The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 28, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed. & Co.,
.444.. to& • IX==:.
• Ist , 118.00.
• 15.
Ott Vitioburgit &MO.
M 1
No canvass of the Republicans in Penn
sylvaniahas never opened more auspiciottil
ly than the present. The mass meet
ings., of which a good many have been held,
are unprecedently fall in numbers and
overflowing in enthusiasts. The loyal peo
ple have evidently resolved that they will
not be cheated out of the proper results of
the toils endured. Assailed by the Presi
dent in the:persons of their Constitution
al represezttativea, as untrue to tho coun
try,' because they will not tamely how
to his dictation, they have aroused them
dopes to the task of attesting their primal
authority in the Government. They mean
to he beard and rfispeeted. The Republi
cans whom this rehreant President has de
nounced-as traitors, because they would
not become retainers at the White House,
they will send back crowned with popular
apptoval and clothed with fresh authority;
and they will take good care that the rep
resentatives, either in the Senate or House,
who have betrayed their trusts, forfeited
their pledges, and dishonored their man
hood, arc left at home.
'Let no Republican be disheartened. The
camp-flres of the faithful, all around the
horizon flash up to the zenith.
Just now, to stand in sharp antagonism to
eacb'othcr. The former is held up as an
object of intense detestation—the latter of
unbounded admiration. Tito one is rep.
resented as a raging monster, with open
month and terrible Claws, eager to devour
all that comes in its path—the other as a
meek-eyed angel of peace, wearing oliv
branches- to mini the turbulance of the
people. What truth or falsity is there in
these representations?
Do the Radicals insist tmou boundless
slaughter and sweeping proscriptions
Doubtless some individuals demand that
such capiations should be made as will
"magnify Uto law and make it honorable,"
rendering it a terror
. to evil doers. But
the scare not:clatooring for holocausts of vic
tims. All they require is that n very few
of the leading spirits of the revolt shall
pay the forfeit of their crimes; that the
doctrine of the "enforcement of the laws"
shall be exemplified in their persons. list
other radicals, the equals of these in num
bers and influence, only nsk that the rebels
shall properly recognize and rwpect the
Past rights of all their fellow citizens as the
e • ndition of au act of oblivion.
'I • stands are condense,' with the
u. ai eersal amnesty—impartial sutr.
ra.l„ a compromise between these
extreme points Congress has agreed, in the
most authoritative forms, to reconstruction,
by simply depriving the Im..ding rebels of
power in the Federal goverunwnt, and of
fering the inducement of increased repre
seMallOn to eaili Stale that shall do era,
e Ilk all classes of iLs population. Nev
er was a more inagnanimotis ard lkeindje,ml
basis or odium... Ail offered I v a victorious
nation to csuyuishr , l rale.... The
of no Niviini miiiired. Vast lorfriturus,
deliberately incurred, are relingliie. I.
Only those poi nl.y arc gnarled which seem
indispensable to the repose of tire nation
and to ihesecurity of loyal men.
What do the Conservativea propoiw?
They demand tlutt there shall he no enforce
ment of the laws. That nothing, shall be
done to brand law-breaking as an oll'ence,
and wholesome obedience as a virtue.
They insist that the authority in the eleven
revolted States shall he put hack into the
hands of the men who plotted the rebellion
and axeettied That no conditions for
the p,‘•', el'on of the loyal nfinorities in
those States shall he exp,-eted, and that tie
surest guarantee for the future is a coalition
Which stall restore ti c national govern
ment into the bands of Northern Copper
heads and SGuthern insurrectionists. This
is not an exaggeration, but sober reality.
It remains for the masses who sustained
the government throughout the war, to
prove that they are equal to the present
trial, by thwarting this conspiracy for a
WiscoNstri.—The party of the adminis
tration hoped that through the deception of
Senator Doolittle and Governor Randall,
from their professed Republican principles,
they would be able to do something in
Wisconsin; but information from all parts
of the Slate is to the street that the loyal
people who supported President Lincoln's
administration, were never more thor
oughly united or more in earnest than
now. Their indignation has been stirred
to Its lowest depths, and there is none of
that afathy which existed last fall. The
people are aching for a chance to express
in a tangible shape their approval of the
epurso of Congress and their condonna -,
lion of that of the President, and they will
do It by giving a much larger Union ma
jority this fall than last, by keeping their
strength in Congress good, and electing a
Radical Legislature which will return
Timothy 0. Howe to his place in the Sen
ate with such an endorsement as public men
seldoin receive.
GEN. CL STER has received the'reward of
his compliance. lie has been made a
Colonel in the regular army. Thrift has
followed fawning. Ile repudiated his sworn
sentiments before the Congressional Com
mittee, and gets a coveted promotion as a
reward. Ilis ease is designed as a warning
to officers who refuse to traffic in their prin
ciples, and an invitation to such :s arc
-open to arrangements.
CONEIZEVATISM that duped General
GUAM' Soto an unconscious seeming en
dorsement of the Philadelphia Convention,
is characteristic of the mon reputed to he
coneerzfed in the fraud and of the Policy 1,1,
was designed to serve, but was an expedi
ent gentlemen of honor would ntver have
stooped to. It was fitting the sinister
genius of the President and Secretary of
SEVERAL Conservatives of Peniiiyl
- have been to Washington beigging
permission to levy contributions on gov
ernment employees at Philadelphia, in aid
of the election of CLYMER, who opposed
the defence of the Union, over GEARY, who
made a splendid recent in its defence.
Conservatism selects the disloyal side by
Will= the Conservatives-talk of the no
, cessity and excellence of conciliation, ask
theta to remember Memphis and New Or
leans. Qonservativo conciliation has all
the fleromesX of a starved tiger,when it gets
the upper hand.
Tim donsertat yea confess that clymer
Gi be;ateii Maki* the gown :intent ihmishes
More Money help his cause. They may
•ag vrell,innto p9yrden plymer is the
d t eadest of ail 111242, and -.'money„ cannot
Xs& '
a ,7 r~' ~"' t om». , ~'.kl;
whom death is reported in the telegraphic
columns, was at the time of his decease
President of the Now York Central Rail
road Company, a post which he has filled
with honor to himself, 'and profit to the
Company. Pot many years he has been a
leading Democratic politician, and his
death ismainly attributed to his exertions
at the recent Philadelphia Convention.
The principal railroad offices, and rail
road carriages and engines in New York
are :draped in mourning in honor
to his memory. Ho was in early life a
poor boy, and at one time earned his sub
gigantic ait driver on a canal, but by pers. ,
verenco and industry he rose until he br
came possessed of great wealth. llis in
come for last year is reported at one bun
Bred and eight thousand seven hundred
and twenty-one dollars, (*1053,721.
from his command at New Orleans may
taken as proof that no patriotism, however
conspicuous, and no services, however val
uable and chivalric, can shield fmm Presi
dential proscription any man who refuse,:
to surrender his convictions at the demand
of the Administration.
TIIE removal of General HOWAIIII front
the Freedmen's 13ureau is a fitting con.
summation. As the cam stand=, a Chris•
tiangenGeman would find it hard, in obe
dience to military discipline, to be inadc an
instniment of injustice and oppression.
LOYAL MEN at the South have ceased ap
pealing to the Presiileut for protection, but
turn instinctively to Cougress nod the local
men of the North. They measure the situ
ation correctly.
New lona, Aug.:lL—The World s of the
death of Dean Richmond: Mr. Mancini tvas
struck down by a severe cOmpl icat ion el inter
nal disorders, greatly aggravated,
If liot di
rectly minced,' by Ids anemia - log Mus to
bring about the successful results recently at
tained in the National Convention at Phila
delphia. Ills wife and family were n I tit him to
tilt, last and he received the most assiduous
care and al tun t ion frorifthe I s tin tsl I cal ability
of the city, Ors. Blakeman, Aloe go Xiarke,
W. Van But tin, Mete:lll, Parker
and Flint. being constant conse Batton over
his ease. tin Friday night there as 01.0 , 0
marked change to
the heater, nitil since that
time his eminent physicians had begun to
hope for Ms recovery. hut he grew esker all
yesterday. and passed away al ten minutes
!mod two this morning t pang. lir
ILICIIIIIOII.I moan borne in Woodstock, I ortuout,
Deleantr4 to am Union Cooveneton of
I.outsv im. Aimust _7—Tilt radical I nion
men of the tgii Congressional District,. held a
meeting at the °Mee of Es. Attorney tieneral
Speed, this evening, and approved the list
commended by Om recent Lexington meet
ing for delegates In the loyal Union Conven
tion of Philadelphia, and appointed Lanny ad
ditional M legates to represent the nail I oil
gressionai District.
The Death of Donn Ittehmond
Sour Jodscrionti.
WI III•. I Ppern Untiso Shoe
Summer Goodie
%t eent, At the tote .1 Ilettmt•
1.1.1,, Msty slistled
That hut, .tt the .Ipera Souse 51K.. ,ter
Er. r 3 Poir of Stoker ,
t% rr t k ..j op,ru 7 , 410 , -tor
In -a1.., t.atal.. at the. ~:tern
St.mmer 1610.eal •
',e1...1g leg:l..llre ,, of ee1..., at t he. ~,.
Shoo Stslt e
/Stints - tier Good
Sci I int; n •ai litorilive, at ih.•' lino, lion
1110. Store.
\Venting sIICW 10 the City, at the i 'porn linu
51100 Store.
Ltepaired free If It do. not prove satOdaetorY
at the Opera !louse Shoe• Store.
Go to Fleming. Grog . Pltoro,
No. V 4 Market strut, for Coo',. or
unet Con 01 Balsam. Sol•l ultra,
At Beftver olThns SepLumber I l th. E. A Ist
Principal. It.. T. T A I I, it.
to to Fleming . % Grog %core.
4n. XI Market 4 street, for the Rey.
great. Iteinedy for Agt•
for Pittelmrgb.
Boarding lair boys, opens r,ept
CO to 75 for all expeose.—sixtern 'reel
Beaver Female Memionry.
StIVCRIy Lo SovouLy-tlvu dollars for all ex! ,
ens tsr fourteen weeks. Opens September II
It. •r. TA,
Itheumetlwou No More.
A Certain cure guaranteed by the use of
bottle of Clayton's Bitters, and one Isalitt
ithelanatic Liniment. Fur s.‘l4. Only by t
proprietor, Nn. 37 Diamond alley. Price—l
tern. $1; TAlthuont, be cents.
Extensive lint House.
One of the largest stoelu+ Of slats t•vcr brier
offered for 1411i0 may now be neon at NMI,.
Fleming'. First Class fiat an•t Cap (louse, St
/In Wood tAreot, consisting In part, of tient
Fine Silk and Cassiniere lists. Men toot BoY
Fine Felt Dais, at a reduction, either whet
stile or retail,
Preparations for the rrewlttesst
The chief among arrangements to he made
ou loin reception will be 4. large supply of
Laughing Gas by e. Sill, so that the party may
exhibit• their gad' nature. An the Doctor In
giving the Gus free now, In all probability
there will beguile a lively exhibition at 246
Penn street on that °erasion. This In the only
place where the work inginei urn expected to
Join hands with the President. So under tile
exhilarating influence of Gus we may look for
aJolly time at Drs. Sill & °flier, 210
Penn street.. Go along workingmen. that is
the place for good and cheap teeth.
The Three best known tonics, skill I ully and
elegantly combined In an amber-colored cor
dial, beautifully tmnsparent to the eye, plow•
ant to the taste and acceptable to the sLoinacti,
in Caswell, ffinck k Go.'m Forro-Iltosphorsitud
Elixir of ealholyn
Each pint CO 0 tams ono ounce of goys] IMF
saya Bark, and each teaspoonful contains one
grain of Iron. Stunplos furnished Iron to the
profession. C Ann Amt., Mean & Co.,
Solo Manufacturers, N. I.
For sale at wholn.lo lu Pittsburgh by It, g
Sellers a Co. Al. retail by all Druggists.
Tho Re Why Itontettor's Stomach
Mere Should Waves Place In Ltory
Beene. by Invigorating the constltutb
and the Innen they overt airknos,
Because 4especially their use proveam tl
atmospheric poison which product% spiarsO
from taking effect upon the system.
Because they elars indigestion, and impart
unwonted vigor to the stomach,
BMWS° they are the best appetw ray medi
cine at present known.
Because they are the only preparation noon
which persons of a bilious habit can safely rely
to keep the liver in good order.
Because they tons and regulate the bowels,
wait invariably relieve them when constipated,
without causing undue relaxation.
litvause they strengthen the nerves, clear the
oridn, and cheer the animal Spirits.
Because In case of an attack . • • =sol or
pillow, colic they are the best th.ti hat can
he admlniahared on the instant.
Because they combine the three , •lientcr
of a tonic, an altern.tivennd a nervino In their
utmost purity mid perfection.
Because they are a specific against Agile and
rover and all intermittent/4 and with all their
potently an a preservative and a remedy, are
as harmless as water from the mountain erring!
Are sold WhamsLe and retail 'Livery law rates
at Ftendnaft Drag and Pedant llottlolnok Depot,
NO. &Market street, oOrnor of the Disostond
aal Market, Wm Fourth stmt.
Pmpnrnllon• for the itrocollon of the
fkoothern Dollogntro—Prtrolo fair -eon
Invitollfoot to Tholr Hower—Appoint-
Olen% All Pilillt.Vll.llll[lllllools, AV., eke.
mv0..1.0 01 , 11..1a , tv 1.. Iho
14tm41 p.,16“ , .‘lo Iwitlir mad , for lio.
rev. , kott or rho r‘oninvln monkts nit Mon
,Ito %Iv •t
'rho I.onacto lm. lust tkppottitra It It
0! the
01010 it I 0( 1:0v0ptIon, n Itirli gill make Llte
novessary arrangements.
The names of time tlelegate? Itiremle lc non n
train the sort it me item - 1y three hundred in
I'mvate gentlemen AI , Inviting the delegates
to thole P et•idutattes, and the lot al people attic
Cllr and Mate are Octet mined to make the oe.
ca-ton a grand met nntional holnlay.
Foreign Postage linter.—Four Rebols
Pardoned Appointment. by the
Pet... Went Soldier. and Sailors'
Convention at Piti.bnrgh.
Wssulio , roN, August r.—From tue first Of
iniptionter next, the postage on letters for.
arthsl from the United Slates by the French
mull. (or Portugal, Madeira told the .\zOres
Islands will be trend-seven runts per single
Irate, of one quarter Of all nutter, prepayment
lalonal, which postage will cover the full
charge to their destination. Newspapers will
Other printed matter may also be forwarded
to Portugal and be the E reach mall, on pre
payment of the t nite,t mates postage, only
two cents for eaell newspaper, and two cents
for four ounces Or it fraction, and three mints
for pamphlets, magazines told other printed
. . .
Authority was ail en for the preparation It,
warrants tar the north., of four pertains to
pat thipution by 0011111 in the rebellion. Theee
portions are granted to Ind Ivldlll\l9 front jr
as, tittorght, Istelslana id K e n t k 101
from cacti State, antler the M
thin oteeptiott it.
20,t0t0 clause.
The President bat oppointed 1t..11111000
Assessor of Internal Revenue for the Thin)
Seventh District of New ark, also, &AL Wel
her, Unite.l States Marshal for the thstrlet
lowa, Charles I. Monnw, Marshal for mater ,
District of Mlssourt, tool Thomas s. Waller
Marotta: but the M estern District of Ma
The follownh.: I a (-all for ll,' S1 1 )1) 1• - ' an.
Lao,.' Nal tonui t,O. 1.1111, 1 11, In purgue.......
resolothal at •piretrlig ot Ow ...I
or. and the 1 . nit 'II, 1)11.1 In Wa.l,
II . ) In Monday August
IV in, ale all soldiers ionl sailors holist
-a•rved ni Lilan ion stun ionl inn) dm In
the late WM' for the suinfression fft the tube
lion, and who believe that treason should
mode Ashons and trait": s polo tilled; who al
opposed to the restoration ol rebels to r 0 V 1,21
anti Entering premiums bit treason and treael
ery, and In boor of {intim:tale,: constitution,
at/tendon:llln, and nl continuing (..ongress
the law making power 01 the government., t
net at Pittsburgh, It.. on Tnes , las.
bee 1, in 12 o'elfol. in. We Millie r
t ,
the field. We
w in lindiev. l'illfscaviniset to Wlllialli A
Sharp, Penns) Ivan In James It. li.oyee, lor
mom, William ,
lima., Rhode Island; 0. Mar
rill, Conifeetictil; tt 111, ,1 0. More. Nett'
N. Pallier), Neu „letsvy,W I. Porter.Olo
11. I Hall, lost rict .1. IV. hirkslo
Mat land, e. h. emotion. lte.t lit goon,
.1 Borne", 1 wifto I' Miller, linhonm
r vaninf, 11100.-, - A on Deventer, Mad,
g c. un
rs, Alississl AsUltel
51 i 17:iiesota. Potter W. Pr nekton!, lona; 1.1,13
hlnstmi S. I:. Ilarinfmon, Ransft
Thomas 11. Dalton, Knit L. . liauvL
t lb.
II II:IN l• 1.'1,1 I oi n u
p. .‘f the ttttt try
und 1'3% •.: to 1 h..
1117.: 111,. :1 In ll,te• Cm11..6.
lit ,te..l
Britt Mb Slap Wrecked—Oar Unwired
and Fifty-lour I . l.6lteugerm 1,0101-111.eb
el. Ilefra/vd—ler • olt of lboranb—Amer
lean Fiblp Probably Lost.
FP.A141 . 0.1 0, Angela Itrittsh ..hip
l'alritgltt, Capt. Itatth, trout Hong Hong hound
to Sail Franeittol, was wrvekod near Island I'
Churls Hulot on .into. Itch. One hundred or
Ilfly-three Chinese ptuotengortt anti One Eur
. • •
lour, alt. t d.r'king, and tudlidng was warint
The tinvernhkent hue chartered r nteauter t •
send titer the wrecked crew.
Hong, hong papers of July say that the
Englintl commurtgal panic wan felt there !Wu
The Mateo
fr o m ilart(Ord had ar
rived at Hong Kong from Amoy, and reported
that the imperlaileda had beaten 6,w l'iilerfoe
relasis, causing them to retire.
The Chinese pirates captured I.lfo Haney
rise schooner Sophie .'lf Chili Point, Find +tole
too thonmand dollars, hat loft the 0111 m me and
. •
Tee report et It revolt In lie.nbuis ly e.
The troops In Illosehon, the nuptial, took pin.
esition or the cityin the ttn+ertee of the (sue
•rnor It votomt, 401Zeil the persons of the J udge
tint Treantirer, and toted to force them to Into
setriallne the Emperor to the effect that the
itteptt trete at Let, revoit for want of pay
tot Thl+ev eat etoote.l great nuntbitrx
if the gentry and met...hoot, to commit Hul
ett, to pro vo their I..yaity l• 1119t.rvetif
,recalled t iirtmgitolll line ittON have. Wheat
.14•1 art 0•11, 4 of of , were
h,'1.1 at 7. , t1i.t . 1, 4 per Itik
It watt ',Tn. - W.l I hal a large 1/.0.1V of rettnts
had Into Ilia mina) or Chin hang
111 the heart of the atilt
it to toured tie Alen:lean ant, tltlen I
into, loot ntutot one MI, het Ireen Tato Ar
Morketw—Cholern Reports—Fewroea lie-
Rene Tbettaselre% l'olaoneti end Kenn.°
toTake Reinedlea--0. M. Roberta alio
nen Senator from Texlia—Tae Collec
tion Pinapended--Cotton Crop, Ale.
New 01ILIIA NCI, Aug. 2.7 —Cotton; Pities of
ITde intles of low et 1 , 1,11113 g, et .Ths3le. lteculitts
i• hale.. ltallk Nterileg 11. New 1 orb Fax.-
change i., .1 luame t
The deaths from cholera In the forty-elght
hours end in g at si v this morning mite t wenty
six. The cholera is abating in that City hot. no
diminution on the plant:Odoms. Thu negroes
have cancels ml nu Idea that they' nro pet soot ual
by the white pool - dowel refits.. to take the cc-
lion. ts. M. Roberts, President of the Seem.
slots Convention of lull, lieu been eifl.oll sec
ond Smottor from Tex.., The elide Union
I wee voted lor
The collection of the sit rent tilt Impotent by
congrie. In 1 sel lets heels uusponaled in Toxins
mail January Ittt.
Cotton crop statements con! bole to Lb gen
erally toalnvornble, hat In Upper it the
cotton I. 3 lidding well.
Later from Ur% 100-11MrImmnentroyed
by ilro,
SAN.tugunt V.— A letter (roil
Mexico states that a portion 0100 xpottlLloi
under Jonn Ituruly handed safely at :Plinio.
with four thousand muskets and wl.l pieces
artillery, and are now supposed to ha wit
The town of Mariposa, California, a as di
stroyed by tire on the . .Nith. Fire gir sin
ings were nuvwl. The estimated loss 13 COO
Itioorofrog for Deno luchtuond
ugsrsu, N. Y., Aug. 11.1.11201111 ,1 3 -
104 . 1 a of the death of Dean itlehmiand caused a
guttural expression of sorrow In ttris city, Flags
were MI.( iOlllll , ll at Intlf intun 111111.0ther du -
strations Of mourning wcm Mali., The loco
motives of the Now ',lurk rentral.ititilrosul are
being draped mourning. Thu io,omotivo
ately tirithed ii °urn
A tug. alinntintleimint of the
loath of Dean Richmond crefiteg profound
sensation in this city. Plugs urn at hid f must.
The Central littllroad offices, buildings nun
comfit ivedt are tieing draped In 11110111 . ,, tug.
Copperhead Appointed pootnnetter—
nettienn rrieNt•
Now tons, August 27.—1 t is.reported that
Mr. Thomas Menai!, editor of .the Brooklyn
Ehp/r,.a Democratie paper, line. Wen appoint
ed Postrurwier of Brooklyn.
Two Mexican priests, who airivoil in this
city about the 12th of the present month, were
induced by a stranger to back him In a frinne
Or menu!, whereby one of theta"lost 110 e hun
dred dollars. e
Their room was nicanwidle
broken open and sixteen hundmid dollars be
longing to the other prlitst were stolen. The
swindler has beau arrested.
Cholera In New YOrk—itObiler Arrested.
Ncw Youe, Aug. V.—There wore only live
new cases of cholera reported in tins city t..›.
One of the most skillful hotel: thieves lit the
United 6(.4.4 named Billy Jackson
rested on Saturday night and arralltned this
morning on a Marge of stealing V.‘ooo 111
money and Jewelry at one of the Long Branch
hotels a few weeks ago.
-- -
Cholera Iteport—DlOrke le.
By, Locus, August 27.—Iiine cometries ro
part ninety cholera death. on *Saturday, and
eleven cannotrlea report eaventy-ttu ea deaths
yeausrd show - lan a tolerably , marked abate
ment of y the disease.
lialleldo or a Bad Mom
oharrZr t 7Zr o po ucc, yes wilny, entered a
Ea u r r n a abort distance trout t4r!, ,, 11Ti1k. 1 . 3 4P1er:
Out Ids brains.
Reception of the American Em
bassey at Moscow,
Union of Saxony with Prussia
The Treaty of Peace Articles
Li v imroot, August . 27.—The ship Universe
Captain llutton, from Now 1 ork July 31st, Sr
riven at this point to-day. The Ship hi. l'Os
Laos also arrived.
Sr. l's . " eusuenu, August %.—Tho United
Stales Embrosy met with a hearty reception
on the route to Moscow, where they were re
ceived with dietingulehrgthenore, and enter
tained at a grand banquet.
At Novogorod tho Embassy also wore tho ro•
cipients of similar attentions, and were hon.
rod with a grand dinner.
The Russian government has repealed the
diet of martial law In the southwestern prey
sees of the Empire.
LtnrsTc, August 27.—A large an•l Influential
noel tog has boon held in this city, which do
tared In favor of a salon of the Kingdom of
Sammy wall rrilkl9l:l.
QI,..NATOIVH, Monday Evening, Ang, 27.
The ~ t eautsittp Tariff, from Now Yorh Aug,
1:411, :trrl veil at thin port this P. a., and pro.
ere led on her voyago to Liverpool.
LoNtioNraurtv. Monday EVening Aur,
Th.. Moravian, from Quebec, Aug.
141 t, arrived here title r. a., and railed again
Itl 10( I Si411)1 M. I.llg. 21.—Thu Ituform illsplaY
la la's city to.ilay was grand, mai inorstal Off
cdiou a riot or aistul Lance of any kluil which
had beall to soma eatent. apprehended. 31... a y
thonsamls of people wore present. The plat
form adopted by the =meas." assemblage Is
in favor of residential Manhood antrrnge .1110.
Might dellvet cal an address this evening In
.tappori of the platform.
8K1t1.1.2( , tug° ' .—ln 101111a1011 has
I wen ta , ~ern st ‘, 1114111004 the general
brliel that articles nt lio treaty . 01 peace
signed a Vragno, are almost Identieal with
tio‘ origioal prellmlnarl us of pence Interehang nt Nechnlyburg on the %111 of July. The
detail. of lhe treaty will not be made pablie
however, until It id ra1.1111 4 1 by all the parties
'Honda) . noon, Aug. '1; —The Cot
ei‘rket ntewly: the sales to-)' 1A
141.1.11,110.4: )illthlling Uplands quoted
Vol 14 tildi mntl cleellnlng
11, Luton . .., IdomIUY•
I', 1.,0n um Lel is nuclionger.l
I In , Monday noon, Aug. 11.—Lonsolo
rloot ,, i for money. Th.' market. for
Allierfron, Int.+ 11l Into 1' n.
;tooted Ht Erie I:Allgrity nlntrod, 'lil
t. I nt.i.
I,• sitrout, !:- r. a (trot isont
111, tut is quirt m u d generally unchatiatut
I it siiroot, August Y.; -r. u.-Thoto is 110
t•liatlgt! of note to report In the produce olnr
-6 et, except In cutton. uhuuh In firmer, holders
r.v.king au tul vatic,
losu , •11, Evening, August
atin inonvy market easter, arul an advance of
eon . notesi le Conaols. Tilt, closing
quotation for money Was "O. Thu niarkat for
securitlOS continuos erne, and Erie
end Minute slutrea have advanced. The Clot
quouttlonv are: United HUM. ',Tye-Teen
tti., 714 Erie, CS; Illinois Central,
v saws', A mr.l7.—lntolligenee has been re
ceived of an engagement In Mexican witteni,
between a Prussian Corvette and thu Austri
an Corvette, In which the latter was victo
Gas., Barr 111.—/
was understood that an
miceement had been come to between% the Brit
ish Government and the Nova Scotia and
Brunswick Commissioners, with the concur
rence of the Canadian Government, and leg
islature, of the details of the confoloratiou of
British North America and of the intereolo
ulat Railroad. The sum Is 300,000 pounds.
The Irish government has released a fresh
batch of Venison en the condition that they
leave the country torthwith, and soveral of
them have Jest
from Londonderry for
America, 11l of them persons the name Over
to Ireland, as the authorities believe, on Fen
ian business. Their names were: Captain
Michael Duffy, of the American artillery Jas.
Barnes, of Meagher's brigade; Captain N. M.
Gramm, regiment; Lieutenants Dohert,y.
(Leneral staff: Major H. Manahan,
and Thomas MOE.. A Cork prisoner 0110100
note has also been released on the earns no
dermanding. All the Venians who have left
Ginty wore under thirty years of age, and
ne of them had nine hundred dollars In his
A terrible lire broke out In the city of Ant-
werp on the lath in some warehouses where
petroleum was stored. The loss Is estimated
at to 3113,000
The Thews has the following extraordinary
story, and if correct the Pope is on the eve of
leaving, in antiMpation of the Limo fixed by
the 4.1013Y0131.101 Of BelltAlllMOrjetn, n deform t
tintioa not wanting In originality. and which
if realized, will certainly provoke long eon
s rovers!oa and complications of more than on 3
kind. After having announced his intention
to the Catholic world In a solemn enoyelopo
dia, hla tiolinces will write, report says a let
ter to leo Emperor Napoleon, in ...len Ile will
offer to band over to him. motor the title of
r Martha°, the States of the Church. •
. . . .
ILI Et, August 11.—Tim correspondent of 1.110
on don Dyne. sn •• : I have now proelso
Worm:Atoll us to Liao object of EtlipreAS Char
tft's aLett to Part,. It Is to obtnin u release
for the present from the obligation of joiyOo:
whet duo to rruneo out of the proceed., of
the Mes.lean Custom houses. The Invahtom
Of the Insurgent tnmte have greatly renlnee.l
their proeeoda, which ure no* 0010111 ed to the
ort of t era Cruz.
The Mutton" government requires, ever
with the strictest economy, buOnnuisi planters
monthly, for Its indispOnSablo expenses. Ifor
some time past It has not boon in the receipt
of more than twodiftlis of-the sum from the
Customs. The financial condition of the Mn. -
Wan gov ern teent Is thus reduced no the low
est els h,atel It ht LOWVIC relief from its genurou
erett I tOr that I hir Malusty has braved the Aar
lure of peallhatee anti of LIM ocuari.
The Part, correspondent of the /11depethLenc c
adds: Tho concussions which slie asks of Na.-
milemi are, first, a prnlounation of the Frunoli
troops stay in Mexico, upon Um recall of Mor
ahan llaiwine, and au ILT.telialollottho time for
the payments due by the Empire to Franca.,
width amount falls duo holt January. Car
lotta asks that the recall of the Fronch troops
In, put Mr until April, 1A77, and that Napoleosi
foretell acortain nintiber Of French vitamin; in
organize the now Mexican army, which Is Ito
consist of forty hattalins of ono thouhand men
each, besides Lho foreign legion which coasts is
of about fou thousand of field and lino Wilco rs
for tile army of fifty thousand men.
As regards Marshal thuilene the Ramiro is
requests that 110 be scrawl by (Moen LI
I in o re, because since the Marshula marriage Ile
SeelllB to take mum Interest in home
than in the extirpation of rho enemies •of
Maximilian's crown. The loss of Matainon IS
Is attributed LO lack of energy on Ids par L.
Moreover the Marshal is Very alltOeCaLle inn
his conduct; so Lunch so as to have once to
offeadmi the Emperor by a curt reply, sinto
Mahe the latter threaten to alslicatu if lissome
would not make all amend< honorable. This
WWI motto by the French Commander, at. the
Urgent request of M. Patio, the French Am
bassador in Mexico.
The Prom Moot sod Wm Escort to VlM
two--11loopttolltion toktentled la llir
by Cititt—lrbo rreoldoot Iftex.t on
W ',semipros, Anguet 27.—50 far melt is cur
t:Only known to-day, the following is a. list
those who will summil - Imq tile l'rtaWwlt 00
he excursion. Thu Secretary of /Mats. and
the Secretor)• of the hairy and wife.
The Postmaster fleneral, General - Uwe.' Ad
haunt Foriaget sind wife,
U Seato and. Mrs.
Patterson (.01. Willia. Moore amt. Col.
Morrow, anti comicutoillwith the Pntsidont . s
riffle, Marshal of the District of Colorabl,
iirnelleg, and his DePlitY COL O'lteirtio, L.
A. Goer laid, reporter Of tna Axsioniated Rims*,
and W. W. Warden.
It Is believed that Major tionoral 2.ternini
Minister Romero, and perhaps. others. oil ,
also he of the party. iloSpitalities have been
tendered hy the elides or Baltintore Wilming
ton, Now York, Albany, Auburn', Urietiestor,
Ilutfalo, Brio, Cleveland Toledo; lietron, Chi
t:nue, Indianapolis, Poorin, nod Otbars.
Tile President , will leave .WashingtOri on
Thursday by the aegular • :
Inearreettou Amami the Xing Shah CAW
•lele—,Seveseil Killed.
Peemix aerate, Ang.27.—lnformation Just re
ceived in this city, states that a number of
"t' employed to the quarry at sing Sing
prison, attacked a keeper this anierneou and
endeavored to wrest a revolver from blm. Ile
stoutly roasted, his attempts to .freeallimoolf
attracting the attention of Otheekeepers who
immediately wont to his assistance. in the
meantime the attacked mew managed to tree
his pistol, when he tired at his ansadants„ kill
ing ono of thorn instantly. The other keeper
also fired mortally wounding three, Whenthe
balance of the conspiratOrs were beamed.. At
halt-past six O'clock this evening .-all riaatilnet
agiouS iS Add 'Mat twWersarieta eIOSPou
last night, and Mil also reported that some of
those who made the rustuttne alteahrent are
sttll at large. The affair caused elnetiner*Re,
sepalteraeut, and large.eroWni . linke 4l,o tfp•
Nare-ot insturbeage.
. .
fiy ~ ~.~ ,~ „~,,.
r*4^ t.a "~ ~ ^+> ~,ye....:..: .p ~" K r' : '"4 — ` f 1~ V k~.~Tl' k"---. ~;
._~ ;R• > , ~ , . ,^.<.c ~' - ' . ~~ ,.. 5....5 , ~ ° .:rr~z~w.t: , . , .~.`J~.'t...,,~~7 , ~3~'c : e~~N~w.~.~~' : i r,,, ~=~*~,,. ~~~~ ~. ~"~ti~~"L's{~~' t
2 i cw ?: ' vc 7 ~~.m.~,,..~„~..c.:a~i`xl~r! w.x,~35~. ~`~ tbr. —'~'
Canadian Troope Itreals Canal, Meeting Of City Cotinetll.
New Tone, Angled 17.-A inapatelt from lief- A ra.gular monthly - meeting of the PIMP
falo states that Win British troupe, at Fort Erie bereft Counties wee hold bud evening In the
are °Mend to break camp on the esti, The -
toxins at Thorelal leave Tuesday for Toronto. city 1,1111.11 n gs.
The Canadian Government has received inter- Haim! Gouache-Present. Metiers. ileralman,
mutton that no movement in contemplated by - 01 11 1 00 Torlee, Morrow, Thompson , Comet
the Fain tans before February. The cavalry, . '
which has been patrolling the frontier, win,
cdteher, Lawm, McMillan, Artwareng, Bar
relieved by the gunboat. Uttered, and tug Rose. clay, Brown, Alebeughlin, Nonninie. Wil-Wie
_.-...- and AteAelev, President! ..
A rra " 6 " .ath " fin for Johni ilßeel'lag President The minium, of the erevlone meeting trete
rend toul approved.
Paitsentr at s, August '27-At a mottling
held at r. Ile Leuglilin pr m tten te a coim
nun icatlon
iro the citizens of ' the Sixth ward complain.
was rem the Alerchents' Exchanee to-ay, a M n,
oter.' that the hospitalities of the city lu g of t i l r i o e m seir o ity of water, and ref o ku l e o s fo t that
tel extended to the Preeldent, and Chet the
merchants, mechanics', professional men, and nipe as roan ""w tattl l' iti Mn iUrr i rod to the
citizens generally, meet him at the depot to Ny . . an P°---e• - °
. ; atm trurtutittee.
oecort him to his headquarters. Mr. Barclay ',reedited a petition from Citi
zens of the beventh ward flaking that water
Corn Emehruitre and the President. , pipes he laid along Overhill erect from Cede
lene. sperrals, August 27.-At the Corn Es- - ire avenue to Linton street. Referred to the
ehmige, to-day, n resolution was Offered to sp- ; Water Committee. I
point a Committee to cooperate with the mar. ! Mr. W ilium presented a remonstranee front
charts In receiving the President was defeat- I a number of citizens residing on Second street,
between ein Mitered and Grant against the por
ed, receiving only four votes.
The Journeymen Tonere' Society have re. ! chat' of it lot for tin engine house on that
solved to turn out en mazes to-morrow, to re. ' oared. Referred to the Committee on CRY
eeive the Preeident. , Property.
Mr. McLaughlin presented a petition from
Toler ,
Aletey, anal other citizens of the
Cholera Increases In Phillodelphin. I , e ,... t h ~,,„,i. emes ,,, ea
Of the want of
PutiosnatrrliA, Ang.27.-The Ledger of tide I wider on 11111 alley. Referred to the Water
morning says the report of the Board of i Committee.
Health of the cholera in this city shows Ogle I Mr. iferdman presentee on ordinance relat
teen mums and seven deaths, a large Increase big to the capital deck. formerly ownea by tile
ail compared with the report for any single J any. Rend three niece sad passed.
day for a week past. ~ Mr. Armstrong pi esentee fin ordinance in
___: creaming the salary of the meneen ger to Coen
illeellug at ['anon' Hall. ells to silty dollars per month from tile Ist of
BOBTON, AttgLt St 27.-FiLeuel Mall wan crow. 6 el d ' errr.r. •
I Str. LeOW moved that It he amended by also
ded . this evening for a ennui ally mud ratIII• i teeteee , t ,.. the e„htry of the City Regaled r
cation of the Pliihnlelpithi address anti dada- 1 from four hundnal te eight hundred dollar ° ,
ration of prinelplee. Rom henry W. Paine I A fter consider:LW° difiensiden the whole mat-
P resafed i who.. was the l' rlaei P al ' j 'i'" kel, "" . ter was referred to the Pirlallee Committee.
Was reCetVett with hearty appitorso, I Mr. McMillan, from, the - Street"Counnitiee,
presented the report of the Viewers on Wele
Jer. -DAVI. to be Released on Parole. • tad and Roberts streets. . The report was ac
ego Monies, AtigUst • 2.5:-The err!m, :
opted,ce approved anti adopted; and the Cern
n gains ground tbatJed. Davis- will s , discharged.
leased on conditional parole on the ground of , Also,egheny 'Valley an ordinance granting permisS
ompanyion to
Ills continued 111 health. 1 the All Railroad C
. --a•--. build n, bridge over Canal street nearthe corner
. of Etna. The ordinance Was read three times
Cholera lo Memphis, ,
rand fluidly missed,
Megrim. August 27.-Twelve eases of eltol : Also, an ordinance granting the Pittsburgh
era and four deaths are reported to-slay. National Coal and Coke Company the right to
A steady rain lees been fulling sines vester- lay e saheb en Try street. need three times
day morning. ! and temed.
lAlso, lie ordinance supplernentary to an Or.
Penni of Itev. John Pterpont. , dimmer direr:Ling the widening of Webster
Burros, August 27.-The Res. John Plerpreit • streets freak nigh street to Timed street. Road
died suddenly last night at his residence ln three times end posited.
Bedford. i lie Was ninety-one yearn of ago. I Also, an of dimmer directing the opening
1 and a Meiling of Wylie and Duncan streets (ne
; per advertisement elsewhere.) Adopted. 1
Also, n ordinance directing - the widening
ji j oftl i dibeit street, on the Simthern side, from
1 Magee to Stevenson streets. Adopted.
(AUDITION AL 1,00/t I, NEWS (JN Till Kit PAGE-) : Aim, an-ordinance authorising the grading
1 end curbing tut, it alma street, from Pike :
... . : street to the propose] Duquesne Way curb 1
Bishop StittpVon`ft Centenary Lecture nt . ise. Adopted.
ChliiNts (' hLi
nnrc-beral Endowments Al-'.,, tin ortl u lnance antlimezing the gratllng, I
tothe Pittsburgh 11 . 01111010 UglIttOt:O• i payout and crbing of Chick street, (rota Ful
ton street bi Leavitt street In the Sixth ward. 1
Last c•en in g, pursuant. In lisomiiiieentielil, , „,,,,,,,, , ,,, L
Christ clench it as lined with a I , rge amli- , Aliso, an otaltimul•t• nol Intl lidng the grading,
teen to greet Ihe Might Iteyeren.l Ittnintp , intlitt , f 1 , 1.1 , 1.1 „, t;g n i, ,, ii: ‘ ,. , ; , 01 i, 1; , , , 1t i 1 t ..a . . 4 1 r r tz a t i . nr Aci p e a p v t i ci „ i g .
''lmPl.'" ' " I"' "'""""o"''' to d " i ''''' "'.'"- and " ta:rbing of Munn., ry alley. Arloi4.l.
reattr7 1,0 or, Tilt meet ittli nraanfr" 11 ; Also an minium , ' for the widening of Mil
calling it. E. Sellers, Ceti., to the chair, tool i ten lierger'• st ley. On motion of Mr. Lowe. this
entree wan Mkt on the table.
the election of John Moot bend. Etat ,ns Sect es i .r :,l, 0 , „ km i .„ 0 „, the e , i ee „ a of the see _
tory. , The exorcises of the evening were I enth wart, ' asking that au alley, nen:Anted, be
a:toenail by an 01.0011 and impressive no poll- I graded and paved. Referred to the Street
cation to the Throne 01 sit are by lire. Dr. 2: es
' UT.. ,. "." 7S ' i e rirdtilsnee for erinstructing n pelilic
bin- hielieli 'en' lismi was thee I ittroitheed le j sower Virgin alley. Mead there times and
the tonhence mot eotion etteed Isle lecture by ' passed. a.
toentiring all i hat be destretl nthiresslng them Also f"r the censtrect ion of a public sewer
In a general way, although what he sa i d .as 0t Wood st reef. On motion of Mr. Merriman the
especial]) intended Inc t-1. Met liml ed It ret It ren ' :Wootton et the ordinance was postponed.
in emendates , . Three Imintrist .7 eat , tom jr.,- ' Ain. for the coustruct lon of a politic sewer
testanism wins established, and with meth pry , - no Market street, from Liberty street to the
arid exultation wan the solo Imesctry held a , Ittatutnal. Adopted.
few years +go. Tit. Is the hundredth anti I- . Mr. Arrant Tong presented lot ordinance al
'nary of Methodism in A vier lea, and even , lowing ArinstrOlig A Stileoy tro erect addition
s,.watillilar Itirml Ines I o the prosenl aro be. al viral. ovens on the bank of the tdOnOngaliela
Mg held in all Sections ot thecoml. r and t o cr, to It Ilia the city line. After counttlera
a• ben:tees' those tumehign art' hallall rejoice hie .1 Istolcdon the ordinance was laid 011 the
In the high standard a loch Methodism lins tit- ' t able
' Mined. In 1:741 a elan,. t ~,,,,,,,,, of nts nom Mr. Lona mot .1 that the City Regulator be
front II eland net .al as , lor 1.. and there Inel al rol. sloll lo survey seastual street from Rose
the Mit I ~,,, elation in Atte-run el the 31.-t he. to the city line, and le report to Commits at
II wt. Epbeermal religion. They IMO 110011 t•,111111 their neat reenter meeting. Adopted.
•eigettilir by Barbara !leek, and had 011.1 1011 - . Mr. Morrow pre.reliled en ordinance author
! ley eta "s sit env , to i tie tl, , ir ir notg.• to !tint; the COMMit tee on Ainnoelifshelit Wharf
Mel and to implant 11+' .. ~i et Methodism to fele. an alratellient Of 1 wenty-ilvo per Cent,
Upon this conilloor I. 'on till siettll/1 toms 11110.111 g Stroll)' trips.
TllO 1011,0,1 100101'0r raorlorl the' general Passed
great Wort; rrom net hoar., ol ,o,• Mcilimpal Mr. Morrow offered I lie following resolution ,
I itoorti, from 1 Ick 1 lino rlow rr Or the 101.-11,1 i %. il it il was reict red to 1110 Street COnititittee ,
Form bo mind! a Iroz Inning amtl+ooll •1
li.c.J..(t•tti, That Michael Mullen be exonerated
nourished soot grown to morn lent I Int to- from - lite payment of twrnaity-t wo dollen, for
de). ISIS fold ittitulters itntiot -.1 i 1:15, all 11 int in- ,1/10,, , os grade of High street.
Meg It' Mane Of, the 0110101101 , 0111111ror 01 The resolutlou front C. C., winterizing the
I.7stesleromitine Ratite met Is , nig:tract las Illy lemmi t toe MI 1711 V l•rOloirty to purchase IL tot
acfoal siren t tn of the 1,11,1 ton. Net only lute for the use of the buquenne Fire Euglee Coni
ne, Church 111f011111 , 1 Its 110.1 1/1 11.1. r here, pony, was amended on motion of Mr. Slitpton
but has tarred mit...lons to Germany, A, ' by strll.lft out the words "power to not."
and Sweden, Inilla, CM int and Afro a. 1 ht' In all business from C. C,,tint otherwise
Bishop here reriterl till , ht/lt iNt it, 1 . 4.,3t111.. in I - 1111.11t10111.11, rt. C. eoncbrred.
the general tlt melt, as deice it (1)- the 0101E110 of 1 itn motion adjourned. .
, lee, WlllOll 110 C1;010041 Oltolllll ben aourre of I In r„,,,,„„,, 0,„„,„4"p„,„,,,,,, Messrs , Brush ,
pride and praline:OM.. 1e all We faltlifid, an ' Diehl, Forit, Bare, Kitten, klawhlnne,y. Meßtr
inutliorLlSUl had Made more 1 alert progress' en, Aletmewan, McClelland, McGowan, Ogden.
than rtflV' ether religlene denote Illation m 1 Pineheil, Rotes, Seibert, Tomlinson, Turley,
wealth r a nd opulenc T
e, tied the Minds, a wl Welden, Walsh Lind Stara, President.
clinrarter of her diuretics. he lecturer The minutes of the preernaling meeting
churned that the leovertimeet et the Crated e ere read anti approved.
gtnite4bed not roVr'i , r l 1 - 11 " M° ol .B . r• ir Aiere ii 'rho Chair presented a remonstrance from a
It propOrtlon 10 Its tllOll d bor., n o be ether . needier of calzene against the erection of a
Churches been favored. lav,ilsl a its the la to I gin , Ellt:1110 house on Second street adjoining
of the organization of the Ameri c ,,,,, cheitet . the liontimmathic tinseled, giving us a reason
roper. i that the street ts too narrow, anti that It is eim
T ile Bishop teen gave an amount mei goner-, co pi e d by private residencesand that Ito
al history 01 the Colleges of the Cleo - eta mine - oreetion wilt lessen the value et property In
that purled. And yet, he said, there ts it VIVII, . that itetehterhood. Referred to the Commit
field open In this direction. 'niece are not , tell nitteLy property.
enough Of suer institution , . established yet j Mr. Welden offered an ordinance increasing
for the education of our young, an I he would , lac ,celery of the First anal Second District
urge sty and earnestly ask ell persons within Street Coinnessionere from nine handrod to
MA hearing to properly alai an I support the I twelve hundred dollars a year, from the Bret
Seminaries and Colleges nlrendy toweled- : o f j shy 1,,,,L
The right reverend speaker next referred to Mr. Seibert spoke at length in favor of
the founding of the Pittsburgh remain College • grun ting Lb, i nem nse,
and the trouble and alieletilties encouevered i Mr. McGowan moved that the salary be one
upon all sides trace tiffs noble institution was themand dollars.
first oetaidislimi. But now it was one of the I Mr. Brash mm eal to refer the whole matter
most useful, superior and presperOUS places ; to t h e Finance commute,of
of female edilmttlen an this Motel lanai. Per- , Mr. Foci thought that it was unnecessary to
several.. and energy Is today rewerded by i refer it to the Finance Committee. The Com
ma average attendance of over two hundred miseloners were saving theeity more that. the
scholars, shoe leg cleurly that Il IS deeply ap- i increase of salary asked for, and their present
predated by a wise eh riatlan cam MU II Ity. bee nay wens insufficient to support their famillea.
long this educational institution will lei recog- he thought the orilie.aneu should be passed
nizeit us It is new eminently desurVlng. In is .
without reference.
Pee [aeon atid success as iteY Outlier college i Mr. Killen moved to lay the motion to refer
in Um Union. : to the Finauce Committee upon the table.
The financial etmalitiort of the college was • Lost•
next reverted to, showing that at daft of 511,000 , Mr. Brush's motiou to refer to the Finance
s till hangs over It uncancelled, to allisehpree - Committee was then taken up, and carried.
w hide be urged Ids hunters to making their : Mr. Tomlinson moved that the Gas Commit.
eentenery contributions to. remember the j Ile be it - llama:teat to have a gas lamp standing
wimas of thin ieditetlee• 'flat, Peoele era iie - I on Peen street in trout of Dennis Leopard's
on reele:l anything through Providence in the I Mike moved to the corner of Cedis alley; alit°,
tea yof raising fends for church purpose.. In- : to have a gas lamp in front of the Citizens
deed, this city alone eheuld make a linanciel • Passenger Railway slice moved to the end of
Te ti
day thin year exist:citing thra of any other j the building on a small alley. Referred to the
In tl le history of the Clinrh. 'SnIS least $l OO , OOO j Committee ma tilts Lightine with power to act.
ohou la. he
_reined Inc . edeeetilieel Perneseo i Mr. McGowan admen a resolution remit:et
alOile for UM prOper glOrllleat3olll o f the con-• tag the cote. ittee on city property to pro.
tental year. : cued immediately with the work of putting a
lie c neat the Cat boleti 11,9 an example worthy 1 new roof on the Niagara Engine Rouse.
to be imitated In the zeal displayed In the erne- ! It was explained that the contract for this
(ion of aha " hen "" other thnt'tettee° for the 1 improvement was already let out, awl the
glorification of their Chtuve. in 'conclusion , work would le\woceealeal with as soon es mis
file learned keno er made a strong aml earn- : Bible.Referre to the Committee on City
eat appeal to those in attendance to make lib- , p ro p er ty.
end endow menus to the college. . ' Mr. Brush offered a resolution that the Coln-
f'f.f"fj ese.j."thglY ' hal n ° "'III not Inttlee on City Property be instructed 10 sell
flirlilsli alntim - colon 2 all the Bishop's really , the 'Moen., Monne and lot on Wylie street, In
eloquent and Instructive iltscottrse. Thai It the Si till wale, and pay the tummy into the
waY fruitlut of goal results, Ihe renaming not- bands of the city treesurer,• end that they be
illneent endow Merits from those In attend- 1 nuthorised to porch... a Ica m some suitable
twee will fully prove,
SAIIIIIIII M. gar..., a
Thos. lilekeoe's heirs, tor e Die knots nll th' e raltlrt'tittlllhlottS.L,' I 'l ro h t• 0 1 - t a lt r It a l tlle for i i h tr e letr ''' .lot i : n " o ' t f. ex-
• , deat ten' thousand dollars . Itend three times
1 ,„"er,„; total passmi.
Mr. Thos. Fe weett
"A V Hum!" ie . , ,. .c.- ,, , ,
I.. A „ i
fr o y f K o a o i r w o arl oo l t , .l. o l - o
.7. ---- - ,„„ the attuned of 11 la elnini [Or constreether a
,Total- e• - ' , "'" J.,... et 011 re it nseleallin 00011510. Referred to
Mrs. hUnrierly made a milateription ot 1,1110 fllO Finance Committee, with power to act..
ty-flro dollars, or eve dollarsearli for 11,3 1111 . .120 1 /1 , offered a raeoltatirm that the Lity
etllkrell, for the teetotaler of a gametal emit solicitor be instructed to cuter SatistactiOn tin
est obltslun lent of a etiust ~,,, Alt 1•1' tw ley all at...meats tilt 11:tying tax entered agitated
Professorship - lat the College. verso. °teeing aniloccupying loud abeillee
itev. . Air. l'airohlim null Mau lolloWing 111 F on Bedford erect, east of Fulton street.-
"A Medina of the ladles Cl all churelom will joA.Ll:..,a,lrioroaroilpuotylootiot.fliotifioloh)e.mC,lotKoTre.coitoettireotrhobre_
lie hold next Thursday sot ...loon lit the Col- ,e,,,, ap v ror r i .,,, 0 ,, , ...,, „ lic k persoLna a
tax s may
lege for the formation of a '1 -.Mime Centenary . hum) paid their assessments of PriLf ‘ i e if,
FaIUeitMOIMI Altaffelatioll 01 the re.oloe'V.'l , Se' ; lhelleral ei reet, th e umennt of neese
male College.' " t due them, provided
1 ' 4"t '' " nd tt"' " e'r I 11 that .rtirr the
After the Ringing of the Meg nictre alextil- . thin the City Solicitor sla j
ogy DIM lieriedletlini the abantlibly dispersed. atuotant doe anti 1 ht: i pgrlt °Ate
r , nt
he dirt th% City
Cholera Preceptive. I osnoooll‘d,,,illlto.l.,r,..l!:illiPar:is:ol.l 1., ,,h o n f
u o d p r i o n rd ion s t , t h reo at i ti .L ie
i pa . v i ..
Thep , Is old adage, that an melee of plevon- I t-og,-,iinii•yeoliented. Retorted to the Finance
non lo witrlli a pound of cure. Net or IVO+ the , Cotonlllloo, 7 1. , 1 3. 1 joilifwmeoroteoapeotfirfoo
force of Lille truth! el naying more rent than at 1
list 1 halls Ctliinve.nhtt", rae " king for three hundred feet of
present. 'Death, or the oe' e ln Of .th‘eas'" fetirincli tenter pipe tribe
in Forbes
"anctathei la every' It h e , " 0 ea' and drrnktlrod tenet, 10 eOuneet with Gist street. Referred
Water Committee, with power to act.
even In them
atmosphere we breath .'ll.O . e leant . i_
'',sll;.°Foral presented the report of the Special
irregularity of our system stionial be watched c
ommatee oe the Carson street sewer. Re
wall A h e l'alaus aYa ' amt Vthathf a"ura"s' ! (mired to the City Solicitor and the Finance
should be to restore It to a heathy am I committee, with ower to act,
thou. One of the prinuipal melees of deltas° f/1 TIP' petition o f David lintelenson, lat rola ,
Indigestion, and anything that. will assist Ole ,
tills to the chat! ging of V ickree street, was rm.
gustrlr juices in performing thee tubers. Is
w o n , „b oo b, ~, I w ny, , b e n0n ,,,,,, f or b y mom,
.f i alreal to the Street Conmattee, with )10WOr 10
"1" ale all' ''''''lV'''Chni"r'rr""""i''' I Mr. McClelland presented a communication
1 ,„ 1 ", n,,',.l.."72,l,rse"'e''"Lf vi..1:,1,11,,','",',',,,',,f",',;,°,7,',11,°,,,f";,- I from the Controller, offeriug a resolution that
'''''''''' '' -." va ry `'`'''' - "e "- -."-- j - ---" .he be illithorlr.o.l 10 Mane a certificate on the
for irregularities of the syetem. It lea roe 1 -
Mayor for a wernott for 0110 lill 11111 , 1 and SOY
trorr, a lonic and I a pro's entire. It lues sioodll% '
, enty-three dolliton and forty - mints la favor of
nest of tierend yours Slieettlif,tllll. •
'to yer C o if,' to 1, 0 o ff o ol 11 01, 111 ea. oe. " l7l .' or h i '... Meea re. A . ..t .
m e I
o m o r f g r e a t i l m i e , s r u o m oo e
nary al tarriue one bout° la Eli ~,,,,,, law:Lyn st If- WU. 00 11 / 1 t I
n 0, ,„ ~,,.,,, o re. I 'tan two b e ing 0 ,,,,, i n coo
.. a o ng a r czep , t i e , aml rianolution roue three nines
must severe MOO,. It IS also very elfeutive lit e
Mr. irorley °tiered a resolution that COIIIIOII3
roses of Chronic dearth:4i, d yemitery, al yspe p
it a ita WO 01111 441.. /f 1 60 rififtlOOttlll tO make ueeessury ',reparation
eta, itearklieirmi,th, ° e,,,,, A L ,, - ,,,,, i i m c U. Seely, I to ;rive Preselem Johnson a fitting reception,
i f ' VIIIIT,I"I'i‘n-lifi-irker, - . eLS,, and -- I; anal that. aeommltteetifillve,three from the So
corner ,o , lest
and two from the COMMOII Cormell tie ap
nold by all alruggbits.
-aes-- - pointed to make suitable arrungements. The
pled tt s Ills inparimt.-On Wealnosdar I nyea and nays being called (Or, resulted as
last. Air. hones Williams, resealing on seta 1 ibliOWS, AYes - Meears. Tetley and W 01,1011„
Avenu Alleglieny.Clty, received Mindful er Nitys-illecars. Ilrushi l Diehl, kern, Mare, Rit
much a nature teat he died of them on Sunday len, fdawhimley, J. .Mc.Ewou, litequew
afternoon at four o'clock. lie went loW a utim • an, Meelallaud. MeGeWelb Ogilell, ran/hell,
chine shop In Mitriehenter, for the purpose of i Itobb, Seibert, Temlinson anti Steel.
sewing out apiece of panel taut/ for a floor. iiir.Ogflen offered a resoltitkintleet the corn.
The - board was batch out thirty 'lichee in . mate* on city property be, and are hereby In
iengthiand half an inch hi thickness. Ile woe etruetesl to s
the lot on Seetwel street
tieing one Of the circular sates, and sot beiug 1 i for the parpOSe Of erecting aet
fOr the use
fandllax with the manner of using it, the , of Duqueene Engine Company, No.§...lteferred
piece of board was raleed up by the now, _and 1 to theCOMUlittee On City PrOperly With power
thrown eitalently back, striking Mul in.tho Ito act.
stomach. Me did not tempests lOC einem Limo 4 Mr. Ogden OffSredtt petition from R. Muller
after that lie had received titjunes to any ex- 'Jr.,! President of the lionongalude. Bridge
tont, but they afterward proved to be inter- i i Company, setting forth that the eenielnlY
mil. ;110 continued to grow worse Until Sue- , were Oceupying a triangular piece of land on
day afternoon, al Whlell tint* dean released '.•4 the ',Monongahela Wharf for the etorage of
him from hleaulterings. Ider WilliameWast an.:•l, ninterial fOr repitiring the bridge, and re
cta eitlteri , woe fifid , aix years of age, and, it questing the privilege of putting,. a fenee
loaves a grown ttp family to Meant hie - loss. ,i around tile said ground. for the preteetion of
notice aide Ameba will be pined itt anoth-1 , their property, and to prevent, fi lth being
f ar A.
cOIUMM I placed upon the wharf, for wra th they will
• --e-,--sitte-. -- j .--.--
• J . ' pay the city the sum of MOO yearly, and win
430rOner i elinglItillt.-COrollerelaWSOn hold il keep if - reindict); hooks and poles for the reeer
an Inquest hat evening -on thus dotty of Mr. ~ Dry of dead bodice. Relerred to the Commit-
Jaraell Williams, a- t- hi s .residence, on South. 'I tee On blOnOngitheitt Wharf, with power to ant.
leveneleito ifiqUirilas to what-means ho came ! Id.r.Dlehl presented a protest• from the trite.
10,bledfeatti, Mr; Willteen, ee will be seen by tees of the tlertaith If.muigellesd PrOtestant
a 1301100 elaewherte,WMa Struck by a piece of Church against the proposed paving Of Mll-
board While WOrkinglit Sheath It IlelLitaldia 'I . tenbergere alley at the present time . /tee
Carpenter Shop ittldplatking mill, in Allegheny • forted to the Street Comrillttee. j , _ „. a J
,City..->ef-.tha jery _Was that his I Mr- liatehleney OffereilareaOhltliftlietbhtthe
deatit. erar , the 'result Of 'arnident. Mr. Wil--di TruillteeSed the-irittaintigh ~ Gee ..Compu zy bo
Mama lumbeawarteleeeter Ws city for abont. - ,' authorizetitaerect ttlanitt OROMOODier
Plit'Yet IrkliaTltiltorlgltially.movcd Rpm itut.:l j i, 'Of 'Magee andflism , atrostm also ,elle _tail-Ann
10 ealitilitnlfithiiState. j - - • Street lit 'rent" of Lila - Itislittx ,wate. 'school
. •
~, s y ~.
Iteforrol In Ihn 1.a44 C -4 ,111.0111.41n. 001114
sin Ogden offered no orrilll,llol. lleor 4 oo
plonettorn for pasnongers on the Wharf, nod . nt
the rallreall depots.
ti, the 4,11-
ounce Committee. •
Mt. Seibert. °Herod n rel.olutlon to to
the scales In the Ylftll ward. Iteferte.l to the
Street Grrmmlttoo.
Tho President read the follow Ing
. 090100 410 1144 A no or Het )
Prrrantrann, Aug. 21, It.;.
Thos.:fled, h'sd., ['resist:ad of anonnrn
DMA tt u:—Accriroing in yo recineAt liend
yon the following statement from the 00000110
of 00 Hoard or Health:.
The number of interments In the several
cemeteries from tho city of Pittsburgh, for
the month of August,lar.., ending Anumat.Mtb,
la Ono hundred. For the sumo time ir, Au
gust, Mk, the se re Intertnents were sebilly ventysme.
You ',
Groans YOII:04 - 0
Health °Meer.
Mr. Ford (acted tho followll l 4
Llc It Ordained, Iprt, That Moans. Armstrong
Stacy ho permitted to erect additional coke
Ovens adjacent to those they already occupy
on Second street, Eighth ward, near fork No,
1, Monongahela river.
ti, That all Ordinances Inconsbltent with
this by, and they are hereby repealtul.
Laid over,
Mr. rateholl °Rural the following renol
. .
Re..01,,1, That the Committee on Railroads
be instructed to Mean.° and report by what
authority, or under what arrangement, the
Pennsylvania nadir...l Company now occupies
Lilmrty strimtand Emlith otruet, if a condi
tional grant liad teen given, whether the con
ditions have boon complied with, and if not,
what action is nccessar: or ought to ho taken
by Councils in the pram ace. Referred to the
Railroad Committee.
Common Council then concurred in the n
tine of the Seleet.oouncil In various matters
of business brought before them.
On 11200011, adjourned.
DOLOOCriIIIC Mooting at CIO' flail—
Speeches of Senator Cowan and tiny
ernor Johnson.
Quito a largo number of our citizens assem
bled In City Rail, last evening, to hour the,
great qnestions that are now agitating the
country, discussed by Senator Cowan, lion. W.
F. Johnston and others.
The meeting was callel to order la 11. It..
Weaver, Esq., who nominated George S. Gil
more, as Chairman. The nomination was rat-
Med, and atter an air from the band, Mr.
Weaver read the following 11.4 of 01110.ns, who
wore elected by acclamation.
Sire Presidentc—Gen. Geo. W. Cast, Gen. (1e.,.
Gallupe, Col. .t as. P. Barr, Francis Sellers, Esti.,
Dr. A. C. Murduck, Col. Henry Met:mil lommen,
Geo. P. Kinderell, Esq., Wm. .1. Richardson,
Esq., Major Wm. McCandless, C. U. Paulsen,
Esq., Win. J. Koontz, Esq., John Me Nesters,
N:sq., Wm. Mcbinrry, Esq., Col. James h. Kerr,
Dr. A. G. McQuaide, I:apt. Frank I'd tee, .1.
M. A witty, Esq., Gem Thomas A. itowiey,
Joshua Rhoades, Esq., A. W. Watson,
David D. Itruco , Etn., Marshall Swartze older.
Esq., Col. Francis Felix, ThOilliel K 00110.13,
Allan) Itelneman, Itne., Jobe Gan, ' , see
Andrew Humbert., lobo IL Sawyer, Zen.,
John P. limit, Enq., W n.. Smith, Eaq.,
Esq., W. C. (leihti/ilee, ESil., Henry
Neel - clan ..—.lnweA W. Gennody, Esq., Capt.
Augustus Brown, Robert Roach,
A. bitchy, Esq., John J. Mitchell, Chas.
T. Porter, Esq., Geo. W. Leonard, Esq., Chus.
IL Strain, Esq.
Or Mel NO *MOMS.
(In taking the chair, Sir. Glitimre re terra._
bristly to the Issues before the people, and
commended in strong terms the action of the
Philadelphia Convention. He ell oiled to the
aubmissive spirit evinced by the people of t he
South since the close of hmt I lit les, nod
thought the North conid not ask any further
pledges of them and be just. While the gen.
tlerman was speaking Senator Cowan and Gen.
Sarmtzer came upou,the stage, and were greet
ed by cheers, watch effectfully drowned the
words of the speaker, and he thereepon retir
ed anal introduced Senator Cowan.
Considerable enthusiasm was manifested
when Mr. Cowan came forward. After iL hail
somewhat subsided no began by thanking
present for the kind reception given
Msg. ;and proceeded to rewiew the political
attention. He said they had met for the par
pose of accomplishing that which was dearest
thevery Aniorican heart—the restoration of
States to then former pristine glory and
grthiriess. Thu Government has two great
characteristics, First. The Govern moat
comes from and derlvmall Its power from tile
people, and the second great characteristic is,
that it Is ii,lioverninent of law. Nothing can
be done without law, not even General Grant,
who is the par excellence of generals, can harm
the nuntlleat chile in this republic, nuless
through the law. Then we must
cease law,
and It we don't. we are lost. We to ho
free people,
and sink into despotism. The
Speaker dill not believe the difficulties in the
wof rm. toration were so great as to make
ve men afraid—they eoull be easily over
come. We must expect to meet difficulties,
but when they are overcome we will have a
union for oar reward. In alluding to the war
he sal.l, In 1511 we had ne army—no navy, no
exchequer. We hail some doubt whether we
werea dent-rate power, actorilingtotlin in
terpretatten 01 this term in Europe. We found
out that we were-two first-rate powers. So
far as that war was anovltlence ot our genius,
valor and skill tu Medan. warfare, neither
parties have any rensonter be Mhamed of it.
Speaking of the war he said it ‘ was waged
by a portion of the people who were endear . -
wring to overthrow the law, su pre m acy. e general
government fought for its We
had no authority to make war upon the peo
ple of the rebellions States only through and
by the authority and virtue of the Coinititu-
Mon. When the people submit to the law
there is no authority p
Its further rosecu
tion. In the great atreggle [Or
between the govern
ment and the rebellious people of the
South, State governments had been
prostrated and shattered to pieces.
AL the close of the war the question of how
were they to be reconstructed presented Itself
to Mr. Lincoln. 110 or lint we decide 1 We de
r ebb:4 on the Mile of right and law, and refer
' red the question to the people of those States
whose governments had been usurped, and
which ho maintained had the only power to
rmtore their State government. Thu Conati
tette= guarantees to each State a ItepUblman
form of government. Yes, hut the Radicals in
Congress thy you must allow no to make your
State government for you, so that we may be
sure it is a Republican one. Some people say,
are you not going to punish the traitors? Yes,
they are In tile clutches of the law, and the
courts are the proper authorities to meet
out justice to culprits, no mutter what is the
character of their offence. Ile did not believe
the !'resident had any power to punish any
person—he was no executioner, no prosecuting
Attorney, and if any one felt themselves in
jured by way person in the South, they slimed..
make oath against that person before a magis
trate mid have him or her lawfully punished.
Ile condemned the policy of universal suf
frage, and held that the negro would derive
no benefit from the use of the elective fran
chise, as not even the Radicals would allow
him to hold office.
Re maintained that the policy ofteconstruc -
lion adopted by Mr. Johnson was Identical to
that pursued by Mr. Lincoin, and that ha him
self w as n Republican of te old school, andt
that he had over adhered to Mao Chicago pla
form of P.M and the Baltimore platform of T. 4.
lie also Mittnlalued that the Sou th ern States
were in the Union; that the ordinances of se-
wore null and veld , and were unlawful
their very eenatriletlOn.
Speaking MOO reconstruction poliny of Con
gress, he said that if it was perslated in It
would sow rebellion broadimst throughout the
South, arid eventually bring on a war that
would result In a Southern triumph, as they
Liam would be shielded by the right. Ile held
that the South hail suffered enough, and they
should be immediately be restored to their an
cient positions in the Colon. After speaking
for all hour null a half Mr. Cowan withdrew
amid applause.
Speootics were also made by William F.
Johnson and .L It. Sweither, after which the
meeting adjoorned,
Pit! ,Lassa Gas Works
The report of the Engineer to the President
and Board of Trustees of tho Pittsburgh the,
Works, shows gratifying results to istockhold
ors. According to his report, the amount of
coal carbonized for the year cooing Juno 30tht
was three hundred and forty thousand
niuo laindrod and ninety-one bushels, anti the
gas distributed to private consumers, public
lamps, Mayor's office, water works and market
houses, amourds to one hundred and tIOVC.II
millioop, twenty 1.110111111111 tWO bemired and
eighteen cubic feet, being of sev
enteen millions nine hundred and eighty-six
thousand six hundred and thirty seven lent
over the amount distributed the proceeding
The maximum number of retorts In action
at ono time within the year was sixtymlne,
and the average number in use &trios the
same time was Ofty-tour.
The number of men employed In all of the
departments at the present time is fitly-nine,
and the average number employed during the
year was fifty-seven. There has been one hun
dred and thirty-one services laid daring the
past year, Increasing the number 01 services
to private consumers to thirty-four hundred
nod Ility-six. The number of public lamps are
live hundred and seventy-three, the sumo as
last year. The street mains lai d curing the
year amount to three thousand and fourteen
feet Increasing the aggregate of street mains
in use at present to one hundred antrelaty
' seven thousand, nine Itrindred and lorty-elght,
feet, or a fraetion leastirun thirty-two
The demand for coke hus.not been equal to
this production, making It necessary to USG u
largo amount orit le beating the retorts. it
is now however equal 10 the production. The
denland for tar continues to Ist equal to the
production of the works, it being all disposed
of as rapidly as_produeed,
It newpurifylhg house is being erected of
swilletent rapacity to purity obi the gas that
can be inatinfactared on the ground. The
building will be ready for this winter's use.
hosed,' ism fa Pitt Tonnirsklp.
Four young men named &mph and James
Kluney. orta John had James Potrell, honored
the pasture geld of ..31r. Just Ruch ht CAL
township, on nuntlity afternoor:, and by u.ty of
passing the thnerpleasantly began etnnhe; the
cows that Were.; ginning there. 31r-Ll:neil re
quested them to Menet and leave hla artilet
as their coming there was a trospain o t .
stead of obowlha they tu r " d i..,...- het
Mica on lam. Ho made a -falai ru_s_ aw
mod .
awing . to the Vigor the .i tairrmug
wan locoed to rettre..t
his rte V-r:::, (km
t° day t t entf,l::rog.
drew a revolver and tit o
Ruch for orneriest 1i5ai1f.17....117,..1.61.
terday morning X-r " - d chnottte al proem: l6 gs
Borman 11°"1"r " u'fOr.nutlielcutCrolsoltiet.
t nitfoal -WUXI, -Yfitill?U!
. &
:~ ~.!_-w
" :asnlunsi
The edition Is fooranteatet . fistilitid - Tenon be Slaw
scribers soonest, al thikaaallrolV.7; •
coriza, 1150
uLuDs or 11.V.8..,." " ..
:LOBE or TEN AND 1:IPW A.111.1 . 6... , .....t4 a la.
A Wealthy WlldOw
About two yearS elm , • took
nt the Olive of A Itlertb 'Moo, and a
wealthy oil gentleman .• t.ttras„—then
residing in Manchester, o decoaSed—
became the husband of at,
7escort intern_ After t'tl • n
,71-"ifor coon ul,lal fnlinit tut' Chu
it dltZ:olilEahtecebv.lBlto.w.of''"Bl,ll:l
the rural dbarlets as "w e. liOsng scarf elloraal'so7ti'ltttf viaint 'Of
her clutr departed, she rreutionily had re
emir. to the livery: table ei A .111,1 Jackman
r o t this ptlrjrnKe t Irtng lime
m et it young
no.•ttetl Clay ltrider, who wits
engaged by Mr. tett , attr, • lot capacity of a
groom or driver. a . t 4: h
always took t 144:1. of the team when
rho went out. Allot a then they became ulti
mate—then effect - lona • o nuttily the young
widow threw Imre, In the arms of
the 'lackey . and d e •litred the full meas
ure of her priasl Another marriage
c o reruorty Ltn - '4 , place In the dingy oface
of Alderman Ihmaltlim. ,anlthe lean day of .last
Jerinary, and t rider Lite BUD ,
ecymt., P.lll - 1111, not On ynt the affect:tem of
the lady, but also In tin utacmgeoneut of her
property. Everything ,tlltled smoothly with
them fora time, until the father of the bride
w e reed cam Critter. hat/ lust a wife and two
children in Gettyaburg. After InveStlgating
the report, and being Miry o 41311.1 of its ac
curacy. he repaired to the orate of Alduruum
Donaldson, where he preferred a — charge of
Mgt:fly against the liatthand of his daughter.
Crider became cogniaa.t of tills 'natter. and
ere loe be arrested he lied from the city.
Ile returned ma... Saturday, however, and
idontlay was Arrested by. tiflicer Sather, Who,
at his request, etinvOyhddiral't o the dame Of
Alta. Under No. Water alley, Allegheny City.
Ile Implored her to furnish the necosaary
but only latighed, and chock.tagadm play-
Icily Under this chin, told htm go to`the rent
tt tryoll t e n to rn r ed no fr was om e h ous er dis ig.. -
to d
the county to to await trial.
A Queer Notice
The Titusville ri,ora or yeatxtrilny
L 7 rO
- for the following. LiOR a man cow
leteil or bans; a thief, can bo rt useful mem
ber of society Whose loss will he severely felt,
pur.v.b.^s us cromblerably. Here is the stem:
Annear or rafirla 1:1 fresh in
the minds of our readers that no attempt at
burglary took place at the resnlence of Father
4ignault lost Thurs.lay lamming. It tens sup
posed that the burglar was shot by the brother
01 Mr. Xt. and afterwards got up and loft the
premises. A wall-known resilient of this
city, mooed Frank Carver, Ints been
covered by the pollee, shot by a pistol
bull, ft is alleged, on the same day on
which the burglary took place. Upon being
utte.dioned he could give no satisfactory ac
count of his whereabouts On that morning. It
wa., therefore, thought proper to Into him in
to custody, nett Chief W 'therm', accompanied
att It It the city yesterday afternoon
till Oat parpOse, 1017. up to going 10 pries they
1.01 net routine.' Wall their prisoner. Mr.
t ,cl - r oolise, On It,. ILIIII street, i, this city
was yestenlay searelied on
Inc that palayse,l but walling of a snapleaals
ehataet,r 101001 la It. I rel.:. cm losity"
ptesseo a- ill 110, liii- affair, w 111 turn out.
Mr. Cary., Inas proved himself an adept In re
coverne,. berso4, meilt
4 o ho found
guilty or this 1,11110, he .4, , IKO 11 ,Ni a
a...letter O
triety may vet reit.
Tho Finkle .t Lyon Sewing Alm,hint,
A 11101142. 1110 11111111..11 , Sev.ltig 111.11Innes now
betore tle• 1.11 1 .1 n, 0,,e,' oe,•,,py a higher place
in the ,•••1 inlet toe el those alto have lIRCIi them
than the Finkle Lyon machine. Their prin.
cl cll 1/1/1111 to 01 111,111 or their cheapen., Slot.
plietty, darnbitlcy, lint their solaptatnltty for
0.1 kinth , of work. The operator cam change
from the very heaviest 111111 commit cloth to
the finest anti most llei teat," fabric without al
tering Other the stitch or Llie Magic.. This
Is n very Important consideration, and. taken
In waneetion a lii lade. 1110:t pureletwers to
form a favorable Judgment. Itut we refer the
reader to the 1111V11.111,1411111.1111. the 150211,
IL. 11. Long, NO. 112 1.11%1411 ,areer, tamoslto
the Cathedral, where the machine cart be seen
la operation,.
Injwittee.—Wo aro Itol to believe that, we
Uhl Injustice ytisterilay to I
In stating that he Levi failed to pay Ills beard-
Wu hill Pa Lbu proprietor of the LirUAL /101180.
111 Allegheny. The matter at hisue appears to
have arisen f rom it In tatted en rd d
ng tig between
the host tun: his guest. regai t price r
weekly hoard. ',entitle., the matter will I.e
amleaul) arrangeil.
Alderinar Ts) or . • .11,1 e oath
against Mary 1011 II • t Allat battery
and inalutatallor a ha , all Mary was
arrestod and rein, iat ad 1 Bring suit,
agal••nit Tlll`retla for 11.2,1.141 , . WOO'.
011010 1,1 1 ,. , I the parties
paying our ball •:f the....
The !Fit,. Pie:luau I tt. , - . tt 0 matte
mention of the fart le •. mrning's
100110 that. Ow restilen• .: , u 01.,. of alt.
Pleustutt, Cilithl, 100.1 1. . . of id, bl/0.
Stem We lett.llll 0 . I .I.i Elulluet.
WllOlOllllOO 0 Ihtre :LI - 1,-A, . , rime, 11.1lli
thUt thin eV IL I vllvv 1;., - .0 0 0 I. 0. .. 00 et.rong as
to rutoler their COON 1r.,. u L...alte l f of cc,-
- ...
Whippet! a aeo•. Valentine ap
peered before Alderman flutier yesterditY.
unit prelerred a charge of assault and battery
ligalust Mary Connelly. The olTenee consist
ed in the latter abusing sit adopted child of
Line prosecutor. A warrant was Issued for the
arrest of Mary.
NELSON—ENGLISH — AIign" 214. at S. MM.
theve , ehtuch NowlYork, by theitev. J. 11. Baden.
Mr. Jt/lIN NELdON, of 1 - 11.45b0 rg b. to Mist. KATE
ENGLISH, furtoorty of Ltolast-
lIKATTY—On Saturday I, titling, at ii , o'clock. at
the residence of her brother-In-law% John it. Magee,
corner of Cleaner and :tool.)an s u es) ), m t ,i,
Wani, Miss RACHEL 00. ATTY, aged years.
The funeral wilt take pla - e fills (Tuesday) mows.
MO, at 9 O'CIOCk, to pe.ceed I+l tltlldda Cemetery.
The friends of the family arc resyn.,tfully Invited to
attend without further notice.
WILLIOMS - 4ln littray evening, the Mth inst.,
al.& o'clock, of naiades ICreiVed at the Nationa l
Mill, in Allegheny , on Wednesday last,
WILLIAIIa. aged trA years.
The funeral will cane plead Tins nottutvo, at 10
o'clock. Prom his late residence. south avenue, Al
legheny Cdy. TOO friends are invited to attend.
LI +LW 11.1h0—Ap Lot. to, Auust
1/ANNI9 Li &WALL . ..N., in %L. :CM yea g r of Il M
h , 1.4 a,
FOSTER-0u Monda eveing at a u`cl...k, MARY
E.; wife of John 'W. Foster.
Neticeof the fumed will tie given in to-morrow's
bessitlful "I:lmre-acre," largest auburbau
place of sepulchre, except our, iera 11. :els 009110, sit
ated 011 NV, itrigbiou rood, ledlYtely north or
Allegheny. For hurial lutn, perunte or 111103, call
at central Drug More of COI E. & '0 NY, &IN-
Ahem . Ult!.
UN DI, - RT.A . K_b.IRS
No. 196 Stu i eat St., car. 7tlt,
Ma. "ET 'Et li:X
AN I) L 33 !•1 ti
'l7 .0.1'7:12.;.L,.1.'"'_,V5=...X,..4
No. HO Foortketevet, FlllsborgO Ps- °UFFIZI:I of
16. UltA,,4i LUVFN,,,co . I ev.try 41 ormaption
Or Funeral YucYttotny Hl). lIITAWYCO. 040.1111
Elextscand Carrnf..ii 0X121.41,1.
Davb.l livcc 1 (SQ. hi
W. Jacoby*, 13.L1;, - Tbolusc ILYLtig, ..11.0b 11
Stiller. !C.a.
Stand:water, Wund.e Run and vicildti.
Varner On 15tinflintd and I.lllsaters streets.
11 aar;w and Carriages rtirrilsbed.
Wain Repairing Estabtis'a►t,
643 301ttlak. 75.5trcacet.
irs opromE MAELONI4I
Ja..S2 401=S
- utrxx_ioErsz naa
Tip; e RegisUring;
sur.;m 4 r.k. (so chat..
in Optimal:4l4n, ,
DotranittO eery gezere.;ll•a - ' ,4 1 , / r .. 2
and laletaltsels, eta well as
bin. et Clock, llaseuteler nee' 2,,,!.v.rtezce
. . ,
Yractiiiii,. fair!'liar, ***tiaras,
FUllNlTUTMtorisianti ban
I._. ERA"' - crinott.;,,
EN , tsxmg
u 44..„,.,.....
---ii- "-Q'ffuzirg,pierfOki.-141r9q,4m,
a ,. A, Aciuot.r 0 .043, '..
_.......- • .
mth rawin -.O.TITI'Pir- 11n4,W,..i.$
: .. , ,i, j i -us wictiteits, M.a.,•,,,,...,...,:::.!.,,,,..::;..-.,
osime, °I. .--.:=l-,-,-1`,..';.,,;::-',l-:;',,'"...'::
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