Vitt Vittsbutgit gagettt. PWRLISSILIED $ 1 MO, BEEDi &GO, 7.p: at.i7nrlV. KAUt 0 JesSumi s, IMMir G. Di ft,4,30,g TIIESDLY, AUGUST 14,1866 woi BRPOBiifIN NOMINATIONS. FOR MAJ. OEN. JOI4N W. CEARY. 01 CUMBYLUAND COUNTY. CONOILiaII—TWICNTINTEM/D DESTI.ICT I MON. TMO)LI WILLIAMS, Allegheny. 0/I.ItI7XL 'B. OLIILICT, city MY= OP coma: JOHCIIL 6. ausovrar, Hampton Tp minx or oarnus.couir: ALEXANDER 11.1LANDILCIty IIiCOADILII 1111.11.1111 t NAIVELY, City ittGtaTlli JOISZPR U. GRAY, Nam TD OOMMIRSIONILIO GEORGE SIARILTOR, City. DIWTOIit 01 100111: JOHN F. DWO, 11.11111ri Tv. ASSLIKELY: 701i1E8 P. GLASS% city. 6110151.615 RTIAOIS, Pitt Tp. 1111411611 T. INeNZNE. North Payette Tp 111.&/11WEL aJ 4.D ICK. ColLiu TD. WILLLan PSTEN...Poss Tp. *. A. COLVILLE. City. EUROPEAN WAR The Emperor NAPOLEON understands the art or keeping up popular interest, and would certaiuly do a thriving business as the manager of some theatre or opera. In case he should lose his high office in Paris, it might not be amiss for him. to turn his attention in that direction, as the stage is certainly the place where he can turn his impromptus, his complications, his sur prises, to account. The telegraph drily informs us that Louis N.A.POLEoti asked ot Prussia an esiension of the frontier of France on the Rhine, but that no reply had as yet been given. In these few words we have before us ono of those famous nuts which he gives to the world to crack every • once in a while. Some time ago a similar demand would not have surprised us. At present it conies to us entirely unexpected. It is only a feW weeks since NaPOLEON re ceived a slap in his face which might have cured any ordinary man from the desire of interference. In fact, the world laughed at him ; he had become the object of ridi cule, when—all at once—lie makes his ap pearance again, and, with his well-known audacity and impudence, makes his demand for an increase of territory. We have too often dwelt on the character of this man to dwell ou it now ; but we should like to un derstand the cause of this new move of his. Is he ashamesLof his failure, and does he went to regain his position by bolder at temptsl Let hint beware. It is danger ous to play with Fate and to conjure up combinations, of which one may not be master. It is now to be seen whether Prussia will stand firm, or veliether she will - prefer the favor of this single man to the good-will of a nation. Rather a war against Prance, than the cession of one foot of German territory! That is the senti ment of the German nation, and he who interprets and uses it aright, is the master of the situation. If war against Austria was disliked in Pres - sin, war agaicist France would be received with enthusiasm, and not only in Prussia. All the other Statei would range them selves under the banner of that State, which would lead them against the old national foe. We know this, but NaPOLEOIS knows it also, and yet his demand! • That is what perplexes us. Ile cannot wish a war with Germany; ie cannot desire to furnish the cement necessary to unite it, end yet he acts as if this were his desire. lie cannot count on Prussia's timidity, for the has just given him a clear and strong hint to mind his business. If he doubles the dose of insolence in his second note, 1.14. has no right to complain, if the response Ts spiced in a similar manner. Prussia can not, must not yield; one retrograde move ment and her enemies will push her from step to step and never stop until her Mlle ellen is gone and her position lost. Now is the time to hold out; now it will be seen whether BlBltAltit is made of the right metal! Let him persevere and Itheotnon, either defeated in open fight, or pushed to :the wall in diplomatic contest, will fall, •': never to rise again. We must confess, we • look with-renewed interest for further de : velopments. In regard to the smaller German States, much will depend on Pruesia's reply to Na poleou's note, as to the shape of their con duct. At present they all hasten to make their peace with-Prussia, and are receiving a favorable reception, with the exception of Hanover, thi ambassador of whose King • has been refused admittance in Berlin. This was occasioned by the perfidious con duct of the Guelph, and looks to us as a pretty sure indication that Prussia intends ''to retain the kingdom. Bavaria, Baden, - '"? ,, Wartemberg, etc., have all closed special • tirmlatitss: thereby refuting our previously Mated opinion, that they had been 'included In the Austrian truce. The feeling of these • States to Prussia will, as we said above, depend ranch On her future conduct, With a little prudence and forbearance she can. i soon realize all her wishes, * . Italy and Austria have %gait. stepped into , closer relations. We Itnew this would be .-_ ... Me cane, for as long as the Prussians hold s their thumb on Vienna Francis Joseph will I, .. not be very anxious to renew the struggle in Italy. Mesta seems still to make a little fuss, _, and we see atansteudel start for Peters" burg to prepare We way for a better under saluting. Them complications arc not of veriAwrious nature. Russia Is related to several of thew German lenses, just now 4.llsculty, and is perhaps trying to say a word in their favor. Wu-Lau will glow spprwiatien Of AI,EXANDEION media and tax will end the matter. —. But Engin/A What In the world Is gcr dug on in England? The days of Gvw :24 - wnEn aro returning, and powder-bugs . are found with w. •.hel hail conionnOd.." How must we talto this newt? 'Nun we laugh at it or thlor It . serlouily'l On the one dined to discov4r to this E . II an d affair wZ a r e g le of some wag, but , uu tl , u i t : 'other ---hauda-wetnecY Ten " b d ors Y or t po bat ird h er hu is 11 : 1 '7'. ;`- serious "Pec 5. with,kedand wean we tt. la wbe joked f the noble lords ir" * thing the tong faCCB o red. But how imagine ailllai Wen first dij",.n,,n" of th e Lords? i . it At y n l ey got Into the guilty in in refusing re" / i t :' , ... iii 6 Cetrateor' i ~.,8 9 1 11 %,,'' - baps morn . so, and 43 ' Anto 1 . *6 '''''' 'AI' 1 pc•svcrful body. of ma-way ths,wut 1,60 the caw 1 1' -NC er am/ k'svg it Amen that V : -11 nyettfeaaolol4 nig. Wel ~r, .. .; 4 4 4ici a r g , 0 , 6 10 , 40 tut, ti _.,..,,, *l;4. -a „)..0 to miNt, a anv *1 - Alogloo, eit 0t44,4 gintatei • 'Atit#l -; itytorterfrgi t,6*** uottia I 1 , 044 , 404 ~-, kifioio,oo .6006104,-44 A -44.0 4 44 " - . 0,64y466x di .-A-:a.,d, otitei:ff6*-ir , 4,4 to. ift* writ rc A i v,sk wow: - - - tfliW--- kiorr ~, -ito*Niv:spitior AO ---- ..1‘,.. ‘o# Off moo 1 Whigt ''-',-,',:':: : -1 : ,,.: : '.4:A:i - O-T t ;-vx.A-1,:f . .a - :....V.;,:_qi'4,;.71; . ;.1t:-';'4;c:;:: : . 5.,7- .' ,.. 4C : i o, j.f; ,•, Ni ,t A' s,-,i!,: ' •:,. • -. V ;.4y,f,--,..-1:4.:f _ &;-,.'...--,,f.,.- ',•.''':V;:tiVei-',4tlZ:;.:•cr'4lNV.„..-g-o,7lV,slWo,:liggeAcg;--5,-,•:-,. ,---:•-•• - ~ • ..twl„;.fs''''-'g'•:.l.-:}--y,:;l'7:'-.:•'.-,1 - i. ' - • even trout gunpowder }dots; though we r for our part, heartily detest anything thatilms in that direction. They do not suit the' nlnteenth century, nor the moral'healtby clime of the temperate zone, least 01 countries tike England, where civilization pretends to take its biggest strides. The less we hear about such things the better; and we might be inclined to he a little sev erer on oar neighbor scrims ilia ocean if *0 had not, si present, our own- little sores. The New Orlealisriot.,,is •an ,ugly matter; so, tor the present, we shall no longer dwell on the subjedt. GENERAL GEARY. The Battle of Wauhatehle BT. Louts, August 10, /sC6. To the Editor■ Pilt,burgh Gcmetze am a WWltetil map, and 1:111 , 70 never lived In your noble old 'State, nor ism 1 pelitfolan—lutvlog voted but onclednring the twenty odd years since the right drat fh:erne but 1 wlah to give honor where honor..luatly belongs, and to refute some of the treteitrits inn• LL ?Cr •!, = art Inst :h, , pi , ' . 1! -0 •• , , TI Mtn and tried soldlet, General 'John W. Geary. • • I wish toprovo in the lusteenitY of.:thingei that not only his native State, but that the whole United atatia, owe him a delft* gratW tulle, that should forever endear and immor talize his name, and place it among the most illustrious of their soma, The country can well remember the glooM and anxiety that' lietvitilliCrthe'lforth after the disastrous day of Clidcamigua. km:Mucky and Tennessee swarmed with predatory hand. of .2ebela. .Bragg, noshed with victory, hod hurled back our shattered columns on Chat :taicoOga, and Roseerans, on the first paralysis of defeat, (or perhaps of fear,) had Ignobly abandoned Lookout mountain, t h e key to the south banks of the river, as far as Bridgeport, whore the railroad crosses the Tennessee river, and from whence all our supplies had to be drawn. This moral ,error and military . blunder, necessitated tie drawing of all our supplies from Bridgeport to Chattanooga by a eirouitous mountain • ronte v (nt. the Sap-, natehle Talky, near afaclamonis cove, thence over the rugged mountains to the north bank of the river by a pontoon bridge to this city,) some slaty miles in length. The country around, oven in times of plenty, scarcely pro duce enough to feed its scattering" population, bat now trampled broken, crashed and do vourod by the oscilating tread Of hostile' ar mies, It was thoroughly denuded of hinds subsistence, and even the wretched inhab itants held daily struggle with Wattle,' and looked with despair to the rigors of approach- Mg winter. • From Bridgeport to Chattanooga by the South Bank ram leas than thirty miles, and by the North Zink, try . WhiCh .- the Confederates forced us to haulm, were compelled to make an elbow of more that sixty miles, and thut over the meat exeantble Valls imaginable— either through the slush of swampa, rendered doubly dangerous by the rains of autumn, or over stony lieiglipar ic =at pat could_ scarcely crawl upt ledge! croppmg oat, often three to four feet perpendicularly, at each one of which the wagons had to be un leaded and hauled up by hand. The Ohio river, was really ouribase of sup plies, and a wretched single track railroad from thence through Nashville to Ilridgoport, Alabama, a distance of nearly fakir bundrmi miles, requiring a full army corps for,lui de fence, was our solo dependent*. • Our dispirited army, thus cooped up and half beleaguered in Chattanooga, was wholly unable, either to meet the enemy to the open field or to weratehlkom himtbeeouttlern bank of the river and thus open a gate for food and munition.. RelD/01%.3100n18 bad been ordered front sins:yid and from the army of the Potomac, and to hold their position and with it the great States of Tennessee and . K - thittteky, with all the untold restate thereunto belonging, the promised aid could arrive, was the greet problem of both General itoseerans and General Thomism, the latter 01.- .WhOm about this time had iresurned"the Shlef com mand-The depot, aupplies of Chattanooga were rapidly melting awayt every energy, every resource and every appliance in the reach of the Government wasset to motion to feed on starring forces and enable us to hold on until the expected succor came to hand. Our army was too weak to fight, and our - means of transpartation-tob Mitiaffed'tofeed it or to keep It in munitions for its proper states for the nerd, and pyretreta t tindar the circum stances would probably produce the most un heard of disaeters, perhaps anathliatlonitself, , and in oils train - Ones ennumbered - and tee= ' heard of, for to reteept. would be not. only to sacrifice the army and all its equipments, but - en our vast abate of depots and dotaetunents throughout the PSALMS amotedorttlithe,count. lees millions they best, lairds° the (cope of territory they covered, and with the grand moral Iffeeta of vietory, which at that Juncture would have inevitably turned the scale against us, for Just. M. that momentous period Of-Our- snuggle the Beal. of Pate seemed to vibrate with such an even beam that the breath-of an infant might hare "changed We helium if. • The national detain:as hung on a angle teread, and dangled susptintlevi ma Abe, eimblenta of chance, or the moral con; Cgs and valor of a single heart and arm. W thin ease necessity . was inexorable. ThilMtwyotrust be tat. The 1 place must be sustained at every sa rifle° pos. ethic. Every ration, eeeryrourid oeammunt. non, and every pound of forage required, mast be brought from the distant,ilne of the Ohio, and it became a painful . calculation be twoen resistance and endurance—between the NM& Cif men and the consumption of mules— for as Constant nee destroyed the reads, it re quired twelve, Of . fetallien Miami .1.0 /Mein *lngle , ; tem sof freight ever the intolerable reads. to say nothlnio of provisions. Caleb. I could not be carried, and for want of which Weeper animals died by thousands and tens 1 hof thousands—beyond any thing recorded in istory, save loerhafie the- 'nee eat of the Prenchnom la w. in agitator' this fright. Sol sacrifice, the miledetenee in tbe depot at Chattanooga beesseedaily lever, although the army was reduced to half, and a large propor tion of It even to quarter rations. Still the motes died. , Still our means of transporta tion- melted ;away. Our famishing army be tame hourly more gaunt and hollow-eyed, While the pale, overflowlog throngs in our hos pitals found Vent in our , crowded graveyards. At this critical Juncture Getteralt,Rotiker, with General Great—wholuid about this time been appointed to the snpreree - celicierMad of our armies--arrived at Nashville, with the llth and 12th corn& from the army of the Po tomac, and proceeded at once to Bridgeport, to concert with the veteran, Thomas, as to the most feasible mode of relieving, his eorely premed and finishing forces. After brief consultation theillit corps and the tel division (Geary'a) of the 12th corps—the last at Geary'e earnest request—were ordered to Bridgeport, and after a hurried preparation, crosamed the Tennessee on pontoons at that point. To make their movements perfectly intelli gible, it will be necessary to mingle with the account a onisory,view of the scene of their operations On the South bank of the Tennes see, where the enemy had destroyed the rail roads and bridges. • The road from Bridgeport to Chattanooga after crossing the river, ooessionally rings its banks and by Sheillaciond and through, a series e l , ow roiling hills, end then enters tho deep valley formed by Lookout Mountain on the right and by Raccoon lion:Gain oaths left. The latter rising bold and rugged from the river, is, In one or two places pierced with gloom,' gorges and raises ita wooden heighta almost to the love of its more re,nowned neighbor, the Lookout, which starting almost In We suburbs of Chattanooga towers abrupt ly into the very clouds and stretches away di. agoeally from the river many miler to the Southwest. The rival here is, ,tatelairdlegly tortuous. Passing tnettityrit ettetchet to the 'faith, then doubling hack to the North, and then again to the 1300/o,4lelthen to the North once more—it lynxes the long tongues or penin- Udall below the town—the first on the north ern side, looking' into otre another like the cogs of a wheel. Op_posite the town stretched a pontoon bridge, The plan of the assem bled, Generals was to let a large force under ;Booker advance up the valley, while a commensurate force from the town, ander General Began, drmoced down the river in the pontoon beats to' Arose's-ferry, at the lower bond of the first peninsula, where they hoped to mutable the enemy and effect a per manent lodgment, and at the sumo time a Pinetlon with the forces under Rooker, which ware to leave Bridp,mw they Morning before, and penetrating .kout valley, drive in the scattered outposts of the Confederates. un cover We gorge through the dieeleMintmente talri to the river at liellrieleiliding, to - which boats mould Wert ascend from Bridgeport with supplied. and.thane fortify their ' poe - Mona. This 'meting on the south side, at the haw, of the lower peninsula, to which I have aded ell , to cut a road aerate this 'Mae to whiff was expected to make o foothold an d th en cross on pontoons to the northern a ide ea thence 1=046t.1:1 o upper tongue to the badge at Chattanoefiii. would give only, eta e t tk,, of b in d travel sitist sixty miles over the worn out route on We northern hank—ea teats could trans f er everything from the railroad termi nus at Bridgeport to Kelly's Landing, which, it . I Q uo, is may six miles from Chattanooga, and last (Windt° and only two and a Met owes from where the Tem:den branch Joins the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, in Lookout raillery, &beet fire miles from the Debit ltutt'frolrea ever tee city. This plan RerentrA the only feasible imo for getting Im mediate supplic• te our army in Chattanooga. Time was preloleee end Wipe gambled with Vhroirei, while PVC efillied to Verge on twin. Oa Ike 114 of October, Ilifill, , all being ready, Geoond Mover aroma:l,ou Oyer at Bridge- Pert anti flapptfacore d utpler Gametal flow. and, mill boldly pus forward into the rorramie of xatout Valli". This corps, p ro m pqlWishneilt entirely of Gertaani, wisa.atilraftanaff tiaday Ow damoraltsatlona of Cueneellonsviihi, mad Only neroliere4 ahout nine Weimer/4 ?Barb WM* Nor onto fa the raw Miaow tiro ttifillearol two handredgf 44-c, 4 el* Al of thel OW car" • splendid cooly . vets e, *ROI tOtiOrleel f e =oini t :olate be ar *);Ot a lli; ale .:1 174 1 11 7 geni el e tr 'star of ' fiii i i ii P il g lii ir " ' I 114 0 , 4 =lion and to the " IttegVara effe4 4 : foo exhausted had become t ai r y te t ;ee flallifire tationnt this time, Oust firieferfjerstebsf g t mridgort,Could only ant ials4 , 4frifitif e ts command soot, 'four igva t r, * ft , wittt *saint IM=lletrin g 0 4 fli l rel l Ten=tttOMltiaitta. . s tirozpv i ...epics, The petition* of the mm, Woe iiiikaowa to the= ' , MAY wars: s a ... id I, 141.4ryissoarrar.con..sna c coma 44* grair„lear. lhabba4 - the Mo., , ..-frOin. Miet V r ilim.:l'll did norrthen anew • ntall..l4Pralid Melee mewed Mar ifllal itei ' , l . a lv ioj i r .- . tiMillth Corps i. 4 0. . r" • wit 41 •'••" , • jag prise. The failure of ono of Its parts would It turning as If on a hinge about one third of - involve the failnre *flee Whole. and the tail. the way down the line, thus reran gno back are of the whole the loss of Thomas's arm), and back until we were at right enable - Le our hod the lose of the letter the Mrs of Tonne.. Original position, and our condition Of battle JAMES T, BRADY et, CO., et, and lientucky, and with them the prol. pekoe on three sides of a Square at onee. This hie lees of our cause, with results before which' forcing bat* of Our left wing miaowing to the fenteessers to S.:Jones a Co.. i 'the heart and imagination stand needled. Bat 'weekaess (door defences in that direction, Corner Fourth - and Wood Sits.. flagon was oucceseful • and not only AU rpriscd and swung us aroun 1 through our trains park um ... my, b ., mt .,. ~..,,,,4 him, ce ded to on that, side, and left them entirely unco , BA s & BROKERS the river with hie ammo., and proceeded to eras, and outside of our lie; and, strange to fortify ble position, and establiehed ht. corn. nay, it created a diversion la our , / Municallons with General Hooker and the 11111 favor. As soon as our troops amine ' unties la ILL KINDS OT corps, which arrived in duo time, the micany's fairly clear of the Wagons, the relt-1. outposts retiring before them. , ceased drag and commenced plundering, thus Government securities, The xmsd from Chattanooga to Bridgeport , giving our 'sorely premed veterans a elemes toEX creases the road that leads from the to to i rally at the Mot of the knoll on that side. But Fore i - g ll Cillan, the summit of Lookout, and then winding , still the tight was fierce Indeed, and Moue the Gold, Silver and Coupons. reeled the point of the mountatn cef. under ' front it was one incessant sheet of angry light- I COLLEVT. PSNS made on all sextant* pole mln its frowning battletnents, leads down into the I Mug, leaping np and down the Leos end ilatb• valley', and crossing' the famous Wauhatehle 1 leg on the midnight darkness with vivid anti tta. United states and Caned.. creek by a badge, folleme the rallro. track I constant, play. Again the artillery came in Interest allowed on Time Deposits. On towards Brldgeport. Just below this bridge i need. It !moot the railroad embankment on - a fork from the road led off to the left, up the I our right and one gun hauled over the grade valley to Brown's - Peru, where began had by strengt.h of hand enfiladed their advancing made Ms hadgment. L - iker, coming up the ranks and mowed them down by scores until valley,Tollowed this road, arid leaving the fork baffled and bleeding they once more rolled 1 unguarded; encamped about a mile from it, back on their reserves in the obscurity above and towards the river. Some three of the wood • when Geary seeing our miles below the bridge, sYOU Collie down, I trains captured and our left sorely another road 'sprang off at right eagles and preased, ordered our guns to ere ealllS led down through the gorge of HaetesonmOun- Mr and percussion gasps among the rebels, tads CO Kelly's landing,and oboist three bun- busily employ.l in ravishing our trains tired au yards further down the railroad larked, that able, and at the Mn la shirt mime of two aa the left branch following the bend of Lookout died yards thefponred in their terrible dent h ofr to Trenton, and the right through the ap. dealing volleys, crashing amid the tangled ptimatiges of Raccoon mountain o ff to /Indite- WOod ,s wagon wheels and beds, and pltuaging port, some twenty orld miles distant. aniMale, dealing death and destruction, and As I Said, Hooker's command. being unin- quiet: ay threw them into confusion, rendering cambered, be formed a Junction before dark the ground they had taken untenable. Our and quietly went into camp. His instruotione left, wing being remlerced, again pressed Co Geary wore to csiMe ones tastes possible, them back and driving them wildly before and If he did not overtake the lith corps to them, capturing many prisoner. among the encamp at the fork that led Off to Kelly's wreck of the train, and not only recovating Lending, unless nightmoOner overtook him, their old hue Of breuetwork, bat actually ad- In whin 'base he was to bivouac for the night i varmint it (turning forward, on the name end Cone re) Mart in prillug. It 1,,, t .,..,.“ , , ~..1 .“......,..... thr e e easemnt) tiewielliirty degrees, taut he reached the Forks just at dark, ' along widen they eup rude defensee-, (but without knowing it,l and made a hasty This last assault we stubbornly and fun- Meerut° around some farm houses In the misty rend°, endue desperately reptileed ee it ,triareilee Of an old meld on the north of the was made. Yet, in spite of our defences, in r ,. road while his wagons were parked inn wood spite of the natal al strength of our, position On his left, and his artillery, consisting qt two and the imams. advantage of our artillery,- sections of Knape Pennsylvania battery, was we had suffered severely, and our &mutant. On a knoll in the centre of his camp. Geary, Lion was running low, and we could plainly over vigilant, knew he was in ante of an enter- hear their hoarse ominous cry "to pick off the orprismg foe, yet he hardly suspected that d-. 1 artillery men," and fearfully was IL obey- General Hooker had uncovered and left am ed, for a concentrated Ore Weil five thousand guarded the toad leading down to bins from muskets belched their deadly consuming fire the summit of Lookout, but rather expected around the cone of that devoted knoll, where danger from the rear on the Trenton aide, and the brave garner' and their artillery horses made his dispositiona accordingly. Sentries were lined against the dark sky beyond. It were posted and the men had their suppers, was a whirlwind of death, nutting down and but weary as they were, they seemed impreste riddling everything before it., autil in leas time ed with some great Impending danger; yet than I have taken to describe it, killed the how little did they realize its magnitude, or brave Captain Atwell and the bravo and chin dream of the Mighty remits that hung sure nine Lieutenant Edward (leery, the only two needed In tee gloom of that Autumn night! officers present, with twenty-flue of thole men It was a fitting time for the phantom of Ituin and killing and disabling forty-dve out of for to battle with the exaltation of patriotic ress ty-eight of their hors tethered In the nergli Baton. The Weil were ordered to sleep on berhuod. It wan the incarnation of afaughter, their arms, and it way well they did, for while but the only wander wan that they and not Ge try's hardy veterans were wending their done It sooner. It was a tearful hour. Our way up the valley, and while the sun yet cast, hearts almost stood still . Where was Hooker! long sMdows before them, a group of Coated- 1 did he , at bear the roar of battiel Surely he orate officer, stood on,pne of the boldest pro- ; must hear its echoes and come to our relief. Jecting crags, hanging Over the valley nearly 1 It was a terrible moment; but the 'edema*. 1,0.10 feet below, watching their progress until I ble Geary was team' to the Mole. He stood the tetras bust rays left the castellated rocks , like 'some store, of tad, rumored amid the around them, and the depths of the valley I wreck around him. Assailed by ate times hie deepened Into eight Their position cow. force; out off from succor; in the midst of an =aided a bird's-eye view of the whole length, , unknown country, his ammunition aroma ex and they saw at a glance the fearful error of I 1ta1..; one fourth of Ins command swelter the 11th corps in prising beyond and lea,lug In death around him; all his eland Miled Mg enema.. the Junction of the nevi , or woUlided, and hie heroic son, his mat bore, leading up to Brown's Ferry, and around , the enibodiment of every nob. s lett. and the point to the summit. of Lookout. manly menthe, a mangled corpse near by; vet They saw Hooker encamped among Ibe , wile and undismayed he rtUll rode unscathed wooded knolls away above, and Geary and Ills 1 along his weakened lines, encouraging, sad bandfUll of meal fur below, and counting on ordet ing, and tiring ht, inert with Ills own he the paucity of their numbers, they reckoned domitable pluck and resolutiou to stead to the it femible to here enter a wedge, that would last extremity. I split use hopes of relieving our army in twain, nut why attempt that midnight mann, it s for what was cutler than to dispatch three horrors and its mighty Mattes 1 It would re strong Confedende divisions of infantry to q nice the pen of a Seott, a Napier or alleles to sweep down from the summits where they do it Justice; to portray the deadly struggle lay, and while one guanitel the bridge over through the Mug bourn of that autumn night, the Wauluttchic Creek, and another the forks u ban a isidlOnie life hung in the balance, while of the mail, let the third press over, and by a a nation slept unmindful of the fact. To give night attack, In over whelming numbers, cruel, the Just meed of praises to Cho brave officers .f.esa - y , s, little Isolated detachment of veto- and :nun that there bled or manfully battled isms, while tee division at, the Forks kept all mail the grey of morn{{ to tell bow charge af reinforcements from Hooker from mantling ter charge woe repulsed until our ammunition him; then quickly retracing their steps, form wee exhausted, when we replenished fro a %Junction with both the divlatone at the forks our daul, woundal and prisoners; how we andltheliridge, pushing up the valley , fall on watched ,hour after hour for the relief Mat the skeleton Ilth corps, and by their numbers cause not, until the last cartridge was exhatua and the bayonet, iumlhilate or drive al, we axed bayonets to sell the teat tsetse a with Ilr genie trommand over the with cold steel, and how the enemy baffled pontoons at Brown's Ferry anti thus and felled and kept at bay through the night precipitaae the retreat et et... tiler had all his plans disarranged end so Irma the of Themes. That knot et officers thought tne prize for which he made his swoop-tor the plan both clmple and easy, and we afterwardel stubborn, prolonged and unheated of reale learuedthe knot wee composed of Generals lance of Geary defeatod hie pews and saved Pole, Longstreet, Brec.keuridge, Hood. Chun- the llth corps from the combined asumult in. Guam, and Claiborne, and numbers of their le- I bonded-mud how after hours and hours of epectlve staffs. They could see that our eel- 1 dreadful struggle Me enemy hastily retreated teal forces would hardly reach twelve thous- , Just before day, leaving over a thousand k Ill and men. Three snits - led Confeoerate de ,ed and wound., besides many hundred pram melons hare promptly set in motion. it was 1 nen In our hands; anti bow, Jest after day, an hour pregnant with danger to the Union. treneraltl Grant and Thomas, from Chatter... One cause with all lie hope, and nepientiOns nu, and Hooker and Howard, from Brow n's for aU rime to come, hung upon the vigilance leerry came on the battlefield anti oongrutu and nerve era Magic man, and that man wan I ded Gen Geary ou his glorious end anparal- Geary. The enemy knew the locality well, 101.1 victory, as he eat under the shade of it and marched with stealthy tread. Loaerstreet tree begrtmod with the smut of battle; how from amid the clouds and chilling night guest was their surprise . When they tumid that winds high over lea I, anzionely listened for lie hail fought it single-handed and alone, they the first fusilade of battle to reach him from nuppotangthat teeneral eimitz had been des the abysmal darkness below It was about parched with a division to ills all es soon as nine o'clock when the hush ei our mime was tne first mho el the fight was heard the night startled by the report of muskets from our l before. lea, ell this would regains greater /inept sentinels, quickly followed by other's, etame and lability than I eau command, for I and the call Of the long roU, and the beanie have not time to condense this article into its cry °Lentil in" broke the atillnem it night. proper limits, for each tnoment as 1 Ina opt uten, tempered by discipline and exp. *rime. some new incident rushes on nonce were soon in line ready for the hoe theaandnd and chanters for utterance. dal -peeved to be a false alarm, and nor can 1 relate the fortitude with which fata -1 investigation revealed the body of a donkey, I ry bore up under the loss of his noble son, or that bronzing too near the sentinels and die the sincere condolence of his superiors as ten -1 regarding neer cheUenge, had paid for his dared him on that eventful morning, or of the temerity with his life; but In the words of the I frank and eloquent tribute. paid then, and old hymn we can truly say Mterwards, by both tent= and Hooker, In "Great God, on what a slender thread I which they freely acknowledged him to be the Eternal matte,. hang" 1 savior of our army, and Mill titof all the For, but for this incident, the fate of the bat- 1 m .. it lg i ll nt itla s ''''s banging thereon; nor inside) n tie might lave been very different, for a in- praise, tee heroic and patriotic finenced Gearyto take additional meamtras names that bore a part In that night. but, fief against surprise, by strengthening end ex- lea It to say, that Henrys stubborn and pre tending-- his line of sentinels, and tearing eami resistance consumed the night hurled f;acTrthe rebel., be and blootitrd, lied thus, down some log ""8" and Z " ces "" hi ' f " I " , saved US from untold disaster, for ail ',bleu and with the materials constructing a rude he deserves not only enduring fame, but the barricade at the foot of the knoll touching on I honest gratitude of every patriot in the land , the railroad and embankment., here some SIX Or "nvel feet high, and stretching away at 1 i '' th4d "f' sin the suMequent battle of -- Lookout, being shorn of IlleJust renown and right angles to it on the north. Tens our light was protected by the railroad, our rear I " I 'a y othlicadr,Ziathi,P°,, liticalelander,or overralaughed by a gulch and switmo, and out lett rested cm played an Inferior part no the driaulful fray, for the writer stood Fey his side our little train; our four Patrons being on the In both of theft, Martel conflicts, and in the knoll In the metro of our camp. The men ,„,,, m we ll as t the tint, can Mortify flat ten were ordered to sleep on their arum In ready ...... - 2 - . both occasions OUT ISUCeelse Wag wholly owing line of battle, when the General retired to a ,„ ,„ ra Eof hie brain, and the dauntleae teat that had been erected for headquarter •-- nun-n -- r h -, g cart. He alone earn. usisiyst in the rear of the barricade on our othe o i. assault on ! ' Lookout, and was the ben- I left. it was now near eleven o'clock, and all was once more mill, when we heard a sentinel for emetic and alone on the mount in until the day eras won, Bet he Is an brave as he is some distance in one rear shout out C l-o mimic:at. cad starers pstarts, who were not 001110 M there," followed by the report of a inure , . „,, ~„4 „ r Oro ~,, thn „. oebb ,,f or ,„, to ro b h,,,, ket, which was quickly sneceedmi by a etaa- „,-, I,„ - „,,i• ~ 0 , of praise.- ' 1111 g and most unearthly- yell-the confederate I- , iI , 4 1- i not Len Gin 1 e re. sin ce l e tart battle cry-which must be beard under like i I t, s his famous .• • - oirootsuitt ,,, to fully molts, " it . oppontoit l eA St . unroma en mare to 1 lien and May noVer see or eon..ideate with diseond, Without artillery orcavalry, or evell , hi again, b.. I 0n. .„,,, i,,,, . L ,,, . n , .0„, elm wail cot skirmishers, they mul, stolen for- 1 .. ) .„ 3 m easaiied. Therefore, I beg you edit ward until they felt our seneinels, and then 1 . 1 , „ th i s a w ane i n your maul:MIS, for, God rushed forward with their demoniac yell In , - - 1 knOWil, he le entitled to ell the praise and demo qoadruple line of battle. Getting Into F. ... .0.. possibly g i an hi a , the open delft In our trout, end seeing mane of place •• our camp fires yet burning on the rising I ground behlni our brtat.vorke, they pee.. 1 , and poured In a volley, and then charged is. multuctualy forward, fully expecting to finish us at once by their number. and cold steel, and probably would have done so but for an obstacle as tittle expected as the sunken road way at Waterloo by the French cuirassiers. To our left, and about mid way on the north ern side of the field, cometen.ed a gully., which traversed it, parallel to our front, and ebout sixty yards distant, and 'tamed under the railroad by a stone culvert. The rain. oper ating on the friable .11 hart worn It from seven to eight feet deep, and there was noth illilWomark " ev e nt ju n t r u iri " dre O u u n t d h e tt ' s . 'L w u as 'u tr T u i ly ° frightfra ; but, deceived by the glimmering lights on the rising ground behind our linos, their aim was generally too high, but the white walls of the General', tent were a eon spienoue mark, and quickly riddled Into shreds, It became the focus of death, and to remain near It was suicide. With the drat challenge of the sentinel, Geary, already booted and spurred, threw himself into the saddle-for his home was ready hitched and at hand for the emorirency -and, with the only three of his :deft' prment, rode up and down Ifie lines, eneenmging hie men with atontorlan voice heard even above the dm of battle, and ordering such fresh Ili.. positions as his cool and fertile brain and the emergency of the moment required. While his tattle line replied to the enemy, his re. sere., laving clown their armee tore down all threhute mid fence. within their reach, anti pressed every mil, log, rock and chunk they could lay hand on into strengthening mil ex tending then breastworks. ills stalwart form towered above the lines, a conspicuous mark for the rebel rides, and both men and ofneent besought him to dismount and not wantonly expose elmself to mich inevitable peril; but hie heroic reply was. "Defeat is death to es all, and death Is preferable to defeat. The fate et our country hangs upon our SUM., to-night. Never mind me, for I can work beet in the Saddle. God m my shield{ by lile Grace we will make a Thermopylae, or win the tight " Fie continued to move amid the smoke and uproar as Imperturbable as an iron statue, although the enemy's charge promised to be irresistible and annihilation seemed inevita ble, while despair alone gave us courage to die with honor. On came the enemy, mad with excitement and the flush of untielpated victory, little dreaming of the treacherous guUy Into which they plunged and disappeared as if swallowed by an earthquake. Whole ranks plunged into the yawning wash, and those behind pressed forward to a like disaster. It was too wide to ler l: ,otueutotsUpWurar'ou o u t ; Ljdlrorefenetrane cures, g reens, and shouts from its muddy depth.. Geary, prompt to take advantage of this Obstacle an ti diversion in his favor, IMmediately ordered hie men to lay low and eight along the surface of the ground and thus keep the rebels im prisoned In the trap in. which they had so Unexpectedly fallen, and at the tame time or. tiered his artillery to shell the dense woods beyond the fields in front, in which the enemy seemed mended in great, number., and as the shills were screaming arta crashing through li9ssan'ullugYVlElthetur°l g thd i th rts P ic vL 4F ul t nh hi u t lu :e ta v bu er "ad po bt rl e teal titiue. against thu rocky Maeda on either side with a m ix Epi d . end deafenieg roar and rumbled l am ,. ....7 , .te many an echo. The conflict was u determlned, hat the fata l the Meet. flame of fire that leap t uuWU and line, Barr inn a steno of death ov er along our lend the hoarse execution of ourh thu s br e luk, among their crowded ranke ea,,,, n eav „, - ... - ",„.."' winch for even Confederate ecittiu ' slits anti - des to n, and b t ackward they reeled, M gun T 4714-... ...74...:gutge-1317 7 4,rth 1 w°"" sad and wounded, and b . ,„,r, H..,21 , etnurades Imprisoned in the gully in ell` who dared not reign their heads for fear ell LIM leaden ball that swept just Moire its brink Their charge was nerosly made sad Merely repelled, but the confidence of assurance lied their overwhelming numbers, added to um inipotterpoo Of animas, made them quickly Caily their abatteted columns and make ready fee a SeCond aManit. One dead and wounded Fe speedily removed to the roar, where a ibt PUHA , woo improvised for a hospital. I rif#lot works were strengthened. Troops Wheel OM. and every measure taken that di MO Po aUr hopes of defence. The Inter s Ad Wittig hennaed on the night air, but e MO tong, for profiting up dense tansies / s oto lids very edge of the plink, they 141 Saansaant and deadly Sr. on .Wheel ?lig , while strong oolemnu deploy. id t MO. ft to turn our Wings and, Wpm". ri et tAte tta in dank, Tett on our init' liattlySWilled along Rio railroad Sm. Ibst m irt i gel i e if 1 r 14 t rtl ig Je " "ti while " 02 . 1 wridliir tharitzlito n s rho u riori g igulry i l ea iliewasEstuus wii4 b,.. th . dis Iparittit Of the WillSWitimft d ie lea left wing ARQ nuuDgadrhnhioriliAmels Lohls ur mats— ii"_ . • _ CHOLERA!! CHOLERA!!! CHOLERA! With the certain advent of cholera with theenmtur of the spring, no thoughtful person will be nupreparmi for it. Secure what as twrienee bas demonstrated to be the most certain antidote—that which has cured one, will earn again --and never purchase s slew and untried article, when an old and reliable article can be bad. When the cholera clotted as on two former neer. eons, It V. foetid by experience that. YUEN( LEGS CHOLERA. hiILYTCIIZ Wm the best and superseded all others, Illefentr It stands To reason Wet, If you would have an aril ob. Mat you can depend on, youonould purchase 1 to the earluslou of all others. Sold only lot Pitts 'fliralts at JOSEPIE FLEMING'S DRUG InfORE, Conte of the Diamond, near bounty GreeL HEM EMILE THE PLACE! ICEMEN HEE THE PLACE Si Market Street. matt:DlD •- - • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BINOHAM, Jr., Adams Express 54 l't/dt &rest, is an authorised Agent to reonve Advertisements for the GAZETTE, and aU other papers throughout the United Mates and the Catusdas, FIBEIT GRAND PIC-NIC - 01 , TRY. IRON MOULDERS' UNION,' NO, 46, AT M'FARLAND'S GROVE, Thursday, August 16th, 1%66. Sock lime by an Kngllalunan suits Limns, also by W an Irlahtosn and • true Amerloan. rico lbo rrow Kara by two Y sake. blindfolded. The beet of order will by enforced. Elineea will come off between two end three o'clock. i.e public •re invited. .n 14111113 THERE WILL BE A SOCIAL PIC-NIC, It Bayne's Grove, Near Clintoo, Allerbetty County, On Friday, August, 24th, 1666. 101511141 SAND TIGHT HOPE Liberty ttrect, corner of Sixth street, JOHN D EMAIL the wonderful ' , careened, who Nu acoontstred She world b 7 hie daring ex ploits, will make three Tiktit hone Asceutlons to this city, on MONIY•Y. TU UA at au &S -LAY, August lath, 14th and lA , las, at 6 el / arkt 0. 0., sod perform some of las wonderful feat., ner er before successfully aCCOMplished b 7 MU other ar tiste in this country. auMM4S EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.---Whereas Letters Testamentary on the datata of JA.ll}...S' wALLAut, lute of linesrden towitattip, Aheabd ny county. Pa.. duccund, having becuL t lanted to the undersigned. on permous knowing eulsolvc.. indebted to sold cants will faC4O ma tonedl atr payment. and those harinj for Will present tbmn. properly authenticated, tor settlement. sultdrlinwT tiILORISK Flak/LIS. Executor. NEW WHEAT! NEW WHEAT!! EG=l =I =1 79 DIMOTIC Auergheey ALLEGHENY 1 1 3,111111 GS BMW aToelt AT AUCTIOI.—Two sham lON DO , M= L 7l l:7 ' clock, at Lao Auction [SOW, isd /c - oral no eav, " A Anshan]. I , T , GOATT.,Anctionese. CLOTWEFs WRIN(iEitB.—A full M..70u1y Um Universal and Ulpeon Olathe& i i .l6:fr o lt . larajz i o , 4ll 4 and And warranted to ilea Indla . ltubLeir and OU theta I sea g A r &cr .' " Cie J. H. 61ILLP8 anti No.. WI and VICK. eh& I itch. O]! BELTING, 41so GuiziciPttek• tun, Hose, Caskets, Sta. A Melon& on band and lot salo.,orNotooloo *ad moil. lo the or..t prim; at the lotus stabbst cts, st 'Loa zi rats ow:meat, by, tJ . hoat A ['tut *. TBEit BELTING, ° Übe beat and 1r &fronted I al.. "le"ll:r2;l 4 47olgre I°. • rarza—tree,Pit,lPT" " BMW .ADITERTISENEENTS. F. 11. EATON, 17 Flith Street, I=l GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOOK Collars, Handkerchief., Neck-Ties, I Suspenders, Half-Hose, I Gloves, Silk and Merino Underwear, Genes Muslin Skirl.. Also. olostrlg oat preparatory to el. Ins Y,lt stook. deniable lines or V. 11(11N09. Fl.ol' Nt3 and INnElil I Ntitf: LACE EIJOINGS and INLIEILTIN,n; LALTIC CULLANA and CUFFS: LINEN }WRVS., Plaln!and b:Enbio:dered. I=l TUCKED At USL EN. Ands general assortuns lof TXTST.I.2O caapcsrsos. Dress Triennstngs, Buttons, I= F. H. EATON, Fifth Street DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, AT WHOLESALE. ror the not lion. to the public. 14 wYli WOYLity the attention of neat hourekeefara. ibn At Present E as t ern p r i ces . r the reinoweil at plysere. fong.ri on •un replbe.l in minute perfectly clean and lOssy. It Is cheap, oieUil and tie...lied iduatiiental, and every house-keeper should be supplied with one or wore. F'ULL LINE PRIE 100. Any or ail of tbo aboTt. shlpp...l to any eildreat, upon receipt of uric, ' • The Linen !darter and fron if did.,will I.rsent by MAU without aura I•eraon• writing Lir moot enclone a .tamp to Insure • roof. In all the Departments I=ll No. 115 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. aIIITENOT, SHANNON & CO C. AILIBUT OT..W. T. 1.1141.1.010 v..+.a. erxrnaN..uS BLACK AND COLORED ALA?' ACAS. New Goods =ll WHITE, ORR & CO., 11211 3Pl.lrtia 113trac.t .14 CLOSING SALE BARGAINS FOR ALL I am no. clobing out my prv,tit Inrgr 111.4... k of Boots, Gaiters, Shoes, nolinorals, and Slippers, AT GREATLY ILEOCCED t, o room for TALL GOOD'S. [IOW Wring man face Come one, come all, and gel barman.. W. K. iticCLINTOCK, • 92 Federal at., Allegheny City itllll IN THE MATTER OF CaAt..CiF ('F OILADIC :-Titlf I, tkid City of Plitsourglf. AI. persons Interested or., boron, tootso d slat the 1166.1.101.1 for payment of damage. rs.-0 ..t Ike ebange of grade of 111,11 street, In the ep nt l'.l 1. burgh, bare be to Dinned In my burls fur rot:, tl. ft, nue unless toe witue ihall %wen paid on ~ r lATLI DAY UY tIY.PIAMBE.II.. 11v.. Ii w 111 M my run to OA the.em• as 11 , u• the property assessed, and proceed u , In eccoidance with J. F. SLAULE.. clty s.lll4l:bai go. 106 birth I. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. EII,7OItDINO Er.OlILATrlt'Y rlrrn 2. / I'lttant•HOtt. Aug. Mb, loss. f Proposals for tto. tarading. Paving and ',lto, with ilurb-stone, ETNAE4THEET, between •If ra ald Panto. y streets; CHESTS UT . NT It F. ET, ft ..ut Forbes to Olbbon streets; and WI Li k. A 1,1,EV. Iron. Logan to Elm struts, will be 4 . 44.4.1Te.1 at b.. odloc of Um undersigned. In the Martel., ur.411 6 o'clock n. N., nt ILe NOtb dal ..r August. LW. CILIILI.EtS !tit. Itroaordlug Rewulator $25,000 1* LOAN On Bond and Mortgage, Thato—Ont. two, three, foul ilve rear, Apple THOM AU ST BEL, Broker and Beal Estate Agent, No. 66 tultßlleld. bet. tia and Inamood ate . tul4 1 TNITED STATES, WESTERN DISTRICT Oir PILN AMY AS lA, en. —Where as • libel has been died in the District Court of the United !Stalest of the Western 1/Istrlc• of tl' I.7ktEti . I. the Muter: her tackle. apparel not furniture. In • eer plea, civil •nd mardinte, tor ' , meet, and pray ing yr owns against the sold vessel, dec. Now theretore, in pursoottee of th clodnitto tin der the seal of •aid court, to rne dirt and reed, I do hereby give public notice to all per •tas claiming the said essel. ,t •r tackle, apparel and furniture., or in any manner Interested therein. that they he and appear before the said District Co. rt to be held at the I ustoin lions., In the Cityof l'ilislorrgh, on Um 1400 DAY OF AU./ UST. at It O'clock, A. it.. turnand there to Interpose their claims and to mate their allegation• to that A. hi UNDotlll, U. C. thirst:W. . he uederataned baytng had ...ore sett, years PITTSBIJR6III as a etc!, Ilk tht various nu- CUTLERY te n ° 11,,arttneuts of the uovorotna et, nnrl COMPANY. e ' a v l l Je7,, ' :,,7l . T. ' ll7 " •f r tT L i r " ; I:•ft ' atill ' eTOre A M and to hi. fr. oda throughulat thee...try, in slat- Inc then, 1.111/llin BACK I Al, SUSPENDED AC - I ' tar t YOU ARE IN WANT OF A FINE THREW MoNTII -• Y elturra TO pk . tc INCH% Aro. PEN , UNA, 1.911 POCKET KNIFE, I. Pail and reeve one hum the PITInSV KAM ou the eater T a none hose tabu pare claims oh the Roy- CUTLERY COMPA NY, M M 00 DEN, Agout. erutu.,, or t o A ItTIKMAhTI,It'S and OMIS- They are the beat In umuu(A-o,rol from tlke SA s k ME° AND SVC! LIES for Vreerlet and finest Meet. have a lea the itheat good. pro, Co tton, ' Tobacc, Covlsota °rotifer IVORY HANDLCD DIN h ICU ANI , tChk_ltT , pro, erly nonn.nated, l amaged. or destroyed K N IVES In the market. • dorlitg the ear, INDIAN maul I'UST ItttratE • I. A lals, may Ike assured that their bushlasta .Fos. 67 and 69 flh nnn prinnnn at,tetio If committed sun.= (DISPATCH II 111. DI Nit. I a the care etc the are lam fur acVletheut. counnnutentionn s„ RAKER & HOUSE AND LOT c,rner ot ticreuth awl rstreets, Wasitlngtou, D. WiClO.l.l. 1/3.9.7....13. The 'louse and Lot on Fourth street, near Grant atreet, and awl occupied by Wt. hitonl‘ In Id., lifetime, s e e now offered for a de. The lot IC twon ty feet wide, rurinteg back cone • ten foot alley out hundred and Mn rent deptU to Venal, &n., which la also ten feet wile. The Innoto It a WILL threc•stnry brick !stow, dnd to cxrellent order. Fos.eulen can be aIY en October let, hod. For fur. her particular', cation D. W. A. A. S. BELL, Attorneys st No. 144 Fourth street. Pittsburgh sulthh66 ANTHRACITE COAL First-Class Company. At . I ., , P r ERSONS WISHING A SUP- For the Inaugurailoo or Um ANTHRACITE COAL, Cao bri aoppll eittlby leaelhii their Orli!. a Ith 'WM. BINGHAM, No. IPS6 Penn Street NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SLALOM FItOPOSALS o ill be ro•crlved by law undersigned as • Ulf UST lat., for thegrasling of the following streets In the Boroaah of Manches ter, to wit: Franklin Street, from Bodeen el In Va. all?, snit Chortler% MTIVI, from Washing ton to 144 set south of Frontal!. street. . . The said trading and the disposition of all. rplus eTesratiene, /lc., to he done and., the illreetlnns of the Committee en Streets mid the Recording g in ia timib '". 4l oryation cal upon the untir ten eil.ll the Offir:o l i Phelps. Para n Co.. Slancn r ettsr, or w m . an_ lle vltf i s ir ir"VitY. Ifhatrman rirret Con wines. PENN INSTITUTE, FOR YOONC LADIES, Under the Management or 2N2Rte. AL. S. szNst.rtie Astilatenhy a competent corp. or preireasors. • No. 26Vancock Street. The PALL NICENTON will commence MONDAY !Mineable...NO. • ' i tl i gittLials, apply at the Inilltuts. FEER.--244 ssicitLnlytorte: .. P ! ibt McONZINNY a co.. Depot for the Sale of USEFUL PATENT ARTICLES. Time, Labor and Money Saved. l iTalTED. p — i. Good salesmen to ANDREW•SDOUBLE OYL•NILEILNOMIIIIN ICE THE lUNDEIV4I(4NEI) 11,1 S RECENTLY RE'TURNED FROM THE GAS GENERA TING LAISP, crn it. , Agency ofsettle IN VALUABLE ATENT ARTICLES asat are neetlcAt In ever) Lou Ily, am ILL why , maY lw The Continental knife Sharpener and Polisher Th rePiiloiliin in the kitchen department of a•ery into which It it !aim Inetil. liii!;...!letiing a dozen knives and hirk• I TainSit withent the er iiii iiic ouiy or a child. it lc an actiial net:twill, In every ininliy; Is ',airy limply. neat. ilitale to get uut 1 , 1 ord. r. PRICE, 111.00. THE MAGIC LINEN MARKER rtrestle t of pt in, 'u^,•llhly 111.11,. on cards. Waiter. leather, books and household iiii• n ••f nynty it.--dritaluti. ad Is adapt,' for matcaling, athireetea. to., Re. Any name .lestret: - I:I in.drt• d and nM sat In , . In rand Pad courplet•, seat to anv address. PRICE, 821,0 U, et = 41, TYMJEL. nI ni .• 1..„ I. vr, l .1. • C CA , rIar:6II.II.CPICL Carpet- , r% t . .•. ,wd...• - .31, I x trodured the put season. both In quality slid I , .•' ..••• , •I r0. , 1 ol I clot 1.. Uttn.l4olli at the low prices e(50 . 54.1 . 4/11 square yard .M.. 1., /1 ri,lllfillg Ithe r soap nor brush to cleans It, all tn. n 000...., to apply th. dirtiest tarp-I. CAMPILLION LIQUID ENAMEL. --oiorth-ta-afr tannin...3st,•reel.. I oy the who tested i ts cue Its during the past *wagon to be the most eco arntel and t.. 11 1 .. . .111 , .1..•,t the • aroish Ind e. Introduced. This article may be applied to Enroll- P. re. lino ti•.- !route, trona/rate Fran. a I encl.'s, Wall Paner. Window Shade., • n a ud,_,, • outing resembling welted slate hardened. It nowt rt. freely fr.. the brush. and will rover "noble Ow !pace of any v arnlsn now used. [l. will never era , * has her, tet ten Au ring Or past Or, tultil•m, el - pOseo to every kind of weather, and feeds anti heactirul to-liar a., when first spolled. ,r tour oil cloth dealers are now using It upon their ....into. oil cloths to enhance the sal of their grads. Old oilcloths, with one coating or the Enamel, lip p,ar like new. sod w ~ 11 three In, al long with an without It. Price. & gallon ran, with dircottons for using do do do do do ! quart do do do do Unameled Wa,t4h-Stand Shields. JAMES A. DVICNIGHT, No. 10 St. Clair Street, xr•c:rear bFFZ OS, 8643. BATES & BELL, *lO. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF TINE' V DRY GOODS. i I 111 Y. Reduced Prices of the Day 21 FIFTH STRUT. 0. S. BAKER & CO Solicitors, Attornels, ,9...1V1D COUNSELLORS-AT-LAW. I tomer of Seventh and F Sts., WANDINGTON,D.O WE GEV E OUR ATTENTION par , to I 1 h, follow Ing Onmehr. of la.. pr..p•rlo, and Attu . ..a et..., In United States • op , run• I•nurt: and a , Os, ittrtt.ular allantion Court r.r ntnl,,.rn of to.profeuslon re, Minot an ny leoin Ws, on .ngt. lon, netts In all th, oth e r courts the Ills. To ilt . irotListlng settlements of affsh, connected •ith LiiTATKA, "Kt tiItSTIONS. and 1111,1- N enfiFl HMS, which hare long rttnallireilitioiettied, sod albo debt+ due to and frion-tho some. The rotlettiptiliti pritiwrly sold for Is..tes, tstitie ,ll, during the war. la toisnen of last nosiness which has revolved swift careful stuilv and W.:n th, Si to amount now to a totelitllly With 11.. To itritsecollog elsitos ot hind, before the inf. tenon Dernrtinents of the tioverTmeri:, and to the Coln t of I - We Owl be Itapp) Al all time. to oblige our Jiro astonal brethren la any po. LI n of the country. ny •Itetnitni. tnany Inisine.4s iiritielt the) MnY hare to 40 in Washington. Their communications will I. ansurcreit, null their bust :mks promptly attenileil to. SPECIAL CLRCIILAR. GEO. B, SIMPSON, Slajur. tilt IntBl . x)nuuler, U.S. Army NEW OPERA HOUSE IMIIME! RE-OPENS On Saturda)• E erring, Aug. IBM, EMIE MOST BRILLIANT SEASON, Dramatic and Oprratir, raa knots is Pittabarsh. The Opt, H0w1.. , hes been THOROIDEIRLY RE. MODE LED mei Al A.iN IFICEN fla! DECORA TED. awl le how, beyoe•l doubt, one of the ffrMUTVM , iM n q I=l The Director's long connection with the loaitEtte. meat or IittOVER'S THEATRE. WANHINGTON, 11. 14, hat log plated him In an inanoultal potitttlo with TIIE FIRST STARS OF MUM; Lie :a prepared to annottace the moat brilliant Inter 0. ....Bement. that Pittabargh has aver been favored with. Mrs. Bowers, and Mita. Barney Willia Ba tem anuela Whatern,Mr..7.' Murdoch. Mis Mr L. P. itaivatti NW' Charlotte Thoinimen. the Webb Misters. and Me tireat Ulster!. are among the dramatic calebtitlat engaged far thla house, while Man litrainireh's Ma lan Opera Troupe. Groves's tienuan Opararrappe„ r • p_lff T l :„ ° Vag=rt7tregri n k brlitianr.. hat.reat 74001 adarlittettt - rrouTi l a lam also See mail MU and advertisements faillal.Of ape excellent company and other partteulan, e;::rats FLINT;. - GLASS -PRIBRUMIN ....Itllll MEDICAL ADOWD—OTCOF AfIALA: AND lIIMNIAIL 4 O.,-;; - ATl.—Thep next wrossit TheTiMtisM ,littsl OuAtthlea and ,PIIMLIIMAIM L YACittIItLe!Iei the 0011ree nom and,.arter UOTOBILS ler. Pro, Et .aGy, . kurit,e=ht Secretary. 41111-TOill - s ;,nur • , ninon whieb the hand never becomes Lents while ; resat. re. tr, 93,50 per dozen. ROOM NO. 2,, SECOND STORY F LA NNELS irimAn.:=- - 11 %.13,041---741 OS Red Flannels, Yellow Flannels 1 Gray Fla,nnals, White Flannels., Twilled Flannels Miners' Flannels, Dark Barred Flannels, Bradley's Barred Flannels, Kittanning Bar'd Flannel, Ashland Barred Flannel, Steubenville Bar'd Flannel Cleveland Barred FlatmeL White Blankets, Colored Blankets, Covode's Heavy do, AT WHOLESALE MILROY, DICKSON k; CO., 54 Wood St., Pittsburgh. MT. AUBURN YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE. TOM School hte just concluded its Lentil year. Its lIINTOIrr has beep one of prosperity and growth Rom the .eonowetteoment. The last two year. the daily average attendance has been more Ulan two hundred, and many have been reined for want of somammodatlon. A NEW BUILDING Is now under contract, to be ready for occupancy at the opening of Lite Fall Mission us September, and It Is hoped that hereafter all can be rec.-deed us popila who apply. Ihe 1.18 y, APPARATUS and CA lIINHT ire receleleg ye.rty, valuable additions, tnd the purpose le kept steadily Inlew, to furnish every acid LT fora thrrough coarse of lostruetto a. Tin. faculty consists of four male and cloven fe male teachers, all experienced Instructors to their several departments. The School Is fully graded from the Preparatory department, through the entire course of Acad.°, teal and C/asateal studies. ror partreulan and Catalogue.. oddrues I. H. WHITE. tt.s West Fourth Street, CIXCIAVIretTI. aull:b4l DAY, 11143A80Y & SPARG, IRON CITY 11111 E WORKS. onms AND WAREHOUSE, Nos. 45 Wood and 102 and 104 Third St, iiirourEits or Alit) DLALM IN Saddlery Hardware and:Trimming, I=l Superior Wood and Iron Waning; Wrought Put 131 u, Jitng Btu. Mufflea, AnuidoOna, Wheel Mtn, Mallen Bits, go., ac.. Beep also on hm,d a full lend !complete assortment, ergoods In their Was, all of which they offer ,at as fair prices, and on as good tenet mg . to aroma by any liaise to the trade EAST 012 WEST. - sor2ltha4 - - TO CONTRACTORS. • sEALICD BIOS WILY. BB itacsrvira By the Committee on City Propene' onto &TM:. b.' the albObill, in 10 clock., v. w. for og of Maidßit orititeilt BOUltr,„ini ylleitritekrixtb ,on the lot now oce,nywed'ey .".icsid /meat Flee Company. •Plana •and - Spneinomion. can be men at UK , MUM CIL Alderman .BUTLEtti ed- doer. from corner of Wylia and AY,aahlogtort streets. ... 81. ASTABLE. tn.eno near of. 8 aft Costors boom, on Pennsylvania avenue.. Plat% es speclactitionscan baleen at Cie office of Alderman . Offiltltyp; No. 77 nventio. TIIO Volmselltetireserve theh 411 0 1 48- 48014 to be se sr 18 -r---- 1...p!.,,1-,448 0404 ea ,I.;.h1381111LIN:1:114.11113181 006i1IIIttee, ;Alpert, .treet; , ri • _ . - O.4I6.IFi.WWNDEUMIL: LoNGEOL•D • HAIM. West Kanetruter. titioD on Laurel alley.ire•t of Adamsstreot., ib tnmen Market tad Boailltattrouts. au14:131 VITA-" TED—AGESPTS.—New Book NOW HE LEST CAUSE., a noir Southern History of th War of the Confederates, U. h. A . POLLARD, of Virginia. The Stand a] ant b facial Southern History published. L.l- Fuitve territory Rive and bops colon paid. or torn., &c., call on or address A. L. TAtemrr, soli .12.0•TriiorT 260 Liberty H., Pittsburgh. With right to use it. A mire chasm to make money and no risk. tiddrci.i 4. C. TILTON, jyl6-1119 31 FIII.II street, (111 1+1.,r • ANTED.-A SURE FORTUNE. - • The advertiser,a . ehembit of twenty-pea year • experience. both In i.orope and America, wialtillse to retire from tte. protession. will tend to any pet.. son valuable reedit front thense of which any ire dustefotts ming tn ir woman, with little or I s Capital, can make i• 41121 !h., tint day .01 only an et redent 11•1na, but its a very short time realize vioderste fortune. ed.t.tress, will, two stamps for return postag S. e, I% Chemist. Sr eritne Cldlodulphla. Ile. WANTEM-3ktOo per Mouth paid sgo.nie, Le iv Lreence our new $lll, mg and Vl/0 nEW LSO.•lil h, liutehunk`r Vuera. drier..., with .I.aron, 1 , 101:Al/NOCK ItlEWl4ti bl &CHIN r. CO., te Loettendon. Masa., or Plll ~ ,e n. pbl,l_, ea. SC4OO . 3,00 . 1,60 AhD G=l ivticlq:l ANTED—Two or three ==;l WALL PAPERS. .\.c WALL PAPERS, Ear Summer .f 15186 LACE Ella WT. COLD, PLAIN tit? AND PAM 31P11. 1 P.e.x . Yor Conal kloarkerl, la store. ONCORATIVE MEMO! PAPSitel, for =I =a T 110114.1104 PALM ER 1tie4e3 4 16 ASD DETAIL RAVI 11 "- 15 LIL, TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES MD 'I" EL la IC. 3EI CO 017NIPt Ea Warekouse, 91 Wood Street, 8.0.4 does Irby, Diamond Alley, I=l=l __ PITTSBURGH, PA, PAPERS. I=l Standard Gold Papers Now r'Thred. or bestatfka designs for Parton, al I=l 111= Piktm'N IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGHLINS, 1.X7C•1"19.1377N1.413FML, AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle al- , 1 T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Rai12,16 and 20 lbs. to the yard . Train Rails, punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge a id Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Wheels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Hods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WAREHOUSE AN I) OFFICE.. 120 Water and IAS Front Sts. BRAN CH HUUSE. Nos. 22, 24 and 28River St., jelmlb CHICAGO. ILL. -ienz:4. MILT. I I& RICKETSON S Wholesale Grocers, ANL) I UPOUTEIII3 or BRANDIES, WINES AND CIGARS, Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS, &C.. Constantly on hand. SALE OF UNITED STATES MILI TARY RAILROAD PROPERTY. • Urrioi or gegv. Q. M. U. B. Mll.. Q. IL, 1150 0 -tree, W.saut Novo:, U. 0., august r, WM. Will be Bold at Public 1.110. at Ale candrl, V,. ou I'UURaDAA, August. 7.1' , the balance of United States Military Railroad ..roperty remain 'LP ing has,' at has at that place, consisting In part as fol. Two second-class serviceable Locomotive Engine., Morrie & Son, Madam; gauge. 4 ret t e inano•. One Tender Truck, two mall Trnek Cars. (ins hundred pairs second-band C. Wheels on hes enry ten. "T , Railroad Iron. fat lbs. to the rani.) nearly new; Aileen Stores, two Oftsurt-ton Hydraulic Jac.., ten tons unserviceable Railroad Iron. • •.", 'twenty-eve tons Wrought and Cast licrap Iron, second-hand Itallroaddplites, Chairs Rubber Loops, Broad Axes Mania, Platform and Counter Scales, Lanterns,Oars, Pasta, Tabled, and a •arlety of other article.; also, Nine Frame Etelldlnas, • . . . Sales to contessosee at SO o'doCS, A. tt., t the Military Railroad Wharf, where the Looonroll vas, Railroad Iron. and O. Wheel., are stored. The balance otthe articles wRI tw sold at the Railroad Supply Store. neer the Orange and Alexandria De.t. Wlll alto be sold At Pittsburgh, PA., at 11 o'clock, A. at., on TUESDAY, &SlyestPi. pay,. now pea pays, bre feet gauges Pennock & Co., Realist Square, cheater county, Penna., builders. Tenor-Cab. In Government funds. Any further Information relative to the property will be panisked on appllestion a, this °Mee. P. J. CHILLY, Get. Major and A. Q. M., u. B. Army. tabby! THE NEW STAMP DUTIES. 4uguat lat e 1868. This llAmy, Tor the Cob venleneo of EReti A 1:1"13, CM= CONVSY.ANCZII.I, ATTOILY EVA, And the public generally THE NEW STAMP DIM K , LBPOSJED BY ACT OF CONGREStA JULY Mu TO YAKS BYPECT TRIM LAY, ON A NEAT CARD. AI.£IIA.BETI CALLY A RRANGED. ,PR=OS a 2, : Otos. I= JOHN P. HUNT & CO., PUBLIBLIZRZ, 5? FINS St, Masonic Hall. 1866. sPITIGHATs- 1866 11 , 1aQ0111) . CO' 181 11• 00111.Arartir, ,I*l° alt IPV,Arg=t_tholr.larse eat sr., tor soils aiiig.)*ln.. Axt - ishacuesmolkrrabrzem rs r. 6gitivirsysv.AcerwAgmrsi v ieto ;j now , p ultl4ll4 . .tounpu u t iK ;Ay g: •.IYRILAZ.WMaci f ev Wks. • ' enr R ft,144): 577 4 -, t•-vmeatadumaz.z . ,:z . FnlitainSc7,6ll3lland EAPUILIIars, - • 0-- o gatei/S 9 WeeirliTsigewll, 4.0 aub3, ra - invialttsraViTtiP %at. t 4,12, /UN 112 01u9 nitOß 2grnallateir, P 44. - 3 - -. ~~ ~, r t f , A t ~: : m it 0... , =MI MEE -rfz'z