The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 28, 1866, Image 3
~t~~~'~c t w o ~l:~y:~t,',t,at,[e~:~ TIUMININGS. PULL Liam OP THZ Nicw Black Bead. Ring Trimming, Black Crochet Gimps, Silk - Braid Trimmings, • , Colored Velvet llibbons, all widths Trimming Ribbons, plain & fancy Same Trimmings and Buttons, EmbrOidering Braids, Alpaca Braids, Fancy Plaid Braids, Crochet Braids, Hosiery and Gloves, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Silk and Merino Underwear, Fancy Neck-Ties,' French and American Suspenders, Morrison's Star Shirts, Linen and Silk Handkerchief; Linen & Paper Collars & Cuffs. At .0 fall lino of LADIES' LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS.: F. H. EATON, - 17 Fifth Street. r. NEW poops JEST RECEIVED JOB. HORNE & CO. Fall assortinont of .8 0 ..4" .FrET $ aJr Efr .11.1 TS, All the leading Fall styles Goode. Crapes and names, P‘rl3 Fancy nod Colored tl It Velvets In M./ deblrablc shades: Main Idney Bon• net and Trimming' Ribbon, ot w nod rich colors; L i . 0 e wAr , c=cie u t4;rench and American; Ftnlnere. MI 11,1 Mt..4:3. X 31=0 =I Cambric, (Bambara, Swiss, Leone, Choir. Vales nenna Eilkings and li n in gs: unclog, Bands and lindlinka Embraidered and Plana Linea (Ml6:Sots, Laces and Lace Goods Di errs and Cloak Trimmings and Ornaments : Ball Fringe, Gimps and Braids; Dress 'Trimmings. Bugle Framer. WHITE GOODS: A most complete stock of Jaconet, Combrirs, Molls, an., Le. Uspdterchlent, Mtn. La, Item-set :Ped. med. Ymbroldered, Tape Bordered, el,. me. Rosters and Mare, In every variety 00.1 all •Izet. Lad les.-and (tent'. Underwear. Fur::{3hirio Goods Suspendersnd Neck-Tics; Heavy ShHis and Drawer,: Unp/e a x. BoniTon and IXL wool. uk Iris; Corsets, Hair Puffs, Nets, Union and Silk Belting. Biattons—thetitest novelties. all kinds Tarns—tireatest Way, Cashmere, Lanais Wool and Knitting In the various mixtures, pistil colors and random. - Bemis raper Collars, wad e'er, thing in the No lion line. Prices as low no Hashers Jobblui: Houses. Nos. 77 and 79 Market Street ass; DRY GOODS IND NOTIONS, AT WHOLESALE, At Present Eastern Prices A FULL LINE En all the Departments Moyers .re Invited to call ,t 15 Wood Street, Pittsburgh ARBUTHNNOT, SHANNON & CO c. kazirrn grr.• . T.F.IIAXNIoN..J. O. 6121.1/ MACRUPPI, GLIDE & CO y Nos. 78 and 80 Market Stree Wbnla.ale and F.ealrrs In Trimmings, Notions, AND FANCY GOODS, Hare Just received the I. AIRIEST and HA %D -IMMEST stock of 1 A/0.13 ever brought to tht. 01Y. to Which they eel: the attention of storekeepers slid Knitters. The stork eosslsts In part of Boston, Germantown, and country "Sr..a.3ELIVE3, In WILTS, BLACK, SCARLET, SOL/KRIM', DROWN, /1110•Lii. CLOUDED, DRABS, DIAUENTA. HINE, cimicruLLA, BLUE DE, LYON. 31EX.•.CAN AND AZULINE BLUE 3. Si - A . tIOLCSALI: BUT ems Surna co AT E rnlcsa. MA CI: &C A BLISLE, No. 19 ftli Street, HAVE JUST RECEIVED A S rLEN niu LOT OF Cluny and Maltese Collars, hamburg Flouncing, Edgings and Insertings. Pulled Muslin, Earleales, Linen Tucked Setts, Morocco Travelling Bags, Fine Fans, Necklaces, Eisigsuit Styles Fancy Jewelry JUST RECEIVED, A FULL LINE OF Allesanuires. Corm - Water% and Joulin KID GLOVES. GAUZE MERINO HURTS & DRAWERS . Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Skirts, AT BE 4 3IIIFACTIUREIVS PIUCES Pittsburgh Agents fur the sale of LOCKWOOD'S 430111 Lined and All Paper Collars NACRURE &CARLISLE, 119 FIFTH IITREgT. CARR, BicCANLDESS & CO., (Laza Nen.soer. Cann & C 0..) WHOLESALE DEALERS 1.15 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY 000 BS Mcrco. 04 Tirckocl. Eat., .elbtrd boo. above Dimond Alley,) .v I PITTSBURGH. PA. PIANO:: ORGANS, &c un...KW TliE HILIEBENIN, NEW 'g YORK, =I Schomacker te Co., Philadelphia .1 731 1.411,Z7 C> S. The Estey -dr Co. Cottage Organ EEO AMERICAN ORCAN,-., acknowledged' by the best musical talent in tee United States to be superior to all others to power, parity and quality of tone, and thorough workman- These Instruments bari for year. taken the first pentiumver an competitors, at Om various State and Coun ty Fairs. In prices they are lower than any ottrera sit warranted for fire years. WAMELINK 45: BARR, No. 1.2 Bt. Clair strret. Plttsbur REINOViL. 160. Susi/hi/ad Street. JOHN Zw.e.:MINGKII, yormeii, 01 so PIIMI STILZET, has remove a to No. 160 Smithfield Street, Two doors Above Sixth street, where he hael sa sz oellent stock or • Piano; Melodeons, Organ; And 4/1 Mad. of NI ICAL. INSTRUMENTS onS OTEINU and /IWhinsl.4l Instromenti repairod with =atom! Comte MISiNT PAINTERS .7 4 01:11NT T . 0-11,A.TC, HOME AND MUM PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, .Ho. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. Plath mid On:multi! Slim of every deseriPtio. done to order. Au work done promptly gt reason abla ry.tes. T 1 •„ FL BROWN, Yale of the Orm of l!ameir 6 Monnow.) 801176 E AND SIGN PAINTER, afortAisef earner of Thfint seed Market effects. rirrastriaa. -~5:~....._.: ~.... int Witistntrgh Sax TUESDAY. AUGUST 28, 1868. CITY AND SUBURBAN. (ADDITIONAL WEAL NEWS ON MST PAGE) The Elaseilte.—Persons leaving the city during the summer, can have the Gazirrri mailed to them by leaving their address at our counting room. Not a Burglar. On Saturday morning, between three and four o'clock, a lady named Mrs. Ruth John ston, residing In the borough of South Pitts burg,was awakened train her morning nap by a noise which seemed to proceed from the kitch en window In the rear of the Milne, cautious ly raised, and from,tbe noise that followed she was positive somebody was entering the house. het being gifted with a Sufficient amount of nerve to raise an alarm, or call her son, who bcoupled an apartmenit In the third story— she laid there almost speechless f ro m fright, expecting each moment the burglar to enter her apartment, and perhaps murder her. She could distinctly hmtr andvy tread of some _person in the kitchen, occasionally the rattle-of a Nish which led her to suppose hoe larder was being made lighter by the noctur nal intruder. She was relieved at length by hearing the window open and close again, and a few mo ments alter the tread of some person passing through an alley that led to the front street. Springing to a window, she saw a man dies pear Lp the darkness, carrying something r,n his light hand that looked in the uncertain light like a bucket. The entire household was next alarmed, and organizing themselves into a body for mutual defense, they proceeded to the kitchen where they found the largo dining table almost cov ered with scallops, killed with milk. The whole mystery was unraveled. The intruder was no Meer than the milkman, who, finding the milk pitcher in its usual place on the win dow sill, had entered ant distributed the two quarts Sc stated. • . we must say the Tender of the !ovine fluid la Dos/lugged of a considerable amount of fool hardy pluck, as in thus entering a private dwelling at such an unusual hour, be ran the risk of being dealt with as a burglar. money Order Vdstodleex. The following named postedlcon are money. order offices in this Commonwealth. It would be eel/ for butanes° men to cut tills out and preserve it for reference: Allentown, Altoona, Bedford, Bellefonte, Bethlehem, Brookville, Brownsville, Butler, Carlisle, Chumbersburg, Chester, Clarion, Clearfield, Colorable, Corry, Coudersport, Danville, Doylestown, Easton, Ebensburg, Erie, PranklimGottysburg,lireensburg,Green 011ie, Hanover, Harrisburg, Honesdale, Hunt ingdon, lailianu, Johnstown, Kittanning, Lan caster city, Lebunon, Middletown, Mauch Chunk, Meadville, Mlnelaville, Montrose, Money, New Brighton, New Castle, Norris ' town, Nerthumberlaudoll City, Philadelphia, rtnenirville, Plthole City, Pittsburgh, Putts vine, Reading, Ridge way, acme ton, Senn. grove, sou/onset, Stroudsburg, Susguetianrui Depot, Tltusvilleaowanda, Troy, west Che s s. Washington, Wellsboro, Ches. ter, Williamsport, Wilkesburre, York-4Z. There has also been a change In the rates of commission, which are now regulated as re/. lows: On orders not exceeding tr.V, 10 cents. Over Apt and not exceeding $5O, 15 cents, do single order Lanett for more than $5O. Persons desiring to remit larger sums oh_ tam additional money orders. Revenue Law Deelatex.. 1 n the United States Dist.. let Court, yestsr day morning, Judge Al sCandless delivered the following opinion in the case of the rutted States es. The Distillery of Newberry Short. "This is not a ease which demands a forfeit,. ure. Toe proofs show that the Distillery was not in the process of erection, was incomplete, and the n hlskey Leant:tinctured but three or four barrels In quantity, was more the product of experimental tests on the machinery than a regular business. "The re-s ondent, instead of evading the with law, seems to have been anxious to comply Its provisions, for when addressing a tiovernment oilleer about taking out a license, and explaining to him the unduished condi tion of his distillery, ho was told "it was all right." Falling Ito take otrtinucense, he has been criminally prosecuted, and pleading guilty, has been fined . For any violation of the law, and any evil he has done, he has been sufficiently punished. 'The libel is dismissed at the costs of the United States." New Boone Reeetrod. We have received the following new books Sit Sienna or run !Vein HODS,. VITO he ZAIIAM LINCOLN. F. B. Carpenter o , auor. Published by Hurd St Houghtn, New York. Pittsburgh: Henry ?diner. Fifth street. This Is u very interesting book, and to per sons who cherish the memory of the many red Lineoin will prove ...venially entertaining. It is Well printed, and handsomely bound, on. lufhug ut hither's at roe per copy. The book will certainly meet with a large sale here. PEAT Ace YX.IITILI33.3 ace Felt, By Samuel W. Johnson, A. Al, Professor of Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry Yale College. Published by Orange Judd Co pany, New York. Pittsburgh : Rev. J. No o n, raw Street. This work Is at once 'manic/Ivo and eater every-Idea Written In plant, elegant language, clothed in ample words and so noroprelionstve that the most ordinary Intel lect can fully understand the Interesting topic discussed. To men of science, as we/I as far mers, this work will prove an invaluable addi tion to their library. Marrow Esespe.—Testerday morning a gravel tra ia G in on the Western PennaYiwan ha amid, we'll, crossing the road near the lrlV° lten rolling Johnan into a market wagon driven by Mr. Gravely, market garuiner for Shaler township, who, from some cause, Called to hear the whistle. The wagon was very nearly demolished, and Its contents scattered fur a number of yards around. Mr. Gravely was thrown into the air a distaboe of ten feet, and fell on his head and left shoulder, about fifteen foot from where the engine struck his wagon, bat fortunately escaped without anybeing broken or anything more se ri°. than a severe concnsalon, although the shock was so great that for nearly an hour after the accident it was impossible to make him understand what had occurred. No blame can be attached to the conductor of the train. Street lettleances.—A correspondent asks asks ue to call the attention of the Mayor and Police to "a _glaring violation of the Ordinal,- cean to the Fruit. and Confectionary Stands at every corner of the streets, which ho say. up. pear to be ceded to the Italians. If these stands protruding on the side walk too pormitted at all, they should be OPlinnetl feq streets. Fifth at root and be Wood, Market and SlClair. ahentld not be obstructed. The whole of the side-walks are re titured tor the pawing multitude. Our popu lation Ls now e aro le that narrow streets have become a nuisance,, which ought not to be ag gravated by fruit stands or other obstructions dimlubshing their capacity. Foot Crushed.—About noon yesterday a man by the name of Janson Robb bad Ws toot badly created by being run over by a car at the Federal street crossing of the littsburgli. F ort Wayne and Chicago railroad In alleghe y city. He MIA come up from the outer de pot on the train and In attempting to Jump off he tell with his foot across the track, and before he could extricate It, the car passed over 14 Ho wall Carried ton drug store in the neighborhood, where the wonnded limb was dressed. Report thnomsnesl.—.4. C. pi.VCandless, Esq., Commissioner in the ease of T A. Pack ard et Cl. VB. the steamboat Spray, submitted a report yesterday morning In the United Stat. Court, sitting In admiralty, of the ap proprhatlon and distribution of the money arismg from the sale of the boat and paid into the ltegiatry. The Court, Judge IPCandless presiding, confirmed the report nisi, and di rooted that It be made absolute 1111/o*s excep tions be taken to the same within too days. -- /MaMelon. Milaehlet.—Mary Ann Boles was before Alderman Lynch, yesterday, charged with malicious mischief, on oath of Assn Cre gen. It seems Mary Ann bad an altercation with the husband of the presecntalz, relative to theme of • bake oven, which the Joint property of the wiles mentioned. According to the statement of Mrs. Cregan, the defend ant broke the arch of the oven with an awe to satisfy her revenge on the Cregane. She gave bail for a hearing to-day. A Murderous Threat.—Xstrick Calms was before Ald rmaen Tay/or, ye/Manly, to tutswer a Marge of surety of the ,peace.pre ferred againat film by Margaret Mu le.- Dell ' parties reside In the Fifth ward, In the vicini ty of Shoenbergerls rolling mill, where they have been squabbling and bickering for the last two weeks. The mescaline belligerent became so excited on baturday as to say be would cut the throat of lam Mullen. lie gave ball for a hearing to-day. Another Version.--Geo. Kennedy called at our office yesterday morning, and desires that the statements In regard to win Seely money for board,dc., are untruef i b W hin a draft drawn by him in favor of Seely for one bon dman and lea dollars; which is merged paid 'ln corroooratlon of bin statement. lift Bias says be who hears but one side, hears nothin both sides of the case. TWA is first rate law. We have now presente g. d Mayor's CooriL—Seven persons were be. fora the Mayor yesterday morning,atz of whom belonged to that disorderly clats whose m always preferable to their Socie ty, and one to th at class of unfortunatee who place an enemy In their months that steals away their brains. Over one hundred dollars were paid to the Mayor yesterday In the shape alines for the privilege of getting jolly. .—... Aealdena.—On Saturday evening a young sia o employed in Kaainnis. steam cracker bakery, on lateral' avenue, Allegheny, was eo verely scalded by the atop oock of the mud valve connected with the boiler blowing out, which filled trio engine room with steam and boiling water, injuring him as above stated. lie Was removed to hie home, where his in3u.. Janes wore attended to by Dr. N. W. White. 11 13 160 Tore Her CelestlaL—Amanda Simmer appeared before Juirtice Lippert yesterday and made oath against Jane Lose r assault and battery. The offense muds.. In Jane tearing as delicate ...micelle'. fru... ~e head bewitching Amanda. for d,.. which she wile held In Pk for beT enema.. • • 41 the next term of the Quarter nesswas. Marg.—Thomas Manning win good before Alderman Morrow Savourdy tar ithtlaing hl3 wile Sarah. lie bail Tor a hearing. The parties reside in Peebles township. Spatial Cautlem—htra Winslow's mg r ßooth- Syrup has become so popular that various ties have Putout calltnii them Mn. Wmelow , a. Please take notice that the Mrs. Winslow' of the Soo st W o Byrop hi not connect ed with atty other irtmlw rum EARLY TELEGRAMS, SPECIAL NOTICES. ray' TUE QUEEN! TUE QUEEN! THE QUEEN OF Ante Purchase or gnus fr°6l3 MS."- HAIR RU STORE RS! Proposing to Purchase the is bb rii—gattle Between Two Chinon and Three eels, Spanieh War Tea. hire. WlN'rtOtt"S QUEEN RAM ItEdrttitEll but In is QUEEN, not only in MAMA, 1-1111,¢t. NEW Tons, August 27.—A Santiago, Chili, he .... correspondent of July 15th, states that several lathe pest flair Restorer ever 'ff."" t o m, gu have been purchased of Massachusetts An infallible, nraTOnan and rnittanrilt the for 0600,000, without carriages. This ordnance Rau if faithfully applied. Includes four four hundred and fifty pound- ! jl ia KO Hair Dye. ere, six three hundred pounders, and six eight It acts directly o pon the roots of the hair chans !nature decay and falling out of the hair; cradles, pounder Blakely guns, the remaining no n si,t. log grey hair to it. oriei.l life color; arrestior pre hag of serviceable artalery of earl ocali bres but not very heavy. The Regbalt guns l doldruff; and caring ail humors of the It chuge dry tad wiry hair to soft nut u ere thOlige purchased by Massachusetts during the late war for the protection of Boston Aar-- rlant treues. bor from rebel pirates. Ste. As the carriage. • It iinpart. dollahtful fragrance to Die hair. are to be built In the United States some time ' In hora if you wish to rertore your helr:a. In will elapse before the ordnance can ' be shipped. Tooth, and retain it through life, are A Chill agent writes from New York that ho 118. WINSLOW'S QUEEN HAIR REPORER. has been trying to buy the Dunderberg. Lie says that Mr. William A. Webb wroats! Price $1 per bottle. 000 for the iron-clad there, and that Webb , of- ! Sold by an fees to deliver, complete, in Valparaiso, at his R. E, SELLERS &CO own risk, for 113,500,U10 one million extra. No body here expects Chill to buy the Dewier- Wholesale Agettl berg, though her agents are doing their best to got the teasel. Mr. Benjamin Vienna hi'Kenna le to be ap pointed to 1111 the place of the Chillan Leroy to the United Statee, in place of Senor S. F. Asia Bartlngll, present Minister from Chili to that Republic. The captain of a bark iron the Malvin° Isles states that on the 27th of May he wit nessed from the top of a hill, on one of the islands, a battle between two Chalon and three Spanish vessels, but could not learn the result of the fight owing to a sudden storm having arisen, The Valparaiso papers attach no importance to the news, but consoler it on the contrary, unreliable. The Government official organ does not give any credit to the Captaln'a story. However, when Mr. M'Kenna was in Lima he expected that three vessels which he had bought were near home, anti as no news has yet reached Valparaiso of said vessels, there is reason to fear that the Cap. tale's story may have good foundation. Them is greater reason for fear on this head, as the vessels would necessarily be bet poorly armed and Mantled, and might easily have been cap tured at a disadvantage by regular war ves sels. - - - FROM NEW YORK. A Ron Mortolly.firounded Barglne— Burning of Tenementb Hons.—a The l ' h olern—Deserters in Pennsylvania— heath of Dean Richmond. New Yong, Ang. 27.—John Radom was call ed out of bed by four acquaintances, who as saulted and mortally stabbal him. They were arrested and proved to be four burglars, whose trial is soon to COD/00a at rilLlDtlelpilla, anti Hashum being the only witness against them, this mode was learn to get rid of lam. lie is not expected to live. A tenement house, containing a ber of !amities, on Third •treet, w a sa burned last night, The chief engineer of the Fire Department rescued a woman from a burning room. and Chole statistic show ly eleven eases two deaths in % this city on Saturday and on Sunday- very tow cases were reported in- Brooklyn. The disease is rapidly disappear ing. A special states that the names of sixty thousand desert,rs from Pennsylvania regi ments have been ordained for nee In the coin- Mg elections. All volunteer officers now staff duty will soon be mustered out. on Dean Richmond died last night. Rumored cabinet Chassava—Ponnsylva wt. Deserter.. Patt•ostruts, August 27 . — Washington ru m°. are again rife in regar to the removal of Stanton and Howard. It Is m:flirted that Stanton leaves this week, and will be succeal ed by Genera* Steedman. The policy of the administration in respect to the changes in omee is not fully understood throughout the country. The Secretary of She Treasury la averse to changes merely for political reasons unless the incumbent of ollice makes himself obnoxious by his violent hostility to the Gov ernment. Other heads of department main tain that the Administration now has a dis tinct policy, and has ehltraetellzeil the oppo sition to it as disloyal, because tending to the permanent dissolution of the Union; therefore, ,t Is the duty of the Government to dispense Its patronage only to those who manifest their t loyalty by a cordial unit earnest enflorsetne, of the policy of the Administration. Bet wee„ these two views the President seeks to p else a wise moderation, examining carefully each case that comes before him. it may be that the continuance of hostilities agalust him will compel the adoption of a stern, Unt, looting, Jacksonian policy, requiring all se, ordinates to conform strictly- to his petlticnl creed or surrender their °Mem.; but no suet, policy had as yet been adopted. The Radical lenders in Perins rtm ylrania hte procured from the War Depaena lis t ~ f eserters, sixty thotecand, to be challenged If they attempt to vote. Chinese Conunisst Coming—The President's Meerut Proclamation—Des rote Candi/len of Affairs In Tenas— Another War Imminent. tires lose, Aug. 27.—The Pekin II itlnal eor. respondent of the limes nays: The t hitiesr Government have decided to send a tole tuim stoner to the United States. A Tribune's special says The Paymasiet General announces that the recent proclama tion of the President does not, in any mantic,: etTect the pay or soldier,. A letter from Captain Bingham, of Texas, says: We in Texas are on the eve of another war, which will be more desperate than the one out of which we have Just emerged. The former lerulers m he rebellion ease SOME 11n, en Union men elected to fill unimportant cone ' ty offices, have all been sleeted, and they are more hostile and rabid than they were during the war, or before the State seceded. Unless troops are kept In the most Important towns there will not be a Union man left In Texas In six Monthe. The disloyal from other States are COOling in more re rice and Shelb Or g less every flay, and thoand. are turnin from MexiTs lio went off with Py, and a more desperate sot never before infested any coan - try. Murders are an every day occurrence. The freedmen are held in parts of the State In as strict bondage as before the war, and Union men dare not speak their natl.: meets openly. Secret societies called the K. G. C.'s are organised all over the State, and unless the State Is held tanner strict mt.lltury rule, we will have another outbreak In less than six months. Collision 0131 the Erie linUroad The Train. Three Ihreltingo, and Other Property Darned—A Hn►hand. Wife. and Foto Children horned Lose 1030,000. Naar TOtte, Anguat 27.—s train with eight car seasloads of petroleum, on the Erie Itatiroad, burg Newtcoldd with etla, - near Narrows York. Several ca y re were agii.holl, and the petroleum caught lire and expiated, and burned the whole train. Three dwellings, a wagon shop, a carpenter a hide house ' and five thousand feet of'timber caught Ilse from the burning oil and were entirely de stroyed. Me Williams, While entleavorang to d reocupede his two children irom one of the hounev, p one, anding to re.c it ro all three werewhile fatallyattelo burned. The t wo children died, and he Is not expected to re cover. Mrs. Williams, his wife, Jumped fromn second storywindow and huntesitatety gave birth to a child. She I s not expected to lice. The conductor of the train was inadl horned. The loss of property by the fire esti mated at about eighty thousand dollars. The Cm.lmre in ChICIOSMAti—MaIe of row • In the Jewl•h Isynegogne Ctanntra•ri, August 27.—Eleren deaths from cholera were reported yesterday. The disease has lost Its epidemic character and is rapidly abating. The sum of two hundred thousand dollars was realized from the sale of pews in the new Jo wish Synagogue yesterday. Radical Onion Convention. Loninvitte, August 27.—A Convention of the Radical I clan men way held at Lexington, Ily , on Eat 41 rd ay, and delegates appointed to the Philadelphia Convention. Hemel ution.. Were adopted censuring President Johnson, and endorsing the rmsnistruction policy of Congrees. 1866. SPRING RATS. 1866 . McCORD & CO.. 131 IF • 00/1 STREET, Wleak to WI spec .i l i tlxerloy , their large and ol //aid, iTc«, /or Spring and Sum mer ..421.2x .111-saellanim Vaario ty. LADIES' DERBY'S, YACHTS, SLASH/Eli R. , °SST'S and HOttl' ISAHATUCIAS ••110W THAT'S,' SHKIIITOSS, IIUbLIKIIS, itoirroms, 11E11.11YS, CETUS. an., le. tittODS of every deaerlptlon, W suit all USW, 1410-AY BARKER & HASELTINE, No. 12 )filth Street, Second Story, OVER H. RIOHAIDSoN DCALIL. 114 LOOKING GLASSES, Pictures and Frames oral] kinds, MOULDINGS. &c., 61. c. !L1IrIL" R . J. FLEMING, WIJOLZSALN ORAL/NI IN Fruit Cans, Glass and Earthen Jars, of every description. and manufacturer or Tin Fruit Cans. Dice, 139 WOOD STREET, (AT FIALIMIO , IS HAT 13ToRA) jzln.las H. j. SILK AND WOOLEN DYER AND SCOURER, 12E2 Chintz Window Curtain, and Chair Cover. Cleaned &Beglazed without unpacking. Nos. 33 and 37 Third Street, Between Wood and endcnoold, MMZI inn/IBUS ItEDIIV EAT 90 1 bum' . in nue Winter W h e a t; do a e Ohio Oats IM AM "6471 4 7 0 . "1 /66. 11%. /aOBUS ' Y a cu. ESE FROM CHILI ri ITI.IIII 1,11 IIA IIIINnT• ROPE WI I.K TERRIBLE WAS THE FALL OF ii No, S 7 Market Streei, l'esterda). Tl, probstelos r]o ..1: . alarket street Led re- ducest lol• pears T WIKN T 1 I Ell I'Es T. for thirty sus, In ne.ter to sell on t lizotosollat•Ii • assne toe, , of ntatanwr Is see , to Maas ' , sow for nail and Winter tosonls. A FIV:A I HA HAS • 1... A ILE .rraltra) (tor ' 1 HITT I, TA , h t s sr. a I. lard. All an be luta 1. i road. Jar., ,sonisg alle. atone 1LL1.,1 : ..,•, gel barna.... A I•rae lot ref Alen, 00, 1...1r 1 ~ ...... %%. •lA. ts-g to A qttnint tbe putt. atm lore osan u. I taa../ es ~ e nt' Its, class tlso t ail Hoots to onto,' one ...lottar and nfts rents tower Ulan any salter tosti•e In the bit. We al` ets last• to tit tbe feet I by bloat., alt on the Ina for see, y one on ate feet. TL I. In. pater for torn ea.. barn trout., ertan t t . nt. for es. e•re•nt a perfect Ot, and at metre 1 • so, to , • peas , ti) coot fortabls 1A...• 1,411 t r... liatanontia Itawam •Tiii t lippers o f , .Jeri..!., oaat.. Inast• to oohs,. Illtrabo Eon. r . I/sat A tt. t o re Ott lottoot An.l toad.. to tsr•ler. I • aunt W. II 31 tII A FFFsI . 57 .11, nbl ••• JUST ARRII'ER FROM THE EAST. i 800 rs AND ?HOES. JAMES ROBB, Nu, No morkut Strert. Plltaburgh. Pa hotly.- 1,. non In it .al the PRI• ••• g •• , Y LIM .. rn•••1 , •.. t. raoltl bto y soy In•••• tbal Arty. g and , •Ir/ -r I .Ata.ilr.l that 111. /1...{ •n•I Z.//.lv 1 : ;00TS .13,11 24110E5. •u t ~ . .., I , t murd. A lull alasorlsurol of etPrithlng In th. 1t..0t, Mhor and frail, 11 nI and low pp lc., at M(•( LINT( )( 92 Federal St., Allegheny. A LARGE AND IFIREAII SUMIVP.II BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS .lo6t r.........., •n•I *lll he nul,l al the VEUT LOW tesT millerWholeaalr ot 14 I all. Vt r. A I ALI. Iltri,“¢ 111,11”11 Wlll.ll Z. J. 11. & W. C. BORLAND, my .1440.%.11ar1.01. 5tr...1.. 2.1 do yr from rlßb s,. 14'on IJENTN. -• FINK CALF HI 011 ; 11 1 1, KA. •nd FOR LA MRS FI N 1::1.1,.11=14.A0V:1"3. 1 . 1..,fr0. II 111 arra ~1( 4 " L N INT . g . "AITKR6 111..../. [wag, and va 10d. Mon “ urctl etprossly for city sale.. of best t05i.er1a1..011....1 to all fret Lad rv.l very 01.10. I 'ualomar. promptly •1..1 0311Itly 'era. .. Nt. Mara., .tr../ 1 . 11.0 J. W. CAHN ARAN & CO. "NO,ll ..•• ....mxYVICI.OII4II. FIELDINO A. BRO., Manufacturer& and /cairn In Lastcprin. 3:61.0,4a 0 BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERs, No. 1.10 Ohio St., Allegheny. Menstring promptly r &Vented on the &honest NEW BOOT AND EITIOE STORE. on hand A large •nil well selected etg.nk or LADIES'. tiMNTa and ,1111.DittCh'th BALM°. RAU., eta., which tell! be hold at the IWitta Plt I ( 444n:Gestrat 1 JUIIN NODltAkltl. MEMO WE. THE 8 trWICIIIIIERS, have title day entered into aitited Pertnereblp. agreeably to the prey lelone c Act ot Aseenthiy of the use mon wealth Pe y Ivan In, passed the lei day of Meech, lan% entitled •`An Act Relative to ted P tnerehipe.'' mid do hereby certify that the name ofthe Orir. !leder weld partnereldp Is le be conducted JOHNSIM PAINE; that the general nature of the busluese to be tiattuoted le the manufacture and sale of Lulyicating and Illu mine/tine Oils, and the same will be transacted In end near the City of Pitteburgb,• that thu pewee of the general partnere of said firm are WILLIAM JOHNSON and 1311.1.4 11. PAINS, both of Alio- N. atitt . l7 .l tio.4lltitt e t rr r eeNt e l lt part Ler Is y t rhlL ca the pital coutributed by7the esidl ' ieor7e * h. lopeer. llint the 11`r . ", 4 °,11"1.%,‘ . .rmi loon, Is period sat which tit dey of Jely d , A . . r ts. ' :l66ll . entl that it will terminate on the 2d day of Yelp. D., ROL il l' at i leptll, l : °N, !Real Partnere. ti/fOittliS N. !WEAR, FIDLCII4 rartuer. yarrow:say, July Id, glou—sufkbyr PITTIIIV = myao:b22 Igfr Wlll. BARNHILL& Co., BOILER MAKERS ANL) SHEET IRON WORKERS Nos. 20. 22, 21 and 26 Penn St. liaringseettred s large yard, and furnished it wit the most appear nmetilnerY, we are prepared t Manufacture a cry deacrlption of Milers. to th beat manner, and oarranted equal to any made I the country. Chin:nays, Breeehleg.• Firc Beds Steam l'lVen. Loromoti ye Bollera, Condensers, Sal Pans, Tanks, Oil MORA Agitators, Scttling Pane Boiler iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans: and sole mann torturers of BARNHILL'S PATENT BOILER-s. Repairing done on the %holiest notice. Je.s•cal . ar LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS. PITTSBURGH. PARK, McCURDY & CO., Manufaeturers of Sheathing. Ilra/ler, and 11 ,, 1L Copper, Pressed Copper 11,31 ton", Raised Still 1101.- Lorna, Stulter holder. Alto, Importers and deal, rg In Metals, Tin Plato, Sheet Iron, Wire, he, Con stantly no hand. Thine:, .11achlnem and Tow, Warehouse, No, 140 Fitts r and lalrtltorsiDn'rna.,, dea Pittsbnreh. Special orderg of Copper eut to p at anlred tern. unit4:o3l:d.k.geT y PITICSIBILMGH SAW WORKS, lIEBBARD, 11130 CO., Manufactu rers or VAT wt. 'us!, cm(' warrant ed CAST sTEEt. SAWS. or, very de , ...rlptlon, 11111. Mu ley. Croor-C I 1, tiartir. and ail nth., sari, tie., All kinds of I , \IVES and •Pt 1 NI, ma.le from Sheet Ca., steel. F tr.k r..ntic .1 It LA a•Ell and MOW ING K NI V KS. Sa — Warrhor,- , and Nenrl WA rEw and Pitt .I , urgh, Particular attention Paid r, .• truing and .. , ralgl.,T.lna irct,Ar r•pti.. ot 12abie r all lust., d,.. I • unehtua and 1 1 r11111, .100, •i 110 ts CO., (Sue r ceseors to hi n .1t WASHINGTON WORKS, roundel. et Itlleehltal•tft, rigt.trorgh, Ms.(Arturo, 4 Boatand Stationnry Ett,tn En. )11!I 11 14<baner, t.e_Lrlng , '" Tan" Le - Agents for I . I rVAIII,, I'ATEN riNJ ECT. , II far seeding ' , otters. —JOHN 84. Mantarkolor,o .4 Iron Valots Door, Iron Itat.lnr. \llt low , tuters. In.low Istiaros. le.. Nos. °tot .1134 Third st,f t. between W. 04 and hi .o.k• t. lo“r on hand rt ty of yew pattrrne. tio.y 5.1.1 plat, •uttabl. tor sit 'ajirrlitltletti; attot,loti lot 4 to 0n , 0. 1 .11 .t , r Lot.. .lor,ortg do, at atiort noto.r n 1,9 ty AND tIELJUM.I. au Es., 4 %I nrning •tol Iro.trtartlon for loung !ten. Ms, •tol t00...* +bleb prco.. trate y ou ng II•• e , i e ult In. 4 n.l. ( tr.... hitLIN 110 ‘ ...r.1 A.. ton 10,, it° o.t BOOTS AND SHOES • _ 114VINI: DISPOSED OF OIL ICI ANI , ,[ll, 11 ‘ , .t•trrr:. t t• I .. AN u. gu,l , o , UTII a 1:0,, GEO. McCANDLESS, Whole%ale and Retail Dealer BOOTS ANO SHOES, N 4). 03 iNlarli4-t A Terrible Fall Boots and Shoes, ill) IS TIIIN 1111E1 GOulr , Afil iDIIICIIG MIIIMII!1/11!1 92 FEDERAL ST. 9 2 FEDERAL ST Prices Marked Down. rind Balmorais, Xo. 24 St. flair Street CO - PARTNE.RImuP, FOR SALE 1, OR y following de sortbedproperty will be offered at private sale for srt Dinhoe: I st. A LOT OF GROil ID thirty fee First street, near Wood. and running ba Water street eighty feet. (being part al the general plot of Pittsburgh.) togetl three story Met Warehouse thereon. VI. FIFO* AcitES , IF LAND at the head of Brunot.'s island, in Met'ittre townshlo. Will be told In lots t ,, sti lt purvhasers. ad. ELEVEN LOTS OF GROUND In Blanches ter, being Lots N 101. DO. 111. lii 11l and lig, os. In We el an of W itn,e ettenaloulLl. r Manchester, and bounded by Prebie street, Adams street, Cedar alley and Washington street. eth. LOT No. 2/ In Janies Adams' plan of the Northern Liberties, situated at the tenth-east cot:. ner of Adams and Quarry atreete , at.d being Otte feet front on Quarry street by shoot two hundred and ninety feet In depth The above described property will be told at rea sonable prices, and oh eau terms. Title Indianola. ble. For ihrther intarenation .W9l/ to A. U. HOU - NINO, tit hit allornets, S. A. W. C. FUEVIANCE. DC Fifth street, Pittsburgh. FOH sALE, CHEAP BUILDING LOTS, In L'ltl locatc,l ou rvUu , 7lranla ocean , ramiere, and liaszam streets. Ti,.t, nr, wILLIti a tulle arid a quarter of ,inn I Vricr, from g GO to $5OO. M'MASTER, GAIIABA fR, BUTTERFIELD 17,0 It I h E ET, I'llishurgh FOR NA LE, A First-Class Business Stand The Sleek. Fixture , . Good Will, Store noose Dwelling and large Lot t• Sewickley. Cash sale $3,000 a month. Possession given Immediately. Six small !louses awl Lots, very cheat, Several Lots at Edgeworth Station, from one t. ii aeres In eaeh. Apply to JAMES T. SAMPLE, 11,41 ao,ll.ttrlore Ageut, N.. rS F'FA , ERAI, NT., AlleghenY• 110t'SE AND LOT FOR fa-A-I_B3. The lII , USE A NI/ I,OT on Fourth utreel. nen ruut. owned and , trrunied by Du. Itittn.,•, , , In hi ifeiltne, art now oll'ored r, es], The lot la ttreu I r,•,.1 wide. running buck slung • ten (on-alley 1 1 11 and ten fret in depth lo iron t•. alley lib, 1,. 0100 t.-0 rect wide. The house Is • Wel Will ll , rre-•lur r brick, and Is lu excell,ia ordt ~ , P u ~tn be Oven October lot, IlCill. Yur inti tit, I , .rtirul,,r. Cull nll D. W. A: A. S. RELI •Itorneys-al-1 31111' I, No. 141 i.1)I 111116 T.. l'lttanurgb. rALUAIII.E LO'I'N IN Til V. Timm WA RD PI/11 SA I.E.—Floe choice o•r of 1. ,h In an fine client business location, 1, In the , !wart of Lila rit, Vlrlh cr., aml—n. Lo t• Non. 'l, 3 soil tennlo I. ra , 1. 14 froaL of , feel 11 , 11L11 1...1 No. s n oaoLoo..llsla. Ly lon 1 • no.• and ts ten.lon 3111 1,31 i 4.: 111.,,1nt, , •3.1 I.r II anot. nos to 1 I 111111.. V. Murk, •1.. 10It S 4 Lg—.l, Farm 40 about 2 A , r1 . .. 001", teo*”.....lmatlon, Norlll alc It., 1, 0,11., from stuott 5 . re. ar.. I. 1,1aL.. o 1 lulu, 1., .aru.:l, a. , '2l four too. soa.l .011 1.4 0p.., reamc , nK , /.1 1' 1 1 3 Irru , fl„t,. 13 3 , i ;'1.31 . .• 101 3 riso ~..,. A lg.{ .I. I r , foot, on reo ht., re, .. in Jhr.f.. !or tern, .to . ail, kt I To Real . Nknl T.. AnTI ITT, , also. , ,11... . r tt 1 1,, . LI I.T.T.T t ...,.. r I. L. ko. let::ovine. i i 'ITV AND (DIUNTIIT 1•110I.E11 ,-, rr Al.iz•Al.i.- I , t , :itti !ITT., oTT nor Crakr. To I ..I 1.c.1 ell, el.. I or, 1.1., So. IN Au. stroot. N'TATor ll , Tur , ATT , I To 1 Ar 9, :... rotten !rook Al.rilte r y #1 oTO. lo , a , rok 11, nr Now litlit ht. , . A , 4 •i I ~.. 1,1, I/ 4.14,. .Itl/ II, Wi. 1 0 ,1,, , •, I. ik. , •). .11 ing 011 I rry str.,t N ye 4, on UN ATIT 1A,1...0 od I` , TTT IT.. i 3:15 ”f sit 'nit, ono AT , It ,o otte• or are .u 1 .1. • I OT.Toilu T r Al NlauT.Tlonl, 61,7., enT no .ror :TIT, lITTUTIT„ pit . I," wub.thg, heA.leart. mt Evericn. Ilarnirt. ITthros In Tarar k • I ,r•ilous. A l't 'l'll /I Lin' 101 INN, NI mark, ~, V A I.I:A DLE FA I'M ll'oll SALE.— , A nkokel. • ..nralnin, tome. IN' tree., no, M T . "I, MITT. P ...try, T.. its. filonoogaholarltor,o. TvAleIT il orootod • too-ktory lirtr k Nlan,loo flouAe and TT:IT, r not , ITTTOTIIIT,• AI., k, okra] Tailor Tkell,.. ToTTIT los' TIToI In Alb goon, Awl \I onlmoro- And ( . 041 nil, ••4. talnl... trout lINT to 21r. We,. Cur" all4l I too tarts, roT ,ITT on the oloulToTtkllle hall , I NTT I 1101,,,,, , IA oil. r. ITor ttlrther partleu. a re "'f I 11.1,1 \NI WAitll. .. .i.onooto kl the .A.notal, I , No. llT'lir.ot ltreel. sI ' I.EN DID RESIDENCE FOR OFSALi,a!a. .u4t4 , , r 1 ar,r •:ta roe. y•ralrts 1m 11 h troll, Av. r.,, :r• .1. 1.1 1 C.W lit ur‘nt FOO s 4 Lk: Olt LEASE FOR A TERM OF YEAR; A LAM,.E 111 ILO! stA AS!. LOT. with or without t•••." to ralo . .••••!, and hat Ins rO•er land r... o..tiress Lock Dux t 4. an=lltil 1;012 -- SALE-In the Second Ward, •torrt. TWO SEAL h I lOU,. nervis lIK/1114 each, rotor a.. 111.1.1., gm, I. •ralrr at the bae.• door: tar, tot. 1e. , . f•ont, 17'2 ./..l.f. t.. a foot !Vey, •• to a. • r.tcap•c, at: i•• Ire! rate HALL., 1•,. of !leaver street. lira. tatate...gentl. WOICkS rort SALE.-300 ..tAI. front+, on the t• ta •r Fa , n• 21.4 twenty Veneta for ~. • . ica. r T•po ala • N. • • rc are hew. toe entrles ollera,l f..r saleOn 1110aerfar A . 11A NNOX. A "urn., - at-Lavr, No t 1 au. I. - . .WILL lICHASE that Um.. an,. erected On • t os, t , /,•In g • 'runt on street of •24 net. an at.llux Ints h rt to • a foot alley. I/ tor Ilmt, Ware No. mot/ etreet. -pp n .11c1.• I • OP . Fourth al. I/ id 'll% ILL PURCHASE A neat t0w.....•t0ry trick Dwelling / erect ed , m • tot of ground Itarltog a Mont on W.shltaston •tnt ol .t. and ....tend. track 14. rcpt to Mouth .1 nat. d 11/nenester. ..aolty to "IN 9?' JOHN D. DAILEY, Stock and Real Estate Broker. FOR SALE— 16 acres of Land. elan. ')/ 41154 from Ilse e nv. on the Noblestonn tlmol, amt.,. in mtnatel wall or Broadhead I•ltt•to s mh •sd 11 beu•lilt tC4II- toad. Ihe ,n•I I. neasattlfully tor country trititlen•t•s, ant/ 'or ty of ireuery 0•11.0 , be furpta.e.l Ir. s.!lrt/ilent rap tt• The Gk. - motion of the Islila I• +soli that to any tonmels•ble dlt talon Into lota. ea. It nould , Ise tolaanta/to of the eee“er) JVIIN IS lIA/L EONA awl Ural Estate Kroh. , ans.., NO. lit/ Fourth att./. _ SALE — One of the most M. STEAM ENGINE PACILING. .mit - hi local tot • for • Country llealdrnce In t c a 74 : ', l3. ' :‘:. ' l " l. ' . ' . '" e t ' s se t nth l ' e rr Min tl, ' 6 •7111% X,' LUBRICATIVE PACKING, , al , be place It cont•ln• SCR, the up YOB THE I•ing ground. led with torn at trees. lbc I STUFFING BOXES OF STEAM ENGINES. do is hall In lorre nat. r •I t .l a An artlrlt recommended I.) *II the railroad o ne Jon,. o hanks, Who have thoromglaly tried It, and MOM gen. s tt r . sl tt t , t . r. erm us... on over tyro hundred and arty ol the , ,tram,. • road, In th. o•otory- sod ott trial by over ore - hundred other, FOH 14.41. E— lAO acre,. ot 23 A lotlet Is I. ur . 40,000 err ArioN EKs ILN snt t root te um sne and thine from run.‘• , '• '"• • .'•'-'•••• •rtfr k burgh. I otesustos• nod metnnutt Itnirroad. •I lo 7 CHATS PER ND. " Li ' II I . II "U. LUBRICATIVE PACKING ...1 ill. 'lr.{ *a the derto of To feet 1 t Ihees • in s at loythssf met .4feet I In. , httl.Y /LN UFACTUREKO, lid st tort., Art ‘I i.e mw.,taLlorrocolV, JtIIIN le. ttAll.r.l. No,. iii and lis ••I% A I F-11 5 1.. PITTI/IllistG Moen Mtn heel - tte , r. mr/. n, No. Itel our. ,t••• 1. Lon, l•ea•I R. 6. lelf.ll,oY, Soo•y -a 19 -4 acres. of „,, lon:l to I s••• WtebloWttt eonnlf. 11.. 1 ./.o.DUrili.ll BOLT COMPANY. one rofte • on. tour uttlre fro m , burgh and Nomlr. cm lose It•Ilroad, e., Clear eel WE ABE PIREPARED to Wake toel• r nit" st ton. Oalanee Ist go,ml thole r all kind...! Bolts. from 14 to Indio. In Mum ...boron., and school o !thin Ont. mile.,. U. ItAILEI, No. SOO round Or, E.. C. HEW/. aurs No. it 0111's 1110311.. uttuvote Pi ay. I,`oll SALE-7th Ward Building .. tarry.-h 0 Lots hat log Ai fret (runt 01513 o Llverl.lll 'Meet, by lOU Mit Joey, Wlll bet/11410mM, n J LE IIAILE. `duck old O/IN Ural Estate Molter, No. Ito !oath Otrrel. - - Von SALE—An interest In Milan .. ...eluting Ilitalueas. In lull operatlOn, and pay ing well. Jolt diva and nerd IS/111145 11 rot... Nn, 102 Fu4rah •!meet. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. - •-•• WY. I. M`nI , SLLAnn....ALL L. BRUIT. iIIeCLELLAND it CO., Corner Federal and Laeock Streets, zaxocassiormirmiro4l-. Wholesale and Retail Druggists Dealer. la Paints, Ulla, t •rnishos, Ilrn,le, Ity t , Rl uffh, ',anion Oil, ctn., Standard and Patent Med icines. stock LI/trip and Well erivelnit, .01 Will in- bald nu lot at any (lout. 1210 J. NCHOONMAKEIR & Pittsburgh White Lead ;forks PURE WHITE LEA D, .1.416 1.6A1l ()HOUND IN VIE. PUB PALII`In OIL ILLUILICLII. es!, ea Wood. Maltreat. CIIAIITEIt OAK LEAD received and fur silo . gAKELLY, -Wholesale Druggist, V Wood stroll. Ills Pittsburgh, 1 1 1t,_ QF, DOLS. LINSEED OIL /UEEEIV U.Je.l and for ash, by t/Eoflli F. A. 10E.LLY, Windinialu Druggist, 37 Wood Street, /Yll Eittlibtirgh. re, niti.s. TURPENTINE l "'"d and for ' 4l ' l 'llE4/WE ss WA, EEL , Y, Whol,io Drugg lscll'll, :7 ood strcot. Pittsburgh, t'e J. r. hurruai H. N. htrrhy. j C. IBIUFFURI & CO., /fanglike . • Lurers of Sarsaparilla, Lembo and Raspberry SEICO3ZhaIa. WALTIZIEL.3. gamaborry, ElU•awb and Lemon Byrops; Bottlers of choice Airs, Bro wn otout, Gager geergadt.lham• : 1,4 , 144t h, Pa. burg • Orders Cited and atalpPe4 to, all parts of the mill. UT. OA short ootlea. ' • loitalltdthrr ROOFIt sIAL Cement, -Pitch, .Pett, ParaMne Varnish and fftlaik Paint $ Itanotactured and mold aa944 jai am?ther bonze In the connU7 . 7 irmm •In mutt - W . 4* sittrae. NANUFACTURXRB. AMMAN IRON WOMB. et [tont on ark towartla of lot In In .04, Wits a JONES & LAUGERS .I . I2'T'EI3EII7'XiLGIFMC AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Rails,l6 and 20Ibs. to the yard Train Rails, punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge a td Tank IRA* ets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars a ;!:! Railroad Car Wheels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and /Isles; Patent Cold Roiled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars, WAIIEHOUBE A.Y JFFICE, ITEMEZ! 120 Water and 158 Front Sts, BRANCH HOtNE, Nos, 22,24 and 26 River St iet:cls CII/CAOO ENSINCTON IRON WORKS LLOYD & BLACK, Beal Common, Refined Charcoal J uniata Bloom Iron. MEI/CH ANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON 1100 P, BAND. T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and CHEF IRON. MOWER and REAPER BARS. CY LIN 11F.11 and UGARU OR FINGER IRON. rat ALI. '/' •and 10 lbs. to the yard. WltOuttllT CNA/ Itt" and SPIKES for same. FLAT RAILS, Punched and Countersunk. COAL SCRBEN IRON. NAILS and SPINES. Wsrettonae. No. NN AV stet nod No. 0 Market sta. Works, secondatreet. Eighth Ward, adjoining , Ity Use Works, Pittsburgh. IIM=BM!I =SI DUQUESNE JILON AND STEEL-WORKS. BINS HAILMAN, RAHM & CO Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. SPRING AND A. N. ATEEL, &C. N co. 77 11717tstor Eltx-cot PITTSBURGH. I:13 TILITV WORKS. ?GLEAN & SUITOR, No, S 3 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, ItcletrecCgtralighl or CABINET IMES'S' HARDWARE C . They s: m Po ale a sprcelain, ecialty of Won bedstead .11 Pivot astor Bedstead and Pivot Costars: Ilatrad Ycstenings; Stops for Extension Tables, Bola T humb,6 tocoutseture Latches, constantly on hands T Latches, Sp ring 3l'Lean's indon Slob Supporter kl Lean 's Eccentric nash Button, lablty :shtter and Butt Hinge., Grind stone Hangings, Cad irons, nosh Weights, de., &C. Jy2:eso INCOTT & :No. 118 Water Street, MAJNIE . P.WIIIIIXI3II OP PATiNT PATENT TEMPERED YIULAT, PATENT roorti ED JeIGA3B aler ' MORROW & SARUM, MANrrALTGULES Or nteam„pollers, OH Stills, Agitators, Tanks Salt Pans, Gasometers, Wrongtit , Iron Itrdges,Sheot Iron Work, Me., Me, CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND STB., PITTS'S URG .P.d. 4lt EP AIICI NU IJON E LY. g Ira • AMERICAN itLACHINE iigni th • FISHER, GRAHAM 62 Engine Builders and • =I Oil Engines, Oil IL uuLts, Andeverything necessary for Boling Oil Wells. Particular attention paid to Timing op :Rutting Pulleys. Rangers, Sc. Marlon Awosaaa, issue Ft. W. CI IL a. . 49 . 1 - I c.fo3.coaa.3r, IMPAIRING DONE PRIJMIPTL felt:dß INDUSTRUL WORKS. Iduatt n. botz....lsitini giESON.../METEn Oa& HOCH M. BOLE & CO.. POUNDERS, ENGINE !WILDER:a AND MA CIIINISTP; Manufacturers of STEAMBOAT Er,' WEEP, °IL WELL ENGINIA LOCOMOTIVES for Coal Works. all kinds of Loud an d Marine EN UMIta ca made W ° 7: l :tfti reputation of th AI stager. Mr. JAME:I6I4 ELSONI we hope to sectine *ham of pate:image from Plea/mhos' builders and others wanting _good Machinery. Our aim will be to do all work In the best manner for a fair romper... Vrti'll3a/tif t'adtehtothoenletT.e wßeart.ingAlMia=e4 Promptly attended to. We can turn a Shaft M feet ong. and bore or tarn a Pulley Si feet diameter. tilArMhop on Duquesne Way, near the l'etot. Foundry on Third street. near Martel. Pittsburg./ onto:Sind JOINT IIuLTS, CAM. BOLIN, I.LoW UoLTS, CASSIA IC IIoLTS, UUII.I.IINO UULTh, FOUNDATION BULTtA SPLICE lIUI.TN. Loci AciLAWS, NUT WAAIIER.4, tc, &. Cornet Morton and nutlet Ms., Nlath i karti. 0 data latt at ran rltt ll o otolu. tiroaral 114actarul talus plounall. attended to, Jy0:01 pETIROLLA mActunrie WORKS, R. am. x.ancax-sr, Nu. 119 Ottlo Street, AllegiburAlt Motnuft.attror or IMPROVED BOIUNO TOOLB, AND FEMUR'S USED IN RINKII4O O D SALT IV ELI A. !'articular &Mutton Invited to his Patented prOVamente I. Jars and Joints, made of Junlmta, u, IL. stud Low Moor trOn. In standard Mae., and ,oymt,nred, so that parts man bo ordered by ale 111 ultyraph, and found a pent., at at all llama Vr a Mau furnish ropes. Orions, small tools, Au., to thoso who may wish IL s. Engl.& and montane work mode Lo unier. Onion by mall prumtly atteuttml ate prepared to grout Renames to other maniac utters for they linprovamants on liberal terms. flax ""grray 0 , BLA CH DIAMOND PARK. BROTHER & Co y TATCIOELEE.isi. PITTSBURGH. Pa. ihmottoroms of BUT QUALITY LIMPINED CART BTNXL. eqdqual""to.anrit=rtUeod'a"or mnan'ont"actt?rertlnWttdaan'uoottnW " 14.01110 e and woredkouse. No. le andilln Pint. an and oaftoood stream. Pltraborwlt 1•11,./ JOt. r. zwau ........................... .Irm. DUQUESNE AND WEST POINT IRL.N rolloEB.l,llVVlgUßGlllrentaaras 'r""'" a" el".set ¢r il F g rrin geei, s lt i nta I LOO0 aj ' at Stuns, Cleariks, lls o o and Wrists; also, Vallee Vestries and all shape Woe . The underalf t e ed ap " r7Tr g e. l ; ". l ° T.: ° alg In Ilerluttr n"P`Da"and iiPalnii iyi to them mon ,a t. um EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., P EVIITHFAndwrIeI IRON wcoiirr. - vzs. • Warehouse, Nos. Id[ nod ler First of, Stoitoutrahela House. Pittsburgh, COLLIMI MAY. Malt 7 ( IOLLINS & WRIOPIT. lltri/runia, ••••• 8...1 and Sheet Metal Workei, .loLrardn'Cas tors, Carbon and Lard 011 Burners. and all dide ontd % f ttdt3 "d i r Vtt gi e troalre.Nr lI3BCYa aggr Plltaborab. Pedal. kQ SVEILiNCE, No. OS.WATNII t? grols 4 ta o valL u nt , 4o .. Mum 4,4 i o r zi garroi r rett s r l e atrAta.` Klan ➢" 4 . "' I •T:.p StJ.‘III7ACTGII.III,B 07 =I OMew—Corner of Firm and Roam stream, two biota aeMnly above the Monongahela House. FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CUE, YNAP NEPHEWS IMEEEMM! weavracwtraina OLP HEAVY ORDNANCE, AND ALL KINDS OP HEAVIr_CIANTIN9q., BLAST L' " TOPS NLV rud W ILVIVit U TP LL "Ek ItILFALI.B attended to promptly. As heretofore, Lhe best materials will shrive he used at this Foundry. Haylng disposed of our old patterns, are are pre pared, with NOW AND iNritorch_patlerns, con structed under the •uperrision of Aar, ESNEST, tO furnish NALL ILIACULNELI at short notice. JyRO W 5t......1...munt Atlas VALLEY STOVE WORKS. ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., OfSee and Warehouse 1 3011.11,er,, Street opposite Smithfield, and 1111=7 eoWsr tr PARLOR domed Allegheny and hi:nitor beoaloreewekcing Rove.; Mo. the Auto.. and Sentinel for coal or wood. and ihe nurivalled Star of the Empire, for wood; Me, Arches, Grate., genders, Sugar Kettles, Dog Irene and Hollow W. geoorallY• rnhe A. bum:mar... lETNA STOVE 'WORKS. 8. A. RE Man IDLEII' it CO. e every variety of COOK, PABLO AND HEATING STOVES' Raport_g which are e celebrated KIIRR TROPIC and TALIBHAN ( &avec) PO A. vim KILAN arid nianufsetere IRONSIDES (Wood Cook storm ) Also • GRATES, CRATE FROSTS, &e. ;Delco and Warehouee, corner of Seoend and Woe .goat., Plitsburgh.l Entrance on Second Meet. N ESS, J. PAINTER & SONS. mayorrACTunang Or Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk feln:dl9 HOOPS AND SHRETS, PITTSIII7IIGII. PA. DILL AND CDONN-COT Man SlA nAotams of (1 and UTE BAIV U I a I s a ,414- N. ma PlUolannt. P. TOBACCO E . BIEGRAAVI' TOBACCO, Factory. 53 A.NDS lIA_ND STMEET. _ . RAMP 1T56410 EXCELBII 011 TOBACCO WORKS. R. & W .JENKINSON. AI A.7O.RA RAMP OP ALL Elam! OF Tobacco, S uW and Mo. 6 Cigars, rEi•EnAL STREET, -.Jr from eimpemlon Bridge, a z,tsa Ihs ..y r, P.I. Branch Store at Nairn], Ohlo. __ turN;bala R. B. JEFFRIES. . Manufacturerand Whineftene and Metall Deals In all kinds of TOBACCO, S OFF AND CICARS, No, 6 ST. CLAIR THEJLT, PM-rant:non, PA. QA hr goamOrtta at of MEEItiCYLA UM PIPES and SMOK Lana TON 'Cu, of the beat quality., kept on harms. •.,... myyahro GEORGE BLITBEENSCIEUEIN. ,_ __._. IMEr POERION •NO OCIAIESTIC SWABS, CR AG TOBACCO Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, & c. No. 4 SEllarv4o3atis. fatc.oe,t. iNear corner or Llbeity,) tny23:bl4 ioszr lLnnftetaxr of and bowler In Aln kt atl: r and kbetan Tobacco, Szinif and Cigars, 4 A ust isprzszsEr" rcncral assortment of Smoking Tobac I'Ves and tobacco kOnebes always on band m co; rnr.n COAL Z COAL r i coAL!! I DUNN, ST WIRT & CO. - , HATing tinnOTEd their °Moo to _ _ IR;2=!!INnM _ - - (Lately City Flour MU) SECOND PLOW; Are elywpreyoned to thrulah wood YoughloglieuY LUMP. PHUT COAL OIL BLACK, At the lowest Mute& price. 4151- Al. *Mere left at their ofIlee„ or addressed to theta through the mall, will ha attended to prompt-h. Mr.Attet3 CUARLES fl. datatsTßoNG, • . mum= Youghiogheny and Oonnellaville Ooal And Youghiogheny of Coal, Slack, and Darulphurlzed Coke. OFTWE ASD YARD. Comer of antler an • 1100100: nest yard on LlDerrY and Clymer t.ottek.h. 17,lartiturblfit\atg on tlecond "Prantf. and Maritiflaeturera pinita with tbo beat article of Coal or Coke at theloweet cask rates. Urnerslatt at any or the Yard. roecifn pmqipt attention. WALL PAPERS, 6.0 == Par Summer of 1366. Liao ESA Mit GOiD, ?LAO tIIT AND PAAIL W .4 / 10, 1:ACM" 33 4 / 2 :144.7•Lign3 n . Yor Couniinptionsen, In dare. .711esant DitegttATlVie raz!pu PAtElt.9 town nouns, tobirrlirn. - _ ATLAS i-FORILS, JJ/ORTO.i S TREET, 9th Ward, Pittsburgh, THOMAS N. MILLER, President These Works are amour the lams and most rom, plate establishments la the West, and axe now Pre. Pared to Carnial Engines of Every Description, Boners, Oil Tanks, Sheet Iron Work Railroad Rolling Mill Casungo Engine Castings, Machine Castings, General Castings. ORDERS SOLICITED art 16.116.5 ARSENAL GLASS WORKS. MODES & CO., ==fl BLACK AND GREEN GLASSWARE, Druggists' Ware, Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, CARBOYS, Works and Office, Lawrenceville, Pa. POST DEFIES ADDRESS, P/TTtIIVEGII, PA. Liot.wailloonrriVi,,lgnstrya.l%,4l2le3 a t b o ove dourly Particular attention paid to privatrMoulda. au25:1103 ULNEILAL PAIITIMRS, ZPECIAL REUBEN MILLER, BARU. M. WEIL _ GEO. W. BARK. li.111•1. DUFF CHAS. PAWED/. GrRESOENT STEEL WORKS MILLER, nun & PARKIN, MA MITFACTVII/M8 or BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL Warranted Equal to any In the Marke either bar= oftDomestie SPECIAL ATTE:I:7ION PAID TO PINE CAST A 6, 1/ 1/11 sTS.F.I_ Office, 38 -Wood Streer,- IN ST. CHARLES HOTEL D UILDIRU PITTSDC/RIII, J uue 16th, OS& IcIS:1119 pITTSBURGiI STEEL VIVRE( ANDERSON, COOK & CO. ( SUCCESSOR/I TO JONEZ. itol'D A CO.. j Manufacturer. of to brat conned Cast Stoll, taloa... Plat nod Octagon, of all taco, Sao Claws, Ilee. York and Ohoet-Cast Steel. Coat nteel tot REAPING AND MOWING MACHINE, SLEET PLOW WLHOS, OPP:LOGS, Al EL . MEER LAMM , Cast and Common Anoogh and Spring Ste., • •YU.... *Jo r. TEEL WORM. r cat CZCIN, -2; cruifderauva . cPuLAA !WATER ETTLZET JAR:a= ) CIGA.R§, &c. ''CO., r~scrscroesas AND VIIOLESALB DEAILIS =I lIFF & SEGARS, No. 31 : . Clair Street. PPMBUIIOII, PA CC:4U ' C OCK &a 133==3 - ' - ' ; +- 'l4- A,MUSENEENTS. NEW WEf,t4k 110115 E. TUSSDAY, Aug. VlM.Nith bat Welt but IbitiVta. brilliant farewell engagement. Of AIL LAWRENCE lIADRETT. nor,;rporp=rmance In America of the beautiful FORTUNE'S FAVORITE, aniNEcTimmar.Farowell Benefit of Mr. zEILrffrYALT:LaNO.raLCONI) GRAND to ul p-tls Titututup., , s vs . ....... TINDAIr EVENINU, M.YEKTEIT .13111, 1.4%. Tile entireconahanS brought from the talit At.° aa '. b". e.z. nj bed. In conjunction wi th Smythe Clue Inpt! Colanaer, Conning C, Lzkrgest Coaluination of Talent EVER BROCIOIi7' TO 21118 CITY. Orchestra Char.!. .. A""*".. ............... tiallury ...... •••• . ............... " LUMBING, GAS FITTINii. BAILIFF, Is SOWN & CO., PLUMBERS,GAS & S TEAM PIPE FITTERp No. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. 672 Penn Street, Pittmburgh. ,WATER ANY) GAS FIXTURES constantly on /louses fitted upwitte Gas. Water or Stearn Pipe. abort notice. pilnefinerles fitted up at short nonce and in the M'ZlMPrras,", lined with Sheet Lead by new prime., wlth'.llydro-Atmospherlc Riot/ Pipe. 4V.Ii!NyEE co ns tantly Arillatolrrli VULIITA. COCK'S. FITTINGS trF ALL KINUS. YIJILANT lit) , E and to lactAil tnateriaLlent by • brat-dens establishment. We would Invite the attentlon of all who have any work to do In our line of tinniness, es we feel col:in dent we can glee the best of •atlafaction re material, workentulltio sou Price. gat NOTICE. • Private Families and Hotels Can be tarnished with beat quality of HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES At ebortest notlo, and to,l tenon, by onlllng JOHN MAFFET, Nos. 227 and 229 First Street, num. P 1 77'811 Uie 11 11, PA WELDON (Sr. KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, A large assortment at Chandeliers and Brackets, Le Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c AL WAYS ONILIND. 161 Wood Street, near sixth. myn:b7 BAILEY . , eeatuELi & co., No. 167 Smithfield Street, IlAnilf.turers of Lead and. Block• Tin, Pipe and Sbeet Lead; Wholesale and retall dealers In all kinds of Brass and Steam Goods, IND PUMPS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. esst2 , c3e.t. pLumsiNG, CIS AND STEINTITTINGI Hydrants, Iron Pumps, SHEET LEAD, SHEET ZINC, LEAD PIPES, 61—VEd BASINS WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS. TOM T. EWENS, CSuccesaor to Ewer. S C 0..) 1n165 Wood St„ Pittsburgh, Pa T7:/48 IDDL WILLWIS & BARTLEY - w•rArcriskeraammus. GAS AND STEAM FIT TE ES, Cor. Sixth and Smithfield Sts., PITTSB asau, PA., Cor. Heaver and Chestnut streets, XANCILEAM R. All kinds of 'Water, Gas arel Steam Fixture. tan stant/y_on baud. ADDY, 'clump &BBT-LEY Keep on band • superior article of - WOOD rigrj.3l:PS, Alt kinds of Iron Pumps, Hydrant., &met Lead. Sheet Zinc, Lead ripe, Beth Tuna, Lipka, Water W a Cloreserot.,bm, Wash Bwilne, Wash Stands, dc., at their Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, .1:11.P.J4-,V::t1;;',2,117,:t.V1.41,T:MLYd0., to. ....... .... JORNfl.3y OILNSON, P et .a.forvxfo4Lzi, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, FIFTH STREET I x rENBION, F l i ttssikrazz-g-ls,, all orders by mall execnted saltafastorllT Std PrriVilli:.V:lll'll,l3., I` taps, .12/1?!'s sr Closets, Slake, enanootlers,' Yeast...tuf t ...ate. Shades, for sale at the taunt reasonable Prift„s._ orders [ma country patrons by mall promp., tended to, Gum hose ureter). descrlistlon,__ pLUMBING, GAS AND STRAD rerTuici, La ALL ITS LILIANC/LEA C""lLTW'gral. to A by fi: P aglignio d i P"'"1 OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS+ 811UWElt D ATQB , oLu szi.s. Constantly on hand and roads to ord.ItYDRANT 9r..401".131 do IMErVrXr-a7-33E2, No. NO Federal Street, Allegheny, and tublidasydly $327 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, NEW PATTERNS ENGLOR BRUSSELS CARPETS, I.II.£OIITED ItY McFABLAND & COLLINS. We have nowleedi rzigen, the lint a7rtvilan Norezu•Tehark'ASt-itlrl aSe ter CROSBY'S CELEBRATED. Tapestry and Bedy Brussels Carpets. We here selected the patterns srlthsreat eatsr expressly for her City trade, and eau oder cameos tomer* styles that are not to be found obewnorn. and the 4otcnsr tvnortpeiAxx ...tucks of lko Now Ind Boston market.. VP/ ELAND 4 COLLINS: 71 and 73 FIFTH SMELT. McCALLIIM BROTHERS. rio. SO FOURTH wrack:v. Wa have oh bangs& very goperior ewer or CIBMI.P . Zt==43k. Of evorT descrlptlen and every grade of grwity. °U....LW:115. veto' well sesseand, from 3 tweed 0 feat wide. PIANO AND TANLE C DrEaS — Everg.klll4 : ill . . . " - itraurrn BIIIIS—Prom On* .I'ollo°lo taid CAN' 1X strariaa 000/1. -.4.Ritza*cr4k. *C9 ,4 44,1111t ;'• 11. ' 4 Q-'-'l6oiike ~. f ~ f ~~~ .SOLE LiBSL ..... 3L•NAGEII 1 tent.. EMI JeZ3.da3 •