ilitTittottirgit 64Ycitt- Ell rc•nu-isUED B PENNIMAN, RPED dE 00, F. B. PENNIMAN 7 T. P.) JUR/All MSG 7 N LSON P . fl i l/ " .1 """ "'""” FRIDAY, lUGUST 21, 18613 IUN!ON REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. FOR G VEU.NOR) MAJ. BEN. JOHN W. CEARY, Or CUDILIEICLASD COUNTY CONGRESS TV/ LICTV-S RCM. D DISTRICT HON. J. K. MOORHEAD. TWLINTS-TIILLD DIST6ICT : 1109. THOMAS WILLIAMS 111:131ZI SAMUEL D. CLIME!, city 0..1LE or cover: 4 . . Joill%. ( BIZOWN, Itampum Tl , ,1.. ILK Ur LI ItrILA NeL IkOVIIT . &LEL& DELI 111LANDFL, City. LEENBY SNIVELY, Guy 1.018,11.11. .106P.T../.1 Plum Tp, COXY1615102M11: 1:1;41114,:ti lIAIIILTON, C; y DIRT C7Oll OP POOR: JoII:% F, I)KAVO, 11 l 111 11l Ti A 58.11114: JOIIN E LAMS. City. Li litti WI [...R10N. Pitt Tp. G LIME E Y. 11 cli EE. Tp MA ]II El. CALA Tp. PETER. Gone Tp. U. A. I'OLVILI.E. lIMMI=3 Perhap, the mat,itn that cheek, fot et• purposes, is nin - e valuable than I- :tit, never reeeived tiompteter illustration than in a late is-cc of the New York l i tirt a, in a h,ttle;. p - eiensling to eiiltibit the coinci ded., between the Pint i'otim of the llepub limn National C'tolvertion which assem- Weil at Ba' 'more to 111114, and nominated Li N.0..e .11 , / Jotiviiitv, and the Platform 111 , 111' 1, 13 National Conven -0.11, 4 . 4.111p41.141 n h ti a ty of rebel, anti eop perheadts, Uunt,h embracing, by way Of rout tittst, sitme wen of undoubted loyalty. tout who ',mitered most meritorious ser vice, tturitie the war. Tin two Platforms are given collie, in parallel columns. Cer (ids tiassages are brought out with great dis:iocluess, by means of typical display; what other passages are comparatively ob scured toy being left in the insignificance or common ler,e - s. Siyong assertions that the two Plaiforms are identical in substance and .em per. finish the end contemplated— whieu is to show let President Jourrsos, h a Porcy of ffecoustromion, especially mohoicod in lids Phradelphia P:atforru, ilaS h with the men at whose hands he tell itcd isMer, and iN stilt detellll'llC , l to rei'rern all his honora ble pied . ves, , :eil or impbed in his ac :101 V 1,: /1p niiniio a tio a far the Vice Peeside:oiv. Atetelg tbe Italtimore lin: , I, Obrli 1.1 t eollllllltUttily r rrr• .1/ Vr . rl lie r:1 resoi utioo. t dow wheu arvi 4an tu,'.lim.•l by slant' rupi " T it:: it in 'lto I.lf,ieq.luty of '0 iii; . thztt ‘ t uFaahtt a , l • r Coe or 100 L ton, of the Cons:— to. • ot nrr , i i.ttt I.t. C 1 Ftatcs ,tud .11'"e.cot.,:fs of Inibi , x %Nit p:taigo oilTaelves, a, Colon 11305, a..t‘t.l:..tett by a cowman sediment, bud I I;111;le at a ..otuloott object. to .to eve. y,h•••g;0 i, lVet•l . to govvra nteut tit otTeOtoT.;. up flTrro of arms, tile re iTowTo ,Tloga . Ploi. aWshority. ern 'N 11.11 01, Nt• , •0 "00: DUF: To tii: u . r SILO *.et. 1:1•1111,,S 000T1tA; =II The order of ~ ,..met .e here suzgesttd the supp, 11.1, ',hellion, not arrange ewe' be, by Il:•;,. or -1-m., :ie.!, then, the Nom, i all ..II• 111 . ,0r3 I,• , 's of Mr. .11,11 N • ,•' l.n.. sna i, I ime I.nown .411.1 ~ pmai-11,11 .44 snrL " •.iii nonv, be wade "Traqors I hese treni bail! e..iives- 'ions, was lie talking in °pp.,'ion to I Ile t. 1•:/ imcnts of loyal men toe 11101011? nail was lie accep t4,l, no, o i;tlhial/41;zig lI s optitignalion, be cause of concur cO,-1` on other paints, of ? No lair-minded elan w;t! g eeof Cause supposiJons. Mr. Jon NiioN nLoie Vine - Pf es;dcul but-,M, Lr Lad e,,ed old a • Ons in a bold and t . 1111 :,• ni . rntrr, accorded fully w!lii those of the Republicans, as load in Weir loriva.c thouglas, and as prT) . . laimed in lire linllliuore Platform cited above. What rebel has ANDREW lie became President, imimight to pun ishment? He 1111 S, indeed, arrested and imprisoned Mr. .1 DAVIS; but this, not on a eliari.oi ur ti.eato.r. His pros lamaiMa for ilia a , es: of that man charged him with cow pr.c . .y in the assassinal ion of Prev 1, , at OLN. 01 that cnarze he was 3' *ested, and has been held; and on none Thougi;ful people, through out lee a,e airy , berlime satisfied, mouths ago, that no se-ions purpose was entertain ad or him to trhrh upon the amo sailop under wiilch he was LTrested, cud has I.cen deta.neti, on upon any other. He nnd a s,:ocs n hi curious captivity until a fit oppo . rtunity eltull occur for his enlarge rnbitt. No nmu has ever been punished for treason. The firm determination is that uone shit!' be punished. This is the ltutmus that pervades the Philadelphia Platform, Is it conceivable that several hundred Southern men, most of whom had forfeited their L yes to the Laws, came from their distant home, at the mandate of the President, with halters about their necks, •end solemnly resolved they ought "to be brought to the punish ment due to their crimes?" The editor of. -the Two , was then acting a conspicuous part. Did he perceive any such disposi tion on the (cart of his Southern colleagues? Did he hear any such sounds in the resolu tions to which they gave assent? fle knows better. ije is simply engaged in I. , TiTJ4 to .14 o•ive the public by pretending! there is real agreement between the Plat form he helped !take at Philadelphia, and the Platform made at. Baltimore. The first plank of the 13altinlore Plat ham, viler( above, won'.] no sooner have been :11-affirmed by the Philadelphia Con vention than by the Confederate Congress. fur it does comport with the (iongression al scheme of Reconstruction. They pro vides punishment for rebels—not harsh or sanguinary punishment, such as suits bar barian appetities, but mild and salutary punishment, ,sueh as really tenchi to "make treason odions," to "make rebels Luke back seats," and to confine the powers of gov ernment "totheliandg. of loyal men." It is punishment elfeettuil, and yet more moil erste than was ever inflicted by any gu nma:at In laying ane.v the foundations of politiml Society, shaken eauselass revolt. This dcnionstrares thdrthe Cogito,4iOri: al plan is in the interest of loyally, while , the Philadelphia .51,111/MC is in the intoresta of the rebels, and sympathizers with than,' THE DESNYTIC IDEA In France, soon after the revolution of 1848, which drove Lours Pnttrem'from the throne, LOUIS NAPOLEON BONAPARTE was elected President by universal suf frage, and by an immense majority. His political stock In trade, when ho began, was the popularity of his uncle, the first NAPOLEON. Clothed with executive-power, and with the combined force of the army and the treasury at Ids command, he at once determined to be the master and not the servant of the French people, and he succeeded. His next step was to change the republic into an empire; but that was more a matter of form than of substance; for, being Dictator, It was of little conse quence whether that dictator was called President or Emperor. As President and as Emperor he bail "his policy," and the only duty that was left to the Legislature was to carry net that policy and give the torus of law to his edicts. His imperious will was law. The press was shackled, and popular discussions upon public affairs iuterdicteAl. Thus France, so free, so jubilant, so democratic in found itself in Isdt bound hand and foot tinder one of the strongest sys tems of despotism the world ever saw. And so it lies this day. ANDREW JOHNSON, who was not like NAPOLEON, elected to the highest office in the nation, but tossed into it by the arm of an assassin, is trying to play the same role. He talks imperiously about "my policy," quarrels with Congress became it declines to imitate the servile example of the Legis lative Chambers of France; undertakes to crush out the free spirit of tee people by bringing the patroninge of the government to bear upon the I reedom of opinion; vapors largely almuthimeilf, and assumes to he tie• entire government. In this last particular he is more coarse and arrogant than NA NJ -1.1-Ma. JOHNSON is a vulgar tyrant; NAPo LEON is an accomplished One. JOHNsoN is excessively blatant; NAPOLEON is silent. The whole world understands .lonmos, and can measure hint as easily as he cott'd measure a customer while he was in his proper vocation and place; but that man is not living who understands Nap, LEON. Iu this difference we discover the weakness of the one and the strength of other. Both are cold-hearted, cruel and vindictive; but while NAPOLEON bar , 'troy, etl himself to be an overmatch for all France, JOHNSON, who is trying to follow in his foot steps, will only succeed iu mak ing himself troublesome and mischievous in keeping the country in turmoil, and in preventing for a time the restoration M the Union. One other thing he will succeed in most cordially, and that is in “Illaking treason othous"—his own treason. From the style in which the Pre,ident talked the oiler day to a deputation Of his servitors from the Philadelphia Conven tion about Congress--"a body that was hanging on tlie Government," aml other contemptuous expressions—we infer thus he is meditating a coup el' rtal, after the fashion of his French xemplar, but we are vets much mistaken if Ow rt,Liit of thi. approaching elections doe, ma: ANIMEW JOHNSON tO LAC 1,014 , r s and thought —Or at least a second though!, even it should notbe .t..Ler. This i. , not a couli try where a despot can thrive or niaki much headway, although es - Vil her(' FOllll - found base enough to cringe and fawn, in order that they may gather a few imonlo 11 ESM:S. EDITtaIS :—The Rep WIC o yes ttirilay has the followiffriliffiraltitrenriticm of "Let Us Organize" : "The National Union Party of :Might ny county has now a platform of principles and a carefully selected ticket." Is there it man in this community so coin pletely daft tht_t he van be imposed upon by ?„„„), o f his description? The National Union party of Allegheny county, as such. has neither an exiaenie, n platform or ticket, and, outside of the Coppe-Miads, would not muster a huudred men, all Indeed, so contemptible are 'icy in point of numbers or influence that .t•ey '12,1 lie Vet' held a county of city non Vi-U, and their only organ is the lilt: supported lie levies on the fai!”..ul on holders, an'l edited by the ohst,,uhms S an yer. The ticket at the head of its own eolumns is not even tailed a National Ui'ion Ticket, hat a Citizens' County Ticket. The Potd, which supports the ticket, styles it a "Conservative DEM"- CRATIC Ticket'." As no candidate for Ilovernor Pun!, Sylvania appears in the Republic, will that journal please F.:111l, who is the C1111,1;.1,0“ of the National Union Party for that mini,' Let as have at the sante time the names and address of the members of that mysterious Johnson National Union Club of this county—whereof Sawyci is Chairman. Marl:m.lre Treasurer, and the inrorrupti. ble Lowry Secretary? Ramesh, In employing The l'bradelphia TTIE Richmond Examiner says "Certain it is that some of the dechira• tions made in those resolutions are what no generous man ought to have asked a Southern citizen to vote for; and what no Southern citizen could vote for, without grossly compromising the dignity of his State and outraging the sentiments of his people. It is one thing to submit—to abide a result—to covenant to do so with full purpose to keep the engagement hon estly. It Is another to justify and applaud the means which brought it about. How co-aid the Convention, North or South, vote that "the war has maintained the au thority of the Constitution,'' when the Convention was called together for the ex press purpose of endeavoring to restore the Constitution, now trampled under foot? now could Southern men thus sanction t he constitutionality of the coercion of a State? How could our delegates "unanimously and enthusiastically" vote to repudiate the Confederate debt! And especially bow could they thus join in "recognizing the sers:ces*' of the Federal armies, and the oh ligation of the robbed and penniless wid ows and 'Orphans of oar own dear martyred, murdered heroes, to pay ' , raw "debt" as justly due by them to those who made than sot Our people submit to the violence that has beggared then', and to the military force that has put the noblest and best of our sons beneath the cod- hut they will nicer so dishonor else grates your heave., ,u " en • thusiastically" to applaud such utterances as we bane referred to. The North might well adopt such declarations, and we should not quarrel with them for It; bra ertouyb a thousand times enough, that the Son' a should be silent amid the 4entinciation s her ea rise, and the erdiations over her de feat." Yet the Ezariziner says it shall cc, operate with those who formed the Philadelphia Convention. That way rune the only road that can possibly lead the rebel chiefs Luck to power. --Mr. and Mrs. William Lavery, mold ing at 341 Lydius street, Albany, re-ired on Thursday night, leaving an infant boy in his cradle near the bed. During the night the mother was awakened by aloeble cry from the little one in the crib, and on taking him up felt that his night clothes were soaking . wet. She struca a light, when to her horror she discovered that the clothes were covered with blood, and'on further examination found that one of the arms of the child had been gnawed to the bone by a rat, and, that a hole was eaten through one of his hands. —Once, more the Fenian bugbear is ex. citing And alarmipg limo good talks of Ca nada. A second :Fenian lovssion of pro l',.\,,us. dhr,tcAto proportions, expected to take place in ft aw — 'diyiti . -,011 cat rumor fixes Alto nontbet.oolll4Vol4k4AW LY thoostuad, told the public press rye ! 3, ono and voice . - tg tha:i.#PPO-:lnia ll Pee d w hiss Out at ttie , .iolunteercferne is antic' ~ ed. Forteits,a l 4. l #oo l l gitliuillarikiaA , : rtopwahle citizens kr buy and wear,nrms, mud Alto sedlcre ef!rovOlvero .. .ttre mip ing -* flneltarvost. i , .... . .- —Chili has added lion vessels to her naty. —A horse With fisr I nieritioDel iu Texas, —Vera is in the third :al. of hia Don Carlos. —Liotteiqiii, the couirti-litisso, is Cr/Ming. hither. —Jaen the planet,: is about to many a lady pianist. —De Lave is stalking a tight rope over Genesee Falls. -31:. Gln,s claims the credit of the At Inntic ruble. —Commodore Nutt and Minnie Warren arc to be married. —Eighty inspectors have just been guil lotined In New York. --Patti recently sang at the palace by command of Queen Vie. —There is a genuine Russian prince at the Ocean House, Newport. —Prussia will I , e the sixth power only in the world in point of numbers. —Queen Emma has been most c mem sively photographed in Washington. —Lynnlield Centre beats the Springfield corn-stalk. It has one twelve feet high, and still growing. —Jennie Bryant look poison in New York because she saw her young wan walk ing with anot• , er woman. — The dfnuti.viiipiiiira says a aentleinan in Jackson recently Wrote a letter steely two feet long to his swveineart. —Much unit:quit cress l'••i•Zia Le tiVOide'l it every time the victim raw the worilltdack guard he did not conslilet it a iiersonal allusion. — The nunther of ili% on ea in Gnun • 1.1,111 inc r eased front Igid in HO, to 14.1 in 21.11•1 iu fifteen year the 0., 11:t es have ciidialed one twentii•th the inunder in taint Tics in the State. —The wile or Vito. IL...ling, Conn., 1,1.-railie the mother of pair of twins on the Is Ii of duly, tnithint: twenty•rour children she has horse in the last twenty years. Eight of them wide twins. I= rlppclpt. , , artlrl, lipat for aale f rpfxl n,na ' , win, olp. on, Lupo n.r.. , iah. 111. et( of 11a:outfit 411. i (WO /14C ,, 1 !,• 15. , rpp 1 , 11, P• a 111111 , pr.. Alt 1 ta , a , and 1.2 lure. of a ta 1 , it,* .1.4.1 r aaow tpn day ol pat 11 , i Git I.:AT UIMTFRN MADE: TO .J/11161t. I work IA put i. try .1111 r.5.1,.•1 .I”,u lon, 1 . •. Yloor Ig. Wt 11./arol 1.,111 .il , l p0n•13./.1. , AAnd .111patrh. It , . or WI .1010 15 JIM BOOTS AND SIIOES. Great Ildsgalns to I•e ol , taliissl. A 1.111 asedirtErd,l oterr - ytlilug In II ' , root, M 1.,. and bat., I. A good nt, good g Is and low idler, at MCC.L/N 1 1( )('_K " 4, 92 Federal M., Allegben au= $50,000 TO LOAN SCIIOOI, FOR BOYS. MR. WM. 11, SIAKEIIABI will ra.;o4 I'lnmsl ,1,1 end Mat hernatle.l brit/MIL In Um uses War, In t.h.lnt Church. ILa t,%omm••n. Altegtke.y. on PION hcrrxmlittft 3d. Y.,term apply to No. 37 I nlon :Ly ne, the ..../p•ol adman., 23:12 ( IDNCED.T AND EXIBUITION be Kt,. by Iha. Ihe FIRBT CONGREGATION OF DIRCIPLEB, os THURSDAYtn.! YUMA Y F . :VP:NISI:S. In NEVILLE HALL. , :orrier 1.11/..rty .08,1 Fourth SALENMAN WANTED—Compe tvnt In enyag. In FEMALE EDUCATION. INFIE FALL . SESSION OF H. M. A- TWIN INU , ti1..814.N 8.118 Volt YOUI4I, LA -111103 to DIAMOND sTmExr, opin,.ltr for Coon Route. will open the tilt-,'l MONDAY llt tiltli- T148111121t. aozllWe; ;s re, • SUNDIRIES-40 Obis. S. H. Syr. p; 18 oble. Borghooi 18 Milt. Ilder ; 214 bola. Vinegar; II Wile Pickles. In rlurr 100 dozen ltrootot 40 1,1 / 3 . l. llCird.mir,l 12 boson I . Blttitioap; bot,•B 47.14 Outlets Barley, toarrivoi OlTurea W Ihe trotio.low try ‘Nmi CHAS. C. 11A1.31.6Y, aoi I.ll,rii. ( I . IGAIIS AND TOBACCO. LS bills. tlachero (all lent) tleieklog, .0 ml sed timoktuiri 10 sego 111111111.111CWI0g; 10.0 0 Imported Cigars. 40,00 e Inc Clgors; Ml,lkoo low grotto Cigars. In !Wire and for bale by molt CIIAS. C. flAl.Bl.lilf, ad Liberty U. lINIONS-10 bbli. prime °Mond Just received and for sale kr YKTZEIt .k. AIikIiSTRONU. out corucr Market anti first streets. E 111413-4 bble. frogs Eggs jolt re '"'"'"d fur talc a ARMSTRONG, let_ carrier Market audkOnit serrate. PPLEy SO bbls choice Green Apples, Just rrekred "ma Cur z man by FETEIt k corner Mkt and Yust elYtt.ts. 1311311N1E1 —George Peabody is at Net. port. —Jenny Lind has been hissed in Paris. —Memphis has some lively negro garot —Thu Prussian vic torie6 Lave coat them 50,000 —Tht• 13read and Bullet prop,,, Lull ,op'.e, of ilk. 1(1 r! nl their l'itiladlop , tia proceedings, %with the endo,ing the i'rf. , :ident as a "narra:ive. — Ilt•lio the printers and supply loos 1,1,1,1 t• IVANTSUPPI,IED. ir.n"ri.Eto ALES. /..IS In /Is /1(TIIIt. \ .TtIIIT.—To gnl gunnln. I n.r.rt. Li In) \II F. roar kit or 11141W\ Xl' „ l'l' 111. 1,, ~,,, Impon,ll,lt, In 11, tlinl tl!••rr orr few tnnlce, , nllOl.ll , 1.01 no .01. and in, ad•.. lin rtn, le.ltg .31.1.-1. A iat, En. 44,114,4 ..41 441-14. lA4 A 1 4 .4,14 - 4,4 1. 44 A1. 44/. 4 4 , , 4 1 . .. L A 4 44., I DI VALI.: ALE. t 14.4441.- .4 .4 . 4 1. II \1.1 4 . 4., . i•N144.1 ,1.41,1 , . a,. • I )1,14. • 1, 1,1 1,4 44.• I) . L % = NEW ADVERTISE NEEN'I'S. BIN1:114.11, lr.. A11d41,1/ EZ/:, /A 54 /1/01 S.t.rtet, toun ttuthortged Agena rcrolve Adturctsern, t.• , • , i.42h.:77 und !A 4.1 •it it All.. .2 .‘4441 16 t”‘ ..1:T r , 44. t4a4: 44111,F , r, 4444444 t r 4 14% 1,44014, 4,4•1 4 44,4 444,44 444 ''Al 1 4 ...44 I 'DIN. t. 411. E 5041 - 41•11, ES. II .rt I. A .ter t.n Itt 4444 Gli 417% -1 car .liperior Ainbcr '11.4 NUF.III" I.F. • - igrpers r.,,,/,,ut dar rrive42 Sle4fe, eina Nu ClIll•S(1173. IN3lErallfl 1000111 . s, REDWIN TE.12:1V,111,51.: f! , OtTS AND I'ORN. uu I I: • 1.000 lit •. -II el. r.i • 10, IBEIRIEII !MEE )11LIVC. r .STOTCE . T , II ".T., N.tI The 3 111:1 1. W 1.4.111 n 6 I S) I C 3 NI.; .1 pnr 11161 , :, •H. V.. n g It .4 EN In ILDOSI. LOTS N\ • ritY.l..l. All FitNiv,. Augu• LII ERIC STARLI: AT Art TION THE MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE, =ZEMEM! I=l ll= PLANING MILL, foruer of Harbor). Strect and Dolma, 11 at PITTS131:1:, 11, PA. Sash Dom . Clinds and Mouldings 92 FEDERAL ST. 92 FEDERAL ST Prices Marked Down. OV BOND AND MORTGAGE Apply to THOIIAt3 Brokor Ind Weal x.ute A4rOt. N. Gil O th lio lA, Wit. Itta sod Dleonood eta •OTh 25 4 , n1,.. IL., 010 0 01 7We lock FIRNI.CLASS NOSINESS RELATIONS In wrre.n. sold, %V. D. 11AltEU, 9. 1 1,•131 .1.. I'llt.burplt, NEW ADVERTISE ADVERTISEIIIE N TS JAMES T. BRIM a CO., to B. Joneti CA ' ) Corner Fourth atu4 Woo4lBts-1 BANKERS & BROKERS, DEALERS IN ALL LINDH 07 Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLECTIONS .0100 on all accessible poliste in the United hint. and Caned-, Interest allowed on Time Deposits. GRAND Union Republican Rally, 3ES XMLWEIN 40- 3C.,06-3%fi A Unlua nut , l,an Hretlng wlll hu liel.l In Illr In the DIA HON I), on Saturday Et ening. Aug. With, A, 7, u•cl,Ack, r. u. Thc people will be addrcs..rd by CIEM:=II .1 , 41 N M. EIRE I'ATRIC K. E. BOBER I B. CA RNA HAN, EA. By order of LIR: Coo t E, cu l‘c Cumult Leo.. u 31,1.• T. M. 112 IN N, sccrclar7. GEARY CLUB. The Union Republican Voters ECM 2D WARD, PITTSBURGH, I= NEVICIEICIC:)I_. xxc:ll7lsl.M On Next Saluda) Evening, Aug. 25th, At S. o cluck FUN Tli E 19ALI•0•E OF FOIII.IIIING (44. a ry tf2l DI A/1 MAE IRON AND STFEI. WORKS. HAILITAN, RAHM & CO., Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, ;.PRINa AND =II Is.) c?... 77 'VEristox- eit.ircso t. PITTXIIIFICI4II KENSINGTON IRON WORKS LLOYD & BLACK, Best Common, Rrfi ned Charcoal 1,11 I itniuta Bl()()111 r. )11 I. > I it, 1 5 . , 11t I , I it. e, Ilk. 1. N1,1.1r. ri i.I I. . hr , 11.1 V I: I lIO.A Pi I: 1.•14. kris,.Kit %ILI lIILE ILION P.1011:11TI, At el . irks% ille, Tennessee I.i•A I/ Mehl RN, iN in 1 ,1111../.1.11, al. r 1113 , ii A..• 1: 1 ...its, t A.. t •.l .I.ii 'hunt . , Court. al Clark stlit. 1.• 1.... 0 0 TTIKnItA ; :2. .0011. on the pr. guise. 1.01 IrA •1,5 , 1 K 1/±ii 1.C.• ACES, IMII. 4 , /VIII Iron •Ii ie • near tle I.,s.lierla es litter sp.! i• iu 0. 1, 1 nitutsvii Can rms., Tin 3.1.1 aniuit 13.000 a , " •of Cie, . ging , Y.,'rrn<,; /if ishlen punt. - .1.. 1 0 iuriee in in. leo% rat r • : :tttt,teeeete.,llll•l ore ttt r l e nt bet Tr It imr An..l for on a ',nit 0f..., wo an! thr., Note/ •.1./.•r I' dale. 17 %. I. MI A. t. A ft. 1) ) 001'S AND SIIOES lits.ritt-liy (lil♦ I=l = I= 13=1 I=l I=l =MEM E It, A ll lIIIE A, LEGGATE'S, 159 Federal Street, Alleateny thy. A rg. mhat tl.. WI i4l MARSHAL'S SALE pl . VIIITUE OF A WRIT or )-., Issued nut or lite Dirtrirt t of ihr 1 fitted eint. for Dr %\t.tern District 1 an•l o, tun oirr,trol. I will r‘ponc to l'ulnle at tlic <71343T C) WE MX OIT /313, lu ilic City of l'lttobUrgh. On the 30th Day of August. ISO, IZEEINEDEI3 I !Iv 1..11". lug d. Aerlbed property. lo wit THE STEAM TUG "EMMA LOGAN," Herrens:, mneltlne ry, tackle, apparel an•l farmtare .a .he /o.r 1., .111 w Manchester wharf. helve,!and a tta• lied at the salt of Fleury feather A L MU a. DIX &larahal, Marshal'. °Mee. Ihttaborgh, l's. Terms of ...le, east], government fend.. aorl :hat PITTSBURGH CUTLERY. 1 4 ' COURAGE HOME MANUFAC TIfItY, and buj our of Lilo. ticautilifi Knives. aoloolor made. alto, go.t a pair or ❑ir, 1 • 1tE . R.4:11 WM. Y , of: I , Y.N, Agent for the i'lttabnrgb l'utle, Company. .XOB. 67 and 69 Pilch Street, null WhirATl:ll InUILDINU.) R. J. FI.EMING, W111.11.1,LU DMA LIU IN Fruit Cans, Glass and Earthen Jars, lIC every description, nod MAU ufacturer of Tin Fruit Cans. Office, 139 WOOD STIIEET, (AT WI.I.INO'S HAT `STUNK.) 1t , n,A78 PITTtIA UIIO 11, l'A AI,LEGITENY COUNTY, sm. IN THE COURT 01 , COMMON PI EAR In the matter of tbo petition of OW .tire A 011. eit, OMI 1, 001ill'Aft. V, praying lnat aalil Our porationmay 1/0 illasolvoil. 20. ms, December Term, 1/115. • , •. And [lO, to Wit: Allirtat Ilth, DON account 0, incited and Clod. and the Court direct that the rrotlionolars glee notice thereof by publication In thy I/A . /JETT!, once a week for four 101COIMS101/ weeks, and that bald account will be allowed and confirm . don the 111 - 11 DAY UV HEPTICAIIIER, IBlil, unlese 0-tose 114.0h/wit to 00 contrary. I , ZION Till Uncoil... • 611 i1,t164. - rn JAS. olt 11. W ALTER, Proth'y MON COEN TS, TOMB STONES, T 4 Titian r, B WITS, U. 7,11.41., S. AN EXTRA FINE ITALIAN HEAD-STONE on hem] and for role. x. xspitcscanixsp, in Peon fitlert. ritt•burg It piTTSBUIIG - 11 -- Female College, PALI, TERN. WILL OPEN 18111111. "Via.11.1-132E7IEIL 44.113.. Rev. I. C. PERSHING. .15. 411 NOTIICE E. AdiAgZlVeien;TeiretteibeiliTi"'deerretXl,Vini mete prompt paytneut, 004 Si, ' persona having claims. vette; aid Wale, mfil present' flit MM. witZugelay for pjtmatirlatlarlre=et. I ' • • eilo# •• :le V ERTISEMENTS MERCY HOSPITAL, In Charge of the Sisters of Nem], FOR THE THEATMENI' OF ALL DISEA,IES reeirlinng menteel or aueglesi All classes of patients admitted. Irrespective of creed us eo•oe. Cle - aYrnee of all denominations pc-w:.•ed ro visit pa...lents of theta own Creed. lit wen', too poor to pay a e adm.ited P - re of enter., on IPPilea.lon to Illy of tae attending play niclons or surgeons. All regular pLysielaus ze oiling pay pa• 000010 to pr ratio room. Way WV, •:11 , 1 C 11 3 , 4 40 0:U. BOA., ompcicut nU 605, comb co d 1.1,11 the perional atLeuttou ut ',Resisters, n 1300.311113 •on na l b. es ber:o. 10 aay In the Make fo. those stab' ed with .113eme. One physlolim and mmgcon in dolly at tcodanco. • easlT and mouth., of dully roc,- la - kce: 4o. D. d n., M. U., 150 lr ant street, _ lo TTi ' elr l4 . o .r. e trri r -Ir/11 1 211 ' .77)1 h° . U. , 1.12 Ste theleld ' [l.lL t ig t 15.4 Jute, August and Seprrmber. n o „ , reb. u l! " ) ) ;,. }* ; ,' ! " l.) ", 7N a N u LeN. corr., t3t,.•h cud . Gruut * Surgeon, dalfy n.Lentlamle. AUTUMN WOOLENS GRAY, POSSIEL & RESE, 6'2 Filth Street, ARE . 911 RECEIVING THEIR nrbtFINE WOOLENS Fur thole FALL TH..I Ult. Thu ntrire of those guOtIR eery beau t 11%. I and attroo ye. 31 not tto• handsomest they hare eVer before mooned In this market. They are a1..0 or a Ora.-...ass qua Re. nv. IreLeol fora Oral-claw t sole, and al h he nand oleo. hispeettou to he all that Is desired. e w:11 make evert' effort to glee KWH ands. TLISH A It3IF.NI. made to ord. rln the VERY G AST MANNER An early call IS moss re.r. .... from our cur tome rb and (lie panda. GRAY, POStiIEL S RESE, Merchant Tailors, 62 Fifth Street. „ „.., „.., rt • ftrlyhe I.IItILA I:1, A Iv.ll‘ Al And A Iwll i „T 7 it a st2l ' 17,.. ! : k.' ' '' ” 4 1rrt:“::..; , :( EI,EVENTII ANNUAI, FAIR 1 lIY Tint: I TILL. :4.h.;:;i r t t s t•!.. , th'' , rs Ilirotigh esilirt. 4, . 111 , I.•al et Al I l i e y (11 4 , it ! rtL , 1.-IL.. .I.lre‘s I. H, WHITE. AGRICULTURAL SOCIET . : ri est Fourth Street, Far ll'esterts Peurett„ Eastern Ohio and lir'ea I= I . l • X • PfEil3l77.lrt.C3r Mt , Sepi ember IS, 19,20 and 21, '66, On Ihe ioraaarly nos% as THE IRON CITY PARK MEE I'. ulu InIII ar!, 41 6Do " ....11 , 11011. ,11 •ldt. grrang..m., Ix 1.41.. or ' 1...1t 1,..t1 53...•Itattit, g . t.. V"lttig2 r,„, low]. men., I'l,lll, 11..v.t., god V.., t P0t..., Cgttlr. "hoe, try. TI.• gr. utt.h. will ht. Otlegird to thr to. hi, Wednesday, Thuraday and Friday = A.., c.clvt. 11.1:nill I:2g tone per.0n...... 27. cp., Claz,lrrn uu.le, lode. year.... ... ........ 11l r..nt, flor•r nwl rlela I . no rt. II tt. IN. g, and ..:,,' IP. , "'n ill cent, 'F... 1 , ,,.r ‘.111,1,[10.1..-Pre, 7, ern,. Ail e•lkill11.0 , 6 IFYI.I Ix la a 1.1•1....1 of free aaociela3 during tor. r:,lr. AI. arra., no- DI, vo to on rot Ow all, I. y *team two or tor to.toblocr), de. Air toldrrns on Shoop 3EI. a.a.ealz• a.a c - I x- y %% lel trt. dell • r rrol d.1 , 18$ un. V•lt br (•..1‘,8,•1 8. II II A IGAIrt, f..111.0r Lb.. COMPETITION BEYOND THE STATII. The taiririir make. the 1 , 111 of rothiwillthin hoire with the Unitithl Staler And horillhilY itva I ha f 11l re it. therein tofur the TULE 11011.14 E CI RC LE 410 I. otral 4) Lady Fqt4. , Lrlnno nitF.I , NY , • D AY. Til I: it IPA and V1211 , A1 at 3.0 , 10 14. tia aflor ASF.II, 21 , 11. *11: Ire o,vo rd I'HK(.I", A ~. for it,' perpoye of roerlt I, t .al, of 1.. Ill? .Mrau tr I. grail. trail aWsox.r rot/ ti on. ,rraln Lb, ‘,..‘ 1.1...1 at it,. r,tott.l...arr pt., e...• Vor an; lo,rniatlon . the JOll% E. rAlth. Jail, S. N111•1..1. ATLAS WORKS, .VOliTO.r s T E7' , 9th Ward, Pittsburgh. TIIOIIIS N. I Th..: IV , Pins aro anon. . Constantl3 on hand. c.tabllannento In Ll.c It •. • • nn. . • '' pan,.l to farl.l.ll 'fur; NCH' STAMP DUTIES. - _ I.lngint, of E‘er 3 Ir. august lot, 1,466. , h 1 I'u7~ll6hod This Dewy Sin - nt Iron ii.vrk. For Int, nc.• itAilre....l Rolling Mill Ult.:J.lo:z- Etogi tit. CaNt Ink^. MA( ( fug l:rucrul CaNting, 011,NK,11 BY A1 . T . 111 , In.NCICE,S, .11 1.1 14,1 1, , A K Kr! , VA' 1 . 111- 12AV. 11N A ORD/ RS SOLICITED. Sy. sT l'A1:1/, ALI.IIAIIETI CALLI ANILANI/F.1 , . IN TUE 1 . 01.11 T OF 1 . 031110 N ALL/U.:Ill.:NI . 1 111' Nnsf. Ma, th To.-tn, . AI.L.NTS WANT/A/. 141`..1 in .11• bond. UNTHALLIN6 KLEIN, LT her 1,1 a JOHN P. HUNT & CO., Vtuiertoa. 1211/.1:1.1:8 Tu 12MARLF-4 XL • IN, tn. , 5a...4. rrop You art. her,,• not 111 rd lo aq•l apl,.ar . 49 Fifth St., Masonic Hall the f of C 4 111 mnii Pica, of Anrg twn y cot, Lo L. 1,14.1 >t l'ltt•burgb, on theAy otr A LLFRIIENV crry FLOUR AND anJ anhwer the pt LI 1.. n ul four .Ire, Catharl nm. Klein, m od In till% :thd 3P.813E13Z) •bow I the hyr,.. fir her , (1.011 for JlTorre frutn the Anuolo of Inat,linony slnonld n.. 1 S. C. 111c111ASTER & JOHN tir•wAirr, Sltel , R. No. 145 Ohio St" Allegheny. wh0i.11.1.! 61111 liptall Dealer, to ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO 3E.,„„,,„ a ce."..„„i„ Soldiers of 1861 aud 1862. enrlE paid for Wheel and an. Jr7:,1,“ tt. w. 13111,171. ♦ll ono act-roe throw years are entitled to Suto Cs BUFFUII & CO., Alanafacw boo nty ; Ibcsc •er. lug two years, CM: or who were • tu rers of hansparlils. tumult and Raspberry discharged by re"..o of or their heirs. sgico3a.a. brie -Months Extra Pay 0 11. g... 7 .7al. r7 r b 'Z i n ),L AT:F ° r .sgx• ln gt 1,117 par), Cider; Ado the:Narrel, nail barrel or keg, In doe 1...i.,y, ee s Nos. 22 sod 2 1 MARK Ll' nearlSeeord, 18 , ,, and discharged, Inuelorod out, or rt,151,..1 an , 111 , p , 0 , of Ito slurs April 9 1.56. to oti coon- ELM:I./NW — Permanently di%ahled are entitled . try oo short n on iwßellydss•T (0510, tSO or W. 5, according to 1/05ree of .NrAbll- • (31. Vl.l CT F.U. , 00D NEWS Fon THE AF- Idy b II ALL PATTP.ItrAIN, Attorney.: • PATENT al EOl CIN EN II MUS: at low pries.. 71 (Irani Street. 1'1t,1„,g1., Bn. grA'A.T47l.,NT';clWP,'lliegjal'ao. LAN SIT rims, $1 per ladle, STEPHEN 31. OTT, • Et/ W • 'III UB A RI.), pure, 11 per lb. 050inwl. , A od vine In prollurtion, at BROWN'S NEW DltUll STORE, Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engraver, No. N 91, Clots Street, STLICIL, BRAND AND STEEL LUTE CGTIER 89 00 . WHO CAN BEAT THISTS9 , 0 0, SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, ' For Two Weeks Only. Cancelling stamps and Vinal.lug 010 selling a good FRP:NCB CALF SK IN IWO I AIso,I'LATFy FUR MA 1112150 I lA/Tlll5O. lOr Mt own usal..•, for the mall .um of NINE 001 LA at No. 51 . . Martel street. (53 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Alley, crS en DANIA), SEA. Jo (*MOIE DAVIS' 54,06 1,10ft0.,) ' MONEY LOAN OFFICE, NO. MI 1 AAA. saIIT)IVIELD STREET, corner of 11101 h, Moo, Lonned on Silver Plales, Gans. latols, lßonouds, Jew, try Rohl and Olt cr Watches Llothlog, nod ralento. rtielee.4 every dencrlidi 7he goods cannot Se I •Ilvervol WlLimul lit No ut , coontntkit. in ram , o re or rvldwry. JOHN ZWEEDING.ER, , Roof, o' c,ers Ileserli....lon to sale at lowest (W.14,12ui KM A NU E!. log NOY Formerly of NO Firm STREET, has moos e / to •, . No. 160 Smithfield Street, ; ULU .I TONGUES—Just received tot ornhset) Two .I°oll.o4oV° 8110 street. whore he 1100 iso JEtc.,3r relent stock of Pianos, Melodeons, Organs, 1, '"-"" -- e"7 inn or ") ." "'' V '" Awl all kinds of M ICA L INSTRUMENTS old JAO. A. ItKNSIIAW, Store of NTRINUM. Instruments repaired with • Roll corner Li rty and I land streets. neatness and dlopatal. 11 1610.1 t 111:11101 - A L. IRO. Smithfield Street. ISO BANK EXCHANGE RESTA:LTRA_NT, IL sCIIILD, Proprietor. ero. 90 Third St., Pittsburgh UENTLESIENIS NINtNO 110t.AIN All tilt lu t uric!s of the ..011. 'bac° Liquors, truarn, de. Private Dining rooms up stain. Snuir2.7 PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS, J. PAINTER & SONS. MANUPACTURIMB or iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, PiTTAIDURGII. PA. pITTSIIIUBMI AND OAKLAND .a. OBEZNE101:113.613. JOHN E. at A. NOROOOII, to John Murdoch. Jr.,' NURSERYMEN AND FLOItiIiTS, Pittsburgh, Pi., solicit attention to their os.tensive stock cc 11t1.1IT AND ONNAIDUNTAL EVNAG RICK cis, DRAPE VINES AND tIItICENIAOI.Ieti PLANTh. Pittsburgh awl Oaklind Passenger Ca,run to the lirrenlioufse runty II Whine. Imo, 1 , 1L21.1 - 17EUICICNY, TititASWIZIPEI OPripit, Angnst Z4l, hsua, SEALED PROPOSALS will be re calved it Ws' inane, for purchasing TWENTY ..PILIt DENT. MUNICIPAL DONDS of sold o rtu o i e maturing In 1070, 1071, - 1177 and 1078. Did,. to 40 Punned "ProPosOn for IllnolotTom Ity order of tho Vatamlll.a on /finance. D. 1 1 / 1 1JPRJatUti sur2•4ol • --v.— Trerunrer. pit' MALE-7th •Inrstrit Vrtaell u.erbiil ttrovt, by bl.lital.deep..),lll sold ebemp. JOBS Dill. LET. StOr t k add neat Estadfoliraker, son ito•inrourtutur....t. _ COUNTRY FLA NNELS AND i BLANKETS, BALMORAL ShIRTT, A Large Stock at I BATES & BELL ' S, 21 FIFTH STRKET. - - - I'. AUE YOUNG LYNS' INSTITUTE. I=l from I LT u. I=l I=l .