D ' ES DRY GOO i):sailiqUisi.lN OSA) MACRUNI & CAIILMILE, 18 14-'iA:Strii**. DAVE JUT IiECEIVED E. SPLENDID LOT OP Cluny and Maltese Collars, Hamburg Flouncing, . Ed Puffed and boating, ed Moths% Marseilles, Linen Tucked Setts, Morocco TraseUag Bags, Fine Fans, Necklaces, Elegant Styles Fancy Jewelry, Just received • fall line of A IsausadritN, Courwoastees asta Joor/o•s silo carmacovrailpA. GAUZE MERINO SHIRTS & DEAWERS, Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Skirts, AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. PIAUI:mi . & Agent. for the Ule of LOOK WOOD'S CiLOT H LINED •tiD A'.LL. PAPER COLLARS MA.CRUX & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, ISIACHURI, CLYDE & CO., Nog. 78 and 8P Market 'Street, Whola.►le and IL all lle►lern In Trimmings, Notions, AND FANCY GOODSI - received the LA dinST and ILLNI3- 80HiST stck of YAR SS ever brought to this i to which the o y Call the attention oiSiorekeePersc atoll Knitters. The stock consists in psi: of . • Boston, Germantown ad country - Srd!i-Tf3, In WHITK. BLACK. tiCAKLKT. BOLFERINO, BROWN; I'UICCLE, CLOUDED, DEANS. /LAME -TA. CHINCHILLA, BLUE DX. lircM, MEXICAN AND AZULINE Eri:ArP5A" BUYERS SUBBLIED Ric Es. 1)-S! i.lii AT JO S. HORNE & CO's. • 3 jh .SU rt - ,, ,WAY, hUti REA SI AND DEV.BY * RATS, 1 baolyiervt.:N.lFL- .4itiATAIIIT,- , . .—", ; .„Le, limit., STUAW BON * NETT In new shapes, 1/1 atom In all the fashlonahle styles. i z . l i tl i ttly tin, plate, dement' and checked, all tI O IA E1t.,3, WILEATIN, BUDS and ItIYnES. 13 f RAW ti 001 th. Titlllfdlli ttn and ORN ABIEN Tn. 'rl iidrl 771'p OT - Tr C3"t=604:11111. 1 ; SWISS. OFIECKty TfRILLIANT, NAINSOOKS„ TAKLATANs, sit ltltED lIINLINS, LINIEN , N 1 ' and a tall wort's:mat of i . WHITE GOODS. gBEAL AND 111. % L CE BEAL AND IM. CHUN VAL. LACE COLLAR", REAL .4 POINT LACK COLLARS, sETTSCOLLARS. Inad RE BC E (Ern, HAMBURG TRIMMING AND FLOUNCIND, SWISS AND CAMBRIC EDGE AND INSKETINGS, LINEN. COLLARS, CUFFS AND SKIM, various !REBA. Puff illusion, SWISS Wig Wench Cambile Waists. • 1 V r Aiw, „RUFFLING'S AND SILIRTINIL COI, 1 VI htiNAUKT,NI2-417.1111VMASotiqUi , AN] , CHULADE, IIALLOONS, I , A.NCY 4.. r .A,.. Buvro., BALL AND DROP TlllBl - MINI, . . Bead Streamers. Ornaments and Sett.. 4 XVICI" . I , 4001 4 .761. -- I-. i. the cholveat tiles to SEA_ _,D RILE, FANCY ri l e_ No I'CII E L. SLACK kND WHITE PLAID., IM .T . • PER lELL V., JET, isel.t.j.tbAss .AND CAMEO A pi aux awl . 13.aLov•-/. . 001 Ii IC Fs, • EFS. COILS , HAIR PUFFS AN 0 . i g 4 ROLLS; DL FLEX' ELLIpTIc awl BON TON 'HOOP •Oi 7731rae1..!.T.1. nEL rIN lIS. CLASPS. AND 1 ' " 1 g... to Ivory • s all CiIautaiVETAWAR.,T f'4llPll.l'aA'''.lla ~ .L.„ • Pg• uts: SHIRT FRONTS. •.S.TA.P. , _ . SWIMS; TIER. i. j. BUT I'EEFLIP • .SPANIsiI LINEN sitncvei .:NTRAVEI...INt; .1:16.1ib sad SATCHELS; RAIN. I BRUSH F-•• 3 ; COMIts; mud a 1 IP. FITLL 1.1.F.E OF JrOTlO.ll'S. 1 4 , ..j ALL AT POPUL A R PRICES. *!•' i....Vbs. 77 and 79 Markt i Street. ~, J0u.d . 24 _ . I 1 ARK IicCASDLESS & GO". (LAT. WILSON. CANA tik C 0..) %V 1110LESALE Dr.ALEILS IH O , FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, . 94 woos *lt"' (TIAN bousekbove D orol Alley. Ll ) „.f4 PITTSU 1.1. PA. 1,, , ,: -- ------- PIANOS, ORGANS, &c. V TELE liRkIDBILIII4,I4 I i YORK, AND ri Schomacker di Co. Philadelphia r. 4 12 7 F. The Estey & Co. Cottage Organ, 0.1 Asp -4 ai 0 AMERICAN ORGAN, ii -7. 4 1 Ackoovrtedircil by the bt.4l, tuneful talent to the ..,.. 4 . 1 United titates to be superior to all °therein power, 45i.. , , purity and quality ot tone, and thorough workman • 1 s u r d Arumlf:Ver2co"mt'evt'itefroar yaffhsettterl'ottarlitaT '- .. :31 . other,. Y Y AW . . warranted n iCrlcfr t h e y years. I " """ • -, t I t, 07.4 _ No. 14 Pt.. Clair !treat, 7Jtt.shurgit.A . , ilti N E E"' Erin SONGS—Come Back to '2.3 cents. IP Nellie is Gone Forever 9J do .Z The Light In the Window 35 do t Cannot tHeg the Old bungs ......... ..... 30 dr thee. Pei, W.ll 3101,1111 i. & DARR, bly . - ri drOtol ..... ....... . .. S tome Assio ......... ........ IC • Tim 11 turning Though .. • ...... 40 th. =di" "" °L=lslP74n.lit4ll9. at. sole COAL, COKE, Ac. COALS COAL!! COAILIII DICKSON, STRBT&CO... Caving reesorad their 0 - fitee No. 11567 Xacklamarty Efireopt. tLAtely City 'Floor MCI) BECCIND YhtlOn, Aft now prepared to thrash good TonghlogbeoT tj, LIMP, NUT COAL OR SUCK, •••.- At the lowest Market poke. onlers telt at their ranee, or addressed to ky.thaw throwiil Wools wlllbe attended to protoptt y. toyM;tas CHIA IMES 11. AIIIISTIRONG, . ?if 1 - 1 DII-11.2. Youghiogheny and Connelleyille Coal AEA Yozolfseturofo of Sek, and Deattiplonized Coke. Coal sick, and lela upb oIiTICE AND YARD, Corner of Butler and Morton; trot yard on Übe, ty and 1:woof Manta, Ninth ward, and on Meeond IWant, near Vona So. fittebitratt, 4 , Farah re Rod hisanfieturere sopplied with the beat article of Coal or Coke at the loweat each rates. 7 left at any or the yards 0111 receive n_rompl attantion. • MERCHANT TAILORS. REDUCTI V. 'NE ARC NOW d Offering Our Entire Stock of BUMMER BOW CLOTHING wt DULATt.v ICEDUCED PRICES. for b•rg•t•• p c.tl •n 4 •ra artar LOGALr, INS i EtNity W. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Tiorthwed Corner of Penn & St. Clair Ine • • oat• to return thanks to Ida Mends and the pub • • a rani for their Vihanti patronage, reapeafn and would Inform them that he Du just rettuntA trete the Saturn, ]Musts with e and lntl S. lea" "0 143111, Nrootkit imoims; • regullarty.Aujappl.Loa. Igiglaglgralen BPltlg A. 14 D aa l ItiliCliyr.4:l:ll - i JOI-EN T. is-RAY, 110iSSE.A.ND SIOK • f. PAINTER, GOMNEII Mil) GIAZIBEL, v ... Noi 64 Hand St., Pittabnigh; Plan and Orcuonestalleloute Of every dame/01181i P dose to Order. All wort doss promptly at mama _ ... , - _ .. WILLIAM it, BSOpN cut. cd %h. sturint *Ualt;tig. muss Jink, ' , t'i5ca14'077.44;11141k4M14%..• tiara to sotto* • regfr ul loutii, Dicrs."l: 9s4 .." tikt fibberlit Onettc, 1 TIIZEIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1866. CITY AND SUBURBAN. Additional Local Matter. on First Page. The glasetts.—Persons leaving the elty tiering the rummer, can have the Gaztrrra mailed to thorn by leaving their address at, our counting room. COHBESPONDFSCL The County EXeeistive Committee and Federal °Mee liolderiottere from Postmaster* Ton Mental Omit and Rid dle. collector of the Post Batchelor and 23. d Distriet Integral Revenue Col- lector White. The publication of the following letters has been delayed, owing le the absence of J. W. Riddell, Elk, Chairman t the Count, Com mittee. They were written, as the dates lull rate, in response to a Circular letter of tho Comity Executive Committee, addressed par ticularly to the candidates for the emigres :Omni nomination: ' L. S. Cirgron Roues, Your or Pert-env anti, i Soaves - OWe Orrice, August 3d, i d es . i John W. Riddell, Chairman Unioolßepubli cem Executive Committ,... Dane Stai—Your coMiutinicationof date the lit Met., making inquiry of me, sate whether 1 am willing to co-operate with your Commit tee fu promoting the election of Major Gener al John W. Geary, nano . ..e bend yesterday. in reply, permit mo to say, that 1 inn not only willing, but anxious to dealt aud everything in my power, for tin Mimosa of that candi date, and all °thereon the ticket, and the fi ned sumo-is of the great Union Republican par ty of the United States. With greet respect, I am, most truly, Your obedient servant, Casa. W. Raren stow. Plrfeeo Roe, August 4,1866. Th John W. litddeli, Esq, Chairman Union Republican County Comoliters: sin—Taking it for &rental that your cir cular is general, and that the one addressed to me Is merely intended to ellord me the op portunity of avowing, or rather re avowing, my well known pollitealSentlments and`opin. lona. 1 beg leave to say that 1 was one of the Brat Republicans In Allegheny comity, that 1 espoused, from convictions, the principles of the great Union Republican party, which stoat 'as a pillar of tiro and of light., when gloom pervaded our whole land, mit that I shall con tinuo In the feature as in the past, to support the party and its nominees with all the abili ty and energy that I possess. . With high regard, 1 am very respectfully, Your obedient servant, SID3IIII' Vox 130e1411ORST. 0/VICZ OP INTERNAL REY MN C E, TWE.NTIC.THIRD COLLECTION DINTRICT, ALLsouracr Ps., August.4.lso3. John W. Riddell, Esq., Chairmen - 72cpubficon Gaut y Juculier tbniniftter.: Sini-1 am In receipt of a circular letter, dated Augustl, lay,, dtrectin_if my attention to IL resolution passed - by the Union Republican County Executive Committee of Allegheny county, Pa., inqtdring. Whether lodine' office holders of the tiki and Md. districts are willing to co-operate with the . Committee In promot ing, by their Influence and votes, the election of Major General John W. Geary, anti the Inc. coss of the Union Republican Congressional and County tickets. It accrue hardly necessary, in this Communi ty, whore 1 have spent more than thirty years of political life, of more or lesspromlnence, to declare my political views, but if it is thought that the possession of a federal office has ibrowo any doubts over the subject...l will say, that, - having been a Republican from thee origin of the party, and throughout l .Gorioni, career having been dnvotally ..ached to its principles, end having never seen any reason to waver In my fidelity, it .rill giro me pleasure to co-operate, In any way I can, In promoting the cameos of Its , . ..Aphis: Its triessurus, uud its tickets. An association with the Republican party throughout its eventful existence, la some thing to be proud of, and to to Cherished by any loyal American CACI2OII as among hie most precious memories. No party in this country that has ever existed or that now ex ists, can point to so grand a history, to such sublime remembrances, and surely none has ever been sustaineg, and defended, and honor ed by better men. lum with It as long as It maintains its Integrity by striving to snatald the equal civil and political rights of men, wilhOnt distinction t moo or color. Very respectfully, -__ D. N. WHITI. POST 0710 z, &Linos Ya t. Ys., i Angnst 51, 18i.Z. I John W. Riddeti, Esq., Chasrman, tte: iron Your circular, dated let Instant, is received, covering resolutions adopted by your (Anumiti ee regarding the political status of Pcilmal office holders in this county. • Please mark the subscriber as an endorser of the Union radical Majority of the late Con gress, nud anxious for the success of all candi dates representing these principles- 1 will gi re voice and vote for General Geary and the Penal Republican ticket. Permit me to express my surprise that you should deem it necessary to malice such an M- I quiry. Yo urs restfully, SAYITG R cnol.z, POStlllatter. The "What Is It.•• The in epressible conflict between the oppo sing (trees of the new “confederate" organi zation rages with unexampled fury In Alle gheny county. Willie= LIDO, Esq., ax Chair, ma , , of the DemciCratle County Committee recently issued a call fora County (Convert: Con, In which, strange to relate, the word "democrat!! no where appears, and the party shibboleth is wholly ignored. The sagacious, acute and reflecting Linn has, doubtless, been moved to a resort to this artful dodge by the delusive idea that the people hereabouts do net. know the habits of the copperhead, and that he at proper seasons sheds his old skin and appears in a new tube, Ent Lids skin ning process don't seem to be relished by the skinners, the old-line Democrats, who raised a bubbeh about the matter on Wednesday last, at the Meeting of the committee at the Si. Charles notel. There was much loud talk and angry discasaton, which was only terminated by an adjournment. That veteran Democrat, John N. McCleary, Esq., one of the few res pectable men here who still cling fondly to the fortunes of his party, took hold and de cided ground against the mill, denouncing It us s mongrel affair and a betrayal of the great Democratic party to a handful of renegade Itepnbllcans. Ile bitterly denounced the barman, Mr. Linn, as anovice in the art of politics, fresh from the Scheel houses and pas ture fields of Washington county, who sought to take control of affairs here. Mr. MoClosrry, therefore, moved that the Chairman be In structed to head the call, as was uniformly done, for P " Democratic Contrentlon." This motion was seconded by Jobs IL. Large, Esq. Mr. Linn peremptorally refused to entertain or put the motion, whereupon a scene of rare discord and uproar arose. Charges were free ly made that the Chair had private reasona— substantial ones, too—for eellhtg out the par ty to promote the interests of certain parties or secret associations, who were anxious to get soma legislation at liarrishurg next winter. The excitement only subsided by adjournment being c d arried, the Committee being about vided on the question of whether the Convention should be styled a Democratic Convention or gthing Mae. gluetail& of the row we ive, es we have them from the par ties who make no concealment of the affair. ,it Is to be hoped, however, that some definite result may soon be reached, or the Conven tion will take rank as the fellow of one of Barnum's curiosities—that qtwer customer— " The What Is [Communicated.] ficieutille Blerdlelne, Among the scientific improvements of the present day, nut few subjects have a higher claim upon the attention of the pnialle at largo than the art and science of medicine, for Med icine In its largest 901180 Ls both an art and a emetic°. As a science It teaches the character of the structures of the human body, the na ture and relations of the various organs, the changes Produced by diseas the laws widen govern remedial agents ,and bene ficial effects. As an art, it derrelopos a swat.= of rules for their practical application. These roles should be founded in the science, and the correct proceedings on the part of any physi cian depends much upon his knowledge of the principles which give rise to these rules. it is by virtue of this thorough medical knowl edge and life-long practical application that Dr. liciemr has been enabled to compouud medicines that are so far superior to others hearitig the same name. Deems a good share of common sense, a I large share of acientific medical knowledge, and a larger share of ..common honesty" than belongs to many others in the same bushuisa,• his medicines aro pre • pared not only according to the highest rules Of toe art, and upon the most scientilic principles, but with the purest of motives, as wall as the richest ingredients, and therefore meet prove highly benefLotal in all those dis eases for which they aro so speeidcally pre. pared. Let any one at allacquainted with medi cines, converse with Dr. Keyser himself at his resident office fora few momeota then visit his msdlcal laboratory, at No. its Wood street, and see the cars with which toe ingredients tor Dr. Kepler's Blood hearcher has been se looted, the scrupulous oxactne-5 with which this and his Pectoral Byron are compounded, the extent and neatness of the whole process, „atm, general good order of the whole es tablishment, when the high charneter of the men mire MedicinessrUl be sposze.„,,, will no further commendate., sad N e wsey his precess or his medicines are pt secret from the profession, but their stru ke ms qu m i me nedc tohmem etnod a himself. he Baer', good "rILIMMACIUMIT.,. 47 tit. CWT Street• 0,-AIIIIIIIXI Marshall c harged b p s( Ald oll erman Lynch, yesterday, with with feeding at the hospitable board or a cer tain Jane Wright, has propnoLtessof a board ing house in Pitt township, for the period of four nalika, and afterwards attempting, by WS° representatlons to;s defraud het out tlis board WI, which ausdronted toelloo. • The de. Unguent twarderwassarested busing* (Mew -1 011 on erne the requisitivareurits Sty his sp. pearanoo at the nest term' of the Quarter Ses sions. . • • Adjretell.—Sirdlior wag Wore Jut. tiro Liman. . for wantonl u kaaaasd lag an - old Man ea r=oMbtlati 8 • After considarablo talk the matter was aided 1 , 7 smith withdrawing - thy ; ottargia -an the :ap. nosed ImVng Ltle °data. • , , . iootbp lag ayrap has beattabso 'popular Qat 'MMus vflair=el==l;4=hlc Winslow a the 1109VANg I . lmpAmatoonsulat. 414.WW1111 0 0 1 gnel %WNW Maatrall lirOomWe Snot Wes* , alO is se UM ocollootiOn ot taw bounty - abd• tocrises atpesOqu . l . ufather.9*lfterrt seta 95,14141":', r "~ l _-...ms's_:. s. ~.` <~~ ~•~,-7.::+.5~ EARLY TELEGRAMS. :V44 -r•f4A 2-# SPEECH OF QUEEN 'VICTORIA. Napoleon Asks an Extension of Frontier RECEPTION OF THE I'. S. SQUADRON IN RUSSIA Nsw Yams, Aug. 13.--By the Atlantic cable, last night, dates were received front London, Liverpool, Paris, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Cronstadt and Ituchnrest down to the Ilth trust. The British Parliament was prorogued on the lOth inst. Lin the speech from the the one, I Queen Victoria recommends pence In Europe and a continued observance of British neu trality, She thanks the United States Gov ersrment for Its action during the Fenian raids In Canada, and expresses her J ty at tho com pletion of the Atlantic telegraph. Napoleon has demanded from Prussia the rectification the the l it was by its ex tension to the Rhine, no it was marked prior to its disturbance in 1511. The military and naval preparatiotm which are being carried on in France inductal the belief that the Em peror will make sae If the demand Is not peacefully complied with. A semi-ofliolal Journal in Kerlin rip's •• , • Pruz.nw tn 1111 't • .1, , the on the basis of the prime, and constituuortal rights of the blabes which are to tot annexed to her. Beml era Of the deposed royal families of Germany were moving towards Berlin. The Crown Prince of Prussia recommends the founding of a National institution for the relief of invalid soldiers. . . . The Italian troops had marched from the Tyrol, taking a position on the Honor the Ty rolean to the river. General Club: MI says the is a hotter defen sive position, but others assert that it is mere ly the line of demarcation insisted on by Aus tria before she would accept the armistice The torn of the suspension of hostilities leo twcen Anatrlu and Italy - , would olose at four o'clock ou the 11th Instant. Napoleon and Victor Emanuel are In accord as to the future of Venetia. An armistice has been concluded between Italy and Austria on the basis of the cession of N nnetla to Italy. Turkey has reduced her army of observation in the Danube, and It is thought that the Sul tan approves of the rule of Prince Charles, of Robeozollerti, as Hupsodar In Roumania. The United States squadron had a grand popular reception In !tussle. The Czar visited ' the vessels at Cromnaut„ and took the chief °Ulcers to dinner with him. After dbmor the Emperor Wasted the prosperity of the United States and ass uninterrupted friendship with Russia. The Empress of Mexico has reached Paris. Consols closed ett, London, August Ilth, at. RI% for money; 5-20 s, 68%. The Liverpool cotton market tras steady on August lith. Middling uplands, 13%. • Governor Threekroorton inaugurated— nester*Mon of 'lnnen. Coevae to the etontb—Tbe hew Department of den. Terry• New Torte, Aug. l3.—The morning papers have Eh/L(oll°lring Washington specials The President being officially informed of the hals angnration of Governor Throckmorton In Texas, to accordance with the established pre cedents and his previously announced per. pose, ho will order the withdrawal of the Pro visional Government, and announce the com plete restoration of the State to the cousin.. Lionel civil authorities. It Is aiseanticipeted, In View of this being the last State In which a provisional govern tuent Is maintained, that tee I'Maident will proclaim In the game connection the complete reetoration of the writ of habeas corpus in all parts of the South and throughout all the CM ted States. The new department of for General Al fred fl. Terry, lately commenuing In re Virginiaral , will embrace Salt Lake City, whe Gene Terry will establish his headquarters. Cholera In Tinelnnail—l= Denins In Two Daya—Cnoiere Prevailing no •n Epidemic. CINCIa ATI, Aug. Lt —There were filly-tour deaths by cholera on Saturday and sixty-olght yesterday. There have been six bundled and ten deaths since the tirst of August. Ate meeting of the Hoard of Health, ?miter day, ft was decided th at cholera was prevail ing here as an epidemic. The number of san itary pollee and district phyaiclans were large ly increased, and measures adopted for clean ing all tenement houses, streets, alleys, and courts. It was also directed that suitable med. lumen be prepared and furnished the poor gratuitously. Ger. Itasassus a Candidate for ihr•Elor lion—Arrest of a Counterleiter. Lotus - vim., August ht.—A private dispatch from General Hosseau, at Washington, to TV !Trine+, to an inquiry es to bin Wieheel in regard to the Congressional election, states that if he can be re-eleeted without a imremble, he would be gratified. The Louisville Charier strongly urgtu the propriety of lite re-election. A man named Pattern, from Ohio, was sr routed here yesterday, and SIAM In counter feit fractional currelicy ws found where he had just secreted IL Cholera lo New York NIP , Seim, 'August 13.—There were eight eases or cholera reported to the Board of Health In this Mty yesterday, up to five o'clock In the afternooa. Six of them had proved fa tal. Nine certlacat of death from cholera were leaned from fir. Barris' often yesterday. NOTICES _ . rtiTtICIOTIC , M. TRE itEItIALNING PART of the Ilarge pa open, for salulald out in Boyd a Allen's p.au lota, bold In lota or by the acre. npactadld for gardening purpoect or for city reel deuce. Apply to WM. 5. BuYll. at th e °lnce oa X.lrkpatrica & corner of Diamond and Grant streett, or to 111 GAUD ALLEN, on the propene. at Lower o bi- talair Hotel. nayle.a.tal BANXI3 ND BANKE S. NITIONAL TRUST COMPANY, 423 Penn Street, FIFTH WARD,PITTSBURCH Depoelta rccelred and intereel allowed on ile p cuts. Co , leallone made on all the principal points of the Oohed tante, ALI. KINDS 01 , GOVERNMENT SECURITIES gout ward "Scald. lUD SYMIDLIIVIS INDIVIDUALLY DDAPONSIBLIL ROBERT DICKSON, CrtsWent , JOHN IL ILA LSTON, Vice l'realderil.. HOBERT J. UHLER., CoAhler. oinurons: ROBERT DICKSON, I CHARLEL YERS, JOHN H. RALSTON, 1 JosEPH LAND, WILLIAM ITH, WILLIAM BRICKELL, JA CIIMFAI AB. LirrELL, I PAUL Bit:Bß ARHSTRON4) V. M. CNA FORD, UT JR., , OIL J. AnL, JAMES TA Y LUR.. )01:117 BANIiING HOUSE. N. HOMES & SONS, man "Levis, No. 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh Deposita received In Par Funds and (Jr many. Unite Collection State. trid . made C onanadas. all .0c principal points of th d STOCKS,BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold On Commission. UNITED SLOES SECURITIES. =I Dotted &Meant. , Of DM; Do. do 6-911; Do. VD. of 10-40 s; Do. noven-TbirtlOS ; Do. Cot - 110.40s of Indebted... Orders and Voucherabooglitor collected.3.ls:ll PITTSBURGH NATIONAL BAN . CCOI6 O I2I4O O .ELCUNI, CORNER WOOD & MTH ST& Capital, $500,000 Diseoant• Daily AS H A. N. Deposits received and collections made on all the principal points 01 the United States on favorable terms. UNITED STATES SECURITIES 33cruirPtat abaci. Nl Scald. 01171Cd88t A. PATTEILSOiIi, IJOSEPIIII. President. JOSEPH C. 01111.1t 40 .artstasit ear ai lder . PATTIOABON, m WM S ..R.LEH, JAMES ALEJANDLZBE 'ALLEN 11.IREPATRICAL CHAB. LOCKHART, VFW. DOUOLAE, WY. BROWN, VFW B. HAVEN. JOHN MELLON, EVERSON. PRESTON i CO.. 77. ra.riat IRON . WCEUEKS, vrectwor =mtv43,L b iz t. v.r. col Jati,44o -' !TERN . MILITARY SOISTI- M. , NTAB . DAYTON; '01110..-tvotaln :Aacci N. L. OCKroi MISMAIII4II44O. 4 cwsaiis U. M. ST-V1ER5,..14 444 0=diat"..ara C1T,161. 4 r aw... 19 badia the AZiWis Of A.. 2 1 &tit 1 ; a C U liZ a tl 'll iM ri t A 7D I • n i g rIA u. um. MA It. ' iamb mufti =US _!,,4 1 .1111011 :. • OVFICi OV ilia MEECANTII.IO AGENCY, Corner ) F.urth arid Wood Streets. } Trystionoli. August M. mg, j TILE ATTENTION OF TILE n ailed the Vlr' A NTtirk siGZNOY U. S. lIUSINEIM! IthilfrOltf • to be issued verysoon, tinder the lusolcth of the Morass.- j tile Agedev of ii. O. DU nlki A CO. The need of such • work hat long been fettle mercantile circle., It will be arranged and classified In a convenient a rm ofr wady reference, and . will bee rellabre and mpretrenalve work. The !Mercantile A.sency, will. Its fifteen branch offices, Ili large corps of reverters, canvassers nod clerk., and .bet e ell, its thonsands ofrrespon dent. in every sectioe of the country. has co an effi cient machinery for the porthole already In complete order. air. D. WILsoN, fissorthy years complYr °r ale N. Y. City Directory wit I sire the work the benefit of his large experience and enryNetle caper . via Lou. The printing will be done by Mr. Jong F. Tnow, of N. Y., who has every (thinly for such an ex least ve undermktog. Our business men will be called on Ina few days be canvassers for the work, when more extended information will be given thou, and en opportuni ty arrived to subscribe and advertise. The experi ence, fruillitle• and character of the proprietors 0 • guarantee that the work will he thoroughly per fortne.,, and he worthy of the strop, et and cone , de nee or the cominerclal community. 10 1,- THE QUEEN! THE QUEEN! THE QUEEN 010 HAIR RESTORERS! Nuts, W iNsLOW'S QUEEN HAIR ItIIIiTORER 1e tauEEN, not only In xext, but In VIRTU'S. lathe Best Rale Restorer e. ever offered to the Mobil an infallible araToota and Tarnopol. of the Hair If faithfully applied. II is ISO /lair Dye. It Sete directly opou the root,of the hide chang.- lir, lisle lotto ortgleallio r th in; areesti pre ..l holm ertm '`i s t ,',ll,l o l,g,sgo dry and wiry halr to soft and luxu riant tresses. It imparts a delightful fragrance to the hair. In short if you wish to restore your hair, ati In Youth, and retain it through lite, nee rlB. WINSLOW'S It h iN ELAM PIMP& Price $1 per Wile. Pole by all Drraggiats R. E. SELLERS & CO., Wholesale Agents. my113:b92 wm. mamma a. & co., BOILER MAKERS SHEET IRON WORKERS, Boa. 20, 22, 24 Slid 26 Penn street. kissing secured a large yard, and Punished It with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manullcsure every 4.0010.30 n of hot LEIIS, In the best manner, sad warranted equal to any made in the countrs. (PUMP ETS, VlstE DEM. STP.AII PIPES. LOCOMLYIIVE 11011,11.86, CON DENSERS, SALT PAYS, TAN WA OIL STILLS, AIIITATOES, SETTLIN! PAYS, POLLEE IRON, BELOCIES, SUOMI PAYS; and sole manufacturers of EARNUILL • H PATENT BOILERS. Eerestrtal dour on the shortest notice. )45:041 or LABE SUPERIOR SOPPED MILL AND SMELTING WORKS, EZEZZEM PAWL MCCURDY dc CO. lianollgutrers of SLIEATIIINO, BILKZIEMS' ANY, Bt. , LT COP PY.II, PitESSP.I) POPPY-1i BORTOMS. RAISED PILL. BOTTOMS, SPY.L.TER SOL.BEIL Importer &V s dva In 9IS ' rALtl, TIN nand, khiNitits . MACIIINEB and Tiglt.B fi arr• house, N 0.114 FIRST and TM ISSCOND Sru atitts burgh. Bpecial order. of Copper ant to a n y y desired pattern. my 14:03444W? _ _ agrPITTSBURGH SAW WOILIiS, ittrAsAitio, OltO, & CO, atanufactne • ors a rA rENT tettOUND ClltCUL•tts, warrant d t'ASIT IST ELL SAW'S, of every description. HILL. Inane!, Craw-Cat, Ilan/Gaud all utter varied.. All 'dads of Itriltind and ISPltititiS, teach Irvin Cbcct, ClaL-Steel . • roach BeAncd ItICAPILS ANA) MOWlliti tVILS., rierc Wards,. and Wotan, corner WA•riLL and MIMI? [11•11A1TO, r-sttrulat attention wed t;ceneottlna•Su o en li l". 47;7r . i P"nsll 17)11r1e:rem.mble 05100. ten ,c 23 Igr"'LItIMINSON 7 ELEA & (Sue.. eco•olv to ROSINSON. IettIIIIS Diu4.aas. WriliMON WOD I Kk _ Fouuders 1111•116, ltsoargh. Straa ts (Actor,' of BOAT ABU STATIONERY bi KAM ENO IN ES, BLAST KNOLN BS, MILL MA aUI N Y, ItA_HINU, SRA IrTI N ti, L B C MAT IN trO drocrlott.das, OIL 'F A NKS and OTI LS, OLLES AN Or11:171 IRON WORK. 11-Aorrit. for &AY VAUD'S PATENT INJECTOR or retollus boners. . _ . . . _ JOlll% COCHRAN & seo., lisnalnettiver.ot IRON VAUL'En ANu VAULT IRON .R.ALLING, WINDOW nert,rex.its, WLNDOW OUARIIB, Jia , Nos. In tltnwil) and Se THIBI ) STREET. between Wood J Market, hate on hand •varlety of nets patterns, fasoyand plans. Suitable Ref all purpose. Partleular &Unm a n. paid toe nclosing tint. Lots. Jobbing doue nt short notice. Innl-17 OFDLA.ILDIADE AND CELIBACY, an Essay ol Warning sad lustruction for to Dg Men. Also, Pions , . and Abuses which pros ' (rote the vital powers, with means of ogre relief ut (tee of Univac in !waled letter envelopes, Ad. Wks, 0r..1. eIiILLIN IPA:ORTON, Rowan' its soviatiuu. Philadelphia Ps- myl.:l.s:eutvsT. TOBACCO, _CIGARS, Br.C. EXCELSIOR TOLLICCO WORRIL R. & W.-JENKINSON, Ylnrr.TU Wt. or ALL u!on or TOBACCO, SNUFF AND AUGARS 6 FLIJERAL dTILKE r. Third doer from diuipemilon unaßa r=lEZZik!l:= • klunolutur ,, and Wll holo.alo ofd LLetsti Dealer In a kindle an TOBACCO. SNUFF AND CIGARS. No. ft ter. f. LAIR hTUFLET, PITTISHOWZII, AIWA lx.r mV im assortment of MEERSCHAUM PIPE!, ToB ACCi I, or.ht bcst I krpt on hands. GEORGEOR BLUIIIENEOHEM , 81L4.1.".9 IN TONAION AID 00418710 SEGAES, CHEWING TOBACCO, smoking Tobacco, Pipes, *.c. Mao. 4 feSeNremath. Ettrcrem, (bleu oonker of L.lbertl.l Inr21:014 PITTSBURGH, PA. _ _ JOHN MEGEL&W, Mania...m . .lr of and Wholesale and Recall Deals. In all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and Began, 4 RAND STREET. A tobaccossortmetnoking TobacOo, Plpea awlroaches always on hand. my11:1631 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. GANZ-J. U. LIJIL O. D 11517. 1111.c,CLIELLAND is Co., Corner Federal and Lacock Streets 11-7.X.3LIG B2 EIDVIT , Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Dealer* la Pidata, Ulla, Vainlahes, Drags, .My, Malt. Carbon till, el., Stati.Lard and rale. Med icine*. Their *tool is large and well selected, and will be *old as low a* say tania....o the west. j . SCHOiIiNILUZEIR & BON, eittsbargit White Lead Works, PURE Winn 1 . FAD, tiLUS. LEA, GROUND INIII. PAINTIti (AL X.Fcr. 438 Wood Illitrewt, THE BEST EFFERVESCING CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, 5 or.. bottles, in Me form of POWDEII, for we by MI Wholesale Druggims. Prepared by ARTHUR 0.06E116, Checniat. N. Y. rMangel ')F, O DLS. LINSEED OIL ILECEIV Ssrts.tal ati.l for ash. by (MORD IS A. Iit.LLY, Wholesale Druggist.r7 Wood Strest, 11 Pittsburgh, ea. BBLS. TUIII'ENTINE just re- Cr Irad and for sale % maw. mr.1.1 Y. Wholesale Vendee/. V i lf t = . 4ll.. • WI , CASES CHARTED OAK LEAD just received and Ur ea e EOLi by E A. KELLY, In"a".1" D"ggint ' Pgaruterill, POINT MALT HOUS6I. W. H. OARRAID & CO., I Raiders, Grain & Hop Dealers, CommWigton BANK, RAILROAD, INSURANCE, No. 11 Winter 9tretq and S S. BRYAN, Broker to Stocks, 'Boson ANI) REAL ESTATE, 57 FOUILTH BTILEET, fllurte'• Building.) buy .... 1 .e, LTILOLKUM dToCKB, and GOVERNMENT DUN IC I PAL, RAILBOAD AND OTHIB BONDS Orders sareuts4 by telegraph al. tbs NEW YORE of commiselon current In those cities F. DIUSSMANN, VIM Street, between Tuneed aria Chatham Streets, GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE First ellva goodsof all deserlptlons always o hand and told at the lowest pries. Unpalglog don • earstaii .:112 Slier , C 1 GENERAL DRADGUTING OFNCE. • P. GENGEMBRE, Civil En OINKT.II, 4:11141/111T AND 80L101T011 Or rAT4411%, JO. 1.51 6T. GLAIR ISTRACICT. roe. 014 , 41 Sox 0.16. Bcoldasse4, 14 RAY strait, VITT'S -8118011. TA. Wardle F r i r iRT VI I LEDD AND OAKLAND JOHN R. Ik A. MURDOCH. (utoosason to John Mordo•h. Jr.,) "DNOLWEY/LIV /IRM% Plttsborsh,..ro. sttoottott to their entstoplye stock oflirx 111 1 / 1 414.tfinihatalatarglar ilttsburgh land Ostakod eassenner Cunt run 10 Abe Weenhouse ors lb minutes.. , ..”110:04 GaSIN-45.000 bush. No. 1 Ositi2 .. 1 0 00 , 1 ! 4 *U. Vanisent WibespOs guy. o• ir.ix J :., ~ ~: J .i= .~.-.4~.r.~. .w