I=l 11 111 11 =I = MIME =MI =I ~ ~, NM =ME I BEENE I u I , r - _.,•L It 1 in I ;, 1;1, •zr,•,.1 lic't ,tl, 11re -am , . - . 11, I. . , 7, , • MIESTIII ra.:.. .1 i ai!y, l cl l .l 11111, r' 11.1 ' 11 Wl ''' I ' lllll 111 1 1.-1 11. 1 . 110 A11..1.11111. 1 11k 1 k10 01 110 e:,u in tit .1 - 1/1) 13 1 ,1. 'ln 1, 1 ., . 1 . 1.11 n, •-• .1 ^ PP , ' L Nl.l-••.1. 'll,-, I! • ll= =MEI =OE ME ME IMMI =lli 118011111! I= ME= CIEMIIIEI 1'1":•1],,1 E W Avl 1° I,IIIIN 11 11 uuiva• FEMALE EDUCATION Tilt, ti.7_ 1/1 tt. ,11 '4.T STEEL all /A., in ',lett- Largo• 6t4-1 JoNEl'll N 01;04 ELL I\'ilo'.h6;ltr DR. LAMOVE'S (RRCILIA I:i f'.l .l ‘,01.4 i. i. 111104 Nt; FUR SALE—The OE re. 1.. 10 /'UNTIL I I 'VOW, - bidA 74 .1 1 St I A I inr:Ell."llON4.l, E Just reeet‘e,l f .1" c - ,3n g-1.1. ID AS =1 ••r ,• • I .••• r•) ••••Illand •rtr•••tr, I ante to the rt Kidelice 11.. tun r•r] 31,1•1.•1 t• •••••., • 1 , 1 ,rtlil,•%l". MAUK• ‘01."• \ °TICE IS lIEREIII that n 5. 4 .11 A+ I Y. µ 1.7 .141 li; ,••••.1 t. .•I •., .ti I pilt I,AI "I. 41., • 11 ,, 51 I I. =IMMO Volt n 4,14; -Ou Peri/cilia 1.4.419,4 El ;.; LI;•I i•l 4 - ;•,;. tr;..1 111 . 11. ;S;I;AY,:-• U ra 1)14 , 11,,,, „ ....1 • • Efil 1 0 I.e'l LN CI 1 0:I ,tit. 't =llll =l3 ...,[141"1 . 4.i SIIIUT C:11 Ati:: .11/.4 [Olt, tguell.4 3411 . .1 F:6 Bo N, 13.1 15 . . 11 :. A I Rti A lIA ti , tor line French Slr., knit FLIEM:II hiP BOOTS, go to 143 Market ea nn-{. am I; I. 4 'nit LADIES', MISSES', AND ..111 Lint KN '6 61InEti, go to 143 Markel et. AJII,LOWs- 3,000 to arriYc and o ,, s o t i - I NEW A DVErCTISEMENTS J On•IS T. BRUM LS: Ci)„ Corner Fourth and Wood !its.. BANKERS & BROKERS, Government bccunties, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons interest Minted on lino• II(.110.it, 1 ) ,001'S \ II) SIIOEs klit."-iteslzy =ME A. LEGG&TE'S, 159 Federal Streel. (ItY MARSHAL'S SALE =9 1 1 l 1111WITE OIF 1 N HIT OF 0 "Ej Ei"1" OWI IX 00 . El 'EI On he 30th Da) o► ►hn6, THE STEAM TUG "EMMA LOOAN, )1:1 ; "1:: 7 ” t ?-twas flit. Oi It 11 . (111' 1 0911011 L.iEitth Strk.,.t =1 9111MIIMINI 1)'1'114, McII \ DIIINIGNI:1), Nritce.l PII"roisURGII CUTLERY 1. , \11 let 111,1. 3.1 . 111ja: it I ulilisl luti~s. ro and 111111 Nirrri • tl l ,i,ll'll 1.111.111 Ni t'NITIEI) !.."I',ll TES, 111:sl'Elt ~r ~. 1.~~• 1 1~. .. ~. 11..1/lit I.\l 'ENV INsTUI Tt FOR YOUNG LADIES, 111111=11E112= 11.2 t 3. ALL. Mi. ALE"Sr YEA , Ilaut of k Sti vet 0111 E l'o 1 ONTO 41'110iS. 111.1•1,1.•.; , $.lll Al - 1 1111 , . J•. y, nrt.l l'hartL • rrf illy ott:irtlL 1.. • the .../.1 , IteFulat•.r. Y..r furt15,1n1 ,, m..: , 11 r aPi 111 , PPI MI r or I:. .•,loq,k , X. 0Y 11.1110,1531 eh.,•olar. - tr. , 1 on, 'wt., ERRETT & ANDERSON, Book and Job Printers, ,•ntinhe the rhh,4 ,n.l i•r1::11 . g :n nii it., hrshrhrr. al the EMS GAZETTE STEAM JOB PRINTING ESTOLISIIMENT, 84 Fifth St., Gazette Building. Al.l r. y II a Op nf pIII. Onttnn no, . req prrnint HGII Female College, I= 1 EiEM • 91C..E.13.1123 , 30.101. Atltlrrw. It I. C. PE ILSLIN 11. Nl* 111111:A'll wiILAT!! I= Ot C.TT O. i II 1:,11. Es .t.ef I.: T G E.VT, Nl'. , tAils ! I loos • 11)001731: 111ATICItIALS. Cement, Pilch, Pelt, Para/Tine Varnish and Attach Paint, NI mauled Weed and gadal an cheat, at any other liana. In the country. by PAI.K. II KOs. A Co.. ltl btlillh Wharf, 'Wilmot, NEW A DVERTISEMEN TS i ;00 l'• • 1.11) 6.110 E% T. A. M'CLELLAND, Masonic Hall Auction House. I' I Li' ' I ' 1 I 1:b,1.: I' \A/ h01c..- - , 11(. ;Inc' R i BOOTS, NIMES. CIITERS, 33e - tlark c3Prz-11:s, WORKING SHOES,SLIPPERS, Ia lies', (I,dd'.i and Chiliirt ATI..4s 1101{1.S, .1U 0 111 T .t' STlill 1: T 9th N ard, Pittsburgh TIIONI is N. N1111.11.1:11, Pre,idelit I.tigioir• OM= I= I=l I= liollittL: $lOll ...111, I.tlglis4 1 .j.ttng ORDERS SOLICITED t'l N 41.11: OF BUILDING LOTS, \l:iii-li 1. I' , i~u;i V•• 1 11E1,1 L ‘. It I. P I I. P BARKER & HASELTINE, I= LOOK I NC; GLASSES 1,1t01.0%. ‘1.4, t 0.11111,11_ EIMIEZI UHU tiuLT t:OM i'A N I N vi: tut. Pitl.l• %RIAD 14, walk BMW PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY 'l'l..ec•6; A Yip {x.6l, MUSTERS I\ll Bli Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PIT'fr , B1111:11, i's. 11."11/..11.1' \V A T,ON, Mrtnniv.r. I:F:,.►►►► .( ► = I Ii O. Nun ith field Street. IGO JOHN ZWEIDINGER, 0„, rl% r.l IVIII Flltl.h. 1, I.k , 1.11,, rt , Al No. 160 511111111111 . 141 NI rek Pianos, Pdelotleous. Organs, An.l 1.1.1... t Lu "tel aN•I BBL SINESS A - 11.10.'m COIIIIIIUIII, COLLUE. bIIA at,tl w r .1. t. Mel I.A M!)N N oTicE TO CONTIZ 91 TOIL'. =2l I . trltn, ttlthl.: I, !fru]. r. I. t•I 4•1 ht r.,1 S'l ILK ft..to Fur,.. trh \VI lott A 1.•.,A, r, el,. I al 1,,q ochre,.(thy 111,11,11,11, 11$1ti , ch,• u t. u., 41111. , 1:1. ,tt A rttliot. t 11,1t1.1‘, If 1,14 11,1•VAltn, al .1 1,1 1:.•,•—r•Ills, BANK !EXCHANGE 1.1,1 t: Sl'.,A_ U IZ, J 1 N T , H. 'CHILD, Proprielor. 90 Third M., PlllMnargh I= An. 1,1, isle r../11 ul.. lnl;x. WM:Kr __ • • A ILLIF GIIEN I( CITY FLOUIi AON IE. _ME 13 JEVI , C.)I=I..M, S. C. McMASTER & CO., tin. 135 Ohio SI, Allegheny. 1 4. 1.CYZ.11..r. ..R•l3act , a. i, palai for Sll., Ity, 1• ;.t1 .1 .40 ) ST. ('LAIR STREE'II'. .02 h. , t r ml , lll'l , l' 11t; .1111 LttAlhINATIt , S 1111 , 11.51 h ti..- Ell 1..11t , 511,11,11 , ., RA 1.. 1 .11Y.11,1,, 11,1::. I.or I.rlce, 4. 1)lASION 1 . rnet.11...a/ tyt.clan. 111 2 CIAIr strveL CELEBRATEDYTEEL TOOTH 11A 1" ILA h kl. ••Vrn,, ati.l "klestlorr Lark e In f.M Inreel on!, nl 111, I.I , QUI*4t. near In. Ft . ..lir...try, Au,. glteto I.lat Vorka. IprinK nl.l Plain %In.wpita, Whet te/Wa 14114 . / . 111tArl of 1 , 4ryn()ill.111X111. Of n0t..., and vt..rrAtitt.l.,. I .i.K.IIA V. _ _ I=l I= OLL--tfoo barrels 4 ray dalpyriur. IIENUY U. OULIIIt3. Nos. 55 and 57 1!211M2M2!!!11 I=l tio. 1 M. Ilair Sti'Pet, ME 11111111111 I=l NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BATES BLE PRINI.S CLOTH'S lattESS BOY'S WEAR, LINEN GOODS, PIANO COVERS MKS BELL IFI Ii Slll7-4:l'. GILEIT IS 4,114. %INS BOOT: S & SHOES. Ali ( )tir MARKED DOWN Merchants, iii4l itt A L J. A. ROBINSON 61 VI ARh ET WIRE 11.:1 MT. Al ItN lA\6 LIMEY INSTITLTE. Ell A NEV‘ BUILDING I. H. WHITE (11111 tilreel, c I.re TI 41. F. 011' STATES MIKA MEI ME =ZEI DAY, ItIcABOY & SPANG, urn 11111 E 1101110 OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Nos, 151 t ood and 102 and 104 Third St, B.ldiliury H;Lrdw,kr.t and :Fri mwing, Nngwrior V,• I and Iron Ha inc.+, r ttt 11 t t...t1:1 • titet, 11,i In 'l i ni l wt . a • 1. Ili •• fair prit, thr rtt< F, tO.l '1'111: SI'A!IP 111-I'll.S. ../!sgastil Ist, 1566 311ftilioc.11 =I =IEEE THE NEW STAMP DUTIES, 11l - Aal ley „IVIIIIESI .Il'I.T Vin 1... Ak r lll.A 1/Al. (. 1 :.1 A %KAI' All.ll, A1.1 . 11A111 , .11- CAI 1.1 AIIICAN.,.II. E4/333RE:1 IMZEIMSI 1:11=01 JOHN P. HUNT & CO., 1t1,1311 '49 Ulf: la St., Mahon ic t 01)ITION 1101:VIIES 'l'o Soldiers of 1 , 61 and 1562. ..•:.L., on:IA..110 4.1011 110.— I ). ANL 104); ur who wt - re ••• ...‘111.1., r tholl 11,-Ira. hr,e Month" Extra Pay ily N 1 .1. A II A LI, PA ILA(PN, A ILo:nt soLuzElvo CLAIMS FOR BOUNTY, &e. 'I lir uo.lorAlgur•l W.II .4111,4, al , loointlrf, Karl lay an.l io rloo 1111.1..1 act. of •• 111, r wlilr lr Pt. 1/1 FC.II/It r- aro Isoonkt, r...,n blot, u. 8 . 21)0. ((MIN' N. ra I.lw. . No. 111 1 , 1.11.1 s o 1 WI. II 1.1-•1..11/4 Fruit Cans, Glass and Earthen Jars, I=l Tin 14'ruit Cans. Office, 139 WOOD STIIEET, AI 1..1./:”INII . 24 fl AT 14T0.11.11.,) =I MOWERS, HAY RAKES, 1 / 1(,w8, Cultivators and 1.1 I.tf ACIPLIVE:I:II.!UA L 111 eLESIEBIIIfL 70 ba had at s. aa - Qae•s, N 03. V and V ~h la airteL Al.ealtnar W P • WT Z.OOD NEWS 1 , 011 FLICTELY. PATF.N t .11 1,111 CI N F. 11.4 1)11111/N, at low prlres. 1111 El: 111 11`l'11:11S.el per bottle. Olt NTATION 11.11TL1114, 41 do. 1111 1 .1 , 1. A N 1 1 ITTE11N, in, lb.. 1 1 11%N"1/ 11111111AI:11, port., el p. r ib. 11 , 1.1 p er) thing rl.e. In prvi.crllon, at LtILWWN•H NEW DEMI HTOILE, AMY No. 8 S. Clair Street NEW ADVERTISEMENTS It_a•=x7v--rQ- COTTONS. Anchor A, Anchor B, Anchor C, Great Western A, Agawam F, Lancaster W, Park, Ellertun, Red, White and Blue, Stictucket B, Nashua, 40 inch, Pepperell E, Naumkeag A, Clifton C HllllOl, 011 it SON & I'o. 54 Wood St., Pittsburgh 0. S. BAKER & CO., Solicitors, Attorneys, COl NSELLORS -AT-LAW. Corner of Seventh and F Sts., .'F ft • I) W E E OEII ATTENTION par , with, La,,.. tog brattr Iwo or 1,,,a IT= yr.,' from Wl•hlugl..n. row, nr the I,le tvg.d.l•llng ...Wanner. of affair, ..onnn,,,, • Ith I, , TATKS. t LULL 1 , 1(8'11 , 0Nn. and 111:•1- • .. • e lank retn‘lned 1,1 1.1.. k kvet It, J. 4 (ram lb.. Asme. NEM r. 03.:11t rg. llevartte/1.11,501,114 “01l of 411i111}. au) which they may hare .1.111 ‘r% awhiligtoli. Their ~. ..ntuntile•tionA will • 1111111 1 .11‘1,11 •e , l their Itbal .,.l,roapl'•al.ret.it i. REE 111 I 1 N 11 SPECIAL crRcuLAR I un.l..r.nn,tl I. ', • lug had ...me te , r, vnftro ps t1...1 p/ ten,F, tn. lett In Ihn •arlon• ~.1 1 , . p.i cit. of the eiiiii, and In i'.• paiinitAer its rutn l'olt,id States Army, . • '0,0..1 .111 and seri hie. 7., the ahove arm. a.,•1 h• filP frieml.tbrougnunt I he ....miry, atalat- I lig 111. 111 tt...bUlti BA , K A\', SUSPENDED AC it I•AY PROPER TO tlillitiatkASED PEN-lONS. RQl' AM / iN L/V .ny don 1.7 naaainst °flier, mud men or their Lod Iteirs,lor otn,, person having a claim 00-Thoae alio have claims on the got , roment for QUARTERMASTER - 6 and COMM IS sA Rl' CTOR AND Sl' P1 . 13E6, for Vesarl. and I 'olio.. iT,,l,areo, talons or other phrf ilanage.l, or destroyed Ourit, t`.. INDIAN and vots•r ric K CLAIM:, ma, a..,tir...1 that their buolnesall V r.)mpt and ~ .. illivntion a,Ml.lol,Ltil l•• th, ~r tbe Wt c. firm for ...Diemen, . . 2./ . 1 . ••111111tilltrallonn 1( S. BAKER R. II . t•to r %. T.l: &no V eruct.. WlNhingtern, ( . GEO. 11, SIMPSON, NI 41 ,1111. c. I sytusot. r Arm J. IMERICIN 1110 N 40111{S. JONES & LAUGHLINS, PITTBBURC#S, /A ANC PAI TURICIIK OW AMERICAN AND CLAIR MEESE Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Rails, 16 and 20 lbs. to the yard Train nails, punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge a id Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Wheels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston llods; Mower and Reaper Bars. W A !MTh /USE AN JYYPCE. 120 Water and 168 Front Ble. ISKA Nell HOUSE, Nos, 22, 24 and 26 River St., et 6 CIIICIAGO. ILL. hi i t. MILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, 1=1:1 BRANDI:ES, WINES AND CIGARS, Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA IRON, NAILS, COTTON TARNS, &C.. Constantly on Land. iv] 1866 . SPRING HATS. 1866. AIcCORI) A 5 00.. 131 o^ooll STREET, Wibil to call v.:lAlattention to Weir large and •tolvnaltd stock of Ifitsfd, Sc., for Spring and Sum mer Wear, Mactl.oxama "G r aselertv. 1..11 , 16.21 • UMBRA'S, YACHTS, BBASIDI4I, Kto.• tiENT`tt and 11(110` SABATOGI.B. ..nolorg THAT.I3,•• BILIWITONS, licurrom, I,KUBYS, l'rfißl• Ata , wricevi ARMIDIS of every dascrlption, to malt in W tee . .100,410 klnt sAtig—lth Ward Banding —Tiro Lota baring 30 feet honk nob on Overbill stares. br LSO feet deep. W . JOMI BAILEY. • Mock. and Real Estate Broker, salt No . tO3 VOlUtZt thttal. IVANTL'D Ag ma: lu the 110,, Lloyd's Few Map of North America, ON U. S. CONTINENT IN 1900, eomprebenotan .nd beet m.p eve .run e.wll.a slntli.nan , sn pe r thl+ mso mad nvtle Ir9m $lO 11 0 per des. I•I 111, IL ~r •,,tu.K3 ,e A•r.'3l. (or ml Weetern odic, N. Woo.l r ',II ..ttlnterr,. WANTED, nr experience, as ! ,, A 1.X1.2.1 &N. 14.1 s I n•••• r,“in 1 .:1/1••- emp,,,yer. A•ldte. "ULKII.K,•' Hare, 11.•1rI. w ANTED IMMEDIATELY, AGENTS 'WANTED, TO SELL TI~ZED AND TRUF7; Or, Lore and Loyally. The eele will in. very large. 144 . 11 . 51.111 Will Old It their Inter. ..It to soil tblx book In pmforence to 4117 °U.,. an.l grallemrn wishing pr00ta ~..... bit•l~.lniunt WI I dO well to evil upo or stltlrede W.. 1. n 3: Cir.. . . 71 Tl,lrd Sir, t, l'lttohtirez, in I: NT ED—s2oo per Month paid lo ,to Intrulufre our n, w stn, 11111 an 1 8 , 10 nt... !NU 11A ( [UNE, Kotchum's !Meat. with nlamn, 5105k1 , MirCK. BEWIDIte SI or Phlladol- Olio in. I.9.,t.TR•tI&WV WALL PAPERS, &c W ALL PAPERS, Llll, II Sill, BOOS?. GOLD, PLAIN Ti IT IND PAL I= El. innt 1/KO , IZATIVE FRE!" 0 I'AI . EIO, fur rIIO3IAS NPALMER W I_,ll 1"AI? 'l' AL 33 ts 33 4:3 0 'NT 13 Pi. OA Warehouse, 91 Wood Slreet, S. °ad Wow Diamond Alley, PARLOR PAPERS A NEW I,l' Standard Gold Papers rocelv.d. or beautiful dvelpms for Parlors, at I^MEM NI TIONIL TRUST COMPANY, FIFTH WARD.PITTSBURCH I.epo.its recilvcd and Intereet ,tiered on de p made on e)I the principal point. of Ow United Ptut74. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES STOCkHOLDIES 1111111D1 kLLI RISPONSIBLIL snort: root, IV/KKICT DICKSON, (MARI-Kt' Al I' KKK, JOON II RA LSToN, JI /SIC 111 LA NV, W I LLIA M SUITH. WILLIAM HIM - KELL, CII AS. 11. AIC kVITIM OW WM. CILA W VOLD/. ill., J AMES ' ITTELT„ I VA DI. A I KB I , KT. OIL J. AUL I JAME l'A I Log. Jy4 D' t• sold f••• 1.•‘•••• • ce•idn• - • Imo r ••••tnelE of /aw but• In•—••• ' ll . l nreful atudy and allad, td • •ver•la!lts vflth ••••• I all d•fore Ilte dl(— t.ou rument and In the BANKING HOUSE N. HOLMES & SONS, .3=t451.1 No. 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. rcertretl In Par Vntitln and rvney. ol.ret,ns matte nn all the princlp.ll,..,lntoof the 1 tilted mates and Uauattae. STOCKS,BONOS AND OTHER SEGURITIES Bought and Sold Ou Commission. l'artirular attention pall 1.. the pna.•hase and sale tat UNITED STATEN SFAI Open daily from 9 to 2 o'clock, also on Wednesday an.f Saturday e‘enlisga, front May let to November let, from 7 to o'clock, and from November Ist to Ma 111, from 6 to 6 o'clock. D ye poslta received of all sums of not less than One Helier, nail a dividend of the protha declared twice year, in June anol Dembrr. interest ben been declared aeml-aun wally In June and December SM. the Bank wes organized, at the rate of six per COAL inTrest. If not drawn out, le placed to the Credit of the depositor es principal. and bears the same in terest from the firm, days of June aadDeeember, Compounding twice • year without trolibikle the de positor to can, or even to present his pees book. At thls rate money will double In less than twelve years. Hooks containing the Charter, 11)-Laws, Rules and Ile•gulellons, furnished gratis, ou application at the 001 CO. Offering Our Entire Stoek of SUMMER BOYS' CLOTHING At IiIaKATLIC REDUCED PRICER. lor bargain call and ern C. M. alcarrelom t Pittsburgh HENRY G. HALE, Destro , to return thank,. to Ala friends and the pub- Ilc generally for their liberal patronage. and *amid respectfully inform them that he has Just returned from the /Lamont Iturlieu with • Mese and well /m -inuted stout of „NINE WOOLEN GOOMI, PecDulibU LM arly a lLM dapted lo lii/ENTLIghIEX . 8 Brine A N MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, STaT ua Kr, ARCHITECTURAL DECORATIONS, DESIGNS, AND MODELS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, STEPHEN M. OTT, OINEILLL Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engraver. smica, BUM AIID SUIL 1,171 M DRIB. SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES,, Cancelling Stamps and Visiting Cards, Also, PLATES MOIL numuste CLOTHING. 93 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Alley, 4 / I SOPS D4Yll3' SOOK E1T0234) =MIN% ►. • $2 O PER 111.4T, • , 1:n e-rt [y [own. tat roan. r•ouLherts and Westo, Mate, to A 6ITDAIIOI HT A CLEHI, AY IHOb :-.TORAGL Holding 100 to 140 Barrels W. I'. LOGAN. No. I St. lair strrrl. For Summer of 104641. Pupor 3Eta.XllO-33-Ghil. =MI MU = VIIII)1,1•..111 AND WAIL DiAL/11 IN TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES PM suultun,re I= ES= BANKS AND BANKERS 123 Penn Street, I=l 33cyti.gkot ROI4ICHT Prosidett. JUIiN ii. HA Ltl7'ttt, Vire Pr.aldent 101111f..14.1 . .1. MUER, Pushier. 1 . 111‘1.1 ial. ter Do. .lo Do. Yhnr o f Do. N•ven-Tlalrlit.. Do. Cerllficat.•• of 1,0,, Order, and \ otarher•l.w.tglst•or DOT.T,AR SAVINGS B No. 65 Fourth Street, CHARTERED IN 1855 MESE IWP A I.IIILEE. A. M. Pollock, M.D.. Hobert Robb, John 11. Shoenberger, James Shldle, Alexander Speer, Chrlst/ack Yeager. James D. Kelly, Henry J. Lynch, Cedar A. Madeira, John Marshall, Walter P. Marshall, John H. Illeraddeir, Jahn Orr, Vv e m nr . y r. L . i grm . dt, Alexander Tbadle. Wllllarn Vankirk, Wm. P. Wayman, lu C x ON. LT e Whittler. A. O MKEDS. John U. nokoren, Boo). L. Palmed Lock JawesHarchnno. James hicAnley, lames B. D. !!cede, Lll/44, IL Pennock, m. J. Anderson. Calvin Adam., John C. litndley, Onorge 131. k, Hill Burawlia, A.onsotA. Carrier, Charles A. Cotten. John Vi E va nv ou s as, , John J. lillleepte, %Intim S. Haven. refer H. Hunker, alehard Han, Tunalinnan—CHAEL Sacrirrank—JAß. H. I) SIRRORART TAILORS REDUCTION. 121133101 GR4 r I L0G4.111 =I MERCHANT TA LLCM, Northwest Corner of Penn di St. Clair Sta a US TS, PO UernelllJllS, At Use Mesa Reasoned>lo Rate.. I. 33MILCINCIMCCE3. 73 Cane Btrvit, Plltem," orm MEI I=