The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 10, 1866, Image 1
THE' DAILY GAZETTE.' = Penniman, Reed & Co., u. 9a hrru M T Tt. rtrrsncsau raLit 1 ItV MA II ['Kit N Y Yf.llV Nlt 111' ** Zlik'°4.?itt...,butlll 6ii,-ritt. FRIDAY, AI",c;CST h., 1.64 i I= This genlletnan p:Ltrlot 3,1 111114 U proud r 1,11,11 !11:11 0 1 on, nehi , Vltlll. , rtl. in ILr lip hi 11 r nOW sweking a nota had an, the Heel/I.:pan C.alle rola the Tm, a hi, h viii b, hchl ea ihf. 14th inst., al. Yesterday the (h. au•i al thel on Fitch ,treat, n, vt e are I a h,rta,,l, nu , perFonal pedhi, al fn end, and in t!.. couran theolion , , , r , lition that ensued, made th.• cktru”rdin,ry aNliwlti that "It he should In: 11.1. t,// it'll 111 , .1 head lic(1,0 c0pgr,,,j,,,,31 Con futvilee, he would not vol.:1 0 r On. fight I , i,.1 oal Liar 11111111 oUgh pr, 6;1 lite 1211 i 11:1y of (..),•i;obcr." If OW n i.rt , on,. a; ,„ US ile.llloSt.i.,llable 41111111 , i t1:0 I with 'UIh weighty proots itiithenilegy that we an not pae, it by. Now, crs• Sul quit t La' .• 111/111i1111110T1 I.r• r.11.4.` his pi -hall suite tich•at hi- Ought not to Live hi , ;Jai., the Coulen.t., Wt. gill tiptm ,t). W 1 1 ,0. 1 ,1" lie unkler , t.o.l iu in!. mars /4 . T . 1.1,111111115 IMENIIIIIIII —lt having been yr:L.ll:ly reporte,i tintt Gen. NEI.I.EI II Id .•1 , 11,111ed 141 run l'itn:rit, in toe inti ie. the I h'lllOttutu in tailed 1,, the .It4.l,ul)' nonlinalion, the Uni.,n 110011,lican 0111, , 111111,i. IL, LI ~ et 1. inten - o•z:Ate lie • 111 , 1.111 it , lit c.lic MI. 1.1, 111•11111111= ii.o ;I 31, rssani- rer.dtiti , ,lll , ;... \ sr. 1.1!)..0 dent', di, t,,ti4l:), "Tiw and p•t.p: leans !v01.,. e . r, SII•IVt ., Wh ' yliii 1i.4 wren: be vs ,p, TI: ti,t2 /1.- v1 , 1:11 ilitS kit :I — h! un , \ 111: il:• Of the .011,11 %Oil Doi Ord. It 1101 1.1..5, .\ u i this a ht. iJcvr 10 IL , UT/01) TII F. Hi, bc,,on nig uw,u :11. I 1:!11=111EIIIMII:11111 il, l la tl Ni ' 1 grea letxt, i.' =MEM The I'n—: • has pa dean iii rt•1,11i011, ...I lEEE= he 1 . 1111. utvlrr the 1e."1.1 Van the Ile •f n• I.i, iilr 4t. Si4ka, LEo3==Ell vvel \lr NV -1,1,!.1., Coi t, ik I !I 11,- I t, :tit.' IL for c_ i1..1 ; MEE IM=IIIMII IN Tut. Frau Om ,!1 , 1r). II (N , N ri. is tin ri•publit an cal,lidatt• Congro- , . In tin.. Pronnidin and Perry Lei n n t iditnie district the tin lien is nontinlete Co' . S STI'M I.A: on, Franklin. and Major (;1 , ... A. Sinn in Perri . , are tlii SRN viol; C..w.sN i. st 11 . ,ffiryst.lit vibe; Ong ;cal guillona , - aniliftlopn with Ow I /f 11.4, glad t 4. h. relit vc , l t , l h,. h In. pr.tun-. , of bi:101,6:1:: 10 Ow 1i,1.111,11, Tti K Cuullwriand couivy 1111Ve 11.11 • 11.11..,%11J,1 11. ( .11 g.reS., Pl. It. II LIENI , I.Ite“O. Ca( lly Astqlubly, Col .10IIIS THE we.aorn people ale ‘veleonlinz un• radical incinbe:rm ul Comm•-- bou t • unbounded demorotrution. of Loandence and n•epr•r A REPI'I.I.II AN ma:, meeting will Le held at Jehnstowli this evening. lien. I. NV. Hall and other eminent aiwsker- will be pre en Tnt:ll.•mucrnt+of Yolk linVi• tonnlna tad Les anl i 1...1 . 11EN (i. Buil) us the . , ctuaditlat, u.r tin Legislature, GEN. richmuNT will 1, a canol.:”:.• Ivr C. S. S,nator in Mis,ouri provpled ILc Den I ,cgt,lnturo iN radical TIIL Prein•lent and Cabinet n 1;1 oi nt Chicago, September 5t1., and remain two nights and otn , day. IR Ciociriliati s tor 330 death- wen reportr . i, in ( Li. —A doctor ha., heel, “tri,ted in New Orleau , and held in i:too ball, ott she charge of (-toting the deal It of and a little lat)t, who stilkrit4; torn and lever, both died in two hours alter ;ak log stone medicine Inc adinini-treat to them. After the little girl had died, why -n the useditint given to her was prest•rilteel for her brother, he said, - Uncle, I want to take that medicine, it killed ,rosy, and it will kill toe.'' "Olt, no, - wa• It sponded, "ii was tort the wedicim• tint killed . tour sister. - rim little tel rt (tiler!, "3i:ly he not, but I 101x1 you Wl,lllil let me eve my pony before I take it, 11(.1.1,1,4. I don't believe I will ever see hint again was s hown the isnly, took the wetii cloe, and in one hour afterwurds win a corpse. --A Kentucky lettet says'. We cannot pick up a Kentucky 11.11.1,r LW what we see an account of sonic terri lde affray with pis tols or knives The I ity of Louisville alone will average a udirdei a day, and in twelve country towns it Ia Just as bad. Now, what itS to In ,1,111'• t - venl,nie 111 say that eight out or ten 01 the young ',len 01 Kentucky early weapons, noun Itl use Olelll when there is all' opportunity, oai. As +I Kentuckian it is a t•ltllfee of Mat h witin cation that this elate altah, swas. Where it will end Uo t Duly knows. We do hope our next I.egislaturc wiil take Borne strict action In the :natter for the credit of the State. —A little town in Massachusetts, railed Halifax, has nut u man in it that lushes all income return of sufficient amount to be required to pay income tax. That must be a torn very unlike most of the New Eng land towns, a place where there are no Saannfacteries, and where the people have Iliad no thrtorwnent =man VOLUME LXXX.-- CITY ITEMS Most Reliable iionae =ME Small Trick t. , :1t 11111 Op, 1101.0 P 41,1 ,t Fair Drwling. =BEM V.verybnaty i• TIIIII lIIIN • ett the Iliwra 1(4.11”e •bt Ittuk to Nun I. lit;; at 1 11. Opera Mot , :41.11.• 4.1 !teat .1 ...or (1.1.• 11 1 In the rite, 0.l ill.. 1 .11.•1a HIM,' ,1111,• Fhr Igh.rgaht, lit the (111,, shoe ,tor wratkee os lad I suit.t( ry UM 1111= I=l I=l I= r.•to ( Itits.ll,•. • • WI Wonld Mugge% t T.. nI "1,1.11.1, N1101111.)' V,ll l 11,11-11.1 . 1%., ('II CII. a 01 rtitt, Mar , o, •• • muntl:At • I•El I=l k 1 ItN 111 I, Th. Vir...t I In.. 11. it lit/ /1111 noel • jjel,A 111. , A•yn . l:lle Ftt 10! lI.It tr.tll,l rcul st , rt.r , out OM .111111 i, ztoyii.:.K I, ow ILIPONI. =I MIME ....ttrtu• .4 , • •. ITt IMICOMIIIII!/111111 .ly ink„t ‘4l he, „t,•, I=l =I 111111= MEE = 1111111=1 0111111113 =I s • • r',.L whok ~I..wrof ro :all vro y low rno, too.t•A rAol 1 . ..1.•••.1 !t• 1)4, 1,1 s Mark, 41:1,1. 1. -rm., r.l tr n loltrnoo I=l EI ROPE IN NEM s, Anna rat In Ertink fort—The Coptalrlln. • • ao• 1.4,1.1 by rrn••ln—lttsmomn•tur 1 • i/ iflaanbna Illnaftelf—ttnnker• . tan in Sm•aptantl Pony natant In Cart"... • anal A lortnstl--aI•U gild tan Ci row Ila oat a. a. Anion-Irma Popialnllon - I•rat••••• • • I. ••, ann.. for Levy Int: . Z...1,110ti.00.1 E anylsa t •:! a tl Ktro , !1... .t ' It.Jllllntrll . '..t tr. ,I„ ~•„• h 1 . 1.1.1• 4 1/1. 1 . 11•• 1 . r11.1.'1111 (.01/1:11, Iu IM 1, , 1 r..ft.e.l the ~ , 1.. lltti eoth...,ter F4•llner lit; I= littve acted t..l+ ar.l lac cal) Tltt• f . rmamtnnr liavu hiut 31 11, , InW • th.• an4l ~ 1114. t 11l I/ Modals, together 'Sistul.mieW , 54 rmd prropt•W All thn bartio.r. have tmft. tt w 1.1.11 wns deri,tred th.d , welt, remmi..d :ri • hey uoltld I. Itent In and 0,10101. Tl, .11..5t. tnl it! ()IV tv.. r.rnt Wut rrieonnt. is t,enly.:l,E , 11111.1 plate hare hero renvrvetl In er y ~rge extent. Tln-i• r ha.l ~ ..en r nn 1.1. r hanks, Which the. 1..t0k °lnver. enccnlrage.i Th.. principal ne. hay..oren euppre.-- e.. 1 troOpl tire .inartert..l ~ 11 the to-, Mr Murphy. Ihe American Ionsil!, prini.e.llol. papal . , exempting them from ilii— tullaittem The antl.lini grua th of the Amet 0 1 C Ull population nut notch tog. 111. am 0, .1 My •30—the otlivial gazette (IC ontileit the tiotir,e purrimil h, Prmisla In • I..v.)ltig a war contrltnit ion of cnty•flvt• nortns upon the Inhabitant. of Nranklet on the following ground.- Tine ipitettlnt homt till,. inwardl'm/a:nolo> the mover!, 1114:111 Of Frank (Ur( tile polcileg 111,0 hi uf article. In tin V ran fot 111, MlOl, In- ntlitl”. 10 the King of 111 ttectai lite venation in I real teal the tit maim itillie tO1 • 1 . 11841411 proper. ty, i t rutik fort'a participation I n the wilt tarried on hp ihu A nett ilia coalition unnamt ' Pruemn. Indian , . Again Troubleronse -T. 1.1,1 • 1,, August ittpubiJean • • St. rtfr tar .as 11. A .11,1aLlen limn Int I lA. A ugnal. I, elt...en Ili:" 111 , I n.llan N:tr Iran•Trflitlititerrri NgNr , r ."" NS, Istritli killnd near /oil 14.3n0, and tilt; Indiane u .....ulttg and drlvlng larw• 11111111 , ,I• rrf trrtine. .).14.ftlrorg, Augit, , t -11.3 r A 4 iove•remct.liwidu: 1.1.1 I 'M 0 11,01114 asx ft . 1111 l t, di 1N CU 11. 1• Tho• 1.41 1,. 1,111.• 1 . . , 1t./1•1 ri% , 1 ht . ) I _ of Furl ColltlOr, litunti., plc. 3be lull., ,Ityqattc 11110 CI t•diletl Steamer 60wt0nn,1.113 ell by lyre ou the Ohs., Itawee. in, AngunL .-ri Ntuninel 1...081.0.11 caught Ight, 311.1 belniv Misynellth, lientucky, elite,' In Ler l n edge. licarl) the li...BOngvni mn•l crew were navel. Ono In mewling mei COt we txtely burned. Pilo loco lu cul l it' ttli.l freight In benVy. Tlio ebnacnor ww 11,1i1ly new 1 Vitlnoll Itt SIUIVAX); Insured for On i on, The orlg Ili 01 LI. ft. In unknow n. Wreck Of illandaditian Notsnotser itoesie.vrea, N. Y., Aug e.—=t hear,. i lo onlmom In prevailing to say On 1411, I)., no. Tllu 0111.114.11 hehminer Cl roars, lad, ii .tave Loons, lu endeavoring IC, enter the harbor or lionamsoo, about 9 o'clock 1111 N morn. lug, struck upon the sunken east pier and bo omse a wreck. Capt. ) . 11. Ledyard manned a Me hoar N ith twelve stout. men anti r 0.30110: thx craw, who were clinging to the rigging KS the waves swept ovor LIII, wreck. Quarantine at flavanaah SAv An eau, Aug. S.—Mayer Uollon t af ter[nuking full represeutatiOns to the War Departmeet, ken been authorized not to quarantine vesuela from New Sark, except on poaltive proof of epidemic ale kneag,on board. AIIKed EMbez.sleoadtzsl C 111.213 ATI, Arafura. 9,—August ISlllcrbkick, clerk for Jollies trortlon & Co., woe orreetai / Tuesday jot enibeeralog thirty ll:Lougee, /1/41h, THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. Nu. Don Du, 111=13 =EMI N awbe • IMEIM=N9 ITEIZIEMEM ME NM I= I=l • rm =EMI MEE MEI MEM II I ij I H I • N( ). gCOIO HIMOI. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M I ERI 1,1 l'E E LEI; 3 S. BY THE CABLE Relations iletw yen Awtria anti Ital) More Threatening. 'nip BE RIVED AT %lEli MIME =MEE I=ll MILITARY ORDERS i)C11:1 I'lllll'lll. and Dili ES erwra =MEM , .~~•v. .i.i MilliE 1 ..~ 1 , , :t. t•al .• 4'1,4 4 1111 N% 4•4444 .1, 4, I.ul 4 4. i 444 1441.11111. 4 14 4 4 4 I.• 44•444 CM 111111 El HEM MEIMI I. i an FNull tNIIINIJON I Gl• I". oste , roti.t. , n1.1.,,1ing posteli fr.n. I oil ins. ..... Rets =l2l ISE F..: FROM NE% OR L LANS Atha., 11. at it I.lllg 1 ...ler and tittle ....t•rationlo.l.. ttatrcittg rat. Isnot] I.ll.eratr tiny.. wlib twirl.; tr r. let 11,-Illlvtliv• `. • lA , ••••• • •••,,. X ut.t.•••l --It Islng ra met srkg I ,k ^141,11 011111.1 I hal NI., Nl.,llrn • I, a 1,,.. ii 4 ISnn 1c N, v , .r4 ‘I ~K ~ - ~iill I I • I",:t I I r..,,: 14.-:n,i• r 1.. f: THE 11101,EU4 I=l l'”11—‘1.1,I•1 , IguAt 't --Tim rho ot., `that Ing, ,HIS 10111" rn..en wvie. re•poi Is•. 1 to-dst) Ittol nip .1.0 Two ero toporlu.l Ir.. Cholera In :Yew Tork Ilrutrit l 7 kh NEM )..141{. .t ..,••• MiMEIIMM =I 14 4 ,111161V1L1t, 11•,111I•111114.11k for Vlnney Niel.n from Them 14) Mt. 1/44..1.g. N... I - 4 .1•11 wal.ot •• pr. ...11 re. visl..l Imt.l 11.. 1.1 Al. 1 nl1111 • 1 .111 , 1 1,1 Of .1.4. ts&k... I), t I v l re•/....11.. 'll• ^l,O 11..4,1,4:tt.L 4 ,or nilllll, Atlogril 11u1tr.41 6. by C010r...1 Tro.p. M4;pi rri Auggst 9 —Th.. ti111•9 , .r. 4.1 Ix II ~ ;.. 1.1/.L.FI 1,1999,49 • Ttit991.93 9,9919 g. I GothreAl Infuntry,wll.9. wont. 11,.•,., 1,10 , 1111t1011 10 M .0 I. 1111, 1111•11 , 43 1•k 11611 PlAlltri, 11.1 15.k..11 1/11:4.1 . 4+1../ "1 , 11.• :1 ,11.1 V( I• 1.• Ilru,l9lll.l9lllliinie I) 919511 the 19"., e lltry log 1.1e.1 191 rolng LI ua.,l wool.] 1"11 .9 .llate 1.114.• sut9l t..1:.11.1.1 boo. lalas.11) 9 , •u9/1•.9: Timlll.4l 1111: 9.vre l l. y tr9l. 1.1 ;,,k 111:,n . • 5• , .1 , o 1 10 110 1,i1 , 1 , n1 lonl I pup. r t 1,1011 1 ,.... oilli on, ilit• ..1 1.11,0.•ro•I I i'Voli. liioy , 411111‘111 ot• \ ono I , 1111• drllll,lllg oi I \'l, o Ith th.• 14.1 Ilnrl p•ii nil , .11 10,011 . , to lA,. And and do rN you IlKo. vilbtiornmi in In, IL,olt tivt , " his holist• n, It 1.110 , .• 14 , r th.• maul grnmul emeriunmeni ol Ihr pni , lll•, lllat still molitiO tat, 111..r0 iiitvros,l. in n zninv 111 0,1110 limn In the North Carolina ConmAtutionni Eteett.,n. `'' e nding J 1 "' Wu "' wt , t , l i tt"ve to 11.40cirm, N. C., Aug. tr —lteturuv Innn tr. 'l'l' l' "". 7 , to his •,s tom. f,•••- 1 o o‘oo IOWONI teen OgLlOtleA give four thOloolfOl nod It•Vtln • - •oter Mvor or, and four LUOttentiol one !IMO 4311.001.1_.140 tholf wino liko gentlettien; in . gArpg y, trite_ against, Me new couvUtutiou. I usv tI I liquor at . s 'Ai:!ktea, 1,9/Won I.,µLtig Louse in it trough. I=l Atlg 4 u; the frAt lon a] Soricly, auAlunc.l ffo the WI of of oculfuolocr, 111,i. IMO!, Ito, !coot rull ocuoul until lICIL year when II 0 Wink., play, 1,. Ihut city. 111 ' Wllrler, Prouldlcot of 1110 r.orsol,, Ovum nolllcluut .11. , 301 1 / 1 fur t chalugc, In a circular to muniburs Notional Board of Underwriter, II •nr roe., ug. U.—The }::scull ye C,ou to ll tee of the National Board of Underwriter,. Met In this city tulay, 1.411.1 ad 00,4 ellneent measure. , to senor ;nil Vs.C4,lf rot.", I the extent of Incenstfurle, The ki ea Ilia tw to the reduction of agents, conanisciong was postponed. PITTSIitTRGII. nk nu lark N.M.lakal 1 Ilion t mas..ation --Th•• l'n:on =MB :1••• (p 1 net Llt 1, ...•1 'litre II I in/.4 . , a; 310 , , t • ••••'.:. • tl ... ; I.ppr , ltll,l teoliaa my • .1:111!“ Ji i •out ,ekoll,..ll . .t• 1 at..l ... , •L 1;11i I tio• t 1,1 1,11, 1111111 m 1,. , 1 w apt , • 11 1.1 • 1 “it 1,11.11e111 torwil.• 11 I. .1. ..t1 n licasewta ill le, %1't......0t1. , 111. wits 1111r.. , 111- 1 t.• I tLal 1r1.11.1 ..1 1 . it 111 ttliV4x Mc 1.. I, • L....A.1211.111:4 anTor I a.o 1, ..• . t . •1 111 1, 11 .1.1 ,tiltig v`llll 111 v problouir whalt,lta follow 111 ill , Nati-441 , 4 4.( I I ••111. :111 tuala, 111. Ilaamla 111.. 001111. 1111.1 5,11 511111. , •011) 1/11111..lted. 5... wan 111.. ino rot 111,4. r.,11/113/1.).. I'rOfli.l4.ll: .11,1i11,1.1L /1,1 cllti,4l 1 ' 111111 1. •, Itattae, la 111, all ta.ndu of Lim n,ouplr . , • c. ,, to E“.l. ala,taa.otilaal.,a peace WI., 1,1,,v,,rru. 1.r.)11, PteS4/11/111. 411/1 /l II 1 . 1 PIVII 11.1 , 10 IL 11/1//1/1 km 11 , 11.. - 1/1.I.• P//: P./ t• I !Iv 1,41,,w1mg ra.molutomt. ct It.lopt4ml 01 0 11 1 .1,10. 1.111 / 0 111. 111L,N,ttmitftl 1 011101111 n Itt 11 I 1111.1, 111111..1111 1 .n I 0 00111/MI .1.-0 01110 , 1. 11111•1,011/. 1111- 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 11, 1111.1100..1 11 1 0 . 00.00. 01 0114 I. o.ll{oo 1...1., 0,0 ....lug 010.,•• one. of alo, Nu,, 1..5k, z • pow.. 1.. I. 010 tot,ltertog .5 thu 1. Mel M sl' 1111• N. 0 1 011.111.0 11l III• 11.11011, 1.. It , Oral ~, ,;1.1:on, NA . awl 111.01 1 1. nt,i, h. ,11 , 1 wo•lfttrt 111. kt.tiolk I. ill, 111 fn., the It.. .1 , p.m 1.. ~.. I itll 141 Is. • ;'".. 111 •i • I , H .lt (Pik grg . ,% • A . ..( •, ilr 't ~ • •t1 .`. I . li r,..0.• I • I.tit 1111 11,1, " .. 11t,t, , re , 1 I It , 111,, ,, IV, it rb.l te.4,d rol .L..- t• =I MEM= i ~~,',~. ICIIII!! I ult.n I .. • e.r. 1....r.1 ..larlo.uti..lll I=lll= M.* en., rrs Ir fang r••••lgrgysal 111.1.%1145 , 1.1 1,41.11 ~ John A Ulna bawl 11w InA,r•l = I Mill ,lial(to A11•In w•lr•r+ lortl ltwn.ou• 1 herelur 441, en MEM ER IMI3 Ilan IllyCO tll Ma• Fist 1, , v e dle .1 :: 4 1;; : Ol .t il:n " ;.•7:: ',I f ‘"17 1 " th 0:'I•! t .‘ I.ltlP , 111 tIll• .111. tar Wll,, 1 , 1,11 W , ..•r, ,• • h•II.a t !rift ry•a.eal• .1,1115:av I=l All I+l - 11111..- 11g trnill 1.1 11%, 111101/P1 11.1% Wt .• , ti Ilr. %Villltinotpw .tn.l !11, kunlat 11.:•11. -6,111.• .i•••• I iirnol It.W Butler, tr 1.1,1.1 in the Km - id :511.1 tIUSE °sit 'rho trult •.I 'II),S N., Is lii , riLlue•l • 5. .1 ilforeltt .11re1•tr.rn11 Ell ""i, =I 111111/MOIMEEI tt• • • • itt. t 1.•• hi iti lia.• lio, tti.1411 . 1. of Lim ell.. ”Ig '1111,14•1. , . 5 .i i Ito lift. of 1,1.1 r t 1 . 1 1 11%. t 11,1111111.0 ho ,11,1 L. mg 11, 11 , 1., , 11..•,. 1 1t In .pet Alm” 414111 SMIlt• AniC•lll% I= ls , Am.f. 1. 1 11,1ersL 1.. 114,1 Ilr.,.1•1• t ' I , :.I. I=l •••t1,•,, P , , NI,Lt ~,,• •,1 thstt 1:111 . 1 . , ul.l nt.ip• I=l POLITICAL. w h, , .v mot I:0 ,n,, 11/I II 1,11 CO IN 111.• .1.1111,1 . 111..11‘.1,1-....1 /lAIi 1i.1...1 1:1..11) 111.1 ,• • I. 1111' 1,, 111 1...11. 11.I' io -1141 ti \ ir..•llk,un • 31, ,1 111:,tr:,- , L1111111.14.4 1.1 I/111 . .41111 •. 1 J 111.1311. 1 11111111 FM nl the -.Ude 11: .i 1 gr.• • . ; .. , ..L I NVIII, 1...• N VII N 11..• .1.1'011,1 - ...1 111101,1 14,1.1 ", v/N V :Nil:111,11 5:1511- ,t.• t•...11.1o• tol 1115 111.5 11. %, • 1 ..1“ 1.. F.. SAL:II', • . efill.l.•:. —1,14 4•• 1.11.1 t• 1 .1!. •.1 .L.1113...1 hit,JUL. 1,1, U.' 1.0 1. 1.0,.. 111,/..c ml , l 1111,1 1 ,, Ow 11101- C1,,.',1t1 till 1 kt• 1., lan ,•*) 1 1 . t• 1 • ,1•..1111•I1l 111., rrfl ,I•.y t 4 .010 1 -1 11111.• l t ISE =III =IEI II Ifw 1. ~i ~ ..~li.. . .I~f~~~~~. • I !1~...~!1'I i.~ w.11 , •111, /1!1•I II 111411411 i „., „ .rt• 11 , If 0 I I • o• t.. 4, for .•,S, • wiell 1,1sullt• NI it..., I .1,14.01'111. lik ~f 1 , 1414.-• Ili. 1114,1 1111 , 11 1150 ~..rt a.- a. •1 11. , Lout, tiliqutovz% to c.. 11 m.o. ,•11011.- 1.• 1.. 311411 t 111 l lli i} w 11 4 111 i f ,,, t , 1 1 tr; . 11 %, t fomt., th4•v rool.l not too, frill, col led aL,tl 111. rne , l 1111 t'llln 1141 004111 , 111111 l'41,1111•114. p 111,111,41,11 1,1- 1e...411 , 1 114111 1111111111,; 11 hent 11111 - 1.1a1.,1 nolme lonnort , tiA . tt k Noun , re- In all 111 111, .L.t toll 111, ...4•1114`t I,i/111141i 1111111,11•11114,10 11111 l/0411 , 111/11 111111•1 . 11:1101. 1,1111 1114.1 ••Ael-ioltin lul l " 1.1.1 vk 11 11 ' 1 , 1 11,111/11, nillillllll , l dirt...Nem 1110 la , or. MI. If .1 liou of II” I 11e•lbt 4,1 ( y—ltisr Meollvsg 1111114. 1111114 ul11•11111111111 1:1.111. 111.. 111.111 .11. of I hell 11( 11 Alt, 11,,' 1.11. 1141 " "‘"' M l f , •ff v“.. kept 111 h I li apt. ••1nf10.., A. 11.21:- . 1 .3 11 1, 11111 : 11,11, 11, " 111 : '"""*" ~•-.let .41. „ t t „•,„1"1 t „.t. ”1•.1 II,,• 11 11,1.11, " 1 "' ....11. . Al.. I . .,rstm hose. ".. " " 1 .0n..t .101.11 N \Pt A M. ,ro, o The 1 1.41 s.t.'• a. 1.1 .1“.„” I„„,. 0 ,1..., .1 ..f ' , .1; a 11l k. .11..11,0 II I 111111 1,. -..1 r 11141. Al 1•• Pi 1 i 10110, twr-ottn a , of' 11, 11K1 , 1 't I I 1 . .;,1,15tg1. rtla ay at. . 1 1 , 1... n .. t• ft g1.•1 4l ih. -tz.1.1,..141,1 , 11 of a. Mit.. 11, 11 1,11.• 1.•.1.5w 1114•1/111t, .% I /11111itu). 11111 , 11, I. I.I•M41/.•, 110' 1,11/ I 1.14 •P 1 t, I.r 1111- ul I'lllll_ a n..„ ii f 11 ' l t , ll - 11 1 "' ‘ 4:: • .i 111; 4111 , 11, 114'1.'1 11"•1 t!••• .1 4r 111 i„ a"•' kli il.llOlll lii 111• • .1111111 V 111 1111111'11( 'l,l it 14'4,1 work 111,• .111 vet ..1 '". 1110111111, lit Of t 111 , 111 . 1 " 1 U P"' : "". 1 it/ I,l ll' l, .I' l ll ::11111111111 Ilk ". 110111111., tit/ 11, 4 , /. aLcl chungt, cat o M v II,,•,+WII; Y. AUGUST 10, 1866 CITY AND SUBURBAN Ilyr nine el (hp Mn.. Meeting. In front or tit, HMI =MEE II 11 .% :It 1411. ve .•rs ot ,o moel 111/11,71,, \ n \ln • I ol t•or • t. ♦l. ~,!, II AI 1:::!k”,•11 , vc1••1:11. oi .41 !11 , pre., ~, ~ _. , '' - IN NM 1 7 3 „.4 ME ,t 31.1 Right ES It. 1.• %.: It, 11 • . 11, Ai, , “t 2 at. , l I% .j.t their la 1:1.1.11111 -.ten! nr, 1555, w ittlArnil ll` f um, al of , . 1 . . atn 4 •sl 1. Th, .45, 4,4..3 5 I' 4 '•'• .14 5 .4•43,55 - 51. 1 54 4,0 !hit I.IIAI 1.. tI•t• tt- 4 555431 50 5.35, 1..- /4:4 - 414544 . 4 41. Thal the „f ,„„,. 01 ' 11 , 14 A . I' P. 01. 1 1 4.411.tn11 to Inoilly of '1144 5 Ilend Itnt Re•I•e• Vint! P At, tale 514.5 , 1,-4..1 of • ellt r• In::: .14 x 1 i t , 1 , 11 , t 1 , 1 1 • 1 : 1 5:4 . 1 1,,• 054 55,5,.45 .04 , 1 5,50 tine!) heron 1011,0. 11l .I 51111 ..,,,,., In 15 , 4.4 . 044 ' ,44 " - Y ""' 1 5 M tittlith, h 355543 4•, r 111 ~,,,, a , 550 . art •40 5 , f 4,er:A ,4 11v ANI It, 054 11, 11.11 , 1 Jl , llll M. Is h 51; I, 5140 5, !.i • h., .1. 55,, 1 541141 neso, 544 „, ;.•I0 5 4 out ,5111 • IP, 11 ' • I/ In nortalllA 44 5 5 4..4 11t' '' •". ""' Lt. ""'"'" ho ,14,5,555 10 . .11451110 have ad. 111 I Nlt'l ill k 1 • 4154, 5 41, 54. th, 01 I,' " 14,55,41 of !lean 14, .epo , i thr 4451145 . A:553 150 et. 5•44 4 ,4514• „.„ In, ols !Nall 4111, 11l A agllt.a :all 15... 11.~41 nIKhI 15,, hest, held. Wt. 1,0 idea M.)1 4• 5 4 .. .1 2IV 1111 4. 'fatal ak;air. Itll . lll. Itl.l • • •1.0 1..e..„1„ .!/ h.`" It glreli nnlne noo . 1111511 tY of the ahoyl tin,e were r 1 s. at. la tram fni e" , 111 titer Inns i to 21" 31, It, 10,3, lost het, eve the pnretals, 4 4 - . AP, 5014115..A5, Coroner Clawson, and leo “ tlea.4l rat" of the The i 0,3,3,4.3 In ht . 50545,.. 1:14,14 NA VI . , DlN)ltieh. 14 . 1.,5,14,511, 1'1015135, I. Tobereular Us, 1, 1151 1,03 I'4lllsl4 , nnlts, !, holern Mortnes; Au Allowed Thier 1; T) 104451 , 1 "IA MAO JOllll &lOU collllll.lllAl`d Ag, I; I,;•.,• I/I 111 4111....., 11 , 11111,111 A, I; hr 71/sl,rol McCarthy yerderday on at charge ~,,,,,,, 1 • ,i 1,45.5, 41. HILItt1111•I . [KIM, 1; 1111 _ Inreetty Wltil 1111,11 i. Brno/ F 4•4 50, 1. 111., .:t 11111t:•1"111. 2; r 5414•54.1144., In 1 44,4 ‘ 44 rod 1ti.. ,41 . 5 K him by itich.trd liar,. muaii vat. 1..110 M o rt', 1 ; The Miter discovered iteott attelill , l log to Make 4511' with Melte „levee of iron belengnig Cappared. — Mmt , h , .. ni. , ''''" lo lhn fernier and emieuvored In arrent 111111. Iramle4l .13444•14.1,40•411, 40 110. elty, out ot his It his struggle to eaeupe he beat hi. ...lam. ami haßg3 . I< 1 ttnoo 1 og• ' I “Y" over the head with the Iron, Initiating several sine, syn. 5104 red nun, never° wound. .cottorty, Olt 1 . 141,,1“, :11,1 . 114,te In Jad. /11 . was harllttr a genera/ good mu , ' hen fly . Marlow With en Attempt to Outran . .. 4..44441, nll.l had marl ILII lII*, looney Andertion Wl.he lieu Aldermae eelVe , l 1151 Mot 141444 1 4 - 14 . Ile :ale 1441 at- Lynoh, yesterday, charged 10014 waanitting Icuipte 1.4 4 Litll.lll, Curtain yesterday, 41.1401 . ; I/1001.110W, iIILOTIL 10 hurry to part with tt. OUtrag. • POr.oti• Thu .oetoaal Maim) , of co.f buritim.rtit about ono ILuudrad and fitly nitoen, %MAIO Ltd itroseeutrix is fully tiny. dollar., axed will no doubt bu lessen to LLn Alter a, beenng, IV Wu= NW/ tiumautrimt. La future. ?Fleeting-of Allegheny Connell s. Tt Cennoth. of Allegheny t Ity held their ”1.111:1113 . rilectlnV k,:u+Z 9th. , itt Mosttrtt. Drum, Hall ttt ti -ttt t!t. t . •4 1, it, =E=l tlll LI ttt 1 ttt I t% itit MIEM Ni k on !sort I, Ca:, V I.lg Oi 111 . ,Kt/• • :I• oi!11t g 1,, Illy Ir rlltt u l l[lK re. 't. 1r117: if,•no , tree.ll he " r • .1'...• 111•• 1, ..1 ME 1.1•• I (OW, • rr rr•.l rrtllrr r 0, 1 ,0, too I loto ! r.r•lrriollrry,tr. Ir:lrrt• r•f rt. tr..) It. 111,•: OO1,11•11,11•, 1 , , rrrir , rrrrtll.,• urrrl rrrlr.r•tn NI, 1,1 , 1,1 r, lOtoolti , I/11 Irr. 1 r 1r 111111 , 1' Ott, 1.111-, ,rt: n tr,• rr ror rl ;k1b11: 1, 1 1 , ‘ , •1 •O ',11.... )11.10 I. j tO•• r. ort ••.o, ,041, o . I t Lo• o , , t o o o d)J, .••loio•••, 1:14: Pt' , • 0., 1 , 1,1.1 4' ,YOOOIo, ; zt“.l 3,..11C ===l ~ „ ' .... ; BE 11119 I r t 11n111111. t .• I ',II, , tl.l i %, A iI•5• 441 S, .I . lt • ME PRICE THREE CENTS A Potaro on WlA4,ll*—Fts.lllr•and nlrpc torn' Car—Ar. Earttr.ton to Ohio. There IR. juill bean vornnlnted tile Pit,- WA:. at an.: Chicago lilullualy ear hulld a .r, a: Fort Wa..t.n, Indiana, 11, 11•1• , -, niegner .t. 1.1 1,111 . 7 a, ear Plat rail rlt 11 au nut!.l,lal , iL what noval iLloi olrurgn, that enter...tame nt,narrn tne .ri. I•reuilietrt ot Ile ttion 311 , ! Way ran 1,. hr raiikwl as in. rie.r.. pall , . wheels in .liner.e... It ir ! 10ng..., I.) inn ter. in width. and inert. Irteiu.. 1‘ ;... ' .- " ,L i 1 Ma. Ang Enoveineni,able! fn. Jolting and Jar r...., mot. to ••••1'1•1a,,,. Ti,,, 14 . 11 ,- I - I-• ••• • IttIIII ib.Lt• - •it 1r.... Hake.. oi eient rtieng• n, Kn.! u are •• 'l,l 1,1 rlio• Fllrt•ei• 1ie.. ..r the var In ••It•• 11 11 I WI, 04-- alga- a. paint un al, tr.-lirrrai laiddif. or • It on. u 1,1,. rar ~, ten irtlcre on sit Ow I. filen I' ~ •1•• ••••41 ,I.N'. • I • •-a' 6, •".." • •••••11 tieSticlialltig Lll.. ior 11 tll• ••t1 erns built.. 1 .•.. garia Itne petiml u 1111 rFIV4 . 7. • , • • 7 •7 .• ' • it••.l I ...r 1,••1•1 I I,•,,Ftrill the , t , tloleot It for IPP ' ,P• m -11., I par r • 1 1111.7. e.., 11, /1141• 111144 t•lt h., 14 14111- 11, .4111/ Tile venire tr 0,1.• 1.) nitripl) . ai•ar. I (101,1 •- '.11.1,1/1 ire, norn iititten al, latee ii mur, 1 411! 4.1.4 4 -a-tell, ale in.. a nd 11 tio• into, el.. ...whim., • -,..“ . 1.1a . •ir. ton • 71:11,1 Inln In 1111 .r,./. • •••3, I••••• S. I I•titer 010 . ..4 4 • 4 11.11 4 4 I JI.OIIL, ern, furne.lll..l 11/ It ' • itt••••F F I ..7• I• .t )•I . ,••llEing II •-• 11-• •• • .••• . • ~l l•tuie.,• And 111, 111 - III-0 al lvar a I. vlit• • .• • ,•-• Hitt, ookout u hinu 1.1:1V no ,on, Is ...I •• I 11 7 . • • • • •• - .i ,- .1•/•••• . it, •• ~‘••• .1 • • I he l • Iir - f•ItS••••Fi % . 1 I •I••,.• • • • ,t, .eviltair Ir••• • . •• • • Irt . 1 ‘ 4.4 . • tr I .- 7 7 P,. • ' 04 111, 111•44 . 41111 . ••, 44.44,4 1p141,4 1141(11 dif zel• no- L car 1 he Vitt,- el.. t n.!1,1,1 l.hieugottallrond, at a • •••, ••( an•l 'l lll p 14104 ro 111.1111111114 to ten .kill. Itllt rrise and e , lt/11/) ‘,l I •••• i/I • kt1101, hor: teuvoi. 1 . : . 1..: tilt. . to I, 'le.- • 11..1•••,1, I I,•• • 1..., 01114 7 4"...., 111 ,. littlutiaren, / .\ 1. Lg... 3. Cler. in '.l R o ailrad, • ;en.., and a feu ..L-...• ...11,. 7 he r xruir-don • LI ••• •• •• .1. , 10 . • • •FI L • • .t 7 ••1 I' 11-17, .•F t .'t 14.•Lii/ , ••I•1. 7tit•l 111.. ....a 1 otel , ..•• i 111,i 11,0 txl, -0,4 k In 4 ti..• dzAphLye.t :atot.h 0/111' Mil I=l =BM ta~~. . ~.~i~n. ~:. 1/1 -11,, 1 1 P N.lllll .1; - It It ~, EMMMIIIMII /, L ket•th.tu, , `fain lIP prlt. I/IC I I 111 E , •-•1.!C 111..1 ee,l,l,ee "tle W held Clilled te ht• 7.• i tt,t•t•ltt It 1,1 41 tt . •••ii 111), Ittmlovr t I ht. TMCI11)-C1/1 ttl42 • It Me it i, tel • tttra,.l•• t We, ell( aled 11.•11 . . and 41,. k•i"tl OE iie• I= t ;11 4. HI nm te!o the ..lout vei‘oral,l. , and re •oi 11 if.oml, Mr. ,% tti tarn ry ,ear. lot tlo I 4 tit tit the residence of . • •ttik t I it,l/t/il hitt lit, South ititztttlt . ti...Xl rt. itiiillLl) It, 1.1 ninety-live 3elirs tunti nye 11,. , 1,11,, A 'On ,1•1 k. pretl ,, ll, , In Ills tenth wan+.l , l 1114 , 5 t Ilfly 11.•1, , 11 ,r 11.• sin,. 111+ chll,l- 1, ,,,, 1. 1,1,1 t1:1 li,, Ils,v 4,1,1 t 1111,1 m 1111,,ul ul:le ill Nilt• 111,t, Al. • lir Ittot possetl tont tt rear. of tige• t ht hiot ii Istants. of ut. , ,lt I uout),lve toile, tool relitrutO Is, the ,i11 , ••!Llano, it .lity., an, wt. Intl II .111 g ruled 1 ,, tin, eountly In I - d , , Inctite,l htn,,,11 tit I.t tenter, 1 . 21 u hot, t o to•pt store lot ',Ole 111111) I t artt, et loch ill` 111'110 I Viir. lift 01( as, ti,tt, lohltro, tool tirent “noel t•lllltirett A :tor w inks previous to Ins tle.oh thothtlit Itt wtilklng up ttutl hot, ~ a l (tint , during the ii,.,. Ile uos it ) rein, 1.a1.1. , imin, Lilt! Vtil4.`i tligll- 1, l'l 11% ~1. 1k Ito knew him during ; toterul p host tilts afternoon tit titre. .t•ti... I. I, ~I NI t uplu, It:Odom:e s in sot.; I•ll.l,,litirgt,. MC Snake —Me wore co.led 1111011 ,•.-Irrnirty 'rr M 'NOP), of 1'et:10os town • 11 5. wln , rthat On ero,smlng 11111, ha. a 'Lugo Itro,n snake, , Alitcht, on,plerv , le lronhl, rl 11,. nvcreil.,,l In killing ipt!ll 1/I,atd 1111.1L.14/ t.t/ Illne Ittut It•oglti nil vl,;11t. mill one-hall eireonkft. stale, that ti t. t..tulls till , aul specino, ~1 taunt] - Ire histry sit tin. I:Lrge..l t• 51.1 krllerl that nl,lLborlio+.4l. our Lilt. insp./v 1., /1:01101 tt 111/ In Inn/ I • The tlreras Off sa ..111r e-"; Itev the 1.61 a,Ol .a 00,10,4,10,, ,ni -111'0,y...1.11g11-1 11, I` , l h. The intcritot of the Ing 1,6• 00 , 4. ••I 5C14.011 I O,OVIOI O II. ,0 111,i0.0. lug entirely .lint.llutl /Lllli relecorttletl. ell.otgetl net tszeollent cum -2,10 I the pronpetrtb Inns a brilliant to.ttoin art .... Ilatterttig. and neslasl nage ie lel.lem an. came to Ile 4.111ee la .I,l,,rishan I.) kleb, yester , lay. 1•111 i t.ll.4rgy of buttery muuml lamas Meyers. 1 in. piss.etnrls li.:ges tnaL Tiermae struck 1101' tt tlh 111S1 th+L 1.111 itlet`ratell her clank wltu ble lislaur nails. Thomas was held to answer at tun rt. Two tbno«.- Dr. kteLook, l'hyniclan to the Board ut Hunlth. reports that for the weak audio,: A tutuat ,th, there wart, two dealt. from "apormlle cladera, , out of I aunty-cam trout other eausev, that i« to nay, the ti taeatte doe» oat exial here Alr yet all all ephlutute. M. Academy of netelle.—Manager W. L. Muythe, formerly proprlctor .4 Trimble', Va rlet tee, nail lattarly of locum/0,1, alit Ile tta attetattal with Fred. Arnie, to Zhu suattakemett , of the Academy of Mount during the emting; ir4srarectltsta.,-I.lae 21.1ver,lsotuf.,ot utlot (~r s.lo au bttfelluld, by .1. V. Itomplataal,na first ~,t uauouNly Iluhlinhwl,etatted that thu prop urty hats nl. mlattalon walk Marta t/au MU. tloo. It 101011111 Iwtu 1.11,1 luttillteS walk. - - Charlitsbla.—Tba Internal Revenue 41:0m. miasionor haa decided that. a receipt. rendered far tummy recolYUd for charitable paelrefirel doe. net require a sump U Shigeo 76 DO Ay mous. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE We EDITIONS ISSUED, UN WLDNIEF4DAYN AND NATVADATS The eflllJon IS torwArd...l g•U lob *al 116110L1 ..b. faVlbets soonest aa u,. wa . i .on. aINGL& VKIt. I l it S 4 '01; B'n rife . A Wife Dewertn her wad Run. Awq) With a narrled nat.— lArlr A rre•t. • path", nallle•il. Il‘llLg Nrltit . •. to lit cla, hi, , flithrL, ,ol • ,ig • rt...• t 1114, 4, Ji4a./I,t I . . , Jtlta 2,111 i tz., Wife, .1 . A .r, wits pormArk.4l4: plactd . ill,. •et paired I br• 1,4 design...l by .rig,. lael le 1.14.14: tattle, tnt•L 13 imp.). lag meal. t of 44. t, • cu...., Lail Accum ;111 lit• °like •31 Lilo lung i:•trztle, 4,1.1 In • "11l 4 , 1 (mil, I t% 010 Cultalul [Lea Jail ,• I...motrow. I=! 1•1,, Croft each I-I fiet-14 , 1111,1 In t tbe.Vvlltltin < t . / . .IGettflY sl,ltt the 02111 - t-hollne. ll' place Inn rtniilu- tMIOII 11, ou blienzt 4,1114.1a.tr0 lor Repro- Con,rrent,n i 11 In. hold to-morrow— wnrd-It.l I,4rroughs,by Ira liut, between 1c .4 n'elock, p. and to ~/13.9 Iktu 11041, between rwnd :‘,l eknosi. It•ct,,mvitt W.• NI. 1..1 . as tit 1 1rau.t for th•lo.w hist II [lt , OIL till. 0004 ..,„“ I. IL ,1,11.1...,1 1g1111.141.1 . ILL Lbuy •I• 1111. 1.11 11111011, We arll l ‘ I.lKti.l”, ita tro•.iig, In 1. 1 1111 . vi-r 3 1•, , e11,.. llt Yor the , kurt4.,t nlio.ll it, 11 , lime. 0111 thauke. Cal i•relenee.— .1 true, (-watch' yoster apbettred 1 , 1•11.01' A Idol :ban Lynul h 1,31', P.ll rb I. berry, Ib c c Inins It Abov,Li. I hat(.Lorry proe•tre,l a mow for the pqrpt,Ae re: hut n 1:e I It, let Jell Irwin, eel" ter h, A warrant I,lr 1111. al .$f I berry. 3or 1.0 .1 Cla ornlnt.hvi ndle,o , 11,t ;;( " I?”. " ll: ' l r t ' r " r ‘ t ` ,T,ti ,;„• „•, ober Let 1.1.• Culled ,Ltltes lbetiem.— .\n lent tabular 6, bit - , e1 , •- 1,., •, 11,111 ll.' let of Au ,•,,end published, 41, , 1 .1 , 11111 lil/11t. • • • —II I• ”mno of tho . 1.. .11 ; c1 11111 , 11, On Troy ti ill, .1.1 .1.1 1,1,1t1t/1,11. and ICc. Itev, 1/01. LII llelLralls 111 tile Cert. iield to As, —John Parlu Ilse woin held ge. 1,. kml,l pr.tonilt suid to kW. hit Y. Ir iii,o the I rue City Park /• • ,I n, a, II • I, k ,Ilf Illul ,t tbra.l. :1.• -11111:011V rre .I , tretit tom- F ILI flat bottle. i// tilt) I. /I • Jut. t-i.nst. , l.lloCk 11.41 t, •' • ilrer ilrr 11;11,,rii tell hours. I, t 1.111 • I 11 it- ill I , Nt IS F. t• •.t • ts , ar Iced to Intend 1 I!: • •;;;• . 1. , , , y1 ; • ~••• nod f vur n =I EW AD V ER' r ISEMENTS, ,• i 1.5.1) 4 LI: irEnETEinE.- The •,... • I r " " • • I" h FAiREiIAN or SAMSON, 191: Smithfield St., etr. 7111, ME I.IIV 1.1,1 )•, 11l Ini A. E. IM' i• 2E3 la - I=l, lar 33C. P.A... =MEE= AlliEN, II NiT:YM-TRVI"..9-IEC-TiMa-. • .4r•-t , strvet. r - ~ Px. - of - ItA I•K.S, 1 .1.,)," grotl,tl r )lir:arse It.s.e R 'ev. Irar, 1,1 ~ ' Thum... T. 1 14 HITE UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, I= CHIN fiTHNIS A. MANCH:STIR LIVERY STABLE. or Shelllel , l awl tbartters arc, II AP, trriaet, ittrh;Nlia.d. 1)1.;x;,.•,IJI I'UPS atch Repairing Establishment, U. 13 IPiTtlx E3ltro opt, LA DIEM' AND GLINT'S WelLyrra3Ell:3llFs. A IC GREATLY REDUCEDiPRICEIL cv - xx_.m..r.m.v - xx_ostrlnss. NV I LIE NT., NEAR Yirra.; soIIETWING NEW Regb4tcring BAHOMETERS. I=l c Cao., healers In ()laical Goods, I le very generally used by Ferrets" n./ well au, en. it COMI"' b., 4 lock. llarometcr an.l Thermometer. aled wird upou fi ,rtnellcatlux we sbangs of nth., A 1 LO U , I • rt.s . t W. U. 1ez.1.130, fee . 7. PITTSBURGH BOLT COEPANY. ••E AILE PREPARED to imillce • .4.1 rn , saJ •4 10 3 loch. 10 dlalls- CAlt 1•r..14r BOLTS. I' I 1.1, Ft,UN I, A TION BULTZL E etE, eI • ILE.WS, ,•I'T ,fityrlfor , on r , Ninth Ward. Or F.rt woit.lry. 1,11,21 i nroniptly attended to. JUST ,IRRIULD FROM THE LAST BOOTS AND NUDES T 42,.3YLE ES FL CZ, lEtlEt, No. MV Market Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. Thl.lll , l....ab:lshect hout.• has now In sive [bit t y lite thooeand worth of Boots 1.4 ;nue% In. ttylos tro , lat , at.. thy ouall ty tho determined to sell at vittot wir c 1. hale resolved not to be toolerbold by in aehus lune. that heap good,. worth lusalug. t•a , l and tumult.: our clock of goods, and we Ile the That you will purchase what yd. mail 11 thetoot and Oboe Llut. Do not forgot the place. NO Marked *Usti. JANIS MOBIL P C• DUPE . "." • VANCrACTU Tai t Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Awl .I. , slcr 111 STIPVIt, yUßll3ifiso 1443 Gx - caaa.t Ertreacrt„ rlrrro , umni. PA. lo 11 . 0 , rw•t ,,,, Al pia,. In th t „ :Kora. and flu II gun, Job lhork promptly MULE& CLOSE it CO., Practical Furniture AlamfaCttrf re, COB. PENN AND WAYNE STREETS, la.tustatyl.ot FURNITURE constantly. oubsta. ATEE PIPES-05;04:) . .11.1121, Crum SW Mob. )72? twin • ... its , c •t tortlorro varo reque,ted to a the ?t a t+ It , t r -Ittoulnatirro of .t... Artt Charles Jero- MIMI •I m• r It,. at II!, :ate rt.- ,t 11. AM I. MECH., In M: e•n 11. (Am - 1y fte. tr. • It.. I a.l Arrlag's vrtil ,rret NI kHT AN N I 11 r A(.•. 111311EMI!! • LIB von. Capt. • 0•t•• , ..-g! . Tne frlauds !kw art. reepectrully In- t -4 t( ELT. K HALI =SEM =I ENE