The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 24, 1866, Image 1

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pususli en UT
Penniman, Reed & Co.,
o. Be Pirra irramr, Prrniscrnou
eau wets , at
uvm”. 18 05.
the WittOurgit Olagette.
FRIDA.7, AUGUST 24, 1866.
Oa Tuesday the Republicans of Dauphin
country declined in favor of M.r. John B.
Packer, of Northumberland, as the candi
date for Congress. This settles the con
test in his favor, against 31x. Miller, the
present incumbent, and against Colonel
Patterson, who wanted the place. It has
scented to us that no reason existed for set
ting Mr. Miller aside, but that course has
been taken. The tompensation is that his
successor is a competent and worthy man.
/j .
WE are happi disaprointed in theman
ner in which the
nomination of Mr. D. A.
FINKEY is regarded throughout the Craw
ford District. We apprehended that so O
stia:mate and protracted a contest would
leave ruptures that could not be readily
healed, and teat apathy or opposition on
the part of some sections of the Republican
party might leave the result in doubt.
Such, wo are glad to know, is not likely to
be the consequence. The feeling appears
to be prevalent that certain cardinal prin
ciples are paramount to all personal preju
dices and interests, and that it will not do,
especially in a momentous crisis like the
present, to sacrifice the cause for individ
ual relations and revenges. We have now
no question whatever of Mr. FLNNF:Y'S lii.
0 mplumt election.
Urn attention has been t-alled to a por
tion of the prophecies of Daniel, says the
Harrisburg Telegraph, as foreshadowing,
thousands of years ago, the faithlessness
destined to interfere for a time with the
lied triumph of free government and prin
ciples of equality among men on earth.
Mince the President has impiously tele
graphlially asserted that the linger of Pro,
idem e was diseernilde in the d e liherations
of the Rebell-Jolinsonites at Philadelphia, it
is on'y right to inform him that 410, nt
(lour, servants dreg• Andy Adicidcaey's
char:, ter most graphically, and hireteils
his doom surely, in the following predic
tion We quote front Daniel N
.2a, 21 and
"And hi-a power shall be mi9hig, but
',ten poterr; rt,, d hr•
derfully, and 1 , prover • , e nd
ru,rl mluall 41, 'drol l thr ati•; Illy a ',Si
people. ,
"And through un. ',LI , r,, nF.
STULL CAUSE t RAFT to proSper IN Ills
and hv sA.df nutgr.Up hi uscif' iri hi.
heart, arid by pear, shall deAtroy many; he
mhall aZxo Ma nd np against the Prinee «I
IJcinocratu faithfully oplioii,id the
war for the Union and did all that wa+los
for them to do to igrengthen the hand ,
of the rebels. They :lave.' 01,,tAch•Q in
way of our soldiers; to pl. re 11l l'l,l
untary eulihtmeuts into our armies., n:ld
advised violent ref,i,ialwe to the tiovern•
meat when it was necessary to sustain the
brave hots in Moe, by prointit reinforce
menu- thrituh They di I ail
this, and et en More. •inring the Liner hi•ut
of our country's trial. To-day they occu
py a position they have DC, r abandoned.
They are still clinlnie, w ti country,
--- yriiiimr4o sacrifice everything in...order that,
they be reinstateil in ism; t liammering
away for lire or sis long yea", they hate
at length pealed ;1 chit, from t!:.•
can block, and are rejoicing at the• prodict
ions feat they have accomplished. lit
lag this they forget that they have 'milk
their own ot gunilation, and are made an
appendage to a 01 petty
who -Masted for power and ismniarity
which they never ;multi have obtained in
the Republ 11 I ranks. The I irmoe - rat.• are
welcome I their victory. They l e ave
cleared the Union party # its wortlait.•ss
member•. and 1,11,111 1.1 110..111
eiemont ill t ventually w.•rk
mischief mid ilest cm lion 1.,
11.t.ion GENERAI. I). II Kt (of this
city); now stationed n. Galveston, Texas,
has made a report upon the condition of
Freedmen's Bureau affairs in that State. to
Major General U. 0. llowsliD, Cumin
sioner. After speaking of the favoraldc
condition of the crops, and other 'natters
pertaining to agriculture, he says -
"The greatest trouble I have in the ad
ministration of the affairs of the Bureau of
this State consists in protecting tile freed
men from lawless violence. Murder and
outrage are largely on the inereak . Every
mail from the interior brings me reports
from my agents and other trustworthy
sources of information, of murders, from
one to five at a time, of negroes. lam left
powerless to give proper protection, for
want of troops to sustain my agents and
make arrests, that I gran , sick at heart, and
wonder at the war power of the Govern
ment leaving this unfortunate class of peo
ple, whom it liberated by forte,
thus exposed to the violence of a
chagrined and life long enemy.
The only remedy I can suggest is army
officers 'for agents, and troops to sustain
them. if In your judgment is the settled
yolky of the Executive to leave the Bureau
without adequate military protection, I will
desist making these official appeals; but un
til I ant thus informed, I must continue to
plead for such 'force as will make my du
ties here a reality instead of a farce. The
appropriation hill authorizes the payment
of citizen agentsnow, but Icannot find any
who aro competent and who can take the
oath required. lam now looking for ex-
Gaited States army officers, and have found
two very good ones. Gen. Wright gives
me all the officers he thinks he can spare,
but my State is large and the requirements
are great.
I will be glad If you will give me advan
tage of the fourth section of the act per
taining to the Bureau, 'which authorizes the
retention of °facers of volunteers. At
present, from the condition of my wounds,
lam unfit for other duty. Having become
to sonic decree acclimated and much inter
ested in my present dries, I would be glad
to be retained."
A. COMIEBPONDENT writing from Holli
daysburg, Blair county, Pa., says:
A very large and enthusiastic meeting of
the Union Republicans of this county was
held in the Court House on the 20th inst.
The crown was too large for the room.
Hon. L. W. Hall, of the Renate spokeabout
an hour and a half; his argumentivas forM.
Me and conclusive and made an excellent
impression. The lire is burning in "tittle
Blair." Hon. B. Calvin followed Mr. Hall.
The speech of the latter was one of the
great speeches of the campaign, and will
tell on our voteis In the coming election.
—The Citizen says: Gen. Grant said
one day last week in conversation with a
friend, that it is a perfectly useless expense
for Englan:d to keep a lifinister at Wash
ington while Seward remainsonr Seeretaey
of State. Seward Is a better servant of
England than any direct English agent
could be. Ile bas no other ambition than
to servo her interests, and perverts all the
powers of his position to this end.
young man in St. Paul, named
Hawks, who belonged in Illinois, acciden
tally shot and killed his young wife as she
was.cicaning.his gun for a hunt. The par
tici were only recently married, and had
been enjoying a wedding tour through
Minnesota. Hawk is wild with grief and
tries to commit suicide.
-41 r. Burns, of Worcester, sad Mr. Kettles,
of :JY Myer, ore to telegraphagainst each
°Mar xec the champleaehlvi Nine Knglphd,
Irving Collegiate Isisattate,
The thirteenth semi-annual" Basilian of Mrs.
E. A. Smith's Select Classical School for Ladles,
will commence Monday, September 10th, at the
residence of Mix. Smith, No. 31 Central street,
Itietititeitism - No
A certain cure guaranteed by the use of one
bottle of Clayton'e Bitters, and one bottle of
Rheumagg I,llttrootit. For nal° only by the
proprietor, i cL 171Ratnond alley. Price—Bit
ters. $1; Liniment, 50 cents.
Rarest and Sweetest
Cott Liver Oil in the world, manufactured
from fresh selected livers on the sea coast.
This oil is characterized by a sweetness and
purity peculiar to it alone. Its reputation to
so great takes the lead of 0ti1..1• o its,
and ha universally prescribed by physicians.
Remember to ask for Hazard & CastreLl's Cod
Liver On.
CASWO.L., MACK Lt. Co., New York
Sole Manufacturer,
For role 01 wholesale In Pittsburgh I , y It. E
Sellers .t Co. At retail by all Druggb4s.
A [trier Dialog,. between tionstavon Sell I•4'
COMMON It possible for one
mon being to enjoy life whale suffering from
In digestion.
Dy.egere .—No more th.te It In pos.Naste Go
Lo bappN en the nu L. l speak fr.en experi-
Coat tutus, that a rem
edy for this terrible etnr.plalat In offor..d. under
the whatanteo of huutlrods of inillvltloals of
high oracle! standing, vela, have tout OIL the et
foot of the article Lll their uu - n CILSILL, it Il nos
1111 W roe 111 any Ono LIALIIPLed wiL/1 111 o 1,11.5 e tar
neglect ,tit lug it a trial
Dt erhreu..—l;uquostion:thly. I adloit
prefab..., What le the deduction 1
C0,1y.10,1 —Give 11.4. ti, Tit 1-:T ET
STOMA( II lIITTFIts Is tu,t, renircly.
eVidetic, or it. 1 , 111(.110y to. tt for
IS, OottlpIele,1111.11.1.1.•.1 ,11.1 “:111c111:1-
ble. !lave ever 11-WI - 4131.1,d I.y seller Moot
I Ins ins SkssE.—Tileil VOll ,and eonvietetl
of folle ley oar own shoss . M.. II the same
, 10,1 g ill nnl t llnV,rrr r01,a11 , 1..) tit ravor
of liti4 grvat tonic had been .uldu kited to yen
retturd to any int-tnes- -itent. t :nu, con
tll.l hr,ce gout , Into, It at twee. tr lIGALSII
01 line itopttetatnen titan the dollar. and cent.
AT 11 ti•h 110 0111.0 can enjoy n oho,: .t
Inrercrrir.—No, no, no—a thonsnnit times
no. Common S4.ltl.. , you are light. I will give
1110 Bitters n trial
coenoN Stye.-11n gn, rtnil I shall never
inure have any enure tn add reeel yOn an II ily3-
re eat s ttoletele and ret dl tt very low rates
emitottel)roh au.l eate..l Atedleine Depot,
Nl4reet n. -et, corner of the Diamond
..• I Market. near Vont . 'tenet.
EnneLleAt In Command—Lea
Wsllwce Take• roanesalon of it/m+
and Munition• of War,
8GAZ , ..., August IS.—Niutantorus
Alftlirn are I I Va.:L.
Cll3l/lier , Is le command of llerejosea, and all
oiliness, civil and in Unary, yesterday gave In
Own. adhesion tip 11101
Calri,u)al retnalni wltb tale (aunty at [frowns-
Gen,rl Wallace obtained a PeremPlor'y of
lerfrtllll C(111111., for the delivery of OrTll.. 111111
1111111111011., which have Just Irmo safely 9t.dred
3.-A maee meeting
tle• I lioreeducr and others. Of the Kantern
orid Mnhlle daninllol In favor of the principles
f the t.onventlon, which assem
od w lens nntneronsly attend
...l limn was auLthipated, although a very re
audit-ace was ovsent. lion. It. I/
!i.e.:, of Augusta, presided. J. Wood, oho
was advertlAr.l LOVI, did not appene. The
uleery! Judge Sena.
r thadittle and Judge Parsons, of Alatetuth.
following resolutlonS worn rultmlnil
velestf, That the ramotount Issues and
the Issues that alisorti alluittinw at thn pros
at time, Is Coe Immediate admission of all
hr state,. In the eat /rise of all theirrights
ender the Coes , itittlon, esoceLlly UM right
reetesentat lon on Congress.
R,xt.lettl.. That the action of the late Phila.
t uneentleil i In 11, resolutions and ad
dicAn In it,, people, hamng in view solely the
tainment of this great idiject, deinand; end
aid :vCVII, 14w .1011. , 1 awl cordial eupport
of ail patrnitie men a tint preference to
parts or party ii_letadations -nil views.
ifeeWrii, That to our coining election we
w 111 vote for no man lor Wilco who doca. not
openly and avowedly endorse President ./ nh n
son e policy of restoention, and the renolw
thine anti td the Pialudelphla Convew
The ecet Blinn have nortonnted G. JI. Wortern
tor Congrees for this .list/ let.
It Is untietelmal that the Bangor poi/tot/lee
Is tole, given to Gen. -Miller, and the la/flee/or
s hip of Internal Itevenue to Gen. J. H. Butler,
of Ilarnp.len. Toe t Me/on/wets n e to
he remove./ for theft uptavution to Prveeleat
.1 oh neon's Pol icy.
Movements or the President—lto Ac
cepts n 311111tnry Rimelotion—lifirepimo
ileum tor ills Reception. .11 . c.. Ott
New Yong, August Zl.— Mini in Dorfman re
ceived °Medal I nformation (lien Want
tilt latt.rrioon that Prestilmit dolinsun wouiti
arrive In Dos city at EI:10 on Wednesday next,
Lite =till inst., and would accept the 111111tary
reception tendered tiro b y the let illelslon.
On will leave at 7:44 tto next triorntug for
West IMlnt. To-morrow !decor Hoffman ex•
peels to receive the ortlclat programme wh i t
the President Intends to ollow, nod arrange
ments fur Ilk reception will he In tionforintt)
with t h e features of that programme. until
brunt:hog of the Common Council Will Moot on
Monday to take proper action In relation to
giving 1110 illustrious guest a proper reception.
Action will also be Laken by the merchants of
this city ohs will purtiottiale in the mireinie
rites of the reception. it Is also believed that
the Tammany Society, the Democratic com
mittees, Chamber of Cool memo, and other ere
e temot and orgunizations will tune proper ac
tion in thin matter.
A If v.lon of the Fenian Senate ham Lech
call.), to be held to thk city next Tem . ..toy.
Henry Robbery lin New York—Mohair.—
meat of 4..larreatcy.
New T,,ue, August 21.—A trunk containing
envofo smuriuns deposited In the vault LAI
the banks of ,
this City, it has been ills.
covered has been stolen_ Trot Ices is NII4I - 1,1
partly by a house in tills city and partly by a
Ilan In Boston. No clue to the perpetrators of
the robbery has been discovered.
A Washington special says the Secretary of
the Treasury will disboroe nearly eight mil
lions in currency, in paybot the Interest en
the Seven-Thirties and itollsiet leg temporaz y
focus. Liu will not sell any
Governor Curtin's Invitation—Penney'-
, wools to be 1111,1prOIMOled lu the Loyal
nontherners . Convention.
liannisticeo August lii.--tiovernor Curtin
has Issued a circular invitation to the reprt.
sen attires in 'Congress from Pennsylvania, in
viting such of them as can respond to the call
of the Southern Loyalists fora CootrOtlon in
Philadelphia to be present and participate In
Its deliberations. It Is his earnest desire to
have Pennsylvania represented In that body,
and IC in expected be Nrlll appoint Senatorial
The Cholera In New Irtirli—Seeeptlon of
President Johnson.
New Tons, Angost tl3.—Only 800 cases of
cholera were reported this morning, none of
which proved latuL Ten canoe,tee Of which
wore fatal, weru reported In Brooklyn.
Mayor Ilotrumn. Collector Smythe, and oth
ers reprerontratng the city and national gov
ernment's, have taken steps for the reception
of the President, who Is expected to arrive
here Wednesday.
Tile litkolore In AI. Unrlo—Openlnar or
SCDOOIS Po•llpOned
NT. Louis, Augnst Y3.—Eight comotrles re
port one red and nineteen deatsom
cholera, Inhund twenty-four hours ending t aut
o'clock last night.
The opening of the public schools In this
city wasp ostponed until September the se,
teen t.h, In consequence of the prevailing
epidemic. No change In the markets worthy
f note.
nntlern at Bt. Lonla--Choters Report.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 23.—The cholera interments
in the el: principal cemeteries In the city on
film:lay arid Tuesday wore two hundred and
sixty, and twonty in cemeteries in awl around
the elty. Tho and of ❑ealW have made
urreagenionts to get prompt daily reports
from all the burying places hereafter. Weath
er very cold and damp, and unfavorable for
Winter In Sew Illinnpottiro—Telegraph
Wires Broken by lee.
MT. WASIIIIIIGTON, N. U.. Aug. 23.—The thor
moraeter this morning stands at 28 deg
Weather olear. Ono Of the telegraph wire.
beon broken down by the leo which .
formed on It, on both wires the tee in half a
Inch thick.
Convening of Monti:a CaeOlir, iegioi.
Ca AItLILSTON, Aug. 23.—tiov. Orr 1.. . mod a
proclamation convening the Logi, , rei for
the rurposo of adopting the State L. to re
cent ucts of Congreqs, sod for the roller of 11-
naticlal embarrassments of tho pooplo of that
4.llOlealt Istle/P III X
Pattern:Loma, August. cams of
cholera ore reported*,a:T . ll6B.rd of llealth
dace yoatettlay, with only o fatal.
Tllolera Imeassillia.
LoIIIIIIVUSI4 dui• 'B.—Toro were four now
ewe of cholera and four deaths roportod lu
cas clzi to-day.
Peace Between iustria,Prussia
and Bavaria Signed.
The U. S. Consulate Damaged
tignitt Lel it
I.llst eu ul Pru.qui. w, i Lo 15.• ”I,:ir ) t•-• 1 1 .,
ratitiett in right tiny, l'e.tot• 511,
111,. 1.1 !it Mgt. LI 1.0 w,-on 1 • 11111.11f . 1 1,11 , 1 1.1-
r. 11 1 .01.,
1•. 0 '1151.555,1 Salt,
aoa, Aug
Itant. 1 - 11.14` It) 7 1.1.1 t•• nl. 101.101, I ....-
Lila r•halt, shan•- it v ;
1/0 a , IS, Augu , t 11l I 1,,
ttitionm of heace het Wren 1 . 1 . 0-. la an I A la
that Protata Is to• Bolll'llllo V. II
LA's tx,, Atigtl3l. u. -A t•.I. t/..,..
Atbon,,, ,el,”rt, th • tigl.t.itgl ••
the klantl Aattol., 41.1 :lint I Ili I
The Bank ot te.1.1 8,1
r.t11 , ..§1 ‘l.4Cmatit 7 hi IL
LL. t.
4.1 are quoLeil aL for money.
The tenon log are the curl ent price
United i•Lii
American necurlt los t0...1
5,41 , 1, 70, En , shAt It
"inert*lacy IFlrtillocti'a Financial I lett.
NEW Yong, .tlll,lOO. 11.—I0 rE,11011.0 (0101 :10
vimtion to 0 . .1e/111 it dinner of fluanmors 10.1
othete in (Luton, socretat y bl.l ullorh sew
a letter declining the courtesy with the fol
io.- tag remarks
self hough it gas hoped that ere (hit , the our.
[envy of the country could bake lame brought
nearer to the .pee le -lanolin!, I mut so, that
the pOl/1110 have cause tor oungratulsollott that
our finatiemi are in MlO bettlEtlt 00t010.1un
they ere. are
March, isttl, the was hag lw ..n
brought to a suocessf ttl taieolusom, Monona ,
amates but e been illsbandod; evety cohltot
has heel, peal before holug master., Mil 40
service all matt url og olrltgatloua of the ...n
-en..out bar, isam sat tsfartot tly pt.o loc•I
for, it hilt. the national lit to near;) t2:10,01111,11110
1t,,. than It was estltuated It could lie at the
present time, and t reductio n Me. tie,.
aged 101 rte peal )eor more that. allsoth, fro
per 111011th. If no mho: "atom u rolled It,
debt so raphily, mute rorta ser
mly et ol
commonord the roil km( ton of Its dold so osm
Lifted Its ermstnot. In our cal :ahoy Is dept .d.
We hake so tar esoadool tho :Malmo, iron! da
that u•naity /suost ng nations at the close
nut exp....stye awl, WWI amo clinch
thore as o i•
11001.0“/00,•11001 .001.1 haimou 1., al .0 o
I t
tertntnut ton of the great c'sr in ahleh e
1111E0 10 . 011 101,11.100.1 If 1:0. 1 . 11010 , .. tho
country ts eofolttett , l arum st coatteme au.l
uncertain heels, It bus been oulueot to od
yore roontstottr. If our lases ate heavy, oar
resources are almost. 10111111111.410 tn. dia.
poeatlon of the people lo hear Elle:0E11111y their
btaleos, la utrprise ovoll 10 'toed. oho hat..
the greate, o:olden,. In Ilse 11000110111 40 1 0 1 :
r.” la oftrue people. In my monk..
the poop!, of Inn I eq.,' 10,110.
tomak o ropu:do neon,Wm-trouts Among
net outs I.y ostaollstong the tact that-.-
entitles el a Topa...m goi uro:u 4:ells.
'lout of all n 1
ur.•l that the 134,1,0
1./11,4 ai l , ii- jeae
ot their national credit I 4mo
41 hrial
ever, •11.goise the ts, t that t!
Mk! P.1.J11 lc/ til 11114( Mit
11,144011 i prilpt/t.,1) rather rippat,“ 1111,1
1 . 08/ , that so aro no -••.. ',Alit, 1 , 3 a 1,.,.
standapl, lit, al, 10 la. I 0 . 11,041.1
thr , la•,w,•c. W l.1•11(1../all 1111140.0 Ali.: •
1-111,1•11 C y ~,,, ni/g ,
the true source of nittdonal wiadtls, and stint.
Irstaos speculation and eat ravairatioshaditco tend
to thriltli , stiess alist doihorititsatlon. Itetco
the isonitiy tl.-coutes auto rt,lly 1.10,11101'M/A
restored, pr Ices re-
Industry stitoulatoil, the pi acts of
the country Increased, and the balance of
trade between the United 'eaten and Other n.
Lions rease to he ophoist us, all the groat in
terests ot 1150 Coll alt . ). caned tor awl protected
by wise and Impartmal ItipstaLlon, and ad Af-1.-
tions ill the country be t•Puticht again to ha, -
UlOlllOllll /.1341 practical rtlii.iiol2B Willi the go
oral t•overnmenL That the coantry will thus
I al ly prosperous, is as curtails Li anyt to is
hi felere. That It nhouhl Inc so nt tin cal Iy .10.),
soil that, too. without nu/metal olutiarrass
ndoit, it is iiniy inenwsary that there he proper
Wats:alit,' In t_iitigress, unit economy In pal-111.
tpenilltoriso thlolit) on the part those
who are I,llil - 11%/1-Ii with the tuaniuseenentint
tin. revenue.
Tt usttng, that 300 41.1 1/111•1• , 111Fifl (Of l 4 4114
lung a lOU., LW,: loos leelgl/1, In./ 1.411
3 .1111.11 ,ilfy CM/Act/Us
4.lyyour oloolient servant,
f , igued,) . 111 on Met. 11,
ot tl/1• I
Mirlt,NrA. tt 414111th 14ray, i lint or,
TLIOLIInN U. W air, It. N. Cha.i, ant ciii• 1-,
Ihriton, Masa
Ibemointion% Posbwed by the I TT /01/
lt ow:en
hAsoott, Augunt 23 —The lonowidg
01 u lions, among "there, lll
by the Union 11,1ml/dean tonveetion
aseomnled here 10-day
Reanterd, That Willis wn are lent rots hn,
the aecelliug States In 11-inlinlideu
their complete right. untler the Conwtilution.
which they fertelted Iry their rehell 1011, LIP,
1410041 be rein/Waled only upon klach eornit
'dolls ea 'A 11 I glve them 1111 1114 111•1 and joet rep
n,entation li 1.,0ngre.4, s e their 11,1011 y
In the Uoveronteni, end geniality!: all endur
ing 111 11, 1,011.11,).
fiCo , loll,.ri, That tile 1.:1111/11 Seuatote and Itep
re...l,ms., In 0..011141 0.16 denerve, end w ill c
u•lae. 11111 gratitude Id the tanin 11) ( , I then
perandent elloi IN 10 111•11 , 001Ill0 I,ol' I. 11 /011 en
prutelplini of right and Justice, and that we.
1,0,(111Z1, 111111 urn doterminell to X4OOl 110 and
inaliilani the auGhorlty 11l the Conciess or the
5t.11.0,1,1111 At pr 111 organised, at all
111a2arde /tad under all eiroutii-aancea, N..
410110 W, 1.1111 will let all Lim neeert encroaclainrote 110 on, 1
validity and
binding lance of Ita logtelatnel.
Ilemphl■ vf the
Netreilary of Indian ilrommlavtunsers—
Cholers--Cotton, &t.
kics‘iinii., August 21.—Italph S. Sanders has
beeu appointed Collector of Internal Rev en So•,
V len !toilet !tough; L. firkins, I ni ted Mal es
District Attorney, vice .1. D. Williams, and
Samuel B. Bores, Umted States Marshall, vice
M. T. Ryder, removed.
Melvin A. I'ongree, Clerk of the Interior De
partment anti Secretary to the Indian Loin.
inlmioners, died at the Linyimo House toslay,
with eongestlve chills. ills residence was at
Evanston, Illinois.
There were five Cases of cholera reported
toslay, one of which W (alt.!.
The reporLs of the cotton crop from the stir
rounding noun try Is very no fa. timid°.
• Pliurnoncetilleal Con veal thin.
DIETWIIT, August 23.—The Pharinaceutleal
GOnveution met at nine o , oolock tins lien - sling.
The fullowlinf officers were elected for the en
suing year : I row:Went, Frederick Stearns, Of
Detroit; Vice Presidents, Edward Parish, Phil
adelphia, E. 11. Sargent, Chicago, John IV.
Sheoition, Now bore; Treasurer, Charles A.
Tufts,secretary, .1. 11. Marcelo.
Philadelphia. Various standing Committees
wore also elected. Several releorts interesting
to the profession were read. Tile sodoleet tor u
tax on alcohol received special attention.
A Big Fenian Mastro.
OTT /kW., C. E., August M.—A special to the
New York Tribune says that a few reguier
troops stationed at this Capitol left this morn
ing for Chatunly on too Richelieu river. Ot
tawa le now hare of a staudtng force. A flying
trolunin of four inithallions of troops, nod heir
guns is to Ns posted near Prescott. An at
tack Is fully expecteStn two or three weeks.
The nulls proarritur entered In F 1,101.1.11 1.10.500 ex
cited dissatisfaction hero and a distrust of
the good faith of the United Staten Govern
Martial Law In Now Orleans.
Nsw orttases, August `M..—.l General Order
has been Issued to-night by General Sheridan,
revoking General Order No. 50, issued by Gee.
Baird declaring martial law and appointing
a Military Governor, but continues in force
Sheridan's General Order No. 15, ileelerbig
martial law to exist for the preservation of
nubile pence and preservation of life and
property, which was stated es existing before
the riot.
Pro... Mono of the Labor Coogre•ft
/361,11[0811, August Tr.—The Labor Congress
Committee could not agree upon a newspayer
A resolution woe adopted urging that local
trades unions be =attained.
The meeting then elected J. C.• Whaley
President. several Vice Presidents, ~,,, I then
Molars In aeW °rhesus.
Niw Oases, August , 23.—Twentrservei
deaths from cholera wound horo yosterday.
tomemion of Resoci-ThlrlY NMM—Grm
Dix nod the Ilttamelsoloo—Olomatelt
es from itmtico-4.llMeMnd Soldier.'
Conventlon--Tho Presttleur. Trip to
W Asti tsdrox, Aug. M.—The Soven-Thirty
notes 4151011 August 15th, ISGt, are convertible
Into sin per cent. Fire-Twenty year bonds
t/10 act of March 241, 1303. Interest on
bond:, is charged from the drat of
to date of conversion, Interest being allowed!
oil Amen-Thirty notes to the same date. if
the Coupons due August 15th, MS, have been
elt•tachutl, rlJlileiol/L currency must accompany
notes to pay the accrued Interest on the bonds,
otlierwi, such accrued Interest will be deduc
ted from the incited of the notes. All notes
payai , le to enter must he endorsed by the pay
er In I , latik or to order of the party transmit
ting Thom for conversion, who must endorse
on. h titles over the signature as follows:
Par the Secretary of the Treasury for re
dd Minion." All notes endorsed by admix) Is
rators, executors, or assignees or per attor
ys, most he accompanied by certificates of
t ne he power of the ondonders. About five mil
lions of the notes hare been converted within
the past month.
Meier General Dix has not yet signified his
e;.lanee of the mission to the flagon.
,• , et Romero reelered - - to-day official dls
patcii,s from Major General Ruggles, Com
inling the Central Military Division of the
Mnc n leen Republic, and Major General Aloez,
volittuandlng the Military Division of the
out h. Meth Generals report engagements
Ith Imperialists, of secondary Importance,
an.l agree In opinion that before the. French
leave Mexico, should they really do so, the
plonk."( Mulnuillioi ant be rendered un
The folkos log natne,l aentletnen have /teen
designated by the Committee appointed fot
the solicit/aunt /if orators for the Soldlers'and
seniors' Convent ion, to he held at Cleveland
on the lith of September: Major General
TllOl2lll, EU lag, ./r., of Kansas; Major General
Kohsean, of Kentucky; Major Gen
I. Crittenden, of Kentucky; Colonel
tt•l lion. Lents It. Cxmpl.ell, of Ohio, Nialor
I 11 1 '1 al lames 11. Nu:van/an, of rtlslot Coolnel
ge IV. Ittteok, ()MO; Major General
. 1 ••1 tt 11l of Nil.' York; Itrtgad ler General
„f New 1 /irk, George
(.01. T. t.. Grate/Glen,
)It-.null. ( 411. it 1 . Black Ines er, or
u te. t:en. •L•lte I Swill, of Klass/who
st it-, ~1 ‘1.14•7 11 . 34ii , 111). ,11 " Al.ll.l.llChtl-
1.11,7 ••• II Ps .vi Him , /ls•
SI lit, t.• n M... 1.1, I.( Lien
of 101 11, 1
514:4 111 . 1 g. G.T. S. T. Mel.rfsly,
.•I Hu
Henry Ward iledipiler
It, I.,trltiot and
t."1101,-. tt 11,0, •". 1•11{10,
t•h A.ltultxl
1;41 . 11l, nti
PleNitlent on his rip In
I • ‘• 4 ;1 4 0 4 ,111 of N.. k, 111..L1.3,
• :I * . I. 4 4 41. a.
. • .1, Pt" 4 4 1 1'.10:44.1 . ( 1 Illrll
I , ,er iliwit., w.. Anutuit r. iii.—A vex)
tin prevniluil to C.I.XL,Peril ull
it, and raid o
ent nines. Tlio laud wires work
ei nun!, I , IICII IVTOMITS for no tw , eeption
1./: Ole& Europe:it . . intelligence-
1111.4•40 Salton of the Buffoto PIMOIMMICIOr
It; /VA 1, N. 1., Auu. Al.—lion. A A. 4 tupp,
I .
Vont rnA.ter of 1.144 s ea), ha , 1".,11
.... Atlinint”tn,
t.allaulry Ilequtteal—tdalog lhr lal,hta
and Whet tetnn of It.
A , :an, eis resides in Wii.etinn..; to
when he is it dome, slit re It. earnestly viol:l
-ei n In II si inct I:.iu yesterday. in the
M., .int.,. r
mots Ines
iit great mot.tal ring, It 0(10 eduitl
's• f rid. tie tivalsett the mouth
•'otnln, tears that
ilds snit stern iniien
1,1 /tll,l IltrPO b I, an unusual If.rag
•• ..1 t•t filter. tam If •inStrllll6
ttlat tt 11,) a atl
tll part rotnpy
••••• u•.ttetttrpt,,,,,ly Mnrt,: 10 Pat , .
ttat att.: a., wt..", att., tt Iti
/,1.113../. 4 al/ Ireatt 01/..111 , fit 01 , gave
tt. t•t nd. rottLtpl tan( lie i tt pl a t. t pt Ltt tin tattl,
tttl t at tat: tt.t.ttatttt ill anfola In dire lut
". lag ram,. lia•lttg try eateful Inalastry
ptaLiettt.alt,tatatu) .ou-eat...lot' In nat.,—
t.ttat ttittlAr, ttlarte.l Itti Llpt.
1.. I. 1.)..1,0 of eitterlau
In, a pal. 1a. , T..15 a flat
..7 1.1 t..• pri0,vn...1.1
e• 11a... lie Loved
CI I 1., •11/s0 ),•••.1 lAIII/ IL /1.•11I/II0Illi•
7 , 3,1111, till.. C 11.3 h.
1,1 ut• AL a Lot ott t )11..tIongaboia
%I,.•st. I.n runt an 1.11, ).lual uauttalheats
gay, that nu It3,ll..t.itpn to go out to
Ih•a;gll..!Lett, alter •01.-
,a-r tlo• taalo 51,1t.••11lezi Triint.l4 o .%art.rtlos
1•.,11 I.ert., It Aliil.lll.' ta
.'”/"I•t 1 leyol) At the von
,iu•ttm 11,• IL.,,,tuatme the le,, seaore:e•i.•
aust,r., , t turnc.,l thotr att.).- to. anin
lodkrl tts ng...,:t. In at. t :Mr ,tre-rt, Hearn ,
Tnet Ix,. lan!. lae,,unlntsant.ox rut N 11.114 In Intro
.:tr., "11,“ latter Itumettialcl) be.
la.ste (.r fembline beauty.
11,ot uvery handepotne tine
1,1 1, in, And at bur I eqUent, Jobletl
11111 • f Kent - h., hec...eorted lief
lour re..•letive. on Allegheny City. Here n
♦'„{nu Lhut the brnls4ll Iraq 01113
tt I rttpuic tootle In II CLII blot, tor In the ...any
all taro, unit /that neterized the conduct of
set ra' Indlen end gentlemen present, he
1 Bought he percelved notnethlng not attogett,
..1 . tIl elltltloll/InCe hip/ floral
gust lot therefore requested . herun to return
filth him. Instead of en ply ing, his
friend /ft laude m
hlo known a loud voice thew ern
of Ad nil, and In aemit the latter was tw•-
• Igell by nun - overlent, entreaties (rile neeerul
of the Ltd ten to remum all night, as It wan dan
gerous to return to thus city atoms al no late an
iwur. A lenglii Illowert yielded, and , lid r.
01111/1 mad ft little belore daylight. when lie
tu rne/I hln steps to thin side of the river, in
s,utrit, his way h.• vent. Ito reactilng lee
rr. Noun,. he put Ills 1,1/1,1 lo Ii le nouket
~ 1 10, nu had 1051 1)14 wallet Containing one
tostot ..1 and airy of his hoarded wealth. He re
tort. st Alit/alien) and espunh the entire for
tots .st o o. /search lot the Indigo In /which
ut• set eoluesl /toting the night, wearied and
fool seso I. sought tht Mayors oftlee, nod
totoole ear 1., 11.1 anthOritlest, by
1.3. I/ 'ltt littptt t titArCt I 11021 U WLIO
.1,1., 11., III" nut 11/111%Cif down IC moors
11 1,1) ore. hln poignant erlei
eottl not septet e. /Viten .I.ltori to/tt
t It Itt .I h• g 1.1110.1 vw. to w Ito
1.3 1 I .• 1....1 i)th:
An en tornn isingcntenutvorar,
in r P 1 ) 111, II mg hat 111111"'. 1 a•.I , w Inns I nt all 11.,,AL/IL Itlatde I/i
01 :1 3 . 1 i Wag unsni.lnst . in . .ttc.l .I.tanssl nu; Inn
nV...; count...l, .11.11 . 0...nty ell), on 'tucsnla!,
111,41 . n. A. son .I,a I•; Inc story or nto• einorn
Hun...lg •••1 . 11.11116 sere awl tin: 1,1‘..n.
1,11/t• In OW ) ming lunly's rescue Jost, in [Jun
nn. sun. c fc o n, ;v
fl'. i Itualli the la
gl., Innen N., unn
'E. relic,. our readers trout any anxiety
they may have fir the young lady's well
heing, WIT 0.1141 NtilLo thorn Wax no out
attempted, that there write no cries
fin mil,aiel hat the yoUrig lady men
tioned, was notorious nymph do pate,
and instead of holm; eseuoil by the pollee,
came to the Ida3ur's olden and asked lodgings
for the eight, stating Eliot her name to Drat
Richards and that /Mc tail spent a portion of
the evening w ith some dissolute oompanions
n ton West Linunion. We merely maks the
eernes 10 Pore , the lair reputation of our
sister city (loin fictitious slnder. We wish tt
Itnclnly OM iersiinal that we do nut charge the
reporter with manufacturing sensation Wens,
for we believe hint to he the victim of a eon.
An Assault at the IVateb-house.
1 estertlay afterntxm while onleor Urabutn,
the daylight turnkey at the tombs, was attend
ing to his dudes in the yard attached to the
Mayor's ~dice, two men entered through the
I,nek gate :Lod proceeded to the cells where
they engaged In conversation with some of
the prisoners through the bars. Thu turkey
t to I hem and requested them to leave, un
It aam ut vlol.ll_loll of toe rules to bold any con
versation with the prisoners. Ono of the par
ties. a certain Charles O'Donnell—late en aspi
rant for iiitarietlie honors—answered In sir in
sulting manner and refused to compl.y. thu
lium thereupon took O'Donnell by the
roller and endeavored to elect lion by
force when lie and hie companfOn
turned upon Graham and struck him
several blow's. Tile latter then [seized one of
the burs, used for locking the cells, and struck
"'Donnell it blew itil the shoulder. The two
intruders then Virellel3o,l the woupou from
Graham, anti throwing it at 11110 they rushed
into Ilhtmund alley, Officer% Muslin and Scott
overtook O'Donnell anti Ids comrade at the
orner of Wool street and the alley, • taw
I moments after the occurrence, and after a se.
Vert' struggle succeeded in ecavoying fluent to
the tombs. They oth have a hearing to-day,
Supposed ao have been Stolen.—D. Do
hey had a trunk taken to his pawnbrokers
°Moe, some days duce by a colored woman,
who stated that she wished to pawn the con
wide. Not having a key, she left for the pur
pose of getting ono, but did not afterwards
return. The trunk remained at Ds Rory for
several days, when thinking in all probability
It might be stolen property, he mated in °Meer
Munt, who took it to the Mayor's office,where
it was opened. It contained some clothing
and a letter, apparently from a mother to a
daughter, signed with the tonne of llobinson.
Robbery.—Last Sunday night the house of
Mr. Adam Tttterington, of Brant township,
Indiana county, was entered by some bold
rssoal, who succeeded la robbing the promises
of money and papers to the amount of three
hundred dollars. The next Morning Mr. T.
found his pants In the barn. nicely folded up,
and later, his pocket-book won found in the
road about one mile from the homers-OMM,
of course.
Ammoniated Ilattory.—J. A. Miller lodged
two Informational:umfeet Valentine Volimbo.
ifore Alderman etraln, one of watch was* for
assault, and battery, and ,the other for Bur=
ety of the peace, Vols was msted and
held to ball fOr a fertha h earin g
The Mnrplsy dirgriler—The Officers of the
etalefmln Exculpated—V..4les cf the
Coroner's Jury.
Yesterday afternoon, at the Mayor's mice,
Coroner Clawson concluded the Inquest held
upon the body of garrison Murphy who was
killed by a blew on the head from John W 11.
Mb, on Walnesday at last ,‘ o , •k, au board the
steamer "Chieftain."
Before publishing the evidence, it may be
well to , a,,ive that the unfortimme
a toc man
Morph} ws by no ans illy treated by the of the boat, but tie he was thought to
have been very much let OXiCated, tie did not
receive the ritteni Inn his condition warranted.
so cam no the Captain and Clerks of the heat
realized that he wa. Ina dying condition, they
did all to their power fur the man. Indeed, at
no Lime oan he neglected or roughly handled
by any one connected with the boat. Captain
Abolllllo hail threatened to put MT the boat
Willich and Robinson, but as they protnimal
to keep quiet he permitted them to go In the
back part of the vessel nod coneented to their
remaining on board. IL was daring hula ab
sence from the cabin that the fight occurred
which. resulted Wu fatally to Murphy. We
know the oflleers of the boat to be careful, hu
mane, !MOIRA and attentive, und as we listen
ed LO all of the testimony taken besore the
Coronet's Jury, we feel It to be our duly to
fully exonerute them from the 405111010 H Of
WA properly curio^ for the murdered man at
ter he had reeeive,l huts injuries.
Capt. it. it. Abrams, nu - ern—Am captain of
till, Chieftain; weto tit/ tne boat Ott the night ili
the flue: wit, sitting lit the eaten when I won
telt' ity one of the. Lands of Ili, 1.0151 t hat there
watt in tirnturbalsee In the well litite.o
snuie intuit vent hilt ',Lilt, St
awl 'Murphy. They were
all apparently under the Influence of liquor
00 1 1 were Ina quarrel; Itelrinnott nun tint thirst
nattily; troth hint out lotion - v.l;
when I got 11. the guard» I told thrill she;
rittist tother LI•Vio 40111 n. or I woolil put 411,11
Ittiltluitott ttuitl he del nut like to go
.1101 c. 1011 NV Illieh snit] 110 tens
nattt I.t o irttnerall) that. nu oin
Jun ',tug: told hunt hi tn., either to go 1.1. 1•1,1 4,!
1111. 101 l 11,11 of 1111.!!0:11, I tiffs 11, - 01,4 , 1,1 Ire
Cl tend tit tut • ius Ira int 1..111, !LI !!
hurl 11,11111 .44.1111.11: our Ir eight oat
that night over the lock sr al., anti it tool.
until t wit t.'oll.Ck ..,11111L: 111:11k4S,11. ll,'
etittrio• ttl 11. hall an non: in ail hour, I hear.:
awn iit• r .11.,,t11l hahth ttl I!. 0 1,1:1,11 hollse; it rill
111111 leunti Ile - nit:out 011.1 lt llllrll et.. 101 n.
lbr(!• aullr All. v nun intlintir on the :1 itt
w ill: ton min eat' 41111 tit, litra•l
rivet , anti ne it Ito ut Ifni
tile,. ~ 1 - ..nn Mt Hll , llllg amulet, nr. tire!
of them lit. M l lll l ,ll'. TIo
11111 lin hat' heen t nein I. tt' Intel: .1 .
11, I a-Itt... h)) ti to 0 in it 001
anti ri- t.init.•l lints Int 0 ,•111!, •
nit, into tie A., .1, t!i• air I N rlll I ik• loin ea, in !twit aitnitt eieven
ILK , /1 11 1 1.1.1...A0 , ,111,1 :111.1
I+,l then. I 1.1.111 r 011 I: tin,
ti ;
. . .
11.1 ttll , lltl 111111, there ap1,u1 . •,1 111u6 u:gIIl
Is, (It f /mt.,. to 1,10...
I 1r lit 11. 11e.1 :1114 014,
Ne.r•li lilnv ocita . l. My ••Its] k 1.11
hr 1 tout pt•tit
un , l exammo..l Slurp a) lio blk, 111 LIM
I.vrth and e.1.101m1 was rnri 11.
tug lau 111.11.thr with Win lIIIVI, that tie
di oak Dr. Tindlw had thin Lwow "rid fur and
w 111 , camu t itri..ornpudiwwl ilia, II t 1 .,• 111. ..
ttttt thwdßir "odd blurt d
y waw mageroast)
t I wnLed the Doviwr if he lud hot hell.,
In (41.c11 theand hilrseid Mat lw.
.6011 And VOlOll 1 , 01,1 lo 110 11 1,11 11.• pero/1 1.
C..llve)Ltoet, sV ItriUledlately twill. 10r Nati
ut *as re I...rted to . Ul° Iso,pltul.
IL. 1. Slanon orn—Aul torso clerk 01 thy
Cutorlui 0. Al ulyout pael el 5 0t
1 nar...13.) . Inortiltip, I got up foun, Slur p-) II. ) tug opoli 1.4.0 flour near Lltu
1.‘1,1, LW" tll4l 110,, 1111 , 1 IWO° 1,1,1,1111 g I
un.1,,1 t o u 1 , / . three 01 Om duC441.3.m11 :01 , 1 trod
1110. 1L•100 , ed 1.. 110 wlaurf-lonal, pluord lulu
toutel 111, 10.4 aWr lett 1,,u
gel ..01 , er, nut ko.§ , rlug 11101 hi, u s nu,. I
10,1 e 1.11111 0 ,1 111/II all.l could nut tILIWOVCI'
10ark, 101AfIor tin till° «lulu 01 ill,
pat t ,•pok,. Ilu• fnan stud Inv thin. tilt) of
11. e nr , uud tUuught lie had II
111).4 I 4 , 1 1 gro.l 1.0 fora Llot.uor u
1 , 141114. "SIP lila 1. /11. J phy au. only drunk
It A 11 . M . 111,1 Ile 1,1 1. 1.4 hots, I
nut ,111 I u'l 11/ . 1111,.., 0: 100 thought
I.l.ulh.'lr 3-• 04.0.. 11 un 1.11.1
1111 1,10,, AU!, .1 Itoctur 10,111.
0:510e, nog Irots witu.l 110 osld 11.. 111.1 1101 pl.,
that Lhern WOO tutu, 11101 m. ur 111111 111111 I
10(.11 left. allA , lts/otg 1., ni .trld
1.•1 , 1/ 010 g 10110 d 11,. Tl y
aklik• And 1.111
Ahrasns altlt the [natl.
John Baker. thAttrittl, ...vain.— ant tti•rttn.i
Oatattattl ion boartl I Ittl-lintut it n• 11l the kat 0 , 1
%tat', Shot It t Attt, %11 glitch , •ItS Jn n anti
Murphy 'la. %land thg !ty Illtu and they at., et
totnrittlltng about a hat; WittiLtt jumped NI
.1,11 Minna Aillittty I*ln, In the face about the
Wlllkh lintnweal hartand Sal In the
•er Murphy cant, .4 101 l
p .111. i .41 I to-k Jinn t thtt, the reettni: [tun,
Il:phy hit and aft, tle•a.,loan IVtlltlth
ait o. v.! ntrit t , ttuth•ht the. ttinvit,
anttnthaps a IJIII, aft
ti , t% ~ la has'.. It witetl Ittat In ittr
..• I ft
(1,11.1 11,1.10 til 1ir . “41.
1 rt.nril, ut.l Ilse j:tr-,
In, est 11141
)1.11 1.. MI. 10 .1(•,;:” I,.•en 1.1.;4.
,14 rtll.o, Isy J It 1111011...0 %Vv.!.
11041 P.. 11 retry ..1
11 , :of roglne noose, situate on Pent,
%)1N111.E113 A% . .1, Is undergo:tn.., a ntn , er
repairs. el
Is to Ire attnehotl to t the rt,r,
rth a eapordty for nelson...sit - 4On; Iton
horses, sr:th a 101 l shah:lent, to hull eel Vral
lons of hay The second tltxtr, of the hon.,
Itself, is twin., Utica up 111 It sum ',tout. Mil,
It reception room. The floor ti 11l
tat-crud with a hi Ight pattern of English In
grainiand the walls w ith Frenchglazed paper.
The furniture will be of heavy black wainid,
and will consist of four centre tattles with
damask covers, two tilill,ll cushioned chairs
and three elegant sofas, it line at either en
ireinity of the mini two large pier utirroi
wilt reflect the nein) beauties of the apart
meld adieus will IM armrest ei uhttc
Itriataile, through which the light will come,
',tithed Of It w h tie di the Gentle
of the eulllug already depends a large chaintle
lier, with eight gzu , Jets, surrounded liy
cal giobe4, w Inch will suffice I, al eel Itcatte 111
I.wen lu Ir, otocucc .1 daylight.
The third litory 1. telllg 10r1115110 , l for It
elorldttg Ilpartinolit., or bunk room for 1114.
01111M1). or at, of their guest" who may tore
lii to dinner the Relief with their nonlety. loe
not, will Int eoveroti with lino matting. Tar
await ale already I.:laterally trotterwt,l, tool a
hat 'o look two. wall C 110.74, lib rt,
tare tan:Nth, 1 corner altar° tile ',tot
:root the three froot windows ran look to tot
oa It, ret ration 'that...Aware la rad, ,11.111 , i-
Ni het Wa,ll 1.1,1111 , tool Bacot. Alien the
1111100 0110 1101,3 charge of the 111.11,
11 It 11 11 , 11:411.111hOir Wrllk. 010 R 014 1 ,1 (
a I.lto, Iltof 0 0I tile
1 . 01/ lit', 11l any ot kV, 1,. 110
i• 11.7 .11 .4.Y ttrivattal satin tt . . 1... 1., at.
ThaletlYr, at !kr V., la
a , lt ..••• iolloxingt•irrtiat•tlanct, it, MA: 01
i141 , ! 11 I.VCILe.I
It.lttSpa ., •'s I row Ali sans, 111-
q , -..11. In.. arrest,r Thatch,' a.t. ail It ,
ta, lilt tta.,l,vrit train. 1..1 lUtibtil alateal
utaild kat, In'—tats! a Trunk TWA,-
•sl II 11.anic, 'I tunk !vying
in,.5.11t5y.” Cassias.), list• uilita-itt
! alit .1 instal Tht&telier raisin lora alti :id
it. ILL.. 1.. 111,1 taken lute , ,tattatty
lie a placed t i t thee
the ak.
ye-ii. 10 isaisit ilia at •
I Sail(llan %Abet,
Tito Pitt l.burub 4: lEt Couccr(.—A t. 1.., I
-13 al I wrlte* as f0110w...
`it think Ir Mo+Hre. McDonald t Thoinpon.,
proprieworli hit.. it:runt) Gilt eOll6, 01.1•1
04 v12;314.111 ) out col unit., w hut, they U.S. do
ing, tool what limy inLnun In flo, or It Wtm eo
n." prim. to similar to Wu Chicago kitten it
would 1131.1'04f, your readers, nod chouriwily
the ticket holdern.ii
Wo would lea clad to be Milo to grutlly the
Cut losity of our friend. A lik., hunger and
Lllll.t to 1011. by nanuy heron horns.
Not Not ,veek or two mince, titr.
Jamul. NVlErtlght litiitititted snit ttgittowt Mrs.
Bon worth (or utilowtrilly detaining t 'nten
which Om tool (moot, anti which Itlr.lll'liiight
clubuii property. The Cl.ll L e'',
ilinflli,Viett by lbe Mayor aftert bettrhig,
exprowiteil titans f being it
net! tout the 0N...W00, awl has entered stilt
tiguLiod Mew. It. tool her lotnbauti before Miler
titan ',Hilo. That otter will sworn: tip tor n. bear
ing mill baturility.
Itonsttitts Pound.—The rcinaint. of Mr.
I\cilia ILlllnlltlnn , who, together With 111, wife
and entire bonny, were drowned near WIII•ei
iTIW lilt, log tile terrible storm whirl; prevailed
eL tlioL 11111141 a week ago laat cundaynight,
have been floating in tau Ohio iver
near Bellaire. There is lint one Of the family
now inifialog, the bellies of the father, Mother
and tour children having been Mond and
burled. The miming child in a babe hut a
lea' neon Ulm old.
He Son. VOO ore Ptah t.Tben 00 Ahead.
The above was the wino maxim of C:01. Davy
Crockett. Inn. all 111,11010. (10 001 10IIOW IL. Oil
Wod(ltitllly, a matt by the name of Couriers,
who lives In Harrisburg, had his daughter ar
rested tor striating hlef motley. It afterwards
appeared that his wife had hid IL to prevent
It from lining stolen. lila haste and passion
was a serum of mortification to Ills daughter,
and goon to prove the wisdom of sober second
Center Stone Loy log.—Next Sunday, the
'tight. Rev. Bishop Cocaine° will lay the cor
ner atone of the new Catholic Church on Troy
11111, wah 'appropriate corer/tomes.' On Sun
dry, September blt, ho will also conduct the
ceremonies of laying the corner stone of the
Catholic Church at ~Upsville, on the Youghie•
gheny river.
Judgment Zotorell.—Yesterday morning
Juilue lieCunilless, sitting in the Unitod Stott.
lklutrlet Court, ordereiljudgulunt to ho eittur
ud to th e C 11.90 Of the litlittld States ee . T 4.4
Underhill, W.U.Doughorty aad Frankllt.
The t•onaly tenni* Corn Crepe—lt Is to
ttmated 4uxt the. COM Crap of_ runneylvauta
for the premne. year . win tniount to 33,000,000
bushels.. Thore is oat much danger or s tam
lye at three tutus.
Death from Cbotees..-ASlOntrong P. Ver.
nOnisoaof Ramo C. Vernon. of Broome/filo,
tito4 of thohaa talit. Louts last Saturday.
un:—Bastneas In on. to again reartylog. n
hes been quite brlek eluting the put week.
Pittmbnrich the Healthier.' City In the
Union—Only Eight Death* Inuit Week.
tuq.eurg h is a large city, densely populated.
Some say It is the filthiest place in the Union.
We will not utter Into any argument upon the
last r assertion, but wit are gratitled today to
he able to announce that. with all our smoke
and tilth, Pittsburgh t.s at the present time,
without a iiingle exception, the City
Is the Uniun. The tatcownis for ' ••• • : *ere
There WILY not n
ti Catholic cetnelci I
but lino minas dial—One
ago. Ts, 0 Infants mot then '
lon yours
of age comple,
Tilts Is a vory roularltutiir r
ut lair gelts.,ll of the year. 's
t ;Tinted it' Ills untistta/
to guard against disealie, and the strict
sanitary rules soh/11,d by our Street Commis
sioners and the Board of lietilth. We are free
ns yel ftiotn thetireisl Asintid pestilence ~e filch
is fVIIIIII/11 . decimating tile alt lea surrnunding
tin, and it Is continently leusid that we twill es
saps altogether. here is the rehOri Om
lit y , t1.:11111 1./11. of flesh h for the Week.
I.llolllg ittignst lOUn. It I. ft must important
dose went .
hlales 3 ts'l: ttn
Females 3 I Colored,. of Total
Genet al DeIIIIILY. I; Itlootutal all and Heart
thsease, I Cooeutupt ton, I I I Idlatrott ton of
Erato, I; WhOojt hitt t ottuit, ch o k ro r an _
tout, I: InflatnAtlon 13... els, I; past ro
tuflt3s I.
At a meeting of the attothling
On the '261 instant, the (allowing cliang
ci. and naditiollA xell• 1111Pild to the meilteal
Gan.pbell, M. D., has cletecil as on
.Dloniling physician, and E. Donnell) - , M. tog
Thu le,oiutoot,, Were ni,dotoods•
ly toodool .
lecoslvra, That the Humph: ll' sholl I,l' OP(111 to
111 1.1.14,111+, I/ resi,tiettve 11l creed or
attort 11.01 that 11.11 regolut ta*oottutot owl -or
• •11,1.11 bold - it/liege.' to stool pity put 1011tS
le P 1 .11,1 0, IVOIUN. u ho unty ho t rented it, prl
s.ote potaeuto by noel phy,deia.u.l and •,urgeon,
ol !tel. That all 11,0/Jar 'thy-let:in, h od
• OW, 1,1.1111/g tO taditl In* Call do
• 1;11,1,114, 1“ t.f 1.110 t1.11.4.,11111g Ph) ,tl.
c ,t, 1. tltuc, 110111 dialely to the
11, , ,p11 1 , ) - Superior.
44• tlitcl-
I rots,. t; NI It ,El,e, i%ell
M. .1: .1 ~;;Int;itesl. NI It I.
M Irotinclly, M. P., ',urge°,
1 /to Fire Alnitraft olcurnph.—livor) 11.
!Lein, tile IC,II Sot Unwowcll, hntattarnt S tten..
th putt 11, nalint tun nn eon ttitelel to erect (Inn
I , :ee .1... et tnt In {.:'roll 1,, tit I teed in the etlf )ntnn
r.llill3.. T.,: k nett! In, pennuenn.lenl . .,11.11 tit
.tete,3ll.lll.n. nnynntetzt tli ton, e.nuntnleten work
: tile II t nnl etch, 'Sr. Teo
at of ;he 11101,
.11,1.i1 it., ii 1•111.1,
I N 1114111 y
t tor ballnting
.•ti nn•nt at.ninntnnet
nti tny tin uf.
Alarth lele-
too,i tor 1 Ike
olltonoon. o
g. 1.01. o:or
• .14
Cirotral ?ilikno log Pnrik.—Tbe manager.
n( the Central Skating Park 11l the Noah
warsl, 1,01-c 01114114.,1 ikoel,llre, and net them
to use k Imi l utlott grottos.. The lower
end of the Park—that :a the end next to rho
city—ln to be coversal with a roof ofa encular
hem, us litssh will protect the skaters. front the
anost In the nit/ler, and underneath w knell a
nlathoot la to Ise I.nill for roller lahating slat
ing tees mono-, Titus It nil' Iso neon, the
Vet. isensashwt h .111 les a delft-this-11 resort
:hiring the arm woollier a, 11110 been In the
cola, load-tett slava oral of last winter.
-tresdetat.--tta ttlattat. iala, James
Not:110 Via, 010: 1,) ('lark latuathrey,uoder the
folluou Itl they were out, Coln
OMNltune treed ono, and tired sev
al thooteeesslul shots at It, Italnc cdnabed
e tree for toe pt. - issue of snaking It down.
ta hue doing Stale, Ltatt:threy again fired, We,t the coon, hut tact/ring Kanto
to tn.: h 4,, intlletahat u severe woaltd. The
arn:nee took place In Whtte tourtisidp,
ii.ann,ounty, where the I:art:cm reside.
A Nr4,uld-Ito narderer.—A 16Iuw by the
t ante ttf sus Iteforo Abb.:ratan
,trattt, court, ehartuul a WI havlug taken it
ptax PIO on Pennsylvania avenue, trite, draw
ing a itttattl et: threatened theliven Of passers
hr.lle first .lien the a "anon on Mary uhulty,
s -teught 'ably In night. Ills next
t. ate. ,nytler, a no tild Itke
w Ise s The puttee put au owl to bet
',vol . 1 11,1...1114 111111, tll.l. 11r, hllll hero: e
ll'Mel WWI aforeatud. lie wilt haven hear
ing tin Saturtlay nun ning
Rupee Dalt Champlonhhip.—The Eureka
lh.tot: :Auto. lotto' Iwo: clootho to the
ohumplotooltott ot l'it tab:trot:lt, It writer to the
°"trorteleir 1+ Ito eluting to ho tt trteutt of the Eh
rek, say, tuttot ',though lb:: Eutoku 1g u now
:t, t hud otofeatod thrt, of four of
tolott r elutog, but log twee tlefonlool to:tro—
wel thou got., La lt
tro—oatil, the ' otorloo•
toot, tof .I.:lovhony t• lh" othontoit •• We
o'ottotoohooto tto too golttog the tuattor.
A..nn It nntl Battery.-
, •:+k3 ,11 , 1 - I,l)kg I , NI
t•SI init:
ik, loving In In.,ttol . 11.,u C.,,,t.
lurtivur hearing.
l'ocurollted.—John I.eonnol, charged With
nlaln•,..najanfelf i))William pro
prietor ~r the toter hone, at the loin!, has
iteen einuitite , l to Jail tor %tint of hail, to
241.0 lila/ at the ling term of the Crimi
nal (.sort.
Killed {a a Coal liank.—laut Tharet lupp
a man by the name, of Wiliam was ineleatly
Mel:ohnellevllle,Gbartters township,
by 14 large amount of ruck failing upon him
Ilia sou was leverely /Waxed at the ham.:
I taw.
Fell 1,110 a Vollar.—N Igllt buture holt, a
in g au.lman,,a title in a slat,. ul
am 1,1 Into 1.. e .'altar, bulug , tag at Ole rain.
uf I.a Flop, to flail. Ilu shin out touch burl, lul
i'erjrary.—llunry'hi/men, app.-L..1
In•lorc Aldt`llll.lll Strntu yeenA,Lav and
oath agulnat k:ll4u , antl Wnttn , ' for In-L.Y•
The Int:, r0,,,1n lu Coin. , L. ILA.
wa, held 111 :10.. for a In ,xling
Acknowlvcl4ol....l Are Li
the New or!: C( . l.lllni l'ark
•Lt.,luu th. 11 ~
thAt ray. t• 111.1111, tug vail titll,l•lVt,
1.11. oppyrtuially.
.1...44E111mnd iLattery.—John ,arvt:s
lwront Al,ll,lllmik yvslurdety
r 1 agAi J 4.11,3 Itt u 5,11.• 11,1
u,“.1 , L k hel•I to
IL, a 11,, itig.
N.•a at ii Es," I 1. 0,./t
at, 1.11,i :Li. LL.
11...1 thine lit g,
. :L.,.11~ Intl ' 1b.,:
:::.• 0111
1/r0t.04 Brl,k
41, iFt l'W 'Jr the so.a..ol.Ksat Elector, 0 a
.0 1 . 401, Nt. N 1 culte.oloy the 1.51 h
lusl.klit. llrn hthly nit, recovered the loillolv
,el2, t I I lay.
Dthlutel•tet: —l'll, , ,treet null:1.11m; , A rt,,,
Ur.tra An , l 3113111t0r, wen: yve.t,:rday
It, ,-.1,1 . 1131.11ng tuo ntrvet..l WILL Ilua ,
'rater 1 , 3 orticr, Irtula tug 31,13,1. A good
Li it runs II LULL fn
Alilndi and I . ntlr,oe, i net.. tt hm u,:dinunl
iL inn,t nialintsent. tvi, ve‘cral children
- nu. stied mill Inc dlnene.e. tiering the print
uepaty U. S. Yine.hal.--Col. Alainlvy, U.
S. NlJushal ti,r tick Mitt . let., has aninnuted
titnatn.l Taos. A. !Cowlvy as Ids deputy. Gen.
HAn ley was sworn Into office yesterday worn
Illnyoeps Levee.—Seven drunks were be
tore the 11,0 or yesterday morning, tire of
Woo paid the alto *lllll COMA, and two were
:wet up to the hill for twehLy-tour hours.
t ttolern t. nnrtettn.—]llan June Phllltpu,
Ow first t Ictltn to choltan In Marietta, Jtc•t to
thol town on Thuraday last, after au illness of
only t wCir,
Lime an a Illainfeetant.-1.1,ne, to be of
(unfit, ilkinleetunt, should not Ito Muck
ed, (1.1111 kltuuitl 1.0 frequently renewed or
mto rotl
II igh Waller.—Tne Muskingum river ban
not been au high luting Angult Mime MU us it
ban been the present year.
—"WHO," said an interesting young
mother to her youngest hopeful, "do you
know what the difference is between body
and soul, any child'! The soul is what you
love with; the body carries you about. This
is your body," touching the liras fellow's
shoulders," but them is something deeper
in. You can feel it now. What is it 1"
"Oh, I k..0w," Willie said, with a flash
intelligence in his eyes, "that's my flannel
shirt I"
—A double tragedy was enacted at Ne
braska City, a few days ago. On the 14th
inst. a boy ' about eleven years old was
murdered in cold blood, whilr
his father's cattle, by a man nam..i Cash,
who drove the cattle to the ris.. 1! them,
pocketed the money and tied ;iv ,oats.
As soon as the murder Is a.-
Cash was pursued, caught and ' , ll fire
—Two United States soldiers were
found murdered at Savannah, Sunday
night, and on each was pinned the follow
ing placard: "Thus the South retaliates for
the arrest of Skilton and ilarbridge,"
ferries to the arrest of the former for abus
ing a negro, and the latter for, atteinpting
to carry pestilential woolens Into lifrw.
RICH AltltSON—On Thursdayrrtontlna, //neon
tw, at weleek, 11E8 aCCA
to the 40th year of her age.
The funeral will take piles , from the residues, of
her husband, No. 28 Duncan street. Seventh
at L 4 o'clock helCAUser ArrEnnoox. August 2511,
The friends or the (=fly are respectfully Inv Its
beautiful i`God \i-fiere," the largest suburban
yin. or 6tpuleltre. except one, In this countysit
uated on New Brighton road, immediately north of
Allegheny. For hurls.' lots, hermits or titles. call
nt Lenten! Drug Nora of CigUL CLA \EY, Alle
gheny City.
No. 196 Smithfield St., cot'. 7th,
(Enttonee from Seventh Street.)
.W 2 i'rr 80 - 1 . 11. Ci-7E3C,
.6 Fourth ettreel., litteonr,67l'a. Corr! Nt.. 01
a. ...Ind/. 1. ILA V LOV
.0 vral rum/Juin, 1.100.. Moult
I )%0I alglal, Huts, a.roll rlf len
t W uC~L
izl6Nt 1,4 —lLc . 1 . Y.
I wow,. 11.11.. Thom. r.v. - Ing. eq.. Jacob
r. K
U . T. II lIITE & CO.,
Manchester. Wood'n Han and 010101Gy.
t.:n•n• - r , JI nuotat•nl mud ctieNcre strutta.
H o•ar:
Issued rut of lip, Clreb.t Court of the
/ or • :ern L , ,,tr,c1...r Penns
vent*. to me dlncTe.l, I u.spo.o 14.,11,
a,t, St the lINIOI4 !ht. , ity at
Pa, u the A Ut.+l,l, 0,60,
1.a.. aI to, it hr claim and In
r.,el 01 SAMUEL, J. VA Llt of In 1111 , 1 [0 the
4,1 a the h p,t, a .11 th, II aI. 4,w land AD
ctino. Internet n :he Le. 11,114, •!,,,111.1,111•I lb
Too, or 01./3.. and lying , o1”1,,
•Laatt Tp., 1 .,, n.any0 o , 00an.1.0
1.. f. ~,,,, el, : 11, !lit north by Inad in. ly own t-1 by
I' T. Colocle..l an I .. , an,uvl Lion, on the vas., b r
the nooker and fly., farms, on Ih.. ..0011,1 , y thy
kook, "'eel by,1. of %%Alter
Hot Feol , lg • upon Which sal-1 farm the ~Ly
Is unlit.
Ala.,, the Prather Mil , probbrty, c - ntainlng
acr..s ntore or les:. •att lyin o • PO b• b...
ornpienter 7ownkhip, Vrnango Countr. l'•
boundmi as fot/o • viz: 4uthe norm by Inc N....
,rh.tur. Company. ',at by kb 1:.••tt, I,lr, .obtb
I. PI Illtphs Vel , oleurn Cr , .! sal en tho wt, by
formerlT owned hy Mods, .
AI., four,. nine ) sled, , led part aro acres
in MAI.. I ' l amply .nd alor. natl, known es
I:l , Aoth, prop. rtv. and bonbded aefol
%la •ba ,t no. 1.1k4 eolith by the Pre her
111:1broperty, opt on the east by lends formerly
at;,.. tu. I.rlawril property, sit• ate and lying In
stair, , ounty and Too nship aforesaid, containing
wartar , es more or less. slid "winded as follows, viz
by land. formerly owned by Thos. galleon;
north by lands forms fly owned by Brown; west by
lan „ . formerlyned by Waiter lire/Inn; and on
tits south by the ow
N. Y. Star Co.
also, nee undivided slush part of the Rooker
farm, on containing MX) a •res more or less.
and bounded •• follows, la: north by Mor. , y Lorin;
ea. by the Ilya, farm: leant, by tile Itrynobis end
cop land farms, and on the west by lb saer mom
den and Illaraturr farms.
Also, one urlleld..d one-twelfth (l-12) intereat la
th• Ire of two .0.1 three quarter:, (2b) on Cherry
bun. State Ca only.un Township aforesaid. a e celebrated 'teed Well, and upon which
Ilsere are three t .1 wells pumping 140 barrel. a oar
Wind:, and one well bring bored, now down 300
eetzed and Laken In execution a. the property of
Samuel J. Walker. at the null of tleo. E. & S. W.
L'opeLand, Attorneys In fact of Parcna T. Copeland.
A I. ItX nhi DEB AI UttlltaCH. Marshal.
I . VITALPILOP, July =, ltolB.
.Irtue of en order of the Orphans' Court of Al
legheny County, to the Undersigned. administrator
with the willannexed of WiLLIAII MeCLEL
LA U. deceased l sell at Public Sale, at the
fioLl Hint°, I SE, In the City of Pittsburgh. on nu
-0.1 the :list day of August, A. U. PSIM, at 10
o'eioek A. It., the following described real estate,
All that certain LOT OF biItOUND
,situate In
Notilestown, North F•yette Township. Allegheny
county. Pa., in:ginning on the edge of tho State
Road at Spring Alley, and running thence along
said state Rout sevent y.three feet to corner of lot
of Mrs. Brown. extending back, preserving the
width, a dletaucv of etc hundred and seven
R.t, more or les, on which are erect,n a two
story briek house, an old log Oreille., tog
sable. &c.
ALell, all that certain tract of land, situate In
South Fayette Tonship. Allegheny eounty, Pa.„
...oiled by lands of Waters' heirs, McMurray's
heirs Robinson's Run, George bleCand
.l.ltiees Hastings, and heirs of S. Johnson, eon
latnig seventy-ono acres and oe huodrcd and
nth rii pre
ehei. strict measure, w ills the appurte
n enees. on which Is erectod a two story tenor
Ose,tlue frame barn, ..te.
nald farm tieing the mansion farm of Willie° ,
McClelland. nr., mid situate at Thompson's
station, on the Pittsburgh, Columbus and Lanett:l
ustl Mali road, through which the Bald railroad Mulls
the said fano being well watered and beautifully
I , enteil fur. and val. lie conveniently divided Into
try seats. sod being very desirable pr ,party.
bi re is under the same shout twenty acres of coal;
also limestone In abundance.
••• • • .
tLU,I .0 NALX -- I.oe-third natal on con linnet lon
uf sale. one-third on. oar, with interest thereon
fouu eurdirmation of sate: and une-third In two
e a r. , with 1:11.1t ,t thereon Iron, cunOrmatlun of
at to be secured on the premises sold respect
bY land
'7l7iti7ir 3.IOCLEL LAN Li,
Admlulstrator of Wrntern McClelland. deed.
& CO.,
Nu. 4, ll'ATe It 4.1 - 12 EET, tql floor
;cc All aary warranty •1 totnal to any In thy It;
General Commis - sion Merchant
C fr1X.1...1.C00rJEF.3:31, .013.1 c)
4 eomplete arange.m4.ll , 4 for sbdtling, by
bu owls oru or day, and PO bubhelv
4t ~ro Al, a,. e.prrvully pAtrouage
Ail older, promptly alleudrd to al the !One.
=II & CO.'S
Nos. 2 and St. Clair Street,
NeJr the hdipeuelou Bridge
I 1 tAill or Colored.)
liar 'rill:, attention to C.ty and Suburban Views,
wittt Family t.rottpa.
Vie rr I Of I•ltteburgh and surrottnuanga ipinfo and
atereinineopier al nays on hand wad fur
Practical Furuiture Alariufacturt rs,
Latvia styi , • A of FUILNITUttE cuissta.
or. ♦ski La" .IE,
.to. 46 Federal Slreet,allegheity,
All work entrusted to Ids care will meet
prompt attention 10 either rliy.
" 1012.1n2
ZAIO pounds prime Fresh Bolter;
200 bores choice Cattle, Cream Cheese:
YU bbl.. wants react, Blow Potatoes;
WO dose. Fancy ilroorns, In ctore;
NOU pounds clear ISlde Bacon. In .tore:
Utm tutu 040 Bard Country Susp, in store
lOU boxes UOl4lll hoop, In .Lora;
10 barrels prime Norgblitn:
NM bushels Small Beans;
I barrel pare klountaln Blackberre 1S Inc,
In store for sale by B. kit l/t/L.L.
lot tell! No. Isia Libel ty .level.
PAISINS-100 boxes fr .. e 0 ,41 . Layer
-.ow Raisins lust roecler.l suavr a ,
Na. Imam! ISS Wowl atnest.
TEED 244 sacks "Shorts' 9 to
wry'fur axle
7 t - 1 - IFIFIDS. CtIOA AND P. R. Se
•• GAN In store and for este by
yw,l2 BAIRD & I ATTON.
, B3C.R. SOAP. various brands,
'idePut by
We. prime Dried A r frples,lttet retelre4 and for
s±l...itE CHO t.. BALSIL.F.Y. 201 Liberty et.
oars w aware end for sale by
irrt H. coKX It
IJLLOWR-3,0U0 to arrive and
ror cabby HENRY IL coi.T.l
VEATIMERSIII Nacks to arri , st
and for,nlpb• I.AiAli 111.11•6 , r 1 •
W. CARNAHAN for flue Fn•nch
•-• • Olaf Routs. S 3 Mirka street. ae
pon.FRENCiI KIP HOOTS, go to
113 ITarketitteet. mie ID
7111LICE , g titling .go tOH g gasket et.
N— bbls. No. IMr gale IlOve
• to cto . e . 4.0 o HENRY N COLLIN&
bbla. beot gaudily
A. , snit UTI . NBY COLLIXS ,
Tye NUM., Ls forwarded ',Web neoeh be gob
•rltsers sooners as Use mall rep. .
. 1 EAR.
91 . . E Ls Of? 1V - - •
Watch Repairing Establishment,
10_ NV 1" Lift ST., SEAR
Time Registering
1111.. f3TT €43 CJV.,
Dealers ita Optical Goods,
This Instrument Ix very generally used by Pamela
and Merchants, sa well h com
bines a Clock, Barometer uud Thermono te a. :tad
van be be depended upon for indicating thecam,
of weather.
Spring and Sr a mer Medicine.
a ,
lodide of
ritEVAItFI,J , 3I:
James R. lirclic , :s Sr, Co.,
lAN: re It or 7 .
pri,ell, "11l of Ow wo erroulot alterative au.
In s form espal,, .exertlnK foil action et,
system, and Min mlsitme anal pleasant doses. at
Is conceded that tile altersti‘ c. reel vent, or tonic
effects of iodine, are e aorted moat decidedly when
associated with other alteratives, lta combination;
and the barsapartlla sector to Tulin perfectly al/ the
favorable requisitions.
The first effect usually observed when 'SAM',
PARILLA WlTli 11111111 E tar LINE" is tak e n, is
an increase of appeti e, shun lag that It ha.. tonic
properties of a marked chararter. Its at ef
fects are manifest In its ready combination 01111 the
blood and tissues. Heir,scrofulous women and
children Improve rapidly under lie uae. and the el
tat functions assume a healthy condition.
Ills admirable adapted to s large nein her of citron.
Igor acute affections peculiar io cnildren. It I.
salted to them. by the 11111.111r,> and eifirlrney
of Uedlelnwl effect and lb , measant. nttrio ye ham
of tbereMedY• it WOO i.e at, on for s long portod
where constitutional luilnentron aro de.lre.l, and no
repugnance, or dl.tnettn itt.•n cup.
cocounteriot Whlb 1.,: of Ills
en persletenuy, Itt noi-les 414 .mall ro lief la
In the Spring of the fear, and
during the Warm iVeallier,
Tbc accumulation of mortu,i mlttcrs In the .3.Fteul
seems to become man, trot and very troublesome.
Lassitude. Headset... 'tolls. l. 1...i%I•11l-n, Loss of
Appetite, Palos to the Joints. 1nd1y..,1,1, rtc.,
very eemine i . Noteleg vs, te..l better
ad.ptt d to ctermluate or
than this now contelnatlen of eSlieA
Alterative, or Blood Purifier,
hna Wors tern yII,EII willazn the reach 'of I nun !-
i,ls. In~lec,l. Ides lr.. r• Ltv
cornbinallor rtsculloliog a .'thing
hlth..rtomploy en.
The opluiten of rn...ltrni men ...neetaint It. the
.leseript Lon of 1 , , tb. raI.I.IILIC
value. 111.111., "-so, ets.. ar, et•II ctr..olar.
triad. can be bad at lb, stort. any and all Ural
flass Druggists.
Vor sale In Pittsburgh by It. E. SELL ER..3 .4 Co..
Combined with iodide of Lime,
No. Si Market St., Pittsburgh.
Masonic Hall Auction House,
Wholesale and Retail,
Ladies', Gent's and Children's
1866. spitixG !RATS. ISt;ti .
McCORD & CC)..
151 D'OOD Sl'lllEE'.l.
w,e, to Gait spegt i s . i .. r:Lott4 t o o , chub
Et 04, 4 .tc., for Spring an,: :+5.005-
suer /F ear,
- 4 k '• -, 1813.c:/.ltnat•
EADI ES' DEltlll'e, et fr t .,
aNatT • l5 and Bola' nit II N
Co AT'S," Ilit•tilEVONe, BE. nit.% M . •
DERBIB, l'Eltat. ac.. ac.
riTICAN 6001.1 every de,rljllloll.
- -
.V0.,11 0 Penis ,street.
JAMES K. DAIN, Yt oprietor, and carriages f to , MI
trains. Also, Carriage. for Etmer:_s, Virden:las
and rallies, at short •101.1 Ce and re:twit:dale rue, S.
Stable Open Day and Night.
B pi. a
01110 ETILEKT., near the Venitqntiary. Alle
gheny City, tomantseturers of every description of
Cstent /stretched, Cemented and Riveted OAK
oilier and repaired at short notice. Particular at
tention paid to Bella for Baiting Mills anti heavy
works. All work warranted. Orders reapeettßily
solicited. )..ned7l
p . C. DUFFY, .
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware,
And dealer In STOVE- , , lIQU K V WIN InlllnU
vuLEA , AUTICL+-1,
No. 190 G.-re*Ant iStroot,
prrrsuunu li, P A.
- -
Tbls House ts th Cheops-at t: to
Stoves ausl Tin Wa r
nt. Job Ve pise pronloitv xov
t toto , -•
td tO.
ad for the th.luvr tog •uw::
$5OO, 81,000, $3,000, $5,000, *40;005.,
For one, two and three sears, •
CS "zrirtai sit ot.
Proloxide o 4 in oea,
Tonic anti iteloralire,
Sold at dun - [Li,. us.
lies. 55 and 57
Offen of Lr, .14) .1(10 ulcig
&c., Si.c
310. 13 St. 41111; lurch
•1 GO