The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 14, 1866, Image 1

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    THE I E.
Pennixnan, - Reed & Co.,
TSAR BY 111P 514.040 5
PIUS. M Mi. dICEV.Et. EY ,'""t
licgiftribmix 6agette.
Is the account of the doings of the Con
gressional Conference in the Twenty.third
District., the name of Benjamin F. King,
Esq., one of
_the conferees for Armstrong
county, was omitted. The omission was
not Mite by the Secretary, but by the
lir /Iry u.t.v rests under the impression
that the Philadelphia Convention, 4hlch
meets to-day, is in any proper sense an in
depended deliberate assembly, he may as
well dismiss that conception at once. The
great majority of the members have been
pecked, with a view to a particulai result,
which will be brought about" with absolute
certainty. The Southern de% - gatious are
under the control of the President. He
elands between them and their States and
Congress and the loyal masses of the count
try. Whatever he enjoins they must anal
will stand by; and ha is not disposed to be
hardOn them. Doubtless the whole pro
gramme has been settled at Washington.
Randall, Doolittle, Browning and Cowan
are the real tile-leaders. Whichever way
they point the bulk 01 the members will in
fallibly follow. A. few men, sure of the
positions they occupy, and untrammeled by
special liabilities, may venture independent
propositions, and exercise freedom of de
bate; but a clear majority will be ander
perfect discipline and effectually subordina
ted to control. Whatever the President
and Cabinet have concocted, in the way of
principles and mesettral, will be approved,
and with au appearance of heartiness and
Sows the abolition of slavery a strong
disposition has been evinced in the South
ern States to encourage the introduction of
manufactures. Quite . a number of new
cotton mills have actually started. The
Selma (Ala.) Times, in noticing the arri
val at Now Orleans of ti Philadelphia ship,
having for part of: its cargo Ave thousand
kegs of nails,,t4s;
"In old times when the Southern idea of
political economy was to raise cotton with
which to buy niggers, and to buy niggers
with which to raise cotton, this was, per
Imps, well enough; for if wealth hero was
land and slaves, be who owned moat was
greatest, the standard of greatness being
wealth; end neither land nor slaves could
be used in manufactures.
"'There is now Do property in . 01aves, and
money . invested in large plantations is
troublesome and unreurunerative; and we
mast become a trading and manufacturing
people, or accept the position of "hewers
of wood and drawers of water" for those
who are wiser than we.
"That manufacturing is profitable, we
have abundant evidence in the prosperity
and rapid growth of Northern manufactur
ing towns; and thedividends eeelareti by
manufacturing companies Noi di and South
during tho lasrfew years ; show that now
more than ever before nveAmeuta in this
branch of industry yield the most satisfac
tory returns. ''•
If the Southern people will act fully up
to the spirit of these seggettionit, they will
find ample compensitionsfor the lose of the
Alves, and the Un,ion will be bound to
gether with new bunciar, rowing ont of 004 7 ,
tity of Interests that never shall be broken.
THE Nashville (Term.) Press publishes
a private letter from a , gentlemtua. of high
character, living In Texas, to a friend in
that city. Take a tpecimen.of it :
"This is a fine. State, but the most dis
loyal to the Government of any in the
Union. It is almost ; impossible for a
Northern man to litre here. It is the reli
gion of the people-to klllloyal men and
negroes; It is an every day occurrence for
loyal men to get shot down in their fields
while at work ; as for negroes, they are
shot down promiscuously wherever they
are found. I have to tarry two navies
bolted to me all the time. I have, besides,
two , shot guns. I hare to keep them load.
e( in the house all the time. Yon may
asgine my houie looks like a small arse
nal. When I lie down at night I don't
know that I will get,. up all* m' tbe morn
ing. There is the worst state of affairs
here I have over seen in any place in my
life. There are no troops, nor haVe there
been any hero in this part of Texas, so that
secession is worse here now than if. was
during the war. The State is overrun with
bushwhackers and refugees, cnt-throats and
murderers front all of-the Southern States.
This Is a safe asylum for them.. They have
everything their own way and do Just as
they plekse, as there are no laws enforced
here, no matter_ what crimes are commit
Mitts O'RtaLt.v—one of the most versa
tile of living Irishmen—and that is very
high praise—thus describes the "little vil
lain of the Times," as a literary man.
"Raymond's articles are like nothing but
the nasty toy which children play with,
and call 'Pharaoh's serpents.' From the
smallest foundation of factand the cheapest
glitter of tinsel, they evolve an apparently
endless and certainly most %involute for
mation of frothily evanescent coils—the
wonder being that so small an idea cab be
clothed in so - many words; and the gab
stantiality of the argument being just about'
equal in durability and tension' to that of
the whitey-brown _Matexial vomited forth
from one of Pharaoh's little pewter pyra
Thla Not, complimentary, but we ate
afraid it la tne.
IitkiiirSIVOLTWI ii not a grandson
, .
of George_ Clymet, one of
. tho signers of
the Declaration : - of Independence. Ile Is
the son of 7.4tfard'Olymor, and grandson
of Daniel clynter, livid ' Morgan
Berloi county,' pour • the borough of
Lancaster. lhod4 Ants relation to .
GeOrge. latterlired - PiillidelObia,
near Dbrist'adturch.
THE Ricloisond 2Eltoniner says:
"If there is any layer, 'mitten OF unwritten,
which can,reaell this old scoundrel, Brown;
loir, it ahoutd be. ,, mpacd to atone Par
tfeste hat mated Wbe ci-birttie . :'"‘ • r
s , • ,, Artition is !list becoming au openly
'recognized InfararnhtaAty'9r ho part of
the Preaideat's imotera •
- .
gentiminth' hits just visited
Portland, Me., saya the pmple are cover
ing the devastated region with, temporary
frame buildi'ngs ode .ittory bilfeigift, that
present it =loos appearance in localities
that 110111 Ibrmerly -occupied by large and
hmidsome structures. Some of the dd.
sena. told went,to, New Yorkto
bay building alit/eats . soon Mier' the lire,
and found that everything available of that
nature had heenxbouglit up by persona in
New, York with a`"view- to speculation,
They bad atm- engaged all that could be
prepared within a certain time. The Port
lanl men ware obliged te Purchase of these
speculators - at advanced rates; or not at all.
point of :Um numbers engaged and I
the rapidity of - nurrentents; and also of re
sults, the late battle of &Mows was one of
the greettestir not the -- gieatest--4scor
fought in Europe. Fire hundred 'thousand
mat were brought inte direct collision with
each other, and fought tem.boum,
the muntalthm were at
,leest,,go:99. Thts
was quick worlii• but , in the -proportion , of
losses bears but slight oomptmleon to , many
of the batiks fought daring our lito rebel
lion, At Bedews tho)lpestuT warp: in"
Pew/Pert/on °Cone Ad twenty—whllst- in
our battles :Aber were as one tor
Am, and nearly always rearlsel
Summer Goods et Cost
pars Muse Shoe Moro.
Nwouner Goods Mt Cost
Opera Howse Shoe thore.
Nuaisairr Good■ at Coat.
Opera Roma Shoe Store.
lll:inner Goode lastest.
Open noose Shoe Store. .
donasoer Goods at Coot.
Opera House Shoe Store.
Shawristorifkooda .t owls.
Opera Howie Shoe Store.
flutainer Goods at Cost
Opera Harm Shoe Store.
. Ittustioser Good* at coat.
Opera Haase Shoe Store.
emunser Good • at ossa.
Opex% Howie Floe Szet,
Summer Goad• at Va
Opera-Swum Shoe Stare.
Until you get the Cholera, but be prepared for
it by having a small bottle of Fleming , .
Cholera ROlTedy at hand to nip it in the bud
on the Arai. symptoms. It never fails to cure
when taken in time.
Sold ouly at Fleming.a Drug Store, No. St
Market cruet.
fireat Rash For Baruatns
At Wm. r!cmings., No. 117 Wood street, for
all the I,...test styles of Gents fine light felt
Hats, Men, Boys and Children's Straw Goods,
Men and Boys For Hats, Mens Bilk and Caul.
mere fiefs, Ladles and Misses Hate trimmed
and untrimmed, at a reduction in order to
close out our stock. Those who want anything
In the above Hue will do well tb call without
delay, at Wm. Fleming's No. Me Wood street.
From a ladly
Wear Maros, Sat:eras A Co, N. Y.,
July a,
Da. Ilograrreit--Sir : I have long delayed
writing to you my sincere thanlo for the good
you have done my daughter. 1 can truly say
that nothing but the kind hand of Providence
and your Blvreus have saved he. from an early
grave. For three years I have boon doctoring
her iv tall eye ups and all kinds of bitters that
kayo been recommended to me fur her, be
sides having two first rate physicians: but all
see:rod to do her no good, while I was search
ing Ihe almanac, and all the newspapers that
I it
cool:Mt:old of, In hopes of finding some
thing t ould suit her cue . Accidentally
them part of a newspaper around some
goods that I bought at the Spa. In looking
It over I saw at a glance that your Bursas
was teat what alto needed. I sentthe next day
to Ballston boa and got a bottle of your Bit:.
mesa. She commenced taking theta, and such
.k change In one week with her appetite, ,:o
the ofstre.s that victuals occasioned, and that
burning in the Stomach. I never saw In my
Life as there was In her. She has taken three
bottles, and Is now able to work all the time.
I think there is a little dernagesporki of the
Liver. Please send me three bottles more,
which I think will cure her entirely. We and
others thought she had disease of the heart.
Jul t bat beating and fluttering that would
atop her from breathing at times, in all
:plea. Yours, with respect,
" Al ma. A.satua MoPszanos
'Host otter's tatters
tr kald wtiolottnta woe retail at very low rater
lemtnee Dreg and Patent Ate.iletne Depot,
ae. a Market alma, corner of the
el Iherket., near Fourth street.
New Year., August 13.—There were three
Modred and screnty-elght deaths In Brook
lyn last week, of which one hundred and thin.
teen wore front cholera. •
Nico roux, August 13.—ONE four cases of
ebolurs la the city were reported. to-day and
2.10 delta Ls. BrOokly. wren 0 .30 , sad tour
(lentils are rtportoil.
titolera at Hilton Head and Ty bee.
Nils' YORK, August 11.—The eavarnuth Har
ald. of Friday, repent twelve deaths from
cholera on the Lawton Place, Hilton Head
Island, including tee white men. The dimase
hue entirely abated at Tybee.
LA Catstes, Wis., August W.—Throe fatal
°secs of cholera on the Steamer Canada, of the
northern packet line, from St. Louts.
Childers as Clidesisis
Cincnou, Aug. 11.—The papers report about
twenty eases of cnolers In-the city, four fatal,
suns Friday op to into morning.
ST. LOOM, August 13..—Fifty-ulne cases of
cholera are reported by the board of health
fur the twenty-four hours ending at noon,
twenty-tax of which were fatal.
The steamer Continental with a detachment
of colored troops, arrived from the South at
noun and anchored in mid-stream. • The cap
tain reports fifty-One deaths by cholera mace
leaving Cairo, sod twenty-six cases now en
The steamer Henry ALUM, also from the
South, had seven cases amt two deaths.
Tho board of health are taking nottrs meas.
ores to meet the spread of the disease. PLr
phy3mtau, have beau appointed for grat-
Llll.olls attention to the poor, and depota
ltebod whore medicine can be had free.
Elevated litallware vetoed-heal Train
toillslors—lrlah; Republica:ma Brother
haed-rAjunent for Eattmaniement..
Nava 'Thaw, Aug. 13.—Maihr Ho ff man has ye'
toed the r.:lJ,ject for contracting elevated rail
4ewa n in some of the streets of this city.
re lams a collision between two coal
on - the Few Jersey Central Railroad
th morning, The oars wore badly smashed
butale loss of life or lujory to person I.
h re-
A number of the Irish Republican Bther-
In this city, have Issued an appeal to eft-
Ise s for employment.. - •
George ideliellap bus been arrested in Wash
ington for endderalement of VAN) from hie
late employers Van Ward a MuLhy, Importers,
Iloekmtn street, this city, and brought here
:or trial. Half of the money was recovered.
tt ea ig rialtos °Moneyed Roneerans--Dsr.
Sickles to be lila timpresttor—Tbe lte•
pOrted Trouble at Helena, Arkansas.
law 'lode, August 13.—The mornb==
have the following additional W
spectate: General ilmteau- rut, Brigadier Gen -
Melba thd regular army, having tendered his
reeignatidn, General Wiles It is understood appointed to GieSniosney.
AB yet no utgelal..informatlon concerning
thertported attack upon the town of Helena,
.s.rkansaa, by negro troops , bas been reported
at the War Department. Some one m C:luca•
go, longs to the 'Treasury &14,C00, as belonging
to the tinned States:
Alsi °rest?. lrou Cinuilany—Caltforsto
dotes gamma.
dAar Teaser/00, August a—Lofton company
has boon lucorporuled In Oregon with a capi
tal °rave hundred thousand dollars.
There are eighty shim. :here with wheat for
'lining attains are lrreg_ular; Opler; 011.1 V,
triage, 11,00; Belcher;l49; Yellow Jacket, 700;
gal Tenders, num.
VA.—Goaroat Navy Turd
PoisissaaiderProperty of U. A. Wise.
kORTRZSB 1101101. -Anatiat IL — COMMOdOre
11. Hitchcock; for •0020 Limo eommander
iimirt Navy Yard,
U has been relieved
kk Beal - Admiral Stephen . Boman.
is rumored in Norfolk that the property of
Henry A. Wise bU bein restored to him.
Nerropoper Order itevoked
fiffesitticrien, Angns4l3.—The recent Kellen
hunted by General Grant, requiring
a partment Commanders to forward copies of
fi eh hewePaPerawiebta thetr retretivP coin•
in nds as contain sentiments o disloyalty
a d hostily with the Government in any of lte
I. anches, a view to their suppresszmi,
h twen revoked.
I American Selectee Asamiatieti.
BM/PALO, Aug. Is—The American Associa
thin fur the advancement of science, begins
their • session hero to-morrow. Members of
the Allsoolatign, who may arrive bore during
the week, are requested toroport themselves
at the Citizens Exctuinga, in the Yocuigkien's
Aashellitiou, building for assignment to guar
'Philadelphia Convention Canard,
Haaaranuao, august .hee
patch In the Now York Nereid of Smiday. An
tiog that Liovernor Curtin had secretly called
for tWO thousand militia. lea canard. We are
a • thorised Lo state that there is hot a word ot
t h in it, such an tdealaav log never entered
mind of the Governor.
. The !' Nebel" TeamedSabana
, . .
New Tome. August , 13.—A PbUadelnida sp
cud says / ,JiLt. Vallandiabam boa been terolL.
or as alnettuber of be Conrentom, and th ere
are Indinallons or trouble -being eansed by bin
41algrIxr PollOclf, Slane tinfendent, of :a
Patted State* Stint, hag_ been removed,
ItarlAnstvirrtSe at 1te, 11 , 2 .
IlostaA Af t trast 11L-Tas extently: r i r n fr
1 / 12 4 14 ,21,1011:0;t1nt° LilirrOngOtnanaere
stroyolity pre yeeterlay afternaori. 'Nothing
but the round house was save&
1 Tr.rll4odo-7.1111.0S AWL Seep. ,
.PKII.ADIL262i4 ardar to g s.
mots harmony in ibe ',foam:dingier theon-
TOIttIO.U. FOrnanCLO Woot VAS_ a
. 0020 4 : 1 ,.. not to .
apppiL2lll 6U. : ' •;. : '
DlMPlinire =SIAS 1 1111 •
Tux, Anagtocit--WVAZI;
. ,
Copper-Johnson Confusion.
COPPER-.lolillaiiii-CL .
Speeches by Montgomery Blair and
Got. On of South Carolina.
Special Dispatch tit the Pittsburgh Ossetia.
aquas LI, MS.
The utmost coofuglon prevails in the nuts
of the Copper-Johusons. What urn called
Conservative or Johnson delegates, from Ohio,
no,lgen, Pennsylvania and New
have resolved to exclude Val'Beall/hat°
hazards, he refusing to go out. The
Eau lucky delegation, struck with his courage
tam, by Wm. Fernando Wood, of Nov York
and Floury Clay Dean, of lowa, bavu with
drawn—Wood, for harmony. Dean says the
Convention Intends to tulopt the retruapective
ron-clad oath. ollonsive as that of Congroes.
The whole Convention in emu tpulat al in the
nterest■ of Seward suit Johnson, and eontern
plates the formation of a patty to elect out , or
the other Prpident In Ms
This purpose, &treacly dtselosed, has greally
alarmed the Democratic leaders, who see Vs.l
edigham is the best apostle to tall
Fornoy's Pram, of toiurrow, will contain a
, eador snorting and proving two position,
first, no Southern State can be atlrnitted Imo
Congress under Johnson's plan, but will retth-r
he delayed In consequence of division• and
treacheries already displayed In the Conran
tient anti emend, that the whole plan conteu
plates the destruction of the Democratic
party', as essential to tho formation of s new
Copper-Johnson organ trAt UM
By Associate Press.
August 13,—The rain which
Ivan )eon falling nearly all day has Interfered
materially with the completion of the wlg
wam, and i. will not he ready to-morrow.
It is understood that a temporary organiza
tion will tee had ftt the National Guard's Hall,
Sixth and Been streets, about noon.
At s consultation of the Chairmen of State
, lelegationn to-day with the Executive t;oin
atittet•, it wee agreed that the organization e• i
the Convention should comprise two gentle-
men from each delegation an Vice Presiden's,
mud the same number of each on the Commit
•ees on Resolutions, Credentials, do Among
the cuatrmen selected by various delegations
are J. Tilden, of New York ; J. G. Abbott, of
Maissachuwstts ; T. a. Pomeroy, of Mary Lind
J. I. Orr, of south Carolina; Governor Par
sees, of Alabama ; P A. Storer, of louletann
I Barton Able, of Missouri ; Itmwtarck, et
Ohio; O. H. Browning, of Minot.; C. O.
Loomis, of Michigan, Governor Porter and
Senator Cowan, of Pennsylvania.
Vallandighato destines positively to writ
draw from Um Con. cotton.
Unary Lay Dean, of 1,,w., has Written a lei
tor doellning to verve an a delega
.4.rnong the arrivals to-olglit trulhann Rich
It In generally licileval that the blisincie,
the Convention will he confland to Ou eniinel•
aeon of prtnelplea without reform:inn to our
political party now notating.
It to supposed that Senator Hendricks, of In
diana, will be temporary chairman Of the Con
vention. lir. Winthrop, of blitavaebnvottn,
and General DU ate spoken of In connection
with the permanent Pretildeney
An addrees was delivered thi. Toning In
Lid of the irlilowe and children of
carte K the Mid& Fund Hall. lion:. John
of Mlaaonri, presided.
August Ll.—A large meeting
cf Clymer and men was he l l at the.
National Guards Mall to-night. Speeches were'
made by Montgomery , 111.. tr and Gomm tow Ort ,
of South Carolina. Governor Orr said he oas
eery glad to be present VI ILL the Detuocrats of
Peutt..ylvaula at the opening of the fall
eampaign. It had been ton long years
since he had flail the pltt.ure ...r
utaresoug A Peunsylvania allalleillai In bide,
perolence square, and since that time the
North and the South had been separated by n
wide gulf, but that gulf wan now rtal and
le. for one wished to thoroughly oli iterate all
traces of It. lie said that Ike WOOl I.lot. [IOW
rater to the last lout years nt t ugwar, but
thereby Intended to call up owe r two Inci
dents connected Wi th 11,01 which il wished to
speak. lie and Ids audience bad n brought
up it. widely different political hoots. tie
Lail been taught that the states RC 0 supreme ;
they, that the general Government ego su
preme. Ills section had thin:tutted its sup-
posed privileges; the North ad dettleJ
them. The South claimed the xi it Of seces
sion. The North denied the cite nee of any
such right. The South seceded, 01 with *lto
!Corti, appealed to arms, and Ito ly both see
Gotta threw down the gauntlet to kettle their
dispute aeon the [told of battle. he war w.
long, and desperate, and bloody,S et it ended
to the defeat of the South, w o ti
had c
pealed to arms as the lost
est earthly re:sort. and
Cal been against denial
lay far more complete and lin'
which could come from the hie
tribtmal. The gnostic., of the xi
ohm had been nettled completely
and the results of the war had
the general lievernment. tiros Cu
nectalor , the southern people, a
them, acquiesced In all sin
he Caine here on this, the
pocturilty, to say it to — a no born ateri.
ek e s, to declare that the Soul renounced
the right of seceaslon and weal ted in good
faith its allegiance to the gen ral govern
ment. They claimed to be once re citizens
under that government, and, as a ch, sincere
ly wished (or th e welfare of the mmon coun
try, the Union Of all th e Matra, I repetation
abroad, and its prosperity at b e. As the
peOple of th e North, thus IS our entry, said
Mr. Orr, en well as yours. We aregain fellow.
citizens. again brotders; and 1, a participant
in.the rebellion, come here ight to say
that I renounce the right of secession, the
right of an appeal to arms, and deknowledge
the supremacy over me of the government of
this Union, snd the South now too, that it was
once more a part of our common al onntry, had
au interest in the national debt. That debt
wee created by the war, but it was croa.ed
by his country as well es by the
country of those whom be addressed.
Fie, as a citizen of the Union, had. an interest
in Us payment, euual to that of °titer 'Wizens,
mud he could say in behalf of the Southern
' people, that on their part there lOW no Inten
tion to repudiate. They recognized It In all
its force, and nothing was farth from their
intention than to repudiate the debt of the
Common country. One other point to
which he would refer was, that the
i South lied ueen impove by the
Cholera Among Colored Troop.-11e.
pored Mot wt Helens Pronounced
Ustao, august It —The steer C
which passed horn last bight am waiontinentall le. dotac ,
anent 01 the sett (colored) Infantry, had sixty
cases of cholera., luduced by eating raw Cuba
sugar, and sis deaths had occurred. Only
those who ate sugar wore sick. The steamers
Hoary w ho
and Platte Valley also had stet
nesS on board.
The report from Memphis of rlotous_pr.cell
logs of the 56th (colored) Infantry at Balta. 12
pronounced false by officers of the regunent.
Calumets at
avo a Blempclltiear n.•—tie Reemeaa
Unarms, Aug. la.—Daring the past foi ty
eight hours there have been live deaths from
cholera. 'Tbe physlebuss had a.maotingt to
night and appointed a oximmitten to wait on
the Governor and ask the establiahment of a
quarantine on the river. and that the nom.
Bury steps be taken to moot the scourge.
Lociavitts, Aug. 10.—it in agreed to give
the Mack to tam. li.mseau without oppoaluou.
Candidates announced in the city prose have
unlined the canvaas, and ho will be support
ed unanimously.
. 111. Depend
. .
rots to lasare al an Early Day.
Nsw Yong, Aug. 13.--Clty of Mexico matrices
of the 20th Muria,, say there la little doubt
that the Emperor Alaxlintllan and ht. depend.
ruts will leave this continent at an early day.
Tilt only hope of wowed la in tJmentreatiati of
the Empreze in Europe.
Fire So Cbarsostosb Maw.
Boston Aug. 18.—Ono of the buildings eon
nocted with the Charleston State prison, used
us a cabinet maker's shop and containing a
"valuable stock of upbotslerv, was destroyed
by gut bat night. Low 11130000.
landion .100 boo m nor Travels.
Nisw Tos. Ah/gust ILL—Queea Emma, of tho
SonOwlOtlMAno 2 4 left thln city this morning
*La apealal -for Wlahiagtoo. atm was au
•ounapsaLed by Yr. Chilton, of the Slaw Da
1./Z 11 :1 , 1
United States Squadron Vißiled by
the Czar of Ramis.
August 18.—hoop.—The armistice
between Italy and Austria, which expired on
Bdturday last, has been renewed for tour
The official Berlin paper opposes the claim
of France for an estention of insulter.
The Czar of Russia has visited the United
States ■puadroo at Croastadt.
Ltvsaroot, August 15—Noon,—The Utattnt
market Is steady today. The sale. are WA.
mated at 10,000 hales.
Lennon, August 11.—Noon.—tIonsols, ea% ;
United States Five-Twenties, anti,
Los nos, August lb, r. a.—There is no impor
tant political news this evening.
LIVIMPOOL, August IS, r. —Lotton market
oloted firm; males to-day, 12,003 bales middling
uplands as 13V.
Loaves, August 13, r. s.—Uonsois, 3731,
United. States Five-Twenties, 68%; Illinois Cen
tral, NS; Erie Railroad, 431„
The Indian Tronaleo—Pay and Bounty
to Disloyal Heirs—Arrival of Queen
Emma—Tate The on Clause.
Wasarsuron, August 13.—Colonel Leaven
worth, Indian agent In the country of the
was and Camanahes, has just arrived hero,
and states that the Cheyennes from the north
nod those from the south, together with the
Arapahoes and Ayellala and grule Bands of
the sloes, are meeting In the smoky hill coun
try, to hold their great meeting lodge. The
Cheyennes say that the whites shall not make
roads through the smoky hill country, as it le
thLir hunting ground. It In thought teat
much depends upon the moult of the councils
hoot at the medicine lodge, as to the attitude
of these tribes towards the Governmeut. If
hostile Ind minces should prevail, trouble may
oe anticipated from these Indiana The Rio
wa• and Comanches are quiet and peaceable,
and are in a prosperous condition.
The second Comptroller of the Currency has
deelded teat arrears of pay and bounty car
net iw paid to disloyal heirs, nor coo such
heirs he passed over and payment made to the
heat person In the order of Inheritance
by Use act Of July Ilth, 1111. to the
use which called forth the above decision, he
nays that the ease, Is not similar to that of a
ondaildent of the United States, as much ua
thr not referred to provides forte payment
t.. the next heir resident In the order pre
serlbod, nod that no each provision Is made In
any law (or passing over a disloyal heir, mot
this , in such the money revert. to the
United Staten, in compliance with the reeent
order of the War Department rearranging
commands of the different Military Depart
General Canby has WUMed command of
We Department of Waishinguin, vice Linnet
Major General Augur. Queen Emma, of We
bilands, arrived here thin evening.
The acting Commissioner of internal !tyro
nue, h. written the following letter relating
In We tax on cigars.
• .
eta.—ln wanner to your letter of the Ist, I
have to say that by bonding year cigars, you
Cul. have them apprise° at the wholesale
market value, and on withdrawing them for
ounsatoption, you can sell them as you please,
el wholesale or retail, as you may and custo
mers, but If no tax is paid upon cigars unit)
tocy are sold, the actual prion rtuarlved
whether at wholesale or retail, must be retail,
end the assessed upon each price, the tat
upon cigars sold at thirty dollar° per thou
sand ta ten dollars, but lithe same , posltty of
emars are retailed at fifty dollars per titan-
Crud, the tag 'mil be fourteen dolls..
tampon gonna ma Washingotoo—Allorory
16i0.34,111i hilakobery mecelre• Her.
WA...WT./T . OX, Aug. 11.—Upon the arri•al of
Qat.. %mots I.lala evening, the, with her at
tend/tuts, and escort. proceeded to the hotel
whr re Prawtments had been provided fur
User, The Queen was cordially welcomed by
Attorney General sianbery, acting Secretary
of Mato, in behalf of the Pre.Pleat.
Tne Queen repilial, thanking the President
for the tumor and irtmlnem be had usalfest,
es! and the socretary for the courteous terms
la which he had expressed the geoti of
tot istIVIIrIIIIIOI3L and people of the tasted
511(1 designated to-morrow evening
for paying a vtalt to 1550 President The oar.
amity we• entirely prh►te. at Y. 30 D. to. tier
110. y wee nereended by the bend of the
ritLh United Slat. est-alry.
Cholera at Near Orleans.
New Oaaa•rra, August 11—rho mortality la
creasing at the rate of tim per rin.t. The
'Wens deaths (or the forty-eight hours end
at•ls o'clock a. in.. arc fifty,
flier., are no indleattoos of martial law be
,g wlthdrakt,
Fenian Excitement In Canada.
Yowl. August 13.—dpeclal Montreal
telegram. mate great excitement in Quebec,
at the reported Invaaton of Lenlana between
Montreal and Quebec. There in not the least
Itkeilbo4xl of truth In It.
Epigram, •.
1.17111111,0,,,.. JAM.
Wt/.—••You're . false, cruel wretch. not a year
after marriage.
To try aed degrade ma and pot down the carriage."
llueorroi—• A lady. nit dear." wax the anowertag
re pnisca,
“le known by her coriogr. tint not by her coach. •
Loo.] brayed an as, quotb Kate, "My del.
oho., with hr. nful •rriagel
. at) our triblle. be.. r •'
tuve.•• saw be, h, marriage."
ICON Tilt 0.41./.1 OF LOISING.
I caked my fait .otie happy day.
W bat abould call her to y I•y;
By what sweet name from Hose to tt retro—
-Ipthigeata, Mori,
Lau.. Leabla, Della, Dort*,
Dorlmene or Laereeer
••Ao!•' reptto.l my gentle rale,
• lleio•ed, what aro name* but ale!
Tote thou ...Dever salts the •lete,
(ttelta, Iphlat tars, Lillarta,
Laura, t.eabla Lally Dort,—
Pot don't rorgei to call toe—lnlne.'•
r nod 1110
' . ho wookt
I than any
.eat Judicial
ht of on.-
. nd forevor,
.tsolded that
romo. Thus
d ho tunong
orlty, and
TO • LOOT. WITH • rein ol nLovbo.
Fairest, to tote 1 seed thesegloves;
If 3 ou Lute me leave au* the Li,
And mat • pelt or levy*.
am unable.," yonder beggar este",
To stand or aft." If he says tree. he Ile.
Boa Ilko [tilt tileturni you'd think that It breathes
Whet lite! what eapreestoe what aptrat I
It awns but s • 'Alas!" the spouts.
'"that w.ns to Its principal merit."
TIM 111Slairs reamm.
Melmaar smokes! It la some etude litre!
Me mid:Mora are alarmed, and cry a 11. • f Ire
Marked by extremes. bussianati's beauty bear.
Life's oppOdLe• — youth's biosoom and gray naire
Meet signs .or one la whom combined, are seen
Wisdum•it ripe fruit and roses of nineteen.
Low Necked Deere. add Tilting Hoops.
Madame Demorest's Mirror of Fashions,
for August, truthfully says:
The press of England and Arteries are
011011 waging war against a prevailing fash
ion- 4/110 against low-necked dresses, the
other against "tilting hoops,"
Low-neck dresses have been worn in
England from time immemorial as "I ull
ilrese," and were formerly much more its
aecent than now, as the old portraits and
fashion-plates show. The moral sense of
the country revolted, however, and for
sometime evening dresses have either been
made only moderately deeolletr, or some
pretty trifle of Inca added, which rather
!lightened than ,injured the lassmilugetlect.
Lately French fashions, such as Pom
padour lxidies, short waists and little
c forming mere strips of silk below the
bust, have invaded England to Snell n de
gree as to rouse a storm of very proper soil
virtuous Indignation, and the result memos
likely to be the extineition of low-necked
waists altogether.
In thin .saintry low-nocihod dreillir. Imre
never found. insists favor as in Frant, or
England. Whether it is on lassmnt of au
puller modesty or inferior physical develop
ment the Wine intuit determine. Certain it
is, that with low dresses Ainericall women
almost invariably alfert butted lace in the
shape of capes or einaniseuarr, and In this
way get the credit for a rounduess of torus
they„.rarely possess.
But what they gain on the soars of mod
esty in high necked dresses they lose In the
wearing of "tilting;' hoops. These latter
abominations hove roused a spirit of oppo
sition hens as fierce as that displayed In
England against the law-mated dames,
and''` re think with quite oqual cause.
They are, indeed, so positively outriureous.
as, monstrous, that It Is. surprising men will
allow their wives and daughters to wear
theta. The quicker hoop skirts go out of
tlishion the bettor, unless some style Is
adopted which is sufficiently quiet and
modest for respectable women to wear.
It la a Matter of qUlteritiffielent MOMOM
to merit the attenti n of intelligent women
whether It la best to give in a thringtless
adherents, to whims Of Mahlon that are
shameless as well as inigawattisnt.
Os idre: ssiassaisi: k
Additional Local Matters on Third Page
Fleemen'm Preseozotion—Banquet—
Some fifteen years since the head Intent
Bose Company or philacielphin eXteimell all
invitation to the Duquesne, of tilts city, to pay
them a friendly visit. They accepted the In
vitation, and since that time several similar
visits have been exchanged, anti In the long
interval of years nothing has occurred to mar
the good feeling entertained for each other.
On Saturday a Committee from the l'hilad,d
phia Company arrived In thiacity, whose mis
sion it was to present to the Duquesne a hand
some Illuminated card of thanks for favors
received. Tile earth watt the very acme of ehl
rographical beauty, and was surrounded by
heavy walnut frame, both artistic, and unique
in construction.
. .
The prusentatlon took place about nine
o'clock last evening at the Duquesne Engine
111.111113. nap r Delany, of the Goal latent;
handed ever the gift in a next and apprupyt
ate speech, which W. responded to by Mr.
Ogden, of the Duquesne, In the I ollowing
word •-
kieutiernon of the lioa.l —yen
on me the pleasing duty, in behalf of the Du
qun,ne Engine Company, No. 3, to receive the
very beautiful and artidic token of your re
gards expressive of the ktnit feelings which
have Char.te tired our Intercourse in the past.
loan assure you, gentlemen, that the gift will
Le highly appreciated by the company which
I have the honor to reprenent, and will tend
slid further to atrengthen and develops those
fraternal sentiments that a ionid always eclat
between brother drouten. Allow mu to assure
yott,.gentlemen, that whether you visit our
oily as individuals or an seamen, 3on will al
wayp and a cordial welcome at tho hands of
tile Duquesne Fire Company. We whd, you, ion
your return, to Convey to your tallow members
the kindly greettngn 01 the Duquesne, and
trust that our Intercumrse may Lei um pleasant
in tile future as It has been agreeable lts the
This speech Was greeted by round after
round of applause, after which the company
adjourned lei the mantels lee Cronin Saloon,
on Fourth street, where abanquet was Stirs ed.
Any endeavor On our part to convoy to our
readers even a feint Idea of the excellence
that. appear:al In every parent the well-spread
board would he worse than tutus. Here stood
pyramids of luscious fruits, with savory duelis
sod chickens on either Hide, While high alxire
all could be sOl,l the national bird, with out
spread wings, fast molting into errxm, al
thong!) the host bad weld to the pules of Int , L•
log them frozen Into miniature Iceberg.s. At
the invitation of Mayor lictorthy, who had
been elected to preside, the aowsruhlage, num
tiering sonic two heath...4l, took seats at the
banquet table, and tor a time naught nave the
clashing of anis,a and rattling of bates could
1.00 heard.
When all had partaken, the cloth wax re
m ova and the Wavy (run of the wlntage wee
placed on the table. several appropriate
toasts wets given and drank with applause,
atter which, in response to frequent eras, Al
etaader Nleilwalne came forward and dell,
°red a Very clognent [itch VI are
sorry we intre not apace to giro even an al,
alma Of.
Major Delaney followed In a few pertinent
emetics, alter which he look u seat at tile
r.nno and treated the audience to a popular
I rich air, er Well, all thltiga l.nuelalttnal WWI very
Al a late hour the eulernoninent ended, and
all 1101,14 taut highly delighted won thu .r.tut
hleh had attended the affair throughout.
The KLIIISt4I API rude Id .1 intrtleularly Co
Lents John Flottolll and Lellitroy for the /1.-
Aa.luot. mttoption those gentletnon bestow
Meonag of rho Firemen.• Amusetattoo.
A regular tueetang of the Firemen's MIFOCia.
1,011 cc, held bast evening, in alai: hall, In
tile City ligiuling, Erement—Meaara. Istituto',
Mcßride, Rees, WmDaher, Bork, Cripples ,
Lewto, Sleeper, Wallace, Carson, Al
ward, Montgomery and Eroslilmit Met arthe.
The minutes of the preemling meeting were
ret.' and 011 motion apprised.A
101 l of Ute meesenger, Mr.
amounting to gel-Ei, wan presentesi nA onions{
to tw pabl.
Mr road the report 01 .he Lhief Engi
neer for the last quarter. He mat.. the num
ber of fires tor Haat pert° I acre twenty-throe.
The folletw lit( anglastious were offered wito
I report, rig • Thal cacti steamer be pro
ymeil with a nips, to i.e struts-hog Strom Use
strt els n the vielitity of all fire., while U. , '
same 111 r.• burning, and 1.111.1. 110 ',faun, mi
..a13.011.4,1 a Ili, the itre departints., be ..low
ed to go within the hot.,tei mimosa:4 by saki
i opus.
r Yon' iiiTorml the [Mos mg:
fissuireti, Thal the &Ade( Engineer he re.
ai.IP.I Li. publlall. through thy pros,that It
is Lint Wish of LL.le tttlnarlaheitt that elute.,
1e rt.lalf.ked act to colairtbato any dinivilion
U. an tereaponalhlo party, .for ac
le :rat mu.-
id ur :rig are., tin IL
I tl dor ate ti.Q thing to ettlter of the comtinlei. he liepartlnot, that the non
t rlbutlon be paid to the reeneellve Treaan tilt
of the varlon, cool pehols, or nay one of them,
unit Last au... and :itaideilce, of the.
rtetitirere be Laid othiel for LISP benefit of the
After au arntuated debut., U. • Itleit ..everal
pentlernen thenumerea
liner of the tr....ellen, It awn put 53 the Chair
and earlier' heauttneualy.
In renpoune to an Inquiry from the (:hair,
Th. Rene, from the Eagle, stated that at a
...eating of 111.. comps.) IL Cm determined
r et to purloin on the lay .I..htnated In th•
conattoetten, on anournit of being unable
L 111,All/V. ilia nucuasary equipment..
lir from, 11.5.0 the Niagara, expressed
t 14.1 the endue( of tn. Layle would
,•Ore the ceueure of the AranOcratlon and that
.) oy br rim:46lM for failing to turn ocit.
14r. Montgomery, from the Alloy hen,, germ,
.1.4 the motion of Mr II wilt, amt untended at
loccinot tie grotto dile n
contan do--
oho) ing. Tlet nation etta lost, trol the anoo
pacratle ara Ilted for the let oat urtle) in
September, nsp ele,l In t vonet ant ton.
ten mitten a.lfourneti
Mr, Jones, of the borough of Mancoester,
appeared before Aidet man I tonaldson, venter
nay, and inado an Information against her
unhand, ...hint Jones, tot drunkentleas and
falling to coo ti chute to her support. The at
tused was arrisned and brought face to face
with hi. injured "fair one In the presence of
the expounder of the law. Sarah abet on to
relate her grievance., and, among other
things, stated that Samuel had been drinking
inceaaantly for ;several weeks, and that the
entire support of the family devolved upon
her. When •he had concluded, Samuel broke
the silence he hail maintained throughout, by
propounding the following interrogatory to
his better hall "`Jamb, do yen not drink ws
well as mei" After a little hesitation Mrs.
Jones Yllll,l - er...41 to the affirmative, bet added:
"I never make a heart Id myself. - The hare.
baud deigned no anew,. hut torned Lo the
magistrate and gravely said • "Squire
I one that woman, I pointing to lip. .1 ,)
better Lime I do my own soul, ant retsina
that she 1,.11 give to drink, and bad tie Lerll.l-
111,1 to go to I LOO embraetal the cup
in order that I might accompany her, for oil
DO ACCOUIIL would 1 be emporated firm her."
Atter concluding this strange defense, Samuel
took lilt sent, a shade of tnelaneholy resting
on his manly 1'011111.011.14,0, and refused to
speak more. Ile had gained hie print. how
,r and, with Mate 111 her eyes, sarah with
drew the charge, plod the costs, and, taking
the tom of her loving companion, they loft the
°nice tel tee friends we dare nay than tney
have been sill.. the day of their nuptial,
"Well, verily," an the ancient Anti/olub said,
',hat a world Is this we Ilre in."
, Whlppea HI Woumen
Two youthful feminlnes, named Florence
aid Mary Booty, wore at reigned before May
o; McCarthy, yesterday, for committing an
a oaalt. and battery on the person of Thomas
Galvin. The prosecutor states that the par.
ties, herein before named, knocked him down
at his own door lu Pike street, in the Fifth
ward, and beat him over the head and back
with their lista. The defendants state In de
fence that Thomas called them such names
that would imply a doubt of their virtue, and
in self defence they gave him the castigation
couiplaiJed of. The magistrate thought it
best to hold the weaker vessels in s3oit each,
to answer the charge at court. It to more
than probable, that the girls will enter a
era. cult for defamation 01 character against
lilt with a Whap.—ticorge McCurry w.
before Mayer McCarthy yesterday, on n &tare
of assault and battery, pi eierred against hie
11) tiotlelb Mots. Inn!, parties are illaYtuee
and are employed by vre wholesale ire
houses. In driving along Etna street Wel
vehicles came In collision, and each ebarK"
ile other with being the cause. titcClurry
ruling excited hlt Cilotc over the shoulder
With :1 whip, sail hence the charge. Thu a
cased entered brill for a hearing to-day.
on the. liallroisal.--Ou Thumlay
evening lest, at Mt. I.:taboo, na Airs. William
Schrader, awe! sixty-four pairs. was
In plating it 1010/leL Of coal Li
on! the Lraak
tbe iteading railroad, she war run Over by the
engine Wabsall, of the market train, and no
terribly itithrod that Ilho died shortly after at
her rtaldenea In bit. Carbon.
It Is doe to Michael Conlon, a ',miler, and
employee at the Union troll ICUs who realties
in Liberty townallio, pod. beyond ' the borough
of LaWrOnvoNine, a'hn h. a very respeetw-
Ida ciliate', CO state that, he LEI not UM Wan of
want name arrested by the Mnyorn ',olive for
wattling barrel. at the Orr In Lawrenceville on
nigh t.
ti It RI Lb a Plaa,locla.—Mary Drown mime
to Um Milne of Alderman Tayloryesterday and
61.10 oat h 14001ild. eimardish Rivers for MB
bault, and battery. The deponent alleges that
las. Rivers slagged her in the
with a
dirty dish-eloLli. - The accused was arr a .t e d,
but released on giving bail for a bearing to
saa be f o re Bastery.—John y esterday
peared Alderman Lynch
and mnde oath against Denied Ferresre fur
assault end battery. The parties all reside hr
w tonahtp. A warrant. ores Issued for the
arrest of the amused.
The attention ot the public no called to the
emd of Dickson, Hershel A Do., In this day'e
G A egrre., concerning the matter of the sfleg
ed attempt to bribe an °Ulcer of Allegheny
Lac). Dead and underhand.
Discharged.— M. Vanderetair charged S.
Green With attempting to rape q daughter of
randeretairs, aged-seventeen, before did.-
man Morrow yesterday, The -Dammed was
diMherged and the prosecutor paid the vorts.
>..~:~ f,.,r.
A Hite Charges Her fluattana With an
Attempt to Violate Her F
A few clays since we noticed the arrest of
Benjamin Evans and Luella Burch, Olierged
with adultery on oath of Luella's husband.
Luella procured bait and Evans was commit
ted to Jail for a hearing on Satnrday. But at
the time designated for the bearing the pro
st:entor and his frail wife failed to appeal. Not
feeling Instated in discharging Evans, Alder
man Lynch,before whom the case was brought,
remanded him to Jail and went in pursuit or
Liu •eli and Ills helpmate. He met them
n Maim, up Fourth street arm in arm,
and before they could discover his inten
tion had them both in custody. On arriv
ing at the mug istrate's office the
woman stated that she had never been
married to Burch, anti backed her statement
b. entering snit cgainst Min. for assault and
battery with Ito Intent, to commit a rape, al
leging that on lest Saturday, while
along Penn street, in comnany with Ti M ir ' re!:
puled husband, Ito dragged her Into West's
carriage factory, and attempted to violate ber
person. Tins put a new phase on the whole
question at Issue, and, somewhat perplexed
with the novelty of the cult, the Alderman
committed Burch sad his wife to Mil to await
trial, the former for attempt ing ,to commit a
rape on the person rr 1,
Litter I'M •,
tier alrcrunstances previously published.
rutted !Hate. ',Cartel Court
W Limon McCluldiee,v riding
Mescal., August 13.—Martin Hawley and
Robert Pinnin were indicted for currying on
tee businemt of retail dealers without &United
States license. The defendants are contrac
tors on the Western Pennsylvania railroad,
and purchased by wholesale each provisions
us were required by the workmen In their
employ. These provisions were then sold to
the MOH at retail. They thought that as the
purchases were made exclusively for the ben
ctit of their own employees it was not neces
sary to prismre a license. The Jury found a
onlict et guilty, and the defendants were
sentenced to pay a tine of one dollar and the
costs of prosecution.
The ease of David C. Hippie, of Lyooming
county, indicted (or passing a counterfeit
Nationtil Bank note, ass taken op. Hippie
WWI brought into Court several days since, but
he ItIOIMIAII insanity, and It was fond impos
sible to try him. By direction of the Court
lir. McCandless, physician of the county prison,
watched the lieLlool4 of the defendant closely
while in Jell, mid gave It as his opinion that
lie was "playing possum." [ripple was accord
ing.y arraigned, but continued to act crazy,
and was only quieted by au intimation from
the court that persistence in such conduct
might acid several years to his term Of impris•
onment In ease of conviction.
Claim Agnate and site Equalized Bona
ty—lniporiant Information.
1131.11111e1l m soldiers entitled thereto are
pressing theirclnlma, and claim agents aro
soliciting patronage, ire think it proper to
cmake publication of the latest information
oncerning the equalized, or additional, bourn
y provided for by Congress.
In responau in the Dap - lest of Melte.. Sr
therm R Riddell. to send them "the proper in
.dructions for preparing Maims for or/Italica
ion of bounty under ins late law,•' the Sec
ond Auditor of the Treasury Department re
pues. %miler date of August Ilth "No infor
mallon in regard to claims for additional
boson•. under the act of July Titti, 1801, can be
given by this u:hee until the receipt of
such lulus and regulations as may be prescri
bed by 1.1.4. Secretary of War In accordance
with eitid act.-
It will therefore Uo obeerved that nothing
n ill he gained by preening claims at thi4 time.
The 4'0.311er...111e glorolelde—lnqueog.
In yoatenlay's iwao we mentioned the fact
that a certain John Harvey died on Saturday,
at his Some In the village of Connersville,
Versailles township, from injuries received In
a It - meat+ at the aVlove named place on hater•
day, toe ILO nit. Janine DI. Lane, H.q.. Justice
of the l'eaut . , held sat inquest on the body of
.he al...creed, >eaterdry, when the 1011011Itug
verdlet was rettoeted: "That tile said John
tirrvey Caine to hie tenth from being struck
en the hood with a stone by a jostreon named
John Morgan, with intent to commit murder..
enter liarvey's death Morgan tura disappeared,
fiLitn up Lathe present writing had not bean on
DONALD . .. , /N.-A t Flast Libertyon 3donday
morn' og. at .9 o'clock. J.. CH tatil.T:l%
. ll so., ni Jonst C. and Annie W. O. Donaldson,
/wee mouths nd II days.
Funeral from the residenc or hI. 0m . .., Vet
luont at, <4.1. netu. Gas NN ork, Allegheny City, at
CrucaldaY) arrznonon. Friends
and arc respectfulty lissltc4 to attend
-lin Monday, the Fab lull,. at
ty r. at ter.. 111/IitUARE - C. ~f oamuel A.
nands-clan sn.l daustattr 01 n. 01
at.giway seed - 11 years and 3 days.
No I, No.-calm escillng papers.
lwao fn I • 'God '•-acre." the
Ipt go burbaz
Lt!7OV i r e r eh tt ic ref.' elbto ;4=llLdteiegkl
Alleaeey. V For
hurl) lota, pursuits or Mies, esll
•1 utetral Drug blurs. of COall. a. CLA %EY, Alla
-4:10. . _
No. 196 Sm ithOseld St., cor. 7th,
mrcri.e.cs N3C.
No. URI Fourth ttroet, PlUsburgh, Ps. COTYIIIIS of
all nth dr, CILAYES, OLOVICh, and a►er. doaerlpilon
of run nil Foram:dm, doom Mrnmum. Room.
nnd Wean Howse mad Carriages ruraMbed.
a►aaioue—Peer. David Yr..., DAL, Boy. M
. ' , coon., D. D.. Thom., liurtmg. rap, Jamb II
U . T. IN LUTE & CO.,
llanenecter. Wood'. Han nod vicinity.
Varner 01 130.2e111 ekartlurs .I.retts
11 mrs , and Carriages turaished.
THE PUBLIC—Our attention
hat 1..0n calla I to the esulutlon pass
hi the Allegheny City Council. at their last
monthly meeting:
. .
• • at,. lard, that we condemn and censure the in. the firm of tricks... lid &retail &
Co.. for preferring the charge contained In abide
toenicatioc, dated the 12th day el July. Isa .
alto. m
alto. for attempting to bribe an official 01 this
•a. they themselves admit. We do thereforo
deilare that said Ono have forfeited all right to our
..on Ode uce and estaent.••
. . .
in forfeit the confidence and esteem of the mem
bers composing the Allegheny litly vonnell streets
,as v think It should do .1 honorable men. But
.rnn suchresolution results from the partial
ststemrnte ol •
the ease. and these statements wholly
groundless, as we allege and eats prove, such • reap
lotion 111.00111 not dant•ge us In the co,morilty.
We. 111i:term., submit the tolowing statement of
the 'whole ease to thr
. .
In ...seer to propon•li puldished In Daily Oa.
nrrit, we submitted • lid the Allegheny City
• ...owl* for form. him s i ooo fest 4 Inch and 3 .0
feet 3 loch p.m When the bids
fo rrepen ed, inmost mwe hoax rens.. to believe the dli
spp Aliment of certain partleyo our bid was found
1 ,. be the lowest. and one of our arm was pot 0101
Any 4th to the City Controller that laid contract
ismu awarded to us, wed to proceed with the
wows, sou he would p.epare • Written contract tor
.Ignatores, which contract • as never o [Mien.
~,.g as his reason for delayi ng It that the Committee
•••olld not give him the umber of test required.
qt. Stay th, one day after the rentract h •al been
Wto us, Tnowas N. Miller called at our
Work mind offered to procure us the contract for a
euomission of one r er sea . which we declined to
do, not that we °Wetted to pay P P0111M.5.1.1 to
nArtlen who procured us contracts In an honorable
manner. but because we did not in Miscast, require
the services of an agent as the onotrdet ban already
been awarded to us. Shortly after we bad tether
eorge .
y,7 the flee nor oat. commlsalun.
bitter, hrotuer of Thomas N. Miller nd OdPerie
teotleot A.legheny Water Wefts, called at our
orka, and without m•lgning reatme. rtneWr
m• Jed the order for all pipe ler Allegheny City.
' , Wittig In our neat efforts to ascertain the mane
t h e
sot: cit made the Colation of sew
" f " e "I'. councils
mal ' TO h
COlue. of A Les !h •
lowing tatementt
Pnrsutincit, July IL 1856.
To the Water Committee, Allegheny City, Pa,—
entlemen • Ap 000 .60th, INA we y
bid on s AKIO or 4,feet four inch and 500 (act
three inch water pipe. On the 3.1 or 4th May, It. 11,
notated me . NI. Morris,) that the
contract had been a ••ded to s, and lo go on and
. tpe, and le would glee us an order
make I r d ascertain the amount required. The
w b o „ ue mu
at day after Mr. Francis untitled we to make the
ta ne pe, Mr. Thomas N. Miller called at the foundry,
cacl s• 10 lie thought he could secure us the contract
tor waking paid pipe, and would do so for the repl
ier commte•lon of five km cent., linter did not feet
eispoar.l to pay tint per cent. for a contract we al
ready had. came days after the pipe question had
hero settled Mr. Ucorge N Miller requested me to
mike Wm a 1,1 , 1 on mlaeoll.eous canting. for enter
work.. and • separate bid on about one htmdre.l 3
and 4 inch stop cocks. On Mty 7th made him • bid
on water wo hi cntlngto, at tome and flee-eights
dnts per pound. and on atop-cocks at twenty-wee.
ollars and ninety cents each. Ile said both Olds
were and
tomb paring for the same arti
cle., Ind he wd hoot up patterns and send OM
to on. I then proposed to allow lama comotholon
un what wore Its might send os, bathe declined the
offer, saying his brother Thomas would eel as
his agent, sod any arrangements I eould make
with him would he ail right, but never
broke to the agent about the matter, but
comequently never thata work. ID the pipe
ter we delivered all woo iodated (about 21115
nod wont Mr. Miller countermanded the bal
e or the order he woe d nut glee any /Odeon for
, 131 nc ua to, except that it Yeas Ms Instructions. Al.
tuottgli ae limo no written octane., we fee. bound
to dtil yet them, and think you equally bound to or
der them. We feel Satiated If there bad been nu
*ge couldla case there tallhav been no trouble.
Wehave delivered tho pipe as goon as
wante.s. auu tererytalng would have been elittrely
walstactory. You will please advise us Whatactien
You take In this matter, and oblige resneotinffl
Ls urn, L. PV5101i1615,
Of Mason, Marshall 6 Co.
After the above statement had been sent to the
Committee. we were wall d on by friends of T. N.
Miller, and entreated to withdraw It. width we de
ined to do. We-were then asked It we would with
aw It provided Mr. hillier would restore us the
contract, which we also declined
Feding that our rase was so plain, and relying on
the tlollOtty of Otto Committee to do nail:mime...
were ninth surprised at the unibunded charges con
tained In their resolution, and can only 2000001.
them on this pruned that they were deceived and
misled by Olin
t u ne f a rts
those w ere Inter
ested I n concealing the farts of the Care
Maltblia/X CO..
Prifinthitoll, August Mb, VIM.
..--,401--NEUI—GNM—ENThrth -
100 DOI. prim* IP.B. Mew;
Ito bow dubber(' ()berme;
25 D 0.% L 40,00 0,
1,000 \ Vetere:odious received dear!
In barrels ;Aires Mellons receired - danit .
residua and Moine* received daily b Lex i ked, - ,
t0T1T" , A.1.26.111t •
: •
;ip aiLlov in lat ao
1110.12 Filth Street, Second story,
Pictures and Frames of all kinds,
MOULDINGS, ac., &c.
A fall stook connt.tly on hand. ' •o7lhbTl
10.2r..03131 LOSICIPPIL
ab. 410 rents Street.
JAMES K. DAIN, Pzoprietor,
x..-‘ , .nntbaseo
. sad carriages 'ishsd co, al
trains. Also, tut }USW..., Ws
and Parties, as short native and reasonable razes.
Stable Open Day and Night.
ID. IcArLoR., Preet w. N. reltl.BOT, Bee'y.
• oil kinds of Bolt, from St to 3 Ineher
N UT WASH ELLS, &r.. 1 0 .
Corner Morton and Butler Bn., Ninth Ward. Ur
den left at Port PIG Foundry.
General Itlmakatolthing promptly attended to.
Book and Job Printers,
Will conUnne the Book and Job Printing haziness
to all Its branches, at the
84 Fifth St., Gazette Building.
And respectfully Wiltlit • share of public oxtron-
r=wftl,w't , 4‘?nA
Ale, Porter and Brown Stout,
160. Smithfield Aired. 160.
Fortnerty of SO FIFTH STREET, boa removel to
No. 160 Smithfield Street,
Two daars abuse Sixth street, where he has a its
sanest steak af
Pianos, Melodeons, Organs,
And all kinda of 11„ ICAL anti nTitl2ll.lB. ' 41110.Mast , 1 12.60031 mm repaired with
tleatlelle and Meow*. pie=
Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engraver.
sued. RAM AD MEL infM .
Cancelling Stamps out Vidtlag Cainln,
Also, PL.41.71:8 YOB 11 Itg,No cl A rra D ru.
93 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Alley,
cuwv, acroc sTOr..)
latel PIT TSB MUM.
U. SCHILD, Proprietor
./ro. 90 Third St., Pittsburgh.
All the inmates of the season. Choice Liquors,
Begars, &e. erirsta Dints/ rooms op stairs.
Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk
felltuin PITTIBUROR. PA.
p . C. DUFF!,
Tan, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware,
And dealer to
Touxr A STOVES, RT HOME ruaN xsalivo
No. 14.43 4:3-rimaxt Seltreoevit,
This Houle Is the Cheapesplaoe In the city
neves and Ttn Ware. Job Work promptly -
ed 43.
EVENING, Artgast 14th, at o'clock, will be .old,
o +
s Un eean
ld stre Boor
et: of Commercial bales Booms ,
Sln de
20 abases hccond National Bank of Pittsburgh
11 do flank of Pittsburgh:
io du Trstlesm.'s biannual Bank;
2 , 3 do Western lominkaeo Company;
:Xi do Cash luauran. Company;
6 do Monongahela Navigation company;
*Ur) City of Plttaborali Oompirunlae Bonds;
WOO itilegheuy County do do•
sins A. McILWAINE, Auctioneer
.411.177:K) MCALICAL
Ite.pret.ully announces to his friends and the pub
lic generally, that he it.. Jost
IWO owl Ms new and
LY AND hi . CLAIR UT ETS, entrance
from Ist. Clair. The tables are ucw, and construct
ed to the most approved and eleg tat stole, „lad ell
the appurtenance s are new end complete. Aver,"
adult which ma, conduce to the pleasure and enJoy-
Isient Of his patron. will be anorded• 937171a41
Practical Furniture Manufacturers,
La.leAtt •ty Les of FURNITURE constantiv on band.
ROO T.l.)=kfort - sr iff tweet,
.1V0.66 /Federal Street, .itilegibesiy.
AU work entrusted to Ids care will meet with
prompt &Meeting, In either ell,. jyl2:fia
110LNIES, BELL & co.,
Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh,
Iltarkulacturers of
ANCI101( (0) b1ik.6111468.
And ISATTLti O. m 1L3212__0
....SHITDYIELD STIMST, corner of Sixth.
Pittsburgh. •
Mousy Loaned on gliver Plates,thins, Ptstole.
Diamonds, Jewelry, (Sold and enter igatches.
Clothing, and valuable articles of every description,
7 he good. cannot be delivered without a WAAL
Not accountable In case of lire or robbery.
(leo& -of every description for sale at lowest
gbialelDEL Do ROY.
prices. Oeu:d7o)
- -
HILN2 , I:Ri b ,
~ :11, .. .N
0, ae s OIIIT , GAGES want
ssool sl,ooo, $B,OOO, $5, 000 , $lO,OOO,
Tor one, two end Wei years,
. .
Tbs.u.d.rai,...l will collect all bounties, huh,
Ps/ and phalli= hue soldiers nuder the aids or
Congress or State laws. - i s
Congress bas 43 n Just passed as equals hood.
lies, ander whleti vetersh soldiers are %Mods*
bowler of tram 111100 U. 55100,, '- ' •
t."2.lißoLtmv l , . fr r'
- . . Ilttorneriat 1.1. W• . ,
- /711. .411.w.g " 211 " .24- !;?•!trallreeii i.
For 1%4 Weeks '
I- i
... i , ik , impl
,igagohfidrrr i .
11..,/0.:11C A
-" tt
,1 t _ , . • . i ., '..,.,:
k . -
1 . ;ear:maa., tortheiisa;itdara Dtl,l4ltalih4ol4l4llfUeehoEl4,A:Al4#o
••,.. 4 0/.1 . i.
, ~... ': ..`.,..„, . -.•.... ' --:'.';'°;
.•i'ji- - 1:::• . - ':',r,'....,',.-.--'-'''..-L'l';':"--:',ft' ..;i';',.';'-'',.:;
- - '-". -- `-r - • '',- ';'-:.-1:::;::--,Z'.-.'..,,--::,.rsif.;',',..5...'-1::.'-:!:.-;',-1.-z17',..3_7,:f-:'..:''''..,7,':::',7:-,,:t)t:':;t_,It4t.,:',:, ;i7*.l7:i:"
Toys, Baskets,
J. G. Lanes Vatif4btare,
leo maim
Gmarr 11011S16;
v. agr. allalngtralr; witrcrsor.
Cautpf 1141'41410W81eei4,
Wear the Basimittion
maawlizers urn. PA.-
:rimy -404w onveassA L mum — t
.011 WED
. . •
tiLums o
GB 711 . 1.Ttb. JSMINCHOV
W.4ll2'X' CM:DEEM.
N7117X-T-LT-• TATX-TaaCririElk.
Time Regisiering
Deniers In ' Optical Gooda„
D 3 1.0 Sin'Wilkie! Street.
LTble Instrument le very generally claw! by Farmers
and Merchants, IL+l well iw steamboatinen. it twee
bine, a Clock, Barometer and Thermometer, and
nee be be depended nylon for tndleatlog the change
of weather. Irff
336 Liberty Street,
for (IRAN 1' RIZ 6, MEDAL am/
Remember the NEW IRON irRONT. opposite
Wayne street. je2lrre
334 Liberty Street,
I (iJI ;) :1.
The Newest Styles always on
hand and at the Lowest Prices.
Look ont for the FOUR LARGE WINDOWS. op
poetic Warne otreeL Ita,:enrrre
334 Liberty Street,
Boots. and Shoew.
Ladles', Misses' and Children's
And at Lower Prices than Down Town
Iternember the POUR LAIC ON WINDOWS, op's.
Ate Warne street. Jer :ettrers
Corner Smithfield and Third Streets,
Eating been thoroughly renovated, repaired
and reforashed, .
IS NO 01.11 Ito 6 5118 RECIPTIOS Of GUM
The proprietor (formerly of the BT. CMS BLZ:3O
expects from Its central location, his experience,
determination to please, and by MODEM/a(
CliA.tßifid, to deserve and reusive a liberal pat
. . .
FIRLD.—The midenignoi will oder at rubile Male,
on the premises, In Kausdeld
Tuesday, August 14th, 1866,
At lON o'clock. a. M., OS IAiTS, to ey I feet, And
1.1 Laltbff LUTS containing from EIM Imre*.
Un some of the lafger 10{1 la growing one of the
does. orchards In ins country, embracing Vouches.
Flews, Fenn and Apples t f every variety. and nn
denying Is • good vein of Coat. These lois are
within 10 relnutea• wslk of Mansiield Statics of
Pittsburgh mid Steubenville Railroad. and on one
of DAMS - acre totals erected a Frame Cottage con
taining ti rooms. The prJperty Is located in the
bestpartof Mansfield in which aro 3 A Chusehea. 2
Academies and I Public dehool, and offers to per
sons desirous of purchasing • country tome • rare
uportimity. 1.11101.0 offer et same time a LOT
by les feet, no Drown avenue, shout tbss centre of
liansgeld, on which is erected a Frame Dwelling
Douse and enable. Fargous wishing to attend the
nil, will take the Mansfield Accommodation Tralo,
leaving the Union Depot at 10 a. m., mt.. at 1.433
and ip. m.
Title Indisputable. leans one-half cads; be
aus. in 1,1
and 3 years, with nterest. For partk
titers Inquire of
staitufl J. V. ROWLAND, Mansfield.
Soldiers of 1861 and 1862,
All who served three years .ro wittUed to htoo
bounty; those serving two yews, 00; or who were
diseharged by mann of wounds, or Oats heirs.
2 hr.* Months Extra Pay
le due Volt:Weer Officers in the write March ad,
ibia, and dhseharged, mustered oat, or reelgned
slime April v 1863.
re.sstoNs.—Permanentll disabled are entitled
to Pia, SAO or SIM, according to degree 01 disabil
W. J. t HALL PATTERBON, AttorneTs,
aul 7l Grant Street. Pittsburgh, Ps,
a . .ahmazim,
No. SO Market Street. Pittsbosgh. Pa.
mis old established house has new store thirty
dee thousand dollars worth of Boots and 4.h005, the
styles the latest, ta p quality the best. whic4 _we are
determined to sell at VErclt LOW MINIM. We
have resolyed not to be undersold by arly In the Nur
trlele that keep woods worth baring.
Coll and asser , ue mir stock of goods, and are feel
sttisfied lastpet will aurae. what you want In
the Boot end Shoe Liu,
Do not forget the place, 89 Mark/mt..
y 1„IA' 0 , ,1:11411.1)7r1:
At tke Most Reasonable Bates.
tilZO. M. PCP/ I.
no. 13 SU Claim @met.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer In •11 kinds or
S. H. RIAL, Proprietor.
X. M1N1.0110,31140216
Pens Streit, IN usbulsh-