~c ;. h~-,~ ~:,..rte .~...1 cr.....~ THE to' ',IL 'l' tafit.: T pinaaniss PannimOtßped & ,0. ga lu,ULlritßli. eri-resuian. Pff ght Wittoturgit gazette. • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST n. 1866. WE have made arrangements for full tel egraphic reports of the doings of the Phil adelphia . Convention. The first Installment we give this morning. PEEATDEET Joirasos has orderedall the Government advertisements to be taken 1 from the Pittsburgh Gszarre and given to the Pittsburgh Republic, his organ in that city. The GAZETTE has been constant and faithful in its rebukes of the regteancy of the BxecutiVe. This is its reward. John son, it will boatel:4- Is detsrmiubd to do all he can to elect General Geary by a large majorlif.4 , PAflade/plticr Press. When we took our stand against the President's Policy- of Recons - ruction we thought It not nulikely the advertising of tuu Zsecinive Departments would be taken from oar columns, but by force of natural Instinct wo had stood square and erect, for so many years, on all public questions, that it was useless to make the attempt to bow, equivocate or palter. We further calculated on seeing one, at least, of our contemporaries take up the cudgel for the President, in the hope of gaining what we were ready to surrender In obedience to a sense of self-respect and of public justice In neither of these expectations were we disappointed.' 11.1 deed, the Departmetital Chiefs did net tarry for a formal order of the President before withdrawing their patronage from us. They acted on their own motion, and kst the order follow after One of oar contemporaries, which had been flamingly radical, even to tho extreme verge of negro sugrage, scenting the spoils from afar, suddenly cooled, and became intensely conservative. For a time it gained what we eheerfidly resigned. Its conductors, enamored of Mr. EDGAR Covet, made haste to do him servile homage, and offered, humbly to follow his political fortunes, if "thrift might follow fawning:" The wily Senator understood a tender was made of the service of news paper property by those who were merely custodians of it, and that if he paid the price cif minium° the owners might refuse to ratify the engagement and sanction de livery. In such a case, he was not the man to hesitate lees what part to choose. He decided to start a new journal; and, hence, our contemprary, recently so eager for commercial politics, has fallen into our wake, and labors assiduously to imitate our radicalism, or to surpass it. These various incidents abound in lessoits which the ob servant and thoughtful' will not fail to gather. THAT our readers may see what sort of doctrines are held by some of the Demo crats, we give the following from the Greensburg Argus:. =I - • Give rut equality of States, or anolillter war, and in that War to promise not to claim exemption. Give us white men to vote and white men to govern whim men. Give us equal taxedon or general repu diation, except the claims of soldiers, their widows and orphans. Give m a representation of every State in a Constitutional Congess, or give us the Abolition traitors assembled at Washing ton in a moi-k or rump Coagress, that we way stain the Capitol with their hot blood, as they stained the earth with the blood of patriotic Democrats. Give us the -bonds held byliew England thieves and Epeculators off the soldierg and manipulated legislation, that we may make bonfires of theirC- Give us more nerve in - Democratic Et! tsars, that they may come boldly to the [mut nd help to kindle the patriotic fires who beileva in the final perseverance of Democracy over the world, the flesh, the Yankee and the .detrit. Tim Reruntac.—ProcCedings in libel have been Instituted by S. Scuoirsa, Jr., Esq., and Captain SAMUEL RIDDLE, against the editor of the . Republic The libel, which was published in Satur- day's issue of that paper, was so gross that no ether resource was left to those gentle men than the one they have adopted. It is tploubtedlyproper that the avowed principles and - official conduct of public men should le - epezi" to animadversion. But the allele in question was a reprehen sible intrusion into private affairs. Cap tain RIDDLE was iherirninated in a Matter which did not touch his official relations. to the publiKaito, as Mr, *norms is not, and has not been, in Page the attack on him seems to be altogether inexcusable. Of course; It is unnecessary `..) say the cliurces contained. in the article referred to are entirely unfounded. £n Democrats have been anxious to create the belief that the Philadelphia Con vention was in - danger of physical assault from the Republicans. Some of them appear to have really desired such an assault might be made, because of the advantages which would accrue to them thereby. Various stories of contemplated attacks have been invented allafairt — zafloat,- the last being to the effect that. GArenior Curtin had or dated out three thaasand State troops to insure the safety of the Conventionista. All these stories, especially the last, are without fotmdation: Nobodyluis proposed to disturlt4 „R3nyention, and , the (key', enter has'called ont-no troops. , - indeed; he would have no lawful authority to call oat the milltla antlli mob had aerially been raised, and of Seen proportions as to over power the police. . Ravuntac,ant of Schuylkill county have noraitiateil tow` Assembly Sarcsa GAY. non, Burn Yocum and EDWAILD They have also nominated General BEN XI L. CAKE lbr Congress in the tenth dis trict, subject . to Nitieation in Lebanon , counti. • THE "unidirdest eat Of all" baor Sooth = mento-tailit that Vallandlgham shall be turned out of. the Pldlatblipble conven tion, if he will not voluntarily stay out. Ho stood by them : tad their . eattse, at the peril of all lie helti.dotr. GEN. , -.ivritten along letter to the :Flon. It/Ain= Etna., In whicl he trilli-expiains the objects end operations Alm Freedmen's Bureau, of will& he Is the Chlef DIEPAT9I Oates . that the Lotthdput egates are "May 4:l . 4illadelphia explein• fog the villainothi,aheyhatirevoked attempt of a au24l bo4y of irtheliadicale to mob the city of Rear Orleime.", Tice Caiaerllanaiii - e such fear of swath= Fenian invades that they are proydding for the purchWileahateremerk affirm boats on 4te . , pad the #t.,l4wrenee Fl Tik•Ceil-4 1 / 4 126 Vitas Sesppels,ange : dOvar o4 ma • • -1414 ToiAAttg: 14' , Oliki tiro tikias of nttt. utu are reported In the VW ULU inortang. nut About thirty sun:lion ittiOnilnif price 7 ° 4l turb IT?tplattforere , ' vovisted.- and taw agnada.o=r& Stank Ter n,. :nbiktittit ban been execs. tenon Tutoday neat. ban been nef ;DMA =4n ,~.~;;: z.," • - ;;;- • ; - s - 7 • ENE THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. VOLUME T.XXX.---NO. 193 */ Voievivi.A: Ihe Poor Rich Girl sp. was micillgent., but no bewails, her wealth lay Ina lovely face, aurrounded by a forest of the most, beautiful. iliPszkllng, daz zling, ebarmLig ringldta and treaties that ever glor/tled a human howl ill liar toilet contained only Tebbett'a P111)&101,41=31 Hair Itegenen3- tor, lb which sho and Liu:Rwanda owe their beauty. There L 3 nothing lite It. Its per fume la delightful. Always tuataras faded hair, provenia tie falling off, tens the bend clean and cool. Soils nothing, Improves the looks of everybody, and is the great Dung of the day. Sold at Dr. Keyser's, ito Wood street. I. I lIIIIIIyI U 36 ono, and only One, Prepara tion for my hair. 2,,Thle preparation never mils or stains the fittest fabrics. • 3. It onntants no poisonous or injurious mat ter, and Is not a dye. t, It is richly perfumed, and keeps the hair in its pistoe. 5: If the hams .1,115 or gray, It to Its proper color. It prevents the hair from becoming loose or falling off. 7. It keep►th► ecalp Mean, healthy, and the hair lively. 6. in using it, one may always have the finest of beautiful hair. 9. It done all; and morn than its proprietors claim for 11. 10. Every bottle mu - ranted or money re funded. Sold at Dr. Keyser's, hte Wood street, And this preparation is Dr. Tibbett's Phys iological Hair Regenerator. Habitat Constipation. sow TA IaTZCT ♦ OlritTAIX I,IID PIII.II.6IST.IVe Some °emulations of le predispose to Cos tiveness, especially those snitch allow but lit tle exercise. Persons who contract this unfor tunate habit of body, under such cleenmatan °ea might possibly be relieved by changing their sedentary employments for others of a more active kind; but this Is by no means cer tain. 'Habitual costiveness lea very obstinate disorder. All the ordinary so-called remedies invariably aggravate it. Nothing can be more injurious than the continued use of strong aperients. They at drst irritate, and finally almost peralyse the bowels—rendering them so torpid that enormities dogma of cathartic medicines have no effect upon them. A mild aperient, oombinesl with a gentle stimulant, is the tree remedy; and a combination in the happiest proportion of these ingredients ib found in HOSTETTER'S STOMACH HIT- T ELLS. This famous Stomachic invigorates the whole intestinal canal, while quietly ree moving ti um Its convolutions all impediments to a free passage through them. No mere per gativivium this double operation. No ordinary stimulant effects the desired object. Oases of Constipation abandoned as hope's= by dis tinguished medical men have bean cured in • few weeks by the Sitters. To those who have tried all the medigines of the dispensatory in vain, we say try this irresistible stinaniant and aperient- There is no sullicient reason why consUpation should be the consequence of se denten- habits. IIOS'IETTER , S, BITTERS, by erwtly mg the vigor which would otherwise no derived tram exercise, will to all cases ens' ble the system to perform its excretory fnne 'nors regularly and healthfully. 11=1 i• !cid wnolasalo and retail silvery low rata at " Frog and, Patent Stallelne Depot, 'c. St Marlon el I set, corner of the DtensonCl 1 lllnrket. rows . Fourth strees. YPALadelpblo lUtalvereity of .11e0teine Aug Surgery. The trustees and facultyof the above Medi cal 'College have issued "gamin:ships' , at sematk.,,ire dollars each, which entitles ti.e holders to attend lectures Until graduation or as many sessions as he wishes. This rends , rs a medical education cheaper than ever proposed by sly University or Col got lo in this country or Edrepe, possessing the togs extensive facllittus. The foctillties of the University ere: Pisa, It has the largest College oink* in the city: see. 01111, the best amphitheater and imams, Italia In CA United States; third, the best dissect ing rooms; fourth, extensive chemical and philosophical apartment; fifth, the materta me dim embraces all the medicinal used by all clauses of physicians; sixth, the museum con sist of a most extensive collection of mato. mica and pathological specimens. In all, the re are fifty-three :coma In the Collage. Mara are .nicer Pe lessors and every braaba of Ifedieine end Surgery is thoroughly kneed. The cmdent holding a .acholarahipe can enter the college at any time during the Lec tures, attend as long as be wishes, and real:in ter the Inaltution as frequently as desired. Persona wishing to obtain eaholuniblits can apply to L. %lame, .2L D., Professor of Urine Pathology in the above-mentioned College- Ills °ince and manatee is N 0.112 Grant street, Pittsburgh A D.wu But Debasheg Club Has been recently arguing she quetiton "Winch is the most effective agent in the mane Lion of thepopnlatiou of civilized °outsides— War, Cholera, Switchmen or Bthona Cenim plaint& After a warm and animated debate ft was decidedtbst the latter had proven by tar the most disastrous, until the discovery of the now celebrated "Bobeclls Stomach Bitters and Scandtniviaii , Blood Purifier' and Blood The club therefore actuated bye spirit of phi lanthropy, have determined to recommend them to the patio as, plailt4sl7o , o chelerrik, and certain cure for all diseases resulting from Bilious affection, and to inform them that they are prepared by Prince, Walton & co, Nos. te, 511, 03, and 62 East 3d street, Cincinnati. and are for sale by ail respectable trest—lobospberate—Caltsays.- Tbe Three best kolOnt tOrdos, skillfully and elegantly mint:tined In an amber-colored beautifully transparent to the eye, pleas ant to the theta anti acceptabletothostotook, In Caswell, Mack I Ferro-Phoaphorated Elixir of Call.salotßark. - Each pint walking one Obillie of Royal CUM. says Bark, and each teaspoonful Contains one grain of iron. Bititifiles fogidahed free tO Abe profession. CAMWILT, Mama Co., . hole Xannhecturers, N. F. For Nilo at wholesale in FittabittglHi by It. X Sellers I Co. et rotall by all BruggUts. mhl&Tdiettle nefelireratera,, Leo Vilest*, Four and five ' Mantel Cream Treaters, los ife P te ttOrk Water Coolers, Water inters, Meat _ e, Bath Tubs, and a Itill line of goods gee lyreeltable for the boated tarm.• Our stock is the largest, our Variety the best, and our pelves the lowest to be found anywhere west 'of-the mountains.' Cell mid et*, et 124 Wood Street, south side, five doors above Fifth St. W. W. BRAD/MAW. Do.•s:wwu Until you get the elmlora, but be prepared for it by baying a small bottle of Fleming's Cholera Remedy at band to nip It In the bud on the first symptoms. It never falls to care wbon taken to time. Sold ooly at nemlurs Drug Store, No. 84 Idaket etreet. Rieonnstliso no. sore ter "" "r 0 guaranteed by the nee of ono bottle of Clayton's Batter., and one bottle of alienmatle Liniment. For solo only by the Pr?PrietOr. =io. SI Diamond alloy. Price—Bit ters, Id; Ltabrient, 50 canto. allaittaa Stale Comas oa of School Sa. partateatleata. Inntaas..icurs, August 14.—The National as mention of Menem.. nuperinteudeuts closed their session to-night. Addonal delegations reported to-day front atictuipm. N oy , T or k , Ohio, Tennessee and /Wiens. A committee was appointed Lt4S' memorialise Cachous for I the establdationtat or n National, Bureau of , zducat i m . A reported resolutuna was adop .ed thanking the Ileums of Itepreseutattres or the passage of stlall /oohing to the erntablish ment of such an instltittlon, , e n d appointiw, etezdnitteeto.brlngthe st!b_j_eet props - b,r are the tlenate: nen. N. Wlitte, of Ohio, wee elected President, Of the asecolation. Statistical requite -show Itattanws school fend to be over seven rtillhans, the largest of asl °"" 844". lion enlivened he AmericianNocatal Deliapdas Srom all sectkaui of the '" E l n ir stronat ^llloio t. hiiir . aetdelatilwa wllt UniTlll,-leuiliaiins, Calebrf- T. Loma. :Ammo ..1.11.••-•‘; siert quarantine has bean eatabelLbelOW the CUT. nialicrooeren awe of ,obolgalt ara we rren4_ by tEe Bann at Health, kw 018 •t• :ben= einzn at' soon ,- o3•43iin telrtpaz which faint Thet.toard of SOslglbate prtennitteeOß the sale of melon, nuoutobera an 4 all stale Vegetables anT.Plut he Car— , • ExAloversorr - Ualux: mot Judge' WatmottZ Of Lennenrar•Earnirol .haroMlay and simeral garb:LULU • GOfialnir HaberHabra l l tig c" 2 , ll nC fq.tc** * :l i t n 1n"4416.' : r • 4.3.413 tP,..C;:n1;5,-;?/.,;ij.,('''' BONO EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. PHILIDELPIIII CONVENTION. "The Wigwaxm" Pe: )1110411 kIiMOUIPMINeI Gen. Mx 'temporary Pre-141epl. REMARKS ON TAKING THE CUM Proceedings Opened with Prayer. COMMITTEES APPOINTED e blob It has paised to it. present yoroeperity and power, to present to tee world an exam ple worthy of imitation, no utopian vision 01 good government, but the grand old reality of the better LIMBS, I:Fringing up the memory of our father '4, and the reeollmtlons of thu post, and with the past the future, insepara bly Intertwined, one noautry, one flag, 0.1 union of equal Mates. (Long continued eip- Ad dress to the. People Suggested.' plauSe.) Adjourned until Wednesday FMrM7W1T . 177T .... M Special Dispatch to the Pittaburih Gazette Pau.Atorarni4., August 14 MIL lo the north-western sohorbs of the city nearly opposite Girard College and not far from the Northern Liberties Water Werke, stand. the extemporized creme building put up for the accommodation of the Con•entlnn, and glesiguated in the Jocular language of pol ltt.•lans as The Wigwam." Carpenter* are still (at half past eleven a. m.) at work %awing and hammering, and making a general racket In fruitless efforts to have it ready for Coe meeting of the Convention at noon. The un det standing Ls, however, that owing to the nn finished eouddion of the wort, and •omew ha perhaps to the political innehlnory not being yet in portent running gear, there will not be touch business transacted to-day, and that the Convention will simply organics temporarily nod adjourn till to-morrow. There has been no attempt at architectural display m too construction of the wigwam• It to pretty nearly if not actually a square, .1111 the eastern and western ends n little round, in order to sustain the sloping roof. A mused platform for the officers occupies the *mate: n ride of the square, the main set.ranes belag the opposite side. The door of the ha!) L. , re rerTed for delegates, there being four rows of benches running the whole length of halt, di •-tdetl by narrow aisle. These henceas will teat front twelve to (Mean hundred verso., though the exaggerated estimate of their ea peettyla equal to twice those Oruro.. Rising from the door, on three std., are galleries fur the spectators, of whorntbern may be aecom.. thodations for as many as four or dye thous and. The tall 'tirdber that support the roof, stretettlog lengthwise down the bail, are decorated with a broad stripe of tricolor, the ma-of-arms or .11 the agud bolus lute, folly , thrtstbuted. Ther plutform for the nal. CO, LW dear/rated Walt the nailol34o. tta,, tho Pennsylvania coat-of-u,ne forming the ...- try plerre; over all to Inscribed varle4e deviate, among which are the agure4 - 1774" and alteßl." and the word" "united we eland. divided we MIL" A list of the States, In the form And colon of the rainbow, Qv, wh:ch the symbolic stars Are 11 Zed., rompletei Lai; decoMillon. It may he remarked trint - the Mates include West Virginia, This is • gen eral outline of the Wigwam. Thoground out side Is covered with booths, from which water • melons, cigars, ginger beer, and other surl, combustibles am are to to, sold. The proprie tors Of these establishments haul laid m .tores of whisky and lager bees, bet the District At torney interfered with their IltIM arrange mints. The national flag Boats over the The weatber b warm awl pie wows- The delegates seem to be In friendly accord wll each other. The hand L. playing the national and other melodies, and under those combined harm« pious thiluencee, the Convention opens its proceedings. it about noon the members of the Convention began to ernes, and soon Aged op the body of the hall. The galleries else be cane pretty well filled. Vortneseter General Randall announced that the deleantlons hate Idunsehearrtts end Booth Carolina would now enter I.IIM In arm. This eanaed the exultance to rise and cheer lustily, and as the representatives of these two States, beaded by Mr. Orr, of South Caro lina, and tie:send Couch, of idassachosetta, walked up one of the aisles in this fraternal manner, the highest degree of excitement and enthusiasm was manifested. The band played alternately, "Reny limpid the Flag," "Away Down Micah to Dille, "The Star Spangled Banner," and "I alike. Doodle." The men waved their het.. nod cupped their trends and cheered vociferomey, and the few ladles present, not more than • seam or two, waved their handkerchief.. Mr. Randall—Teo Convention will plow.. come to order, for the purpose of effecting a temporary organisation of this Convention. I propose the name of Gen. John A. Dix, of New York, as temporary Chairman of this Conven tion. (Applause.) Lieneral Dix came forward and said: Gen (lee= of the Convention and fellow citizen. of the whole Union, (applause) I return to you my sincere thanks for the honor von have done me, in cailleg me to preside temporarily over your deliberations. I regard it as a ilia thiettOn of no extraordinary character, not on account of the high social o and nly political standing of gentlemen who compose this Convention. but because It le. a convention of the people of all the states of this Union (applause), and because we cannot doubt, if Its proceedings are con ducted with becoming and - good Judge:mat, that it will lead to most important runes. ( applause.) It may be truly said that no body 01 men have met on this continent to consider events so momentou. and so Important since tee year 17/7—(lpplatre)—the year when our ancestors assembled In this city to form a better government for the States which com posed the old oonfederaMon—a government which tugs been confirmed and male more en during, as we trust, by the fearful trials which it has anommtered and overcome. (Applaure.) The Conetltutem which they came here to frame we Wale here to vindicate and restore. (Applause.) We are here to resort the supremacy of representative government, nod all who are within the confines of the Union. (Applause.) A government which It cannot, without a violation of Ire fandauten Lel principles, to ex:ended over any hat thole who are represented In it, (applause.) over (hose who by virtue are entitled to a voice In the administroticin of public affairs. (ip. pieune.) It was such a government that our fathers framed and put in operation; tits each s gevernment which we are bound, by every principle of fidelity and Justice and tool faith to delendand maintain. (Applanee.) llentlemen, we ere not now living tinder such a government. (Applause.) Thirty-Mx States have for mouths been governed by twenty-five States. ( Applause.) cloven States have been wholly without representation in the leghlse tiwo banes of the nelson. The numerical pro. portion oldie represented and unrepresented states has Just been *hanged by the admiselon kendelegation from Tennesnee—a unit ta from the smaller Stater, being pet to the 'Amur number, but ten of the States o re still denied - reprefientation in Commas, t which they are entitled ondeethe constitution. The President, not In pursuance of any monster. timed powete had called on the Leufielerate States to adopt the Constitatimt for their ad mission to the exercise of their legitimate fu net s as members of the Union. The rati fication of the amendment to 11,5 Constitution almtishing alweery and the repudltion of the r debts contracted to overthrow the govern meet wore these amillitlons. They Were so. meted. The 'exaction. of beer eondititnie is ore r. nu a i r , t , d tm et tti v t rit at r y n o of the faith of the of the purpoecw_of our political system, and dangerous to the public proepariq and peace. (Applause.) Congress may, as they judge of the qualification of its own members, reject Individuals for Just cane, but the two bodies sating conJohrely cannot exclude an extra delegation without en unwarrantable essemption of power. (Ap plause.) Compere has not only done this—it ha. gone further—it hes incorporated new conditions, with antenemares to the Collates.- tiOn, and aubmitted them for the rarefication of the States. There is no probability that Abase ernendments will be rattled by two threds of the states of the Linke,. (Applause.) To mast CM toe conditions they contain is to , prolong. Indethutely, the exclusion of more than one-fOurtli Of the States frpm their right t o be represented in the teem - Latter. bodies. Thai had. a Tight, under the Constitution.— they bad a right under the resolutioua in both Mouses of Weary*. in hen. (Arm= =Me reaeletiOne Were not - concurred lb, `,het they Watt Sllnstfreitially ideatmal. More opp, they wet, elattled to beeswax:attest Oa aces grounds . Of, littinel and good talth. Ittolptiklyr**loNwolmyropeols, Imo to tr. 1: - ;A MEE , - _ ,: I ' , " IN lAY AUGUST 15, 1866 rroteBt. nizaln9t, and as far as In u • 114 m redreng efu=l .. . - „„ - de. Wh areTtl/ b a a t :r."eigrernenistrg to the authority of the Onion was over, ail the States had a right to representation in Coo -1 gres., l Applause,) and tide the UOVOraftWilt Is. Is thoa the Government our fathers fought to establish 1 (Lend cries of "no.o) le this the goy ernment we have been fighting to preservot The President has done all in tits power to tor rent this wrong. ( Applause.) Ho hoe done all in hie pew er to restore the rights of the States ' In the legislature of the country . by giving to verb section lie full statue. Legislation with , out repr.ontation lean &nom loy In our pot at e/t/ Hemet!m. Under any other form of gore: meet, it would be but another name for user ; potion and misrule. Gentlemen, I trust that in our deliberations hero we shall confine ourselves to one MBAR . . purpose, that of redressing the wrong to which 1 have referred. There Is much In the &Mein- lett/Won of the GOverrunent which moods amondmoi, 1. Some things need to be done, nod othurn mood to be undone. There Bnanabl commercial which are indlepensable to the .....c ..... but we shall not have the power to carry Out these until we change the political oomplez lon of Congress. fApplanae.)• This should be our drat and our immediate aim. teppiratm) It ta in the Congraudonlal districte that the ••o. r re•ntv.t In to Men place. The control of earl ,•• ru4 . ' olltl ...„ 1r .0'•• • h II str•tr- „,ti, ~,ti LAI I •eve. t. „.. h,rm, and br the government back, In the language of Jet. :arson, to the republican traekorld come later. [Applause.] Harmonious and Judicious action on oar part and the part of to t ;l e t v isa ,, t i miti p od . nrcl op not o. br s long del a iti t c , :d t: it Ls only necessary to present to the people clearly the issues between us and the other party, widen controls the notion of Congress. And, gentlemen, in not the °idea for which we are contending a conLumniation worthy of our highest nut our most devoted efforts lan untuse) to bring back the republic tiled and strengthened by the eery ordeal through General Dix then announced that Use pro ceedings would be opened with prayer, and the Rey. J. N. McDonald uutclo tOo p_rayer, lb which thanks were rendered to Odd' Or the blessings which the nation enjoyed, mote par ticularly in having been pruserved ha the Iste troubles, and also, for the assemblage of this Convention, to consult for the puidie good. lie preyed that the members might take action us brothers and an friends, might lay aside all aelfluli motives and all unworiny per.onal anti sectional considera lons, so that the anion of these States may be fully roarer ad end tendered perpetual. (Amon, Beni • delegate.) Ile prayed that boil WWIt manliest his especial favor on the President of the Uni ted Suttee, and make him a great and laut.nr, blessing to the country. ( Another loud amen.) 11 , prayed for the maintenance of the Union inviolate, under the constitution adopted by our lathers. Un motion of fir. Randall, Postmaster ilea oral, th. following were appointed Secretaries of the Convention( O. E. Purring, of Now York, aid., F. Coyle District of Col:liable, A It. l'ot ta, of Petinsilvazda, and Jewell M. O'Brien, District of C(412.1310111. The call of the tohventoa having been road by Secretary Perrin, Seuator Doolittle, of Wis consin, offered the, following resolutions, which were adopted : Received, That until otherwise ordered the general rules of the flotue of Representatioes of the I' et ted Stott., on far an applicable, gov ern the prousedings Of tittle COLIWOCitiOni until 01.110[Wiii0 ordered, In case any question shall true to be ilOterMilricii by division or try toe yeas and nay., the ttecrelary al all otli the roil of e.I otatos and Territories of the nod meta. anti the District of Culneut.ta. ',wow mate, an called, shell be untitled to cut doable the uumiii, of you. Lo which It is titled In thu Electoral College, an Use deice, ton shell determine, and each Territory sod also the District of Cult...Ma sita:l lot 0111.14:0d to mat two rotes as their auroral delegations shall direct. &seised. That all resolutions nod proposl thou not Mating to the organ) cation or the convention, be referred by Lee Chalt to the LwitiliplttOe ou Reaolutlens, hereafter In he up- goloted, withont dottstot that nll reurolutla.o4, propoottons and qoeslions rotating to tbs igbt or claim of any person to a snot In the Got. :cotton, bus ['clotted by the Char to Me I guncotton on tlet-iontia:s, boreaftor to he r ponutod, without dolluto, and that Until the spirottotneunt uisUcb lointaittet, they do Le nn tbs table ultimo' debate, . . Oa motion of lien. J. 11. litolutan, of Ohm, a Committee of thirtoao t u appotratat by the Chair am a Ottntrutt.t. on Credential.. tto motion of Mr. Montgomery matt, of Mar> Luid, a Oty=tutillotro 0: one from each Slate ut.l Territory a•aa ppotntati by the Chill to rcpor.. othren for the peratammt ortantratont of the Goo•entlon Mr. Fitrrence, td the Llsisict of Columbia, enguated !Urinal:men:l as thou Irma (Top rursupprehenslu u to Liu character of the dole hobo, the Secretary he Insuneted to rud the circa:at issued over the aig.silliNw of Perourastor ticoetal Purdslt, Lewis. D. Camp hen, of (solo, and llionlitornatrr HOW. tit Mary land, inviting La.. co-Operation of the Demo- Crate as Sects In theConseortlan. If there aer •Igniflcanre to reading the origin:o call. tie tnettiritt ti Wins as Important to Order to retiree any thiaapprehenaloo aa to the poettioo which gentlemen oCeOpto-1 to-re that tee •ulr plementary east should also la read- The heoroury in compliance wllh the re quest, proceeded to read. net heal not i rAt through more than It fee resinous, when Mr Florence rilsoorencri that the paper which toe nrwretary was readout wu the call. 111C0e1 by the Denuaralle =ember: of Goo:gruel. /le called attentioo le rite tut, hot reined. that the readlng might be concluded. Mr. FlOrtnace then read too circular to which be had refer:mu, after Witch, on mod= or ktr. Malt. the Coneentlora: at a quarter past nee I.ll)olarrted. I.llosediatety no the miloornment rat eom. MODOOdto mad a porT.LOO of the MANI wing Incomp lete, toe rain came pouring to Ike wlgwasmeempelling Mope testae to con gregate In the centre, where it was water mat. Many remainedher home unable to city.Tur to the different parts of the the accommodatton of street cars being latpentabiy lainalMouset for toe ports:me, an be sidee the delegates there was en andir_eoe of mireral thousand assembled to wltnem the prramestinas. The ccatimittees appointed by the Chair are RI follows thransirsas en Onrdenrial.—Jinnes B. Stead man, Ohio. N. D. Cowman Lostabms; Thomas 16,5n0 toed m. 0." P. Daly, New York David Kt mme, Indiana;J U. Campbell, Seoul Uwe nen; .1. il. Batt Wisoosed.u; tieerge IL ltd, Connects-at, R. IL. Epperson, Texas; William W. New Itunpatilre; Anibal ItiUn s Meily Jet ; James Missouri, and John R Franklin Maryland. tit rirvanisallens—niatitanlel S. Little., Maine; 1.. N. klitabanl, Nor itampsnire: J. J. Dee" it t. Vermont; E. A. Alger, Stassacitnntus; A. Bal ms and It. J. L. P. Traedes, Connocileuti Ludlow, New YorkiJoel Porker, New Jersevl A. W. Truer, Pennsylvartle;J- Hart, Delaware; Montgomery Blair, Maryland, Chairman: T. Y. Flonrror, ',mental John P Thompnte, West Virginia; It. A. Wright, North Corolir.• A. Dawkins, booth Carolina; Peter Inge"- bean, Dasorgiat James R. Dawkins, Florida; 1. e. Harley. Miesilitimpt; J. G. Parham, I,onoti. Ana: J. B. Luce, Arkansas; ii. H. Eppersost Texas; Joseph Ramsey, Tennessee; Aie.tander White, Alabama; E. A. timers, Kentucky; lien Fries, Ohio; 11.1.1. Bone, Indiana; Tone. J. Tot. or, Illinois; A. A. Stevens, Michigan; Rice, Minnesota; L. 11. Vila, Wisconsin; J. IL Morph', Lowe; A_ Smith, Eantios Samuel per. dy, California; W. LI. Farrar reggae; Owen Thorn, District Of Columbia; John W. Turner, thecota; T. W. Belts, Idaho; Edward &vane, Washington Territory. No appointments have yet been made for Illmenirl, Nevada or / • Plutaeetratts, August 1.4.—1 t is positive Mat dr. Vellandighano has sent a letter to the Oble delegation, m which ho expressed _lila lurpose not to attend the Convention ' Met etter will probably be read before the' Con vention. It has been decided that Senator, DoOllttle will he made permanent Prealdent of the Con vention. Midnight.—The Lrdper mate. on high author ity that it hos been suggested to the leidittg men of the Convention that an address to the people would be profmahle to genies of react., lotions. If au address is prepared It will be coneorvative to lane, and calculated to ante the moderate men of tooth sections. it will roeognito the feet that the war has forever settled the question of mansion in the negative, without, however, impairing lu any woy the rights of the Mates. tt will be denied that war can destroy a State or exclude it from the Union. The etuaninpor titm of:slaves will be recognised, but the right of the servile population latel y admitted-to freedom to have the ballot will ho denied. At j the name time the address will assort the duty „ of the people of the South to rate for freed ' men, and Dy every means seek to elevate and ; lit them for the change accomplished by the war. -Tio3 address will also assert the supremacy of the Federal Government in all matters coming properly within lie sphere as donned by the Constitution, but claiming for the States all the rights not expressly delegated to the General Government. The tight of all the !states to be represented in Congress will be claimed, and the people will be called upon to assist the conservative men of the country in the effort to seance for the Southern States their constitutional privileges. The ac-ion of the Pi osolent of the United States In cadnt vet log to prevent unermstitutionill legislation by C.vtgreva will be commended, nod alfEbn servative men will be called upon to organise by Mate and national committees as a grand National Unless Party, to rescue the A U OW °v" ee r' e m k en to t dfriovmertthitefro'neitTtinoretbsurdeoragwhio , nal purpose. The addrene will probably be abort, in order to reach, more surely, the popular mind, and beau serenaded thus secure an attentive bearing. postponed ton l irht, a b i6 u h t am the w Arrpli b ute y n s t. on account of his being ill. It is unuerstood that the New fork delega- tion, selected by the Saratoga .UonVentkm, is to be admitted Into the Convention, to the ex clusion of other claimants. Fenian Generals ihreeney and name. Spear,es, August 14.--generrds Sweeney and of the rtuilan Brotherhood, return ed to this city from Vermont yesterday. They are &Llama on bail, their trial for violate:ea of the neutrality laws being set down for Otto. her. at Rutland. T=ll u eri . ask hopefully of the pros_p_ecte of If • The Irish refu gees of ISSa published aWI this morning on the liberal Minded: Wizens of New York - for employment. Olds; Aaousgrasslimal asalaastosa . ataTzwaithAlljast I.l.—Has. .12. P. Dual/wet was rooming tor -4. l osgresS .to4sy. trir kti• Dapubilessis ibis Slain District. Ppm-. tlons Fars pliststsustazniair,Wactssia, FEEM FROM EUROPE. BY OCEAN TELEGRAPH. PRUSSIA AND FRANCE. Napoleon's Demands Cannot be Complied With. reforms PROBABLE REHM OE TUE II AR BETWEEN THE PRUSSIANS AND BD ARIANS. Money and Cotton Markets. ARRIVAL Or THE STEAMER CUBA. 1110811 We repro- Nun. lions - , August 14.—The following dis- patches were received here at 2:30 e. LONixr, TOXIIDAT, Nowt, August 14.—Toe Prussien Government has Informed the Em peror of Frame that Me dementia for the on tOttOlOn of the frontier of his Empire to the batilos or the rtWerßhtne cannot be complied with, and that , the "Pres:Mtn terntory there situate eIM never be veil to Fran Ce. PAWN August 14.—Noon.—The Moniker of this morning *tea that the course of Napo. Icon in the recent negotiations has been guided entirely in Itis, endeavor to preserve the peace of kill own 'bemire, and of all go rope. Losoos, Atig.l4.—Noon.—Coneols are quoted this noon ettlili for money. American Secu rities—U. 8 .5-^ 'ern quoted of mi. LIPS/J.l'OM, &Orlin 14.—Noou.—Tho Cotten Market rules Arm; the sales id-day are esti mated at 10,000 tidies. LONDON, Atlrldt 14—hominy.—Adviena have wean received from the Continent, hulleatleg the probable renewal of the war between the Prusaialn, and Eavarlana, utrin the territory of the latter power, and great fears are enter• tinned of snob an event. Losuos, August 14—finning.—Thu quota tions at the Stook Exchange were:—Console, Five-Tliontles, <lltt. linnets Central Eeltread whams, 7.. Edo, it. LlyrittrooL, Atbrust 14—Evening.—Tbere wits o change In the Getton market, and prices re bras. The sales to-day wore 10,000 bal.. liati•as, August 14.—The steamship tube. Copt. Stant, (rola Liverpool at 2 o'clock on the afternoon of tbill 4th, Ma Queenstown ou the SO !natant, arils,' hero at ten o'clock tills morning. The Moamar Cyclone, ,d Glasgow, was dr ained in Groat Y 1111:110LLL II 1[0 , 145, on suspicion , f infringing on thu noutrallty proclamation •Ith respect to griam and Chili. She was onodoly bound trom Itautborg to Rio de Ja oar., and is pgirood for ton guns. Olin sr. the request of tloc rntntln ‘. cur itemux—There hes teem se uaten re titta onleure of Yenlan ammuna. tier meta matort►ls. In the Renee of Lyres the Jae:mita atisis had L. , eu •toWted earel the enrol uct of the offleteJt. Setruncul. The Bows bill amending the elate... Meet treaty 'mitts trade.,is p.m./tare to a +crone rending, UT 77 tell. Net Sort atirieem of August Itl, reeni•ed by thtt Attatele Telegraph I able, appear in the English papers of the 4th, the tiny the Cutsa as trom The hector Deem :tea,' city article sat, rtio prove*. of the equallsathet of prices as ',tierce Reiland and Atherte.t, theingh the nteellace of khe Cable, ...Lunn.. to itt °Judie, the lite . ..lloh et hetet teen tie,tr t Shoal,. 'tar/rpt ' report a large tee, neva in t;litighl Athlete Itive.t.entlea. . _ . l'rtime teem( to be ttre.l upon er the Pie./ fuel?* betrettettobr, and It ear expert -4.1.1 Seultt tiltOrtly Cotontettors. A 120..0 better ferta;; prell3llll at Tn.:MC:oat, Ito , WA ,itetsOtt,tl tipun toe inht,Oitant• our..og ae rt.1.0,..1 to lb. barrsak• 4 loyal decree has besot published order tog n toth.l currency in the Venetian prostnens u,-,cupttil the itaJtans The MU 11.41 f restwantlont of the Tuns. atilt the Austrian srnry give* an account of narshai rel. eat, desor(oss the dos 11101,11XSUMI Of his troops, and say• that ter) toesessucer from Vienna was onargett VI nay on ha return, "Make peace, or the Lig any Sal b. in.olllhlLltted... it tf vtartekt MAL the government of the Unllo4 Statott two prefrrred rtatnts against v , rttaln ettisens to Prance mho barn tltattmovt of Imo properrly bolonglng to thy .401.1111,11-1‘ t.ontederacy. The Parte eoreen•anient of the l. Tlate• ...arta that the r•••ult t>T the ear ha. oceastanntl a deep fue1...., art atenuntent In Franc+, Tne Ku:lmm; tiluon•lt WM. Laltlaltlrlit Ul AUst.ii• being the cletoi, and 1.1.1 , 11 y our - ocetleal the ve that he itteattl obtain the 'Chloe prOV LI.. without the low of • Meant FROM WISUIAGION. 31eirro ilidsapplag lafliorS—Appolot meats ay lbw Presidemi—Delsiaaati lu Use Mats-ipseeta Emos.--kbesusit. Postusatter. W /OW I SOTO.. impute nun report. that t o can bear of co piny of negrooe off the Florida coat The Prostdent has uppointod C. 6. ttrater *sr.:mute Justice of the Supreme Court of lAA orado, and LAfayette Carter Surroyor General oft Idaho. he Commissioner of the Freedmen , . sin rou has received an elaborate report from a opeelid inspector, who was charged with the duty of investigating the reports of destitu tion received from Alabama and Georgia. lois "Meer visited in We comae of his inspec tion Northern Ain.l3 tma and Georgia. mei - vie+ 1 Meng, W order the bct,et to traca the tenth amongst all chums. Aft r giving a de tailed revert in reference to eat, county visi ted, it. says that his observations have eon % limed him that there has not been a single case of starvation in either State, teat the amount of destitution has been largely exaggerated, nod so located as to be in many rases unable to visit, that although some destitution exists, and has existed, it is not absolute, but consists mainly In confinement to some or a few artl- Nes of food, of Ishtar.. In nearly all eases, there has beau a sunk tansy, and that It has been as crinod In gennt part to the Idleness of Use pee fir that.tho home of mtirem, he at presuntoun dueted, Is producing great demoralization and Idleness among the people. and that so lung as It Is continued the appal ont necessity for It will uxist; that the croon though small aro amply nalildent,, with economy, to !supply the people with tlib necessaries of life till an other orojp Is harvested. queen SMMO and suite was recolved by the PreildMiLloaday, who extended to her nor. dial WelooMe. She Will vitaa object! of inter est CO-Morn/W. . . IL is stated that Judgo Ed wards, who rommi ly resignect tho position of Commissioner of the General Land °Mee, has been appointed Postmaster of the Senate, Vice Gornism. Retreat of she Imperiallato—horthern Mexico Abandoned—French Iron Mesmer Bunn—Arms and ammuni tion for the Republican.. Nevi damms, August 14.—The Matamoros correspondent of the Times says a brigade of Escobado's army is in occupation of Monterey. The Imperial garrison at &OMR° enticed gone, destroyed ammunition, and wont to ro. Rove Monterey, but retreated to ban Louis Pound. and all Northern Mexico fa stow aban annul by the imperialists and den Louis ro wel Invested by the Republican Governor of that btate. The French garrison of Tampico were driven to the citadel, and the whole place will be captured. The French Iron steamer WWI sunk by the Republicans in the channel below the env. General Law Wallace had arrived at Mata moros on the steamer from New York, with arms and ammunition for Governor I.smaali- BA* Fitsgetsee, Aug. 14.—Tho barques lin golatte and uambrla bring Llunolula dates to July 14th. 'rho former brings Mitchell, cap tain, and band IL Ferguson, paasengeni of the burned ship Point. Min brier. Burlingame and Van Val haulm rgh elation July loth (or China and Japan. Tue ship Voltigour brings Hoag Kong dates to Juno la Although the shiptrumt of - tea to Great Britain has been light tho amount Mill. ped to the Maud States la very large and Mae supplies of the past season are the largest over known. Thu expedition against the pirates woe, boa been very suocesaful. The brig Jam:mole brings Japan hue d Juno Kith. A tariff eouvrivition las held at Jeddo on June ‘Mtli, in which America, Japan, Kng land,Franee and holland partielpated, adopt ed and revised import and exporttarlit', which" emuldered very importauS to commercial Mumma.. The now tariff la to go Into effect at Katamawa on July let, at Nagasaki. and Ilakadodl Augnst Ist- Tea remained firm; one quoted at 032035; online swim medi um new tea WOW; good medium to fine We dd. Arrived the barque Bertha Bang from hamburg. Baaa,te, Aug. H.—The great [totting fair opened to.day. There was a uminittleent at. umlaute of people and flue hones. There were two races this atterneek, the drat mile heats, won by Lehlona, of this city, In three beata. Dutchman, or errennee, was seeead. Tho second twee was two miles, and wason by Antler, In -two straight Imam The Limo . ot , both news were net fast., The traeles were Si Was heavy, eyries' to the recant rains. D3=2 I=l FROM MEXICO. From Clalna and Japim Trollies Fair in Boll:Me FROM NEW YORK. Injunction Against the National Ex pire!aa l'ompany--Cholera lucre/Acing In London—Prates nepolse--Peel glom. from Small German P.o.e.—Pro tection of France Solicited. . . . NEW YORE, August 14.—An injunction has been granted against the National Express and Transportation company by the Supreme Court npon the application of stockholders In :Ws city. who are dissatisfied with the condi lion of its attain, ilvbrn from Europc by wail atato Chat the cholera in on the Increase In London. .1 telegram from Munich, of July 2Sth, says: The Pru.dans bombarded Mursburg yester day, netting firs to the roof of the arsenal. Tim Prm•slatts were repulsed with the loss of cistern Canooll. Little damage wag suffered by the town. A dispatch from Prague of July ',Nth, Say. Today the bridge across the Elbe was blown up by some Austrians I rem Threserenstadt. the soverelitno of Ogden,. Darmstadt and Saxe Wein ing,,n have followed the example of the King of Bavaria, by addressing proposi tions for an armistice directly to the King of Prussia. Petitions from many of the smaller soul been States are being to:et in for teet - pc , ratinn with the 1 ... •• `An ••• ra-,- A ACA.AASA. LA, • . . apparent of Electoral nesse, has ..11ttitett the protec tion of Prance, in order to secure it is Lerrii.o. rial right of fateeollllo, ==! Navy Yong, August IL—Several distilleries on Long Island, in hew York, and in Jet soy City, have been P , ,12 , 1 under the authority of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue on Sue pinion that frauds have been perpetrated on the revenue. Two of the distilleries are In Brooklyn, between Finrlblng and Park aye tines, owned oy Howe & shoupter. Another distillery In Green point, owned by Bohtn, was selsed. Only one ehtablishment Le Now York won taken; It was that known as Dorman's, carried on wider the name of Hayman, at the corner of .7./th street end Tenth avenue. In Jamey City two places were seized, one known as Hoffman & Curtis, and the other as the Wallace Cholera at Savannah SAVANNAH, August I4.—The Board of Health report thirtv-four death% for the week coding to-dae, including twelve, ea and twenty two black.. Thor , were nine camel of cholera among the blanks Trial of Freedmen•* BOMA° Oaleers. Bar -aloft, N. C., Aug. 14.—A court martial has peen ordered to C. nveno on the 18th for the trial of Freer Inlen•A Bureau orderer* and others, of oaleh tioneral Huger, of IV Incourtn, is pro. aiding °Dicer. CITY AND SUBURBAN. AeLdlMoual LeDeal Me n Third Page The Unhappy Termination of n Love =MI Mary Ann Junction yesterday appeared be lore Alderman Lynch and wade oath against E.rnostlatOld for assault and battery. The pet - swami-rte., In her deposition, stsdes that on last Sunday she accompan•-.1 the aecusattl to East Liberty, where they went to enjoy an t Ai , Or two in ;inlet !Oral ensure. Selecting LL hbady retreat, which. Irma its seclusion, In sured theta egnantst intrusion, they seated themselves, and, according In Marys story, enjoyed tbralsrlets haday until when the latter told het gullant that It 'rat Impel Ittrely nvot , s,%, that the :to hack In the ell y heron, der L. E1 . 1.(1, Idled to know the any and tho al/wetter, - µnu, Flotere.l that to, o u pt irate bummer., she re fused Inens w, r what cite deemed an antra - lineal quest loth der rettrence aniee'etl Ire lover. who. ,1 nes spleetteletined her ttf hat tog ttnothvr b. AU ttwailllng het r. tug off.-a.1,.1 Mary Kite...len tak ing net 1.1.,%1 I root 1% %.%1.01 1, a I.nil It Ol elnitge, snr ass ,Itsult to lent, t• htnu her adorer caught her ity the d rena, en deavoring to hold her tine gurtncut was torn mint her waist. Aft, Makin, the runt 1 . 1 einleing Ihn atuntipted topologia, hat it was no use, end, nerd with ind a igna r ntst, ttleh lasted till the following day, Mary Ann took the ears Inc the etti , de Es nest, avow tug he was not in ...teat, walked !Octet? to Ids taste - thug house, uear the village of East Libel ty. "Meer l toasters was furnlalta,l with w a rrant err the arrest of %Venetia, but up to the prosoot time no arrest he, been wade. Usitrtl States District court. In thin C4M7I. ewtordal., indgn Wnlnon 1./31, 1,110, t..e Jury 111 tn., (N 11.1.: Innoin, of I.y t.onu trig eon n ty, indletAn U pawing wont...lett money, found a vet ..1 palltS. The prlatruer wAS then aen lane. 4l to pay" a flue of 111 tY atel Le an clera..... an lutprtaenntent ul live yea= in th (Eeelc. . I allentlere Jacob Longer' hut, inducted for retailing ,inor without licen , e, At. next plauod on !rt.!. TrlFfury found A vet dirt of tiot guilty Lt ninon liar - 2111 ote.a.l guilty to purentng the rots. on of a ph) stelan without Accuse, and Aenteneod to pay a One of one dolls: And the eLoote of proltectlt tin 'notion of the IJl•trtet AttOrney, Judg ment for etght hundred And fitly-two dollar* .L• entered against Ilenr, L. 1.11, 1 ,1,11 And thnvi , l It. IN Low, irupleaded with l/vorge W. J add, the gens Ally on A taond. On motion , /f .1 II held..., , hannuel ILLeAA, Kan., oi two , elty, too. sworn And maltnltted a metia , e, of the l•A; i his court -Lone •IxteAst elrli cubit were on the docket fur trial w ~nattneett by runeent, lu coete,nettee of the ere. ll,nesa of the otruusel for Wual,/wridantit M)==ll tag:Aral Board of Edoeatfoo. The leetcri hoer.) of galucuAlou mot on Tuesday evening, Auguet Ilth Present MOSS,. (jetty, Lure, McAuley, hobba, ,ergeAul., and Brugh, Tee minutes of lite preceding meting wore mad and approrod. The secretary's monthly report eras read cud ordered to he Med. it,. Lowe, from tua t..oormittee on alga School, reported in favor of the election of Miss /temper Wilkins as an assiataot teacher. Un motwat, the report wad sere pied and MI6. Wllklna cieetc4L Miss M. Mans was nominated and cleated an assistant teacher to the Colored School. The following 0111. rate read and warrant. ManthorLsed In paerneot thereof - McFarland & Collins, carpeting, oil cloth and mats for °Mee of Board. ....SIM 50 J. Phalle it eon, wall paper 0 00 J. r. (.Ittley, painting tilacktmards 17 00 In, motion, adjourned. RoarWog noose Rohl: wry On Sunday morning three men, named Zim merman, lltll and bhonsenpaugh, were robbed Charged Wish the Lart.o7 or a W•ioh et their boarding house on the corner of Fed- Mrs. Bosworth was before Mayor McCarthy, sent street and Pennsylvania arcane. Zito- Yeaterday, charged with the larcenY of a oil merman we., awakened by a noise In Ids room, vow watch , the property of Mm. McKnight, of „ an d hn l„ clothes Alleghenp City. A hearing was had In the lie found his pants on the dead, the door open, i ,.:,r u e L,, a ,1' a ,T 5 h g t t ,„1 t t0 w" ..,!1, h r . 17, ° ,,,,.%%,. M p r5. , 8 ,, c 7; and Me poltitnt. hook, containing night dollars, to the charge being made, th at she had found and a silver watch , stole.. lie awakened his the watch and had kept It in her window on 1001 u mates, who discovered that they also inhibition, in the hope that it would be hien- Led beint rohned. Samuel WU had two tided. As there w. no evidence to show that died ...! doll.o , la al. POehet, which was a larceny had been committed, the accused Missing. and seosettuaugh list lost be- I was discharged , croon give 111.1 i sln dollars. Suspicion attach. In justice to Mrs. Bosworth, who is a ver) eti to Oliver clear, a boarder at the same estimable lady, we would state that there wits boost- appulred before Alderman not the shadow of ground for Chu present, lor lit the forenoon and imule information Mon, and all who heard the evidence were charging him with the robbery. The aCCUSOd a ssaile d that her probity had been unjustly was arrested, cad himself and effects searched assa iled. hut none of the missing articles were found upon him. lie was held for a beside?' Vie hippra Ills Urothes-In-lam Patrick M'Garry was before Alderman Lynch, yesterday, charged with assault and battery, on oath of Dennis Murtough. The parties are brother-in-laws, Dennis having Married a sister of the defendant, who, at, cording to the story of the prosecutor, he per sists In abusing In an outrageous manner. Dennis thought to remonstrate with Patrick, with the hope that he would in future treat hie wile bettor, but his remonstrance instead of reforming the accused, only served to es unperate him still further, and In his anger he M.ll.lCk the peactsmaker a severe blow in the race. li the pent Patrick's right to abuse his wife, but had conscientious scru ples WI to the validity of his own chastise ment, and in order to have the matter of right made clear, he instituted suit as stated. Patrick was forced to tied sworn.). in the sum of for a hearing to-day. Terrible Accident A. terrible accident occurred at the Shalt, at Tidionte, on itaturday last. The shaft had reached a depth of nearly nine hundred feet, and the workmen had name up to the surface to exhaust the foul air, and Mr. Mart, the Su porintendent, had descended about three hun dred foot down when en explosion occurred at the bottom resulting. It is supposed, from a lantern which ho held 10 his hand, the fire communicating with the gas. The alliOrLU. maw Mall Was instantly killed, and lab 24.1. mains were afterwards found at the bottom of the eituft in 11 horribly mutilated condltiou. Thu deceased was a resident of Reading, MU.- act:11180,u, where a leaved a wife and several children. Fits remains were taken to charge by the hirisOnic fraternity and forwarded to his friends. The Attempt t• Tztort Roue" as We Late Etre. During the late fire in Pitt township, a mem ber of the Relief Fire Company is reported to have .demanded payment for his elements Which being refused him, he positively de • dined 88313[11m in any way to stay the de" striation. We hate been welted on by by a Committee from the Company DlMlted. 11,60 state that they have made a searching Laves tigaticm of the whole matter, and can trace the libel to no authentioaenree. If limp% lams who made the charge will t uch name of the offending t ory te , theY rneeril Oblige the members of :rlizfeatmn _lay. serious of maintaining _ have aequited by Jong years of vigilance. John.- Two men named Job,. • IVIDNL— n waxed In a t brawl eu i tjic i a t trmilePP e Ll ni -aii,,t ir es, withtw ain frv'r n ""eVAATKerma and On Imlngbrongbe beard, the MA.79. . the two elnit named were__,aleen7oo._ LowrT And 111""11 were 03 and3rienna • PRICE THREE CENTS A Ghost la the Fifth Ware Biddy and Edward Sic %natty hear the in ant and sometimes :tameable relation or Liu,- band and w Ile to each other. In addition to a family Of three ragged nrchins they are the joint pOSSeRSOM of a tiog—ri very small log— oboes cruet and only virtue rest. in a harsh grating hark, the music (1) of which he belch es forth eighteen hours ont of twenty-four, not only to his own gratification hut to the areal annoyance of %certain William Sheehan, ale , occupies a tenement in the Filth want, Lotio,. mg Ghat of 2de...tnally 7 s. lin Monday roam, . . about that iiwitching time 01 night wile. gra, ityards jean," de., Mrs. filoatially Nell-- awakened by a noise in the back yard, till going to the window she pt. reetved 0011.11., tram underneath the shadow of a large shad, true a tall norm robed iu buoe) while, folds at a Zilch hang SO loose(} Loa. she eiLlppOsed the figure at Onto to Ito a apireti•ai Visitant Irvin Linea.r a cant kaaritia turn through the darkness to where her hue. baud lay aleephig, she stood in:walla...Al wan horrOr to the shot while great drops o. rail,. Oozed out On her Sorehead. 'lnc en oec Ofti horor moved stealthily hone... Int • . Ag r o , apprOardird tiog-lii -1.,. ....al. te• the it AnuaLly occupant. lint as she was about t" scream out lu affright the figure made a sod den leap—very unghassilke-,owaril the kaolin/ and drunk the a:aiming inhabitant there . ,, with it stick that had hitherto been tionocalcii beneath the gown .1k hta alioatehip, at them... ilea muttering nil imprecation on the hand e. the On lori.onate ranshe. lu an !natant Un learn of !Ira. :unanimity vanished, tor in tbn v oice of the ....Lorna! wauilernr recognized that of her neighbor h ut. Sheehan. W lien asked what he was doing on the prem. fees of the iticAnallys, he replied that he had Item suffering long enough Irises the Inonasant I noise of that dog and he had come to kill him. The worthy Bridget informed him that, ease lie should istrry out his murderous in tentions, the would have her natural pro tector to r ejoine d a thrashing, To this threat Sheehan eby infOrming her that be would kill boll! her husband and their dog. After Borne further colloouy of an abusive CharaCter, Sheehan withdrew to his own prem ises and Bridget retired once more, not to sleep, however, but to plan dire revenge on the hem! of her neighbor. In the morning idle appeared before A I de rman Taylor and charged Sheehan with threatening to lake her Itfe. The accused was arrested and held to foul for trial. Leadlord woo Ludirer Florence hurley le the prvient proprietor of a rather diminutive boarding house, located on Penn street, to the Fifth ward' Amen °there who have found shelter las !Math the hospitable roof, was one Timothy Galvin, who after sharing Burley's best, and pudding at his board, had the ingratitude to call the host harsh names. As Florence stat co. It was not the words of the ingrate that offense, ea much as his ingratitude, which a of such a provoking character that noren. ‘• a...compelled to resent It, which he did oy knocking Timothy down. The latter t Mere] suit before the Mayor, and the landlord was bent in $.300 for his nb pearanee at Court. This In the estimation of Harley, was heaping coals of fire upon bead, end determined to gain at least e,he point In the legal game, be appeared lictor , Alderman Taylor, and made a charge of lar ceny against hie former boarder, accusing him of parlotulng 1.14 in greenbacks from to drawer In 1-thrifty's own onamber. The larceny is alleged to have bean committedsome tour weeks prior to the melee leAseeen he par ties. As there was no other resource left. TAmoUty gave boil for a hearing to-day. =I Ytitterday taunting henry Wo Miller, genJamtn ktincham, Edward Copley an 1 Jolts llogun e ere hued for being drunk, and paid up. Terrareo Peynoltia, John heart:Le. James Mitten, Frelorlck der, Dennis Davis and Thomas Deime, charg ed with this offence, were committed lu de fault Of tie payment of the usual flue for such WI offence. Of dieordorlles arraign• d the Meet NT fl 9 Patrick Carr. Patrick nas charged with knocking a man !hwn twice. At tac hearfre.; it was revealed that a general row had taken place between a ctowd of young_ men on Fitt street, In which Carr, James lPhenna and Loarrywerc engaged. Carr, it ap pears,k noe toe one of the party down twice, and it was that pistols and nlungehots were used. lon none could be found. They were all arrested and placed In the watch-house. This more , ng Carr was fined ten dollars and costa, which he paid. .I.Plittnntiivu committed flee dais doMn it of a flue lit live dollnrs, Lowry, wi f e. tt seems, was the Insttgator of the affair war committed twenty s, In default of a due of twenty dollar.. Jolin carrylte lined fire dollars for disorderly conduct_ lie paid the flue. Am Attempt to Capture • Thiel-14tolen osoll•aa Goods! Bee About to Hight yesterday evening. Sir. nom. - ton, of the firm of Houston ..t Son, No. Fourth street, lhicovered A man leaving hi store with anew ow_ which he recognized .L• one belonging to the firm, upon his term. suspicion being aroused from the fact, tn. , the article bad not been properly strapped up, he made Immediate inquiry of his son. Mt. William Houston, if he had sold the garment . seen mg a negative answer, he futon:no.: the n iter Mr. Houston. of what he had sere The latter started Immedialelv lit bursud. and after a little seacili he found a Mall mg on the Monongahela bridge that answer mi the description of the thief, while in his firm hung the missing coat. lining coolly up to toe robber, Mr. 11 accused him of the theft and endeavored to arrest ban, but after pro tracted tsinflict Oa the bridge the thief suc ceeded in making good ids escape by titiellig to the opposite side of the tart, in his flight he dropped anew pair ideal( skin boots, which no doubt were Also stolen, and the coot- The boots call be seen at Sir 11013 FLOWS StOre, where the owner can recover them by calling. A Npito Action t.reen was arrested and taken before Alderman Morrow, charged with attempting to commit rape on the daughter of S. Ilillson. The parties were at a gathering at a friend', ht.., on Wylie street, on the night of the Ilth of March last, and It appears that when playing a kissing game It bramme the defend ant's duty to kiss the daughter of the prose cutor. Sne was rather backward about It, and atniggle occurred for the coveted prise, dur ing which Green threw Miss Hillson upon the lied in the room and took a kiss by force. A quarrel bari sprung np lately between Hill eon and Gree ng n, the former made the charge above stated. It could not bo sustained. being antialled with the decision or Esquire Mot row, Munson made the mime charge le fore Alderman Lynch, with alike emetic. He was compelled le pay the coats In both cases. lalsiona.—Two brothers named Peter and Joseph Berger, who own and occupy a smart grocery on tientre avenue, grow bolster.. awl violent ander the influence of bud whis ky last night, anti proceeded to a drma lug sa loon on Sixth street, near Liberty, where they partook of further potations. Taking um brage at some remark of the landlord, they attacked him and tried to pill Ulm over the counter. Be, of course defended ulmself and in the fracas Peter Berger was at reek In the aide of the head with a bearrung, inflicting an ugly wound from which the blood flowed free ly. The Burgers' were finally arrested and lodged in the tombs. Newopoper Sued for Libel.—the editor of the Daily Republic, Nathaniel P. Sawyer, was arcuated and brought. before Mayor, Mc- Carthy, yesterday, chat g.. 11 with libel on oath of Samuel Middle and Solomon Schoyer—each making separate charges. The alleged libel consisted in an article thatappeared in hater- Um s issue of the idepublts, reflecting on the probity of the partied mentioned 5000 u. Al ter a hearing, Mr. Sawyer gave ball in the sum of $l,OOO on each charge to answer at Court and was released. Two Obarges.—Hoary Moyers charges/ Wil liam Calvin with assault and battery, before Alderman Donaldson, y e sterday . The ottetice consisted in Calvin brutally beating a little son or the prosecutor, in a back yard, otr Grant /Street. nu r~r Mary Myers also preferred a charge of ty of the pease against the name defendant. e gave ball In each case roe his spreartirtee at Court. Thaukis.—One of our clerks desires to re turn thank. to Miss E. C. H. for err kind do nation. Will the roam, lady pitman inlortu him what those cabalistic dances are Oil the inside. All that he can maks out of them IS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, ILL DALE CIEBIETERV.—The place d tetwar b AVIS 0 1: 1 0 tt rrt N... ' INT Y e : Ad ' a it -- FAIRMAN & SAMSON. UNDERTAKERS No. 198 Smithfield Bt., cor. 7th, =1 38 - CTIILCELIIBE. PAL.. ANG 133 IANDUBKY 13TUBJSY. ALLEGHENY. PA. R. T. WHITE .& CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, Kathester, Wood's Mut alul A Alumna INOMS —ERY. STABLE Vageblial4 Siam sad Muller* OW -,,..`zionsuast Colgimihralo l 4. * THE WEEKLY GAZETTE 'TWO EurnoNs ISSUED. 03 WED:\ ESDA TS AND riszimr..ars. The edilleun U tor.s.rdroal re.Cn bS sub scribers ...est, as the Mall ran. 1•1•1? LLbU, tlr r .. ~v NEW ADVERTI6EIIIENTS. DUNSILA CO'S Hatch ls- •ra triug k:sta.blibknient, 1543 03ti-v.ot, =r11!11=1111! LADIES' AND 4 •EN Es W.461270,C3L:13 =ENO AT GREATLY REDELED YRATER, "OP I-ILn 1—• 60.1111;Til eV 'l'inlc Regimlrring 13111 tUAI z:'• 1./baler% tti Optlca! twodm, MIME li 14 Si r .‘ n u„ a, 1 LEI i ARCLIANIS' HOTEL, 'finer Smithfield and Third streets, IGIMB=II OLD l'A V 01/ITE HOTEL Ikarlng ...,. £.l. opait,.l S SUIT ONS lu} IVI6 1;t0,111,1\ I= iptmtn irum ItA eu treyhle es penenp,, etenularalon L.k 111..fac. .ko.I by Ni. , ,1,C.U•1 !twill/ES, t., ole,crye en , , reyrise n litx , ral pat- S. 11. SI L, Proprietor. k DDITIONAL BOLNTIES TO Soldiers of !Mil and 1862. 11.• ,rv”d it fur 1,1, a are ,tit.thd to 8100 r.) in, to 3 ,, r , 4 ,3 0 or who 1,4r,••1 0( M •.r their heir... %hrre Month, Extra Pay V,•11‘..‘ I r• 1 ••• r• i• e Marrt, au, .11,•1iar,,41. 71141. r tv•:g•..l • .11•.‘1, ed are tritl:l,ll I. 20 or 44, o.•gr. ••t , ILoa. II- =1 111, 7 1 t.,711,1,.!. 1 . 111-11111,11 JUST ARRIVr,D FROM HIE EAST 13=111 .T TIT M. sJ ROBE. "co. P ., lrk encet ei t. ttaariargh. III: • 1 Li , d rt r ~ , r t az4Suur . a ~.4,41 nut to • . un•ter--i•I r../ . 1 tit tle t. 4e. tv.srth 11.• ol rttritt 1 , 1/1 NV, feel that y su percl,:ut wriotr. ....pa want In . ESE 4r plug, +U]l 4rkizt , at «t. 1 / 10.1ZUMENTs, TOMB STONES, LI CSTs, Afi.HIILL [UNA!. DtCOriA 1 4:No, AID MODELS OF EVERY OESORtPTION, I= a. 317..00T1A--", lino +cre. t. t•ittaburgh SOLDIERS , CLAIMS FOR BOUNTI, ••3“ it 2A, au AC bawl . 'Ol, u aIL• Afe rri,11...4 ant) of from 1100 to $4OO. .ItPft I I. ASSIIIE, A. 11. It lcu W wtt..rur? et Lew. Ofiler. No. 11. kifto etreet, • AI-est:AA w l'lrl'NEtu ISOM. ,TEPHEN M. OTT, Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engraver, sTENCIL, RIND AID m, n, LETTER CUTTER, SUPRRTOR SEAL PRESSES, Stitinits anti Visiting Cards, Also. I'l.ATit kUK MARKINu 1.•. I 93 Wood bi., Cor. Diamond Alley, =Ol BANK EXCILAN REST A_ URA_NT, 11. SC:HMI:I, Proprietor. .ro. 90 Third M., Piiiihisrgh =I Aii Orr luxUrie!of tbe t.e2,011. Llquors, I . rlrx.te Inulag ram.m•uli ~taire. PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. IdANUTACTL AMR: , Ur Iron Bucket, Tub and Truuk HOOPS AND SHEETS, PITTSBURGH. PA. I. c. DUFFY, =I Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Add dealer In ST..VF.S, HIIUnE. KUILNIBI - 11.NO , JUUD6, ATKIt couLEltz AND TvILET wILTICL ES, • NU. 143.6 Grrisiaxit Street, rTSBURUH, I•A. Tn.s nom, la the Che.apeat place In the ell.) tons Pto, • n .nti Tin Ware. Job Pe ork DIRER, CLOSE CO., Practical Furniture Manufacturers, COR. PENN AND WAYNE STREETS, La, It .1).1. of Fli RN ITU RE constautly on tulat: F. MIISSUA.Nii, Filth Mreet, bet weer: Tu fine! and t".aiham streets, DUNSMII H AND DEALER IN HARDWARE Flrt.t r•ri Food , of al! dc,. Iptlaat always on 1.11, •ovrent ..patraks done GLNEILIL HP. GENGEMBILE, Cis - i/ En t+lNl.Yit, CIIENISr ANL , oW.1:11T013 l'Al 1,1 Or. CLA. , • A.} T Foot odo , Hos WO, licoldenco, 14 Hay otrol. lOA.. 1o14:4111 jr. ..110.36 Federal Slreel,allegheny, CARPENTER AND JOBBING, Alt work ...Woofed t•• Idstare will tweet with prompt attentwr. ti. , or jyI2:RI2 • licoLmEs, BELL & CO., Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, Mayo Iseto rert of t ItOlt IA) bIIEETINoh, ANCHt:tt (S) RtlEICTINliti, AIiUHuR(C) mk/IL - 11NRS, &tot RAT I (NO. tor lhor'o JOEY LOA\ OFFICF , lu. U,l I tubourgh. aloo-y boomed on Silver elates, Guns, Pistols, I , lanotods, Jewelry, Gold and :Inver Wate.hea ..thltn(, and alua.ll. artleles or eve - y def. - LW:IOn. he . cannot b. del ivere.3 without a ticket. ut asernintathe a ease of bre or robbery, tiootts of verr tleacrlptlon for wale lowest, tychltdM) EMANUEL. Is RA.)l'. • ALEX. II AIDEILVIMAILMiairiEu No. ide Yourth street, L'lttaporiA. Ps. C' nth Of ad CRA/1021, amp of LI Oil FUrlll•lgng lioons in y ;-,nanychor„ ilfcarsetad tillral eq. lisrcas.cas—/Lcv. DaTiO lien; , La, J ;woo D.D„ Thomas Ewtni, „ nem tt,,,0. $9.00. WHO CAM BEAT THlStts , oll . For Two WimiksOnir.:- ..__._ / VII SeUillj • good TRENOWO.I.I.I mai( ZAMA* Army own lazke, tar Me null .13111. 4risiunt was, ataw. 36 Illatket - Mett: - prima - ".^ , Dium, a s i • ;.- J-2 ESE -i`f;+foci"=.ti: L ~-"~ .- '~: lEI 61 •o ..- lt• ... i/11 le.,'mr: • 2.• sod 111=1 I.'o 1 . .1'T,, 1..,r8, ult the• Itila lII=I3 ~:: ~~ 4. ~y~
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