DAILY GAZETTE. CI FITBLISII ED DT niman, Reed & Co., 0. se Porn STscrr. Prrtesvaeu. Tsar,. tiLit HT MAIL .. SH.ltYltal lir uwaiu .. le Nittotattgit 6iuttle. UESDAY, AUGLST 21, 1866 P %UNE AND CONSIDER. fu.ls arc Thir.; , Thu Preshirnt, to I. I Y t" thr Conuoi!ter of the I'l,,ndel (jonvention, spoke of the National Lull, a- "a body ralir , l, or whip L 115- ! ti, !rc, tlu f'ongr.•4 of the Unitial and hr farther Flewril.ed it as han;,-m;; on the verp , ot . the Govern- Then cN.l , n ,, intis were not aeci or le sign ed They were selected urpo-,e. They nr , •, an ,pelk, the ‘,.! we,lrc .r a V' 011111011 if In, lwvn re og by lie Prv,id.AL in vi ,inceiva 9= the legitint it t'on rrre' of t!u• Stitt':. Ql.vri:,l, and vOlO p • have been -, unt In i,. 1.1% en who - , hills been 11,1 the v,Io tilt II•nt li:..lorlared it to b, cnlid his% a. exe, utc.l it. Treat .. ..., ant uomiva tavo :will to :lie q. Prt•-i , i,nt :ul , l tiu Dri , ml c:,11 r 111,11,r for tnforl.ol,,n, v situp) ",41)1n, COrlgr,-- o 011 ilt till 4,n1 t• 1111•, •1 11111. 1 , - , ',H.q., 1. , II iy Nl.l 114,,5ci rut ink; ( ..31, u;,.31 I th., I, l i tht. ,4du will ,111) ❑:AI: it It is , cI $1 I L.• ~'ll INR: TUE. P ' tip la .11 IS ••uni y 1.11,1 =111111! 1 k 11111 pf I ! 0•I Wll4 111 Ind ttry =I I It., tltrgt• t 11t.1.1 I 414111••,. It 1,11., gt • ..1.1....111.• It, Hint , t tAtt- , tltt-tt I-I I- ...r• 1,114 -111111 It. teit.ttr , L I 1 , di 1 , .111 ni 1:1 1 Mir lot thilik 0..-y 14 !... •11l 1!;; y .•.I 1,1.11 I 111 hiiitt II ,••• MBE =I EE I.• I ilt . I . 'l t boil Ct..: 1 I , trlvilcd I I Gio,k111114,11;. ao,ly and cluterittiard war 0 , 1 i• , U Illt• 111 , 10. ,li.i 111 t !h. 3'tu 10 it I, , 11:,:fl• SOUltit 111 It upri r.•: likl .1111,11,, goo• ye ten loyal, olkrat,, , ly ii e os, nal, 11.1 maintain It- p eo etrol ot 11, Nat lytyly la rykel 1111 11131 lii.ty, 5v11:5. , A1: .1 with; 1,1111.: II n :tl, I an MEM r:, 1411 - I i — 1111111 s I,y 11,31 tin II I ll:l.ltcii 111,1;4, thrm al plc w: IL r w They ha, =I thc 11.. lenll.lll - , r...;cAl n,.t.,.,•py 1. Tell i• snooty-Joe dollars each, whit 11 entitle , the Thal the Lri t tion ha. 4 • Amid in ~ attettil L. - turn- until gradual ion stitett, and in pitiling I It , 14, :lino ............. / di it , toaltY olt-etoloi ao It , 44. t -Inc , on r,l it a puhin onelLy iir ited , , 11^ eltil..l, r..t, rrh , o ;„ I'ver propiennt bylp xl ,hl:3 „ „,„7 , if 1. ,7, , lege tat, could sy or EMI/pl.. pientessolg In , ' ,ay the min t 1 same 4.1t4.11,•1‘.. it1.12/11litt , OP111•. - 1 anti ll , D•igner Witt , t nine, r O'r I F.., oto Eoglatol and Guido:lnt In dwell I to the largi:st Cidlegv villain. it, the say. eve tulting. alit 10 odd In the a cad 11 01 , "nd, beet amphitheater and 10x1110 hall. „ Boom ~,,,,0 3.„L 111 , Unit'd :dote, third, the. lost her.- • • lot litl- yru r, I , lug piouts. fourth, este:l4,e I t \hi Iron ,fay' Wh" P'"""1"..1 ar , h , m-"erlft li) r C nntlnft• thrir It itisito 1.. 1 4114-a eititirtiees all the unnlictlll, 1,/ ,111,111i1 rot 1' Id. the 1 lid Oil " iil4. ..irises el phi, ,khan , , sixth, thisMUSCUIII p cull 1,:loci It :,tr .jolt 01 a 111051 extenolve collection id wim hough . 1,15 , theGui,r ttnessl and pathological opecltnetts. In all local tV hit It alivny4, Imo" My throe.att. an yd.liree rooms le the College. •t t'' "'t `" 4'7n( or, stzliirol Professors and every benne , ~11(1.1(1 before so et 0:•,/ d 'lli, a •id diet/mine and ;forgery ts thoroughly tough • r 'I lin •totiont iloil/111g "scholarohlp" • 1,1,1 . enter the college at any time during the And yo hi. n.,111. in in, tale., attend as long wi ho wisher, and re-en 'rib) (retorted ye-der.lay,) Lad t ter the Institution as frequently as dean ed. ruileticc to it] sul,F,l au. e, w hal lain I' l lrs ... wishing to Obtain oettolarshine can iplt, and ennuis , • lie bad brir.4,l L. d.1..e IM. It, Professor of Uri... I t thub,gy In the abovo-menttoned College. • 41.1 g. , no furl her • HR I iltiere toil reliiiielleu is No. 141 Grant - •Ltreet, ILlLtelturgli rt.. ti A111:.‘11A%1 Ori lion at Inc consevrathin of the burial The T i h r. ree n t — , : t h.;:tb."iis — cull ua . l. un !Jou nil at ;ettys g, lie 'West , elegantly etunhin i e. ° l7:l.:L e : E tm r' ;tr!r i. o U l f rr 'l e l . Y l " r d rtrtr tor last month, say. 1 ditti,lutautifnliy transparent to the eye, ple at- "It has but on, equal, in that pronounced ant to the team and acceptable to the titomuon, upon Lino., who fell during the first year Of!In Caswell, Mack A Cn..r Ferro-Photinhoratud tl l'elopounesian war, and in one respettt Elixir of Cal..) , Bark. ,Uperior tai that great speech. it is Koch pint contains une ounce of !Loyal Call. not only inure natural, fuller or feeling, saya Bark, rind each teaspoonful eontains one moor , tout:king and pathetic, I.UL u c ktiOle grain of iron. temples furnished free to the with absolute certainly Dist it was really I profession. casual-1., Mena A Co., N. Y. delivered. Nature here Inirly take:, pre- Sole Manufacturers, eedetice of Art, even though it lot lie Art Fur 8100 at WhOICIIIIIII In Pittsburgh by IL. of Thurythdes " belle, g is t A co. At retail by all Druggis W ts. • • ultallis Slowly but cectinnly the grand outlines • of the Martyr or Liberty are revognized throughout the world, and take their plug, in the 11)111111011 judgment of mankind. _ MOrICIIIO Minister Presented to the Mownion Commute: ol uI u Treasure by A•nttn Tilt tint reiterate:, on the /1° " eon tons. at l'ldeago, that both the Freed SAN Yoatiritit.o, Auirust 10.—Gene• ward men's Bureau and the Civil Right. bills •Mm t !: a t 'L t f to th k Were sulmutlett to the President, not only ot July. Thu d i hip Legil o sl r st u n. • isASUIttl• iu manuscript , but after they were printed. ;Va 'n it,;u t ° Uperee " n 7 ttic t e h al ' . orfoliniLllon of a Vigilance tottualtll to protect foreign reel and were read and approved by ' duets from acts of vloloom by murderous eoolles lately Imported from Chine. Tim Nt:w Yutth had'/tonics[ will ...bar- The steamer Montana has arrived from aett•ri..nthe Nationa l I ntellagcner r t% 1t..1-`Portland, Oregon, with i1.1,5U0 In treasure. iugtou foyer ao near the that IL daily amella his breath," Cholera Abattoir In NI. Lanni. ST. Louis. Attglist m.—The Board of Health JimEs T. OA IllANt t, M.1 , 3"V1 of Augurta , mw-t° repo of chot.n , today, but hen members of the SCAM nay the disease le abet,- lag Laptdly. VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 198 CITY ITEMS Summer Goods at l'oftt ove, n 'Boum: Shoe Store. Seasonable Goods Al Ow 1 yet, 11...0 ShGe Stare Rosh for •Erriloio• At the ()pet, 1101180 Shoe Store. Delays ere Dengorowr to tho Opera 'louse SUM ,tore Awful Good Good.. At the k h•ers !Jou. Shoo Store. No Rubbish thiliersti ttr .uht at I lay Opera Unnee Sher `tare. Rai( Pries tttl) a-ketl at the Opera Hoerr ,Itte—t.tt Brogans. Brogans. 1.1•7, 11, t iil• opvra 'joust. ' 4 1, , -tor Ey, cry Pair of IShoert t li t , t.perm limpo• Slime A %plendld Plano nFtle cheap, at the ~porn 11.,1190 Irving lollegi.te 12.4. ate 11, tli irtoent :.0111i-MtliltllLi 4,1.1011 of Nil :• 1 .% -tnill,', Nelert las...t.l,:Chlmli lilt 1.10114,4 Wlii ..t11111,14 • 0 N 14.1,1“), ptctubc, th, 1 , utsti,, No 31 t•litral at t'ttl MEE I=l I =9 • .•ILnln ,1111. 031/1,11114,•1 1.1 lII.n 11,• ikll 1.. 1,1 Ilf I In \ lrrn . 11l t..r-,n , l ~n. k. I mlluent For .1.. 1111, \ 1., Vie N.. :7 I , lutuon , l Prwc-1;11 Don't Na 3 that t on•mt. ph lon Can ”4.1 lIIIMMM=I , ••r •trt..l Ibe ve, rtlid rwt, Mit ;LI :01 1,1,11 ItgeW4 l, 1 . 111..,11t,11, .10...rytt Fie.,.. CCU.. s.l R 041,10,1011 Iu Denti.try. Penn 111110 K 111. t Oear. and tug 11 , 1.., 1a...4 011 u In s - dvvret.t. MEE t 1,111,1 t 1111) `OION% of I,IOZ lltnitito 1 Itt , 1 t , . t 1..• I I ill. OI tl.l•, IL' itl farillAw , l ,•1111 nil It o( the 11= 111.t71.1.•1 c , rlll.- (` u) pe•tll4.l, u. 1.1 . 1.: "h • .lut Int, the Itts.t. yea ,tt nn unequaled 11' tll,. grt.:t. = dill nil t, 0,...,1, get MI the, grw , l4 lit It ail ul :11.e ',lce, and lin,. And •otttlity, v log In .Inint.rs to forty in, set Inl-MeAs Llt.A been most to II". 11. u It. 1110 list In LL11.1.110111,i NM a., s• h l.it. I.ret,llllo h.•e4iurtlry A. p.tutlt . • •.1 IVIII 10,1 NI. F. 1.1110,1nn -11.,•.t.--•••1 lu Ihn t nited Mate.. an,l +.n,ll,ss umnlit,t , ..l to 11,1, io,n.lredn .I,limr..Ortli of .or tt ,, 0.•1: go. I,VI 1 , . porgona nott.dt• j• ay ler It. /cm: for attiell otogo n0t.1.. • the.t. gentlemen may (rely Ile k.oorfnetora of mankind. Then. . „„ e-t./.l4l..htnent in Illtt,loirgh I, ~10. for vntrac•lnione o,oho artllleln: . t:. f . 111 4 . ,ted. mal:em Ti. , ...Large i. ‘• I A 1,14.1 1114t1....t. bellvoren ugtamot. lien••• nt.4l Is If/ aiweptle 1. ,1 •t. - -1- pip.,ffit• I.r 111 t , tig lily .01110 e111calla trout lax. tl'tnl Inc , tc 1 11 .• 1.41411 cull oulcr t11111.(44 NV1, 14 .orltcolorctl, 1.1 14 , 111111 . 11, IL I pi., tou,ly 11111 tilt' 1111.1/113 Ofli) 1.11 it 111 IP: IL Le IL, Clli. Lill 111,11 1 1 :1241,1 VL•1114., 11i 11I1ul i1111111, , ,,n, , t 1 Int.:111ml t - ittio• 111.11,11 4, L. 11,1 111,111'1 101111 111 lall / LL 11 111 1 ,1•1 ea`L - 1 10,1 (1 .1 , 4 al, 1,1•1111/L 110111 lax .1111/il .1 , V 1 L•LL 11311,4-LIIM L . lllOlll. ILI' 1111, .lerltll , l I Intl till proy ktolis vL 11111 =MEM internal revenue law, ea...tripling railroa.l .1 ‘ 1.14.. NV he +Hell articles are lo itoolo wroUght ll.ot w loch has previously pawl the Oaly assessed thereon,il u.t apill; , to I isiiroiel ehairs or (1.1144 ~t t le it { -,a-Lrou, xi...rut . ..re .101 articles 110 Ihrl.ln to lass twin. Tho acting Lottimisioutior has also .le “•• it, in jars art , oluarti, liable 1. stamp tax looter the Iwo, isions of sche.litt. " t , relat wig to Uleata, tl.ah, irl ity I)lkrinkr 11 ighooty Robbery In On k 13.41 i A1t...1111'11 O'clock pa Saturday night a taro • tame. Matthew Walker w. knotike.l 0.. an r „. U.s.kl.tml toallott of tno l'lttAborglt att.l /1.11",,Y, noel t0b10..1 .k ‘l,Llll't cootatoolg motile forty dol ,' ttrrelo lllmllllll2 I/1. I 111 1.0 .11111' tit part) Wll l l O O SWIM: 11,10 A,CIL, THE WEEKLY GAZETTE TWO EDITIONS LSSOED. UY WEDNESDAys ALSO SAATEIDA.Vi. The edllSon i. forwer.l...ll.rtleb resell no sub Aerl we rs wow,. al Lb. mall run. T. 1.6 • LF On En. PKIL CLUit , I , r riVi: 3.1 . 11+1 IF TEN ANL , Uninlit, 1 Is I =I BM IMEEZIEND F r•rn i1~• (frvi.iOl'. aut, Ito•velLut, 1111=1 •11, crl Int e =MEE =lll Inla:I tu Ow R/111 • eV •1111) I.t li, 1 , 0•. Ilan. The Opera !Louise The lite; 11111140 t4.7nlr) et 0, r..- let evenulg by 11V6rf audtvnev, ph11,14,1 , 111,1.1 !rag .l 11;o0.4, 311 1,4,4.11 t. 1 1 11, 1- 11, ..p.,k , ar.net , irk ,:s . • : cven- 1= =SEE 111= .IL alq.itou MEI It. • i•.• Ni, hill i• •-api - h 0,,, LithoUgh a, 333333'3 3t, ho 1301,, 33 31333 gviii,Llity ...hi , hAl.e. r3313311‘ 133.3.3333 g tn.. ;3,1 rat :111,, One 0 Is tool, - to , Oh , hi, lionor, that ho ins> - alaml igh x IN , •-•• m pox,, N 131.11146 1$ XVIII 1 0111 11.,howaiii•N3pit. iihrig Ilio •• il•.1 1 1 1•11.1:1. 11 it - 1411, .1 Alpo], r•i oix hole lila). To-high , 'tut wer'n , .3333 3.33313t3,3 1 - '1330 ha at 331 I.you, 330 t Pridr " Th.. .Itatow,,, oftl I,t, .tini,r , ./'• It.e the Putt iti,hl.• Mx. Bar. at 3 13133 , 1 c, , 5./.llg, Brener, Libeled I n 11". I hat,' ,tuft, .., , urt yezturt., • - e.•l Cee 1,1-1 113 e tl e.l L/1. ,1 oil el .It/ly by Lb, lb,- Lot ol loot il,lntl lot it •I It. 1,1111, n:ulry lltt VOL., ill.. • .•••••,,, II:••1 ••prlt•L•trllll..• •• t. 0.• 0.11 . .411' 1 , 14 . 44 . 1 .4 / ut .11411 s, .P 1 I•:••• • ••••• I=l =ME !i. ~,, t. , . ch.nrg..4l wllh 1.1% rev.) . ot. g• .\1.1..; 10.0/ I.Q 00, char 0.11.11 Limon ot ,ioll.o /./ tll,ll, Ito: 1,01.1 to: of dollar, .Attar .‘ lo.to thuovulroot -, koolg 00, lorlng to 1 , 1 for li.ll Camtisesstlatloi. • . - 31 , tvto NI , witty tl col cottluaen•lntolt. 11/ moon captur 114g, Lip i511.,1.4.•1 tot lip . I der, 1111, ‘itoler lilt. 11.1i1111111.,1, 11 , 111 U. , . II!) Pill CIL I.t . L,utt huvt. 11. tonic, t . .ti.t.1.1t • It [nag INtt ate_ rinve Basil for is Ilicirrb.g.—Nlary 5....511- V.l h. 111. TE ,, F.-, 5.5* a .15 5556 55555, 1505.... In West 1 . 55.5>i.ar,.,... 555 I .55415.•1 1 11'- fore .11.1..5 wan 11.155.1.erl 5. 5 5551,, of srlling 15,55, 5,5,1 , I . ..•15.555a5at. ran. -1..• 1.55,1..5 5.... 555.5 • 15 ',tut- Slay. Waived a ILlearlaw.—.l ,, hrl curtrgr.l .Julio 13v , , , wn s,ll.lJfl ing beton, i. 11.1 ys•Nl.r,l.ty Brovs3l 1nm.‘.31 a Livarit.g 101 I. 1 , 411 11,r t. 11141• Itnee e t” C.., Ott on the ,•.,11111tom, I I,' PV1111.•tillur), I.'l v.t•••11 ,%4k 1..1.0u la t ill• Len , of 'Vb. , rat • 11, 001 MEI I.l)\\ 1,1 t!.• It.. 11311 n ‘l,l l• 1: . =EMIL I=l lIMM==IIIIIIII IMEMEMEIT NEW ADVERTISEDIEA I'S I r• larjtal Mo pine. n , t•5t . .1.1. ooe. tuti ctructy. elt -11AL.••1011 i:rightoti tio;:li .21 Allvglicnv.louilsi 1.11.1.., C.l cutrai Dna, ',kr. • k. 1 , Knl ny C.,Y• FAIRMAN & SAMSON, UN DERTA.K.ERS No. 196 Smithfield st.. cor. 7111, I hut; auce v. call n 1 f'YTTdB TS C5l, , ANI. 133 ~AN., ( ,, h 1 ALL.IeLtaIENV, PA AlkkEN. U .v 7p ART ~Zi~34, No. I .6 Follrtil L'lttnt.urgti. ,11.111.116, Fa. era: aluianinx trisa..,.. V alt IJ rlatE.4l.lra.u, sr aueNcX,.— Ltev. Day,: .11 . rtc.JUtt _ . 1) T. II U!TE 0., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, 01 F . IN ROOMS A. trIAN , :at.S. Lit ifiY ST 5,Lt. NSEATI.I irs flat h HrpairUl ZSC. Ltail'sADlLS' AND tNT`s W.A. Ir P 4 C , =EMI =I API IL.3_. •.i I= sonETutm: NEU' Tinic R1"1111: A. K.\ mx,_s.ta.r_..r ce, c,v., llealcrn ill Optical Gimml, vo.ry prvi,resl;) a. I 1.. ow.. Ilark.mete r at, 1.. ts .. . p C. DUFFY, ISANLY•I,I,..tt Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron II are, A. 1.1 t!‘ t'",. or • F.: Pt HS 1•101 II sTti: ..,1 ANI 1.443 G-x-climot !atm - coot, rr,nuttoii, l'A. Thl,- House Im 11.. lisenpret. ',At, Its W.. city t....1,ay 5t0...5 Wart.. Jua V, ork pr00.,,A.) Attend ., to. surAl: RULER, CLOSE &_CO., Practical Furniture Manufacturers, CDR. PENN AND WAYNE STREETS, I..a.tvst >l.y les or FUILN ITC ICE constantly on baud N E BOOT AND SHOE STORE. ..Mo. Yl SI. Clair street. A Lu •11.1 of LADIE9 . , IJK% r•S antl r 1111,1,,:, of t. I ITEM. ItALMO- H.AI,, pte„ 1., at the LOW NzT .11.11 s SN.,l44.liArta I C ',° l l 7? 14';5 1 111 E: 1.3 1 :11‘. 1 1 0 ht.,. liroeo .pplc, , 20 10,0+ ituelvlto.ol, 11.0 Wsterm0110101: 10 tllOO. CI .000. 11 IStraro .1.,1001301. Maw, EyAs : Lars:ll j c. b t i l lt, a Bac, 1.0 stor< 00 .r :,...': - ...U., ..) -: • • n. 51 30 113 to N., of ME • • I ..t =lll I.