The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 17, 1866, Image 1

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r 1110414111 CD BY
Penniman, Reed ek.
ho. •it terra enure. Prrrneasan.
78•11 87 YAM $B OO
788 14,6 818781. 8$
ghe Wittsintegh 6azefte.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 17. 1866.
The Merchant' Magazine for August con
tains some interesting facts relative to rail
road property in the Eastern, Middle and
Western States. Its figures relate to the
thirty-seven principal roads. Their com
bined length Is 8,252 j miles. The ag
gregate cost was *495,899,027. The total
earnings for last year was $159,194,587.
Taking out expenses, which were $102,497,
917, and $56,596,670 remained as net prof
its; being $6,886 for each mile of road, or
nearly per cent. on the cost. While
liberal dividends have been made, large
amounts have been appropriated from the
earnings for constructions and equipments,
so that the roads are now in a condition of
comparative completeness, and will hence
forward require lighter appropriations for
these purposes titan in former years.
But, it will not do to assume that the ex
hibit made by other railroads in the Min'
States is equally flattering. These thirty.
seven are the most prosperous ones in the
whole country. A full statement world
probably show an equal amount of railroad
capital on which very light dividends are
paid, or none whatever.
Tax Selma (Ala.) Timea, discussing of
he Tess Oath, says :
"There are not a baker's dozen of old
citizens within the limits of the late Con
federate States of sufficient intelligence
and character to fit them for any position
of honor and trust who can rake it.
"There are more who Sr the sake of of
fice will "throw conscience to the devil,"
and on-allow It; but they are not in any
sense of the word representatives of the
Southern people."
The President's son-in-law, Senator PAT
rcresoN, of Tennessee, must fall within one
or the other of these categories; for he took
the Oath without wincing. Did he "throw
conscience to the devil" for the sake of of
fice? or has he not "sufficient intelligence
and character to fit him fur any position of
honor and trust?"
SUMII.II , IO Vallandigham, iu a
private conversation with a Chicago gen
tleman recently, summed up the political
situation as follows:
"The only question now is whether the
whale shall swallow Jonah nr Jonah the
whale—that is, whether the great Demo
crati pal:y shall swallow the handful
of Johnson men, or the Johnson men shall
swallow the great Democratic party."
All of which, (eays an exchange) must
remind the reader of :Hark' Lemon's lines
in Punch:
"Will the Boa 'bolt' the blanket!
Will the Blanket chola, the Bow I
Tremendous thought! I
Prodigious Blookell '1
ten with admiration of the self-denial
evinced by WOOD, VALLANDIGHAM and
'TRAIN, in staying out of the Philadelphia
Convention, offers to emulate it by de-
Mining the Democratic nomination for
Governor. No doubt, seeing already the
hand, writing on the wall, he is anxious to
escape the inconveniences of a defeat.
Like his prototypes, he wants to make a
show of disinterestedness in backing out
where he sees no way of getting in.
- HAILILIS, of the Ohio Farmer, publish
ed at Cleveland, has accepted an invitation
to address the Allegheny County Agricul
tural Society at the next Fair, to be held
from the 18th to the 31st of September, and
will discourse about sheep and other
things. No doubt the managers will give
timely notice of the day and hour he will
held at West Chester on the 14th inst. Mr.
BROOMALL, the member of Congress for
that district, made the main speech. A.
resolution, Instructing the members of the
Legislature for Chester county to Tote for
- Goy. CURTIN for tritited States Senator,
was laldon the table.
CDNECIENCE its gaining ground. A man
in Chicago has made restitution to the gov
ernment of a thousand dollars ho obtained
in contravention of law and equity. Pre
viously conscience was only strong enough
to make the small plunderers come down.
Let her strength increase until the chie f
plunderers disgorge.
Corth.rarozinzays, living in Philadel -
phis, and familiar with all the ins and outs
of politics there, assure us that the Repub
lican cause never stood on higher vantage
ground in that city. -The President's Con
vention will produce no abatement of the
Mn. Szweno is the only member of the
Cabinet who will accompany the President
to Chicago. Some members of the house
holds of the different Ministers will go
along. Mr. STATOR 1a 113pM86/ItOd as be
ing the only Secretary who does not desire
to go.
. ,
Sitrautohr, says that 'Henry Ward
Beecher , rutiVaa. JO, hi ‘ ni t iiitreadth and
variety ofjiti4riA ; tat . 4 . ooltelis;:rittere like
Bhalcsi*trz.iict.,rdXistit- - Who has lived
since • •
the itepubli- .
V-41,rt foi Congress, will
.; those Of
Lebanon eorintjt:«•; -. ' ,
Ire Ohio theCiy of de;
Owls in the canvass is, "The Constitutional
Amendment as it is, and Johnson as he
ernit iot , V. CORM= and tho Hon. LEN - 2i BAR,
• ..rico sw, - oi:Wi
f Pollie, will address the
•;.•'""lteptakpois at Lebanon next Monday.
. Tax nepubucans of Fayette county have
issued tiotico for a series of township meet,-
ink to commence on the 18th inst.
Ma. Tnaxnutne Symms .speaks at a
Republican mass meeting at Mechanics
ville tomorrow' evening.
IT is proposed to tunnel the lifis , thmippi
st Bt. Bt Louis; instead of bridging it.
—The. Chicago' Sepultikan has existed
fourteen, months, and has spent $221,500,
of which43s,9oo,was paid for the Afirtinf
Post, which was merged into the
can. U. A. Dana received $10,0001;the
stock whlchthe Company presented te bin;
and $7,59Q40r his year's services. Part
of the. *Matador of the money was In
vested in a sheeylinder Hoe press and
other presses; but the larger part of .251,-
NOI ir, 4 1 1 i.ltbilartPO4* the accruing deficits
that az-ga,- - ,•bet w j rn smog and "run-,
ming" =Pen*
Linioln Presi
dent nderileidhlt.'Vsliandigharn in his
Kentuult'speech: Vallandlghap is shout
right. WhatefoTreied writltave
ed the effect of his exultation. "Give it to
Mtn t"'(lnetnihisrLineolno shouted one
oath rebel ertnvd. We have an Ides that
.therend •Yallandighaiß did :"give_.:lt to.
bisa,":iiiid Gist hom ed td , • Tmaivoir,
Orithattilancoln -rite .Ettbutit,:am.
Kt.L ,
a l . '7.,',..
-w W t"
VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 195. :
Superb Boots and Shoes
At llick te, rtith Street.
Tromendeon■ Low Prices
At N 0.60, Filth Street.
Awful Good Good.
At No. 60, Firth Street.
An Excellent Plano
For sale at No. 60, Fifth Street.
The Leading A tyle•
Of Boots laid Shoes at 80. Go, Fifth Street
From 10Ceuss Upwardw,
Boots and Shoes tit No. GO, Fifth street
Fromlll9 Dovruvrard
Boots and Shoes at No. GO. Fifth Streot.
Boots And Shoe.,
Are sold at Gtrdloers, No. 60. Fifth Street
To tate Greenbacks In exchange for nor ex
cellent Roots end 1ft,0c... . No. at, r 11111
Remegotow lieafirems Sale of Lola ontt
On Saturday the ISth, at II o'clock. Train
leaves the Union Depot at 931 A. x , instead of
le o'clock, as advertised. Free eicurnion
tickets can he bail at the „nice of It. blehain
S. to. No. P.:2 Fourth street. A good dinner
prepared for the tx-estsjon.
FlaworinK Extract..
A very largo assortment of the finest Fla
voring Extniets, In bottles from two ounces
to sixteen, the very best article In the market
—and sold (or the lowest cash price—at ILK/I-
L:4o'B Deco :freak, No St Market Street. Re
member the place; for a floe quality of Flav
oring Extracts lx hard to get.
Ilefrigerstorn, Ice Chowlos,
Foul and Ilve minute Cream Freezers, lee
teltent, Water Coolers, W tier Filters, Meat
Safes, Bath Tuba, and a full line of gtswls gen
erul ly, suitable for the heated term. Our stork
Is the largest, our variety the heat, and our
prices the lowest to L. 11,11 11 (1 Any whetn• west
of the Mountains. Call and see, at 124 Wood
street., south side, tire doors above Fifth ht.
W. W. B.ll..ArnillAW.
Cod Liver MI in the world, manufactured
trout fresh selected livers on the era coact.
This oil is characterized by a sweetness and
purity peculiar lo it alone. Its reputation Is
so great that It lakes the load of other
nod Is univeisally prescribed by physicians.
Remember to ask for Ilssaril it Caswell•s Cod
ACK it CO • New York,
Sole Monufocturers.
For polo ,Ll wholesale in Pitt4burgb by E. E
Seller.. S t;n. At retail Sy ollOrnggitto.
tolorortht o-Oul
limb(( teal (..11StipatIon.
IIOW TO JiPrEcT w C.1.T..1.5
Some occupations of life predispose to COO
t tvent,s, especially those which allow but lit
tle exercise. Persons who contract this for
tuuste habit of body, nutlet-such elocumetau•
COS. might possibly Ibu relieved by changing
their sedentary employments for others of o
more active kind; but this ts by no means cer
tain. lialsttnal costiveness la a very obstinate
disorder. All the ordinary so-called remedies
Invariably aggravate it. Nothing can be more
Injurious than the continued use of strong
aperients. They at first Irritate, and finally
almost perulyre the bowels—rendering them
so torpid that enormous doses of. cathartic
medicines have no effect upon them. A mild
aperient, combined with a gentle stimulant. is
the trite remedy; and a combination In the
happiest proportion of these ingredients is
TERS. This famous Stomachic invigorates
the whole intestinal canal, while quietly re
moving from Ms convolutions all Impediments
to a free passage through them. No mere pur
gative has this double operation. lie ordinary
stimulant effects the desired object. Cases of
Constipation abandoned as hopeless by dis
tinguished medical men have been cured in a
few weeks by the Bitters. To those who have
tried all the medicines of the dispensatory In
vain, we say try this Irresistible stimulant and
' aperient. There is no sudlcient reason why
constipation should be the .consequence of se
dentary habits. HOSTETTER'S HITTERS, by
su.rilying the vigor which would otherwise
be derived from exercise, will in all cases ens
hie the system to perform Its excretory func
tions regularly and healthfully.
Host ester's angers
144 [Old w holeaal a and retail at very low taloa
letaing`e Dreg and , Putent Mc:Allele° Depot,
No 64 Market street. corner of the Dim:flood
.e.l Market. near Fourth street.
Sevehtys - Eight Death. In Cincinnati on
Cmouracri, Aug. IG.—Seventy-eight deaths
from cholera were reported yesterday.
Cholera at at. Imola,
Sr. Locus, Aug.l6.--Ono hundred and forty
one cases of cholera are reported for the last
twenty-four hours, ending at noon to-day, fif
ty-two of which wore fatal.
Cholera in New York.
BM Yong, Aug. M.—Eleven canes and nu
deaths from cholera were reported in this city,
sod eleven cases and nine deaths In Brooklyn.
• Cholera on Shipboard.
licw Toes, August. 16.—The bark John Starks,
arrived to-day from Ante cry, has had eighteen
deaths from cholera on board. She Is detain
ed at QUllMllltiritt.
Four eases were received on the hmpital
ship toslay.
Cholera In Philadelphia.
PlithAnstrnis, Aug. 16.—Tbe cholera report
at the Board of Wraith, up to coon to-day,
showed twenty new =sex, nix of which were
Xational leatltor»• Co lon—Second
I.meweroms, August IG.—The Committee
on Ices°lutione were inttrocted to embody the
eetiein of !he National Superintendent. , Anso
A paper was read by Prof. Raeford, of Michi
gan, upon the relations of the National Uov
ernmeut to education.
PreL.Phillips read a paper on the relations
of a State - to teacher education, which w. folly
Senor Parmuntoarrd ins E.:Miming Govern
or Morton were elected honorary members.
Thu °loath.° of officers resulted as follows
J. !IL Gregory, of Illichiguri, Primislonti L. Van
Bokelen Marietta,' Secretary.
Senor. Jesse, Jane, of New York, delivered an
address upon the Psychology of SL Paul,
being a new interpretation of tlesh and spirit.
flaralo TrDMUS 11 . 0 1.4
Iteidste, Aug. 16.—1 t Is estimated that there
were fifteen thousand persona on the race
track to-day. to .witness the rams (or the.matn
moth purse et $5.7.50. The day was One and
the track fa goal order, though no remarka
ble time was made.. The race between "Dex
ter; "Patchen" and a horse belongtog to Mr.
'Donkey, of Kentucky, called "Soda Gold
.Dust," terminated as every one anticipated It
would. "Dexter" lead In three straight heats.
The thneynisa..;•ln , .4, 29, and 2:21a. “Paullion"
came 112 Second. The, eccond race, for 111,000,
waswon by a New York horse, named "Nude
Drum," by Dan Alacr. - In three stralght heats.
The:them was, 233 , 4, 2:305, and 12114. "Silas
ltieli" puce in second.
lire. Jeg. Davis Gone Norlb—General
Mlles Promoted.
FORTREI3B MOIIIIOIII, Aug. 14.—. Mrs. Jefferson
Davis went north last evening for a few days.
General MIA AIM been appointed to a COIO
- li the regnlar army and assigned to the
45th lufautry. This regiment is one of many
about being organized, and is- to consist of
colored troops. General Miles is now in Wash
ington, bat has not yet accepted the appoint-
ment. This recognition of his services is not
likely to render necessary his removal from
his position as Post Commander here.
Pram OsHforals.
San Fasarasco, August 15.—The steamer
Sacramento, from Panama, lowing disabled
steamer Golden Age; nom Seswbm, and
bringing New York limos of 41st, arrived to.
to steamer lloses Taylor sailed for San
Juan to
The San Francisco and Panama Sugar Cona
way have resolved tonsil its products at atm-
Gen twice A 14031tb.
anti O
Goulpitir a d &Ca
t ry stock Is
selling may at Ttfli'
Postponement of the 'Dedication of.,
Antietam ShationoliVemetely,
nISTIXOZZ. Aug.. ifi.r-Mhe dedication- Ofthe
Antietam 'National Cetnetery, width Wes to
have taken place on-the anniversary of the
battle of the Ma of September, has been post
poned for one year, in otimectatmee of tile in
ad:ditty to introit:a} arrangements
completed - in Beason for MO - coming iuiniver
Deetrithtten Vire 1 Mew Yell. -
14 " 7030 5/...tuit. Are broke out this
morning nogeouop , drug store, Broad- .
wae.tothlly flesthei his stook:
.91e, 111199 r.
MO.- Rogers is Blers, silver platers, and r.
Corbett Co., far and wool dealer', Alm set ,
farc4--the liner twenty thousand dollar.
Others shoo lOst mare lightly. Tim loss Is put
4 AtigiOrgilalliald br In
.+. t - impiales,
ahrielealtAkiiirtria .115 and Inmrance
1141'000lathlaMT, here lenn SLIIVICOs
1 1 . 9 . 9 7 4 4 Kra•
Last Day's Proceedings.
Ti;: .975
Declaration of Principles
Closing Scenes of the Convention.
.A_t 1 j(Jurned Sine Die
Special hint.l . ll to we I'll I.lturgh utizet
Piiitsustrnis, August lii,
Tile National ttnlon Convention reassem
bled In the wigwam al 10 this inton
ing, Pursuant 10 the ailpitirilit.etll. Ever) seat
in the buiiiling was tilled. The ittleti.lllllco 01
ladled was greats, than on any previous day.
The greatest enthusiasm prevailed. Ti,., pro
ceedings were monied with litwyer by the MeV-
Iteed M. Snyder, of Pennsylvania. Tile Pres
ident of the Convention, Senator lonaitile,
Weil roar. µlid said: 1a42101, priwared tit mil)
further business, the Chair begs Limy° to
aS (Ile first ri,potisc to the rail for this
Convention, the result 01 the Coloo4/0 CIVC
-1,10, (Cheer..)
DK:, V RP., C0L.011)...1 TERILITOLLI A Aug.
etl 11 11,111 all IntrLe. 01 Iho Territory, nen
,111 the eerlitin ultictkin of A. I'. Hunt, tile A.I
ministration eatiiilltiale for •leiti,ntris to Con
gross, over Cliiiteout, the anti teal.
illspatct: wan greeted with great upf
Mr Crowell, of Neu Jere.), offered the fol
to e .ag resolution:
ReI.:EVIL, That a N Uml2lo. Unton Executive
I.omulate, Le appoontf.d, to be ootor.oefel of
Lao Aolegal .e Inn. fetch :gale nod teriltury.
abOl.ho lbatrict of tobobbia..
solutloll wsLa a.lott, ed.
Ilon, lievertly Johnson, It ho In rising was
I.ll , l4•Leii With cheers, otTerest the
following rO,IIIILIOII
Reso,:ccel, "Chat a Commit tee consist
ing of t o delegutee from euell mate
an I one from each terrt tor) , anti tile
District ill Columbia neapimin lea by the
Chair to watt upon the Di - mident of the
Untleal State. Intl present him with an au
thentic copy of the pr....0,1111ga of tin t on
vett t ion.
The re-rolullou was unanttnously allOptOgi
Mr. Charles K nay, of the Ihstriet of Colon,
lila, °Tiered the following resolution "
Res.( red, That a Committee ou Finance tie
appointed, to CollAitil. Of two Oologates !non
enell ,t.tor un.l Territory, ale! fit , I,li4Crit,l Of
Colu mina
The resolution a.lopted.
Getierul Patton, of Penney Ivnuln, Otrereo .
resolution on the sututs.: of representedlon In
the Convention, Which, under the rules of the
COT" ention, eat, referred witnout it:still:lg or
Mr. Cowan then offered the follovrtns r OHO
tattoo :
Remived, That the Onnka of Maid Conven
tion and are hereby tendered to Morton
tenfted Keg.. Mayor et the city of Phila.
for hie admirable police iirronge
meats for the rrrnrvatlnn , L 1 peace and good
order dining the cluing of the Convention.
The rerrinition was greeted with applause
and married unatittoowdy.
Mr. Cowen again rose anti said, on irehalt of
the Committee who worn appointed to pre
pare the 1 . 01301121.101:16 and addreas:
I have to state that, after a very careful and
elaborate °consideration of the Nunn, lading
all day and a part ot the night, we hate agreed
[won the sante. I bog leave to report the fol
low lug declaration of tie principles adopted
unantrootbsly by the I:ommittee, which
Secretary of this Convention will rend, and
also an address to the people of the country,
which will he read by Hon. Kr. Raymond, of
New York: (Applause.)
The eecretary then proceeded to road the
declaration of principles, cacti clause of which
was loudly applauded. The Lost one, which
endorses the President, was greeted with pro
longed cheering, in which the andloace and
delegates nutted.
ATLI , 11,014 Lir., 'SATs XIII, Tallfll-
TORY IN THU 1,1110,
Admonished by the soles. !melons which
for the last Live years It has pleased the Su
premo Ruler of tbo Universe to give to the
American people, and profoundly grateful fot
the return of ponce; desirous es a large trllllo,
ay 01 tneir countrymen. 10 ell sincerity, are to
forget and forgive the pant; revering
the CeaGtittition as IL conies to us
from our ancestors; regarding the
Union In Its restoration, an more Named than
ever, looking with deep anxiety into the fu
ture as of instant and meal fining trial, here.
by issues and proclaims the following declara
tions of principles and purposes on which
they hive with perfect unanimity, agreed:
We hail with gratitude to Almighty
Glni the mid lit the war and the return of
peace to on afflicted and Issloved land.
Second, The war Just closed has maintained
the authority of the Constitution with all the
powers which It centers and all the restric
tions which it imposes upon the General Gov
ernment unatindged and unaltered, and it has
preaurved the Union with the equal rights,
dignity and authority of the States perfect and
Third, Representation In the Congress of the
United States anti in the Electoral College is a
right recognized by the ernietitiltiOn
abl.llng In every Edam, and as a duty itrilMSed
upon Its people, fundamental In its nature and
.600 Lial to the exercise of our republican in
stitutions, and neither Congress nor the Gen.
firm! Government has any authority or power
to deny this right to any or withhold Its en
joyment under the Constitution from the peo
ple thereof.
'berth. We call upon the people of the
United elutes to elect to Congress as members
thereof none but men who admit this Cumin
mental right of representation, and who will
receive to seats the loyal representatives
from every State In allegiance to the United
States subject to the eonidltuttonal right of
earl,House to Judge of the election returns
ami qualifications of Re own members.
Fifth, The Constitution of the United Studio
or the lawk made in pursuance thereof, are
the 'apron° law the land, (I) anything in the
Constitution or lowa of any State to the con
trary., notwithstanding. All powers not con
ferred by the Constitution upon the General
Government, nor prohibited by it to the States,
era reserved to the States or the people there
of; and among the rights thus reserved to the
States iS the right to prescribe qualifications
for the elective Innichise therein, which right
Congress cannot interfere with. No State or
convention of States has a right to withdraw
from the Colon or to exclude through their
action in Congress or othe..wise any - State or
Territory from the Union. The union of these
Status is perpetual.
Sixth, Such amendments to the Con
stitution of the United States may be made by
the people thereof as they may deem expedi
ent, but only In• the mode pointed nut by Its
resolution, and proposing such amendments,
whether by Congress or by a convention, and
In ratifying the same all the States of the
Unloh have an unqualified and indefeasible
ht, to II voice and vote thereto.
Shivery is abolished and forever
p hitatOd, end, there is neither desire nor
pttrpOse Oh tiuS part of the Southern States
that it should over be reostablisheu upon the
.3011 Or within the jurisdiction of the tinned
Statee; and the enfranottised of slaves In
all the States of the Union should receive In
Common-with alltheir Inhabitants equal pro.
.tPkilottinffeery right. of person anproprty.
.A. whit.) We regord as utte r ly in valid
and never Wye assumed or mode of binding
force any Obligation incurred or undertaken
la treating war againstithe United States, we
'hold the debt of the nation to or sacred and
Inviolable, and we proclaim our purpose in
'illooharglnv this as le performing all other MI,
:lineal -obligations to maintain enimpaired
and unßepublic. impeachod the honor and faith of the
Math, It. I. the duty of the National Govern
ld t e t r o s a recognize
s h n
t S h er o i ne o t
j h s e t
c ed o e e a d,
by meeting promptly and fully all their Just
and rightful claims, for the Berries" they have
rendered the flatten, and by g to
thoseof thew who have Survived, and to wid-
Ocfs 'lnterphone of those who fell, the most
generous and considerate care.
Tenth, In Andrew Johnson, President of the
United States, who, In his great amps, has
proved steadfast In nits devotion to the Coati•
tattoo, the !laws and Interests of his country,
unmoved toy persecution and undoierved re.
preset., hoeing faith imuseseuruble In the Peo
pie 1111t1 icithe Wineies oar the Government,
we recognise a AMUMagnittate, worthY ot
the natiois aid eq Konae groat
which his lot laea e - Wader to him Jo
the discharge high and reoponelble
. _
s• ~ Zl.- • :- " "z 4"'..'Fle, ” 3 - Prz, -- -- x tr.e, r , i -r;7 -` , -- - , —it
duties, our profound respect and assurance of
our sincere support.
After the vote had been taken on the adop
tion of the foregoing declaration of princi
ples, it was found that the reading of the sev
enth one had been omitted by accident, and
this fact was announced by Senator Doolittle.
It was then read and adopted with great ap
plause and unanimity. The declaration 01
principles woe then adopted as u whole with
enthusiastic cheers. After the adoption three
cheers were called for and given in tile most
enthusiastic manner for Senator Cowan, Of
Senator Cowan acknowledged the compli
ment, but saki that as ho considered himself
the host of the Convention, one of the distin
guished guests would address It, by virtue of
authority unanimously derived from the
Committee on Resolutions and Address, name
ly, the lien. Henry J. Raymond, ot New York.
Mr. Raymond theridore proceeded to read
the A.ktrees, whi-t, I,ad heen written by him
,:, Lad also been the Declaration of Prin
ciple. lie was so frequently Interrupted by
applause that the Chairman appealed to the.
Convention to restrain such manifestions un
til the rending of the Address should be coin
• . ,
' • • 'he 'q.v... of one Nen-
is, • •alkleeied, eon's* hung remain lOyal, eneer
r'' cheer resounded through thew ogwarm
-.tot Johnson aske.l sloe the aOntanCe be
Thu sentence was read again, as
•'No people has ever yet tanned W 11.50 loyalty
awl faith such treatment, long mintinuml,
would not alienate and impair, and the ten
.11110. of Americans Who like th the 'youth
would be unworthy citizens of a tree ...try
--degenerate Sons of a heroic ancestry—until
ever to become the guerillaus of the rights ,
mid liberties bequeathed to us by the nutters
and founders of the Itepublle—lf they
(meld accept w uneastapleinlng suh
tutsioveness the befell lelion thus sought
to be Imposed upon them." 1 his
senflulent WKS again cheered a nit the great
est enthusiasm, nail at rho tins repel leg
of the address he -kiwis rime Perry, of Soule
Carolina, rose and moved IL. eluption. The
!notion was declared carried elianituously,
meld prolonged cheering.
Mr. hateuel J. Tilden, of New York, then
and Prnlmmsl, on lethalt of the New York
delegation, three chimrs lor Itayihmel,
who hall prepared tilt addressjusl lead.
Mr. Patten, .ot hellall of Ilse Pelins, !yenta
tieleetition, seconded the , call. The cheers
then eta thoriastirelly given. The ad
dross von lain. n.. 115 sighs at .1.1 Worn,
nii•l t.l Inn,. • not tin' loon 10111 1 . 4 1 111110 1S •111 file
Nes 1 ork 111.triOng .leUtatlttln the
nek nen 1 , 1,4111 , 1,E el Slav legiLinutle
t . antitte•illetteen 01 1110. noir. Willett are the per
i.el oat mato Lensece Ille alol
.1.14 th • tton 5,1 Sll/, ery. Itaasetta, 110.1.1,
IlotL liar losverinneot neap tined ne ten% tights
111 power lay lee Wits; that It acted only till this
oetioistve Colter., tool p..e.! a "'solution
that w hen ill, 1111 ,..11,1 1 41, all 1.00 1.00 1 ,1, and
dignity of ter States should remain MOO,
',tree, awl that the Isis., assumed in
Lye fen - erne.. le Ike ',titer, NOW , : the aer
00..1, was in ' , heat.l of tee IAnotIOULIOII.
Ltnottltialltni aleclures that no ,tnte Minn
liiik , tlt LIP eI MSVINI, ee deprlved of de
equal t epresentato, to the Senate.
uelont el 1. engr.s deo)
lo the notallern 6Lattee, nprtnars as great
eITOrt to overlnt on the ltroVernatunt an nu.,
slant by al teed reallson. 11 Oleokeugrese
eel exclude on one pretext, saintlier Congress
may exclude other :naive 011 ahelper pretext.
inure.' is 1111 I,la. ler I sae In the l_eltn.llll-
1,0011. Not eannot represett tat lees be ek•
eluded Ironi Longs - esti, Us( Int htnte w
,tit ats o ti consent can he tleprt‘eil
of equal represeutAtalin In the setiate ' U{ . oo b . 1 .1
ainethlusent to the Coma detail!. The only for the action of Congress is that the
states lately In retsellein have lost their right
to teptesentatiou, which the empreme
ero went eau only restore. But it le a proem
par that no rlght earl a forfeited, nor can the
fleet. er, duty of a state roprosetited In
tongrbss Ins Impaired bi rels•llam. Only
its elipi) merit of that privilege can be oh
Tile address further asserts that the
position tt Cougress In the matter Is not
a siranted by the 6 °oath Luso!, and la notes-im
p, dile •lulu the tin Idle safety. It IS also ar
gued that Ili see-ittortlis of tile loyal stat es can
not rininge the 1 iiiiilituoinital last affecting the
tubers, and thatere Mice no right
t 6 pass judgment. open the tootles of
any enlace of thehales! States when
Isle acts are loyal. No where are the laws
oneyed isetier than In the .rates lately in r
Liebion. The that have occurred
th,„ t ouch to injudicious political
anis etnente as arty purp.ati ...stile to the
n Mout- If the people of Southebow less
di.posillon thins forme, ly. aciiineses: in the
tic • order of affairs, It Is because Congress
has withheld their right& from them.
If they telt otherwise they would lie ileguu
o•ralt• soma of their sire. No people ever us-
Landwhose loyalty WOUiti not have been Ink
pet rod ny such treatment. The peslplu of the
South would not Ito worthy to be trusted ht
111, exercise of theirrights, if they wore wil
lies to Ott limit to such ha inllLition. 'rho,
men acted as they did either front a convic
tion of right, or licasuse they wore under com
pulsion, for this they have suffered ten fold
morn than Llama who have remained
atleglimee. Thu address pledgm them to
(Mare obedient. to the 112,1". It RAMS that the
war has swept sway slavery, the cause of secs
variance and hoatilitiela and has reveal
cal sail our soldiers. The adirress
direct...attention to the fact that the it II eon.
felon Is 51.1.1 to Mt electwil, and add:, that If
kt• 1 , 1,-0.11 policy he pursued, of vII war may
r. seined, 411.1 calls 11p , '”1 re
4,y , ungrt.a.
510.11 fits, let no return only who
ale favorable to the policy of restoration.
- . .
I he set end coLatillitoes amminted by the
then antomucod as follows: .211a
tional 1,1100 Executive loinutitton, John T.
(ism ell. of New Jersey, Chatrmatit
Munn and A. A. Gould, New Ihuntssloro Ed
ward Burke and F. S. Culler; Vermont, 11. It.
Smalley and Col. 11. N. Nortlmmi
set is, Josiah Denham and it. e. MIME/rd.
1111,1,, Island, Alfred Anthony and J.. 11
Bosons; Connecticut, J.. T. ilaPeock and It
I. .teruntrin, New York, lirthert H. lirwyn anti
Samuel J. Tilden; New Jersey, John I'. Cro
well and T. F. Itatidall; Pennsylvania, M. San
lick and J. S. Black; lielemare, J. S. Coneuris
and Eilward Martin, Maryland, Geo. Swain
and T. S. Pratt, V, rertia, Jas F. Johnson and
Dr. E. C. Hithinsou; West Virginia, Datil.,
Lamb and John J. .Ittektion; North Carolina,
Thos. S. Asher, and Jae. A. tVlimint; South Car
olina, Jae. L. flrr and 11. F. 1 2 erry; Georgia .1.
IL Christy and Thos. S. ilardeman- Florida,
Wm. Marvin and Wilkinson Call; 31 . 1.1.1prti,
W. L. Sharkey and lieu. L. Potts, Alabama, W.
if. Crukshank and C. C. uckaoer; Louisiana,
Randall lfmtt and Alfred linunlir ; Arkansas,
Lorena... Gibson and A. W. English, Tearis, 11.
II Epperson and John Hancock.; Tennessee,
U. T T4'11.0.11 Wm D. IsuipbtilliKentucky,
it II sianton and Hamilton Pope; Ohio, Ix D.
Campbell and I.ita. B. Smyth; Indiana, D. J.
Otto fins :toil Thoimm Dowling; Illinois, J. A.
Met.leritsool and 11. Norton ; ki‘ehig.,
Allred itusiell and I/yron 1.. Mout. Missouri,
Martell Allel and .(nut ea v, Ifollins ;
Minnesota, !leery M. ilice and D. V. Nestom
Wilitanisiti., J. A. Noolonaml Y. A. Penrod; lows.,
George A. Parker nod William A. Litwin; Kali.
VA, James A. Melina - nil I W. A. Tipton;
Caitlin it La., Hon. Samuel Purdy mini Jos. P.
lingo; Nevada, John cormleintol and U. B.
Hall; Oregon, James W. New Mb and W.
Ilunliani rm..' Clot ul Colombia, JOlll4ll
nor and J. A. Blake , liakotali, N. K. Armstrong
and T. W. Ni user;William H. Wa11...
and 11. Cumuli.; Nebraska., General 11. 11.
Heath and J. S. Maxtln.
President's i:xecutive Committee at Wash.
Maloof Chart. Knap, of New Jersey, Chair
man, Mon. Montgomery Blair of Marylad,
lion. (Marl. Mason, of lowa. Ward IL La.
mon, of District of Coltnunia; John F. Cole, of
District of Columbia; A. K. Berry, of District
of Columulm hatnuel row ler, of District of Co-
lumbia; Cornelius Wendell, of Dlstrlet of Co
lumbia; Col. JAM. It. 01 rOllllO. 1118111.01 Of CO
-111111111111 lion. lievurd y Johnson, was appointed
tee Committee to walt ou the Preattleut. Chas.
Knapp, of the District of Golan:Min, was aj,.
pointed Chan - man of 1.40 COmnlittee on I. l
All the lasinese of tho Convention hav
ing been thin; dlapimocu of, lion. John Began,
Of fillgeourl, rum, and mimed that R. the COD
ventkyn had performed so glorlouely all the
business for which it had Met, that it now ad
journ one die.
Tim Chairman slated that before putting
that motion he desired to have 801110 an
nouncements tussle.
On motion 'of Mr. Schell, of Pennsylvania,
the thanks of the Convention wore hmadered
to the Presidont and cifncors of the COnvon-
Don for the able and impartial manner in
which they had discharged their duties.
On motion of ltobt. D. Uolmes the thanks of
the Convention were tendered to the repro.
son tatives o( the Dress for the able and im
partial performance of their duty.
On motion of J. $. Rollins, of hilstouri, the
thanks of the Convention were tendered to
the citizens of Philadelphia, for their hospi
tality and kindness.
The President of the Convention then an
nounced that he had received from the Presi
dent and Secretary of the National Union
Johnson Club of Philadelphia, a gavel made
out of the wood of the frigate Constitution.
The Pretident. alsb announced that the Dor
man Central Club, of the City of New. York.
had presented certain names as honorary mem
bers of the Convention, which Were ordered to
be inscribed on tine p roceedings,
The President also announced timt tiler()
would boa mooting of the soldiers and tailors
in attendance on the "Ctinventlon, at the wig-
Wain, this evening.
On motion of lion. Rovordy .lohnson, it was
resolved that a correct copy of the proceed
ings of the Convention ho prepared by
Zion. E. 0, Perrin, Secretary, and certified
to by the Prosid. nt, for publicaticin by the
Preautent Committee at WitobingtOn City.
Tile President then presented the following
letter from Getierui DIX:
Wjowati, August 15th, IMO.
S. .1. Paden, Rst.,• Chairman the New York
Detevotlon—Daus. Siu: 1 situ Oblitfea. talleture
to how York this afternoon, en urgent hast
ens... The admirable spirit of harmony and
conciliation which pervailea the Convention
rendons my ;women.e en/twee/9MT and leaves
toe no other regret than that of being unable
to witness the close of theproem:4loga so ala
spiclously commenced and so full of promise
of future good. (Signed.,)
Very truly yours, Joan A. DM.
The letter was greeted with loud cheers.
The Pr...intent of the tionvent.on, Senator
Doolittle, then said:
GentlCMClt of the Cburenfion—For tue kind
ness and courtesy by which you have sustained
the Chair, in too efforts to which, by your res
olution you havo been pleased to al
ludo, I return you my Sincere thud's'
ifefore putting the motion which shall termi
nate the
Proceedings of this convention I
shall oak ion once We to joinin prayer with
Rev. ll:Woking the benediction of
tY (kid, y whose support we are cure
of semen, but without which we should loci-
Rainy fail.
The Rev. Mr. Elliot thereupon made an
ebsquent prayer, returning thanks to
the Alinighty for the harmony and union or
hearts whirls had been manlfmted throughout
the tiOnVention, for the spirit of cow:illation,
good will, lag oharity;poon in all its =WM=
And its proeeeillnes; for the blessing which
now crown the nation, and especially for the
President of the United states, so worthy of
his Situation and position.
The chair then, at half past twelve r. clock,
put the question and announced that the Con
vention stood lailletirned woe die. The band
then played very touchingly and beautifully
the air of • Home, sweet Howe." Tremendous
cheerswere given for President Johnson anti
Senator Doolittle, and after much kindly at d
pleasant conversation the members of the
Convention and the spectators gradually dis
The Annexation Question.
Bark of England Discount Reduced.
PARis, Aug. tel.—Noun—it is officially , stated
towlay that tile French govwrnment has reced
ed from Its demand made upon Prussia for an
extension of the frontier to Inc Rhine. Prance
does this in the interest Of pen., which slit•
desires fur 11101, WWI territorial aggrandize
ment. The hope Is also expressed by the
Journal—the Monstenr—that Prussia will
nut extend her projects of annexation to the
t.erman States smith of the Maine.
Cosmos, Aug M.—Nowt—At the Bank llourt
tm.laty, in reduction was made in the rule of
diml . .lunt of the Rank of Englund 11 . 0111 in ton
I , cent. Consols, silt' s ; Five-t amens are at
lia l,nveupoo L,
Attg - ust le.—hoon —TII, MUM,
market Is buoyantunder the peseeful news
and the reduction he hank rate.
Isis non, Angus, la —Evoning.—Tlt
trig are Inc "Metal q uotat lons nt the close of
business toslay on the London l;tln•k
enang, , , Consols, for room•)', 07iy,, :r -Yl3,
Cunt ral, 70 Erie, 12ts.
I.4rertrisa., Augnit lb., r. N.—Cotton aa.
vilneed to-day a .11.0,1411 . 01 a peony per pound.
Th.. sales toot up . .11,000 bales whittling up
lands at lie. The breadstuff tratrket is lira,
Secretary of the'rennsylvania Union
State Cfmtral Committee.
l • fl I LADY:, Aug. 10. 10 p. rid—The Unfelt
Umstral Comnottee of thoonsylottolatend
grouting to their brave Union brofh*tx; of the
south, aml extend to them a heart Oiteleorne
the otatsMon of their meeting lo
fon Monday, the :OA ,lay 01 Septemher next.
llodory tornl.hen on pal ollel t , the patriotism,
courage and LI:11,111y of thome men who from
the beglauing of the rebellion to the crol,
fought the good fight mot kept the faith. The
, poo,tlon to ta , decided, lu 'orb...L/201 loyaltt ia
Inn he proscribed and pun Odted In the Doreen. of
patriot:, like these, or treason reworded and
Motored to peon:, of the guilty authors, and
a 4,11.4, of th e r ebellion. the loyal mass
•n. of paned and defcalou traitors govern the
oolin try.
In those great 114000 all are Vitally concern
al, and out Southern a - num:mains have tn.
stotellvoly turnoil tonna, themot whence
the great itharler of Antillean libe ti rty was lire,
prialatutaPanil wlthin the sacral
.Mmlow of trolepentienee Hall, to ream :lot
vows ot Paint) . to the pit:triple. of t h.,
!aortal Creced arl.l CO take etamell w all 1 hell
ellloll triallti* on behalf of the loyal Olen Of
the Commonwealth of rvairv.” lenitta. This
Commllt., hereby rlororfully extend, a ear , ll.l
tornirornu to these mitt - lota awl fill - n.l, from
southern States, ail nv 111 1.. reeetteil
with open arms an I oal al heart,. The Union
tat, of the eat last oak, !!!! a .• .L re istrillal
iv Invited to come here anti honor the 4+ , a
.toe wlth their presenee, noel to engine all to
wort, together upon the presort mid future
of our Imperil., I country. It I, also ggnat •
at pond recOnonontted that our friends from
other States song aeletnattons here on thts Im
portant oitaasion,mot to .It In the Convention,
on Ut cheer Mllll iampot ate with Welt trial
of trout the Small.
Hy rY~e 01 the LObillt I I.Lee,
0•Ignell I Y. H. Jountn,
The National /fall has moon sees. VII for the
setting of the Ito (1111. Or Sto therm Unton.
ist, to toss:mid t , :0 this city. The Notional
nll,ll Cluh itl telegatcr as they art
rive, 10 Call N M
IN/, No. I /06. CiteNLOUL ,trcet,
and registm their name's The Club place
'netr rlomsat t he u of the Convontton as
htuttl:l nit rte. 4. Co. e
.%t.-I. lintel/UM, ol Texas.
Sail Tilt), I , llrtirl L., of Nes Orleans, have al
ready registered their nn.,-ii... At a meeting
of the National Union N sot's' lye Committee,
rosotution was a:lowed, earnestly recom
mending 14. the friends or psnee. Union,
Iv and lan m emu. ettunry of the Mates and
Tot ritnrios, to hold
d notes meetings for the pur
pose of rutify Ing the notion or the Convention
and provhlo merits to plena tin proomallaga to
the hands of 01,1 V Citizen of tau lteputtlie.
De..lon of the tottiarlastotter of Inte.
oat Revenue to Regard to totatope
upon Railroad Cooposaa—Tobareo het.
.1 for Revenue Tax.
New Yong, Ang. 16.—The acting commis
sioner of internal revenue in Washington has
given LP opinion that the coupon taft.ets
.tied by some of the etreet ratiroadd of this
city, are of tile nature of an agreement, and,
as such, require revenue stamps. In charging
two amts additional above the legal tax, ho
Snits, is evidence of Me Intent, oil the part of
the company, to defraud the public.
Extensive frauds upon the Revenue are said
to have come to light among the dealers and
shippers of tobacco. The quantity of tobacco
seised in this city was nirty thousand pounds,
on which a duty of twenty-four thousand dol
lars should have been paid. It was found that
the packages had the revenue brand on them
permitting them to cotne to th in port., an
that the parties in charge et IL had the tiecans.
nary uertiacates, bearing the mums of the
Deputy Collector of the district in which Ihtu.
rifle that the duty had
lama paid. This alguature mid stamp were
lorgnel. A Madam Revenue Inspector has
[natio ml Important estimate of the amount or
the frauds on the Covernmerit In the manu
facture of tobacco. lie elates that the lons to
the Treasury by the non-payment or evasion
or bus Is sts,ut eight iniiiioll dollars a year.
Mrotlazg of the Aomori/clam, for tbo Ad
licsr Ate, August In.—At the meeting of the
As...ensue!, for the Ad Vaneelneill of Science
to-slay there were about tour hundred and fifty
persons present. The essociat lon concluded
U. Aol In two sections, one to discuss physical
science, and the finer natural science. Up to
noon to-day itlsint fifty papers had been Merl
with the secret IT y Ork Carioll9 important.
subjects. The section on physical science or
ganized with Professor Collin, of eastern Penn
sylvania, no chairman, and Prof. Perkins, of
Union College, Secretary. The section on
natural »Menne organized with Prof. Tyson
Preselent, and Prot. Newberry, Secretary.
Professor Stoddard read a paper on steam
ship explosions.
Papers were read on the subject of alum In
bread, and on the Puebla Indians.
Prof. Worthen, of Illinois, presented n paper
on the geology of Illinois.
Cholera In elavonnnb—ltrport of Dr
WARIMIOTON, Aug. 16.—Surgeon Caleb W.
Romer, chief medical officer of the Freed.
men's Bureau; received a dispatch from Dr.
Lawton, Surgeon In Chief of the Bureau in
Georgia, giving an account of the rise and pro
gress of the cholera in Savannah. lie states
that the disease appeared simultaneously at
several noints, and was doubtless introduced
by deserting soldiers from Tybee Island. It
yields very readily to treatment, but is
well marked Surgeon Lawton says further,
that thus fa rthe disease exists In but few eases
In this city, but If it spreads, and many freed
people have it, he would open the hospital to
the citizens upon the agreement of the city
authorities to furnish physicians, meat, lee,
brandy, le.
Base Ball at Louisville—inlayer Drown
Ansaults.Lawyer Reelford—Election of
President Superintendent of
Nashville and CI tile Railroad.
LoeuivlLLe, Aug. 16.—The Louisville Cum
berland and I:LAMB() base ball clubs held a
second match hero to-day for the champion
ship of Kentucky and Tennessee. Score:—
Louisville, 12; Cumberland, 111 Nashville, 14.
W. Matt.. Brown, Mayor, assailed Lawyer
Redford in the letters otlice to-day, on account
of the personalities made by Redford in Ids re
cent speech befere the nogro convention.
lion. M. Burns was elected President of the
Nash nis ville Superinte and Clndea rk nt. sville railroad, and Mr.
conspiracy to Abduct Maximilian—
Elnhteen Arrests Alnde—hanui ' Anna
In the Plot--He is Also Arrested.
New Xona, August l6.—Advices from the
City of Mexico to the alth ult. say that eigh
teen arrests were made In that city Opersone
who had conspired to abduct the Emperor
from his palate and curry him off to the
mountains: A letter purporting to ho written
bq General Banta Anna to Archbishop Ord*.
nos, [mob the.littter to enter into the plot. He
was therefore ;arrested, but was not banished
to rueo ran the same as tho net, by reason of
his failing health.
hotton of the BaltlinOro Cousorratlve
Convent!On •-;• Dlsthfletneas Betwee.
the Two Parties.
BALTIIIOII.I4 August 18.—Tbe Conservative
City Convention of Lilo frhulds Of (loy.Swaht
and President Johnson, was held to-night.
Eturycy was nominated for Mayor.
Homo disturbance took place betwoen the
friends of Mayor Clummau and of the newly,
m m i
n. nated eandidado, but nothing tenons ra
Additional Looal Mattera on Third Page
Probable Murder on the Monongahela
—The Life of the Injured Mau Iles•
paired of—Arrest of Taro of the IPerpe•
A desperate affray occurred on the Browns
♦llle packet Chieftain, on her downward trip
from Port Perry on Wednesday night, which
wilt I Inniglel., If it hue not ere thin, resulted
In the death of a man named Lawrence
Murphy. Thr teflon - Mg are the Meta manner,
Inc the affair as far . we have been enabled
to learn them:
Three men named Dick Keel, Edward R0h
1..., unit . l o , n lv llltcit left hero on Wednes
day morning and went to Port Pony, where
they expectibl to obtain coal noel trip. The
sudden tail of the river frustrated their de
signs, and they concluded to return to the city
on Lhe Chieftun, which connects at. that point
with the Elector, thus attording commu
nication with Geneva. When they went
aboard Of Lhe boat it.was about ten
minutes of eleven o'clock, loot they went
immediately to the barber-shop ou the SWAM
en to wash themselves. there iicy runt Mur
phy, who, us well no themselves, was w 00...
what fluter the , se • • e o •
tuorketliniely, yiksueil out!., u k, I, mid Mut ,
pihy, and, In the melee, the former struck the
latter on the head a little :Move and bank of
the right temple ait 11 •:f round, heavy
Instrument, suppose,. to be a niung-snot.
Murphy Instantly fell to the thaw, and Willlch
and the companions walked coolly into the
cabin, leaving the injured man where In: fell.
On tire arrival of the heat at the landing, at
the foot of Grant street, Wall kith and his eotn
rades stepped ashore and proceeded up tow !I,
while Murphy - , yet insensible from the effects
of the blow, wan carried Into the wharf boat,
where lie wan allowed to remain until nine
o'clock yesterday morning, when lir. Thuile
was went Mr. The doctor Ul . OllOullC.l trio man
In a :lying COntiltion, Kliol ordered him to he
removed to rnstolVltn:', Hospital, where it..
was placed under the care of Or. Coffey who
proceeded to make wu examikkatiOn. There
was no exterior Indication of it wound, but
after a patient search the doctor discovered n
part of the scalp soft and yielding, and be nue
utedintelyoperaiied upon it. Rot:loving a por
tion of the skull he found about two ounces of
bloodor, lying the brain, which max I
- Muted for
1111! 111,e/0”..1.010,1ke.9 or the injured in or from
tit. , 1 ime 110 .1111.1 re,elVo , l Lhr injury.
1,1,..1 in.,. reillovoo, but the :I:s.tor 1/1 - 0000ofted
urpliy'N ll
11 ,, p0Ivrts. and predicted that 110
eclll,l Tint sorely.. 11,1111 this .0r clog. OM
l'el,ll,lpre, KW! , cot .0.1,001101.1 in arresting
heel an , ' 1t01,111.,0 t• , 11,11.1.3 . Kfternooll, but
Up Ui Iltr 0(01C tin g tttt 11.1 tit pltlw,
nfiil rat largo.
Murphy IN a mato mono .t thirty-live years of
age. land Is the proprletor of a farm In Green
1 . 0111,ty. lie got u.Ooff.rtl of the Elector al
Lifeell`horo, and was tooting to tau ft to sell a
cuolor of barrel,. of fro,t ito had shipped OIL
the I_ll /Ili UM].
It r. 1 4 .11, Vi•ry .t.rangt! 11111 the nllne
or florae of Llo• w nil loom. iroulil al
low n 111011 11, lIV in an iii,enslb.a condition for
lilt. hours witnout Yuluitionleg
w 1111`11 I obtained in ight. bare pro
in:rvial Um, unfortunnto m
. .
u. man M Wood complexion, very
huge and Ettoutiy
A Prleoner In the Lebanon Connty Jell
About two week. ago, it "I ramPor - "l" "T
-reated in lalntimi ton debit:of a couple of
Men by the oilmen of D., tea and Focht In the
,market home in Chill borough. Some acct.
denial knowledge of !Anal taut has since come
to light seems to point to Lim as a criminal
guilty of one of the lingineat crnmes that men
an namtmlt—that of murder. This man gave
Mire ren t names to the Justice w ho eommiitlta
1111/1 cud the nittertff: To the Sheriff Inc stated
that has dame w shuenh•r, which Is probably
true. I o vat toalay eventing hot, a man and
wman, r Who V; ere moaning through
there an l i ihol no place 1., lotc.• for the night,
mare Luken no the prison by the pollen'. to stay
il next mooning. In tau IrLOrt11111; the She
riff went 11110 I lie prisoner a al artment. and
let the prisonera out of their cells. :La 60011 us
'lonelier appeared, t tins man :nod woman recog
nized him, called Ilion name, and welcomed
him nn all 4 , 1.1 acquaintance, but expressed
surprise at mating him. Ott beteg queationed
ny the al./riff, thee Mated that they hail
known Shaeffer in Clnclnnati, that he bad left
t hat place lust w inter, and that lanforu leaving
he !kid murdered Ills wife and erald. Shaeffer
anxious to have u private talk with t Mani
wt "
n. as grunted It, after which the nom and
woman worn more reticient, hot on being
presanal, Mtlllll.4.lne, ed to their statement. The
altertlf forwarded a vtauntnent of the tactts to
the Mayor of Cincinnati, and In rowelling a
Acrlon• Occurrence
A dew days ago, J amen S. Allison, of White
township, Indiana county, entered a well upon
hla father's farm for the purpose of removing
some il etirls at the Isittom, and bile descend
ing the •me wear prostrated by the text:my:l
iana' carbonate of gas within the well. He
was rescue - I by persons present, In a seeming
ly almost lifeless condition, but soon recover.
.1 from h. prostrution.
Mr. Hobert Allison, father of tits young man
named above, a gentlemen of come seventy
three years of age, and who hos suffered dun
log the past seven years from the effects of a
pettily Lice stroke, made great exertions to res
cue his n, and after drawing him out of the
wed Hie so old gent/email stn to the barn for a
in order le st nil ettickly for &physician.
These exertions brought un another paralytic
stroke, completely partly zing the one side of
the body, and destroying all tower of speech.
In this contlition Mr. Allison has remained
ever diner and but little hope of his surviving
the shook is entertained.
t'ity Mortality
Itr George L. McCook, Physician to tho
lloard of lioulth, reports tho following inter
ments from August sth to August 121 h,
Hales 121 White
Females Lo Total "I
The 41.1.. In the above oases were: Petal
rats, 1; hotoritts, 1; Consumption, Y Cholera
/, email Pox, 1; lilaewso of the Brain,
1; Unknown, I; Still Burn, I; Cholera lnfan•
10111, 5; Bysenterla, I; Convulsions, 2; Whoop
ing Cough, 1; tnllarnmation of the ltraln, 1;
olarrlictia, I; Congestion of the Brain, 1.
tit' the above there wore:
Under 1 year......... 6 From 33 to 40 3
Free, 1 to 2 •• 40 to 'e 1
" 2 to 5 3 I " 5u to 10.........1
"_II to o two to 70
Probable Death of Yonng linger
We visited Merry hospital at a Into hour last
night, ant wne, I olOrtnell by oue of the Sisters
that the 0.0 It of young ilagar, who was 80
suriottel) inJmeri by fulling through tile third
mory hatchway of Stellhe d Kenuaily's tobac
co warehouse on Wednesday morning, was
momentarily expected. lie can scarcely be
alive thismurning , was a vet y estimable
young Man, 4.1 wits the only support of his
aged parents. We are told that Ills industry
had furnished them with a comfortable liome,
and that lll.t entire pay, with the exception in
narely stallion:et to pay his Immediate ex
penses, was appropriated to their use, TLey
will deeply foci his lobo.
Allonhony County Eat,
in answer to our article lu yesterday morn
ing's issue, we are Informed that active prep
arations are being mride to hero the moat sue
cw.sful fair this full that was over known in
this county. The grounds will be immediate
ly put In order, and name who intend exhibit.
lag this lull will have ample Lime to make all
the necessary arrangements. In this mince
thin we would also state that tiro Indiana
county fair will be held in bullion&n the 341,
Sib awl fah .lays of October , and at Illairsvil le
on lan Bah, 1 HIP and 12th days of the same
Accident —A man named Andrew Miller,
an employee of the Penn's. Railroad Company,
Otis seriously Injured, on Monday lust, by
being thrown from u train of cars In tau neigh
borhood of the coal wharf, tt short distance
above Llundagilon. Ills injuries are of a dan
gerous character, null the chances of his re
covery are doubtful, Wu understand Mr. Mil
ler in a residual of Mill Creek, and was em
ployed us u brakusman on the road.
A Novel Pinit.—Flve young men wore tried
ono day last week, at Bentleyeville, by Jury
of six men, under what is known as the Brie '
County Act, for creating a disturbance at a
Sabbath 500001 concert. The luny having
otwn called, the defendants put in a plea of
gulity, and were sentenced to pay a flu. a
forty dollars each, together with toe costs.
Working Wen's, Nialocual Convention.—
Tee Working Men's National Convention as
semble. in Baltimore on the Yeth Bud. The
Trade's Assembly of this city, and several of
the Trade's Unions, will send delegates. The
fernier body will hold a meeting ou Saturday
evening for the purpose of electing delegates.
Horse Thief Arrested.—Heary
Prussian by birth „and a horse t he by prates-
Won, was an ested in liarriaburg, on Tuesday
night, us he nun about leaving the city In corn.
possession wi two ladles Cd color, lie bad ia his
several receipts for the sale of
stolen horses.
Praline. Ad. Winters, of Washington,
found In his garden. mat Monday, in one husk,
Mini completely fOrtund ease of sweet norm
Each ear had upon it quite a quantity of tally
ahspoil corn. Ad., keep that husk for our
County fair; it will attract considerublo atten
Struck by Llibtnhag.—The otorm on Sun
day night seems to have boon terrible in dif
ferent seetuma of the country. Year Coshoo
n an old gentleman named Lear. and
aWife, were struck by lightnlng—the latter
tidally, and tho former seriously Rd tired.
Look No. 2. IL is confidently expooted
that the repairs on Lock No. 2 will bo com-
Ppleted next week, so that the boats of the two
ines can resume tneir trips as usual. llavtoN
to reship from ono boat to the Other is &abort•
ous, troublesome, and expensive.
Ilepairlng.—Worktnen are emplOyed In
putting Penn street in repair In the Ninth
ward, on the 1100 or the thtisans , 'Passenger
railway. The work 10 loom done In the most
thitTrough manner, and will be a Vest Im
••••- •
Pleede.—There will be it pts-nta ett,
LOCI:1M 011 Tuesday, the %at teat. • A grstrut
time is expected.
Perac•nal.—Alf. Burnett. and Minn Nash are'
eying readings ed.Zanprilde. •
Great Ylre in East Birminignatm-itin
Bonding. Totally Deatroyed.—dth.r:
A terrible conflagration occurred yesterday
morning in the borough of East Birmingham,
In which nine buildings, together with the
Welsh Lutheran Church, weredest., nyed. The
Me was nist discovered in the varnish room
attached toEspey's cabinet shop, situated on
Wrighktialleffi to the north and running par
allel4ll:llPareen Street, between Meadow and
ria:**y . streetit Before the flames could ho
s&litrity COMittranicated to the main shop,
vies Sterrett § Considerable quartity Of
combustible matter. Winch ignited with great,
rapidity, and lent such an impetuosity to the
flames that they Spread in all directions. The
wind was blowing a breeze from the north, acid
the buildings to-too sonde of the alley fell an
easy' prey to the devouring element, while toe
intense OCAL that prevailed set tire to the
Welsh Ltithermi Church, to the north and
across the alley, and for a time It was leered
that the two-entire squares would be destroy
mi. -The firemen arrived promptly on the.
ground, and every effort was made to save the
property, but owing to the fact that the fire
plugs were not provided with the proper at
tech n.ents, all their efforts wore futile, until
Or , . 011411110 sad thballlSCh torture Merit lull-
The follows.., u.sUinniary of toe LOUD..
destroyed with a List tit the losses:
A frame dwelling, stable and cabinet shop,
bblonging to mid occupied by Mr. Charles En
pey . Less 57,000, on lei he has uh hisiarance
in the Lyetiming Company for $3,000.
Adjoining Mr. ital.lY'a Proeerty ass o two
story f rithe ••wiled by Mr. Irwin and ("menhir!
by t„,„ lama ties'•t Jacob lioistxr and Mrs. Wl
gel. Thin woe also i•itifily e•unumed with al
most Its entire conbilits. there wan an
ranee on it in the below are Mutual for alin.
Tile flames from this budding caught the
rear of it large rwo .dory brick building frpith
Car - tour street, OWlled by &leery Smell.
the ripper psitioll of which was occupied by
hire. Wegner and ;Mr. siuill s a dwelling,
wit Ile titr lower story wans used by Bailey
Brown, pluitillers. The occupant,+ moved the
greater poi I ion 14 their effects. Mr. hush's
loss will amount. to $3,000, insured in the "Ger
man" for ilh.,thist
. . . .
The next dwelling destroyed was a large
three story brick building Owned by the heirs
of Caspar Weiner, and occupied by Joseph
tiched us a hotel. do rapid wan the dest,ruo
-1.1011 that scarcely an article of furniture
saved. Mr. nehell's be.e will reach at least
0,000. Insured In the Penn..)lranls for
Contiguous In Mr. belied's howl wan the
large dry goods store 0131 r. Irwin. The rear
al this ho 1111 ing, which re stories high,
was destroyed. The house was eonsiderauly
dsninged by water. Loan revered by
insurance la the licieware Mutual.
„ . .
Ti/I3 vent hoildlug nu the west sule was tha
of C. o'. hittilk.i ink, merchant tailor, the rear
portion ot this building alone was destroyed.
Loss $1,0(10. covered by Insurance.
The above comprises the destruction on the
south side of Wrights alley, and on Can son
street. On the north side, the Welsh Lathers
Church, u Inane structure, the basement of
which was occupied by Mrs, Thomas quad
Jacob Schuman us a dwelling. The latter suc
ceed.' In rein°, lug all his furniture, while
the former with the building, was totally de
stroyed. Loss VAX 1, 110 insurance.
To the left of the church lea two-story brick
occupied by iNitchael Hogan. This building
w. mu) partially consumed. Loss tploo. No
To the right Ohl wont of the church was a
two-story frame occupied by Adair Falenstonc,
which with IL,CillttetntS won totally consumed.
In the roar of tne church was a frame Orna
ment ocrnupled by Caroline Natuter, which was
two-thirds destroyed. Loss Ole. No Maur-
Immediately kJ front of the lnnt named
building is a two-i,triu brick owned uy Valen
tino New, which was considerably damaged.
A horse, belonging to Mr. C. hkroey, was no
severely burned that it 6 thought be cannot
The ,nrigin of the are cannot be definitely 8,8-
certalned, although It is presumed to be the
result of an accident. In connection with this
mutter, we would advise the borough authori
ties to set to work at once and procure a
stounier are unglne, as It is almost criminal to
have a large connnunity anneal defenceless
for the look of an,efilnient flee department.
Philledelptiln • If hider laity of Medicine
" load Mummy.
The facultpillledictil College le com
posed of elx*acminent physicians and sur
geon., among Ltam - Jlr. Oldstme, of Pitts
burgh, who Is Professor of Pathology to the
Institution. His arrallrieuts however, are
such ex to interfere bet lute with his arum
pive practice here.
- - ,
if Lslectures In the College are special, being
principally' on the "urine as a .11agnosis," or
rinary deposits In disease," a subject with
which he Is mere familiar pertiapc than any
other phrsician in the United States, having
had ample experlemse of over twenty years'
tractice, and the examination of more than
hirty thousand eases. This experience has
enabled him to become quite expert in this
branch, and by chemical analysis and micros
copic examination of a specimen of urine, to
determine in a few minutes the nature of any
variety of sediment, and thereby "the disease,
and toadmintster the remedies accordingly.
01121oe and residence 1.12 Grant street, Pitts
Indications of the Woother.—"G. A." is
out in a communication to the Chronicle,
which he close by giving the following 'mil-
Mentions: "From August 16th to September
9th, sunshine; daily average thermometer, 66
degrees; cool nights, with the present pleas
ant weather. The air Is very damp, morning
and evening, indicating a shower near at
hand. The nights will probably he warmer
from the ist to the 10th of September.”
Porsonal.—We had the pleasure, yesterday
evening, of taking by the hand Barry Over
legion, Esq., Treasurer of the Pittsburgh
Theatre, who has Just returned from a trip to
Wellsville, vi hose citizens he has been treat
ing to a little legitimate drama. harry looks
well, and expresses himself much pleased
with the trip.
Killed on the Keliroad.--Geo, W. Bow
ard, of Washington county, Ohio, was killed
Thorunsontowu, on the Pennsylvania rail
road. fie was t oe act of panning alon g the
stock train, when he was struck by Lo N t ew e
York Esprens going wen. lie died In a few
hours. The accident occurred a few days
The Fifth Street Burglary.—Ort investi
gation yesterday morning It was discovered
that the burglars who broke open J. W. Mn-.ler* grocery- store, No. 112 rum street, had
not sueeoedod In removing any of the goods.
Mayor's foort.—Thorn were fifteen cases
before His Honor yesterday morning, eleven
of whom wore up for drunkenness and four
for disorderly conduct. Nine were sent to
Jail and six paid their floes.
Broke Jan.—John Smith—the rnEzei, he in
at IL again—and James Bail made their escape
from the Blair county prison on last Sunday
night by sawing off the iron gratings of their
Crognec—The ladies and gentlemen of
Wheeling have lnWadneed the game of Cro
citmL It prowl.oa to become as fashionable
ge, Base
ttonwe Ilorneal.—The residence of Mr.
slepbeu Applegate, of Elizabeth township,
this county, was destroyed by nee on Saturday
Haller County Falr.—The eighth annual
fair of Butler county will take place on tho
th, 27th and %lb of September.
Vagrancy.—.llnrgaret Ilealett WWI yester
day sent to Jail for live days by Mayo Moo
rtsort, for vagranty.
Painting.—Workmen are engaged in paint
ing the railroad bridge across the Moaonga.
Epidemic.—Tho tlynent ry hi"d un
opalemic form at and around Ebensburg.o
Holilday's Overland Horne.
Arm - anion, En. , Aug. 16.—Hollidny's Over,land
Mall Company started their last thrMgh
touch ft om thin plate to-flay. Uoreafter they
will run in connection with the Union l'actec
itallroad, from Manhattaa ono hundred. mi.h.
west of here, with a general Milne at Leaven
queen Emma Visits Xt. Vernon.
AXIIINTON, Aug. 16.--Queen Emnj It still
In Washington, and employed her time to-day
In making a Ilea with bar mite to Mt. Ver
Blaine l'ongrenalianal Nomination.
lin.rasr, Me., August N. A. Pike.
the present representative in Congress from
this District, was renominated today.
DttYLE--Ort Thursday morning, ate o'clocl, at
the residence of 3tr. SAMUEL NEELY, in Man
chester NANNY A. DOYLE. BOP of Wlllinto A.
and (:stile M. Doyle, aged I Jac6 months and I
The Nueva I will take place from the resldeoce of
Alr. Manuel Needy, Tills (Friday) ass - Fa/J(100F. at
4 o'clock. The !stem/. of the fatally acv respect
fully Invited to attend.
- "nT AborrilDMMNNla,
bdataital “lio.1••-acre," the 1117Ka!i_s . F.tast . r .
place or svulehre. orealgyaL=Z:rraiur:,
Alree d roy B ur ri g hl0 °te :l I ;44' oarnalta or tale, CAlii
at Central Drug of n (lo6L CLA VEY. 'Alio
No. 196 S withaeld St, cor.
(Eat. nom from seventh dtreeto
mr , ..DZZ" /64317za.G 1, D.,5 6 „...
AN D 1313 sa.NDUtifiT STIMET,
No. lea Fourth streak flttaburgb. Pa 0071 INS of
g. mods, CRAPES, biLOVYbobad everuelaunpeloot
of Funeral rurcussible %Mom ilinuene4, axons
pimp ygollulgeL, lisiziadararnajeterstlitata.
W. Jacobus. As.D., 'halt= bring. TA: rr :
Miner. Km.
R . T. MUTE & CO"
Manchester, Wool•* Ben and
. 0111 M it Isnefilaid sad Charklatitmati. ,
Itsan, lui4Caulappistaixt,
..,,,:. y:er::... _
..~:,:-. t = wad`:::
The edition I. forwarded ...lab .111 1.11611 OS sub.
•r 1 hem soonest m the mall rum
SiNuLa corms, PER
Late 01 Leonard U env, & Co., and ilanfmge of
Grover, Tl,atre, errnstringran. D. C.
- Director,
nil, Commotllout Ilramatlr Temple navlng been
recently materially remodeled sad
wrx.r_. OTC3a - •
Saturday Evening, Aug. 18,
Ith i•tounan, anent carelltlly selected and organ
7. it, and wltleb In points of Artistic Itzet lienco
:..1 -. sottitrical ntreogra, the tnanngetneut duet not
11.-Itate to PrOllollll,r 11 / 1 . 1 , ,,, Ya by soy sOollo ,
aulsallen sA est of the Met moot.. In view of
VIII., ani thr tucl slut tht. Vlrector'e position In
gisgetuctingtsewithrlal hun enabled him to perfect en
..oral of whom hare not ap In Pit tenurgh
Jar nanny year, I' hese are the heel groand•
for expecting at OW house, sto at of
Universal Brilliancy,
That the Opts a tionie is now one of the
In the West,
T....ry Is no room to , Ilsinan. The recent ienprove
ments have coot Lbv ProprieCOVS
UP WARDS OF $12,000
Which Amtmett .It.. of COI,
verlinghr emlallll.llre..iltnio sTheatrE,
undoutitt , lly vg.n.leri It one of 1.110 mutt
Of its Capacity and Kind
ALM - F2. _AS.
En f: ged for the season entire. .:onshattlg or the
' =a " l ' r e ntVto
Metropolitan Reputations
Awl caller. already eetablialled Local Favorites
will give the
Inaugural Performtnice
Or She !Season
On Saturday Night. the ISth instant,
When the Public have an opportunity Of Judg
ing to a certainty, how far the promises of
the maaagement are likely to
For several
sh earsy au n•knn lodged favorite
throughout e. heyond doubt one of the
most talented ladle. id her position of th e y r
wn NIblo• la s New o - rk l.llllla. as well
kno amutemont of e lootrool la, as
tact of any other favorito circles
in l the th professionp.
Mrs. &TUNER.,
Mtn. J. M. COOK.
Mr. W. M. LEAK, the popular leading Urn
-13214t1C Artist, or well known and established
of Mr. J.
day. E. JACKSON, the favorite Comeduin
Mr. J. F. EAGAN, from Waltszk'a Ttma
Now York.
Mr. WM. M. WA.1113,
Mr. P. ILIISii,
Mr. J. D. G.E.Y.ILLII,
Mr. K. V. 614YMa,
Mr. J. M. COOK,
Mr. J. 860WN1N9..
Mr. G.
hATIJIIDA Y Nwttr. win coruist ntf.ovcdPs
beau tAnd and thrniing Aroma of
And that ever popular twee or
Composing a 'glorious double 6111., mud one that will
display to advantaina mueb of the pelt talent of tile
excellem company.
T. 13.8 40P.IELC:a3anialT.19.411,„
Consisting entirely Of prLacipal &delete s will be dl
rected attic Caseated ,bet d 'Orchestra, Mc.
Will receive theexclusive attention of the accom
plished Boston Mist, Mr. 0.0. X I CHARDB, whose
magic brush has transformed
House, dar
ts< the past four weeks. Into rice of the most iseau.
[lfni estabilabfnents ..f Its kind upoo the Cuutlnent.
M. O. S. BROWNING, fro. Baltimore _RI b e
charge of the lIRCHANICAL INTIOCACIEr of
the btage.
The First.Btar of the lS¢seoa will be Lb. Wonted
roans darerlean =tor,
Who has melt:Med this elegant ertibillbrremt. Under
Its nee mansvmera„ with Its excellent il.lompo,,ny
for his kr,E-ILINiTHEE Delors an America/1 audlemA4
dote Me recent voyage to Europe. Mr, Barrstt , s
W angsgemeat commenco with his Ana bppercon
oo of
S3 -41. 11 /r
17.08hDALE will be superbly produced with nue'
linty new scenery and appointments, sbortlY.
Orchestra Stalls ....................
ratvlstte ........
Dremettrac.....». ..... .. .. 119. f
11.00 ":