= Yt Ci i T EZI Itieften & c&nuSLE. lerFifth Street , LIATI li7bT aIiCILIVAD A BPLENTOD LOT Or Cluny and Maltese Collars, Hamburg Flouncing, Edgings and - buntings, Puffed Muslin,. Marseilles. `" Linen Tucked Belts,. Moroccolravellag sags, Fine Pans, Necklaces, Elegant Styles Fancy Jewelry, Just received • full line of .Alesandre•e. Cinirrois and )euvin•e MCW C3,1-.C7olGrlalf3, GAUZE MERINO SHIRTS & DRAWERS, Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Skirts, AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. Pittabergh Again,. Cor the ita.lerof LOCKWOOD'S CLOTH LIN ED AND ALL PA CElt RS. NLACEI3II Sr, CARLISLE. 19 Fifth Street A T ' S. JUST lI.V.CEIVEI), A FULL LINK UV Bull Lisle Gloves, Buff Lisle Cloves, Bug tisk Gloves I! PAW Lisle Clore*, White Li 1c Glovcs White I Glares, =I Ladies' and Misses' Hosiery GENTS' FITIMSIIING GOODS, Wholesale and Itetail F. H. _EATON'S, 17 Fifth tilrect MAC HUItI, GLVDE & CO., Nos, 78 and B.' Market Street, I=EZIEMI Trimmings, Notions, AND FANCY GOODS, Have Jost tecclrcil tltc L.%trli tr.-T slot II Al\ I, 8001E.ST stork of YA eV, trough, to tlils eltv, to which tli%•y call the sttenilon 01 Storokeetoos Knitters. Ito, 41.000 ..04510t/11111 par: of Boston, Germantown and Country It 04 lIIT BLACK, tl A 111. ET, I= I= =I IiLIJ E DE ...IN MEXD'AN AN AZVI.INK 411.- l'1 . 1.: ED A EA ,, TEIEN 1•11.1. jy,l AT SOS. 110R111 & CO's. SUN. AWN, nUNRICANI AND I/ ERB% II AT' MAI VCI:I2.N, nr.w CONLUK rry: AND A%I I 1.11,N lIATN, e 131 1 ., II A tit, S'rfl, W It.IN N 'lnn •ll.Lpt. S. Flames, In all the fnablonahle s I MWM=MII L, i% EIC , , N 1 HEATH, HI. und tl TItA Br GOOD., TRIM M I NI ,yandi IRN A M EN TS I VI - 11111. O 2 -17 C3 , CIC>CI.I3I. NV,ISI. ctir.e::,, BRILLIANT, NAI NNAJE, T ABLA I ANS, All LURED SI USLINe.., E.\b sod n full are•ortment dlI I= IM. LA , I: AILS. REAL AND IM. VAL. LAI V. , OLLARS, REAL COI Nil coLLAIMI, tl rrs mud MAN rta, ItILEs. lIASIIICICH RIMMINO AND FLOLINCINIA. 511' Iss AN cAMBRIO F.DOE ANO INSEICTINOs. 1.1N1.N COLLARS. A N D varlmo able, .. Puff Illusion, Swiss and Prench Cambric Yalsts. PAILIS ItUF FLINGS AN U SU IIC Nu. E LAWS, El - 114, EDUINOS, FILILLINIis and EM BI3I,IIIEILIEN 1/11.E. , 6 NUS IN 01:11• C II E A NI , CIIUNY LACE, GALLOONS, KANCY 13UTTO UALL L/ 1/1101' TRIM MINu. Dead Streamers, Ornaments and Netts. e . In Sir rl/011,111 elylee In BEAD, SILK, VANCY 1•1i1/1 1 1 11E r. BLACK AND WHITE !' LA !IL, I.M. PEID LLIJLASS AND C AM KO pL•In toLp.slote , l. coS,E SEVN. COILS 11A llt ruvrd AN 11 KOLL , . 1/1 F.1.1.11'111: noJ IILIN TDN 11001' SKIRTS; BEI:1 n, BELTINLS, CLASPS AND 11U1•111.1, PANS Indrvat norl..ly Donn pnlinlrN 1.. Ivor): M EILU N D EILW LAIL for Indier and H 1 . .11 3 .r;i1 ' 1 1 1 1 117.1 THA V ELIA Nll KAG, 00,1 bATCHELS: anal .11/11 511 4:1; AIM SM and FULL LIXE OF XOT10.1171:. M=3! Xbs. 77 and 79 .fflark.t Street felh J'4 ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & Xo. 114 Wood Streit!, ItAc. Jir t • la., eL.H • 4 Fancy and Staple Dry Goods Adapted to 111.• 1r which lh.v otter at Ow 1.011 I.- r h.. - I I. ICr, I •. kIKW MONT-. vAnNINT:'4 ALAI, Mr. DE.1.A1N,..,, 1.., NV Nh, , HAN. b' t AS, - illigifi A MS, . SIE.Itt , % Wall V. ~ ..x PI r.. .., F., N . ., 1 1. IN l LOLTIIS I,RinNs ~• 141,4. 111. 1 ' , IN illili.l .b . SHAW!, "A1.51,u,A1.- , 11111 , .n.t No . ION, ka..%s N iNtEI IN li, .01,NADES, tllli Nil luTi ii. Burlap. Callon and linen Hack, &c. Ater Invite, In rlll tad exalnlne nur oa-k ati.l pf tlst• CARE. cl ANDLESS & LITZ ("Ai. 11 , WIRMESALE 1/I:A.Lahlt.9 Id FOREIGN AND IMMESfiC ORY GOODS, No. 94 171:7c>c>cl (Third hua.r above DlAlnt.p.l 1,1117th:11. I'.( _ .• COAL, COKE, etc. - - COALI COALS! COALIII - DICKSON STEiIIART&CO• Mar Ingesnore..l thrlr tower. to Mac.. 0437 1...1.1c.c5x-t3r Elitripot. lLately City riot, 3111111E1td1 1 F 1.001:, Ara now prepared to r. ROA good Yonghlogbenr LUMP, NUl' 'COAL Oil FLACK. At the lomeeat Market prim. Mir Alt ord.,' left at their Wile,addressed to theta th thy Walt, rr 111 be attended or to pronlp y . CHAULJES H. ARMSTIiONG, ItErti.Ell Yonghibghenv and Connellaville Coal And Matturaeturrre of Coal, Slack, and lloaulpidu lad Colic. tdeFICE 1/ 1 AR.D. corner of Deter and Morton, ilr-t yard on I.lner .tLv:ll. . tt.l. ou Second Vaintl.e... and . l Int . itf s arL " lrr i .r t : ' ,.Tp7:l 4 l.. l .l ' ,;ltli the beet article of Ohl or I:ett.r at the lore,. t cludl Order...llst LOT of the pith. reeetl,prornol Its PAINTERS. J (Jo 11 IN..e- 1 1Y, 110III•V: AND nIIIN PAINTER, DRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand St., Pittßburgh. Plaid awl Or...mental /onto , of ..pr, dorm to order. All work dote prornotly al roanonla bll•ratec__ nolterf wHi.Lian H. nnowN, Ms , ' of tat Inn of Llllon'n E liOnaowo 11/.IIJIIII AND ISMS I'•INTEI4 flinlawaset. cornet of Third and Harlot • arnau, rnlumuiwm. lake fittottrolt Sztztftc. FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1860, EARLY TELEGRAMS TOE NEW ORLEANS TROUBLE Address of Gov. Wells New Oaxassrs, August g. — Tho'folloaring ad dless has been leaned to the people of Louts. ana by Uovernor New Orleans Aug ust B.,—The blofxly tragedyenitetal in the City of New Orlean s On the 110th dal , of .1 alp, 1536, in which more than three houdnettioxemi Were tilled or wohnded,has,to the credit of human 11y, created a profound sympathy In the breast of every man throughout the length and breadth of the country. The remote and immediate causes of this outrage demand a thorough Investigation and explanation; and, as the Chief Magistrate of the State, I feel a solemn duty resting upon me to give a plain, Unvarnished etatemont of its origin and progress. In doing titian bo on:nes necessary for me to commence lu the year 1a64. at the reorganization Of the civil government In that portion of Louisiana which had been wrested from rebel authority. I regret tizat I shalt in be obli ged to spealr of myself. It is not to satisfy any feeling of vanity that Ido so, for I fully realize that I am but an inalimincant atom In tile great cause of maintaining and parent. sating the Union of these States. The . political history of the country teaches us that under the policy of the late lamented President, all the loyal citizens of Louisiana, In the parishes then w (thin the Union, wore invited and authorlred In the proclamation Issued by the military commander of this De partment, to hold an election on the it-"d day of February, MEd for State officers. Thu election I was held, and then, being a:refugee from my parish In the rebel lines, In consequence of my Union sentiments, was nominated by the Free Stitt° party, us It Is called, and also by the extreme Radical party, of which .1. Durand Was the acknowledged leader, as their candi date for the calico of Lieut. Governor. The first mimed ticket, headed by Michael Hahn for Governor, wan elected. Governor Hahn nerved until the 4th of March, 1865, when, by hut resignation, I succeeded to the Mike of Governor. In the meantime, and by virtue oh military unthority, an election for delegates to the State Convention to anientl and revise the Constitution of 1551., had taken Mace. The Convention had met. framed a Gonstitutimi declaring slavery to be abolished, which Con stltritton LY tkow the fundamental law of the State. It is now further known that the Con vention did not adjourn fan, die, but subject to Gm rail of the I:resident for any cause. A Legislature had also been elected, and wan in session at the time of the nasuniptlon by rue of the duties of tile office of Governor. Shortly after the collapse of the so-called Confederate Government kook place, and by the surrender of the forces in the Tians-Idin sismind Department, the entire territory of the State was restored to the lawful mahorit))• of the united States. When this event took Mutat, what was my conduct towards the pop ulltlikkil of the eighteen parishes reclaimed, Although I had been persecuted and driven ea ay from my home by the rebel entllorlt IPS, I so pores::4 all feeling of rancor unnatural to the many, anti ex prevent the belief that o. ma , mrlty had been seduced from their allegiance 1 to the old flag by the wiles of lintel deem , goalies who brought on the rebelllon. %Val, 1110 111011100r9 of the Legislature met In et Ira sebblon In the month of November, 1 flefermined to try the effect of kindness and renctllal lon in weaning them back to their flr.t love. I mhlressed them a proelaination, oaf, rat/listing t hem on their restoration to the protect non of a government of law and or der...fel itsmreil them that so far as I was ( . 0 .4 . orned, I was willing to forget the pest- 1 bet/post horn 1.0 submit cheerfully, and mire sem- •dlv to the new order of things and as oil there, that although n state Government had been organized, yet I was anxious that it general el•adion for State ell:leers should lie held, In which, the. whole State could particl e:tie. I ark/Minted MOO, recommended, to MI the offices In the several parishes. I signet! their applications to the President of the Uni ted states for special pardon. I persisted in lay course of reconciliation, notwithstanding L a hr warning, :mil rienomdrunees of Union men, .0)01.Mb:rod that my policy weal I be unavailing In accomplishing the purposes in teielc.:, and ho ifred feted that, at they ery first election. t Melt, Su every pariah alris they held the power. would proscribe every man from office who lutti not been in the rest army, Wlll fought for the rebel cause. These predictions have been realized to the letter at every bit bsequent election, with the exception of my own ease ; and It is well known, for it was Publicly avowed, that 1 was pill at the It mil of their ticket simply because it I, an thought that I could he useful in secur ing a representation of this State in Congress. It Is well known that the platform reported by the committee, appointed for that purpose, Is ft federation of the doctrines of the right of .-ecessinn, and ILwan only through the its , ert ions of kk few of tito more cautious and pe tit of the party that this platform was made to assume tine form in which it was adopted. At t same conventicle, a well known Latten, mill live democrat, was publicly censured by re-elution because In a speech delivered be. fen e th at party, I ' m staid that secession was worse than a crane—it was a blunder. Not withstanding my nomination by the Demo -Ite.. lc party, another candidate wits put In the field to opposition to me, inks Mel officiated as Governer under rebel rule, Mal who, hurl lie been in the country, awl signiffed Ms amend, I ha, e lie doubt would hive been overwhelm ingly elected. Tile Convention of Lata was eOnvenkal for the mi pose oh raising money to restore the bro. evees, and to take tnettrures to redeem the credit of the tifkte. I found that they web u more intent on calling a Lonvent ion to change the Constitution Of la 4 than to promote the material interests of the people. Their chit, objeetien m that irettrittnent aas the charac ter of the men who framed !Land the abolition thereby of slavery. liar felled at the extra set-rani to pans a bill culling a Convention, the attempt was renewed at the regular kohl in the mouth of January, nod more than half the time of that hotly ato spout In 4,i:— closing that gaestiOn. rlnuily, a committee wax sent to Washington to eottault the i . r0:11- den t, and the Legislature only abandoned the measure through hits advice. I consalortal a Convention ineXpealent, and for that reason Oppored It. I bail learned enough of the real nen t linen I. of tilt, people to convince the that If a now constitution was made It would be tear tit harmony with the yiewr of the President anti Congress than the Conrti tut ion of 104, the result of which mould Ito to lesson the clinnees for the ail- • • mission of our Representatives. I urged • these vie 5s Oil the inemlntrs of lath I lonsas of the I,slslature, but thoy 110./1 n 10/ - 1101 with tile majority. I tlepreguteti Ulr etty atuti par ish election, for the reason that I (enroll ti, - suit. because of the character of the men that fault! be eloctutl, becalm° hail 130011 enough of imlttle sentiment to COIIV Mel' me that Inure .1.1 1 01001 0,0 1144 fOl - ,011 10 the eOlllOlllO 01.1• army, or 101 Mad gone 11114/ 11,0 unferdet ale lines, would be elected to °Mee. I that 1.1101 it result 001 l hi be justly regmtlal by the people of the loyal Mateo 05 showing a MI -1131111 spirit. 0011 us still glory) all Inn 1.1011,10 110.1 11.111 cost then, Ouch a fearful loss of life and expenditure of treasure. N't tilt numerous 11.1 repeated (11,1tmees of the eonttouttla 511 1111.111'111111 0101 rebellions splrlt, sad the mattilesati pot of 11... pettaet utittit or all 1111,1 11111 1115 0.1 here 10 the (orillaOS of the Uors ertle)', to fitt• 1344, on tile part of 11 large /a 1,).... ot OA! 1 . 111,110., 0101 0111/ a to vs./Un t o-I urnothuotisl) cap:tossing sentiments cif the same tenor, is li a matter of surprise th a t should pause motet/summate to 1 - 11111:11L 011 110. eonsett tomcat, hot h as rogurth , the iut 511, . . enrely of the IMV,IIIIMM, ._30.1 the list,• ~ I 1 I ui ,, n man In the south, If these men a l, 01100 al teugged to break up the Unige. so, . eeed.al in grasp/fig the pow cr of the 11/1.t1,1 ,4., I hail neen, that u Idle pr./league ail 11,0,, hie. ogiewed Idlegiunee to the nig o/d ~ I 1011 In LIM I . ,Ml , lunt for Ills parille / /o! i l " 11 ' . I IT/Ast ' l,;l2,l. "' rh u t7 :' ,/, ' ll ' i r t r e "4 g ' l:;:,s . 1// " ,: " I I I , 1 ' ' IT t• mop/gent ACIIMIn !MI .11,11 tile I/rem/lei, Mid , m,,,,,, u Lim 1m111 . ) ot re/gorlng the state.. hate) ` In rebellion. logl th'.l/big their hand. with delight at the idea of eiv II wear in the loyal States. la view of all tills array of strong, stubborn fuetn. 1 (lankly ow El that my views of the c•on. ell lutOry trolley lii icing log hack to :511eglanee those who have heen engaged In a war to /Is //troy the lizion 11150 C undergone a ellange, Th i °., 'tilento/ern/it spirit ngendered by slavery still x'tilelons oef property /50.1 the Old lire or iiietr hales eau never lie lorgiven, u,lll /len ~l/ 1 regard them sr Impel/mit to renew col/mid noal autliorlt) , enforced by the pres ent, /g Military forces, yet 1 um cm/vowed that :lien would renew the retest! Inn to.ntor. roa , Ilien/ wel.. a sure prospeet 11l sm.,/,„,, I mi/i.•ost 5., ith the truth ot 1110,5 Vllla,, tot,- ..,/ el IJ,c the I/W . l,llMay ter toe In tore s agor i. / 5 ~5 1 "MI, bell 111 the north, desiring that. 1 the ..i/eiollneht to the constittg lon adept/el hyl ougrenn //sal pubingtosi to the staten for rat/tic/aloe -hound prevail, and In ily realletng the fart that the amendment would neog be ratified by the present Legislature, I own that 1 was In favor of the rcusselehling of the Luz, 5 tug ion of Net as the only aave/ of secu ring 511 e 1 utification an required, and therel/5 mew 0 the atiminnlon of our representatives in Loitgreas. Thu legal right Of the Con. ! Nention to continue its functions Is a question I suppose properly pertaining to the Conris to decide. Senators and /lepre. seritativen In Lou/frees of great tainting, and I men of lulg I/ legal atturnments;in New Orleans, have esprenatal the opinion that under the re: nolntion ot adjournment the Convention could lawfully reassemble. A distinguished Deinooratie Senator In 1 .: 0 111,t1MtM : ook the a,ture, view. For my./elf, 11 I hail any tloubt:ou LILL, I subject, which I have not, I would have defer. I ro d to the opinion of abler 111 M, Tl5 O tot a l number of delegates oomponing tile Conroe. ! Lion W. One hundred and tiny. The number I elected was sevetity.three, Lion quorum was flied at waventywix, this, plumber being it 1 uzujOrtty Of the whole. There were twenty. / seven parishes unrepresented In the Leuven- 1 tam, entitled to eleven delegatee, and al/ling thereto ton vacancies to be filled, It would mule nixt.y.ono delegates to 1.0 elected, be. ; side,' there wore some tenor [wet ye delegaten, I who, disapproving rho emancipation elainre, refused to sign the GOnstrintion, who may lie , runk.l with the extreme conservutivas. , t/onot big the sixty-One delegates elected to be i Of the name elms, and the balance of the Con. / vention to , e radical, It will be seen that the parties would have berm nearly /Slimily divide/I. There are disfranchising clauses to the Con• stitntlon of Ital. The much abused members of that body had it In their power to have made the constitution as stringent against those engaged In the rebellion, as Teruae.oe and Missouri have done. They pursue an op r.mite course, believing and trusting, . I did, that them mon would bo actuatod by a spirit of tolerance and forbearance, tri return for the liberality shown toward thorn. How the members of that Convention have bean treated individually by We very won In whose honor and good faith they had trusted, to say nett:dug of the scorn and villilleation fuhunuttod against thorn, as a collective body, and the constitution they made, let the record of the bloody doings at the litohitnies , In etitutoen Monday. the Ooth ult., answer. In =lig With their unrelenting policy , t , tato the power of We Mate In then- ow hands exalt:Wed?, they opposed the meeting Of the etterventikon Of 1864. They needed no better monitor than their own consatence tell them that by their conduct they had for feited all claim) to further favor. from the original members of that Convention. They resolved that It meat be put down, crushed Out at all risks. The terrible scenes ut the Mth of July, confidently predicted in ease the convention met, were the result. The letters of Mayor Monroe to Gen. Baird, accompanying .this communication, furnish Proof stmt it was the tiotermination that if every other measure failed, a resort would be made to force. Everythine was arranged on Sunday. Preparatory to that purpose, the police received orders, and on Monday morn mg they were In large numbers at the corner of Canal and Dryad., streets, each having one or more revolvers on his person. They were not there, except to commit violence. The epeaksrs at. the Friday night meeting coun seled nothing more than that the blacks should come armed to defend the Convention, in case the members were attacked. Admit ting that they had assembled for that purpose, what occasion was there for alarm, unless It an meditated to assault the Convention. The inference is irredstible, from the manner of the police alone, that It was designed to break up the Convention by force,- For this purpose a beginning was necessary, and the opportunity sought for soon occurred by the arrival of a procession of blacks with music, on their way to the place of the meetins or the Convention, which procession had en lered the set through e crwd of po icemen and tre Methane. Atth o the corner of Curial street they were met with insult and Jeers, which brought on a collincre. A shot was fired but ended in nothing earl oud. The next act of violence was the arrest of e. colored man by a policeman In front of the institute, but for what °donee I am unable to say. The crowd of colored penman aastan , bled became exalted at these occurrences, the I same as o body of white men would do under the same oircumetances. Some took V: e dale of the policemen, others We 01 , 10 Of the. prlS oners; brickbats were thrown, and one allot tired, the testimony going to show that it was done by one of the colored crowd. It Was an swered immediately by several dhow from the crowd of policemen at the corner, and followed up by rapid firing on the crowd of blacks, who returned the are as fast as they could, but being overpottered and driven from the street, took thelter In the Me chaule'd ineeitute. If the ottitht of the pollee was simply to preserve the public peace, why did they not, after the men hod taken refuge in the Institute, return to their original podi- Von, at the corner of the streets, which effete molly cut off ogress trom the front, and, pia deg a guard to watch the rear of the anal t therrival of the military, who wore known to beat the way. Their only reason fur this course Is that It dad not milt their pur pose. They accordingly advanced in front of tie budding, and besieged It on all shies, seal every a.ngro who attempted to escape wut, murdered. The crowning Climax of these murderous and bloody acts is well known. When the white flag was hung out as a token of barren der, the police arrested the members of the Convention anti other white citizens, and mought them into the streets, where the most prominent, for their Union sentiments, were shot, stabbed suit beaten In Lhe very custody and presence of the entire pollee force of the city. Why alai not the Mayor, or his Chief, sta tion a guard at the door, and forbid any per son from entering, and await the arrival of the military, ity this means the last, most de liberate, and most horrible phase of this bloody tragedy would have linen avoided. IL is also notorious that the police failed to ar rest, or attempt to arrest, even onoof the ri otous citizens, who, according to their often repeated statements, were continually at tacking, wounding and killing persons, who bail surrendered anti wore in custody. i think 1 have fully shown that it was ills design of those opposed to the Convention to tweak It up by force. The Inference to be drawn from the letter of the Mayor that sitch a costs.) was resolved on, and the massing of the yoollee, and their Milian.. to rush into the tight, I think fully establishes the Met that the causes of this exhibition of violence and inol) law inns( lie tweed further back• It is time embers of the tires of the rebellious feel ing which plunged tills country into a desola ting war, the dames of which ore not yet ext in gutslicil in the cellist of the for cater siatehold- Inc tabled in their first effort to destroy the Government. They seek now to regain political newer In tile same old spirit. My deliberate conclusion In. that it the mili tary forces be nI thdru sn, Lee liven of the Union Ince, who proved themselves conspicu ous in uminantintng theirallegunuce, will not he safe. Tilt:security, both of the Gove1 . 11111(111t and the Union men of the South, depend, in any opinion, upon the rutuamanon of the oon eddtullonal amendment proposed by Congress, and the enfranehlsethent of the loyal black n, that he may become Olitlcat r od and quali liedma for that important privilege. If the ad vocacy Of these measures identify me with itind lea' party, us it Is cald,l, In my Oppo siti .. I, to the President, 1 must accept the sit uation, besides / cannot einalige Illy cony lot 1011 1 . 1,1,Vet to the principle. 41111 measures I deem necessary to perpetuate the Pupal. Inlgned J MADISON W 1..101 0 rtiOr of Louisiana. Npecto/ Cautlou.—Alis. Winslow's SOW. ing Syrup laworne so popular that cartons parties have out out articles calling them MI,. Winslow, take not n, that She Mrs. WI r.low of the noothing Syrup is not nouns,- nil with any other an two.. flotanillen and Inbrenne of Penoilonn.— Mnekrell rt . ./ t street, Will ttl tinel to the collodion of the $113,. bounty tool the Ineresiini of litinitionl under the recent Lids of Lotigrost, NOTICES 1V0C) 4 1 1 .1 4 3. THE RE:RAINING PART of the .3i1..11.! o . ll{ to nOyd A . Lots or by the ncr, tloptrnili•l gArJ• purposes or 1 , 4 .I..rwr. Apply to 'XL. 1., ,fficy li A 11.110, e , .rnrr of I , .amontt a 4 I.Yant ytreet, or to kl ALLLN. th, pro,rty. Elotul. PIANOS, ORGANS, &c. THE MAD B V, NEW V OM( EMI Scitomacker & Co. Philadelphia ~I.~IIT®S, The Estey & Co. Cottage Organ, AMERICAN ORGAN, A An.0n!..1,,...1 by the r, r .t nd,d..al tab nt In inn II•... .rincrlor to :di other, In ,ntrlty •,1141i1) 1.1 toe and ttalorogyth vtnr man :llop. I ~ `nr vnarn tak..n tlan n 11, •,,. 1 1. ,11. ' • tht varloun matn 111 1.1 • • 1“ 1 arc suwer than an) ,I.ficte. Ali v.,: 31 , Ars. WAMELINK & 11,11tIt =MEE N .4III: I:IRAA 1 . 14N0--I'lle 113, il, from 14,, 1, 1t 11 1•E‘V , 1, 1 1 1 ,1 "1 Fl'l.l. 1.11 Nll 1 1 1 v , .11: , o1111....•••00,1 ,1 11,1 t,. not u. Ilk 131 pe..“llAr t 1 , ,. s,te. 1 un , t, sti•mal,l) to tl.l. xtt..nll,,n 1111 1 1,11:11, 1 1,1, t ll l tll, l / 111t 111 trutn,11. I'llA It 1. 1, 1'141 111.1 N 1 411 Flll.l, ugt for helal,r & to, ,I.ran•l, *ll/1,..anr.• MERCHANT TAILORS REDUCTION. I. ' , eV. Oucring Our Entire Stock of SUMMER BOYS' CLOTHING • e I I el eI I, r ,r r IL,ll* e 1,0 47 Si. I lair Sire<l. I lir:A 12 I•. MERCHANT TA ILOR, Norihw,..Rt l'orner of Penn rk. ( lair SLt.. Ir. • 0, r. 0,1,1 nnIP.• 0 , 1,0 0 0•1414 and 1.1, pn • Ilr F. rr .hi Plnnd c•po'cl(111) In trio 1 . .1 In that 1,. in,. )n, 0 , 0,0 , (row 11). 1,0.0 I linrkr ts tirz. , and wr - It c'tt .1 Fist: WOOLEN GOODS, I. I I 151110:' , S Ell 11 I. "'""' "". W. H. GARRAO & 00., Malsters, Grain t l / 4 . Bop Healers, No. 17 'Water Strect, out/. Nos. 5 mud 7 Peon &Erect, PITTSBURGH, PA. ft - LW. HAIn Ir 1 1866. 81."1.15" HATS ' 1866. McCOBD & CO., 131 11 , 011 D STREET, Vr I.h to call specialtheir lergr and Rat s, for Spring and Sum mer 'rear, ALla e‘rlat-37 LADIES• I , KILIIYM, YACHTS, shA,llll%, liF.ST's Itlo sA ICAT4 00 AS • •11./W . S TkiwT•ty• 1410011TW.S, ADIRTONS, IJEKIIYs, PEI , IS. Ac., tSTRAVe 1 , 0”1”, of every titvcr:ptlou. La sun all W W. - I !V E 111( AND SALE STABLES; MORELAND & MITEUELL• Nos. 425 427 Liberty Street. • The very twat t•A At.ES and It I, '- WES kcid Mr hint at oil Till. am.. r-Anzics In the ally. Funerals, ac.. attended i to on short notice, In the bend manner. Persons wishing to engage anything In our lan. can rely open being turned out In the twat earl.. as the proprietors giro mete peraonal attention to the blyalneas. Jy7tri.l rUHE CELEBAATED STEEL TIXITII HAY 31.A.KA13. "Pralstn tied" and • "hleadove Lark . ' are manufactured out, 01 the p/RHJIHINIIC FVORH/3, near the Pent, 'Wary. All, dr ' "74 . 41.— ' , .,1tt,g sod PLalu Wagfam, Wbeelhar• • 01 every styli], made ot the best notkr.... andwarranted. VOL IJ/KII Up VOL.EX6I4. NEW PEEN VE FOE TIIE CEME •Igits t,elmfr. ••:rfghs Itlooaklag Ooeeu►" Photon's Nigh, Blooming Comas." Pilolan's •J• Ntgin Blooming Omens.. Photon , . 0 Night Blooming Comm:, A most exquisite. deice:to. d Frairrunt Perfume, dstined from the Auto find bountiful flower (tom winch It takes Its asino. lismfbabrod only by 1 , 11A1.014f lON, Now York. BEWARE OP COUPTERYEITR. ASK FOR PHAL,ON*O.—TARH SO OTHF.R. [etAinjwisaii sl3i.lai 4 : I 3irjo3l A.:11 THE QUEEN - OF HAIR RESTORERS! MRS. WINSLOWI3 QUEEN' HAIR RESTORER 111 QUEEN, not only in 84316, but in VISTIMI. Isthe Best HMr Restorer ever offered to the Peddle. An in hlltele nr.avOuts and InIMESIIVIOI Of Cie Hair if falthhtily applied. ia no Hair Dye. It sots directly upon tba roots of the Italy chang ing grey heir to ice original life color; encettenV`a t,ea^ -std n, of the heir; erement. !giltcons f and decayed; "a.. all humors of the map. It gill atomic dry end wiry hely to soft and lure ylect ti.seeeo. • • • • It Imparts a dolightful fragrance to the hair. In short, If you wish to restore yo. Muth, and retain It through life, use EfRB W158141r8 OW Bilk RESTORER trice •t per bottle. Bold by all Druggist. R. E. SPLI. • 'A & CO., Wholesale Agents., C=IM Gr . ' VIM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS ♦:CU SHEET IKON WORKERS, No.. 90, 22, 24 and 26 Penn etreet. Mar tne seemed a !Arse yard, and furnbstled It with the eniwt approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture etory description *IRO/LEHR, to the brnt mariner, end warranted equal teeny Made In the country. CULSINEYS, B R I NO, PULE BEMS, sT PIPE.S. LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, COR- I/F.:N.IESb. SALT VANS, TANKS, OIL STILIG, Ali ITA TORS, SETTLING SANS, BOILER IRON, B RI OGES, !SUGAR PARS; and sole maettfacturers 01 IBAENBILL N PATENT BOILILILD. RePeirlng Omit , on the shortest nett.. ieStati tars LAKE SUPERIOR DYISIA AMLL AND SMELTING WORKS, TTSBC11.(111. PARK, McCUItDY & CO. .11,inataeturore of SD !CATION°, IIItA.ZINHS' AND II I. htr P E EN, PRESSED COPPER Infrgt tri sTtLi. ItOrIONIS. SVELTER SOLDNIL Alt , , Int porters and dealers In METALS, TIN PLA TN., ,BEET 115.114, WISE, AC. Constantly on TINN Egki.• MA I.` 1N ES and TOOLS. %Tare house, No. IN. nlnspr and ItOI3LVOTID STrtnirs, I'tttr nurltn. Special orders of timber cut to any desired pa: torn. 14tra4dawT f— PIT'rSBERGH SAW WORKS, I/COWL/LI), TIOO. It CO., Manufacture rf ATH.N T UNOUNiit CI !MX I. ARS, warrant- Ms t AST STEEL SAWS, of eery descoption. op, Cross-Cot, Oang, and all other vartrties. A,. kinds of NS I KS and BPI-LINOS, made h Nit. • t Ca.. .Steel ; Solna Koine.) ktIf.APKIL AND It ott Ifit/ KNIVES, Re. ♦ Warehousend Notts, corner WAT/CII and ro• NT STRAW.. Pittsburgh. I'x. ticulu attenunn paid to re-toothing. gumming ant , tralguteulng Circular Saws:also, repairs of an 7r,t.nhittg and Ltrilling dune at reasonable rote.. orb :cgs O..§7`ROAIL'VSO3I, lIEA &CO (Sac cesnors to MINIM It 31”..LICIII. WASHINOTOOf WOItKS., IFoßnder, max, Ittonrich. elute-, r- STATIt.NE.HT it 7 ENIiINIDj, MILL Al , l I NliS of , ~1 1.:A. n 6 •kncl STILLS, 11011.tial NVOII.Ii. N,, •: Lk - i INJECTUR ( . 04 . 1!1: 13120• 1 ,1 . na I.NDOW Sl l anti 156 Tkii /10 b'elikET, between Wood ay.! Market he on lihrid a yarlety of new patterns, so:ten:el, ieirpokes. 44- I'm ti nttelti paid - to enclosing lirske Jobt.lux Joist ankhort notice. WrNIAIIRIAGIE AND CELIBACY, Non. E....ay or Warning and for 1 -.a Men. Illsesses and MIUVICS WiLlellpro., the vital powers, with means of sore railer. rrer of charge In sealed letter envelopes, Ad :, I.r. J. :1 LLIN 11, 1 12.1jUTON, !toward Aa l'a. tny?.2:llhark.a r T. POLITICAL 1.! ( • ONGIREASIONA.L CONVENT- 22d DISTRICT. REPPOI.I , AN VOTEIC.i ur the 024 t: in.ln.l n e , p,t,teri to meet et the t .1 uf 1,01,110 f riCCLitl. In the srlous liorotighe, stp.l nships, said District, On Saturday, Animal 11th, eke, two .I,.ieg,tt, fentn each eleetton dtstrtrt. to 0,0: In County Convention on TUIf4DAY, Au •: 11th, nt 10 o•doel, A. a., for the porpore ot my In noutlnatam • esodldate for Congre•s. prlmsry hiVOlital• In the tow nfittlps etll he ht- , ll.,etwet, the hours of four and and •0 wrd. horooglas bet weon Ow hours of foot awl s ctt chn,lt 0 01. In thP wants sod bor- . • • l ion• sha Ire by ,1111 the ton uAl.lpr marklng or ll by lra lot, a 0 113 order at the VI )1. An W. J. UII.6IOISE, Chairman. It. N. myrithraol,t If - I'ONGREBB, 22d DIITIIICT. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD llot Log placed Idaasell of theillspoeucl of hlr lu ~r non se to their call mad. on ltlm, VIA Aaron Is turn ,ureseul,rl ny them As 2, candidate fort ornliza thus fur ongress for the ind District. subject to the action al the Unto. Republican County Conven tion. Optic rirCONGRESS. CENERAL JAS. 8, NEOLEY ti t antittistr i. It. 71d District l a rj - CONGILIENS.—The friends of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY r,,,arnt hi, name to the Convention of Lb, I rt 1•• for nonlInall”n u acan.ildato forCon rolti,aw TOBACCO, CIGARS, .57.. c. I . .]OII'LL9IOR TOiIACCO WODRS. R. & JENKINSON, MANI ,Crit lik.ll, Or ALL YI8!,10, 1(111ACi. 11, SNUFF AS I) 1.41.. A; Arts , No. 0 4'141 , F:1:A1. r, - I'4:: door mi•p . 11•1,.1, A1.1.04111051', PA. Salrns, 01110. m 3 24.1.01_ R. B. JEFFRIES, !5.1.111 rr Ku!! 14 ,LI t l o , !47 , 1 a v e.l o i nd 11,1.11 Dealt, to TOBACCO. SNUFF AND CIGARS. • I I I.A I, 111001', 1 • 11 - 4Sisuitain. Cu ~...,11ment or MEKILSCHAUSI PIPE!. TL, ‘l , I • I rl: of tl.• torft quality, kept tnyt,toill GEORGE BLUMEi4SC.EIELDT, 4,4,44t,4 :4 Yl.n YIOR ARO DOMYSTIC SEGARS, offEwao Toluca), !Ntatoking Tobapcp,Pipeg,&c. ogicNl7.exLitlil ekt - re..pt, rorn. r 1,1 1.11.4 rt y, 11:1),,14 1•A, JO.VEN NIEGRAW, SI in t, Imo Irer or 6%l..lnttlorfand DI,AICr Tobacco, Snuff and Segura, ri HAND sI'REIET. A kt , n4ral nsnoturcnt of 4moi,ln, Toltarco, Pipes and 11,11;i4. 4 .• Votichr•a, n on” hnna n-21:4111 • DRUGS AND C.LIEXICALS.. J. 14. 1 1, 4 /1..;. It. ` )I'CLULLANO lAIIL 11. tatelT. .91cCILIELLA1'OiD ac Cot., Corner Federal and Laced: Streets, 7EZEJEINIr. Pa. , Wholesale and Retail Druggists, „„,,, .„ Its,. Ortlg•, Dye t, rlan.latd al.o i slcul MO& Ist lit n. Their stork IS large and well scltetr,l, and 111 1,1 sa an) .o hit Oval. rut It :a.J.6 SCHOONBIAKIEII as, t 4 utsbnrgit flute Lead Work, YORE WHITE LEAD, LILLIE L.KAU ult0lINL) IN 011. Vali FAINT/ DI LW, BAILIIKLA, IN O. ea We itiirrooat. wag, TilE BEyT EFFERVESCING CITRATE OF BIAGNESIA, It 6 oz. In the form of I'OW DKR, for vale all St Drogglbts. I'reitarm.l ny AIETHI2II. IILOUEILS. tabottal•L N. Y. litiLs.LiArtiLLi) OIL RECEIV t.I aud for mi.. by U ItUI U . EA. KELLY, W ""'" 3,, DruEEb.L l 7 . Wood bt+erl,, Jylt I'lataburg.h, UHLM. TURPENTINE Jost re• .LEcelyed on d (or sale by LIEUKUE A. K Y, Druatclat, .17 Wood tr.. 14,. Irl4 l'ltb.boryth, i f s. )51;A S. a'elA LITER OAK LEAD and fur sett by lit: AMOK A. KELLY. 1711 W holesale Dry iggls4, 17 Wood-ilavet. Pittabernet Ps VALUABLE COIL MINES FOR FALL The valuable ooal inttim owned by the Southern coal Mining Company, situated in nhelby eonnty, Ala., twelve miles northeam of Menteralle, ene and a half milealirom the North and Smith 'Railroad (now in running order to this point), end onii-qum ter of a mile from the Branch Bond to the Bed Mountain Coal Mine., are now offend for tile, These mines have been Insuccesaftil opera tion for tome years, are tituated In the heart of the mineral region of that:ham, and are only aluty-eve mires by rail from Velma, from whence there is water transportation to the Gull. Them ts not In the United States abetter oppor tunity for a safe and profttable investment In the Coal b eaters. TEILVB OF SALE one lull cash, and the balance at the expiration of six months, without interest; or. one -sixth east and the balance. to equal monthly penitents, with out interest. G. NI. 111cCON1111CO, ASllifnee of A 0. Rdward. FOR SALE.—Tie following do ecribed property will be °roved eaprivate Bale for a Omen time: let. —A LOT or lifttlllND thirty feet front on First street, near Wood, and r11111:11P g back towards Water street eighty feet, (beitt%part elf lot Igo In the _general plan of Pittsburg together with a EL TILIEK_nTOO.I DIUL2 WAJMN DOS thereon. Id.—Yllrf ACRES OF LAND at the head of )runt's Leland, in McClure township. Will be odd In lets to sett parnhasern —1...1.22PN L.DI2 OF CriOT'N'.7l ;:. ter i being Lots Nos. yOO,lOl. lye, t o e 110, r lg. Nta.,An' t Ataalster, a l it:l '. l3:und by i l rebl: street., Adams meet, Cedar Ailey tad eahiotioo street. Stn.—Lin No. 20 In •ittnes Adalles pLas of the Northern !Abend., Minuted at the south-east cor ner of Adam. and quarry streets., and Wog arty feet front on quarry by about two hundred nod ninety feet in depth. the above deer-Abed property n UI be sold at reas onable priers, and en easy terms. Tills inellspota- Lee. for further Information apply to A. lf. BitoWNING, or hl5 it. A ill a Prkh ' LUtn't=r[lt. MANSFIEI-0 LOTS B`CPPL. SlAaa.Maa. YlffTT VERT Dg &ELY. LOTS adjoining the village or Mansfield, on Chanters Creek. will be of fered at Public Oslo ou ?SATURDAY. August 4th, at 11 o'clock A. m. an sine, these lots range from oue acre and le¢e to ordinary sized building lute. Liners) terms given. takerPeeent in tha eitY wishing to attend the side will the Mansfield Accommodation train, leaving the "tee Depot at 10 a. Y. and get off at ',ewe tery Orissalog." Trains returning to this city will Stop at Ulla Station at 1%30 and 3 r. r further information, enquire of J. L. MARSHALL, 1.31i_ LIB EAT r :51' IL EET FOR SALE Allegheny Building Lots. Several good lota at or tw•ar the corm, of Ulflgo and Walker titteets, a short 4letance below Alle gheny avenue. he, lots will coomirnd them/wive, to pert.. 61,k1C1g o high Out cleanly loca.ity, perf,Letly rr tlred. and yet easy of IVCCerli be elti.er the lines of tiorne railway running to 31anctimiLer. pply to BRYAN, Itroker In Stooks and Real E.atate. out 17 Fourth st., (Blako . ll FOE SA LE.—We otter for sale the Valuable Lot of Ground Occupied by the underaigne,l, conLolnlng acres, altua,e on the Allegben, river. utile foot of Taylor etre, t. Pitt L./WU:MiI, ILI, 011.140 the city Melt, !lola lot hos s river truniosge of 110 feet, good laud ing, with the right of tilling Into the river about Lein ler t from 1•0 water wadi, which would make shout four acres of ground. Our Ir e on ‘1 orks, urge. Foundries. isnar Mill or othr manufacturing per pones cannot Ise excelled. Terms made sAttafot, tory. We also otter for sale a largo lot of nriet., damaged anal - ling, tulle., banger, engine bolter, machinery, burnt hoop., ,pc. t.i.Tituir; bit.!., On the premix., foot of Taylor street, 1Y26.1367 liittaburgh FOR SALE. CHEAP BUILDING 1018, towuAlp, FLunaylvaola ay. not. Soho. n, lommet ce and Cazt.cun streuth Those lota aro WILL in mlie and a quarter of too Coot Houle. Price, &oat $6O to 8300. IicIASTER, 6111111 S BLITELFIELII, 1;11:2112=!!!! 1121 MEI= FOR SALE. AFI RbT-;,LAbli I; 61 NE,S .6 N The ISloek. 1121.11 red lioo4l WII I, r tore ROM, Dwelling ae,l I::rge Lot In :kw Ickley. CoA4 bales 4.1,000 a month. Voisreaelon Fl ran luereedletedy. .111.11 Hou ses Awl Lute, very cheap. Several Lute at Eelgew peak Letattop, from one 10 eve Acres In tack. Apply to JAMES T. SAMPLE, Leal EStato Broker and Insurance Agent. )ea No. KS Vesierni street, }`Oil SALE —A Farm of about 24 sores opite Townsond Mallon, North West ern It. it. , . ,At miler s from Pittsburgh; about a acres Cleared; balance good timber land In • arletles; 2g aerut aeon', good veto, pit open. frame dwelling of no good goof lug of ter, So fruit trees of , srietles o ws; f truw; la a splendid place fora rme ya rd. Alan, a lot 1 0 by 11l feet, on Peebles otrees, In el sus township, Allegheny count). Will be cold La Yor terms, An., apply at the !teal Hstate and Insurance other, :f H. HA l'En, it ' utlnr /greet, I.awrenr•evllle. von SALE-46 acres of Land, Jl only Iwo tulles Iron: h e nte tty. on the 0 town :lank ltrrad. w 11111:: lnt:lutes' want of Itrundhernlntatlon. 10 L . ltlnburgh and nteu beu illk Hai:road. Ihe land heal:Mt:llT au:sate:l for 'ostutry Iteslderives. nod tot beauty ui acenery eats nut tn. suryabeert In A.l:):Urny county. The :onus :Ann of the bl Is Is ane It 0111 by any conceivable dl vialon Into luta, each w...ta the advantage of the scenery. N D. BAILEY. Stock and JOH Real E.state Broker. sub No. lit' Fourth street. VALUABLE FAILII FOB SALE.— , Fartn, containing about lac) acres, near the Sit M lle Ferry, on the Ml7llollgailelS:riv er, on which la er,eted two-atory Brink MA1.110,1 11041110 2.1111 Darn. and oilier out-buildlugs. Also. NA, eral other farina, well located, la All and rlaud counties, containing (roan tu ante.. i unl and Lime Farina for sale on the r , tenbcurille Rail road and Monongahela river. For Striker Pnrtic alas., enquire of WILLIAM WA RD. (Oppoalte the Cathedral.) )119:car, No. llUUraut sheet. !OUNTItIe SEAT FOR SALE.— lout:di:dug sixteen acres. all tinder fence and n Tow ns hi poa hall te an cultivation, situate In Union n hours fr the In a thickly ....led ne drive N eighborhood at ont cottag city, be onne, tenant hosee, good barn and stable, springs and gbring honor; about eight acres of au chard of An, 'election ol fruit. The whole pl.e underlaid will, coal. Funses,don Stern itntnediatcl,, Pri. , WV, err. t. ry cm.). 11. I.A rtitZ etrrt.t. 19A lA. FAII3I, ',MAC, V.S, 1611 e. iron .\ll,ll. - n) g‘....1 rood, 1...nr lions.. n‘•,1.., 11):41.11) 4 eta.r.-- g mn, oii tr•.ro. grop. I n ~•rtr,ol hog, g., tmtl.r,, • 4 11,— ,”11111. ~. 1 1 1116E1(1 Al :NIA,. oIZ hi 1,011 MAIA. 3.— lID 1-.1 alereti of le 1...41,111p, W 14 4111111011 . • . 11 11 1) - . 0114'11111V 1 011111 01 I 411r . c. I•wr 1011., from 1 . 11, burgh awl 1,!Ilt. 14• .wred •I 1111111411• '..lmlLce In good that.. Cistirrh, • /111.1 %ch.., Wlll/1(1.1, mite. .11,11, Ir. ItAII.KT. No I, Fo lr .tr..., non Nn. , 113111', LApjtic.ue . SALE.—In Allegheny, AN Li 11A6 FITTING SIIOE wiLII mach] nary In perfect order and doing • gooil lotaineaa, will be domed out at hargaln, toe pi - canna owner wishes to embark In anotlie r busl nen.. Inquire corner naniloak y end Water et roctai or address UVa lheY, A LLEti II h:N V. mid now SPLENDID RESIDENCE FOR Pa 49-1aEl; eltuate on a line of Passenger Railway, about 1l O ines from town. The boos* is large, new, and pro, tiled with modern Itrip , O, Fattached is n garden with iruit„tr. For particulars, apply to 1. 1.1:11EiSRI KOETIIICN, a111:01 71 Brant Street. THE WASHINGTON ILOAD -2 4 acres of hunt for sale Ina pleamnt intlas Cram the city, with large front on Washington Turnpike Wad. opposite tire. u Tree l'oatiallee; forest shade trees, large spring of ex. eclient watt r. to a leet unlit of gooil coal. one untie rem Pisani-ovine Itallroad and near Llttie Caw Kilt bun itall”ad. A DWI Can be emu at our oM ai S ic . r"pr ll a S.NViikla 1.1 Martel at. r`olll SALE.--200 acres coal and and warfare, situated about .7./ roils east of Bal. V.k r l truant. 6o r t a ' :fro t al t' lv b i u wa rg ,llr:C ' tly r t' „ l .4 " o the property. hundred Ind nifty acres of the sue. facia is Under inlet, the reinalning fifty acres In good white ark Unities. JOHN IL 11A ILF.Y. N o. Ma Fourth street. Or, E. U. KEY -1, No, 00111'. Block. .IY 3 Duquesne Way. t ry' , OR SALE—A very desirable Iwo -a- story Brick Dwelling on Ono r and good COLL!, situate on Altos street, Lawreooms nceville, near 1' .eager italiway. An excellent well of water on the lot. Will be disposed of on liberal terms, rind immediate possession given It applied for anon, For terms apply at the haat Esbate and insurauee (Mice of la 0. BATKIS. jell limier street, Lawrenceville FURNITURE Oil OiNE AND WOOD OHAIRS, M anufactured .1.1 for cn:e Wholesale or Retail. J A MEN W. WOODWE NUS. V 7 St 84 TI Iltb eITRILET. Opt..,stiv6. 11.4tonntt,,os, d Co.•s, Lod I,OIIILT/I 0111E1e) GENERAL DRAUGIITING OFFICE. ~P. GENGEIIIfiItE, Civil En— • lifTiMElt, CHEMIN!' A NI, PATENT", No. 1,1 Sr. CLAIR foal MIleA Box Geo, 11."...1.1rpev, 1I 11.11 PlTl'b -111.1111.111, PA. k14"116 f IantICATING 01L-51:11 barrels .. • BAIT EET, BROWN & CO PLUNIBERS,CAS £ STEAM PIPE FITTERS No. 55 Federal St., Allegheny, I=El 022 Penn Street,l PAttaburgh. WATER AND GAB YLXIIDINS ochastanUT do Auld. Holmes fitted tip with UAB, WABBB or STEAM PIPES et alien notice. 011 Borinerles fitted ap n short .sek. and to the moat approved nice. AurrATUBS, TANBB, ac., lined with Sheet Blow Lead try new process, with Hydro-Atmospheric ripe. SB Wu k T ece E zirtLit c tir D oa =a n t trie s igiiiM COCAB, FITTINGB ALINCINDS, EITDILA.BT BOSL.. and la tan all material kept by • /rut-clan establishment. We would Invite the attention of Sit whoksve soy work to do la our line of business, as we feel confi dent we can give the ben of ntisfutlon as regards sunnier workmanship atm Piet'. /feta Ilol)'fi, ~~~; ~ , ~ Y~f~~ X . X.slCrllstr.3l - 223R.191. GAS AND !WWI FITTERS, Cer, Sixth and Smithfield Streets, PITTSBUILOH, l'A., Con, Beaver and Chest Streets, C!=1!1 . t ... 5 f . .114/Egs al Water, sc.l :team D'Ultifarja ANT, WILLIMIS& lIIRTLEY, Keep on band • euperlor art:ele of COIC)E1 PUNLIPS, All kinds or IKON PL/3IPS., 1/11.:NT8, 8111:K.1 . L.KAD,SIIZET ZINC. LIiAUBATII TUBS, SINKS, WATHN CLUrrTS, WASH BASINS, WASH Ell'A NUS, So., at tilele Waren/om, Cor. Sixth and Smithfield Streeta, All All NgA O tfy u lTiV„t i .Ni :a;ftW:a2lio. NOTICE. Private Families and Hotels can be furnished with hest qualify of HYDRANT HOSE & PIPES, AT EILIORTEST NOTICE AND ➢6fT TEEII E. By ,Cling on JOHN MAFFET, Noe. 127 and 129 First Street, PI CTSIICIUM, PA nyl7:alo IVIELDON & KELLY, PLUMALERS, Gas and Steam Fitters; AND BRASS FOUNDERS I=l Chandeliers and Drackets, I end Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, Sc.. 141 Wood Street, Near Sixth, %vs. ~aravo r. pLumnniG, GAS IND STEAM FITTING, HADRANTS. IYON PUMPS 6 " EErLena, ZIN C I.:EA I/ PIPE& WATER CLOSETS AND WASII isT A V,S, -11.3 1 0;73E/DIT (lb C)CD , (Sticeitasoro to Addy & tionn.,l No, 111.", Wool it.. I:i!Loburgh, Po 1.1. .1.1.1,111 N. J 01131•01. fERLEHY k JOIINSON, P RAC TI C L Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, ,IFtflb Street Exteuotlon, 3p z.r.rrsz;3l2l - cr.re. GML. 3P426- l.y pr‘au Al, ordyrea, eu4 mall executed satlaractorliy and pl otl,l A nall line of Rath Tul, lan, IS. Walt, etoseta, Sluka, Chandelle,. I r t.nolanla, and ts. Sha..,. for sale al the tnost ream. na le prlrra Ordt., from country patrons by mall pfuntylly at tended to. 'dont poet of every deserlpi ton, I) L !! L MI I T 1 4 .4 4 1.1, AL PY e;,1!),..11:"'" Corelbily attended to by ex periellCed and practical wokmen. Anne assortment of OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS. Elt BATHS, WAFER CLUSETS, e dtatantly on hand and made to order. HYDRANTo, TATE & SEVILLE, FEDEILA L.SI NEST, And LI It h:lt Y l'ltteburgb to II II :Z wdIS P#9,YE,BBIONAL. B. F. BROWN, Local Claim Agent, W. S. SAN. 011ie°, No, 6 Fourth Street, th!SCllti I) Pittaburg,h, Pa. Penslona, Hountiek, and Arrear of Pay Promptly Collected. N charge Tad! until Claim, sre e. ttlyd, nod I:, too mlzooll rat. It lli. LINDSA .426-m.m):. , _ - :3Ei3mt-eLm.x. once, (13 Hoyle Streell, Allegheny ~••••. 1 3i MO 14:1011 gI v dr,wlng Ove.lA, fni 4,1, ... 1 1 1 .11,11tr.,14.11 14r !Lim recc ea, - Antl 4.• Itttlrtl • OfIN w. TAvLoai, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 68 Grant Street, rrrrsitt I pt. E. DONNELLT. Office, Sixth and Grant Streets, PITThVIURGII, PA. OS - npvelal au. ntifin given to all emits geopal.ing uperalinn.. .1v) . MA( nun,- J C. ll • CoHlta. MACKRELL & AIcCOMES, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street., PITTSIMUFIGII, PA. tvz.s J OWN A. STRAIN. - Ak..-T-A. 3 ZyJEIFIAVILEL.P.T, Ex 4 olhcio, Justice of the Peace, AN I, I . OIIOE MAGISTRATY. Office, 112 Filth St., apposite Cathedral rtrrBl uHuu, re I ieeiln. Honda. &lund., Ark nowltLlgtn Deponitione and ali ge ßasine,9 xecute.l with proniple and di...pate I. WILLIAM JANCEA, NOTARY T •JUhfteE UP TILE PEACH, AND HEAL EtiT ATE AGENT. VLOce, corner of Huller and kiravo street., LaWeiieerlile. Special attention given to the purchase and male of it..al Estate, the (rolleetion of Rent., and tie. pre paration and aCkillSellalainelii of all Undo of Legal Conveyadee, WIM JANCRY. J wake of the reare an LIdA Notary Public r7 - N5:1339 EUSTACE S. 111011110 . 7*, -- ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania 4venue, Foot of the Extension and opposite Chatham Street, mr23:a.Ml CHATHAM T. Eli Attorney at Law, No. 69 Grant !Street, Pittsburgh. Pu. l'otamltempr fa.,11.1... IC muck y, We6i VL, glnie“ Moknutirt und oMrt m). ILITARI PF:IIiSIONN, lioUs VIE. !LACK VAN'. autl Nlllltnry of v roull. to.• eonether foirow ilv ul r et' other Ciattill, . C. •. TAY LOU, Attorney at Law, Inamorol xtreet. oppotlll. Conn }lOll.lO. N. IL—No nit:lone, are sinn•le If the elnltn not nuert,../. and All In for/nation g I 0e4:17 L. P. STONE, .Attorney at Law, INsuRAECTE ;LIFE lIIBURANKE AGENT WANTED. A FEEISTACL.A Rs INSURANCE. CO. p or tly York, (I , :vt•laxids layer cont..) arc In ven Experienced Life Insurance san, TO TAIL!: THE AGENCY AT PITTSBURGH. with it‘liololtig mantles, With an energetic man, who will push Life loritrance, and devote his limo te l li i 4l2 2 l , Z=ri t lt mid he kXXIU made, Ad dor.. Jr2l - • FIDE AND ThWUNE INSURANCE CO. OF NORM A MICA pfrria nra,PILIA: Assets ................... Hartford Fire Insurance. Company Assets, • • • .1486.000. tolsr Protec Compan tion enn ie be scoured in the at , Ore named reliable s. =I I=ll6l U=l=lMl IMPILIRA7IIrE Liam tio. 37 St& ,hoot insureitafr awl all lamb of Nre and Marilee man JOHN I.llWlei t Jn., remittent. JOH' Vice reeettleet. C. Li. Lit/NAY.LI..,. Secretary. Cent. inAN, denegal Agent. J 0..., • John D. McCord, Hus.ny, tirom. K. kinad. I.l.rrey Colfota,Charfes Hays, J. 11..L.Inson, I Capt. Wm. Dean, John Irwin. Jr., lieu. o..llclirver, B. L. rahnrahn. Itobert. ti. l'avloa WESTEILN INSUBARCE CO., OF PITTS'S LI HU El, , ALE.X.A.Iii DER NIKICK, President. Wll. P. HEIDI CRT, Secretory. CAPT. ORDURE NlCRUcsieral Agent. Weer, SO Water street. lriuMg 10 co. Ns Ware Hoe.. up malts, Plueburgb. Will Insure against all kind. of Mire and Marine Risks. A home Institution managed by Directors who are well known to the commuulty, and who are determined by promptness and Illisrallty, to =mlo - the character which they hare assumed, as of fering the best protection to those who dean to be Insured. E=32l! Alex. Nimick, Andren Ackley, R. Miller, Jr. David M. Lang, J amen McAuley, Rees J, Thomas, Notbaniel Holmes, Chas. J. Clarke, Alexander lipeer, John 11. McCune. Campbell N. Herron, damsel'. Hanna. C. %. Itlcketson, mrSO WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. YOUR LIFE IN THE .1 CHARTER (IA& LIFE INSURANCE ('trail-A -NY OF HARTFORD. CONK. 'fflE ONLY LIFE. !Not:RANCE COMPANY IN AM.EII.II.IA Dietnow ates nod pays An Anntle. CAS MINI/EFL, on th m e first and each subsequent payxnent of extuluni. Its CASH Iu. CAPITAL, an us nmelarion of la ODD COD, is securely invested In pub lic strAl.., ant. mortasses of REAL ESTATE._ lx Ii UDR In Its lOW year of business, and ban paid to the WInDieeAND ekLarre of Ite members th e sum e E 311 I.LP/N On DULLANS. to Ulla date not a eta- Ale case of litigation has occurred, an evidence Dui Ilberallty and fair dealing le • specialty "gib this Company. be pot/clue of Ibis Company Are not forfeited by reason of non-payment of premium after the second year. No payments required rater ten years, but pollutes COntitnin good through life. - • • .. J. C. WALK I.Y, President. b. S. 1 . MAI Ea. President s • . H. NV urr6, beerstary. _french Mt, fur Western Pennsylvania, when, Circular.. and hien Applientiom will be furniateci, CS Fifth street, ritt•lmrst. t ; wenled IhTiittttcaA pt to .=oAttteai. NOUTII ABIEEtICA LIFE ENSURA.NOE 00.KPANY. Widows and Orphans' Fund. .4b. 63 William Ell, .rrw York PRESIDENT—N. D. MORGAN. 6E1:4 TARY-4. W. lIIKRRILL. R. M. TINDAIe,L. Me.lleal }Luskin./ drECIAL AGENT FOR WEnT O EILIP rA., 67 Fourth !IL, PiltsbUrgh. AUENT3 WANTED. lair2ll:bs3 CILARTER 1829. PERPETUAL FILINKLIN PIP lASLILLICI CO. Of PUILADILEHIA. Assets ea Jars. L. Vibe, • • 82,4574141 f 113 c•ioltal $ 400.t1U Accrued rremlstms.... l . 471., Mu. lested Premium,0156,933 en nv sett.ed Claims 8,416 Income for 18t4 300,4410. Loaded l'ald slncelem a, WO, i'crptual sad Temporwxy l'olls.lts on liberal ',ems L an. N. Haunter 11.8.0 /011.6. Isaac Lee, Tobias Wagner, Edward (7. Dale, tieorge Paler .I.lent.. H. htniell, Mired Fitter, 4.,..m5e IV. hlcharda, .K..a'd W. Lewis. 111.1.0 ell /LILLE., WINCKKIL PreeideuL EDWARD C. DALE. vire PreSllldlll., den. W. aIeALL.IBCER, ice'y pro Win. J. 0. COFFIN, Agin:lL InIeM:TY Corner Wood and Third alreeta. _ lIENNSYLVAINIA INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. °Wee, St Fifth Street, Bank Block Thls la a Monte Compaay, and Insures analrist loss by 11, exclusively. LEONARD aVA_LT.EII. President. C. C. BOYLE. Vice Prea‘lnnt. Iti /BRUT IAI',Ii.ICK. Tres.surer• IlUliii SPEL/lENY. tiecnclary. otnisCrtini.: Leonard Walnxr, litorge WlAxon. F. F. Boyls, Cleo. W. E.rens. Robert Patrick, J. C. Lapps, Jacob Paintr. J. U. Flelner, Josiah King. John VonaLlev, Jas. 11. ii 01.1,1.11, I A. Amnon. liunry kiplOtll. lIEOPLII'S INSUIRAINCE CO. UYZIC IL, N. IL. (MO BE WOOD AND FIPT/I.,Th. Dlllin..7nOttn. Cnpl,- John L. latoadr. nalnuel I'. nbrlver n. P6llllPs "In Yr a ne, _-....5e, r. 3hrlver, ./ on C, g.. - 1 . ,: . r1te, I Charles Arbuckle, .s pL. .1.. Mille:, John F. kiirkpatrlck, tt tr.. tku kirk, 1 Frztlik 3. Bissell. Jaain, D. Verner, U. Hannon Love, W.ll. PM I LLIII3, President JOHN WAIT, Vice President N. t k lly ' Al" ' jft: ''' . ' 3l..ntilt:/it DON , 6e n 1 Ag L. CHINA WAILEIJOUSE. RICHARD E. BREED, =bZPORT23R. o. 100 Wood Slrect....T- NIA AND eiLVlilt PLATED TAnt.i ILK. TEA THAI rt S D TA 111. K CUTL ERI, a v. ses .41 115,1. 5 DIN A TKA eKTS, t 111 N It DINNER CHIN A TUILI,T ne.Te, t 111 5 VAA ES, CHINA SPITTOONS, 1:1 , 111,511AN AKK EVEKI ItkIiCRIPTIONI LAVA CARD MA:Die:re, LAVA VA6KS, I. SEA SPIV) DONI4. e AI:L.1.111 el 1/ 5 E \VAR F. of •Il vedettes, to 551 ht ...ea le and re ell Tht sod Must COMpletc stock of everythillg to this til city. ,'rimes sntl terne the 6.1111. Sty to the eastern titles. no 17:51S J. W..1011:1STON J.• scot, OGINSTON •Si. SCOTT, DEALEIti IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., Yu. 214 LIIIXIITY 81-11KET. PDXLII4I. l'articular attention Oven to Ropalrlng Cloaks and Jewelry. AU work warrant ed 5e5:035 s'OUPERIOR OAK TANNED, PAT- Y.NTNATI:IIED AND ILIVETED LEATHER BELTING AND BASE, stooor.otorod at No. 58 HMITUFIELD ST., by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. 11.156, Agoras for Now York Itubber Co (.ruin Beltin g. Al wilyq On han,l, a sup LE:A*III,H anal ti " ILI F'l 0.1 111. II I. itiooll.l.:l,l‘s7c. S . 8. BILVAIV, Broker in stocks, I=l I= Cominlpsion BAN ILULICOAD. INSUJIANCE, I= I= Orden. eseculcd bJ telegraph al the NEW YUILA 1= of commission current In tboan cltl.. JC. BIiFFUM & CO., BlLanufac t, • tuners of haraaparllla, Lemon andA l talierry r303:3 A. IiTITALTm Raspberry, gtrawberry acid 1,11111011 gyrate.; iloru," of chat.. A 1..., Brown btont. Lager Beer awl Coale pagne 0410, Cider by the barrel, ball turret or keg, Nes. .4 . 4 sad . 44 MARKE T.T., hear epeound, Pitts burgh, Pa. ordern and ebl ppcd 14 all parts of the roan -Irl, ~ abort am ire. les:expd &Is F. MU S &KAZIN, -.WM Street, between Tunnel and ('Sint/tam Nircets, GUNSAii IT H AHD DEALER IN HARDWARE First eta, itthula of desetlPtion• on hshal anti told at the iorrust pacer. itapairlog done harhrhihr to ld MUCK Ak CLAW. - 111 btore tI mls Elia BRICK AO HAWS /01INSTOIA CLA As UK , Woretiouso. No. 866 and 31111 Peas othaet. voas, ft • oft& 0. IlM artM...C. ILILILM,— SO'HO OIL WORKS. BUFFO!, :01% " Sat, mazunrAertaucm or far t CELEIIRITED BYERIN LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. Sperm, Lard and Whale Mils, 11W UGH?, TAMS NI AMMO= itandatd Whi a Burning . 011, W0.'33 Market StreetA PITTSBIIIIGH,i PA. SEND - FOR A CIRCULAR. . SaMSI LUBRICATEIG OHS, TEN CITY OIL CORR (nice, 1464 Fenn street, F. A. SMITH, SecreOtri. MEE^3l:l=l !lead Light On. ,Dog for Mach! gory an L-010 00 No. t 0 0 for Oars. 10. do k, Dull I r.r3;g4o Grease. WooLDGIGGE OIL REFINING • canerm.....phro.TlT. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. J it ,OH N N ui W il A . TT L.o , s P u re.: e4,c ldan ,l t.. d 66 ORKS IN TEMPEIIANCEVILLE , OMce, No. 2 Duquesne Way, (BI mu Saapemilon tirldge.) meffurscruizaus UP PURE WIUTZ 131U1LNIT.W413- Oita. Brand—" Lucifer." 12,165 WARiNG & KING, COHEISSION littelLlMS etiu BEOMB Iti Petroleum and its Products, 4 1/ 11.1 Q UES-VE Mir. 4 ..X 9 lC r inES3l3.lO - 3ELCiarIFIT., =I WARING, KING et CO., y 17,n4S Lid7 Walnut St, Malin siorkation OIL ENGINES. W e are constructing, and wll keep on hand. lor style of CATILa MCAT CFI:NM/lb WIN MIR I COM OP, TUBILAI BMA We Invite seentos needing engines Ito . tb/SDATIMINi ..all nod them, corner or PINE and 131 ttr.E'rb, nests Ow {kw.. Works. SLAUSLIts TOW.' W. EAGLE OIL WORKS, maa , NArro.uocircr-ku.e.. WICHTNIAN & ANDERSON, Refiners and Dealer% in P.ETIZOLEUM. Ul YIUIL. SEW: , lo , TOItY,‘ , .. , KNE.ULLANOWIL 6/511/ 1...1.141_, Ent, n my/elm&I TACK iunti.-42;. 00312118810 N IRLERCHANTX, ANI) IiftWLYINI LN PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, 7 iiuncock 5t. , Pittuburgh. i'ULLAnacru,VrrlGL, lA7 Wo.llltlt street. 14,1,47 WARD EN & I.IIIOIIEII CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM F.: uIL, 'too/ N, TUUMNTLNE N utail CA.huLlt. A TAU, &G., Corner Of This Afratt,itt y Pa tn . eseut WhL b. Si" Ail') . 113 Whits Ut Ottf.4ll, 124MS:a 130.131.6 .1.6.1128 MITI3I t i .4. IMES IR WIN & CO., MANUBACrrUIt.IiILb VP OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA c-seuctc., MEL 3111Estir2a..ot FOIINDRLEB; BEI BIM FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CIIABLES UM NEPIIEWSi LULEA I' V 0111,D1 An I • ALL 1ri.1:4 DttlUp LIE, 1 np , ..oialsttentlollp4l , l w N.OLLI LILL WtlltYp illeAzT SIM:H.II4 Eta awl 11..V.TUILI. It Attended to promptly. MA., heretofore, the hest matorlals wilt •inays be used 01 this boundry. Having disposed of our 01.1 pattern, we are pre pared. with 1100 AN 111 I'ILUVLD j.ntterns, con. raructed under the supervision of Ur, P..11.111C1a, t0 (Liz tll.ll NAIL MACHIN he, at short notice. JyAl WAL.M•ItiIit.........uII:4LLISS L. I ruin V.i `/ALLEY STOVE . OILISLS. ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., Office said Worehouse 301 Liberty su - oei opposite Sositlitleltl, Manufactures a great variety of titfilit, ACM lIKA LiTUVICe, among whloh are tilv ced- Sbratt , d Allegheny aual Monitor I:tta l Cooking kov. s also, the Autocrat and bentlocl, for coal or wood. :Lhil the 11/IrlVhlh!ii Mar of the Empire,, fur Logalso. Arch, a. Orate, eurlalars, Huger Kettle*, Dog trolls mud iihilun War atnerally. pAAg nuADLAI:.. .w Vanatua. ...... .J. a. Una ULSV ili't'lVAl STOVE; W 01111124. A. BRADLEY & CO ManntUturt every ♦artrty of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES , Amon; varlet, are tee oelebrALed EI7IIZ,RA, T/1.01 . 10 anJ LlLlnkl AN Wno on: zvoso NALIVA, VET -10.1(AN knd LW/Noll:En (Wtke: Cook stoves.) Also mural tkcto re L;RATE: FRONT'S, Sr.C. um, mid Warehouse, corner of eecood and Woo west.. Plttentrelt. Entrsuce un eecortd street. CARPETS OIL CLOTHS, &c NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS, IMPWITXD IsT McFARLAND & COLLINS. We have now landing Noer York. per steamer Ilaratoou, rho tirt arm al of our Importation for Fall of CROSBY'S CELEBRATED Tapestry and Body Brassels Carpets. We nave nelecto.l thy gottLcrne with great care. expr.....ly for our cit., tre.le, an•l ono „, ue ,Ayien that ore not to be loan,' elnewhere, and the LOtt KoT WIIOLEsALL jez,rEs of the New Y•.rk and Itonton market, CFARLAND h COLLII/8, 71 AND 73 FIFTH STREET. McCALLUM BUOTIEEIRS; NO. SO YOU o.Tti D 1 ItKET. We Lave on hands • uperlor stock of Of every description and every grade of quail 7. OIL CLOTHS, extra well seasoned, :WU. 3 1 . et to 24 feet wide. PIANO AND TABLE o.)VEits—Evart' t 1 d. .0. H K.0111'17 ItUtig— From lite fern quality olds lowest (;ANON 31ATT11. •1., LOLOA MAN• • AND MAN LA 31ATT1Ntia, ac. Mei, A 1.1.1:41 BILL/THE M=M lIN Formerly V.'. U. b. 11. 11 cCall_ Yil. ALLEGHENY CITY FLOUR XI" ..11EMaj ter1"01.133, S. C. McriIASTER egi C. 0., 4 , NO. 145 Ohio St, Alleghen Wht.lczalt awl Itetell Deslere In .W..1..c05ai. - , "Wc.ci. oh G&-Jr ~. Cash pt..) fur 1% heat 0...1 nye. __. fel te.“::::,,I , MOWERS, HAY RAKE..''' 1- ) lowts, Cultivatorscp, 'A .71,:-. ILS NaNDii AGIIICIULTILIBAZ 11114LEIMIIII - • • • To be.ladJw.: _ IDIV.I776tC 9 PC'' . . I= = ~.''~~. -,°;.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers