The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 13, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman : Reed & Co.,
AU. Of hrrirrmtrr. Pirrewagn
CH IleiVelaiN ,vr thutiuk ,„
the Nitigurgh Cutitt.
OUT iletrraphic dispatches on Saturday
contain - a brief announcement that an at
tempt had been made to assassinate Gov.
Curtin and Gen. Geary, the present and
prospective chief magistrates of this Com
monwealth. It appears that the Governor
and, the General had been to York to at
tend a - fleptibliCan Soldiers' Pic-nic, and
that' on their ,;return the railway coach
which contained them received a volley of
Millets and brick-bats from. the hands of
persolla lying in amble& That the dea
traetkut of thcae dls 'shed personages
was tbe object of the firing, is suflicienUy
manifest; lint it will observed that this
attempt et &seminal on exceeds in coward
liness and malignity most of those record
ed in the history, of, ny age or country, in
that the men'extgagedin it hay concealed,
and tiredl3,l,,tt oonsidgmble collection of
men and women, against the great major
ity of whoMit is not conceivable they held
any rancor. They were ready to peril the
lives of any individuals for even a chance
to kill the persons towards whom they
were envenomed. It Is pc;ssible this at
tempt originated exclusively in the minds
of the men who put it into execution; but
this is not perfectly clear. The course of
the President and his advisers, constitu
tional and personal, .in relerenen to
the New Orleans massacre, was 'such as
to instigate and encourage any kind and
degree of-violence towards loyal men in
all parts of the country. It was a sort of
Presidential warnlnt that loyal men who
refused to sanction the Executive Policy,
might be Imtehered on serail pretexts ur
none whatever.
But there are other considerations which
connect the Administration, as the insti
gating power, with this transaction. Mr.
MONTGOISEIIY BLAIR is an intimate blend
and confidant of the President, For 1110111.11 s
past, it has been his habit, standing in the
rotunda and passages of the Capitol to pre
dict and applaud the on-coming of a red
war, in which the two geographical sec
tions of the country should nut be princi
pals, but in which the two great political:
parties should be arrayed in bloody antag
onism, in all sections. In his recent speech
heroic the Democratic mass westing ut
Reading he brought this idea out with
startling vividness. At New Orleans and
York Mr.'s prognosis has been
Sully exemplified, in both cases the sup
porters of the President attempting massa
cre—in one actanuplianing it.
It is time the loyal men of the nation
understood that these instances were nut
casual and unpremeditated, but parts of a
system; that the design is to introduce a
Reign of Terror, in which the dictates of
Reasmi and the inculcations of the Moral
sentiments shall be overborne by Brnte
Force. This is not an anomalous manifest a•
tion of that element which is known as
Conservatism; but its uortuacmanifesuitiou,
as numerous historic examples dem onstrat e
What, then, shall be clone? Shall violence
be responded to by violence? inass.a:-re by
massacre? That would be to fulfill and
complete the desires of the conspirators,
whose chosen path runs through anarchy
to despotism. A better thing remains.
which is, by appeals to the Commob Sense
and Common Humanity of the People, to
hold in loyal hands the governments of
the Statesthat remained true to the Flag
throughout the war. Thus, and thus only,
shall we escape the anarchy of Mexico on
the one hand, or the despotism of Austria
on the other.
INniasa..—The Republican nominations
for Congress are all made, thus.
First District—General William Harrow.
of Evansville. Second District—General
W. 0. Gresham, of New Albany. Third
District—General Morton C. Hunter, of
Bloomington. Fourth District—General
Ira G. Grover, of Greensburg. Fifth Dis-
Islet—George W. Julian, of Centreville.
Stith District—General John Coburn, of ,
Indianapolis. Seventh District—General
Henry D. Washburn, of Newport. Eighth
District—Godlove S. Orth, of Lafayette. !
Ninth Distriet—fScluyier Colfax, of South
Bend. Tenth District—Major William
Williams, of Warsaw. Eleventh District
—General J. P. C. bhanks, of Jay C. IT. ,
Of these Messrs. Colfax, Julian and Ordi
are the present incumbents. The rest are I
all true men and gallant soldiers, and
there is not a doughtrice or a doubtful toady
among the whole lot. The two-faced gen•
Bernell have been rent to the rear in dia.
Me. W. W. KETCIII7It, it is now stated,
will again be the Republican candidate for
Congress in the 12th district, composed of
/ntigun and: Susquehanna empties. In
the 18th district, composed of Bradford,
CbUPPER, Montour, Sullivan and Wyn
n:link the Republican conferees will be
chosen on the 27th, but Judge Mtnteim
will surely be renominated.
. Leer Friday Oovernor Dennison, of
Ohio, made a speech at Columbus, telling
why he leit the Cabinet. The reasons es
caped axe mai and abundant_ The %VOL -
der Is they - were so iong in producing thrir
natural affect. But, "better late than
THE late Dr. Dostie was the first of the
loyal citizens of 'New Orleans to hoard the
Union fleet after the capture of the city in
1869, and declare Ids devotion to the flag.
No wonder the Democratic journals call
him a ineligiwit fanatic, who wee uMit to
TnteitAotils Republi , an having pub.
Hebei General Sherman's name among the
list of speakers at a recent Conservative
Rebel meeting In that city, the General
responds in a card indignantly denying
thatiar trains in any such crowd.
Tansy months ago Napoleon 111. was
generally uccepted as the foremost states
man id Etirope. Nis' pre-eminence, since
then, has suffered an eclipse. Ilismark
now stands confessedly the ablest public
man on that continent.
3nrtbe late Delaware County Republican
Donveutlpn Mr. Stevens received 73 for
134istiiiiite i a-Sesator, and Mr. Curtin 53.
The Erie Gaeeue declares for Mr. lite
Tea Republican Executive Committee of
Ohio Lai° inside arrangements for an ac
tive campaign, and the good work tom
alremly:W'm ccaunesoed.
dol.:s , 4.dayis County Republican Gonven
exprssed a strong preference for Gov
ItrAirPartinHib s iStalted States Senator.
Ix Ule letle—Diitrict John McDowell
Cluunbersburg, to the Demo
:. :Orldercitittiste for Congress.
newspapers are now pub-
In Mexico.
NSW Yong., August IL—Ameeting hae been
culled st trooper institute next Wednesday
mght, by prominent citizen. of Now Orion,,
to bring before the public the (win of the late
A NVlshington smosaalsays A inong the'
!Southern delegate. to the Philassicloissa Con
vention who arrived here to -day. ari (inversi
on. On and Perry `units
, Judge hawking, of swa
Carolina, and Judge..Laton ,tenbrit,:
litatiniti• City,t_fiev.,)Allanafts.—lly order of
the Democratic State Cans nti COIT.TrI 1 tie 01 .
UP . Stale of Novels, Li,..,. Old.. Tacket
and Hon. heo. G. Bernhard, sit the oily of New
York, areappOlntett deleititte, repro-Anil
the stets ot - Nevada in the National Union
Convention to be held in Philadelphia on the
14th day of A ne. ogt, is(Sl.
FOErrnittlx IdOrsaoz, Aug. 9.—At Inc curet, ,
lion held in Petersburg, yeatersla2., scants,- •
t song wore adopted sus tat Is ing the Reconstr ,
Lion Poi icy of the President. T 110111.9 Wel•
lace, of Petersburg; E. C. Rosin ion, of Non i
folk; J. It. Kiley, of nutiolk, iii.l UOll. Parker,
of Porta 1111 l nth, wore elected delegate. to the
Phitadelphiu Convent ion.
NOW tong, Ang. lI.—A fleeting has been I
called at Coots, ingtltufe, nest WeitnCSOrty
bight, by prominent citizens of New Orieaag, l
to bring befOrti the public toe lama of the late ,
wa g s ington apeelal nays among the Soutn-
Orn delegate!! to the Philadelphia Convention, 1
who arriVed here today, are Goon. Orr and
Perry, Judge Dawkins, of ',tooth Carolina, and
Judge Linton Stephens, of Georgia. They hail
an interview WILL, the Prealilent this morning.
Henry C. Bowen, publisher of the New York
inifeisendral, has been removed from the Col- ,
leinorsisle of Internal Revenue in the Al Din
trier of New York, Brooklyn.
There wore few Calla al the White liouati to- '
Aram. ate., for the Liberate helot from
Inittlmore—linnta Anna and tiler J aaaaa
New YORK, Angunl ll.—lt is reported Mal a
eyes,' laden nlth arms and HtIIMIIIIII.IOII for
the Liberal army In Morrim snlltnl from the
port of Baltimore n fen Mi3s since.
A correspondence between Genera] Santa
Anna and Minister Rumor,.
n :itch the former, under date of May 21, otfeis
his services in hellidf of the Rep - Mlle, and
to to .laurec his aid anti respect. Thar.,
;de 01 Senor Romero is caustic In alluding to
inv. part t.then be sante Anna ill 111,1.1r1K
Fiencli intervention. tie adds thee.,
_ .
dientitsinnces rendet it it diffeitit question,
in mo Judgment, to decide whether it would he
for ;he Interest of our country that your 89,
VI, s SI•M:111 be accepted oi not."
the Juan, Minister for foreign affairs re
nlies at length In some effect and cleat,. of Mi
los •• For toes, couselerat ions the President
of the keonbi to dens not believe it In any mith•
sier,Mlpll:o;le with bin duty to mlnth the otrer
mcli Senor saws Anna has new sought to
in .1, of ilk sersusis, te , r does he tOPIICVN that
iv, man (test adonis iit o r pat rlot•um
I, in erg manner considered as suit
•.. rPII4IVi• him from the very grave charges
n :itch exist 1%7,11111dt 111,11."
Recent no from Tampico at ttos that thy
Fr.-non, totyttectlak; the Mee lean rtenoral tarot
ntlrtti, retry, etl lion from tha command of
Tntopico, on at
lo um , t truntott ton Frottett
offloot. Tito French had revolved atonal' re-
Int. - ye:unlit from Vern Urnr. by water.
imieral Carvajal imot orgmnizmi at Mali,
10,•1.ts nn f :sped it.ion, fifteen lintitiroti strong,
alt a view to c.tpturn Tampico. General
t arson was to lie oommisini.
- .
netral Ee lo had left Meitatooraw with
four thoimanil 1.1:11 for Monterey, which cit.
he exp• tied tooli to have in yossestion.
Juarez hot organised another ex•
poilaion at Chihnualie to captor', tho neigh
luirtog iiity of Dorouo.
The Reported Rioted lieeno—Reehtoe
, mew and Appolotmeuta.
liptst 11.—The President ha.
ordered a full investitratton of the reporte I
ih et Itelcua, Arkansas. Thu only Informs
trot. rettelved here of it is that contained in
the A 5c,,1,1e Proao dispatch. The Fvee•r
-r0...,'s BUJ NMI agent tor arkunsas and tie.
I leldut Tel ritory, ealln for rntions for
whites, told 11l e LhOU4arld fiett/
141formn:Inn ha- 14744 n ref:44,441 from 11141(471
.144,711 4 • in Stoutarm, tll4l, authsfautory (rratle ,
44% r loon (144,1 e with tribtr. of Indians 14 the
• 11 , 11 c r t• , •111) try
dneeph Wilson has been put in charge of the
lienerul Land Mire. He wesrldef ',lurk In the
er twenty of rile most ancient and 0.-
'Olllllll clerk, In Ike Treasury Department
hilt 13 tendered their resuzuntheo, owing . to the
douhts se the 1.,..1.1{y is, rent Increase
Liana sit:Arles.
1 v. u regiment, .4 color,' cavalry are to be
et atne.l In the vervice.
General Howard, ( omullu,loncr of :he Frecri
mesh BUI,Jitl, use written a letter In reply ut
owu bethlries made be the lion. Non ell
Hart, M. N.L. , from New York, eoncernlng the
operations of the Freedmen's (tureen. hh.
describes the organization and v tot:
of II e bureau, glvinF Its statletles fie n ,
14-, to June, LW. From these it uppe (t• that
the aum her of persons receiving rations nre
der rearing, and I hat the poor whites oTeoend
Ent upon the government bounty ure c , juul
number to the blacks. The letter closes nn n
the opinion that In the present tondanut ol
affairs the bureau Ls tridtwenstble
New Tots. August ll,—Rat two or three
now cases of cholera In the else were reported
this molting. clue or two death* bare oc
urred of persons whose eases were reported
,sterday. The cholera reports for yesterday
showed the same decrease that WAR observed
the day bolero. There a ere ten deaths item
previously reportecl cases, and nine maw cues.
In Brooklyn there was also a decrease, then ,
Meng eleven new ease, and (nor deaths. On
the Island the condition was favorable.
New Og.LhANS, August I l.—Twenty-11 ve
deaths [row cholera for the twenty-foul hours
endive et six O'elook thin morn Oar. Physician,
proinutoon it Asiatic in it, cored (arm. The
dOodine is principally confined to aegioon to
uncleanly parts of the city.
or. Loris, August ti.—There were twenty - -
•: eases of cholera reported at the Board of
111,11 i I, fallen within tau %won ty-f rnr boom
r den g et goo., is of which proved Istal.
re:... rt of the Health I lacer of Philadel-
Kliews that the number u: death., front
ehole"a during the o.look was fifty-tern. The ton inlau of deaths during the week ass
four lintoired and fifty-one.
Internal R. Decinion Concernlnu
Agartion Mateo—Collector Appointed—
Internal Rel/00110 heeelpio—Troo.ory
Dloboroennento—Beqo aaaaa on tor Nor•
AR11154,01r, August 11.—The Com M isgiOn er
of Internal Hermitne leas written the fellowiug
respeetink the tax upon auction .les prior to
the date of the lute act of July lath, led:,it
-gas bell that sluice Lunde ny auctioneers fro
U 1 ,01061 Or executive officers, Or tot eleentors
and administrators, were liable to tax in the
same manner as sales made for othertheriton,
The law bas been amended, and It is 3101 held
that muta of litlCLlODerra made for or on ac
count of the persona or officers above specified
are not liable to tax since Angela lat, the time
a hen the above tax takes effect.
Calvin E. Pratt has boon appointed Cnlltrtor
of Intel nal Revenue for the Third District,
Brooklyn, Nevi York, vice Bowen, removed.
The receipts for internal revenue fur the
ee a ending toelay, were over seven million
ono hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
The disbursements of the treasury, on
count of the War, Navy and Interior Depart
ments, In the week ending onelay, are at, fol
lows War Department, $.5.54,749; Navy Depart
ment, f 775,511; interior Department,
Major General Baird, Assistant Commission
er or FreedMeMb Affairs for L.Mthilana, Leh
graphs to the Commissioner to have two will e
Donal burgeons detailed for duty In New or
leans, with as little delay ax
_possible. It Is
thought the requisition In made for the pm
pose of meeting any necessity wi11.% may
arise out of the prevalence of the cholera In
Mat City.
Ilso Philadelphia Mordee—ldentillem
ilol3 of the {Meilen and Arrest of [be
PHILADELPHIA, 41144:UHL lI.—A slats ealltng
h.m,ei( Champion, late an engineer iu the ne
i". vv. , :arrested on the charge Of kllitng a
g 1.1 ID a hon. or 111-fame, last night,. The
v etim.A name is Mary A. Carney, a native 01
!fount Molly, New JOrElly. This morning a
reurde associate of Mary Carney des-allied to
the yahoo the man who kept company wits
her. The description tallied with that given
by Esc keeper of the hot... A portrait or a
man was found In Mary Casey's trunk, which
Was identified nm Citntaplores. lie MEI IMMO.
IlitatlOY arrested while in bed lot Ws maim:nee,
and hue teen Identified an the man who came
to the house with the murdered god. Ile is
now beton: the Coroner.
litAliacrai a, August Il.—Tile alleged tiler
derei or the woman In the bagnio in named
Newton Champion. Ito is an ea-awash/sit en.
:Cancer in the navy, and Wye WPM reeently
employed In the gas Work. In this city. tie
hau been Identified by the slater of the de-
C01114...1 and othcre ea - keeping company with
Mary Carney. ?or coverall weeks past he hew
quarreled with her frequently. Tiro weeks
etnee he attempted to strangle her. lie de.
layed no emotion on being Identified by the
cooper 01 the baiirtale.
Canada—Passaic! of !?. FinglOClld '
Yaw Yong, Ang. ll.—The Herald's Ottawa
spectui says: The tardf bill and the Misr:Mal
scheme both passed Parliament In a modified
frlsonsaing the American fishery question,
the Attorney general said the ooncesslou
cenUy made to the American flabermen was
I necessary to prevent war with the United
States. Mx. Brown said he would' prefer war
to making the conoesidon. Mr. DOctor said the
fortillestlorus erected for the secntrity
_Of Can
ada against invasion from the United fltates
were useless, and their erection nothing but
lolly. -
A request has been sent to the English
.dsw by tlau ble for a ,go O v
re t
be h i e rsdos Ca
Endald r n d Wh_ y ich
wOu/d,aodOlbt l be forwarded I e.f
:4111 le= 1111:'11 :)
DISSOLUT!!n 1!7 r 4 7T
Queen Thanks the United States.
London Advlces to the 11th
Mra. ►laximilian i■ Paris.
[nr THY. u&nl.c.)
I.ON non, August 10.—The session of Tartlet
intuitriv. close., The Queen's speech on the
orcaslon of the dissolution returns thanks to
the tioverument of the United Slates for the
action taken hp it in the matter'of the late
Fenian raid into Canasta. The speech also ex
presses the Queen's gt atilleatiOn at the suceosu
of the Cable. The retnaluiler of the
ailaress front the throne relates to home slues-
Napoleon ha asked from Prussia an exten
sion of 1.110 frontier of France.
I.!eattrooh, Augu,d le.--Cotton; the sales of
cotton for the week. hnve been N.Ol/0
hove deck tried one half of n penny per
pound. On the week muddling uplands Is
quoted nt 13'el To-day's en/en were n,nto
LW:I,IN, Attguat 10.—Consok elolotl at tt7l.,
tot toottey; l'etttotl Slatatt Ylvo-Twehtle. Ware
oottat, at I ho eloae of trust heat at
MILO,. (CHI. I .nati.v Worm qaoteal, at the
sheer, t: rte .Iran. Were quoted, at the
J 111,—Th 0 r_l6bl
..+ lll.• 1.0111( r4l , lllVe Iw In completo
Lot 1.01, Augu.l. II An turnout., Mo. te en
Agreetl upon between Austria and Ibtly , UpOO
reeetioll Or Venetia to 11.111 . ) .
tie of .Mexico tom arrtvelt
'me seek« net Irun, the French government to
the enti, of Stamm II tun
‘11 . 1 . 171/011 a ! hot,. glt oh Pros.. to
the From h ‘leuttool lOC •o yawn/lion of trout
Live...ea:, August 11.—The cotton market
ea- -tea , ly to-lay, with utiles of 10,0,h halals
lul.l.lllng uplands at
L., son, ..kagout 11. —Con Moir were quoted at
the clone ol lauduess 10-day at tor money
Five-Twenty bond. were quoted
t.te Clem at 1a.5 t Gentral tree
7: 1, In 1::olrohd 'hare.
Poll of s Lawrence Cable Compiled
A• r. fa.—Tot•intlant
MCI"... Om gulf of :K. Lawrence was again
p•. Itc.l lip at o'clock Ulla, morning tha Weath
er bring fine. A splice Wei. rrisple and the
.reamer litostlod for the iihore. The cable will
to landed at So clock talk evening, when corn
unlcatlon vthe Atlantic Cable will to' al.
moat In4tantannoint, between ti.e. United
titans and Lorope.
Probable Revignation of Gen. Howard.
Tuo Thousand Called Out
by Got. Curtin for Service at
Philadelphia Convention.
Aces 1 - exit, August 12.—Tho /ferold'f W.ll
- apeeial Rays It is probable that Gen
ral Ilowal.i, 'it ief of the Freedirien'a Bureau,
owing t.t the devefunneuts In the report male
I,y Genet ails aluedinan and Fullerton, will
tatter resign or be removed, and General nn
-5011 put in his plane.
The 61113.1 sp„,elal gives currency to an ea
trnordinary story to the effect that tiovernor
t'urt in, of Pennsylvania, has twitted a secrOt.
01.1er calling Out two thousand militia for .1-
lon during the session of the Philadelphia
t_onvcation. Thin Is assumed to indicate nn
intention to disturb the gathering.
Decrease of the Cholera—War Among
the Detectives—Composts:Mimi . Felony
and Drlbrr,—Dlrsrce In litgls Life—
lloary•hwaded Adulterer— Arrest of
Conspirators at geraCros—llonor• to
the Piandorlch Islands Queen.
Nair lona, Aug. 11.—The official returns of
the Health hoard for yesterday, shOw a high
ly gratifying decrease In cholera In this city.
There were three new cases reported in Now
York. It is believed that the cholera will not
teatime the form of an epidemic this summon
The mortality report fur the week will not es
,cad, it is lielleven,elght hundred deaths from
all causes. There were nine deaths from cho
lera during the previous twenty-four hours at
the nubile Institutions. There have Leon
twenty-eight mums and eleven deaths edictal
ly reported In Igrooltlyn since the last Puha
...Win. There was a slight increase m the
number of sick on (inventor's Island yes
The health of the traps on David's Island
ronslileied excellent.
The detective quarrel, which dyad opened a
on dap. of bee by tho publication of charged metropolitans, still ra.m. Detective
Noodle, who turns out to have been the party
charged with oornponliding a felony and re.
caring bribes from a coretorfenor. had made
affidavit of facts connooted with his ewe,
in which ho claims the money wes paid to him
toe cervices rendered in the legitimate per
of hid business, ad detective.
A dull for divorce on the ground 01 adultery
Into been brought. by the wife of Mr. fildhop,
ltiduranco broker. Mr. Bishop to in the
dirty-second your of hid age, had an Income Of
SIUG,OOO per annum, and has moved In tide
highest circled of society. Mr. Bishop, and
hi d ullegml paramour, Clara It. Wallace, terra
eomtnltted tel the Ludlow Street Jail for want
of ball.
The Herald's Mexican virrespontlent say.:
A nuttiber of arrests had. been made at Vera
Cruz of alleged oonspiraldra, among whom
were two Am•rielm °Moors in /dupe , . dirt,
ion. Ihe eounpinloy WlLBlolid to have for Its
object the ktiling and capturing of all the
Preach olbehd. In Vern Crux.
The French steamer Anaronis was sent to.
wards the Rio Grande, probably to blockade
The yellow favor hue alanoet entirely WlMP
peered from Vera erns..
queen Emma, of Lhe Sandwich islands, at.
tended a dinner party given In her honor, but
evening, at the residence or Mr. Henry Or In
nod. Today ahe attended church at Trinity.
She will leave thin city fur Washington to
morrow meriting. thiv. Fenton has extembed
an Invitation to her to deli Albany on tier
return from Washington, which she will proo
ably accept.
Flour Mills Destroyed by IFlre—Rolie,
ed ne Pre•Wean of (Mart Marital.
WILYINOTOII, N. C.,' August IL—The Cave
Year steam flour and gram mills, owned by
Alexander Oldham, was destroyed to-day.
Loss gal ,o 00; no insurance.
Major GenerulJohu M. Palmer, of Illinois,
at his own request, has been relieved by or
der of the Secretary of War from duty its
President of the General Court Martial In this
tiny. The Court remains in session and will
soon proceed to the trial of Lieutenant Gavle*,
Acting Assistant Quartermaster charged
with misconduct an an account ing elhaer,
winch case bat been sent here for trial from
Charleston, S. C.
The Mew orteana Riot—Report of the I
tirand Jury on the Testimony.
New Omens., August IL—The ()rand Jury
have made them report of the testimony on
the late Mots. it bears no now features, and,
la, In every way, similar to the joint report o f
Herron, Voorhees and Monroe to the Pros
dent, already telegraphed.
Weather excessively warm. ThermOmete r,
at three P. Y., ninety-mm=ln the ehade.
Aliptat sabeanar Al3lO
CS, Ot WatiXeei CILWCO4 and abundant Id,
Ina f near 44rana Haven Lute, letatust
wr 4ll o , Pi cErr - ; ..* RAPmed. so. bive tms:
Conservative &construction
ists Assembling. t
Excitement Rapidly Increasinji
Yam/tour ma, Aug. 12.—A large number br
delegates from ell parts of the country are ar
riving hale. Numerous consultations wore
hold today to secure harmony in the proceed
loge. Vellandigham arrived to-day. The ttlfo
--,, 'els from Louisiana, headed by Cu
b • ~' b t. :fin - have harm . -
......1 and arranged all flit/esthete and :iv
The excitement Is increasing rapidly. Til#l .
evening the Continental Hotel and GI '
Rouse, anal the street Isitvreett,were comet
ro '
ly blockaded by the crowd . Mush disown!
was going on, some declaring that Vailan ,
ham and the party he represented should Uttt
enter the Cottvehtiori. Fernando Wood Ille
sista vehemently that they shall be admitted
without ignestiou.
A - canoes of the southern delegates will.
held In the morning to decide the course ter
pursued toward northern delegates. Arran g
mauls for the press have been made as perecit
LB possible, and all legitimate representatives
of journals can procure their cards by apply
ing to I. A. Whalley, room 137 Lontinental4,-
tel. The mewls:ere of the press will occupy
seats In front of the stand and in the ougtal•
theatre adjoining it.. , l ,
The Board of Health reports fortrigli_4ll,
cases of cholera and nine deaths for the NIPS
ending yesterday. The deaths have almost
disappeared within the last two days.
About three hundred delegates to *hit 00a
ventlon have so far registered their names on
the boos. The Nseeutive.Cciminittes, mostly
from the Smith, and a few from the New ling
land States have yet arrived. They are ex
pected Le-Morrow. No agreem ee 1 is let made
to a temporary organisation. A meeting 01
We Executive Committee will be held to-moi.
row afternoon, when it is supposed that an ar
rangement will ho settled. Mr. Ashman is
still favorably spoken of as Is candidate for
President of the Conventlon. Arrangements
between the delegates arc progressing favora
bly, mad it is believed at headquartere that a
harmonious adjustment of dirlicultim bvtwOon
the deleiratm will be Made.
Sunuilary of her News.
To. JOUNK, Aug. It—Thu steamship Nov
let k passed , :ape Raab on Sunday afternoon
MI rout. to New York. The following W •
summitry of hot noise, received hero on Satilt ,
clay the ilth
The stentushlp Aleppo, from New York, at
rtend at tjneenstown on the art, Mt.
The nt4ounsblps Napoleon 11l nod Union had
also srrleed in dream Britain.
In the Moore of Commons ou the Alth alt., IL
dtseussion arose rointivs to the sevetumuun
In.l for moon g a tiny thousand pound loan far
strengthentos the 1 names iortulcatloos.
Mr. tiladatone strongly opposed the
which wen wlthdrnwn, the LitIVOTTIMunt
'luntandmg that at Ulu nu. session every such
now work shall ho brought 11C1011) the house
ut the shape of an alOtotate.
our bemired thousand pounds In gold, had
veal fr. , m the West thous,
The Emperor Nat:Karon sae at Vichy.
The I.ttmlon Squadron tistl Lett for Ilyeres,
r prod ice, aad would arrive at Afaccia, um
e 15th.
The (WWI Admiral POPIaLnO had demantiod
cowl martial.
The Mu 4 of Belgium had re.lure.l Its rale Of
d:eurtlar one pert cut.
A rut al nouruu was puldialied at
the Italian Conatitutlon in Venettla and Web
bating the concordat between Auatria and
the noir See.
'rho lturernor of Seldasurtg-Holstrna had
Iccin orderel arrange
fur an election of
unnbc.n. to the tierinnu Parliament.
An arte , tlim for tour mouths bad been shirty
lAWINI Austria and
hrnovereligua of Baden. Duchiet.dt and
Sane 51.1tulgen had solicited tan king at
1•/ omit., direct for au 6rMlellee.
Unpur rrancoula had twee seized by the
. .
fur, Krug of Prosora foul refuted to rocelre
toe to% oy of the laluif of Rollover.
The armistice bets eon Bavaria and Prussia
was to commence on the at, and vrmild con
t.., for them weeks.
The Prussians had bombarded W ursburg aml
Is au repulse.!.
.1 haLrle t• 111 pay Passel. an indemnity o:
seventy-llva motion dorms.
Navigation on the Rhino had boon reopened
'Una steamship America, from Now York, at
rts ed at arnithampton at 5 r. ■. Ol the Mel.
The NOW York has the European mails, em
passengers, and diXl tons of cargo. Nu com
mercial reports have been remised.
\{V , Yong, Aug. It—Thu Pribune's opeasil
ni.nion LUG following:
ottann, C. W. Ang.ll..—Last night an Items
roritlinge.l34,lXii for the porclusno and main-
tontine*. of gunbotto on the taken and the
:51.. Lawrence riVer, was cOlactired In by the
A report cowed trout Toronto that two torn
And 0051 twenty round• of ball eartragee have
been loaned to toe for. , there, anti Ave tbo
uzul paint of shooa hare been bought or or
tiered for the one.
Pr egad Obey of Me Plalladelphdo CO
I'art•natrrtts, Aug. 11.—it is probable that
lion. Geo. Arthman. Provident of the Chteatto
CMIVILMILIOCI 11111.1 nominated Abraham Unman
be elected Preahlent of the National
Vint/a COnveralou 1,1101.1/11.0 YOOOlOOlO here on
Tuesday next. In ea., of Mr. Earlna, of Moo,
belng obBolll., Cron. bin in the 1101.1 ILVOI.IIO.
Change et Qoarfersnaaters
N aw Yoart., Aug. Il.—Brovtt. Maim: A. ti. Kim
Arildstunt tkultrtortu.ter 01 Voluutoe rs
In ordered to rulleve Col. G. A Bradley, MS •la
pot growlerm”tor of the &fiddle telltury 1111
01,10 u. Col. Brudloy Ls ordered to duty o Ito
put tenant {4ll2lXtOr MAMA: r ILL Fort Riley, ii. 2111. ns
Vessel Seised fee alrouggllnir
CUAI34II.ATON, H. C., Aug. r2.—Tlin Collector of
Cuctome 4t thin port has velzal tho Itrltt”le
1.1,111110 B. Shave, from tinveten, for suluggllt• g.
tier Captain refusal to env° hoods to appesur
for trial and one committed to Jell.
W Asatiorox, August 12—A new navy rattle.
ter line Just been issued containing the vari
ous promotions whirl, have 0mer...41 throi iglt
the nation of Congress and otherwise, 81 , 000
the beginntng of the preeent year.
.ose by Une
11,, ridlowlng besuiltel Ilona were recited by
hire. Dr. ?del.. it, member id the U. 8. Denim/
Anaembly, In .iencludine a brilliant sermon rennet-
I) pr.-I-bed by him at ite•, Dr. Jacobite church, In
this city:
••They are gathering Immo from every land,
One by one.
A. their weary feet tench the ebtninn strand,
One or one.
'their brow. are encircled Ina golden crown;
Their Iran i garment.. are all laid down,
And cloth ed in white raiment they real. on the
who., Ina Lamb ilemoth Ws children to lout,
One by one. -
— fig'fore they rest they Longs through the strife
line by one;
Thrones the renters of death they cuter life,
One ill one;
To gloms ore the flood• og tile e ver still,
As they ford on their way to the heavenly bill;
To other. the WILT. run fiercely wild,
rt oil reach the home of the undefiled,
One WY one.
We, too, mall route to that rivorelde
e by one;
We are roarer It. waters each eventide
One by oho.
We can hose the noise and dash of the otweam
Now and again through our lire's deep dream
rc.metitnes lee nuorls all Its banks onetime,
Conistimes la ripples s h e small waves s O.
One by One.
Jesup, Redeemer, We look to thee
One by one.
We Oft op our voices tremblingly,
One by one.
The waves of tbu rlvver orb dark and cold:
We know not /he spot whore oar feet may hold
'I hoe who :Wet lame thrOUgh In deep midnight
ntrougthan are, . send oe tOhy time d thy Keit.
Plant thou thy feet beside as we tread,
ths by oat;
to taw let us lean each drooping head.
One by one.
Let but thy soon'. •rni around us be twined,
We shall uast all our eare• and rears to the wind
Cation, ' Stealeemer, be thou in foil view,
Smilingly, gladsomely, shall we pass tbrOaghs
One by one.
We sometimes catch °unwires wonderine flow
many of the young ladle. whom we meet with are
to perform the part of housekeepert,t when the
young men who now eye them no admiringly Dare
persuaded them to income their wires. We listen
to those young ladles of whom we speak, and bar
them nutoat) , wiknOwledging, but boasting of q belt
ignorance of all household dudes,• if nun" ,
would so lower them In the esti - cationof their
Mends, the eonteulon of an ability to bake
bread an d Dies,
pies, or cook a Mee of meat, or a dlisno
anion to , rigage in any meth' employment. %wet
ting from our own youttifill reeollections, we are free
to ear that taper fingers and lily kends are very
Wetly to look at with a young man's , 0700, au
sometime. we hare known the triton Innocence of
practical know.edge displayed by • young miss to
pPpeer tether Interesting than otherwise. But We
Dave tired long enough to learn that ilk ge fall of
nulled entiorlences„ and that Me most loYing, yr.-
- mantle and dellcate people must lire on istioked or
otherwise food, and the house be kept clean and
Lids by todustrimi• hand.. And for all ten Windt.
le hastil y Ike
a ttl i tily hands. or tore wife to sulnabe:
Or sue
Additional Loral 31 LLLLLL on Third Page
The Cooarexeloasl Content—Delegate
Eleetlen■ on Hatneety,
The elentions for delegates to the Union He
pntilcan County Convention, which meets to
mm row, to nominate &candidate for Congress,
took place on Saturday in that portion of the
county comprising the 22 d Distract The fol
lowing are the delegates elected as tar so we
have ascertained
FSrst Ward.—James Rees, Adams Getty—.
tor Moorhead.
. . _
Third Ward.—Joseph Hastings, W. B. coyer
—for Moorhead.
Afth Ward.—lst Precinct.--Goorge lianghey,
David Rock—for Moorhead. ?A Precinct—fames
M. TaylOr, Richard Thompson—for Moorhead.
SLOth Ward—CharlatJeremy, John Reisman
—.far Moorhead.
ES1',E1!==!1:1!1 fh 11
Tenth W.,rd—ln tills district two sets of dole.
gales have been selected. a dispute having
arisen concerning the opening of the polls.
John (Johan and Dr. T. J. Gallaher are the Moor-
head delegates, and Anganl. Steinineyer and
Jacob Deal those chosen ny the friends of
Birmingham—let precinct, David Jenkins,
Stephen etruntr, 2d preeinct: It. D. Carnahan,
F. Taudte—all for Moorhead.
Laturenzeuille—let wsrd, Jacob Wainwright.,
A. L. Pearson, for Nogley; 'IA ward Samuel
!At:Mahon, A. Darldtion—for bloorhead.
Parrburva—Adam Weaver, Geo. Abel—
or Moorhead.
Ifenonothrhs—Natbse Brook.all, Itlehard
Perry—tor Moorhead.
Mount Iro4hington—Jonathan Neely, Fred.
Ikeaf—for Nugloy. 11r. Neeley was on both
WHAins—James Kelly, Alleu Kirkpatrick—
for Nagle,
tbod—J.Array Robb, Glenn illgbam—for
Rattirsson—WlELlam Hall, Samuel 211 w.—for
Moorhead, but Instructed for Negley.
PM—lasso Jones, Jacob Wanner—tor Moor
Prebleo—Boberr Palmer, W. Brown—for Moor
Ihota—C. B. 'balmlck., J. 11. lierlln--for
'1 1,0 1 7op," [lnn) an rt P • en d Il'lolosh—for Moor
m.o. c
It . mperunceritle---lioo. Ferguson, Thos. Whit
tonwate—tor tworhowl.
. ,
Laberty—A. li. Gross, Jno. Berton—for Neg
In hast 111ruzIngham the lloorhetul del
egates were elected.
—As will b observed General Iloorhead car
ries a large majority of tbo delegates, and will
doubtless be uominated. The Conventlwi
will ho composed of ninety-lour delegate',
and fOrty-eight will nominate. Al. far ea
heard from, Moorhead has forty-four and Nog
ley twelve.
A Sunday Sees.,
Sunday evening, about nix o'clock, three re
speetable looking young men were sealed nt
the Wylie street entrance to the German La
then= Church, corner of High and Wylie
streets. Presently a drunken fellow came
reeling along from 111011 street, and intrude!
ail abusive and unprovoked coni - ersatlen up
on them. One of the party mildly suggested
that he might an well pass on, whereupon ne
pulled off ton coat and melzed tile young man
who hail spoken to him by the hair and track
The unsaultod party arose and floored
kiln opponent. Forth., ith from um delis arid
sums Illgh trout, a party of rough
eclabled. In either eildelralk, from Fllgh to
Tunnel streets, mothura • lilt baleen in enrol,
ashes Of boys and glrin filed along, unjoyiug
the sport.EMme half dozen ttelOdt.S now
each of the drunken rowdy 11,
put on his hack. Flu/ally the young mall
had been so abromormlly outra4etl, and win,
had throughout seem& anxious to avoid the
gum rel, duul•fn•uresl thron,h an alley. Tun
contluuorl for more than half e, hone
yet no policeman aploenonl then nor at any
time for b.n miler w ands. Great are the übi.
quit.. police.
An Attempt to Rape au tild Prouteu
An old lady named Margret William, war',
tram her appearance. Itna seen a full half ova
tury go by, appeared at the °Mee of Alder-
Johne,on Saturday, snitLlait.l4 , an to for
roatioaagatnat Thomas Montan, a saloon keep
er in the bilth - wartl, tor assault and battery
Ilith intent to commit a rape. Mrs. Wiilloma
WWI eitiploy,l at Morgaies house, at the tame
of the occurrence, ea , ' general honsekoriper,
umi tostilled that 1.11118 She was attending to
her duties, Morgan entered chamber in
which XllO VIILS engaged at work, and made
the likened relerre,t to. Her struggles prevent
tat him from consummating Ma rout
and leaving her ablength In a helpless condi
tion, he looked the door of the room, and put
tmg the key In tale pocket, kept her a prison
, for sin boors. Ac soon as she was released,
.die. repairs tin, magistrate's °trice and
made the information Morgan was arrested
°Meer Thoma, hut aAS released on 'Vying
hall for a hearing on Onturday 'tent.
The cholera will certainly pay our city a visit
tory many days shall have passed away. He
can see no way of escaping the dread scourge
which has already hemmed us in upon all
oda.». Again we raise the vase of warning,
digtmg all to be prepared for the terrible visi
tation. Avoid the green truck which has
found Its way into our market., live temper
ately, form regular habits, and do all within
)'our power to improve the sanitary condition
of your own and neighbor's premism. Y.roiton
log a few Inolated cases of sudden death at
tributed to cholera, toil of cases brought from
abroad, wr have not yet had the disease here,
and possibly gay escape Its most virulent
torte altogether, if the people will at once h..-
come alive to their danger. A gnome at our
telegraph columns should be enough to prove
the imminent peril we are In, and we do hope
the Caticens will calmly inaugurate a general
cleaning up and sanitary reform.
The quiet or that delectable of our
city known only to policeman and lax
tors, Church alley, was disturbed on Saturday
morning by a trio named Harriet Meanington,
Sarah houghrey and Kate Lienniugton, who, in
order to satisfy their feelings of revenge, en
gendered by a y.rovious diannte, ihdtt i l si ged in a
treo The result Was llle two mining
-110,21 gave Miss Leligarely wells, a ter/nailing,
while the personnel or Mi. Kato limmington
was damaged by the addition of a large bump
beneath tato right eye, which loud.. to her
optic a sombre hue. Becoming disgusted with
pugullion, they transferred their conflict to
the Milne of Alderman Humbert, slid Invoked
ten eel of the statute laws to settle the inbro
gl to. Sarah was hold in three hundred dollars
to keep the peace, while the Misses 'hming-
Lens Were tined ten dollars each tor dlsordoriy
l;6soQe of 11.00
The obi and favorably known firm of J. Y.
a Co., :PS Liberty street, has boon
dlaoontinued, the business falling into the
hands of William F. ll'Laughlin, who has, for
a number of years, been the Imaineas manager
of the late arm. The new proprietor has
greatly enlarged his faeulties for doing busi
ness, and It la to be hoped that Lao same
liberal amount of patronage extended to the
old arm will be contmued with him. Ho deals
extensively In tdl descriptions of plain and
dressed leathers, tanners' oils, au., an., anti
has placed his prices upon such a 16 w !scale as
to make It advantageous to the purchaser to
favor him with his patronage. Mr. li'Laugh
lin is an active young business matt, and to
every respect worthy of the confidence of the
Row to tbi, Elwbih Word
A disgraceful row occurred at the Eighth
word polls, on Saturdayovcolng, about seven
o'clock, occasioned by several .rowdies at
tempting to prevent the offleers from closing
the window through which the ballots were
taken, at the hour designated irt the call of the
County gallantly') Committee. In the melee
Several men were knocked down and roughly
handled, while one of the special police, in
endeavoring to perform hie duty, was struck
on the head with a boulder, inflicting /I wonnd
of some two or three inches in oxfout from
which the blood flowed profusely. During the
fracas we saw knives, and In one instance 51
pistol, Mai:unshod, but in no ease worn they
used. Savo a small boy, none wore arrested.
ilpopprappg Blpoling.—There will ben very
important mooting of the Vestry Committee
of too Prison Reform Association of Alle
gheny county, held this morninii at nine
o'clock, In the lecture room of the 61st Pres
byterian Church, Wood street.. Every mem
ber is urged to be In attendance as business of
Importance will be transacted. Ladies any
ions or willing to co-Operate with the Associ
ation in ministering to the physical or spirit
tual wants of female prisoners, are respect
fully invited to leave their address with any
members of the Visiting Committee.
po.lo of tans—To•morrow morning at ten
toolock there will ho disposed of at public auc
tion, come arty choice lout of ground adjoining
the beautiful little town of Mansfield on Char
iton creek, a short distance irons the city. We
know of ho more Inviting spot for it home than
flue place presents, and all persons desiring
to purchase rare building sites should he on
hand tu-day at the further reference to our
, y d,gutjang caimans particulars may
be obtained.
A Wordy Alooteat.—While the delegate
election was progreeetog in the Sixth ward. a
wed knownmedinal prautioloner engaged in
a wordy wartare with a citizen of the ward.
The language used was of the mast abusive
character, and Would hare dead' credit to
Dublin fish-mongers, instead at two highly ed.
acated end tanned gentlemen, Inch as the
belligerents are. 'Gentlemen, peace ashamed
ocgou. ,4 , ,rd
Awsideistal Deatls.—JohatliaaPfer, a ono
firmedulatt,pedlar by occupation as fatally
injured Int Friday akin, but by tailing down
stairway ittroebUip Yartlere • tavern, on Ohio
_ U AthrtenY•
91,1014441 , *donor Clawson held an
on Stmday,,tbolFry "adoring aver 7
1 " National Union" Meeting—Speeehes of
Won. If. A. Weaver, J. H. Sawyer, Cet.
Kerr and Ex-Gov. Johnston
'of city hall
Pb''etgatent : ngmofhe
Daily /7 b e on Fifthfeet, Satu r day
as was anticipated, there being hardly one
hundred persons to attendance. The meeting
was called to order by B. C. Sawyer, Esq., edi
tor of the Repubhr, who nominated James W.
Kennedy, Esq., at Manchester, as President,
and Hon. Henry A. Weaver, U. S. Assessor for
tide bintrict, and A. L. Robinson. Karl., Vies
Presidents., and the reporters of the press as
Secretaries. The officers nominated were
unanimously elect.' by the meeting, and as
sumed their Mae. upon the platform. •
lion Henry A. Weaver, being loudly called
upon for a speech, briefly addressed the audi
ence. He stated that he had bees an Andy
Joh lid n n s o o t u des m desire t rots
remtaihri trKebemTtulnynocaling' and
siLlOn of carrying water upon both shoulders.
Ho sustained the Presinent and viewed the
present us a crisis in the polit Mal history of
One country, and all Futon won hhocid eteml
1 , 7 Preslil •1. 01111- l'•", • •• • or
been affOrded om.rti..,/ L 3 01 1.11. express
ing himself as Johnson-10am, and now fear
lessly and cOnselentiOubi3 its prOciallued him
self as such.
Mr. Weaver's speech w.e. receive.t o it h
applause from the audience, which uc might
truthfully say vasCOM pOMOti OnLy Demo
crats to forty nopubllcans.
_ . .
_ - -
Id r. Sawyer was next called noun nod
made a rambling arntech In which he indulged
la language unbecoming one recognized as the
head and front of the new political organisa
Hon. Wm. I'. Johnston next mounted the
rostrum and In a calm and dignified manner
reviewed the condition of national atfairs and
the position the President had taken. He
lauded the Democratic party and almost for
got himself no far as to proclaim that eremite.
SUM] the patriotic one during the dark hoar
of the rebellion. He announced his Intention
of taking the stump for Clymer In the present
Co'.. James K. Kerr also addressed the meet.
leg at some loath. He denounced tae Radical
leaders and proclaimed that before the drat of
next January a new and more terrible civil
war than the o n e we have just closed will be
inaugurated. He wan anxious to know why
the negro,us were being armed In the South,
aye in this very city In which we live, if not
preparatory to a civiiwar between the blacks
and the poor, weak Southern people.
A set of resolutions were read and approved
after which the meeting adjourned. le clos•
lug our brief report of the proceedings of tne
Johnson demonstration, it might be well to
nay that Mr. Sawyer, in his speech, stated that
if the Philadelphia Convention was Interfered
with by the Radicals, In order to avenge the
massacre of New Orleans, the city of Brother •
ly love would be razed to the ground and ant
a house wou.d be left standing. He said the
delegates going there anticipated trOuble and,
all went prepared for any emergency.
The Opera Itooste—imporsiiiH4loprove
Preparatory - to the opening Of this favorite
resort of the theater-going people on the Inth
It is being thoroughly rehovated, and
inch changes are being made as will not only
Intautify It, but also add to ascot/aorta and
conveniences. The ceilings above the dress
circle have been painted 01 fresco, in the most
chaste anti attractive designs. Along the
front of the family circle gallery the hadtoos
of the iitioluette may, timing Intermlssione,
'doily and admire appropriate designs ill oil
be au eminent artist. intervening brackets
will suspend beautiful artificial bonuots and
shwt refolgent lights. The stage has been
lowered eluvial Inches, the dressing-rooms
removint lip ttairs, and the capacity of the
stage materially mereasssi. The orehestra
hen id-o been enlarged, and will isintain
sis,:,l chair., newly upholstered its green
'ens. The torivaie 'tomes on either
side of the stage have beenlnewly
painted, and paper rd ith a novel pat
tern of poe:iliac ly wist.l) and cheeriul maroon
paper, studded wl to gold.eolored stars. The
walls of the main Onta anon have been palsied
a maroon color in oil. This is one of the most
noticeable and attractive of the many changes.
A large slits, with calcium or prlsmatto light
—such as visitors to Sew York have often
seen in front of Barnum's Museum—will
throw Its resplendent rays far and wide tip
and down Fifth street. There will also be four
large permanent lights along the front of the
building, similar to 010.0 lit front of the Arch
Street, Theatre, Philadelphia Twelve large
burners will Illumine the main street en
ranee, New heaters have been ;amend
throughout tile building. This enumeration
mho a n that the managers of Lin , the n 110,10'
do not enter upon the ntnr. reason with env
narrow notions In another column will be
mond n full announcement of the opening see
The 1-oureneertne !larder-Loughran
lwmmltteY for
On caturility afternoon a hearing wan had In
ilto cane of./ amen Laughren, eharged with the
murder of George It. U. !!yarn, In the borough
of Lawrenceville, on Thursday night. The
,Idenee adduced was In substance the same
ae th..t elicited at the Coroner's inquest, with
the exception of that elven by Robert It. El
liott, who testified that he met Loughran a
few minutes after the cutting had taken place.
The prisoner asked hint "How Is that fuss of
'ouzo , " The witness answered that he "didn't
know. One of the Myers boys wt.ctiL." Laugh.
con replied, "Yes, I stuck it to him a little
deeper than he thinks I dbl." The prisoner
flintier said, "I am sorry I didn't cut the guts
out of the s— of a b—h." Elliott made no ef
fort to arrest lam, anti Loughran tuna him the
good-night salutation and went home.
At the conclusion of the hearing the Mayor
comulttted Loughran to jail to await trial for
murder. J. C. McCarthy, Esq., ably conducted
thocase for the Commonwealth, and John M.
Kirkpatrick and Witham Reardon, Esq.., for
the prisoner.
An Alleged Counterfeiter Arrested.
From Information receiver a few days since
the author Hies were 1.1 to believe that a
gang of counterfeiters were operating In or
about the city, snsMolon rested on a party of
men who wore stopping at the Red Lion Hotel
and they were accordingly arrested, but were
discharged after a hearing, there being no
evulenoe whatever to fasten guilt upon them.
subsequently suspicion was attracted to one
Hartle L. Stewart, who lives at Brook Valley,
Indiana County, and detective Jones was sent
In quest of him. The °Meer found Stewart at
Ilia home, and placing him under arrest,
brought him to this city on Saturday night.
When arrested lie han on his person filly dol
lars In currency, part of which was in IMF
emit notes. Stewart Is forty years of age, and
has aiways horns an excellent reputation. lie
Ls owner of it tannery, a large store and a large
woolen factory.
Another now.—Between eleven and twelve
o'clock, on Saturday night, two drunken men
whose names we were Unable to learn, accost
ea some gentlemen standing at the corner of
Magee street and Pennsylvania Avenue, in
an insulting manner. Hit wishing to quarrel,
the last, named patty requested the inebriates
to walk on, but instead of complying, One of
them struck one et the gentlemen, nate -A,
Lames Growler, of Canton, Ohio,ln the mouth,
whereupon the latter pitched ito els assail
ant and save him a severe thrashing. The
affair terminated in the rowdies receiving a
severe castigation. There wore no arrests.
Fire In Mattehester.—About eleven o'clock
on Saturday night n. fire ocurred at the Eure
ka Oil Works, situate on the corner of Wash
ington and treble street, in the Borough of
Manchester. The oil from one of the stills,
which was leaking considerable, formed into
a stream and ran into the furnace pa, where
It Ignited. The fire, running along the stream
of oil, communicated to a tank In the yard.
which, together with its contents, were totally
destreye.d. The bulling sustained no damage.
The loss Will t to eI,OOD, on which there
Is no insurun
PrllliSlMOrinJ.—Thu good Sisters of Char
ity having charge of that noble institution,
the Mercy Hospital, have recently put sleet a
movement 10 establish a library of choice lit
etvry works for the benefit of the patients
confined therein by sickness. The charitable
community are earnestly invited to send do
nations of books and magazines to the hospit.
al. Win know of no object more worthy and
trust the appeal for trilling aid in thls direc
tion will meet with a generous response from
all classes of the community.
I.etreony of Clothing.—Annie Roll, a re.
Went of the Seventh ward. charged Jennie
W od, before Aiderman Johns, on Saturday,
with the larceny of several skirts and under
clothing from the deponent, the whole
amounting to $lO. A warrant wan issued for
the arrest of the am:used who resides with
her mother in Pitt township, on the Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
Admitted to the Mac.—We note with
pleasure the fact of the admission of Mr. John
Barr to practice law In the several Courts of
the county. Mr. Barr is ono of Abe most re
spectable, high-toned young men of our ac
quaintance, and possesses all the require
ments necessary to attain prominence m the
legal protection. Ho passed a most creditable
Not the Same Illorwan.—W. J. Morgan,
the proprietor of n saloon on Penn street, In
the Flab Ward, Is not the Morgan alluded to
In another Item In this Issue, In which refer
ence Is made to an attempt to rape the person
of an old lady. The party accused Is Thomas
Morgan, the host of the United States Hotel.
Meat'limb at Wellsville.—.l. number of
artiates sojourning hero during the theatrical
vacation, will give entertainments this arid
to-morrow evenings, ut Welleville, Ohio, un
der the direction and,, management of Jar.
Harry Overing Um.
Jail Service.—The usual Sunday worship
to tho County Jell Was hold yesterday, and
Owing to the fact that a number of clerical
gentlemen were in attendance, the serrieea.
ware of an unusually interwiting character.
Disorderly Conduce—Louisa Leads SP-
Vested before Alderman Johns, on &Burley,
and made oath against Mrs. Sarah Boyd_ for
- disonlerly conduct. The accused wee dischar
ged on payment of costs.
erieket.—To.iley—unless .tho weather In•
terferce—e game of cricket will be played on
-the Weet Common, Allegheny, between the
Olympic and E.ketninge clubs el this city.
To-der.—The United States Circuit
QourhiliPega taxm-.WOUltdell Z 9411.1.
Homicide at Coulterwrille.—ln a diffi
culty that occurred at Connersville, Ver
sailles township, on the Monongahela river, on
Saturday week, the 4th of August, a man
named John Harry was struck on tne head
with a stone. He was taken to Ins home
where he lingered until yesterday morning
at eleven o'clock when he expired. We were
unable to learn the name of the homicide, who
is yet at large.
Died at Mew Orleisea—lntelligence has
been received of the death, at Now Orleans. of
Mr. A. F. Leskolmam, the well known wagon
manufacturer of the borough of Manchester.
fie went to New Orleans on business.
Growls.—The "local" or the Loader must be
troubled with indigestion or something else,
Judging from the exhibition of 111-humor In
Ids penalings In the tart issue of that paper.
From a Laar
Wr.wr klitrow, fissisroos Co., N. Y., /
July 6, 1861.
llogravver.—Slr I have long delayed
to any sincere thank. for the
you have done on daughter. I eau tinny Noy
that nothing but the kind hand of Providence
and your Scream have saved her from an early
grove. Fnr three years I have been doctoring
her w ith syrups and all kinds of bitters that
have been recommended to me for her, bo
aides having two first rate ohyslchans; but all
seeiroil to do her n.. good, while I was search
ing the almanacs and all the newspapers that
I could get hold of, In hopes of finding some
thing that would suit her case. Accidentally
there Caine part of a newspaper around some
goods that t bought at the Spa. In looking
it over 1 saw at a glance that your Blirsall
wan lust what she needed. I sent the neat day
to Ballston Ulla Ilnd got a bottle of your BlT
roan. She commenced taking them, and such
a change in one nook with her appetite, alto
the distress that v iotuals occasioned, and that
burning In the Stomach, I never saw in my
life as there was in her. Bhe ham taken three
bottles, and is now able to work all the time.
I think there Is a Little derangement of the
Liver. Please send me three bottles more,
which I think will core her entirely. We and
others thought she had disease of the heart,
hut that heating and fluttering that would al
most stop her from breathing at Limes, Is all
gone, Yours, with respect,
Mss. AxA.av DA Meru xneos
liosletter's Bitters
Are aold wholesale and retail at very low rates
tt Pletningle Drug and Patent Medicine Depot,
No. 64 Market ED set, corner of the Dleanouo.
...24 Market, near Fourth street.
Until you get the Cholera, but be prepared for
It by having a smell bottle of Fleming's
Cholera Remedy Cl hand to nip it in the bud
on the first symptoms. 11. never falls to cure
when taken in time.
Sold only st lilemlng's Drug Store, No. 84
Market etreet.
WILSON.—On Saturdey, August tith,
W1L.0.%, In the Mb year of bar age.
Fun•ral on Moo vat, Aagast lath, at 10 o'clock x.
ta., fruits the residence Wlt
a. No. et Or•uthain Clint, Ailegheny priced.
of the family are respectfully molted to attend.
L. AY. —Ala Sunday morning. at 'bud-past three
o•clock, athe resleecni of her husband. in Shan...-
burg. Mrs, IDA M. ILAY, wife of Thomas Slay. In
the . I..uh year of her age.
The friend. sod scqualtanacm of the Wally ore
respectfully Invited to Mt.:id the funeral, which
take place 111., A/Tan-NOON, at three o'clock,
from her Isle restlenee.
covvvyil 113100 IPS
beautiful "liod . s-acre," the laraat suburban
place of sepulchre, except one, In this county, sit
uateei on hew Brighton rout, „immediately northf
t u tlf=i,rt o g r till" tfox.rrotnt2l-6.
ghoa7 City.
No. 196 Smithfield St., cor. 7tb,
( Fa Its &Aloe (rum enneutti Street.>
F.X.W.X" 1E1171.1.431r13.
17 Aria-mcsi.w
Nv. lea Poona street, Pittsburgh. P► 007711417 of
clods,all CFLAJ"/DS, iILUTMis, and even description
of Yu o oral Purnmaing aloe. surnmsteci. Somas
ommds 7 midnight, Hearse sad Carriages tarnished .
asysamtcam—ilev. David Karr, M
W. J•00b11B, D. D., Thomas Ewing. Msg., Jacob
Miller. L ap.
H. T. WHITE & CO.,
Manchester, Wood's Bun and vicinity.
Verner oz elbetield and Okartlere streets.
H %are. and Carriahes Varnished.
'erner Smithfield and Third Streets,
baring been tlioronstily renovated, repaired
and returnialied,
The proprietor (formerly of the BT. CELARLISJ
expects from Ita central location, his experience,
&termination to please. .4 by fIODICUATIZ
CHAIitiES, to deserve and receive a liberal pat
8. 11. 1114 L, Proprietor.
e v 45
No. 167 Smithfield Street,
Kano f.turors of
Lead and Block Tin, Pipe and
Sheet Lead;
Wholesale and retail dealets to all kinds of
Brass and Steam Goods,
107 Siimitheloaci. sirtzrevelt.
.1y16:M2 Tn
.T. 06.3141315 .14.1013,33,
So. BO Market Street, Pitfallarab. Pa.
TI, old established house has now In at re thtrt7-
Dye thounand dollars worth of Boots and own, %ha
styles the latest, the:uality the best, d i are
determined to sell VBBY LOW fltr We
have resolved not to De undersold by In the bus
loess that keep goods worth haring.
Pall and examine our stook of goods, and we feel
natlalletl that you will Plindlasc what yen weal In
the Boot and Shoe Lim,
1,0 not forget the plane, Bil Marti:mt.
.n. ltoll
. ...
Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engraver,
Cancelling Stamps and VlAttag Cants,
98 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Alley,
H. EICHILD, Proprietor.
Xis. 90 Third St., Pittsburgh.
All the Insarles of the season. Choice Liquors.,
&gars, An. Private Dining rootnerap
'kJ OHIO STREIT, near the Praitentlary,Alle
rnytett&mh_ =te r d 4 ZZlNt r a U rg
outer and repolreo at short notice. Particalor at
tention paid to Seto for Rolling Mills and Drawl
works. Alll work warranted. Order. re:sportfully
solicited. icErd74
Practical Furniture INanafacturtrs,
Latest styles at rourrtrac 006.t6mare4tuod.
‘lll4l Adarr4Dl.aatehl:a./0076
The cLUtioui rt forensrded 'snitch willystach be cub.
Kum as
scribers the Well bun. ""
&I.NtlLEVents. Mt If in rho
fJ1.1)138 or _ .• ink
:1..1.1136 or TIES &NU 1111
pottvir zo.l44Uji
Watch Repairing Establishment,
LADIES' .44ein 4.; Lars
"li7i7.a. AD3ETt...W43.
IiNri.T.IX.N T.
la ) KF.A If Firm,
Time Registering;
tiff 10311 Smithfield Street.
hie In•trument 1. very generally need by ram..
ant Merchants, as well as ste.iboatnion. It com
bo. • Clock, Barometer and fhurinometer. and
depended. noon (Sr Indicating the eh.,
f weather ./FS
• SI fan FOS t'Ou HuME.e 131 MANS.
1 ELD.—The underslgn..l will odor at Feb 11613.111.
un ,he premises, In Illansnelti on
Tuesday, August 14th, 1866,
Al I IS o'clock, a. Is.. 13 1 LOTS, 40 by ISO f.t, and
L Ht. E Locfl4 cou.lolng from I le 113( sorini.wa ,7
owmeof the !ardor lots Is growing one of the
1 Ts. urchar Is In the country, embracing reaches.
!;.';1114.1..r. sad a
• D e V. rre '
e ;HMI le tutu.. Walk Di Manseefil Station of
I •ttehurglk mud hp uhr u% hullroad and on one
the Hs acre lota oreeicd ' a Frame COM.. 00* .
antes s room. T pr •pert) located in the
ort part tf ore fliorettea,
~ .:0 0 401eutlec and 1 Public octmet. and offers tci par
e oles.rous let purehaelug t ry itorne h core
P.' unll3 I wl l 1 •11.0 oder at sulue • LoT
hy feet, 0 firma. u roue. ale ut :he centre of I
maumield, eh en le rteted ',toe Dwelling
ml "table Peri ins wlenmy to aunite the
scle will M. the St ..eueut At curumutiallon Teals.,
0 lying the Union Df pot at 10 e. m., return at 1041
Jed Ip.
Title Indisputable /er one-half cash; bal.
rlee It I, and years, w ith tcnist., For p.m
elan; Infinite of
.7 MU J. V. FIOVI'L AND, blanseeld.
go. W...,11.011, Prealt w. B. arm.lit3T, sewy.
all Itlatts of Bolt*. from la to 3 Inalmairri&
Gunner Morton and Butler Sta., Ninth Ward: Or
.Irra left at Fort Pitt Foundry.
Oeneral Blacksmithlns promptly attended to.
Book and Job Printers,
%VII/ continue be Book and Job Feinting basing=
lu all ite branch., at the
84 Fifth St., Gazette Building.
And respectfully solicit a share of public outrun
une- IylBef99
We have engaged the services of an experienced
teacher expressly for the months of July and Au
gust. ntudents entering on the lst of July can taxi
-1) complete the course by - the lan of tugust.
Foe circulars and specimens of pvt.mnaship, apply
at the College Rooms. or sddre.
{s) 5C16 sa at,,,
za)PENCIER dic 11IcKAY, .
Ale, Porter and Brown Stout,
ROBERT WATSON, Maansfic.r.
Lron Bucket, Tub and Trunk
p . C. DUFFY,
Ten, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware,
•od dealer to STUVEiti, !PRISE YURNISHINES
1.4.43 iai-riwoct efettremeset,
PlTTtilitlitiiid, PA.
This House it the Cheapest
_place In the city %obey
Stoves and Tin Ware. Job Wort promptly attend
s I to. mar2sto62
1214345 1.1.1=1 , 41,3rit3T o*.
)eldrrrtl I'VrItillUILGll, PA.
& CO.,
.*o. b 6 Federal Street, alUegbetsy.
Ail work entrusted to his okra will meet with
prompt ettentloo in either city. 1312:0W2
1101. NIES, BELL & CO.,
Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburg
Mona facturers of
SILITLWIELD IiTHZET, corner of 131X114
Koury Loanedon River PlateS, alltin,_rl4oll,
Diamonds, Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watebells:',
Clothing, and valuable artlelosof everydesorlptlOns-
The goodscannot be delivered without Ltir-terv'i.
Not socouriLvble In ease of Are or robber'T.
Goods ofeven , description for sale Of lowest
prices. (JoiVid2o) F.MA.NILEL DIPAPP.
BOINIp tto tM i IORTGAGES want..
0014 $l,OOO, $B,OOO, •$5,00 0 , $lO,OOO,
For one, two and throe jeers,
Whereas letters of AthrtlnLetratlon On the !S
-tate or Margaret Montgomery. dommaeat barb Data
granted to the undersigned, MI persont.baritkor
Mamie •galnet the eetuto or the eattl deogalMt are
[aquas: e•I to make the /MO XLIORO, and. allpeisects
ludebted to eahlestate arg requenten 10 gulag., pay
ment to J. K. NEWMAN. Adtnhalstrator,
an l llr 97 _
13 Webster Street.
ALNII:IIO3ECET 334 = 9 .
Ezprm.EslT,Tdßl i t Mit" mitisa,s" -
nzetbrAnDrigoliabli, scrzt
R0W1311012 streets, ALLkOdkrir t...e3 " "eek
__ 11. atandattl.h
ETERS, to.. for ante at reasonable prices, tby •
J. 1.31.A.H0ND, PrselloalODUclas. '
=ht. CLOVaSsents:_'
T6vs, Baskets, - -
J. a. Laner's Variety bto* - ; -
101 lIAIMET 82/173.1% . -
Wier of labels sod higskfilimk
Near the Saspeealea Waage.
atirVataleti AGl.lNittrit‘Y cIITY. PA.
Etorgrwo 'Weeks Only.
I sealing good/3E2CH OALIt 6612 800 I.;
of 027 own make, for thoom4l atm-4)(64 62 ; bins
LARS, at Se. 26166166 suite. . . ,
-o• • TPI: RIRA. Jn
IN 000 Minh: NO. Oats
Glabnas. rhorthwntent l l -4
vse Sift2s istrocat.
IMalers In Optical Goods,
No. 4 St, Clair Street.
tilld.Yr EX. ..Nd
J. WII.Ir_rJE,
ow. M. rwrit.
Na 1315 t. Clair Wail.