All oho nerved three year. are entitled to 4100 bounty: those nen lug two yearn. $5O: or who were diacharg , d bi reanon of wounds, or their holm hrot .Itlontlus Extra Pay Ira.e Volunteer 001nern In the &orrie 'dual 3.4 and dlnaborgud, mustered out, or reelitned since App II 9, la6A I.6.Nl3lol4:4.Permanently disabled Ire $l5, $2O or *.AS, according to degnas of 111.1. i. ltY• . J. d BALI. I . ATI AMON, Attorneys, 11 Oran, StreeLyittsbur.b, Pa. L. R. LINDSAY, ALT-.373EIII.7SZIALMS, Othee, G 3 Boyle !Brost. *ileaßooY OrAwlng deed, Lease All tr tr 1AKt...1 lo Jilin „111 receive Aare 1,0.1.4 prompt If -7 011% IIV„ TAYLOR ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street my 1.1 rmn vllOll. VA DR. E. DONNELLY, Office, Sixth and Grant Streets IA gli tin it. :ill CAM, r. Surgical uprralititi, . • A. k aka, MACICRELL & McCONLBS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW No. 69 Grant Street, j (MN A. STRAIN. ..9.1-3DELVILTUE-R1.M12", J;'.-Officio. Justice of the Peace NI. POI.ICE, MAGISTRATE, 011:‘,., 11 . 2 Finil st, opposite Clithedr CO= Aca how ledgme , s. De- Mous awl all I.v•al liuslnese c.ecuted with ,trogn tan. 411,1613 patch. mythAl •_ . _ WILLIAM JANCEV, l MAC, JUSTICE. 'EH PEACIC, AND It 1.,1l "f ATM. At: E..% T. t .alet ie. eornor of Duller mu ',ay.: la rev to, Lawreuce•ll hpeclat attention gie en to the purchase slid Bale of Real t”tat... the t. lion of Rent, arid the pr e h mud act tiovrled,:tueut of all kinds of Legal .1 a•t. Ice of there W ace l L a t l i tl k ;to j tt4 ‘l',Vl-11.110. EICSTA CC S. AllOllllO %V, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER I Penns) Is an la. Avenue, toot of tie hieroloa and opposite Chatham Stmt, I'ENSIONS a.”. \'l RAI A I'AY ati•l 1••1•••a In, ‘l , i',.••••aa• a: all Mlle 4•• . TAI Lrrll. Attornry •1 A, 1•111aut.1 .%14••-t.. al•ponitf• I.le Cuart S. It. No, .I.4rt, •r.. u•a•le If tha tl•wo 11• •••• • •••-•I ...I all 111 formallon P. STONE, A tton toy at Law, oVVICE, DIAMONI,,TI:EKT, opt. t . .. 11 Hun., ritt.burgit• CHAT,' Allll T. EWING, Attorney at Law, No. ti 9 Grant Street, Pittaburgh„ Ps w " . no we 1 1IE NEW Spring and Summer Medicine FLUID EXTRACT ill 1 6 19 i .■ . 0 • cl/SIRIN ED WITH lodide of I.iine VIM PA RED Fon G. W. PETTIS, BOSTON, James R. Nichols & Co., M A NI , F ACTUILINO 1“111,A,111l1L1011.), TILL ELIXIR PEBUVIAN BARB PrOtOlide 'of Iron, %NI,. 11 Iwt...tile oar ra‘ twahly kuow uims TOIS/C aril Restorative, Nv l'hysfeitsru and invalids to all petrts Ow rottutry. The nes. preparation. •MAIINAPARILLA IN A COMBINATION WITH lODIDE Or LIMY, presents one of the most prompt alteratlve •tent. • In a form capable of exerting full action upon the system. and Slits In minute and pleasant doses. It Is conceded that We alterative. resolve-Ist, or tonic effecu of lodine• are exerted moat decidedly when associated wlth other alteratives. In combination; and We !Sarsaparilla seems to fulfil perfectly ail the favorable requisitions. The Ars, effect enmity observed when 'SARSA PARILLA WITH 'QUID% ON LI HIV' Is taken, Is an Increase of appetite, showing that It hes tonic properties oft marked character. Ithaltensti vs ef- Ittuts are manifest In Its ready combination with the Wool and Mathes. hale, throfulous women and children improve rapidly under Its use, and then tai functions assume a healthy condition. Ml=Ef== le or acute affections Peculiar to children. it Is suited o them, both by the mlidue.s and efficiency of Medicinal effect and the pleasant, attractive form of OA remedy, K may be given fora long Period where constitutional Influences are desired. and no repugnance, or disinclination %if- Hip JointrroP. eucountered. In White-Swellinge, Hip- Dis ease, and Distortions of the !Mine, It would be giv en pereisiently, in moderate doses. until miller is obUtinen. In the Spring of the year,•and during the Warm Weather, The accumulation of morbid matters In the system seems to become manlf.t and very troublesome. Lassitude. Headache, IlolL, Costiveness, Lost of Appetite. Pal. In the Joints, indigestion, etc.. are very common. Nothing ever devised is better adapted to exterminate or drsve off then offrectlona than this new combination of ISAY.SA-PAHILLA WITH lOUIUB OirjuLlirEw. watca, approarmatsa to It a an Alterative, or Blood Purifier, hal .er Wore/peen pieced within al reach of (nsol- We. I notlor ndeed. It Is an entirely freer and SeintrriVlC nn manna resembling nor th ing Mtlierlo inribloyen. The opinion of medical men concerning It. the description of Ile chemical chentbler. therapeutic vnlec, meaner 'use. etc., are given to • circular. which can be bad at the store of any and all &la ctase Druggists. /or sale AN D eb ALL sburgh DILVGOI9 BILLIII. 411IAILY 00.. AN mil lseurws (mu. M. perk I. No. 13 Bt. Clair otrefl. FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. Combined with lodide of Lime, Bold at Low Rates at FLEXING'S DRUG STORE No. 84 Market St., Pfttaburgh. myuneemwr R. J. FLEMING, Wiwißamos matte Frait Cans, Glass and Earthen Jars) or every description. and mannfactmtZ of Tin Fruit Clans. Office, 189 WOOD . STREET triows Sia U 4-10;1A104 S. NEITIIIIIi &. S. W. THOMPSON & CO., Second Floor, Burke'. Building DAV. CIIAWTOIID..•. .. .......- - ..,. _ 00 ricrartla off- DAY. CHAR ' Full ii, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. COllliflibb 10 es .ilerchan I, Aa.l E..a.,,, , And deal. , In rio AI rare... F.Ollll ~ wn,,l,i. UT Sperm, Lard and Whale Oilp., • tral .. • • lilatAP ILA •., Flia 1;)II r. • 10-1 MI I.lml. al ' . Day E,, , .:... Rolling MITI shon:I• •. %, ,e ,, 0u. , . tud • , kre. Noy , 36 „.,,, 3 ,,,, NN -r .t. r. I ~ ,,A ,A, ," ~ 1 A' t . READ LILOI, TA 1 \ 11.5." OIL AND 'HEEL ;LEASE ' T"'' ""''''' ' ''''" ‘' +.. Conslgurnents solle,ted. leg, •:t., • n.lay at ..I.s. 1, ~., . 4 A 1.,.., tr.. Ilett.rnluslva,.., 1 . 1::.c.ilro: . .. WY. J. STEEL. KV. T. el 61.1. • Arrtve , Wat. Stat.... at : ~,,, iv J. STEEL 6‘. MILO., late Elea:- %intim d White . Burning (hi ' 1 , - '''''..'.•,''''"'"'' '"' "'''''''' - '''"' •- - ... i , ..,,,, ith th„ !,..,,, t ork }.., F., .. At i, [. In. ~t 1 T T • ING & trirr.t.. 1•i,.11.1.:CF: .4),11111S;ION 1 31EILCHANTS molt.. And a,•II E'lt, ' ; fP'n ;... .l• . ; 111. ,1,1,. i ~,,a 1,..,,t llot, ~ ...,,,, ng Or three l•Fats Lud Corn, Beau, Paco', I.krtl, t ..... r, Clt4 ete, , !it!), 33 Market Street, . 1 ., ,-,1, 6 Or PIO' "VIV{ /SU I iill ni. I. I i • II I Eggs, Pork, Orken knd Ory Lrtill, .. Aal , wo, I. lAA i 11.. 10.1 Li I •I. ac ..•inmtulxl 101 l a t:. , tra,vliug eott., Ana limns beet!, Peall , , , oil lis.rr-le, !loop I oten, 1 PITTSBURGH, PA ' :,-.,,)• A ..A1',...•., R...aurnnt t$ "Pr. A , A L ' I,ttu Salt, Ac.., Av. t articu•ar alttAlL.ou No. Lo , • . IltiL 1,. , la nn.l tog , ,t. butz•lay••••trepte.l. the stale of Foretgn auk Potto 4,•.• Fruits, No. lad 1 Nt/TI. t... - ill e,.... tif I. ... tior Pettio , ylYanik 11. It. Third strret. P1tte1 , ,,,, , , Pl. 1e11,121 SIIIND VOlt A CHU:Cf./La. ~.7 •,, . .nupany lor ll' lo .14 t,,,n...1r., r,...ron•lble for oer -••”•• •LKF. , .- ~,..). Aa•l for An %mount hot exceed . RE, Llff, KARIM. AhD ACCIUNT lASLF.ANCE ICPYECTF.I) FIRST CLASS Cohll'A'•tES, at fair rates. LNIMUIS equltabl7 ulluatett ast.l ; paid. 'Ana Life Insurance Company. of Hartford. Ct. North American Piro Insurance Compan.y, of Hartford. Ct. Connecticut Ylro Insurance Company, of ll•rt ford. Ct. New Wigland Lire Insurance Coinprzig,V;;ll ford. Ct. FIRE AND lIIARENE NSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A lERICA = Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, Assets, 1* W Priaotectiom pann c. secured In the above named be relble Ca EZZI A LLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. ()V PITTS KU Will.- (101cr, No. a: Irlftla screct Plank knock. Inearealsaalnat all Hada Of Fire and Marina Kinkel usac C. 1.1. it uuer~. Trvcv lAI i ds fl oklu.on, John Irwin, Jr., B. L. Fahne.toclt WESTERN INSILIILANCE CO., OF PITTbISUIt(3II N ALEXADER N President. WI& P. REIMER:I', :secretary. CAPT. CI PAlliti tieneral Agent. Orkee, Wster street.Spang Co.• Ware House, op ataln, Pittsburgh. Will Mauna against all kinds or Vire andallarine Risks. A home institutiou managed hand irecors who are well known to the commoulty, who are dote mined by promptness snot liberality, to main- Latin the character which they hate .sumeti, as of forts, tine hest protesetton to those who desire to be Insured. •• • . Mel. Nitpick, . , Andrew Ackley, K. hillier, Jr. David M. Long, James McAuley, Kest J, Morons, Nathaniel Holmes, , J. Claris, Alesandvr tipsier, , John IL McCutle, Campbell B. Herron. I Jam. P. Hanna. C. K. a Vi r lckehson, term SI. I. HICRISKILT. Peeretarr. - - NSUIIE 01311 LIFE IN TILE CH ART „ AK LIFE INSUIL s.NCE 1.A. , 111•A NT 1)1 lIARTFOR,i. CONN. TILE oNLY I.lYa INSIJItANCIS CiIkIPAN 1( IN LAIK.I.CA that now etates unit pays an Anon. CA.114 DIVIDEEtt On t c hens soh cacti sulisen cent payment of premlUM. e CAnit CA VITAL, an ac cumulation of ILLIMO,OW, is securely Invested In pit I, Ile athelts ace Mortgages of MEAL En'EAT E. it Is now In Ma lath year of bualness, and had paid to the WIPOWO •151) Onntlatle Or ha Memben the aunt 0 (MK lIIT.LION DOLIARS. To this In evide date not • ein e. of litigation has occurred. nce that liberality and fair dealing is it speetalil with this Compose. The polities of Mils Company me not forfeited by reason of non-payment utpremium after the wicood year. No payments required after too years, but pallets , continue good r r thramph Urn. olcxas. J. C. WALKLiI. President. N. N. PALWEIL. Vine Kreshient. PITTSWURGII, PA . 6. H. WHITE, Secretary. Aratieh Whet fur Western Pennsylvania,where Cleanlaza and blank Applications will be fluvial/owl, 6$ Fifth street, rittsbarith• /treats wanool tlaronAhout the State. Apply to JOHN A. State A 5.... NOLLTII AMEILICA LIFE INSUBAN OE COMPAN Y 11 wows and Orphans' Fund. MEM (AT 17 ! cyir7c4 , s" up. Ergivio. rirrozusen,r. MtN= p ;1:111 :-/Ar; =I I= $1.760,000 sl.s*A• oo ° I= 04 Water W.f.. OD gash . * .) JIIKN IRWIN, Jct., rcwitlent. JtAIN U. MCCORD, Vice l'acest.l. tit C. ti. UUNNIGLL, Secretarr. capt. WM. ICKA cct• 1-1110470. .lolln it. M. Char vs flay n. WOn. Drat, lieo. 11. 34clirew. 11..1,crl 11. Davis.. lb. 63 Ilt•illiass di., -Wear For* 1•1[!.,11 , /:\T - N. u. MOILGAIC. T It Y -J. W'. 5I IC It [LILL. r==M=lM=l . • . E. T. (..) 0 0 , SPECI t. A 4 T NN Er , l'EliN I . A., 67 Fourth tit., Pithiburgh AIiENTS wAhricu. Ik.tii lIENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE l'O OF PITTSBURGH, PA. Office, it Fifth Street, Uauk Mack j T1;1 , 8 Is • ro num , , , C i elapany, mid iiisurrt seatri.t 01.1) . W AI.T F. It. Pr...1.1i . nt. C. C. BOYL.E, Vicv Pres% leut. ki Trt,.rrf • •K PATII.II.IiLUENY.. Scriet . ary. DILL 11.}0.: eutianl Walter, C. C. Boyle no. Robert Robert Patrick, J. C. Lapp., JALeciii Painter,J. C. Virtue.. Josiah King, , John Vtaigtivy, Jaa. 11. A. Ammo., 11. nor I)corLE , B irsiCitAricE co. ()Their., N. 6. cow.. litt WOOD kND ?I TTIrI...TS. oinw , TOnn• . 14: , rn i,;, I r v h.11,1,1ze, Cara. John L. Ithou.l•. I ISMTNIeI V. Shrlerr, John M. Parke, . Chare Art.uckle, Capt. Jas. Miller. I J le ohn Y. KlrtpatnrY, Wu, %lan Nls.. Yrnnk S. Meson. J.... I , • iII.AIIII. I U. Hanson Lov, WK. 1 . 1111.1.31 . 5, IYrraltlvui. JUAN WATT, Vice VresNNW, W. F. UNILDNILIL. Secretary. 101 l :Iv Capt.. SAINKS (I‘,lltl/UN. lion•I AAA. STEAMSHIPS A LTIMORE b. HA VAN A STE A NI- 1'L , 1141 r A NI Y. AI.[C. ISILOW N A n0N..3. laritvral AKe.nt, FOR N K.W I.ftl.)CA Nti MUM - T. A ItitYl NIL Tillie UN IT Y.I. t.TATK, At All.. Vlrst.l'llas...Mcamoltlps ..f ‘.r 11l sail as foltow. ••1' It A • '-1.1u) tons, T. A I:al n. 'ononamt , on ea e.ATIIILDA , s.-plerutryr Lan. rot Nt.s or leo., via Wrst, ••1-1 it ERT 1r •-1.2.10 Duna, Wm. 11.411 n 4,1 'ommander, trona ItlrtiWN . S %V lIA lIY, V At • o•cloa p. U., proclat Iy, on thr day 111011111,1. r., frright pay...agy, has log tionorpay•ed ite '"''lrleti'aul'lt.i'VATLFllel.l/ A CO., ge„ty, rd,cart , Y. 11 A itr. N. 11.-- N 0 Pills of Utolls. bt" Ow., of the t pa phyro wculrle bde t arimod. s ot e i r ren. y N for fr h o 1 1tl fir or e ef t y ;O4 Lill. of lad i ne rigiteil op day of .sill aplX:ty STEAM TO AND FROM LITWO. POOL AND NUMMI/TOWN (1P. , Y0) LwlCe • week.. The INYLLN LINE, salllug EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, CARUYJNU U. S. 111411.8. Tickets said to and room Itelnod, lenglana. Ilul and, (lemony and France. •nply at the Comp_any'a Manes, JOHN G. DALE, Agent, V n Broadway, N. Y. WM. fINUIIA t. J a., Mont. Adams Kapros Mee rlllb street, n •_ ALLEGHENY TAVES. CITY OF t TugaenttlerClt OrgICS:, dune Ttli 16Ga. § NotMr I. hereby given that the Aasessore have now p n Mo laced lu the Treasurer'. Omen, the Duplicates L of y, Punts, oor, Cit Tune's,tu•lness, neltool, nehool And of Water Itente for the peer 1/1036, 41141 that said Tales .111 uow he receive , : In I . Z. oo .l::l " .4 4' r e ttil ,"[4l : "..."l,` ; l4l'Lrtb.'l.Tor7tibtg regulations nud e allowances: she per cent., If paid ou or before the 11 rst da • of July. Your per cent., If paid on or before the trot day of Angus, Two per cr et., If paid on or before the tired day of September. If paid after the grt day of nepteinber and on or before the drat day of °owner, no deduction will be made. If paid after the lint day of October and on or be fore the Ant day U I :so. ember. an addition of Ere per cent. snatt De acme. to nen paynose on 111 C SUMAC. After to,, neat o f ov•now r warrant• will be tastkeo tot, eutorce cmtectson of all lanes remain ing outlaw. uthetner wino .puc percentage accrued thereon, and the costa. fe7 11,1/4errat.ll(lN, City Tilos/airier. J. w. JOIINSTON JOHNSTON b. SCOTT, DEALICIU3 IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. 24 4 LIBERTY !STREET, Pit tiolaurgii, Posixidti. Ara- r.rt.i.i., attention lOW] 1.0 nalllnlithg Watersee, Clocks and Jewelry. AU wtork. RIUTALII.- al teistan PU-11-1151.11.1—Rk MEI CANE AND WOOD . °HAMS, I. Wholesale or RetaiL JADES W. WOODWELL, NOB. I it 91 Tilt DSTILICHT. Opposite E. iiimandson t Co.`s, sad tohl 140 . IrtillitTO STREET DMINISTRATOR'S Notice is hereby given that letters of adminis tration upon the estate of JOHN ADAMS, Woof Penn TaneshiP, Allegheny county, Pa., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons Indebted he said estate are hereby requested to make Mime- Mate payment to Christian entirely, Perm tome ship, and those having claims are requested to pre sent them, properly probated, at the residence of the Administrator, No. 501 Penn street, Ninth Ward, itlaborgh," ietßidiv Gramm. DRUGIITING OFFICE. GENGEDIBILE, Civil En ••'-'•• 0155141, CHEMIST AND SOLICITOR OF PATENTN'_Zio, 15 .ST. CLAIR ftTI4IIIT, post °Mee Box 655, Xesltlexce, 14.4.171111011./ITTS BOIO3II,'PA. ' • . lets:die CatAiN-1-1 car_ . gaper/or Amber wness, - rorseeetaargurmormateivaels , to arrive LA roma% Di - - Rola MTO/t4.0 01 4 ItemurAux a co. Vey, 'A .2,, COMMISSION rtiE H.CLIAN IS OIL OWLS, COMPANIE S.ttr c RAILROADS. - .I. rt . St ALL , -W.. , .• I )IFIN sIIAA 1. I WORAirgaril SOHO OIL WORKS. „FHA:. kAll •6•• - 4,11 , ,tt.- I , e Calon 1/epot, cornet ' AI. . • rt sN 11:0. 1 , 141 . rn - Ne. L .... 6: 3 0 • m n, A:t *OA Acentn. 7.50 • m 11-06 nt No. t..... 111 Ate. p nt 4,10 p tn Jot, •16 61,6 6. SHIPTON b Et tt 1.1. 0 14 IA hole male 6111K:E.14 , .0 l• 6.6 61, 6.. h. 1)1 6 ,1 6 )6_1G , , No. 6 Sixth otroot. ))It COMMIEF I..''. =:. i. li And dealers In Floil . Warchong.e, No. :1;:ti i• F. , • - I t I . I' BREWEII, BUB.KE, & CO., :IPA( 111:4+18, I=l Pacific, Glebe anti Liberty Ample Slor !!!!! .•! !, al C3,ll,Vlole.en !!!!!•!!! rr!t!! r , . I • tr enur l'etroleull.. 1 .1, .. , .ip m••nt of Crude 011 ,r 1 Oltler awl War ,• ut.r Wm, and Hancock atrert. lid rricit MCI/. • r. 111, KER. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AMU Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, &c. = 11(.11, l'A WILLIAM C. LEE, MEM I= COMMISSION .4ND FORWARDING TICL7IO.I4...CDMICELINTT. No. 10'2 SttCl.lll !•trret, PilLsburglt, Ca. alrAgeol for tlk • ••••L. 1.01.1," awl Slltrt Lead %%kirk-. 1/, aler Ilk awl Al: I,P. 11E311'. r I It h. t LAY, wl Ord,- • rk,ukiktlk, tllle.l. W00L:144 HENRI' s[l_:l, JR.. CON IoN MERCHANT BAC ,, N. 1..\ 111, 11:123131 SOO - • iStre.c.t. 11,1,,rris RG 11. VA F. OW Znn.. Kr, W. 11,11111. ()50 , ,... .E. :. • N ,:, l) V x HAILPI,II, I'l /N lIHNCIIANTS, mod Who ,co, , . .16:4 AND DoMILSIIC Flu'll ~, Burrb:H, Etius. I L , " T.STI t! 'lll , n , and rroduce, g,o rredlr In It I.k.T, t0ppw.11,.., Ita ,,. F.lliolo. . , . , , • . • .a. aptClyd 711AILLES011 LA-r, ttALLSLEY, Produce 2, .n 4 COllllll , •li, 2 Pi,tel.ololo, Pa- Wlitarsair ay.!, Egg, Port, liars., Tsll,por. itroomn, Potatoca, 110,0- 107. Oriel! Fruit, 10•. , Frulta, Oulons. Ylour, Ural n, (:tovtr 5..e.1, Timothy yrrrle, Flax Ea,* Gamy an.l Poultry. Particular at.uttoulot..o to Produra. oualxututul , . •ulo - . .... J. 4. ANJ. VI 'BANE d ANJEIt, COMMISSION ME'S( II AN alnalrrs In FLOUR, URA IN and l'ltl /I /Ul ttrynt, r.,wetn N 043,1 anti Smltlalend. Pit ko apIIIIT _ . T CIOS. PUTT 611 JUN :i A Ili 1..... • ti. A- n. 11.1,111.1 1.30 . 1 . TE11, AlliEN &, SIIEPAIiD ..- CotlIM131•1011 ldt-reltants, 111.1 dealers In Foreign nd Itoto:stic Fruits, Flour. !sutler, cheese, hgs, Potatoes rd ',rode, gene ral Iy . No. *0 LlltEll 11 tl'ill.F. l. :T 'Mt..... Faasouger l'elsos. Fittaburght TLIOS. M.1113.1[1.1. W lt L l .ll,vrt P ; st ß re E tt U lttte s .turt li ilt O . 7a. Nos , SS/ nol l ea Lki al l e klrocera, l'onttulaa - . Mt rchsuata 1.0:1 dealers lu Couu try Pro.lnge. Prua Clot's, Bacon, Lnrc, Stutter, llgga, titrs, tan, tr.c., Vralune, Flour. Oran, tiett,lo, Omen and ISrled Fruits. ac., nglt and Lime. Syla __ . . . . 4- 1.1... °int RAILS, ittS i , 111 P Si tiliEl'AltD, Commission s•- , 5....;,....5.,. and dealers In /lour, l/raln and ['re duce. .... .fl LI be it y street, rlttaburgb. I l'ho., urands or Floor for Bakers and Family nee '' u ❑and. Fartloular attention pald to 1 SVlru ' st .. .r L :i r et 0 fo r Merchandise generally. twatly 1- LB & PATTON, I Tl r ol L usA:e Si r B tet re. 1 7onanalaslon Slereltanta L and dealers In I . rodutte. Flour. Itegton. Cheese. Ytah. arts.n slid Lard VII. Iron, Nails, Ulnas, Cotton 1 arms anti all I'lltglotrgh suanuractures gentrallS lz and 114 1N1,1..! .tree 1., Illtatturglt. VLILI IDs WY. D. tf.DTIDED. BROS, (Successors to A. Itrtn. r ) Whol.rtla. Dest Susan. r twit Fruits. Nuts ap.l-Ticvl, Cottllrtiottery. g, os. 125 sad W mad t..txt.vt.. Y. fill Aro. , 811112. [(NON SON, Commission •u K ti A NT, A 7 ,1,144.1. ra In FI.OUN, uKAIN, 1111.1. no•I IL goootal No. NO asn•nnl, opinnltt • !ty Al 11, ( 11 Y. .1: I) al - • I 011 N D. 1' AN 1 , 1 ELD, IL:tonasatission I . t. , m.. 1 Yorwarding M , rrhaul. and wholesale dealer , In ‘l, rst. rii Itns.-rce Cheese. /Stater. Lan", Park, i Hack, Viour, Flan, l'ot apti reel Sane, lialeratus, I • I.loneed and Lard oils, 17rIssi Fruit. and mince . generally, N.. 144 awl 1.41 ,, Iron, street. I•lttelnirg li ' ' 0. 11.1t1T.11 J. A. OKAY, I I .11.4,1 , 1 , tr. REITER, PRODUCE, ~.. commission ...sot I , 6rsrarding Mernbanta, •tad I a,tents . for el l'ittsburxti Mansfartures. ! V. arehouse, No. 0., Lit•etty street.. litar.burgh Va ' • .n 3140 I. ilousa••••.aha - •liD 110t.... 1 . 1 1. N. 110CRI. :I 0 lIN 1.1101:SE 6tBROS" 'emcee ~ s $OllA TO Joni,. 11.tna a. I 0., .1••••le Or.- ern and ,:omintsslon Merclian,s, corset of idniths field and Writer Street, rittenurah. felo _1 ARIES DAI ',ZIE,LL Ai. tiON,lllttoku u facture rY of Lard 0114 mit lnitssiou Merchants , for the trureli.n.d ante “1 t'rsnle and Relined I% an 1 troleum, Nos. de sad 711 Water etre., FlLlatitirgh. I Advances made on Consignments. S i d ' 1.1011 , 1.2t ,. .K.E1t . t . LAN , 1 :2W 1 . 1 011e5a1e slalom, Fish. thesan. L11 . ,. ' 1 1. 1;..r ' in., r 0 ' bll ' , r l?: d o:i. c l ' i2 L a e l: ' d 174 Wood 6trenL. near I.llmrty Strnei. rittalourgh. stikly. = 6.11:011.015 5, 'MAD 0105(4K .111,20/015 DEAD /s. MET*44AR, Grocers and Commission Merchants, and dealers in all kinds of Country Produce and Plusburgli Mgrtufacture. No. ?.M Liberty direct, cipposite head of Wood &trent, Pittsburgh. MO.iy . I.4`ETZEIt & ARMSTRONG, For s- warding and CoiniuMision Merchants, for the salt Flour, brain, Maoris. Lard. Butter, deeds, I tiled Fruits, mud PrA.4lllregene , ally, No. 16 Market Street, rner of First. I•lttstiergh, Pa. ft...M:ly 606 EAT VALZIELL, A. If. DALLT.II... PORT. DAL:ZELL 84 CO., Whole ...ale Grocer, l'oniposion and Forwarding Mer chants rind 4h,1it,3 In r.ince and Fitiaburgh alau u(arlurrn, No. 7,ll.llkorty "read, Viiirdnagti. N , Nrc ivarT ATT vilLsoti, schoiesnie Marrannla, and &alum In l'N.lncv land l'ltlalnagh Man u factures. No. la , LlN rrt tl MIDDLE, No. IS3 iLitierty st" • It, Connalsalon Merebant. and W holenal, I I ~r Ia CountrY traduce, O mce""". 1 I'lllabargill • ra,tnres. (soil advanced on COI, Fig - mnrat .• tor Vrodocr goner-ally. COI 1 SALA II Ir 9+ tiET hr. Co., Wholesale Merebants.and dealers la P roduer. Nt.. • Lt reel. and fib Front street, DAN mi. ,1l r a L. Von: tiT. 11. 10 0 •- 1 & Co., (Successor! , 1 A.,.., li. I. . ..1•Ier and Commission lim• annals. 247 . 4. Pittsburgh. • _ _ w IL ~ , •., 1‘ek,0, ,, ,.11A1RT, ~.. a Mobart) l`rmittre and Commission CY STREICT, rittelitorgly fel tly 11e• Lr I t tt • Oii HOTELS MERCHANTS' HOTEL, Corner Smithfield and Third Streets, PYTT~BVRGB THIS OLD FAVORITE HOTEL r 1 having been thoroughly renovated, tee tired and gore rn IS NOIY OPEN FOR TIII RECEPTION OF LUESB. TLe proprietor (formerly of the ST. (111 A ithElt,) expecte Irmo Ito central location. Ha experience, determination to pleat, and by MODERATE ellAlltiES, to tlc4erre and receive a Ilbetal pat moue. 8. 11. RUM, Proprietor. !Ml= esi:e46 I A PIERRE 11016-SE, Philadelphia. The subscribers having leased this favorite Hoes.: It has been KF.FITThiI) AND FUItNISIIED IN Al, ElAti ANT NNKII, and Is now iirepared with the most perfect env...Lott:novas for the reception of guests. The drat position awning first-clam lloiels 11l be malutalued In the flitytill. tWe pant. MTM311%.1/ II A , GRAN l' AROUSE, O. m. 01.131301.:"E", Corner of Isabella and Pedal! 811vio, Near the Suspension Bridge, AI.I.KG/IRNY CITY. 1%1. _ _ .. _ pIiEFATE DISEASES. DM YOU NU, (late of Philadelphia.) N o , 15 Third street., treat an des crlptlons of Prl• vote Diseases with unparalleled sowesa. Particular attention paid to lipermatorrtmea an dlsmues of the Urinary Organs. Ilia twattneut to the same being tnost successful ever employed. De gives bores o f f speeoy cure to t h e afflicted. Lanes lOU and his toren...Nolte° superior to an) other preparation for removing Obstruel.lo es to tlot !money menstrual flood. So, I. One Dollar per bottle. No. 31, widen Is four doentes stronger, an I destened Mr obstlnato came. Vivo Dollars per bottle. um., boom, It a. ti to SP. li., SP. K. to Sr. L. Add,..., with ntaIIT. lie. YOUNG No. 75 Telt I . _ .... _ trout. Pltutbs rob 1 . 4 ` .1 " 1 k .1 M AIIIIOOD:—Ilow Lost! How:KI __ ._ O) ST. CLAIR STREET. t)) ''' IIEsTOILED. - / est Plebliehrd, in salts r..... RUSSIAN ricutu.r. SPECTACLES. s. ~.eclopr. Fri., au rents. A. 'Lecture on Wu Na tit/ ItV EY INO INSTRUMENTS, tural Treatment, and iltmlical Cure of lipermator Hes, or Wes nes*, involuntary Emissions OPERA CLASSES. TELEI3COPES, sexual Debility, and Impodhnents to blarringo go ISTEREOSCOPEN, MICROSCOPES, I.ALUELNATION UN DROMETERS, entity; Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and ental and Physical In capa• city, resulting __IC. S. stondara.L iro "'" elf-AM:au ac- by Ifttin J CULYcNIVELL, THERMOMETERS. BAROMETERS, HACIIIIU - „. T . , , o . too ,. o r ‘, d... x no ,-A e. ETERS, de.. for Ws at reasonable prices, by .• X. DIAMDND,'ErseUeaI Optician, "A Boot' to Thowkande of Sufferers." tY I 2 " .' ' , , ? . CIL Clair street. Sent under coal, In ap On envelope, to any ad dress, post paid, on receipt of {ii cents, or two A PPILESSO :bids choice Green postage &taunts. by CRAM. J. O. KLINE & CO., 4- 3 . IPples, last interred end for sale by 151 NOvrtuTA , New Turk. Tost-Oflltas itax 55a. FETZER a AILIDASTRONO: Also: Dr. ~ .", r ff ell'. !",clog. bald . ," price - linZ con= Idarket and nisi Streets. 25 cents. si2S:I37;dEET MM=Q:7! == 'or; BURMA, KEIEW 86 CO., II ANL e AC I L OF.THE CELEBRATED SPORN ! TBRICATOR, LUBRICATING OILS. T4IN CM OIL COVINI, Office, 204 Penu,Street, Mead 1.1 hllOll. 11011 forNinchl engine Oil No. 1, I.; for Cars. do. do 2 13 011 for C atro. J )23.00 Mill Grease. WOOLDRIDGE OIL OF .PITTSBURGH. PEPINA NV A rr, I.oNli, y vn•t 'i WORKS IN TEMPERA \1 EV Office, No. 2 Duquesue %Val, MANUFACTURERS 01 PURE WRITE EVE.Trt.l‘ll /N G- CO ILA Brand—" Lucifer." jYl2:f. , WARINCA & KING, IBRCIIINTS BROULS I Petroleum and its Products, 4 DUQUES .41E IVA .W•I'I`TI3SI77EI. 1." rIII.LADEI.I . HI2 A i 'PRES, WARINC, KING ex CO., m)17:242 127 .1 nut Gnu. 1011,1 JOHN ROSS 8 CO. , WWI_ N. OGDEN & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALER:I I N Oarbon Oil Lamps and Fixtures, CHANDELIERS, CARBON OILS, B.C. (34, ill 1,1.1 Itlell, l'A SUPERIOR. OIL EtiI.LNES We are cor.ructlug, and all tarp on hand. rorlor Style of OTT. 33N43-=N EIIEI 1 - 1111 Elitildß A CQUON O !tBfIAR We lorlte pArtlt na..•.llng rtkielttre 1 , , tills purl.. aLII4I cor:l., .1 1 . 11,K HAY A sTRKETs, urar It W Ater 11 11f Le. MACKINTOSH HEMPIIII.L d Co. EAGLE OIL Ili 0 Lakk.iav - z - ca a cs o crille, WICHTMAN & ANDERSON, Refiners and Dealers ill PETROL M. oFFICK...RECONtt,T(oItI,‘ (OS,. It At , to( ti ST. Atilt ItUQI2II.SN E A. 1.1,1,3 'I:ACK RHO. h. CO., PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, 1 Liancock rittbburgli. 1.101.,k011,11,11a01,1,1.. 127 Walnut etre,. WV ,a 77 - WARDEN & UATCHELDER, 1110 PK CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM WHALE 1111„ Itl/61 N. nr11:11 , TUItl'FIN'l I N NORTH CAR. /LIN A. TAIL, Ai., Corner or Dutik;aj t oixe “ r g 'typ.. l . l nutruck nepre.ent \l' NI. ti. W A 1111E,N, 113 Walnut btrt , L, PlkliaLlcll.llla. INW1? nowd. JAMES IRWIN 10., MASUFACTUHER.,, ~r OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA CprElc. , o, 1./3 ildeaslaJot 131., BANKS AND BANKERS. NI TIONIL TRUST COMPANY 4.23 Penn Street, FIFTH WARD,PITTSBURCH dr rrerived aria Internet allorn2.l on p n.lte. l'ollectlonal made an all the. principal loolnto of the United plat GOVERNMENT SECURITIES SIOCUOLDEIIB INDIVIDUALLY lIESPONSIBLIL 11.0HEHT DICKSON, President. JOHN H. RAL,TON, Vreslde,,, HUB HET J. ti/LIER, Cashier. wait:Toni , ItOllElO HICKSON, I i CHAHLEr. MYLES. JOHN H ItALsTON, JOSEPH LASH, WILMA SMITH, WILLIAM BHP 'E ELLCHAS. CHAS. H. A HMSTILHNO WM. CltA WItHltD, .1 it. JAMES El' ELL, PAUL SIEBERT, Hit. J. &Lab, J AME: re 1 Lott. Jythfr l:0., Wholesale uotl and MS Liberty street, N. HOLMES & SONS, 111.. eris, _ No. 57 51ARKET STREET, Pittsburgh ME ~~~`~~: ItMl F. A. wurrit, Secretary =I CI C:103101.2...411-154T-Ir ("”.ar 6.1.015:0n BrMg...) COMMISSION DIERCH ANTS AND Kok( MIS IN PITTSBURGH• PA I= Sought lfaxxcl. faca/cl. Ile poet ls rec.:ll - IA In jar Fonds and flue ollectlon. Inadt. on all: the principal point, lb. and Caus,u. STOCKS BONDS AND OTHER SEGURITIES Bought and Sold On Commission. riirticulnx attention v.ia to the pnrcia-te sad sale of UNITED STATES SECURITIES I)\Ct.Ulll\li United Stales Nll es of Do. Io Fi-.3.).; In,. Fives of 10410; Do. ',von-111411es ; Do. Lentllcatre of I Otitlitodoess. Orilvr. ao.l Vourion, bought or collected. JOHN CROFT, REaL ESTJTE aG.IEJrT, Office. No. 139 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh . . A 'An' 11.1 'NH. on which there I. a larlett lion 3 rooms, brick Rttble, Se.. 1.. Wllktn,hurg. A LARUE lA/ r. nn Ch //14-1, Id a bric \ d•r r nut - !l. ' o ' rThre ' te h r c' e " :l e tie . u t A LA itAs F. ts. ‘ ll,%USN. ' . fro.. r. 6513 [L, ,:rtair lire. hot and told water. and throughout the house, on Chestnut street, Ming, n lorty-four acres of Laud Zdgewood Station. on the Pen.ylvsnla Itallroad, 7 runes from the city, on which there to a new frame house. Trains to and front this station every hour up to 11 p. m. Sold hy lots of one acre or morn. Thirty-Isla act,. 3 relies out on the Wasblugtatk 1 7 the, In Union township. part of Cho Carter farm. Thirty-set - en aorta, 8 attics out en the bld Wash ington Pike, In Scott township. Twenty acres In Reserve township. part of the Kasky farm. Pottery doing a good business in a central loos, tI. A. large amount of other property. business loca • Sce. rem , . desiring to putehlten or Invent money would do well to call on the 4bote agent. out ME 1~.1~~~ ~i 1, ME , . 11. It h WITH. Agent. /566. arjlt 1866. ~„ -1., I I NI, It H. .AN 11 11, . r- 1.1 Clill It. H. 11,11 Dcput, a.l . . • '2,10 in Fs. Limn • ie • F ••-• •••• •J .. • •• " • 1..( F.s.. 1)::13 p t ' l 4 ., • m • It: Lt . MBE 1,10111 :? , m AI MEII 7 . ..6 111 c4-chic.go h.\ol. ,13.11 y. M wrt I ,rlo.l 1)11 - rs13 1 1 .1.111 P 1 .9 AND( INt..l`. KAU.ltti N‘ t, 1§ I I 7 .4 5 i t . /4. 44. 4 tt, M. 1.. 1. 4. N. 9.0: , 4. X. it..llOlllEILeil"U , 7':.1'144.41444e..h. 'II - 4 itl'lt.l1 4 11 4 . . 411.1.. Alo:nt.l.lll,ttorgb. =EI MOE anziaiw ERISI:U=I ~n IL 111'r M. rcu N 1,66. traltil. Iv." , 11l I Arr,.. at ,•:1,1 , t,r,„1. IPcp.ot., corner rain awl ,Lxl " • ••• A 11. : 12V1 r. N. te,t/O N. 11,-TIA. ••• 1114 iiklll,ll • OP .• r. 10 . ,5 A. IC V, orl, •. N. The !....h.lay 1'1,1: 0 11 r , t 10 5. 51 , 01111 11.11 10:PIA 1,.1•1111, ork, H. 111.0 1 1,-I,OE, 0,55,1. ..'~.. ~ . ;i , A.. ...~ i.l li~~m 11 ali..i•.~i~}~ 1.1 t K • 1r II , I I )ITTSIBIL'IttaI A.lClDakagligik coNNELI,VII.I.K K. K. Spring Arrangement. Ae.l After '81121. , PA1. MA II 15111, IF., w'll i• Pze Pt; •., rerner of Hon V, At, r ,tr,et6, Leaven Al rive/ Pa: I , ,trgh. l'itte,gra . . . t..AI 1.. =MEE N,l f l 4 A Ylr.t ht . , L.,E. A. 5..r0n..1 • • w• t a l • rAin to fr—lst ebt too F.., I - le 6.. 1..4., 3. , X;r. v/.•:03 4 1 , , r. 5:4b I'. yr, 'I. 11. KING, Avent. 11 li. I • Pl. I, enrol. MISCELLANEOUS PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUWG CO. PITTSBURGH.. PA. PENNA. SALT tvIANLIFACTLIR'G CO. PITTSIIIIRGFI. PA. 13.E:LIFLE1.30111"11"ffi =I a o 4 .;..!-4' Erin oi?-r4)-• On this Continent IS SO PRONOUNCED BY THE I n Analytical Chemists. it Restores Cray Hair; It Prevents Hair Failing Out; IL Changes the Home to their Original Organic Action;' It:Eradicates Handrail anti Humors, It •Keeps the Scalp Ilea ithj ; It'Contains no Injurious Ingredient, Lad Is universally accorded to Sc a Splendid Ores i ivsi s it linririz i T4eit . Article. ITS .11E11.1T8 air Every bottle CUNT/Alt, MOUE LOW LD than any other dollarpreparatiou. SOLARI/b. ItEW ARDS offered to establish Ita oftleary, but WE DO GUARANI EE to refund the money LO Say person who will nom two bottles and LhOrt say that Mar Restorathe has tailed to do all we c aim. 13.11 RELETT Man ch & te Proprietor* esr. New I.lsunpstilL _ _ R. E. SELLERS & Wholesale and Retail Agents, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pal DR. STRICKLANEVS CU ."- nou tot. the only pre pantton known to cute E. Asthma,Whooplog Cough, If • Chronic enlist., Conenrup- Lio Ilronchitls and Croup. . - • ' • Being prepared from Miley . oit end Herbs . It le healing, soft epvt"'grdry7=laqi4'"g enectlon ‘r s at ' the Avast mid Lamp lot sale by Druggists everywhere.. It. E. KELL...EDS a Cu.. Llayd Witot.s.tazi ABMS MSTRICKLAND' DT haw CURED thous pads of the worst cases of BLIND AND RIALEDINti FILES. It gives liumeißste relief, and effects perms neat cure. Try it iinvictlY. 1 It Is wiirninted cure• For sale by all lauirirlshis at Ea arias per bottle. WNOLattALI DYSPEPSILA. --- Dr. Strickailiird“' TONIC, s , • concen rtated preparation of Roots ,aktki, acidsßecta, with anti acids and imrininative to ... Sk\ "44 strengthen the stomach and nery remedy system. It la lacer tato remedy for LlT•frePla. or ludige•tion, fierce.- Arid Lees of Appetite, „, Acidity of the Stomach, Flatulency and debtlity. It --, e i )/ isnot aletteholte; therefore. , partici:thirty suited for wc.ez., ‘3 . perroa• and dyspeptle per , soon. For safe by all drag eats everyart•am a 1 $1 nes bottle, blii.viusla co. ME I=l FORTY YEARS PRACTICE IN 13F.X.UAL D181A1512 Give. me • knowledge seldom acquired by mat elan. My long residence in Mils city, and the amount of patients treated annually by me, Mo suzelent proof of my success. SPERAILVORIMOICA, or Sexual Weakness,. anft all diseases *runty therefrom., arecured to •miteit snorter time than heretofore by my. NEW VllWrr- AIME REMEDIES. Medicines mut to any part of tire Unlon. AU letters must eontaln rimoD LOP? " cc, ' r WAYIII . . r " l=6. C Adoresa, 6s In ' E g. W. IiIIANBTKItP, M. D. larktlY pRIVATE DISEASES. orYIOZ strax NOM STRIA for the cure of all Mimeo of aye ate rmenfean Crom two to font daya, by &nonlife ileaf and eaife treatment. Also, Benduat Wealmess and all others Mutates of the genital -Mans and th. invention Care warranted or money refund Mace honn-7 to lo „ to A • diiitoB:l , . Lidills lON= Ls k4lllll $ =7l W 1 0 ' , 1 ' , ~ 11.1 1 iti In 1111, Hight Tratu. LE= PILE REM ,. E. tIYGCIL ir& 00. - -