The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 11, 1866, Image 1

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intinsutp Bt
Penrdixtatti Reed &.
1041 Irina linger. Crnsscracin.
to %IF sravzi) ur vAiudEiZ7.7.ll9l:
Ike Witidurgit Sazdtt.
Mu. Gka JAILEB S. NitaLAY.—ln An
other 6 . oltunit.we publish a spirited lettet
from Gonorati James S. Negley, in vann
he places •himaclf square/3- upon the plat
for,n of tho Union lt.•publican Party, enc
refutes in no gentle trrms the rumors pu
—ln circulation o: , mmaing him. We oe
speak for the Let:latd soldier a careih.
perusal Of hisleitdr
Fauns have been entertained that efforts
would be made to retaliate on the Philsciel.
phi Convention some portion of Vac lb.
lance inflicted on the Louisiana Concitu
tional Convention. We understand that
precautionary measures have been concert
ed by the State and city authorities to main older and ensure personal security.
Tins is welL Not only high considerations
ofdaty require this, but the lower conside
rations of expediency. By all means let
the President and his supporters have a
monopoly of brutality and bloodshed.
Loyal men ought not, scd t .ust not, sully
their fame nod damage their came by re
sorting to 'violence.
*ohicago sped4ing of Dr. Dos
;.Now Orleans marlyr„alls him,
"Diliiiiethoso pestilent ruffians and dema
9116frtanately killed."
Ttflif4iris now from the Northern Demo
crat Loa candid Southerner.
The Galveston, Texas, Bulletin asp':
"Dr. Anthony P. Dostie, who vine killed
was tL. - : Union man to leave the State;
he openly denounced the Confederacy long
alter actual fighting began. Whatever may
be said of the real, no man charged him
with dishonesty. He was, undoubtedly,
very indiscreet'
Tao contrast is instructive.
Bums of our ieadora as have gone care-
Pliny over the detailed statement of Gover
nor Wira.t.s, which we puiliAled yesterday,
will hero jester Conceptions than before of
the entire absence of provocation for the
Kew Orleans massacre. It was a shame
less butchery, deliberately planned, not so
much to disperse the Convention, from
whose action nothing was feared, as to
alarm and drivel out of the South all the
man who are not in the rebel interest.
Tax federal osice•holdere recently dis
missed in this county were most unexcep
tionable and unblemished in their char-_c
ten and conduct. Faithful, courteous, iad
accommodating, they had the confidence
and cstecmof the entire business commu
nity. They were removed simply bee-icso
they refused to follow President JOHN - EON
and Senator CeWM: in their betrayal ot
the republican party.
CAPT. BAYUII.I. Htmets, , ilate Postmas
ter of Allegheny, bad realm:m(l that posi
tion before the guillotin&.demanded his
head, end had accepted the pen of seer.,
tary to a Paper Manufacturing Company.
He made an excellent officer, and carries
with him into his private pursuits the re,
peel and confidence of 1,11 who knew him.
Wt uudertoolt, yestel lay. to report Cka.•
end Kegley ax say,g e ' would cote for
Mr. Moorhead, If he strold be nominated,
but would. oppow - im oa the stump and
through the pram" The types made us
report him as Baying he "would not Tote
for Mr. Moorhead.",
Tn 3 Republican - b :to ticket in Illinois,
nominated last
, Wee.nesday, stands . For
Congress-at-large, Can. John Logan ;
for State Treasurer, G.orge W. Smith, 1211.1,r
for Superintendent , 11 Public instinctior,
Newton Bateman.
THE managera of Si , " i'..iladelphia Con-
Teuton have, deterin,Led to Tnle Mr. Va.-
htzulighaixt out. Ho is about the only
Northern delegate who was duly elected to
represent a genuine cou,tituency.
IT 18 STAMILD at Washington that General has written a lett, r ton member
of tlie Cabinet; baeking_our of the opinions
expressed of the Louisiana Convention in
his telegram to General Ga....vr.
Ray. 5. W. Norcroa, Ch. plain of the
Louisiana ConyUntion, and among Liu,
killed, was a native of Nantucket, Mass.,
and a direct descendant of Gen. JOSEPII
Tlic Republicans of Greene county open
thu atannaign by a mass meeting in Jurk
sor township, August 17th; to be foiloaed
by another, August 18th, in Center town,
Dr is confidently asserted that General B.
F:Tlatior will be nominated for Congress
by the ReMublicans of the Fifth Massachu
setts District,
Titn Buller American says that since the
New Orleans butchery there is not a Joan-
PM man among the Republicans of that
Taittette of Bev. Hart L. Stewart, Jr.,
' s of Chicago, has commenced an action in
divorce against him on a charge of adul
--Rsiv.tHatthew - Dayenport died at Oko•
lona, Hisehalppi, recently. He lacked on
ly, fouk rdayr of being one hundred years
old --liewasbunit in Prince George coon-
Virginia, °tithe 11th day of July, 17(6.
He Joined the Primitive Baptist Church at
the age of 11111M4311 years, and was aimat
later of the Gospel of that denomination.
upwards of seventy years.
—That portloU'orthe musical fraternity
in the United - States which uses the piano
will, no doubt, be astonished to learn that
there arcin'this country but 2,77 e of tnese
instruments. That is, the honest and up
right tax-payers of the country only re
turned that many for tax to the internal
mantle collectors in IbB t.
Twelve and a Malt Cant.
& *llls all ahellaby & Darclay are asking
for sow y . sxci wide TWA:acted Itittlin, the
iaaly house ItOthe city Cite: 11 eelling yer4
wide At sh,es&tna wine. Cull and see foryotar
; s444die at the tifiglact Bet give amid, 74 end
71efat;ket street.
Satiiism :Iva Disuse,
Substantial. dinner_, of .Al the seasonable
Tegetablbeind antiet;' the' market. eau be
obtained at Any boar - .ming the day, at Wm.
'r ntng Rooms-on
treat, nest to 1.1.. e Poston:Me.
Thu choicest debit:
tempt the appetite ot,the tus — ra7
served up day poliultr - Strdek $o
next door to thcrostoydeu, on IVO street.
Notor,lisesm. arl ua. **tuft
Sri= &f.IoiMISWo)4 street,. attocul to , al
diorelpticnis of ieh mot ofut steam fitting.
.1111 wfirk AntetanteiL Orders promptly atten
ded to.
• A/toast/yd.
0t.c14/ 4 44 4 Th mulants.
globes, oil Wpm ile m „ lye., kat gm . Cho
Maim' sis,llCll4ll9a• of .1144tru 'Co., 110.
WO*l t .
442 4 S a k k "
. ed,„ 44
VOLUME T.XXX.---NO. 190.
Graduated at Duff's Mercantile College,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Jamas McCune, Pittsburgh, Pa.
C. Townsend, Brookfield, Ohio. •••
Samuel Clark, Pittsburgh, Pit. Berg, Ebensburg, Pa.
Wm. H. Kaufman, Arsenal r. U, Pa.
W. P. Fulton, Granville, Ohio,
Jacob Black, Shipperwille, Pa.
J. C. Thompson, Pittehurgh, Pa.
John I. Wafting, Duncan, Pa.
J. B. Donaldson, lit.. Lebanon, Pa
lace, Murphy, New Cattle, Pa.
George Bantleld, Johnstown, Pa.
flain'i K. Gordon, Allegheny, Pa.
Jsa., Kelly, Itallair, Ohio.
All of whom passel the usual searebieg ex•
aminatiorui of the College satisfactorily, and
who will, no doubt, hereafter distinsuish
themselves by an honorable proficiency in
business. Each graduate was awarded the
beautiful diploma of the College, as a creden
tla, of the profloiane-, or "1• industr:, and of
Ma exemplary deportment during his coon u
of stud) .
More Testisonfal.—Dr. Ono. L. lie Cook
The distinguished Physician and Buranou.
whoculter an experience at ten years, *lth the
most eminent Dentists 01 this city and also.
whore, In procuring a serviceable set of tooth,
gave up his ease as bobag hopeless, until re
eontly, at the solicitations of friends and rela.
floes was induced try Dr. G. tY. Spencer,
and with what vuecess the following hand
some nolo will indica ger:
Dn. tl. W. Srastpa—Dar Sir : After a fair
and full trial of tu• set of teeth which you
made for me, taw hapr.y to any that they ex
oel my expectations; they arc easy to wear
and convenient in mastication. I hope that
the success which you have wet with in my
case may attend'all your future efforts.
Signed, Geo. L. hloCoos.
The moat Important thing to insure health
and low II to a good strong chest, such no IS
usually possessed by of cry ono with a sound
consul - Don. In Pittsburgh, as In every other
lards city, teem arts thousands Who delay ap
plying 1 remedy la time to check the Inca.
Sloss of disease, until some fatal lesion oe
cuts, which soon undermines the constitution
sad saps Ihe foundations upon which depends
health am long life. Us. Kaman, of 1M Wood
street,; pares a medicine called uPeores tr.," as well as other great remedies,
which hart 'eon the means of rescuing thou.
Saud,. ft ens the. grasp of one of the most Pr
and acrallit considered Incurable, mala
dies kne wa to the medical world. Dr.
Keyser's, medicines are perfectly agree's-
I. le to the most feeble constitution said
heave eurettstritest every other known remedy
has isaled:" . His medicines are real renovators
of the hn man constitution. They have a pe.
oath r It. 311/143C0 over all the secretions, and
a - 11l ass . redly make now and good blood,
• Is' lie some° of all healthy and correct
mos time It. in the animal economy. Is is hy
tills men ol that many of those eanosrous and
sore trio[ _, disea.sra are cured by him. Al's
nor r examining the lungs la peculiar to
himself, aid is accomplished by means of an
Mat rumemt,.wntoh points out the condition o
the PelssonarY organs as acutately as if they
could be 'con working through a glass. T:.e
examination is entirely free frOm pain, and 'a
tie hest means Inn an to give a person a true
knowledge of the condition of the lungs •1.1
Other organs of the chest. Some remarkable
cases of cures can be referred to in this city
ant, neighborwood, when he has restoted to
health persons who lave been given over - o
die with the very worst forms of consumption.
Consulting rooms, HO Penn street. °dice
hours from II a. a. to ti r. s.
Warr M.u.Tox, Baaaroo. Co., N. Y.,
July 6, IE6I.
Dn. Donler - ran—Sl, I hare long delayed
a. ti lag to you my sincere thank, for the good
.... , e1 oeve dorm my dan,gbter. I can truly ner
I ! hat nothing but the kind hand of Providera e
itad"-'our Err - rests have Raved bed from an early
l •:, aye. For throe yeana I have been doctoring
ref With Syrups and all kinds of tatters that
stare been recommended to me for her, Inc.
ides having two drat rate otualadans; but all
earned to do her no good, while I was searctr
'og the almanacs and ilill the newspapers that
/ conk' get hold of,ln!hopee of finding eon.-
tl . hog that would suit her case. Accidentally
:here came part of a newsp.por around soave
:coda that 1 bought at the Spa. In looking
is over I saw at a glance that your Wynne
one lust what she needed. I sent the neat my
:0 Ballston Sint and got a bottle of your Br,
tuns. She commenced taking them, and such
a change la one week with her eppegte, ail CI
the Olstress that victuals occasioned, that
turning in the Stomach, I never saw in toy
!de as there was in her. She has taken three
lottles, and la now able to work all the time.
I think there is a Little derangement of the
Liver. Please send rue three bottles. morn,
which I think will curerher entirely. We and
athera thought she had disease of the heart,
•ut I Oat beating ar (I fluttering that would al
aoal stop her fre preathmg at times, la all
;one. Yours, with reagent,
sold yid:detain aad retail at very low rat es
leaders - Drug anti Patent Medicine Depot,
No. 64 Market Mt eet, enrner of the Diamond
an I Market, near 'Fourth street.
Cod Liver Oil in tho world, manufactured
tram fresh sileoted livers on the sea coast.
inks oil is oliaracterteed•. by
.111111,110tEleas and
aunty poea tar to it alone. Its reputation Is
so great tha it Vdres the lead of other oils,
and is only., sally prescribed by physicians.
`temonlime to ask for Huard &Caswell , * Cod
Cssw,J.x., Macs d Co., New Tork,
Sole Manufacturers.
For sal, at wholesale In Pittsburgh by IL E
Sellers tr. Co. At rotail by all Druggists.
r ,frigarritbra, ire Chests
FOLI7 end me inmate Crean, freezers, ice
raceme, %rarer Coolers, Water Filters, Meat
Bales, Bath . abs, wed a full fine of goods der
esl..thle for tho heated term. OureW
a the -arrest, oar variety the beat, and our
Prices the lowest tole° found anywhere west
of tie nimmtalcis. Call and see, at 124 Wood
etree , south able, five doors above fifth bt.
W. W. Basoasaw.
him. Watson. seventy-eight years of age, re
sidirg &a , miles ont dp the Perrysville plar k
owl, has been for e time totally blind
from Oa th root. Fond o reading and angior,
for right a little longar, she consulted Dr.
S:errett, jitg,.by a delicate 'mod almost yaw-
Oda °per Mon, removed the cataracts, so [Let
Sae tooth /wee to read her WO:nits book—tbe
itithkitintiorard to -Cosi,
Sliel!shy db Barclay are offering all their stook
of ern:ewer goods, including Dress Good.,
Mu els, Lase Mantles and Pointe, Bun Urn
brriles, White Goods of every description, de.,
without regard to cost, to elate them out pre
vious to laying in their fail stock. Call ✓mn
far bargains, at 74 and Market Moot—Bee
Hive stand.
AU the delicacies of the season era served
up at the shortest, notice and fn tho best style,
at tfoltahetntees—rrioker Baloon—on YULh
.treet, next door to the Postoffleo.
Oranges to the several Fedora. mikes will
shOttly take place, notwithstanding which
Ptw,c will continuo to sell Albums, Gold
Pens, Wallets. do., at the lowest rates.
Zwens & Co., MS Wood si rest, nave on ihand
Le finest assortment of bath tens to be found
n thla city. Prince lower than the lowest.
arse, unrivieled Pianofortes. Splendid new
woitment• Charlotte Blume. wile nsent. AS
HUM meet.
Sea returned from the East, and can be found
No. 2334 Penn street, near Enna.
►wee It Co..N
World renowned n. •matto Onwko, for sale
cialy by Charlotte sl . iime, No. 411 YltLh .tract.
Yeast Atmerfea Wilistiogripbs.
To be had only at Plttoalea
piowoks 'am*, .ad Hales.
For beptamt!er, 1111,9110, .
Harry Yens and aliment
Photogispha t at r!tatkli. •
• Xew limas
*1 Viell4l4 aVi I:
Prrliatrzaa, August 6th, leGd, ,
A P1411M104111 Chest
Prom a Lady
. Ilan. Alums - D.A. lioPusasox
/loaf e 41413.6 Hit tens
Food ter tee Hungry
Ii b lEnderstoott
Dr. Wm. 11. 13.inru
THE I, l v n R rvT. r
Austro-Italian Truce Extended.
CABLE OF 1865,
Gulf of 9G Lawrence Cable
Money and Cotton Markets.
Lon nos, August 9.—The latest telegrams
(rein the Continent, to-day, Indicate no:change
In the aspect of &Cairn, and tho Itati au posi
tion remains unaltered.
Livsaroot, Augu. t 9.—The officers of the
Itrttmh Custom service have seised •ix blow,
ade runners at this port on behalf of the
United States Government.
The ship Fairlight, Capt. Bush, which sai"ed
from Hong Hong, May %Ms, for Shengtme, was
lost in the China Bea. No dates are
Lemnos., August. B.—Console oloeed at t 47%.
LOSDON, August a—Five-twenties, el., lat
een C'ntrai Railroad, 73; Erie, -alssi.
Idrawroot, August S.--Cotton market steady
et unchanged quotations; sales 10,000 bales.
Losnos, August 9.—Evening —The truce be.
L. 00911 Italy and Austria has been extend.'
ten •lays,
I.K.inoir, August 9.—Consols, for money
Five-Twenties, 693; Illinois Central astlroati,
75'.4; Erie, 4.1?4,.
Li %WOOL, A liras t 1 1 .--COtton ; sales 4 0) al
al -s; market dull.
Htsar's CONTENT. • UgLISt. A—Lier MAjollt)
'hip Terrible and the steamer Albany left n
Wednesday morning. August Ist, and t .
;rent Eastern and Medway sailed at 7 o•ctc.-k
The - sday morning. All tile reeosels are i y
supi 'led with coal and provisions. The 1.1:t
•'ern of the expedition are determined t'• lr
cover and complete the cable of 1935 If
pm:slide. The Groat Eastern has about eig L
tlioneand.tons of coal on boar', and proclaima
enough for a six months' cruise.
Now roar. Aar. 10.—A Manta/oh reemet
flout tmrlatendent Mackay, at mitl•nlabt,
I.tcd at Aepy Bay, to-night, statea that tte
..abte across the Gulf of tit Lawrence. few
.took Itay to Paz t au Reagan, was tinder
by him a depth of seventydlve fathom.. I% t
.Irt•on of II lylng la wader Over httb..7.•
deni, w a, found lamoddod in mud, and t . a•
a elllecuilo state of prtmer• atiot Lt
wan found to hare been bruken In .o
bta....3 by the anchors of aching Tel,'
was spliced at a dtstanceof thirteen milt
Irons the adore, but ntabt eommg on ter) .
dark, with a high gale 'Wool:UE.0o ted by nil
and a heavy they were oblige., to out .he
- able under Cap. North, where it wan note...
....loved to thirty fathom, of water. M..
Mackay states, • L We await a fine 'ln)
I. nrl the shore end.“ The table teste el, as.
I cure ts not. the least defect hl tt. Now Tore
110011 Ow in sat War-tory telegraph wawa
ilien.loll with LOndoa.
Nothing known at General Baird Kelm(
ReHeves at time. rallßt . • Iteseqe• rte.,
-From Our abiding. Consul lienerst -
Cl:tutors gases.. I - A ppola amen t •
by the Pessitlena -Interrd
Derides-excltemr..t Among the
part:tient Clerks 4 •eseernlnu their
Ineresed Compeusatieo.
WAIIIMOTON, August 10— ho Information
he, reached General Graht's Headquarters
vri Fregard to General 13aird having been r• , -
11ered from the military command at No Or
Our Consul General In Italy writes that rn,
the hith tilt., a quarantine: of fifteen days Wed
es' ablishestby the Donee eiorernment for MI
011/tlis enticing at Lba ports of that kimplem
born Liverpool (the only British port desig
nated). Marseilles and sit other French ports
on tie: Mediterranean, on aooount of the sins
ten.. of the cholera et those localities.
The following appointments were made to
day:P. Stewart, of New York, J. B. Freese,
of New York, and J. EL Alexander, of klar).
land. Commissiouers to the Universal Exposi
tion of tes7 at Paris; Joseph H. Wilson, of the
Distrilltof Columbia, Commissioner of the
General Land Office, fron, August 0, Ifel, Mee
J. M. Edwards, realgnod; Jamas A. Hall, Col
lector ot Customs for the District of Waldo
borungh, Maine.
atiorney tieneral Stansbury is appointed to
d.charge the duties of Secretary of State dar
ing the absence of Mr. Seward.
The Commissioner of Internal revenue has
deckled that the ant of March 3d. UM, aman...,
ed July 13 1866, imposing a tax of ten per
cont. upon banks, and banking associatiors,
for paying out the notes of said banks, dote
tot apply to private banks doing bus,
nose " without a charter. If. however,
a. private banker t waives and pays not the
notes of State banks as agent of n National
banking association, State bank or banking
associat.lon, this statute of liability is
Considerable excitement was manifested
among the clerks in the various Departments,
consequence of the impression which re
name almond, that throughA clerical error to
.he act, the clause which originally appeared
of the miscellaneaus appropriation bill, giv
mg to the employees of the Iloverrissent here
an itaCireaßb of 20 per cent. on their salaries,
was subsequently stricken out in &Committee
of Conform nitric that the ball become a law
without that clause. No official Opinion hue
been given by the Attorney General on the
subject and many are disposed to believe, and
flora reliable source, of Informatioreit seem.
t amain that the solclitional pay feature does
not appear in the manuscript copy of the law
Low at the ikste Department.
Pennsylvania Delegates to the National
Dolton I' Hon.
PHILADIIILPILL, July 10.—The National Union
ata.te Committee, o f this State, have agreed
upon a full list of delegates to the National
Union Convention. The fel:owing are the del
egates at large: Flom tid. Cowan, J. R.- Flani
gan, William P. Johustoa. and Hots. W. If.
Tracy. The list of district delegates Incitelcs
- many oromment gentlemen of the Stt. te.
There is no doubt that the wigwam will ..0
ily completed on Tuesday, and the our...
t ion will he able to proceed at once to busty or.,
Ample provision has been made for tviegraphle
communication for journalists direct from the
Awearelon Tickets to Philadelphia.
Pt.LAnstrina Aug. 10.—The renniiylvaids.
Rai. owl Cough:lly will sull excundon
to all persons desiring to visit this city for toe
The p hamielottia w iv „ p 1r,..05e of attending the llational Cohost:on
wens not leompleted—heat• for thie "1i ,10,1,
hundred And Thirty of the Press.
PLULADLLEIII4, August 10.—Although the
Natiohal Convention will assemble. on Tuea
day, It will pi obably adjourn over until rho
fullowln3 day, after D short session, as the
wigwam rill not be entirely Completed until
the 14th. When the wigwam is linlatiod it wl.l
no toe largest structure over erected an the
United htates for political purposes.
have been provided (or ono Ll:mired and tau.
t, journal..its 111 front of the speakers ,
Mho Press Club of this city have untutored tho
wait a their roOna Lo reporters and oorrespot.-
debts of the proms arriving from abrowi.
Choler* in New York--.Spidenale Pained
It. Storm% Hume.
!raw Yoaz, August la.—Reports m reiatlon
:a the cholera in Oils city and outside input la
tione continue very favorable. It Is now
most ccrtum that the coldeullo has passed its
worbt &Lugo, and that during the remainder of
Lae e.a.mon the death raw MIL not be material.
y I lereased by the &tease.
From Oen Orleans.. motors IMP=
Ns* Oaheass, a , -gust le—The deaths from
~holera Irons ea Ot.look yesterday
until eta o'clock tills morning number In all
The steamer. shame and Saratoga ..•e
burned last night. Loss 030,000, about half
Maltreat* 'truism. 'meant
• ' •
Loctsvild.s, Augest lu.—The Oumberl•nd
and Tennessee river brid•es, on the Memphis
• id Louisville Railroad line d estroyed during
ad. War, relive been rebuilt. Double dsily
token; commenced running between Louis
ville and ldemptils lest Idrmilay; limn, eighteen
—A new disease has attacked the wheat
near Avon, N. Y. The husk turns brown,
anircou.o and decay umik
bezins at the and of the berry
E•1.111Q/1. N. C., Aug. lo.—The elate Conven• nearest
Hon met here to-day. W. A. Graham, Geo. —Two bola were sent to Jail for throe
Howard, B . C. Puryar, and UOO. Davis were t m
nooses delegates to the Philezielphui Heaven-m onth s a a Oen, Goon., for Jumping on
than. The question of Alternates is being ao. the cars while in motion, which Is against
bated. the taws of the State.
' —There are now atAnnapolis between one
Chaowoof OMNlMader, as Mew Orissa..
KIM Tows,S special to she
AbirninP_Pom saiintGeneral titonomask will
lase westkingtou 101Medlately, co assume
oosozoatidin Now orloiun,,Loplase of (Amaral
na~r~ ~.: ,<
Car Containing Gov. Curtin, Gen
Geary, and Women and
Children Fired Into.
• I.l.aamsnuao, Pa., August 10.—A special to
the Nov York Tribtose ay., The partioulare of
the attack on the Geary soldiers, at York, lest
right, are as follows: The train was moving
otf, when the soldiers in the open goodolao
were attacked by a party secreted In a corn
fold, whence came disolutoree of flrusrms
. stones, and o th er missiles. Hal/ a dosen sol
diers wore badly bruised about the
head, and one was shot In the legs.
Six shots were thud at the closed car, to whteh
were Governor Curtin, General Gear', and the
• - • - "btldren of the party. One ball on-
the car, Of moose tne tadlea were week ,
frightened, aml their screams were heard by
t the boys on board, who caused the train to
stop, and went book after the attgetring poly,
who tramedhstely Mei In all dlrecttons. A
special policeman appointed by tho DeI:LW
! cratto a n of York, I. sell to have tired
several shots.
Be urn of Pentane From Ireland—Eno
way to •'tteoa 43enitre" Stephen.—
Brotherhood Preepeete Brighten than
New You, Aug. itt—tioneral John H. Gies
gen, Captain Condon, and Major Comerford,
have arrived from Ireland. The two former
were released by the government on condition
of leaving at once for America. While comln
ed they had a oorrespondenoe with Mr. NI est,
United States Conant at Dublin, who admitted
they wore American citizen., hut stated that
the Lord Lieutenant would deal with them
tne muse as ordinary subjects. Major Comer
ford comes as an envoy to Mr. Stephens, and
gays the numerical strength and hopes of the
lantana In Ireland are bettor now than when
Stephens loft; that the people are determined
to lig ht, aid or no aid from Arum - ton. Their
contitience in Stephens la unabated, and they
condemn the conduct of the (notions 1n Amer
A Washington spacial says We President
and Mr. Seward will yfslt Auburn on Weir re
turn from Chicago.
The Steedman•Fullerloo Preedueo•a
New Toas t August 10.—The report of the
Freedman's Bureau Inspectors, recently conic
by Generals Steelman and Fullerton, le pub.
Itsh mi. In the curse of the report the ofti.
cc , . elate that there mix considerable dliecni.
ty In reporting upon the settled mode of ad
ministration among the agents. There is au
entire absents, of system In the whole organ',{.lo[l. The contract system controls the labor
of one State, while the labor is not controlmd
at all In another. Tho General Government
(inn :she. tae funds in one distriet. and .issa
lion of the plantrre and the negroes furnish
:hem In another. They fleshy Orme their
port by saying that the system of contract',
enforced by the bureau, is simply slavery in a
uod died EOM.
Court Martial of Vreedmat.•a ButYOto
Batman, N. C., August 10.—The court war ,
I welch hae been eo~ed hare for alt
" " 1 .1 try-log array Wagers of al l Freud.
.4 Bureau In North Carolina, on the ch& a.
rateat by tienerala Meec:non and ?ratio-wt.,
• coneluddl the laat creo Oa the het, 2 tio
evidence in theela trials which Lime Wien
,11.1. has been of the h e oupor/ance,
r biting minutely the working of the Hi,
• vt.a, all eladSCill 01 witucesec has mg hton
v mined. The lortlicoming trinle .11r. Fitz,
Mr Boyden and other uo .Ora Ls Of LW.
t'• 0t...11.11CL0S bet ,re a mlilLary Ca.:l
-u11..4 will more tidbit uffwar
*deiced agl hem by (ventral. eteedmen
ano Fullerton.
Assembling of ibe .41 . ms sled' *mil
••13 , 040O•traeted ROlFertkp
9ooll4lollaery Eagan Inman,
nand° Wood M. al.
rams nct.rais, Aug. 10.—Delegates to
ittlattelphts COLVVCIattOrt are %trawl).s
nit:ening to arrive, Wei udlng the con...omit ,1v
Deiegates from lowa, litesourl, New York, and
Beat Virginia. Among the arrivals are Hues.
haver:ay Johnson, Itonteromery Edra,
t oven, John F. Stoenton, John Y. Vonixyas
nd Fernando Wood. Delegates from h.,"
Y nrk. Maasachusette and Onto have been tele
kyrelpheel to and expected to arrive to-morrow
a r consultation. Executive opt:mitts. are
le ...aloe at room No. 16, COrittaeatat, %Tar,
they request delegates to record their !India,.
Tn. War In Giernhalky—rencio to be Cool
nava:WA labora4-111.• Deposed *Ws-
N. lona, ang. 10.—A Berlin dispatch ol
July 27th report. that p.m. vrtil probably be
concluded very .hert/Y•
rho future poaltion of time° Princes who
hove been forced by recent evente to girt
ttelt dominion., most be rewervel for specie/
at ran/remora between them and the Ling el
I•..uesia, and for the approval of • tvern,ao
Pu.ritament, no the conittrie. ocoupled by the
Prue.lens cannot all be treated alike.
. •
rhe mediatory efforts of the Orand Duke of
Baden to relation:. to Southern Germany, will
probably meet with a speedy and favorable
Murder as • lieuee of Mlle ramie Phil
Ptursanstruts, August 10.—This afternoon a
to to genteelly cheesed visited a house of id
fame, near 11l Race street, with • well Urea od
cll. After remaining secluded about an hour
the man deported, saying the gtrt was aslet.,
sad he did not wish that silo shrmid be dis
turbed. An hoer or two later the keeper of
the house, wishing to wake the girl, irtattofl the
room and found her with her head nearly s.-
cred from her body and a sheet tied tightly
aroma] her. Thu keeper of the house tonne,
Clately , ....alcutted the facts to the poll..
The girl hu not yet been identified, nor has
the roan bOtio arrested.
Arrangements tor Laying Corner Stone
Of We Deustes 11110Iniulaent.
Cluiestio, August 10.—The Committee of •is
nuiSeiairdt for Miring the corner stone of
the Douglas Monument announce that the
ceremonies will take place on Thursday, Sip
tualher Sth. Secretary Seward has telmyraph
od that the President. and Cabinet will he
present. Many other distlairetshed plummy
aro t,sivected. The oration will be delivered
by Major General Dix
She tionttinsUonal Election In Nortli
Caroltrus—nesnalt Dspecialoubtful.
Nusv Toon August 10.—A torei..
buns, dated lialesch, North Curoana, [
lath, Sass returns. have been received from
twenty-three counties. The vote fur the reit-
Oration of the Constitution is 01/e3, and MSS for
rejeation—majorli y tor rejection, 1070. tils.ty
two counties are yet to hear from. The result
is doubtful.
Fire In New York—Deelk of a Surgeon
Nan Toss, Aosvat 10.—A fire this evening
drruaged Fraser and Lee's drug ware licuso
in Iteedcman street to the astent of twenty
Ou.and dollars.
The Savannah Herold of too 71t. contains re
WIIIIMLOOOMOIIt of the death of Surgeon James
P. Bartlett of cholera, at Tybeo island.
Thus Stale °Meer. Inausaratea
GALVRIISON, Texas, august 11.—The Btate offi
cers of trial were inaugurated to-dar.
/10VOTO111, Tazu. August 10.—Oov. Throat
aortork,r inaugural way delivered yesterday,
rill, og two newspaper ooludues with a rerlow
01 the political and material condition of tho
Roman Canttiolle Ohara. Council
Nsw You, Aug. 10.—A plenary oouncil of
Cut Roman Catholic Church throughout Um,
L total States Is to behold at Baltimore 01%
thu 7th 01 October.
—The Fenian are active everywhere.
—New Orleans continues remarkably
healthy for the season.
James Stephens, the Heed Centre of
l'enituilem, Is to start on a western tour.
—The Nebraska wheat crop Is the heavi
est known in the history of the territory.
—Caleb'Cuslung has been appointed one
of the three colifiers of United States sta
tistics at 1.15,000 a year.
—The newspapers of North Carolina
have nominated no less than twelve men
for Lieutenant Hoven:tor of the State.
—The draught players of Now York,
Philadelphia, Boston and Buffalo are to
have a grand Congress the coming fall.
—The business man of Houston, Texas,
have resumed specie payments. All trans
actions are kneed upon specie estimates.
—Cleveland has foundries and forges re
quiring an aggregate capital of s 9 000,000.
The Iron used is obtained from Lake Su
—Professor /guilt brought a South
American ostrich home with him, which is
attracting crowds of spectators on Boston
and two hundred applicau'isioradiniuion
to the Naval Academy. Tim examination
is conducted with great thoroug_hness, and
I a aumbir o
e will be Wiwi g ? ,
- - •
r•pair.: kilimars;vlLl,Lll
Add Atonal Local fllatt cre en Third Page.
Penneylvaula Mute Equal Mabee Longue
--gotereellug Ad are %Newby DI r. Ilacrhoo.
oY Ilarrlaburg, and 3.r. Galloway, now
a Refugee from Serif. Carolina.
The Pennsylvania State Equal nights 'Ante ise
assembled Thursday morning in the Wyn,
street Church. The morning nod aftern,,n
sessions were chletly occupied in al te-a..
non/ and amendments to the Constitution of
the State and subordinate Leagues, and In
making nominations for officers to serve for
the ensuing year. The BUS0:10.111 Committee
reported resolutions, which wore considered
Dr. A. H. Galloway, President of the State
&Mal Rights League of North Carolina, was
present at the afternoon mouton. Mr. Gallo
way Is a refugee, having been driven from his
home on account of his persistent opposition
to the actions of the upholders Of "my policy,"
who are perpetrating untold outrages upon
the freedmen of his native State. He has,
since his exodns from North Carolina, had in
terviews with Hon. W. D. Kelley and other
nrornm.•nt 1 ,isresamen !rt on Circ.
k.ievel out lurtin, anti o uIIs•AL pl
Milted to them the true stale of affairs In the
SOT th, and the perilous condition of all men
in the States lately in rebellion who dare to be
loyal to the Government, which traitorous
hands and perfidious hearts have sought to
In the evening, Mr. 0. L. C. Hugh., of Har
risburg, by request, deliver,d before the
League an address made by btm at the cele
bration of the anniversary of the British Weat
India Emancipation, held under the ..expl
oes of the Reading Equal Unitas League,
oat Ist. Ills speed, was eloquent and abound
ed in sound argument. Thu speaker discussed
the question of impartial suffrage. with great
clearness. The address was well received.
—. . .
.At. Ms conclusion, Mr. A . Galloway, of
North Garonne, was introduced t. the moot.
l b o y . Ms.
account •
an 'di lOft L lfe
ditictilYes l' he hail encountered previous to bin
leaving home. Hs gave a, full history of the
dOln,rs oi the Steadman-Fullerton Commis
glen and the efforts made to abolish the
Pr evadmon'a Bureau, to which he Imam steady
ant persistent opposition. It was In coast-
Qaenceor th la opposition and his continued
elfirts to advance and protect the interests of
the colored people. that he bad been driven
from his home and Is now a refugee In our
midst. Me made an interesting and lucid
statement of the condition of the colored peo
ple and the "my policy constructed rebate of
the Smith.
The Incidents In his experience and the his
tory of Ills section, since tee close of she war,
were listened to with marked attention kV
the large antlience assembled to bear the ad
&teases. me account of the oonduct and ant
moo of the Southern widths showed them to
ho, as a fide, etlll relmis at neart—men •rho
are only submitting partially to the new order
of events. because they ern t .1.03)15 to success
tally oppose it for the want of the prospects
ut suocesis
tialloway, at the class of his teterostiug
and patriotic remarks, was seated alit] ap
plause. The meeting, after the transaction
of some minor mattem, adioorned to moot Cl
i o'clock on Erlday morning.
following officers wore elected on Fri
day, to serve for the ensiling year:
President—William Nesbit, of Blair.
Pieet-Prerkknits—D. If. Bowser, of Philadel
phia; el. E. Welch, Northampton; 8. Cooper,
- Bradford; C.F.Pulpress, Allegheny.
Awarding Secretaries-4. C. White, Jr., of
Ptilladelphia, 0. V. Catto, of Philadelphia.
Cerra/pending Saerelortm—Profmaor (I. It.
Vaal nu, of Allegheny; It. M. Adger, of
Ol;4llottor•—Joetryb C. llclow.ll, or Phila.] elpi,o,
L. C. Hughes. of Dauphtn; W Arnett ~ f
ai . etto.
D . onaurvr—J.2groodllem, of Ph:lade:ph:as.
Ourptagnie-8/c. J. Peek of Alleghony.
Nelson. rtallwlolpilia.
Advisory thmeruitfer—lr. Will la 111 111,1:;
.I.einoder, lilatr. 1.. J. Cuter, of 1/twaylll.:
of rbilalelpola..l. We:c.h, of tee.-
; A. Burley, of Bucks; E Gilchrist, of
Lycoming; Y. .N Julla:4, of rtiti:J.Welphitt, C.
. tighten. of New eadtle; J. B. Reeve. r,f,
'Uttaclegpriln A. L, Otlil, of Berke; U. K.
of Bucae;li. Warne..., of Loull,:laiwi; S. Sel•
.31, of rfithsdelphis: W. T. liarks, of lic..tronli
1. A_ Swirl. .1, ..f I . bll...lelphtn; Anournoti.,
• :
1 - rouictl.4; J. C. Bow ere, of Plairdelptweo.; .1
I +cit., Altegileuy: J. B.lrC. Crummill, of Ynliw
411.0 m; 51f. Parrto, Of 11. Vero.",
lisui.bin; A. fa. W of l:umber
! nil; II X. L. Knox, of 614.1 r.
Repeestrltuanes .Nntloncti Leovue—Enstern
V. rorten Philndelptila;
District, Ti. Wlllinme. of Blair; Western
Dtstrlot, n. Ylkohoo, of Allegliooy.
tbaoltoer liomteide—.7lnn Kilted to Law
reakowlillo—Arroost cLao Alleged nor
In the l u ny of our dutye are again en ihrq
upon to record the death by violence of an.
human being, by means of the knife. It
tem.:molted la the-Borough of Lawrenceville,
on Thursday night. The some of the person
killed is George M. allins Myers, and his
alleged slayer is James Laughren, both 11.41-
<1 , •11t11 of the borough. The circumstances of
the affair are about as follows: The parties
lied • difficulty, and subsequently thereto,
shout ten o'clock, whilst Laughren and Ills
companions were seated on the Arsenal
n Butler street, Myers and friends came
slang, under the intinenee of liquor. Coming
pposite Laughian and his party, Laughren
• %id, pointing out Myers , " t here le the men
oho w haled me." 'rho led to a second metre.
f uut brief duration, Laughren retreating,
()Mowed by Myers, who leaped upon his beak
rod enoenvored to throttle him. The•
.truggleal (or a time, Laughren
setting away, and Myers returning to his
oi,y, exclaiming, "1 am cut with a icnite,•'
tit d In a few minutes fell to the ground. Di,
companions, discovering Ulm be was bleeding
profusel conveyed him to the 136h1OhttO cf
.I , m moth er, y and summoned Dr. James Robin
ion. Death mulled in about two hours from
iterual hemorrhage. Laughren was sirrieit”.l
luring the night and lodged in the tombs.
Coroner Clawson held an Inquest or. Friday
%t^lsoooll. Slid after L.:enduing severnl a it
sages, the Jury found. "that George M. ladies
Slyer, came to OW death on the 9th of August,
f:oin a wound Indicted by r knife in the hands
I If James Loughran."
The arousal remains in the tombs, but wit/
I probably be committed to-day.
—Dr. James Robinson testified before the
Coroner's Jury that' the wound which caused
dealt: was to the left and below the ninbtlicel
region, the knife in its course severing the
epigastrie artery, and penetrating the peril..
nea covering of the bowels. • post ',torten
OTRU3IOIitIOII was made ' lire. at which lire. Covert
acu •rensharg etiolated.
The Congressional Contest—Letter from
hem gecler.
Prrisnoson, August 10. leak
Enitoa tanners—sin:--My attention Pau
been t.lrectad to an editorial In thin morning's
paper In which reference was made to a priuulc
toleersetion hold with a gentleman on Fifth
street. IL appears to mo that the publication
of sti ictly private conversations Is n violotiou
of the friendly relations which have always
existed between the reputed author and my
and as ho has only reported part of the
or. remotion, the intention acute to be one or
;rave injustice. 7no convereation was In e
lotion to the calumnies which had been often
.at..d by the friends of Mr. Moorhead. Far
t aer, that there had boon repeated Instances
of toe nee of large auto. of money to accom
)11.11 my defeat. I stated, and now openly ro
eat, that unless Gen. Moorhead denies that
he has used, or permitted his friends to a -
cure his nomination by bribery and corrup
tion, "that I would vote for him as r,
matter of honor, but I would from this time
forward oonaider hint a corrupt polittelen."
Put I did not say I would oppose hie election,
and 1 do not new state authoritatively that Gen.
'Moorhead has been a party to the corruption
referred to, out I have been credibly Inform
ed that large some of money have been uses'
and promised. Moo that some Of the parties
who wore connected ° with these triussactions
have used the name of Gen. Moorhead ',die
making the offers.
Geo. Moorhead deceived me by stating that
he dill not intend to be a @mandato for is
nomination (or Congress, and If he adds to
that the improper uses di:' his money he made
wall° Iwm in toe Beni de sting the govern
ment which was furnishing...KM litelliobie
Cquaruote, I am not bound by any party ties tO
rtaporl hi in. Yours, very truly,
An Erratic. II einband—A Wife Charged
With letnaling tier Own Property.
Mrs. Sarah Manning wns brought before Al
arman Donaldeion, yesterday, charged on
nth of her mothersinslaw, Annie Mannina;,
nth lerieny. At the hearing the following
range facts wore revealed: Five yearn since
ateesed wits married to James Manning, a
e in of the proseoutms., who, after living with
her a short time, went 1! Chicago, where he
remained for five inoralw, and during this
time tailed to contribute one cent to the
support of his wife, who, in a state of ilestlte
tine was forced to return to her widowed
mother, who provided father wants as well an
bar thrilled means would permit. Not only
aid she do this, bit she also provided for the
support of the derelict lutsban ', wino, on hue
return, took op his abode with Ills wile's
mo th e r, Mrs. Davis, itterly refusing to perforro
any labor, until be again went to Chicago
and returned. In bin 0U60.11011 he accumulated
some- motley, with which ha furnished
two rooms, and be and his wife went to
house-keeping. Havinga.Child Harold's An..
sire to roam he again deserted his wife edict
two weeks stone, going where, no one could
tell. Believing be held left her forever, the
wife removed her household elrects to
her mother's anti with her child made her
home there. 'Judge of her surprise when she
was arrested yesterday for stealing her own
furniture. Of oourso she was discharged, Liao
evidence going to show that the ramie alleged
to have been stolentwore the property of the
United 'Dates District Coast,
Lion. Wilson iiVandleas proildlng,
"Hang, Aug. 10.—ln the case of John Gill and
John Sll.Ourn, tried on Thursday for patsies
counterfeit money, the Jury returned a ver
dist of guilty, rooommondlng the prisoners to
ihe mercy of tho Cann.
John DlTieery, Indicted for having counter
feit money in his pOSSMien, plaided guilty,
and was remanded fed Sentence.
The next - ease taken up was that of William
Deism% indicted ler having in kin nametape
and sell len counterfeit money. rho defend
iiet la a resident of ..Tempersocoville, and wan
arrested a short Item slime. The evidence,
against 11101 appeared to be of the meet eon
jo venat imusia ure.
s. The ease wee not eoncluded
A t'ounnblisl quarrel and its Bassin..
Pennsylvania avenue, in the vicinity of
nigh street, was the theatre of quite an eget.
Ling Scene yesterday after n oon,
the crtainJames
The primeval cause of the affair was a ow be
tween Patterson and his wits, he having, ns
She alleged, stolen from her a considerable
•,..‘ or money, which he spent in procuring
ench it quantity of lighting liquor as to make
him partienlarly 505100 s to display on some
animas abject a striking illustration of his
combativeness. The opportunity for thoilra ,-
ideation of his desires was not long wanting,
for Mrs. Pettereon, nerved with something
stronger than male. water, and smutting un
der her pecuniary loss, pitched into her liege
lord. and for a time had the best of the sangui
nary struggle that ensued; but the tide of bat
tie at length tumid in favor or James and
taking the cheek of the unfortunate Mrs . P.ln
his teeth, bit her so severely as to make her ory
out in pain and distress. The noise comae
quent no the disturbance attracted the eaten-
Mono , ' two of the special police, who, hurry
ing from the street IMO the ~h arsher whore
the ontahlt rettad, ... i . ••• • st tau
masculine h.einigeicct. / s , ey 5 ,, ,m1 have sue •
ceeded out fur the intern,. nee of MI, I'.. who,
being a strong believer in the d 0.,,,„
intervention in family qua, rola, hastened tta
the relief of her hi:wound, and struck the oflt
earn over the bead and shoulders many and
heavy blows with a broomstick which forced
them at length to let go their Mad on Putter
son and seek refuge in night. On the street
they met two of their ansociates, and with re
newed confidence and augmented numbere,
they again attempted to make the arrest. But
the lull of hostilities the reunited
twain within bad not been Idle, and
when the assault was renewed the
stammers discovered that the house
Lad been put In a perfect state of defense, and
all efforts to fol. an entrance were on.
vekling. alter viewing the situation from
stand-points, and resolving on a dozen
plaits of eainpitign, each of which were die
carded in turn, the besiegers determined on a
Clank movement. Sending two of their unm
oor to make a feint m the enemy's rear, the
remainder with the old of half a dozen dirty
faced urchins, procured a ladder, and placing
It against a second story window sought to
elect FM entrance. But alas! their strategy
was at fault, for as the policeman had almost
reached the window Mrs. P. threw the ladder
aside and the -gra: " man had an expeditious
passage to terra firma. Ity this time a crowd
numbering some five hundred had assembled
on the spot and the liveliest Interest wan cen
tered in the siege. The contest, after over
an nose's duration, terminated In the party
In the rear effecting an entrance, and Mr. imai
Mrs. Patterson were convoyed to the tombs.
The crowd disperard and all was quiet along
the linen.
Mount Auburn In•ditute--Whero to Ed.
ciente onr Ornatiters
♦tanag our new to itertisements to -day mar
he fount the card of the l'oort„, finales' Insti
tute, located at Mount Auburn, 01110.
Thy Mount Aulurria Young 1ai11e,%,1 Imitituto
was rounued sept. It. imac. Soler [Win lin 111/g
-lory has been 01141 Of Uninterrupted prosperi
ty and growth. the design ut the founders
wits coneeived In a liberal spirit, and neither
niunty nor Mrneat thought has beensparml to
make their enterpriAeourecsatul. They armed
at nothing leas than building up an huhltu.
Lion which alien/41 beCOl33O everything that a
school for young ladles ought to be.
Three points in ' , articular have engaged
I heir ettentloc: Float, to neeure the utmost
torneugh nose of Instruct lOn m tau several be
t:ailments; Secondly. to provide a aysteni 1.1
disc - 4.11m cold, 1110,11•1 lr lit doer faithful sad
nifecti ~,,,, le, 'Molly, to ata . :Se domestic ar
rsagements such us to ritii , 'Pr every Inmate
eat 1, el letuforiebie
The modify or inn! pew, 1.50 i.alma,-
tuned ta a mgrrl satlnbeeipr, sondltan. of ettl-
ClOlll. .1 A, respet • :lumbers an.. ntne•-.
Mount A ai , prn is 101,:ity /•"1811,ri,. ivlepi
eal to be the seat Well, an :lintirution. It In
the highest gi mind it, lieu:liken v•un le, aaa
the stioosplinre In kept pure and bracing by
cnnstant interchange of winds Thesieednary
over:Poen tie Ohio river end the hentucty
bulbs beyond. Thu ImititutlOn is thus [mantis
telly as well as saint/He:ugly situated. in ad
.l .tint,, Its vicinity to einCinuati gives It every
.e1V11.1114410 that is peculiar (Oa city location.
The tine building ...licit was completed tu
Pea, in now occupied solely for the hOurnling
department. It has been round to answer
.very exper•atalri of its , rejectors as to com
fort and coin rulence. Tilt, spadeoe hells and
passages by which it In traversed in every til-
Lit.,n, conspire, twit h other arrangements for
~.lion, to sonar, a perpetual supply of
pare air within doors: lullo siesta heaters,
.I,,lautea throughout the entire building,
maintain nn equator temperature in every
inn - t ( , f It through the most ectrente changes
pf weather. Keich room is lighte , l with gun
from the ally. These wallilleacte contrlbuts
greed, clew:lllnel,, elide they also turn lab
the I.ll.lriapel practicable security against
Rented butleaug, doubled from the fleet,
And erected In 1563, contrails the rooms for m
The grow Ing patronage of the school has
r. oder.] another addition to the accommoda
none tteceasury. .laity attendanee of more
than Leo hundred imp Luc seemed to J tont
-1) the ineaeurett taken (or the erection of a
.og to the moist building, which Is now an
tler contract to he ready for occupancy nn the
trpeumg of the ochool In Soptember. This will
tocreabe the hoarding nccommotaations by
more than one half. Parents having dough.
term to minion° would do well to examine
.oto the claims of thin favorite educational
An Imponiant Railroad Llok—A New
Route to Cleveland.
U, on a recent excursion we were forcibly
:truck with the great importancirof the Ls w
ive." Railroad, now being constructed be
tween Mahoultigtown, Pit., and Youngstown,
Ohio. It LS a connecting link added to the
.art Wayne Railroad, which places the ills
tance of the route between this city and Cleve
land tome seventeen miles shorter. At the
same time it opens an easier and safer outlet
to the lakes end affords an opportunity to the
numerous and extensive West furnaces in the
.51alioniug valley of receiving their ores and
shipping their products to this or the Cleve
land market. Likewise it opens to these Milts
direct COMIIIIMICUtiotI with one of the most
fertile mid productive valleys of the Country.
The road is being built by a company having a
capital of .300„000. The gentlemen at the heed
of it are recognized among the shrewdest cap
italists of the country, mid under their man
agement this important railway link must
eventually secure large dividends to the
shareholders. Wallarn ElvCreery. Eng., is the
voting President; F. hi. Hutchinson, Esq., See
rater); and W. G. Harley, Esq. Gtlief Engineer.
A assay the road has been completed in first
class style to lAwell, Ohio, a dourishing little
town eight miles east of 1 oungstown. There
Is still a gap of six miles to be completed, but
as a large force of workmen are busily em
ployed at the work, we may ermillently Wit
°Wale the opening of the line inside of ninety
d vs.
Tho road Is being coustruotcd at less cost
titan any other and class line we know of.
costing considerably lows than thirty thou
nnd dollars per mile. Thorn are now thir
teen blast furnaces, whole combined produc
t i•,I1 111210t1211.6 LO /COW tulle Of pig iron per
wcok upon the line of the Lawrence road, and
several others are being built. The neighbor
hood It, particular!) favorable to smelting,
nine° the famous anti rare semi-biTUM/0128, or
block noal. is only found in that valley,exist
ing, We believe, no where else In the Union.
The Lawrence ltallrond will offer very superi
or inducements to chippers, when completed,
ninoe they have been granted the privilege of
using the largo and commodious docks at
Cleveland, of the C- Railroiul. Upon the
whole, this link of road will eventually prove
the most Important feature of the P. F. W. .t
C. It. IL and Its merits will be discovered by
the manufacturers and travelers ore It re.
mains open a fortnight.
A Murderous Assault In dm First Ward
About one o'clock on Thursday meriting
ton men named W. Oilvor and .1. Leonard at
tempted to enter the Gel was /1011.30, on Water
street, In the First ward, by hoisting a emend
st..ry window in the rear. Mr. McDermott,
the proprietor of the house, Is at present eh
tent from the city, anti Wl2O, with the ex
ception of a servant girl, was alone in the
hnuao itt tho time of the occurrence. bearing
the window 11I10(1, MM. McDermott, who wax
awake attending a sick child , hastened to the
rosin from whence the noise proceeded, and
410 two men standing on an awning looking
Into the chamber. On demanding what
they wanted, Oliver told her to coins
to the window and Ito would tell her.
With is courage net to be expected
In a woman, Mrs. McDermott walked to
the window and attempted to pull down the
sash on Oliver'. fingers, when the Millen
grasped her by the throat, and sought to drag
her through the window. Mrs. McDermott
screamed , Inurder" at the top of her voice,
w :deli brought Mr. l'ollnek, who resides but a
short distance away, to her relief. Enraged
at thin gentlemen's interference, the scoun
drels attacked file bone with briekbate and
If [011.4, doling conaiderat
lug Idle doors end windy
gaming. Intelllironeo of 1.
thu .cloue of :the dleturbi
dine wore pt
the a dogheny flyer, Will
to elude the pollee. 01
river 0.1111 SWAM to a ate
of the stream, where he
follow. Lteutenset Day
cur TIOMEta Adleq, not it
into tho maraca, and si
gelding which, Oliver hi
shore and disappeared.
arrested, but its the pot'
telliffenco of hte where'
escape detection.
Attempted to Throw
Edwtml Buckley appet
Donaldson, yesterday, an
John Deegan and Abseils,
and battery. The proms
amused endeavored to
on lit. Clair street. Pb,
as talesman In a clot)
etreet, and had boon on,
some Moo sham to mat
emus= tram the estate
wore employed, the It
mammal to the induct
defendants save ball MI
lb. Graud JOrz of
trios Court closed:lts is,
win dlsoluulmil_to.44l,,,,
+,*- +:rte, ~~*a~-„~::
Disastrous Freshet in Oil Creek—leaßoots Destroyed-6,000 Barrel. of OD
Lost—Great Destruetion of Property.
The Oil City litegUiter of Thursday says: The
heaviest rain storm of the season occurred
last night. It rue like the bursting of
water spout. Early this morning a I.llldoll
freshet, occasioned by the min, and the sqr.
Ling of the dame 'above Titusville, took place
We have never witnessed so sudden a rise in
the Creek. 1 large number of boats were he-
Ing laden at •artous points along the Creek.
These were torn loose by the force of the cur
rent, and coming down together In amiss,
were crashed to pieces.
But few boats came through whole. The riv
er and Creek are coffered with wreaks of boats
and barrels of oil.
. .
The river has raised eight IJ:whoa to this
hour-10 o'clock a. a.—and is coming up
From Seventy-flv• to ono bemired boats are
supposed to be destroyed, and from dyethou-
Sand to eight thousand barrels of oil are ItnOtll
on the river—much of which will be saved.
The damage at Petroleum Centre and other
points along the Creek la mud to be otnalaer
able. Nan Exercises the Hl,—.ht or
As our readers are doubtless aware, the col
ored men of thee State have been holding a
Cense:Won during the last few days In the A,
M. E. Church, Wylie street. During the ses
sion last eve-dog , :. colored man named Wes
ley Dunmore—no relation to the Virginia Gel.-
ornor—showed a d.spositiou to participate in
the deliberations of the Convention by voting
yea and nay on every question put by the
Chair. This style of assent and disapproval
dui not accord with George Maseers Idea of
parliamentary rules, and ne forthwith took the
offending voter by the (miler and thrust him
tato the street. The measure of Justice not
yet being filled, Massey obeyed Dunmore into
the gutter. hot this was too much for the
voter to stand, end he grappled aleasey anti
attempted to throw him on the payment.
Kimsey, fearing he would be worsted, called
ont for a razor to disembowel the voter,
but ern he could gala possession of the desir
ed weapon the police interfered and eonvoyeal
Dunmore, and a friend earned William Cas
ter, to the tombs. They were locked tip for a
An the Cincinnati express train on the Pitts.
burgh and Steubenville railroad, due here last
evening at ton 0 . 0:00k, was approaching Rin
go *Leiden, about one mile and a half from
Steubenville, the locomotive struck a cow
walking on ttm road, and by the eostelle
ow, •o 0 engine and three cars 003 0 knocked
off the track. Five persona, including the en
gineer, were slightly injured. The ear, were
stet materially damaged, and the trout w
delayed only some forty mmutes by the oc,u r-
Cool Theft.—o young man engaged
togs at No. 38 Wylie street, on Thursday alter
noon, and paid three dollars In advance. iu
the morning he one ralealag, and with Min a
gold watch belonging to the landlady-, with
eighty dollars mot a suit of clothes belonging
to a fellow boarder. Nothing has been beard
of the thief since his departure.
alscah Ward Sloarhead Delegatec—We
are desired by an authoritative party to an
110IIZICe that Messra Charles Jeremy and John
Rahman are the delegate candidates In the
Sixth Ward, favorable to the re-nomination of
Gen. Moorhead for Congress. Tho optdmitlen
candidates are Messrs. John Wallace and Joan
Y. McLaughlin.
Eaeurelociyileketw.—We learn that the
Pen neylvanin Railroad CA` mipany will Inane
••xnurdon tickets to Ponadelphia on the 12th,
,e 7.11 Lied 14th, good for return trip on 111th,
11th, I7th and 10th, Weal:L.llv° The train on
u• lay (Lo-morrow ) will leave at 11:14 a.m.,
and there will Le no evening train.
Death Of a Cent laa.—Ernder our
obituary Lead uennonocaul the death of Mr.
Pet.. Courtin, of Elizabeth borough, in the
one bemired and first year of hie age.
86,ETCH—On Thurw4.7 . 1.05q1 . 45, An c ir y l e it a ka
11 u•ciocK.
115ZNJ.11.31131 riaITCII, Site
Panama will take plum on SUNDAY agraa6ooa,
•Ilif lISi Mt, at 7 o'clock, from his lato resident..
West Pittsburgh. below the F,rty landing. Toe
friends • .f the family aye !Grit.] to attend.
COURNIN.—FrIday morutua, August leth. at BS
u'elook. PETER Iu the eta hundred
tir O tire year of hla age.
Thal...rat will s ale place TRIO 411•TlIIN000. at J
o'r Wok. from tilt rattlettee of his deughter, Mn. N.
O'urtuirighara. In t lianbeth Borough. She friends
of the nuttily are Invited to attend without farther
Az/. ht..11,LA2.: —On Friday,. Lugost 1016. 11/64. nt
New Chloans, K. F. Jo OBLEII•N. wagon mete
r... Curer. sate r a abort (linen.
SLCE.-04 Tbor-daymorolog, at Ws later eal
'• ace. Wood. ltuo. WILLIAM Y. BECK, In too
year of its age.
Th. friend. and aognatntanees of the faintly art
e.i.cifully invite I to alletid the formal un Bar
i:l.oAV •oa:11::U. at 1: n'eleek. Carrlagem arl.l
leave Allegheny end of St. Olatr Street Bridge at
a>, o'cloea.
Congreitetunal District are requested to meet et tile
utcal places of holding election. in the •arious
Wards, Boroughs a. Tewaships, in acid District,
On Saturday, August
And elect two •leiegates ft or. each election district.
to meet In County Ceurentioo on TUESDAY, An
gust 14 ti , , at 10 o'clock A. m., for the purpose 01
placing lu nomination • candidate for Congress.
The primary elections in the townships will be
held setsreen the noun of four and six o'clock, a; 1
fn tun ward. and borough. between the hour. of
our and seven o'clock p m. In the welds and bor
oughs tee elections shall be by traant, and in the
township. by marking or by ballet.
By order of the Co mt./Dee.
W. J. ISILAtOkE, Chairman.
A go ' ts 6 23 . 7'
. mytt:tebt-daw
Iltring place I blaileLl at the disposal of Ills friend,
to reeponee to their ea/l made on lam, ilia Kama le
don' proscht-d b, tbera as a candidate for horaln,
i l:e nror notion C ° :1 1 17 nc o a r n ratta to -
Is ClLledideLe u the 29d District
CONGIIESS.—The friends of
'VIII present his came to the Convention el the
futon Peru, for notelll.olll2. so • oatundate for COO
rm. 10 the ni
oiviffAsVs s 04, 4:11
beautiful — licers-acre," the Lantos% suburban
lplace of sepolcbre. t.SCIlyt one In this county, sit
tted on Nal. Urightun road, , Immediately north of
Aiegbeny. Fur burial lots, permits Or titlos, Cell
at t;entral Drug More of COOL & CLA
Kt:cob City.
In NV:nil. Hall, Fonstb street, near limithtleltl, L.
Inc Dtrt OHM, coolest.l most ladooloir FLAW , .
FAIRMAN & SAMSON. tialtitah SoLOON Ita the State.
tee GYM., eatat and monfeetionertm always Mt
UN DE RT,ALKERS • YIN% 011CLIEtITILA. has been engaged for the
mason, and w„111 be In attendance IEYMHY
No. 196 Sin ith field St., cor. ( "'"` 8 " 447 ) fr.° 'yr" 0 • 0 ..*
Best lee Cream, ?sults artd Bente*. el.. 7 0 1 1:
(Enuanoe tro from litreentb Street,) hand.
tne .1410 lamicereva.
3317 Ni.Gir NE.
A Lr. x. Ai KEN,
ET .4...4 - 31Z/XELIFILT.
No. t.. 0 Poona street. Vittsbargli, Pa. COTITINB of
wti !Linda CRAPES, tile.Wilsoad everedeattript.l.o
of Funeral remelting tiooas lairruatiea. Roo=
oeen Is. y snd bight, Hearse and Carriages turttleher.
litarsitaircisa—Nev. "ATM Kerr.,l):l)., Hee. st
Yi..l scubas, 1.).11.. Thonuts Ewing, Zap.. Jacob i•
R. T. WHITE & CO.,
Man clgester. Wood's nun ►nd rtetnlq.
Wt . :ter oa BOotllold and (Moritara street.
11 vlre. and C....totes forni•bod.
.7".1%.7.11:101E9 .IEI.OIELIE I ,
nio.last Street. Pltillarakillar
l'L is old established boa. basnowlas .0.1317-
,hou.askil dollars worth of Pouts and 0411. th•
V2`;':I),I'I,T,";,%II°.IILYPIAX ""
liars resorrsil nog os undersold by LI the bes
tirs. that kasy goods worth bayin.
Call and *asinine our stook of gouda and ars lasi
sainifled that JAPIA purr-bash Taut yoa tu
the 10.1 and iihos Lino.
Lo 00* fOratOt Ws place, 09 Market
.Ica Jrat Koss.
10.000 il,ll.M!'gcl'l)Y LAND
In tee fertile Vellei of I.Oe
K. n who, we •t Viratuir. nnearnahsed for nehnest
n on quality of timber. Cold one OMIT
shoe gree t quantities. come Of the tracts bat a
short diatenee from the greet oasts, cootisoley
Were. neveral
boasts, ofeLerds r ie.
!t o n.ol3Altle " e l lits . . Rt i oVcrlV:l 4 , aru n i t r "l° L ;
at the extremely low rule. of ,fo ut .. l . r . p i r t. .ll4 m r ►rM •
with privlicle of ehooelas oat of' the aboye nemb.i
of acres. Marne settlement lila tart any oten form
ed Is,dallY tuartableg. Clear tttle we/Tented.
A r t fortlitg l ipanicylale addicts WAL. IL' MILLI.
Dlt e lfirattl442l. l ', 47 ° W41:4%P u tfn a "BM
prayUcat Flirniture Maniftgalwl,rs,
. , 14'44, 4 . 07 4virum."AftnuyitAtia . 4
.- : , - •,----_ --, 4 . .*"4 . o,At.lif ..'
,;,..;,4,. 1 .,,_..: ,-, ' ,-f. f. , " -f4 r .t. Vs4),--;
, ~-..k?-dilf-#6.g.";41;.4'-igq,
AND 13a deft
rhe edition is fomented Silas& will tikaih be =N.
scribers sootiest as the maU run.
? ;
t , INtiLE COrlEz. PEIL YE U,
A. 8.—.......•••• ti
4LUBB oY MIL —... • •
;laticilEl eiv:Hziii,ll:l3.A
Watch Repairing Esia,blistinient,
age W15.t.13. AiStrOOt•
ALL irilas. •
AY GILICATLT sznucED,.r. swam,
17171 Z-Or, T. • • •
Time Begistiring-
Dealers le Optical Goods, •
03 1-2 bait Illicit !Street.
Thls Ins trumant is very generally used by Farm..
ald Plerchantin as wan ee stesintwettnen. IL Ma
blocs a Clock, liervmeter nd Thermometer. and
eau be be depended upon for Indicating the eb
of Weather.
Get the Beet—They I.A.ltveya Give Bette
Every week, In. Quincy A. Scott is called
loon to insert Artificial Teeth in canes whore
~ther dent.lete have tried, been paid, and/died,
end in every case Ms work gives entire satin
%scion. lie is quite an artist in he; line of
quinces, and has merely to examine a GABO 10
now how to articulate the teeth so that they
11l present a handsome and natural appear
-omi, and will mac-tate :he food thoroughly.
Rif pnees are tower than those of any dentist
the city, and he will guaranies his work to be
qperlor. So it would better for any of our
end me who are In want of teeth, to call upon
the Dr. in the ant place, and thereby save
t heir time and money. We would also armies
those persons w t. suffering with diseased
And unsightly- teeth toot they can have them
•xtract ed ehthout any pain whatever, by nailing
.pon D... Scott. He has extracted for ones- nrn
,housand persons within the last seven years,
end among this large number there is not one
tae in which his process has Proved ioJorlooe.
, the contrary, he can refer to numbers of
0 patients who claim to have boon benefited
renewed health. He extracts numbers dill
y by the now "Hbigolers or Vapor , prgiess,
nod gives pure Laughing Gas to those who
hairs it, without cga a. He makes no
..barge for extracting n a rtnicial teeth are
"'tiered, and gives a full sot on Vulcanite,
.vith beautiful gums, for eight dollars. Re.
meiutmr his number, VS Penn street, third
dnor above Hand.
. EL D—Tbe undersi will oder at Puldie Bale,
of the premises, In Matiefleit on
Tuesday, August 14th, 1.R66,
At rOM o'cleck. A. 3., 61 LOTS, ad i7IW feek And
L•itesT. LOTS containing from acre.
0, some of the larger lots le growing one of the
neeat Orchards In the country, embracing Peacock
Clams. Pears and Apples t f every variety, and tin
der:yin' I. s good vein of Coal. These lots ar•
within 10 minute. walkof Mansfield Station of
Pitt. largh and Steubenville Railroad. and on one
of the 114 acre jots is erected a Frame Cottage cos-
Issuing e roomk The pr,perty le located in the
oitolipart of Mansfle.d, In which am SaCharehen i 2
Academies and 1 Public Sehool. and offers to per
sons desirous of purchasing a country home • rare
opt/m.oolly. 1 will Ow Offer 4Ls matzle V 31.1 LOT
II 0 14u fitet, Brown avenue. shoot the Centinof
:Newfield, on which Is erected a }linen Dwelling
11....3 end hostile. Persons to aitend the
lal.. will take the Illanefield Accom wishing modation Trill),
eaving the Colon Depot at 10 a. ca., return at I.{m
sod S p. m.
Title indisputable. terms, one-halfash; hal
e. In I, and a yeart, int,ristl, For part!.
times inntili• of
3_s. rAYLOS, Pros't w. B. Y•1L&OT.
• all kinds of Bolt., from hto II Inched In alma-
Corner Morton and Boiler Sta., Ninth Ward. Or
left at Fort Pitt Foundry.
tieueral Blackwell:Alas promptly attends!' L.
JOS. IliNolll. JAS. 3(..Z.1.T.
Ale, Porter and Brown Stout,
Ice Cream Saloon,
Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk.
Y. c. DUFFY,
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware,
nod dealer in SWI T ICh 114. 0 ilifl as .2 1 11BilLitCl
No. 146 4:3ereaaat Ellitreet, •
rho BMW IS OW Cbanyeet_place to tbe es promp t' Stov and TiTin Ware. Job Work prompt'
ed w.
WVTEuN nuarreitT ENSTI.
ITE. NEAR DAY'hIN, 01110....isppun
pi •
jAts LOCKE. Stilmeintendest, Captain 1, H.
$ l , l ovid, U. b. A., Commandant. Rif npmk sea
!. or MI. Ins t ItUtiOti will °putt •EPT
mat Cireolan can had at the Book tore ot
H. Co, Whore also persons destrin
further Information can confer with Hee.
IN DL.EI, Ei clamor Lo the Institute, troitilda.. at.
so . daily, LW Angtiat 4th. pros. Jr11434.2T11...,
Money Lo.ed on Sliver Plates, Gans. rucd.,',..
Diamonds, Jewelry, tiold .d Oliver Watch.: -
Clothing. and TainabLeartlelmof every desoripkton.
The goodie cannot be delivered without a Rex.
Not ...table to ass ot do orrobberp.
(bode or ream description for sale at %mast .
prices. (Pi 1.121) EMANUEL Da ROY..
Lettere of Jedmlntotretion upon the esta . yf
OHABLESH. B, CATLIN, late ofthe Ow of ".
leghel ;r :eresteet2, hare been etraatet to the r.
'Jetted the Itesteter of Alleeterut - event,. All
yen°, helps elating leitainat said estate will jgo
sent tbeatt, thitrauthentlested, awl those thfleote. •
mete payment without delay to tliejtobserped
sttet , talle AIM= iLf, J. (..4.71.1te. Adel
Whores,. 'otters of ..I.llolotstoluoo
ate or sszoisres/loahßoistor7,lesessed.l.l.lll hems
-ranted to the; andershood, on polhoool Basle
,Ishas sgs.inet the estate et thl said decoder...
oos• eJ to nuke ths ;moot . • wn, and stt
sbted to s" aro re Led Son .
" .;
Aslinialsisaer. •
ON: 4 4.1111W- • - ilk' —4O .-aii,!*puguait
.` '';
'egAl .10?Orfit.M441,7711Mil'
1 1 • 11,, ;)
!,`L' - ' - ' , lt- 4 4'. 4,"
; •