ila ES NM MI E - EINE the Vitistirg Pinsrawirre.D . .MRnEILO/, BED & CO, V. D. PCSIUMA- 34 inditara. T. P. HOUSTON. JOSLUL KING. n .". lin ,.. g . r . NELSON P. REED TUESDAY. AUGUST 28, 1966 ONION REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. FOR 440VZIIHOR2 MM. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, OT CUINSZELAND COUNTY CO GUESS, TW 112127417.0011 TD DISTILICT . HON. J. H. MODIUMAD. TwzFrr-TrunD DISTRICT 110 N. THOMAS WILLIAMS- StitalTV: SAMUEL IL CLULET, City JOHN 161. BROWN, Hampton Tp CLMIX 07 OrtPIIANP COURT: ALEXANDER Ell LANDS. City IiZCOILLEM BLEMBY BRIVELY, City 12.20IBTX11: JOSEPH H. GRAY, Plum Tp GEOILGE 1111.1/ILLTON. CI Ly DIILSCIVIt OP coon JOHN F, DRAVO, M.lllllO Tp .lORR P. GLASS, City. GEORGE WILSON, Titt Tp. GEORGE T. RcREE, North Fayette Tp HARIIEL . CRADWICR, Colllnn Tp WILLIAM PETER, floss Tp. R. A. COLVII.Lc., City. I= A. Scotch veteran, who had followed '`the meteor flag of England," over seas, and on four continents, through forty years of al most continuous warfare, settled an appeal made to him respecting the prevalence of cowardice, by declaring he had never seen a coward; that there were differences in the readiness and tenacity with which men faced danger, but, ai a rule, all men had more courage than was for their good, get ting into harm's way when they had done better to have staid out. The commonness of the commodity seems to lessen its com parative value. The indifference or alacrity with which men engage in war is something marvel lous, notwithstanding the perpetual recur rence of the spectacle. It does not require strong moral or mental convictions to lead men to take np arms. Ambition, love of notoriety, a spirit of unrest and adventure, and even the offer of a small bounty, make irresistible appeals to tens of thousands. AB soon as the war broke out, not a few men who had for years, professed implicit faith in the Virginia and Kentucky Reso lutions; who believed in State sovereignty to a degree that fully covered the Rights of Secession; who mlintaiced that Slavery was girt about with the highest Divine and Human sanctions, in so much that opposi tion to it at the North justified the South ern States in seceding from the Union and setting up an adverse and independent gov ernment, rushed to arms in defence of the Union. They claimed peculiar credit bemuse they were doing violence to the cardinal principles that had controlled their lives. All we care to say is that we never have felt a sentiment of respect for that class of men, and never expect to. Mr. VALLAN DIGUAM, in our judgment., radically as we differ from him in idea and purposes, pre sents a fairer type of character. His prin ciples are vitally wrong; but such as they are, lie lives squarely up to them. Let us not be understood as asserting that if a citizen differs from his government, or the administration thereof, he is absolved from any of the duties of citizenship. We hold to no such nonsense. Whether a cit izen is in the majority or the minority he owes fealty to the government, in paying taxes, bearing arms, and in every other particular. Volunteering to enter the mil itary service is not a duty of citizenship. When the war ended, a good many mili tary men in common with many other pm pie, supposed there would be no intrinsic disagreements between the President and Congress on the matter of reconstruction. The path to promotion seemed to be through Radicalism. They took their bear ings accordingly. In private circles, on steamboats, in railway coaches, in hotels— in all places whatsOever—they proclaimed that the South, though beaten, was in a sullen and hostile frame of mind; that un conditional restoration would be fatal to future harmony; that a considerable proba tion under military governance,with the im position of stringent and permanent condi tions, was indispensable to a just and be nificent terminationof the great controver sary. Some of them went before the Con gressional Reconstruction Committee, and made solemn oath to this effect, in the broadest manner conceivable. They went MS far as STEVENS, WADE, Sususau or W ttr LLLII.9 have ever gone. As soon flail was manifest that a second feud existed between the President and Congress, and that the President was re solved to use the power of appointment, both in the civil and military services, to carry his points, these men experienced sudden conversions, not surpassed by Bain's. Their eyes underwent a revolu tion. They saw nothing as they saw it be fore. Their speech was changed. A new language was on their lips. They were ready to certify or swear to a totally differ ent state of facts; and have so certified and sworn. Shall the possession of physical courage cover np and gloss over defects flagrant as these? It is folly for these men to claim to be patriots. They are simply Soldiers of Fortune, ready to hire their swords to any We by no means put all soldiers who ad here to the Democratic party or support the President's Polley in thiscategory. We rank only those then who by their public avowals and commitments place themselves there. Not a few men are democrats who can give ho definite account of the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions; who can set no clear limits to Federal authority and State Sovereignty, who have no conception of the universality and inalienability of Liber ty, and whose prime idea of democracy is to curse New England and the negroes. EARLY FRObTS Last July was the warmest month expe rienced in this country for many years. Tho present August is the coldest month of *at name in the life-time-of a generation. A:trip across the State Imam:tabled us to see some of the effects of the untimely cold, and to hear of more: On the Alleghenies, frost has fallen almost every clear night — during the month. Up the north branch of Pin Susquehanna from. Northumberland to Pittston there have been frosts, and up the Lackawanna from Pittston to Carbon. dale. These river frosts were - not heavy enough to do damage. On. the northern slope of; the Meade Mountains there are large WPOlA:Wbere._tim fcirest leaves have bean: settiediniyrbldo of them Ankin on tite . gold end - scarlet of - autumnal ripeness. _ , . ti. f _ __, l 4 -~ - ea, ttt. The democratic party is dead and buried. Its name is blotted out, and those who lately gloried in it are now ashamed to ut ter it or to write it; or perhaps they are forbidden to do so. In the Post, as at pres ent published, the word is dropped from the head of the ticket, and all that now ap pears, where the ticket ought to be embla ' zoned, is this: "Fon GOVERNOR, MEISTER CLYMER." That's all. There are no other candidates named. Where is the ticket that was ratified by the late "Democratic county convention, as its last will and testament?" Does. the Post repudiate it? Immediately under the sickly announce ment of the name of lIEISTER CLYMER as a candidate "for Governor"—not as the democratic candidate, but only as a candi cate—a notice for a "Ratification Mass Meeting of the Conservatives of Allegheny County," appears in bold display, type, of which meeting llEntv A.. WEAVER, Tnos. J. KEENAN and JOEN a SAWYER, consti tute the committee of arrangements, and lion. EUGAR COWAN, BOR. Wit. F. .loun• STON, Gen. RICTIA-111:1 COULTER and Gee. J. BOWMAN SWEITZER are announced as the orators. The democrats, it will be ob served, are to take back •Bents; still they will be expected to vote to a man as the aforesaid "Conservatives" shall direct. When the Democracy consented to be hewers, of wood and drawers of water to the lordly slave aristocracy of the South, and stuck to them even after they had be. come open and avowed traitors, the shame and humiliation was deeper and darker than we should have believed any Amerl ma citizen could have submitted to. But even that was not so degrading ns this; for when the men who afterwards became rib. els required the services and the votes of '-‘• No: . 1 horn Democracy, they condescend. ed to be called Democrats themselves, al though they knew, and felt, and acknowl ' edged that it was to the last degree ridicu lous; and of course they permitted their Northern allies to flaunt their unmeaning banner as much they pleased. This satisfied them, and they were content. But when JOURSON and COWAN and JOHNSTON and SAWYER take command, the old rag must conic down. Well, it was about time it should conic down; for it had been the ensign, in later years, of both slavery and treason, although originally the banner of freedom. But that it should have been lowered and laid at the feet of such men as these is a spectacle from which even radical Republicans tarn away with mingled feelings of sorrow and disgust. Conservative! What does that term mean? In England It is a synonym of Tory. It is a term applied to those who stand up for the prerogatives of royalty and the preservation or conservation of ancient abuses. It is the party name of those who resist reform and oppose the extension of the elective franchise. In this country Conservatism did all it could to preserve slavery; hut, failing in that, it now seeks to conserve the dregs of slavery; to crush and debase an emancipated, but still help less and unfortunate class; and to cast the shield of its protection over defeated, I , ut still bitter and unrepentant rebels. Like its kindred English principle, it crouches and crawls at the feet of power an" . patronage, and lives and thrives upon the smiles and pats of the aristocratic and the proud. Good-bye to American Liberty if ever that party gets Into power. Conservatism in politics is a mean term, fit only for cowards and slaves. It is, in its true acceptation, the very opposite of de mocracy. It stands as a barrier to pro gress, and resists the march of human ideas. The Scribes and Pharisees, in the time of our Saviour, were conservatives, so were the ecclesiastics of Rome in the days of LUTTI*II; so were the Cavaliers who rallied around Cue:lmes 1., and so were the Tories of our Revolution. Are the men who have long gloried in the opposite term, Democracy, going to rally "under such a banner as that? The next election will tell. 11=1 tin Tuesday last the New York delegates to the Philadelphia Convention surrender ed to the Democratic party of that State , and henceforth what remains of these two fragments of factions are expected to work in harmony. The more adroit managers of the old party outmameuvred those of the new, and thus Messrs. Rat - nose, Pitcvs, and other deserters from the true party of the Union, are now impressed into the ser vice of the Rebels and Copperheads. They are committed, and cannot back out ; bat thousands of amiable gentlemen, whose lack of courage made them Conservatives, and others whose vanity prompted ntlilia tion with that peculiar type of mankind who hold that "the king can do no wrong," and who fancy It would compromise their dignity to associate themselves with radi cals and progressives, will be constrained to come back again to the heroic party who rallied around LIBCOLN and crushed the rebellion. Here the operation of coalescing was Just the reverse—the Democrats surrendered to the Conservatives. General CAss must have always been painfully sensible that, so far as he was concerned, his party name was a gross misnomer; therefore ho struck the Democratic flag with apparent gladness to the Conservatives, and surrendered his brigade to a little squad. These political nuptials, these queer co alitions, are only evidence that the elements outside of the great and only loyal party are in a state of disruption and disintegra tion. There are thousands of honest men who have always voted with the democra cy merely because it was so called, believ ing that it was the true party of the people, but who will scorn to be associated with men whose hands are stained with the blood of their countrymen shed in defend ing the flag and the constitution from their unhallowed revolt. Let rebels combine— one portion swallowing up the other as it may happen—lt will only render our vic tory the more complete. ICwlll he killing, not two birds, but two snakes, with one stone. IGE.NEEA.L 2 , HEILIDAWS ETATEsIENT. It will be remembered that the President , in a dispatch, ordered General 811EnthAN to ftrrnlsh him with a full statement of the ficts respecting the events which had just occurred in New Orleans. The following is the General's report in full. Only a part of it was given in our telegraphic report: Ounce or 11. B. MLLITAIIT TSTEOItATII. MOICUOWing cipher telegram received too a. in., August 6, 11360, from New Orleans, La., August 0,13 m.,1801: Els Excellency Andrew Johnson, Prestrkra of the United Stater I have the honor to makb the following re- ply to your dispatch of August UM A very largo number of Fridayored people marched lu procession on night, July 37t11, and were addressedtrom the steps of the City Hall by Dr, Mettle, Ex GoVernor Hahn and others. The speech of Dostie was Intem perate "In language and sentlmenta. The *poet:besot the others, so ter as I can learn, were characterised by moderation. I have not given you the words*: Postie's speech, as lboversiOnpnbilstiod was deniedr but what I I have learnedot thenpui - 1 believe they were The vention assembled at la ra., on the Sethi the thnid members absenting them selves because the toner of the general public wa s orainonapf trouhlo. , 1 thlnk there were but about -, Swenty-slx members present. In front glue_ lioehluiles , Justitute, where Lhe meeting srarrheldithere wareluesembled some oolorod men, women' said random. ,Pariutps 2. • - - M EU= eighteen or twenty, and in the inst it ute a num ber of colored men, perhaps but Among those outside and inside there 01,Lt. hays been a pistol in the p013,004510n of reel y tenth Man. AbOut I r. a., a procession of say froth slaty to one bonded and thirty colored nine Marched rip Ilergundy streetihml across Cams] street_, towards the convention. carry ing an American flair. These men hut IthOtit One pistol to every ten men, and canes and clubs in addition While crossing Lanai street a row occurred. There were many spectators on the streets, and their manner and tour to wards the procession unfriendly. A shot was lismit, by wleun I am ant able to state, but believe it to Intro been by a police man at some colored man in the procession. This led to other shot , and a rusts after the procession. On arrival at the front of the In stitute, there was souse throwing of brickbats by both shies. The pollee, who had been held well it, hand, were vaporously marched to the scene of disorder. TO.• procession entered the Mistitute with the dug, ahont she or eight cc. maining outside. A row oceurred between a pisliceman oneof the colons! men, and a shot won tl red l il by one of the ieartics, which led to an Indis criminate fire an the budding through the windows liy the policemen. '1 has hat been going on fora short time when a white nag was displayed trona the windows of the Met I tute, whereupon the ti eoased and the pO. !icemen rushed into the building. From the testimony of the wounded men and others wile were Inside the building, the policemen opened an IntlnkeriMit ate lire upon the audience until they haul emptied their re volvers, alien they retired, unit those Inside barrlcaded the doors. The doors were broken In aud the tiring again commenced, when many of the colored and while people either clammed through the doors, or were passed out by the policemen Inside. nutas they came out the policemen who formed the circle nearest the building tired upon then], and they were agate need upon by the citizens who formed the nit circle. Many of those wounded and taken ortsoners, and others who were prisoners anti not wouoil ed, were tired ndon by their captors anti by taLlzetts. The wohntled were stabbed while .lying on the ground, and their heeds beaten with brickbats, m the yard of the budding, whither some of the colored men eSetthiNi and partially seeretetl themselves. They were fired upon and killed or Wounded I , y the po licemen. Some men were killed and wounded several squares from thit scone. Nlethlietio 01 the eon. Ventlon werewonntled by the policemen while in their hands as prisoners, .111111. I.f them mortally. "The iMMellinte (mimefit Otet torrthie affair was the assembling of tills onven tiOn. The remote cause was the bitter an tag- Ortistie feeling which has hest grow lug In this Community since the advent of the pr fit Mayor, who in the nrentiLcist ion of Ills po est llee force, beleeled Many 111, V,n at,. men and 51.1111 1 of knowit mitrilerers People el 1,11•11 r viewsere overawed by until el enily:leo in too Mayor unil tear t/ti Thugs. loony of whom tool selected tor Ills pollee force. I have liven frequently at plied to b) eminent on the anti have heard t [Lein exprss tear and want of confidence In Mat or AI an e rim ever niece tilt' Ilitllnution Of title last Convention. I must condemn the course of several of the city pa pers for supporting, by their articles, the litt ler fueling of bad men. As to the merciless manner In which lee COnventool was broken up, I feel obliged In confess strong repug nance. it is useless to attempt to d'itguise the hostility that extols on the part of n great many here toward, Northern mon, and tits un fort 'Male r so pr eel pt acedlllll.llera that thet e innote a test el It hat shall lie the status of Northern !net; whether they con live here without borng tion+tatit dread or not; whether Unit tan lie protected In life and property, itnil have justice in the courts. It [Mb Matter I. Inn MIURA to paiis Over withoutu IlinrOugh unit iletermlo• etl pre:mention engage/I ht we may look nut for frequent %mine,. of the same kind, not only here, but lit cutler places No step., have.a , yet been taken by the civil authorities to arrest OUZO.. who were eligitgeil in this massacre, or polleenten t bit terpetrated the cruelties. Tile tuctubers of he Convention litire been indicted Its the Grand Jnry, tont many of then] arrested and held to had. As tow nether the etc Il authori. les can WOO Out ample Justice to the guilty part., of boils rides, I nt.l I.L) It I% my Opin ion, unequivocally, that they cannot. Judge w I have Asset note he.l tor nearly a t ear, I now tionsider one of lit: 1/1.1.11 dangerous men that We have here to the and , Inlet of the city. The leadtag noiti of the Con reution, King, Cutler, Hahn, anti others, have been pot:twat agitators, and are had men. I reg, el to soy that the I (tot Strolls Mt, 1.01, at, I Lilting, awl that during the late trout ire he Its eiliown vet, little el the man. 11. recoil. N. geittletr w In , I. .1,1,1 I otil, it, the la.t 1..1% ,tgg.•rtt..l ye-ett•rtlity lite • 1,.: ~ e . , 1 t‘i IL sir , •itit. •o: rill , 1 , 11.- g4,•.1 tui,ta•ri• t i 5121.• of v. %, at • rr II , 1//..rtJu , ‘":.4 , 11“ 4pl ts” tPI —The 1 Isip,or , •I ,k 11.1,14, “1.1.. to .11 • k grit 1111.ICj.a1:1- 111 g. ps ~ .•04,1,1•1,4•11sslIillig I • Illnlll6 43! IL, 11.. L .•1 ,41%1 .4,, 1., 141.1 the $lllO .1 fat) s N.spoleoh I %ow the thelns, I 111,1101. Tor IL. ple, •1 11[1,13. WM. B/NUHAM, Jr., Adorns Express Offtee, 134 lAEA Street, to an atahortsett Agent to rem , . oldeertiormenlo /or the (1 AHETTEtemd aU NI , papers throw/hotel the United States and the Clonudtto. f3C113401011.a 33011715 1 On Tuesday Evening, at 7 , , o'clock. A MEETING OF THE CONGIIE i (ll' THE nEC,01 1 11)1 1 11.YIBYTEIHAN Cllllll , ll or Prrrs UKU ern be held In tbe Len tore littom 01 the ettlareh, corner renn end Irwin imreete. Tr itnLIA the VII A unnei, at i b.c,^lck to receive a contr. unleation train their Yaa- Ler, and take action thereon. A full Attendance is earnestly desired. Hy order of the &salon. Orr' , C elr A...MIENS, CO.. I Prrrmit 111.11, August :Mts. is6s. SIN PER CENT. VOLUNTEER BOUNTY BONDS Or ALLEGHENY COUNTY. wanted at Inglient tuarlmt ram, 0n . 2.*:12.5.11•T It P. Nx Y LANIIIVAIT. Confront r. Orrn•C Pin 1.1.11•13 OIL I x t 1•1111.Ants.1•111A. Aug. 2711., 11., THE ANNUAL !MEETING of the S.l.l,i,blers of the PHILLIPS OIL COMPANY In a .1 lied at their °lnce, No. 303 Walnut ',ton,. nlstla.ll4.lphla n on TUESDAY. September Ith, tank at o'clock, N., the purpose of electing • Itriar.l of DI rertors eer, for tar ensuing P . ttr• I\ll//i for ..Is other huntsmen 11 may In. necessary. eu27:121 SI. .1. NIA M merogry.. . Pew and Seat Hat Rack. VOR MALE—The entire and nn tight to IILAIIE.S PEW AND SEAT HAT HACH, patented Augloll4, limt. It not sold entire by the 111 of ...ober nest, the patentee will then diem,. of Nights to the States severalty. e dew:Hy/Hon, circular, tern., A,'., r i; a : 11 1 ;/11 ., :ilia k ddres• at176:171 3 St. Clair 4treet., Pittsburgh. VINEGAR, For Pickling. BOLLMAN'S IMPERIAL TRIPLE. WINE VIN EGAR of unequeled streugth sea flavor, for pick ling and table use. Also pure Elder and Malt Viol.- got, for sale by the oitututity or althea, at the Family threeery Store of JUR IN A. URN ell AW, nun_ corner Liberty oud Hand street.. FRESH PINE APPLES-5 bbls. teeth Sugar-Loa( for preserving, pat rrnely.ll and for solo by LICY.IIEIt a .1110 . d., anW broil. 120 and ITS Wood nu :at. 3 CARS CLUB WILEAT; 4 cart corn: 1 car Oat*, for We by MeS.A.I43 OATs-1 car iailAil No. 111._9kao tor tale by & CO. !daps - Gener,llotutnannititg —The ,n., , tr+ cal F rt , litt U. 113 Vt.lltract,, tor the -IVt,taalll 11.1 It had Iteen Pad up lit lit'' 01,111;4:1c , ill ll:ePt . ..C{ll,l %%0..1.1 penalty a the ve.latton ..f the tt,,,a_nee at• pent. b, .11 - tater , 1.. 1‘111110,.•: thirty day., ot du °the, penodty .1 4 l 1// 110 W VS E11)111-1 . GE ( . 4):IPI.• VITS, W‘katAl I ~ / .t Ng. r. • , 14,. •. Iktio dou• , ,•l:y. is:, •lu t...n0 a.tr1t... , 1 [4 otht r , $lll , l I e. ,•[ n 41,1ca1. .. r, ~, ~ .~... .~ ~ ~..i ~..~,~~. .....n .., a.. ~.~,i o. I= 1...4 r • i. N , . n n lir. e 1 m ar lr and r 1...-!, r, n, .coat , /r. 1 h•• nniagitlnAkil..n ingr.- , liral• mailug 1{N”11\ ••% !RIM/V.O , ~ 1 1• FITS' I. nu.,. lo /Is 1... t with s•!.1). rsOlti whole na, And rri at !•• 1•••• t.n al. awl l'ait 11...11 , Inv 1,,t, `.l•, Mark, ntrytt. •of.. 111 :Itch! Itch!! Scratch! Scratch!! ‘YNE'r. In tn. 17. to borp, 1 1 1• {1 l• .Steesqn.' .11:•311... n 1 ••T Rl7 IN: ••••••,,, • •r KT ERR Ti ••T K ITER .• • t 11 •'I El no: • re.Tyt. • T , R T. , FAIL - TV.TTER Tt II •• t krrikit 1111111=EMBIMUI ME 1. , K111 , ..%T1 N 4. I'ICTTV-111 ‘ 1 111 . 1.A T • 'T • 'I - 14m - Curt. IT , kink 1 • 11•,. nail .a.n all tkkln I , rt.arel onD try Dr SW A Y!.Y. A Sr,,N 1 . 131,- .10p1,1a V 0131.1 I.AIDCAN Alli)r.NNA ..15 arket atrevt, au4 OE:r. A. It Es.I.Y. 37 Wood ..treet.l . lDetpurKh. son:I.TO rf• poloivxmcvaDotyvf:t3,43,3,4:l TEIE MEMIIIERN UP Beoon.d 'Ward GEARY CLUB I=l 191=112 By order of Um 1.12.7:119 WILLIAM BAK.F.WV.I.L. Clerk of lioaslon PI. E 4PPLES, "• • AB • • N S . I " JAMES T. BRADY & CO., (Soccetsors to B. Jones A C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., BANKERS & BROKERS, LIALVIS IN ALL ICIXDS OF Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLECTIONS made on MI aceesalble points In the Called State. and Canadas. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. OPENING OF UNION HEADQUARTERS C/I"JV This (Tuesday) Evening, Aug. 28. Union Republican Rally! 1 he Hall wlll be formally einem d at Iltadquarters, and the following gentlemen gill adores@ the meet- Ilia. via. Qom! 11°11..1. E. HO( /RURAL. 11. m. THOS. WILLIAMS, TIP/S. NI. 'MARSHALL, Esq IL. B. LARNAHAN, Esq., J. M. KIRKPATRILE, Esq., THOMAS EWLNG, Esq., F l. " H. sq., J.. 1. SEIBENECK. Capt. CHAS. Mel! E N RY, Cspt. SAMUEL HARPER, Ms) A. NI. BROWN. N THE COURT OF COMMON I. F. AS Of A !team., County, Commonwealth of Penn.), ant, belling In EqultT• No. OM. Sep Term IPOC.. IN Pan rvrION, Between James McAuley and Al . sander bperr, plaintiff., and John J. Mickey and Itschr I Mickey. Wiliam P. Miekey, James no Mick and Mary K. Mickey, is., by their guardian, Ayers Ntsolt 11.11eabeth Mickey. Elias J. Mickey, Morriaan Underwood and Ann Underwood. hi. o :fr. lu right af aahl Ann, defendants. to Eli/ , ‘llritey, tote of the defendants above Where s, .lames McAuley nod Alexander Not., r, eon.:Ont II shore named, did ou the .Ith lila their hill o(eomplaint In the Prothnoota• r) • I .-glee ("Ad rounty, allng forth that tht en. t0y.... of certain real •state therein fully desetib- . . . . rd, situated at the corner of Penn Street mad Cecile y I Pi tto Idt rgh, said county, by them and their vo-i r halt 4, the defehtlanta *bore named, wil• ..abfeCt to great Inconveniences, tlltlieulides and cb at roYeretem and that tory had been unable to ob ta.n partition thereof. 1411 pra)lng Itt. That the defendants imrequired to mate an wer to all and singular the premise. d. That the court decree partition. mi. That thr Court appoint a Master, or a Master ud t ntl.sloner to make partition. tat. That the Court grant auch other tad further relief as ma t be nectmeary. Ati•i•Viti . r..... upon Adidat It Weil, petting forth al , ~ your self-posed realdi net the Court did, •ot the 25th Net., ordb r that nutlet. be fit en you by y.bib,tion our, a meek for titter weeks In the ITTaltlti..llll,lllTTg. N therettor.. In ono It .tee to aald ord. r, y..n ore htretry '1°,10,1 and reoutre4l, on or Worn the /000 DAY OF ISEPTEMoKIS next, to cause and apprarnnee t 4- entered for you to the Court of out moat flea. or said county, to the above mou th...a 1.111 of complatut of the shore named James McAuley slot Alexander !Moor, and to observe want the said court .1,011 dirrtt. Witness soy o at l'Alsttrgh, tbia nth day of August, A. 0., ono thousand eight hundred and .113.811. W. U. HAWity, Jlt., notteltor orClaintlffr, No. 50 Want strent, rlttsbufg.h. -11 you Call to comply with the above three -11001 1., enterturt au appearance le the Prothocto ts ou or bet°, the PAN day of 8. umber 11 , ‘ t you elh ITo have the bill Latch pro, rooo,forno.. mud a dy' rer wade against you In your iheeuee. aub,•lll, A NOVELTY SOMETHING NEW All School Boys and Girls want Them . THE SATCHELETTE. OdLL sal 113331311 .I"ll.3ErralE. =EI JOHN P. HUNT & CO., a 9 Fifth St., Masonic Hall. su2S `LIUSEti LACES, EMBROIDERIES, Lace CollaAres, LINEN NETS, &C., &C., I=l WHITE, ORR & CO., 128 36 0 4.2t12. 1131trocet. z:37 . 000 TO $lO,OOO WANTED Strictly First-Class Mortgage, ON CITY PROPERTY. Apply to S. S. OILY AN, Molter In Stotts and Real Ratebe, au:. • _5 Fourth it., Market, TNRlIng.l Ore AN"II2r — How ..req.,pt. Pre, sir rrnta. • Ireettire os the ha tetra! 1 reetterat, and *Radical Care of Opktratatoe- Hee a err Semlnad Weetztelte, Involuntary LaStsliool Nvi nal Deblllty. and impediment. to Marilee gen ere hervoasseat. ConatmayMoa. letpllerpef, Sod Vita: Mental mad Physlul IneapaeJty. resulting iron. POI-hots... 10., by ItoUT. ClA.VRaWacte M. D.. tether of the haat"( tioßK.lget 1151111 ••A Boon to Thousand. of Inffslort.” Sent under mold, to a plain envelope, to any nd drerdi, post paid, an reetkipt of .I.a coots, or Oro retstase stoup* by CHAIM. J. C. MASS a CO.. 137 kt.o . rery, t‘ e.'Yorit. Pon Office 80. 4.806. • Ir.. or. c ut•erwell'o "Ma' rinse fentdc.•prfee 1 , rent,. matt la:aa.7 CHANCERY SALE OF VALUABLE IRON PROPERTY, At Clarksville, Tennessee. ktoROAN A CO.. vs. JACKSON, . u uance an orr d o e KaUt RNrOiN d erm. len% p f ra he Ch ney Codet, made ssss A Ole, l Tenn., I will sell at Public Auction, on TUESDAY. neptemher 4th, 1•410. on the prambes. LOULBA t/ sad 14Inir VEItNON FIJUNACSS, two excellent Iron Furnaces. attested near the Cumberland River and the Rewor ' d. Clarksville and lermlaViLe Rail road. There are about 13.000 actee 0} . 1#41 be longing to the two Furnaces ` of which • de siring to engage In the Ova business can =base se much sa lacy desire. Timber le abundant for all .purposce. and the ore of tins best quality. Timms or data—Ten per cent, cash, and the bal withon • credit of one , two sad three yeah. Notes Roodsecurity, to boar Interest fromdate. 0 0117 W. T. tiIIACaZI.VOIII). C. A M. OLLOW GROUND RAZORS.- There urn none sopettor. The Scoot ,00da made. PEN AND POCKET CUTLERY, I= Table Knives, Ivory and Born Carvers In endless variety, for sale by TATZIa. rar. CIoC6MIOIZ6*, Agent for the Pittsburgh Cutlery Company. sorOfis 67 and 69 11071 h Street, au= (DISPATCH GREAT WESTERN PLANING MILL, &filer ,of larbary Strett aid Num Way. PITTSBURGH: PA. Sash Doors, Winds and Mouldings MADE TO 0111/lii. Unfinished work Is VII In • dry bonne and anlshed when tlikeninnl. Minna*. Marine, Woalher Boarding, Laths and nhingies constant yon hand. Sawing and re-amend done with dispatch. linen* of all Kinds made to order. ate2l:lB JOHN HEATH. $50,000 TO LOAN ON • BOND AND MORTGAGE Apply to THOMAS MEL. Broker and neat taste Agent, No. 410 Smithfield, bat. Itti and DlAmoud els sou - - - DRUG STORE FOR 811,E.--The Bieck, Fixtures, Good win and dye years' Lease of a DRUG 62011 E, with an established cus tom. central locatiohlo a dense popoloo b a rg ai n 111. of a horse railway. Will he sold at A 1 his is o rare chance for getting at °ocotillo a_uiy• log busimme. For porticutax., apply to X. E.SIL LEILt CU, corner Wood and Second streets. VOR SALE--LAGER BEER BA LOW. AND 'LIiDIJINti 1.101386, on Liberty. street, LICZNHED YON ONE YEAR. runtime, Bedding, and all complete. Priem IlLatoo. capital tisanes. Also. MAIM. WAIION Mid HAW NEbtl, and an stet:ribbed buslnesaconlyr4-60. • 43 ru?..ZgelUkr- OATS AND CORN. A,!00 UM atOPATs: I . OO P 11 1 1 . 0 !1 4 4/ 0 4q 4 !P 10 . 6 litsor, Ku. Jit;: . * 44 2 5 6 /11141011.0.*4'004.01574!.5uk ;... +, f;~,.. .~.~.,. 11531 QEWING of every description, executed With ateatnasa and as - paten, on the WHEELER & WILSON LOCIE.STITCII XaCILIGNIEgi V44 °° 8'.1" No. FIFTH STREET._ THE "in:MELVA & WILSO3" SEWING MACHINE THE MOST DURABLE, at 21 FIFTH STREET pne.4WEIEELEII & WILSON" SEWING (MACHINE TUB MOST BILIPLIE, nt g 7 MTH STREET THE "WHEELER & WILSON" SEWING MACHINE TIIE BEST, at 27 FIFTH STREET. _ THE "WHEELER & WILSON" THE ONLY FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, AT 27 FIFTH BT.. PITTSBURGH, PA. ' Will. MINER & CO. aniS ESTABLISHED FEB'Y 1, 1813. AtETTP"ET Life Insurance Company FREDERICK S. INUCTON, Pres't. A. N. WATSON. Cbairmem Committee Abs. 144 and 146 Broadway, CASH ASSETS AUGUST Id, 186 G, OVER $16,000,000 (00h diesels, rob. 00, 1010.........514,005,2211 NN Income for !Wel yenr, a.I eash.... .1,000,000 00 Increase to net Coati a...tarot year 2.312,030 17 I= I= RICHARD A. Mt' CU H 1.11(, V Ice—President 15 6 N a tt e bt A . 1114117 e r. 13=ME=! Annual Dividend. available immediately. To inereime the Insurance or reduce the Premium, at the option of the'assured. GEO. N. BLACKETOCK, Agent, S 7 rims SI., Pittsburgh. .“2" GREAT BARGAINS BOOTS & SHOES J. 1. ROBINSON & CO.'S, 61 MARKET STREET. In Charge of the Sisters of Mercy, r`OR TUE TREATMENT OF ALL DISEASES requiring medical or rorgical aid. All classes of patients admitted, irrespective of ) t, creed or cog, Clergymen of a I denominations permitted to visit patients of tact own creed. De licate too poor to pay are admitte free of roarer, on application to any of the attend og phlalchia, or m.rgeona All regular hicians ndmi P.Y Pa• (lent. to private rooms may hare NU charge of toe a.m. Competent nurses, combined with tits perional allentloir of the sisters, maker this Institution so- POI Of to MIT In the State Nr Nose Mille c.i with disease. tine physician and rnrgeou In daily at tendant, Medical Mail and months of dolly attendance: D. DeliflAL..llt., X- D., 150 Oran% street, Oc tober. November and December. .1210 S. J. 0212.2111121 t, (12 SmltbtUdd str et, Aprtl. May and Juno. July.alLAß gnat sad 24. BENHAII. M. D., MI Third street, da September. U. J. 0.411.00121.1... M. D.. 101 Huss stied. Jan nary, rebrnary_and Da. Z. J.KINNELLY, earner Bleth and Want streets. nergeon, In daily attendant , . aut.ll.l BY VMTVE OF A• WRIT OF rendttfcrel crzinitos, issued out of the District Coon of the United Mates for the Western District of Penerylvatila. and to roc directed, I will et pose to Public lisle, at the cncrapriorna 33.011:113111, to the Cltiof Pittsburgh, On the 30th Day of August. 1866, The following described property, town: THE STEAM TUO "EMMA LOOAN," Her boats, machinery. tackle, apparel and furni ture. as she now Is. at the lduchuiter wharf. Weed Yd attached at the stilt of Henry Vostber atone, MAX. YUJI/MICH, Marshai, Marshal's Mee, Pittsburgh, Pa. Terms of sale, cash, government funds. au21:113:1 A. n00ra....w. T. oARAAno. pOIIIIT MALT HOUSES. W. H. GABBARD & CO., lialsters, Drain dic Hop Dealers, mr.. IT Water Street. sad Noe. a arid Perm Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. sir The It maftet price d for WIIICAT. RAMAT. I. CORN ar.d 0.711. 018.11. ____ -- STEPHEN NL OTT, . OZNIIIIIAL Dle Sinker, Beal and Medal Engraver. SURE, IMIID RI MIL MU MR, SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Cancelling Stamps and Visiting Cards, Also, PLATER YOR lIARILLNG eurramo. 93 Wood U., Cor. Diamond Alley, (41.120111 DAM' Sooz 1T'olt14) laSiul PITITSBURE/11 BANK E.XCHANGE RESTAURANT, IL SCHILD, Proprietor. Xis. 90 Third NI., Pittsburgh. UNNTLNYENiti DLNINU EOOM. All the tumults of the season. Moire Liquors. news. rho. Private Miami rooms op stairs. Dann• 'PRE CELEBRATED STEEL TOUTII HAY BAKES. .*rralste Bird" and "Meadow Lark" are manufantured only at the DUQUVINNB WORlitt, near the P , •WlN.ttikry, ili talgt., sarin and PI In Wame, r Wheelba - roars and Trulanaol a e ' veryttyld, made ..r the heat malarial, at abort notice.. and warranted. leltids 4:01.111141IUS JAMES M. HALPII, . .A.II.CLIZEIWIMOT, Prepares EXPLICIT DIIAWINEIS CATlCNerorslltlndsor nolldlark woo . n. Weds their eroation. on M.. 011161 6. ri ce nod 1 l i ca g i rt 9 1 . 1 =N A kt i Mfoltwew a twe i k IT:OLMES, e‘, 130., Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, 0110$0.) I B s ll a E u lC a T c l t N ow f n , of ANAN inttri/L M And HATTIMI, 50f151120 IlikA 4;II : ;WI; iin And for gals b (IE O . W. PETTY, • 'EAL , ar4TE 4GI 2!, 'NO. 1 - 3 INT. oratiurrilytT. Daadsatld lioilitun*.baught iuld *QM Collect, lops prompily inadoan masemtble Wins. aus jannwn,PElMßATl?ivis, - - 2man.ii4s.x.x.Es; trailitidth.d6 *I2 • ,, awigatar,iraisik Aso., Arxistat st. • ° `R +?~~~~ {'`w'.'`~ F" . s =n r ~ z",,."Lw 3r. r~ ~ r*-~' "'€w sfi . ~0-~ t..-sue., ~.~~.-.w~ - ~ a ~~e ~~~.~ : ~ , rr:fi ` ~ ^ ~~..L.+~.~'~t.e•. ~~'s-.` r ~: IM3 OF NEW YORK MEM I= MEM 1,200,000 %., DM moc)-lco.h3L - sr, MEI MERCY HOSPITAL, mITTT-7wmxr4 I= TEN 00.9 TO ARRIVE U. KNOX a 130 N, Dlamond t Altegbeur. NEW AD V ER 'PI-SEMEN' COUNTRY FLANNELS ANA BLANKETS, BALMORAL SKIM, Si ME "VP LB A Large Stock at BATES & BELL'S, 21 FIFTH STRXET. ELEVENTH ANNUAL FAIRE MEM Alleg-114 -ity County ACRICU . - cI,RAL SOCIETY, For Ire: Pcnn'o, Eastern Ohio iVest Virginia, ¢7.WILAC33IEC, Sept ete • • ;, 20 and 21,'66, . .• mown as THE 1.1:0N CITY PARK. ..._ Premiers atnontlng to nearly II GOO a ill bc diatribut A. mi u tt tble arrangemm In bare been made for the cll. play of Itltteltanica. improvementn, Vine Arta, Domestic and Foreign t ,00rls. r4[131 awl Horticultural implements, Fruit, Flowers and Vegetables, Horses. Cattle. Sher ewine and Co d try. try. Tit gronnils will be opened t p, o the intbltc AVe uesday, Thursday and Friday. PRICES or AILIIISSION. Slagle ticket, admitting one person 25 cents. ri Chihli - et under twelve. years 10 cents. Horse sr td rider 60 cents. Ituasl s d One peon 10 cents. Two or e vehicle and octet,— ..... . ... .75 cents. All oki Inltors will be entitled to a ticket of free admission during um Fair. Amnie arrangttments have been made for the sup ply of steam power tor machinery. Av.. An address on lac o l 3 131245•11341.n.c1x - ye Will be delivered durthg the Fear by Colonel 8. I) HARK!~, Editor of the 0A(•• COMPETITION BEYOND THE BTATE. The Society makes the held of compeLition co extensive with the United Stales, and'cordially in rites the citiaat> therein to compe'e (or the prizes. THE HOIL.4E CIRCLE ; W ITI , ,` - TII7I7 I II.ZIL= :41U= at 3 0 ' clo .k. . - tot and after August 27th. an °Mee will be open ed at PHELPS. CAUK. 9. CO.'S WA.II.IIIIOI.ISE, 10 St. Clair street, for the purpose of receiving mi tt leeand sale of tickets. tie and Straw will be furnished gratis for all animals entered for eghtbl• lion, and grain ill Inc provided at the lowest crab prices to exhibitors who may desire to purchase. For any information relative to the Fair. address the Corresponding Secretory. .IOHN K PAICKE, President. J Aims S. Nm:her. Corresponditir decretary. airMfhlf/OrrsT DAY, McABOY & SPANG, =I IRON CITY RAMS WORKS . OFFICE ANA WAREHOUSE, Nos. 45 Waal and 102 and 104 Third St, INIPOUTERS UV AND DEALEII.9 IY Saddlery Hardware and :Trimming, I=l Superior Wood and Iron Waimea, Wrought Post Bits, Bing Bits, Snamea, Brandoons, Wheel Bite, Sleben Bite, &e., ite. Been also on nand • fell and complete assortment of goods In their line, .11 of which they offer at as fair winery and on a. itood terms as are offered by any house In the W.I. EAST Oft WEST. mr.4th34 CHINA - WARJEFIOUSE. RICHARD E. BREED, IMILEPOMILTM FL. No. 100 Wood Slreel. BRITANNIA AND SILVER PLATED TABLI WARE, TEA TRAYS AND TABLE CUTLT.ItY, always on hand. CHINA TEA EIET CHINA DINNER SETS, CHINA TOILET SETS, CHINA VASE.S, CHINA SPITTOON'S, BOHEMIAN WARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION LAVA °ARM ISASEICTs, LAVA VASES, LA SPIT] 08. ENDLISH STONE WARE O 0( 5 011 varieties, Loral, wholesale and retail trade. largest and moat complete stock of everything In this Line in the city. Prides and hams the Dino as In the eastern stiles. myßoLlii gIIPEMOR OAK MAIMED, PAT ENT STRETCHED AND RIVETED LEITDF.Ii BELTING AND HOSE, Manulhetered SS SMITHFIELD ST., by HARTLF' • PHELPS & CO. Al., Aker, . , York Rubber Co. CrIS Always, LEATFI ,erlor quality or LACE MUNI' LME, COlilli.ll T 1100Kii. ate. C JO& SPILXCLA JAB. IDLY SPEACER & McKAY, RESTERS ED BREWERS Or Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. . s LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. MORELIND & •MITURL, Nos. 425 & 427 Liberty Street, The very best 1101iSZS, CAItitLAG Es and BUti- QlKli kept for hire atall times, The linen EARSEn In the oily. Funerals, Ste., attended to on abort notice In the best manner. Persona wishing o engage anything to nor lino can rely upon being turned out to the best style, as the proprietors give Melt. peraonal attention to the business. Jy7,ess MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, BT4 Caltr, BUSTS, • FO u.rr.a.Lvs. AN EXTRA FINE ITALIAN HEAD-STONE On hand and for sole. I. 32111LCIACISMEI, VI Penn Street, Pittsburgh. IN THE MATTER OF tliE A- CHANGE OW UItADE OP 11.1G11 n'lltitET, In the City of Plttaburgh. Al: persons 'Altercated are hereby notified that the assessments for payment of damages Caused by the change of grade of 111, h sliest, in the City of Pitts burgh, limn be.,, placed in my beads for collo lien, and snits, the same shot! bay. been paid on or be fore the 13ill DAY or SEPTF.SII3EII, 126 d, It will be My oily to Ito the same as liens agallatt the property • . and proCeed le collect them in aceoldance with law. J. P. SLAULE, City Solicitor, anit:llo No. 10(11 , Iftb at., Pittsberah, Pa. ALLEGHENY CITY FLOCK AND PRIEM KITCPOI=LIII, a C. MoMASTER 46 CO., No. DUS Ohio EL, Allegheny. Wholesale and Ratan Dealers In r . .101.11.V. Wood. cf/s Ciilredas. Dash paid for Wheat and Itye. ,10:11.D PITTSBURGH AND OAKLAND esicsomousza., JOHN B. it A. RITIRDOCK, (Suectuors to John itordoch, Jr.,) NIIIINERYMEN AND FLORISTS, Pittabelr.., .o,ltlt, attentlon to thetr ex totally(' stook of EDIT AND ORNAMENTAL TM S, EVEnUIt PLA N TS. °RAFE VINES AND OIIEENISOIDE PLAISTS. rittaburicb and Oakland Passcager Cars to thaqinetutionse oven totisates. $9 - ooWHOCANBEATITINI - 01 - 6- • For Two Wo,bki ,;ctidy, tatiluE irood.ltietrimi over Win( liou of iny owirmalcei , foitholleWl stud °MINN NW:. I.A.Ca. at No. 36.11aNtot ttreot.. NEAL Jot ONEY orritas, N. 0.151, ‘ AXI. 8,1111TIVI1:LD ,or.hheth, Mt/amt . /ok. meaty. LoTed..on allver Plate. as filatol fi I.llemonds, , . - orelm tiordand . eer•Watehe 'cletbincen Ithhiablhartielesoteveridanhefthtft. The rood* v i etWep i r n, e7L ri remehe Otte& (1e1t 4, 49 . . • 1:13V/F51 ;IV 34 ;V li IR) al 6 I 'a '3 IA N,V)E;][OI_,IESI A-I. . 54 Wood St., Pittsburgh. M'ELROY DICKSON & CO. WHITE GOODS. Plain Swiss, Dotted Swiss, Plain Cambric, Tape Checks, Plain Nansooks, Plaid Brilliants, Veil Berages, Black Tabby Velvets, Silk Handkerchiefs, Linen - do Cotton Black Silks, Chambray Ginghams Wool DeLaines, Italian Cloths, &c. Terms. - - - Net Cash. a= J. "D. RAMALEY, 336 Liberty Street, FINE CLOTHING, NEW YORK .11AHUFACTIIRE, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Wholesale Intl Retell Agent for OEO. Olta.NT . B r RIZ Ej MEDAL and MORItLYoN '8 STAB SHIE.Tti. Remember the NEW IRON FRONT. opranstle Wayne street. Je7I;e44TTS J. D. RAMALEI, 334 Liberty Street, Dealer la all kinds or Boots rand Shoes Always on hand a large sad varied aasortmeat of Ladles', Misses? and Children's CUSTOM MADE SHOES AND GAITERS • Of the finest Mew York Manufacture And at Lower Prices than Down Town Remember the POUR LARGE WINDOWS, oppo site Wayne street. Je27ie-12:rrs J. D. RAMAILEY, 334 Liberty Street, :FASHIONABLE RATTER And Dealer In all kinds of =LAMES ..9.2 1 6772) eZZLX 3 II3, POE MK BOHM MUM • The Newest Styles always on hand and at the Lowest Prices. Look out for the FOUR LARGE WENLIOWS. .4,- I:mate Wayne street. lanalrrre el= W 31. 1 .11.2.11 41.. 0. W. 810g204 . MILLER & RIC TSON Wholesale Grocers, I= BRANDIES, WINES AND OIGARS Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin PITTSBURCH, PA. IRON NAILS, COTTON• YARNS, Constantly on hand. plaliltANCE & C 0 MAMMOTH GALLERY, Nos. 2 and 4 St. Clair St Near the Suspension Bridge. MINIATHE TO Lffl BIH HOTIMIRIP Main or Colored 4 Particular attention to City and Suburban '‘/,' With Family ()coupe. Vtowa of Pittsburgh and surroundings ( . atereottscoploilwaya m band mad fOr sale. '.I AlakTB MIUK. O =ix,aI3XCOXL OMNIBUS AND LIVERY ST Jrch 410 Pen* ;Street. ' JAMES K. DAIN Propri tor , sir Omalbans and carriages ric llabed g t all trains. Also, Carriages for Fluters% W 4 120 " 4 rilrllell, at short notice sad reasonable a. Stable Open Day and Sign Jram9ol4.Tn.e C ASTP STEEL o aII sizes._ia pieces to Doe pure:won, • Large Berea. pen& JOSEPH-WOOMITIL tfr• Corner Wood and Booond Mo.'. • ttatoligh, AGENTS FOILIPAIEUIAMLIP VIGHT SECONIMINAND :PIANOS. I Rosewood, roans earners, ~..nnene a, .(1 0 ,.,w 1 , mat. nano.. Tin little .ae 4l .IVoe INSO. tor ezo. poet *lntro ftelly tarred Plano worte; over-' .striusrbeis. tear res- corners.' din.,..0110 r.OX octave rosewood,. Blume" wan 'Tfolden - adteelaneni nod Iron tria=illoll Into Dina Save fanned Iron Planersns- One tsT 4141:, L lux 43,Ititt street.. t ee trivsi.o*Afox-7wcwies itognikimaystreetit -r.~: WANTED, A GOOD OPENATON ON SEWING MACHINE FalcoOra tt Oui FINKLE LYON SEWING MA, inms, OPTICE. tao. /1 2 Grnt Street ' surMIS:TST WANTED TO BUY OR RENT, A PLACE CONTAINING 15 AEI More or I. +IM a G OOl3 1/01:811 on lt, ituated not won than One miles from either city. Adareas until .Eeptember lilt, — H s . . Hoz tatO, Alleghenl P. O. au27:125 UT ANTED.—A gentleman and wlto wishes BOARD IN A PRITATE,FAXIIY. 'rms. must be reasonable. Address MEM WANTED, MALLEABLE IRON AND POOL lIANUFACIMBEES. to Ardtvi netare 0. 0. RlCllirk, att11:10 Milan, Ripley conntr, Indhum,_ j~TANTED—AGENTS. Book oy Es A. POL NOW RE APT.—THE LUST CAUSE, a new Southern HistLAoryßD of . t of Vie 1010. h War of the The only stand- Confederates. ard an.l °facial Southern liistory PnbUehe.l. Ex- Flusive territory given, and large commission paid. or terms, &e., call on or addret. . . . . . . al ll4 .9lo:TTsswr 2119 Llbert SSALESMAN WANTED—Compe tent to engage to FIRST.CLASS BUSINESS RELATIONS. Apply In [tenon, or Andreas W. 1). NIL an21:1182 tin Grant st.. Pittsbure., WANTED.—A SURE FOUTUIVE.—.. The advertiser, a chemist of twenty-tire years experience. both in .g ru De and America, wialatili to retire from the prate aloe, win seed to any pit. son valuable recipes, fro the me of which any fu dustrioua young man o woman, with Little or w caoltal, can make mom tl e first day not only anew - d olieer ilviog, but ina :very short time realise moderate fortune. address, with two stamps for return postage. Id. P. CatritFlElat,Cbmatat, my:MU:arra bl 7 fru e St.. Philadelphia. Pa. do WANTED--AGENTS—S7S to $2OO PER MONTH for Gentlemen. and 1135 to T 5 for Ladles, everywhere, to Introduce the Common Sense Family Sewing Machine. Improved and per fected. It will hem, toll stitch. unlit, bled, braid, and embroider beautifully—prlce only 120—mak ing the elastic look-stitch, and fully warranted for toree years. We pay the above wages, or a com mission, from which twice 'that amount. can be made. Address or call on 11. BOWERS £ UMee No. 255 S. 111th streeti I'a.Ad letters answered prompt yr, with clecolors said terms. au 111190 WANTED--$2OO per Month a id tp to Ages., to Introtlate our hew SIN, 8 201 AodresßsE, W i l( Mme C , H I MO E N , A K NOhCum ~l eW/IM. MACILLIIE CO., Mt hiehendoe. MIME. or PLY t. phis Ye. kilic73ollw, do : (a) ;-1 AUTUMN WOOLENS. GRAY, POSSIEL & RESE , 02 Fifth Street, ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR first .rock of FINE WOOLENS For their FALL TRADE. The style.of these goods are very beautiful and attractive, ri not too bandsom theyßavo ever before opened to this market. ' They Ste also of a first-elm quality, Se lected for a lint-Mess trade, and will be round upon Inspection to be all that Is desired. e will makeevery effort to give Mall I.BI:WA RR/It and STYLISH kiAItMENT, made to order in the VERY SEST DANNER. An early call is most respectfully solicited from from our customers and the public. GRAY, POSSIEL & RESE, Merchant Tailors, G 2 Fifth Street. 5024.11:. REDUCTION. WE ARE NOW Offering Our Entire Stock of SUMMER BOYS' CLOTHING At GREATLY REDUCED ?RDAS. For bargain. call and ace 41141.1 - 3 LOG.I.OI^, . 47 St. Clair StreeL nut lIENIIV G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Northwest Corner of Penn & St.. Clair Ste Desires to retona thanks to ht friends and the pub• Ile generally fOr their liberal patronage, 1111 ti would ?b.f./neatly - Inform them that he bon Just rtd from the East4m Markets with a lar-se and welle lofted stock of _ FL/FE WOOLEN GOODS, Peculiarly _Misted to GENTLEMEN'S era) SURKELt MT. AUBUILN YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE. This School has just concluded lie tenth year. Its iriseOnT has Deco ono of prosperity and growth from the commencement. The last two years the daily average attendance has been more than two hundred, and many have been rehised for want of accnmmodatlon. A NEW BUILDING Is now under contract, to be ready for occupancy at the opening of the Pall Session in September, and It la hoped that hereafter all can be rccelyed so pn_pils who apply. The LIBRARY, APPARATUS and CABINET are receiving yearly, valuable additions, and the purpose is kept moodily Inv few to furnish every timidly_ fors thyrough course of Instruction. • The Faculty consists of four male and elliTen ta male teachers, all experienced Instructors in their several departments. The School Is tally graded from the Preparatory deputmont, through the entire course of Anadem. MO and Classical studies. For particulars and Catalogues, address =EI PENN INSTITUTE, FOR YOUNC LADIES, Under the blanagemont of MIVELES. al. S. • - o - Aaslstad by. compcteat corps of professors No. 25 Hancock Street. The PALL SESSION will commence MONDAY September 3d. I%l=3"n', ADDIY et the nstUnte. prrTSBURGII Female College, FALL TERM WILL OPEN 13 3EIMMUE1=113101=1. 44th. Addres. Rev. I. O. PERSHING. arll3.blS9 Ellii/LnE !EDUCATION. THE FALL SESSION OF •lEL At. TWINE/10% 81.AILNARY lOU YOUNG LA DIU in DIAMOND WilikET, opposite the Court House, will Open, the RUM MONDAY IN SIX TIMBER. sAU:htliasirr SCHOOL FOR BOYS. MR. WM, 11. WORM W 111 renven Ate Classiest and Mathematics] :school. In the meal Weer, In OhristCheZi t (knximon, AtaeortrZa"F`teglrai..Aßfge:&2. orb+ yinal:Cli is oil BIRMINGHAM GAS STOCK.-Will ho added to tho list of Stook already adYertlietY forges thlstronloy, atB o'clock, 3) shares 13)nothyttato pAlly. "21- CoM Ancttolieer. VALVABLE BARK STOCILS-On TUESDAY EVENING. Aug. 26th, stir o'cloeh. will be /wide= eceamil door or Commercial Males Booms . 10s omit/wield atanet. rOatutres Youith H attonat Sank of Stttakorgh; 20. do Dant of rlttatrardh; 10 do Allegheny National Sauk.. • airN A. MCILWAINE, Auctloneer: LIEON 81'ABLE AT. AUCTION. THE PAANCHESTERLIVERT STABLE, THURSDAY. AIJDUBT 311 fr, MS% _ . • Sale commences at 10 o'clock. A. ft. The Artielee, Abel will be offered for" salo In a ft. [y • 2es head of Hones. oho Oartlage; In geed order, Ono ToP Battles , Of dtk Zagigt one 611;00410.. one new tip g moo, one two one Bleigh,lter shot Single ou. One set of Carriage If num, . ohs ..set of Baroothe_Atarnes. Saddles and Bridle.; fo. Buffalo Robes. Sleigh whop ywohteon,. had hitter articles, with two yoirs•lesee.. sod Axton" °ratable., Terms madhlutown derv:Woo. ' CITY'OWIMOILTIC t - •Thirasusales CA -1411 "I'''Ntr" SEAME D PROPOSAL"' re uralizat &6T. MI7YI ib ets " 4 o t t . ute! L avas oda vas. Ends.. • order at:sto arvaittexQuin salad) 1 ottrusrmir ,~. ;y ~ ~y~.y WANTS = L. TALCUM. .t., Plttsburgh EDUCATIONAL. 1. H. WHITE. 25 West Fourth Street, CI. Cl.i.r4rL AT M.A.NCII.EfaEIk, Will be told at Auction, on '; - '