nee 1%5%411 favaii MMLSJZIED DY PENIMEAN, REED & 00, F. 110 V P. n. PENN OTO N.MAX }Editors. T. .1081611 KIN t IS IC GSON P. R EE D i 8../..*. Mna•ge» WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, MK UNION REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS !OR 4 20 VERH011.: MAJ. CEN, JOHN W. CEARY UP CUNZEILTALID COUNTY 00211GRESS. TWRITT4ZOODD DISTRACT: HON. J. K. tIOORHEAD. TWENTY BARD ,DISTRICT : HON. THO . t WILLIAMS. S Reciurr: R&KVEL . OWLET, City. RIM OT COURT: JOHN' G. BROWN, Hampton Tp CLCHIC . O> 011PIL&HEICOMIT: ALEXANDER lIIJLANDS, city. REMIT liIIIIVELY, City JOMEPUZII. 0111AY4Plum Tp. 00/11:111, IiEORGE 11411111LTON. City ,911113C1.08 011100. Jon F, DRAVO, Mit!lin Tp. JOHN P. GLASS, City. GEORGE WILSON, Pitt Tp. GEORGE Y. eIeKEE, lierth .Fayette Tp SAMUEL CHADWICK. WILLIAM PETER. Bass Tp. R. A. POLVILLc. City. DEATH OFTIIE DEMOCRATI.i PARTY, We erred in saying that the Democracy of New York had managed to swallow up the few followers of the President o"tside of Unit organization. In the prreeedings of "the Democratic and Johnson National Union Committee" who recently met at Albany, the Democratic name was dropped —e. - - - punged, discarded, repudiated—juntas it has been in Pennsylvania. Democracy has at length lost its Caine and its identity. It is numbered with the things of the past. It is dead. That the party survived as long as it did is one of the wonders of the age; for the loatiof combined slavery and aristocracy which it had to carry for more than a score of years was enough to have sunk anything less vital long, long ago. But the fugitive slave law, the Dann SCOTT decision, and the Nebraska b1:1 were monstrosities which even it could not atrry, and in 1860 it broke down. Still it retained some vitali ty, and made sunary spasmodic efforts to rise again; and had toe great rebellion been a success It might have succeeded. But the bad success of that great movement of pro fesseddemocrats left no hope :or ...he party. All cohesion was gone, and the debris of it and the rebellion lay all around in disor ganized confusion. Seeing this plentiful supply of loose unite, ialri s composed mainly of copperheads and rebels—sane with merely enough brains to follow their lead ers and hate uegroes; others whose wreck ed fortunes as-traitors had rendered them desperate—a few enterprising gentlemen conceived the idea of building up a new party—a coluterratire party—that is a party in which as much as possible of the spirit of slavery should be conserved, together with the spirit of the rebellion, and the principles out of which the rebellion sprung. A party which should place itaitors and patriots, rebels and loyal men, on an even platform as to merit, out practically give a little preference to traitors and rebels. The primo object and die great work of the new organization is so be to crush the party and the men who crashed the rebellion. In ANDREW JonNsos, that singular compound of egotism and obstinacy, these enterprising political engineers, WEED, SEWARD, COWAN, DOOL7TTLE, the BLAtti family, and others, with a large number of copartners from the ranks of the lead ing rebels, found an agent exactly adapted to their purpose. The late Philadelphia Convention was the result; and the first and almost the only thing they did "there was to strangle the poor old party that had been worked almost to death in their hard and wicked service, and give it a hasty hi:tr ial in a nameless grave. nixing that VALLAN DIOR AM, FERN AN - DO WOOD and one or two other democratic chiefs might be disposed to fight for the poor old thing, they were thnrst out of the Convention. Then the deed was done; and by way of funeral procession, South Carolina personified by some dozen rebels, and Massachusetts caricatured by the same number of recreant sons, marched arm in arm. "Alas! poor Youtucx! " PARTY RANCOR Congress, at its last session, made an air propriation of ten thousand dollars to build a monument in honor of AIiIIAILUS .Luri coL.N. This manifestation of respect and honor to the memory of a President, stainless in all the relations of private life, and whose public virtues brought on him the hand of an assassin, is made the occa sion for an outpouring of vituperation on the part of many Democratic journals. This outburst of rage and abuse is not shirred in solely by journals that have carried a reputation for subterraneanism, but is participated In by others which make professions of decency, if not of dignity. While European opinion, recovering from the misapprehension and prejudice under which It labored four years ago, is rapidly coming to recognize in Mr. LINCOLN not only eminent parity, but also conspicuous ability, his political opponents at home al low their curiosities towards him to be in tensified-by reason of that halo of remorse which gathers about his memory. This is a fresh illustration of the fact that parti• zan hatreds and jealousies arc less under the control of reason and justice than any other passions by which the minds of men are agitated. • The path of WARRINGTON to apotheosis . lay through unmeasured contumelies and abuse. No public name in this country was ever assailed with so pitiless a storm of defamation. Ills enemies denied him all public virtues and meritorious services, and oven pursued him into the Inner sanc tuary of his private relations. It Is some thing appalling, even now, to peruse the political pamphlets through which the de struction of his character and fame was sought ; and-the columns of Duane's Au rora excite the disgust and indignation of - every reader. Not a few of these libels emanated from the graceful and powerful pen of Mr. Jszrusatson, even while he held a seat itt:the Cabinet of the First Prost - dent. Ati: a ; apt:chew may be taken the demoniac:leaders in - which'the Aurora cel ebrated the retirement of WARRINGTON from the Presidential chair. Reverthehm the character of Wasurno- TON slowly bnt grandly emerged from the inigeal until it unlined -colossal - _ per,, ind took hi place in history, thobzWijest.and purest America . , has:yet prPiluAliOnOng all her. statesmul. In :" • deed, Aldranly-44,1M5. been so great that ': - Abilittui4,waszt?swr o N - now presents s' ,c; ' • -;22. 2,1-7 ',1:,, - , .. , 34: - :cl."Z - 4....-,-.:'"="..A-. , ...,...- ~,,.... ~..., ~,,-,; ::::; ;1. : : :: .. 5:,...;:. , `, ~,::- '.,-.--,..'. ~ .;, ' 1, 14 •:„'..q.;:!;. :'':-Vl'":''-' 4 5 . , 4r9P i :*;,...,4-W,!';.0.-. ;, .;;:4- - •,1;-:, ...-.,:.--:wt*?.V.Yi. 4v .:Z- - -- - "''''. „. 4 ., ;•<:-.'-ta., -ti-1,1:A-.$LaVVi.7:',A.:---:-..A.,. ~ ,,.11.., ,i , . ..5.- -t .:- - .:-.p. : A'4:Tki°.-:4-'W.r.!*tL;'-f;-z;'-'V':--a-',.,-'i. ,-...:0.3.41.. 'i'.tc!47,:4--7..F,,,-4,,...r.4it, 6?,.5..P.' 'ate weaknesses and foibles incident to hu man nature. It is even perilous to a writer to tell truth respecting his life and habits, BO intense is the admiration -and deep the popular love for him. A like position awaits LnacoLn. His early friends can afford to wait the verdict of posterity. A CALL has been issued for a Convention of Soldiers and Sailors who served the no. tional cause daring the rebellion, and now support the President's Policy, to meet at Cleveland, September 17th. litany of the men concerned in this movement have good military records behind them. They were brave and skilful officers. As citizens they have the same right as their fellows to follow what political party thpy will. Nay! the bravest of the brave, demon. strated that ho could change sides with wonderful facility. He does not stand alone in European historV. Indeed, he has Bach a numerous company, that "soldiers of fortune" is acknowledged to lie a phrase comprehending multitudes of able men. GEORG'S", the Hungarian, 11118 recently obtruded hitnsetf afresh, on the recollections of his countrymen. Lxx JoiusoN, JACKSON, and many more of the rebel leaders, bad excellent records in the Federal armies, and had oaths recorded in heaven and on earth to be me to the flag; but they were swept from their moorings of loyalty. We do not say they were dishonest. But they al lowed certain considerations to have great weight which were entitled to little; and BO were led into great faults. Some of the signers of the Cleveland call were intensely radical, and not long ago. They have experienced sudden conversions. We do not say their conversions were un real. Sudden conversions are sometimes good and substantial. But, on the whole, we a., not like that sortof conversion. BERNADOTTE and ItS.t v fought for the Con vention and against it—for NAPOLEON, and against him, and for him again. History Judges them. It may do them wrong; but it will judge. SENATOR COWAN'S SPEECH The speech of this gentleman at the City Hall, on Monday evening, is reported at length in the papers of this city which fa nor his views. We have looked over the report, but can find nothing that rises to the dignity of argument. We quote a sin gle paragraph as a sample, and as our justi limition for taking no further notice of it: I told you that our pride and our boast was that this was a government of law, that it was our security, that it did not de pond upon the will of one man, or any set of men. It does not depend on the will of the Executive, whether such things shall be or shall not be; it does not depend upon Congress,.but It depends up an the law, the established law. Then if these States were in the Union by the law, and if that law has not been repealed and cannotbe repeal ed, except by the American peop:e, that they are yet in the Union by the law. (Ap plause.) They are there by your law, and the man who in spite of your law says that they are not there, insults you to your face. (Lan . ghter.) These twelve States are in the Union by the law; the people are bound by the law, submit to the law, and are en titled to the law. (A voice--" We will -keep them by the law.") Yes, we will keep them by the law. (Long continued ap plause.) A RIDICULOUm seENE. • General J. BOWMAN Sn EITZER is the candidate for Congress in the 22i1 district on the ticket—really we hardly know what to call it—the ticket put forth by the men who support the President's policy, and draw their inspiration from Senator COWAN. At their meeting at City Hall the other night the gallant General made the mosing speech. Ile told his auditors (as we find it reported in the Pox() that— "He had the honor of being one of the Convention that met at Philadelphia to en dorse that policy. Senator Cowan had shown that Mr. Johnson had followed out the policy of the martyr Lincoln, and no one could doubt after has clear exposition that the re-construction policy that we favor is that of the late President. Alle. gheny county had a representative in Con gress who opposed that policy. The speak. er was a candidate for Congress, and if elected, he would, to the extent of his'abili ty, support the President (Cheers.) He wanted all who were going to vote for him to say nye. (A tremendous aye.) I fell you, gentlemen, Gen. Moorhead is a !irked man. (Laughter and cheers.") Mr. Sha4 Derlineu—A Card Raying seen the name of JOHN SItAW, of rainier township announced as a candidate for County Commissioner, on what is call ed the Conservative ticket—a ticket nomi nated by some parties unknown, and sub sequently endorsed and adopted, as is al leged, by the late Democratic County Con vention, and put forth to be supported by those who approve of and will sustain the policy of President Johnson, I beg leave to state that they have named the wrong man —that I am a Republican; that I approve of the Congressional plan of Reconstruction, and not that of the President ; that I shall vote for Gen. GEn_ny for Governor, and for the entire Republican ticket. I therefore respectfully decline the position assigned me. Joins SnAw, of Shaler Tp. The Campaign In =nob. [Prom the Chicago rethee , I The campaign in Illinois opens with the promise of a magnificent victory in No vember. The spirit of 1861 swells the popular heart. The same resolution, the same indignation, the same enthusiasm that burned in the breasts of the people when the news came that traitors were marching on the capitol, are again in full play. We see a like peril impending over the nation—the only difference being a change of leaders. The rebel hordes are again moving on the capitol, and loyal men Must come to the rescue. This is the Whole substance of the fall campaign. An drew Johnson hopes to elect enough Cop perheads to Congress to constitute, with Orr, and Stephens and Dick Taylor, and the rest of th n l i partioned rebels, a majority of the natio legislature, whereupon he intends to unseat the loyal Congress and precipitate the country into another civil war. To meet this tremendous peril, and to avert this matchless calamity, the pebple are coining up in their power and might fimm every quarter of the State. They will say to Andrew Johnson in No vember, in tones of thunder: "You shall neither put your whitewashed Confede rates in Congress to rule over us, nor shall you draw the sword or rob the treasury of the nation to intimidate onr Representa tives in the discharge of their lawful du ties." It is for Illinois, which gave Abraham Lincoln to the nation, and which now holds his lamented ashes, to set a glorious example to her sinter States in the coming election. To thndead heroes who lie on every battle-field from Belmont to Mobile, we owe the duty of braving the new dan ger which assails the country, and battling the enemy who comes to conquer at the ballot-box what he couldnot achieve at the cannon's mouth. The basis of the restored Union must and shall be liberty and,loyal ty. We fought four years to secure the rights of American citizens in all parts of America, yet we have hardly grounded our arum when wo are appalled by tho New Orleans massacre, which tells too plainly that tpe fiendish spirit which brought on the war is alive again, and that it is capa ble of anything. 'fhb spirit 'must be put down if it takes another war and another generation to do it. Illinois will do her thli share of the task, in anyklid of a light that may present itself. She will begth in the November election, and she will, keep it up till the last rebel surrenders, and mi di the principle is established that loyal men have the right to dictate the terms' on on which _ conquered traitors may partici,. pate in the government of the country. mien ,. of% tbe ice dealers at Bo—stToubercwagawithe uthieeirpriceliClllltOiniif.- mg, resulted 31 / aa fb L i o n of the 'etw era cent , arid Ltild .with , a capital' of illty P ie° dollars , I th94l o ad • I= —For six weeks not a drop of rain has fallen on the city of Chattanooga, add dur ing all the tirnethe thermometer has ranged Gem 92 to 102 degrees. —The receipts of internal Revenue since July Ist, are stated to be titly-two millions. One effect of the last peace proclamation is to reduce the pay of private soldiers from $l6 to $ll per month. • • —The population of Saratoga is said to five oec thou sand u h p u y n in d g red about ten t. and covering one thous and—Mallory, the soldier who robbed the flowingbe thousand jest u u now e trunks, r miles easbBabout of piazza. safe of Major Grierson at Nashville, and was recently captured in Indiana, pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to ten years' hard labor ou the Dry Tortugas. —A strange disease has appeared amongst the hogs of Cayuga county, N. Y. When attacked, they whirl around violently, bloating fearfully meanwhile; this is con tinued until they die; then ceases. —An old revolutionary soldier named Frederick Oraider died recently near Mead ville, Mississippi, in the one hundred and eighth year of his ago. He had served in the war of 1812, as well as during the revo lution. —A plot has been discovered among the President's reconstructed friends in New Orleans to assassinate General Sheridan, Commander of the Gulf Department. It was designed to accomplish his death by the explosion of a shell made for the occa. sion. —The cholera has created a panic in St. Louis. Over 20,000 frightened persons have left the city within a fortnight. There were 119 burials of persons who died of cholera in eight of the cemeteries, yester day, and thirteen other cemeteries have made no reports. • —According to the laws of New York the watering of milk is a misdemeanor. Three milk dealers were charged before Justice _Kelly with this offense. They were fined fitly dollars each, the further punislintent of thirty days imprisonment, which the statute gives, being remitted. —We find it stated that there are new three hundred comfortable tenement houses built in Portland for chose burned out at the lute tire, which those resident under tents will occupy. The system of issuing rations will have to be kept up more or less all win ter, but the number to whom these arc giv en is being gradually reduced. They now number about seven hundred. —A very wealthy merchant in Boston (says the Wocester ) has sud denly changed his luxurious style of living for ono more unpretentious and humble, fot the reason that it any of his children should come to be poor, as in all mobability some of them would be, they should not suffer in their feelings by the reflection that their father rode in his coach while they had to rough it on foot. —The New York Booting Post collects the statistics of picture sales in that city for the past three years, and the gross footing is over $1.,230,000. The larger proportion of this sum was paid for German and French pictures, for the list does not env brace the private sales of our American ar tists, who thus disposed of most of their works, and, in some cases, at prices far tar ;or than were paid for the finest of for eign paintings- Twuul"-OliE PERSONS Dno N Ell Is No RT nuns low A. —The Lansing Journal, giving an account of the recent storm in Northern lows and Southern Minnesota, says : "About forty-live miles northwest of Lansing is a small stream, between two rugged and steep banks. On that evening the flood gates of heaven were opened, and the water rose in that creek and valley fif teen feet in a single hour. Along that stream ire many houses, and not one was left on Monday morning. Twenty one drowned men, women and children have been found and buried, and nine are misu sing. The details we hope to have next week." BROWN'S TERMIFITGE CO3l FITS, Olt WiittSl I.OZENIIES.--bluch Aetna., on doubledly, with chl..trett and adult+, attributed to other, is orea.loned by worms. TheF.lf l'oll F • al thotigh eflt,tual In dente°, - log norms, can do no pont., loin, to th. :mist delicate child. This •aluable emsibination has been sueeeasfully used lit iihy kik-tans. and found to be safe and sure in eradleatios worn., w hurtful to children. ClillOrru 1.% logworms rg.qulrr Immo:A/41r at, o (Jou, se neglect of welroubl olleu cante prolong ed alcknegs. Symptoms of worms In children are often over honked. Worms In the stunt act. sn.l bowels cause Irritation which can to mumveil nal) Ily the use at • sere ferocity. Tlir cututlnstlon of ingredlenta 04.11t1191altIg 'S F.It1111 , 1710.: 01- FIT! , la such as Is glee the hest 1,..5tn1 rdect with safety. Sold whole-sale and mull In Pritabs. rel., at F !NO'S [frog and Paten[ Medicine trepot, No .4 Martel street. are7..utw A Beautiful Head of Hair! •Lo.olort•' Thr grrat •• Hair Color Itoalorrr • Lonflon" • •Ilair f:olor !lesion, •Loadon" Luxury of "Hair Color lb.•toret •Lorol 00 • • • • Hair f . olor liestorer 'London' the Dresalo a • -Flair ('nine ft. • tar-, •Londoe" • flair (.'ulur Boafor, .Loudon" ••11.1r Color tiring I. 11. will restore gray hair to It. original rotor. 7. II will make the hair grow on bald Leads L. It will fordo, the ter p001 . ..11.1mm. 4. li will minas, all dandruff end 11.cbloa•. . . S. It will mast the b., . 0 ,, /go e s,. , L o I de \ S. It .7.11 yr eery. the original Vol r to old lag... 7. It sr II prevent /lee hale from twills,* nil. V. It will mire an of the seals, t.nly 7.. ten Ls a bottle. ell bottle.. It, 1,11.1 St 11 sw.yhitt . r, :13. North Cloth ....eel, above Vlo. and all lc adin• druggist.. and dealers In toll. I • • E4bl4 by Me(:LAIIItAN & tlefi HEN AN. A.l Mar ket • 1.1,4 •nd GEO. A. A V.LI.Y. 37 Web& .tr IttAtair h. Au:732o:bwr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . _ . WA!. 111.V(111Adf, Jr., Adonis h'spress Offico, /s,flh Street, is on authorised Agent to rcroves Adoerttrennnsts for the (i AZETTIC.ond all other papers throughout the Untied Stoics and the asnastas. THE ,FOURTH SESSION OF THE evrrstsuittiii s. IRMA. or DEMON FOR WOME v, will consumcttcr Monday, September 3d, Hours of Instruetton from 9to 12 o'clock. (Iron urn //011 Information may be obtained at the (Looms Pitrian'r finibli oda. 24 Fifth street. ate.N.ll9 WHITE, 088 & CO., 25 Fifth Street, Have Jest opened some choler: styles or DRESS GOODS, Suitable for Misses and Children. Oirrial Or TIES ALL6Mlltrair VALLEY R. it. PrrTNOURAH, August, =h. DOS. ICONTRACTORS.—ILLILUOAID l iarribu.—The Allegheny Valley Railroad Company will meelve City at rittsbargh. op to 0 o'clock, P. M., of TUESDAY. September Slrrib, for the Ondmallogyrbiamonry. Ballaeting and Tics re quired on about tiny- Oro mile miel.loe e of road ex tendttg northward from Bradys lieu& MOO. profiles. plans and aprelneatlons of the Work will be ready for exhibition by the 10th of blentember next. The line la matted on the ground sulllclent for ex arriluation by contracture, though not yet Complete if run In. Any further Informal:on In regard to the work, canlei bad Co application., to person or by letter, t the imbaoriber. l auteile9 Uhler Engineer, Eon SALE, Lots on Pennsylvania Avenue. Lots on Soho Street, Lots on Gazzam Street, Six Acres In Reserve Township, 13 Lots on Monongahela River, near Lock No.l. M'MASTER, (IMAM & BUTTERFIELD, m. 119. ON 4g RANT STREET. rlttgbargh. Ufluut or CONTHOLLEII or ALLEGHENY CO., PITTENVEGIL August 7.50, INN. 1 SIX PER CENT. • VOLUNTEER BOUNTY BONDS OF 'ALLEGHENY COUNTY, wanted at highest market rater. ati9:lZehrT HEN ay LAMBERT, Cantrell,. OTTICLProLLtra OIL Com Harr, -/ rniLabarrua, Au.. 27th, 180 G. THE ANRIJAI4, MEETING of the Stnelaboldersof rfnauPs OIL CO3IPANY orlll be held as their o9o; la o. 303 Walnut street. #laUadelpbla. on TIAY . September 4th, at 12 °Wont, at.; fo the purpose or electing . Board ofDireelors to etre for tne 011.1 pg end for ouch -other bust 'es ea may be mummery. .y21¢21 WeL .1 kULLUttlat. eeeretary. • I • > I .1 I • - • For kling. BOLLIdAII , I3 narsaaL 'manic Wilig VIN EMIR, ornnequaled armed and ga..4t. forlAak ling And tabl e ‘Te. ti not i 2 Wag anAMlallilar fildireirocgM T ßlOre t10113rd: bAW, awn comer (Abed,' and Handstreets. APPLES-4 bbl s. FRESH' PINE i PINE "APPLES, Tor preserrlng, put marirOPika..)r sii@v •. - aa3 : Xpl. irlarnArm.puts.' ►L%~~l%:i:ku~f:;~i4Y~~ JAMES T. BRADY & CO., (Som./lora ao ft. /ones it. C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Us., BANKERS & BROKERS, DZALZILS IN ♦Lt. WINDS 137 Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. coLLEcnoms nude on an sc....ibie point. In thetrwtedstau.andcmmux. Interest allowed on Tine Deposits. NOTICE. A MEETING OE THE ENION HE ern PUCLICAN VOTERS 1 be held Cl NEW The TEXA on meeting THU Will e w e ad O A dr.s l Eesod b VENI y NU, August aath. lion. J. K. I.IOOIIIIICAD. IL B. CARNAHAN, Esq., And others. By order of the Committer. null. RS N . Oril[CJE. TIIE REPUBLICANS OF THE Eil-Mt./a WELrIa. Will fucet al the SIXTH WARD SCHOOL HOUSE, ott THURSDAY EVINISD, Ana, WO, at o'clock, for tho purpoeo of oramlaloa • 431-ettry Club. an :157 TIE ENVELOPES, Hamilton's Fssteners, Pa. Bookx and Memorandums Time Books and Cheek Hooks Palmy Ink •qande, I= Indult Books In store and made to order, Stationery of ENery I)earription MT= Paper. all NUn and quality MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., N 0.39 Fifth Street A NOVELTY SOMETHING NEW All School Boys and Girls want Them. THE SATCHELETTE. 40 .43.X..T._. c EMS El 'IMEIMITIff.. JOHN P. HUNT & CO., 19 Fifth St., Masonic Hall • IA r CHANCERY SALE 01 VALUABLE IRON PROPERTY, At Clarksville, Tennessee wo.sliAN A Co . te. JAUKISII.ti, blieliULt?alb h puronaner of nu order made at A prtt Term. imin w , of the Chancery Court. al CI Ile, Tenn., I ill aril nt puhltc Auction. on TUF.III)AIi. Ptemln , .06, the premises. 1.01./111A and Idol) !. I V glib Oh flu UN A CM, two excellent Iron go roarer. •Ituated near the Cumberland Hirer and the w mphln . Clarks•ille and Louisville Rail road. Torre are about 13,0011 sore of land be longing to Clirtwn Furnaces. of which parties dr ainer to engage to the Iron business can ?methane ao much or tory desire. Timber Is abundant for all purpose, and the ore of Inc be" quality. rano...v. e.t.a— Ten per rent. ra•h, and the bal mier op • rredit of one, two and three yearn. Notes with good orrurity, to hear In toren. from date. •tell W. 1•. MIA(' e. 61.P0111/: C. AM. $37,000 TO $lO,OOO WANTED Strictly First-C lase Mortgage, ON CITY PROPERTY. Apply 1,. S. M. BRYAN. Rioter to Stcrea• and Real istate. au? Vourili •1., I Iturt.•• Ito llettlaa.l L°LUDO' ROUND RAZORS G 7 here are none au pertor. The ducat /nod made. PEN AND PDCKET CUTLERY, 13=1 Table Knives, Ivory and Born Carvers In vlrlety. for male by liKragreN. COGriZOMILLV e Agenl for the I . lltaburgli Cutlery Company Arms. 67 and 69 FUTh Street, (DISI'ATCH BUILDING.) SIUPEFUOR OAK TANNED, PAT ENT CITILETCHILD AND RIVETED LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE,. klaoufscletre4 at No. 58 SIMOTIIYIZLI) OT., by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Also. Aerate for New York Robber Oo Guns g. 611 11l VETS and kal ss, DELT IWUKe, et. t Mayo GREAT WESTERN PLANING KILL, Comer of !unary Skeet and Dagneane Way, I= Sash Doors, Blinds and Mouldings MADE TO ORDER. Unfinished work Is oot In • dry liou. and nkbed when taken Out. l'alinga, Flooring, Weather Boarding. Laths and Mangles constant:ly or hand. Solidus, re-sawing and Scroll Hawing door with dispatch. Bowes oT all kind. made border. astrl L. JOHN HEATH. SEWING of every description, celebrated executed with new nass wd dispstoh, on the WHEELER & WILSON LOCK-STITCH At CILUMES, At the New Sewing !looms, stu7A No. 917 FIFTH tITREZT • THE "WHEELER & WILSON” SEWING KAM:ENE TUE MOST DURABLE, at 21 EIPTU WEIUKE r. THE "WHEELER & WILSON" SEWING ,MACHINE = 10=1:112 THE ••WHEELED & WILSON' , SEWING MACHINE THE BEST, at SIT PIETA STBIZT. THE “WHEELEII & WILSON" THE ONLY FAMILYSEWINO MACHINE, AT 27 FIFTH BT.. P1T72111111011, PA. WM. SUMNER & CO auSA $ 50,000 TO LOAN BOND AND MORTGAGE. Apply to THOMAS STEEL. Broker and Beal Estate Agent. an No.ti GO Budtbdold. bet. Stnand Dimond eta _ OATS AND COON. 2, , 00 BUS, 01,1) OATS: 1,000 SUS. SMELL= COHN. INSET LLB. .734. ns Libe y street. opboalte Beveritb. MAIRIBLE D common, arcost mr..axixas Ongelregitiliel lar' sag JUL 1. liURBI9I jp*O.,-iaritukst N ORDINANCE directing the Strew.. op.awg and Wldeadng nt Wy li e and MUGU SECTION 1. Be it erdatinect and enacted by fAs Neal: oett24,=l::. 'l =lPrtarUbiNlV ' ti I: . 8 = reacted by Las authority; Um same. That Wylie and Duncan Streets shall beand the cameo re hereby opened and widened so follows, vizi tV, in street to be continued on SDI feet wide In the same direc tion, from the east WOO Of Crawford street to the east side of Tannehill lane. Diener the southern side of Duncan street shah ran from the south-emit coruer an add lane to the south-cast corner of Roberts and Duncan street. on the same Width of fifty feet; thence the widening of Duncan street from the eut side of hoberls street-10 the city lim it., according to the district plan. hue. 2. That nay ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with toe passage of this ordlnanmiat the present time, be and the came •re hereby repealed so fai as the same affects this ordinance. S.C. & flitsetleir enocfrd, That A. J. Gribben. James Parts and James Ellackmere be and they are hereby appointed appraliers to asses. the damages or Weenie, If asp, mimed by the opeuing and wi dening salu streets. accorillug to an Act of As. senibly cJncernlng streets, approved January 6th, Ordained and enacted Into a Isis In Councils, this VIII day of August, A. D.. MM. JAMES aIcAULEY. President of defect Council. Attest: E. S. MOnnow, Clerk of deleet - Councll. THOMAS , President of you Common ncil. Attest: Lluon .051:110 Clerked" Common Connell. A N ORDINANCE directing the Widening of Gibbon Street to Stevenson street. HICTION 1. He tt ordained and enacted by the May or, Aldermen end Oftiren• of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Moneta assembied, and if ts /wreby Ordained and essacled try authority of Mr came, That Gibbon Street be and the same nereby widened on the southern side of Said street to tlm width of 40 feet from to Stevenson street. hoc. Be if furffire enocird. That A.. 1. Grad:sin, James Parke and James Riactroore be acid they are betray appointed appraiser. to noseaa the damages or Wean., if any. m wed sy widening mid street• wenolint to Act o f l ti Assembly concerning streets. That any t orlllinsitce or part or ordinance contacting with the passage of this ordinance at the present Ilene, be and the same la hereby repealed, so far mi the mom affects this ordinanc Ordained and enacted into a law in C o. ouncils. this 2. - Lh day of Angola. A. 13. J Bled GLEE. Prea.dent of Select Connell. Attest: E. 8. 1.10haor", MERCY - HOSPITAL, In Charge of the Sisters of Mercy, 1. 4 "0R THE TREATMENT OF ALI. 1. DISEASES requiring medical or nal - Oral all. All classes of patient, admitted, Irre%pert Ise of creed Or coon . . Clergy...ou of all dmmmin parrottled to 01.11 patients or their oou creed Dents toot to pa, are admitted free of rtm , Oil Application to ally of the attending ph, Mel sus or rairgeons. All regular phymielana Rending pay pa tient* to private room. too y have lull charge of tne acme. • Competentnurses, combined with the personal attention oh tie sister., makes this institution so. perior to any in the State for those Arnie ed with disease. 050 physician and surgeon In daily at tendance. Medlest staff and months or da Ity attendance: M. AlcalEAL...lit., M. IL, 1511 Ural. Oe. tuber. November and Mecca.lber. THOS. J. GALLAHER, M. IL, 142 Suthlohld atr et, Ahrll, May. and June. SILAS h. BEN/lAD!. M. It., 154 Tatra July, Mutual and heplonalo.r. H. J. CAMPBELL, M. n.. 107 Roan atrerl..lan nary, February and March. 11u. E. VOTINELLY. corner 111.x.1. and liraos street.. Surgeon. In dully a11t4.11412.114.... ant I-112 I VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF ..-"reinflffetti otrpense, ',smelt out or the District Court of the United Kates for the Western District of Pennsylvania. noel to we directed. I will %%pose to Public Sole, at the The follow tug deveribeil property, to wit Her boat., machinery, tackle,a ... pparel and (oral tas Ale non le, at thn Manche wharf. Sei urn, sed and attached at the salt nf flew,. Yeti her atone. A LR X. MURIA/CU, Mar..hal, Mg...hal, °Mee. Plualmryll. T. real of isle, c..1.3b. goceromivt land.. atal.blU CHINA WAREHOUSE. RICHARD - E. BREED, 3311EPCINVInE3 Et, No. 100 - Wood Slrect. !AKITA NNIA AND SILVIO/ PLATICD TA 151.11 %VARA:, TKA THAI b AND TAHLK CUT alone. kali hand. CHINA. TKA MILTS, CHINA DINNER eleTn, CHINA THILKT CHINA VAnKS, CHINA BVITTIMONs, KOHICSILAN WAILK OF KVICILV I,AcciLIVTION LAVA VALID LAVA VASK.I. LAVA 11VIT'ILIDNI5. KNULLSII STUNK NV ANC of all varletlrt, toetti wholcaale and retail trade. Th. larger[ and most complete *UNA of r v. ry In thla Ilan In the ell). Velma and nem.. Um M.. a. in the v., rs. rI Ire. ylluas 1866. SPRING HATS. 1866. McUORD CO.. 181 WOOL/ STREET, Wl.n to call epee.' attention to their lard.. and splendid stock of Llaie, St., for Spring and Sum mer it'ear, .451.2 a IrtacilcsimailTaLirlboty. LAMM' DEILUYId, YACIITS, MIASMIC:S, Ete.; MCAT'S and Intl S' tl MIATOI.I •• flttW •S TMAT•tt. I tIU lITUNII, BUtsllEftn, 150ItTonn, KftlfS, Prftnt. tn., An. STRAWY 1/0013S of errry denortptlon, to mall all LaaSea. l•rfa,Ota CEZI BARKER & HASELTINE, No. 12 Itilth Street, Second Sion, 0/4./11,1th LOOKING GLASSES, Pictures and Frames (quit kinds, ♦ full stock constant/Jon baud MAIMS We have engaged the services of art ex perictieed teacher expressly for the months of Jelly xml Ao gliaL 13tudetits entering on the Ist of July exo complete the course by the last of August For circulars and spechaces of penmanship, apply at We College. Rooms, or address N. SHAYVER and leaS:c6llmtvr J. Y. YcCLAY MON W. U. ti00T11....W. T. UAW.. /W. pOIAtT MALT HOUSES. W. H. GABILA.ED & CO., Roisters, Grain & Hop Dealers, PITTSBURGH, PA. 11 kY, Lt i wridzy z. l.L , vl 4 e j e . 41 . 141 for Wll KT A, RIG STEPHEN M. OTT, ozna&L Die Sinker, tkai and Medal Engraver, STINCE, BIM LID STEEL LETTER CUTTER, SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Cancelling Stamps and Vlsithg Cards, Also, PLATYS YOU. MARKING cLOTIIING. 93 Wood St, Cor. Diamond Alley, (ALLOTS DAVIE' BOOK STOLLE.) PITTS 111; 1t4./ II THE CELEBIRATED STEEL TtitYPll ILAY HARES. "eralsle Bird . ' tool "Meadow Lark"are manufactured only at the WOUICkI, near the Penitentiary. A I le gheuy Y, i ) t rls, sprints and Plain Wa noel bar rows and Trucks tit every styld, made of the har rows material, at short notion, and warranted. lola •ds 1,0f.11el IMO 4:OI.ItRIA 0. RIGHT SECOND-HAND PIANOS. I lloaewood, round corners, •`Knabe.k make, Plano, very little tired, now. Price Hsi, for *MO. Ono 7 octave richly carved Piano Forte, ot cr- Wong boas, tour roundcorner*. 5125. One to octave rosewood, ' Y. Blume" make Plano, with Pollan attachment and Iron frame. OM. One ,or. +lmo rosewood Iron frame Plano, pMe. One for $l7O, 1111%111110and $OO. Theyare eh In good onion au2s CUAIILOTTIC liLtialh, 4l Plftn street. JAMES NE DALPEE .isast.cuccrueuncrr. Crtlpares EXPLICIT DRAW IN , 2 ,, a , xllEt;i r• . UATIONB for all klnd.of sun, Len& tholr ervellon, on rayon e Ortloe on AN DEIDSON Petweo ncont and Robinson streets, ALLIntiH EN Y emnirt gOIMEB, BELL si. co., Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, Ilannlsclurars of ANCHOR (A) ISH/CICTINGIS. ANCHVIL lIIIENTLNUB, ANOW.GL(C)bUr.E.TINGB, And BATTING. NEW WHEAT! NEW WHEAT!! cm=:=l I r EO. W. PETTY, ;MEAL ESTATE 4GE.TT, 11i0: 13 Pr. OLAIDOSTIttET. Honda Mortmea toptisht and sold. Collec 1000 Drennial, and. oU resiousible term. atm 3 CARS CLUB WHEAT; 4 can Mint - " .1 ear 421414, ' Tot pilot)/ ~~. a~.~ mot`;~ ~~. r. =ffOr=2! ST .V. Prosidcnt COIIIIO THUS. OO co F un .l cil Attest: 110(111 M ,3l Clerk of Common Council. IMEEI MARSHAL'S SALE CnCrIEVIV ODLE ME 4 011 Cr EVE, I= On the 30th Day of August, 1666, I= THE STEAM TUO "EMMA LOOAN," IPV ELL 11. QIOII A 1t1).9, , N . CO. •:~ ➢IOULDINGS, &c., S.c.. COMMICLIL COLLEGE. No. 4 St. Clair Street. No. 111.Woter Streeti /11.1 d Nos. II and 7 P 0... Street. TIM WIRE TO ARRIVE U. KNOX a SUN TY Diamoua, Allegheny itauxa a Allan. NEW AI) V IL; T it; E I!, NITS. • A N ORDINA ...elatit io roads and Csid•u .1' Ireltilgllig ro the city of Pittsburg hr • . • ", I, to charity of Iltts;• von• Wayne .14(21110dg- s ..• .• ••: p i „ burgh and Conne. d '• ,• "ai All /bevy Va-leT It."••• • and whereas. sad r • bat has been abed,. : • e h. • 111 ,tom's r, sold at • ~,t,••n: again, the 'illy. v• .1 oto ;rev. le le mitiee have here ~,, rr to NV... :MI I . lll'll, airy and all right anti teetill .:, -ar: te the city might bel-ec a.. 1 iwititio, wow, r..i. Cho surriving trualre. tot In ..11.1 o. front any suppose.; Oat... 1. rind to. noiltlt. the -All purchaser to x.. 1,, 1.11. .1 UN lOU ..r stocts against :hr rerth. who eloon as per. chaser at the there:ore agr - rtoa I. 11 , it or. A Idwrvern anO lir tlommoit r( r. .2/ ordained and e That lintwn an.l.l,hh veri tees In tin useign..i.ent inn ATI other. the city an.lierit es et .. Mire,' stocks. are hereby relieved oci.l .10. harp .1 :rent the .41.1 trust. antihero ad) 0,1 .011 .:A /S l .) th.." 10 Id.' city of Pittsburgh. . . bk.. 2. That lb.. a.. I ' In meling saie or tll.lrl v . . Oa 111 and tit In lb, said r.orka, ra. I ..ontltanytl an.l the varlous ra1h..3.1.• ill, no • n 7,• Mar. nl, so Int alp Ific liar s Itts the Wald A llllSnl 1•1 ii r ip. 1,, .11s,, .1 01 ats) vrr ie`as.bromcia or An r,r latiV by the city 41, •rillesi. Sy,. 3. 0r.131n..1n~1,...rt• .1 tni.• t- OH% I lav ur AugtiNt, .1 •1 1 31 1 1 F.l = ~'l'l Ir ''~'A -'fl I I lit it ii, NI Atti •• KU- I MEI= AN 011DINANCE ltu liorizitig lie entuttroetlon 01 3 'l.lO P ••• P Pr Vl,Ol 01. v. L, 111-3110 3110 14•cortI10r 11.,„. h, • , rert•ol to Cdverllo oi. rP , rll• ft,r tlto or 1 . ‘3101,•, ....r .110), 1.110,1 y ..t.ect to I:lo.rti Sit, 2. That. ft, 110 I, ill ..cot ;1•0 01 nit Sew , -r. It In lat 10• Ii p .01 PEPI Pill• P• 1101 11111...10. propt.rty tr. th ht- '.l ...0,100•10,1 ~ t' hewer eltall 10 -.0•1 . 0 ,410, 3,1 Ittrrt,. and the I . Park , . end ./30., lt, 0 1,0. ta, t 0,11...• .3 1.1 1..,y and lutftestnt.rit a.. 0 .tt.;.1.....1 los 1'000(01, It be 000 ;I, -th• .1, 1 .1. • • r tauslit .1 with ch. • tt) I, Oho .alO.ll cr..111- (100. 0, 10 h the peroon.” i..ty the t rut. mtt.l tit uttont.).;tt .1.1 h, tt, .• 10 , t ~r 1,. t l 0111. CEP . 3 nel i 11,0 t.otro. In 100:00 r el..- ...•rtlrell 1,, ;001 tti A .1 lattua, ••111, eq.. 4. Th'tto,l; nallt t. 3.1 ..r cowl.. Una; 0 0 C..1•0030C ut [lll. or.l. 31 t . itre...ent. I, 10 .104 Ihe 01111. ed. so Itr . atl.• 0 t bpi .so .t. •,,, tnt.,,, 011 0,1 II 001 4 110, 7.31111111 E ••l A 1 . . -itivtat 11. Attest If • 1111.. MAST El. 1.. tom ~01111 11 COME AN Oft.'; • . •;. r;; nt 4; (Tr .,. 414,11 4‘4441 4 r4:44444 . 15v1144. v1144 . I: Mt Tr t t , I r 001 lite ctloci K,tl, l i i WI r v xtrcet xlth the t• • , •., • . t7ati,l I. St. and rnurlli the 111111 •,..I,llth yea, tutu, t lu;la, for rat la and i's •r 5. TIOV 111,1( nll 0 , 1111,:r. er par is of ortlt a•ure. eenal, • 1n...1 • 5.1/./ th, tante arc her, tr, r. pea i.. 1 EMIMI==I JA E , Council A K. ".,,,, r\••lCouncil. T \ I A, Es I • A Cot,. :t , -, • IC, ORIIINANCE atithorizinc the ru- • 1%. - k. , 11.,11 10 (le, 11/ 11111 ~./1 a. l'nn Ely xi,,l to r, la I 1 111/-9.40114. of 01,f1. F . ~ ,r a ,rvel to I.• , ,cau Aild I. 1 lis• In IL , ingtl,n, ,1,r,•,•(..1 nn I trd'llmore •n••••• ,111, r,.. I,A-red I .7, ~., Ai I 0, , ,trt uppr , •,kl Jan- . 2. 2,,at &al ordrnan• .•r r ,ordlnae4 ng wit!, 10, • aablp tbla twdltkance lit. l ' a r'l l '2I z t le. " ! ". ”: :. nr. " . ! t ‘ . 0 ;111on ' :;.1 I t1 1. 1 . :•• - t. " "P. 1.11. , 3 law In U 1111,16. I/I. dAy .•1 l'•• i• .1 A3l 3.. lie 31 1 1 - Y. Tllt , sl.lS PI, • “Irto ..( unituoit I •,,.e t •,,1 )1 so, 1..r4 "r r “mmorl 4 .1111101. N OlLDlNAN('Esurppleinentary the Widulllllg or N Tllllll, • IPLII, .1313333 i . PkI3, stun ....A. 1/1311/13 In. stud iht.7 vrr. he ap01,..1 appraltr rt , to •331,, 1iA1111431,3 An,,nlt, an . ,133. I.V •Alti err. t 11.3.131 1 - 1101 10 1 1111,1. ace . ..r.lloc to Art of A.N. 11011,, •••! .1 •rt ) iattt. I .r.l3.lleki t•nac..,llt,, /313 In 1•. , unt•11,.. thls L. - th Ott A I/.. JAMS, N,'AILKY. 1 t•ft ominnn II t Nit 11 ‘,.1 N UItDIJNANCE to authorize -1..1' 'IL *at 1011n1 and 4, l...Company to la, ♦r.loritch on Try •treet. rl oreel r 1• I•ri I,y It, Moy • ..,r r t,e anior, That 11, Villa- Itto rgn II °al and Company be and ttni ar. .• I.y ant h..rtand t.r lay a tawltch l'ra 'tree( ann tra , i, of the Pro I, an I. Hatlrond 11111- pa t • int.. •I, l• , th , corn, of Fourth and Tra .., to Ito .11tertt,na and re.cula non.. of tin- 0111. 11 0mr01t....- nod lit ~ .t.ltag Itrg nlator , 11 rt. ,• , t inlo a law In Co“ncli., [ld - . 7111.15, ..1, m0 4,11,. A. ./ A llEw EV. l'rrr Of 0.1,1 ..1 C. , 14,..11 lb., M. fl t•tsu. 1N OILDINANCE authorizing (Ili , Pa. in, Repay mg and Curbing° f rom .trees Up propos“l ptlp.Orll nu. Th." OW lie 11 6.1 g gniaoor narlod is herein .. uI/0r,4 4 % CI. W r I • 1 ....1 IP ft.), ertl a so. for proposals 1:101., part ng and Curt , ln • of Walnut 1 ,4 I • pit. eel lb,proposed Duquesne o. I and to let the same In the manner .11.. ..r 'maw, coneerninp Ktrrets imssed A.. n also an Act eonve ru Ing .t r. .noa r• .l. n oor part of ordinance conflicting WI% of i 411 ordinance at the • EE re•E•11 E . EE. I t....EEEEEE• . hurt rciEt•aled SO Mr .4, le • 1:.14 .ErEllnance. =I .!.SIRS AVI.F.Y. rgi.ll! tof Council otrirtl. '111 ,t 01.,3 BTEEI., Couucl tnon Council. . _ authorizing the ng of Prhle street. . • ”arroh/cd. wad. t: h..rfby That the Record- Ing.ll..putator no and ha la hereby authorised and directed to miser..., for prupos•ls for lirtoling, paving and I motto: el rrhle Street, franc the place where th , lag . f .4' , 1 Atreet 110, terminate, to Vieroy etree , and to let the .11110 In the wanner descrlhed o 'rd,tot nee (011[1,11 tag street!. pact . A °gust a,st. :and en Act of Anaembly Con cerning tareeta, approe, el Jauuary nth 1. , Vital any 01,1111/113e, or part of ordinance conflicting with the pa sgsge of thin or.Unance at the Present time, 10 , and the ..azne In her, hy repeal., fa l as then atne Antal, thle o - dlustice. Ordained .tll , l V 14.,,,,t1 Into a law In Councils, this 27th day of A uaust. A. It., iallet. J A SI 00 l'r.sident of Intact Council. Attest: F.. a. VionnoW, ==M=l . . rre•iiiflll of Cotoution council Altett: 51.\,M, =ZE=I - - _ A N ORDINANCE authorlzinir, the ti,adleg, Pat Inn and Curbing of Alulberry Alley, In (Ito Ninth Ward. bat. I. Lt. ortto.artl lad un enacted by tier Mayor, .1 /clertart, nod ~ 1 Pattaburgh, to .Petrel and I,,ta ~,,, IS 1...111,11 gts.relsl,44, pud a IsS lirnby ortialu at alma csa,,te , e.(4.,rily (I, Thal the , 'carding lteytti tat, be atm he In here Alla, tty attlhorlx rd and ct L., Advent.e lor propo•ale for t•ad- Va, Ittr, and 'urlong MotherryAlley. from Car roll to Caratto Street., IO let the ,rante In the mauls, Illte,•tell by an ' Ordinance concerning street-, prl•hall Attgt,,t 11.1, Ist7, also an Act con cernlutt atteetr, app-ot ed January nth, M 64. Cot. 2 That anyordin•nre or pan Of ordinance or thl, ordinance at the on lime, be and Inc Some In hereby repettlCO, to t as the same streets thla or quartet Ordaln.-11 and ruae1....1 Into a law lu nth, nth day or A n,0141, A. I)., 1/311t1. JAMES 111cA PLEA*, President tar/elect Council. Attest: E. N. Mtn:noir, uLleut. Council. THOMAS hTEN:I., r , nl of Common L'ouucil nura: atoll, =lll AN ORDlNAN C Egranting per mission lathe Allegheny Valley Ralroul Com pany te build a 11l Mau on co Canal, near the corner of Etna street. Bans I. Be I/ ordained and enacted by inneop , A Mermen mei Citizen, qr Piltehnryh, B ,teet. (rod iboonom Commits ...Ambled. anti it Cs hereby hrclaine , l an , / enacted by unthority qf the same, Th. the Alleglisny Palley Itallroail Company be and the same Is hereby pent. Mod to build • Bring° over Ca nal Street, near the corner of Etna street. Provided bolortvr, that said Midge shall he so constructed ae nut ols.t the travel passage of aunthreet. or Inter tete with the travel in any way, to !Lave a Clear it. MIA of ten feet fur wagon use. Sal.. 2. That said Allato ny Valley Rallroad Com pany shall be liable (no damages of any kind that may occur by reason of coast/ ectiou of said bridges andoo long as it mar remain over said Canal street, a the slid Allegheny Valley Railroad shalt.. pa , fur all expenses fur grading andrepairlaganisl Canal Weal, sublect to the directions anti regulations of the Street Committee and iterording Regulator. Ordained and enacted lobo a law la Consent, ibis nth day of Anima, A. 1./.. 1800. - JAMES MoAtILSY, President of Select Connell. Attest: it. S. SlonnoW. Clerk. of Select Connell. TUOMAS STEEL, President of Common Coattail. Attest: 13,E0U AIWA 1117.11, Fa z;10, Oak ofCaunon CoosclL EW ADVERTISEMENTS. COUNTRY FLANNELS BLANKETS, BALMORAL SKIRTT, !Si MIE NAT . A Largo Stock at BATES & BELL'S, 21 FIFTH STRUT. WI IC)! .i 4 Wood St., Pittsburgh. M'ELROY, DICKSON & CO, WHITE GOODS. Plain Swiss, Dotted Swiss, Plain Cambric, Tape Checks, Plain Nansooks, Plaid do Brilliants, Veil Berages,• Black Tabby Velvets, Silk Harfdkerchiefs, Linen do Cotton do Black Silks, Chambray Ginghams Wool DeLaines, Italian Cloths, &c. Terms , Net Cash GREAT BARGAINS BOOTS & SHOES Braci-E,am - , I^El J. A. ROBINSON & CO.'S, GI MARKET STREET. W 11. MILLKR, C. W. BICKETSON, rietsbnrign MILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, I= BRANDIES, WINES AND CIGARS Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. IRON NAILS, COTTON YARNS, &C. Constantly on hand. .13-11 DAY, McABOY & SPANG, PROPRIETORS OF IRON CITY 111 WORLS• OFFICE AND WAMIIIIISE, Nos. 45 Wood and 102 and 104 Third Bt, DEPORTEES OF AND DEALERS IN Saddlery Hardware and dimming, And Blanuhaterera of all varieties of/ Superior Wood and Iron Barnes, 4'f:VaVagf's 173.11',Vetirsalrri tflL hß rfl offer to e, a oblCrey g fah Drlee : 1 1 ,, 3,1, r n .i ...:E. A cr a tt i tza w aa n are .r. offered ao7boorain P OE.NIX STEAK BBEWEBy JO.. SPENCILiI ;OA. Wier SPENCER & MeSAY, . , . MUSTERS IND BitHIVERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT WATSON, Manager. tele:MS LIVEMIIf AND SALE STABLES. • . . • 110 RM & ;MUM- Nos 425 & 427 Liberti-Stivesi •• • . . The keptest 110 1 / 9 811, OSFIA And QM for hire at all times. The guest REA.ltaitmln the city. Funerals. ge., attended to on short notice In the best manner. ... L .._ Persorm wishing to engage enYthing . g. ..r li ne relynpon being turned Oat In the style, us can nr , o . priotors give Weir pentatud , _ attentilt y r c r I!! • • - - moNunrENTs, TOMB STOREI4.:, • • • . ~ Snarl/a/RP, ; •• 1' - - ...rormr*stirt. AN EXTRA4rbaC t ITALIAN ILEADSTONE - ,!!-FußslrAFTwoglAk. :'t ^~ - -•-•• _ •. • . ' -WANTS. WANTED—A first-class Tailor who noderManda Crating and Tallortag. All,O good JOURNEYMAN. To finch, steady employ ment and good wove will he glocn. Hi:molts sa GAZAITH. OFFICZ. Or addreu JACOB 4101318AN0. Irwin thatfon. 123113 WANTED TO BITT OR RENT, A ma CONTAINING 15 AGES% More or less, with a GOOD HOUSE on It. attested not more than eve mace from either city, 4,l2ress until fientrreho , ith. "it," Ito: 220. AllettheoY r. 0. an'a:L93 WANTED.—A gentleman and wife wt•he• MARI:10 A PRIVATE FAMILY Trans must be reasonable. Address MEE MEM WA I VTED, MALLEABLE IROI AEI TOOL MANUFACHBEES, with loemploy Mounrsetueero to monufactoet mp PATENT BRACE AND it Addeese C. O. RICHEY, Iftloo r Ripley rounty, MED SALESMAN WANTED—Compe tent to engage iu EIIMT OJ.AR-1 BUSINESS RELATIONS. Apply In person, or address w. D. BAKER, 911 Grant st., Pittsburgh, P. Clll3lB W AN'PED-AGENTS--$ VS to $2OO PEG everywherefor Gentlemen, and 1130 to $75 for Ladles,, to introduce the Common Seas, PanGly Sewing /lachine, Improved end per fected. It will hem. fell, stitch, quilt, bind. braid. lnd embroider beeetiftilly—price only 11310—mak og the elastic lock-stitch, and fully warranted for term , years. We pay the shore wages, et. • com inlssiost, from which twice that amount can be made. Addl... or call on C. BOWEIPS a CO., Otter No. idars S. Irlfth street. Phil•delphia, Pa. Ail letters answered promptly, with clenntsrs and terms. .Ithla W _ ANTED . $2O PER PAY — Agents wanted In every Town, City and Coun ty In the Middle, Southern and Wester. s t em, t . sell Lloyd's New Map of North America, ON TIM • 11. S. CONTINENT IN 1900. The most comprehensive and best mop ever pub- Galled. Ladies as well m gentlemen cut entiVis• for Oda reap and make from $lO to • 0 per day, Call and see it or adds.. CUILLEN &. 111.1011INU, Sole'Agentil for Middle., Southern and Weatern tales. Office, N. If, corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, over Pittsburgh Sank of Commerce. 3021:1‘86:Wefr AGENTS WANTED, TO SELL .fli-N7=l TiIMTMI; Or, Love and Loyallllj. The sale will be very luge, and agents will and It for their Interest to tit II this hook In preference to any other. Ladles and gentlemen wishing profita ble employment will do well to call an or address W. J. LIOLLAND on & CO.. ETl3l==iN 114TANTED—$200 per Month to Agorae, to to krodore out . _nate:llll, Saul 1 / 1 32ntp 5 N . M.W tettt U o u . M L . jit oVi c tia. Eard U rirturlf, (Xt.! vt lochondon. ] tans., or Ph ol• phis Po. lehtdratdarri MERCHANT TAILORS. AUTUMN WOOLENS. GRAY, POSSIEL & RESE, 62 Fifth Street, ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR tint clock of FINE WOOLENS For their FALL TRADE. The idyl., of. these §rn d"n ra re er geblnt'oseVt/Vrre"OpveentA not tt: market. 3111ey a re a als oof a flm,eloas quality, se lected fora first-el.. trade. and will be bond larmn l 'AirtZ7lll7`l,4`4"tr:r i rge:iv„ abUrlf, RIOR and t3TY Lll5ll RAIMENT. made to order In the VERY BEST MANN ER. An early call Is most respectfully sollelithi from from oar customers and tine public. GRAY, POSSIEL & RESE, - Merchant Tailors, 62 Fifth Street. .an2.l:llr, REDUCTION. WE AIRS NOW Offering Our Entire Stock of SUMMER BOYS' CLOTHING At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. For bar/tains call and see 011ar g 1,0614 X, 47 14t. Clair Street. 1114 HENBY G. HALE, MERCHANT TA ILOR, Northwest Corner of Penn Os St. Clair Ste. Desires to return thanks to his friends and the Nib- Ile generally for their liberal patronage, and would respect - Italy Info Markets that he has Jost rotarnut from the Eastern with a larse and well air leeted stock of FARE WOOLEN GOODS, &N recD oli lMl ap tt WE arly_gclted Aß. to GENTLE,' EDUCATIONAL MT. AIIBUILV YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE. Thls,School limiest concluded Its tenth year. Its HISTORY bus been one of prosperity and growth from the cOmteeneeakelit. The last two yearn the daily average attandume has been more than two hundred, and many have been refused for Rata of accommodation. A NEW BUILDING Is now under contract, to ho ready for occupancy at the opening of the doll En salon In September, and It la hoped that hereafter all can be received so g "l e " L h Atr i tZl Y ll, APPARATUS and CABINET .. are re. Molt yearly, valuable additions, and the Far L `Ye"' The Faculty mamma of four malo ' anu eleven fro male teachers, all experienced laustruetors In their several departments. The School Is fully graded from the Preparatoey deputment, through the entire course Of Acadian and Classical studies. • For particulars and Catalogues, address 1. H. WHITE. 25 West Fourth Street, uvriclavratrx. PENN INSTITUTE, - FOR YOUNG LADIES, Under the Management of ass3.l3: ma. Mt. HZCH - 22;n0, Amdeted bT a compote:Ea corps of profesaors. No. { I Hancock Street. 6 The PALL =ION will commence IdOli DAY, September 3d. For Circular., do., apply at the noUtate. antikhda pITTEIBIURGII Female College, FALL TERM WII L OPEN asomewannimnams Atli. Address Rev. I. C. PEBSIELIM BmM:tag MULE EDUCATION. - THE FALL SESSION OF IL M. TWINING'S liiralilesitY 1 , 011 YU U NO LA DIES InDIAMOND STREET, motifs the Ch.s.t Douse. will epee the SUSS MONDAY IX MP TIMBER. . so21:087:10VP SCHOOL' FOR BOIS. 112. WM. ilp WAREHAM iff"L""°*m" tos ukertrecaugmhme'rrtVogemmun't " hitti pAy, surriclinza 34. Na 37 Voice) Keenan, near !or temp. *DPI the school room. au274.2 pkti•iy Op ILIA ft :34: LIVERY STABLE AT AUCTION. THE IN NCHESTER LIVERY STABLE, AT ID be sold at Auction, on .THlngiti - 4/4 AUGUST pis:, /goo. .1 . Sale commences at IO o'clock, A. K. The *Metes that will be offered tor ode ate a. 'Wows; %ea bead orlio‘;. one Carriage, In good order, three Top Zuggi one Bogor. one Iteronehe..,bse !IPIA , ' g agora, (...°M"l,l242aejVir.22. .crt7, . =1 B e asarms row 41 . ,C 1 4 0111 pd ituasptmq.Potth •;, 0121