Sigh 6agettt PVIILIWILICD BY RLEDi & CO. EIVINISWII, T % uovirros, JOSIAff SZINGh m ust's p. maw f Builness Illasiagers MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1866 lINIOII 11EPUBIAC NOMINATIONS. FOB a. 5.408, CEN. JOHN W. GEARY. OF 01:IFL2EICri-CD COUNTY. cosecs 216-01 , W.. a I' DIBTUCT EON. THOMAS WILLIAMS. Allegheny. PRISIIIIrI. IHLINITEL B. Ourmr, City. cx...s.'or count.: c T JOHN O. AN, Hampton Tp 0 i ORPHANS COCrIIT: ALEXAN it 'Endows. City. ILICCOHD3LII: HEART ELY. City. ' sun:slim AuWWII .t. &r l'lmnlii. GEOUCIE fIiAnIT,TOIN, City JOHN F. DILLTO, MAW, Tp AMILICILY: JOILEF P. 01.aas, City. ORDEOL VIII./09, Pitt Tp. ONOILOIC Y. SeNZE, Perth Fayette Tp 1111AMML 011.6pWICH, Col li ns Tp. , ' - wmuatust'rmlica, Ems Tp. R. Er COLVILLE, City. 'rorniimc EorrawonDowri Mr. J. AlcOnsoon had witnessed vari, cras experiments resorted to by English gentlemen of wealth and leisure, to break up the monotony of towel. One bad tried a locomotive adapted to ordinary carriage roads. A second had started on a simmer trip with four-in-hand and two spare horses, A. third had wandered over continental .Europe In tt velocipede. He conceived the idea of traveling in a canoe. He bad one made, just long enough not to exclude it from transportation cars, and so light that twopersons could carry it as one man could a.nortlinary valise. It was fifteen feet long. twenty-eight inches broad, and nine inches deep. Weight, eighty pounds. It drew three inches of water, with an inch of keel. A paddle, seven feet long, with a blade at each end, and a lug-sail and gib, were the only - means of propulsion. It carried only himself, and his baggage, a black bag, one foot square and five inches deep. This boat lie took by railroad as near as posalble to the head of the river be had de %ermined t 3 descend. Sometimes Le would employ a wagon, to carry it from the rail road station to some point still further up the stream; for it must be remembered that water sufficient to float this boat would always be found far above the common termination of navigation. !laving reach. ed almost the fountain of .. cleat river, the Rhine, for instance, he branched his boat, took his teat, with his scanty baggage be tween his feet, and sped away with the current. Entering still water, if the wind favored he spread his sai!; if not, lie bre icht the paddle into use. When weary either of labor or sight-seeing, he reposed wider the shadow of a great rock or of overhang my trees. Meals. he obtained of inhabi tants along the streams, and lodgings for the night he procured in the nearest ham. let or cottage. Indeed, as his wes a sum mer cruise, almost any shelter was suffi• dent. The sensation experienced in de scending sharp rapids he describes as not unlike that felt in a swing of long vibra tions. Two or three times he was in imminent danger of going over high dams g•T ; where he must Inevitably hart been drowned, but was withheld by timely cautions by persons on shore, who knew his danger, hailed him in a.language ho did not understand, but made him comprehend by the cosmopolitan medium ot signs. Dams riot over four feet high he found to be perfectly practicable... When higher than that he took the boat out and drew it arountL At night, for security, he had it locked up in a barn or other building. In this way a river one thousand miles long was traversed with little effort, and a succession of delights. In addition to the enjoyment of bconery, apart &bin the hustle and noise of steamiwata and railway I carriages, on the higher portions of streams piirtieularly, great pleasure as well as profit was experienced in the opportunities of waning in contact with rural populations, in all the primitive simplicity, observing their manner of life and the progression, or want of progression, of their ideas. Having reached tidewater, nothing re mained but to resort once more to the rail road, and gain the head of another stream. In this manner, in the course ofa sammer's recreation, he managed to explore, compre hensively, five of the longest and meat cel ebrated rivers - of continental Europe. 1n1844 - , a party of enthusiastic Whigs, wishing to attend the. Baltimore National Convention, which nominated Mr. timinv Czar for the Presidency, determined to perform a feat not often accomplished— that is, to combine pleasure and polities. They'llied in the fitatenficetv York, near the head-waters of the North Branch of the Susquehanna river, They built an ark, end arranged it with different compart inenta, hr iteittition of Retinal packet-boat. They engaged a hand of music, n glee cnah, pilots, cooks, and whatever else they -deemed essential. Down the river they floatad,. stopping nights, and sometimes by - dity:light, to hold political meetings Ar livitig at Port Deposit, a steamer took the ark in tow to Baltimore. Ortc of ti..ehe tourist, years afterwards, atssared me this was the merriest and the moat satisfactory trip he ever made. .11Placonz6on WAS more select. He wanted no company but his own. A emu- .panion would have marred the landg+mpe, Mid the harmonious cinuxor of n band :,ifould have hushed fOr Us ear the multi ;lA:Winos voices of natm-e. Ile hud been treated . with men in London. He de sired to get away for awhile from all that cc itualtidlim, ovch by'aasoiation, of the crowded metropolis, to mew the world under other, and altogether: different as was, communing meantime with his own thoughts. . Be has written a book narrating his experiences, giving sketches of the scenery through which he hosted as in pleasant streams, and depicting, the manners and Amettits of the people with whom he came "Mori or less in contact. Be has performed task in a genial and 'charining style showinglhat though he chose no sharer cc ..„.l4lJ2l4inee,,his ifE ! e it ! a social mood, righted up wiiitgorgeous pictures and over- riltiVrid 1 . .. i s ...11W.., VIA NM" ORLEANS MASSACRE. 41P, EL SD? OM, a dear-headed sok I :IRoad the history of the French lievolu 4ler and thiclt-hi . Wiedl, FOich9ill said in a than anoryini will lurid nothing so atrocious as the assault upon and murder of those recent: Sell , Union men in hew Orleans. AV ['muds, .... „....._ „,Pres__Lae_n_Lan_tt..oun .. ,ce e d _the the'spirlt ft ni hell which induced these in willing =uctil , er iLls z 7peo wi p: , proceedin gs l...ln lß still ailifvuelesel men am will not ,*.. gain :ibtwei,iiglita :Sant qtrlyiloges,, and i b • beillent they Y. tliese, people cheerfully accorpted end-cepa- i T e dvi a .th es i, l7 tr t nid ar to conMelled. lre them from Idled 7 with teal' and OVellode or his condi- , vii the , , , ir - 41t forta tt, ..,d..,, and a fo e r ir ced kne Ys th ei r in Inrrender. tions,-Ire certainly had reason to: look; for • take Leireedhtterestoratlon , ot the Melon." the ej ;er close d. Now they arc 86.e„.5,7,„hen, The seems of "tliOdpirtlotr ilieltauderpdaceahle catfapo% sz lif''" carry thothsw,xl . ols.4 4 , trzwthsi G pionm i en t i . 41u4ag11,1; the aulie ll ion and send delegates and wears 'a , crown," borne other tothiegrelAt State or Petuutylyania to eon. -vmen Lava -loot choir die tce frtoiniertetici :lna ho ti l t 41(°'''4413W4'mneaa' d is the -..rWi.siirdi;lidatfiatidie., v 0,4 a -.a. 4 . 4 .04 - 3 e 4"Anfaie tt i m a' L 141i4the tee who freed the - 'ltarj„di;t-v 1 POLITICAL PROSPECTS. The aspect of the canvays, in„,Pennsylva ran is most encouraging. Recent events have powerfully contributed to unite Re publicans of vicious shades of opinion, in a common purpose. No reasonable doubt remains of the election of General GLARY by a majority of thirty thousand. It is reduced almost to an absolute certainty that the Republicans will lose none of the Congressional districts they earrie two years ago; and fair prospects exist for their carrying one or two districts that they lost then. A majority in each branch of the Legislature may confidently be ilepentl ed on; so that the political complexion Of the United states Senator to be chosen fo , Mr. COWAN'S successor, would seem not to admit of debate. The omens are derided if good. Republicans! close up your ranks and march forward to the grand consuin relation. • Tun renomination of the Hon. Ttiost S WiLmeate for Congress in the 423 d district is a merited tribute to eminent ability and stauncb devotion to principle. The action. moreover, of the Conference by which the ...a tory in another respect There was no di vided opinion on the grave issues involved in the preselit'earriass, and no hesitancy in declaring the strongest sentiments. The course of Mr. MC.J . II iiK IN in this whole matter is deserving of much com mendation. An earnest and able man, Ins friends natrirsily enough desired to place him in Congress. But he deported him self throughout with a nice sense of honor and ecru ations adherence to his professed principles and those of the Republican party. It , l apparent that no defection exists in the district; that all the calculations of the democrats and conservatives based on ex isting or expected alienations, ar: doomed to disappointment; and that the repuhli cans will present, on the day of election, as couipact a front, and roll up a majority as formidable as on any previous occasion. The York Pk—ute—Gov, Curtin'. speech --.Attempt by Ilemoerkts to Iflus,arrevtat• Governor, Gen. Geary and their Friends. On Thursday of lma week the Reptil,li• can soldiers of York county held a pie.nic in the grove near the borough of York. Full ten thousand people were present, toot everybody was sumptuously fed a: the on menae tables. A large dancing plaltarts was erected, on which the "boys in blue" tripped it on the light fantastic toe with the girls in blue. Gen. Joni , : W. GEARY, the 141 , 0,1;i:in imadidate for Governor, male a briet speetit in support of Congress and it, r.iptos amendments, mid warmly with all oppreascal nationalities awl struggling for a nobler form of gui.,•11.• meut, including Ireland. Gov. CURTIM neat spoke. Ili; utterxu MS came fully up to the requirements at the national emergency. We give only the salient points. IT= "Itie arc at peace ; we are blessed with health and prosperity, we have just goy nered our crops, which have been ous; we have no immediate State issue b. fore the people of Pennsylvania, to aura,: us here in such vast umitituue.. the people have poured out iti great hilts bee;, anti why? You are here to -...ty la cause every man in my idesemc iastilit - lively feels that something is wrong—lt:l Lie true lessons of this bloody struggle that has just past have not been faithful: y car ried out. We expended $11,000.000 oPtrea sure, and 300,000 of our bravest vote wen: forth to battle. There are heentetlibs 01 our dead, and the taxes on the peoplL are yet a burden. We were mysterlously gui del through that dreadful smuggle I. U 3 teach those who rule us, Ivy the ommi tent ballot, that the institutions of our Clue eminent must be carried out is their on,:. nal purity. There :. Ye been _replan; o' insurrection and exa: "les of violence. There are bloody murders anti persecutions which lead you all to tear that war may not be closed. I conjure you to take care tust all the blood and treasure you have spent may not go for nothing." TIIE CONSTITUTIONAL nifENDMEN'IS j Congress has presented to us for our no tion certain amendments to the National Constitution. During Lincoln's adminis tration, we had the amendments excluttin,r forever stain of slavery, and, tharik God for that ! It was a curse and a blight on the nation, now happily remov ed, and why should we not sanction the I new amendments? Are not their provis- Lions fair? If it be the pleasure of !hi • people in the South to a.lopt universal suf frage, they can have it. It not, Cuty need not have it. But we want an equitable basis of representation North and South. I Democrats talk so much about negro suf frage; negroes voting for white men, the., anti they are endeavoring t.s manufacture I • capital out of the negro again in Pennsyl j vania. In our State the Constitution can only be amended, as you all know, once in five yeara. We have bad one amendment ' but recently. It will be time, therefore, - to agitate this question when Cuis gentle. man here (Gen. Geary,) runs a second time. How they are" agonized about it ! They are in great distress because we are everywhere going to allow the 114;70 to vote. I say if the South wants him to vote then come on with your wool. is no possible objection to it. These Consti tutional amendments provide that the goy ernment'of the United States shall main tain its faith to al! its creditors for the pub lic debt incurred during the war, and that not ono cent of therebel debt shall lie piiil. Put that side by side with the nigger cry. They provide that no men who mild office, clvil oriu4fitary , in the rebel service, shall take part in the government of the Unit'-! j States. But they put in a clause by which the Southern State may come M. 'files,- J men wlio took part:in this rebellion, whose hands are red with the blood of lord men; .Guil forbid that such men should be allow ed to' take part in the government. 13= I can class those in Pennsylvsni s •a ho opposed - . the recent amendment:, Th. y are those who were indifferent and ct in, nal during the war—those who are to take part in that Convention to be held iu Yhil adelphia next week. Then, from av,lty down heath, leaders of the Coufmiemte cause, covered with the blood of the inno cent, are to wow to the City of Brotherly Love to teach men of the North their duty. Alexander H. Stephens joined the Confed erate (NUM, it Is said, under protest. gives as an excuse that Le expected to con trol the Rebellion. Ile will be there. You ,light give the same reason for joining a band of horse thieves, and be banded with such men as Montgomery Blair, Hunter, Taylor, Arc., who are to tell you what your duly is. IA voice—" You to, ot v„p„„di, gham.") I.remcmhcr well that !ttu Val landigham. - I remember when Lineoti. sent him to a foreign country, and when he allowed him to come back. ! trust, nay I sincerely hope, they may lio,d their sessions in peace. .1 should be extremely ItorrY,,any, violence offered t hem. I hope they may be allowed to assemble in theirmigwam and then their very qua: rek will burst their machine. You might as well4l.ave expected our soldiers in front or Richmond to sit in convention with rebels I sap I hope they may be allowed to assent We In peace. I wish they had selectee: some other place to meet where public sen timent was in their favor. '.''. ,, V,... , ,:i.;';' , negro, to protect him from violeaPe and NEw AD v ERTINE ,.. =E . d persecntlon. It is our duty to say that he - nr. shall not be murdered by his former mas ter. Our highest duty resting upon us from the throne nt a merciful God is to pro tect these men. As the train Leanne iur cumberiand and Dauphin County dt . l..gatloos was letiVing York, tho , - on it n. re abseiled in the most fiendish mr1111,,,r. in corn etehl, sear the railroad, a hundred or two of sneaking Copperhead:: had concealed themselves. As the train moved off, pistols were discharg. ed at it, and a perfect shower of stones hailed upon it. The car occupied by Gen. Geary, Gov. Curtin, and a number of la dies, was perforated with bullets. One of the open cars occupied by a large number of soldiers, was also shut at and assailed with stones. For a moment the scene was moat tearful and exciting, and had the boys who Yell the train and pursued the ruffians in the field, taken any prisoners, there would have been more blood spilled in York than when it was surrendered to Early. Several persons were struck and severe- If injured by the stones hurled at the train. A young man named Freeborn, son of the proprietor of the Second Ward House, in Harrisburg, was so severely wounded on one of his knees that he had to be carried home on a settee, atter the arrival of the train at our depot. Another was sove-elv inia^ctl 0 - bead was cut open, and still another had an arm injured. li EX ERA IL NEWS —lsaac Van Aitken, who recently mur dered his wife and daughter, in Michigan, has been sentenced to solitary confinement for life. —ln 1865 the length of the various tele graph wires centering in Paris was about 50,000 miles—enough to put a girdle twke around the earth. —The securities of Hon. Wm. F. Johns ton, as collector of Philadelphia, lu the sum of $llO,OOO, hove been sent to Wash ngton for approval —By order of the British Gov a riment, a criminal was executed at Humda, by being dragged through the streets of til t city bound to the in an elephant. --Jolin Tyler, Theltutoni, teeeiereil .0, through the law, for writing an ad licas Gin li the advantages of immi gration to 1 irciuia, tor tiie Board of Educa tion. --A Southern millionaire m:led an ,zervaut girl at l'harl,,iown ,lay, lw(ause chr ntir, , e,t ltim faitl , lt,lly ant, through a rcreut li • Bost ,n ho el. -.\ 61'1111111MS Mil., rutty gore 16mil ilt boy‘, whom s h, resivrti vely A hraloim Liner In. 11 ;iliaw 11. Srirsi,l , Licnry Wal .1 Bet,•L ,r. 011,1 Ho:a. liieeley. h—Uwe hundred anti twelve tht,l/.lb. dul. „7„hroir" reel,,, te V.Z.VAT. "%ie. ,2ri MIVC, lave was realized at Satv.annall, .1i Din" ., him in no toft^o" P ° ." o° ago, on 11 /"%. and :WOl,ll i•minon, field and Nice. pieres t.ollet led I THE FIRST STARS OF AMERICA; fr..zu Georgia Little it ttIN A 'illy, leg, ii,l 3 IleW Model, is hrin4 it, in.epared to .shot tee the tnntt t, nse r.k.its l'or Iw Prtn, t resston of en.a.orturall. that l'ltt.hursh has Ts's ollInte• I. :It tintil,W.l, and iiiitlered mu, I '-;;;r°„,,cr'w.;;;;,,,;:';„mnr,!•,;;;--...,, r. •",4 %Ito') 'I tie Prince wil! .1,11 1,,. , .t5r.t.,., , 11, Silas Itatom ' an,%, ' 1... " 1 . : te . , • " 1 : 1,11.., Ch.,,otte TU.:vv.... the Webb Sister., and 10 s a Alt.ntllts! a. Hine n , egg titelOrl are amon. the drarnatte r.elettrittes --The Ll:mesa, nine-tenth. of wit t tit •iiir , ew a poneess naval 1 ..4 lie wiirlil Itir generating It ;'``;;,.:':,!;',:,..`;: Slarr""""' .tinett""" t fro, ts. ear iS 10111Iti near Pe.../11. Ott- 11111.11211, 'Niters ft t •sss.nPrar• rtiSts of fit, !f,s thou three hut, ill extent. —Prolesei,r \Voisin, the 1. 4 / 1 .11; St, Win , An. , T. AUBURN tr•: 2111.1 riassltlctl vane o.t plaat• in 'l, Slate Catliforn.a. it in (1,, , g.0 making a COUertjor, poldir.biug .1 h:• •I.lul, ..t1 I 11.111' 1 t hi' MIIII 111. rpYrU• :tt >losa, • r t N i , wad. II u lest ~,t)• I mett , Cre , l I weu:y three Its t irrutu len_ort - . Tor ta•irtuu ci.III3CIIS 01 the SCLI a rhaf. wet, lilt beneath this tree fr,. titair trunteut,,riaL CHOLERA! CHOLERA! CHOLERA!!! ==== When t ..rlera , 1••••:..1 Ll lurn,. Otto • .• • I F E il•.I ERA M.).rrLy. W 64 the •••••, th•r..farl 4tan.E• 00 rt....a that. 11 , 00001,1 t h• , .• • :•• an On. 100 •hahhi ph -1 t•• the ra , laston of chl ctPers thuha "toy to l'itt.• Parch. at J 0%/iP II FILLIIINWS mart: If TYRE. torus ho Illanzatta. hoaz RI:Mk:3IIIER IHE. ELAEE' k4:)14.11 BLit TUN. PL., F. S& Market Street. •u 1 I.ISW NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. • __ . WM. 14.12V0114.1t, Jr., Adams Ex/Ass Ofltm. 5/ ilith Street, ts an author/Iml Avant to raceme Adtml•maneada fur the 4et2.477,C, and all other letter* Lhrouvlaml tosc flitted State* and No Uunatlaa. (;'.ItAIND TIGHT HOPE 1 -•111 1.1., LTC reel, , •orn, tilt • 411,e, At,kiN I) N I Lit. wonalerft• I Fear uao.tkl, 1, hat a,tnnlih..l thr hl. daring e•- pb.lta. will mate [bre, ILone Ambesitlons In clly. ouSION I/ Al. TI 1 .nal kn- DA Y. A bgual lAth. inn and 15 1444, a: 4 • at.. us.: vertbren etnne ills wonderful (rats, Inc , ..r beloxr A. -osnrikue.l by any ~thttr ar tiste In tbk coo erT. noP.t•11! THERE WILL BE A SOCIAL PIC-NIC, At 13ayue's Grove, Near ( :Wt.), All, vur uy t ouitt! On Friday, August, 2.lth, IS 66 E ALUABLE BANK AND INSR , A.M.R. nrer K. ItoNDK, .t.C.—Vn T.,PbIIAY Attyrakt /Ch. at 9 o'clock. 1.011 be roll'. on 1 eond of ..on • ..alai boll,. goon, , 1. otr,cl: nP•bar , • livro4o Neslonal Rank or rill.nnr,ll II do Hank of I'maturan; IiEn3=Z=M!IM3 . .lo• ....rro Innantace Company: 11, 00 0 . .Itouung.h.•la N•viael.loti Company; Oily rtustout,ll ('ornarotolse A.l.eiltray ('neat y rla• A. Mel I.NVA INF% A aciloncar. I'l-10 M A.S STIEE L, 70. FL C:035...-JEFL, No. 66 Smithfield Street, Vourth awl Inantwid. +m all Pittsburgh, Pa. „Dd. awl IliontAge.x. Lice gall des,rlpll..i, A.-. 825,000 TO LOAN on good hills tam. Ilm4it Rood PIA 1.,., npur e year., App... ' 10111Att ST F.Y.L, So. 116 Smithfield, If,. nu and Dlsmitohl • • suif,tlft DOMEST I C HOODS Ginghatit, Prints, Muslin'', Sc., Sc A Lew 11.0,11 opebedl by WHITE, ORR & CO., Sri 33.1..ft12. E3tirepe.t. ('ONSIGNMENTA. o lies,. Peaches: I U Bela. l)reen Apples: Re Boxes !lecke!berries: 101 Waters:sok/no: .0 Bets. 1. Lsos• . Lemons: slot trr Eris, : Lard, Ac., Ac., In .tore mod Sorsa', ny W. J. 14'PliCEL & No. 00 Third:street, below 4 .1a1he1e1 . .1 4 ;E:O. W. PETTY, REAL ESTATE 4GE.XT, lj WritEET knolls and liortgaset boctotic and sold. Coil cc apt,. promptly made on scastmable tarots. auS - - - r rO LET. — Desirable Tyro Story Brick Dwcillno, cOntainlng sis rooms, wide hall, good dry cellar, ovory room, hot and cold scaler Whit, A c. /lain complete orler. only 4,1 Malta. wa ll a Poittodlca. rogooloutoo can be bail lninedtately. lor further parUellara IngliLre of JAMES PHELAN. ..17271M No. Fifth ntreet. DRUG STORE FOR BALE. A DiIVO wrung. doing a good business. estab lished for over twelve ream, mad lomsted In the most populous part of Pltlaborgh, Is offered for we oo malerate terms. DereMr* boom attached, P. C. BEGMON, Attorney, aunt. Apply to sot Id SURVEYOR'S COMPAfriIS , 3 / 64 ; 01 1. 115 4.74 1 3 , "' A very good? Vernier . Compass, sine - needle. el smut:ld:a gent SCII tripod, 0011111.1113 d ETl..l4,4l.=;3:ll.lg.AQLlttefitli4_74llllE9l', - :aCiAt/WAta , l,l 4..4% JAMES T. BRAY - &-t0„ (Snccessors WS:Antes.* Co") ip ;" Corner Fouri .. i *"...04 fits, BANKERS BR RS, Dta.L/tItEIN,...a9ITarDSOT Government Beetirities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLECTIONS made ena all accessible points le the Unlied States and Canadas. interest allowed on Time Deposir, BATES & BELL, ARE OFENING A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT O FD NEW DRY OOHS. AT THE Reduced. Prices of the Day 21 FIFTH STREET. NEW OPERA DOUSE RE-OPENS On Saturday Evening, Aug. 18th, Mill First-Class Company. Fur the Irmurreratlort of the MOST BRILLIANT SEASON, 111.4m1i , Orrarr, tirr bon it rittsbamh. The Upeer lluo,r has been TiIOII.OIIWILT 111 - Mitill , a 3.1 AI .ot ' , WEN ri.y•l is no.,litouht, OTIY of the VIA'S*I64II;II:44(O43ONA*I Weat of Sew Tort nod Philadelphia YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE. hcs Just ronelnale.! It, tenth yr,. lo I, • !wen nne of prosperity tad tr0..1 1,..“ • cntnape . neement. the lot two 'ears (1,4. ~ r.•rage atten,lanc. bas been sem than twn n 1. , n.l, ha, bean ,rfnaed (or Want o• ACC ommtotat ton. A NEW BUILDING la note under contreet, to froremly l occupancy at the ~ peolog of the Vail session Se or , pteMber. end It is hope.l that hereafter all can be received*, impala who apply. the Mlli/Ott', APPArZATIN and CAPINVS Ert l yeariy, valuable ad and the ppose. is kept In %Ire, to ftanlala 44 , 7 Ity tor • th, ivug .1 course of Ina:ruction. a te . The feehll) conesate or foie male mot • leer. 1.- -.Lale teacher.. ab. perienec4 Instraotore In their wererai lepartmenta. The rto.t.otott to fully ;mated from the erepvatottry ota•P anm.nt, thro•.gh the a:afrr course of neat:cut teat Loot eltustcoti studies. =I=MES= I. H. WHITE. 24 West Fourth Street C LAM: XXOIT I. BARKER & HASELTINE, No. 12 ritth Street, Second Story, OV ELI H. 111 , AIARDSON & LOOKING GLASSES, Pictures and Frames of all kinds, ittOULDIIIIGS. &c., &e. A full stook constantly on band HOUSE AND LOT • 'APCIOEV. EILAS.Y-NZI. The House and Lot on ?earth street. near Omni itre , t, owned and °erupted by Dn. 11600iN In OD !Deltas, are now otfare-1 for isle. Tke tot t. twat,- ty feet it Ide, running back Mons • ten f.ot all dal nod fee feet debts tO Grant*. all.. Cl so Dal feet sr Ida. The boss. I wel. butlt threc-.t0.7 brick house. and la In . Cleat order. ros.rsaten ass be Oren DetOber Las l ob. Vat for. tier particulars, coil oa D. W. & A. 8. BELL, AtLo2o7. at L... No. A 44 Fourth 01.1,1 M, Plttiborgh Attila/VS ANTHRACITE COAL AL P !.. T PERSONS WISHING A SUP ANTHRACITE COAL, eau be •uppll ed.hy Iea•IUE their orders with WTI. BINGHAM, No. 166 Penn Street. 10 119 i I T NITED STATES, WESTERN DIIIT/11(..f UY PENNIITN AMA. ed.—Where as a libel has been died lu the Monet Court of the United iltales nettle Western Metric . . of •Pchnsyl satin bi Henry Featherstone tsgslind thesteam tug • •Eli NIA LOrIAN,•' of Which J. R. Zoter te the ...tut , her nrale , apparel and furniture. In a one Lain plea. civil .nd maritime, for wades, and 'ray ing p• VW. against the said •enel, thereto... in partisan. of the monition un der the teal 4.1 said court, to Ma Stncted and Activ e...l, I 40 berchy glee notice to all Der ons e.almlng or said ectel, her tackle. apparel and furniture. or In any manner Interested therein. thnt y and apneas. uefore the bald I.lstrlnt to be 1101 , 1 a the Lo•ton, Room., tit the Clty of l•I tonr,... an the 14,1 DAV , otf Autiger, •1 II o'esock. A. ht., then and there to int...tone their , laint. and to male their lo that A. al Ultinft'll. U. b. Marthal. ot7 PITTSBURGH CUTLERY COMPANY. v mu ARE IN WANT OF A FINE POCKET KNIFE, • esS.. mod purchase ono Dept the PITTS/MIMS CUTLIeItI COMPANY. 11 In- N. 00 ,N Use , . They ere tho best to use; manutnetuteu.trom the finest steel. They hove also the nuest needs le IVORY lIANDLSD DINNED AND DIDIEWI' KNIVES In the market. Ira& 61 and 69 pink need, sta.= (DISPATCH NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. H "GALAX PROPOSALS wit bereceived by Pm undersigned until AtIOUST 1410 U, for theAradlng of th e following streets In the thnottah ofatan,les , ter, al,: braldtllti Street, from Sedge,' et to Itvattli alloy. and Qbartlers Street, from Washing ton to 144 reel south of 1 , rantlla street. the Judd grading and the dlspOsltlen of allenTle, :scarettne. tic., teb4 done under the dlreet ons of the Committee pu Streets and the fleece. tug Regelator. Yor farther Information call upon the undersign ed, at thee:nee of Phelps, Para Ses.,lllnuchester. or tOM. Recording Ilegulator. •llc. tiny City. W10;1131 I.!IUt, N. ti tt ehnirmari Stteo . t Committer. - - PENN INSTITUTE, FOR YOUNC LADIES, Under the Management of 214.. S. Asslmtocl by a competent corp. of professors No. WS Hancock Street. Thu ALL swami rettl commence MONDAY, September ad. Yor Oimbh.m. ars.. sipplyat the Inntattbr. aullaMt VONSIGNMENTS. leo be.res pirline W. R. Catesp; iaa bout usg:urrellat.Sei I,Mai l i e llefutrealwed dab , : 2W barreis Citron Mllo. tecelve.l4l4l7l Peactall 11.11olas received dial In Itlorass, - Ara. ,r01`17.14 AUC19 0 ,... AyD.„, 1.111111 "Rip oh 4 gainkinit Senor try = 1 8 / 1 111111:1Urna 47' 4 7- 10rOilitir :.",tl4opOluleduazoriCit-a 1110 547 , ; .:0.1 s 18: &; CO., Solicitors, Attorneys, 8.1V3Z11 COUNSELLORS-AT-LAW, Corner of Seventh and F Sts., WASHINGTON, D. C "WE 4411VE OVIELAT'PENTION par. TT tlettlarly to the Itttlotelog branches of 10, butt:tete: To preparing and arcullag cases in United States • oponne Court:•made give particular 511.0051011 this Court fur Pt.:atom of the profeation re•ittinv away from Wathlllh•lon. To law lowness to ail the other courts of the Din -11101. Toy °4° I4 VPF, °rfl7ll7ll`tlM.'", fie,onielßuttl, wnloh have long remained uwie..b• and also rotitielingdlibts due t o and from tbe The rodeuiptionf property mold for tuxes, espec ially during the war, la a branch ol law buelnese Willa bee received audit carotid tool,s and att.. o titis so to amount now to auptelelity with lub To proaecuting claims of ell kin d . Idifore the ODepartments oft he he . Go•urnmenr. and In the 00511 of Cialtna Vie shad be boppy at ail times to oblige oer rro tooolonsi brethren in any no. thm of tbr enwotry, by a/towline to any business *bleb 1.6 e) wity hrs.° to do 1.3 Woohltsgtee. Their eeintra.leotlee , 0111 3 , 0 tnimellately arienered, and 1.11[311. Muel nese promptly attended to. i ' =7:UnMMM 1117.1323 Th. andorslgned harlot, had some seven yesrs piaeLleal aAperlence As • iders In the varlou• :eau • sod Departments of the Vorerament. •nd to the field as paymaalsir In the I ulved States Ara y. gives Ills Scud will and services to the snore sad to hls friends throuffhou 4 the oontitt•, in a. •I ILlL(hem to obtain BALK. I . AY, HUnliEls DEI/ AC COV bi lb. THREE SIO NTII • pAy i• Ito rv. It 10 INCREAtita) rr.N•i lls, AA117A..1- ZATION 01 1 BOUNTIRS. and our other cddrus due widoe 0011 rnmaut to officer. and men ot (brie ws 11110 heirs, or other person baying a elattn 115 the um. Those abo base claim. on the AAul • Calnant for RTARMI, Vidd3ll- AXVISTOIC) QUA, A 01) Is rt. A 1.1 and for Vessels an .l d Stmaint.ata Cotton, tobacco. rtorlato. or Oilier , pretty IJ tt may be assured that their oust or. Irecrive prompt sod l•reeslux attenttno it commit. .1 ' the eare ufthr abort firm for sot •lereient. • . Ad.ler,... cotottaatticallottil le) 11- Dos k CO. 1. rut, of bevenill atm Y streets, 1.1(4.11Inglon. GEO. H. 8121IPSON, !Not, mud late I'a)m•ster. U. N. Arms .1.1:11111 Ali Oil DIN.III.C.E. to authorize ti.e ,;,AL,,,n,,d av laR at Morton • • diirT BSc. 1. lie U ordained and rnaetsti by the Beieci oat L'ounelis tt/ the 1,14, of .1 Ilegheny. and it I. handy.,,.lumen tool en/tried by autauetto of the tar... That the l'ontuAttee on street, Dr, wud they nee horoby authorised and dtrenALA to Int lie and Oti , 11! proposal , for the tiradittfr anti raving of Illorton . • aney. from Strawberry WIC, linrLl, they. in ilia nanond and, and to contract tio ottn the lawaat and bent bithier or bidder', at the' dlocretlon. • cle Thal fur Car 1)14r, "I" dr fraying shr and rapen..c• •.! :mpru•ementa, they. , U. &mil* ley led, a special las.. be ...wally .b .....aurd upon ..ds t...ndlng and 1111,0 up, n ho fr.-I C.nt nil and ...ling an aforraar,l 3. TI .at aas Ilse arts, stud expetase• • (sill • ..,rtasn..l, nhall arl...rtl. , ta the •.na , among ,L.,veral almtuor asuonls..l.l .11 , y reAp. •Llt I tog to Ilse at... , ••• I adleat.l, all.l t15.,...1.,,11 as.. Male Arm And .Itl rolls.rt On , a' • 'top toth of the Art of I',• to Ilri 41 o , y ot e 1111 l of Peno..l, •• A n ket •h•cinth, the toau ner eolle.•11, LL p. on. • •.i ,t • :47 at:l pa t tug •.1 . the .• •od a.o es of the t it, of A1141,111:1/1'. pod for other Panned the SA h .lan of Slareb. Intd. mi.,. 4. That no gm; ..t MI) .•rdlosore as no, r •o• dirt vrlttl. or he xoi.,.ird I) the foresotn,,. the 11a111e is hereby Ordained and closeted Into • Ito this, the 9th , ti) of dosed, Atint. Oundol, aloe thousand elgtd dreo sod alit) -Mx. JAMEO Preoldrul. or the holed Cott oat , . Atte... U. likroklitotk. clerk or the Harm _Connell. W. lIEN Preoltlent or Lim rontmuit . Att..., Itou /MT Itikwoutlt. Clerk or the Common l'oanctl. Ac ORDINANCE I o a ezthorize the 4 ... reading and pawing of Davi.. Ailey. fill. I. As It ...dotard dad endrted ,s 1.1, Se's, tend I,damos Own., le of 1,.• iv, ~.f A 11,,,F. ny. dud I: lirlarr,ao order...A roil eursuled ~., a ottiorttp of 14 • ovse. 'That the tutomilt.. o[l,trials be. c.i til , y an horrify authorised tad dlrecled 1./ inSpc ain , leerier proposal* for the gesdiog a1,•1 pa..., of tenets /they, and to route set then +, with the low est and beet bidder or bidders. nt Ito-it .11 Sndillfa It. Thai foe the parry...- of ...fray idg tl e east and a upousni of the said improvements. there be. and le hereby 100 led, a i..dia: tax.. to bo en. ally ae*eheed upon the . . lots Ao t• o a log and abn ii - I:1g avian lb. said alley roam., le,v • in prOinit 1 , ti LO the to-et front In tb-In re.pee i i;.•i I rost-ie....A. en' bounding and shutting as 1. • - r1 ,,, 1. That a. !oot. se the roe.. n.l r xp.-r,t.0,, of kal I iroprovemente shall ter may ~ . etalov.i. .1..1: b.• the duly of the Street Commission, to a •- saes and apportion tits &aloe among the -vs r rat nos I..ot..netog and abutting opon . aid alle• rt , p. el . " n• ly. according to ti.c rtfle at.. e Itotical. A. end thore opor. proceed lO male demand and eu.ltet the main, t rain to the pro. laion• of it,, Act of ti 0:.,.. ac Ae.emble of the Lammonwealth of rolin, entitled 'An Arldolluing lad manner of e.. 1 fling thf eapeneee of waning and paring of 1., tr.., and ttley. of tleg City of it.lem hen,. aul to ocher On frow,... pa..ed the third Ali das as Mare . to gut - lioN 4. Trial eo much of any ordinance te Inn% rosidlet with. 01 be supplied by Slit tot egol g. Or. an I .he same Is hereby repeal...l. Voilainirel and enaelod Into a lass, this the Ytn day of August, A. I)., one thousand eight hon.-n. 1.0,1 slaty-el a .1 AVE!, 11,111t1F.It, Presider. of Selvet Cot, /tell Al teen D. ..MAcrignitow. . - Clerk of 60,1 Council. V. W. It N Proot,lonl of l'ommou mooed A!est: RODZIrr Clerk of Common Connell. .113 A n ORDINANCE repealing sec tion l chapter t 2 page 111, City Lode. and pro -4' id ink faTeoue to the sal) On Woodd nark. Du it ordained and mortal by (kr fk isel awl CO.. 0•1113114%11 fn. O ro of Aura v, c. 0.! [I Is horohy .o.notrlt by the oaf)welly qf th. . .111 t arctlea 4. chapter It. page e:ty rode, he, •toi tht saute La her, by repel/Jed, sod the following lured: broach and every cord of wooed and bark ad Incarnated and inspeoled by him (the Bald inapt.- tort be 00111 recut?. at the tate of It cents tier cord to 1H paid by the ;crawl selling the aeon, (n the perform:mare of his dot) be anal bet retoore i be wood and bark front the twat. der or other t ebl etc to .lalett the same may for containid unleao th oolutelYneeesalty_to enable blot to 'nee:rare ant! In spect the same, He dual pay over to the Tr...mot-et at Mast once a month forty .per cent, of all fees col teeter by bin, the reenaltuler thereof be %hall re.ato as tqlUpattallion. Ord/ilned nod eoacted into • law this the ninth Airy of August, Anna Donslnl one thousand eight and red and Si ty-t I . • • • • - JAMFI3 31oBlitl KR, 1 . 31.10ent C &len oularil Attest: D. MeNtrusox, M!fft== Prostdent of Common Council. Attest: Itonturr 1/tLerrrrn, elets of Commas Council. sett A N OILDEIANCE relating to Ike -AA hewer In the bed or tl • Canal. SIr.CTION 1. Be II ordarneri and [woofed Ay etie Stied Povkano. (...ouneili of Mr eity eV my, •rwa Ira Iterehr ordained end efsarled bs nWhorlly same. That the ellthro of the tem., 111 the tad • r the cAOALI from the point where the tumor (row t he West Common Allt empty tnto It in the Alleghro• [Oyer. shall be ten feet. . /P. if- That the Commttleo on Street. buena titer are tondo) authorised loonier-Into a cont. - set wan the builders of laid mower fur rolistructing CI , e, me Its Increased she. Ma. 3. Th.! any ordinance or part of act ordi• nonce conflicting trif it the &Noce, hr and the satooe I. he retry repealed. Ordained ond enacted lute. a law this, the eth Jar of August, A_ It. M. J A MKS DICHHIEIL Pretddeta of Select couturll. Attest: D. MAg - r - Mtnr.... Prennivnt of CULOloon Council. Att es t na.nlLart foll 3 of C0111({1011 COnocil. ORDINANCE relating to the Aopeningof street s . bib- t. It ordnined fbl ....,rtes Me &- WI and Common Onsoneils Pay oar / ni„ and it Is terrry ordained and , inta - hol by Ilse on) bar ley of Ow an Tint from and after the p e.g.. VA this ordlnante . lt shall lie the duly or too . ly boil door te mouse personal notice to ho served ot. aR protons against when, damages hare boen asse"sud rut the opennilf of streets and Alleys, and for nu,. due fur the otoutructotr of mower. too Add o lio. to the mitten provided for In the Act hl) relating to ittrevti nuol aawkra. Orflodurd and enarted Into a law In Council' 1,1• the ninth day of l u l l Anton Dorritnt out I Ito" cud odglot hundred and .ixty.ull. JAMES ideltlllElt. rresideut of Select Council, CHAS. W. DENNEY. President of Continual I.."untal. Attest o D. 31 41-1,11111.110 N, Cluck of ',elect Council. IIonLUT DILWOUTII, au13:1144 Cirri, or Cohn',. u Council AN 0111DLNANCE Itepealing the Ordinance to Widen the altleiraikr on Central !Arcot. . . Sak-non 1. Belt ordained / and gadded by the 11. nnd (Mimi". Cornell., oOw City otf ileyh...y, and Ufa hereby enacted by the rthoollb th.. , rm , , That the Ordtuaneu ado ted July 12114 foul, eittltl d "An Ordluanco obaaglog the • lam of he Side walks on Central street, ' nod lama IS beteg repeald. Or/lathed nod enacted Into a lan/ Ude, the ninth day of August, A. D. one thousan d olghl hundred and slaty-sla. - JAS. alo/311./ Prosldeut of Select Couned. Attest: D. MACTILIMON. C=MIIMMM C. President Com mon Council. Attest: It. DILWOII7II, =Mc.==! AN ORDINANCE Repealing the urdtnaneri tograde andysave Allegheny Avenue. EliCnutt 1. Be ordained and Enacted by the Select and Common Council* of the City of Allegheny. ana it I* /weft enacted by the authority of the rants, That the Ordinance passed March the sth. USA authoris ing toe grading_and paring of Alle o gheny Avenue, from Ridge to ga beech streets. be 04 the mono Is hereby repeated. • Ordained and enacted Into • law, this ninth Ivy girestgr 'i)°"4° ,lll b Erli k lifinn. ""'4 PriAltlent of qui./ Connell. Attest t 111.temzunox, Clerk of belect Council. CHAS. W. DrrlNt, Trerldent of Common Council. /Meet I Eol3ll.nrDu.rrosTu. Clerk of Commols.Cou . neD. sell MLILIPII MEDICAL COLLEGE 9F OLNUISNATI.- . , q nazi Iterniar Bonen imansoynnts Welltrcjirrafilt, and the 00/1 1,01/1.11.1 Sifter ,OtrrObra let. Pee,. 0.1'"1 • ed. • , 311:LTINGI,'IlleLTING11—t t irather , JuNn4thanet*E. 64 A i h , 2o, ?auk Paritoy . ,...thurciaii, at ma tow!apiTaimk,stua ingt a ß l ; bl4 4 tiri_ D a Ti • 7.""",`{.'. Depot for the Sale of USEFUL PATENT ARTICLES. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS RECENTLY RETURNED EDON THE EASTERN CITIES, whore he secured the Ageney a some INVALUABLE PATENT ARTICLES that are needed in every family, among which may be mod The Continental Knife Sharpener and Polisher This useful article is hound to create a revolution in the kitchen deparment of evert. linus.linld Into which IL Is introdnead. sharpening and pollsning a dozen knives and forks In limas atacrts, without the need elath or brick dust, and the labor onlyor a child. it Is an actual arcs salty In every fatniiy; Ie very simple, neat, and nut liable to get oat of over. PLUGS., •2,G0. This effeetlee little Inatrnosent prlnte Indelibly names on earns. paper. leather. books and boneehold linen of every theeription. and le ulso Adapted for esnoellinfr. bust:lees athiresees, de.. dn. Any name desired sem pe mud he Machine. Ins nun rod eoneplet -, sent to an, athletes. t IEtCYLI:IO-MPL. vhnhic vriiide a v rent dr oil , rattily in n nnns,lng whirl: the hand never becomes heat. d while Ironing, is sold Si the 1.. r. pries of 33 cents each; f 13,50 per dozen. New rwans, an I very au perior to that to successfully Intraloced the pat season, both In quality and stale. 011.1 one-etu ell, the prier of /A ce.ut oil rleti., helot, sold at the low priests o(50 and 60 costa per an via re yard; smooth an.l glossy, s o d re.pti rh g neither soap nor brush i cleanse It, a wet cloth toting al l that is necessary to apply to the dirtiest carp-t, CAIVIPILLION LIQUID ENAMEL L; nanlmou Cs e•voceded hy the thoutsands who tested ,La merits during the past testes to be the mon eta uomlrsl slid netin a,.1 article of the varnish kind ever introduced. Tits article may be applied to rind , tart. Mantle -pleces, Moe., Iron Orate Fronts a d F . ,1:14,1a, Wall Paper, Window Shades. to., to.,gi•- ,nr everything 11 toties.-it rest brilliant dutch—m renting resembling melte.' glass hardened. it ftners more freely from the WOOL and w a il rover nou hie the space of any I' srotet. now used. It will serer crick or libeler: has been LesLec deem{ toe plat live montl.s, exposed to every bled of • anther, and Was fresh told bhtutlful today es when brat applied. boom or our nil clods dealers are now using it upon their e,.r mon oil cloths to enhance Li.smil of their roods. 01,1 oli cloths, wan one coating of the Enamel, ap pear like new, and neat three Llalts. long with XI • Mout It Prier, A Maplll end. with dire° tions fo d r using. de Ho do do o = Enameled Wash-Stand Shields. For the Drat time Introduced to the public, is or II worthy the attention Of neat hotreekeeFera. The /I Id It made , eefeetly w rt ter proof, furnished wit] a :rd and tassel Ails; hanks hehino the wash-stand, s. 110 rein prow..tins the 10011 paper from the spatte n As c of dirty aoap-suds from the wash-basin. It can De 'emtr , rul at'plermari., aminsed, off and replared in minute perfectly clean and golly. It is Cheat.. PRICE. and beautifully ornamental, and every bouse.ireeper should De •upplled with one or more. PRICE. 1,00. Any or all of the above KOOti • ped to an address. upon receipt of trice. — lto Linen Mar kler and Iron Holder will be lest he mall without extra charge. l'Zraoria writing ins Information, moat eue-o.r a stamp to lasure a reply. PIC)EPT OFF`SO2E] 33430_,C., 121013. .11113: FLANNELS irw4‘ cab =lb .7*-iogatzli Red Flannels, ellow Flannels, Gray Flannels, White Flannels Twilled Flannels Miners' Flannelp, Dark Barred Flannels, Bradley's Barred Flannels, Kittanning Bar'd Flannol, Ashland Barred Flannel, Steubenville Bar'd Flannel Cleveland Barred FlanneL White Blankets, Colored Blankets, Covode's Heavy do, AT WHOLESALE 11'11R01 1 , DICKSON & CO.. M Wood St., Pittsburgh. ADDITIONAL MOUNTIES TO Soldiers of IS6I and 1862. All who served three years are entitled to $lOO b•rillbtli those sorting two years, e6O: or who wale discharged by reason of wounds, or their heirs. Arcs Months Extra Pay I=l due Voisin! eer °Meets In the service March 3d, ienS, and diaebareed, loustured out, or resigned e April tt, 1101. A YN hioNl4.—Pesoonent.y diSabled are entitled to 1115. $2O or 13g15. according to degree of disabil ity. W. J. & !TALL PATTERSON, Attorneys. 71 Grant Street. l'lthsburga, Pa. j)ISISOLUTION OF PARTNER ...-. partneralap heretofore extstlur between TIIOILAS, 110111t&T WiLttOn, elultr the omne and style et IVIL3L/If & DRUIL, Was Dissolved by Mutual Consent, on thelttlt Tbotana retiring. The affairs of 11, late ore, be settled by J. & at. H. W I LHON who will continue the buolnesa of HOUSE AND SION PUNTING UERETOPURA, AT 24 Federal Street,Allegheity City. Jy.11:0-1 MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES. ST4 11.41 BUSTS, FO (4.1 r ARCHITECTURAL DECORATIONS, DESIGNS, AND MODELS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, At the hest Reline:phalli. Rates. X. 331 = 100400.1%X23, 123-#l9 91 Penn Street, l'lttsburgh ___ _ REMOVAL. 160. Smith/kid Street. 160. JOHN ZIVEIDINGKR, Formerly of 80 PISTE( BTIt6ET, her runorea to No. 160 stotnineid Street, , Z i gn i la k oge moth street, where he her an el:- Pianos, Melodeons, Organs, And all ktoda of 10AL INSTRUMENTS and „ Instruments repaired with ...stuns and dliDater. R . .1. FLESUNG, WHOLIVIALt nit-u.ra 1x Fruit Cans, Glass and Earthen Jars, of every detertptlounzia zonucthotarer of Tin Fruit Cans. Office, 188 WOOD STREAM, (AT rurau4.4 , 6 ELtit Brovuto 100;g71 " ' 'kEETIINIIAGkeIkr. TIM :MAINTAIN - 1198110ELTBRAL :11P.ctrIefAin F,a.4040,1471-' that. 1f.4.n.1.41,triet; Wpai !a=flitteietordisid tulit:rattuoing FLOW"- ERAIAAJWIN , HALUOrtiIe the Mimes Ice - cream, crams Aric oolabettonerics lawns oA I It an d. A Fi NZ - b. , ...rxrcrvniirArrek turned for Ital ::*llllloftrAttletil biellrikrirmarArEVASVaruntr. , 474,1 ,4434 r ) Orr . ,00.4_ ,1 4. t0 d .ilwtoiriTtraocurpio, , ;Wn4 1 "-"z g - \ <4, 4" ;7: . Time, Labor and Money Saved. THE MAGIC LINEN MARKER Caxalarallic)ia. Car-reet. do do do JAMES A. M'ILITIGHT, No. 10 St. Clair Street, ROOM NO. 2, SECOND STORY =I MO WASMED,GIooit kaltionott ~to oell by 'ample SALE OF UNITED STATES NMI :A RI RAILROAD riSOPEILTY. isrrics Or AAA, Q. M. M. S. 112.. It. It., 250 0 treet. Witsus storoi., D. C.. auo. est t, MOO Will be sold so Public Auction. at Ale.xatul,A Va.. on THIJEtaII, August 02. the WAD; of st United Stale. Military stalls - 08A rropercs re In iot hand •t that place, consisting 01 ptrt so (el- Two second-olio. serviceable Loronnst - . Eogtoes Morris At Son, builders: souse, 4 to, I r oho, Sole 'Fonder 'cruet, two small Trust Car 4. MEMMI=I= Pr slaty tons • .T" Itallsoad Iron. /45 lb.. to pe 'rwrlsty-nee tons Wrouscrt ant Cast E. rap Iron. rermod-.,and ItaltroadSplkeit, Chairs Rubber Todopil , 80 , . Aver, Mania InAtiorm and Counter %ones, La. , tr., oar., !looks, 'fables. awl rdrlet) of otorr article.: Niae yrame 130i:dines. Talc, to commence at 10 Wei. N. A. a.. at .he otHitary Its , lron , . Wharf, where the—ocomollees. 0.. -nad Iron. and Car Wherhi -to d. The .a.•titic untie articles will be ..Jll a, .ne Supply blare, near the Orange and Alexandria Deo O. WPI DI, be .Id at l'lttatturgb, P., at 11 o'eleen, A. M. of , TUEnuA Y. ACK./ M. E, y ennew Una Cars, die feet gauge: Penance Co., .If.ennrt CherYer cor , ty, Fen: a., builders. • . lreenio--Ceuh. In Government fonds. Ary tartar, Inan matt: a relative to the pr Iptnr will Dal - Walled on at 0 ". . 5 " . X. J. CitiLLY, Bet. Major Ana A. Q. M., IA Army. •uctibl THE NEW STAID? DUTIES. august Ist, 1866. rlerp, For tue eoureplenue or =1 EM112:1 =I I= And the public generally. !THE NEW STAMP DUTIES, I-11 POSED By NIT OP .CONECKESS, JULY 1?"'N TO •i AAE EFFECT THIN DAY, ON A NEAT CARD, ALPHABETI CALLY ARRANGED. .P.VILICIMI :zsts: 10 otos. = JOHN P. HUNT & CO., PIatI,II3IIERS, 1.9 Fifth St., Masonic Hall UM DAY, McABOY & SPANG, PROPRIETORS 01 IRON CITY ONE WORKS, OFFICE ANE WAREHOUSE, Nos. CS Wocd and 102 and 104 Third St, I= Saddlery Hardware and :Trimming, • And Manufacturers of all varieties of Superior Wood and Iron Homes, Wraught Poet Bits, Ring Bitt, Seafnee, Erendooee. Wheal Efts, Mallen Btu. Ate.. L. Keen .Lo on hand • fell and teouiplete" assortment of geode In ;their line, all of which they offer .t ea fettr Wee., and on as good terms ea ere offered by any loose to I the trade EMIT Olt WEST. mylliftde 1866. °PIitING HAIM% 1866. N_LoCORD & CO.. 181 WOOD STREET, Wish to call special attention to their largo and splendid nook of data, ac., for Springand seeer.imrear, 42L22.10:ciciloglis Nrairiot3r. LADIES. DEIIIiYI4, YA.ollll o Eatuy 8, Etc.; VS and 131 , 1aP kiditA THArn," BILI6I2ITUSIS, BUS HERB, MC ELTONes DIMItYS, rItTOS, IC., dc. CTR.aµ tiOODS or every davertpttOn, te 101 vat retlrhat • ; TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED MOS WLLI., RE RECE/YED By the Committee on City Property until Centavo her toe titli leen, at o clock, V. f 0: bundle rof 11 0 . :51.i.N E. HOUSE on St ?I:dein:et, ninth Ward, on the lot nu. occupied by the ...Dud In eat Ylra Company. Plans and BfteelfielltiO. .411 ha seen at the eater ot Alderman BUTLE/t, SO do, corner of Wylie avid Wmthingtott streets. 2,1, A cl ruBLE. In the rent of the /belle 8 eam pi, co l on. Company 's /ITC, On. r•Ol.lyi•018, avenue- Mtn. and apectnea 1011anall be &mutat the ernes of Alderman 1100101 , No. In Penngyleant. 11TOSUP. Toe Committee reserve the right to mice[ any or all bids. tilde to be wipe : rata. and muted en to m-dope, ...Good Inte .. , nt. 'Hellen.. J. Y. 14cLuUti JILIN, Ch airease Committe e, auS: lets 395 Liberti sreet, Pittsburgh. SOLDIERS , CLAIMS FOR BOUNTY The under...4l3.d Will collect allibonntler, horn pay and pensions One eoldiede ender the cote of Congress or State Men. Concrete haa Nut heated an act equaltang he; n. idea, under wbl.<4l veteran abldtera are entitled to bounty of from sioo lisoo. • JOlibra—LAMlltS, • A. Y. BEWWISI. • nttornea at La hug ; dL.T w, Olen, NO. ILIA klipatriet, Pl K 3IEGRAW & CO., ILMOTERIIB 110 HALM IN ALL irratDO or TOBACCO, BRUIT & BEGABS, N 0.31 Bt. char Street.: . Factory. 68 AND 86 HAND Witillerr. . . I pivailuenta's "• • " •freasaiktu l iiib. t ie ttlWriatvtirit, 4.llltratTY 411.11D45T. Alti•Altro • ' • ow* frown. Clair.. Us labbmi are • • •- • ed Ax• tlwasoStlarnpirat, 4,?t i p • *241 Vlibritigi .T:Pr4:116841/4 • WANTS. N DREW`S DOUBLY CYLINDER NU CUM:NIT OAS GIL?ill:BATLIIV LAY?. ciao Is. A rare eludes tAI. asks mossy ...I no rfsk: Address J. iTLLTON. ~J~s-eD 3r 7111A sweet, Clid AGENTS WANTED, TO SELL Ta r inCEL.l3 , aur .TlWCrldi Or, Lore and Loyally. The aale wilt n• eery large, and agents wlll find It tbefr Internet tow U this book In proterCllCA to say olaoc. ladloc tad 'moth.= wishing ',NAM- Ole employment %%II do roll to call upon .., address W. J. PIin..LAND 2 CO.. pal a!taas7 7 . 5 Third Intent, Plllabaigh, Pa. ViTANTED--Pir "loath paid to Affct., 00_1001,400v 0ur..., gjo SEWIAIt ntAtdattilt. ltatenhon eattaat. Addroo MONAIIcrOOK. 151. W E 1414 MAX IA (.%0.. 111nattandon. Mau. latadal- Oita *. 411rolitday , laymegrollisiememilmmage WALL PAPPRI, WALL PAPERS, /Yer Summer of Iss6. NUSLA INUIT, GOLD, PLII UST Mt Pell 1 3 .a.r00m. MC For Counting Ffsuses. I. store I= I=1311!1!! T ll ol l lkiiVtiilTE — ai 4110111SALI AJa MR AIWA IA WAJLAL. TRAVIDARENT WINDOW SHADES AND T ALMS 1. Ci XI NZ SI Warehouse, 91 Wood 81reet, Become doze below Diamond Alley, l'eT4:erel PITTERIVILOII F. pAF►LOR PAP RS & NEW LOT OF Stang - bard Gold Papers beaatlful Arrlgns for lon, at I= 00,0 n 3,00 . 1,00 1:f 1, P,4:lMatirtVi 4:1;14 NiTIANAL TRUST COMPANY, Mewt Penn Street, Flgrl' 91'ARD,PITTSBURCH. Deposita received and Interest allowed on de ;was. Collectlona . made on all the prineipal points of the Phatis. 13=1 ~ed~t:.~.,~,,~:~;~~:txKu~~4y~~y A!! gls* UR MUSLIMS IDIVIDCALLT REM:MU . 11013HICI DICKSIJN, President. Ji4HN H. ItALSTO.N. Vice President HOBERT J. UKIAH, Cashier. . . ROSEIST DICKSON, I CHARLID. MYKRS, JOHN H. RALSIDN, JOSEID LANG WILLIAM SWITH, WILLIAM BILICKELL CHAR. H . ADIASTRONO WM. IDA PTFORD, JR. JAMES LITTMLL, PAUL SIIIRSILT, .D 1: J. ADL. JAMES TAYLOR. .1;6:117 BANMNG HOUSE N. I' `'Lit ES & SONS, Baia No. 67 MARKET bTREET, Pittsburgh. Dcpoalls recelard In Par Funds and Cr rend". Collections made 04 all die princlpal points of Ora United flutes and Canada, STOCKS,BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold On Commission. Particular attention paid tn . the purchase and sale Or UNITED STATES SECURITIES . INCLUDING United States Slaw; of MS; Do. do 6.:03; rises or 10-0 a... be. 'even-Thinly.; Do. Cs rlidcates of endeb .du s rs too Vouchers bough for coliec t lcA!): _ _efeny DOLLAR &Amos BANK, No. 65 Fourth Street, CHARTERED IN 1855 111:322 Open daily from", tot o'clock, also on Wednesday nud" B.43trasq ereaturs, from May tot to Norma., Ist, from 7 to 7 o'clock, and from NoveMber Ist to Ms_ let, from Ito o'clock. Deposits me' ved of all sums of not less Limn One Dollar, tad a dividend of the prodts declared MM. plat, In June pod Det ember. Interest has been declared send-sonally to June and December some the Bank wan organital, at the rate of alt per cent. ' lnterest, M not drawn out, ls placed to the credit of the depositor as principsl, and a n the t - West from 000 trot day. of Jo *le and I treem her. coMpounding Mace e el ear vrith.ut trout. tat the tit, tO call, or ven to pr.,eut nt pa., twok. Al. Ulla rate money will d ~tt4e to i.,' %Amu twe,•e years. Books cattaing Charter, at and . r , la c t , dationa, ftmaish .1 gratis, ou appllatlan at the PRzSIDICert dSI 'ma Jobn d. Baakeiton. Benj. L. Falunstoc datoet Herdlasti, J..mcs McAuley James B. geed lea. M. PeArauck, 1.118. Wm. J. Axid..xson. (.144 - stn Adams, Jabs C. Bindle!. Geo cgs Mack MU Maim , .VortsoiA. Carrtar. Muted A. Colton, WM. Douglas, Jobs Zvaus, J01...a J. glifespla, William S. Barns, &M Petr Hanker, UM Hays, • TusAstraza--(BELARLIri Br.coarrAir—JA& B. D. Lillian IRON WORKS. JONES 8c LiVORIES, .VDTIPTINLIEVErirta-13 4 , 1 AlllO7 4CTOII/11.8 OP AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and-,Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T RaiDAR and 20 lb% to the yard Tram Hulls, punched and coun ter sunk; 'Miller, Bridge and Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and BMW, Railroad Car Wheels and Axles; Street Car 'Wheels and dales; Coal-Pit Car Wh :•els and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled PieliOli Hods; _dower and Reaper liars. we...sawn:me AIM OPP/CZ. 120. Water. and 158 Front 81a. lIIIAIiOR MUM Nos. 22,24 and 21 River St., .Ipl Isk OHIO %MO, ILL. Y ( W L . U. 9kIs. ,C. W. Ine fitl ''' ‘‘. MUM & 1110KITSON iltele*de Giocers, t., IlliO IMPOIITSIOI OP B UMMEIZ WINES AND MAW, Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, • - PITTEIIRURCH, PA. , IRON, NAILS, , COTTON YARNS,,, AC., . "fsil Oo,,irtoiiii - Oitibitud.'` • E' Ivo°woptivg ifERSOIN PRESTON Jearralt , arzraltialral ,W • eftwatkimantsekThibtrahatO W. PrINLAILMWA.I.II, 41 WOOD P,TIIICET =I B IE oltack. ir., rgbert P Rabb, Jahn 4.1. Shoemberger James glaldle. glezaager Spear. chrlatlart Yeager. =es D. Kelly, henry J. Lynela, Peter A. Madeira, John Marshall, Walter...aral.. o .l/, .1,4 m B. Mcfadderi. she Orr, Fear, 1•. Rlngsralt, Wm. IS. Sehraldt, Alexander Thadle. Vankirk, Wm. Y. tiaman, MI i A COLT TON • E saw Ll • 1 ~: k~.,;>